#peter maximov x reader
olsenmyolsen · 8 months
Vampire Things
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master list
dark master list
MCU AU (Vampire Reader X Wanda Maximoff)
Sudo-sequel to Feeling Used
Summary: You feel at peace with the Avengers thanks to Wanda Maximoff. But what happens when your feelings run deep for her?
Word Count: 3.1K
Content Warnings: Blood, Mentions of Hydra if you squint
Special thanks to everyone who voted on the poll ❤️
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It's been about eight months since Wanda Maximoff, and you became best friends.
What started out as her saving you from a nightmare to watch TV and play twenty questions about your abilities has blossomed into so much more. She's been there for everything. Your training, bad days, and acclimating you to living in the U.S. with help from the others as well.
Natasha rolls her eyes as you and Wanda come running into the kitchen, smiling from ear to ear. "Jesus, you'd think we have children around here." She mumbles to Peter, who looks up from his textbook, a little afraid. "But I- I am a child..." The Seventeen-year-old states, making Natasha lift her head from her phone and look over Peter.
"Hmm, oh yeah."
Without saying another word, The Black Widow gets up and puts her dishes in the sink, walking past the two of you while leaving Peter confused.
You look over to Peter as Wanda focuses on gathering snacks for your movie marathon of Lord of the Rings. Wanda, having never finished them and you having never seen them only made sense. Plus, whatever to get Bucky to shut the hell up about the books. "Don't mind Natasha Peter. She just misses Maria."
Peter looks to you.
"How do you know?" You smile and walk towards the boy. You point to your ears. "Hearing her heartbeat gives it away. She was texting Maria." Peter makes an oh face. "That's kinda cool." Peter decides and gives you a smile.
You smile back and almost laugh when you remember that there was a point when Peter was afraid of you. Being a Vampire isn't exactly the easiest thing to be.
"Be careful, Peter, don't keep filling her ego!"
You playfully roll your eyes when Wanda decides to speak up. "Don't pressure the kid Maximoff!" You yell back to Peter's amusement. The youngling loves being around you and Wanda. He often times feels like a younger brother to the two of you, especially when Pietro gets involved.
You turn around and head back to Wanda, who eyes you and then looks to Peter. "So whatcha doing, Peter?"
"Wanda." You interject, knowing what she's doing. But she ignores you as you round the kitchen island to stand next to her. Peter looks from you to Wanda and swallows his nerves. "Just some homework. Ya- know it's important and all!" The kid begins moving his leg a thousand miles an hour, much to Wanda's delight.
"Oh my god! Quit torturing him."
You send your thoughts to Wanda, who turns to you with an arms full of junk food and candy. Most of which you had never had until Wanda introduced you to them. You decided sour candy was your favorite. Chocolate was Wandas.
"It's just a little funny."
You shake your head at Wanda's actions.
You see, since you and the witch have gotten closer and closer, it's been noticed amongst the other crime fighters you live with. However, no one stupidly had the nerve to say anything except for a teenager dressed in red and blue.
It was innocent, honestly. Peter was joining the Avengers for a Friday night dinner—Gilmore Girls style. When you and Wanda showed up late with messy hair and comfy clothes, no one batted an eye, mainly because they knew you and Wanda had a knack for taking afternoon naps after a mission.
But Peter didn't know that.
So when you and Wanda sat down and apologized for being late, he made a comment along the lines of "at least you two make a cute couple."
Everyone froze, not knowing how to approach the situation until Wanda broke the tension with a giggle—making everyone laugh. Like I said. Everyone laughed except you.
What Peter said only made the feelings you had as of late grow and shrink in a matter of seconds. Your constant battle for whether it was right or wrong to fall for your best friend was now seemingly squashed when Wanda laughed at the idea.
She liked the joke so much she had now used it as a means of playful torture towards the boy.
But your feelings remained.
Since being saved, one person has been by your side.
Most days, you wake up by their side and smile at the thought of them being around forever with you. You look at her as if she was a goddess. You get lost in her eyes and smile when you see her smile. Everything she does, you watch her do with a soft heart-shaped gaze.
You were in love with Wanda Maximoff.
You hummed and looked over to your best friend. "Yeah?" Wanda looked you over and tilted her head a little worried. "You okay? I called your name multiple times." Wanda's face was filled with worry. "Sorry. Got lost in my head." You made a believable smile and laughed. "Vampire things." You joked at the excuse Pitero uses all the time when he doesn't understand why you do or do not do something a certain way.
Wanda nodded along and smiled as if she believed you. "Alright. Here." She handed you a bag of chips. "Help me." You picked up a few more things and started following Wanda out. The two of you saying bye to a very thankful Peter Parker.
When you got to the elevator, you laughed at the sound of Peters's heartbeat finally slowing down.
Once in Wanda's room, the Sokovian didn't have to pry into your mind to know that something was bothering you.
Maybe bothering wasn't the right word.
But whatever it was, Wanda could tell it was loud in your head.
That's the way things have been for a couple of months now. Wanda would notice how you often you'd fall in and out of your own head. Getting trapped by the loud thoughts, Wanda wouldn't dare to invade. She only went into your head to help you with your nightmares. She even did it more times than you knew of.
So Wanda would wait for you to come to her. But you didn't. And things would go back to normal between the two of you.
But as the two of you sat on the bed, ready to watch Lord of the Rings, Wanda decided to say something.
You looked over to your right as Wanda anxiously bit her lip. "What's up?" You cautiously held her left hand. "Is something wrong?" You asked, running your tongue over your pointed fangs. A nervous habit you had yet to break.
When your eyes locked onto hers, not only could you feel your heartbeat rapidly increase. But you could feel the beats of Wanda's as she nervously decided to ask: "Is everything okay?"
Wanda tightly wrapped her fingers around your own. "Yeah... I believe so." You answered without much conviction.
Wanda frowned. "I can tell somethings bothering you." You sighed. "It's fine." You smiled and squeezed Wanda's hand before moving your attention to the black screen of the paused movie.
Wanda knew you were lying.
"Y/N. You can tell me. I promise to listen. You can trust me." She says with a hint of sadness. Almost like she's afraid that you couldn't trust her. "Wanda..." You swallow and look to your left, away from her.
Do you tell her the truth?
You bit your bottom lip, allowing your fangs to stick out and glide along your skin.
If you weren't so in your head, you would've noticed the increase in Wanda's heartbeat and how her skin seemed to heat up under your touch.
"I- I know I can trust you, Wands..." You look back to your best friend with the green eyes of the girl you've fallen for. "It's just... complicated."
"Okay.." Wanda nods. "It's okay. You can tell me."
Wanda doesn't want to give up. Neither of you do when you need each other.
"I know I can tell you. I trust you more than anyone, but-"
"But what?" Wanda interrupts, gripping her hand around yours harder, moving so she's more in front of you. Blocking the movie that will never be played. Her eyes searching yours.
You look back at her and worry if it'll be for the last time.
Wanda's head fills with thoughts of you, and she worries if she's done something wrong.
"Tell me..." Wanda pleads with a whisper.
"Tell me!"
"I'm in love with you!"
The second those words fall from your lips, the AI system alerts Wanda's room in the compound that a sudden mission is about to take place—wheels up in 10 minutes.
You stare at the Sokovain's eyes, and they don't give you any indication of what Wanda is feeling. All you know is that it hurts when you feel Wanda loosen her grip on your hand. You swallow and slowly pull away.
You decide not to listen to Wanda's heartbeat and instead distract yourself by preparing for the mission.
You delicately get up from Wanda's bed and make your way to the door, feeling unsure of where the two of you stand. You don't want to look back, but you must when a red mist stops you from leaving.
"Wanda..." Her name comes out in a calm, defeated tone.
Her body sits still, but her face contorts into one of confusion. Her eyes pool with tears above the red glow of her iris. And then... they fade, and the mist dissipates as she looks up at you. "Y/N..."
"Wanda, we don't have to-"
"You love me?" Those three words come out of her cracking throat. You watch a tear fall down her cheek before reacting and moving to sit in front of her.
Wanda watches you approach and take her hands in yours.
"I do. I do love you, Wanda." You want to say more. But you don't know what. Would you say you're sorry for falling for your best friend? Would you tell her that she's the reason you're even still an Avenger?
You don't know. So you leave it at that as Wanda looks at you.
This time, Wanda removes her hand from your hold before slightly raising it. "Ma- May I?" Wanda asks permission to enter your mind. Wanda wants to the extent of your love. She wants to know why or how you fell for her. Because truth be told, Wanda can't believe it. She's never had someone confess to her before.
You trust Wanda with all your heart. So you take her hand and place it above your head. "Go ahead."
Wanda thanks you and closes her eyes as thin red lines of Wanda's magic extend themselves from her as they enter your mind. You're always too sleepy or focused on your panic attack from a nightmare that you've never really felt what it's like for Wanda to enter your mind, but it makes the ends of your lips curl up. It's ticklish.
You watch Wanda smile and laugh at what you assume to be memories between the two of you. You wish you could see exactly what she's looking at in this moment, but you're just happy to be sharing how you see the witch with Wanda herself.
You feel the magic begin to decrease in your mind, and you watch as Wanda's smile grows before she opens her green eyes back to you. Her hand returning to her lap. Wanda opens her mouth but closes it immediately.
"Is... is that really how you see me, detka?" Wanda asks shyly with a tilt of her head. "Every day." You answer. Wanda smiles and gives you her hand to hold. Her thumb rubbing over yours.
"I remember... I remember the first night you came into my room." Wanda smiles, and you look at her confused before thinking she probably saw that memory. "You were nervous and shy." She states the obvious before pausing. "...I love you too, Y/N. I didn't need to look into your mind to know how I feel about you. I just wanted to see how you feel that way about me.."
The last sentence catches you off guard.
"Wanda..." You see another tear fall, and within a second, you are holding Wanda in your arms. Her head is in the crook of your neck. You let her silently cry for a few moments.
When Wanda finally sniffles and pulls away, you move your hands up to her face and hold her. You wipe away the tear tracks and find yourself nervous to be this close to Wanda. You hear a spike in Wanda's heartbeat as your soft hands brush her skin, making you look up from her lips to her eyes.
"Can I?"
"Please,"��Wanda telepathically replies. You brush over her cheeks one more time before you move into her. Gently and carefully, your lips touch. Wanda feels and tastes better than you ever imagined. Her soft lips push against yours until you both separate.
No additional words are said or unsaid when you and Wanda collide with each other again. This time, the kiss is rougher and more urgent. Wanda loves how you feel and marvels at the way your breath feels on her mouth. She wants more of you, and you want more of her so much so that- "Ow!"
In the blink of an eye, you backed away from Wanda and felt your beating heart break at the sight of Wanda's bleeding lip.
Her hand flew up to her mouth before she looked at you. You who was wearing a horrified look. "Oh my God, Wanda! I'm so sorry!!" Wanda, with wide eyes, looked at the blood on her finger. "Is this from-" Wanda looked up, and you knew what had caused this. You lifted your lip for her to get a look at your right fang.
No longer red.
"I didn't mean to Wands!" You had a sad look as you begged for Wanda to listen to you. But she knew. "It's okay." She licked her lip and felt okay when she didn't wince. "Y/N, I'm fine." You didn't want to hear it, though. "No, Wanda, I hurt you.." Your voice cracked.
This one was one of the many reasons why telling Wanda the truth about your feelings wouldn't be good. You could always hurt her.
Wanda saw you spiraling and getting trapped in your head again. She went to reach out to you but stopped. A light bulb went off above her head. Regardless of what territory you and Wanda were in right now, she could now do what she had wanted to do before.
Wanda leaned over and removed your hands from your face before she pushed you down onto the bed as her lips smashed into yours once again. You tried to stop Wanda, but she knew you would. So, as she laid kiss after kiss on your lips, you found your hands were stopped by a red mist of magic before they could even touch Wanda.
Suddenly you felt very hot.
"Wanda..." You bit back a moan as Wanda lifted herself off of you. "Y/N." She replied with a smile. "You don't hurt me." She said when you didn't answer. You sighed as you looked over Wanda's lip. "But-"
"Y/N, stop," Wanda warned. "Look at me. I'm fine. If we're going to start dating, then this is going to happen."
Wanda was right. Accidents with your pointed teeth were going to happen. Mostly because you were never close enough to anyone like Wanda before. You never had to be friendly or gentle to people if your fangs were going to be involved.
You were made to be a monster, but Wanda never saw you as that.
"And... I kinda liked it." Wanda blushed when you looked into her eyes. "It felt good being... feeling your teeth. Being marked by you."
Your brain crashed.
"Did you like it... the taste of me?" Wanda asked that, on the surface, would appear as an innocent question. But it was burning her on the inside. Wanda needed to know if you felt what she did.
You nodded. "You tasted better than I ever could have imagined.." Your hands found Wanda's face again. Wanda started to lean in. "I only need and want you." Your mouth opened as Wanda closed her eyes, her lips finding your neck-
"Hey guys- Oh my God!"
You pulled back while Wanda pushed the top half of her body off of you as you both turned to see Peter in his Spider-Man suit staring at the two of you. Jaw dropped. "I- I'm sorr- Wait, how long- No! I- Cap said to get you."
Peter continued to stumble and flail over his words until he managed to say: "Quinjet. Downstairs. Now!"
You and Wanda watched Peter leave red in the face. "Well, cats outta the bag," Wanda said, making you laugh. "I never understood that phrase. What cat? Why was it in the bag? It doesn't make sense." Wanda tilted her head before smiling. "The Vampire just said that." Wanda giggled as you rolled your eyes, and even though you were needed for a mission, you and the witch didn't move.
"Wanda, what happens between us now." You rubbed your hands up and down her arms. "Now..." She leaned down to be on top of you again. "Detka, I'd like to be your girlfriend."
"Really?" Wanda laughed at your surprised look. "If you saw how I see you, Y/N, you wouldn't be surprised."
"Maybe later." Wanda nodded and added. "After the mission. But for now." Wanda leaned into you and put her lips next to your ear. "I want you to kiss me." You turned your head to her and placed your lips on Wanda's and her small cut. The pain that came with it morphed into pleasure.
"I want to feel you," Wanda spoke in a whisper when your lips separated. "But-"
"You could never hurt me. I trust you and all your Vampire Things." Wanda's lips curled upward as yours did the same. "Let's save it till after the mission. I can hear Cap making his way here." Wanda groaned, having to get up.
"Fine. But after I have a talk with Spider-Boy, I want to sit down and kiss my girlfriend and watch Lord of the Rings."
A/N: Enjoy this instead of getting your hearts broken
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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layla4567 · 1 year
Imagine with Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
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Summary: You are a mutant with the power to grow plants, flowers or roots. Basically you manipulate nature at will. You always seemed to be on your own and didn't hang out with many people, but a certain boy with silver hair caught your eye. Too much
Warning: None, just cheesy love :)
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I was in the school yard trying to find a good place to study quietly. It was supposed to be free time but I took the opportunity to review some notes in my notebook, so with my books in my arms hugging them I went downstairs and headed somewhere under the trees, but unfortunately my favorite place was taken by Jean and Scott. It was a hundred-year-old cherry tree with beautiful pink flowers that fell to the ground in a showy carpet of petals. I didn't want to bother them even though they were my friends, so I tried to look for other empty trees that are far from people, I can't concentrate if I have people around me talking loudly. Sick of not finding a good spot and inwardly cursing my bad luck, I leaned my back against the outer wall on the west side of the school and sat like a Buddha.
I was quite hidden from the other students thanks to the massive walls of the mansion. In front of me there were more trees that expanded in a forest and nobody near me. Perfect I thought, I enjoyed my solitude even though not many understood it. It's not that I don't like to be with someone, but from time to time I needed some alone time with myself.
I was reading my history notes when in the distance I heard Peter's shrill laugh. He was a few meters away from me but I had good acute hearing. Of course he couldn't see me since I was hidden behind the wall, but I could see him. Slowly I got up and stuck my head out a bit to spy on him. His back was to me and he was talking to a blonde girl, I don't know what they were talking about but it must have been something very funny because they were both laughing heartily.
I felt my cheeks burn and frowned, Peter was on his hips while that blonde played with her hair and looked at him smiling. It's been a while since I had mixed feelings with Maximoff, was it love? no, no, impossible. I pushed that silly idea out of my head. How could I like Peter? He was a hyperactive idiot who likes to run fast and can't sit still, as well as playing practical jokes. Oh but when he smiles.. It's like the day is brighter or the sun shines brighter with diamond intensity, and those cute dimples on the side of his cheeks make him look adorable...! No! Stop __! I can't fall for his charms, not now!
While trying to get those thoughts out of my head, I noticed how the girl was getting closer and closer to him. Alarmed, I slightly extended my hand towards where the two of them were and concentrated on the vibrations of the earth to extract roots from it. I slowly raised them until they reached Peter's wrist which now rested on the side of his hip. I mentally ordered them to hold on to his hand firmly but without hurting him and with a downward yank with my clenched fist I sent Maximoff sprawling to the ground.
The boy was so focused on talking and everything happened so fast that he didn't feel anything and when he wanted to realize it he was already lying on the ground with his hands resting on the grass so as not to break his jaw
"What the fu-" -He exclaimed in surprise as he looked everywhere trying to figure out what happened.
All he saw was people cracking up, including the blonde girl he was talking to, except for a brown head poking out of the corner of the school walls.
Annoyed, he jumped to his feet and said addressing Laura, the girl he was talking to
"Excuse me for a second, I have unfinished business"- He said smiling and then with a buzz he ran away and disappeared from where he was.
¡Oh no he saw me I'm sure he saw me damn! I thought. I was wondering fearfully where he had gone when I turned around and the notebooks I still had in my arms fell from fright.
"AHH PETER!! ¡Don't do that!"- I yelled closing my eyes and covering my face
The sprinter had stopped right in front of me looking at me funny and with crossed arms
"I could tell you the same. Since when do you humiliate handsome guys in front of everyone?"
I rolled my eyes in frustration, now I would have to put up with his sermons camouflaged as immature flirtations.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about"- I bent down to pick up my books but he was faster
"Don't play dumb __, I don't know any other student who can do what you do, which by the way is a very nice superpower"- He handed me the books with a sly smile, the one I knew so well and that made me blush.
"T-thank you.."
The only thing I could do was mumble a thank you, trying to hide my face with my hair so that my blushing would not show.
"Also, I know you're dying for me, or do you think I don't realize how you look at me sometimes in class? But don't worry, your secret is safe with me"- He winked
I opened my eyes in surprise and sighed annoyed to turn around, but as soon as I took a step forward, Peter came back in front of me at the speed of light, making my hair fly a little because of the speed and the wind.
I was startled a little and closed my eyes angrily
"Stop it Maximoff, you stress me out"- When I opened my eyes, he was still standing with that stupid smile that I loved and hated at the same time, it seemed that he liked to make me angry.
´"Ugh don't call me Maximoff, you sound like my mom"- then he made a disgusted face that made me laugh
"Aww see? You really love me"- and he pointed a finger towards my face touching my cheek while pouting
I quickly removed his finger while I kept smiling sideways
"Ok, enough of the talk, I need to study, so if you don't have anything else to say, go away."
"Whoa whoa ok the cat is sticking out its claws, well I won't bother you anymore if that's what you want"
"Thanks"- I slid back down the wall to sit down again while my eyes were focused on my handwriting.
Peter was already turning to leave when he quickly turns to me and yells at me.
"Jealousy!"- And he disappeared as if he had teleported away before I could hit him.
"Peter Maximoff!!"- I yelled but it was useless, I yelled into the air because he had already left
I went back to concentrating on reading as best I could but I was still upset, he always seemed to get his way. Jealous, me? yes of course.. I laughed ironically
but not even 30 seconds had passed when suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek, it was a quick soft touch as if someone had kissed me..
I couldn't help but smile tenderly at that display of affection. Damn dumbass and adorable Pet, I couldn't get mad at him. Even with a smile on my lips, I continued reading in silence.
"Hey did you see that?"
"See what? oh wait I know don't tell me let me guess, Peter and __ bothering again, right?"
"Bingo! I don't know when they're going to take the first step, it's obvious that they like each other"- Said Jean biting into an apple
"Leave them, they love each other in their own way"- Scott said as he played with a stone, throwing it into the air to catch it again.
"Oh you mean Peter talking to girls and __ getting jealous while hitting him with her magical roots?"
They both burst out laughing imagining the scene.
"Yep, so romantic"- He laughed
And so they both stayed laughing under the cherry tree and looking at the two almost lovebirds, each one in a corner of the yard.
_ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
i know, i know i said I wouldn't do this again but guess what? I have a lot of free time and wattpad one shots tempt me
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Guard: You have one phone call, use it well
Y/n: Okay don't panic-
Kate: We're in jail!
Yelena: Yes but it was pretty funny no?
Peter: Mr Starks going to kill me
Y/n: I've got this calm down!
Calls the one person who she knows won't be mad
SW laughing as she's let through to get all of you: What the hell happened?
Y/n: Babe lets just go home please we're so tired
SW: Yeahhhh home isn't any better for any of you
The group panics
SW looks at Kate: Clint's making you clean all of the arrows and quivers
Looks at Peter: Tony's taking the suit away until all of his labs are spotless
Looks at Yelena: Sweet Yelena, Nat's making you spend time with Alexi
Yelena: That is bullshit. Why am I not cleaning something like the others?
SW shrugs: Nat can clean up after herself unlike the others thats why
Looks at you: Wanda has her own special punishment for you
Y/n: That's probably not as fun as it sounds is it?
SW: It is for me!
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New Girl [04]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
(slow burn, endgame, as in you’ll be seeing some short term pairings here and then as well)
Word count: 3,512
Warning: cursing, a little self-doubt, not much else really
Summary:  Life threw you a curve ball when you walked in on  your long term  boyfriend making out with someone who definitely wasn’t  you. Since  living with him was no longer an option, you’ve ventured out  at the  advice of a work friend and found the absolute perfect loft to  reside  in. The only issue?
You suddenly have four very odd roommates.
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[04]: BE NICE
It was late when you got home from your fourth date with Pietro. So far, Scott Lang was two for two because you really liked the quick witted man he gave your number to. Pietro was funny, made you feel seen, lighthearted, charismatic, and, by God, was he handsome. Enough so that you thought you might be ready to invite him to the loft. That was a good fifth date, right? A home cooked meal? Now, you just had to learn how to make a home cooked meal.
As you tiptoed further into the loft, Bucky suddenly sat up from where he was lying on the couch. You tilted your head curiously. He was in his pajamas and had bed head, but he was not in his bed. You pointed at him, “Aw, are you and Sam fighting again? Haven’t you heard? You’re not supposed to go to bed angry with each other.”
“Funny.” Bucky groaned and rubbed his face. You came over to sit on the couch beside him, forcing him to pull his legs in so you didn’t land on them. “How was the date?”
“Dreamy and perfect and amazing.” You gushed with a sigh, flopping over to lean onto him. Bucky just chuckled and lightly pushed you back into a seated position. You motioned to his room, “If you’re out here then I assume Sam’s date went super good too?”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah, they’re in there.”
“Have I mentioned that it’s super weird that any time one of you brings a girl home the other has to sleep on the couch like some sort of vagabond?”
You continued on as if there hadn’t been an interruption, “I mean, at our age, this should not be an issue we run into. That you run into, I should say.”
“Sam runs into the issue too.” He argued.
You scrunched your nose at him, “For as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve only seen you on the couch, Buck. Which is fine! You just want to take it slow and find someone with an emotional connection. I get that.”
Bucky shook his head, “Nuh uh. No, I’m not looking for an emotional connection. I hook up with girls!” You tilted your head and he pointed at you. “I hook up with girls, [Name].”
“Okie dokie, Buckaroo.” You chirped and he audibly groaned at the nickname. You gave his leg a couple pats, “You wanna come sleep in my room with me?”
Bucky blinked in surprise, then leaned back a little, “Sleep…in your room… with you?”
You rolled your eyes, “God, you’re such a boy. I have a king-sized bed, idiot. We can share.”
“I am a man.” Bucky said firmly and when you shot him a skeptical look he glared at you. “I am a man, and a man cannot sleep in a bed with a woman that he hasn’t had sex with before.”
You nodded, “Okay, we can have sex first if it helps.”
“Aw, would you do that for me?” Bucky cooed.
“I would.” You replied. “I would suffer through that for your sake. I’m a good friend like that.”
Bucky chuckled, “I’m so honored.” He pointed to the hall. “Speaking of favors, I took a look at the closet door in there for you.”
“Really?” You asked. “Did you fix it?”
“No. It can’t be fixed.” Bucky replied dryly. “You’re gonna have to live with the door just sticking.”
You scoffed, “What do you mean??”
“It’s the gear itself. We’d have to replace the entire thing.”
“Well, then fine.” You shrugged. “I’ll email the landlord and have him—”
Bucky reached forward to press his hand against your mouth to stop you from talking, “No, no, no. No, emailing the landlord.” You tried to talk through his hand, but he interrupted you again. “Doll, I’m serious. Do not email that asshat Zemo. Don’t do it.”
You licked his hand and he yanked it back with a groan of disgust. He rubbed his hand against the blanket covering him. You ignored his complaining, “Why not? This is his job. Upkeep of the apartment. He should hire sometime to replace the closet for us.”
“Don’t email Zemo.” Bucky warned you again.
He gave you a hardened look and you sighed, “Fine. I am going to invite Pietro to family dinner though by the way.”
“What??” Bucky asked in surprise. “You can’t do that.”
“You’re bossing me around a lot tonight.”
“It’s family dinner.” He said firmly. “As in loft family.”
You scoffed, “I want Pietro to be family. Does that count?” Bucky shook his head, and you narrowed your eyes at him. “Well, I’m calling a loft vote on that in the morning.”
“You think you can win over the boys on this?” Bucky grinned.
“Yes, because I’ll tell them that if they let me invite Pietro then I’ll also invite Natasha.” You smirked.
Bucky’s smile faltered, “Fuck.”
You rose from the couch with a victorious grin and moved to head towards your room. You glanced over your shoulder and motioned forward, “You coming?”
“Nah.” Bucky gave you a small smile. “Me and the couch are good friends.”
“Aw.” You cooed. “You’re an adorable little husband. Sam should be so proud.”
Bucky flipped you off as he fell back onto the couch. You chuckled again, wished him a good night, and then left to go get ready for bed.
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It was kind of adorable that all the guys had started this family dinner thing. The premise was that they’d get to sit down and catch up with one another at least once a month. Such a sweet meeting to plan out. The only thing was that you and the boys definitely saw each other nearly every single day and night. Not just as passing roommates either. There was no need to catch up with any of them because you knew every single little thing going on with them and vice versa. Still, the idea of it was cute.
“They’re really…” You tried to think of a word to describe your boys as the elevator doors opened to your floor. “They’re family. Yeah.”
Pietro chuckled from beside you, “From what you’ve told me, they sound incredible.”
“Also, if Clint starts talking to you about waterfront property, just say no.” You stopped outside your apartment door. “And if Peter asks if you want to sponsor his band, again just say no. And if—”
“[Name].” Pietro set his hand on your lower back and gave you a charming smile that made your stomach flip. God, he was cute. His white-gray shaggy hair gave him a boyish look that you found endearing and you loved that when he smiled it showed in his blue eyes. Plus, his Sokovian accent made you a little weak in the knees. “I am very excited to meet them.”
You nodded and opened the door nervously. This was the first guy you’d dated since John which was stressful enough, and now it was the first guy you were bringing home to your boys. When you stepped in, you noticed Natasha was already here. You couldn’t see her, but Peter was standing in the living room, holding a beer, staring into the kitchen with wide, dazed eyes. Also in the living room were Sam and Bucky. Both men were sitting on the couch with drinks of their own. You assumed that meant Clint was in the kitchen with Natasha. He tended to linger around her like a lost puppy.
All eyes drifted over to the two of you, and you raised a hand in greeting, “Hey, guys! This is Pietro. Pietro, this is Peter, Bucky, Sam, and…” As Clint and Natasha walked out of the kitchen, you introduced them as well, “Natasha and Clint.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you.” Pietro added.
Peter pointed at him, “You from England or something dude?”
“Does he sound British, idiot?” Sam scoffed.
Natasha gave Pietro a smile and offered to get him a drink, dragging him to the kitchen, and you shot her a thankful look before snapping your gaze to the boys. You pointed down the hall with a hiss, “Loft meeting now.”
The boys followed you to the bathroom and when they all entered, you whipped around to glare at them. Peter shook his head, “This is your second loft meeting in one week. You need to pace yourself.”
“Be nice to Pietro.” You said, “No mean jokes, no ‘are you british’ bullshit—”
“It was a legitimate question!” Peter argued.”
Sam gave you a small smile, “I promise, we’ll be good.”
“Yeah. Scout’s honor.” Clint held a hand over his heart with a wide grin.
You gave them thankful smiles and they began to file out. As Bucky tried to leave though, you shot your hand out to stop him. Bucky gave you a curious look and you gave him a hard one, “I’m serious. I know you didn’t want him here for family dinner, but please be nice.”
“I’m so nice!”
“Just—Just don’t do that thing with the staring.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you in a light glare, “What staring thing?”
“You stare at people sometimes and it makes them uncomfortable!”
“This is the first I’m hearing of this.” Bucky argued.
You pointed at him, “I’ve literally seen Sam yell at you about this before.”
“Yeah, but that’s just Sam. No one listens to Sam.”
“You don’t listen to Sam.” You retorted. “But today you should, and you should listen to me too. Please, Bucky, I am begging you.”
“Okay!” Bucky cried in exasperation. “I’ll be nice to him, [Name]. Relax.”
You twisted your lips in minor distrust while Bucky just held his hands up in mock surrender while backpedaling out of the room. Bucky had somehow wormed his way into your dumb heart. Natasha was your best friend forever and ever, but Bucky was getting there. You had never had a best guy friend before, and you really liked it. You loved all the boys, obviously, but you and Bucky had just managed to click.
It’d kill you if your new best guy friend didn’t like your new boyfriend. You had never been the kind to need external approval like this, but after everything that happened with John you didn’t fully trust yourself yet.
After your talk with the boys, they had gotten better. Enough so that you felt like you could let your guard down a little and just enjoy the night. Natasha had pulled you aside at one point to tell you she approved and thought he was a good guy for you, Peter immediately decided to like him the moment Pietro mentioned he had actually seen the Guardians play once a while back and thought they were great and thought it didn’t seem like Sam and Clint clicked with Pietro on a personal level they were still being civil. Bucky, on the other hand, was just silent. Wearing that stupid look of boredom that you wanted to smack off his face.
“Your friends are great.” Pietro mumbled to you as he walked over to help you grab dessert from the kitchen. He set a hand on your lower back and you beamed at him. Pietro tilted his head a little, “I don’t think Bucky’s my biggest fan, but…”
“Bucky’s just…a grumpy old man.” You grumbled.
“Isn’t he only a couple years older than us?”
“It’s a mentality.” You replied. The two of you went back to the table setting down the cake Natasha had brought with her. You sat down in your seat with a shrug, “So, Pietro is actually a bit of a beer guru. He’s been to all the local breweries.” You reached over to squeeze Pietro’s forearm, “Bucky’s a bartender, you know? At a local place called the Red Star.”
Pietro nodded with a grin, “Oh, yes, I know of it. My friends speak highly of it.”
“What’s your favorite brewery?” Bucky asked.
Pietro’s eyes widened at being asked a question from him and you settled in your seat happily. You knew alcohol was a sure-fire way to get your friend talking. Your date chuckled, “Torch & Crown is one of my favorites.”
“Oh, nice.” Bucky nodded, then shrugged, “I mean, they serve pretentious swill water but—”
You slammed your hands on the table and pushed to stand up, “Hey, Bucky, there’s a thing I wanna show you out in the hallway.”
Bucky rolled his eyes but set down his beer and stood to follow you out the front door. You heard Clint awkwardly clear his throat and lift a plate, “So, cake, huh?”
The moment Bucky was clear of the doorway, you slammed the front door shut nearly catching his heels. He let out a complaint, but it didn’t faze you at all. You lightly shoved at his chest, “You said you wouldn’t be mean tonight!”
“I’m not being mean!” Bucky argued.
“You haven’t said a word all night except when you were being an ass about his favorite brewery!”
“Well, I’m sorry your boyfriend has shit taste in beer.” Bucky shrugged. “And Steve says if I don’t have something nice to say then I shouldn’t say anything at all. I was doing you a favor.”
Bucky had mentioned his friend Steve in the past, but you had yet to meet the man. You scoffed at his excuse though and crossed your arms in frustration, “Why don’t you like him?? Why are you being so rude?”
“Rude?” Bucky scoffed. “I haven’t even brought up the fact that his cool gray hair doesn’t match his dumb eyebrows—”
“Or the fact that he’s a blogger/bike messenger—”
“Oh my God!”
“I’m being so damn nice!”
You threw your hands out in frustration, “I just want the two of you to get along, Buck, is that so much to ask?”
“And I thought you said you were gonna try!”
Bucky shook his head, “Why does it matter?? [Name], do you like him?”
“Yeah!” You snapped. “I like him a lot! He’s the first guy since John that I’m even interested in.” Bucky’s lips pressed together tightly. “I think he’s nice and funny and I like his face and you know what? I wanna have sex with him. That’s right! You heard it here first! I wanna make sweet, sweet love to that hot piece of man.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “And you know what I just decided? I don’t give a damn if you don’t like him, Bucky!”
“Oh yeah?” Bucky challenged.
Bucky scoffed, “Then why do you care so damn much if I’m nice to him??”
You opened our mouth to find that you had nothing to say. Slowly, you closed your mouth again, clenching your jaw, and you watched as Bucky’s gaze softened. He let out a sigh, but before he could speak again the door swung open. You both turned to see Sam leaning in the doorway.
“Hey, guys.” Sam greeted. “Couple things, we saved you both a piece of cake, and also we can hear everything you’re saying.” Sam’s eyes darted to you and widened a bit. “Everything.” There was an awkward beat then he nodded his head. “Alright, continue.”
Sam closed the door again and you wondered if it would be better to just turn around and fall down the elevator shaft. You buried your face in your hands in embarrassment, “Why am I so bad at this?”
“You’re not bad at this, doll.” Bucky sighed. He pulled your hands away from your face then motioned to the door. “Come on.” He pushed the door open and dragged you back inside. Awkwardly you took your seat beside Pietro, and Bucky sat back down across from you. Bucky broke the silence, “Have you been to Brooklyn Brewery, Pietro?”
“Uh…” Pietro shook off the shock then nodded, “Yeah. I have it’s really great. Their Bel Air Sour is amazing.”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah, you gotta try their Brooklyn Black Ops. It’s limited, but life changing. Clint chugged nine this one time we went, and we found him passed out in the back alley half hanging out of a dumpster.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Clint jumped in, eyes darting to Natasha in embarrassment, “There is so much more to that story!”
“Like?” Sam chuckled.
“Like it was a bet, and I totally won that bet.” Clint argued.
Just like that the awkward air was broken and comfortable conversation surrounded the table. As Pietro laughed as a story Sam was telling about another misadventure Clint had at a different brewery, you glanced at Bucky and gave him a thankful smile. Bucky winked once and lifted his beer a bit before taking a sip.
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“This was a lot of fun. We should do it again soon!” Pietro said as he called out his good-byes. You walked him towards the door and Sam pushed off the couch to walk over.
“I’ll text you about our next show!” Peter called out from the kitchen.
Bucky walked out from the kitchen and stood by Sam and the lovebirds. Sam held his hand out, “We’ll walk Pietro to the elevator, [Name]. I think Nat was looking for you.”
“Oh. Okay.” You said skeptically. You turned to Pietro, “So…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch?” Pietro asked with a smile.
You nodded happily. The boy leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips and from behind them on the couch Clint began to whistle. You whipped around to discreetly flip him off before saying one more quick goodbye. Bucky opened the front door and motioned for them to go first. Sam cleared his throat, “It was great to meet you, kid.”
“Yes. Likewise.” Pietro agreed as they got to the elevator. “She told me her friends were great, and I can see it was the truth. She cares about you all dearly.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” Sam clapped him on the shoulder.
Bucky gave him a small smile, arms crossed, “What he said. You know, we should go out one night. Hit a brewery.”
Pietro’s eyes widened with a grin, “That’d be great!”
“Yeah, it’ll be good to have you around.” Bucky reached out and clapped him on the shoulder as the doors dinged open. Rather than clap him and release though, Bucky squeezed down on his shoulder hard enough for the kid to flinch a bit. Bucky gave him a menacing grin, “It’s good to call you a friend, Maximoff. Here’s the thing though, you hurt [Name] and the cops will not find your body. Got me?”
Sam gave the kid his own grin while nodding in agreement. Bucky lightly shoved him into the elevator and Pietro was still trying to find a response when the doors shut. Sam laughed to himself as they turned to head back to the loft, “You’re a scary son of a bitch when you wanna be, you know?”
“I’m aware.” Bucky replied. “He seemed like a good guy though and [Name] seems happy.” He tilted his head a bit. “Wish the kid wasn’t so scrawny though.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, it’d make me feel better if she was going out with a guy that didn’t look like the wind could blow him away.” Bucky scoffed.
Sam smirked, “You want someone who can protect her?” Bucky nodded. “Someone kind of thick and well built? Can throw a punch if need be?”
“Exactly.” Bucky replied with a shake of his head as he slipped into the loft. Sam chuckled to himself again. His old friend was a scary son of bitch sometimes, but he was an oblivious son of bitch all the time when it came to anything emotional.
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
⌜↳ lumea mea ˖⁺⌟
✩ pairing: pietro x reader ✩ requested: yes | no ✩ prompts: none ✩ cw: shitty google translate romanian sokovian, no pronouns or gender descriptors for reader (please correct me if i missed anything), not proofread 
✩ word count: 0.45k ✩ a/n: just in a pietro kinda mood since i just finished my mcu script for him. this idea popped into my head so i figured i'd write it down. hope you like it as much as i did :))
summary: pietro always makes you feel like the luckiest person alive, even if he won't tell you exactly what he's saying
you can also read this on ao3
₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚· You lay on the couch, head against his chest and knees curled up against your own. You can hear his heartbeat in one ear, and the screams from the movie you're watching in the other, although you aren't paying much attention to the film anymore. His hand absent mindedly caresses your arm to comfort you, pulling you in tighter when you flinch at the screen. You hide your face in his shirt at one particularly scary part. Pietro laughs a little, holding you close to him. "It's just a movie, remember? I'm right here, iubirea mea. Right here" He emphasizes, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Nothing to be afraid of." You pull your head away to look up at him, face still flushed from the jump scare, "What does that mean?" "Nothing to be afraid-" "No not that," you roll your eyes and try to hold back a smile, seeing a smirk already on your boyfriend's face. "What you said before that. What does it mean?" His smirk widens, "What? Iubirea mea?" his hand moving to the small of your back to support you as you shift your position closer to him, "Where's the fun in it if I tell you, dragă?" Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and feigned frustration, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you feel heat rush to your cheeks "That one too! I want to know what it means." "So many questions!" he teases with a shit-eating grin, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours. He thinks his heart might burst when you place your hands on his chest to balance your weight. His cocky grin slowly softens into a loving smile, which you gladly reciprocate.  You feel his lips slightly brush against yours as he leans closer to nudge your nose with his, softly rubbing your back with his thumb, "Vrei să spui lumea pentru mine, dragă. Tu ești totul pentru mine. My everything."  You can't help but smile and feel your stomach swarm with butterflies, cheeks warming at his softness. You lean in that little bit more to softly press your lips against his, both of you hazily smiling into it as the late hour finally catches up to you. You've decided you don't need a direct translation of what it means; he always shows you all that you need to know. You pull away, burying your face in his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his torso. You mumble out a quiet, "I love you." "I love you more, dragă." "Not possible." Neither of you have the energy to continue your banter as the both of you give in and let sleep consume you. ₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚· TRANSLATIONS: (again, im so sorry if these translations are horrible, but this is the intended meaning lmao) "Iubirea mea" - my love "Dragă" - dear; darling "Vrei să spui lumea pentru mine, dragă. Tu ești totul pentru mine." - You mean the world to me, darling. You are everything to me.
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mendesxruel · 2 years
𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚, 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚, 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒚 | 𝐏. 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
summary: angst + fluff, mention of an argument with Pietro and how it sorts out later
warnings: mentions of arguing, mention of breakfast
words: 430+
library account: @lolaslibrary | marvel masterlist
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Cuddling was very special for you and Pietro. It brought you peace and quiet, and for him, it felt good having you in his arms, he liked the warm feeling of keeping you protected.
It had become a habit for the two of you since you moved in together. It was always the same way: after you two clean up from having dinner, you’d put on your favourite, most comfortable set of pyjamas, snuggle underneath some blankets and wait for Pietro to do the same and come hold you.
Although, this night was different.
You didn’t want to think about the arguing that had happened an hour ago, it had been too much, so you just stayed quiet, internalising your feelings. You had even forgotten what it was all about - you didn’t exactly want to remember it - you were tired and just wanted to rest.
You could see Pietro pacing around the rooms from the corner of your eye. Instead of a fast, impatient pace, he walked around slowly.
Tilting your head slightly to the side, you noticed the bitter look on his face. He unconsciously tried to hide his distressed expression by staring at the floor, and running his hand through his hair and face, with a million thoughts in his head.
His body wasn’t racing around, but his mind was.
You didn’t have a superpower to read his thoughts, but they were filled with regret. However, he was too proud to apologise, for now.
Later, when your eyelids were already feeling heavy and you felt very sleepy, you sensed Pietro’s presence beside the bed.
You swallowed your pride and gazed at him, but when you did, he was already heading to the living room. You realised he had decided to sleep on the couch.
“Babe?” you whispered, tiredly.
He turned around quickly, like all he wanted to hear was you calling for him.
As he walked back to the bed, you grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed with you, and he snuggled beside you, burying his face in your neck.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” he mumbled onto your skin before placing a soft kiss on it, “I’ll make up to it, promise.”
That was all he could say before falling asleep.
Both of you were mature enough and had stopped being stubborn, giving in to holding each other that night.
The next morning, you woke up to breakfast in bed made by Pietro. After sorting everything out and him apologising again, you two went back to your usual routine: cuddling.
After all, you two loved each other, and that was all that truly, deeply mattered.
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please reblog if you liked! it helps the fic get around :)
📮 pietro maximoff taglist.: @ughgclden @mortem-muse @pinkcloxds @msfandomfreak @sarahisslytherin @weaselbrownie @love-marauders @imabee-oralizard @collieflower215 @ericareyesmylove @fumblelace @benedictsmuse @boxofsteampunkplace @greengarsstuff @bxckbexk
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tessatales · 2 years
Touch Starved Series: ✨Wanda✨
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Wanda x F!reader
Warnings: Non, touch starved Wanda (duh)
Theme: touchStarved!Wanda, you help, sad girly, she needs all of the love, comfort. Vision isn’t dead- but he can be seen as platonic if you're reading this as romance between reader and Wanda!
A/N: heyyyy- gotta get my head back in the game here my dudes and get some more fics out for you guys! so i apologise if the writing is a little messy 
*Your POV*
‘Dance with me’ you say, extending your hand out to Wanda as the avengers living room flooded with light music. Wanda frowned
‘And why do I want to dance?’ Wanda asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow. She was defensive; but luckily, you’d expected this.
Over the year and a half since Wanda had been taken in by the Avengers team, she’d been through a lot. The death of her brother only just becoming manageable. But even with her many trails, you’d noticed Wanda allowing people into her little world. Vision had been first, with you not long after. You’d become a comfy little group, with the other members of the team getting more and more comfortable with the powerful girl.
But no matter the comfort or care, you knew Wanda still harboured sudden black moods. Today being one of them.
She’d started the day alright, her emotions plain on her sleeve, but as the day grew so did her sadness, the black mood consuming her till her only responses to people were snappy comments or flying objects. That’s why you’d asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to time your favourite playlist to play, and it’s why you now stood with your arm outstretched to Wanda, a small smile playing on your lips as you saw her contemplate turning you down.
You knew she wouldn’t, she rarely said no to you.
You tried your best to not get a big head about it.
Taking your hand, Wanda looked uncertain as you pulled her from her sitting position. The music was slow, almost waltz like in its melody. perfect for close up dancing. Wanda stood before you, her elbows locked to prevent her body getting any closer to your own. 
“Oh, come on Wanda, this is prom dance music!” you say, keeping your voice low as you tug her closer until her body sat flush with yours.
“Hydra had no time to teach me the tango you know, to busy making me like this” Wanda said, shifting awkwardly as she made the table behind her float. 
“Best time to learn then; for example, I learned this one from all the rom coms I’ve watched” you declare as you placed Wandas hands around your neck before placing your arms comfortably around her waist, clasping them together at the base of er spine. 
Once comfortable, you began to guide Wanda into a slow sway, your feet barely moving as you moved to the music. 
*Wanda’s POV*
Wanda wasn’t sure how long they’d been stood there, their body’s flushed together as they moved slowly to each song that played. She’d never had a friendship like the one she had with Y/N. This intimacy foreign to her compared to the years of abuse she’d sustained from Hydra. Back then, she’d only had Pietro, and even then they could rarely touch; the cell wall between them making every hug precious.
“I wish I could of hugged my brother more” Wanda said, shocked at the words leaving her lips. Y/N’s arms tightened around Wanda’s waist.
“I know. I’m sure he’d say the same.” Y/N murmured, her breath tickling Wanda’s cheek. Wanda let out a shaky breath.
Resting her head in the crook of Y/N’s neck, Wanda let the tears slip silently down her face. Y/N sighed, resting her head against Wanda’s as she cried.
“Come on you, let’s go get a hot drink” Y/N whispered, pulling away slightly to look her in the face. Wanda nodded, looking up as she wiped her eyes.
“Thank you.” Wanda said, searching Y/N’s eyes.
“What for?” Y/N asked, looking confused. Wanda laughed half heartedly, placing her now damp hand into Y/N’s warm one.
“For always knowing what I need when I need it.” Wanda replied, squeezing her hand. Y/N smiled, leaning forward to kiss Wanda lightly on the forehead.
“Come on, hot drink” Y/N said, pulling Wanda lightly towards the kitchen.
*Your POV*
Even though the thanks was nice, you never wanted to be thanked by Wanda. You didn’t want anyone you cared about to think they had to thank you for your care and kindness.
As long as Wanda needed her, as long as anyone in the team needed her, Y/N will be there.
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ynbabe · 2 years
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Word count: 535
Genre: one-shot
Warnings: none
Pg rating: all ages appropriate
Male pronouns mentioned
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It was a good day, why wouldn't it be? The sun was shining, the sky clear, there was no universe ending catastrophe and you all finally had time to rest.
Everyone was in the movie room, Peter was forcing everyone to watch a star trek movie, but no one other than Tony, Y/n and him were paying attention.
Peitro was sitting with a large bowl of popcorn next to clint, both of them comically arguing about something. Bruce was alseep with his glasses on the bean bag with natasha next to him cleaning her knives and guns.
Steve and Bucky were sitting in the corner of the room, the brunette reading a book and the blonde sketching something in his journal, looking down to his russian counterpart who was lying on his lap and then back to his journal again.
Sam was sitting on the hand rest of the sofa, legs folded and his phone in his hands.
Vison sat next to me, his head resting on my shoulder, occasionally whispering a series of 1's and 0's.
Everything felt unreal, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Y/n, the movie isn't on Wanda's face," Tony teased the boy sitting next to him, making his face blush. 
I couldn't help but laugh as the young boy hid his face under his hands.
"Y/n, do you need something?" I asked him as everyone went back to doing what they were but he didn't say anything choosing to fidget with his hands instead.
The lights flickered but went back to normal before anyone could notice.
Fifteen minutes passed and nothing changed, not even the sky.
I turned to look at Y/n but no one else seemed to notice his outburst.
"Wanda stop it, please," he got up purple mist floated from his body, " Youre not helping anybody, you're making everything worse." He screamed and walked towards me making me stand up.
"Y/n what are you talking about? I am doing nothing." I answered honestly, I didn't know what was happening.
Why was no one else seeing this, why were they just ignoring him?
"Y/n I- " I started but he interrupted me,
"This is cruel, they don't deserve this, this Earth doesn't deserve this!" He screamed, his voice growing hoarse and eyes turning purple, the veins on his face rising and matching the colour of his eyes and the power eminating from his hands.
I was terrified, "Y/n please, I don't know what you are saying-" I tried to explain but realisation struck my core, "this Earth? Why did you say this Earth?" 
His eyes widened and then narrowed with determination, "because it's your fault mine is gone." he snarled and a wave of energy spread through the room, slowly turning everything to ash revealing the broken walls of the compound.
Tony, Natasha, Peitro were gone, behind me vision faded away.
"What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?" Memories tore into my mind, of Thanos, Ultron, Hydra...
Y/n grit his teeth and opened a portal behind him, "I showed you the truth," and disappeared. 
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that’s americas beautiful ass right there
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(R = request) ( ❥ = fluff) (❦ = angst)
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lovingwanda · 7 months
I do not consent to my work being reposted, stolen or translated anywhere else.
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₊ ˚ ⊹ #LOVINGWANDA 𓂃 ࣪ ˖ .ᐟ
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ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ.
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a writing blog for anything and everything related to the Wanda Maximoff of the marvel cinematic universe, including my own collection of original and canon characters from different forms of media and literature. 3/7/24.
DIRECTOR'S HANDBOOK  ➮  blog content.
✎ Welcome to my writing blog, my name is moe, I'm 24 years old and use she / her pronouns.
✎ due to the nature of my blog, minors and ageless blogs are prohibited from interacting with me and will receive an immediate block. this blog and it's contents caters only to an adult audience.
✎ what I will write ⋮ male / female perspectives, fluff, wholesome content, dark and mature themes, etc.
✎ what I won't write ⋮ pedophilia, illegal age gaps, incest, non-con, abusive relationships, beastiality, etc.
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DIRECTOR'S CUT ➮  my fanfics.
# I love you. I love you. I love you. ⋮ a fanfic oneshot about Satoru, Maggie and Wanda. Poly-relationship.
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THE BOOKSHELF  ➮ fanfic recs.
#  I Heart You ⋮ Wanda x Vision
# Beautiful Miracle ⋮ Wanda x Reader - Bakery AU
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THE STAR OF THE SHOW  ➮  characters list
# wanda "mishka" maximov ⋮ the scarlet witch, sokovian immigrant.
# dhalia paneshki / danielle peters ⋮ a russian immigrant with scarlet witch esque powers from the late 1970's
# audrey "georgina" hughes ⋮ a resident housewife of american arcadia with an NPC family.
# brynn summers / ayumi gojo ⋮ mystical (manwha) and jujutsu kaisen inspired oc. Satoru Gojo's twin.
# diva goldsmith ⋮ blood+ (anime and manga)
# empress bayan ⋮ elixir of the sun (Manwha).
# margaret "rosetta" nelson ⋮ stan lee presents: mosaic.
# martha / samantha ⋮ near the bone (novel)
# mei mei & ui ui ⋮ (wholesome and platonic sibling relationship only!) jujutsu kaisen.
# satoru jiro ⋮ marvel and jujutsu kaisen original character.
# pearlie ⋮ pearlie (tv show / book)
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lovinlikeloki · 3 years
3 Steps Ahead for 2 Months
“I’ve been winning for the past two months, I can’t stop now, have a good day, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’m gonna beat you!”
In which Peter and Y/n have an unspoken race and every day Peter keeps winning
Ship: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Maybe like two or three swear words
Word count: 1047
Mandatory thanking of the beta: @beansisarat7
I’m walking to work when I see him, him. The man with the silver hair and the blue running shoes. He is there every day, walking three steps in front of me every single morning I walk to work.
Seriously, every single morning I get off my train and start the twenty minute walk to work and every morning he is just a few steps ahead of me. He always beats me to the street corner and all because I stop at the lights and he passes it, not giving a damn about the cars that could hit him.
And we never talk, we’ve never spoken, never once said hello beyond the nod of recognition when we see each other. Despite that it almost feels like there’s some kind of race, and he keeps winning, damn he keeps winning.
He’s not even on my train and somehow still manages to time it so that he’s three steps in front of me. It’s insane. It's like he wants to be slightly in front of me. It infuriates me, I swear I’m gonna beat him one day, I swear to god I will!
One day I get off the train and I don’t see him in front of me. The shock on my face is visible, I mean, he’s not here. Where is he? ...Is he okay?
Then I hear it. I hear it before I see it. He runs right in past me and then turns around to run backwards, all to mock me.
“I’ve been winning for the past two months, I can’t stop now, have a good day, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he taunts.
I glare at him and narrow my eyes and in response he smirks and winks at me before turning around again.
“I’m gonna beat you!” I yell back and all I can hear is his arrogant laughs in response.
I walk the rest of my way to work with a scowl on my face, one so fierce that the receptionist, Val, asks me if I’m okay. Unwilling to reveal the childish truth I simply say that I have a headache.
The next day I wake up and as I get dressed I put my usual shoes in my bag and pull on my running shoes. I meant what I said, I’m gonna beat him, I really am.
And so when my train’s doors open I sprint out of the train and from the train station as quickly as I can. When I get out and onto the sidewalk I look down the street and see him.
We make eye contact before absolutely booking it to the lights where I, for once in my life, disregard the green light and dodge between cars to get to the other side of the street. We both make it at the same time and I look at him in surprise.
“How the fuck did you get here so fast, you were halfway down the street,” I pant, glaring at him playfully, hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.
The silver haired man just laughs, “I’m a personal trainer, running’s my specialty.”
I stand up straight again, regaining composure, sticking my hand out, “Y/n. Y/n L/n.”
“Peter Maximoff,” he replies, shaking my hand. “And what do you do?”
“I’m a journalist,” I tell him as we begin to walk down to the street corner.
“Oooh, what company do you work for?” he asks, seeming genuinely interested.
“Xavier Writings,” I reply and he smiles.
We talk and get to know each other on the small walk to the corner, even stopping at the corner for a few minutes to finish the conversation before finally parting ways.
I walk into my office and sit down at my desk. I take off my sneakers and pull on my Mary Jane court shoes. Now that I’ve at least tied with him I don’t need to stress about losing to Peter. Peter. It’s strange knowing his name. In my mind he’s always been ‘the silver haired man’ or occasionally ‘the speedy little dick’ when I’m in a particularly bad mood.
But now I know him a bit better and he’s Peter. Peter Maximoff. The last name sounds familiar I’ll admit, I’m just not sure where from. It’s probably not important, no need to worry about it.
It’s then that my boss, Raven, walks into my office. “Are you ready for the Lensherr Fitness interview?” she asks me.
“Yeah, of course. I just need a second to get my recorder and I’ll be right out,” I tell her, already beginning to search my drawers for the device.
“I’ll be in the car waiting, the appointment is at 9AM and we can’t be late,” she tells me before leaving my office again.
We make it to Lensherr Fitness Center at 8:48AM and Raven is calm for once, usually before an interview she’s panicking that either one of her employees AKA me will say something wrong or that the client will say something unexpected. Seeing her so calm is strange and I’m not sure if I like it or not.
“Erik and I are old friends,” she tells me.
“Ah, okay. And are we interviewing Mr. Lensherr or just some employees?” I ask.
“I’ll interview Erik, you’ll be interviewing an employee, I think his name was Peter?”
Then two men walk through the doors, an older one with brown hair and perfect posture, dressed in business clothes, and the other is very familiar, so much that I do a double take.
Peter and I make eye contact, eyes widening and mouths gaping ever so slightly. I mean not only is he the employee I’m interviewing, but we just raced each other to work not much more than an hour ago.
Raven then begins to introduce me, “This is Y/-“
“Y/n L/n,” Peter finishes for her.
Raven and Erik give him a questioning look.
“And he’s Peter Maximoff,” I add, which only shifts the questioning look to me.
We share a glance before speaking in unison, “We raced each other to work this morning.”
The questioning looks only widen and we both grin.
“Well, then I guess the interview will be no problem,” Erik says and Peter and I laugh.
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Peter: Miss Maximoff and miss witch!
Wanda: Everything okay Peter?
SW: What's up spidy?
Peter: Okay so we were all hanging about on the rooftop of the tower and Yelena bet Y/n that she couldn't hang off my webs on the side of the building and so she said yeah okay and so I did the web thing and now-
SW: Spidyboy! Relax, you're going red like your suit
Wanda: Peter is our girlfriend hanging off the side of the building holding onto some web that came out of a web shooter that Tony Stark made?
Peter: Y-yes miss Maximoff, but technically I made them so-
Wanda and SW quickly run to the roof where you're hanging upside down talking with Yelena
Wanda: Dorogoy!
Y/n: Hey babes! I don't want to be a bother but I want to come down now, the bloods rushing to my head
SW: No shit Y/n, come on down *uses her powers to get you down while Wanda watches panicked*
Wanda bringing you into a hug checking you over: Oh my love are you okay? Please never ever make a stupid bet with the child again
Yelena: Child?! I don't like that remark, I'm an adult
Wanda: An adult wouldn't make someone hang off the side of a building!
SW: Hey woah Wanda no need to make things worse, come on let's just take Y/n back inside okay?
Wanda and Y/n already through the door: You're never leaving my sight again
Yelena: A little protective?
SW: Yeah, you'd think I'd be worse considering in my universe my Y/n is dead
Yelena: You have a strange and sad life
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
Noah, Part Six - Peter Maximoff x Reader
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
When you were kids, you and Peter had lived under the same roof for almost five years.
And this was the longest he had ever gone without talking to you.
It was absolutely...
You knew he’d interrogated Noah - something you wanted to be mad about, but just couldn’t be.
Peter deserved answers, and you felt guilty for not giving them to him. Especially after you'd seen the way he looked at you, the night you went out to dinner with Alex.
The night you explained everything.
But if Peter was allowed to grill your son...
Well, couldn't you?
“Hey, Noah,” you said, crouching down beside your son. “I know you’ve kinda... noticed, that things have been a little different.”
“What,” said Noah, in his soft, lispy voice. “What, that you and Daddy aren’t together anymore?”
Your eyes widened, and you released him, feeling as if you’d been burned.
“Daddy? Why’d you.. why would you call him that?”
He shrugged. It was the saddest thing you’d ever seen.
“I don’t know. He's around all the time and he teaches me things...”
“Well, so do I!”
“You protect me, Mommy. You protect me, an’... an’ you fight the bad people. It’s different.”
Noah sounded so sure. You wished you could be as certain as he was.
“What about Alex, huh?” you asked, smoothing his hair down. “Did you like him? He was cool, right?”
“Yeah. I guess.”
You huffed.
“Can I see Da-”
“Peter,” you corrected, forcefully.
“Can I go see Peter now? He’s s’posed to teach me today -- how to play tennis by myself.” “Don’t you want to spend the afternoon together, love? We could... we could read. You like that... don't you?”
Noah shrugged again.
“I guess so. I don’t really have to learn it, anyway. Peter says as long as he’s around, I’ll never have to play by myself.”
Your eyes welled up with tears.
“Well,” you managed, “I guess... I guess you’d better go.”
“Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, ‘Oah. I’ll be fine. I’ll just... stay in.”
“Sure you don’t want to come?” asked Noah.
You shook your head. He leaned in, whispering in your ear, as if he was going to tell you a secret.
“B’cause... Peter said he misses you.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t smile.
So Peter Maximoff was kind of an incredible tennis instructor.
And surprisingly patient, in a way he never had been with you.
“Okay, buddy - that was great, but just a little to the left - oh,” he muttered, noticing you. “Hey, Y/N.”
You gave him a half-hearted wave.
“Peter,” said Noah, seriously, “You promised we could do some racing.”
“I know, buddy, but... it’s kinda windy today. It’s not the best conditions.”
Noah crossed his arms, pouting.
“Okay,” said Peter, giving in. “Alright... meet you back here?”
“Meet you,” agreed Noah, taking off.
Several moments passed. You couldn’t see either of them, but... suddenly, you felt a sharp burst of pain in Noah’s mind.
Within moments, Peter reappeared speeding out of the woods, carrying your son.
“The dummy broke his arm,” said Peter.
“He’ll be okay,” said Peter, attempting to comfort you. “S’ not so bad. One of the disadvantages of our powers are... you break a lot of stuff. Often limbs.”
You smiled, slightly.
“I know. He’s a tough kid. But I’m gonna wait up with him, anyway. As a kid, when I was sick, or hurt... I needed a lot of attention.”
“Oh, I remember,” Peter chuckled. “We thought you were dying.”
“Well, you were kinda dramatic.”
“Oh, like you weren’t, at that age.”
He shrugged.
“That’s, uh... that’s fair. Listen... if you’re staying with Noah tonight... you want me to stay?”
“Why?” you asked, bluntly.
Peter shrugged, again.
“I don’t want you to be alone.”
Hesitantly, you allowed Peter to sit down on the couch, beside you, tucking your head into his shoulder.
When you woke in the morning, he was gone.
You knew it was time to go.
Xavier had taught Noah enough to control his powers, you reasoned. Sure, it wasn’t exactly what you'd hoped for - but he wasn't a full fledged X-Man yet, after all. He had time.
And, most importantly, you had fulfilled your duty as a mother.
You had ensured that Noah was safe.
Sure, you wouldn’t be able to pursue learning your own skills - but did that really matter?
A nagging voice in your head (probably Jean) told you that it did.
It also told you that you were running away from your problems, like you always had.
And also that you should brush your teeth.
“I don’t understand, Mom,” said Noah, reluctantly taking your hand. “Why do we have to go?”
“Because we’re done, love. We accomplished... what we came here to do. It’s time to go back to the real world. We can’t hide here forever.”
He nodded, slowly, and you hoped he understood.
“...Is Peter coming?”
You threw Noah’s suitcase in the trunk of your car with a thunk.
"No,” you said, quietly. “No, he’s... he’s not.”
Noah’s face went blank.
“What? Mom, we can’t-”
“That’s all, Noah. I’ve made up my mind.”
You helped him into his car-seat and climbed into the front, taking one last look at the Mansion before driving away.
Quietly, Noah began to hum something.
“That’s pretty,” you mused, softly. “What is it?”
“A song Peter taught me. He said it was your song.”
You swallowed.
Noah began to sing.
“If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do... is to save every day, till eternity passes away... just to spend ‘em with you...”
Oh, no fair.
Peter was playing dirty.
“But there never seems to be enough time... to do the things you wanna do, once you find ‘em... I’ve looked around enough to know, that you’re the one I want to go through time with...”
Turn back, your brain was screaming. Turn back, turn back, turn back-
A car pulled up alongside you.
And it was Peter’s head that hung from the window, a megaphone pressed to his lips.
“Pull over!”
He almost ran you off the road.
“Pull over!”
"Mom?” asked Noah, in an eerily calm voice. “Are we gonna die?”
“No, love,” you said, decisively, pulling the car over. “No, I’m just gonna kill Peter, that’s all.”
“Y/N, I have to talk to you-”
“Are you crazy!” you yelled, slamming the door behind you. “Who drives like that? Are you-”
“Listen to me!” Peter shouted, jumping out of his car.
“I love you! And I don’t care that Noah’s not my son, okay? I’ll raise a hundred children, Y/N. With a hundred of your boyfriends, if it means I can be with you.”
Your eyes welled up with tears.
“...Can you put that down?”
“It’s too loud,” you whispered, trying not to smile.
He knelt down, opening up a small, metal box.
“This is the Hope diamond,” Peter said, seriously, “And I stole it. But Xavier told me that it’s worth kind of a lot, and I don’t know if that means anything... but I thought it looked kinda cool, and I wanted you to have it-”
“Okay,” you agreed, quickly. “Okay, yes, yes, I will!”
You threw your arms around Peter’s neck and kissed him, deeply.
“I love you!” you shouted, feeling every emotion cross over you at once.
“I love you!” he shouted back, so happy he could barely breathe.
“And... I lied to you.”
“Noah’s your son.”
Peter's express went blank.
“What? Why would you say-”
“I just needed you to want to marry me... because you wanted to marry me.”
He stumbled back, looking dazed - and for a moment, you were afraid you’d lost him.
“Get out!” Peter shouted, suddenly, absolutely screaming with happiness. “I’m a dad!”
“You’re a dad!”
This time, it was Peter that threw his arms around you, and you reciprocated.
Hey guys! Just a reminder, the story doesn’t end here.
I’m gonna continue to write in the ‘Noah’ timeline, but you can find the whole series under the title ‘All and Then Most Of You’ in my masterlist.
I plan to cover Peter and reader’s time at Xavier’s, and of course, their life as a family!
Many of these fics will be standalones that fit with the overall series
 If you have any ideas for the series, or adventures that Peter, Noah and Reader should go on, please send ‘em in!
Also, credit to the Office. As I mentioned in the first chapter, I borrowed some of the dialogue for this chapter from one of the last episodes.
@fangirl593-at-221b @amourtentiaa @that-random-nerdy-person @no-mercy-bby
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
HI LOVLEY!! do you think you could do a pietro fanfic where reader and him are dating and the reader passes out/faints all of a sudden? maybe from not eating or exhaustion? thank you <33
Four Seconds
word count: 1k
requested: yes | no requests: open | closed request rules here
warnings: light mention of blood, very vague insinuation of violence, exhaustion, reader passes out, fluffy ending
a/n: sorry for the hold up, this took me an unnecessarily long amount of time to write lmao. hope this is what you were wanting :))
· • —– ٠ ☆ ٠ —– • · • —– ٠ ☆ ٠ —– • · • —– ٠ ☆ ٠ —– • ·
You slump against your seat in the Quinjet, still breathing heavy after the long mission. Fresh bruises start to form, littering your whole body in shades of purple and black. You can feel cuts and scrapes on your knuckles and face, leaving a dull sting in their wake. You attempt to curl further into yourself as your head throbs against your skull so aggressively that you can hear it.
You can vaguely make out your friends and teammates talking about the recent events. Preparing to go straight into a debriefing with Fury once the jet lands. All your muscles are tense and sore and your stomach burns with hunger. Still, all you can focus on is the fuzzy feeling in your head that leaves your body numb and tingly.
You hear a muffled voice from beside you, loudly piercing through the back of your head at the sudden noise.
"Hey, draga." His voice a bit softer now. Cutting through your mental fog and bringing your focus towards your silver-haired boyfriend. "How are you feeling?"
You groan in response at first, your energy level close to zero, "Hungry. Tired." Was all you could get out, voice scratchy in the back of your throat.
Pietro hummed in both agreement and understanding. "Sleep. We're almost there." He assures comfortingly. 
You shake your head, a bit more aggressively than necessary to try to 'snap yourself out of it', "Can't. We have to go to the debriefing."
"Do you know how pale you look right now? You can barely hold your own head up, iubi." He brushes your messy hair back to get a better look at your disheveled appearance. "I don't think Fury will appreciate seeing you drool all over the conference table." He teases lightly, trying to get you to laugh, or at the very least smile.
You barely even register the joke in your exhausted state. You somehow manage to get out a weak scoff in response, still not letting your eyes shut for more than a few seconds at a time. Pietro notices, of course. It's not like you to let that slide without a snarky remark or comment in return.
"When was the last time you've eaten? Or had any water?" He asks, now also noticing the dark circles under your eyes and your chapped and bloody lip that had previously been bust open.
You stay silent. You genuinely can't pinpoint when you had last even touched water. You can't tell if it's from your exhaustion or if it really has been that long.
"I don't know... I'll eat after the meeting."
Pietro goes to protest but you quickly shut him down, promising to get water on the way to the conference room. He watches you closely the whole flight, trying (and failing) to convince you to sleep.
- <> - <> - <> - <> - <> -
The Quinjet lands within the next fifteen minutes, but to you it feels like hours. Your shoulders are tense, and your limbs are shaky as you exit the aircraft. Pietro holds your hand to guide you towards the compound and ensure you don't fall over. Your feet ache with each step, causing you to walk a bit funny. He watches you closely as you walk into the building, noting how your eyes look glazed over and your legs wobble beneath you. 
"Want me to carry you, draga?" Pietro asks sincerely, concerned you might trip and hurt yourself.
You shake your head, "No. Thank you." Stubborn as always, "I can walk myself just fine." You mumble out groggily, barely even audible. An obvious lie.
As you make your way through the long hallways, you can feel yourself getting weaker by the second. Little gray squiggles and spots float in the edges of your vision. Your whole body feels heavy; Like you're carrying double your own weight, pushing your body down against your will. You use all your energy to force your eyes open, making them much wider than they should normally be. Even still you can feel your eyelids getting heavy. The more you walk, the more you can feel your vision starting to darken.
You grab Pietro's arm in an attempt to steady yourself as you feel your legs give out beneath you. All you can manage to get out is a weak whisper of his name before your vision blacks out completely. 
- <> - <> - <> - <> - <> -
You slowly come into consciousness again, feeling a pair of hands on your shoulders lightly shaking you. You can hear several muffled voices talking all around you. You haven't opened your eyes yet, but you can tell you're now on a bed and you can feel a pillow under your head. You hear Pietro repeatedly whispering your name frantically, and you slowly open your eyes. You're immediately blinded by the florescent overhead lights, squinting and blinking as you try to adjust. 
Pietro lets out a sigh of relief, grabbing your hand to rapidly kiss each knuckle. "Thank God, you're alive!"
You softly smile, "Of course I'm alive, don't be ridiculous."
His smile quickly turns back into a look of concern as he checks your body for injuries, "Are you alright? Can you move?" 
You laugh, still just as exhausted, "Yes, Piet, I'm fine. Thank you."
As your eyes adjust you finally look around to take in your surroundings. You're lying on a bed in Bruce's lab, Bruce and Nat hovering on either side of you. You look to the table next to you to see a massive pile of snacks and multiple bottles of water sitting on top of your favorite blanket.
"Damn, how long was I out?"
"Almost four seconds exactly." Bruce states factually, citing his notes.
You send a knowing look to Pietro who smiles back at you, an ever-so-slight tint of embarrassment dusting his cheeks. You go to grab a water bottle, but he quickly stops you, opening it for you before handing it back. The second you finish the bottle he's practically shoving a muffin down your throat, finally pulling a laugh out of you.
"Always the gentleman."
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enemymarkus · 2 years
started: 30/4/22
 wlw, mlm, poly relationships are allowed !
NO: the platonic ones are only platonic!
minors DNI! if its 18+ (yes there can be smut, but again minors DNI!)
no abusive relationships (if its explaining the readers or character past then thats okay)
i wont be using “y/n” i will either be using reader or if it a boy/man reader then “M/n”
bruce banner
doctor strange
wanda maximoff
pietro maximoff
helmut zemo
loki odinson
thor odinson
peter quill
sprite (mostly platonic)
tony stark
howard stark
peggy carter
steve rogers
bucky barnes
yelena belova
and more!
the vampire diares
damon salvatore
stefan salvatore
matt donovan
tyler lockwood
bonnie bennet
enzo st john
kai parker
caroline forbes
elena gilbert
jeremy gilbert
vicky donovan
katherine pierce
the mikaelsons
alaric saltzman
tori vega 
jade west
beck oliver
trina vega 
cat valentine
andre harris
robbie shapiro
Z nation
addison carver 
dj qualls
st claire
alice cullen
emmet cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
edward cullen
carlise cullen
esme cullen
bella swan
jacob black
seth clearwater
leah clearwater
sam uely
embry call
Quil ateara
paul lahote
alec volturi
jane volturi
demetri volturi
felix volturi
mike newton
spiderwick chronicles
simon grace
jared grace
mallory grace
harry potter
ron weasley
the twins
bill weasley
percy weasley
ginny wealsey
harry potter
james potter
lily evans
sirius black
remus lupin
tom riddle
neville longbottom
luna lovegood
cho chang
cedric diggory
viktor krum
hermione granger
draco malfoy
pansy parkinson
adrain pucey
oliver wood
Teen beach movie
the goonies 1985
brandon walsh
mikey walsh 
chunk (only platonic)
rue bennett
maddy perez
cassie howard
ashtray (only platonic)
nate jacobs
lexi howard
stranger things
mike wheeler
dustin henderson
steve harrington
billy hargrove
max mayfield
nancy wheeler
jonathan byers
will byers
lucas sinclair
robin buckley
erica sinclair (platonic)
Season 4:
henry creel (001/vecna)
eddie munson
jason carver
patrick McKinney
biggie smalls
cheaper by the dozen 2003
charlie baker
lorraine baker
sarah baker
henry baker
nora baker (only platonic)
dylan shenk
devil all the time
arvin russell
tommy matson
lenora laferty
lee bodecker
preston teagardin
willard russell
IT 2017
bev marsh
bill denbrough
richie tozier
eddie kaspbrak
henry bowers
stanley uris
mike hanlon
reggie huggins
patrick hockstetter
victor criss
ben hanscom
johnny depp
chris evans
Arron taylor-johnson
tom welling
Many many more!
billy loomis
brahms heelshire
stu macher
alot more that i cant fit
fear street (all of them)
deena johnson
kate schmidt
 cindy berman
simon Kalivoda
samantha fraser
nick goode
ziggy berman
josh johnson
sarah fier
ruby lane
The batman
bruce wayne
selina kyle
edward nashton
hannah montana the movie
hannah montana
lily truscott
jackson stewart
oliver oken
rico sauve
travis brody
John b 
jj maybank
sarah cameron
rafe cameron
wheezie (only platonic)
ward cameron
rose cameron
noelle kringle
nick kringle
gabe kringle
jake hapman
beatrice prior
Tobias eaton
caleb prior
steve/brendan kemp
The greatest showman
anne wheeler
jenny lind
phineas taylor
phillip carlyle
charity taylor
lettie lutz
and more!
Aliens in the attic
bethany pearson
tom pearson
jake pearson
lee pearson
ricky dillman
hannah pearson (platonic)
The 100
bellamy blake
octavia blake
clarke griffin
monty green
jordan green
finn collins
raven reyes
cage wallace
and more!
wybie lovat
coraline jones
ghost kids (platonic)
cat (platonic)
other mother
mama mia!
bill anderson
sam carmichael
The amazing world of gumball
gumball watterson
darwin watterson
tobias wilson
anais watterson (platonic)
mirable madrigal
pepa madrigal
felix madrigal
julieta madrigal
agustin madrigal
alma (platonic)
dolores madrigal
antonio (platonic)
camilo madrigal
bruno madrigal (platonic)
Turning red
Aaron T
Aaron Z
panda mellin
priya mangal
miram Mendelsohn
tyler Nguyen-Baker
bucky bunchan
zoey (platonic)
The maze runner
chuck (platonic)
The black phone
finney blake
vance hopper
gwen blake ( platonic)
bruce yamada
billy showalter
griffin staggs
robin allerano
If you want to request please msg me or add my instagram enemymarkus
im going to post the stuff i will write wont write for <3
I will add more later :)
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mendesxruel · 3 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 | 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
summary; movie date with Pietro Maximoff!
warnings; fluff!, mentions of food, happy crying
author's notes: i got some prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting // I didn't specify the reader's gender since I always like to make everyone comfortable when reading so, no gender specification! <3
words; 380.
<dušo = soul // "babe" sort of (croatian/serbian)>
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"Hey! I'm home!" Pietro said after arriving and heading to the kitchen. He placed the bags he had in his hands on the counter.
Heading to the living room, he saw you sitting on the couch, beaming at him.
"I bought your favorite food for our movie night," he grinned. Bending down to reach you, he softly kissed your lips and went back to the kitchen to organize the food.
"Thanks, Pietro," you smiled to yourself, realising how much he cared about you.
"You're welcome!" he said as he grabbed forks and knives and brought you your favourite meal from the local restaurant.
"So, what movie do you wanna watch, dušo?", Pietro asked, tilting his head to look at you with a slight smirk on his face.
Grabbing the meal, you took a bite out of it, and it tasted delicious. "You can choose," you told him.
"If you say so..." he said and picked a cliche romantic comedy.
Halfway through the movie, you two finished eating. Pietro ran to the kitchen to leave the leftovers there and came back as fast as he could, so he wouldn't miss any second of the film.
Now empty-handed, he grabbed your hand and brushed his lips on your knuckles.
Despite not wanting to miss scenes from the movie, he was more concerned about not missing any detail from your face. He proceeded to look at you and analyse every inch of your features and all the beautiful things that make you, you.
He couldn't help but smile while staring at the love of his life.
When you noticed, you looked back at him, but of course, he was quick to look away and pretend that wasn't happening.
You chuckled lightly.
By the end of the film, your boyfriend noticed that you were crying tears of joy since it had ended in such an adorable and inspiring way.
He giggled and embraced you with a warm hug. "Did you like the movie, love?" he asked.
Smiling at him, with teary eyes, you nodded, and hugged him tightly, digging your face onto his chest.
Everything felt so comfortable when you were with him. He made you feel safe and happy. And you loved him for it. And the feeling was very much mutual.
reblogs and feedback are deeply appreciated!
pietro maximoff taglist; @msfandomfreak @wisteria-and-nightshade @ughgclden @fyudorx @pinkcloxds
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