#percival weasley
bloopy-writes · 29 days
Anyone have good Percy Weasley fic recs? Specifically where he’s a good brother idk i have an itch to scratch and I need to read something like this
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thefairfeline · 10 months
I made some memes for my fellow Percy fans.
As this shows, I have entered my crappy meme making phase.
@elisedonut @percival-ignatius-weasley
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foreverinpanicmode · 1 year
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these headcannons are things that i wholeheartedly believe in and will forever defend.
this guy hates nicknames, he will forever throw hands with anyone who tries to give him a stupid lil nickname. however, he will let his lover choose one nickname to call him while they're out in public.
as for when they're at home? 😏 he likes to be called all sorts of lil nicknames, especially when they're getting hot and heavy with each other.
percy is the type of guy who isn't silent about his lover or his feelings for his lover, he expresses them greatly in any form possible. he loves telling his friends about them and will show them off at any point in time.
he takes photos of everything that goes on around him when he's with his lover, he loves seeing them react to stuff like animals, babies, old people, plants, historical places, museums, etc. he keeps a little photobook just full of pictures.
pda is a big no no for percy, but he does allow a kiss here or a peck there. he doesn't mind small cuddles like when his lover burrows themselves into his side or arms bc they're overwhelmed or tired. but full on kissing moments are just very stressful for him to deal with.
when he finally finds himself in a good financial position, he will go all out for date nights and night ins. he loves taking his lover out on lil dates to celebrate just about everything and anything: birthdays, promotions, engagements of friends, weddings of friends, family outings, baby showers, baby announcements, etc
percy isn't a pressurer. he will not pressure his lover into doing anything that they aren't comfortable with doing. this also loosely translates to: if you try and force my lover to do anything they're uncomfortable with, i will personally throw hands or kill you with my bare hands.
percy's main love language is words of affirmation which means he loves being told when he's doing a good job and if he's doing things the right way. this heavily ties into sexy times which makes him the sub between him and his lover 😈. his next love language is acts of service, he absolutely adores doing anything that his lover asks of him and almost always does it perfectly. he takes his time perfecting his performance and his abilities to ensure his lover always is happy. his third main love language is quality time, while he does love having time to himself, he likes to enjoy his alone time with his lover as they're presence calms him down and keeps him grounded. he will go anywhere and everywhere with his partner to keep them happy and smiling.
percy really is a gentle lover, and even in the dominant position he will always make sure that his lover gives their consent before he does anything to them. he never wants to hurt or frighten his lover as he knows what anger can do to someone's psyche.
he is family oriented, yet he is huge on not making his lover feel obligated to meet his family or become close/friends with his family either. he also doesn't want his lover to feel obligated or forced to have kids if they don't want any kids.
percy weasley is a lover not a fighter, as stated above in a different saying. but this doesn't mean he isn't willing to throw hands, as also stated above.
this might be a bit controversial but i believe that percy looks for the level of intelligence when looking into a potential lover. while it isn't his main priority, it is definitely a big part in determining whether or not his lover and him would be able to have a life together. his main priority his personality, if they're personalities don't match or if they don't fit in with his family's personality, then he doesn't even dare consider them a possibility in his love life.
percy is the man who will always be the gentleman, and will go on to teach his children the ways of a gentleman ( irregardless of their given gender identity ), as he believes that all people should behave gentlemanly.
he will open doors for his lover, he will open car doors, he will lay down his jacket over a puddle, or lift his lover over a ledge. he will put his hands over the corners of tabletops or countertops to prevent his lover from hitting their heads. he constantly watches his lover's water intake cuz he knows that people frequently forget to drink water. he pays attention to what his lover orders and remembers for next time so that his lover always gets something to eat ( even if his lover tells him they're not hungry ).
he will befriend his lover's friends because be knows they aren't his enemy, but his only source for his lover's secrets and desires. he will always do what it takes to ensure his lover's happiness, and that means making sure that his lover's friends are happy too.
he always invites his lover's friends if his lover and him are going out for dinner or to an event, after becoming financially stable, he wanted to provide for his lover whenever he could.
he goes all out for birthdays and other big celebrations like holidays or announcements.
he's the typical roses, suits, and chocolates type of guy when it comes to celebrating valentines or easter or something like that.
he doesn't get overly jealous, he won't condemn his lover from having male friends or judge his lover for their choice of friends either. he will get involved if he feels like the male friend is getting too handsy or too aggressively flirty; this goes for old friends and newer friends.
percy doesn't judge. his lover can identify in any sort of way and he will always love his lover for who they are as a person, which also leads me to believe that percy is pansexual and demisexual; translating that he only goes for someone if he develops a true and deep emotional connection/attachment to the person he wishes to romance.
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amomorii · 5 months
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post game smooch ♥️
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pooks · 7 months
*at the first Quidditch team practice 1988* Charlie, the Quidditch Captain: Alright, let's welcome our new Keeper, Oliver Wood! Oliver, a wee second year: HAPPY TO BE HERE! :D Charlie: and...my little brother Percy, who's here for some reason. Percy, also a wee second year: I'm here as moral support and I got the first aid kit ready, just in case. :) Cassidy, the star chaser and second-in-command: Okay, that's really adorable. Are they inseperable or something? Charlie: *sighs* They are a package deal, I couldn't get one of them seperate.
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perciver4ever · 3 months
Fred: I don't get how Wood likes you-
George: Yeah, you suck.
Percy: Real good too.
Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron & Ginny:*chokes*
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bothsides11 · 7 months
My toxic trait is that once my mind decides that certain character is a bottom that's the point of no return I won't be able to ever see him as a top.
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the-original-gays · 4 months
Percy: Mum, I have something to tell you. I'm gay. And dating Oliver Wood.
George: Oh, me too! Gay, not dating Oliver.
Ron: I just agreed to be Harry's boyfriend, so I guess I am as well.
Molly: Oh, wow, does anyone in this family like girls?
Ginny: I do.
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fr1day-incredible · 11 months
Weasley memes part 3
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I love the idea of Percy be in all up tight and formal all the time bc that's what ppl expect of him and then you see him with Oliver and he's so much more relaxed and happy and full of energy
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percyposting · 13 days
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Oh it’s pride month well here’s the three guys you see under the dictionary definition of homosexual
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beekekies · 28 days
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Argh....... OLIVER WOOD....
A little comic i might make continuing to this silly picture,,
Student council president Percy / sports captain Oliver.. Basically instead of percy starting to fall for oliver, its the other way around..(the twins know because yknow)
I know i dont usually drop like 2 art straight, but i needed to just let it out my system,, tumblr you guys get me
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t1oui · 1 month
i don't think the hp next gen fandom talks enough about how percy's kids would be treated differently just because they're his.
like, the kids don't know why. neither do their cousins. they're just used to weird looks from their aunt and uncles and grandparents. they're used to fewer photos of their father and more jokes thrown in his direction. they're used to traits they share with percy being seen as a negative.
and maybe it's subtle. maybe their presents at christmas and birthdays aren't as personalized as the presents their cousins get, and maybe they don't notice at first because their parents always try to give them presents they'll definitely love. maybe at family get-togethers, every cousin has one of their favorite sweets made but percy's kids were never asked. but they don't notice this, either, because percy makes a big deal of them baking their favorites together when they get home.
no matter the way you look at it, with percy and audrey or percy and oliver, with percy in gryffindor or slytherin, his kids would've been treated differently by their family.
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gods-graveyard · 3 months
Incorrect Hp quotes based on my fic (pt2)
Percy- I have high standards in any partner
Oliver and Marcus-
*arguing over if they can catch a Bludger mid air to throw it at someone without breaking a hand*
Percy- ...I am a weak man.
Fanart https://www.tumblr.com/gods-graveyard/745520432147578881/i-made-fanart-of-my-own-post-i-give-you-my?source=share
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pooks · 3 months
Percy Weasley headcanon time, part 2!
all the Quidditch captains at Hogwarts crushed HARD on him
Oliver Wood: obvious reasons, they are roommates (oh my god, they are roommates), they're in every class together, Percy has canonically been at Gryffindor's Quidditch matches, etc. i could go on.
Roger Davies: captain of the Ravenclaw in case you don't remember( can't blame ya). but Percy is smart and clever, he would charm the pants of any Ravenclaw without even trying. a fellow scholar who plays Quidditch too. everytime Ravenclaw meets Gryffindor, he tries to impress but fails cause Oliver Wood.
Cedric Diggory: he got the biggest boy crush on Percy and it was literally his bi awakening. not only is Percy smart, but he's also incredibly kind and responsible. he takes a page of Percy's book and values good sportmanship (this is the reason why the twins can't stand him, they've seen him yearning after their brother)
Marcus Flint: he doesn't like any Gryffindor at all, not even when pigs fly and it rains lava. but Percy is different, he's the Golden Student of not only Gryffindor, but of the whole school (no he doesn't count Hermione). Percy is smart, clever, determined, kind, righteous and so incredibly pretty. if it wasn't for his blood status, then Percy would've been poster child of "the ideal spouse" the pureblood families always nags about.
Conclusion: Oliver and Marcus gets into fistfights every week because of this and no one relents until someone is nearly dead (the only reason Snape gives detention to a Slytherin, of all things, cause he didn't sign up for his own student's blood feud)
Poor Roger Davies gets friendzoned the whole time cause Percy genuinely believes they're friends and he can't ruin that cause Penelope Clearwater will literally murder him in his sleep
Cedric decides to play it safe, earn Percy's affection slowly and maybe the Perfect Prefect will fall for him...eventually.
Too bad Fred and George is deadset on NO ONE dates their brother...except maybe Oliver Wood, but he has to prove himself with twelve quests (that was a total lie)
Outcome: Percy eventually dates Oliver Wood and he's incredibly happy with him. He doesn't even know that his five brothers and baby sister threatens Oliver if he ever hurt him. He's mildly annoyed when he finds out, though.
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perciver4ever · 6 months
Bill: I don't think I'm straight
Charlie: I'm definitely aroace
Percy: I've been with Oliver Wood for one year, 5 months, 3 days and 7 hours.
Fred: I only slept with Diggory a few times, and snogged a few times... I'm still straight, right?
George: Okay, I'm totally in love with Lee
Ron: Blaise and I are kinda a thing, ya know?
Ginny: In my defence, I was straight before I met Luna
Percy: *sighs* We're going to end this bloodline, aren't we?
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