#perma one
muffinlance · 1 year
Oh so the clown ads are over? Too late Tumblr I already cancelled ad free uninstalled your app and discovered the power of ublock in mobile FireFox. AND tags are editable in the web version?
There's no going back
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boytumms · 3 months
a boy has angered the gods and he is punished with infinite labour. he is now birthing, at all times, a being that is endlessly long, a draconic snake. the eternal serpent. the boy lays on the bed, hips raised up, clenching down, each contraction shoves the beast a few inches further, but now matter how much he pushes, how much slithers out, his belly is always full to bursting as though it grows inside him just as fast as it's birthed. it swells tighter every time he stops to catch his breath, and he has to push twice as hard after to get it back down or else he'll burst.
oooo I love this idea!! Makes me think of the oroboros, or Jörmungandr.
Maybe when the gods want to have some fun they hold the serpent in, letting him swell until he's screaming and thrashing, begging them not to let him burst, then rip the serpent back out just before his tummy pops. Other times they push and squeeze his belly to anger the serpent, making it twist around inside him, throwing his belly to and fro with its powerful movement. The poor boy is helpless to stop any of this, all he can do is scream and beg and push though the never ending labor, nothing but a toy for the gods entertainment.
And just to add onto his misery, what if the serpent started out as the size of a normal sized snake right after it hatched inside him, but grew overtime until it's thicker then his own leg, and still continuing to grow. As he continuously pushes, he can slowly feel the snake getting larger, and it becomes more and more difficult to birth...
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so-very-small · 2 months
the giantess keeps getting mad at me because i like to go into her makeup bag when she’s not looking and roll around on her highlighter until im totally covered and i’m shimmering. “that was $49 at Ulta!” fuck off im shimmering <3
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banditblvd · 18 days
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Uhhlittle bitty ethubs warmup I did a minute ago
An offering to the ethubsers
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carouselunique · 6 months
Last post about it we’ll be back to art once I’m recovered from being sick (possibly with a comical bit of art about my woes as I try to get my Twitter back…)
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I’m so sorry Mr. Schneider, I should have phrased my ire about your evils in a more family friendly way since apparently I should have known you’d search your own name. Allow me to try and remedy that here:
Dan Schneider when I catch you, by any means necessary I will… sit you down and politely lecture you about why you shouldn’t be evil to children, women, employees, etc. And then I will put you in the time out corner for an undetermined amount of time until you realize the error of your ways.
There, is that better? Is that how we should handle talking about abusers even when we’re not addressing them directly and are clearly being hyperbolic out of response to finding out their shitty behavior?
Great. Wonderful. Good to know so that my platform doesn’t get merked.
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kimis-gloves · 7 months
taken from my insta
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zeyan · 4 months
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escyn · 2 months
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Perma-wip: Hunter and hunted (id in alt)
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emblemxeno · 12 days
If we're being honest, I got a lot of issues with Ingrid because I feel like she has the wrong character development
Her support with Dedue is realizing that she shouldn't apply her negative view of Duscur onto every Duscurian indiscriminately
That kind of thing works for Oboro because Nohrians really did kill her parents
But, Duscurians didn't actually cause the death of Lambert or Glenn, so her development should've been to learn that all those years of hatred were misdirected, and she hated them for no reason
It also didn't help that Dimitri states multiple times that Duscur didn't commit the crime, and Ingrid is still ignorant about it
I have this unhinged hatred of the Faerghus Four as a concept because every time, it's like they're consciously refusing to acknowledge the importance of Dedue in Dimitri's life in the present "Oh, these are Dimitri's childhood friends. Of course, they're close." Yeah, sure.... They're totally closer to Dimitri than Dedue is in the present.... *Internal screaming*
Combining these because my answer to both is similar!
In my opinion, it showcases how 3H's writing philosophy is ultimately shoddy in its foundation. The backstories, supports, and character-to-character dialogue itself is great in theory, but execution it clashed with what both FE usually tries to do and what 3H desperately wants to do.
FE typically has characters join chapter to chapter, with important ones having plot moments, while side characters fall to the background once their designated chapter is up. But this isn't at the cost of character interaction, pre-established relationships, and the micro-to-macro worldbuilding precisely because they're not overly important. You can have canon romances, friendships, familial relationships, etc. because that's all supplemental side material.
3H was written in a way in which the characters were all connected to its grandiose world, to the point where Fodlan itself can be almost considered a character. Multilayered backstories that infer key points in the narrative, each character no matter how trivial having opinions on how the world works, shifting dynamics, etc.
The problem though is that these two philosophies clash already at base, but also run into the problem of FE's gameplay integrated story elements.
None of the Faerghus Four can meaningfully comment on their relationship with Dimitri during a story cutscene because they can die. Ingrid can't meaningfully change her perspective on Dedue or Duscur beyond her supports because she can die. Therefore, all you get are (admittedly pretty good) supports, the monastery dialogue, and other tidbits intentionally disconnected from one another so as not to be important enough to write around potential death. The comments they do get in cutscenes were intentionally written in a way to be surface level and easily replaced. Look at the FEdatamine site for example, where conclusions are reached by Byleth, the lord, the unkillable retainer, and other important story figures, with numerous possible instances of "if X character is alive they comment this, but if X character is dead this line is skipped."
That is proof of how sloppy 3H's writing is in foundation when you think about it long enough. The game that has such an intricate world, thorough details, and fascinating story beats, is actually extremely bad at delivering a story, especially an FE story. Being the judgmental and petty cunt that I am, 3H gets a pass most of the time a) most don't care or bother to care about actual stuff like this and b) the game has the aesthetics of being a down to earth, gritty, serious narrative. The foundational issues don't matter when you have Edelgard yapping about "THE CREST SYSTEM", dark character circumstances, and intriguing mysteries to solve in part 1.
People want the appearance of sophistication, especially after Awakening and Fates bent a lot of rules to fuck around with their respective stories. It's why Engage, despite not having nearly as many basic issues at conveying its plot and is actually extremely good at being a Fire Emblem story (e.g. more character being able to actually die, pre-established relationships, chapter to chapter joining, not nearly as much centering on Alear as the ultimate decider on a character's fate compared to Byleth), is panned because... why? Its bright aesthetic? Its good dragon vs evil dragon plot? Its softer or humorous moments?
Hell, even its call backs to past FE games is called cheap, soulless, or a gateway to gacha (one video I saw even described it as something like "when art becomes obligation" or some such nonsense), despite it LITERALLY being the prime anniversary title. The main character is the Fire Emblem, and the writers-through Lumera-wish a happy birthday to Fire Emblem!!! What about that is lacking heart and soul?
But yeah, again, I preface that I'm a judgmental asshole who proudly proclaims that the audience (at least the western one) has for years been too obsessed with yearning for darker serious aesthetics of FE's past (despite said past being wackier than they remember), that when a new game has them in overflowing spades, the many fundamental video game writing issues do not matter as much anymore.
Aesop for the day: Serious tones and aesthetics are not automatically better than lighter, heartfelt, or funny ones. You still have to write well for a story to be good.
EDIT: Funny enough this is also why Three Hopes is a more comfy environment for the Fodlan cast's in terms of tangible development, because the things the writers want to do with that game's story complements its gameplay. Because KT is better at making Warriors plots than FE plots.
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mrpenguinpants · 2 months
you ever just read your wips from an outsiders perspective and once you’re done, you think, “wow, I really hope the author finishes this,”only to realize you’re the author that needs to finish this.
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popsicle-stick · 7 months
having a segment of a coherent thought about the miss havishamification of artemis fowl
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boytumms · 1 month
An astronaut, maybe part of a team of researchers working at the very edges of the space humans have explored, gets kidnapped by aliens. He's taken to some lab, experimented on, sometimes awake, sometimes unconscious, certainly never knowing what's being done to him.
Finally, though, he manages to escape, stealing an alien ship and plotting a course back to space dominated by humans. Space is large and distances are long, so even if nothing unexpected happens to slow the journey down, it'll be around nine months before he's there, give or take. He doesn't mind, though, so long as he gets back there he doesn't care how long it takes
But.. a while into the journey, he notices his belly begin to swell. Before long it's undeniable: somehow he's pregnant. With what, or how many, he doesn't know.
How does he manage the pregnancy, all alone in a stolen alien ship in the middle of wide empty space? Does it even progress the way a normal human pregnancy would, or does whatever's growing within him cause some weird (maybe horribly painful or otherwise difficult to deal with) side effects? Does he get back to other humans before he gives birth, or only after (or do others find his ship as he is in labor)?
He's terrified of what's growing inside him, not knowing what it is or how long or big its going to grow since he was unconscious for most of the experiments. He has no idea how he was implanted, so he's not even sure there's a way for whatever it is to come out. The aliens must have somehow put a synthetic womb inside him, but he doesn't know if it connects to anything, and he has no way of finding out on his tiny escape pod.
Months and months go by, and his belly swells like a balloon, quickly rounding out and bigger and tighter with each passing day. His skin is stretched taut by the halfway mark, and he's not sure how much more his tummy can take, hoping and praying it doesn't grow much bigger or he's scared he might burst. There's not much else on the ship, so all he can do to pass the time is rub his belly and feel his stretched womb undulate beneath his skin as it warps around the creatures. He's so big he can't find any comfortable position to sit or lay in, his heavy belly always pinning him down or squishing his organs in some way.
Somehow, his body manages to keep stretching as his belly continues to grow, almost in range of rescue after many painful months. He has no idea how the creatures haven't burst out and killed him by now, his belly is so huge, it looks like a grown man could fit inside his giant orb of flesh. The aliens must have done something to his body to allow it to stretch this far, because he's sure any other human body would have long since split apart under the pressure.
It's so huge he can't move anymore, not that there was much room to begin with, trapped beneath his writhing gut. It hurts so much now that he can't stop moaning and rubbing his swollen belly in pain, constantly feeling the unrelenting movements of the now massive creatures inside. They roll and kick within him, sending ripples through his tummy and making him scream and sob in agony. He begs them to stop, pleading for them to calm while he writhes beneath the monstrous swell, helpless against the unbearable pain. In pure desperation, he tries to push them out, screaming and clutching his tummy as he bares down with all his strength, but it only makes them thrash in anger. He tries and tries, delirious with pain, but nothing he does gets them to budge.
Finally, 9 months later when the pod reaches a human ship, they find him inside, sobbing weakly and begging to get them out of him. He wails and claws at his belly as they transport him to the med bay, barely able to breath under the weight. His belly his too big for him to fit into any healing pods, so he's forced to lay on a table, wheezing for breath as he's hooked up to life support. The doctors quickly set up an ultrasound to see what's inside him, smearing cold gel all over his bruised skin and pressing the wand into his flesh.
They see his womb isn't attached to anything, meaning the creatures had no way of coming out on their own, no matter how hard he tried to push. They also see that the creatures have actually become fully grown inside him. If he hadn't escaped, the aliens that implanted them would have most likely removed them in time, but without them, they had kept growing to maturity inside his womb, leaving him with a belly full of adult sized aliens inside him.
The doctors look concerned with their findings, and step out of the room to discuss, leaving him alone in the cold white room. As he lays there on the table, moaning and crying in pain and watching his undulating belly in fear, he hears the doctors outside the door say how dangerous these creatures are. They seem to be unsure of how to handle his case, figuring out what to do with him next, and his heart drops when he hears one say they may not be able to remove the creatures due to the danger they pose to the rest of the ship. With the alien modifications that allow his belly to contain the creatures, he may be forced to hold them until another solution can be found...
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geezmarty · 2 years
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vengeance oath paladin of love and beauty 🌹
(my curse of strahd pc, darcy! she/her)
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dawnthefluffyduck · 5 months
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Drafted on 3/16, doodle to test paper overlay
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a-straying · 8 months
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Big fan of the old-timey prick
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teal-fiend · 2 months
Vore world where reformation is a technological gift from a higher life form who saw this vore society struggling, due to the rampant cannibalism. And they decided that the best way to solve it was to give prey the ability to be revived but only in cases of being eaten by a predator. It doesn’t cover other mortalities. 
This technology is so complex that no scientist can unravel it, and many people take it as a divine miracle. There are religious sects dedicated to the reformation phenomenon. 
For most people, you accept that there’s a chance you will be eaten by a predator. It will be one of the most painful things you can imagine, but you’ll make it out alive and unscathed so really not that bad. An inconvenience at most. But prey know that the damage is very temporary, which makes it easier to handle.
This would explain why prey are not terrified out of their gourd when being hunted by a predator. They’re annoyed and many (although there are exceptions) don’t want to be eaten. It’s not the end of the world though. And maybe they will be offered financial compensation, depending on where they live
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