#personals 🪴
tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
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In honor of hitting another milestone, I wanna spend some time with all my besties. Whether you have been here since my Hiddles days or if you just now making yourself comfy in my little space in the tumblrverse, I am grateful for every single one of you and I hope we get to have some fun and share our love for fandoms ❤️
For more information on activities to look forward to, click the Keep Reading feature 🪴
Dates: Monday, May 22 - Sunday, May 28
Please do not interact if you are a minor, blank or ageless blog
Any asks from a minor, blank or ageless blog will be denied and blocked
This celebration is open to followers and non-followers 
There is no limit to how many asks you send but I ask that you please send one at a time
Please be patient with your response. I cannot guarantee I will respond in a timely manner however I can do my best. 
I reserve the right to deny or ignore any asks that I do not feel comfortable with or do not vibe with*. It’s nothing against you, I want to be able to protect my own peace.
Personals: ask me anything about me and  my life on/off tumblr
Promos: share one of your creations (fanfic, art, moodboard, gif, playlist, original writing) and I will help spread the word about your amazing talents
Games: cym, fmk, wyr, smash or pass (with any hottie not listed)
Creations: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
Mutuals only: send me your fave hottie (doesn’t need to be on list) and I will create a ship moodboard based on how I imagine your relationship with them
All the Hotties: 
My AUs
Adam Warlock x f. reader (Like Real People Do)
Adam Warlock
Joaquin Torres
Layla El-Faouly
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley
Star Wars
Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Joel Miller
Real life
Danny Ramirez
Will Poulter
Harry Styles
*Unapproved Topics:
water sports
scat play
blood play
weapon play
abuse of any kind
Shameless plug tags: @yummymatcha @neganwifey25-blog @wint3r-h3art @crazycookiecrumbles @buckybleu @inklore @fluffyprettykitty @psychedelic-ink @give-me-a-moose @mothdruid @hollandparkersx @frying-panties @buckets-and-trees @blackbat05
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wayward-sherlock · 6 months
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everyone leave i found the best pick up line ever.
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borderline-culture-is · 5 months
BPD culture is not having any plans for the future because you really thought you weren't gonna make it to 15 and now you're over legal age and everything feels wrong. I shouldn't be here. why am I here still??? -🦎🪴
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internetdruid · 9 months
I gave my three leopard geckos to a teacher, they've been promoted to class pets for a high-school class 🥲
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10hrs · 10 months
ok so watched rwrb and yes i know adaptions aren’t going to be perfectly book compliant whatever shut the fuck up i don’t care. anyway. my main issue with the film was the inventing of a random journalist to leak the emails (that weren’t even that significant in the first place). maybe it’s the queer poli sci major in me but turning the leak from an ugly attempted political power play into an act of personal vindictiveness takes away the potency of it. thank you and goodnight.
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thewyrdo · 2 months
every time — and i mean it, every time and across multiple platforms — i try to search for pagan content, i either find:
some reinterpretation/rereading of the gods as characters in some modern media, like games and comics (which is not bad per se, only inconvenient when people don't tag it properly)
christians absolutely flooding the tags and search results because they can't physically refrain from mocking other beliefs and/or evangelizing
[intertwine fingers over stomach] can't we have nice things
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suguwu · 2 months
bee if you don't mind me asking, how do you plan and/or outline a long multi-part fic like mooneater or lover be good to me? whenever i write (well-- start) long fics, even if i know the structure, i find it hard to imagine not wanting to go back to earlier chapters and revise them by the time i reach the end. i guess what i mean is-- how can you be sure you're done-done with a chapter when you're not done with the whole story?
hi anon!!! i do not mind at all!
the short answer is i can't be sure!
the longer answer is that when i post chapters without the story finished, i know i am potentially setting myself up for a retcon or just not being able to execute a scene the way i want to in a later chapter. and i've accepted that.
i do try to have at least a big portion of the next part done or completely finished before i post a part to try and mitigate it! that way i have a more concrete sense of where i'm going by the time i release a chapter.
i do always have outlines (some more sketched out, others a little more skeletal). and with both moon eater and lbgtm, i had the final lines written far before any middle section, so i knew what i was/am working towards.
also, i (mostly) write chronologically, which i think contributes to feeling confident in a chapter being finished even when the whole story isn't complete. i've finished the scenes and moved on to the next, which always feels pretty final to me.
i hope this made even a little bit of sense! tbh i really should finish fics before posting them, but i'm a little impulsive and a lot impatient. it's a killer combo lol.
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transpanda-1 · 9 months
stranger passing by your blog here; if you like Welcome Home, Alice you should check out Inside Mari by the same author! i believe the whole thing is on mangatoto
🪴anon we have to be really honest I don’t think we “like” welcome home Alice… I think what’s happening is we’re a trans woman who’s desperate for trans manga media better then “the hero pulled out the magic sword and turned into a girl” and stop Hibari Kun on loop. We honestly don’t really like this from how it’s treating and writing Kei at all… 😩 it’s like the author read SHK and grossly misinterpreted every possible aspect of Hibari’s character…
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chanrizard · 1 month
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i love you a normal amount dksbsjs hi jess 🩷
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mweiii · 10 months
about this blog 🤍
📎 names: Qwrtz, Fogg, Siam✨
⚡️ dni: NSFW CONTENT NOT ALLOWED! if your racist, xenophobic, Homophobic, transphobic, or just hate people in general. Gtfo 😐
🔋 interact: you can interact with us/ message us if you have known us for a while. But I don’t recommend talking 2 us.
🌷 usual content: vent posts/stories/videos/reposts.
🐾 theriotype: siamese cat 🐈
🪿 prnouns: they/them
🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏻🧍🏾‍♂️members: 34? Idk sorry 🪴
“̥̊⃝𝑙̥̊⃝𝑜̥̊⃝𝑤̥̊⃝ 𝑏̥̊⃝𝑎̥̊⃝𝑡̥̊⃝𝑡̥̊⃝𝑒̥̊⃝𝑟̥̊⃝𝑦̥̊⃝”̥̊⃝
bye 🍓🍰
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wayward-sherlock · 3 months
hot take andrew fucking jackson should NOT be on the twenty dollar bill
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borderline-culture-is · 3 months
borderline culture is being tired. it seems we're all perpetually tired huh /light hearted. -🦎🪴
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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starvingtongue · 4 months
putting a tw here for racism, just in case anyone wants to give this headcanon a miss. this is a semi-part two to this headcanon.
I don't think the Guado intended for Home to be completely destroyed nor as many of the Al Bhed to be killed as they did, they were just there for Yuna to get her to Bevelle. While Seymour certainly gave the order to attack Home, I reckon a lot of them figured it would go the same way releasing the fiends into the Blitzball stadium at Luca. Scare the Al Bhed a bit, threaten them with the release of a lot of fiends, get them to give up Yuna, and then take Yuna to Bevelle without too much damage. But the Al Bhed didn't give up Yuna that easily and the Guado's hand was forced.
I'm 50/50 on whether or not this might've been a turning point for some of the Guado or if they just didn't care about the Al Bhed. It's obviously horrible to anyone with half a conscious that the Guado shattered a lot of lives, murdered a whole lot more, and pretty much forced the Al Bhed to blow up one of the only places they can call Home. But on the other hand, racism against the Al Bhed is still prevalent in Spira at this point, and there's nothing to suggest that the Guado weren't also racist towards the Al Bhed as much as the rest of Spira were.
Combined with the fact that the Guado weren't exactly very open with regular Spirans, having looked down on them for years, nearly causing a civil war because of Jyscal's marriage to Anna & Seymour's birth, there's not much stopping them from being racist against the Al Bhed too. It sucks to say, but there probably were more than a few Guado that thought they were doing Spira a favour by killing a few Al Bhed if we go with this line of thought. If they bought into Yevon's lies about the Al Bhed being the cause of Sin and everything, all the more reason to not care how many of the Al Bhed they kill. There probably were some Guado that were unsettled by what had happened in Home, not fully anticipating the extent of the damage that their assault would cause, and those that didn't care if the Al Bhed lived or died.
Yet, it was the slaughter of the Ronso that made their blind devotion, hope, faith, whatever you want to call it, in Seymour shatter. If the assault on Home and forcing Yuna to marry Seymour made them feel unsettled, this was the straw that broke the Chocobo's back so to speak. Now it's not just one race, it's two races, that they've just massacred. Regardless of their feelings towards the Al Bhed, they've not only got their blood on their hands, but now the Ronso. I think it was this point that they realised just how far from grace Seymour had fallen and how his descent into madness was dragging the rest of the Guado down with him.
Trying to cover up the fact that Seymour had murdered Jyscal and destroying his sphere, trying to get rid of Yuna & Co after they murdered Seymour, helping to release the fiends into Luca Stadium, attacking Home, it all came crashing down on them (Tromell especially) exactly what they'd done. Hindsight is a funny thing and I reckon when a lot of them looked back at everything they'd aided Seymour with, they realised what they'd done. What probably hammered the final nail into the coffin was Seymour being branded a traitor. I'm not sure when this canonically happens (after ffx perhaps? after Yuna's big speech?), regardless of when it does, Seymour being branded a traitor is what truly drives the Guado to realise what their blind devoution has done to Spira.
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kirstielol · 1 year
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d&d day 😊🧙‍♂️🧝🔮🗡️
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suguwu · 2 years
bee PLEASE spare us some capitano thoughts i am obsessed with long dark haired man who hides his face with his helmet
anon i absolutely need you to know that your ask is how i found out that capitano has long dark hair, i 100% thought it was a cowl. your ask changed everything.
(though i would have loved a cowl too lbr.)
on a quick meta note i think it's interesting that they made him such a capable fighter since the capitano role is usually one of a braggart who hasn't done the things he says he has!
capitano thoughts! i...very much love the idea going around that he's a wee bit monstrous under the mask. give me a long, long tongue and slightly sharper than normal teeth.
he's also huge, a colossus of a being, standing tall and broad. he's immovable, but fleet on his feet despite his bulk.
and he is brutal.
he's formidable on the battlefield, tearing through opponents with ease. you can always see him, since he's so big, and you can tell those who have come across him and lived to tell the tale—they are few and far between—by the gray undertone to their skin.
but with you, he is tempered.
it's scar-rough hands undoing your buttons at the end of the day, until you can slip free of your outfit. it's delicate work. he's careful with it. touches you as if you're made of glass, because beneath his power, you might as well be.
he helps you get dressed for bed. helps you strip down for a bath. (he loves bathing with you.) he likes the quiet intimacy of it. the trust it takes to have such powerful hands on such delicate things.
he's straightforward, blunt like a hammer strike, and he maintains that with you. he's unafraid to say what he feels. it can range from observances about his subordinates to how he feels about his fellow harbingers.
he's at his most straightforward, his most candid, when he's with you. he keeps little from you. you're one of the few to see him without the mask, and even then, it's a rare thing.
he is who the mask makes him, who the mask names him: il capitano.
but you—you know another name.
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