#physical world
zachhazardvaupen · 2 years
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Good morning. I got woken up by leaf blower torture and now I’m dead.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[From a can or dry? He picks them himself. Absorbed in thought, they hardly perceived the physical world. You can infuse flavor into it while it cooks. Oh. That just by itself...]
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wayti-blog · 7 months
The goal of your soul is to express more and more of the qualities of you're divine being.
-Derek Rydall
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theearthforce · 1 year
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We come down (descend) from the spiritual realm to the physical world partially because we want to learn how to manifest in this world. Along our journey here, we discover that we are actually spiritual beings having a physical experience, and eventually we return to (ascend) the spiritual realm.
When we are young we are attached to the people and the resources that are important for our survival. As we get older, we practice centering ourselves from within and detaching ourselves from the outside world.
We learn and absorb the teachings and beliefs from those around us and the society in order to have a physical experience in this world. Then we unlearn much of them as they stick us tightly to the physical world and limit our manifestation powers.
Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/fantasy-light-mood-heaven-lovely-2861107/
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By the way, I had realized something today - everybody is cosplaying a fictional character that they get into. Some are just accepted as the depiction and they get paid for it. But every actor is cosplaying his or her character because the character exists on its own in the fictional realm. It's kind of a thing that doesn't get born into the material world, only described and possibly embodied. I found that realization incredibly helpful. 😉😊
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years
Book Of The Day - Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1: The Physical WorldBook Of The Day
Book Of The Day – Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1: The Physical WorldBook Of The Day
Today’s Book Of The Day is Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1: The Physical World by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Thupten Jinpa (Editor). This series of books, of which Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1: The Physical World represents the first volume, will give the readers the fantastic opportunity to have a multi-cultural insight of…
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qiinamii · 8 months
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we'll do fine.
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
so my younger cousin is flying in to visit from brazil on sunday, and will be staying here for like, the entirety of july. which, don't get me wrong, is super cool! i love the kid! but it felt like a super weird move, considering his parents are the SUPER strict and borderline helicopter parents. even the smallest prank/roughousing with him/his little sister would lead to a strict talking to from his parents, he couldn't ever do anything without their clear permission, that sort of stuff. so letting him fly at alone at 16 to a whole different country and stay there for a whole month seemed WILDLY out of character. additionally, it just felt like a super last-minute trip. it's not like we have any plans to do when he gets here, and the flight itself and stuff only got booked like, midway through june.
and i was talking to my mom about it, kind of trying to nudge some answers out of her, and after a while she went, "yeah, i think they're sending him over here to get away for his boyfriend. see if the distance breaks them off." which, first of all, surprised me because last i checked, they didn't KNOW he had a boyfriend. literally everyone in the family did EXCEPT for them because while that entire side of the family being semi-conservative, his parents (mostly his dad) are EXTREMELY old-fashioned. so clearly something already went wrong. and considering the only reason the rest of the family knew is because one person found out and it spread like wildfire, i have a sneaking suspicion he wasn't the one to tell them, either.
and second of all. they're sending him HERE. to try to make him forget his homosexuality. i couldn't do anything but just wordlessly gesture to the multiple pride flags scattered around my room, then to myself, because really? he has like two other cousins in the us and they're sending him to me? honey i am about to introduce this kid to queer scenes you have never even heard of. he'll be returning home with labels only shrimp can perceive
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turiyatitta · 6 months
The Beauty of Non-Attachment
A New Perception of RealityIn my teachings, I often explore the concept of non-attachment and its profound impact on our perception of reality. My understanding is rooted in the notion that by detaching ourselves from all things, we begin to see the inherent beauty in everything. This perspective is not about indifference or disengagement, but about experiencing life and the world around us in…
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oldpoet56 · 8 months
This Is Going To Be Difficult To Talk About
This Is Going To Be Difficult To Talk About Well, this isn’t going to be easy to write about but I need to get it out of my head and put it down on paper. I went to bed about 2:30 this morning and just laid there wide awake until about 4:30. At about 4:30 I decided to get up and go into my little home office and try to do some reading and hopefully some writing.   When I got in my office I did…
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livingwellnessblog · 11 months
The Metaverse: Exploring a New Reality and Understanding Its Impact
Discover the fascinating concept of the Metaverse, a fusion of the virtual and physical worlds. Explore its transformative potential, from activating GPS neurons to shaping our perceptions of reality.
The Metaverse: Exploring a New Reality and Understanding Its Impact In the coming years, the metaverse is set to become a major focus of investment for leading technology companies, with billions of dollars being poured into its development. But what exactly is the metaverse, and why is it generating such excitement and interest? Let’s dive into this fascinating concept and explore its…
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zachhazardvaupen · 2 years
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Goof morning
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wayti-blog · 4 months
The world is a living mirror. With the light of your perception, you see yourself in it every moment. — Debasish Mridha
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nancywait · 1 year
Imagining a Subtler World of Light
Imagining a subtler world of light while living in the dense world of matter.
Though what I see is not of this world, I can imagine it with a combination of watercolor, colored pencils and pastels plus the filter in my camera. It still doesn’t come close to what I see in my mind. I keep thinking I need to be a digital artist in order to do it justice, but maybe not even that would work. For the light-show in my mind can go beyond the physical world and the physical tools…
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gyan-vigyan · 1 year
Exploring the Wonders of the Physical World.
Physical World: The world is the tangible reality that surrounds us. It encompasses everything we can touch, see, hear, smell, and taste. From the smallest particles that make up matter to the vast expanses of the universe, the world is an awe-inspiring place that continues to captivate our curiosity. In this article, we’ll explore the world and its wonders. We’ll discuss what makes up the…
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brainman1987 · 11 days
So there’s this new Danny phantom au I’ve been drawing…. (Danny was booted to the infinite realms when he died- and the portal closed with him. Pariah takes Danny under his wing under Clockwork‘s instruction and Danny doesn’t know he has a human half for a long time. The only time Danny figures it out is when he accidentally flies through a natural portal ending up in a place of your choice alone, hungry, and scared. Yeah)
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I drew it myself :) (also why is cannon pariah so ugly?? I know he’s like. A warlord but. Seriously? That’s the bbeg for Danny phantom?)
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Creepy Little fuck (go listen to red flags by Tom Cardy)
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