#period lmfao
munchboxart · 2 months
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Frye has to be so loved by the team I mean look at her, cute unique hairstyle and all
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lokiusly · 10 months
OB is the type of friend to say “when are you two getting married?” in a genuine tone because he assumed that Loki and Mobius were actually together, only to find out that no— they haven’t confessed their love yet oh my god OB what have you done—
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szynkaaa · 15 days
I think my OC and Sun Wukong's entire relationship dynamic is that both don't think much about marriage or love or relationships, but they both clearly act like they have been married for 50 years with the way the bicker and banter but also just be there for each other but they'd totally get married and claim because it just made life easier for both of them like yeah the celestial court and all the others are getting off his back now and she has an extra layer of protection and they insist this is a marriage of convenience and yeah they're best friends ofc they love each other plus this is ancient china every second person gets married for convenience not out of love how is that any different than our marriage but outsiders can just see how loyal and head over heels they are for each other and yes there was that one accidentall kiss incident but only because Wukong was hanging upside down from the tree and she turned around too fast and their lips met each other but that doesn't mean anything-
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gwandas · 3 months
the gWyN iS jUsT a SiDe cHaRaCtEr people make me laugh bc SJM loves to give everyone and their mother (literally) an endgame.
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myymi · 7 months
Sonic never thought running too fast would ever be a problem. If you went fast enough nothing could be able to stop you.
Tails had been nagging him about it for a while though, scolding him every time he ran straight into a fight without stopping to think of what might happen.
It didn't matter to him though. Even if he somehow got hurt, it'd eventually heal and he'd be back on the run in no time.
But now that he was on his knees, cradling his brother as he desperately tried to stop the red from staining the white fur on his chest, he really wished he had listened.
The only reason this happened was because he ran too fast. He didn't stop to check for any sort of traps or hidden badniks, far too focused on beating Eggman so they could all go home.
He never thought that going too fast could get someone else hurt.
He still wasn't sure what happened. All he knew was that he spindashed into a motobug, then a laser fired and a horrible, loud scream followed.
It took him two seconds to realize it was his brother that screamed. He could feel his heart stop beating as he watched the fox drop to his knees, his paws clutching his chest.
Sonic had the kit in his hold a second later, whispering about a million apologies to him. Knuckles and Amy decided to deal with the combat, letting the hedgehog take care of the youngest.
They had managed to drag Eggman's attention to another area, which meant that the two brothers were alone.
Sonic had tried to pick the kid up to take him to a hospital, but Tails refused. He begged the older not to take him anywhere near a hospital.
He wanted to die in his brother's arms, not in a hospital bed.
Sonic tried to tell him that he wasn't going to die. They just needed to get to someone who could help him and it'd be fine.
But then Tails showed him his communicator.
The screen was colored in the brightest, most headache-inducing shade of red he's ever seen.
Written in a bright white text were the words, ‘!Vital Organ Critically Damaged!’
That was the message that was programmed to show if they were ever too injured to receive medical attention. Going to a doctor would be useless, they wouldn't be able to save him.
So Sonic just held him instead. He had called Knuckles and Amy a few seconds ago so they could come see him.
Tails whimpered and pushed into the hedgehog, clinging onto his chest.
“Just a little longer, buddy.” Sonic whispered, trying his best to keep his tears from falling as he held the fox tighter. He couldn't cry right now, Tails didn't deserve to see that.
His ears twitched at the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to watch as Knuckles and Amy ran up to them with matching horrified expressions.
Amy dropped in front of them to grip the youngest’s paws, “Oh, Tails..” It was easy to see that she had already been crying, but her eyes grew wet once again.
Knuckles kneeled at Tails’ head, but stayed silent. He placed his paw on the back of the kit’s head, gently rubbing it with his thumb.
It wasn't long until a soft rumble filled the air. It was shaky and it stumbled every now and then, but it was there. And it broke Sonic's heart.
Tails was purring to try and comfort them. Even while he was dying, he decided to put his siblings first.
“I'm scared.” Tails admitted quietly, closing his eyes as he hid his face in his brother's shoulder.
“I know, bud.” The hedgehog ignored the way his voice wavered. He's not sure how much longer he can hold back his tears.
“You'll be okay, little one.” Sonic's never heard such a gentle voice come from the guardian, but he guesses that's because it was saved for moments like this. “Your fight is over. You can rest now.”
“I–I don't wanna go.” Sonic bit down on his tongue at the sound of Tails’s small, broken voice. Every whimper or whine that came from the youngest broke his already shattered heart even more.
He could feel a tear run down his face. He was going to just let it fall, but Amy reached over and gently wiped it away.
“Think of it this way,” She whispered, her gaze moving back to the eight year old, “You can always keep an eye on Sonic now and yell at him for pulling stupid stunts.”
That at least managed to put a smile on the fox’s muzzle, even if it was small.
The air fell silent around them. Sonic knew that other people had gathered around them by now. They were in Station Square after all, there's always people staring.
“Guys?” Amy’s hold on the youngest’s paws tightened at the quiet voice. He was basically whispering, too weak to talk any louder. “Please—Please look after each o-other.”
“Don't you worry about us, keed.” The response was natural. It's what he always said whenever Tails got too worried about them. It was sweet, but he tended to ignore his own needs when he focused on his siblings.
“We’ll be alright, bud.” Knuckles said, still continuing his gentle petting. The fox whimpered at the nickname. He wished he could hear Knuckles say it more.
“I'll keep these boys in line,” Amy promised, smiling at the kid despite the tears streaming down her face.
“We love you, kiddo.” Sonic whispered, nuzzling the younger’s head. He hated how he could feel the strength in his little brother's body fade out.
The small paw that had been clutching his chest finally let go, limply falling to the ground as the little fox released his final breath.
Sonic curled around the lifeless body, hiding his face away in the soft, golden fur as his tears began to fall down his face now that the hedgehog had stopped trying to hold them in.
Knuckles pulled Amy into a hug as she began sobbing. He ignored his own tears that trailed down his muzzle as he embraced his little sister.
Losing someone during a battle had always been a possibility, they all knew that.
But even so, none of them ever expected their youngest brother to be the first.
It wasn't right. He should've been the last of them to leave Mobius, not the first. He was far too young to be taken from them already.
But there was nothing they could do about it now.
Tails was gone.
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jesterofcringe · 3 months
hellooo!! It is I, the totally not suspicious anon❗️❗️ may I humbly request Caregiver Lottie helping a little one who has tantrums? Throwing toys in such. Maybe because reader has to go to bed? ty!!!!!!!! :3
Cranky Kiddo Caregiver!Lottie x Little!Reader
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anon i could not be happier to write this for you ive been having the craziest cg!lottie brainrot omfg :3 also again sorry this took forever,, finals and everything but im finally done!! so fics will prob come out faster from now on 😋 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★You had a bit of a tendency to bottle up your emotions. It was a huge problem and you knew that. You honestly were working on it because you hated when you had your mini outbursts, but you couldn't help but to have a little tantrum from time to time. 'One step forward, three steps back' you called it though 'gradual progression' was the term Lottie liked to use for it instead.
★You were really happy to have her. She was so patient and calm anytime you had one of your little meltdowns. You always anticipated anger that never came, instead being greeted by gentle words and soft hands.
★One of your strategies for tackling your frustration was coloring. To be fair, it wasn't exactly your idea, more of Lottie's suggestion. Whenever you had a crappy day you drifted off and drew a little picture until your frustrations melted away with the crayon you dragged across the page.
★"Can you come to the table and finish eating please? You can play after."
★Of course, you didn't really like discussing when you had a bad day, so it wasn't Lottie's fault that she didn't know that's what you were doing as she called you to come eat. But that didn't matter because you were little, and frustrated, and holding a box of crayons.
★"Darling? Your food is getting cold-"
★One simple request. Lottie had given you one simple request. And for that you decided it was appropriate to introduce her face to the box of crayons you had in your hands.
★She didn't have nearly enough time to react as you chucked it at her. She brought her hand up to block her face too late as the box exploded like a firework, crayons scattering every which way. She stood a bit shocked for a brief pause, before sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb.
★You were fully prepared for her to be angry, but instead her expression softened and she sat on the ground to meet your eye level.
★"Rough day today, huh?" You didn't respond, but she nodded with understanding as if you had, "You still need to eat love, you might feel better when you do-"
★"I don't wanna!"
★Lottie hummed for a moment, considering this, "You can eat in here if you like?"
★"Just have to be careful, you don't wanna mess up you're drawing. It looks so good so far :)"
★You immediately softened up at her compliment, "You think so?"
★"Of course!" She stood up, ruffling your hair as she did, "I'm gonna get your food, stay here ok?"
★Lottie always knew the right words to help you settle down when you got yourself a little worked up. And it wasn't always her words, it was in her actions too. She knew all the right buttons to push to get you to settle down, even when you were being obnoxiously stubborn and absolutely refusing to let her in.
★"Baby c'mon, a quick bath won't kill you."
★You were less moody, more absolutely determined to not get in the bath. You knew what a bath meant; it meant settling down for the night, which meant bedtime. You were not a fan of bedtime, not when you had so many important things to do, like play with your stuffies and finish watching bluey.
★"Five more minutes."
★"You've been saying that for the part forty five."
It was like a verbal tug of war, with Lottie trying to convince you to go, and you asking for another five minutes. You knew you were winning based on how her eyelids drew heavy and she started to yawn more and more frequently. She was a sleepy person in general, let alone how late it was. If you could just keep this up, she was bound to pass out and leave you to do your own thing.
★"Darling I promise it will be fast-"
★She grumbled, and you could tell you were getting to her, "Don't be a brat-"
★ D:< "Don't call me that!"
★You hated being called a brat, and in her sleepy haze she must've forgotten that. Or maybe she decided to try name calling in an attempt to get a leg above you. Either way, you didn't appreciate it.
★You pouted and turned away from her to break eye contact. Although, after a short beat, something floated through your field of vison. A bubble, gently drifted past you. Your eyes grew wide as you watched it float past, more bubbles parading behind it. You pawed at them, grinning to yourself as they popped, before turning around to locate their source. You aren't quite sure why you were so surprised to see it was Lottie, but you reached out and gestured for her to give you the bottle.
★"Oh, you want these?" you nodded quickly, and she kind of giggled to herself, "You can have them... in the bath."
★You turned to look away from her again, as more bubbles gently floated past, some popping on your skin and leaving little wet circles as reminders.
★You wanted them so badly.
★You tried to take the bottle from her, but she jerked her arm up and held them where you couldn't reach. You whined and tried to pull her arm down.
★"Darling these are all yours the second you get in the bath."
★Another thing you hated was letting her win, but you kind of had to admit, the bubbles sort of took priority here.
★"...fine >:("
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voxxian · 1 year
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being half-galra is difficult for keith
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elysabeththequeene · 17 days
would like to say one thing that really took me the hell out with my lady jane was seeing margaret beaufort turn into a tortoise cause like. i knew this show was crazy but i did not expect these levels of insanity
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arachnidsgrippysocks · 3 months
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girl that pussy is furious‼️‼️‼️‼️
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mayxo-hxh · 2 months
how it feels to be on your period
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burning-academia-if · 9 months
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All choice indicators are in, I just need to finish the stat pages and then I can release Chapter 1-
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creaturefeaster · 4 months
Any tropical islands on theia??
Yes!! There's many across Theia, and maybe one day I'll have a full world map to elaborate on, but for now I can tell you about the ones localized around Stolla.
Also I hope you're ready for lore beyond their climates heehee.
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There's a lot of islands littered around Stolla but the ones with tropical-like climates hang out on the south-eastern half of Stolla, which harbors the warmest and most humid climate out of the 5 vertices of the continent.
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This cluster of eyots by the mouth of the Splitriver are the truest of tropical islands within Stolla. A couple are accessible via a local port, which mainly host small, low-denisty villages. Many of these eyots however are nautically inaccessible due to sheer cliff faces, or are too thick with growth & inhospitable to most humanoids of the region.
During cooler times of the year these islands are nearly always shrouded in a dense and humid fog kept in place by the cooler ocean waters below.
The sands surrounding the lower and more accessible islands are a glittery cyan color, a noteable feature almost exclusively seen along the coasts of the Irrandiant Gulf, so they're quite the spectacle for western & mid Stolla inhabitants!
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Speaking of the Irradiant Gulf, all other tropical like islands sit in this gulf's surrounding waters. These very large islands are more sub-tropic, a little further away from the equator. They are still just as humid, and despite how I lazily colored in the vegetation on this map, much of the jungle within these islands actually glow and glitter vibrantly in a range of cool colors from sea-green to indigo.
The two largest islands are populated heavily along their coasts, but very few people live far inland. The largest of the islands exports many unique and unusual magical goods and ingredients to the rest of Stolla.
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And finally these two small islands in the outer center of the gulf have a somewhat sub-tropical climate, but are notably less rainy and have colder winters. Any island more northern than these in this area begins to reach more temperate climates.
These islands are home to chiefdoms of Payans and Garbeators that reject trade and much contact with the rest of Stolla. Though nobody knows how they exist, these islands happen to be right on top of an ancient meteor impact site, the same one that created the gulf, and caused the great flooding of it's surrounding provinces. Also the one that brought all that glittery magic to the world in the first place ^_^.
The islands sport several sheer rock formations of varying heights laced with colorful crystals that influence the growth and behaviors of all life within their surrounding area. Many living things from these islands beyond Payans and Garbeators have more than two eyes, for reasons yet to be understood.
As I mentioned previously, there are many more tropical and sub-tropical islands in the world of Theia, these are just the more relevant ones to the story-focused part of the world.
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shapard · 4 months
Lucifer x human!fem!reader
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A/n: Hope you enjoyyyy!
Been a while huh
They really can't catch a break
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Chapter 5 < Chapter 6
This Arm was very complicated.
The new Features and flexibility were a lot to handle. The Arm was, different. You moved your arm left and right. 
Tears sting in your eyes, why were you so emotional?
Your heart squeezed, the wind you used to enjoy when it glides through your fingers was gone. Your healthy arm grasps the cold metal between your fingertips. 
The Iron creaked under your force. You felt weak for crying. Weak for the loneliness that creeped into your heart. Sorrow, and Anger at the situation. 
You got some information but at what cost?
You forgot everything because of the explosion. Right, the explosion. Where is Lucifer?
“No, No. That’s horrible.” Long fingernails dig into the head from Lucifer. How can Humans be so cruel and stupid?
No doubt that the person who wrote this is indeed still alive and a complete maniac. Who else set those traps right before you and he came? Who would do horrible things to their own kind, just to create the "perfect human".
Putting the letter into his pocket he went back to you. Lucifer opened the door slowly but stops abrupt.
Were you crying? 
Are you in pain? 
Lucifer went with fast pace next to you, His fingertips massaged your shoulder as he searches for your eyes. Your soft cries were hurting him.
Indeed, you were crying. Crying while holding onto your new arm for dear life. “What’s wrong kitty?” Your breath shudder, how long was Lucifer here? You turned around not wanting to show him how vulnerable you are. 
Lucifer pushed you back towards him. A gesture he never done before. 
You hated it. 
You hate that Lucifer sees how hurt and damaged you are. Even with all those self-hatred those eyes of his made you break.
The warm smile he gifts you in return as he opens his arms. All you could do was falling in those arms and let go.
Who could blame you?
“Woah, are you okay?” Lucifer hands went up to your head as he draws a pattern into your hair. You simply shook your head and laid there between his neck and shoulder.
Obviously Lucifer knew you weren't okay. It was obvious. The way you shook under hir embrace and the tears that stained his shirt. It told it all.
Maybe you two will never be but you let yourself fall into the feeling that’s unknown to you. Is it comfort or the feeling of being loved? 
You don’t know. 
The way how Lucifer was softly humming you to sleep. “Just let go.” Your eyelids dropped even after all the fighting you softly snore in Lucifers arms. 
“You’re really different, Y/n.” His scarlet eyes gazed at your glowing skin, no doubt beautiful. Even more with clothes off.
You draw him in. Like a nymph who calls men in the endless sea of suffering and death.  He couldn't care less.
He'd die for you.
A true beauty. 
Lucifer was Ignoring the topic to call it love. Every blind person could see how deep he had fallen. But you were human. Easily Breakable and soft. Too soft.
Still one question was burning in his mind.Would you eat him alive if he let you in?
He’s close to lose all his morals he built up. At first it seems easy to not fall for a human but now. He can’t Ignore how his heart is pumping and the rush of blood making him all nervous. 
Lucifer wanted to stop. He didn't want this. He can't. Not after all these things that happened when he fell last time.
It stings.
His face dropped down to yours as he attached his lips onto your forehead.
His forehead followed right after as Lucifer breathed in heavy. “I’m sorry you must go through this. I’ll bring you to peace. Home. With me maybe.” 
The double standards were heavy laying on his shoulder. Conflicted voices screaming in his head. He should try, but what if it's too dangerous. What if... You don't want him?
What if you hate him for what he is?
Lucifer sits back up. Looking now out of the window. The sun was long replaced with the soft moon who lights up the dark. 
Earth is really beautiful.
His face turns towards your sleeping form. The moon glow did perfection to you. A true Moon goddess.
Lucifer stood up. His pearl white hands softly pulled his shirt off his body. The stains are still wet from your crying.
A crash broke the comfortable silence. A stone flew into the glass, making it shatter into smaller pieces.
One cutting your cheek. You didn’t wake up. With a another loud crash a golden reptilian eye catches Lucifers bright red ones. 
The appearance was different but the smell of a that demon is very familiar to Lucifer.
“You.” Lucifer growled as he looked to the demon. “Long time no see your Majesty.” The demon spat at Lucifer and more demons jumped out for an attack. 
Lucifer jumped out of the attacks and dragged you with him.
The other demons have managed to make small damage to Lucifer but nothing he can’t fix. A snap with his fingers and the demons were burning in the raging red of Lucifers flames. 
The flames of hell. 
The snapping and cracking of demon flesh, Lucifers red eyes pierced through the burning flames as the Demons yellow eyes flashed back to him. “Striker.” Lucifer growled, his teeth bearing as he watched every movement of Striker closely. 
The screams made you shift in your position but you haven't opened an eye yet.
Lucifers hands were tight around your waist, his eyes never leaving strikers. “You blue blooded freaks always take what they want. Leave my girl alone, Morningstar.” Lucifer breathing got hotter, and the flames made it uncomfortable warm to you. 
"Your girl? Hah, never knew you liked degrading." The smirk Lucifer gave Striker only boiled Strikers blood. The rage filled eyes of these two were intimidating.
The oxytocin was thin, and your lungs tried to get every bit of air in. Lucifers eyes worriedly switched to your body, sensing the trouble your body was having. 
Why haven’t you woken up? 
The hair on his body raised as striker shot into your leg, still no reaction. “Y/n!” The moment Lucifer let his guard down another bullet strikes his shoulder, the golden blood poured onto your shirt. 
“Oh? She doesn’t wake up?” Lucifers red eyes quickly stayed Striker. Till he heard the sound of glass hitting another. A small bottle was in Striker’s hand. His smirk never leaving the imp demon. 
“What have you done?” Lucifer doesn’t want to even think about it.
Did He even want to know what is in this bottle?
His heart clenched heart as sweat pearled down his forehead, his muscles tensed. Has Striker poisoned you? But when? How?
“Just a little,” Striker angled the bottle downwards as it substance dropped onto… you. Shocked Lucifer looked down to see you gone from his hands. 
Was he so tense and off guard that he hasn’t realize how you slipped out of his hands? 
Where did all this training from heaven go?
“Drop.” Strikers tongue lapped over his lips as he took out an Asmodeus crystal. Lucifer quickly react and dashed towards your body. His hands stretched outwards to grasps yours. 
Striker laughed as a portal formed beneath his feet. 
Lucifers scream hollowed through the walls and forest. Crows fly upwards to safe themselves of danger. Meanwhile Lucifer laid in his own blood in an empty room. 
“Y/n?” Lucifer claws ripped into the dark wood from the floor, “Y/n!”
Striker walked into the hall of the hospital with you in one of the hospital beds. The cold sound of shoes hitting the stone pavement was uncomfortable and pestered to hear.
“You’ve got her?”
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A/n: I wanted to post earlier but I had to fix some things✋🏽😭💀
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citrine-elephant · 29 days
takin another crack at the vendetta novelization (translated by highball66, i don't have the link atm)
last time i opened tis was in january omfg...
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geminisee · 5 months
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essektheylyss · 4 months
I'm not gonna put this on the other post cuz I don't really want it rebloggable but I do want to specify that like, yes I was being dramatic about Essek in terms of affect, but every part of that post is also quite literally a description of my experience with a creative field that is pretty centralized around a few locations and that has made it stringently difficult to enter and stay in the field. There are obviously monumentally different aspects around those circumstances, but like... look I left Los Angeles literally two weeks after the c2 finale with a very clear understanding that once I did, I was not going back, and that because of that, my career would never look like I'd wanted it to in any capacity, and in fact it was likely that it meant I would not work in the field I'd trained for ever again, and also knew it was the only choice that made sense if I wanted to, like, have a life. And I do! And it's great! And it still makes me very upset to think about for many reasons! So you can see why I have a lot of feelings about the whole situation.
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