#phil giving such interesting answers is not helping at all
vole-mon-amour · 1 year
every day we get more and more interviews & i have to battle read and watch them as if i'm in a first person shooter video game and they're my enemies and they're finished only when i finish with them. for a person that reads like one or two interview a year this is a nightmare, but this show and Phil and Brett and RoyJamie got me by my throat so i'm about to screen record a video from a site (bc the video cannot be downloaded the easy way) and edit it and make it into gifs bc i am that far gone.
real life chores? i don't want to do them anymore. making gifs is more important than getting food apparently. day three after i watched 3x11, i'm still not over it.
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isa-ghost · 8 months
you have eggza headcanons perhaps? 👉👈
I will take any headcanons of course, I love your headcanon posts
Previous Sets:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
MORE: Eggza Edition
Starting with two I made in previous sets:
When left to his own devices & off-duty as dad + not needed by any of the islanders for something serious, he let's loose. No more wise bad bitch crow man who's palpably emotionally damaged yet won't admit it. He's off the shits. You've seen Eggza. That's him de-stressing by fully indulging his favorite things: preparing necessities for survival & being an absolute wildcard.
When he heard someone on the island made up a rumor that Eggza is legit because Phil taste-tested a cookie out of curiosity, he took that and RAN. Yeah. He's egg sometimes. Who's his parent you ask? Well that's a secret (it's Rose).
Remember how I said he commits to bits super hard? Yeah. Eggza is his second biggest bit after the 4th Wall existentialism but it's quickly surpassing it to his biggest one
Genuinely he enjoys his Eggza time. Everyone knows they'll get nothing but task help out of him more or less, so they more or less leave him alone unless it's to say hi or a chance encounter.
Everyone finds him speaking with signs funny and endearing. Except Tubbo. But that's understandable, dyslexia go brr. Even though the fool sometimes forgets he can tts the signs. It's fine, he's most likely to derail Eggza's cookie grinding so it's better if Tubbo stays away doing Tubbo things
He's torn between the kids witnessing Eggza & never witnessing Eggza. He can't tell what's funnier or if he'd be embarrassed. They've heard stories from other eggs though
He has no interest in making himself Look like an egg. The sign usage is all he needs. And its funnier when you approach your grown ass man best friend Philza Minecraft only for him to look as wild as he did during Purgatory but without the Looks Like He's Dying Slowly part & refuse to talk to you verbally. The "what the fuck is happening here" is the best part of Eggza, if he starts LOOKING like an egg everyone will understand what's going on and that's lame
He bounces off everyone's energy. The more unhinged they are, the more unhinged he is. Unless he's harassing the baker. Then he fuels his own fuckery
The funny thing is he makes sure everyone thinks he's constantly this wild gremlin that only knows one thing: Grind. But really if no one's around while he's grinding, he's actually just straight up vibing. Got headphones in, blasting his jams, doin his work. In his lane, unbothered, flourishing.
I would sell my soul to see Eggza beat the ever-loving shit out of Purgatory workers it'd be so fucking funny holy shit
One of his favorite parts of going Eggza Mode is amusing his friends with the way he's just a nonverbal weirdo. Especially when he answers something they say by just dancing
If He's An Extra Silly Gremlin They'll Give Him Avocado Toast As A Treat
No one knows where he shoos his crows off to when he's Eggza. Or if it's some unspoken "ok time to scatter" rule as soon as he puts the gas mask on by the bakery. But they disperse and for a while, the other islanders can't shake the feeling of Phil seeming strangely bare for some reason. It's bc the murder is away
Tbh I bet even without the Hardcore dreams, he'd sleep a long time with how hard he works as Eggza
"Hard work," I say, as if most of the time Phil isn't just making mobs insatiable amounts of horny so everyone can give the baker what they're asking for (the awareness of this is half of why he's so unhinged as Eggza, it's too absurd & funny to him)
Calling back to another prev non-Eggza hc I made, he has less of a filter when he's not parenting or in peril. He has said some absolutely wild out of pocket shit on signs
If given the right kind of motivation, an islander could probably get Eggza to go feral and kill something or someone. Fit tosses him a stack of whatever arbitrary item Phil might find enticing enough atm & Phil is suddenly on a spree like he was with those bunnies that one time
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becauseplot · 10 months
Anyway for entirely justifiable reasons (<-is a glutton for angst) I need Chayanne and Tallulah to be present when the hummingbirds come around or a note about the 'wise old crow' appears in their house, causing qPhil to have one of his derealization/reality-questioning episodes. I need it. I need it to happen SO bad. Because they’ve seen Phil get roughed up in a fight, they’ve seen him angry, they’ve seen him wary and even nervous, but they have NEVER seen him doubt like that.
People have already made posts talking about how the cage-for-a-cage/child-of-the-sky stuff has been particularly rough on qPhil, who relies heavily on his constant vigilance, keen senses, and hyper-awareness of his surroundings for reassurance. He's the kind of guy who walks into a room and has already charted at minimum two escape routes by the time he takes a seat, you know? He sees and processes and stores information on everything, at all times, and he uses this to act in the best interest of his and his loved ones' collective survival.
His kids see this side of him too, most significantly in the ways that he looks after them: always keeping an eye on the back of the group, never far from Tallulah, and constantly analyzing Chayanne's fighting style to give helpful critique to optimize his attacks. Chayanne and Tallulah know that everything he's ever done was to protect them. Also, he's always there to offer them advice when they're feeling lost, and even if he doesn't have all the answers they need, he gives enough reassurances and promises to put their minds at ease. Phil is confident in what he knows. In their eyes, he is strong. He is a fortress, safe and impenetrable.
You could say that about a lot of children's perceptions of their parents/guardians/mentors. The older, guiding forces in our lives always seemed strong and infallible to us as kids. That's why it was always unnerving to see them get sick, or get stressed, or cry. Observing weakness in those people felt so, so wrong because we never considered the fact that they were capable of it; it was just impossible.
So, the situation: Phil is suffering in a way that makes him question the very same reality that he was a master of not too long ago. Whenever it happens, he goes quiet, looks around, mutters to himself, breathes shakily, fidgets. He is visibly unnerved and uncertain.
If Chayanne and Tallulah are there, they're gonna notice---they're perceptive, just like him. I'd imagine they'd try to ask him if he's okay, and he'd reassure them that he's fine, and maybe that's enough the first time. But, as more incidents arise, and as time goes on, they start to see more of this out-of-nowhere uneasiness, fear, from him, which is worrying, especially because he won't tell them why.
NOW. Phil has been upfront about a lot of things with Chayanne and Tallulah in the past. For example, during the height of the code attacks, Phil told them everything he ever learned about the codes, every single new development, to ensure that his kids were well informed and prepared. He was frank about the threat on their lives because to sugar-coat anything would be doing them a disservice. It was important they knew all of the cold, hard facts, even if it took away even more of their precious childhood innocence. He values their happiness, but safety comes first. It has always come first.
But this is different. It's not cold hard facts. Phil doesn't know what to believe anymore. When the hummingbirds come around and his reality comes into question, he doesn't know what is real, what he can trust, what is fact. His senses have been compromised. Hell, he's still trying to convince himself that he's not going crazy when all evidence seems to suggest that he's losing his goddamn mind. He doesn't know what to tell his kids, so he tells them nothing.
So now here stands Chayanne and Tallulah. There is something that is scaring their dad, and he won't tell them what is, so on top of the knowledge that their unwavering father is, in fact, capable of true, genuine fear, he's suddenly keeping things from them. Their dad is keeping things from them because he is scared. And I can't imagine a realization more terrifying than that.
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charcubed · 1 year
I'm curious, what are the main reasons why Dean is your favorite canon bisexual in media? Love your meta and that video btw
Ooooo, anon, thank you for the kind words and for giving me an excuse to talk about my love for bisexual icon Dean Winchester <3
I'm going to be really annoying (sorry) and quote part of my meta first. It summarizes and articulates many of my thoughts on this. And then to further answer your question I'll add a bit under it!
From the very beginning, Dean Winchester has been a character tied to classic elements of American masculinity. He was introduced with a superficial veneer involving those elements, but almost immediately the early episodes provide a look at the complexity of his character underneath it. Over the years, that complexity was further explored, and he came to embody a study in things society would often have us think should be incompatible contrasts: the gruffness and grit of hunting life and its associated masculine iconography, paired with his open and deep emotional care for the world; unabashed love for classic rock, superheroes, and horror movies, as well as unabashed joy connected to TV dramas, chick flicks, and childhood favorites like Scooby-Doo; life on the road with a muscle car, but the desire for a home base with creature comforts he can make his own; motivation to always help people, but the clear longing for balance with personal domesticity and relaxation so he could save not only others but also himself.
As a whole, his character functions as an effective deconstruction of toxic masculinity and stereotypical American heroism. And while much of Dean’s most masculine traits and interests are said to come from his father’s influence, part of his journey is loving those parts of himself on their own merit not because he ever had to but because he wants to. He is not his father, and he redefines those valued parts of his identity so they are his and his alone. He also crucially learns to recognize and joyfully embody that those masculine traits were never all that he had to be, working through and overcoming shame and hesitancy along the way. The result? He’s “good with who he is.”
He and the audience are encouraged to see that there are no rules his identity and interests must subscribe to, on a micro or a macro level. The message is to disregard predetermined destiny or duty. Free will means his life is his to determine, his family can be what he makes of it and how he defines it, and what he needs and wants do not ever have to be mutually exclusive. Dean’s journey is about freedom from outwardly-imposed limitations–whether those limitations come from his father’s example and the God altering his story, or from the pervasive societal ideals and network/executive interference outside of it. Dean can and should contain multitudes, all at once.
In this way, Dean’s story is a powerfully queer narrative that acts as metacommentary. In the fullness of its execution, it is also specifically a deeply bisexual narrative.
The not-so-hidden truth is that Dean is canonically a bisexual man. His story was afforded something that’s rare for most characters and almost nonexistent for queer ones: fifteen years of lengthy, nuanced development.
Again: Dean’s identity journey is about how he can and does contain the capacity for multitudes, and it’s part of what makes him such a compelling character. He can like “this” and “that.” He can be attracted to women and men. Or, as writer Ben Edlund and director Phil Sgriccia said in a DVD commentary, Dean has “the potential for love in all places.”
I wanted to include the above verbatim because it spells out something specific: Dean's narrative is bisexual in its bones. Supernatural evolved to become a queer text, but the specific ways the show and Dean as a character evolved are very intertwined with and informed by the fact that Dean is a masculine bisexual man. SPN is a story that was not meant to be about being queer, but as it became about freedom through free will, those themes were then leveraged and emphasized in connection to queerness because of Destiel. And by the end, the free will narrative and Dean's journey as a bi man are utterly inseparable, because Dean's fight for true freedom is tied to his love for a man and their untraditional family in a way that higher forces are trying to hinder.
You cannot cut out or edit or remove Dean's bisexuality from the story, or several narratives and plot lines (not just Destiel) would at minimum be misunderstood or at maximum fall apart. And yet, simultaneously? Dean's bisexuality is also far from being the sole important thing about his character because he is written with such nuanced complexities and across so many years of material.
Of course, add onto this the overall unique situation that surrounds Supernatural as a piece of media. People talk at length about how there will never be anything like it again, including me; that's obviously true from multiple different angles and for multiple different reasons, with Destiel being prime amongst them. But a related yet distinctly significant branch of that topic is there will never be another bisexual character who is written and evolves quite like Dean.
Was Dean supposed to be bisexual from the very start, out of the mind of Kripke? Who can know for sure, but probably not. Were certain writers and members of production deliberately putting more queercoding and subtext into Dean's character/story from the very start? Who can know for sure, but potentially yes, and certainly the answer becomes unarguably definitely yes the farther you get into the show. That's part of my love and passion for him too, because all of that is deeply unique and incredibly cool.
Dean's bisexuality evolved in a way that (against all odds) actually feels organic, seamless, and like it's simply a part of his character that's been there all along. The effect when you look at Supernatural as a whole body of work is that Dean's always been bi, and his expressions of and acknowledgements of that part of him ebb and flow depending on situation–which is a very relatable notion for many queer people. And as those writing the show became more committed and certain about that piece of who Dean is, so did he, in nuanced and subtle ways skillfully embedded into his story by design. It's bafflingly, impressively cohesive; gives him an incredibly realistic feel; matches his overall character growth; and rings true to his demographic, age, personality, and experiences.
Dean and his story and the situation(s) surrounding both are simply incomparable, and that will be true forever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
...also. Well. I simply love him, y'know? For even more reasons unconnected to this. How can you not, right? :')
Thank you for asking, and thanks for reading this bi Dean manifesto!
Putting my video that you mentioned here for anyone who's not watched it:
My new magnum opus, please stream, etc.
(or watch on Tumblr here)
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"You look at my face a lot" | Phan one shot
Summary: Phil has a pretty new eyebrow slit but Dan decides that he could use a little make-up to highlight it. They end up in bed with Dan hovering close to Phil's face trying to do a good job while he's also trying not to ravish him or get (too) sappy.
Tags: 2024!phan, established relationship, domestic fluff, homoerotic make-up application
Word count: 3.8k
A/N: This fic is inspired by two things 1) Dan and Phil's birthday charity livestream where Dan manhandles Phil's face to give him the eyebrow slit and 2) this photo of lesbians doing each other's make up
Read on AO3 or below
The charity livestream for Phil’s birthday had gone much better than any of them had ever anticipated, even with all the technical issues. It was a good thing that their audience knew to expect chaos for them and hopefully found it endearing.
Still, Dan felt like he’d underestimated just how impactful their audience could be. He almost felt bad to have forgotten about it, when he got all wrapped up in his own head. But they’d reminded him so graciously in the last few months and tonight had just further cemented that.
He was happy to be back online, making videos regularly and he was hopeful for more live content too. Phil had dragged him back to the internet, and while he hadn’t been kicking and screaming, he had been digging his feet in. Now he was letting his heels rise and just enjoy it.
Last night had been fun and they’d both been riding that high for several hours afterwards. It had made it hard to get up for a tour meeting the following day, when he’d rather just stay wrapped up in bed with Phil or have a lazy breakfast together while they watched anime. Before he had slipped out of bed, he’d reached over to touch Phil’s face, and swipe a thumb across the new eyebrow slit. It really did suit him well, and Dan was quite excited to be matching with him soon.
He made himself leave the house. The we’re all doomed tour was important to him and it was time for the grand finale. It would be good. Less scary now that he’d dragged Phil into helping him with the live premiere. Unlike the other way around, there had been no need for dragging of any kind. Just a question and a quick agreement. Dan would never stop loving that aspect of Phil.
The meeting dragged on but he’d gotten a lot of questions answered and stuff planned. It had been months since the last show and he was worrying that the two shows would feel like starting over again. He was about to grab a taxi and head straight back home when he spotted a Sephora and had an interesting thought. A pull, if you will.
Something that might help bring Phil’s eyebrow slit the attention that it deserved. Give the blond hairs at the end a little bit of a lift.
He stuffed his purchase into his coat pocket and headed home to Phil. When he got home, Phil was in meercat mode, trying to avoid the never-ending builders in their home. Dan was very ready to have their home all to themselves, but they’d agreed to stick it out until everything they’d wanted was done. And between delayed materials and conflicting schedules for the workers, it had just taken ages.
“I’ve got a surprise for you later when we need to film later,” Dan had told Phil when he’d found him pretending not to be hiding in the office.
Phil had perked up. “Delayed birthday present?”
Dan had chuckled but shook his head. “Yesterday wasn’t enough?” he asked.
“You can never have too much birthday fun,” he countered and tried to wiggle his eyebrows.
It was about as successful as he was trying to wink, but it only made it the more endearing. It also drew attention to that eyebrow slit. Dan knew his eyes lingered on it.
“You really like it, huh?” Phil said, turning his head to give Dan a better view.
“Still a little emo kid at heart,” Dan muttered.
He did feel like that sometimes. As if he’d never really grown up, despite all that he’d done and all of the adulting he did now. So many responsibilities. Enough to overwhelm him at times. It was good that he shared most of those with Phil. It helped when they could share the weight.
“Should we be worried you’re entering your crisis twink era? About to break out the bleach?”
“I thought I wasn’t a twink anymore?” Dan teased. Phil had told him that last time he’d been on Dystopia Daily.
“Wasn’t that me?” Phil asked and there was a bit of a glimmer in his eyes.
If there weren’t builders in the house, perhaps Dan would have done something about it. Moved close and showed Phil that he was just as attractive as when they’d been young, if not more.
It was a gift seeing how they were changing. Phil letting his grey coming in should not have been as attractive as it was but Dan loved that he wasn’t hiding it anymore. In December when they’d looked back at themselves for the first decade of their relationship through the pinof videos, he’d not recognised himself at first. They were so different now, but they’d grown together. Hand in hand.
It wasn’t until their house was blessedly vacant of strangers, they’d devoured the Indian takeaway for dinner and they were about to set up to film a gaming video that Dan went to retrieve the item from his coat pocket.
“What’s that?” Phil asked, tapping away on the keyboard to bring up their recording software. “A pencil?”
“Yes,” Dan said twirling it between his fingers. And nearly dropping it. “Eyebrow pencil.”
That caught Phil’s attention and he moved up from his seat at the desk. “You bought an eyebrow pencil?”
He nodded and handed it over to Phil who was already making grabby hands.
Dan had felt wildly out of his depths as he’d stood staring at the rows and rows of make-up products. He didn’t know enough to make an informed decision but asking someone had also felt too daunting. He’d eventually caved and asked for help, only to be asked about the colours was of the person he’d be buying for.
He wasn’t confident enough to whip out a picture of Phil, so instead he’d tried to fumble his way through explaining the natural colours of Phil’s brows. It was a good thing that he had a lot of practice looking at Phil’s face. His eyebrows especially last night. Beautiful high arches, hair lightening from the middle out to the tails.
“Are you dissing my eyebrows?” Phil asked, removing the cap from the pencil and looking at it with suspicion.
Dan rolled his eyes, as if he’d ever diss anything about Phil’s face. Anything about Phil at all. It was his favourite face. He knew he was happy to wake up to it every day. He would however jest and play around nonetheless.  
“Not my fault your hairs are so pale,” he said with a smirk and then a hyena laugh escaped him at the mock offended expression on Phil’s face.
But he could see how Phil was studying the pencil with genuine interest and he was glad that he’d given into the impulse purchase. He loved when Phil was feeling himself. There was nothing hotter than when Phil realised that he was a fucking catch and looked good. Dan had known forever but it was different hearing it from someone who loved you and thinking it yourself.
“I’ll be right back,” Phil said, pencil clutched in his hand as he walked out of the room.
Dan took over at the desk, checking their camera was set up correctly and opened Steam on Poppy Playtime. They knew it would be a long video since they were going to do the whole chapter in one go. It was time to settle in for a long haul. Proper gaming YouTubers.
Phil was missing for longer than Dan had anticipated, so he went searching for him and he was surprised that he was in the bedroom in front of the big mirror rather than going to the bathroom and getting proper lightening.
“What are you doing?” Dan asked, leaning against the doorway to just observe. “That’s terrible lightening.”
“I think I’m going to mess it up,” Phil said, still staring at his reflection. “And I don’t like putting a pencil near my eye.”
A ploy. Phil wanted help. He wanted Dan to offer help. If his heart wasn’t so fond, then he’d perhaps laughed at him. He could just have asked but this was more of Phil’s style.
“You put contacts in at least a couple of times a week,” Dan reminded him as he walked into the bedroom. “Shouldn’t your fingers going into your eye be more scare than a pencil on your eyebrow?”
“Yes,” Phil conceded but he was already wearing his pleading expression. “But I have practice with that now, and the finger is not going into the eye. I hated it at first too. Might never have gotten used to it, if I hadn’t thought glasses looked too dorky.”
“I love your glasses,” Dan said, and walked up behind Phil to grab around his midriff. Pull him back against his chest and stare at their reflection together.
Phil snorted. “You didn’t see the first pair I got.”
No, he hadn’t. Whenever Phil mentioned something about himself that Dan didn’t know, or didn’t have been a part of, there was a little tug. Curiosity to learn more about him. Even after all this time, there was always more and he always wanted to know.
“I haven’t seen them in pictures?” he asked, hooking his chin over Phil’s shoulder and slumping against him. Just because he could.
“No, I think I made mum burn all of them,” Phil said and met Dan’s eyes in the mirror. “Help me with this?”
He wiggled the eyebrow pencil. And there it was. Dan had just been waiting for him to say it.
Dan hummed in agreement and grabbed Phil’s arm to drag him to the bathroom to get good lightening. He had almost pulled them out of the room before another possible location hit him. The bathroom was undoubtedly the most practical, but the other option would be more fun. Dan changed directions and dragged Phil towards the bed.
“I thought we were filming?” he asked, a laugh barely off his lips.
Dan resisted the urge to kiss it right off him.
“We are,” Dan insisted, even as he pushed Phil onto the bed. “Scoot up, head close to the headboard.”
Phil looked at him with narrowed eyes but complied all the same, moving the pillow up with him and lying down. Dan didn’t waste any time straddling his torso and he delighted in the way that Phil’s breath hitched. Just a little. Almost enough to distract him.
He reached for the lamp above their bed and twisted it until it was all up in Phil’s face. He winced, shutting his eyes and throwing a hand over them.
“Warning next time? You just made me blind.”
“You were already blind.”
“Well, I’m double-blind now. I’m going to start to see black spots and rainbows,” he said moving his hand and turning his face away from the light as he started to blink rapidly.
“Black and rainbows, huh? You and me?”
“Shut up,” Phil said and slapped a hand against the outside of Dan’s thigh.
It was so easy to laugh and lean closer. He’d sat too far up on Phil’s torso to do this without breaking his back. He scooted down until he was sitting across Phil’s hips. Phil looked one second away from bucking him off judging by the playful expression in his eyes.
“Come here, you’re the one who wanted help,” Dan said and leaned down with the eye brow pencil poised.
“And this was the only way?” Phil asked, amusement in his face until the pencil came close to his eyes and he let them fall shut.
“It’s the only way,” Dan said insistently, as he reached for Phil’s chin to keep him from moving. Phil’s face moved under his touch, lips curving into a smile. “Stay still,” he ordered.
Dan didn’t really have that much experience with make-up either but he had dabbled here and there with his costumes. He always leaned into a more smudged on purpose look, but it was in part because he didn’t have the steady hand or patience to do anything too clean. And he knew himself, he’d be smudging it instantly anyway. It was fun but it was also an effort that he wasn’t sure he’d go through on a regular basis.
He was still happy when he thought about all of the hours that he no longer spent frantically straightening his hair. What a waste of time trying to conform and hide himself, even if he’d needed it back then. He hadn’t been ready but he got there.
He was gentle with the pencil at first, going to the eyebrow that hadn’t been slit. The employee from Sephora had said that the pencil shouldn’t be too dark, if the eyebrows were light, or it would look weird.
The colour was coming off, darkening the brows little by little. Dan focused on the end of the eyebrow where the hair turned the lightest.
“Aren’t you doing the wrong one?” Phil asked, eyes still closed.
Dan moved from grabbing his chin to kind of cradling his face as he gently moved Phil’s head to the side and back to see if he was happy with his work.
“It would look stupid with just one done,” Dan insisted, “you’ll have to do both.”
Phil’s eyes fluttered open and Dan hadn’t realised how close he was leaning in to be able to see properly. It really wasn’t fair that Phil was still able to knock the air out of his lungs after all these years, just as effectively as when they’d first fallen in love.
Dan hadn’t noticed that Phil had let his hand linger on Dan’s thigh, so used to having him close and touching but he noticed now when Phil’s other hand drifted up now in a mirrored position. Holding onto Dan on either side. A familiar look flickered in his eyes and this one wasn’t entirely playful.
“We need to film,” Phil said, even as his eyes darted down to Dan’s lips. It sounded more like it was a reminder to himself than to Dan. Just for that Dan wanted to lean closer and close the distance. But there was something about this too. The tension in the air between them. So close and touching but not there.
“I’m going to do the other one,” Dan announced, and he would have thought that Phil would close his eyes again but he was surprised when they stayed open. Attentive in a way that saw straight through him.
He was more careful now, mindful of avoiding the slit he’d shaved into Phil’s eyebrow just last night. It had been a little nerve-wracking to do it on camera, even if it was by far not the most stupid thing, they’d done on camera together. He’d wanted to make it look good, more focused on being precise and doing a good job, not even caring as he turned his back to the camera.
But this was different. There was no camera right now. Only the two of them in their home. In their bedroom. Dan really had brought this upon himself. There was no desire to perform to keep him in check.
He carefully swiped across the eyebrow on either side of the slit, watching the colour take. He did it gently with all of his focus, even if was much harder now that Phil seemed unable to look away from him.
Dan wasn’t entirely sure what Phil saw as he watched his face. Concentration. Determination. Love.
Dan had never quite been able to stop himself from letting it leak out whenever he was with Phil. He couldn’t even start to try and put it into words. He’d hit some pretty good metaphors for their relationships through the years but it was always just a little part of it. A quick glimpse into what they really were to each other. All of the different ways that they loved each other.
Phil still hadn’t been able to convince Dan that they were soulmates, because for that to happen soulmates had to exist, like something predetermined. He didn’t like that. They had found each other and fought for each other. He didn’t want to give fate credit for having them stick together.
No, that was all on them. He was sure of it.
Phil’s hands were warm on his thighs and he could feel him breathing calmly under him, moving both of their bodies a tiny bit with each inhale and exhale. Dan’s lower back hurt a little in this position, and he had a feeling the elbow he was leaning on was going numb but it didn’t matter.
They were suspended in that moment. Just the two of them, only the sound of their breathing and the gentle scratch of the eyebrow pencil.
He wanted to stay in the moment, but he wanted to do a good job more. He wasn’t going to overdo it. He pulled back, breathing deep for the first time in minutes as he tilted Phil’s head towards the light to survey his work.
It made a difference. The slit really got to have a moment to shine now that the hairs on either side was more defined.
“Good?” Phil asked, still lax in Dan’s hold.
“Yeah,” Dan said and his voice came out with a little grumble. He cleared his throat. “You look good.”
Phil was looking at Dan like he knew exactly what he was thinking. He let his hands trail up Dan’s thighs, going towards his ass. Dan was prepared for a grope. He was not prepared for Phil to grab his hips and toss him onto the mattress instead.
Dan let out an undignified squawk, bouncing on the bed while Phil got up, almost stumbling as he was laughing too much at Dan’s reaction.
“Traitor,” Dan grumbled, crossing his arms. “This is what I get for helping you!”
“You have to be nice to the birthday boy,” Phil said and walked over to the mirror.
“Your birthday ended yesterday,” Dan reminded him.
“We still have that party on Sunday, so it’s not over until then,” Phil reminded him, which really was only Phil logic. “Wow, it looks nice!”
And with that one comment, all of the fake annoyance at being tossed away rather than having his ass grabbed evaporated. Dan sat up and got up from the bed.
He hadn’t meant to latch onto Phil again, like he’d done before they’d gotten onto the bed, but it was instinct. If Phil asked, he’d just claim it was to see better, even if he didn’t need to wind his arms around Phil for that. Phil would see through it, but also allow it.
“Really good, I’m hot,” Phil said, with a grin and Dan snorted, trying to hide in Phil’s shoulder as he was shaking with laughter. “Don’t laugh!”
It didn’t stop Dan’s laughter but it did make Dan lift his head. “You’re always hot,” he said, breath hot against Phil’s neck just to be mean.
They really had to film but this was fun. Maybe Dan finally understood the inherent intimacy of doing someone’s make up. The couple of times that they’d been putting stuff on each other’s faces, they had usually been blindfolded and drawing cat faces or just slapping make-up on.
Though he guessed that when they were drawing whiskers on each other’s faces came close. Not exactly because they had been on camera and they were in the very chaotic mindset that those videos required. They’d drawn whiskers on each other for each TATINOF performance and removing them too, but that had been rushed, almost frantic while they were high on adrenalin.
Nothing quite like this. Quiet. Intimate. Between just them.
“You’re going to look good with one too,” Phil said, holding onto Dan’s arms around him, giving him a little squeeze. “I almost regret stopping you on the stream.”
“This alternate is better,” Dan said. “You get to have all the attention now, and I’ll get it on the 25th.”
“You were always going to get all the attention then,” Phil said with a soft laugh and he was swaying them a little from side to side. Like he was listening to a song only he could hear. Through their movements, Dan could almost hear it too. “It’s your big baby. Your show.”
Dan hummed. It had been his big baby and he had been happy about it. The tour itself had encountered issues here and there, things he’d rather not think about but he was happy with what he’d made and how the audience had reacted to it.
It had been exciting and he’d been looking to prove something for himself. He could do it on his own. He didn’t need Phil.
But he wanted him.
He wanted him so much.
The tour had only proved that further. He’d missed him at his side. It was maybe one of the reasons it had been easier to lean back into the gaming channel together. They were good. They’d always known that but to see that they hadn’t lost their touch was incredible. If anything, Dan felt like they might be better than ever.
They were out now. All of the gay jokes they’d previously passed up or edited out was included. There was a deep understanding with the audience. It was so much fun.
“Thank you for helping me,” Phil said, speaking so softly in the quiet room. Like he’d sensed that Dan’s thoughts had drifting off for a moment and he was gently bringing him back to shore before he drifted out too far.
Phil never needed to thank him for that. Dan would do anything for him.
“Let’s go film,” Dan said, reluctantly pulling away from the warmth of Phil’s body. “And then afterwards, I’m going to show you just how hot you look and get all up in that slit.”
He wiggled his own eyebrows and dodged out of the way as Phil pulled a disgusted face and tried to hit him. To pacify him, Dan grabbed Phil’s face in both hands and as expected, he went still at the touch. Let Dan hold him, even with the mirth still shining in his eyes.
Dan was never going to tire of looking at this face, even with every change it might go through. Aging, modifications, anything. Phil’s face and gazing into his eyes would always be home.
“Come on,” Phil said grabbing Dan’s wrist and then intertwining their fingers. “If you’re looking at me like that, we’ll not be able to film.”
Dan chuckled, shaking his head in disagreement, even if he knew Phil was right. The urge to toss him back on the bed ran deep and he should rein it in.
He let Phil drag him down the hall, as always trusting Phil whenever he dragged him anywhere.
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scoops404 · 2 months
Casual reminder that to know the true amount of reviews an author get on ao3 you need to !
Divide the number of comments by the number of chapters (ex : 24 reviews for a 8/8 chapters story is 3 reviews)
Divide that number by 2 for the author's answers (so 1-2 reviews by chapters)
Big numbers are often just inflated, in particular for big stories ! There are never too much comments
(I know you know as a writer but your public is the more susceptible to care about leaving reviews. Also, would anyone be interested about a guide on how to write a review bc I know it's something people get stuck on)
There's a few things I want to talk about in this ask, and I realize that you absolutely mean well, but trying to do breakdowns of comments or even kudos vs hits or anything like that is kind of... against the spirit of fanfiction? I think that's the best way to phrase it.
Comments don't get divided up evenly between chapters. Not necessarily. As a story picks up momentum, more people discover it and comment. Sometimes an author will drop all three chapters at once and people will only comment on the last one, etc. Some authors don't respond to comments, or are perpetually behind on them, so diving by two doesn't really work there. There's many reasons this doesn't shake out entirely.
But, moreover, I really want to encourage readers (and nonwriters I guess, more accurately) to realize that it doesn't matter how many comments a fic does or doesn't have. If you liked it and you feel led, then you should leave a comment. Obviously it's not necessary (and there are days where I'm brain-dead and I don't have the mental capacity), but comments on a fic are better than gold to writers.
There's not a magic number that means you have to leave a comment, or on the flip side, this fic has *enough* comments so I don't need to leave one. The spirit of fanfiction is that it's a fan service someone takes time to craft to share with the fandom, and you can encourage them to do it more by writing some nice words about their story.
Imagine spending hours and hours of your time working on something, thinking about it in the shower, talking to your friends about how to make it better, researching things online to make it better, editing down words, and when you go to share that--silence.
Comments are the lifeblood of fanfiction writers, it's how we know we're doing something that people like. Fanfiction is what keeps fandoms going when the source material dries up or goes on hiatus.
It's so so important to let writers know you like what they're putting out, or one day they might just stop. There is a point when we as writers get little to no feedback and start thinking, "What's the point? No one is reading this anyway." (This happened to me in the Dan and Phil fandom years ago). Now, I have a healthy view of my stories and I write for myself and my close friends (which is why i have such batty stories), but if my close friends didn't even want to read what I was writing, I'd just stop.
I've been very very blessed with a comment section in my time here in the DNF fandom. I've made friends through my comments, including a new IRL friend -- hi @czargasm.
Sorry, I'm not trying to be so preachy or single you out or anything. I think a comment guide would be really really lovely and something that could help a lot of people who would be willing to leave more comments if they had an idea of what to say.
As a writer, my favorite kind of comments to get are 1) in depth analysis, but of course that's a lot so, equally loved are 2) the "i was doing X thing when I saw you dropped a chapter so I ran here" and 3) "I made myself a treat to read this update" comment - extra points if you tell me what the treat was 4) A line you particularly liked or a story it reminds you of, etc.
Thank you for giving me a vehicle to apparently preach about comments. I guess I had a lot to say. Oops.
From the bottom of my heart, writers love comments. Nothing will make us write faster or better than knowing people are into out stories.
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cactuslester · 7 months
dan is actually SUCH a romantic I didn't expect that
idk if this is in reference to something specific that happened recently lmk if it is, but yeah he really IS
he's got his edgy cynical persona and brand and we love him for it, but he can never really help being a bit of a sap when it really comes down to it
most recent silly example i can think of is him thinking the sims shouldve had an option for evan to lovingly wake dab up lmaooo
and of course there's all of those interviews, archenemies, husbands, 4000 year old tortoises, and so on <3
this is getting slightly off topic but also slightly related, something i find absolutely fascinating is the differences in how dnp navigate these types of things, being romantic and/or being emotionally vulnerable on camera/in print
like had has the edgy cynical aloof "coincidences are just statistics" thing he likes to project, but really it doesn't make much digging to get him to start waffling poetic
but phil has the cheerful optimistic believes in the magic of coincidence thing, but i think he holds a lot of his sappiness and/or emotional vulnerability way closer and way more guarded
there's obviously a lot more complexity to this that we are not privy to and i also cant explain in just a few sentences, but still, it's so interesting how the major/most noteble aspects of their branding and online personas can give a viewer, especially ones who arent insane about them like all are here on this website, an almost opposite impression as to what's really happening
(this also is tangentially related to my thoughts about how dnp navigate the idea and practice of lying, which i also find fascinating, like i think for dan lying is a Bigger thing, like he has a greater urge/need to feel like he is being authentic and honest and a greater want to not lie, but phil sees lying as more of a neutral practice that can be helpful and useful in situations where people just aren't entitled to that information, like i think when dan said "phil doens't care, he's just like like 'i'll fucking lie to anyone'" there was a kernel of truth to that, but this is a longer conversation and i've already made this answer way longer than i expected lmao thank you for humoring me guys)
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freckliedan · 9 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to talk about how Dan and Phil as a brand is so relatable to neurodivergents in the way that they've been treated recently. So DnP built their careers off of being "weird" and "quirky" and socially awkward. That was Their Thing. Dan spoke for years about being violently bullied (quotes such as "being punched in the head by dickheads" stand out as a pre-BIG example of just how violent it got at times), Phil had the Why I Was a Weird Kid series, they both were frequently talked about as being "weird" and "awkward" by other YouTubers - they WERE the "weird" ones of the vlog group. The ones that awkward teens could relate to. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the #imsoquirky crowd who talks like they're experiencing all of these things while also being the same people who would mock me for my autism.
And that's the crowd now saying Dan is too old to be posting catboy photos or saying that the two of them "give the ick now, idk why." And I just can't help but notice how much I relate to that as an autistic and ADHD person. So many times over the years, I've made "friends" who were slightly into my interests, but then got weirded out by how hard I went into them. I think what we're seeing is the same thing happening to Dan and Phil. Drawing cat whiskers on your face to answer questions? Well that's "so cute and quirky"!! (/s). But actually playing as Catboys in JRPGs, dressing up in cat ears, making animal noises (which the two of them always did but ig this group overlooked), etc? Well that's "too far" and "so weird."
I think Dan especially got hit with this because he has more subscribers. When he talks about being bullied, most people can relate to that. But then when he goes and honks a horn in a game repeatedly (which tbh I've done before myself, very ADHD coded of him) or talks about hiding behind vending machines to avoid talking to people, that is suddenly "too annoying/weird" for some of the audience that got into him for his "relatably weird" content.
Sorry this is such a long ramble, but basically Dan and Phil have accidentally become the perfect examples of how kids with autism/ADHD/social pragmatic disorder/nvld/dyspraxia *insert other neurodivergencies that can cause atypical socialization* are treated. People might find your initial "quirkiness" relatable because everyone feels awkward or socially anxious at times, but it's when they see that you are Actually Just Like That and it's not to be #relatable that they turn on you and start saying that you're "too much" and "too weird."
Dan and Phil were the "weird" ones of the British vlog scene, and those of us who tuned into the younows or watched their older videos knew this, but someone who only subbed after watching a meme review or the two of them playing undertale might have assumed that they were the "right" kind of quirky/weird.
This is probably incoherent, but I hope you get what I mean.
this isn't incoherent! just such a well thought out ask i don't have anything to add. there's really specific ways i'm comfortable talking abour dnp + neurodivergence & neurodivergence in general so it's not something i've ever done super in depth posts abt!
i've actually gotten a few really lengthy asks like this over the last few weeks, so this is to you and to my other askers: i really appreciate that folks want to share their ideas with me but sometimes i genuinely don't have enough to contribute in response to add on to what's being said! and that makes it pretty impossible to answer asks like this.
so this is to everyone: feel free to @ me in the replies on your posts! (doing that leaves things cleaner than @ ing in the body of a post, which in my experience means folks are more likely to engage, if that's what you're looking for). especially loop me in about dnp + neurodivergene or dnp + gender!
this isn't a promise i'll rb or even see things, this website's functionality is shit, but like. it's actually way easier for me to see and support than if yall are sending me essay length anons, and this way i + others can find more people who share the same opinions as us! make ur own posts & ppl will follow u i prommy
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Dream smp x jjk au, thats it.
I'd like to see what u come up with :]
I will probably write a fic soon but here are my ideas for characters.
C!Tommy: Yuji - pretty obvious, I wanna make my silly the main guy who goes through all the torment. However, it also lines up with how Yuji thinks and wants to be there to help his friends no matter what. c!Tommy also definitely fits Yuji’s vibe of “hero”.
c!Dream: Sukuna - also pretty obvious. Just seems like it would fit to have him be the all powerful chaos demon from a 1000 years ago who makes it his life goal to torment this one kid. Plus it lines up with who I decided would be Gojo.
c!Techno: Gojo - now instead of doing the classic “Wilbur is Tommy’s mentor” like I typically do. I feel like c!Techno fits the bill for Gojo’s character. Incredibly strong but acts goofy in sort of a facade due to his past and childhood and not wanting others to go through the same fate (my interpretation of Gojo and c!Techno anyway)
c!Phil: Geto - I can’t not throw some angst in there somewhere. Plus it lines up with how I view c!Phil’s character. He’s very set on his goals and believes in them deeply. Going through such a traumatic event such as the Toji incident from when they were younger would have definitely changed him.
c!Wilbur: Megumi - I feel like having c!Wilbur be Megumi would make for a more interesting story overall and put more depth into Yuji’s and Megumi’s friendship and how close they are. Also c!Wilbur fits Megumi much more than c!Tubbo does even though he would also be best friend material obviously. Megumi and c!Wilbur’s sacrificial mindset or at least how I see Megumi’s mindset anyway definitely fits together.
c!Niki: Nobara - Nobara is one of the most badass female characters I’ve seen in a while and that place can’t go to anyone else but c!Niki. After seeing Nobara’s past and everything play out, I just feel like c!Niki would be a good fit and would also fit in well with c!Tommy and c!Wilbur.
c!Puffy: Maki - our other badass female character, c!Puffy. Something about her really makes me feel like she would fit Maki well. Growing up in a family that values cursed techniques over anything and then not having one of her own but still trying no matter what.
c!Tubbo: Todo - who else could fit our over dramatic king Todo. Something about that strength and brotherly relationship he has with Yuji really ties me to believe that c!Tubbo would make a good Todo. This one is mainly vibes.
c!Ranboo: Yuta - Gojo’s most powerful prodigy student who has a cursed spirit following him around but starts off scared until he learns to wield that power? C!Ranboo and c!Techno’s relationship anyone???? Idk it just fits.
c!Punz: Uraume - I don’t really have a good answer for this one. I just think it fits I guess.
c!Quackity: Nanami - Also mostly vibes but being tired of Gojo’s shit while simultaneously trying to not do any overtime but still getting stuff done quickly and efficiently while taking Yuji under his wing. Gives me vibes of c!Quackity.
c!Sapnap: Toji - This one is a pure shot in the dark but I personally think it would be hilarious, something about it just feels right, y’know? I’m slowly going downhill with these answers lmao.
C!Bad: Choso - Can you blame me? It fits him maybe. Idk. I think it’s funny.
c!Fundy: Panda - I will not elaborate.
I’ll talk more about it in a bit but this is what I got so far.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 5 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 9
Deep state
Cellbit organized the images on his corkboard, then attached a redline to a newly applied image of Cucurucho, He then step back and observe the board Intently.
"Bom dia." An all to familiar voice called from behind, he turn to met the speaker, his eyebrows knit at the sight of Cucurucho.
The sight of the uncanny white bear send shivers down Cellbit's spine, the trauma he had with this creature is one he didn't want to re-explorer.
"The day has suddenly become a lot less good, since you've show up." Cellbit snapped back.
Cucurucho respond with a monotone laugh, staring daggers into Cellbit. "Is there a reason why you welcomed yourself in my home?" Cellbit asked
Cucurcho laughed once more, before offering a letter to cellbit, which he open and read out loud. "You haven't fullfil your duty in ages since your return, your assistance is still required by the federation." He fold the paper then turn his attention to cucurho, "oh you didn't hear, I re-signed."
"No." Cucurho respond
"You don't exactly have the option to tell me no." Cellbit Double down, "But I'll tell you what, I'll return if I can ask you some questions."
Cucurucho tiled his head at the strange requested, but show no resistance to such; Cellbit took this as a sign to processed. "I was told you trick philza, then locked him in a birdhouse?"
"You didn't trap him?"
"You're confusing me."
Cucurcho dispense a clipboard from his invertory, of which he wrote his answer down then point it at him. Cellbit leaned forward reading the message, “I did not trick him.”
Cellbit paced back and forth in the burnt forest, waiting as Phil observed a seemlingly normal spot intently. "Why did Tallulah burnt it down?" Cellbit finally asked.
Phil bent down, sensing his knees were about to give out, he then rested his hand on the ground for additional support. "Um, she didn't want me to worry about it."
"Oh, that's sweet of her."
Phil hummed in respond, eyes still trained on the stop in which the house once was. "I was in a frantic panic, so she thought burning the memory might help."
"Hm, maybe that's why you forgot." Cellbit teased
"If only it was that easy to forgot these things." Phil complained.
"Oh by the way, I finally had a chance to speak with Cucurcho." Cellbit explain, "Actually he said he was keeping an eye on you for a crime you committed. "
"The cage .." Phil whispered under his breath.
"Well, he saw you enter the birdhouse and though it was the perfect opportunity for you to serve your time."
Phil slowly stood up in silence, immediately peaking Cellbit's interest. "I spent months trying to figure out if it was real or not." Phil started. "And I now I know.. someone sent me out here.. and Cucurucho interfered with that.."
Cellbit watch Phil in concern, he could tell from the expression on Phil's face that he was going through a range off emotions. However right before what was expect to be his not so sudden snap, he shove the emotions back down then walked back to the Waystone, almost tripping in the process.
"Philza, please be careful." Cellbit warned as he followed behind him.
"I need to show you the other locations." Phil's deflected.
They would soon make there way to Tallulah's Garden, where they stood at the back wall momentarily staring at it."
"This is where the note came from?" Cellbit asked to no avail, "This was the entity you can't remember, right?"
"There's nothing here anymore." Phil quickly dismissed before he made his way to other locations, Cellbit quickly followed.
The further down they went the more impressed Cellbit found himself, as an entire aquarium was just below Phil's base.
His eyes darted to the mini petting zoo, more importantly the lone sign on it. "Missa's new home?" He read out loud.
"God please don't remind me about that." Phil plead keeping his eyes on the front wall of the aquarium, "Missa gets in his own head sometimes and thinks he's not good enough for me it's just so.. I would like to hope I got that idea out his head."
Cellbit nod in response then joined Phil. He observe the spot Phil was fixated on, below the glass.
"The eggs couldn't see it." Phill started before bending down once again. "Fit came to check it out but it was actually gone by then."
"Right, you said the first message had vines and a picture of crow skull with roses coming out of it."Cellbit inquired
Phil nod his head in agreement, "yeah this had..um ..fuck.."
"Don't strain yourself, we still need to perform deep state later." Cellbit warned
"No I know this, shut up." Phil requested. He sat in silence momentarily before finally speaking again. "A trident!" He recalled.
"Like a picture?" Cellbit inquired further
"Yes, and they were item frames with chours fruit, ender pearls, a less cool trident." Phil listed
"Interesting, you mind if I hop in?" Cellbit requested
"The whale might try to kiss you, but go ahead." Phil joked as he removed the glass for cellbit to enter.
Cellbit rolled his eyes, then jumped in carefully observing the wall. Needless to say it look almost identical to every other wall in that aquarium, expect for one thing.
There was a crack in the wall, a rather small thing hardly noticable but in that crack, was a endless darkness that almost seemed artificial.
Before Cellbit could explore it further, the whale starting pushing it's face on Cellbit, surprisedly looking for a kiss. Cellbit pushed the whale away then swam back, meet with Phil's laughter.
"There's something down there." Cellbit information immediately silenced Phil.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"A crack in the wall, there's a darkeness behind, but it feels artificial." He climbed out the water completely then shook the water out his hair. "Like it doesn't exist in the void of light but rather exist because it could."
Phil observed Cellbit with a mix of emotions, before quietly whispering the void to himself, thankful Cellbit's ears picked up on that
He was about to inquire about why that particular word peaked Phil interest however his phone vibrated. He pulled it from his pocket as he checked the residents' chat. "Forever's ready for us."
Phil approach the chamber with some hesitant, keeping his arms interlocked with Cellbit's. the exterior structure was much like a storage unit, in fact Phil was pretty sure it was one of the many units found on the boat Forever came in on.
The interior however had more care put into it, as it was reinforced likely to block sounds and keep the water inside. Right, to deprive his sense, why was the such a terrifying concept to him?
Forever stood upright, offering his hand to Phil, which Phil ignore and instead used his shoulder as a brace. "This is fucking terrifying" he admited.
"It actually can be really therapeutic." Forever rebutted
"Isn't there supposed to be a soft light in there?"
"There doesn't have to be." Forever informed. He then lifted Phil's arm to lead him into the tank, watching his step careful. "Remove your sandles." He requested.
Phil couldn't tell what part of this was more terrifying, the possibility of drowning, horrific memories, being in an enclosed space; He felt his heart beat a million times a second.
"Phil?"Forever's voice throw him out self induced panic, he eyes darted to Forever's "I got you, it's okay." He reassured
Phil release a deep exhale and accept his situation, he then removed his sandles and entered the chamber slowly. He followed Forever's instructions, allowing himself to floating in the water while Forever kneed down.
He then offered Forever his hand par request, which he grasp tightly with both hands. "Cellbit," Forever called.
"Already on it," Cellbit respond as he pulled the door close, "just try to relax Phil."
The minute the door close the room was bathed in darkness, and Phil's anxiety snuck up on him once again. "Forever?"
"I'm right here," Forever immediately responded. "Just close your eyes and relax."
"Close my eyes, Seriously, do you see how dark it is in here?!"
"Philza, breath." Forever suggested
Phil played along, anything to delay this process any further, though once he exhaled he felt unusually relaxed. "Forever are you doing that?"
"More or less." Forever Informed.
"Phil, close your eyes..relax." he'll admit with his current relax state it felt kind of pointless to fight, he'd be terrified Forever had that ability if he wasn't so chilled out right now.
He took another deep breath, then close his eyes, feeling his remaining senses slowly but surely wash away. In a instance all feel silence.
Then he Heard her, clear as day. Fill with the joy of a soul who hadn't see her for months, he finally heard her.
"Oh Child of the Sky, come on down!"
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silverfoxphil · 12 days
Hi :)) I love your edits and song choices. They always seem really cohesive, like strong theme. I want to make an edit for the first time but I'm kind of overwhelmed by the scope/not sure where to begin. I'm curious if you have any tips for getting into editing, and also wondering what editing software you use. in other words: editing tips?😳
omg editing tips 🫣 under the cut because they got too long 😳lololol
first of all thank you so much :)!! I'm happy to know that you enjoy my edits<3!!!
answering the software question is easy: I recently started using capcut, it's free and I like it a lot! (I used to use clipchamp which has less features, but is maybe a bit more straightforward)
getting ideas is the hard part lol. I think I only have lame answers :/
for normal compilations I usually have a clip (or a few) and a theme/joke/vibe/meme I really want to use and i do some research(search it on Tumblr) or rewatch the videos (or look through the clips I have already saved) to find other moments that follow the same theme. (I try to make them funny, I'm not sure it works, but they are funny to me lol)
for song edits i usually have the song and at least one clip that are already linked in my brain lol like rush by Troye Sivan and the poppers jokes, they just go together lol. sometimes I read the lyrics and try to remember or search for clips that work with them. idk it's something that just clicks in my head lol. this sounds so 💀💀💀 I'm sorry lolol.
so idk the only advice I have is:
1.if you're using a song, working on it first makes things so much easier (cut it/choose the parts you want/read the lyrics) and then add the clips
2.adjust the audio levels (even if there's no song) (especially if you're using clips from dystopia daily lol it's super quiet for some reason)
3.try to build some kind of database of clips, so you don't have to go back and rewatch the videos a million times to find a 2 seconds clip (speaking from experience) (save them or make a list idk) (also I screen record and don't download, I know someone from another fandom that says that screen recording is bad but personally i never had any issues w it lol)
4.follow your heart, follow your brain, look at the software's filters, transitions, effects and sounds and text and use them all lol. I think ultimately most people have their own style and their own humour and sensibility. there's no right or wrong, so try to find what works for you, what you find funny or pretty or interesting, you know? it's kind of a bad answer but that's all I can think about, you need to find what you enjoy first and then build on it
I'm sure phil was better at giving editing tips lmao, but I hope this helped in some way! I never get to talk about editing, so my thoughts are all over the place lol.
let me know when you start posting or if you need help with the software!
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Hello! I have put together the Riddle School- Good Ending AU a bit more and decided to share some things since you were interested! I wanted to have a bit of a different take on the aliens and for fun decided to make them the 'good guys'. I kept the military idea the fandom adopted since I loved it and went a step further to make them the best of their respective branches therefore prime targets in the war. Diz was a fighter pilot, Viz was a captain and Quiz a lead cartographer. They were chased out of their solar system by the enemy their planet was at war with (Viz lost an eye, Diz his lower arms) and now have to help build this 'Cryobeam' that could land a good enough hit on the enemy to bring an advantage to their losing side. All whilst they are also constantly pressed by time and their superiors.
The three took refugee on Earth where Phil happened to spot them stealing from a local store. They took him and later on his friends when they tried to find him, since the Vizion crew knew it would be dangerous if their enemy was around and found out these kids knew of them. Diz is not a traitor in this story, Quiz does not run off to play principal and Viz does not die. Some game events play out differently.
Kids living on a spaceship, shenanigans ensue later on. From games of hide and seek with Phil getting stuck in a vent, truth or dare near a lava pit, Viz saves Smiley from a bunch of boys bulling her and trying to steal her wig, Zack challenging Viz and Diz to a match of football, Smiley and the boys cooking dinner with Diz, Zack and Phred having Quiz play a horror game, Smiley and Quiz playing wingmen for Diz and Viz (it started as a crackship, I don't know how it got here), etc. Also another change to the canon. I didn't make Smiley magically grow hair instead that is a wig and she has alopecia areata.
Basically, three military dudes who have forgotten what it was like to live life adopt four rambunctious children that shake up their entire operation. If you want to know anything more about it please let me know! I'd love to share!
Omg! This is so very cool!! Sorry I’m so late; I must have clicked on the notification at some point and meant to reply later, then forgot all about actually doing it because I had thought about it and there was now no notification. Regardless, it was amazing when I read it the first time and it still hits now! Thanks for messaging me about it!
I must know who wins the football game. Don’t know why that line in particular is standing out to me so much (I don’t even like football) but I must know. Truth or dare near the lava pit also intrigues me; what dares involve the lava pit? (Don’t know about you, but I had at least one friend who would probably dare you to throw your shoes or some shit in there XD)
The whole concept of the AU is brilliant! It’s kinda giving gravity falls with the whole ‘inexplicable and possibly violent happenings occurring while school children hang out with cryptids’ (I fell back into that bottomless pit recently so maybe that’s just me conflating things, but it’s a good vibe! Anything that makes me think of gravity falls is a win.) 
I love love love your ideas for a softer portrayal with the aliens; it’s kinda hilarious to me that they might have just yoinked the children with barely half a plan and now they’re stuck babysitting for the good of the mission. The villain decay from Ambiguous Threat to Bonus Uncles is immaculate. Headquarters is phoning in to find out how weapon testing is going only to find all three of their best soldiers losing at smash bros, rip 
(Oh god, don't get me started on Viz and Diz as a crack ship. Every. single. time I write them they get more divorced and I... do not know how they're doing it. I am staring at them in incomprehension. 'You’re not a couple? You’ve literally never been a couple?? I wrote your species to have no concept of marriage, how the fuck did you get divorced???' They have yet to answer me; they’re too busy missing each other while stood in the same room.)
Questions! What do the aliens do about the kids parents in this? (Super curious about this one cause it was something I never considered until I started writing the Kidnapping Phil scene and fell into the plot hole face first.) Are the enemy forces on Earth as well? Do the kids get tangled up in the Everything, or do they successfully avoid that fate in exchange for low-risk shenanigans? I remember you had a few OCs you talked about last time; are they still part of it? Do you think you’ll write it out as prose or did you have something else in mind? What are the aliens like in your story and (because I found this one fun to answer!) who’s your favourite?
Thanks again for sharing!
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useyourglutes · 1 month
ok i've like 100% posted about this before, but i just wanna know if my mom is in the wrong here or if i'm just whiny or whatever. (this will read like an AITA post and i'm sorry)
⚠️ LONG POST!!!!! ⚠️
So first, in her defense, she has a relatively erratic schedule work-wise and sometimes things come up. She's also juggling trying to finish a college degree in order to advance in her line of work, and I understand that her job is stressful and probably unpleasant a great deal of the time.
I've asked her a few times to go to various events, mostly concerts, which obviously require her to buy tickets and whatnot. Most of the time she gives a variation of the same answer: "We'll see about it" or "I'll have to check my schedule" or "We could probably do that!"
Typically not an outright no, but occasionally a yes. Problem is, she never upholds that. Even if she just says she'll look at tickets later, she doesn't so much as open ticketmaster or something to spare a glance at the prices. Every time, she just, doesn't.
Like I would have zero issue at all if she would just say no for literally any reason, be it work, money or simply not having any desire to go. If she would just say no, I'd obviously be completely understanding and just let it go. But she says maybe, she keeps saying she'll get them later and that she forgot, and she'll string it out until I just give up because she starts getting mad every time bring it up. It honestly hurts, because it feels like she doesn't care enough to even consider something I'm interested in.
And it's not like she can't spare the money to do things, either; we're not rich by any means, I grew up relatively poor (to the point where I would occasionally have to help pay bills and buy gas as a kid) so if money was tight I wouldn't even bring it up. But she's literally spent thousands of dollars to go on 2 week long trips to Europe with her friends - several times - within the past year or two. So why won't she go with me to a concert where tickets are like 40 dollars, which I offer to pay for every single time?
I dunno, it just feels like she doesn't really give a shit about me sometimes. Like I know she loves me or whatever, but even that I question at times. I just don't understand why she can't/won't do these things with me when she says she will and clearly has the means to.
But I feel like a huge jerk every time I try and talk to her about it, because she always manages to make herself seem like the victim and I just don't know what to do anymore. Like she said she'd buy me Clancy tix for my birthday, then it was Dan and Phil, then it was literally taking me to an art exhibit 30 minutes away, and she upheld nothing. I dunno. Am I just overdramatic or is my mom the problem because I am losing my mind over here.
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 13
Series Masterlist
A couple of days have passed and all Y/N has thought about was what she was going to do. The idea of leaving the band behind, leaving Joe behind was killing her almost. But she couldn’t help but feel like it is for the best. It was clear to her that Joe didn’t want to be with her. Even if he did, after everything he had been through, she doubted that he would trust her. She didn’t blame him for that, she felt the same after her ex cheated on her and they weren’t married.
She didn’t have much time left to let Malvin know whether she wanted to stay or not. In fact, tomorrow was the day she had to make a decision. He already had other candidates in mind from when they did initial interviews and if she chose to leave then she would fly back to England rather than go on back to the US with the band. Y/N didn’t want that to happen but she was torn on what to do.
Preparing for their final show in Japan, Y/N busied herself with small tasks when she was interrupted. She saw Vivian standing just to the side of her with a small grin on his face.
“How can I help you Viv?” Y/N asked him sweetly.
“By staying.” Viv kept the grin on his face. “Look, don’t worry about Joe or any of us for a moment. Do you enjoy your job?” He asked her.
“Yes I do. I never thought that I would want to be a tour assistant but it has been great so far.” She answered him honestly.
“Then stay. We all want you here and you enjoy it so stay.”
“I want to but there are other things to consider.” She sighed.
“Okay well just know that all of us want you to stay.” Vivian emphasised the word ‘all’.
“I will definitely keep it in mind Viv.” She smiled at him again before he wandered off, tripping slightly as he did, provoking a giggle from the woman.
A few hours later, after soundcheck had happened, Phil came up to Y/N with a similar grin on his face as Viv had earlier.
“Hello Phil.” Y/N smiled at him.
“Hello Y/N.” He mimicked. He stood next to her for a minute before Y/N finally spoke again.
“Do you need something or are you just loitering?” She asked him with a laugh.
“I think you know what I want Y/N.” Phil paused for a second before repeating a word Y/N had already heard a few times that week. “Stay.”
“No hear me out.” Phil interrupted her. “We all love you Y/N and you know as well as the rest of us that we won’t get along with anyone else like we get along with you.”
“And why’s that?” She raised an eyebrow at him.
“Because we won’t want to.” Phil told her matter-of-factly.
“I am thinking about it Phil. I promise.”
“Good, that’s all we can ask.” Phil rubbed her arm before walking off again. Leaving Y/N alone again.
Y/N wasn’t even shocked when Rick and Sav walked up to her just before the show.
“I am thinking about it.” She told them before they had a chance to speak.
“How did you know what we wanted?” Rick asked her.
“Because you are wearing the same grins as the other two were wearing earlier. Is this the plan? Take it in turns to pester me until I agree to stay?”
“Yes,” Sav told her without missing a beat. “That is exactly the plan because we don’t want you to leave.”
“Guys…” Y/N started with a sigh.
“Yes we know, you’ll think about it but you have to tell Mal tomorrow.” Rick pointed out.
“I am aware, yes, look, you both need to get ready, I promise I am thinking about it.” She told them. Rick nodded at her and gave her a short hug. He walked away leaving her and Sav.
“Have you spoken to Joe?” Sav asked.
“Not today but yes I did speak to him a couple of days ago.”
“And…?” Sav prompted.
“And I don’t know what you want to hear, Sav. We spoke and I’m not sure he is interested and even if he was, he isn’t in a place to start anything at the minute. I don’t want things to be awkward, not just for us but for everyone around us as well.” 
“Do you trust me Y/N?” Sav asked her completely seriously.
“I guess.”
“Then talk to Joe again. I have known him for twenty years give or take. Trust me when I say that he is interested.” With that Sav walked off. Something that Y/N realised he did a lot when he was finished with a conversation.
The show seemed to go really quickly. Despite them performing the same songs, Y/N never got bored of watching them. 
When they all got back to the hotel, they prepared for their last night in Japan before they flew out tomorrow. Deciding to listen to Sav, Y/N went to go find Joe in his hotel room. Hoping that he was there. Taking a deep breath Y/N knocked on his door.
When he opened it, a confused look flashed across Joe’s face. “Y/N?” He spoke, curious as to why the assistant was at his hotel room door.
“I need you to tell me to stay.” She told him. “I have never asked someone else to make a decision for me so you must be special. Tell me to stay.”
“I..I…” Joe stuttered.
“I’m serious Joe. If you don’t want me here, I’ll tell Mal in the morning and you will never have to see me again. If you do, tell me now.” Y/N could feel her hands shaking as she spoke.
“What do you want from me Y/N? I have tried so hard to stay away from you but you are making it so difficult.” Joe breathed out. 
“It’s time to stop lying to ourselves Joe. That’s what I want. I need honesty. I like you Joe. I have since I met you. Why do you think I was going to leave?”
“Because I made your job difficult?” Joe questioned unsure.
“No, because I care about you. I didn’t want to make you feel miserable in my presence. I wanted you to be happy before I even had a conversation with you.” She told him straight. “So I’ll say it one more time. Tell me to stay.”
Joe didn’t say anything. He grabbed Y/N by her wrist with one hand and pulled her forward. Placing the other on her waist. Looking into her eyes, he removed his hand from her wrist and put it on her cheek, dragging her closer to him.
“Stay.” Was all he said before he locked lips with her. Shutting the door with his foot without breaking away.
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themculibrary · 4 months
Non-Explicit Slash Pairings Masterlist
a developing habit (ao3) - Moransroar steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: Courtesy of having spent years in the ice, Steve can’t stand the cold. Luckily, there is someone who can help him with that.
aim (ao3) - visiblemarket clint/phil M, 61k
Summary: Clint “Hawkeye” Barton takes on a contract for one Philip J. Coulson. It all goes downhill from there.
(And uphill for a while. Then downhill again. Mostly downhill, overall).
all it takes is faith, trust, and a dream (ao3) - Espressosaur, ohstars steve/bucky G, 45k
Summary: A road trip, a fairytale, a prince, and a boy who never grew up, together they make a story filled with magic.
below freezing (ao3) - aftersoon (notboldly) rhodey/tony M, 11k
Summary: When Rhodey crash lands in the Himalayan wilderness, it tests more than just his survival skills.
bless this ink and our souls (ao3) - Akira_of_the_Twilight bucky/clint/steve/tony T, 5k
Summary: Steve and Tony venture to Nelson & Murdock, Attorneys at Law to bless the ink that they will need for their protection spell.
Things get heated between Steve and Tony, and Matt Murdock reveals a secret of Tony’s that leaves Steve stunned.
camping for three (ao3) - hopelessly_me clint/steve, bucky/clint, bucky/clint/steve T, 3k
Summary: Clint plans a camping trip so he can try to learn a little bit more about Bucky and if a three-way relationship is something that can work for everyone.
come on closer (ao3) - Epiphanyx7 steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: [[… porn.]]
Or, the one where Steve wants to talk to Tony about something important.
hand over your heart (ao3) - cherryvanilla clint/phil, steve/tony M, 7k
Summary: If a top secret file on Phil Coulson and Clint Barton’s relationship existed, it would look something like this.
have i changed? (ao3) - katling tony/stpehen T, 141k
Summary: I liked you more before you met the Avengers.
It’s an offhand comment that Tony wasn’t sure he was actually meant to hear. But he did and he doesn’t know what it means. Lucky for him, Rhodey’s got an answer for him.
hey, stephen (i’ve been holding back this feeling) (ao3) - hopelessrdj tony/stephen G, 11k
Summary: Tony Stark and Stephen Strange have never met each other before until the day every student at their university gets forced into attending one co-educative class not connected to their major. Both geniuses end up in the music department and in order to make it more interesting they come up with a competition between the two of them.
it’s been a long, long time (ao3) - darling_highness steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Steve and Bucky on vacation…
once lost (now found) (ao3) - Teeelsie bucky/clint M, 40k
Summary: There’s a beat and then Phil says, “Clint, you don’t have anything to prove.”
And that stings, because, “If you think I’m doing this to prove anything to anyone, then you don’t know me half as well as I thought you did.” He hears Phil sigh on the other end of the comm. “Besides,” Clint tells him, “I’ll have back-up. I’ll have Barnes. Hawkeye out.” He reaches up and clicks off the comm, cutting off Phil’s continued objection mid-word.
Eight days these assholes have had Barnes and he’s not going to let them keep him for another hour, much less another day. He doesn’t have anything to prove, but he sure as hell isn’t going to give anyone any reason to question his actions, either.
shelter from cold (ao3) - torchestogether peter/wade M, 7k
Summary: The snowstorm was too severe for anyone to sleep out on the streets. Peter knew it was a bad idea, but even Deadpool deserved to have someone looking out for him.
six feet apart but definitely gay (ao3) - hvllanders ned/peter G, 2k
Summary: or
Five Times Peter and Ned Fail at Telling People They’re Dating and One Time They Don’t
sky is clear tomorrow (ao3) - sketchnurse sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Yeah, Sarah was getting a little frustrated with Bucky flirting with her like the old charmer he was and nothing more. There had to be something going on, and Sam was getting asked what Bucky’s deal was whether he liked it or not. Then Sarah figures out that she might not be the only Wilson eyeing up that tree trunk of a man…
space is for the birds (ao3) - hopelessly_me bucky/clint/steve T, 3k
Summary: Clint gets elected by Tony to travel to space with him to repair a spaceship, and all Clint wants to do is get back home to Bucky and Steve.
three men in a vw (ao3) - Brokenpitchpipe steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Steve steps back into the car and closes the door, lips still tingling.
“You don’t like blondes,” Bucky says.
Sam chokes.
trading in on our names (ao3) - pherryt clint/bucky T, 11k
Summary: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier didn’t know each others identities. Being mercenaries meant secrets both inside and outside of the jobs. That didn’t stop either of them from admiring from afar, resigned to never going any further.
Then Clint and Bucky started dating and life got a little more complicated…
under stars (ao3) - vulcantastic steve/tony T, 14k
Summary: Commander Tony Stark, just kicked off the USS Expedition for mutiny, finds comfort in an ensign wandering the halls of the USS Quinjeti at 0400 hours. Southern comfort, no less.
who we are (ao3) - reclusiveq steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: When Bucky comes home beat up, Steve is left to wonder why. His search for an answer will reveal a truth his friend may not be ready to share.
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zzzallnite · 1 year
- Good News - 
“Would you like something to drink?”, Phil eagerly asked the young Mormon missionary, who’d just knocked on his door just a couple of minutes ago, asking if he would like to hear about the Savior. Phil invited him in, but of course, he was more interested in the young man than Jesus Christ. “Sure, a tea would be fine, thank you very much!”, said the naïve youth in a short-sleeves, white collared shirt with charcoal poorly fitted gray suit pants and cheap dress shoes.
“So Aaron, how old are you now?” Phil asked, while pouring the tea inside a mug, and sprinkled in some mysterious, tasteless white powder. “I just turned 20 last month”, Aaron nervously answered. “This is actually the first time I go out on my own, without a chaperone”. Well, well, a lucky day for Mr. Phil...
Aaron slowly sipped on the tea as he went through the pamphlets. The whole time Phil just stared at the young man who was sitting next to him on the couch instead of the papers in front of him, anxiously anticipated the sign of the “sugar” taking effect on the unsuspected victim.
“Phew, isn’t it a little hot in here?” Aaron felt a little woozy and started to sweat.
“Why don’t you loosen that tie off? Here, let me help you...” Phil reached out and attempted to grab the young man’s necktie, but Aaron recoiled and stood up, but suddenly a strange force just invaded his mind, and the room began to spin in front of him.
“I... I think I should go...” Aaron mumbled as his lips became numb.
“But I don’t want you to go.” Phil smirked. “Stay here with me. It’s my turn to show you some great stuff...”
Aaron stepped backward away from the creepy man, but his motor control started giving up on him. He tripped on the carpet and nearly fell on his back, had Phil not catching him on time and let the stunned young man collapse onto his lap instead. As Aaron passed out soundly on Phil’s manboobs, he caressed the Mormon brown hair with one hand and the other unfastened the young man’s tie and shirt buttons all the way down. He gave the sleeping missionary a gentle pat on the chest over his moist white undershirt, and then bridal carried him to another room. Aaron’s lanky frame did not cause any trouble to the older man, and Phil finally laid him on his bed. He continued removing Aaron’s clothing items there, from his ugly short sleeve button-up shirt to his under shirt, then down to his belt and trousers and shoes, until there were only the “magic underpants” and socks on.
Phil proceeded to bind the young man’s legs over his socks with a fluffy pink handcuff, and did the same with his hands, and put a ball gag in his drooling mouth. He then with one hand pulled down the unconscious missionary’s underpants and jacked him off until his dick became rock hard, while the other one did the same for himself. He then kneeled over the youth and frotted him Unfortunately the drug did not help maintaining an erection, so Phil gave a penis ring to Aaron, as a souvenir. After covering the young man’s popsicle with his cock juice, Phil took some photos of the Mormon in compromising position with a Polaroid. He kept most the pictures in a hidden stash, alongside others of those who came before Aaron, and left one in the pocket of the young man’s trousers.
Aaron suddenly woke up on Phil’s couch, fully dressed as if he just took a cat nap in a strange man’s living room. There, he had the oddest dream ever; it made him both embarrassed and... excited. Aaron just grabbed his belongings and made a quick getaway without saying goodbye to the host. As the sun started to go down, the young missionary worried if he’d be reprimand for his misbehavior. He felt something in his pants obstructing his strides down the street, which reminded him about the weird dream he had earlier. He looked down, trying to adjust what seemed to be just a wedgie without letting other people around him notice, and something in his pocket caught his attention. He did not remember having any pamphlet there; he then pulled out a small photo, and upon looking at it, he was completely petrified: it had on it the image of him rocking a red ball gag, with someone else’s penis resting on his sleeping face.
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