#pfs spoiler
thegirlsarethriving · 8 months
no bc i HAVE to scream, I sat through every single episode of Pretty Freakin Scary and what do you MEAN this old man sent his own grandson to die in his place. in MY Disney sitcom??? im on the FLOOR!!!!!
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altruistic-meme · 2 months
i know it's been said a million times by now but Neil making the FBI agents give him a to-go container before going with them to the headquarters and then pulling it out MID INTERROGATION to continue eating is so fucking unhinged. i love him so fucking much. i fully believe that was a completely intentional power move on Neil's part i doubt he was even that hungry he just wanted to be a little bitch.
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cyanidas · 2 months
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semisolidmind · 4 months
You make Dogday look the perfect amount of tired and ready to do whatever it takes to keep Angel safe. Also, thanks fkr reminding me to watch PP: Chapter 3
thats the kinda vibe i want him to give off; a good boy, a loyal companion, and, once he's healed, absolutely ready to throw down if his angel is in danger. like, he knows they can handle themselves, he knows they're "capable," but he cares for them. he doesn't want to see them hurt anymore after everything they've done for him.
and while i like the idea of him canonically missing his lower half and learning to make do without it (i think y/n could rig up one of those little wheelchairs they give dogs who've lost their back legs, but much bigger), i may draw an offshoot.
personally, i don't think y/n could make new legs for dogday. they're likely not a neurosurgeon, and that's a lot rewiring to do, considering his entire pelvis is gone. however, if it was just his legs missing, they may be able to make some prosthetics. idk, i may also draw an au where he doesn't lose his lower half at all and is just another survivor who teams up with the player.
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utilitycaster · 6 days
Something about Candela Obscura truly brings out the best in performers. I don't know if it's a system that makes it clear that you will fail and therefore takes the pressure to be good at things off, or if it's that it's designed for shorter works so, as Spenser and Marisha said for the live show, everyone understands the need to drive it like they stole it, or if it's something else. If a CR cast member has something I consider a weakness, Candela counteracts it, and if they have something I consider an unsung strength (eg: Laura's ability to figure out puzzles) it comes to the forefront. Also Matt managed to crit twice in it as a PC which isn't a comment on him as an actor, but does indicate some form of curse-breaking.
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soup-for-ghosts · 6 days
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i was listening to 'the island north of vaugarde' the entire time i was making this which. it neither added nor subtracted but did a secret third thing to the experience. anyways. yes.
they don’t know what homophobia is!!!!
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true-bluesargent · 23 days
they need to get to benedict's bridgerton season asap because they are running out of things to do with him. last season he was doing the whole artist thing but that has now been abandoned? and now he is chasing a widowed milf? ok.
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larkspurglove · 2 months
I think it’s funny that 2.1’s banners can be summed up to ‘dangerous women with a dark past and memory issues’ and ‘imaginary type sustain men who left their home planet a long time ago and are a god’s special guy’
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sunflowersoap · 6 months
Thoughts so far from revisiting the beginning of Omori, and the implications it has about Sunny:
The way, like other people pointed out, Kel is constantly poked fun of in headspace due to Sunnys jealousy, yet is also shown to be so so treasured by Sunny? The way in his dream he literally is shown to hide right next to Omori so he doesn't have to be alone. That's something Sunny thinks Kel would do. Which, very interesting and sweet to me! I wonder if Kel did something like that in real life and it meant a lot to Sunny.
The way Sunny invented a scene in his brain where he'd have to save Basil is very, *very* interesting in context. I wonder if it was an outlet for his guilt around wondering if Basil was okay, wondering if maybe if he's in danger. He invents a scenario where he rescues Basil and everything's okay. Also the way he is so forgiving of Boss mixed with how so many things in black space, which I will remind you *is Sunnys worst fears*, involve him trusting Omori way too much and leading to him dying horribly. In this, Boss would never hurt Basil, everyone's protective of Basil, everything's fine. But Boss is juuuust a little of that fear creeping in, I think. Also the aspect of Basil being hurt for something he didn't do in Omoris mind. Just a little bit of that fear sneaking in.
Basil telling Mari she's got everything under control, and Mari says "That's not true at all! It just seems that way from the outside!" when real world Mari was said to have very rarely ever shown what she was feeling. Aubrey says she only ever saw her cry once. So Sunny knew it was hard for her, saw her mess up and stress (ex: the fucking duet practice), and noted in his head everyone else thought she was perfect. I wonder if he resented her for it some way.
It's interesting how that scene of Basil being hurt for something (in sunnys mind) he didn't do and that scene of Mari admitting shes not perfect happened just before the truth starts to surface. I wonder if that was the tipping point, he started considering "Basil could be hurt for someone else's fuck up" and "Mari isn't perfect", and suddenly everything falls apart. That little slip and suddenly it's all up in flames. Very interesting how suddenly from this point on, Mari is made into a perfect angel.
There's more but I am exhausted /lh and need some rest, so! Will continue later.
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entowento · 5 months
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siveydensipuli · 3 months
Nordic noir -bingo
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a-heart-of-kyber · 4 months
There absolutely needs to be an update where you can have Gale tell Mystra off without going down the path of ascension.
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marimeeko · 6 months
I have a sudden, unsolicited opinion on the moment where Ochako admits that she fell in love with Izuku. Since it has been going around as one of those context-less, surface level articles on Google(I spotted it too)
So it's talking about the moment when Ochako is fighting Toga and she tells her that she fell in love with Izuku.
Does she use the exact wording? Yes.
Does that mean it's an end all declaration? Does it mean she is endgame with Izuku? I do not think so.
I don't think it's the final nail in the coffin to the argument for any other ship involving Izuku or Ochako. Here's why:
The admission is so anticlimactic.
We have known for a while that Ochako has complicated feelings about Izuku. We know that it has been a bit of a crush. And that has led to ANTICIPATION to see what becomes of those feelings.
But along the anticipation, we have also seen her going through some feelings of discomfort about the whole thing...unusual, for a supposed love interest of a Shonen manga!
So the audience has been waiting for a LONG time for something, anything, to happen between Ochako and Izuku that rewards that anticipation and that waffling on Ochakos part.
And for something like a supposed love confession, a line like "I fell in love with Izuku Midoriya", to heppen....
But NOT in a moment between Ochako and Izuku themselves, just also does not reward the anticipation that was built up.
She did not confirm and admit these feelings TO izuku. She admitted them to Himiko.
And that is the first time the audience hears her positively confirm that she had those feelings, blatantly.
But it TAKES AWAY from the actual relationship because Himiko received that confession...not Izuku.
We didn't get a charged confession between Ochako and Izuku. The relationship was STILL not mutually developed. It's still just a quality of Ochako, it says nothing about Izuku. The anticipation of Ochako having a crush, and changing, complicated feelings for Izuku and where that would eventually climax, where it would reach its peak for Ochako and Izuku both, instead is diverted. Kind of literally. Because it didn't happen at either chance they had to talk it out, to confess, she sent Izuku away when Himiko tried to trap him into a love discussion. She didnt bring it up before the war began even though they had such a calm moment to be able to do so. It didn't come out in the logical places. And now in the endgame, they have split up to fight different battles...Ochako has even exhausted everything she has right now to save Himiko and likely is out until we receive the wrap up.
So, the anticipation I mentioned, again, does not have a payout in the form of even a rushed battlefield confession because the two of them are fighting different battles.
Instead the audience is given the confirmation of "I fell in love with him" when he is not even present, when Ochako is not confessing to him or confronting him. It comes out with Toga, when she Is trying to reach out and level with her, it almost could read as a "I had a crush on the same boy" kind of statement. It comes out when saving Himiko is Ochakos main priority.
What I'm saying here is that Ochakos love confession for Izuku, which is usually a big deal in any story, is in the back seat to prioritize each of their other relationships and goals. Which is great that it is not forced upon us when there are bigger things happening, however it just does a disservice to the pairing itself when most of the feelings are expressed onesidedly, and an actual statement of love, if it's not even outdated because of changed feelings, means a lot less when it's not filling the gap between the two people in question. When the confession doesn't reach the other person.
(And I will go ahead and say that is kind of similar to how bkdk is right now as well, bc we have SO MUCH material on Katsukis side, about how he feels and how much he cares about Izuku, but not a lot on what Izuku feels or allows himself to feel about Katsuki. I will call that out as well.)
Like at this point, the best we could hope for, for Ochako and Izuku being a couple, is a very open note about it in the aftermath. Like maybe Ochako asks Izuku if he would like to get crepes with her. That's just enough given context clues to suggest to the audience that yes there are still some feelings there, she heard what he said about crepes and holding hands and took note of it, but also that Izuku himself is willing to explore those feelings as well. It would be Ochako finally choosing her feelings for Izuku, but without it being too sudden for Izuku to accept. This whole time we are not shown Izuku crushing on her at all it would be strange to have him suddenly initiate.
But anything more romantic and profound than that? Any dramatic reveal/confession of feelings, any chance for them to have a moment in the midst of war to have the "i love you" discussion? That has been bypassed time and time again. Horikoshi COULD HAVE WORKED IT IN, IF IT WERE A PRIORITY TO HAVE THEM ENDGAME. While no, romance doesn't have to be a priority in a Shonen, and Ochako has flipped the script on how she handles her feelings as a shonen love interest, Hori has demonstrated that threads and concepts of romance ARE part of his narrative.
And right now? Hot take, but the most romantic thread that Izuku, his main character, finds himself in, is whatever the hell is going on between him and Katsuki Bakugou.
You'd just think if the mc was going to be with a romantic partner, a girl, by the end of the story, something would have happened.
I feel like I'm going in circles past my point, but it boils down to Izuku not having any indication of interest in Ochako besides friendliness....the fact that the audience received confirmation of Ochako loving Izuku from her telling a 3rd party and NOT her subject, and the anticipation of that confession, built up for YEARS of this manga and animes run, of supposed feelings not really being paid off, if the two are meant to be the romantic end game. It also boils down to the fact that the anticipation of the confession had a CHANCE to occur with Izuku, the subject, multiple times. It boils down to again, ochako and Izukus relationship being romantic in anyway being little more than an after thought.
AND! it doesn't even guarantee that her feelings of love for him are still the same! We don't know for sure if she STILL loves Izuku!
So yeah. I hope this made sense, but it sure feels anticlimactic to have a love confession(supposedly) not even occur while the subject is present, where the audience can view it and celebrate that long awaited conclusion.
As always, these articles that pop up on Google leave a lot of context out, and are very face value. They saw Ochako say the L word and called it endgame. There is a reason I don't read them.
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stevyguts · 1 year
so question, in this au are pizzahead and pizza face different people?
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Pizzaface in this au is Pizzahead's dad. Over the years, he's gotten fed up with Pizz's reckless spending (especially since it's HIS money), but he's got a big soft spot for him still. He's got a hard time remembering "Oh yeah, he's not a baby anymore, he can handle himself", but he's a big family man and would do anything for his sons...
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Well, almost anything.
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canyourlawnmowerdothis · 10 months
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i said certified freak
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basically deskaris in act 5 for the Azata route
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