#physical and mental health haven't been great in a while but i hope this answer reaches you and that it was worth the wait!
earthbovndmisfit · 1 year
in the mer joestar aquarium au jotaro hates being carried by humans because he feels so vulnerable so he opts to crawl around when on land with his big strong arms and he is very stubborn
Considering all/most Jobros work at the aquarium, I think this would be the perfect scenario for him and Kak to start bonding. Just think about it:
Jotaro doesn't like to be seen or taken as a vulnerable being. He doesn't want to depend on others even though he knows it's basically unavoidable at this point to depend on their caretakers one way or another for as long as they stay at the aquarium/on land.
Naturally, and despite how smooth the floors may be at the aquarium to make it easy for the mermen to move around if/whenever they wish to, moving around like that and crawling all over the place all the time will definitely end up causing some damage to their tails, as they're not made for that kind of treatment (hence why the caretakers are always willing to help them around).
So, Jotaro will definitely end up with a lot of scratches and cuts and bruises on his tail. Cuts and scratches that he will try to brush off and just pretend they don't exist. But, of course, they need to be taken care of as to prevent some kind of infection (especially considering the bacteria and etc on land are not the same as underwater, and so merpeeps might be at higher risk of infection if they catch one of those bugs).
This is where Kakyoin and him can bond and become closer. Normally, Jotaro doesn't allow Kak to carry him around, and Kak doesn't press further as not to annoy the hell out of him. Still, by the end of the day, the two sit together by Jotaro's tank where Kak will help him get his tail cleaned and then he will proceed to patch him up if he needs to (it's usually not that bad, so normally it's just the cleaning process, and maybe a band aid here and there).
The first times, they were probably mostly silent, with Kak doing some of the talking while Jotaro only gave monosyllabic answers, and toughening through any pain or discomfort he felt. Then, as days go on, Jotaro's little hisses whenever he feels a stinging on the bruise that's being cleaned would become a subtle indication that he's opening up more, especially when it becomes evident that he only does this with Kak and no one else (meaning that he's become comfortable enough around Kak to the point where he can allow himself some vulnerability around him). And so, Kak would begin to try to talk and get more words out of him. It's a slow process compared to other Jojos and their caretakers, but they get along well and, sooner than later, they become quite close to the point where maybe, just maybe, Jotaro will let Kak help him around the aquarium (and, of course, he will be the only one allowed to do so!).
Cue Jotaro later on trying to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why he hasn't gone back to the sea if he really doesn't want humans to help him around. Or why he will only let Kak help him, for that matter lol
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kingofthefortress · 9 months
An explanation
Tl;dr - this blog will most likely never come back. It will remain on what is essentially an indefinite hiatus unless something else ends up happening and I change my mind.
I left randomly, and want to explain why I did, properly.
If you don't know, I'm mod Rat. I was the second TADC askblog and shortly after the creation of the Kinger blog(which you are currently on) I made @zooooble, an askblog where I attempted to write as my interpretation of Zooble as opposed to Kinger, as they were two major comforts to me at the time(along with TADC as a whole).
Unfortunately, we got off to a rocky start pretty much immediately, with someone sending gore in my asks, leading to the asks being closed right after they opened. A bit later after asks were reopened, I started getting more and more odd asks - including animal abuse on Zooble's blog, and people being very gross about Kinger here and in some instances, me. This continued until I closed up the asks, which I originally didn't know would be permanent.
This ended up lining up horribly with my irl situation aswell, not to mention the fact that I was frequently disrespected in my asks. Someone even talked bad about me in Zooble's blog, thinking we were different mods.
Through all of this other mods were having lore happen to their characters, it got so overwhelming to have to keep up on anon blogs, TADC blogs, personal blogs I haven't and never will show here, it was making this feel like a chore.
Not to mention Zooble - because of several shitposts that I now regret, people were asking me and mod Soup(owner of the Gangle blog) to make Google canon. It was and never will be canon. It is a ship that now makes me uncomfortable and as I understand it, Soup aswell as they are literally in a relationship.
I didn't want this blog to get to the state it did. I just wanted to make jokey things, but it all got so complicated so quickly. It has been atrocious for my health, mental and physical. And I decided I need to stop worrying about this post. I wanted to make something like it months ago, but I didn't want to let people down. I don't care for this blog anymore.
I started a comic at some point in here, really its mostly a blur, but I ended up falling out of TADC as the third panel was being worked on. The whole Kinger wood rot arc was just something I made to make myself feel more included since other mods were doing lore with their respective characters aswell. I regret it - he would've been better as a silly character, like I started the blog with the intent to invision him as.
The TADC fandom was alright for awhile, but at this point, I am no longer interested in TADC, the characters, story, or these blogs.
The blogs were great when they started, when it was just some people having fun, but now, everything feels so odd. It's all different and not in a good way, not to the fault of the mods at all.
If you still want TADC askblogs(in the OG askblog group) -
@thecomicallytragicgangle is to my knowledge the most active, @jaxtherabbit is to my knowledge either on hiatus or inactive(though their blog is still fun to scroll through), @blue-tooth(Moon) I am unsure if they are active or not but they're an amazing artist and have a blog that's fun to go through, @theoneandonlysun is still active(I think), @cainetheringmaster is somewhat active, @theclownkaufmo(Abstractions) is a shared blog where to my knowledge there are still a few abstractions taking answers. There is of course askblogs not in this group, but these are the ones I was interacting with.
I believe @pomniii and @ragatha1 are inactive.
I will be floating around in some places in the internet, but now, this is my goodbye to this blog and all my other blogs on this account.
I guess this is just a lengthy post all to say:
Goodbye TADC. I hope you enjoyed this blog while it lasted.
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thenightfolknetwork · 11 months
Alright so I'm a ghost. I've been a ghost for quite a long time actually. I think I've been incorporeal longer than I've had a body. The reason I stuck around was because my family. Everyone in my family has had severe issues with mental health and depression specifically.
I've loved my family more than anything else, and my passing on. Well they had a hard time hanging on when I was haunting them. So I don't know what it would be like if I wasn't there.
It was great being able to stay with my family. The issue has only come up recently.You see. My family that I stayed here for are no longer here themselves. And yet I haven't faded.
I don't know how to let go after so many years of hanging on to this place, so my question is how do I let go, or, failing that, what do i do now?
To the first part of your question, I'm afraid the simple answer is that I do not know. There are so many questions surrounding the nature of ghosts – why some people become ghosts and others do not, why some genuses seem to have a predilection to ghost-hood compared to others, how and why certain ghosts “move on” or even what is really meant by the phrase.
These are questions well beyond the scope of a humble radio host – or a nascent advice blogger, as the case may be. What I can help you with is the here and now. There is no way of knowing how long you will be in this world, but I strongly recommend making the most of whatever time you have.
I'm glad you were able to stay with your family through the difficult period following your demise. Now, you need to figure out how to build a meaningful existence for yourself without them at its centre.
First of all, I suggest making contact with others in the liminal community. Depending on your particular circumstances and your physical limitations, you might find local groups to join or find community online. From there, you can start looking into what sorts of hobbies might be available to you, and what friends you might be able to share them with.
There is a theory in some circles of phantasmic philosophy that “letting go” requires a kind of thoughtless detachment to the world. It is not a theory with any more scientific weight behind it than any other – as I said, this is a question that is, as yet, unanswered. But it does seem to be true that people who are particularly concerned about a certain aspect of their pre-death existence are more inclined to linger than others.
By developing a rich, varied and interesting existence for yourself beyond your familial responsibilities, I think you stand a good chance at putting those concerns to rest and finding peace – if not the absolute, final peace you might be hoping for.
Then again, perhaps it depends on which hobbies you choose to take up. I could easily see how a person might absent-mindedly slip off the mortal coil while, say, painting miniatures.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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sunnywalnut · 8 months
Hey. i've been working on some things and wanted to send this.
Have you washed your epidermis, and are the soap(s) you use effective/non-irritant? Run a vacuum over the carpetting of your room? Run a wettened cloth over shelves to reduce the dust/bacteria? Washed the dishes you used today? Air-ed out the smell from your clothes, dusted the sweatstains/your armpits with baking soda? Done the dental hygiene? Hydrated (fresher breath), gotten your micronutrients? Stretched/physical activity? Played a fun show on the TV (yo gabba gabba on roku)? Gone to the library with your Mom or someone else? Found an article to send to your Mom/asked if that's something she might like? Found a self-esteem/mental-health specialist whose communication style you vibe with?
Sometimes we forget to care for ourselves (when we feel especially down or out of sorts.)
So a friendly reminder!
Hello friend!
I want to apologize for taking this long to respond, as I don't regularly get asks!
That being said, to answer each of your questions one by one,
-yes I have. Within the cold winter months, my skin is very prone to drying out and breaking out however I use Native brand body wash and it helps a TON! I also use it for my hair and it works very well. Very much recommend. And also moisturizing regularly. I think some people could benefit from lotioning their whole body after a shower, especially if their skin is very sensitive/dries out. Sometimes it's not the soap itself, just the lack of oils!
-i do not have very much carpet, however you did remind me to sweep today so thank you! Pet hair is WILD.
-i very much did wipe down my shelves, as well as some tables and counters, something I've been putting off because I'm just a little bit of a procrastinator.
-I did a load of dishes today!! Usually it is something I struggle with due to my muscles and joints in my hands, but today I was able to and I am proud.
-honestly, I have never thought of doing that before. Will have to keep that in mind! Thank you for the idea.
-i am very proud to say that I am about two weeks into brushing my teeth every single day. Sometimes I even do it in the shower when my legs decide they're on limited warranty. It's helped quite a lot, actually.
-thankfully my mom keeps us very well stocked with bottled water so I never forget to go without(thanks, Mom!) I actually tend to prefer it now that we have a ready supply.
-been trying to add more protein and fats to my diet lately and be more mindful of other things, so yes! I have more energy than I used to as well as growing stronger muscles^^
-I'm not really one for TV shows, however when i do, I usually watch them with my little sibling. Our current favorites are Adventure Time and The Amazing World Of Gumball. I think they're very impressive(TAWOG for the multimedia style, and AT for its ability to create complex characters that I enjoy)
-i haven't been to a physical library in quite a while but I've taken up meditation! It's something my Mom has been very dead set on me trying for a while and I finally caved and she's been kind enough to lend me her Teal Swan account. It's helped somewhat, I think. Besides it's nice to have some sort of "ritual" before bed.
-My mom and I differ very much on what we find entertaining/enjoyable so I actually don't know on that. I have however, made her a very super secret Valentine's Day gift that I hope she'll love. (It's heart shaped earrings. I make them by hand and she's been very thrilled by me and my little sibling's craftsmanship when making jewelry, insisting we make her bracelets from our extensive supply from Christmas)
-I will say that I prefer things very direct, but I also like to feel like I am listened to. So anyone who embodies those two aspects are very much wins in my book.
I believe that's all of them! Thank you for this lovely and kind reminder, I very much needed it and I enjoy being able to ramble as well so this was great actually^^ hopefully you're doing alright and are able to do some important things for yourself today as well and maybe take some time to rest if you haven't. Good luck!!
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huffledor-able541 · 4 months
Thanks @wheels-of-despair for tagging me! I love seeing these type of things, especially when they give me an identity crisis😂
Last Song: Drops of Jupiter by Train was the last song while the one playing right now is You're Still the One by Shania Twain. The one after is Angel of the Morning by Juice Newton (this one is a cover, the original singer is Evie Sands) I had to mention all three because...yeah, it takes me a while to gather my thoughts so my last song will end up being the third one I put by the time I post😅
Favorite Color: pinkalicious
Last Movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) it was a rewatch indulgence two weekends ago (not this weekend) for me and I haven't watched any movies since then...
Currently Reading: Cress by Marissa Meyer (I read The Lunar Chronicles about 10 years ago and I figured it's time to revisit my favorite characters a whole decade later) PLUS a whole lotta Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington fanfics and Daryl Dixon fanfics (even though I took like a week break from them, will start reading again and catching up)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet and savory, NOT spicy AT ALL. I mean I can eat spicy stuff, but no thank you, I don't want to choose torture.
Relationship: I've been single my whole life. My delulu mind lives by the words of James Bay, "I'm not waiting, but I'm willing if you call me up. If you ever want to be in love, I'll come around." I still have false hope that I will reconnect with that one guy (aka my could've been/what if...) from so many years ago😂 Not me having a Snape ALWAYS moment. I'm a hopeless romantic so really I'm just holding on to the idea of him. He wasn't even that great🤣 (not me ranting, sorry not sorry) Best relationship one could have is through y/n fanfics, honestly 😭
Current Obsession: Collecting all types of stickers and placing them in my sticker book. There's no shame in an adult collecting stickers. 😤
Last Thing I Googled: the notebook ending (I'm pretty sure I watched it once years ago and I've read how it ends many times but no matter what, I always forget how it ends whenever I see a meme or post about the movie. SO I searched it up to remind myself how it ended. Also, I'm not much for romance movies which is why I've probably only watched it once in my life.😅)
Currently Working On: Myself really and job applications. I had to take a break after graduating to get my mental and physical health in line and well. Now I'm applying for jobs which is also why I took like a week off of reading fanfic🙈
I like explaining my answers...if you couldn't tell.
I tried stalking mutuals and some accounts I follow to prevent it, but if you've already been tagged by someone else...oopsies. Please feel free to ignore this, no pressure✌️:
@curiositydooropened @galaxy-siren @sattlersquarry @silent-stories @worth-the-chaos @munsons-maiden @jadeylovesmarvelxo
@daryl-dixon-daydreams @multi-fandomfuckboy
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parastish · 10 months
Hello........hope you doing good?
I cannot describe how nice it feels to come back here and know I was missed. Truly.
To answer the question: I've been doing... well? and then not. and then well again! busy few months.
I got a cat! her name is Cocoa and she's the best! I got another nephew too, and he's also the best! I started a job I was trying for for over a year, and it's been even better than I could have hoped! The people are great, the work is engaging and the hours are flexible.
On the not so well side, plans concerning living arrangements didn't end up panning out last second and my commute is god awful right now. With 6 courses, work, research proposals, and club activities, I haven't gotten over 6 hours of sleep in weeks, I kinda never get to see my family anymore and the cold breakfasts and dinners in the car while driving are starting to get to me. Things should get better in January (iA), so I just need to hold out for a couple of weeks!
On the awful side, the current political issues are starting to weigh heavy on my soul and each day, it is getting harder to remain compassionate and strong. I feel like having a weary soul is the only sane reaction to the world right now.
So that's it. Mental health: 2/10. Physical health: 5/10 but going down. Optimism: 11/10! That's about the best summary I can give for these past 2(?) months. I appreciate you reaching out!
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tarabyte3 · 2 years
No question, just wanted you to know that you're lovely and talented and I hope you're doing ok (hopefull better than ok, you deserve it). ❤️
This is so fucking sweet and I appreciate it so much that every time I look at it, I start crying. Thank you for checking up on me 💖😭 I am struggling to find words to express how much it means to me.
So I am going to use this answer to post an update for everyone.
Short answer: I'm not doing great.
BUT I believe that anyone who is able and willing to share their mental health journey should. Both to normalize the struggle AND so that anyone else quietly going through the same thing doesn't feel so alone or as though it's their fault. Because it isn't our fault! We don't deserve this, and it's cruel our own brains tell us we do.
Also getting it out is just therapeutic sometimes!
Therefore the long answer under the cut.
CW: discussion of mental health and depression
I want to preface this with: I'm safe. I have no intrusive or physically harmful thoughts. 💖
But I'm really struggling. I feel like shit most of the time. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.
The winter blues have me in a chokehold and are preventing me from doing things that I enjoy doing to help me feel better.
When you're depressed, it can be difficult to do basic tasks. It can feel impossible to do things like self-care, exercise, or to work on creative projects.
I thrive on creative projects. I need enrichment in my enclosure!! When I don't have them or can't do them, it makes me feel actively worse.
I haven't been able to work on my fic because right now my brain is an undercooked scrambled egg in a mesh colander. I get about 100 words out (I'm at ~2.5k words for this next chapter, which is about half done, I would guess) and then I just stare blankly at my screen. Which sucks because I have the vision for what I want to write in my head (😏), but no way to get it to come out of my brain.
(Side note: thank god for gif making and Andy content because it's the one thread keeping me from bolting into the woods, never to return)
I also have a few home decor, painting, and craft projects I could work on, but I lack motivation due to depression.
It's just an ouroboros of "depressed so I can't be creative" and "need to be creative so I'm not depressed." 🙃
We're getting wave after wave of winter weather here (right now we're in a massive ice storm), which is keeping me indoors. Being cooped up is rough on me. I need to be active. I'm just a complicated houseplant—probably a calathea as we are both drama queens.
I'm also finding it difficult to exercise due to: you guessed it! The sads. My beloved rowing machine, stationary bike, treadmill, and yoga mat sit neglected.
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I am also eating far too much bread. Which, while immediately satisfying, is unfortunately not a long term solution because it's actively contributing to me feeling worse 😂
I reached out to try and find a personal trainer to help with the lack of motivation, get me out of the house, have a routine, AND get some workout endorphins to kickstart my healthy habits back into gear, but I haven't heard a single thing back from any of them. Which is disheartening.
Especially since another fun symptom of depression is feeling completely fucking alone and ignored. Which is rude AF, btw.
I'm going to keep making Andy gifs and crossing my fingers that the weather lets up so I can leave the house. Maybe go to some thrift and antique stores or a plant store. That always makes me feel better!
So other than some far more personal struggles with having a chronically ill teenager, there you have it!
I appreciate all of you for helping keep me sane and connected, even though I haven't been logging on as much as I had been due to being too busy staring at a wall and contemplating whether or not I should eat more bread. (I should NOT. …or should I?)
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Truly. Thank you. 💕🥹🥺
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atherix · 2 years
YOU- I'm very sorry for not screaming in your ask box a lot lately, life's been a thing... BUT IM HERE NOW, AND OHMYGOD seems like ohmygrian would also work given recent events ATHERIX IM SCREAMING AND SHAKING YOU WHAT JUST HAPPENED
Ok ok ok, so lore lots of lore where to begin
Let's start off with one of the big ones. WATCHERS?? I am very calmly and politely asking you what the hell is happening with Scott and Jimmy. What. is. happening. Listener lore?? Other equally interesting plot points?? Only time will tell I suppose... I don't like how much power you hold over us atherix 😑 you like the tourment a little too much 😑 but seriously I love it so much you evil writer
Don't you just love it when your mate is brutaly murdered infront of you, then ages later (is it hundereds of years? thousands? i cant remember. lets just say time. Time has passed), you find 2 new mates! Who you love very deeply! Who you would do anything for! Only to learn one of them is constantly tap dancing at deaths door, and the other has now become a God after friggin dying in front of you 🙂 You cradled his dead body in your arms. You uselessly checked for breath even while knowing there was none left. You begged him to come back, to not leave you like she did begged him to LIVE. couldn't save them couldn't save them couldn't save And then he does. he comes back. And he's a watcher now! So you know. There's that. Then he tries to single handedly fight off two harbingers of death while injured, and while using his godly powers for the first time! <3 like an idiot <3 Everything's going great :D
Then scar. Scar. I think him and I need to have a little chat about the whole distracting the warden thing. Brave! Stupid! Suicidal! Luv I don't care if you think you're gonna die at any moment, please have some self preservation <33 if not for your sake, at least for your son?? And your mates?? (On the other hand it was very sweet. Still stupid, but sweet) But wow is he going through it too... nothing like a track record of your loved ones consistently dying for you :) it's something he's definitely not traumatised over :)) it's all completely fine :))) someone get this man some cuddles and emotional support STAT
By the way Tubbo must be having a great time right now 😃
All of their mental and physical health needs some serious help rn
Atherix. ATHERIX. 30 thousand years?? The magic residue?? The unsolved mysteries?? What does scar know... what's going on... what pieces of the puzzle are we missing... or have we completed the puzzle and it's just upside-down? Either way it's pain :D
Also the worldbuilding detail?? The descriptions of the city?? The wardens?? The enchanting?? This all makes me very happy <33
Im sure I've forgotten a LOT about these last 2 chapters, but this is all I got for now... your writing has a grip on me ohmygod
So yeah I'm normal about this. Thank you for consuming my waking hours <33
(This is also from chapter 8/9 not the latest chapter <3)
No worry! Real life is Like That sometimes <3 I hope everything's okay! Highkey if it hadn't been a Serious Moment Grian would have said "you're welcome" when Tubbo said "thank god" LMAO A LOT HAPPENED-
So much lore mmm
YEP. WATCHERS. WE'VE FINALLY MADE IT FOLKS, WE'RE HERE, THE WATCHERS ARE HERE. Haha well we've answered Jimmy, haven't gotten into Scott yet but that will come up in the future <3 I on the other hand LOVE the amount of power I hold over y'all :) This is delightful <3 <3 <3
Mmmm Mumbo was born almost 500 years ago so it's been probably a little more than 4.5 centuries <3 But yes. Mmmm history sure does rhyme. "One of them is constantly tap dancing at death's door" I'M SORRY I AM SENT HJKSJKJKFSHJ but yes! Yes! Mmm Mumbo watching yet another mate of his get killed and he has absolutely no power to stop it :) Only this time the mate WAKES UP and now he has to trust the mate who just died and came back to know what he's doing so Mumbo can go help their mate to not die, too! Yay! Oh the trauma haha Mumbo will have nightmares about this day for the rest of his long life :) Also my dear 🍂Autumn 🍂 Anon how in the world did you make this even angstier than it already is <3 (Fun fact I plan to write a tumblr exclusive/aside of that moment from Mumbo's pov <3) Hahaha yeah god or not might not want to fight off the "monster god" who has ended the world who knows how many times <3 But at least they're there to stop him from facing down the Warden like he tried to face down Blondie <3
Oh yes, Scar is certainly going to be getting Talked With by a few different people in the coming days :) Once they've recovered more haha. "Hey Scar what the fuck" <3 But yes! If he's gonna die he's gonna make it matter </3 Try and give them a chance to get away <3 Mind you Grian's little trick didn't actually work, the Warden just fuckin. Mm. But the fire is a surprise tool for the future ;) God yeah :) Scar is so. Mmm trauma. He doesn't want anyone else to die for or because of him </3 He'll get cuddles and emotional support but he might also need a li'l therapy <3
Tubbo is having a GREAT time haha "I said I was FASCINATED by the Warden, I didn't say I wanted to MEET one!!"
Oh yes. Absolutely. They need all the help they can get.
:) Haha chapter ten answers these <3
I love worldbuilding and I really wanted to flesh the Ancient City out so <3 I'm glad you enjoy this~! <3 hjhgjfdj <3
Haha you've summed it up pretty well methinks <3 Thank you much <33 hhghjjhgdj <3
Thank you for reading~! <3
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noaltbruh · 1 year
hi friend! hope you’re doing well. i just noticed you hadn’t posted in a while and just wanted to check in and see how you were doing :)
(note: pls don’t take this as any pressure to be posting, no need to post if you don’t want to!)
Hello there!
First of all, I just want to thank you for worrying about me, it's really sweet to know that someone cares enough, even on this platform, to check on me from time to time :)♡
To answer your question...There have been a couple of reasons why I haven't been posting. Things have kinda been rough for me during March and part of February due to all the school work, tests and activities I've had to take care of. I've been feeling very stressed out and didn't really have much energy left to write.
Adding on to this, I've also caught a pretty bad cold and it's been taking a tool on me both physically and mentally, as ever since I caught Covid last year, my health has quite worsened and now I get sick so much easier.
I just wanted to take Easter Holidays to relax, take it easy and play Octopath travellers 2, to be honest. I really needed a break and it hasn't really been simple for me to cope with this stuff.
But I do appreciate your concern and I will be getting back to writing as soon as I feel in the right headspace to do so.
Until then, please take care and have a great day, you deserve it 💕😊
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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Hey everyone.. I really have no idea where to start this and considering I'm babysitting my friends two kids atm it might be a little scattered but I need to get this off my chest while it's on my mind cause otherwise I'll forget.
I wanna start off by saying that I am really, really sorry for just disappearing on you guys for over a month. That was 100% not my intention but life just kept knocking me on my ass. I've had some health stuff, physical and mental, going on as well as just personal life stuff. With all of that I just haven't been in the headspace to roleplay and I didn't want to come on here and give you guys a half-assed version of myself and my muses. And I'm finally starting to get muse back thanks to my darlin' in the Discord server.
Secondly, I am gonna be busier than I was before I left as I'm not only babysitting my 9-year-old sister when my parents need but also my best friend's kids a few times a week since she was having issues with her old babysitter. I'll let you guys know in advance what my weekly schedule is gonna look like so you'll know when I'll have time to be on.
Thirdly, I am gonna go ahead and just delete everything in my ask box and drafts and start fresh because I feel like that's the easiest way to go about this but if there's any specific thread or plot you'd like to continue please let me know and I'd be happy to pick it back up or restart it. Also if you don't wish to rp with me at all anymore that's completely understandable. If you do though I promise I will be better at answering things and all that.
Fourthly, I have some more muses I'll be adding later once I'm home, mostly OC's but there's some canon as well. Also you may have noticed the theme change, it's kinda an Anti-Valentine's day thing and I'm just gonna keep most of my Google Docs things the old colors since they take a while to change and this theme probably won't be around for long after V-Day-
And lastly, I just wanna apolgize again for disappearing with basically no explanation. I really had no intention of doing that but as the days went on I just started getting bad anxiety about coming back and was worried y'all would be upset with me, which I'm sure some of you might be or are but I promise things are gonna be different this time. And if for some reason I need a break or whatnot I will be sure to let you guys know.
I think that's all I wanted to say, I've got about an hour and a half or so left of babysitting and then once I get home and unwind and eat I'll be ready to dive back on here. I hope everyone is having a great day/night and I promise I'll see you all soon 🖤
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Here's a quandary I've suddenly found myself in: where do you stand on writers deleting their own works, fanfiction or otherwise? I've had this happen to me on more than one occasion - I go to look for an old favorite and find it's since been deleted from whatever site I read it on.
On the one hand, I'm inclined to think that, "Sure. The author wrote it, it's their call. I don't own the work - I certainly didn't pay for it. It's their decision, even if it's disappointing."
But at the same time I can't help but consider the alternative - if I believe in death of the author (and I do), that an author's work fundamentally isn't solely theirs once it's been published, posted, etc., then it also seems wrong to have a work deleted. Stories aren't the sole property of their creator, after all.
But then I circle back. D'you think there are different obligations between authors and readers and the works being made in fandom space? I know if I had bought a book and the author decided they wanted it back, I would feel pretty comfortable telling them no, given I'd paid for it and whatnot. But that's a different world from fanfic and fandom space generally.
So. You're insightful Clyde, I'm curious as to what you'll have to say here (and to all y'all thinking about it, don't flame me. I haven't decided where I stand here yet - haven't heard a good nail-in-the-coffin argument for or against yet).
Val are you a mind reader now? I’ve been thinking about this exact conundrum the last few days!
(And yeah, as a general disclaimer: no flaming. Not allowed. Any asks of the sort will be deleted on sight and with great satisfaction.)
Honestly, I’m not sure there is a “nail-in-the-coffin argument” for this, just because—as you lay out—there are really good points for keeping works around and really good points for allowing authors to have control over their work, especially when fanworks have no payment/legal obligations attached. In mainstream entertainment, your stories reflect a collaborative effort (publisher, editor, cover artists, etc.) so even if it were possible to delete the physical books out of everyone’s home and library (and we're ignoring the censorship angle for the moment), that’s no longer solely the author’s call, even if they have done the lion’s share of the creative work. Though fanworks can also, obviously, be collaborative, they’re usually not collaborative in the same way (more “This fic idea came about from discord conversations, a couple tumblr posts, and that one headcanon on reddit”) and they certainly don’t have the same monetary, legal, and professional strings attached. I wrote this fic as a hobby in my free time. Don’t I have the right to delete it like I also have the right to tear apart the blankets I knit?
Well yes… but also no? I personally view fanworks as akin to gifts—the academic term for our communities is literally “gift economy”—so if we view it like that, suddenly that discomfort with getting rid of works is more pronounced. If I not only knit a blanket, but then gift it to a friend, it would indeed feel outside of my rights to randomly knock on their door one day and go, “I actually decided I hate that? Please give it back so I can tear it to shreds, thanks :)” That’s so rude! And any real friend would try to talk me out of it, explaining both why they love the blanket and, even if it’s not technically the best in terms of craftsmanship, it holds significant emotional value to them. Save it for that reason alone, at least. Fanworks carry that same meaning—“I don’t care if it’s full of typos, super cliché, and using some outdated, uncomfortable tropes. This story meant so much to me as a teenager and I’ll always love it”—but the difference in medium and relationships means it’s easier to ignore all that. I’m not going up to someone’s house and asking face-to-face to destroy something I gave them (which is awkward as hell. That alone deters us), I’m just pressing a button on my computer. I’m not asking this of a personal friend that is involved in my IRL experiences, I’m (mostly) doing this to online peers I know little, if anything, about. It’s easy to distance ourselves from both the impact of our creative work and the act of getting rid of it while online. On the flip-side though, it’s also easier to demean that work and forget that the author is a real person who put a lot of effort into this creation. If someone didn’t like my knitted blanket I gave them as a gift, they’re unlikely to tell me that. They recognize that it’s impolite and that the act of creating something for them is more important than the construction’s craftsmanship. For fanworks though, with everyone spread around the world and using made up identities, people have fewer filters, happily tearing authors to shreds in the comments, sending anon hate, and the like. The fact that we’re both prefacing this conversation with, “Please don’t flame” emphasizes that. So if I wrote a fic with some iffy tropes, “cringy” dialogue, numerous typos, whatever and enough people decided to drag me for it… I don’t know whether I’d resist the urge to just delete the fic, hopefully ending those interactions. There’s a reason why we’re constantly reminding others to express when they enjoy someone else’s work: the ratio of praise to criticism in fandom (or simply praise to seeming indifference because there was no public reaction at all), is horribly skewed.
So I personally can’t blame anyone for deleting. I’d like to hope that more people realize the importance of keeping fanworks around, that everything you put out there is loved by someone… but I’m well aware that the reality is far more complicated. It’s hard to keep that in mind. It’s hard to keep something around that you personally no longer like. Harder still to keep up a work you might be harassed over, that someone IRL discovered, that you’re disgusted with because you didn’t know better back then… there are lots of reasons why people delete and I ultimately can’t fault them for that. I think the reasons why people delete stem more from problems in fandom culture at large—trolling, legal issues, lack of positive feedback, cancel culture, etc.—than anything the author has or has not personally done, and since such work is meant to be a part of an enjoyable hobby… I can’t rightly tell anyone to shoulder those problems, problems they can’t solve themselves, just for the sake of mine or others’ enjoyment. The reason I’ve been thinking about this lately is because I was discussing Attack on Titan and how much I dislike the source material now, resulting in a very uncomfortable relationship with the fics I wrote a few years back. I’ve personally decided to keep them up and that’s largely because some have received fantastic feedback and I’m aware of how it will hurt those still in the fandom if I take them down. So if a positive experience is the cornerstone of me keeping fics up, I can only assume that negative experiences would likewise been the cornerstone of taking them down. And if getting rid of that fic helps your mental health, or solves a bullying problem, or just makes you happier… that, to me, is always more important than the fic itself.
But, of course, it’s still devastating for everyone who loses the work, which is why my compromise-y answer is to embrace options like AO3’s phenomenal orphaning policy. That’s a fantastic middle ground between saving fanworks and allowing authors to distances themselves from them. I’ve also gotten a lot more proactive about saving the works I want to have around in the future. Regardless of whether we agree with deleting works or not, the reality is we do live in a world where it happens, so best to take action on our own to save what we want to keep around. Though I respect an author’s right to delete, I also respect the reader’s right to maintain access to the work, once published, in whatever way they can. That's probably my real answer here: authors have their rights, but readers have their rights too, so if you decide to publish in the first place, be aware that these rights might, at some point, clash. I download all my favorite fics to Calibre and, when I’m earning more money (lol) I hope to print and bind many for my personal library. I’m also willing to re-share fic if others are looking for them, in order to celebrate the author’s work even if they no longer want anything to do with it. Not fanfiction in this case, but one of my fondest memories was being really into Phantom of the Opera as a kid and wanting, oh so desperately, to read Susan Kay’s Phantom. Problem was, it was out of print at the time, not available at my library, and this was before the age of popping online and finding a used copy. For all intents and purposes, based on my personal situation, this was a case of a book just disappearing from the world. So when an old fandom mom on the message boards I frequented offered to type her copy up chapter by chapter and share it with me, you can only imagine how overjoyed I was. Idk what her own situation was that something like scanning wouldn’t work, but the point is she spent months helping a fandom kid she barely knew simply because a story had resonated with her and she wanted to share it. That shit is powerful!
So if someone wants to delete—if that’s something they need right now—I believe that is, ultimately, their decision… but please try your hardest to remember that the art you put out into the world is having an impact and people will absolutely miss it when it’s gone. Often to the point of doing everything they can to put it back out into the world even if you decide to take it out. Hold onto that feeling. The love you have for your favorite fic, fanart, meta, whatever it is? Someone else has that for your work too. I guarantee it.
So take things down as needed, but for the love of everything keep copies for yourself. You may very well want to give it back to the world someday.
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lino-know · 3 years
Heyy how have you been lately? You havent posted for a while so i was wondering how you were? Dont feel pressured to write anything tho, if youre not in the mood coz thats completely understandable. Just prioritise your mental and physical health and thats enough to make us happy >:) i hope ur doing well tho!! Good luck for whatever youre doing and eat n sleep well <33
Hi nonnie <3
First of all merry Christmas and happy new year :)) I hope you have a good holiday or at least had a good time with family or friends!
Second of all thank you so so much for sending this <3 I really really needed this message and it came at the best possible time so thank you 😭
The reason why I was putting off answering this ask for so long was because I was thinking about how to go around it exactly. It crossed my mind briefly to do the 'I'm okay and there'll be updates soon!' thing but I know that's not going to be true and I'll just disappoint. So here's a breakdown of what's in my thought process and why I haven't really been writing anything for the past few months :) anyways this is going to be long so take a seat
The major, main reason that I haven't really written anything is life. I've just started my first year at university and while I have studied abroad before, uni is something I really need to get used to because time management is not my forte I tell you ☠️☠️ all academic things aside I'm just operating on a really bad life schedule at the moment which consists of sleeping at 3~5am, not having a social life and trying to make dysfunctionality an art form. Which is not healthy and please don't do this.
However, uni means that I'm also in a really fortunate position to explore some of my other interests, like writing in another medium and performing. Three months into tertiary education and I've already written and assistant directed a play and I really hope to keep going at this, which is why writing on Tumblr is taking a back seat on my priority list at the moment.
That said my creativity hasn't taken a blow (too big of one, anyways) so these are really just excuses tbh. But they do explain my chaotic lifestyle I call a schedule so yeah
Regarding this blog specifically though, I fully intend to get back to writing. I don't want to make any promises because I might just disappoint people anyways, but I do want to continue writing again :) there are just a few things that's stopping me from doing it.
The first is the reception. I know this is going to sound really bad/shallow but I do want to receive recognition for my work. Not even like followers or anything but notes or reblogs or even comments!! I can't reply to comments because this is a side blog but I love them. But yeah. Like obviously I know not posting for a long time and suddenly coming back is not a good equation to have notes all over your work, but the last time I took a break just kind of led to fewer and fewer reception on my blog until it kind of just flatlines. I know there are some of you guys out there who keep coming back and I really appreciate it <3 and I love you guys so much!! Whenever I see your username on my notifs it warms my heart 💕💕 But what I'm saying is I do need those breaks sometimes and when I do feel the motivation to continue writing again then it just gets like a note or two it just sucks :') especially when I look at my mutuals and they're celebrating a milestone - which is great for them and I'm happy they achieved so much!! - but personally it does sting a little. It's kind of trying to not get disappointed by not doing anything, which is a sucky attitude to have but that's one way I'm protecting myself.
Leading onto the reception thing is an...Interaction thing? I don't know if this even makes sense. But essentially I love how content creators keep their blogs going by interacting with followers and answering asks and stuff and I really want to do that too!! But maybe I just don't have enough stuff published or I don't seem as into skz as others do? There aren't many asks in my inbox and it's just sad for me personally :') Anyways yes hi this is seong self pitying hours what's new
My mental health also plays into this a little. I've been struggling with...A lot of issues and this also means that yes, sometimes I'm not in a headspace to write :') However it's not really the writing process so much as a combination of the two mentioned above. Yes, it's tough to write sometimes but when you see people liking your work it pays off. But without the reception or whatever the drain just keeps...going if you know what I mean? Like you don't get what you think you might get and it just sucks, a little. Obviously I don't write for attention - I write for the fandom and for skz but it's just nice to be acknowledged sometimes.
Going into more specific things - the first thing is about my feelings with skz. To clarify I have absolutely nothing against skz, it's just that I've kind of moved on about them. I haven't watched their videos for a long time and what I've heard about Christmas Evel is from that tiktok trend blasting itself all over my ig feed. I'm still in love with those guys, but it's more of a fond reminiscence rather than trying to get into whatever they're doing?? If that makes sense?? I know a lot of creators have continued to create for them in spite of this, but I feel like I might be unable to capture their actual personality in my works if I start writing now. I know it's technically fanfiction anyways but I just feel like I'm not doing them justice. Or maybe I have a perfect grasp of their personalities and my self esteem is just beating me over the head with a stick again. I don't know. But yeah, I still love skz. I saw Felix's purple hair and Hyunjin's very appropriate interaction with Changbin involving his ass *ahem* so I'm not entirely out of the loop. Just kind of distancing myself a lil
I guess this also involves my general attitude towards kpop now? For one thing it's not an active part of my life rn, and I don't really know much about other 4th gen groups like txt or enhyphen that I know other skz creators tend to write about adjacent to skz. This means that I don't really have much to write about other than skz on this, very skz-centred blog. And the thing about me is that I'm very actively interest-hopping around life right now. Currently I'm into Legend of Zelda, Andrew Garfield and astrology which doesn't really make much for content on this very kpop blog so I guess that's also why I'm so quiet. It's just my interests aren't really aligning with the content I usually produce so I'm just sat here ._.
Another thing also is the direction of this blog and the content I make. I know there's a mix of sfw and nsfw work here, and I've allowed minors onto this blog because of this reason. However I've also seen quite a number of minors interact with my nsfw posts even though I've specifically told y'all not to (just to clarify, you're allowed to consume my content. Just don't let me know you're doing it because I'm an adult now and the fact that you reblog it or like it makes me uncomfortable. That's literally it), and I'm hesitant to make this entirely 18+ and publish entirely 18+ work because I do want to include everyone in the fandom!! And also the fact that it's way more effort to write sexy stuff so sometimes the sfw stuff just lets me write without cringing at myself too much :) the angst also makes for a good outlet. But I guess the fact that I lean towards creating sfw content would mean less reception because most people on this site is horny :')
Anyways this has been a really really long post and there's no tldr for this, I'm sorry but you have to read it in full. But yes, thank you so so much for this ask nonnie you have no idea how much this means to me. I'm not doing too well at the moment but I fully intend to get my shit together sometime so hopefully I'll be able to write properly! And I hope you're eating and sleeping well too <3 also please someone reply to this long ass post haha haha I need attention :(
(I also didn't proofread this so if it sounds a bit wonky or it comes off the wrong way I'm so sorry :')
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rosesastrology · 3 years
Hey Rose, I am in one of those moods today.. I have an horary ask however I am not sure if horary is suitable for an ask as such. If it isn't then an answer from tarot will also be nice to hear.
What now? What should I do now, be doing now?
What should I do now? Mumbai 1:58 am 17 September
It's very vague I understand. It's just that it's very apt at the moment, this question.
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down. I hope things look up again for you soon, take care of yourself.
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I can see that right now you're in a tough spot and you're feeling hopeless, you're trying very hard to figure things out and don't know where to go. You're feeling lost and are in search of guidance and answers. You're having trouble coming to terms with, or understanding, your identity and who/what you really 'are'. In addition, you feel confused about your self-worth. You may be feeling sick or physically bad due to these mental struggles.
Your family, in particular your father and father's side of the family, is not doing well right now. They'd been doing okay, but things aren't good right now. Perhaps it's a health issue. You're feeling unlucky and unfortunate, and may not have anyone to talk to or anyone who really supports you. This will persist for a while, this feeling. They (your family, particularly your father and his side of the family, and your friends) are expecting a lot from you, and they can't tell you're struggling right now because you're putting up a great front. Their expectations are high, and they think you're doing better than you really are. But you can't really live up to everything. Know that they love you and perhaps you have to tell them about your struggles, in order to get some weight off your chest.
It seems that at your work things aren't going super well either. Could be that you just quit a job, or are just not feeling at home in your workplace. Could also signify a mean co-worker. If you're not working, this could be about an exam, perhaps you failed an exam? Something of those likes. You haven't had much, if any, time to do fun things and unwind. Go have some fun and unwind a bit when you have the time, you really need it.
Most of all, take care of yourself mentally and physically.
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ASC/7° Cap | Day chart
Saturn retrograde/7° Aquarius domicile/1st house/own term (Mercury)/own face (Venus)/own triplicity (Saturn)
Domicile in Saturn, L1 (the self) and L2 (finances, value).
Exalts Mercury, L6 (illness, pets, uncles, aunts, relatives from the father's side, sorrow, alienation, unhelpful conditions) and L9 (college, long distance travel, knowledge, religious buildings, spiritual places, reaching into the unknown, the psychic, dreams, visions, guidance, advice, lawyers).
Moon/9° Aquarius/2nd house/own term (Mercury)/own face (Venus)/not in own triplicity (Saturn)
Exalts Mercury, L6 (illness, pets, uncles, aunts, relatives from the father's side, sorrow, alienation, unhelpful conditions) and L9 (college, long distance travel, knowledge, religious buildings, spiritual places, reaching into the unknown, the psychic, dreams, visions, guidance, advice, lawyers).
Domicile in Saturn, L1 (the self, health, vitality, the head) and L2 (finances, value, self-worth).
Saturn applies to Mars.
Mars is L4 (family, childhood, farming, your roots, ancestry, the father, endings) and L11 (friends, hope, supporters, trust, praise, goals, good fortune, ambition, freedom, optimism, personal aspirations, wishes, comfort, relief).
Mars/1° Libra detriment/9th house/own term (Saturn)/own face (Moon)/not in own triplicity (Saturn)
Domicile in Venus, L5 (having fun, art, children) and L10 (career, the workplace, respect, authority, the mother), family's L2 and L7. Friend's L6 and L11.
Mars just came out of Virgo where it's domicile in Mercury, L6 (illness, pets, uncles, aunts, relatives from the father's side, sorrow, alienation, unhelpful conditions) and L9 (college, long distance travel, knowledge, religious buildings, spiritual places, reaching into the unknown, the psychic, dreams, visions, guidance, advice, lawyers).
Saturn seperates from Venus (0°).
Venus is L5 (fun, children) and L10 (work, workplace).
Venus/7° Scorpio detriment/h10/own term (Jupiter)/own face (Mars)/not in own triplicity (Mars)
Saturn is in the face of Venus. Saturn -> Venus.
Venus is in the fall of the Moon. Venus -> Moon.
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studylustre · 4 years
hi carol! thank u for ur reply the other day, it rly helped me feel better about everything! I hope u never feel pressured to answer, but i always appreciate it when u do 💕 I had my dr appointment today and it went better than I thought! the dr focused on the physical symptoms I called about, but still said there is help for mental health if I need it which was v nice. I really want to work on and get help for my mental health at my own pace, so the dr allowing for that helped me stay calm during the appt. I'm going to have to have another follow up appt, but I'm feeling much more confident now. while I haven't enjoyed the whole experience, I think it's been a good lesson in knowing my worth even when im ashamed/embarrassed, so at least there's that! anyways, thank u for letting me ramble, and as always I hope you + bunnies + puppy(?) are well and happy 💖💖(also I know u sometimes post about recipes u make, but do u have any current favs or ones u still want to try? I'm gonna be making sweet potato gnocchi soon and I'm excited!) - 🍞
hi hi!! i’m so glad to hear that 🥺+ dw, i rly enjoy chatting with u all and hearing about ur lives so it’s all good! it’s great to hear that ur dr appointment went smoothly. u seem a lot less on edge in this ask so this is rly good to see ^^ 💌✨🌸🌹💫❤️ we’re all doing great over here hehe so thank u for the kind wishes!! as for recipes, i’m currently rly loving dumplings (unfortunately don’t have a recipe for this one bc i kinda just make it on the fly lol) and this tahini and chocolate banana bread but with a few tweaks - i add less than half the sugar and omit the cocoa powder (^• ω •^) as for recipes i want to try, i rly want to try making hand pulled noodles again soon!! sweet potato gnocchi sounds so good omfg that’s two of my fave things??? pls lmk how it goes and lmk any other random updates u feel comfortable sharing, i always love hearing from u guys!!
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Hey hey hey, I haven't seen a Taurus sun Taurus moon yet, mind doing one?? thank you for all of your hard work on these, you're amazing 🐢🎉
Hey there!! ❤️❤️❤️ Aaah thank u so much for appreciating them!! ❤️❤️❤️ I haven’t got a request for it yet but I’ll do it now! ❤️
[Below Cut: Taurus Sun - Taurus Moon 🐢]
Sensual beings 
Comfort comes first, comfort comes second, safety comes third
Aaaah go at your own pace, literally the chillest and also slowest person on the uptake dfsjgkjnfkng
‘Wait what happened???’ -- needs to be informed unless you’re directly involved in the Drama yourself (or can’t ignore it/in close proximity to it)
You just mind ur own business y know, this self-care isn’t going to maintain itself 
Smiley and sublime, is there for people and just--- your presence exudes calmness
Unexpectedly dense to your own serenity and your influence on people, again-- self-care is an important priority so this means shutting yourself out (subconsciously) to the ongoings of the world
You may not talk often or a lot, but often your words strikes a chord within people. Your thoughtfulness and carefulness, caring-nature/heaviness shines through. 
Your actual interactions with people may be understated, but a very important hallmark on getting people to see truths, see sense and change their ways
You yourself however, stubbornly ignorant to changing your own ways. Eyes on the ground, you keep going at your own pace, in your own head, doing your own thing.
Thus-- habitual mistakes or ‘letting go/changing’ things comes harder to you. You don’t know how to adapt as ‘fast’ as others, you don’t know (is often confused) how others can change their mind so quickly--- how do their thought-process work? What kind of logic/rationality are they using? What kind of common sense---
Your ‘mind my own business’ attitude can often make you quite naive to the world, innocent to an extent you only push what you know/want others to experience small joys in life
Optimistic but also realistic, you’re honest and sincere. Willing to do things/demonstrate your love for others, but at the same time you need your space and you need people to NOT impose themselves/get nosy in your business y know?
While social interactions/people showing you that they care about you and worry for you is nice and all--- if they start demanding things from you or acting harshly at you-- you absolutely won’t take it.
Build up a wall--- firm solid ‘nos’. Sometimes its hard to get you agitated but if there’s a sure-fire way to do so it would be pestering you too much. Not listening to your answers and just--- not listening to you or respecting your need for privacy in general.
Taurus/Taurus people are direct, straight-to-the-point and also patient in general. You have a hand in delicacy --- both food wise and also your approach to your interests.
If you take a fancy to something you approach it steadily and calmly. Resilience and tenacious, you don’t falter at challenges/difficulties because you expect it to happen. You’re self-assured calmness helps keep you level-headed and steady-hand. You fix and solve things, go and progress until you finally ‘achieve’ what you set yourself out to do.
Practice definitely makes perfect, and with you-- you prefer real-world experience and actual recognition instead of multiple ‘practice’ rounds for something. 
You work on things tirelessly, day in day out with a steady hand and mind. You don’t neglect your health although sometimes it can’t be helped that you do. If you try to remain healthy, then you’ll build up a great fortitude of strength/tenacity to keep it that way.
If you ruin your entire health system (by your own conscious doing) then most likely you’ll continue on the cycle. You work in routine and cycles, so breaking out of something requires you to really evaluate yourself and ‘set your goals’ into putting your determination/working power into being better/healthier for yourself as well. 
Predictability is your best friend, and unwelcome unexpected unpredictability is something you despise and actively makes a disgusted face it. 
Ok maybe not to that extent, but you’re a very sensual and physical person. Sometimes you just hate not being ‘prepared’ for something when you could do better, and the feeling of ‘not giving back’ because you were unprepared always plagues you with certain discomfort/frustration at the circumstances/frustrations at yourself. 
You’re rather unforgiving y know? At yourself more than others. While you may preach self-care/self-love, you’re also very well aware of your own flaws. Your mind remembers things clearly, when you failed at this particular thing so you take precautions not to do it again.
Sometimes you just have a hard time forgiving yourself for simple mistakes as well, embarrassment at a situation plagues you for years to come. Remembering something embarrassing you did 10 years ago still makes you curl up and heat furls within you.
Conscious ignorance-- the strongest denial you impose on yourself is your way of dealing with it. While this is rather hilarious and very-- um, will-full of you (only a Taurus would and could do this to themselves) -- it does serve you to ignore your own emotions. Most obviously the ‘bad’ ones as well.
Taurus-- as a Venus signs, hates anything ‘ugly’ about itself. That includes ugly emotions, such as sadness, anger, envy, jealousy or the likes. You tend to use this ‘forceful denial’ to not even put it in your mind--- willfully ignorant of your own emotions-- until you have to confront it/figure out where the explosion of sadness comes from.
Make sure to self-evaluate sometimes, since you yourself have to be responsible for figuring out your emotions. You have to take care of your emotional needs too-- not just the gratification part of it or your physical/mental well-being. Your spirituality and connective-ness within yourself can be rather lost because of this. 
Look inside and pull it out from within you--- when you’re in the shower or something, start asking yourself if you’ve ever felt this emotion ( ‘have I ever been truly melancholic about something?’ )  -- you yourself have your amazing will-power, so once you realize you’ve never fully had time to ‘express’ emotions wholesomely--- you can delegate a time to experience/do so at your own pace and will.
Taurus/Taurus are by no means superficial people (and you hate superficial people) --- you need nature to live, and also you tend to have tension in your body so try to y know, actually let your feelings/emotions go.
You’re not as anti-social as you think you are, what you’re feeling is emotions skjdfnskn everyone’s allowed to be fed-up and exasperated sometimes. Combined with your hatred for superficiality, you probably think ‘oh maybe I do have a bone to pick with everything’ even when you don’t. Those are just....emotions, learn how to let them be and free them up sometimes. You’ll benefit a lot from that. 
Alrighty ❤️ I hope this is helpful!! ❤️❤️
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#sadness #anxiety #stress I have anxiety going for workouts. I joined a boxing class and most of the women there are the best. Beautiful bodies. While I just had a baby a year ago I still find myself lacking confidence. :( I haven't meet any mommies like me. Most don't want to talk or have no clue about depression... I know they probably do but they don't want to become friends. Just ask me if I'll have more babies..
Hi lovely,
This is definitely something I can relate to! Recently I joined the gym and started trying to attend some of he classes but I found it increased my anxiety by tenfold. Hopefully I’ll be able to give you a little advice to make the process easier and more enjoyable for you!
First thing I do want to mention, is if you thing you are struggling with depression and anxiety, please consider going and talking to a professional about it - your doctor would be a good place to start. I know it can be hard to admit and talk about the things you are struggling with, but the professional will be able to help you by beginning treatment or recommending further help, and that will hopefully lead to an increase in your well-being, which is always top priority! Here is a link to our page about getting help, some of the information on here might help to answer any of the concerns you have about seeing a professional. 
Have you looked into any local mother and baby groups that you could join? I know groups aren’t the same everywhere, but in my village there is a group of local mums who all go to the gym together - maybe this is something you could look into, or maybe even start setting up? Other than that there are groups both locally and online that you may want to consider joining to help you meet like minded people - there will be people out there who are more than willing to discuss any mental health issues you may be experiencing and how this may affect you and motherhood. It is important to reach out to people right now and form a strong support network around you; reaching out to us was a great first step to have taken!
In terms of actually attending the gym and enjoying it, there are a couple of things I want to recommend that helped me to deal with the anxiety and self-consciousness. Firstly, take a friend or a family member! Having someone with you that you are comfortable with can make the whole situation feel a little less scary; together you can figure out how equipment works and try new things and laugh about it together if something doesn’t go quite to plan. Me and my best friend started going together so she could help me deal with the initial anxiety, now I also go alone sometimes because she helped me to feel so much more confident in there. Next, is to tell your class instructor that you’re a little nervous - it is super common to struggle with ‘gym anxiety’ and instructors are trained in making people feel more comfortable and welcome. They may be able to offer you a free introduction session to help you learn more about the equipment available and how to use it. Lastly, although I’m sure you’ve heard this before, and I know it’s much easier said than done; try to remember that at the gym, everyone is so focused on themselves and how they look and what people are thinking of them, that they are not spending time judging you; remind yourself that everyone feels at least a little bit like you, they are there to exercise, get through their routine, and then get home. Hopefully this will make you feel a little more at ease. 
I also think it is key for you to try and develop a strong and positive self-image, easier said than done, I know, but here are a couple of tips:
Take the time to pamper yourself! Maybe set aside one or two evenings a week where you focus on yourself - have a bubble bath, paint your nails, face masks. Things that make you feel physically nice!
Avoiding mirrors - try to avoid looking in a mirror and judging yourself as much as possible; maybe try leaning your mirror with the reflective side against the wall? I know you can’t always avoid mirrors, so maybe put some little positive sticky notes on your mirror saying things like ‘You’re beautiful’ and ‘You don’t need to change’. It sounds cheesy, but seeing things like this daily does make it easier to start believing them.
Avoid comparing yourself to people in the media - try to remember that people in magazines and in adverts are not realistic representations of how you /need/ to look! A lot of media is photoshopped and changed for the optimum beauty(?). Remember that no matter how you look or what size you are, you are beautiful, unconditional.
I hope this has been of some help to you, lovely. You are a wonderful, strong, brave, kick-ass lady, and an amazing mother!
Rhiann xo
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