#pharmacy mafia
x-heesy · 6 months
𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚞𝚜 🦠
(𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙿𝚑𝚞𝚌𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐)
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
"they come for the pokemon cards they stay for the cigarettes"
53 notes · View notes
donotdestroy · 3 months
"In a groundbreaking report, the WHO said powerful industries were driving ill-health and premature death by using 'misleading' marketing and interfering in governments’ efforts to prevent killer diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes."
0 notes
flowerandblood · 3 months
The Lost Haven (6/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: uprotected sex, incest obviously, smut, the angst, injection of a sleeping drug, violence, bad, bad things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She had felt the closeness of his body all night: his arms locked her in his embrace every time she rolled over on the bed, with a murmur of satisfaction finding with her a new position in which he could snuggle into her.
Although he kept his hand on her bare buttock, desperately wanting to feel her skin, she did not perceive this touch as sexual per se: there was a need for physical affection in him that only another living, warm body could give.
He smelled of alcohol, cigarettes, mint gum and intense, masculine perfume. This combination dulled her and relaxed her making her fall asleep again immediately even when she woke up, his touch, his presence, their bodies entwined together soothed her.
She was sure that in the morning he would wake up horrified by everything that had happened, begging her to go to the pharmacy to get the pill that would prevent any unplanned pregnancy, the effects of their ill-considered excess.
He, however, took her again, more tenderly and slowly, making her feel so good, too good, because, after all, it should feel bad, it should be disgusting, it should hurt.
But it didn't.
She was too wet, he slid into her too easily, he was trying too hard to rub against the spot from which shivers of pleasure ran through her, making her womanhood twitch with convulsions of sweet ecstasy.
She felt remorse for not standing up to him, for opening her thighs to him twice even though she had promised herself that it would never happen, that it was just her hideous deviation that she would keep to herself forever.
"Are you taking pills?" He asked when it was all over, and she froze, snapped out of her reverie.
"No." She muttered, knowing what he meant, what he was going to say.
She felt like vomiting at the thought.
He surprised her when his lips placed a warm, gentle kiss on her cheek.
"It's your body. But know that I'd like to be the father of your child. Someday. You decide when. If ever." He whispered in her ear and she froze completely, shocked.
I'd like to be the father of your child.
If ever.
How could he say something like that?
She felt a twinge of regret towards herself that something in his words brought her a strange relief.
He couldn't be her boyfriend, her husband, but he could be the father of her children.
"I…I don't know what I'll do yet. I need to think about it." She mumbled, feeling her heart pounding like crazy, not knowing what she was supposed to respond to his words.
She heard him swallow hard, as if something hurt him in what she said.
"Let me know when you've made your decision about...you know. Please." He whispered, and she felt a squeeze in her throat at the thought that he wanted to know what she was going to do.
Whether or not she would buy the pill in the pharmacy.
She pressed her lips together at the thought that even if she complied with his request, it wouldn't change anything.
"So that you won't answer me?" She asked in a shaky voice, hearing him lift himself on his arm at her words.
"I'll. I swear I'll. Hey. Hey, look at me." He said, but she didn't believe him, because she knew he would hurt her again.
They were destined to do so.
It was just a pleasant dream, nothing more.
"I mean it. I swear. I…" He didn't get to finish because they both flinched and pulled away from each other, terrified when they heard a loud banging on her door.
"Open up." Daemon called out and they both stood up as if burned, dressing quickly.
"Wait a minute!" She said, handing him his shoes and jacket.
"Go to the toilet." She whispered to him, running quickly to the door herself when she heard him lock himself in the room.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
She swallowed loudly, trying to control her panic and opened it, looking at her step-father with big eyes. She opened her mouth, but he spoke up first.
"Get changed, we're leaving immediately." He said dryly, looking her over from top to bottom, his brow furrowed.
Did she overlook something?
Could he see what she had just done?
"But why so sudden? I'd like to have breakfast. Has something happened?" She muttered, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Viserys is dead." He said, and she froze, feeling her heart stuck in her throat.
With a remnant of her strong will she held herself up from looking behind her, towards the toilet.
God, he'd definitely heard that.
"– what? – but –"
"They called the ambulance, Alicent found him dead in his bed. Who was banging on your door last night?" He asked, and she swallowed hard, feeling a cold sweat run down her back.
She couldn't lie, she had to think of something.
"Aemond. We talked about the past." She whispered, looking at him pleadingly, asking him to leave it alone.
"Is he here?" He asked coldly, stepping inside, looking around the room. His step headed towards the toilet, and she stood in his way.
"Y-yes. He was drunk and fell asleep on the floor. You scared me, we didn't know what to do." She muttered, feeling burning tears of shame and horror under her eyelids, the fear that squeezed her lungs made her breathe with difficulty.
One more time, just this one more time let me lie, she thought.
Please, this one more time.
"Get out of there. Now." He directed his words towards the door, which opened a moment later.
Her uncle came out of there pale, trembling all over, though she had no idea whether from fear or because of what he had heard.
"Go to your mother. She needs you now. Your older brother is completely drunk." Her step-father said, and her uncle passed them without a word and left, not even bestowing a single glance on them.
She pressed her lips into a thin line, clenching her thighs together, feeling his semen begin to flow down her leg.
She took a deep breath, trying not to burst into sobs and to keep up appearances that nothing had happened.
When Daemon's hand touched her head and pulled her to him, making her hit his chest, when his arms closed her in a secure embrace, she burst out into a loud, miserable cry.
She was pathetic, she was dirty, she was worthless, a simple whore, a vessel for his seed.
He did what he wanted with her, and she allowed him to.
"We'll go to the pharmacy. We'll sort it out. Don't worry." He said, and she felt both gratitude and horror at his words.
We'll sort it out.
He knew.
Her distraught mother went with Alicent and her siblings, and she, Daemon and her brothers were to return home together. On her way out of the building she spotted her uncle smoking a cigarette, his gaze blank and absent, directed somewhere in the distance.
He heard their footsteps and turned, meeting her gaze – the way he lowered his head in shame, looking away made her feel tears under her eyelids.
Of course it had ended like that.
It was just a dream, nothing more.
"We'll stop at the pharmacy on the way. Your sister is feeling unwell." Communicated Daemon as they set off, driving out of the car park.
She looked at her uncle again through the window and saw that he was looking at her, his eyebrows arched in pain, his lips parted, as if he regretted letting her go without saying goodbye.
She swallowed hard, resting her forehead against the glass, unable to focus on Jace's or Luke's questions, fearing what would now happen to their grandfather's business.
That's what everyone was wondering now, she thought.
As they drove down to the shopping arcade near their house, Daemon stopped in the parking lot and looked at her over his shoulder.
"Are you going to manage on your own or should I come with you?" He asked, and she felt her heart squeeze with pain.
She was afraid.
"Can you come with me?" She muttered, feeling tear after tear begin to run down her cheeks. Jace touched her shoulder, terrified.
"Do you feel that bad? Did you poison yourself with something?" He asked and she nodded, looking straight into her step-father's eyes.
"Yes. Yes, I poisoned myself with something very badly."
The experience of walking into a pharmacy with her step-father to buy a morning-after pill was one of the strangest and most uncomfortable things she had experienced in her life.
The lady pharmacist looked at Daemon grimly, as if she assumed he was responsible for all the fuss, putting her into a state of utter embarrassment.
Even though she tried to stand up to him, Daemon paid up and told her to hide the pack in her backpack as soon as they walked out of there.
"Read the leaflet carefully. Do everything as it says."
"I know." She muttered, for some reason bursting out crying again, wiping her reddened cheeks with her hand, trying not to think about the curious stares of other people around them.
"Everything has consequences. It will be fine. Don't worry. I won't say anything to your mother." He said, and she nodded.
It was the right thing to do, the logical thing to do, the safe thing to do.
This was the right thing to do.
When they got home, she went upstairs to her room and locked herself in, saying she wanted to take a shower. Daemon and her brothers were waiting for a call from her mother, and her stepsisters were in classes, so she had apparent peace and quiet.
For now.
She sat down on her bed and pulled a small packet with one pill inside from her backpack. She unrolled the leaflet and started to read, but couldn't concentrate.
I'd like to be the father of your child.
Why did he say that?
Did he want to have a clear conscience?
She swallowed hard, burying her face in her hands, not understanding why she had doubts.
After all, she was so young, still going to university. How would she explain her pregnancy? What would she tell her mother? That it was casual unprotected sex with a stranger, that she could have taken the morning-after pill but was an idiot?
She wanted to call him, to talk to him, but immediately afterwards she thought that he would tell her anything so that he himself would not feel remorse, the end result being that she would be left with a swollen belly, grief and humiliation alone.
She pressed her lips together and took the tablet out of the packet, grabbing for the bottle of water standing on her bedside table and hesitated, wanting to put it into her mouth.
I don't want to.
But it's the right thing to do.
I don't want to.
But I can't do it alone.
I don't want to.
I could love this child.
I have always wanted to be a mother.
I'm scared.
No one will understand.
I don't want to.
She closed her eyes, stood up, went into her bathroom and threw the pill into the toilet, flushing it down, letting it flow along with her certainty that what she had done would have no consequences.
It will be what is meant to be, she thought, sitting down with no strength on the cold tiles, feeling an emptiness in her heart.
When Daemon asked her if she had done the right thing she said yes.
She wasn't sure if he believed her or not, but he stroked her head anyway before walking out and leaving her alone.
By the time their mother got home it was late in the evening: from what she had managed to overhear it appeared that Viserys was really dead, that he had died in his sleep, that he had not suffered and that she was to go to the notary in two days' time to hear his last will.
That was what everyone was worried about.
What share of the estate would go to whom.
She shuddered, feeling the vibration of her phone in her hand, and froze when she looked at the display.
He was calling her.
She swallowed hard, locking herself immediately in her room, panicked, feeling her heart pounding like crazy.
She answered the call and put the phone to her ear, hearing a noise on the other end, as if someone was driving a car.
She heard him grunt, as if he was afraid of what he was about to say.
"How are you?"
What kind of question was that?
What was she supposed to answer that?
It was great sex, uncle, maybe we'll be parents soon?
"I don't know." She said, walking closer to the window, not wanting anyone in the corridor to hear that she was on the phone.
She heard him swallow hard, feeling involuntarily how difficult it was for him.
Why was she making excuses for him so easily?
"Did you…go to the pharmacy?" He asked finally.
There was silence on the other side for a moment.
"No, what?"
"I wasn't able to do it. I don't expect anything from you." She said in a trembling voice. "I'll manage on my own. If it turns out that…"
She didn't finish, preferring not to say it out loud.
She heard the sound of the key turning on the other side and the silence indicating that he had turned off the engine.
"I want this. If it's going to happen. I want to be a part of it."
"It sounds right only in your head."
"No. I mean it."
She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, wanting to tell him first that she didn't need his pity, but reminded herself after a moment that this was the day his father had died.
She sighed quietly, looking out the window at the courtyard of her house.
"And you? How do you feel? With everything that's happened."
"Depends on what you ask." He replied, but his tone of voice changed, becoming cool again.
"About your father."
"We knew he was seriously ill. That this was probably his last birthday."
They were quiet for a moment, however there was something warm in that silence, some kind of understanding and comfort.
"You said you didn't regret it." He said finally, and she drew in a loud breath at the memory of what they had done.
She didn't know what she was supposed to answer.
She was sad, bitter, disappointed, but did she regret it?
"I still think so. But I didn't get my hopes up about anything, if that's what you're aiming for. Daemon won't tell anyone about this. He won't…"
"Why was it so right?"
She froze, feeling heat in her lower abdomen at his question.
"Since it was wrong. So fucking wrong." He continued, as if his darkest, most disturbing thoughts were pouring out of him. "Then why it was so pleasant?"
"The forbidden fruit tempts most." She whispered.
She heard him swallow loudly, drawing in air deeply, as if something in her words pained him.
"Is that what it was for you?"
"I don't know. And for you?" She asked angrily, not understanding what he wanted to hear from her after so many years of silence, after he had come to her room in the middle of the night without a word of explanation and fucked her like there was going to be no tomorrow.
"I wanted…nevermind." He hissed.
"No. Say it." She demanded, hearing him twist in his seat.
"For eight years you pretended I didn't exist, I deserve this." She said in pain, feeling a squeeze in her throat so strong that she ran out of breath.
Don't hang up, please don't hang up.
"I want to try." He said at last, so quietly and uncertainly that she barely heard him.
"I don't understand."
"I would like to study archaeology. You wrote me that if I asked you to, you would help me get into university." He mumbled like a small, embarrassed child, startling her completely.
"I…well, but…there are only two months left to submit the documents. What day is today? Thursday. Are you thinking about full-time or part-time studies?" She asked, walking over to her calendar, trying to count in her head how much time they had.
God, there was a desire in him to change something.
She knew that if she discouraged him, she might soon find out that someone had shot him in the head.
"Only part-time classes are an option." He replied finally. "Is it manageable? Do they have any…requirements?"
"Passed final exams in high school, preferably in history or a language." She explained. "There are also entrance exams, but they are not difficult."
"I had the best result in the history final exam in the whole class." He muttered and she nodded, feeling a rush of adrenaline.
"Good. That's very good, Aemond. It can be done. If you want, come to my University tomorrow, we can talk to my professor about whether a personal teaching plan would come into play if you got in."
"Is there such a thing?"
"Yes, for students who are working at the same time."
"Really?" He asked, a note of hope in his voice that made her heart clench.
"Yes. Text me when you can be there, the professor has class until 3 p.m. Okay?"
"See you tomorrow." She said and hung up, looking at her phone screen in disbelief.
She didn't know why she jumped up and down with happiness, why she believed that things would change, that she would really get him back.
She wanted so badly to know that there was still hope for both of them.
Throughout the next day she feared he would give up and not come.
She thought with horror that he was, after all, a complete stranger to her.
What did she know about him?
Despite her doubts, he finally wrote to her.
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How did he know where he was supposed to arrive?
She figured he might have looked it up on the internet and went out to meet him, intending to pick him up from the car park. When she saw his car pull into the driveway she approached him, keeping a safe distance. He got out of the car and automatically reached into his jacket for his pack of cigarettes.
"There's no smoking allowed on University premises." She said.
He lowered his hand in a gesture of impatience, furrowing his brow.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Yes. Let's go. We'll find my professor in the teachers' common room, he's just having a break between lectures." She said, and he moved behind her, looking around at the walls of the large, brick, old building from the 19th century.
"Does he know I'm coming?" He asked uncertainly, clearly tense.
People passing him looked at his face, at his scar.
She felt uncomfortable with the thought, angry for some reason that he couldn't just walk down the corridor in peace.
Was it always like this?
In the shop, in the office, in the restaurant, at school?
Everyone looking at him.
When they got there she knocked on the right door. Her professor, Mr Addams, was a hearty, grey-haired, rather short man with big glasses and a short, elegantly trimmed beard. He was a man of great passion and they immediately found a common language through which he began to take her on his private excavations as a help.
In this way, she managed to collect any savings of her own.
"Professor. This is my friend I mentioned to you." She said, glancing over her shoulder, her uncle's face pale and terrified, his healthy eye wide open.
Good God.
Her professor held out his hand to him, and to her relief he showed any social reflexes and shook it.
"My pleasure. Miss Strong spoke of you in all superlatives. Please, let's go to my office." He said, moving briskly down the corridor with a bundle of keys in his hand, and they moved to follow him.
Mr Addams opened the door to the room and invited them inside into a small study with a high window, all lined with wooden panelled walls, an oak bookcases filled to the brim with books, a desk and several chairs all around it.
The professor sat behind the table, sighing heavily, indicating their seats on the opposite side.
"I'm listening." He said, and she looked at her uncle. He gave her a horrified look, convinced apparently that she would do everything for him.
"So. My friend didn't have the opportunity to study because of his job. I was wondering if there would be the possibility of personal teaching plan or part-time study in that case." She said finally. The man raised his eyebrows and scratched his chin.
"Classes can be studied in part-time, but you have to do a lot of practice hours on excavations, as you know, Miss Strong. They are obligatory." He said.
"Yes, but my friend works at night. He could take part in them during the day. Right?" She asked, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. Her uncle grunted, tense, not knowing where to look, his fingers clenched into fists.
His face then when Jace took his boxers from him, his loud sobs, his hands clenched into fists as he stood up to his waist in water.
"Yes. Yes, that would be possible." He replied lowly, trailing his fingers along the armrest.
The professor nodded.
"Well, if that's the case, then please prepare yourself for the exams. Then we'll see what comes of it." He said and rose, nodding at them.
"Is that it?" Her uncle muttered, looking at her with big eyes, as if he expected to be questioned for hours by this man.
"Yes." She replied. "Thank you, Professor."
When they went outside and said goodbye to Mr Addams they stood in awkward silence, not knowing what to do with themselves.
"If you'd like, I'll wait and drive you home." He offered, not looking at her but somewhere to the side, pretending to read something interesting on a poster hanging on the wall.
"No need. Mum will pick me up." She replied.
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and grinned under his breath.
"They pick you up and drop you off like a little girl?" He sneered, making her feel an unpleasant sting in her heart.
"Ever since someone put a rape pill into my drink, yes."
His expression changed, filled with sudden shame and discomfort. He grunted and scratched his chin, embarrassed.
"Do you know who did this? I can take care of it. For your comfort." He added, as if to make amends to her for his ill-considered words.
"Larys Strong." She said, and he looked at her shocked as if he didn't believe she had said that.
"I already told you. He was telling me about my father."
"But it wasn't him who put it into your drink, it was one of his people, right?"
"He asked me if I wanted a drink. I said no. Then he ordered water for me. I took a few sips from it and struggled to get to the bathroom."
Her uncle stared at her wide-eyed, breathing loudly through his nose, his lips pressed together in a way from which she felt fear and a cold sweat on her back.
"Son of a bitch." He hissed, running his hand over his face, turning his head away, clearly thinking of something she didn't like.
"Don't interfere. Go home." She said impatiently. He looked at her, surprised.
"And when are you going to teach me?" He muttered.
"For the exams. I need you to help me. How do I reconcile what I have to do at night with studying if I don't know where to start?" He asked, and she sighed heavily, burying her face in her hands.
"Okay. Okay, I'll help you. I'll pass you the study books somehow." She said finally, giving in, recognising that she had no choice, that whether she wanted to or not, she had to help him get out of this life that was destroying him every day.
She didn't want him to die.
He stood over her and stared at her, his warm breath enveloping the top of her head.
"Can I touch your hand?"
She lifted her gaze to him and met his eyes, one blank, staring dully ahead, the other red with emotion, his full lips parted involuntarily in an accelerated breath.
She held out her hand towards him, and he took his from the pocket of his trousers, grasping her little fingers in his.
There was something frighteningly natural about the way they intertwined, how perfectly they fit together, how right they looked in a tender embrace.
"Walk me out."
And off they went together, walking down the University's sidewalks, holding hands as if they were a couple.
There was something childlike and naïve about it, about how tightly their fingers clasped together, how close the embrace was, how much they needed proof that nothing was over between them.
She thought it was a pathetic attempt to reclaim their lost childhood.
She let go of his hand as they stopped at his car and watched as he got in without a word, only to drive away a moment later without even bestowing a single glance on her.
She spent the rest of the day during class unable to focus on what she was hearing, pondering how she was going to fool Daemon and her mother into thinking she was spending time with someone else while she was actually helping him study.
She concluded, when she saw her stepfather's face behind the wheel and not her mother's, that it might be worth it to just stop lying.
When she got into the passenger side of the car and Daemon set off, she began to speak at once.
"I'm helping Aemond get into University."
Daemon snorted at her words, surprised, frustrated and intrigued all at the same time. She clamped her hands on the fabric of the backpack lying on her lap, dreading his answer.
Is that all?
"I want to help him prepare for his exams. He has very little time."
She swallowed hard hearing him say the word coldly and confidently.
Daemon switched on his indicator and turned at the crossroads even though he should have been driving straight, leaving her stunned.
"What are you doing? Where are we going?" She muttered, feeling her heart start to pound like crazy with terror.
"You'll see."
They stopped in one of the busiest streets in the city: her stepfather had told her to get off, so she did, moving a moment later right behind him towards one of the pubs.
"Not open yet, mate." Said a tall, stocky man in a black suit stopping him with his hand.
"For me it is. Mate." He scoffed.
The man wanted to say something, but someone from downstairs called out to let them in.
A woman.
They went down the stairs inside: apart from them and the bartender, who was mopping the floor, a beautiful black-haired woman was sitting at one of the tables, bent over a laptop. Seeing her stepfather she stood up and approached them with a smile that was both seductive and disturbing.
Her eyes were unnaturally green.
"Well, well. Fucking Alys Rivers. The world is small." Daemon said and shook her hand in a gesture as if they had once been partners.
"What brings you here?" She asked softly, directing the gaze of her bright eyes at her, her voice melodious and deep.
The woman examined her figure from top to bottom, as if she had just been looking at something tasty.
"I came to show my step-daughter the brutality of life." He explained, glancing at her over his shoulder with some kind of pride, as if he was just about to teach his son some very manly and important things.
Alys Rivers cocked her head at his words, glancing at her with a look that frightened her.
As if she had heard of her before.
"Oh. I see. Well, I won't disturb you. It was good to see you. Give my regards to your wife." She said and returned to her seat, clicking something on her laptop again.
Daemon moved forward and sat a table at the other end of the room. She sat next to him, tense, and after a moment a man came out of the back room who had not noticed them, walking straight towards the black-haired woman.
It was only when she saw his face that she understood why her stepfather had taken her there.
He had three long scars on the left side of his face.
The man only noticed them when the woman pointed her finger at them. He nodded at them and Daemon reciprocated the gesture, looking at her.
"Guess who left him such a beautiful reminder."
On the way back home, she was silent, because that was also the state of her mind: it was empty. No thought, no feeling, no sound or word flowed through her: images from outside the window flashed before her eyes, as if she were watching a film.
A passive observer of someone else's life.
"Robert wasn't the only one. There are seven others. Most recently Tyland. They were in arrears, and Otto is very much on his word. I worked for him, just like your one-eyed uncle." He said, and she looked at him shocked.
"What?" She muttered.
"I slammed them with a baseball bat until they looked like a red tomato. They had all their facial bones broken. They looked like completely different people afterwards." He said, and she lowered her gaze, feeling discomfort, horror, disbelief.
She rarely thought about what they did to people who didn't pay them on time because she knew that if she started doing it, she wouldn't get a single peaceful night again.
"Your uncle is now his dog. The faithful hound he has raised for himself for eight years. Even if some part of him would like to run away, he knows he cannot bite the hand that feeds him. A dog can only have one owner, and that is his grandfather, even if you wish it were otherwise."
"Don't speak about him like that. As if he wasn't human." She exclaimed in pain, looking at him in disbelief. Daemon shook his head.
"You don't understand. He's brainwashed. He's trapped in his big cage and he thinks he's free. But as soon as he tries to take a step too far, Otto will react and you'll get the message from him that he's not going to university and he'll never see you again. If it was just about fucking, I'd be able to understand it. I also did… reckless things when I was your age, but you get involved, naively mistaking his euphoria at meeting you after eight years for affection that could change anything."
Each successive word from him was like needles that, one by one, drove into her heart, a bucket of cold water that made her begin to quiver, red with shame, sadness and regret.
Some part of her knew he was right.
She closed her eyes, seeing in her mind the face of a man with three scars.
He had done this to him.
How could the hands that touched her so tenderly, so softly, do such a thing?
A dog can only have one owner, and that is his grandfather, even if you wish it were otherwise.
She knew that the comparison her step-father used was cruel and derogatory, but she understood in a way what he was warning her about.
Her uncle was lonely and manipulated by his grandfather, full of complexes and insecurities that made him cling to what was safe and familiar, which if there was too much risk would cause him to withdraw.
She realised that he would never choose her.
What happened between them was pure coincidence, the result of their collision in a place and time beyond their control.
A desperate attempt to connect again.
She spent the rest of the day in the garden, watering the flowers and weeding around them, trying to calm and soothe herself. The sight of them, those beautiful, vibrant colours of their petals gave her pleasure, comfort in a state where she felt she would never experience any other joys in her life again.
The next day her mother and Daemon went to the notary to hear her grandfather's last will. Everyone was tense and sullen from the morning, knowing what it meant.
A war of influence was looming over what Viserys had left behind, pubs, clubs, businesses, more than half of their entire family's source of income.
Jace and Luke were restless, looking out of the windows once in a while, talking loudly about the fact that whatever their mother was getting, Otto would surely want to take from them by force, and they would never agree to that.
"Stop it." She muttered, sighing heavily. Baela, who was sitting next to her, squeezed her hand in hers, sensing her uncertainty.
"They're coming back!" Jace called out as he ran out into the driveway and they followed him, looking with big eyes at Daemon's and his security guards' cars.
Her stepfather stepped out of the car with a broad smile as if he was the winner of some world championship, however, her mother was pale and her face expressed horror.
"Everything. Viserys bequeathed everything to your mother in his will." He said spreading his hands as if he had received a blessing from God himself.
Jace and Luke ran up to him and hugged him as if it was the best day of their lives, but she and her step-sisters felt exactly the same as her mother.
Her uncles, her aunt, his second wife got nothing.
"How can this be?" She mumbled, shaking her head.
"He left them some big estates by the sea and in the city. I don't give a shit. Tonight we're celebrating, my dears, we're having a banquet!" Daemon exclaimed as he walked into their house, but she approached her mother, who was barely on her feet.
"Mom?" She muttered.
Rhaenyra looked at her and shook her head, following her husband into the house.
She knew what she was thinking about.
Otto will never leave it like this.
"Each of you will have a bodyguard assigned to you from today. We are reinforcing the security of our home, each of us can now be a target. You do not speak to anyone from that part of the family without consulting me or your mother." Said her stepfather, holding a glass of champagne in his hand, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, giving her a protracted, uneasy look.
She lowered her gaze, feeling discomfort in her stomach, having the impression that she had forgotten how to breathe.
Taking advantage of the fact that Daemon was in euphoria and he, along the other men who worked with them had made a party, she went back to her room. She lay down in bed hearing their laughter and loud conversations downstairs, not understanding where their reason for joy came from.
Did they love killing each other so much?
She shuddered as her display lit up – she reached for her phone with her hand and unlocked the screen as soon as she saw that he had texted her.
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She swallowed hard, looking around, wondering if she should do this.
Everyone was downstairs, the security guards were drunk.
Maybe she could sneak out?
She knew the code to the gate, maybe no one would notice her if she went out the back door.
Uncertainty, fear and trepidation squeezed her heart, but some part of her wanted to believe that he really cared, that in a situation where all seemed lost he was willing to reach for the one thing that gave him hope.
Today he lost everything, she thought.
Can I take more away from him?
So she packed her books from her first year into her backpack and left the room quietly in her sweatshirt and shorts, not even trying to go for her shoes, heading for the stairs. Apart from one drunk, sleeping security guard and two men talking in the kitchen, she didn't see anyone.
She lay down on the floor and began to crawl forward, feeling like a commando on an important mission, seeing from a distance that they didn't hear her. She rose as she entered the dark hallway and quietly opened the door.
She lifted her gaze up to the camera facing the exit and cursed under her breath, stopping halfway.
She had completely forgotten about it.
What now?
She looked around, trying to remember exactly what the image from the cameras she had seen once looked like when she and Daemon were searching for something on the recordings.
One, two, three, four she started counting and spotted an area she was sure the range of none of the cameras included. She ran in that direction, propped a bucket lying next to her feet and struggled to climb the wall, pulling herself up with a groan of effort, leaping over to the other side, almost breaking her legs.
She hissed, falling onto her hands – when she lifted them she saw that she had scraped her skin there and on her knees.
She sighed heavily, recognising that she would survive such injuries and that they would be nothing compared to what Daemon would do to her if he found out she had escaped.
She'll just give him the books and go back home.
She breathed out loud when she saw his car around the corner, its engine and lights on. He opened the door from his side, looking at her with big eyes, and she quickly pulled off her backpack, giving it to him.
"Take this and get out of here." She muttered, but his hand grasped her wrist.
"– come here –"
"– I have to –"
"– come –"
She stared at him, panting hard, knowing involuntarily what he wanted, feeling the squeeze between her thighs at the thought that she wanted it too.
"– I –"
"– it won't take long –"
He closed the door behind her as she let his arm pull her around the waist – she clumsily sat on top of him, trying to make herself comfortable on his lap in such a tight space. She lifted herself up on her knees to slide her shorts off while he looked at her with a misty gaze, unfastening the belt to his trousers.
"– good girl – such a good girl –" He breathed out, releasing his erection immediately, throbbing and dripping with desire, ready to give her what she needed.
There was no time for any other kind of caress, so she positioned herself over him, lowering herself slowly onto his thick, smooth tip, feeling how wonderfully he opened her for himself, stretching her warm, moist walls.
"– fuck – fuck, baby –" He muttered, clamping his hands over her firm buttocks, panting and moaning loudly along with her, sliding into her in one, deep thrust.
The feeling of him deep inside her was full of tension, her interior suddenly stretched to the limit on his throbbing erection, which he began to thrust slowly into her with trembling, tentative slaps full of impatience.
"– ah – G-God –" She mumbled, feeling how her slickness helped him to force his way into her body again and again, filling her so wonderfully.
Why it felt so right when it was so wrong?
Her hands embraced his neck, their foreheads touched each other as his palms on her waist forced a quick, sharp, violent pace on her from which her nipples hardened, the pleasant tickle in her lower abdomen caused by him rubbing her where she needed it made her gasp.
"– Aemond –" She mewled, trying to find a rhythm with his body, rolling her hips back and forth, filling herself again and again with his swollen, hot manhood, feeling pleasant, warm tickle in her belly.
"– do you hear it? – do you hear how well you take me? – only you – fuck –" He gasped, pounding into her with loud, wet slaps of their hips, listening how her twitching cunt clicked with his every push. His hand sank into her hair as his moist lips brushed hers, inviting her into the warm, sticky kiss full of their saliva.
Their tongues licked and teased each other, intensifying their sensation, building a swift path to their fulfilment, their bodies slammed against each other greedily with their embarrassingly loud moans of pleasure.
It seemed to her that they were too ashamed and shocked by the situation, by what they were doing, and how pleasurable it was, how liberating it was, to fuck in his car against everyone and everything, the sticky juices of their forbidden fruit running down their thighs each time his cock sank into her weeping pussy again.
She was terrified that, despite the speed and brutality of his thrusts, his hands caressed her body so tenderly, stroking her hair, her neck, her back, her buttocks, her cheeks, allowing his lips and tongue to join hers in loud, chaotic, wet kisses full of their moans.
She couldn't stop the tension that was growing in her lower abdomen, the pleasant tickling in her fingertips and the clenching deep between her thighs that proved she was about to come.
"– where? –" He mumbled into her mouth, her hands stroking his sweaty, soft cheeks, letting the messy, greedy thrusts of his hips give her the pleasure she so needed, her lips parted wide as the aggressive, stupefying fulfilment full of relief shook her body.
"– here – right here, uncle –" She gasped, feeling only pleasure, only relief, only bliss.
He groaned loudly, helpless, and came hard inside her, throwing his head back, panting heavily along with her. He hugged her face to his sweaty neck, exactly as he had then, that night in the hotel room, his half-hard, pulsing manhood filling her with the remnants of his seed.
"– I think I'm in love with you –" He whispered in a trembling voice, making the sound stuck in her throat with emotion.
She parted her lips, not knowing what to answer him, thinking with embarrassment that she somehow reciprocated his feelings.
His hand slid off her head while the other continued to stroke her bare buttock, his soft erection still throbbing deep inside her as his lips placed a warm, soft kiss on her forehead.
"– forgive me –"
She only drew in the air loudly, shocked, and clenched her hands on his black T-shirt when she felt the needle jab into her neck. Her squeal of horror, grief, and disbelief sounded unnatural, as if she were a small animal being butchered.
Her body became numb, the image around her became blurred and unclear, a heavy, dark sleep descended on her mind as she simply relaxed in his arms, feeling his hand stroke her head again, his cheek nestled against her forehead all wet.
He cried.
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l-love-writing · 4 months
Odasaku and Ango take care of the sick Dazai.
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*Dazai, Ango and Odasaku agree to meet at the same time at the Lupine Bar. Ango and Odasaku arrive at Lupine Bar at the appointed time, but Dazai is late.
*Odasaku and Ango were sitting at the Lupin bar and chatting. Dazai hadn't arrived yet, but they were both used to Dazai being late.
*After a few hours, they found it strange that Dazai was so late. Of course, they both thought of the worst case scenario because Port Mafia. There's no need for another reason to consider the worst case scenario.
*They then called Dazai on the phone. When Dazai didn't answer the phone call, they felt the need to check Dazai's house.
*When they got home, there was no one to open the door, so Odasaku wanted to break the door. Ango stopped Odasaku when he heard voices inside, and a few minutes later, Dazai opened the door.
*They found Dazai in pyjamas, under eyes were black, messy hair and with a red face. It was obvious that Dazai was sick, he looked absolutely terrible.
Ango, "You look terrible.
Dazai, "Do I look as bad as a corpse?"
Odasaku, "Yes."
Dazai, "Great!"
*After this strange conversation, Dazai suddenly loses his balance. Fortunately, Odasaku catches him before he falls to the ground and brings him into the house. He then puts Dazai to bed.
*Ango and Odasaku decided to take care of Dazai tonight. Because Dazai could have preferred to die of illness rather than flu medicine and hot soup, and there was no need to risk it.
*Odasaku looked in the fridge to make hot soup, but only canned and prepared foods.
Odasaku, "Ango, you need to go to the market and buy something."
* So Ango had to buy some ingredients from the market to cook properly. While he was out, he stopped by a pharmacy and bought a few flu pills. When Ango came back, Odasaku heated the soup. The two then forced Dazai to eat the soup. Dazai was reluctant to eat, but somehow he had to agree and eat.
*The hardest part was convincing Dazai to eat the pills.
*Later, when they realized how cold it was where Dazai was staying, they heated it up with a stove.
*Later, Odasaku had to go home to avoid leaving his adopted children alone at night. In this case, Ango was the victim because he was left there to deal with Dazai.
Dazai, "Hey Ango, how about staying up until the morning tonight?"
Ango, "You don't stay awake until the morning."
Dazai, "Why not?"
*Dazai was forced to sleep. Dazai wasn't happy with anything he experienced tonight. He had planned to die due to illness but he couldn't do it.
*Dazai recovered from his illness the next day. At least Ango and Odasaku didn't have to deal with a sick Dazai.
Sorry for my terrible english.
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au in which nathaniel is married to riko
okay so
in this universe there's no mafia, the moriyamas are just filthy rich businessmen, but nathan still is a serial killer
things go a bit different in the sense that nathan kills mary when neil is 10 bc he loses his temper and keeps neil practically captive in that house, torturing him endlessly until nathan slips up and somehow the fbi finds the evidence they need to raid the house when neil is idk 15 ish and they end up killing nathan and neil is sent to foster care
he doesn't have as bad a time in foster care as andrew did, some parents like slapping him around, but some are genuinely nice people
ultimately tho he's not adopted by anyone by the time he turns 18 (he tells himself he doesn't mind, who would want a damaged and quiet and sketchy and flighty kid in their family anyway?)
he's left on his own, to figure out how to be a real person, an adult, with no home, no place to stay, no friends, no family, nothing but himself
he goes through a few years where he just lives on the streets, spending the little money he has left on food, going to shelters when he can, traveling through states until he gets to new york
he's attacked and harassed by some guy at some point outside a bar or something and he's so dazed he cant even fight back, but someone fights back for him
and its riko moriyama, famous fucking exy star and professional athlete
he saves neil and he takes him to his place, where he lets him stay and recover and hey, he's actually kind of sweet, and he really cares about neil, and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to stay with him? and when riko kisses him the first time maybe its not so bad? and maybe when they start dating he's incredibly loving and he gives him gifts and it's the happiest neil has been? and maybe when riko proposes neil says yes and they get married and they're happy? genuinely happy for once?
except that at some point, the love becomes anger, the sweet gestures become punches, the care becomes jealousy and control and pain, and what was the best thing in neils life becomes a nightmare once more
(and maybe he blames himself, maybe its neil thats the problem, maybe its him who brings out the worst in people, maybe he's doomed to this cycle of abuse)
its not until riko beats neil withing an inch of his life that neil runs
neil doesn't actually go by neil throughout all of this, he still goes by nathaniel, his legal name, nathaniel wesninski is married to riko moriyama not neil josten
so neil runs and runs and runs with what little money he could steal from riko and he adopts neil josten's identity until he physically cannot keep going
luckily for him, his collapse happens far enough, all the way in seattle in the same pharmacy that medical intern aaron minyard was buying some supplies
so yeah aaron freaks out and almost calls an ambulance but neil stops him bc he's scared bc riko might not have mafia connections in this universe but he has so much fucking money
and it takes aaron and katelyn and abby on the phone for them to fix a heavily beat up neil who should definitely go to the hospital but this is the best they can do
(aaron just assumes he's homeless, and he cant pay the hospital, and he's a fucking softie deep inside so he does everything he can to help how he can)
and maybe when kate catches neil sneaking out one night, she does everything to stop him and offers him safety and maybe the exchange some truths, maybe kate guesses that neil had someone that abused him, maybe someone he loved and neil is scared and he doesn't feel like he can trust anyone but something about kate makes him break down and tell her what he can while making sure he doesn't reveal much
and im taking too long but basically aaron and kate take neil in and they introduce him to the foxes and to the legendary kevin day and andrew minyard, professional exy players for the seattle exy team
and well it takes time and lots of trust before neil lets himself open up again
but its in the form of andrew minyard and the way they can both respect each others boundaries, and neil tells andrew about nathan, but never reveals the truth about being married or anything about riko moriyama
until andrew asks neil to marry him and well
it all goes to shit lol
neil cant bring himself to tell andrew the truth and it all becomes a mess and andrew breaks things up and neil becomes a mess as well
(bc its true, it's on him, its always on him and god he never learns, he never fucking learns, he doesn't fucking get happy endings, he doesn't fucking get good things)
and he tries to leave aaron and kate's place again, and he's successful this time and he's on his way out of seattle when he stops by a gas station to get some food and he has no idea of where he's going and he hesitates for a while, until he catches the eye of andrew on his car outside, and andrew just looks away and leaves and-
and if neil was hesitating before he's sure now and he has to leave for good and he has to leave and get away and never come back and
and he runs right into riko moriyama as he's leaving the store
to be continued maybe??
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smoooothoperator · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger
02: Need To Know
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 3.3k
Official playlist
previous part | next part
a/n: hello beautiful people! here we have another chapter of this two silly duo. And we have a Spotify playlist!!! If some of you think that I should add more sings please tell me
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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"I had a little accident, Nora… it's okay" I sighed looking at how my foot was on a cushion on the coffee table. "I have to rest around three days and then I can go work"
"No, no, no! You won't come in a few weeks! You have a sprained ankle, you have to rest" she protested. "But how did it happen?"
"Well… I just fell and twisted it, easy" I shrugged my shoulders. "But I'm fine, really… don't worry!"
"Just rest, okay? I'll go there and help you with everything you need" 
"It's not necessary, Nora. I can walk, you don't have to come"
When the day started I never imagined that something like this could happen: having a stranger in my house cooking my dinner for me because he crashed into me and now I can't move my foot.
On the way back to the apartment complex he was tense all the way, driving carefully and looking around, making sure he won't crash on someone again. We stopped on a pharmacy so I could buy my medicines and even crutches so I could move around without any help.
"Logan, really… it's not necessary" I sighed, looking at him moving around my kitchen after I finished the call with Nora.
"At least let me make  your dinner" he said, looking back at me. "Then you won't see me again"
I frowned, raising an eyebrow and sighing. He was nervous, I can tell. It's like when someone wants to clean a crime scene. He wants to make me forgive him for crashing into me.
"You know that will be impossible, we are neighbors and this town is small" I sighed, crossing my arms in front of my chest and watching him move around. 
He just remained silent, making my curiosity grow even more. He's British for sure, his accent is too obvious. I'm sure he has money, the perfume I smelt when I was behind him on the scooter seemed expensive. He wears a Lacoste shirt and Ray-Ban sunglasses. 
"Why did you come to the town?" I asked him after some minutes of silence studying him. 
"What are you talking about?" he frowned, turning around. 
"It's obvious you have money, right?" I pointed. "Lacoste, and expensive perfume"
He looked at me and I saw his Adam apple move. Is he nervous?. He doesn't want anyone discovering him?
"What, are you a robber or something? From the mafia?" I laughed. 
"W-what? What are you talking about?" he mumbled, making me frown and look at him.
"Why coming to Parga, and not going to…  I don't know" I sighed, shrugging my shoulders. "Mykonos or Santorini…"
"Why don't you mind your own business?" he interrupted me, pissed. 
"Wow, relax" I laughed. "I'm just joking! Come on, I'm bored. I can't move and you are just making my dinner!"
He sighed and rolled his eyes, looking back at the kitchen. He was making something that looked like a salad, with some lettuce, olives, feta cheese and tomato. 
"I came here because I wanted to be on my own" he said. 
"Oh, I see..." I nodded, understanding him. After all, that's part of the reason why I came and stayed here. "Then let me tell you that Parga is the perfect place"
He looked over his shoulder at me and I heard him sigh. There's something about him that intrigued me, something that makes me want to know about him.
"How is your hand?" he asked me, putting the salad he made in front of me.
"It's okay" I sighed, looking at the mix of vegetables he made. "Stings a lot, I want to scratch it…"
"You shouldn't" he frowned, grabbing a glass of water and putting the pills I have to take next to it. "And try to not move a lot, you heard what the doctor said. Not even going to the beach"
“But…” I protested, receiving a frown from him, making me groan. “Okay”
He looked at me and stood straight, crossing his arms in front of his chest and sighed. RIght now I feel like when my mother used to give me that cold look because I was doing something wrong, with that disappointed gaze. 
“You can leave now” I sighed, grabbing the fork and eating the salad he made. “I can do things on my own. You better go careful after this, I wouldn’t like to crash into someone else if I were you”
He smiled weakly and nodded, grabbing his things and looking back at me before he walked out of the apartment, closing the front door behind him.
What way to finish the day, with a sprained ankle and a neighbor that made my dinner after only knowing his name.
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She has something that makes me want to know about her. Maybe it is the way she lives, her house doesn’t have many personal things, just the necessary.
But what makes me feel curious is the tons of books she owns about Greek mythology or about its history, all the shells she has on jars and the room that is dedicated to paint. She didn’t even cry when we had the crash, just argued with me immediately and tried to do everything by herself, not accepting my help.
After I made her dinner and left her there, I went to my rented apartment. How could she know I am rich only by looking at my shirt and smelling my perfume? She said she was joking, but the way she looked at me made me feel anxious. 
She doesn’t know who I am, right? Then why does she look at me that way?
“God, I don’t think I’ll survive in this place” I sighed, my phone in my ear and Carlos at the other side of the line.
“Why? Do you miss me?” he smirked, laughing after that. “What’s wrong with that place?”
“No… the place is nice” I sighed, looking out through the window. “I just… God, I arrived today and I already nearly killed my neighbor”
“What?!” he laughed loud, making me frown and pull away the phone from my ear. “You muppet! No one can leave you alone!”
“Don’t laugh at me! That’s being mean!” I groaned. “I just… I had to lie about my own name because she acted weird, like if she knew who I am”
“So you gave her a fake name? God, can you be more stupid?” he sighed.
“But… What if she discovers who I am! What if she takes a picture of me and posts it on Instagram?” I frown. “People will know where I am and then they’ll come. I don’t want that, mate. I don't want to explain why I'm alone or why I don't have a girlfriend"
"I know, but…" he sighed. "Lying about your name? That's… that's too much, mate"
"Why? I mean, maybe I won't see her again" I sighed. "What's the matter with that?"
"Nothing" he sighed. "If you are okay with it, them it's fine"
I sigh and nod, ending the call and looking at the beach. Lily, my neighbor, wanted to go there and I ruined it. What a great way to start my vacation.
I opened the fridge and grabbed the first thing I found, going to the couch and looking at the wall while eating it. I really want to finish this day and go to bed, forget about what happened and start again.
But then I heard a strong noise, and a groan. And it came from the other side of the wall.
"Lily?" I frown, talking loud. Maybe she could hear me.
I heard her curse and I just got up, walking out of the apartment and going to her door.
When I helped her get inside her apartment after coming from the pharmacy I saw that she always leaves her door unlocked. She might trust the people from here to leave the door like that.
"Lily?" I called her again, standing on the frame of the front door.
"Bathroom" I heard her mumble.
I sigh and walk towards the bathroom, searching for the door of it. And then I saw her on the floor, naked and wrapped in a towel.
"Oh, eh…" I gasp looking around, trying to not look at her body. "What happened?"
"I tried to take a bath but I just fell" she sighed, tightening the towel around her. 
"Do you need help?" I sighed. I could feel how my cheeks were getting red.
"Logan…" she said, and then I heard her sigh defeated. "Please?"
"Okay… ehm…" I mumble looking at the ceiling. "You are naked under the towel, right?"
"Yeah" she sighed. "I mean, I have the bottom of the bikini. I fell trying to take it off…"
"Okay, good" I nodded, looking around and finding the top of the bikini. "Can you put it on so I can help you?"
I heard her groan a little and move, sitting on the floor. I reached the top, making sure I didn't look at her, and handed it to her, waiting until she told me she was ready.
"Alright" I nodded.
I looked at her, sitting on the floor. She had small tears in the corner of her eyes, some of them dry. I sighed and looked at the bath, it doesn't have water on it yet, so I opened the key and let the water run until it was warm, butting some shower gel to make sure it made bubbles.
"Did you hurt your hand with the fall?" I asked, kneeling in front of her. She nodded and I just sighed. "Let me see"
"It's okay, Logan… really" she sighed. "You can go back to your apartment"
"No" I frown. "Right now you need someone to help you, and I'm just a door away"
Why did I say that? 
"Come on, I'm sure you were busy" she protested. "Really, I'm fine. I can get up and then get in the bathtub on my own"
"God, let me help you, Lily" I sighed, tired of how stubborn she's acting. 
She sighed and groaned, giving up. 
"Yeah, I hurt my hand" she mumbled, showing it to me. The bandage that was wrapped around her arm to protect the wound she made after falling to the road had a little blood on it. "I think I opened the wound after falling…"
"It's okay" I nodded. "You have a first aid kit here, right? While you are on the bath relaxing I can change the bandage"
"But you don't have to stay here while I take the bath!" she protested, but the moment I looked at her she sighed. "Okay…"
I sigh and stop the water of the bathtub and look at her, picking her up and placing her on it, making sure that the foot with the bandage was held up at the edge of the bathtub. At the start she protested when I held her, saying that she could stand for herself, but it was clearly a way of telling me to stop helping her.
"Can I ask you something?" I said, changing the bandage and putting the cream the pharmacist gave her. 
"You are already doing it" she mumbled, groaning softly when I touched the wound.
"Hm, funny" I said sarcastically. "Anyway… why didn't you accept my help?"
She looked at me and sighed. I could feel her eyes scanning me, judging me. Maybe she knows that Logan is not my name. That I'm Lando Norris.
"I don't trust you" she said, shrugging her shoulders. "The only things I know about you is that you are my neighbor in this apartment complex, that you probably are British because of your accent, that your skills driving a scooter are horrendous and that you make good salads"
I looked at her and tried to not laugh. She might be the first person that thinks I cook well, or that at least I make something edible.
"I'm not that bad at driving a scooter" I said laughing softly after I finished wrapping the bandage on her hand. "I'm a good driver"
"A good driver? Let me doubt that" she laughed softly too.
I look at her and smile. Her laugh is cute, at least now the mood is not as tense as before. 
I looked at her while she looked away. Her skin is tanned, the kind of tan you get after going all days to the beach. Before she fell to the floor she put her hair on a hair lip that had the shape of a white flower, and the baby hairs of her nape were too short to be with the rest of her hair so now those strands were wet and stuck to her skin. The bikini she's wearing is blue, a color that goes well with her skin and her blue eyes. 
If someone told me she is a model I would have believed them.
"I'm from Bristol" I said, sitting on the floor, looking at her. "So yeah, I'm British. And I'm terrible at cooking"
"Makes sense" she nodded. "So you are terrible at driving a scooter and at cooking. What else?"
"I can't sing" I chuckle. "But I know how a DJ set up works"
"Interesting" she laughed. "So, what are you? Some kind of DJ that needs to be away and have a solo trip?"
Actually… it could work.
"Yeah, kinda" I chuckle nervously. "I'm new in that world and I want to discover my own style"
"Ah.. that's cool" she nodded, making me raise my eyebrow. "I'm serious! It's cool"
"Tell me about you, then" I said, nodding at her. "Where are you from? Because I can tell that you have a good English accent but you speak fluent Greek"
"I'm… British, too" she smiled weakly. "But I came here because I loved this country"
"I can tell, you have lots of books about Greece" I nodded, even more curious than before after I saw her weak smile.
"I studied ancient history and I always wanted to be here to live it in first person" she sighed, resting her head in the back of the bathtub. 
"And then I thought that you were like some of those girls obsessed with that Mamma Mia movie" I chuckled, trying to ease the mood. "You gave me those Donna vibes when I saw you"
"Who knows? Maybe I'll turn into her in a few years" she laughed softly. "I came here searching for a dream and I'm already living it…"
"That's good" I nodded, curious.
She smiled weakly and sighed, relaxing. I should go back to my apartment, but there's something that makes me want to stay and help her. Maybe it's the fact that I feel guilty, that she's like this because of my fault, because I crashed into her and she got injured.
"Why do you leave the front door unlocked?" I asked her, curious.
"Why not? I trust the people" she said, shrugging her shoulders and looking at me. "I don't have anything to hide or anything they can take from me. People are kind and I'm kind with them. I trust them"
"What if someone comes in the middle of the night to hurt you?" I frown, kinda worried.
"Well… now I don't have to worry anymore, right?" she said with a soft smile on her lips. "I have a neighbor with good hearing sense that would come here to help"
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The moment I said that I felt immediately stupid. I saw how he looked at me, trying to not laugh. Laugh at me, because of how ridiculous I was.
"I didn't mean to say that" I excused myself quickly, blushing and looking away.
"It's okay" he laughed. "It makes sense, I surprised myself of how quickly I came to help you"
I look at him and blush, laughing to hide the embarrassment. He was putting everything back in the first kit aid, his fingers moving around the things to place them correctly.
His hands are nice, with long fingers and a big palm. There are some bracelets on his wrists, some of them were orange and the other other yellow. 
"Eh… can you help me get out?" I asked, somehow shy. 
I know that the moment I'll get out of the water, things will happen. Like the bikini top wet and stuck to my breasts, all my body wet and then getting his clothes wet. That's why I didn't want his help, because things would turn back uncomfortable.
"Oh, yeah" he nodded, getting up.
Great, why are you so freaking kind? 
I took a deep breath and looked at him standing on the side of the bathtub. He was looking at me, waiting for me to move, but when I stayed still, he frowned.
"Well? You don't want to get out?" he frowned, confused.
"It will be awkward" I sighed. 
"It doesn't have to be" he said, and it just made me close my eyes, sighing heavier.
"Logan… my nipples are hard" I said, just to make him understand. "And my whole body is wet, if you help me get up I will make your clothes wet"
"O-oh…" he nodded, now understanding. "Okay… then I'll help you on another way"
I sighed, groaning. He really wants to help, no matter what? How can someone be so stubborn?
"Okay, try not to slip" he said.
I turned my head and saw him standing behind me, holding a towel with his hands. I sighed, really defeated, and rolly eyes.
"You win" I said. "Just… don't let me fall"
I heard him chuckle and then his hands were holding my arms, helping me get up without hurting me. He wrapped the towel around me and I just held it tighter once I was standing in the bathtub.
"Ready?" he asked, wrapping his arm on my back and getting ready to pick me up.
I nodded and then he picked me up, making me hold his shoulders and sigh. He sat me on the toilet and I just looked down, embarrassed.
"I promise this is the last time I take a bath with this thing on my foot" I groan.
"Just… don't hurt yourself again, Lily" he sighed. "You gave me a heart attack when I heard you fall"
I looked up at him and blushed. Okay, no, this can't be a crush. No, no. Get that idea out of your head, Lily.
"I'm sorry I disturbed you" I sighed. "It won't happen again"
"Don't worry" he chuckled. "Do you need help to go to bed?"
"I actually didn't want to go to bed" I said, holding the towel tighter and making sure it didn't fall. "But you can leave, really. I can do things on my own"
"You sure?" he frowned.
"Yeah, Logan. Don't worry" I said. "Good night"
He nodded and walked out, leaving me alone in the bathroom. 
This day can't get worse. There's no way it can't get worse.
I sighed, taking off the bikini and putting on clean clothes to finally feel comfortable. The crutches are my big enemy, but if I want to move around I have to wear them, even if I hate it.
I walked, as best as I could, and went to my art room. I needed to do something to take all my emotions of the day out of my mind. I need to take my frustrations out and forget about everything that happened today.
"Well…" I sighed, grabbing my notebook and some pencils after sitting on the chair.
I let the pencil work alone, connected with my brain. I wasn't paying attention, but when I saw what I was drawing I just gasped.
"No way…" I mumble.
The eyes.
His eyes.
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold
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hellaverseapocalypse · 3 months
And The Whirlwind Is In The Tree
Striker's Story - A Helluva AU
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Pairing: Striker and OC Amelda(adoptive father/daughter relationship)
Warnings: angst, whump, hurt-comfort, injury, blood, harsh language, death, gore, killing in self-defense, graphic depictions of violence.
Summary: As the Exorcists continue their tirade through Hell, this leaves people such as Fizzarolli to call upon his friends in high places, thus propelling the predicted butting of horns against the obvious opposing factors of the group. Slowly but surely, Striker sees first-hand that desperate times do call for desperate measures.
Notes from the authors: Hope you like this second chapter of @storm89 & @eyecandyeoz's collaborative project! We thank you for your feedback thus far! Please leave a comment. Next chapter will be on July 15.
 Read on ao3 - 1k words
The second year of the Angel invasion is when things become clear.
This situation wasn't going to change.
The angels hit hard in the other rings, turning them into ruins. All the sins left to the Pride ring to fight in the front lines, leaving their kingdoms ripe for picking.
Shockingly, Lust is one of the few rings still standing. This was thanks to Fizzaroli along with the few succubi that he worked with.
Striker guessed being the lover of a deadly sin will get you some status.
Speaking of Fizz, he was not happy when he saw him.
He heard Blitz and he arguing about Striker, the clown saying he was untrustworthy and how he literally tried to kill them both; which was fair.
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Blitz argued that they need all the help they can get, especially with the rumors that angels are not the only thing to worry about.
There were rumors that the mafia in Greed were trying to go into the other rings for new territory and if that wasn't enough, there has been talk that theOverlords of the Vees are somehow leaving Pride.
So, yeah. There were few options.
It became an enemy of my enemy situation, and we all know how those go.
Which suits Striker fine, he had other things to deal with.
The loss of his eye fucked up his shooting, he had to relearn everything like a greenhorn.
Weirdly enough, Moxie is tasked to initiate target practice lessons with Striker. The strange little imp shrugs, telling Striker that it was Blitz that ordered him to this post and to not question it. Striker just swallows his pride and does what he’s told. 
Striker also learned that being stationed in Lust was the smartest idea. The factories that were used to make sex toys are now used to make more holy weapons. They were even able to get blueprints for cannons, courtesy from a spider sinner that is friends with Fizz.
Striker's favorite weapons are the blessed brass knuckles, it gives it an extra oomph when he slugs someone in the face.
When his shooting got a bit better, he was able to go on raids with Millie and another imp named Gareth. Striker notices that he seems paranoid and scared of his own shadow, he just guessing that his timid behavior is a nervous tick earned from a close call with an angel. 
A lot of the time it was quick and easy but sometimes, it went awry.
He missed several shots; shots that before he would have done blindfolded. He was pissed at himself, making him push himself harder during his rehab. Moxxie protested, saying it will not help him, which he was proved right when all he got was migraines.
“You have to take it easy.” A violet baphomet named Nelsor said.
Nelsor was one of the hellborn that migrated from Sloth, along with his nurse Anette. He told them that the ring was in shambles; junkies and dealers were raiding pharmacies and hospitals left and right, killing each other for another fix.
“A traumatic injury like this needs time to heal.” he said, “Pushing yourself will not help in the long run.”
“Time is something we don't have doc.” Striker said as he walked out of the rundown building, putting on his hat. He was going to where Bombproof was stabled when he saw red feathers on the corner of his eye.
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This kid again.
The little hybrid he saved, Amelda, has been following him around since they came to lust.
He always chased her away, but she kept coming back. From what Millie told him, (not that he cared or anything), the little owlet hasn't spoken since he found her, traumatized by the death of her parents. She seemed to bond with the deaf imp child that was close to the clown and a hellhound pup named Axel that always seemed to be latched to Blitz's leg. He sees them talking in sign language, smiling at each other and giggling. He sees them also showing the guns that Blitz had given them.
That was another bad argument.
Fizz argued that teaching the kids to use weapons was insane, while Blitz said they had to learn to defend themselves. Especially if none of the adults are with them.
Striker thinks Blitz has a point.
A little hoot took him out of his thoughts and he looked back with a snarl, startling her.
“Would you get out of my face, kid!” he yelled.
Amelda looked startled at his loud voice, but her face puffed up and she made her feathers puffier. She then let out a screech, waving her arms.
It occurred to Striker she was trying to intimidate him.
A snicker came out of him and then a full belly laugh. He laughed heartily, grabbing his knees as he crouched. He was doubling over in laughter so much, it was coming out in wheezes. When he finally stopped, he looked up and saw Amelda looking at him, her head tilted in confusion. He then notices the glock that's strapped to her waist.
It looks so big on her tiny body.
“Has Blitz taught you how to use that?” he asked, making her head shake in disagreement. He sighed as he scratched the back of his head.
“Well, come on then.” he said, motioning with his hand. “Gotta teach you something useful.”
Amelda hooted happily and ran up to him, grabbing his hand. He stares at it, noticing just how small her hand is in his. He pushes that thought to the side as he leads her to the makeshift shooting range Millie made.
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He was just teaching her something useful.
That's all.
Taglist: @captxin-rex @gospelofme @fangirl-goes-nova @romanoffs-gf @sstarwarsss @r2d2staser @nahoney22 @ashotofspotchka @art-of-the-twistedstitcher @only-a-simp-deals-in-absolutes @justalittletomato @twiggoblin @xsherryberryx @kriffclone @deewithani @tinker-tech @megafrost4 @minx067 @freesia-writes @boontaeveboba @ahoeformando @arctrooper69 @taz-107 @lizzowinkyface @chad-something @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @merkitty49 @nonsenseandm3mes @id-rather-be-a-druid @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @succulent-momma @virtualexpertanchor @padawancat97 @amorfista @storm89 @hurtbywhisperedmuses @misogirl828 @seriowan @plushymiku-blog @the-dathomirian-jedi @ladykatakuri @mysticalgalaxysalad @talesfrommedinastation @dukeoftheblackstar @littlecrowtime
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Dazai Taking Care of Chuuya After he used Corruption Headcannons
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Personally, I refuse to believe that Dazai just leaves Chuuya to rot in the infirmary/hospital after using corruption. Am I delusional? probably. but we have to be a little delulul to live in this fandom. Anyway, enjoy
Dazai always gives Chuuya shit for being injured (in a joking way)
Despite jokingly giving him crap, Dazai feels guilty that Chuuya is constantly nearly dying.
Chuuya really hates feeling useless. This causes some tension between the pair because Dazai feels guilty that Chuuya keeps nearly dying so he tries to help him get better to 'make up' for it. Meanwhile, Chuuya wants to prove he isn't useless and can take care of himself.
Chuuya is really bad at relying on others when he needs help. Eventually, he comes around to Dazai helping him but under the condition that Dazai also reaches out for help if he needs it.
Dazai uses his time with Chuuya to perfect his cooking. there's this common misconception that he can't cook because he doesn't really eat much (and when he does it's instant ramen) but honestly, he could chuck moldy vegetables in a pot and make them taste good. Cooking is a science and Dazai is a genius, it makes sense.
Dazai sometimes pranks Chuuya with his cooking though, he just feeds him the most vile dishes possible.
I feel like Chuuya enjoys writing. He would rather die than tell anyone about it though, let alone Dazai. And yet, without fail, Chuuya's writing notebook and a new ergonomic pen (a pen meant for people with carpel tunnel or other wrist/hand pains) will appear next to his bedside table.
The pharmacy near Chuuya's house knows Dazai's name because he is always doing painkiller runs. At first, they think he is an addict but then he pulls the mafia card and they just... turn a blind eye. (yes the mafia would have their own drug dispensary but it's quicker to go to the local place 5 mins down the road)
They have a huge watch list. Whenever Chuuya is out of action they sit down with the list and decide which movies/TV shows they're going to binge.
They take bets on how the movies will end and what the plot twists will be
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
53 and 55 for d/azai and ch/uuya (the sick one 👁👁) perhaps please if you would like… <3
Thank you so much for the ask/request!! These have been so fun hahaha~~ I did get just a touch angsty/fever heavy towards the end, so hopefully that's alright, I promise it's not super serious! I also did want to include a little french, and while I did take it in school, I remember less than nothing, soooo this is all thanks to google, therefore I apologize for anything inconsistent/incorrect! [ Putain de merde = Holy shit ] [ À tes souhaits = Bless you ] [ Merde = Shit ] [ Je dois = I've got to ] 2.1k words, prompts 53 and 55, story under the cut! ~Part Two/Continuation Post Here~ 53. "Bless you?" 55. "You sound awful." (References to mild violence, high fevers, and swearing just in case anyone doesn't like any of those!)
Dazai is nothing if not observant. There is hardly a single detail in any given encounter he hasn’t seen, or predicted. Which is why he finds it almost insulting that people always insist on ‘hiding things’ from him. Especially his former partner. 
‘Chuuya still seems to believe, incorrectly and against all odds, that I won’t notice if somethings wrong. Something such as the cough he was suppressing that was shaking his frail little form. Or the pink tint around his nose. The nose he couldn’t stop touching throughout our encounter.’
This is how Dazai came to be leaning against a wall outside a pharmacy. And if it just so happens to be the pharmacy a certain hat-adorned Mafioso frequents, wouldn’t that be a strange coincidence. ‘Any minute now, don’t keep me waiting- Ah. Here we go~.’
Chuuya steps out of the store, a gloved hand pinching his rapidly trembling nose. ‘He must have been trying not to sneeze the whole time he was in the store. Aw~! That’s just adorable. It’s practically famous within the Port Mafia that our dear Chibi can’t hold back to save his little, tiny, life. Well, time to announce myself!’ Dazai smirks, pushing off the wall and stepping into Chuuya’s line of sight. 
“Chuuuuuya~! What a surprise, running into you here!”
“heH’EK- fuck!”
“Uh, bless you?”
“Damn it you idiot, you scared it away.” 
Dazai lets his mouth twitch, a smile threatening to break through at the look of annoyance on Chuuya’s face, nose practically twitching with unreleased tickles. He snapped his hand away from his face the second he saw Dazai, but they both know he’s just itching to bring it back up, pun intended. ‘Oh this will be even more fun then I’d foreseen.’
“S- scared away the sneeze..? Is even Chuuya’s nose easily startled?”
“Eh?! I- You- oh whatever. What the fuck ar- hahEHhh… hePT-!huhh… Damn it- What are you doing here, Dazai?”
It’s practically a growl, and Dazai doesn’t miss the way Chuuya’s hand twitches as he presses it firmly into a fist against his side. ‘You wanna rub so badly, don’t you? I wonder how long you’ll be able to hold out. Judging by that glaze coating your eyes, I’d say not long, but hey, I out of anyone know how stubborn you can be. Shall we test your resolve, Chuuya~?’ 
“I was just passing through this part of town, and happened to notice the sky starting to look a tad cloudy, so I figured I’d duck under a nice dry roof! Just so happens to be of a pharmacy- say, what is Chuuya doing in a pharmacy anyways?”
“Wow, you bought a bag just for nothing? Seems a bit of a waste.”
Chuuya’s eyes roll, teeth clenching as he snarls, both of them knowing that any other time, he would have aimed a punch at Dazai for that. 'And we both know why you didn't. Little preoccupied there, Chuuya?' Dazai studies him carefully, noticing the way his mouth is starting to twitch right along with his nose, the itch seemingly spreading across his whole face.
“I bought some pain medication, alright? I get hurt a lot in this job, and I was running low.” 
“Doesn’t the Port Mafia supply the good stuff? Why settle for cheap store bought?”
“I- I jus- Why do you even care! Doesn’t the ‘great Dazai’ have better things to do?”
“Awe~ You think I’m great? Chuuya~ you flatter me!” 
Chuuya opens his mouth to retort, but what falls out instead of a cough that he quickly attempts to suppress, ducking into his hand and spinning on his heel, away from Dazai. ‘It’s a futile effort, I can still clearly see your body shaking. I think you know that.’
“Oh Chuuya, are you not feeling well?”
“Sh- huHh-! Really? Of all the times to come bahhHh- back… hePT’NNSHH’oo-! hAh’IZZSHHAA-! heHh… AhHH-! ahH’YZZSHH’iuh-!”
“Bless you.”
“Shut up, bandage factory. J- just leave me alone, I have things to do.” 
Dazai notices the roughness of Chuuya’s voice as he lowers it, adding a growl in an attempt to make it seem intentional. ‘You must be feeling worse than I thought, a couple sneezes and a cough shouldn’t be enough to wreck your throat. Unless, of course, you’ve been doing it non-stop for days.’
“Well my schedule is completely clear, so I think I’ll just hang out with Chuuya for awhile! Where are we going next?”
“There is absolutely not a ‘we’. I am going back to my apartment. Alone.”
“Aw- come on, don’t be like that!”
“Ge- hehHh… get lost… hH’KZZZSHH’iuh-! Fucking… Ehh’knGSHH’aa-!” 
“Double blessings for the double sneeze! Keep up the doubles and you’ll start sounding like me.”
“A fate worse than death, truly.”
Dazai clutches his chest, an arm draping across his face in mock hurt, making sure to keep one eye trained on the shorter man. ‘He’s practically trembling. It’s chilly out, but not enough for that reaction, especially not for someone like him. It’s most likely a fever, but it could just be exhaustion. I’ll need an excuse to get in close to check.’
“You wound me!”
“I’d certainly like to. hah’gNNShh’aa-! hh’ETZZSHH’iuh-!”
“Quite a threat, if only you could back it up. Alas, I fear this illness has reduced you to the level of a mere goon. Certainly not an executive in the elite Port Mafia.” 
The words work exactly how he’d planned, a closed fist hitting Dazai squarely in the chest as the shorter man lunges at him, giving Dazai every opportunity to let his hand brush against Chuuya’s forehead. ‘He’s burning up. With the clouds gathering faster than I’d foreseen, I’d better get him off the street and fast, otherwise we’re looking at an outcome I’d rather avoid.’ A grunt breaks free from Dazai’s throat as Chuuya finishes the attack with a kick right to his gut. 
“That feel like a sick man’s blow? Didn’t think so. D- damn it… hAhhHh-!” 
Dazai pauses, leaning back against the wall to watch the show unfold. Chuuya has a gloved hand gripping his nose once more, eyes starting to gloss over as they lose focus. His hand is trembling, eyes starting to water. ‘Tsk tsk. We both know you can’t hold this back, are you really going to break your nose in an attempt to? Sorry, I just can’t have that.’ 
“Even Akutagawa can punch harder than that, Chuuya.” 
Chuuya’s eyes snap to him, his hand wavers, and just like that, Dazai knows he’s won. The loss in focus, even for a second, is enough to give Chuuya’s nose the upper hand, its twitching visible from between the cracks in his fingers. ‘Checkmate.’ 
Dazai bites back a wince at the way the stifle seems to scrape at Chuuya’s throat, a hiss escaping through his clenched teeth as his breath catches once more. ‘Bad idea, Chuuya. You know that’s just gonna make you-’ 
“eH’KnGT’chhh-! inGT’chh-! GNT’chh-! heHh… dTnxxgt’chhh-! hH’KNgT’choo-! hEH’INGSHH’AA-!”
‘And there it is.’
“You gon-”
“-gonna live, Chuuya?”
“hNGGSHH’OO-! Shut- nnMMGSHHH’AA-! Shut up- hH’INMSHHH’IUH-! S- slug… heAhh-!”
A deep chest soaked cough starts pouring out between the sneezes, rattling Chuuya to his bones, and sending chills down Dazai’s back. He nearly flinches as Chuuya falls against the wall, using it to study him as the wet coughs shake through his lungs. He manages to catch his breath, tears freely flowing down his cheeks, just to have it sucked out of him again as another round of sneezing starts up.
“hEH’NNGSHH’AA-! eh’KETSCHhh’iuh-! heP’TZZSHH’aa-! Putain de merde!”
“Doing french, are we? Well then, À tes souhaits, Chibi.” 
The hoarse quality of Chuuya’s voice, barely above a whisper causes them both to pause, a wince escaping across Dazai’s features before he can mask it. Chuuya’s eyes widen, the panic in them seeming to seep into Dazai’s very soul. They stand for a minute, eyes locked, before Chuuya straightens his into a glare once more.
“You sound awful.”
“I’m just saying. You should really have taken some medicine for that.”
“That.. was the plan.. before you.. interrupted me..” 
Dazai can’t help but grimace at the harsh whisper, Chuuya attempting to lower his voice to a growl to make it sound intentional, but they both know no one’s buying it. ‘I really need to get him home and get him to take some medication. If he gets caught in the rain like this, it’ll be bad.’
Making sure to catch Chuuya’s eye, Dazai lets his hand slip into his pocket, pulling a dose of medication out, the kind you won’t find at any pharmacy. He smirks at the flash of desire that Chuuya doesn’t manage to hide.
“Whoops, guess that one’s my bad. In that case, this will just have to go to waste, I suppose. Since you have your own, and I was so rudely uninvited to your apartment.” 
“You.. can’t be uninvited.. to something you.. weren’t invited to.. in the first place.. hH’RSHH’AA-! oww…” 
They both flinch at the sneeze, Dazai letting his concentration slip for just a second. However, a second is all Chuuya needs, planting a roundhouse kick on Dazai’s arm as he snatches the vial, taking a swig before sticking it in his own pocket. Dazai raises an eyebrow at this, cheshire smile painted across his face, but a hint of something much more genuine in his eyes.
“What aggression Chuuya! You should really try some anger management classes to get that rage under control.” 
“I didn’t have.. anger issues.. until I had the misfortune.. of meeting you..” 
“Oh yes~. You were just a ray of sunshine when I first met you! Definitely no thinly repressed rage bubbling just below the surface that boiled over every time anything happened.”
“Oi.. are you trying.. to get punched again.. jackass..? eH’KtSHH’iuh-! Christ.. hASHHH’AA-!”
“Save your energy, you’ll need it. And besides, I’ve taken quite enough of a beating today.” 
Chuuya doesn’t respond, ‘Electing to save your voice too, are you? Smart, given how quickly it’s fading’ but he does give Dazai a nasty look, raising his hand to scrub at his nose once more. Dazai feels a swell of concern in his chest at how unashamed his former partner has grown about his rapidly increasing symptoms. ‘The medicine should kick in within the hour… but I doubt you’ll make it home on your own before then.’ 
“huh’KKSHH’AA-! hEIYYSHHH’iuh-! nNGT’chh-! eh’INGT’chhh-! M- merde… Je d- dois… ehH’hEZZSHH’aihh-!”
A hand is casually raised as Chuuya attempts to cover, aiming for his shoulder with a hazy look that isn’t like him. ‘Damn it, I was hoping to avoid this outcome-’ Dazai manages to think, getting cut off, just as he foresaw, as Chuuya collapses into himself. A strong grasp catches the smaller man, Dazai letting out a huff at the weight suddenly in his arms. 
“Easy there, still with me?”
A weak nod is his response, the glassy nature of Chuuya’s eyes suggesting the fever has grown worse. Touching his forehead, Dazai winces again at the heat, ‘Definitely gotten worse. The game is over, I’m taking you home now.’ Without a word, he lifts Chuuya into his arms, not missing the grunt he gets in response.
“You can fight me, and risk falling on your face, or you can just let me help you.”
Chuuya growls, but lets his eyes flutter shut, ducking away from Dazai and into his shoulder as another set of exhausted sneezes tears out of him. 
“heh’nNKjschh’uhh-! ah’mmKNschh’uhh-! hehHhh-! hEH’IZZSHH’iuhh-! Guhh..”
“Bless you. Can you stand, or shall I carry you?”
Dazai easily dodges the fist aimed his way, but doesn’t miss the way Chuuya shakes at the force of his own weight. Without a word, he moves Chuuya’s arm back over his shoulders, letting the man lean against him. There’s a certain level of unease when someone’s relying on you to walk, and yet, with the two of them, this is an all-too-familiar sensation.
“Let’s get you home, partner. The medication will kick in soon.”
“Not.. your partn-”
“Save your voice, it’s physically painful for me to listen to you. I can feel my own throat starting to ache.”
A dirty look is shot his way before Chuuya’s eyes flutter shut once more, not even bothering to turn his head away, instead aiming the sneezes towards the ground in front of them. Dazai grimaces, not from the possibility of germs, instead, entirely from the concern that washes through him at the lack of shame.
“heH’DTZSHH’AA-! AIISHH’oo-! ehh’gnSHHH’iuh-!”
“Bless you.”
“Save.. your breath.. stupid Dazai..”
“Hey, at least you still have that temper! I’d be really worried if that was gone.” 
“Just.. take me home..”
Dazai lets a smile wash over his face, a warmth replacing the panic in his chest as Chuuya leans into his touch as they start the journey. ‘I’ll keep you safe, partner. Leave it to me.’
Without a word spoken between them, he knows he was heard and understood, just as he understands the response. 
‘I trust you.’
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notsocheezy · 4 months
Brain Curd #83
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please enjoy.
“Crime! Crime! Crime! Yay!” The two small children cheered in the back seat of the minivan.
The getaway driver, who’d just gotten his learner’s permit, turned around to look. “Quiet! We don’t want to be suspicious or Mom and Dad could get busted!”
Moments later, the parents frantically opened the sliding door of the vehicle and jumped in.
“Drive!” Dad said to his son.
He floored it, and they quickly escaped the back parking lot of their local pharmacy with their loot. The police were in hot pursuit - or maybe that siren was just an ambulance. In any case, the teen sped and swerved about the streets until arriving at the predetermined alleyway where the whole family could lay low. All of them could breathe now.
“What did you shoplift, honey?” Mom asked Dad.
“Check this out.” He pulled a package out from under his shirt. “A whole month worth of menstruation pads!”
“Ooh, that’s good, but look at this!” She pulled a handful of boxes of moisturizer out of her bra.
“Oh hell yeah,” he said, admiring her pull. “My guy’s gonna love that. But I think I’ve done you one better.” He reached into his pockets and pulled out a few blister packs. “Read ‘em and weep! Razor head replacements!”
“Hmmm,” she admired the haul. “Those are very expensive… Looks like you’ve won this time.”
Dad pumped his fist in the air. “Yeah-yuh! Booyah!” He patted the driver on the back. “Have you tallied it all up yet, son?”
“Just did. When you factor in the retail values, minus the mafia overhead and gas, plus the wear-and-tear on our van, it looks like we’re making about… twenty-seven dollars.”
“Woah!” Dad beamed. “That’s a new record!”
“This is such great news,” Mom said. “I sure love stealing things I don’t want. Good thing they didn’t put any of this stuff behind easily-picked locked glass cases - that would have completely thrown us off!”
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donotdestroy · 3 months
"The Supreme Court’s ruling has long been sought by activists and legal scholars in a country where the prison population has become the third largest in the world. Critics of current legislation say users caught with even small amounts of drugs are regularly convicted on trafficking charges and locked up in overcrowded jails, where they are forced to join prison gangs."
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Welcome to the Soukoku Pharmacy
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Come here for your daily dose of vitamin Soukoku !!!
what do the vitamins do??? Uhh uhh absolutely nothing they just induce life altering brainrot
what are some side effects??? Uhh turning into a member of the alphabet mafia (for legal reasons I’m joking (unless..?))
what are the vitamins??? Uhh anything skk related (fanart, official art, anime scenes, manga panels, plushie shenanigans, literally anything, if u have smth u wanna use as a vitamin send in an ask and I’ll see what we can do 😉)
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Mod here is @/nugget-child and we might be a tad obsessed with skk butttt we all are if we’re here aren’t we
if I miss a day feel free to yell at me because I’m sometimes forgetful af and we don’t mind :3
I think we’re gonna queue the posts if they are queued they’ll be up at 7:30 MDT <3
I have pretty much nothing else to say besides:
one: if you absolutely just despise Soukoku just leave, rather than complaining or hating or talking about how awful it is, this is my blog so it’s my ship preference if you want to make another Dazai or chuuya ship feel free but this is my blog so it’s my choice
two: I’m fine with just about anything in my asks, but don’t be weird because I am a minor and that’s kinda… yeah
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X - #skkvitamin : pretty self explanatory (Daily skk)
X - #notavitamin : also self explanatory (no vitamins here!)
X - #modyapping : …I don’t really think I need these explanations
X - #sillyvitamins : interactions with other vitamin providers
X - #sillyanswers : silly answers to silly asks (all asks)
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other vitamin blogsss: @daily-poe-vitamins , @daily-jouno-vitamins ,
(srry for the tags js wanted to make it easier for ppl to find other blogs <3)
these were all inspired by the pjsk vitamin blogs (congratulations you have infected the outside world)
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Congratulations we did it found the cure for HIV Aids for the general public better business for the big pharmaceutical companies more healing health and well being for the people equal more money for pharmacies , hospitals and doctors in private practices all we ask is for fair treatment of all people all over the world , thank you so much .
Read the story I just read it again I hope this helps I sponsor it and 50 Cent sponsor it and any country effected by HIV Aids and hunger and starvation send help in our name . The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa.
Now the epidemic is at a crossroads
By CNN|3.11.2023 6:59 AM
The US is me and 50 Cent the rapper from his hit show power and Black Mafia Family black men that care from the streets . We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa Check the news on CNN on ending HIV Aids in Africa with the cure and new medicine Cabenuva HIV medicine that cures HIV Aids like the common cold and any other kind of communicable diseases We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa .Cabenuva the new HIV Medicine is the cure for HIV Aids it knocks out HIV Aids like the common cold please send it to Africa to help heal the people .True story 50 Cent was hinting at wanting to help cure the hunger and HIV Epidemic in Africa in his last book I read it and said yeah I will go for it come to find out that I own a Incubator see the defintion of Incubator amazing I own my own 🏥 Hospital in Brooklyn New York City given to me by Governor Andrew Cuomo 8 years ago from 2023 when I was released from doing 9 months on Rikers Island and then I got out jail name this page after him luckily the drug was just found the cure for HIV Aids and they sent it to me the commercial was talking to me as far the woman traveling telling me to relocate so that I can conduct my businesses better and get more of my proposals through a better life for me I took it and sponsored it , Cabenuva it is say and it is true Cabenuva when taken regularly can get you the undetected response for HIV but you have to be taking the medicine regularly I mean look at 50 Cent you can be muscular like him if you take your medicine follow his formula his other books and get the success you want in life it is never too late .
On a serious note 50 Cent was speaking in finding the cure for HIV Aids Africa . He said that everyday millions upon millions of Africans die each day each single day even right now as we speak their is an African infant a baby dying of HIV Aids lying on the ground a mother dying of Aids a young adult male dying of aids with the baby ribs sinking in from starvation poisoning from uncleansed water to clean their selves and clothing and their food is full of worms and other insects , I propose we find a cure to this madness to end this generational struggle against both HIV Aids and starvation in Africa in the regions in Africa if you know the specific countries infected with Aids call them out I have a map there of Africa so that we can pinpoint exactly what countries in Africa that 50 Cent is talking about so that we as other humans can help them and be a savior to them and their people not just me I'm speaking we all can be that savior each human pull his part and help cure that dire situation in Africa the regions and countries in Africa that is specifically infected with the disease of starvation and HIV Aids ( I propose the let's cure HIV Aids in Africa and law proposal health and human reform act ) Cabenuva a new drug is the cure for HIV Aids while watching television the commercial says that Cabenuva will help a person infected with HIV Aids become undetected for HIV Aids after months of them taking the drug and medicine the cure Cabenuva comes in one form to heal a person but in this plan I propose that they send the original cure and format of administering the drug through Africa through the World foode program and united nations make it like JFK and his peace corps his troops of peace corps send U . S . Troops from our military in the united states with medical training or med students from their graduate schools for their internship abroad to Africa to help heal young babies dying of Aids in Africa make it like an offer hey who want to go to Africa and work for 1 year 2 years curing hunger and Aids in Africa and I know millions of saviors and people will sign up to go to Africa for that cause people of races and ethnicity is welcome to go it is going to be like the peace corps under John F Kennedy administration you should research him and his time in office as the United States of America President I love him a very great president I miss him one of my all time favorite Presidents honest truth a good human all the way through and through a good man but here is the program I put together in conjunction with how Cabenuva already administers the drug to help cure the infection of HIV Aids . Prescription pill form Cabenuva drug to Africa to cure aids in Africa In regular form and kids vitamin size pills for children born with HIV Aids , and also regular size pills for all adults and parents of kids in Africa to eliminate the virus and passing on of the virus on to their children . Also eliminating the virus in children born with HIV Aids through kids vitamin size pills with the warning label on the pill holder : If you don't take all the doses of your medicine you might get sick again with a funny cartoon character on the bottle to make laugh smile and happy that a cure has arrived to help them . 🌞☀⭐😎👩‍🔬👩‍🎓👩‍🏫👷🙋🙏 the alternative will do just fine go Cabenuva for Africa and the lets cure Aids in Africa law proposal and health human reformation act ) Check the news on CNN The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa .
Congratulations we did it found the cure for HIV Aids for the general public better business for the big pharmaceutical companies more healing health and well being for the people equal more money for pharmacies , hospitals and doctors in private practices all we ask is for fair treatment of all people all over the world , thank you so much .
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Thank you I'm honored it have been very good you can scroll this page and I hope it helps people in India , Africa , Asia and all other countries that is in need of help and poverty . You can read the books I share them with you we are one and the same from now on okay and develop yourself into a person after God's own heart I read it great book now you get your mind right and read the books all of her books and Joel Osteen shout out to Houston and Baytown Texas .
Much much congratulations on MK Michael Drayton his music is hot check him out and Vado music and their career they doing good , goodbye and good luck .
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This is Wingate park in Brooklyn New York City wow what a journey somehow I finally won a memory that is forgotten about like Trayvon Martin all is forgiven in the name and blood of Jesus Christ all things usually are that is how it goes and their is no authority on earth , no preacher , minster , pastor or even Iman that is greater than the word of god Allah and I'm 5 percenter of the Nation of Gods and Earths or Jesus Christ no authority no nothing can surpass god's word a d I definitely don't follow it like Joyce Meyer book Be Joyful anyway I got this miles counter up there for the people to be able to count the miles and their laps now I'm proposing that all parks in New York put that counter in their parks for the people exercising .
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Saiyuki fandom prompt
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! fandom prompt
Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit fandom prompt
Kekkaishi Fanmix
Mystic Messenger Fanmix
Blush Blush Phone Flings Fanmix
Blush Blush Fanmix
X-Men: Evolution cast playing Monopoly
HOMRA playing Monopoly
 Ikemen Revolution fandom prompt
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! fandom prompt
The Outsiders fandom prompt
KHR fandom prompt
Blush Blush fandom prompt
The Blush Blush phone flings losing at strip poker
Ikemen Revolution fandom prompt
HOMRA watching a movie together when a steamy scene comes on
Class of the Titans - Watching a movie together when a steamy scene comes on
Living together with the Kokuyo Gang
X-Men: Evolution Xavier students Hogwarts AU! headcanons
Nanbaka characters & their Hogwarts houses
Link Clink headcanons
Multi-fandom smut headcanons
Koumei Ren headcanons
Dream multi-fandom paranormal investigation team
Who from Bungou Stray Dogs and Nanbaka would dress up as each other for Halloween
Blush Blush - Nimh headcanons
Does Tsuyoshi Yamamoto check the weather & random headcanons
Nanbaka OC's
Fandom recommendations
Badass girls KHR AU!
What's the stupidest thing Ren Gatou has ever done
What's the stupidest thing Dmitri from Blush Blush has ever done
KHR Pharmacy AU
KHR & KHR Crossover D&D - who the group consists of
KHR D&D headcanons
KHR Pharmacy AU
Servamp Boarding school AU!
Bleach Host Club AU!
Ouran High School Host Club Battle Royale AU!
Durarara Mafia AU!
What type of Benders would the Gintama cast be?
Ikemen Revolution Zombie Apocalypse AU!
Saiyuki Circus AU!
Class of the Titans Space Pirate AU!
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! Hospital AU!
KHR fandom prompt
Eyeshield 21 Retail AU!
Dogs: Bullets & Carnage Cafe AU!
Ronin Warriors Harem AU!
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manuelsia · 1 year
Hello guys hope your fine 
I wanat start story about akuhigu baby 
Akutagwa x higuchi
part1:important news
It is 7 am And Higuchi opens her eyes And she remembers that she has to go to work She realizes that her husband, Akutagawa, is not on the bed And that worries her Don't Akutagawa forget to wake her up, no such thing is possible, Akutagawa is not a forgetful person at all She gets up from the bed and goes to the chef's house and sees her husband staring at his breakfast with tea in his hand. When Higuchi enters, he looks at Higuchi. Higuchi: Hi Ryu Akutagawa: Hello Higuchi: Why didn't you wake me up, I was about to fall asleep Akutagawa: I called you, but you were so deep in sleep that you didn't hear me Now Higuchi is remembering, she gets tired very quickly, gets confused and falls into a deep sleep My doctor also gave her some pills to make her feel better and the doctor knows the reason a lot Higuchi: Yes, I am going to see the doctor this afternoon Akutagawa gets up Akutagawa: So you don't have to come to work today, let's rest at home Higuchi wanted to stay at home with all his heart, but no, he has work Higuchi: No, I'm fine, I'll come with you 9 hours later Higuchi leaves the entrance of the mafia Now she has to walk to get to the doctor 15 minutes later Higuchi is sitting in the doctor's office and texting Akutagawa Higuchi: Ryu, what time are you home today? Aku: I don't know, maybe 10 Higuchi: Okay then Aku : Did you go to the doctor? Higuchi: I am in his office now Aku: Okay, I have to go bye
Higuchi puts her phone in her bag and the doctor rings it, Higuchi enters the room Higuchi tells the doctor about her day and her tiredness again, and this time the doctor asks a new question that scares Higuchi. Doctor: Mrs. Higuchi, have you had sex with your husband these past few days? Oh no, we were always careful, nothing like this can happen Higuchi: Yes, doctor Doctor: Then I suggest you take a pregnancy test A quarter of an hour later Higuchi leaves the office and starts to move towards her house, the child thinks with fear I can't have a child, I can't, we can't, how can I take care of a child No, it's not the problem, a child whose mother and father are in the mafia can't be The life of that innocent child is destroyed But when I think from the bottom of my heart, I would like to be a mother, but even if I agree, Aku will definitely disagree, so what should I do? She takes out her phone from her bag. Four unrepentant calls from Aku, no, he must have worried me, she picks up her phone and starts dialing No, I can't talk to him, he must understand from the way I talk Let me get home and then I will call him She goes to the pharmacy and takes two pregnancy tests to make sure
20 minutes later While Higuchi tries to open the door of her house, her phone rings again, it is an aku She picks up her phone and answers Higuchi: Hi Ryo Akutagawa: Higuchi, where are you? I called you a thousand times, why don't you answer? Higuchi: Sorry, I was at doctors office Can you please come home early? Akutagawa: Something happened, Higuchi Higuchi: No, just come early. Bye Echo: Higuchi… Higuchi quickly hangs up the phone But she does not know how to tell her this important news
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