#peter maximoff and only peter maximoff
hurtspideyparker · 3 months
The team learns about Peter's stress baking fairly quickly after he moves into the tower.
"Why does this place smell like cookies?" Tony asks suspiciously, "Pepper put an end to homemade care packages after that Cap incident."
Steve protests from the dining table, "Hey, that fan seemed totally normal. Y'know in my generation you do not mess with baked goods, that's sacred."
Natasha pats his back comfortingly as she joins the conversation.
"They came from the kid. They're actually pretty good, here."
Nat hands a still-warm cookie to Tony, who bites it curiously.
"Damn, it melts in my mouth like buttery ambrosia and still has a perfect crunch around the edges. Is that a nutty aftertaste?"
"Yes!" Peter yells from the other room, a clatter sounding before his head pokes around the wall, oven mitts still attached to his hands.
"I brown the butter, it really deepens the flavour!"
"Good on you kid. What's the occasion?"
Peter stutters, "uhhhh, no occasion. I just like cookies!"
He disappears around the corner again, and Tony sends a confused glance towards his teammates.
Steve shrugs his shoulders, mouth still full of cookie, and Natasha sends him an arched brow. Tony isn't sure what that means, but feels intimidated enough to exit the room anyway.
* * *
The baking lasts the rest of the week, until Peter comes home yelling, "I aced my calculus midterm!!!" Running out of the elevator with a stapled set of papers in his hand.
"So no more baking?" Nat asks neutrally.
"Nope! Woohoo!"
Just like that the kid is gone, jumping down the hall towards his bedroom.
Tony looks at Nat quizzically.
"It was midterm week. He baked 3 dozen cookies, 2 types of muffins, and a cheesecake."
"So he stress bakes?"
"He stress bakes."
* * *
It becomes a "thing" in the tower.
Sam eats toast from freshly baked bread one morning while watching Bruce quiz Peter on his upcoming AP history test. Each slice is cut, toasted, and buttered to perfection by Peter while he explains sectionalism in the 20th century.
* * *
Bucky grates carrots while Peter mixes a bowl of dry ingredients furiously, the boy mumbling to himself non-stop.
"Has he gone insane?" Clint asks from the doorway.
"Spanish oral exam," Bucky replies.
"Ay caramba."
"Tal vez pueda sobornar a mi maestra con glaseado de queso crema..." Peter starts mumbling. (Maybe I can bribe my teacher with cream cheese frosting...)
Bucky and Clint share a concerned look.
Clint approaches the boy, "put down the spatula Pete, let's talk about this."
Peter looks up in alarm.
"In English! Just English!"
* * *
"What's up kid? It's spring break, what could you possibly be stressing about."
Today Tony walks into a full kitchen; Wanda, Natasha, and Pepper are occupying the space while Peter pours something creamy into a metal bowl.
"He's asking MJ out tonight, so he's making cookies and cream ice cream in case it goes wrong." Natasha crosses her arms when she replies to him, eyes focused on Peter's mixing.
"Does ice cream even count as stress baking? The very meaning of 'bake' is to put under heat. But I suppose it does feel wrong to call it cooking."
Peter looks up, his brown eyes large and sad like a baby cow, "I still baked the cookies from scratch."
"Yeah he's a real Nara Smith!" Wanda adds enthusiastically.
"Oookay... I'll pretend I know what that means. And since when do we have an ice cream maker?" Tony points to the fancy hardware out on the kitchen counter.
"Oh, I got that for him. We lacked a lot of the tools for basic baking recipes," Pepper informs him.
Tony ponders how ice cream machines count as a basic baking tool, and decides not to argue with three powerful women and their favourite lovesick teenager.
Peter picks up his bowl and moves it into the freezer, clearing away a couple frozen pizzas and a bag of peas.
"Should I even bother with the cones?" Peter asks with a pout.
"Pete she's gonna say yes! Also if you're wallowing in misery with a tub of ice cream we still want our cones so we can emotionally support you with a crunchy treat," Wanda says with a supportive smile.
The others nod along.
"You're right!" Peter agrees before turning around and grabbing an honest-to-god waffle cone maker, with the cone shaping kit to boot.
"Why..." Tony begins to protest, "y'know what, I don't care. Let me know how it goes kid."
The man is ignored as he moves through the kitchen to grab a banana, the women coaching Peter on his manners, flirting, and first date ideas as he exits the room.
* * *
Thor hums around the delicious treat.
"Mmm. You know young Peter, you could have a shop for your creations. Is there a Stark Industries for baked goods?" Thor asks the young lad, crumbs falling from his mouth as he chews the cookie bar.
"I didn't invent the blondie Thor. I was just trying to explain what it is, a cookie brownie! I did decorate them all by myself though," he says with a satisfied grin.
"Ah yes," Thor lifts up another blondie by the pretzel stick Peter put in the squares, attached with a bit of melted chocolate so they're shaped like Mjolnir, "now you are all worthy of the hammer. Ha! This is funny, I'm sure the others will find your talents equally amusing."
Peter picks up his own mini-Mjolnjr and waves it around, "it is I, son of Odin. Don't worry puny Midgardians, I will protect you with my mighty hammer and beautiful hair!"
Thor laughs thunderously at the impression, clapping.
Bruce walks into the room, enticed by the laughter.
"Ah! My friend, Peter has made edible Mjolnirs so you, too, may be worthy. It's delicious and hilarious. Imagine Banner wielding my hammer, ha! Ridiculous," Thor is all too amused by the situation.
Bruce gives Peter an offended look as Thor continues laughing with himself, the younger just shrugging. Bruce takes one of the treats anyways, pointedly not holding it by the pretzel stick.
"Y'know Pete, have you ever considered opening a bakery? You are quite talented. I think the Avengers alone would keep you in business," Bruce asks politely.
"Well I only like to bake when I'm stressed. That wouldn't be a very stable business model," Peter points out.
"True. Although running a business can be quite stressful, so maybe you'd have a continuous supply?"
"Hm. Efficient and unhealthy," Peter nods like it's the perfect plan.
"Wow you really are Stark's intern."
Thor bursts out into another bout of raucous laughter.
"Imagine Stark wielding my dessert hammer," Thor barely gets the words out, "Stark being worthy-AH HAHA."
Bruce and Peter share a look of wide-eyed alarm before joining in on the laughter.
They all share the moment before Bruce straightens up a bit to ask, "what are you even worried about anyways Peter?"
Peter wipes a tear from his eye, "I forgot to call Aunt May this morning like I always do and she only let me move here if I promised I wouldn't neglect her. So now I'm too scared to check my phone."
"I see," Bruce sympathizes.
"Yeah, baking is good for procrastinating. I pretend I'm being productive while also creating comfort food for after my breakdowns."
* * *
Tony steps into the dining room one afternoon to find Peter slicing apples while Steve sits across from him cutting intricate patterns into pie crust. There is an array of leaves and flowers set out on the flour-sprinkled table.
"So is the ornamentation necessary, or is Cap also developing a delicious self-soothing habit," Tony inquires.
"I was just talking to Peter about pie recipes from the 40s and he asked if I could help make his prettier," Steve smiles up at his companions, "it's actually a lot of fun, I can't say I've ever used food to make art before."
"He's a natural talent Mr. Stark!"
Tony agrees with the quirk of an eyebrow and cheeky sideways nod. He observes for a moment before asking something that's been bothering him recently.
"Pete, I gotta ask. Why baking? You inherited your Aunt's terrible cooking skills, and it's not like you're built for other domestic duties. Your room is a mess. What gives? How are you so... refined?"
Peter pauses his chopping to look up incredulously.
"It's science Mr. Stark. Baking is just chemistry! I'm great at chemistry," he says with a grin.
Tony thinks about it.
"Huh. I guess you're right. So, what has you stressed this time? Girl troubles? You get too good a grade in P.E. and Flash is suspicious? Decathlon competition?" Tony lists off some of his previous turmoils.
He hopes it's the decathalon again, those butter tarts were divine.
"Um. Can I finish my apple filling before I tell you? I'll lose motivation if you start yelling at me..." Peter says with a hopeful smile, strain lying underneath it.
Tony's eyes narrow.
"Okay so I maybe blew up your test tubes when trying to develop fire webs and Dum-E may have covered your entire lab in fire supression foam."
Tony's jaw clenches, "I'm gonna let you stew in fear for a bit longer because apple is my favourite - if this was pumpkin you'd already be squashed - but best believe I'm not done with you yet." Tony slowly takes a deep breath before pointing a finger at Peter. "Never change kid, never change."
Tony leaves, distinctly in the opposite direction of his lab, and Peter goes back to slicing apples, now with a genuine smile on his face.
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tiffysdeath · 1 month
obligatory peter maximoff appreciation post <3
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silverzoomies · 5 months
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every shot of him from a deleted scene i've never seen before is like a gift to sustain me for the next century
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Oh so when Wanda literally enslaves a whole town for weeks and tries to murder a random ass teenager (America Chavez) in cold blood and basically abuses the hell outta her husband AND her own variant to be with 'her' kids it's a tragic story of a woman experiencing parenting and loss
But when Miguel takes the place of his already dying variant and is shown doing everything in his power to give Gabby a good life and somehow he's evil and most likely an abusive predator???
Do you see how that don't add up?????
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mrs-n-uzumaki · 10 months
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Erik stares with incredible wonder, who is this boy?
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it-meant-nothing · 3 days
So we know that Bryan Singer hired Evan Peters because he’s a big fan of American Horror Story.
And I’m just wondering what exactly made him decide to choose Evan Peters?
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Did Bryan Singer see— this psychopathic mass murderer teen who killed people when he was living and when he was dead and who’s also charismatic, compelling and a pathological liar, not to mention he has anger issues and also has mommy issues and is very obsessed with a girl named Violet— and decided, “Yep, that’s it folks. We have Magneto’s son.”
On the other hand, he could have also seen these two, which— understandable 😇
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a meme i made while writing chapter 4 of 'pictures in my head'
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lemoniiiiiii · 1 month
fortnite if you can have all this x-men stuff and wanda AND MAGNETO in the game then you can add quicksilver pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls do it plsssss 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
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gibson-g1rl · 2 years
Only One Bed
Peter Maximoff x Fem Reader 
Warnings: smut, dry humping, Peter being obsessed with readers boobs, sort of sub-Peter?? I think that's all :) 
Also, we’re all just going to pretend that morning breath is not a thing, okay? Kool.
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You and Peter were both X-men and at the moment the X-men had to lay low. There had always been a sort of tension between the normal humans and mutants despite Charles saying things were getting better. 
The government was certainly not happy with the X-men right now, Washington was completely trashed as the X-men were fighting an extraterrestrial threat and instead of thanking them for saving the world, the Government blamed them. 
So, there they were, standing in front of some dingy motel to lay low for a couple of days till Charles could get the government back on the mutant's side.
Peter’s arm was draped around your shoulder, leaning onto you for support. He had a nasty gash right in his abdomen that needed to be attended to immediately. 
“Hey Jean, could you get a room for Peter and I, I really needed to look at his cut and bandage it up.” She smiled towards the two of you as you waited for her to give the rooms key. She handed the key over to you as you mustered up your strength to carry him to the elevator. 
“Peter, I know you’re not feeling too good right now but I’m going to need you to help me a bit. Can you try and walk maybe?” He just shook his head and pushed it further into the crook of your neck. You looked at Kurt and asked him if he could help the two of you to your room. He happily said yes and in the blink of an eye you were in your room. You quickly thanked Kurt and then turned to set Peter down onto the bed. That was when you realized, there was only one bed in the room. 
You looked back at Peter and lightly tapped his cheeks, his eyes steadied themselves onto you and you smiled. 
“Pete, could you take your suit off please.”
He sat up as he took off the top part of his suit, revealing his toned chest and torso. You looked at the cut and luckily it wasn’t that deep. 
“Okay, I’m going to clean it and bandage it; how are you feeling?”
“I’m good how about you? You feeling okay?”
“Peter I’m perfectly fine now let me just get some rubbing alcohol and some bandages.”
You went to grab the first aid kit you carried around and grabbed a cloth, you quickly went to the bathroom and wet the cloth. 
You made your way towards the side of the bed and knelt down, dabbing the wet cloth along the cut, not too close to it but just to clean the area. 
“Okay, Peter this next part is going to hurt like hell so yea sorry bout it.”
He nodded his head and grabbed one of the pillows on the bed.
You quickly got to wiping the cut with a cloth that had some rubbing alcohol on it, you could hear Peter groaning in pain as you continued to disinfect the cut. You quickly wrapped a bandage around the cut, and you were done.
Peter sighed in relief as you sat at the end of the bed.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick then go down to the vending machine and get myself something, you want anything?” You asked already knowing what his answer was going to be. 
“Could I get a twinkie pleaseee.” You gave him a smile before walking towards the door. 
Once you were at the vending machine you got what you needed and was about to go back to your room when Scott stopped you.
“How’s he doing?”
“The cut wasn’t that deep, and I bandaged it up pretty fast so he’s good.”
“That’s good well hope you guys have a good night.”
“You as well Scott.” You said as you were making your way to the elevator with a twinkie and a bag of chips.
You came back to your room and upon entering Peter was no longer on the bed but on the couch.
“Why are you on the couch?”
“Since there’s only one bed, I figured I’d take the couch.”
“Nope, I’m taking the couch Peter.”
“Jesus, okay how about we both take the bed, it’s big enough for two and we’ll be fine, nothing wrong with sharing a bed with your best friend right.”
“Right.” You said, offering him a smile. You threw the twinkie towards him before going into the bathroom. You changed into something to sleep in which coincidentally was one of Peter’s shirts. 
You walked out of the bathroom, the shirt barely covering your thighs. You quickly made your way to what would be your side of the bed for the night. 
You got under the covers and Peter offered you a warm smile. You could feel your cheeks heating up at the action and you had no clue why. You and Peter had spent plenty of time together before this, sure you two had never shared a bed for an entire night but that’s not something to get flustered about.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Peter spoke up.
“Goodnight, Y/n thanks for taking care of me.”
“Goodnight Peter.”
You both turned your lights off and turned on your sides so your backs were facing each other.
You had no idea how long you were just lying there staring into nothingness. You could hear Peter’s steady breathing and thought he was fast asleep already, till he spoke up.
“Hey Y/n.”
Before he gave you another answer you felt him move around in the bed and you realized he had turned around. You did the same and soon the two of you were facing each other. Your faces were so close you could practically place a kiss onto his lips. 
“I’m having trouble sleeping and uhm I just wanted to ask if you, uhm if you maybe-”
You heard him clear his throat before finally muttering out what he had been trying to stay.
“Do you maybe wanna like cuddle? if ya don't wanna it’s cool I just figured maybe that’ll help us fall asleep.”
“Sure Peter.” 
Next thing you know, you were both laying on your sides, Peter’s head buried into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands intertwined with his.
Your cheeks were burning, and you were one hundred percent sure you were red all over. 
Peter mumbled a quiet ‘goodnight’ into your neck, and you said the same and in no time the two of you were asleep. 
Morning came quickly and to your surprise you had slept well. The morning sun was peeking through the curtains of your and Peter’s shared motel room. As your eyes were opening you began to feel something poking at your ass. Your cheeks immediately became flushed. You tried to move and get out of his grasp, but immediately froze when he thrusted his hips into your behind and tightened his arms around your waist.
You frantically started tapping his face trying to get him to wake up and after what seemed like the hundredth tap, he finally started to wake up. He removed his arms from your waist and rubbed at his eyes.
“Jesus Y/n it’s too early to be awake why aren’t we still sleeping.” said Peter as he let out a yawn. 
“Trust me I would love to be asleep right now too, but your friend woke me up.” you said as you motioned towards the blanket. The boy was confused out of his mind, scrunching his face up trying to figure out what you meant by ‘friend’.
“Did Scott knock on the door or something?” 
“No Peter I me-”
“Or did Kurt poof in here or something, he’s always doing that to scare m-” 
“Oh my God! Peter your dicks hard and you were shoving it up against my ass!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Peter felt it and his face dropped.
“Y/n I am so so sorry I didn’t even realize I was doing it, I- just I’m so sorry-”
“Peter calm down it’s fine it’s normal I guess, and plus you were asleep so how could you have known right?”
He just nodded his head and soon the room felt silent. You suddenly became very aware of how beautiful Peter was and all the feelings you told yourself you’d bury came rushing back in that moment.
On the other hand, Peter was trying so hard to make his boner go away but with the way you looked in his shirt and the very vivid dream he had of you that caused this problem in the first place his dick just felt like it was getting harder.
 Peter immediately got up to try and go to the bathroom but before he could even try and use his mutation to get to the bathroom and try and get this all over and done with you stepped in front of him. 
His pants grew even more tight with the way you looked down at him as he was still seated on the bed, and you were between his legs.
“I could help you with that.” You said, motioning to his very obvious boner. You had no clue where this confidence was coming from but you kinda liked it.
Peter had no clue what to say, he’d been dreaming of this moment for so long and it was finally happening.
“Uh are you sure- I mean yea if-if you wanna-”
Before he could even process what was happening you pressed your lips to his. He immediately kissed back and brought you down onto his lap. The kiss was messy, teeth and tongues clashing and soon you moved your lips towards his neck, sucking bruises along the way.
Peter threw his head back in ecstasy, his cock feeling like it would explode any second now.
“Y/n please, it hurts so much.” 
You moved your lips back up to his, silencing his begging. You swallowed his groans as you grinded your hips into his; you pulled away from the kiss and was met with Peter’s face twisting in pleasure. 
You quickly moved to pull your shirt from over your head and threw it somewhere around the room. Once Peter realized your shirt was off his jaw dropped at the sight of your chest. 
“You’re so beautiful, can I touch them?”
You nodded your head, and his hands immediately went to groping your tits. He played with both of them, taking your right nipple into his mouth while flicking the other and showing it just as much love. You continued rolling your hips onto his bulge and a few moans escaped as he suckled on your nipples.
“Peter don’t-don’t stop, it feels so good.” You said while gripping a few strands of his silver hair. He looked up at your praise through hooded eyes, your nipple still in his mouth; once you caught the sight you felt your release nearing. Desperate to release, both you and Peter started humping each other faster, you grinding into his crotch faster than ever and him thrusting up, meeting your thrusts. 
“Y/n I’m coming please, please don’t stop.”
You quickly placed your lips back onto his, slipping your tongue into his mouth. The pleasure became all too much for Peter and when you started pulling on his hair, he lost it.
As you were moving on top of him you felt the wet patch from Peter coming, wetting his underwear and yours as well; this in turn triggered your release and you rode out your high, slowly grinding down onto Peter.
Your body collapsed down on top of his and once your chests were touching his arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you in even closer. 
The two of you just lied there in perfect silence, the only sound being the sound of your heavy breathing from your previous activities. 
You felt Peter place a kiss onto your head and you looked up at him and smiled. 
You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and let out a content sigh before slowly lulling back to sleep; you and Peter feeling safe in each other's arms. 
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newwavesylviaplath · 3 months
i think peter maximoff is great representation for smoking hot slavs with crippling adhd (me)
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faeriescorpio · 6 months
resisted writing my time travel peter maximoff fic for one singular day WIP
A/N: For the purposes of this fic i am ignoring Dark Phoenix because this is based off a really detailed dream i had
When Magneto had joined the X-Men (as coined by Raven) after the events of Apocalypse, Peter had thought “this might be my chance to tell him”. But as the weeks passed, and Erik stayed, Peter’s confidence plummeted. He stopped thinking, “is this the right moment to tell him?” and started thinking “what if he asks why I waited so long to tell him?”. Ororo and Raven both tried to nudge him into action, but their pushes only made him curl up tighter into his metaphorical shell. It didn’t help that Erik signed up to be a teacher, and help out with the children, and Raven must have told Charles something because Peter found his schedule included Erik’s class. He hadn’t even agreed to go to school there. As far as Peter was concerned, his days of school were over. He’s just a grown man living in his mom’s basement, occasionally saving the world. Except now he had a class schedule where his father was his teacher, he had a room of his own at Charles’s mansion, and someone must’ve told his mom because she actually called him to let him know that she was so proud that he was “pursuing further education”.
Great. Just great.
Having Erik as a teacher was surprisingly…. normal. Erik was teaching history, of all things, but Peter held back from cracking any joke relating age to knowledge of history. He was trying to make his dad like him, first. And Erik was a good teacher; he was encouraging, he didn’t lash out, though he rarely gave much more than a tight-lipped smile when anyone answered a question right.
Peter soaked up any time with Erik like a sponge. He didn’t attend the X-Men training, so all Peter had was class and the times after class, during mealtimes that Peter normally would’ve rushed off after cleaning his plate. Instead, Peter found himself even loitering outside Erik’s class during study hours, scuffing the ground with his shoe. If the wooden floor was worn down outside Erik’s door, no one would know it was because of Peter. Except, you know, Charles. And probably Raven. And maybe Hank because Raven told Hank everything. And Ororo. And Jean. And Scott because Jean tells Scott everything. And Kurt because Scott can’t keep his mouth shut. And-
The point was, if Erik had any suspicions about Peter spending a lot of time outside his door, he didn’t let on. He treated Peter almost like any other student, save for more tight-lipped smiles. It was probably because he remembered Peter broke him out of the Pentagon, or something, but the almost unnoticeable special treatment gave Peter hope. Not enough hope to do anything about it, though.
Peter kept loitering around Erik. Raven kept pushing him. Nothing came out of Peter’s mouth.
They were fighting a villain when it all came to a head. It was a dangerous mutant, more powerful than the average mutant, one who had been attacking other mutants in some sort of lashing-out moment, furious at their own differences and taking it out on their people instead of the humans. It wouldn’t have mattered who the mutant was lashing out about, as the X-Men would’ve come to save the day either way. But the mutant was strong, strong enough to take out Scott in a single hit, so Magneto and Raven were even on their side to help take down the villain. Or “A misunderstood, hurting individual,” as the Charles in Peter’s head chides. Not the real Charles, mind you, just Peter’s interpretation of what Charles might say in this moment. God, he must drive Charles up the walls every time the telepath takes a peek inside the speedster’s head.
They were fighting the villain, Scott was down and thus Jean was preoccupied. Ororo was cooking up a storm and Raven was planning something with Hank, but whatever their plan was, it wasn’t happening fast enough. It was essentially Erik and Peter alone against the villain.
“What a duo we make, huh?” Peter tried to say as he dodged the mutant’s blows with ease. He wasn’t really sure what the mutant’s powers were. Super strength, for sure, but there was something else there that made the telepaths useless. 
“Less talking, more taking down the threat,” Erik snapped back, summoning metal to throw at the man with a curl of his fingers. Right. Right right right.
Peter threw a hit at the mutant and then bounced away as the mutant released some sort of force field that would’ve blown him backward if Peter hadn’t been out of range already.
“We’ve got something, just buy us some time!” Raven shouts into the earpiece over comms. What were they even doing before then, if not buying time? Peter wonders sarcastically, but keeps the snark to himself. He lands another two hits on the mutant, but it’s hard to get up close to the villain as Erik is shooting metal from all directions at the mutant.
“Got it!” Raven barks, and the mutant jerks his head in the direction of the blue duo. Peter takes advantage of the distraction to leap forward and land another hit.
“Peter look out!” Erik barks suddenly, and Peter turns to see Raven pointing some sort of mechanical contraption, no doubt built by Hank, at the mutant. Which means, by extension, it was pointed at Peter. He steps backward, alarmed, but he trips over some debris and goes down.
“Are you fucking kidding me-” Peter starts to say, just as the machine blasts a beam that surrounds him. It’s bright, too bright, and he closes ihs eyes against the blinding light as pain consumes him. He lets out a shout, and Erik lunges forward, but Peter is already gone.
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superherotiger · 3 months
Your Love Is My Gravity - Dadneto Fic
House of Dadneto prompt: Forehead Kiss
Enjoy another fic for the @house-of-dadneto event! No warnings this time, just pure fluff! Hope you enjoy!
For all that he loved about being an X-Man, Peter couldn’t help but crave the comfort of his mother’s hand brushing through his hair, or the adoring gleam in her eyes as she gazed upon her son. A touch that felt like safety. A smile that made it home. Without it, a part of Peter would always feel out of place in the new life he’d hoped to build for himself. That’s where Erik Lehnsherr came into the picture. ~~~ Or, Peter and Erik create a new family tradition.
Be sure to check out the House of Dadneto event blog if you haven't already!!
Have an awesome day!
@sunsetuniverse @lunasquared @callie-caje @lbigreyhound13
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imavikingo · 11 days
Headcanon that isn’t particularly mine nor particularly a headcanon really:
Most of the characters having a crush on Captain America at some point, but when they get to know Steve Rogers…
They have a bigger and more real crush on him.
Because he is actually funny? And not only nice but good and not the embodiment of “virtue”? He curses and gets angry, is sassy and a lil shit.
A great artist too, like damn.
He isn’t what they thought Captain America was supposed to be, because that persona doesn’t really exist, he’s just a really good guy with a lot of issues too, like any other normal person, but at the same time really caring and understanding guy who is loyal to a fault.
(He isn’t the judgmental man from the 40’s they thought he was. He isn’t only nice because thats what he is supposed to be. He isn’t just propaganda personified).
Most of them would love to have known Steve when he was a tiny ball of anger who punched bullies, even when he was the only one losing every single time.
He’s just really charming and they don’t understand how he’s still fighting and wanting to make the world a better place when he already lost everything, more than once.
And that makes them want to better themselves too.
Of course Steve doesn’t see this and doesn’t understand why everyone wants to talk to him or wants to listen to him outside of missions. He’s just a guy from the forties that’s is too overwhelmed to process everything all at once.
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arysbruv · 2 years
The absolute chaos that would happen if Peter Maximoff and Peter Parker met-
Peter. P: How fast do you think we can go if you ran off a building and I quickly shot a web
Peter M: I don't know, lets find out
Wanda, Dr.Strange, Tony, Erik and Charles: NO- ABSOLUTELY NOT-
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grimreaperofroleplay · 4 months
Wanted to make one of these so, here
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it-meant-nothing · 2 months
I only knew just now that Peter Maximoff has his own character tag in ao3 aside from Pietro Maximoff?!?!
And there’s also a separate Erik & Peter tag from Erik & Pietro?!?!?!
I’ve been using the one with Pietro all this time 😭
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