#perform necromancy???
goatyuuji · 8 months
Everytime someone says something about Shoko healing Gojo, this is exactly how I picture it…
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torvelo · 3 months
i have never played a dragon age game in my life but he caught my eye ehehe
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sidver · 9 months
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thebonejunky · 8 months
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She is like if Moses was a schizophrenic seventeen year old girl. DID YOU KNOW she tried to kill herself when she was 11 but she met the earth and found something to live for ? DID YOU KNOW she is lowkey a necrophile but the corpse she fell in love with came back to life so its complicated. DID YOU KNOW she ascended to disciplehood but all she did was make soup and watch God play ipad games. DID YOU KNOW she is lobotomized and somehow every single female character lusts for her deeply. DID YOU KNOW she is super mean and nasty and 4 feet tall. DID YOU KNOW that she is a super genius, a poet, a fascist dictator, and the amalgamation of 200 infant souls
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soullessjack · 2 months
rip jack you would’ve loved raising an army of the dead with dipper pines
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kara-knuckles · 6 months
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Ines The Dreamer
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dex1o · 11 months
i cant believe hoyoverse killed off my favourite npcs are you fucking kidding me
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ragdollrain · 1 year
A single ao3 comment contains the power to resurrect a man from the grave
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David: Is any of this even legal?
Victoria Van Gale: Oh I'm sure it's legal somewhere
David: ... And here?
Victoria Van Gale: Not even remotely.
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smolsix · 1 year
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ACT 1: MOAR (cursed) Books!!
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"No, not you."
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If you don't interrupt...
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"Well, maybe [highest approval companion]..."
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(nervous dot jpeg)
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And, as a parting shot, Withers' most important line,
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swordrobe · 5 months
That “that’s just what you do for a girl with broad shoulders” post about farcille earlier has gotten in my head. **im** a girl with broad shoulders
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kmze · 7 months
2x12 - 2x22 Alright I did something different this time, I put my thoughts down while watching (usually after I finished the episode) instead of doing it after I finished all the episodes. So I have way more thoughts this time lol, my short term memory was struggling before. All this is to say this is much longer than my last recap thoughts, also this is one of the best seasons of the show so it made the rewatch more enjoyable.
Poor Rose and very dumb on Damon’s part to leave Elena with her having absolutely no idea what the werewolf bite was going to do. The dream sequence he gives Rose is one of the best Damon scenes ever IMO. RIP Rose and that awful wig.
Elena told Damon to be the better man and the groan I let out... I wish you an eternity of misery Kevin Williamson!
I could not stop laughing at Stefan's brilliant idea of talking to Tyler involved him sneaking into his house and then slamming him against the wall LMFAO!! Genius idea Stefan that definitely made him want to help you and be friends, truly a mystery that you two never get along.
The Lexi flashbacks made me sad I was 100% with Stefan glaring at Damon like BTW you’re awful in case you forgot.
Is Alaric wearing eyeliner sometimes or am I seeing things?
The Damon/Andie scenes just make me so mad and uncomfortable, there's moral ambiguity that always exists in this show and then there's this disturbing storyline, fuck the writers.
Ok I admit Matt and Caroline have one good scene (though Caroline does the heavy lifting here) when she sings to him at the grill and they kissed. I clapped, a moment of weakness. Matt ruined the good feelings by the end of the episode though so balance has been restored.
Unintentional Intentional Foreshadowing? At the 60s dance Stefan and Elena are dancing and then Caroline and Matt come in. Stefan leaves Elena to go dance with Caroline and spins Elena into Damon’s arms. While this is happening the song playing is Last Kiss, which is a song about a guy who lost his girl in a car crash. I don't think it was intentional but if I were the writers I would totally take credit and say it was.
I'm sure this is part of the Delener manifesto (which I will never read) but the line "I don't mind being a bad guy. I'll make all the life and death decisions, while you're busy worrying about collateral damage" had me like DAMNNNNNN. Maybe I don't give Damon enough credit because that was a pretty great summarization of why Stefan eventually lets Elena die in 3x22 by "respecting her choices".
I am so tired of the suicide missions this season, choose life!
At least Caroline chooses life! This is when I really started seeing how Caroline is climbing up in the narrative and especially how her love life is gaining more depth and importance. The porch and door scenes in particular because lovers and potential lovers on the porch was something Elena got in S1. For Caroline the doorway represents her heart. We got Tyler inside while Matt is outside in 2x10 because that's when she was helping Tyler and started falling for him, meanwhile she broke up with Matt to protect him. Then Tyler fucks up and he gets the door slammed in his face. Stefan says he can come in if she wants him to in 2x13 but she's not ready to let Stefan in yet, and he realizes that so he brings back-up. Then you've got Matt back inside her heart but really her Mom put him there to spy on her. I really like the shot of Matt at the door looking at Liz in 2x18 before the dance.
IMO most of this season Elena has a relationship with both brothers; she has a physical one with Stefan and an emotional one with Damon and she does that so they are both all about her. And I think this current version of the triangle was the only way she could have both. Because Stefan doesn't care that Damon is also in love with Elena because it means he'll protect Elena (re: quote above) and he'll be in Stefan's life which is all he ever wanted. And Damon because he's so obsessed and consumed by Elena will stay there pining and flirting and acting out when he feels ignored because Stefan will be there to "clean up it up." Everyone wins in a very fucked up way. The problem is she couldn't keep Damon at just an "hopelessly pining" distance and once Elena chose Damon, Stefan wasn't interested in being the one in an emotional relationship.
Klaus knowing all the Mystic Falls gossip already lol.
Tyler saying who’s Klaus my poor boy I wish you never found out. Really loved the Tyler and Caroline scenes the last few episodes (I mean the heart eyes he gives her in the tomb *melts*), they'll always hold a place in my heart.
I'm sorry Liz but you were a terrible sheriff, my god. In fact MFPD is up there with GCPD as the most inept police department in all of fiction. How the hell could they not take down one vampire who was weakened by werewolf venom?
The Stefan and Elena goodbye in 2x20 was so heartbreaking damn, they absolutely have moments where I totally ship them and that's one of them.
2x21 is the best episode of this half and overall the storytelling in this season is really solid. Everything with the sacrifice ritual was well done and even though I knew exactly what was going to happen I was intrigued the whole time, the best was Bonnie coming in with the wind and the fire and the magic. I feel like the show often has a problem where one half of a season will be good than the other meh, this season was solid throughout. Loved the twist that the sun and moon curse was made up.
Some of the acting choices Joseph makes while Klaus is watching Stefan drink the blood bags are… sir I see you and I appreciate you.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust. (this made me laugh so hard I had to pause LMFAO his jabs at her were so good)
Caroline: Everyone just needs to stop kissing me! (a classic! Caroline's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard)
Not a line but Alaric having to write “The dagger will kill you…” on a piece of paper and then their mad faces was hilarious! They are just so dumb.
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Made my OC George interacting with his original inspiration a full comic! In all honesty, Casper, George’s twin brother, is a bit more like Ghost situation-wise, but George’s og… everything comes from Ghost.
Between the pair of them, casper is on Artfight, but George is the one with a fancy Toyhouse icon. If you want to draw the un-artfight of the brothers lmk and I’ll finish George’s ref <3
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This was also a warmup. I already have some revenges i need to do <3
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sukimas · 1 year
technically speaking since the loptr cult wasn't originally a military organization or anything- and none of its members were former military as far as we know- the whole rise of the empire (initially. not arvis's) was founded on domestic terrorism rather than a military coup. fucked up
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pissmoon · 1 year
Not my coworker talking about how he wants to be a landlord and saying he would not get stuff like fridge/washing machine fixed or buy new ones if they broke once i said my landlord bought a new washing machine when old one broke and then going like 'what do u think of that' u dont want to know what i think of that lmfao
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