#people who sew use both hands so they have one hand one each side of the cloth
tj-crochets · 1 month
Thinking about my neurology appointment again, I have another weird question for y'all! My neurologist was surprised and said it was weird I was right handed, which I am assuming is because of the reflex and grip tests she did, not because I give off a left-handed kind of vibe Wait I was going to ask if it was weird that I, a non-ambidextrous person, hit and kick evenly with both right and left sides, open doorknobs with whichever hand is closer, and use the foot pedal for the sewing machine with whichever foot it ends up nearer but can't write with my left hand But I just tried it and I can write with my left hand??? Like, not as neatly or as quickly as with my right, but it's clearly legible and not difficult to do. Have I been ambidextrous this entire time??
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ladykailitha · 4 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 1
Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late uploading today, but I went to bed early last night and forgot to schedule this.
But! Welcome to what I've been calling Steve is a History Nerd agenda. We see in season two on Steve's essay for colleges that he can link his grandfather's military service with his prowess on the basketball court.
It is also surprisingly well written. *shakes fist at the Duffers stop telling us he's stupid and then showing the opposite, please! Let him be smart, too!*
Summary: The Renaissance Fair is finally back in Hawkins after three year absence (Starcourt was built on the fair site and after the fire it was bulldozed back to it's original field). Everyone is excited, even Steve to everyone's amazement. But Steve is hiding other hidden depths as he offers to help the kids make their costumes for the Fair.
Lucas is struggling with being both a nerd and a jock and fears the judgment of his friends. Steve sets out to help him overcome those doubts to be himself.
Tagging the untaggable: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Nobody expects Steve to be excited for the Renaissance fair. Dustin, Will and Lucas spend hours plotting bribes, schemes and out and out manipulations to get Steve to agree to take them. Even Robin expected him to side with her about the dust and the filth. Eddie expected him to be dismissive of the fantasy aspect of it.
Boy were they all wrong.
For it was Steve to bring up to the group after a rather successful D&D session.
In his hand was a bright pink flier and a wide grin on his face.
“Guys! The Ren Fair is back this year,” he said in lieu of a greeting. “I’ll finally be able to show off that tunic I’ve been working on.”
All heads turned to Steve in shock.
There was a cacophony of questions.
“Since when did you know how to sew?”
“What do you mean back? I didn’t even know Hawkins had one to begin with!”
“You want to go to the Ren Fair?”
“Why would you want to spend all day in the heat and dirt?”
Steve looked around at all off his friends in shock.
“Guys, I love the Ren Fair,” he muttered. “Didn’t you guys know?”
All their jaws dropped.
And Eddie? Eddie felt an icicle to the heart at the sight of Steve’s hurt expression.
“You’ll pardon the peasants, my liege,” Eddie said, bowing grandly. “I’m afraid we have all be harboring under the delusion that Ren Fairs were beneath your notice.”
Steve blinked at him a moment. “But I love that stuff. It’s the history and sword fights and jousting. It’s the like medieval Olympics. It’s the romance and chivalry of knights fighting for a fair maiden’s hand. It’s getting to dress up in fancy clothes and rip into turkey legs like a savage. What’s not to like?”
Dustin frowned. “Who here knew Steve liked history?”
Robin and Nancy raised their hands. They looked around waiting for me people to join them. But they stayed down.
Steve ducked his head and scuffed the floor with the edge of his sneaker.
“The ex-girlfriend I’ll buy,” Dustin continued. “But Robin didn’t become friends with Steve until after he graduated so how did she know?”
Robin blinked at them owlishly. “You mean you guys don’t know?”
Everyone looked around each other and then shook their heads.
“Steve was in my AP history class my junior year,” she said as if this was know fact.
“You do know that AP stands for advance placement, right?” Mike asked.
Eddie smacked the back of his head. “She was in it, dude. Don’t be an ass.”
Steve looked up at him and smiled a little.
Good, Eddie thought. Nothing like a little Mike violence to cheer up Steve.
“He wrote an essay for early placement college exams,” Nancy said. “He didn’t get a chance to turn it in because of our second go round with the Upside Down, but it was really good. It needed a little neatening up with the actual writing, but the history was solid.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks.”
Dustin looked skeptical. “What’s your favorite part of history?”
Steve opened his mouth and then closed it again. “I liked hearing about my grandpa’s time in the US army during WWII, but that was more because he made it interesting. But I really like the Industrial Revolution. Or rather the first Industrial Revolution. There have been four. The first one was from 1760-1840 and featured heavily in the textile movement.”
The room was silent.
“Why textiles, Stevie?” Eddie asked as the silence grew awkward.
Steve lit up like a child at Christmas morning and he began talking about the British textile movement.
“What the hell?” Dustin huffed, breaking into Steve monologue.
Steve ducked his head again and blushed. “Just because I’m not interested in science and fantasy doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” He straightened up. “And yeah, sometimes I get things wrong. But everyone does at some point. In fact I get a hell of a lot more flack for my intelligence than Eddie does and he repeated his senior year twice!” He took a deep breath and then ran his fingers through his hair.
“No offense,” he said waving to Eddie.
Eddie looked up at him with earnest eyes. “None taken. I concur.”
They all looked around at each other in shock. Like they hadn’t realized that they had done that.
After a few moments, Steve put his hands on his hips and pointed at all of them.
“So do you guys want to go or what?”
Eddie sat back with a smile as everyone roared their approval.
“No corsets,” was Robin’s only firm and fast rule for Steve when it came to dressing her up for the Ren Fair.
Steve looked her up and down. “Why on earth would I want you in a corset? Have you looked in the mirror?”
“Uh...” Robin said. “Is that a trick question? Of course I have. I don’t what that has to do with saying no to corsets though...”
Steve rolled his eyes. “In order to give you the curve you need to match the proper silhouette you would need to be cinched to hell. And as this is supposed to be fun.”
He grabbed her hand and started hauling her toward his car.
“Where are we going?”
“Thrifting!” he said with glee.
It took three different stores and a stop at the mall to get everything he needed.
“Give me three days,” he told her when he dropped her off at her house. “And I think you’ll like what I come up with.”
Robin eyed him warily. “If you say so.”
Steve laughed.
He crashed the next D&D session, showing up early to pick them up.
“What is everyone wearing to the Ren Fair?” he asked with a note pad on his lap and wagged the pen in his fingers.
“You want us to dress up?” Mike asked, eyes wide.
“Why not?” he asked with a shrug. “I’ve made my costume and currently reworking some thirfted threads for Robin’s outfit.”
Eddie blinked. “You made your costume?”
Steve shrugged again. “Yeah. I like sewing.”
There was suddenly an uproar and he held up a hand. “I can’t make you a full outfit before the Fair, but I can make over already made clothes to make them more historical. And maybe for next year I’ll have the time to make something special for everyone.”
Dustin eyed him suspiciously. “Like what?”
“Like tailoring pants to a tighter fit,” Steve explained “adding a sash or belt, turning old coats into vests and cloaks, things like that.”
They still weren’t sure how that would work out.
“Now I talked to Joyce and Claudia,” he continued. “And they’re both willing to help out in making sure everyone has something nice to wear. That includes Max and El.”
“Are the fair maidens joining us?” Eddie asked.
Steve nodded. “Yeah. Joyce is doing El and Will, Claudia is doing Dustin and Mike, and I’m doing Lucas and Max. Eddie said he already had a costume, so I didn’t have to worry about him.”
Eddie grinned. “You better believe it, pretty boy.”
Steve ducked his head and blushed. “So we’re all going thrifting with a $5 limit for each of you. But I wanted to brainstorm some ideas of what you wanted to go as so we don’t waste time wandering around.”
Everyone started shouting at once and it took Steve a good ten minutes before he got everyone calmed down enough to get what they wanted. Dustin wanted to go as a hobbit, but Steve had to nix that one.
“You don’t want to go running around the grounds barefoot,” he explained with a wince. “It’s not safe.”
“I’m going to have to agree with Stevie on this one,” Eddie said. “You guys have never been but there is all sorts of stuff laying around. It’s not indoors and the pathways are dirt lined. Think the state fair. It’s more like that then going to comic book convention.”
Dustin grumbled but conceded the point. Steve got them to decide on... well not quite peasant gear, but more rough around the edges than what Steve would be wearing.
Well, all but Lucas. He didn’t want to wear what they were wearing but he refused to say what he did want to wear.
So Steve dropped him off at home last.
They pulled into his driveway and Steve turned to him. “Do you not want to dress up? Because I won’t make you.”
Lucas picked at the loose string on his sweater. “It’s not that. I just remember the last time we did a group costume and they all thought I should be Winston because I was black like he was.”
Steve frowned for a moment. “The Ghostbusters, right?”
Lucas nodded. “I knew if I brought it up they’d shoot me down again.”
“So what did you want to go as?” he asked.
Lucas huffed out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. It’s a stupid pipe dream anyway. Especially since you have to make Max’s dress and Robin’s costume, too.”
He opened the door to get out, but Steve reached over and slammed it closed.
“One, Robin’s costume is almost done,” he said counting out on his fingers. “Two, do you really think your girlfriend is going to want to wear a dress? And three, let me be the judge on what’s too much for me, okay?”
Lucas huffed a laugh at his second point. “Yeah, that was dumb of me.”
“So what is it?”
Lucas looked down again and heaved out a sigh. “An elf.”
Steve’s mind was whirling with the possibilities. “What colors?”
“What?” Lucas asked, not sure he heard Steve right.
“What colors would you want it to be?”
He pulled out the notebook and scrambled for a pen. Lucas pulled a pencil out of his bag and handed it to him.
“Uh I was thinking of a light blue and with a silver trim?” he said hesitantly.
Steve sketched something out. “Like this?”
Lucas leaned over to look at the drawing. “A little shorter so I’m not tripping over it and maybe those puffy pants?”
Steve adjusted the drawing and Lucas nodded.
“Yeah, like that.”
“All right,” Steve said. “I know exactly what to do and how to do it. It won’t be perfect because I don’t have time to do it right so I’ll be doing a lot of cheating. But yeah, it’s doable.”
Lucas gave him a hug. “Thanks, man.”
Steve called the one person he knew he could help him.
“Eddie,” he said the second the other man picked up. “I need your nerd connections to do a huge favor for Lucas.”
“Wha’cha got, big boy?” Eddie asked with a grin.
“You wouldn’t happen to know any Trekkies would you?” Steve asked chewing on his bottom lip.
“That depends, Stevie,” Eddie replied, “what’s the need?”
“Pointed ears.”
Eddie hummed. “I’m assuming you’re thinking Trekkie because of Spock and that’s a good thought. But I’m guessing since we’re going to the Ren Fair our stalwart ranger is wanting to be an elf?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “Do you know anyone who can help?”
“Better than that,” Eddie said. “I know where to get the ears in the right... shade?”
Steve perked up. “Oh? I’m guessing Jeff?”
“Right in one, darlin’,” Eddie said with a soft smile. “I’ll give him a call and then call you back.”
“Thanks, Eds,” Steve breathed. “You’re the best.”
“Thanks, doll.”
I am so excited for this, guys. You have no idea. I'm little history nerd myself and this really fun to play around with.
Just a heads up. We WILL be addressing Mike's casual racism from the Ghostbusters scene because I don't like that it's never been addressed.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 @artiststarme ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual
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shirefantasies · 4 months
A Headcanon For Each Member of Thorin’s Company
Mini post between full request posts! Just felt like jotting these down hehe
✧ Balin knows a little bit of Elvish, but never lets on to that because, quite simply, it’s infinitely funnier not to. What fun would it be letting the elves shit talk him if they knew he picked up on bits of it?
✧ Dwalin’s dream wife is someone super soft and sweet. He’d die before he admits it, but he loves the idea of being the hero for his princess even if he acts like it’s an inconvenience.
✧ Some of it is natural, too, hardening from many of life’s experiences, but part of why Thorin puts on such a tough act is because he actually feels really awkward in conversations. For example, thus man dwarf cannot flirt to save his life.
✧ Oin hates being dismissed because of his hearing, but also? It can so be used to his advantage. The younger ones are squabbling over something stupid and trying to bring him i to it? Oops, sorry lads, can’t hear ya.
✧ Gloin is the proudest father. He can barely go a few minutes without busting out his locket’s picture of Gimli or telling a story about him…or both! Practically ready to throw hands with Bombur, who isn’t even competitive, on who has the coolest son.
✧ Bifur was quite the heartbreaker back in his heyday. He’s still a great flirt, but less people can understand him now so his lines often go unnoticed.
✧ Bofur quietly envies his brother’s family. He may not want fourteen kids or anything, but being around the wee ones warms his heart and he especially lives the idea of having a little girl someday if Mahal so blesses him.
✧ I of course adore the fanon/cast canon that Bombur has a huge family, but also? By dwarf standards his wife is super hot, so the others may make fun of him, but can’t deny that he scores!
✧ Dori is a way better cook than he seems like he is. The role tends to get passed to Bombur as he loves it the most, but since he grew up taking care of his brothers Dori knows his way around the kitchen!
✧ Nori loves cats. If he sees a stray in a village he offers it food and coaxes it over. The others marvel at how much the creatures love him, too, like some sort of instinctive trust.
✧ The others talk big about the ravishing women they’ve seen and he tries to keep up, but Ori doesn’t really actually get it. That’s how he realizes that, even though there isn’t such a word for it, he is demisexual. He also is more attracted to human women, they just seem softer and sweeter to him.
✧ Part of the reason Fili carries so many blades is because he enjoys crafting them. It’s a skill he learned from his uncle Thorin, standing at his side and helping before taking up the craft himself.
✧ Fili was the one who defended Kili from derision by other young dwarves when he chose to learn archery, an unusual form of combat in their culture. From then on, Kili vowed to become stronger and faster so he could defend those he loves, too.
✧ Bilbo bonds with Ori over sewing and knitting, smiling as he learns he has company because quite frankly he never thought a dwarf would know such arts, let alone join him as they teach each other.
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
We need more of spider punk❤️❤️❤️
ROMANTIC HEADCANNONS (Part 2!): Hobart brown
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GIF by fizzytoo
SO many requests for this guy,,, i hope you like!
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🕷 - hobbie likes watching you stand up for yourself.
🕷 - he knows you have spunk, no matter how deep down, it’s there.
🕷 - it thrills him to see you fight back, fills him with satisfaction. He will back you up in a heartbeat, no matter what it is he will fight with you and for you.
🕷 - he’ll fall back to back with you, you won’t have to worry when fighting along side him, let yourself go and spread CHAOS. He’s got your back
🕷 - he’s very deep thinking. He values your morals, your conviction and who you are in the face of hardships.
🕷 - He thinks real hard about what he chooses to put his faith in. And that includes you.
🕷 - he trusts you with his life.
🕷 - he’s a bit of a wanderer. There isn’t really a reliable routine he follows, so you might go a little while without seeing him.
🕷 - but don’t worry, he’ll always come back to you. He won’t leave you lonely for too long, gorgeous.
🕷 - he’ll pay you random visits just because!
🕷 - and by that I mean he’ll let himself in.
🕷 - its not uncommon for him to show up in the middle of the night, and if your not asleep, he offers to sneak you out for a few hours of fun.
🕷 - It’s alright, beautiful/handsome, there’s no safer place then by his side.
🕷 - If you live here, you’ll know that the UK can get pretty cold, especially at night. he’ll lend you his jacket if he catches you shivering
🕷 - Hobie will take you to concerts. You’re his first choice.
🕷 - he’s got a lot of connections and he can get you in easily.
🕷 - if you think he is anywhere other than right in the front then you are CRAZY. and he wants you right there with him.
🕷 - the music is so loud it’ll shoot through your chests, filling both your senses. sharing that exhilaration with you means a lot to him.
🕷 - he keeps you close to him the whole time, and makes sure you don’t get too roughed up by the other people around you.
🕷 - If it all gets too much don’t worry, he knows a cushy spot in the rafters away from all the people, and its a great view.
🕷 - when Hobie’s the one on stage he’ll be looking for you in the crowd
🕷 - he plays better when your there
🕷 - knowing your eyes are on him makes him more bold.
🕷 - don’t take your eyes off of him. Don’t you dare look away. He wants to see your face.
🕷 - he’s on the run a lot, so he’ll need to crash at your place often to lay low.
🕷 - “thanks, doll. I knew you wouldn’t mind.”
🕷 - if you play guitar he will play solo’s with you
🕷 - if you don’t know how to play he’ll sit behind you and rest his hands over your own, pressing your fingers into the right chords.
🕷 - his chest pressing in to your back are the least of your worries, though. His breathe is hot and his lips are soft. And, oh! your cheek and jaw, which are his favourite places to kiss, are completely exposed.
🕷 - good luck.
🕷 - he’ll give you piggy back rides.
🕷 - wrap your arms around him as tightly as you want. He doesn’t mind. his hair might tickle your face as he turns his head to give you a peck on the cheek, though.
🕷 - when you both sleep next to each other you won’t have to worry about his hair getting in your face. He’ll wear a wrap.
🕷 - his hair is NICE in the movie. those wicks were P R I S T I N E
🕷 - if you play with the little baby hairs poking out from the bundle then he’ll be all over you I bet he’d love that.
🕷 - if he loses his wrap then he might use his mask in a pinch. It’d be really fun if the inside was lined with silk just to keep his hair nice.
🕷 - If he sleeps in that then your gonna have to put something on the spikes to stop them from poking you 😭
🕷 - "nah fam i am not sticking marhsmellows on my head."
🕷 - Honk shoo
🕷 - he will pierce you ears for you.
🕷 - he knows how to sew. mending clothes are more cost effective, and punks have been DIYing outfits since the very beginning.
🕷 - if you don't know how, he can hem or mend your clothes. like i don't he he knows just surface level knowledge either. Hobbie is IN the sewing community
🕷 - he'd get zesty with it too!
🕷 - yeah, he could sew your clothes to look good as new, but have you seen visible decorative mending? there are so many ways to get creative with mending- his personality would really shine through in his work.
🕷 - your favourite pair of jeans that used to have a hole in the knee are now fixed, but with am embroidered spider web spriraling outwards.
🕷 - this is an example of how incredibly thoughtful he is. he spends lots of time and love to turn something broken into something new. and thats one of the ways he'll show you he loves you.
🕷 - you won't really ever be questioning if he loves you though.
🕷 - he's blunt. he'll let you know.
🕷 - tee hee
🕷 - Hobart doesn’t really get Jealous.
🕷 - But he LOVES rubbing your relationship in any clueless suitor’s face when he gets the chance.
🕷 - after watching the movie I am 100% certain that he is willing to clock someone over the head for you.
🕷 - intimidation tactics work great to ward off most creeps. But some people need a demonstration.
🕷 - his hand will snake around your lower tummy or waist, and he pulls you flush against himself
🕷 - he’d lean down to whisper “is this one bothering you?”. Real quietly so no one else can hear.
🕷 - if your friends with Hobart, your friends with Pavitr.
🕷 - and if your dating Hobart, then your basically gonna date him too LMAO
🕷 - Pav thinks you're both so cute! You have his full support. He is INVESTED. The moment he sees you after rough housing with Hobie he gasps! Hello you!
🕷 - he’s all over you.
🕷 - Pav thinks you’re a sweetheart. If Hobie isn’t there you can count on him to have your back.
🕷 - I’ve said this before but he’s canonically got a good read on people, and that’s probably especially so for his best friend.
🕷 - and so he sees how happy you make him. Pav absolutely treasures you.
🕷 - Chances are you'll end up getting close with Gwen too! she stays over in other universes since her situation back in her own isn't great. you guys end up hanging out because of it and ya'll grow close.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: An unlikely group of people find a home in their cute little human doctor.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds/death/hurting animals
Word count: 1.6k
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“Sorry! I did tell you it would burn” ___ swiped the alcohol wipe across Lopez’s blue arm, cleaning the deep wound from dirt and bacteria. She grabbed a needle and thread out of the medkit on the floor and carefully stitched him up.
“Don’t be a pussy Lp” Brown stuck his tongue out, tail flicking every which way, hitting Mansk behind him who swatted at the appendage and rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them under the shades.
“Hey! This is a crazy ass gash on my arm! Let me cry dickface” Lopez stuck up the middle finger of the hand that wasn’t getting treated and ___ slapped it, instructing him not to get into petty fights until after she’s done.
“Will you lot stop pulling each others cocks for one minute?” their colonel strolled into the med bay with Wainfleet right behind him, both ducking under the small doorway to get into the room. “How’s it looking doc?”
“He’ll be ok, it shouldn’t get infected if treated correctly, just make sure to change the bandages every once in a while” ___ finished the last of the stitches she sewed, putting away her equipment. Being a doctor on Pandora had its pros, her income was higher than any other job on Earth, she got to be the first of the human race to live on another planet, she also got to have free roam of Bridgehead since she was highly ranked which was cool.
The cons however, were that she had to be apart of Project Phoenix. Assisting the recombinant squad, ‘deja blu’ was not what she signed up for and at first she was very reluctant, until she actually spent time with them. They were sweet and gentle with her, knowing that she was physically much weaker than them, they took care of her and also each other. Somewhat, they were a family.
Also the soldiers were fucking hot.
“Good. Lopez that was some stupid shit you pulled back there. Could’ve gotten us killed” Quaritch’s heavy steps stomped over to the two and flicked the mans pointed ear, Lopez winced and ___ huffed a laugh.
“Sorry colonel, just got too excited”
“If you want to be excited again, you have the opportunity to get out once you’re done here” General Ardmore made herself known, glaring at every person in the room “I need you on the front lines, take on those big ass animals that are blocking our train lines, they haven’t moved for days so we’re gonna amp up the pressure”
Some of the squad quietly sighed, they just came back from a mission, one that almost got them eaten by a giant black cat, not to mention one of them is injured enough as is.
“General, Lopez here needs to rest, he’s hurt enough as is” ___ intervened, holding the man’s massive hand and squeezing it in reassurance, she knew by the way his ears pointed down that he didn’t want to go out so soon, especially after almost getting his arm hacked off. Ardmore only directed her glare to the woman, making her freeze and look down.
She was one intimidating lady.
“General, we’ll be out there as soon as my guys are rested, it shouldn’t take long” Quaritch piped up, not wanting their doctor to face the older ladies rath of judgement.
Ardmore nodded sharply and sighed heavily, not liking the delay but this wasn’t her team to command… well it was…but Quaritch was a man that she didn’t want to get on the bad side of. Recom or human. She briskly turned and marched out but not before giving them three days rest to recover and gather supplies. She’d just have to send some Bulldogs instead.
Lopez sighed and squeezed ___’s hand in thanks for sticking up for him, he released it and stood up from his chair, Brown coming over and clapping him on the back “you guys wanna go to the rec room? Ja and Zhang are waiting for us”, many agreed and followed suit, Wainfleet and Quaritch sticking behind for ___.
The doctor packed her equipment away and took off her lab coat off, nodding to the two as they filed out. “So.. what exactly happened out there?” she usually was on these missions with them, but she had to tend to some paperwork with the bio scientists.
“We ran into one of those.. what are they called, thanators? Nasty fuckers” Wainfleet strolled up next to her, tail flicking and sending her hair up a little, he grinned and messed with her more, using his tail to flick more of her neatly kept hair.
___ turned and slapped his leg, smoothing her hair down and jogged a little further to get away from him. “Yeah, they’re not very nice. You must’ve been in their hunting zone - stop that!” she grinned as Lyle followed her around “just because I have hair and you don’t!”
Quaritch snorted “docs got a point corporal, but that burn runs deeper than Lp’s kitty scratches, how you gonna take that?” he was a few ways back from them, ears pointed up and grin on his face at their silliness. He could hear more of his team in one of the rooms further up laughing and chatting, Prager had a secret lover? Now that is something he’d need to find out.
“Well for one, sleep with both eyes open and a nightlight, for two-” The soldier grabbed ___ by the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder, slapping her ass and barging into the recom’s rec room shouting “this little lady has been bullying me about my hair! We needa teach her a lesson”
Zdinarsk sharply turned at the loud noise and saw the predicament the two were in, ___ was dangling with her face barely reaching Lyle’s lower back, her tiny fists hitting the muscle as she shouted for mercy. The soldier hollered “what hair?!” and the rest followed with shouts of their own, oh the agony.
Wainfleet pointed his middle finger at every single one of them, including Quaritch behind him who was chuckling loudly. He placed the human in his arms onto one of the couches and forced her onto her back, easily pinning her with just one hand. His yellow eyes met hers and she instantly tensed up “no! NO! Lyle please don’t!” the man only grinned devilishly and raised his other hand slowly “Lyle I promise I’ll do anything!”
“Yes anything! I’ll bake you those brownies you like!” Man did he love those brownies.
“Hmm, what do you think people?” Lyle glanced at everyone in the room to see their opinions.
Zhang twisted around and raised his brows “I dunno corp, she disrespected you and your lack of hair, she deserved what’s coming to her”
“Yea give it to her!” Fike pumped a fist into the air and Mansk nodded cooly.
“The people have spoken darlin’ you could still make me those sweets anyway” ___ screeched as the solder brought the hand down and tickled at her skin, going across the stomach, under the pits, under her chin. Her greatest weakness is that she’s ticklish, ever since they found that out she’s been exploited to the harsh fingers of the recombinants.
The doctor had tears going out of her eyes as she laughed at the feeling “I-I’m sorry! ahaha! I did- I didn’t mean to!” she felt Wainfleet slow down to a stop, nodding and patting her head as she breathed heavily. A flicker appeared in his eyes and she instantly put her hands up, knowing he would probably do it again.
Prager strolled by and rugby tackled Lyle to the floor, taking him down and wrestling him. All ___ could see from her position was tails swinging and legs flailing, she breathed heavily and sat up, carefully avoiding the almost ten foot men.
She strolled over to Quaritch who engaged himself in a game of cards with Ja, Zdinarsk and Fike. She examined the A4 cards he held then the ones on the table and plucked one from his fingers, placing it down. “Fuck” Zdinarsk swore, cursing whatever god was out there for this treachery, she was losing. Z-Dog never loses. “You know, I thought I liked you sweetness” ___ just stuck her tongue out in retaliation. Fike urged the doctor to help him out too, only to get a card thrown at him by Zdinarsk.
“How are you doing Lopez?” ___ strolled over to the man who was watching T.V with Zhang and Brown, he grabbed the little lady and perched her onto his lap.
“Good mami. It’s gonna take more than a fat cat to tear me down”
___ glanced over the man’s shoulder at Wainfleet who agreed and flexed his muscles, marines will be marines, she laughed.
“Don’t act like you weren’t crying earlier because of the pain” Brown chimed in, eyes glancing at the two next to him, he reached a hand over to rest it on ___’s calf, rubbing circles on it.
“I didn’t cry”
“Yes you did, whining like Prager when he got dumped by his secret lover”
‘Prager had a secret lover?’ ___ wondered. Tea is brewing, she had a feeling it was gonna be good.
“I’ll stick my tail in your ass if you don’t shut your fucking mouth”
“I’m counting on it”
“Cut it out!”
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
Hiiiiiiiiii😍 ...so happy to see your request open😍😍 please write for yandere jamil and yandere riddle sharing the same darling (female reader) .(please make it fluffy if possible)...thank you ❤❤❤❤
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, poly relationship, female reader, implied isolation, murders, punishments.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ In theory, it is a relationship capable of being long-lasting and functional. Riddle and Jamil are able to maintain a relationship based on mutual respect and the desire to keep you protected from other people. But before that happens they have things to discuss and deal with it, Jamil doesn't like how restrictive Riddle is and Riddle feels insecure that you'll like Jamil more for all the things he knows how to do.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Although when they resolve these issues, they are quick to work to make you fall in love with them and propose a three-way relationship, Jamil and Riddle will always make sure you feel comfortable with them, whether this is your first time having a poly relationship or not.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Riddle has no knowledge on what is expected in a romantic relationship but he did read quite a ton of romances. He is a little nervous but he doesn't show it, maintaining a gentleman persona around you, opening doors and accompanying you wherever you need to go, lending his ear to your problems and coaxing you to spend time with him and Jamil. He's not that touchy, both because he is not used to it and because he is too mindful of your boundaries and won't do something you don't explicitly want, he has more of a acts of service as his love language, but he occasionally likes to hold your hand or put one of his arms around your shoulders. He do more romantic things as your relationship progress and you're both comfortable with it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Jamil, on the other hand, is more relaxed with his affection to you, he knows you truly loves them both equally and he adjust himself to what you're more comfortable with. Though I do see him as someone who has more of a acts or service and quality time person, he absolutely love to spend his free time with you because you breath new air onto his stagnant life, you are a sight for sore eyes. And he is left giddy everytime you come to watch him play, scoring multiple times just to hear you cheering for him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Jamil sometimes helps Riddle articulate his thoughts, though he does find funny how much Riddle fumble awkwardly around you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Having a sister, Jamil knows quite well what get a girl's heart swelling happily and he does all sorts of things for you. He even let you using as a model for you, braiding his hair and painting his nails. Jamil likes gifting you things, though he rather likes making them himself. Turns the gift into something more personal since he was the one who created it. He can makes jewelry for you, can knit, sew and weave you clothes.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And while Jamil makes you those things, Riddle remain more suave, writing little poems or passing you little cute notes to remember you to drink water and take care of yourself. If Jamil provides for more on the material side of things, Riddle works more on your emotional, always checking on you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ They fall in sync very quickly and understand each other very well because of their love for you, almost being able to communicate through their looks. Sometimes they send each other photos and videos of you or exchange names about people that are being a bit too flirty and touchy with you, people who ended up missing and a bloody mess, oops. You're like the light in the end of the tunnel for them, the only good thing in their life and they spoil rotten. Attention, affection, everything you could ask for. They only ask is that you don't let your light be tainted by those other peoples.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While on NRC, you guys normally have study dates or baking dates, chitchat on Riddle's unbirthday parties, or just do something you really want to. You also have regularly sleepovers on your dorm.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Things got complicated on vacation because Jamil and Riddle lives in different countries, plus Jamil has to deal with a lot being Kalim's servant. You three have to think of a way to deal with it everytime.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ They don't punish you, they can't. Riddle can collar you, sure, but that won't stop you, if anything you'd be angry. So Jamil is usually the one to make you stop acting a certain way using his unique magic on you while cradles your face lovingly in his hands as he stared into your eyes. Your eyes slowly rolling back and your mind foggy, but it's ok, they've got you. Just stay pretty and love them as much as they love you.
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radioisntdead · 18 days
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Partner in crime
Alastor x gn! reader
Warnings: OOC, death, inaccurate portrayal of getting shot
Song used
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You and Alastor had known each other for years, you were close childhood friends at least you thought you were,
You remember your mothers calling the two of you a couple of peas in a pod, or partners in crime,
It was funny, who would've thought the two of you would actually become partners in crime.
Maybe if you didn't have an unhealthy codependency on Alastor you wouldn't had ended up like you did.
When you're gone I feel alone again
You scrubbed away at the floor, cleaning away any remnant of the blood that was spilled that evening, Alastor had gone to bury the remains of the poor man he had slaughtered.
The voices cannot hold my hand
You would lure them in, you were good at lulling others into a false sense of security,
They keep me company at very best
and he'd kill them when they least expected it, sometimes you felt guilty but Alastor would be quick to convince you that your guilt was unnecessary, that the people whose lives the two of you stole away deserved it.
Distract me from my loneliness
They did deserve it right?
Maybe I'm just an anomaly
You continued scrubbing the floor clean, but no matter how hard you scrubbed you could never wash away the fact that someone had died there
Even my demons have their families
You wondered how their families reacted to their loved ones death, were they mournful, were they joyful? Did they not care? Did they even notice?
Truly something must be wrong with me
Would anyone notice if you died? Besides Alastor you didn't have many friends, sure you were kinda friends with Mimzy but that was only because of Alastor, and your family, well, let's not talk about that.
You really didn't have anyone but Alastor, and you were alright with that, if you had Alastor the rest of the world could burn for all you cared.
To need you as much as I do
You heard the door open, you hurriedly dropped the towel into the bucket of now cold water, grabbing another rag you wiped away the remaining liquid.
I was never meant to win
You smiled up at Alastor from the ground.
I was never meant to win
"Welcome back Alastor!"
I was never meant to win
Codependency is truly more harmful then people give it credit for.
You'd sacrifice anything, anyone just to remain by Alastor's side, just to see him smile which he did often.
Here's the reigns
You had done this who knows how many times,
Take ahold of me
Lure them in, hand over to Alastor and then clean up the aftermath while he hid the corpse.
Please don't let me go
You didn't change the routine by much, there wasn't much of a mess this time so Alastor asked that you tag along with him this time.
You do the talking
You held the lantern lighting his area as he dug a deep grave, wouldn't want the body resurfacing anytime soon right?
Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
You whispered something to him before he climbed out of the hallow grave getting ready to put the poor soul he had mercilessly killed in it.
There's a dog barking right around the block
He had just gotten done burying the corpse, you were sat comfortably on the ground with the lantern in your lap, he reached out his hand to help you up.
You both froze when you heard the unmistakeable sound of dogs barking.
And a big ol' whistle blow
Alastor looked at you and you looked back at him, you quickly took his hand to pull yourself up, lantern in your free hand.
Run for it
The two of you ran, you could faintly hear the leaves crunching underneath your feet, the cold night wind stinging your face.
I'll keep em occupied for you
The barking got louder, and you tripped over a tree root, lantern falling onto the grass the candle inside falling just at the right angle to extinguish leaving you in the darkness, the only light coming from the moon and stars above.
Alastor kept running, did he know you fell? He wouldn't abandon you right?
Cause I love you, I love you so
You got up, not bothering to dust yourself off you continued running, you couldn't see Alastor.
Left me hangin at the station
You heard shouting.
Where was Alastor? Did he notice you were missing yet?
But you'll be back for me soon
You saw a glimpse of light.
I'm 'bout to die
You didn't even have time to make a noise as a gunshot was fired into your chest, you fell to the ground.
Where was Alastor? Did he get away? Or was he shot down like you were?
Yet the only thing I find i'm worried about is you
You shakily put a hand to the place where the bullet had just entered you, honestly it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would.
Something tells me you aren't coming
Your vision began to become blurry, was it the blood loss? You didn't think you'd die that quickly,
Would you get to see Alastor one last time?
Guess that I'm truly doomed
Alastor didn't notice you were gone did he? Or maybe he did? Did you really think a future cannibal, present serial killer like Alastor would come back for you? You were a liability.
I'm 'bout to die
It was funny, you knew what kind of person he was and you still held out hope that he wouldn't abandon you.
Yet the only thing I find I'm worried about is you
You still held out hope even as your blood covered the forest ground.
Tears swelled up in your eyes as you gazed up at the night sky,
You wondered if Alastor was looking up at the sky too, maybe he had gotten home already?
I'm 'bout to die
It was a good night to die, the last sight you'd see would be the star filled night sky.
Yet the thing on my mind seems to nearly be nothing but you
Alastor let out a string of French words as he turned around to go fetch you, hoping that you weren't too far behind.
I overhear your brain when it's close to mine
Branches and leaves crunched under his shoes as he sped through the woods.
Oh, I know that we're not the same
Your hope that he'd come back for you was slowly dwindling, the voices from before had disappeared, maybe they had fled, maybe they didn't know what they did, or maybe they just didn't care.
My heart's on the line
Alastor stopped by a tree for a moment to catch his breath, the only source of light was the moon and stars above.
I'm just a pawn in your game
To Alastor you were a expendable friend.
Not your partner in crime
In all reality though, To Alastor you were everything, he'd go through hell and back if you asked, he'd take down the most ruthless of people if it'd make you smile.
And you're slowly killing me
You felt tired, you wanted to close your eyes but you fought to keep them open.
You didn't want to die.
Taking your time
Alastor continued running, soon enough he stumbled upon you.
You're slowly killing me, taking your time
With red soaked clothing you laid limp on the ground.
You're slowly killing me
"[Name]? Mon étoile?"
Taking your- I was never meant to win
You smiled as you heard Alastor's voice.
You're slowly killing me
You didn't know if you were imagining it or if he really came back for you,
Maybe it was a last act of comfort given to you before you died.
Taking your- I was never meant to win
Alastor leaned down beside you, he gently put a hand on your cheek.
You're slowly killing me
You smiled at him, just barely being able to mutter an "Alastor."
And yet I don't mind You were never meant to win
You couldn't keep your eyes open anymore.
You're slowly killing me,
The last thing you saw was Alastor, and the last thing you heard was another gunshot.
But please take your time
At least the two of you would be reunited soon enough.
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Good evening folks! Originally I was supposed to post the murder Valentino with JoJo Siwa playing in the background fic today but I hit a slump with the ending and plus I think may have eaten something unfortunate because I feel sick so uh, BACK TO BACK ANGST Y'ALL, ALASTOR TODAY, TV MAN TOMORROW!
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hillbillyoracle · 2 months
So you want to print and distribute a free zine...
I wanted to throw together a short tutorial on how I print zines using this excellent COVID safety zine by @newlevant as an example.
First make sure you are clicking on the printable file. When you open it, it should look slightly jumbled. I always look for seeing the front cover and the back cover on the same page.
Then click "print" (usually a printer icon) and open "more settings".
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The key things people tend to get wrong when they try printing zines is they forget to make sure that it is double sided and flips on the short edge. If you tried printing one and it came out looking wonky, make sure to check this.
Also, it will make your life infinitely easier if you use the collate option should you have it available to you.
Fit to printable area is a helpful setting to have on if you're printing zines who use a different paper standard than you. This zine didn't for me but I leave this on out of habit.
When you've got this all set up - print as many copies as you want to assemble.
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When you get them out of the printer they'll look like this. Just a big old stack. I highly recommend parsing out each individual copy before you try assembling any. I have made that mistake before.
This is how I stack mine.
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I like to leave the cover side up as it makes for a clearer division as I'm assembling.
As you're flipping through these to parse and stack them, check them over for any issues with printing. I ran out of printer toner on the first three so I'm glad I checked.
Imperfections are fine but you're looking for anything that makes critical information unreadable.
To assemble a copy, get them lined up by tapping them on the table along a short and a long edge.
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Both hands is a lot easier but I was trying to take a picture lol
Then fold them hamburger style and smooth down the spine as best you can. If you have a bone folder or similar use that.
Again, let go of perfection. We are looking for good enough here. Minor errors here should not make info unreadable so don't sweat the small stuff.
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I recommend doing all your folding in one go to prevent errors. Or at least it really helps me.
Now it's time to staple. You will see my fancy stapler in the background - you do not require it and I would not recommend it. Unhinging a normal stapler is way easier to use in my opinion and this one gets jammed fairly easy. Use what you've got.
If you don't have staples, but you do have sewing supplies - check out this tutorial for a way to bind it with thread.
If you have no staples and no thread, you don't have to staple every zine. Smaller ones (~5 pages or less) do fine with no staple. They can be a little tougher for some people to use and don't hold up as well being taken in and out of places so I would consider that when thinking of where to leave them. They're still well worth printing and putting out.
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This zine is small enough that one staple in the center should be enough to keep it together.
I opted to staple in two places - one about an inch in from either edge - mostly out of habit. It does add a little stability and will make them a little better for putting in Little Free Libraries and other places where they'll be removed and placed back.
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Here is my partner looking over the zines to make sure my stapling didn't cut off any important information in each copy. It's a little tedious but it's pretty important. A quick flip through can mean the difference between someone getting the info you want them to have or not.
And here's the finished product
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I made 15. I'm pretty privileged and have been making zines for over a decade now so it's almost like knitting or crochet for me. Feel free to make fewer copies or just one for yourself. It still counts.
I will stick some in each car and my bag. I have some medical appointments coming up so I will for sure be leaving some of these in the waiting room.
I'm also going to keep an eye out for Little Free Libraries and other place where people are looking for something to read. I might also toss some on the tables of a coffee shop I pop into sometimes (masked, take out only) and the library to pick up books (also masked).
I tend not to give them to specific people, even people I know, because people are way more open to information they've picked up themself than something it feels like someone is pressuring them to read. But if people bring it up in conversation, I'll be sure to offer a copy to anyone who is interested.
Hope this is helpful!
Go out there and print!
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livingdreams97 · 4 months
Eloise Bridgerton - "The Prince" (Part 3)
Eloise Bridgerton x Male reader/oc
Summary: Two people who have never seen each other before, with the same need and desire to be free in different ways. What could come of that when both people meet each other?
Words: 4.181
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Just as I had discussed with Eloise that night in the maze. I have been showing my interest towards her in a more noticeable way and she towards me too.
Four days have passed since that night and on each of the days I have gone to the Bridgerton house, had tea and thus could spend more time with Eloise in front of her mother. Of course, I have never appeared empty-handed, because if anything it is etiquette and manners regarding situations like these.
The first day I showed up with a lemon cake, along with a bouquet of Eloise's favorite flowers which were daisies, blue roses and blue dahlias. Also along with a bouquet of violets for her mother. It goes without saying that the matriarch was impressed and Eloise gave me a subtle wink as a sign of success.
The second day I turned up with some cakes and Lady Bridgerton 's favorite sweets. Since having a detail with the mother is always well seen and adds points at all times.
On the third day I was a little more daring, bringing a carrot cake made by myself; with the help of the cook and Eloise 's favorite chocolates.
And today I had decided on a book on the natural sciences and their use in medicine, since my studies had come to light in one of my conversations with Eloise and she had shown an interest. So I thought it was a good idea to give her a basic book on the subject, because she likes to read and I'm sure she'll appreciate it more than the desserts.
While for her mother, I brought her favorite sandwiches so that she can accompany the tea with them.
I knock on the door of the Bridgerton house , making sure my black tailcoat is tied securely, my khaki slacks are wrinkle-free and my tie is tied just right.
I put my hat back on and take a deep breath. The door opens, letting me see the housekeeper of the place and she, recognizing me, allows me to pass.
Before entering the house, I receive the gifts from my coachman and I thank him by entering the site. I follow the woman into the living room, where I immediately see Lady Bridgerton sewing something, Eloise reading a book sitting on the sofa in a tomboyish manner, and the younger members of the family playing chess.
XX: My lady, Prince Y/n of Hanover is here. - she informs her of my arrival and I see how the matriarch gets up from the couch immediately.
Violet: What a pleasure to have you back here.- she walks towards me excitedly, passing by her daughter and giving her a light blow to make her sit good; causing a small amused smile from me.
Y/n: The pleasure is all mine Lady Bridgerton .- I assure her, greeting her with a kiss on her hand. -I hope I was right when i choose them.- I commented, extending the box with the sandwiches .
Violet: It wasn't necessary my lord.- she denies with a small smile receiving the box.
Y/n: Don't tell me my lord Lady Bridgerton, we are not in public and honestly I feel a bit old when it comes to it.- I say with a certain humor. -As long as you calls me by my name, we will be more than fine.- I assure her with a smile.
Violet: Okey Y/n, are you coming to have tea with us? - she asks with some emotion and illusion.
Y/n: If you are so kind as to accept me, then I would like to have tea with you. - I respond politely and without imposing myself.
Violet: I'm going to tell them to prepare it outside, since it's a wonderful day and the garden is beautiful. - she warns and leaves the room with a huge smile.
Gregory: When my sister marries you, will I be a prince too? - he asks running towards me, as soon as his mother disappears and with his sister by his side.
Hyacinth: And can I be a princess? - questions excited. - Because if Gregory can be a prince, I want to be a princess too.- she says confidently, receiving a push from her brother and she returns it.
Gregory: You're a copycat.- he reproaches her and I can't help but think about my absurd and childish fights with my brother when we were just kids.
I watch as they playfully push each other, poking each other and can only look longingly at them. I long for when life was as simple as copying your brother or playing a prank on him to annoy him.
Eloise: Stop fighting and making a fool of yourselfs.- she tells them, separating them by the heads. -Second, like "when my sister marries you"? - she asks his little brother.
Gregory: Mom says you're getting married, because Y/n comes every day for you and because he likes you.- he answers as if it were obvious and that causes me to laugh without being able to avoid it.
Eloise: Mom said that? - asks with a surprised expression.
Hyacinth: She and Lady Danbury have commented on it, they compare you with the work they did with Daphne and the Duke.- the youngest of all responds this time and I can't help but look at the oldest with a raised eyebrow.
Eloise: And what makes you think that I will marry him? - she points at me and I pretend to be offended; causing the children to laugh.
Hyacinth: Because you talk to him for more than a minute and you don't complain about him like you do with the rest of the suitors.- she answers as if it were the most obvious.
Y/n: So you don't complain about me? - I ask with amusement . -It's interesting to know.- I assure her, seeing how she kills me with her eyes.
Violet: We can go outside, they are already organizing the tea.- she warns us happily, entering the room and seeing the four of us standing together. -What are you talking about? - interested question.
Gregory: About how Y/n and Eloise are going to get married and I 'll be a prince.- he answers with total sincerity, causing the matriarch to open her eyes surprised and somewhat curious.
Eloise: Don't pay any attention to them, mother, the dwarves are just saying nonsense and commenting on some unimportant things they've heard.- She brushes the matter off with her hand.
Violet: Okay.- she nods not very convinced. -Let's go out.- she points out and placing her hands on her children's shoulders pushes them out.
I laugh at the attitude of the youngest and the conspiracies of Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton about my possible relationship with Eloise .
Eloise: Are you okay? - she asks me after a few seconds.
Y/n: Yes of course, why wouldn't I be? - I ask somewhat confused, starting to walk out with her.
Eloise: When my brothers have started to fight, you made a sad and somewhat thoughtful face.- she answers me with a small grimace. -And I wanted to know if you were alright.- she comments and I nod with a slight smile.
Y/n: I just remembered what it was like to be his age and fight with my older brother for any trifle.- I answer with a slightly sad face. -But I'm fine.- I assure her with a small smile.
Violet: Y/n and Eloise sit together on that side.- she points to the two free seats at the round table outside.
I take Eloise 's chair out for her to sit in, tucking her in nicely, then I sit to her right and across from the Bridgerton matriarch .
As soon as we sit down, tea and sandwiches along with other sweets are served on the table. And it is at that moment that I remember the book in my hand.
Y/n: Before I forget.- I speak turning to Eloise and stretching her the book. - The other day we talked about my studies and since you showed some interest regarding natural science and its uses in medicine, I have brought you this book for you to read.- I informed her seeing the smile appear on her face.
Eloise: Thank you.- she thanks me by receiving the book and opening it immediately. -There are things written.- she comments confused.
Y/n: It's my book; well it was, now it's yours. - I pointed out a bit nervous. -I asked my father to send it to me, since it is quite interesting and something basic so that you can understand it better.- I comment with a small smile. -What is written are my notes, which I wrote at the time to better understand the concepts and I have believed that this way it would be easier for you to understand everything too. It took me a while to understand everything, but to be honest; You're smarter than me and I'm sure you won't need the notes. But I wanted to make sure and that's why I'm giving you my old book and not a new one. - I explain to her, pointing to the small paragraphs written by hand on some pages.
Eloise: Thank you very much Y/n, it means a lot that you give me this book.- she assures me with a smile, looking into my eyes and I can see how her beautiful blue eyes water slightly.
Y/n: It's nothing, I know how much you appreciate books; I thought you would like and appreciate a book more than another dessert. - I explain somewhat embarrassed, scratching the back of my neck and feeling observed.
I couldn't tear my gaze from Eloise 's, feeling that if I look away from her I'll miss the happiness and excitement that sparkles in her eyes at the gift. And that's something I don't want to miss for the world.
POV Narrator
What he wasn't aware of, and neither was Eloise , was the look that Violet Bridgerton was giving into the interaction between his daughter and the prince. As she watched with a smile full of happiness, her daughter's face lit up at the detail and the prince's own detail towards her daughter.
Her daughter could deny it all she wanted, but she was falling in love with the Prince of Hannover and her eyes or the way she looked at him couldn't hide it. And for the first time, the former viscountess felt calm about the future of her rebellious daughter. Because she had someone who cared and would take proper care of her.
And Violet Bridgerton didn't just see that look on his daughter, She could also look at the look the prince was giving her daughter and the slightly reddish color of his cheeks. She just hopes that she and Lady Danbury are right and that the proposal is close.
Because her daughter had never looked at anyone like she was doing at that moment with Prince Y/n and she didn't want anything or anyone to get in the way of her happiness.
Eloise's POV
I was determined, I was going to accept the proposal and marry Prince Y/n. Sure, if the offer still stood.
After weighing it carefully for almost four days, I have realized that I win much more than I can lose. And not only will I end up winning, but my family and Y/n will also win; so it's the best I can do.
Also, that Y/n is not so bad and every day I am enjoying his presence and company more. The truth is that I never imagined that I would get married, but it was because it went against my ideals and my growth as a human being.
But I know that with Y/n my growth as a human being and as a woman will not be crushed or reduced in any way. The freedom that I would have is also something that has pushed me to accept, since that is something that has made it clear to me and I can do what I want as long as it is not something that puts my "marriage" at risk.
And lastly, Y/n was a nice company and I can have an intellectual discussion with him . Without feeling insulted by my sex and my "few" studies or level of knowledge.
He had been really great to me. My mother, like every day, has not stopped asking the prince questions and talking to him in an animated way. Like my little brothers, who have not stopped asking questions about the crown and royalty like every day.
Leaving little time for me to talk to him and tell him in a hidden way that I accept the proposal.
Just before he leaves, I stop him and look around making sure no one sees us. Once I make sure that my mother is busy with my brothers and they with my mother; I have the green light.
Eloise: I accept.- I tell him directly.
Y/n: Accept what?- he asks a bit confused.
Eloise: You are supposed to have studied and gone to the university.- I reproached him amused, giving him a light blow to the back of the head.
Y/n: That's not a reason to hit me.- he claims, rubbing the affected area.
Eloise: Exaggerated.- I say because of her reaction to the light blow. -But I accept your proposal.- I clarify and after a few seconds he opens his eyes in surprise.
Y/n: Are you serious? - he asks excited and with a certain illusion shining in his precious emerald eyes.
Eloise: I'm not kidding, you don't see how I laugh.- I say sarcastically causing him to laugh.
Y/n: I don't care about your horrible humor.- he downplays it with a smile. -I have to think about how to ask your mother for your hand, in the ring and in the house.- he enumerates and opens his eyes. -Where do you want the house? - he asks me with interest.
Eloise: Near Aubrey Hall, it's my family's country house and I don't want to be far from them, but I don't want to be in the center.- I answer. -In addition to the fact that my family is only here during the social season, then they live at Aubrey Hall for the rest of the year.- I explain and he nods in agreement.
Y/n: Perfect, well I guess I'll be back tomorrow for the I 'll ask your mother for your hand.- He nods according to his own plan.
Eloise: I'm afraid we won't be here tomorrow.- I comment with a grimace and I see how the smile disappears from his face.
Y/n: And why is that? - he asks confused.
Eloise: We're going to Aubrey Hall for the weekend, to bond with the family and spend time together; and blah blah blah.- I downplay any kind of importance.
Violet: What are you two talking about? - she asks appearing out of nowhere and scaring us completely.
Eloise: For God's sake mother, don't appear like that.- I ask with a hand on my chest and feeling the accelerated beating of my heart.
Violet: Sorry dear, I didn't know you were so engrossed in your conversation and that you hadn't seen me.- she apologized with an amused smile for my reaction.
Y/n: It's okay, the scares help keep the heart beating.- he says with an amused smile.
Violet: So? What were you talking about? - she returns to question too interested from my point of view.
Eloise: About the fact that tomorrow we're going to Aubrey Hall and that we'll spend the weekend there, so we won't be here for the prince Y/n to come for tea.- I answer my mother and see how the gears of her head begin to move.
Violet: Maybe Y/n can join us and be our guest this weekend.- she offers and it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.
Y/n: I don't want to impose myself on your family weekend.- he denies with a small smile.
Violet: Don't say nonsense, you don't impose yourself and I'm also inviting you.- she assures him happily. -In addition, the Sharmas and Lady Danbury will also accompany us for another year. In fact, I'm surprised that Lady Danbury hasn't told you anything.- she says a little confused and thoughtful.
Y/n: It will be because of Edwina and her possible relationship with my cousin Friederich .- he comments a bit insecure. -From what I know, they spend a lot of time together and since my aunt can't be supervising all the time, it's Lady Danbury's turn to be watching.- he shrugged at the information.
Violet: Then we'll see each other tomorrow at Aubrey Hall.- she assures Y/n. -Let's go out, so I tell one of my drivers to give directions on how to get to your coachman.- she says threading her arm through the prince's and pulling him towards the entrance of the house.
I just laugh, when he looks at me over his shoulder with a face between surprise and amusement at my mother's attitude.
I shake my head and sigh calmly, knowing that many of my problems will be solved as soon as Y/n asks my mother for my hand. And the rest of my problems will be solved when the prince and I give each other the "yes, I want".
Because something is clear to me, if my mother believes that Y/n is going to ask me to marry him and that we are in love; the rest of the world will believe it too. Because if there is something that my mother is in this life: she is insightful.
None of my brothers have been able to deceive our mother, since she always knew when something did not quite fit and we hid something. So if Lady Danbury is being talked to about my possible marriage to the prince; it means that she believed it.
As soon as I get to the palace after being at the Bridgerton house , I head towards the tea room and where I'm sure my aunt is.
Now that Eloise has accepted the proposal to marry me, I have to start organizing the proposal and I need my aunt for it. I know that Eloise is not her favorite person after the last season, since at first she was sure it was Lady Whistledown and then she dismissed it; when her political position came to light.
Y/n: Aunt.- I greeted entering the room and making a reference. -I have to talk to you in private.- I ask and I see how she nods giving her servants a look.
Charlotte: Sit down dear.- she asks me pointing to the hole next to her on the sofa . -Tell me what do you want to talk about ? - she asks me interested when I sit next to her.
Y/n: You know that I have come to London with one intention, which is to fall in love and marry a woman from high society, right? - I ask a little nervous, because my aunt is the key to making everything believable and if she doesn't accept my engagement; neither will my father.
Charlotte: I am aware of this and that is why I put Lady Danbury as your supervisor, so that you could be successful in this first season. - she nods with a serious face.
Y/n: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, aunt.- I point out the interest in her eyes. -I have found the person I want to marry and I want to have your blessing to ask for her mother's hand.- I comment with all the confidence in the world.
Charlotte: So soon? - clearly surprised question. -We've barely been in the season for three weeks.- she says, somewhat impressed.
Y/n: I know, but I can't explain what I feel when I see her or when I'm with her aunt.- I start to say to make it sound credible. -Besides that you have always told me that love does not have a predestined time.- I remind her with a small smile.
Charlotte: Are you sure dear? - she asks me and I just nod. -Do you love her? - she asks staring into my eyes and I stay for a few seconds thinking.
Y/n: Yes.- I answer without taking my eyes off his, trying to look sincere and credible.
Charlotte: Then I give you my permission.- she nods with a huge smile. -And can you tell who is the lucky one? - she questions interested.
Y/n: Eloise  Bridgerton, aunt.- I answer confidently and I see the surprise and a hint of annoyance appear on her face.
Charlotte: No.- she denies immediately.
Y/n: Aunt please, I love her and I want to marry her.- I ask, grabbing one of her hands and looking at her with pity.
Charlotte: Can't you choose someone else? Someone who doesn't hang out with political radicals? - she asks in the form of a complaint.
Y/n: She's not a radical girl, she's intelligent and has something on her mind besides the pianoforte.- I defend her without thinking. -The hours fly by when I talk to her, I feel comfortable and I feel that she really wants to be with me because of who I am; and not for being the prince aunt.- I say honestly.
Charlotte: And I'm glad you feel that way about someone dear nephew. But couldn't it be anyone else? - she asks in surrender and I smiled knowing what it means.
Y/n: I'm sorry aunt, but she's the right one for me and I'm sure that if you meet her you'll like her too.- I assure her smiling and seeing how a slight smile appears on her face.
Charlotte: I'll accept her because for me you're like a son and if she makes you happy I can't oppose it.- she finally accepts and I jump on her to hug her.
Y/n: Thanks aunt, you don't know how much this means to me.- I tell her when we parted from the hug.
Charlotte: And how do you plan to ask for her hand? - question interested and excited by the event.
Y/n: Lady Bridgerton has invited me to spend the weekend with them and Lady Danbury at Aubrey Hall; and tomorrow when I arrives I'll ask for her daughter's hand and if she accepts I'll ask her after dinner. - I reply a bit nervous, due to the possibility that she refuses and the plan is spoiled.
Charlotte: And you already have the ring? - she ask and I deny. -Well, come with me dear.- she asks me getting up and I walk next to her.
We walk towards her dressing room, where there is a table full of precious stones on a table in the center and as soon as we stop in front of her she opens a box in the center.
When she opens the box, I widen my eyes to see what's inside and look at her in astonishment.
Charlotte: This was one of the first rings that King George gave me as a gift.- she comments showing me the ring. -The king discovered that emeralds were my favorite stone and he thought it would be a good gift for me; and he was right.- she tells me looking at the ring with a certain sadness and affection.
Y/n: It's beautiful aunt.- I compliment seeing the brilliant stones of the ring.
Charlotte: It has a lot of meaning to me and that's why I want you to have it.- she tells me, offering me the box.
Y/n: No, aunt, as you think, I can't accept something so important and with so much emotional value.- I deny immediately.
Charlotte: I insist.- she says pushing the box in my hands. -I want you to ask that girl to marry me with my ring, for me you are my son and I want this ring to pass into your hands.- she explains and I nod, looking at the ring more carefully .
Y/n: It really is precious. - I whisper, looking hypnotized at the great emerald in the ring.
Charlotte: And valuable, that's why I want you to ask her to marry you with that ring and pass it on from generation to generation.- she assures me and I nod safely.
Y/n: Thank you very much aunt.- I thank her again and hug her again; immediately being wrapped in her arms in an almost maternal way.
Charlotte: I am very proud of you my little one and of how much you have matured; your mother would be proud too. - she whispered safely against my ear and I can't help but tighten the hug feeling the itch in my eyes.
I'm sure you wouldn't be so proud if you knew the truth and the reason for my marriage. She always defended love and from the first day she told me to marry for love. That I would never marry for any other reason than love and here I am, marrying by agreement with my father.
Y/n: Thank you.- I whisper feeling the guilt invade me.
Charlotte: Also, I understand that that girl also likes emeralds.- she assures me amused when we part from the embrace.
Y/n: Let's hope for the best.- I comment amused and looking again at the ring in my hands.
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Now all I have to do is pack for this weekend and have Lady Bridgerton accept my marriage proposal to Eloise. I just hope everything goes well.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
Do you have Yumi & Yasuda headcanons? I had the realization that they go to the same school. They're both underrated TokRev girls imo. I'd like to know how you think they'd interact with one another (and with the other TokRev girls too, i.e. Hina, Emma, Yuzuha, & Senju)
Well it's never mentioned they go to the same school but I agree with you. They wear a similar uniform and we know Yasuda attends the same school as Pah and Peh, and I think it's very likely that Yumi would want to attend their school too. But anyway these are the headcanons i have for them!
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Yumi ships Peh and Yasuda and tried pretty hard to get the two of them together (inviting them on double dates with her and Pah etc).
She seems very kind, however under all that kindness she also has an incredibly chaotic side. Like that's the reason she wasn't phased by anything at her wedding because she's more chaotic then anything the others could've done.
She takes notes for Pah and Peh when they skip class
She loves sweets, has a total sweet tooth!
Yumi's also a very touch heavy person when speaking to people, she'll touch people's arms and hands a lot while talking (this nearly made Hakkai faint when they first met).
She slowly started to change from bully to friend because of influence from Pah and Peh.
Pah felt so guilty after stabbing Osanai that he wrote Yumi a letter telling her to never talk to him again and to just forget about him. Yumi of course refused to stick to that and said she still wanted to be with him (after telling him off for saying such a thing to her and assuming it's best for her just to forget about him).
Actually while Pah was locked up Yumi spent a lot more time with Peh. They kept each other company while Pah was gone. She also spent more time trying to get Yasuda and Peh closer together.
Yumi also gets along really well with Pochi
Her parent's weren't around a lot, they were very busy with work. Which is why her earlier behavior went unchecked and why she suddenly had to move (her parent's got a promotion).
She gets along with all the other girls but her favourite is Senju (besides Yasuda) because they match each other's energies often.
Has no problems with lying to avoid trouble (especially if it's for her friends).
Met Yasuda after wanting to hang out with Pah and Peh and they went to get Mitsuya. She was impressed with how Yasuda stood up to them when interrupting her club.
She wasn't sure what to make of Yumi at first. When she first noticed her, Yasuda was apologetic for shouting then got a bit nervous around her (she assumed Yumi was also a delinquent). But after Yumi dropped by more often, Yasuda realised she was actually nice and they became friends.  
She's very good at baking, while in school she would make Mitsuya and Yumi treats often (Pah and Peh usually tried to steal some from her).
Yasuda was also close to Mana and Luna, she was often the one babysitting them when their mother was working and Mitsuya was attending toman meetings and fights.
Her and Peh confessed to each other mid bickering 
When she first met Hakkai it was the awkwardest meeting ever. Yasuda was intimidated by how big and scary he looked and Hakkai was intimidated because she's a girl. They both remained silent, refusing to look at each other until Mitsuya intervened.
She has a history with delinquent's and used to get bullied by a group of them when she was younger.
At least once she heard there was a delinquent in the school who wanted to see Mitsuya and went to go yell at them (assuming it was Peh or one of his friends again). Instead she started yelling at some random guy who was actually there to beat Mitsuya up and he was so baffled he just left.  
She hand sews all of Peh and her friend's birthday presents.
Actually gets along with Draken though, despite his appearance she found him to be a generally nice guy. (She teams up with him and Hakkai to throw Mitsuya's birthday parties). 
She helped Yumi organise her wedding
Yasuda's favourite girl (besides Yumi) is Emma. Because she admires how Emma easily stands up to the delinquents and Emma also knows a bit about sewing. 
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posebean · 1 year
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fantasys your crazy:B‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ 
fantasy AU stuff... alkaloid later...world building + details stuff under read more maybe dont look if u dont wanna be spoiled for the 2 fics that i already wrote for this au
in general magic is kind of weird there’s multiple methods to cast the same spell those being spell components, incantations, somatic (gestures). each has their merits and flaws/ u can choose to use only one/ any most people stick with 1-2
there’s all kinds of spells and people are either born with an innate specialty in it or grow up developing it; power is how strong their magic can be, control is how much of a grasp they have on their magic, the lower control is compared to power the more easy it is for someone’s magic to go out of control (aira in this AU but i’ll talk about that when i have the alkaloid one made). if someone has more control than power they’re able to do very precise things with their magic with no focus at all while others would need some focus; general populace has both equal, usually people that dont hone their skills (common villagers) stay at 1 star for both
niki’s outfit is very simple and inspired by his fs2, very versatile and such because he’s always out and about chasing after exotic creatures to add to his checklist cloak HGFSDH he learned to sew from Aira’s mom when he was little and made most of his clothes himself, his satchels, and even helps the others when they need his skills whenever hes in town. even though he clearly puts spices etc. on one side compared to his components on the other, he still mixes them up because he is silly Aka is very fluffy and has kind of wild hair like. someone we know. i wonder who bright blue eyes (also like someone we know. ) but foxes are funner to draw with just closed eyes
RInne just has his normal village clothes with like longer and some changes to make it more. fantastical???? idk im soooo bad at designing clothes lmfao but before the “fox” is out of the bag he doesn’t really shift back much except to stretch and mess around with meru so he doesnt really. get different clothes. def after the reveal he stays in that form more around niki and they do get him different clothes. idk what they would be maybe niki would make them because he gets sick of seeing both hiiro and rinne in his house wearing the same things all the time. oh yeah i havent gone over this yet but yeah hiiro does refuse to leave because rinne refuses to leave so he just. lives with them on niki’s couch LMAO. who knows. maybe he becomes a denizen of the beehive rinne also still shifts because he finds moving around as a little guy more convenient and also niki still finds that form cute and cant say no if he does the puppy eyes so it usually goes like niki: rinne-kun, no rinne: boo-hooo.. niki~kyun.... (swishes his finger and ina  poof hes aka again with round blue eyes) niki: niki: i know what you’re doing, its not going to work this time aka (rinne): whimpers niki: niki: (throws his hands in the air) oh my god fine rinne: (quickly changes back and grabs niki and cheers)
i havent gotten to kohaku’s fic yet but he’s good at stealth magic. like really good. he can make himself vanish and no one will be able to find him when he’s right next to them. think about that as you will. when aira brought him to the beehive he only had a yukata and worn down sandals and since he and aira had similar builds he just ended up getting clothes from aira for most of the time; he does have shirts that are specifically his because they all have little pockets sewn on (by niki!) for rabu-han junior but with coats pants and outerwear he and aira just share except kohaku stays away from some of aira’s more. fancy clothes ?? lmao not to his taste rabu-han junior is a little hamster familiar that he met one day and made a familiar pact agreement with. rabu-han junior usually sits in his pocket, but if need be rabu-han junior can grow MASSIVE from 3 inches to 6 feet. Big mode. in big mode he can easily carry. 4 people. lmfao. rabu-han junior also shares magic with kohaku and technically is as strong as him and from that logic. rabu-han junior is better at magic than poor rabu-han (original)
merumeru’s clothes are all from kaname except the coat the coat is tatsumi’s. no idea why himeru hasn’t thrown it away though. maybe somewhere deep in his heart he does care for tatsunn his main reason for leaving was he didnt want tatsumi to always be in pain from seeing him, the very spitting image of kaname
all of him is just like kaname except: slightly older, longer hair, hair dark grayish at the ends and its not visible much and he does do illusion magic to change it but he has cat eyes pupils kittymeru is mainly dark gray (the same color as his human hair ends) with kaname-blue highlights and the long strand, the proof that kaname was the one that conjured him and essentially put part of himself in meru
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shinjisdone · 8 months
Hii! Hope youre having a marvelous day. Is it ok yo request Thorfinn x nun!reader? In a scenario where Askkelad and the others raid a church, and the reader notices Thorfinn is injured so she rushes to help him, showing compassion to the people who are destroying their holy ground,,,, and Thorfinn is like, infatuated with how delicate the reader is with him.... pretty please
S1!Thorfinn with an Nun!Reader
Kinda hesitated and didn't wanna put too many religious things here.
TW: Heavy mentions of religion, killing and raiding, religious objects belittled in the eyes of the vikings, the line 'love your enemy' Is used as a reason to help Thorfinn, mentions of Thorfinn being your savior
This one is really interesting.
Imagine the Danish vikings invading an English coast town and moving their way to the church. They only act as mercineries yet still they chose to be brutal.
Thankfully, all you could do was hide and so far no one seemed to have found you. Staying here was a death wish, for the vikings would take their time to gather anything of value, anything covered in gold. That included your holy intruments.
Sneaking out as best as you could, you quickly found all exits to be crowded by them. They knew survivors were here and knew they'd want to leave.
It seemed pointless. You were destined to die here in the church.
Though maybe fate had a different plan for you.
Stumbling across a young man - leaning against the wall, injured and panting. Something urged you to help, to guide. After all, you were taught to love your enemy.
Quickly you hurried to his side. The blonde startled and a part of you knew you were doing something foolish. The blood, the clothes, the dagger in his hand.
And when you touched him, he spoke unintelligable words to you.
Clearly this man was part of the vikings that are attacking your holy ground.
Still, you choose to love your enemy.
Your touch was gentle even as you hauled him into a safe room. You patched him up using the church's belongings.
The rest of the band is heard screaming on the other side of the door. Yet you chose to stay here, treating him.
Thorfinn cursed at you. Can't you see that it isn't safe here?! Just a second too late and one of the men are going to barge in and kill you!
You aren't safe here! Even you cannot be that foolish to not know!
He belittles you in Nordic. Though you may not understand, you do get that he isn't very pleased. Whether or not he tells you to run or threatens to kill you himself, is something you cannot tell.
Instead you gently responded in English. Thorfinn only knows a few words but not enough to understand what you are saying either.
You are both foreigners to one another. Hunter and prey.
Still even in his injured state and stubborn mind, the man's eyes widened. Your touch was the most gentle he has ever felt as you treated him, took out a needle and sew each cut shut - so softly, akin to a sigh that hit his skin caked with blood. As if you weren't allowed to have him feel any more pain.
His grunts slowly subsided and he simply watched you tend to him. Shouts and screams continued outside, both of you clearly heard metal clanking and furniture tumbling down. You acted as if they didn't exist now.
You acted as if nothing but Thorfinn existed here.
Lips pressed into a nervous line, the pain ceased as he started to feel his heart beat against his chest instead. He shifted in his position and you asked if something was wrong.
His pupils widened as the blonde made a face. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as his breath got caught in his throat again and again.
It frustrated him but he managed out a careful: "...Thank...you..."
His pronounciation was awful but you smiled at him nonetheless. It made his heart beat faster. The warmth in his chest was all he could feel.
Getting up and inspecting the work youve done, Thorfinn grew quiet. Standing still in his spot, he hung his head contemplating.
For a moment you grew frightened as he drew his dagger yet he took your hand with his other. You couldn't understand what he whispered but he was already dragging you behind him, with you having no chance but to follow.
It was as clear as they that this young man was part of the band that is attacking your church - yet as he rushed through the hallways and dragging you with him, contantly on the lookout for his bandmates while keeping you close to him - it felt like he was a hero sent only for you.
Thorfinn made sure to be out of anyones's sight at this point. If one, no matter who, was to spot him, he was ought to kill them and that was something he hesitated to do in your presence. There was no need to upset you, especually when he was trying to find a damn way out of this place.
He took you and ran - ran and ran and ran beyond the church doors and beyond the town up until a place seemed the most safe to him.
The young viking looked at you and spoke, even as you understood nothing. With a few more words he pointed towards north before pushing you to its direction but staying back.
There was a soft gleam in his eyes and you reckoned there was hesitation in his heart as he reluctantly let go of your hand. His fingers slipped off yours as he stared at them as if it hurt to even part from your touch.
Again, he eyed you up and down before pointing forwards. First he ordered in Nordic, then in English.
Thorfinn stood as unshackable as a mountain but his eyes showed longing. Still, he pointed.
Your enemy became your savior.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 3 months
The fact that Alastor is canonically more comfortable around women is so interesting to me.
He doesn't seem to mind it when Rosie and Nifty touch him or enter his personal space. Rosie also seems to be aware of his plans to some extent. Mimzy has been using him as a get out of jail free card for DECADES before he told her to stop.
Meanwhile, when he interacts with other men it is usually much more hostile. He humiliates Vox, keeps Zestial at a distance and refuses to share information, has a rivalry with Lucifer, and we all remember how the Husk scene went.
And that makes the idea of Alastor being in a lavender marriage in life so much more interesting, too.
Because Alastor is good with women, he genuinely LIKES spending time with them. Chances are he got along well with his wife, possibly being close friends.
And the more I think about it, the clearer I can see Alastor being raised by a single mother and developing "girly" hobbies, such as cooking or sewing, and being used to housework. A well-dressed man who hangs out with plenty of women but never makes an advance. There would be rumors about him being gay, and men would hate him either for getting too close to their wives, for being a pansy, or both.
Alastor, in hell, waiting patiently for his wife. Because she was his friend. Because she never loved him and he never loved her, but extra souls never hurt and he'd rather keep her close than let someone like Vox get his hands on her.
Like this is EXACTLY what I was picturing holy shit. Alastor raised by a single mother (or with a very absent and/or abusive father), taught how to cook, clean, sew, and garden. I headcanon that he was also a hunter from a pretty young age, but even then they worked together to make an income from the hunting, not just eating or selling the meat but also making clothes from the hides and furs. Alastor is, at his roots, a homemaker which was NOT at all typical for men in his time.
His mother also taught him how to respect women and treat them well, always the perfect gentleman, and that combined with his "oddities" and distrust of men definitely led to his friends being almost entirely women (probably with scattering of queer men). The rumors about him would've been RAMPANT, especially when combined with the racism he'd be facing anyway (Word of God says he's mixed, I headcanon him as Black and Choctaw on his mom's side, white on his dad's), which would just drive him further away from forming any sort of relationships with other men.
I think his wife (I've been headcanoning her as Black too, from a lowerclass family like Alastor's) was probably one of those friends, one of the many women who was easily charmed by his bright smiles and kindness but maybe one of the very, very few people who saw a hint of sharpness in his smile or heard the little thread of truth in his darker jokes. She didn't truly understand Alastor, not like Mimzy did, but she saw enough that he trusted they could have a relatively happy and open life together, with him using their marriage as a shield against suspicion. And the fact that their marriage would benefit her too, giving her more freedom than she would get from living with her family and letting her carry on her relationship with her own lover, was absolutely a bonus.
And they were happy. She didn't tell him about her lover, he didn't tell her about his little hobby, but they were happy. They made a home together, laughed and gossiped over meals, and filled their house with constant music and warmth. Their garden was the envy of their neighborhood (and if she wondered where he got the bones and blood their flowers loved so much, she never asked) and they were the life of every party they were invited to. They didn't love each other, but they didn't need to. They were friends and that's all that mattered.
And yeah, I think Alastor absolutely waited for her or sought her out in Hell. Maybe he never found her and was content in the knowledge that she made it into Heaven. Maybe he found her a few decades after his own death and offered her up a simple contract, something to protect her from other overlords while giving her as much freedom as an owned soul has. He keeps her on as one of his reserved souls (like I mentioned here) and they share meals together every so often and sometimes he summons her to act as a background singer or play an instrument to accompany his singing.
They never talk about their previous relationship, partially because it's just not important to who they are in Hell and partially because it would put her in too much danger. Alastor probably mentions having been married in life a few times and everyone just assumes that Mimzy was his wife and that her contract keeps her from talking about it.
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third-arch · 1 day
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Law Rambling-The First Time
A messy and incomplete rambling about “the first time” Trafalgar Law saw Kanna’s body.
NSFW, Trauma, Comfort, Really Sweet, Fluff
In my writing, my OC Kanna goes through a tumultuous two year-ish and mostly one sided relationship. Throughout it all, she endured all kinds of abuse from her multifaceted ex lover, Doflamingo.
“You drew stars around my scars But now I’m bleedin’”
Cardigan-Taylor Swift (Folklore, 2020)
Coming out of the traumatic experience, she was scarred both physically and emotionally. She was scared to talk to people. She hated enclosed spaces and when others locked the doors. Her responses were reactive and defensive.
Physically, her body was a wreck. Scars of all shapes and sizes ran all over her appendages and torso. Her nose had been broken and deformed, too, hence the crookedness.
Similarly to Law, in those moments, she needed trust more than anything else.
She needed someone who would make her feel safe.
Both being pretty much medical nerds, learning to separate their emotions when needed is key to their profession.
So, one of the most beautiful things about Kanna and Law is their respect for their bodies.
Under his care, Law was stern with Kanna. He was quiet and reserved, a complete contrast to her abuser.
When he saw her bare body for the first time, he saw a body.
He saw the abuse, the torment, the demons, all the battles she’d fought.
He truly saw all of her in that moment.
Her breasts, her back, her pelvis, he treated her kindly.
He’d carefully wash Kanna’s body in warm water, his fingers massaging her scalp with soapy water. The sponge would soak up all the dirt and dried blood from her skin as she’d wince in pain.
Law would let her dry off with a clean towel before sterilizing her injuries.
He’d ask her behind the door if she had any allergies or any sort of replacements he’d need to keep in mind.
As he’d examine her, his eyes would be stern and gray. Not a hint of vulnerability.
Law was gentle, carefully studying her reactions for any sign of pain.
He let Kanna know what he was going to do, and would ask each time if she was okay with it.
He’d pause the moment her face tensed up, his hands never faltering or lingering.
Law treated Kanna’s chest with respect. Her arms, her legs, he sewed, stitched, and carefully worked to fix the damage done to her.
He’d take adhesive tape and gauze, pressing them to her wounds and wrapping them with latex bandages.
Throughout his check ups and exams, I don’t think he’d use his Room around her. He knew that Doflamingo must have abused his powers with Kanna, and wanted to let her know that they were equals. No power dynamic, and that his life was just as fragile as hers.
He had initially done this to build trust more than anything. He’s a doctor.
But, Law’s still human, capable of love and full of emotions.
As he cared for Kanna and helped her both physically and emotionally, strange and uncomfortable feelings welled within him.
The more he fell in love with Kanna, the more he fell in love with her beauty.
Her smile, her laughter, that of bells chiming, her kindness, her warmth.
Yet, he was never particularly picky on looks.
Being judged throughout his childhood, he knew very well what it felt like to be seen as “different”.
Beauty was much more complicated in the eyes of Trafalgar Law.
Yet, despite this, all his convictions and fears vanished the moment they made love for the first time.
“I love you. Most ardently.”
Fitzwilliam Darcy-Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen, 1813)
When he saw Kanna’s body again, he saw the woman he loved.
Her breasts were perfect for him. The small of her back was adorable, and her bare shoulders were beautiful.
He didn’t look beyond her scars. They made Kanna even more beautiful.
He’d plant gentle kisses all over them, telling her how beautiful she is.
He’d press his mouth to hers, biting her earlobe as a mischevious smirk would tug at his lips.
Kanna would trace gentle circles along his dimples, calling him beautiful all the while.
Her cheeks flushed, the moonlight kissing her mousy blonde hair, her lips and legs parted for her lover.
The gentle soul of a lonely traveling musician and the longing heart of the Surgeon of Death, making love under a full moon.
He’d cage over her and hold her close, letting her nimble fingers trail over his chest and run along his tattoos.
He wanted her to feel safe and sound.
He wanted to show her just how much he loved her, and just how deeply his feelings ran.
He’d massage her breasts, squeezing and biting them in just the right spots to hear her soft gasps and breathless whispers.
He’d spoil Kanna’s body, kissing and nibbling up and down her appendages, exploring her inner thighs and burying his face in her shoulder.
As he’d press into her, he’d carefully study her reactions. His eyes would be a soft yellow, showing all of his emotions and tenderness in that moment.
He’d carefully study Kanna’s expressions for any pain, begging her to not hide herself or feel scared.
He wouldn’t pressure her, he’d hold her hands, intertwining their fingers together.
Their hot breaths would mingle as they held eachother close, the soft candlelight illuminating their bodies in the afterglow of their lovemaking.
He’d suck on her collarbone, leaving behind small dark markings as he’d mumble to her to take her cranberry supplement.
He’d treat her like he treated the body the first time, a sense of nostalgia filling the room.
The soft white sheets of his bed now wrinkled as they cuddle.
It was like he was falling in love with Kanna all over again.
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Day three since meeting each other begins as F/n followed Izuku to a creek behind the cabin. It was a mile away but they didn’t mind it. As long as they kept their energy and strength up they didn’t mind the walk. 
Finally reaching the creek, the sound of water flowing sounds pleasing to Izuku and F/n’s ears. It was comforting. The creek was clear meaning no mud, it showed rocks and pebbles with a few fishes swimming around. 
Izuku smiled at the fishes swimming around and kneeled down pulling his bag towards him and grabbing two empty water bottles. Both his hands grabbed the bottles and began to fill it up using the creek's water. 
While Izuku filled up empty bottles, F/n took her jacket off and laid it on the grass beside her. She then kneeled and began to look at the right side of the jackets inside as a net was sewed onto it. With her hands, she pulled on a ripped part of the net and tore it apart until the net was completely off. 
Now, with the net in her hand she put her jacket aside, removed her shoes and rolled her jeans near her knee area so the water wouldn't get it wet. With the bucket she found in a cabin she walked a little further away from Izuku and stopped when she spotted a few fishes swimming around. 
Izuku peered at F/n when he heard her moving away. He decided to not question where she was going and instead let her have a moment for herself. He continued to fill up the empty bottles and pondered how he would boil it.
Meanwhile, F/n rinsed her head, wiping the dirt and any dried blood. She let her face dry itself and dipped her feet in the water quietly so as to not startle the fishes near. But just as she thought, the ripples of the water caused the fish to startle and swim away. 
Though this didn’t make F/n give up. She walked towards the middle of the creek where it reached her calves and stood still with her hands holding the net underneath the water.
She waited and waited until eventually a fish began swimming near her. Halting her breath as she thought it would cause her to stay still, the fish swam behind her and then on top of the net. In a flash, F/n pulled the net out and held her hands closely to close the net. 
Her e/c eyes brightened as she grinned at the fish that flopped around in the net. Keeping the fish close, she exited the water and walked towards Izuku who was finishing filling his last bottle, “Check it out.”
Hearing his companion, Izuku looked beside him and was startled as the fishes clouded eyes stared back at Izuku’s. His startled was then placed with amazement, “You caught a fish!? How did you learn to do that!?”
F/n shrugged with a smile, “My father’s a big fan of camping.” 
Amazed, Izuku stood up, “Can you teach me?” 
“Of course.” F/n said and instructed Izuku to follow her.
As F/n taught Izuku how to catch fish, she was surprised as to how quickly Izuku catched on. It took at least six camping trips for F/n to be able to catch one and that was with fishing gear. It's least to say she was impressed.
After catching two more and placing it in the white bucket F/n had brought, they headed back to the cabin where F/n then showed Izuku on how to start the fireplace. Luckily, the fireplace had already unburned wood and a metal rack. 
As Izuku ripped pieces of paper from his journal and burned it for the wood, F/n fetched a pot and began to pour water until it was almost full. She then handed it to Izuku who thanked her and placed it onto the metal rack. Eventually, the water began to boil. 
While the water boiled, F/n taught Izuku how to clean fishes in order for them to be eaten without problems. Although it was a bit messy, Izuku liked the process as he got to bond more with F/n. After finishing cleaning the three fishes, Izuku placed it on the metal rack to cook. 
They had small smiles of accomplishment and proudness. Their ears listened to the wood cracking and the water boiling. Their noses smelled the burning wood and the fish cooking. 
After a few minutes passed by, the green-haired male put the fire out as F/n grabbed two plates and two cups that she rinsed with the creek's water and handed it to Izuku as he grabbed the fish with utensils and the pot with rags. 
Once the food had cooled down they began to eat and drink. They tried to show mannerism and not eat like a wild animal but their hunger got the best of them from not eating a full meal in days.
Content with their stomachs full, they sat in front of the fireplace in silence, the sunset bringing their cabin an orangey look. 
F/n’s attention was brought to Izuku as he asked her a question, “You said your dad liked to camp. Did you?” 
She stared at the green eyed male for a moment before looking at the fireplace, “Camping isn’t my thing. But because my dad grew up on a farm, at the end of Musutafu, he and his family would camp by a wood behind their house. He’d then make us go and experience nature.” 
She then gazed at him, “Why?” 
This time, Izuku glanced away and shook his head, “It's just, you seem to have a lot of experience with being out in the wilderness. From knowing how to catch and clean fish, starting a fire, and killing the dead without hesitation. It's almost like… you’re kind of meant for this world.” 
After hearing his words being said out loud, Izuku noticed how rude it sounded and so he shook his head and waved his hand, “I don’t mean it in a rude way! It's honestly kind of impressive how you can handle yourself! I can’t even do that! I only know how to boil dirty water into clean water because I saw a video out of curiosity and I kind of had a phase!” 
As Izuku rambled on, F/n smiled before chuckling which made Izuku stop and blush from embarrassment. He apologized about his rambling and how annoying it can be but F/n waved him off, “No need to apologize, it's what makes you, you. Also, I’m not mad about your comment.”
She let out a sigh, “I got the feeling that my dad was preparing us for an emergency, in case he wasn’t there, we would be able to defend ourselves. Although he was an officer, he told us not to hesitate when our lives are threatened.” 
Izuku watched as F/n stood up and began to put the dishes away, “You said we? Did you… have siblings?” 
F/n nodded and left it at that, no longer wanting to talk about her family. Understanding, Izuku began to clean up and then headed for bed as F/n did the same thing. 
Laying in bed, Izuku wondered for a moment as to what happened to F/n’s family though eventually, drowsiness consumed him and he later fell asleep. As for F/n, she couldn’t fall asleep. 
She felt like something was keeping her up, like something was going to happen. Thinking it was paranoia, she stared at the ceiling making fake scenarios in her head. She thought about these last two months and how the radio and news broadcasts for everyone to be quarantined. To avoid people who acted strange or seemed abnormal. 
She smiled and almost laughed when she remembered her grandfather's voice, telling her that the government did this, it's all propaganda. She could almost hear her father's voice telling his dad to shut up and to take this seriously. Then her grandmother got involved and smacked both of their heads, "Knock it off, you're getting the kids scared." 
She snorted a bit as she remembered her cousin with a triangle smile mocking his uncle and grandparents behind their backs. 
As she almost drifted to slumber, she heard shuffling outside the cabin and it sounded more than one. Then a faint voice was heard outside the cabin, "Check this place out. We can hide out here."
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mitsuko-saito · 25 days
Arien's adventure journal
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Chapter 1 - The Origins
Dear Diary, today it's the same shitty day here at the village with corrupted people, living as an orphan means that you can't trust anyone, because your parents abandoned you ever since you were just a baby. Yeah, life sucks.
Oh, who am I? My name is Arien. My age? I won't tell you hehe, but I'm gonna tell you where am I. This is a small village in a hidden part from Outworld, the owner of this village thought that this would be a good idea to hide from the emperor Shao Kahn's schemes.
I am an orphan, which is seen as a bad thing in this village, people look at you with disgust, seeing you as a thief, a pest. If you are going to visit the Greatsaint village, you need to know 1 rule, you need to have enough strength both physically and emotionally.
Luckily, when I was growing up with no parents by my side, I've made new friends.
Rogue- yo Arien, we have been waiting for you
This is Haydée, but we call her Rogue, the most smartest girl I ever met in this village, she has brains and brawn, she could be a perfect warrior.
Ethan- yeah I was almost sleeping here
And this is Ethan, he is very strong, he is the brawn of our little group. When I arrived, I rested my hands on my knees while I was panting from running.
Arien- sorry guys, I was busy with that old man Jun. He can't stop picking on me.
Rogue and Ethan looked at each other with a worried face and then looked at me.
Rogue- Arien, y'know that guy isn't just an old man who owns our orphanage.
Ethan- he owns this entire village - Ethan explained opening his arms demonstrating the village around us.
Arien- I know guys. But we can agree that Jun isn't a good man to get along with. He steals from the poor here. He takes advantage of the others saying that he is protecting us from Shao Kahn.
Rogue- that's why we are going to make ‘justice’’.
Me, Rogue and Ethan went to an alleyway and we started to jump up on the walls and the houses' roofs. We do this kinda of thing ever since... I don't know... forever?
Anyway, other children wish to be like us, but this is a risky 'job' for them because what we do here is stealing the rich. But for a good purpose. You see, there are a lot of people with a lot of gold and money who don't help the weak or the most needy.
We hid behind a pillar and we saw a well-dressed woman buying fabrics in a tend nearby, Rogue looked at me with determination and made signals for me and Ethan, doing the same hobby as always.
Rogue climbed the wall and saw the lady enter in the middle of a crowd of people. Rogue climbed down and followed the target. I joined her in the crowd along with Ethan, he gave me a needle for sewing from that tent where we saw the woman, so I didn't waste any time and walked fast behind her.
I used the needle on her right side to sting her a little bit so she could see me while Rogue stole her money sac.
“Sorry, lady” I pretend to apologize for the sting
“Watch it, kid!” she cursed
Rogue ran away from the crowd and we reunited again in a secret alley.
“So how many?” Ethan asked
“Woah— that woman is so rich as Jun” Rogue’s eyes widened and I checked the sac, she was right, that's so many coins
“I never thought there would be someone who has this quantity of money as the terrible owner of here” I commented, and that's right, no one except Jun is that rich here. There are 2 ways to get rich: born into a rich family or getting married, maybe she has a heritage.
We walked back to the orphanage and entered by the window, the kids noticed our presence and ran happily toward us, and Rogue hugged them. She loves children so much. We even promised that one day we could get married, get out of this village, and live happily as a family.
Ethan carried one of the children on his shoulders without difficulty. He also has a big heart as his sister.
“Haydée, you won't imagine what we did today,” one of the kids said to Rogue, she was about to ask what is it until we heard Jun’s voice
“How could you lose that money I gave you??” he asked angrily to someone
“Honey, I-I… I swear to you it was with me until I was bumped by a kid from yours… probably it was one of your orphans” it was a female voice, I looked at Ethan and Rogue and threw the sac to them, Rogue hid the money below the mattress and commanded the kids to go to their beds.
I went to hear more of their conversation
"You’re stupid and careless. How come I ever married you? It must have been him again!” Jun yelled, but then he took a deep breath
I got scared and heard steps, so I ran toward my bed and pretended to sleep, Jun’s steps got even closer and I felt one of his hands moving my front hair, he noticed my forehead sweating and then he slapped me in the face. I fell from the bed while feeling a sharp pain in the cheek.
Jun checked my bedsheets and found nothing and started to check my pockets… still nothing.
“Where’s the money?” asked Jun
“What money?” I asked him back
“Answer me! Or you will sleep out of the orphanage again”
“Threaten me all if you want, but I don't know which money you are talking about”
He punched me again and he threw me out of the orphanage along with my bedsheets.
“You’re running out of my patience!!” Jun yelled before angrily closing the door
I just ‘tsked’ and wrapped the sheet around me, it was so cold and then I heard a ‘psk’, I noticed it was an old man calling me.
“Hey little boy” he started to call me
“Go away… I do not have any money” I said not staring at him
The old man walked in my direction and knelt, I backed away a little bit. He showed his hand and opened it, and then some kind of green fire magic appeared. I was amazed and how did he do that? Most people here in the village don't use magic like the rest of the Outworld.
“This magic amazes you, right?” the old man asked, and I nodded, making him chuckle “I saw that you were having problems. Tell me, what would you do if you got magic like teleportation? Or a fire magic?”
“Hmm…” I started to think “I would help my orphan friends to get out of this sick village and go somewhere else. And I would burn down this village along with Jun. I don't care if he suffers” I started determinedly at the old man, he laughed. A very wicked one.
"I admire your spirit, young boy. I've got something for you" The elder went to search something on his bag and grabs some kind of golden bracelet, I hesitated
"I can't... Why--"
The old man disappeared...
tagging: @theelderhazelnut @zoetheneko @amphythewanderer @elderglocks @roselyn-writing @devilzukin7
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