#periareolar incision
thatshowtheygetcha · 2 years
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1 month post-op
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batz · 1 year
it's been like 2 years since my top surgery and this is literally the first I'm hearing of massaging scar tissue lumps hello?
YEAH i dont exactly know what causes them, but if you had a larger chest prior to the surgery and also got lipo during ur top surgery it can heighten the chances of internal scar tissue! bc theres just More that has to be removed so the physical trauma is a bit larger ig? i believe this happens after any major surgery in a relatively fatty area of the body, its just how fat Heals i gues !
getting rid of any hardness after top surgery (whether it be scar tissue, hematoma or calcified seroma) usually involves a TON of massaging to help break down whatever it is and have it reabsorbed into the body.
dont get me started on the popping and the squelching sounds that can happen bc of these (i actually got a recording of it to send to my surgeon bc i was Scared LMAO). its kinda nasty feeling but relatively temporary and completely normal. im also only 3 months post op so im still healing:) what matters is my chest Looks good and i feel good n happy! aside from scar tissue pain,,,
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rotten-queer · 2 months
I'm applying for grants and picking up more hours at work, but any help is very appreciated.
The goal is the minimum cost of surgery.
I finally have my consult soon!
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doublism · 11 months
double incision = name of a metal band
keyhole = britpop band that never took off
fishmouth = largely forgotten 60s hippie psychedelic rock band with small cult following
periareolar = stylized as Perry Areola, drag king pop singer
inverted t anchor = industrial music
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triptychofvoids · 1 month
hello doc, in your opinion what is the best method for top surgery (ex. keyhole, double incision, fish mouth) ?
what i consider the 'best' method of top surgery depends entirely on both chest size and skin elasticity! theres no overall best method, just what will be best for the person. the surgeon will most likely chose the method or at least tell you which of the methods they will be able to do for you, and if you want a different method done for whatever reason that is something you will have to talk with the surgeon about.
keyhole and periareolar usually work best for small chest sizes, for a medium size your surgeon may decide on periareolar, buttonhole, double incision, or inverted t, and for larger chests usually buttonhole or double incision! but like i said, it will vary depending on exact size and skin elasticity. that doesnt mean you will get no say in the matter though, just that you will have to talk to the surgeon about specifics and what sort of results you want!
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bundleofboys · 5 months
does casio have top surgery scars that we dont see or did he get that magic top surgery?
I actually thought about this a bit while I was recovering from my own top surgery! Personally, I don't mind "magical" transitioning as a trope or concept because you bet your ass if magic was real I'd be using it on myself, and we're all just trying to have fun here anyway.
That being said, in a non-magical or more literal interpretation of the fiction, I've been working under the loose idea that Casio had periareolar top surgery (which, I'm gonna be honest, I did not know about until last year).
For those who are squeamish/don't want to risk seeing medical photos in a Google search, periareolar top surgery is when incisions are made around the areola in order to remove breast tissue. The incisions and scars themselves are a lot less apparent when compared to double incision mastectomies (the other type of top surgery that leaves curved scars at the base of the chest), so they're functionally invisible when it comes to art and drawing Casio's chest.
Anyway, that's about as deeply as I've thought about it. Thank you for the question!
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twinfools · 2 years
I’ve had 4 chest surgeries over my 13 years in medical transition and I’m here to say: sometimes it’s not just one surgery!
My first surgery was a periareolar because I was a good candidate for it (very small chested, good skin elasticity). The result was— in a word— disappointing, and I was very self conscious of some skin sagging and larger than average nipples. This was compounded by some pretty vicious bullying I experienced related to how my chest looked (don’t EVER mock gender-affirming surgery results— truly vile thing to do).
I had a small revision to resolve the sagging skin— so things were better for a while.
I decided, after a few years, to get a revision to make my nipples smaller. This went well, though they weren’t reduced to the size I had been hoping.
Last year I decided to pursue a “re-do”. I knew that further nipple/areola revisions were unlikely to produce the results I wanted and felt that removing my nipples all together would be the closest I could get to what I wanted. I had learned a lot about nipple tattooing and I didn’t care about nipple sensation so the idea of choosing the size and placement of my nipples was really appealing— even if they would be 2D/aesthetic.
I went to a surgeon who agreed with my plan and proposed a double incision, no nipple grafts. It also turned out that I had residual tissue in my chest that a previous surgeon had said was my sternum… this wasn’t the case. I had surgery, which removed my nipples, added horizontal double incision scars and made my chest flatter. A few months ago I went for my first nipple tattoo session :)
I’m really happy with how things look… and it also took a long time to get here. My chest isn’t perfect, no chest is, but I am writing this to acknowledge that surgery (for many) isn’t a one and done and perfect thing. Disappointment is real. Post-op depression is real. And a journey after your long journey to get that initial surgery is very real.
I chose to have additional surgeries and had the resources to do this. Not everyone does or wants to. Whatever your situation please know that you aren’t alone if you don’t have that “this is perfect” awestruck moment on chest reveal day. Allow healing, allow time, allow disappointment and honesty and ask about options— it’s not as unusual a circumstance as it may seem!
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fronomeeps · 1 year
Kind of a weird question, but how come Ingo has top surgery scars but not Emmet? Only fraternal twins can be different sexes at birth as far as I'm aware, and Ingo and Emmet are very likely identical twins considering how similar they look. I hope I don't sound too intrusive, I'm just curious because I'm an identical twin myself and pick out these kinds of details pretty easily.
youre good and thank you for the curiosity! my hc for them is ingo got double incision while emmet got periareolar, hence no visible scar!
for the most part while theyre young, thin, somewhat fit guys there isn't much of a physical difference other than scarring. and with clothes on theyre identical! but as they get older and put on some weight emmet does get generally floppier man titties than ingo just because of the nature of the procedure with his specific body. i try to differentiate their older body shapes with this in mind especially when they're shirtless but sometimes i make them a bit too similar!
and of course i apologize for any inaccuracies with this! im continuing to do research on it and gathering from as many sources as i can but ive definately got more info to nab! so while this is the current hc some things might be subject to change :3c
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camkablam · 9 months
on anon bc i've always been afraid to ask in case this is offensive but why are double mastectomies referred to as top surgery? is it a dysphoric thing? or is it just shorthand /gen
hello!!! this isn't offensive at all!
'Top surgery' is a generalised term because there are multiple different kinds of surgery you can get, most of them depending on stuff like size and what you yourself want out of it. There's keyhole surgery, periareolar and (the most commonly known one) double incision. The last two both fall under 'double masectomy.'
Here's an extract about the differences between periareolar and double incicsion from The T in LGBT+ by Jamie Raines!
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And here's a really helpful video talking more about the different kinds of top surgery there is!
In General: people say 'top surgery' instead of just 'double masectomy' because there are different kinds of ways to get top surgery! It's also just a more casual way of talking about it (as you said, shorthand!) and is used solely by and for the trans community. Same applies to bottom surgery!
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lousyfuckingratboy · 10 months
top surgery planning / blunt personal venting
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I think I've decided I'm gonna work to find a surgeon that's willing to do periareolar on a b-cup!
Have been feeling odd and off about the double incision results I've seen lately. They often look great, but when I picture embodying it, I dont feel quite right. I've worked out it's not the scars that bother me, it's the nipples. They look, because I suppose they are, ornamental. Lobbed off and pasted back on.. I don't like that for my body, I don't want to be severed from my nipples.. That makes me tremendously uncomfortable.
I have always felt incredibly awkward and unhappy with my tits but only because they're big and floppy (big for male tits at least. Kinda masculine/man tit looking but way oversized for even male Gynecomastia) Not because of the sensation or general vibe of having a bit of something there.
I can't say I wholey feel alienated from my chest, just greatly unhappy with the size of it. The extremeness.
I don't want a totally lean, totally unfamiliar chest with (most likely numb) little nubby thumbtack nipples. That doesn't feel right, it just feels like it solves a problem. The idea of my chest and nipples as I know them but simply drawn inwards, seems so RIGHT.
They'd maybe be a little puckered and low for a typical male chest - honestly most results I've seen, even if they don't meet the cis or trans male beauty standard - they still look typically male. And I think for my body type and lifestyle I could bulk out my pecs okay to get everything looking firmer anyway.
I think I'm set! Which is a big call because my size would be for sure considered only borderline eligible by most surgeon's standards. So I might end up having to travel because I've been yet to find any experienced surgeons here in Australia..
But I'm gonna chase someone with the right skills and experience because fuck it, it's my one and only body and if I'm gonna front up the bravery and money to change it, I'm not taking a compromise for convention's sake.
SIDENOTE I'm so happy for the people who feel elated and at ease with their DI results! It doesn't ick me on others, just the idea of it on me 🙏
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citynewsglobe · 16 days
[ad_1] Deciding to bear beauty breast surgical procedure is a big alternative that entails understanding the assorted choices and their security. Two widespread procedures are breast lifts and breast implants. Whereas each intention to boost the looks of the breasts, they differ in strategies, outcomes, and potential dangers. This text will make it easier to perceive the security and worth elements of breast elevate Turkey worth in comparison with breast implants, making certain you make an knowledgeable choice.Process Comparability: Breast Carry Vs. Breast ImplantsThe breast elevate process usually entails making incisions across the areola and probably down the breast to take away extra pores and skin and elevate the breast tissue. In distinction, breast implant surgical procedure entails making a pocket both below the breast tissue or chest muscle to position the implant. Each surgical procedures can take 1-3 hours, relying on complexity.Restoration Time and Course ofRestoration from a breast elevate normally entails a couple of weeks of restricted exercise, with most sufferers returning to regular actions inside 4-6 weeks. Swelling and bruising are widespread however subside over time. Restoration from breast implants may be barely longer, notably if the implants are positioned below the muscle, as this may occasionally trigger extra discomfort and require extra therapeutic time.Dangers and Issues of Breast CarryWhereas typically protected, breast lifts carry dangers similar to an infection, bleeding, scarring, and adjustments in nipple sensation. Issues can embody asymmetry and points with wound therapeutic. Selecting a talented surgeon and following post-operative care directions will help decrease these dangers.Dangers and Issues of Breast ImplantsBreast implants additionally include dangers, together with an infection, implant rupture, capsular contracture (hardening across the implant), and adjustments in nipple sensation. Common monitoring and potential future surgical procedures to interchange or take away implants are essential concerns for long-term security.Scarring and Aesthetic OutcomesScarring is an inevitable a part of any surgical process, and breast lifts are not any exception. The kind and extent of scarring rely largely on the precise approach used: Anchor Carry (Inverted T): This method entails three incisions—across the areola, vertically from the underside to the breast crease, and horizontally alongside the breast crease. Whereas it provides essentially the most important elevate and reshaping, it produces extra seen scarring. Lollipop Carry (Vertical): This technique makes use of two incisions—one across the areola and one vertical incision from the underside of the areola to the breast crease. It gives average reshaping with much less scarring than the anchor elevate. Donut Carry (Periareolar): A single incision across the areola leads to minimal scarring. It is appropriate for girls with delicate sagging. Correct post-operative care is essential for minimizing scar visibility whatever the approach. This contains following the surgeon's directions on wound care, avoiding solar publicity, and probably utilizing silicone sheets or scar lotions.Influence on Breastfeeding and SensationBreastfeeding Concerns After a Breast CarryA breast elevate can doubtlessly affect breastfeeding, relying on the extent of the surgical procedure and the approach used. Throughout a breast elevate, the nipple and areola could also be repositioned, and glandular tissue could be altered, affecting milk ducts and nerves. Nonetheless, many ladies retain their skill to breastfeed, particularly if the nipple and areola stay hooked up to the underlying breast tissue. It is essential to debate breastfeeding objectives along with your surgeon earlier than the process to grasp any potential dangers.Breastfeeding Concerns After Breast ImplantsBreast implants are typically much less prone to have an effect on breastfeeding, particularly when positioned below the muscle (submuscular placement).
This method is much less prone to intervene with milk ducts and glands in comparison with subglandular placement (above the muscle). Nonetheless, the presence of implants can typically trigger discomfort throughout breastfeeding, and there is a small threat of decreased milk manufacturing. Discussing placement choices along with your surgeon will help mitigate these dangers.Adjustments in Breast SensationEach breast elevate and implant surgical procedures can lead to adjustments in breast sensation, which can be short-term or everlasting. Breast Carry: The chance of altered sensation is greater because of the intensive reshaping and potential repositioning of the nipple and areola. Nerve harm throughout surgical procedure can result in numbness or elevated sensitivity. Breast Implants: Adjustments in sensation are additionally attainable, notably across the nipple and areola. This will consequence from nerve stretching or harm throughout implant placement. Most sufferers expertise a gradual return of sensation over a number of months, however some might have lasting adjustments. Discussing these dangers along with your surgeon and following post-operative care tips will help enhance outcomes.Developments in Strategies and ExpertiseNewest Developments in Breast Carry ProceduresLatest developments in breast elevate strategies have considerably improved security, outcomes, and affected person satisfaction. These embody: Minimally Invasive Strategies: Improvements similar to endoscopic breast lifts enable for smaller incisions, decreased scarring, and faster restoration occasions. Laser-Assisted Breast Lifts: Utilizing laser know-how to tighten pores and skin and stimulate collagen manufacturing, these procedures can improve elevate outcomes with much less invasive strategies. Inside Bra Approach: This entails creating an inside help construction utilizing mesh or organic tissue to keep up elevate and form, lowering the chance of future sagging. These developments assist obtain extra natural-looking outcomes with fewer issues and shorter restoration intervals.Newest Developments in Breast Implant ProceduresBreast implant surgical procedure has additionally seen important technological developments, together with: Gummy Bear Implants: These cohesive gel implants keep their form higher than conventional silicone or saline implants, lowering the danger of rupture and offering a extra pure really feel. Fats Switch Augmentation: This method entails utilizing the affected person's fats to boost breast quantity, eliminating the necessity for artificial implants and lowering the danger of rejection or allergic response. 3D Imaging and Customization: Surgeons can now use 3D imaging to supply a digital preview of potential outcomes, permitting for extra exact planning and customization to fulfill particular person affected person objectives. These improvements have improved breast implant procedures' security, effectiveness, and personalization, enhancing affected person satisfaction and outcomes.How Expertise Impacts Security and OutcomesDevelopments in know-how and strategies have considerably impacted the security and outcomes of each breast lifts and implants. Improved surgical instruments and strategies scale back the danger of issues, improve precision, and decrease restoration time. Improvements similar to improved implant supplies and minimally invasive procedures contribute to higher aesthetic outcomes and affected person satisfaction. Moreover, enhanced pre-surgical planning and customization guarantee sufferers obtain tailor-made remedies that meet their wants and preferences.Understanding the security variations between breast lifts and implants is crucial for making an knowledgeable choice. Each procedures have dangers and advantages; the selection finally will depend on your objectives and preferences. Consulting with a certified surgeon will make it easier to select the best choice in your well being and well-being.
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kamranazadmd · 2 months
Enhancing Femininity: The Art of Breast Augmentation in Orlando
In the vibrant city of Orlando, Florida, the pursuit of beauty and self-expression is celebrated. For many individuals, achieving the ideal silhouette includes enhancing the appearance of their breasts through breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a "boob job." With a plethora of skilled plastic surgeons and modern facilities, Orlando has become a destination for individuals seeking to enhance their femininity and boost their confidence through breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation in Winter Park Florida is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts using implants or fat transfer techniques. Whether seeking to increase breast size, restore volume lost due to weight loss or pregnancy, or improve overall breast symmetry, breast augmentation offers a personalized solution tailored to each individual's unique goals and anatomy.
One of the key considerations in breast augmentation is the choice of implants. In Orlando, board-certified plastic surgeons offer a variety of implant options, including saline, silicone gel, and cohesive gel implants, each with its own advantages and considerations. During the initial consultation, the surgeon works closely with the patient to determine the most suitable implant type, size, shape, and placement based on their aesthetic preferences, body type, and desired outcome.
The breast augmentation in Winter Park Florida procedure begins with a thorough consultation, during which the surgeon assesses the patient's anatomy and discusses their goals and expectations. This consultation is an opportunity for the patient to ask questions, express concerns, and collaborate with the surgeon to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with their vision.
In Orlando, breast augmentation procedures are performed with the highest standards of safety and precision. Board-certified plastic surgeons prioritize patient safety by conducting thorough pre-operative assessments and adhering to strict surgical protocols. Comprehensive pre-operative evaluations help identify any factors that may increase the risk of complications, ensuring that patients undergo the procedure safely.
The breast augmentation surgery typically involves making incisions in inconspicuous locations to minimize visible scarring. Depending on the patient's anatomy and implant placement preferences, incisions may be made around the areola (periareolar incision), in the natural fold under the breast (inframammary incision), or in the armpit (transaxillary incision). The surgeon carefully inserts the chosen implants through these incisions and positions them to achieve the desired shape and symmetry.
Recovery from breast augmentation varies from patient to patient but generally involves a period of rest and gradual return to normal activities. Patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the days following surgery, but these symptoms typically subside within a few weeks. Most patients are able to resume light activities within a few days and return to work within a week, with full results becoming apparent as swelling resolves and the breasts settle into their final position.
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liposuctionhyderabad · 3 months
Breast Reduction Surgery in Hyderabad
The procedure of breast reduction also referred to as reduction mammoplasty is a procedure that aims to reduce the size of large breasts in order to create a more proportionate and appealing appearance. While it is a way to ease physical discomforts like back pain and increase self-confidence It is essential to comprehend the procedure fully before contemplating it. The city of Hyderabad, India, breast reduction surgery is a very popular cosmetic procedure that has numerous clinics and surgeons who are skilled in offering their services. In this complete guide, we'll dive into the specifics about breast reduction in Hyderabad including the procedure, advantages and risks, the recovery process as well as the essential aspects to consider.
Surgery to reduce breasts typically requires a number of steps:
Consultation: The process starts by having a consultation with a plastic surgeon who is qualified. In this appointment the surgeon will review your medical history, talk about your goals and expectations and examine your breast's size and shape, as well as your general health. They will also go over the procedure in detail, highlighting possible risks and potential complications.
Pre-operative preparations: Prior to the surgery, you might be required to take some medical tests and examinations to determine if you're fit to undergo the surgery. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions regarding the preparations for surgery including abstaining from certain medications such as inpirin that could increase the chance of bleeding.
Anesthesia The procedure of breast reduction is typically done under general anesthesia to make sure you are completely unconscious and pain-free during the procedure.
Incision Surgery: The surgeon will make incisions around your breasts according to an established pattern. This will vary based on the size of your breast and the desired result. The most common incision designs are Anchor-shaped (Wise pattern) or vertical (lollipop) or the periareolar (around an areola).
Reshaping and removal of tissue after the incisions are made and the surgeon has removed any excess breast tissues, fat and skin. Then, they will reshape the breast mound in order to create an appropriate shape and size.
The nipple-areolar complicated (NAC) The majority of instances the NAC is repositioned in a more prominent position in the mound of breasts in order to create a more youthful look. If needed the size of the areola could be reduced.
Closure: When the desired reshaping has been completed, the incisions are precisely closed with sutures. Based on the method used the temporary drainage tubes can be inserted to drain excess fluid and speed up healing.
Post-operative care: Following your procedure, you will be closely monitored in a recuperation location until anesthesia subside. Your surgeon will give precise instructions following the procedure, such as how to take care of the surgical incisions, how to manage discomfort and the best time to set up subsequent appointments.
Benefits The procedure for reducing breasts offers many advantages both psychological and physical such as:
Physical discomfort relief: Breasts that are large can cause constant neck, back, and shoulder pain and also skin irritation and itchy rashes. By reducing breast size the surgery will relieve these issues and enhance general physical well-being.
Better quality of life: People with excessively big breasts are unable to perform exercises and are self-conscious regarding their looks. The procedure to reduce breasts can help restore confidence and improve the quality of life through allowing more mobility and a variety of clothing selections.
Increased body proportions The large breasts can result in an unbalanced, or even disproportionate shape. Breast reduction surgery can balance the proportions of your body, resulting in more balanced and symmetrical look.
Well-being of the mind The psychological impact of having a large breast must not be overlooked. Surgery to reduce breasts can increase confidence in oneself, body image, and overall psychological wellbeing by addressing self-consciousness as well as unsatisfaction about one's appearance.
Potential Complications, Risks Just like any other surgical procedure that involves reduction of breasts, this procedure comes with some risks and possible complications, which include:
Scarring: Although efforts are taken to reduce the appearance of scarring however, breast reduction surgery generally leaves permanent scars. The degree and extent of scarring will vary based on the the method of incision, healing capacity and post-operative treatment.
Changes in nipple-like sensations: Certain people may notice a temporary or permanent change in the sensation of the nipple following reduction surgery for breasts. The result could be a decreased sensation, heightened sensitivity or numbness of the nipple-areolar complex.
Asymmetry: Despite surgeons' best efforts to create harmony, there's a possibility of an asymmetry between the breasts based on shape, size or nipple positioning. Revision surgery is often required to correct significant asymmetry.
Complications of wound healing: in certain situations, wound healing issues like hematoma, infection (collection of blood beneath the skin) or delayed healing could be present. Follow the post-operative instructions for care following up appointments may aid in reducing the risk.
Breast reduction surgery may affect the capacity to breastfeed especially if the milk ducts become damaged in the course of the procedure. Many women are able to breastfeed following surgery, it's important to discuss the issue with your surgeon at the time of consultation.
Healing Process process of recovery after breast reduction surgery differs from individual to individual, but generally follows a common schedule:
Initial recovery: Following surgery, you'll spend an extended period in the recovery area, under observation. You might experience some swelling, discomfort, and bruising. These issues can be controlled by using pain medication or cold compresses.
Hospitalization: The majority of patients are discharged from hospital on the same day the operation, but some be required to remain overnight to monitoring.
Recovery and rest at home: Once you're home it is essential to rest and stay clear of strenuous exercise or heavy lifting as well as the movement of your arms overhead during a few weeks. Your surgeon will give you specific guidelines regarding restrictions on activities and when it's safe to resume normal activity.
Follow-up appointments: you will have to schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon, who will be able to assess your healing progress, eliminate any drainage tubes or sutures and address any issues or problems that could be arising.
Long-term outcomes: While the initial swelling and bruising may diminish within a few weeks, it could take a few months for the final outcomes of breast reduction surgery to be apparent. It is essential to be patient and follow the instructions of your surgeon to achieve the best long-term results.
Tips to consider Breast Reduction Surgery in Hyderabad If you're thinking about the possibility of breast reduction procedures in Hyderabad Here are some important things to keep in your mind:
Choose a reputable surgeon: Take your time to conduct research and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon that has vast experience and a long-standing experience in breast reduction surgery. Reviewing patient feedback and seeking advice from reliable sources will assist you in making an informed choice.
Communication and consultation: Set up an appointment with your preferred physician to go over your objectives as well as your expectations and issues openly. Communication between you and your doctor is crucial to ensure that they are aware of the outcome you desire and modify the procedure to suit your expectations.
Facilities and amenities: Think about the amenities and facilities offered by the clinic or the hospital where the surgery is carried out. Be sure that they are up to the standards of hygiene, safety and care for patients.
Finance and costs: Find out about the total price of reduction of the breast, including anesthesia fees, surgeon's fees facility fee, as well as post-operative treatment. Find out about financial options, or plans for payment that can reduce the cost of surgery.
Support for recovery: Prepare to help you recover by making arrangements for assistance to take care of household chores and childcare and transportation in the beginning of your healing. The support system you have established can aid in making the process of recovery more relaxing and less stressful.
Conclusion A breast reduction procedure in Hyderabad provides women with overly big breasts the opportunity to attain an even, proportionate and attractive appearance while relieving physical discomfort and enhancing quality of life. If you are aware of the procedure's advantages as well as the risks, recovery procedure and other important factors making an informed decision on whether the procedure of breast reduction is suitable for you. Be sure to talk with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who can discuss your needs and expectations, and then decide on the best course of procedure to achieve the desired result.
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✏️Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🌺Breast Reduction Surgery!
🦋👉Before the surgery; During the first examination, the patient's expectations and the reason for surgery (aesthetic concerns, neck-back pain, redness/dermatitis under the breast, etc.) are determined.
🦋The patient's age, height, weight, previous surgery(s), disease(s), family history (Diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid and cancer etc.), medications used and whether you have given birth are determined.
🦋In addition, the patient is explained in detail about the size and shape of your breasts, the structure of the skin, whether she will be married and have children or whether she will breastfeed, the new location of the nipple, and possible scars.
🦋Then, your photographs are taken with 3D (3D Vectra) imaging and more than 90% of the shape and size of the breast is shown and evaluated together with the patient.
🦋Also, scar/scar, nipple sensitivity/feeling, breastfeeding, anesthesia type and risks of surgery are explained.
🦋Preoperative blood and imaging (lung X-ray; mammography and/or USG, MRI) methods are requested.
🦋The patient may need a companion on the day of surgery and the next few days.
🦋👉Breast reduction surgery is performed in the hospital, and you may need to stay in the hospital for 1-3 days. 🦋In aesthetic breast reduction surgery, the large breast tissue is reshaped according to the person's body size.
🦋Excess breast tissue and the skin on it are removed. The nipple is moved to where it should be.
🦋Surgery time: 2.5-4 hours.
🦋No matter which method is applied, there may generally be more or less scarring on the nipple and surrounding brown tissue (NAC/Nipple Areolar Complex), depending on the person.
🦋However, these scars are evident at first, but may become indistinct over time.
🦋The extent of scars after surgery may vary depending on the size of the breast, the surgical method used, and the wound healing and skin condition of the patient.
🦋👉Anatomy: In adult women, the average upper-down diameter of the breast is 10-12 cm and its maximum thickness in the central (middle) region is approximately 5-7 cm.
🦋NAC is between 3.5-4.2 cm.
🦋The weight of a breast that is not in lactation is 150-200 grams and in lactation it is 400-500 grams.
🦋Immediately underneath the breast tissue, there are membranes (fascial structures), pectoralis major (large), pectoralis minor and ribs, respectively.
🦋The breast gland is located between the superficial and deep layers of the superficial pectoral fascia of the anterior chest wall.
🦋Breasts 2-3 at the top. Costa(rib) 6-7 at the bottom. The costa is between the sternum edge medially (inner) and the anterior axillary line (armpit) laterally (outer).
🦋Breast anatomically includes skin, breast tissue (glandular), fatty tissue, vessels, nerves and ligaments.
🦋👉Technical: The aim is to make the patient the desired size and shape, not to damage the sensory structure of the breast, to be able to breastfeed after the surgery if possible, and to leave as little scar as possible.
🦋The surgical incision is planned and named according to the vessels (pedicle) feeding the breast.
🦋👉Techniques can be counted as at least 5 techniques: upper (superior), lower (inferior), external (lateral), internal (medial), base or center (central) and one or two of them combined.
🦋Resection (tissue removal) is performed in accordance with the technique chosen for the desired breast size.
🦋There are 4 types of incision types according to pedicles (vessels); Wise or Anchor, Lollitop, Donut, Crescent. It can also be made in the form of periareolar, Inverted T, Z, J, L, I letters.
🦋The incision selected varies depending on breast size, shape and anatomical structure.
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priyasharmasblog · 8 months
How Long Does Breast Uplift Last?
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Breast uplift is a cosmetic surgery to improve the elasticity, droopy appearance of the breast. While considering this breast lift, effectiveness of the treatment along with its expiry is one of the major concerns of many. 
Concerning this we have taken insights from various plastic surgeons of Breast Uplift Surgery in Gurgaon and prepared this guide. After reading this article you might be able to understand the lifespan of this cosmetic surgery. But, before delving into the tenure of breast lift, it is essential to learn about the procedure in detail. So continue to read. 
What is Breast Lift/Uplift?
A breast lift, referred  to mastopexy in medical terms, is a surgical treatment used to lift and reshape sagging breasts. Women who have had their breast shape and position altered by aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetics frequently opt for this surgery.
Procedure of Breast Lift
Examination of candidates overall health
Administration of anaesthesia
Incisions are made vertically, anchor and around areola
Lifting of breast is performed
If required artificial pads are used to implant to give full coverage to the breast
Closing of incision.  
Type of Incisions
Depending on the individual anatomy and objectives of the patient, many surgical techniques may be utilised during a breast lift. Numerous incision patterns are frequently used, including as the periareolar (around the areola), vertical (lollipop-shaped incision), and anchor (inverted T-shaped incision) techniques. 
Factors Influencing the Longevity of Breast Uplift Results
The longevity of breast uplift results can vary from person to person and is influenced by several factors:
1. Age and Genetics
The age and genetic predisposition significantly affect how long the breast uplift results will last. Younger individuals with good skin elasticity tend to experience longer-lasting results. Additionally, genetics can influence the breast shape and how susceptible you are to sagging over time.
2. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have a significant impact on the breasts. The stretching and engorgement that occur during pregnancy, as well as the changes that come with breastfeeding, can lead to breast sagging. If you undergo a breast uplift before having children and subsequently become pregnant, it may affect the longevity of the results.
3. Weight Fluctuations
Fluctuations in body weight can affect the breasts. Significant weight gain and loss can cause the skin and breast tissue to stretch and contract repeatedly, which may impact the results of a breast uplift. Maintaining a stable weight can help prolong the effects of the surgery.
4. Lifestyle and Habits
Lifestyle choices can also influence how long the breast uplift results last. Smoking, for example, can hinder the body's natural healing process and accelerate skin aging, potentially reducing the longevity of the procedure's effects. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can help support the overall health of the body and skin.
5. Surgical Technique
The surgical technique used during the breast uplift procedure can impact the longevity of the results. A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon will use precise techniques to minimize tissue trauma and ensure that the breasts are well-supported during and after the surgery. Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is crucial to achieving optimal and long-lasting results.
Tips to Prolong the Results of a Breast Uplift
While there are factors beyond the control that can affect the longevity of breast uplift results, there are steps you can take to help maintain the rejuvenated breasts:
1. Follow Post-Operative Care Instructions
The plastic surgeon will provide patients special post-operative care recommendations after the breast uplift procedure. One must strictly adhere to these instructions. This includes using advised compression devices, taking prescribed medications, and attending any further appointments to track the healing process.
2. Guard the Skin Against the Sun
Overexposure to the sun can age skin more quickly and change how the breasts look. Use sunscreen with a suitable SPF and stay out of the sun for as long as possible to protect the results. While tanning, using supportive swimwear or a bra can assist keep breast form and contour.
3. Keep the Weight Stable
As already discussed, weight changes might affect how well a breast uplift works. To prevent stretching the breast tissues, work to maintain a steady and healthy weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
4. Consume a Balanced Diet and Stay Hydrated.
For healthy skin, proper nutrition and hydration are crucial. The flexibility of the skin and the general health of the breasts can be supported by getting enough water and eating a diet high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
5. Take Into Account Support Bras
The results of a breast uplift can be maintained by using supportive bras that fit appropriately. A well fitted bra offers the support required to reduce sagging and discomfort.
6. Stop Smoking
Consider stopping smoking, or at the very least, cut back on the smoking. Smoking has been linked to premature aging of the skin, slowed healing, and impaired blood circulation.
7. Consistent Breast Evaluation
The look of the breasts and any changes that might take place over time should be monitored carefully. Consult the plastic surgeon for advice if you detect any substantial changes or are concerned about the outcomes of the breast uplift lasting a long time.
Age, genetics, lifestyle, and surgical technique are some of the factors that can affect how long breast uplift effects last. Although results may vary from person to person, maintaining a steady weight, living a healthy lifestyle, and adhering to post-operative care recommendations can all help to extend the effects of a breast uplift. Moreover, it is crucial to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon about the goals and worries if you want to achieve and retain the results you want. Ultimately, with the right care and attention, a breast uplift can offer long-lasting advantages, enabling you to maintain a refreshed and assured appearance for years to come. 
Regarding this, you may get in touch with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the best plastic surgeon in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics. The surgeon is renowned for providing the best possible care as she determines the most suitable treatment option and best-suited technique. Altogether, her aim is to provide excellent outcomes for the patient. To learn more, consult her now!
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modernbeautyjournal · 8 months
How Do You Achieve the Most Natural-Looking Implants?
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Many patients seeking augmentation don’t want an obviously excessively large look, but instead are aiming for more natural-looking breast implants. St. Louis’ West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University says that for individuals considering breast augmentation, achieving natural-looking results is often a top priority.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Terry Myckatyn explains, “Many patients prefer more a more subtle, understated outcome from breast augmentation rather than exaggerated or cartoonish results. The goal is to enhance one's appearance while maintaining harmony with their overall body proportions. So the question is: How do you avoid a ‘fake’ look from breast augmentation and get the most subtle, balanced results that fit you? Although breast implants have come a long way in terms of technology and customization, there are several key factors to consider to ensure that the outcome is as natural-looking as possible.”
Continue reading for some of the best tips for natural-looking implants. 
1. Communicate Clearly 
The journey toward natural-looking breast implants begins with an open and thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this discussion, it's essential to communicate your aesthetic goals, expectations, and concerns. 
2. Choose the Right Type of Implant 
Selecting the appropriate implant type is crucial for achieving a natural appearance. Saline and silicone implants are the two main options, each with its own advantages. Silicone implants tend to mimic the feel of natural breast tissue more closely, while saline implants might provide a more adjustable size after the surgery. Your surgeon can guide you through the pros and cons of each type based on your desired outcome.
3. Focus on Proportion and Size
When aiming for natural-looking results, maintaining proportionality is key. The size of the implants should be in harmony with your body frame and existing breast tissue. Sometimes it may seem like bigger is better, but it may be better to choose the smallest size that allows you to achieve your goals. Implants that are too large can lead to an unnatural appearance and potential complications. 
4. Consider Implant Placement
Implant placement plays a significant role in achieving natural results. There are two main options: submuscular (under the chest muscle) and subglandular (above the muscle). Submuscular placement tends to offer more coverage over the implant, creating a more subtle transition between the implant and the breast tissue. This type of placement is often best for a patient who is thin and very flat-chested. 
6. Pay Attention to Incision Placement
The location of the incision is another crucial consideration. Incisions can be made in the crease under the breast (inframammary), around the areola (periareolar), or in the armpit (transaxillary). The choice of incision placement can impact scarring and the final appearance. Your surgeon will discuss the options and help you choose the one that aligns with your aesthetic goals.
7. Check the Quality of a Surgeon's Work
Perhaps the most important factor in achieving natural-looking breast implants is the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation and has a portfolio showcasing consistent, natural results. Reviews, before-and-after photos, and patient testimonials can provide insights into the surgeon's expertise.
8. Maintain Realistic Expectations
While breast augmentation can yield remarkable results, it's crucial to maintain realistic expectations. Natural-looking implants enhance your existing features without drastically altering your appearance. Understand that slight asymmetry and imperfections are normal and can contribute to a genuine and authentic look.
9. Follow Post-Operative Guidelines
The journey isn’t over after your procedure. What you do during recovery is also important. After the surgery, adhering to post-operative guidelines is essential for optimal healing and results. Follow your surgeon's recommendations for rest, recovery, and any necessary medications. 
10. Be Patient 
The final result of breast augmentation takes time to fully manifest. Swelling will gradually subside, and the implants will settle into their natural position. It's common for the breasts to evolve in appearance over the first few months. You can expect implants to drop slightly to a lower, more natural position and “fluff” or fill out the breasts better as time goes on. Trust the process and maintain open communication with your surgeon during this period.
Interested in learning more about how you can achieve the most natural-looking breast implants? Contact St. Louis’ West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University for more details. Call (314) 996-8800 or submit a contact form to request a consultation. 
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