#physics is gonna suck too
human-wof-designs · 10 months
aw i’ve missed having you on my dash but i hope classes are going well! mine are a weird mix of easy and brutal 😅
i've missed seeing you in my notes! and yeah they've been okay - i still have all a's somehow, though i struggled with a lot of my courses (especially calc 2, what a nightmare)
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transmascissues · 1 year
i’m going to be starting a job soon where it looks like almost all of my coworkers/bosses are going to be cis women and i am…terrified. especially since this is the job i’m going to have to get time off from for top surgery.
if there’s one thing i’ve learned over the almost ten years of my transition, it’s that a situation where i’m the only guy there is one where my gender is guaranteed to not be respected. it really feels like far too many cis women realize they’re alone with a trans man and just see it as an opportunity to act out some sort of power fantasy where they get to stick it to the big bad evil men by taking out their anger on the first man they see without the power to fight back. that or they decide you’re “just one of the girls” and will not hear otherwise, but honestly, given where i’m at in my physical transition, i have a feeling the former is more likely.
there was a time when i felt safer around cis women than around cis men, but now it’s just a different kind of threat.
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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been wanting to draw luis for a while now
(no context re4r spoilers under the cut)
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i just really wanted to draw this if im being honest.
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unpopular opinion for this area of tumblr, beware+also abuse talk warning
admittedly, all the super casual bashing of saikis dad makes me really uncomfortable, like i dont totally disagree but i wish we didnt just all do it in the middle of other completely innocent headcanoning 😭 its never tagged or warned..
my personal opinions on kuniharu are not as extreme as some are on here, like i think he sucks but i dont think hes a genuinely bad person, he was just thrown into a situation he didnt know how to handle.. he reminds me of those parents who prepare to have a baby and get pregnant on purpose, but then the baby has a disability and suddenly, everything changes.. because they didnt prepare for this unlikely scenario, but it happened anyway, and now they have to figure out where to go from here.. kurumi and kuniharu BOTH made mistakes and didnt handle their genius/psychic kids in ways they shouldve, but its because they werent prepared for it
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orcelito · 2 months
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Gotta love that we have nearly all the named konoha kunoichi (minus Tsunade, Kurenai, and a few other even more minor kunoichi)
AND YET. the guys still outnumber them.
Still. 5/12 is still way more than we usually get (since it's normally teams of like 1/4 to 1/8 or so)
Wow the female characters ratio in naruto is absolutely atrocious.
#speculation nation#fanny watches naruto#still tho. im happy to see these 5 here. i'll savor the Almost half of the whole group ratio while it's here#of course 4 out of 5 of the girls are on the sealing team bc they have 'better chakra control'#aka 3 of them are medical ninja. and then theres hinata who's a gentle fist user.#naruto even comments on this. says girls must just have better chakra control. then points out that Tenten is Not on the sealing team#bc she is Not as good at it. that girl's a weapons nut. thank you.#i do love this anime so dearly but the misogny in the writing is so continuously vexing.#like better chakra control sounds like a good thing. except then you realize that's because they lack the brute force of the guys#even sakura and tsunade. known for their super strength. it's because of chakra control rather than pure muscle.#and this turns into many of the girls being healers (because it requires chakra control)#which means they end up shoved to the back and out of action Most of the time.#if they do get a moment up front it's very brief and they end up injured.#hinata who became a captive in that crystal. ino who ultimately did very little in the Avenging Asuma plan.#and ykno Tenten is here at least instead of being ignored like she is Most of the time#but her fighting ability is still far too basic. she's on a team with Neji and Lee for gods' sake! the taijutsu freaks!!!!#her entire thing is physical attacks. kenjutsu and shurikenjutsu. why not taijutsu too??!?#bc that would have a girl fighting with her fists rather than just throwing weapons. and we cant have too much of That.#sakura's most of the allotment to that. hinata should be doing that too but she just kinda sucks shit in battle.#shes trying her best but Wowza. kurenai is Not doing a good job at training her.#we have all these female characters but most of them r gonna be busy sealing#and i bet most of the fighting is gonna fall right back on the guys. frustrating.
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weezerlvr228 · 1 month
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now i’m getting up and leeeeeeavin
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sunsunbauds · 1 month
screaming crying throwing up about how i can never go back and relive my childhood and teen years with the knowledge and emotional maturity and self-assurance that i have now
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Me, while manically cleaning my room at 3:27am: I should make several large, life-changing, irreversible decisions.
#so ive been in a bad mental state lately#because of many things. but the biggest being (yes i know ive complained about this in multiple other posts)#that my best friend and my ex gf were fucking. without even asking or telling me. i got no heads up. just figured it out on my own#which sucked and now im not speaking to either of them#and when i first found out i was in a bad place physically too#i had a terrible ear infection that was so fucking painful#and i realized i could concentrate on both things. so i focused on healing#and then i remembered ny family is coming to visit for Christmas#and thats a lot to deal with. so now im focusing on cleaning the apartment. specifically my bedroom#so im manically cleaning at 3:30am while angry and stressed and trying not to focus on this thing that makes me really upset#and in the middle of cleaning ill suddenly think 'should i quit my summer camp job?' or 'should i move states again?'#its not good. but i havent acted on anything#AND in the middle of cleaning i found all of my meds#i havent been taking them for months. but i decided im gonna start taking them again#i have a few refills left but then ill have to find a psychiatrist. i dont want to. but its definitely for the best#im trying to get my life back on track and build and better it#but then something hits me and completely derails everything and makes everything so hard#so anyway im gonna go do some more cleaning and try not to make life-altering decisions. and maybe build a desk#btw i have to get up at 9am to take out my puppy. and at 11:35 i have to get ready for work. again its 3:30am#and im full of manic energy#tomorrow is going to be very bad but at least I'll have a semi-clean room
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
it's been a month since we moved into the new apartment -
I'm so stressed. everything is stressful. we're still not done building the kitchen but it's getting there (slowly). mostly we just need to wait until we get a couple parts that weren't in stock when we ordered the rest. I'm hoping it'll be done by next weekend.
some of it is very frustrating with my brain specifically. I'm so bothered by all the tiny little things that no one else would even notice - like, some of the handles on the drawers are very slightly crooked (as in, less than a millimeter higher on one side) - but for me it's so obvious that it's impossible to ignore. my husband didn't even know what I meant when I pointed it out to him. there's also been a few slightly bigger issues, but we've solved them now (I think).
my eye has been twitching for like three to four weeks. not all the time obviously, but every few minutes. it's very, very annoying.
we still have no new info about when we'll have internet finally. it could take a while still.
on Monday a guy has to replace something in the electric roller shutters in one room - but we don't know which one yet. so either I'll have to let him into my room (awful, uncomfortable, will have to tidy up tomorrow so he could even get to the window), or I'll have to get both our cats into their carrier if it's the one in my husband's room (awful, difficult, one of them doesn't like that so he'll be scared and I'll feel bad).
also on Monday the electrician will install our stove (if he has time). then we're getting two ikea deliveries. and I've got an appointment with my (new) GP because I need a prescription, and I'm very (verrry) nervous about it.
I miss watching TV. I miss tumblr and YouTube and messaging my friends whenever I want and sending them photos all the time. I miss order and structure and (some level of) routine. I miss using real cutlery (we still haven't found ours lol).
when I was finally starting to get used to the noises in this place, the family above us moved in with their baby that cries all the time very very loudly and most of the time right above my room. so now everything is different again and I'm not adjusting well and once again I can't sleep.
but, I've listened to 14 audiobooks since we moved! that's been nice. it was the same way when we moved the last time (just over a year ago..). my favourite by far was The Thursday Murder Club. I've got the other ones in the series but I'm trying not to listen to them too quickly, so I'm gonna listen to three other books first (one is done already, so I should get there on Monday or Tuesday hopefully).
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
living alone & sick for the first time and have come across a difficult question: who washes the dishes when you're too sick/tired to do them for days at a time
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shartfinz · 12 days
hey did anybody else buy and download side order but like the game won't let them play it?
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dorianbrightmusic · 10 days
(tw depression/slight suicide references in the tags. be cautious)
whoever had the amazing idea that pms would make both physical and psychiatric illness symptoms worse, go step on a lego
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elastica1995 · 13 days
sometimes at work i get emails about changes in our department that i feel are 100% because of me. and maybe that's just me being anxious and paranoid but actually it certainly isn't.
#one time i was working at our drive thru window (that's something we have for some reason) and trying to empty the drop bins at the#same time. but the problem with that is the drop bins are LITERALLY halfway across the library#and my boss was working in the workroom at the time (which he almost never does bc he has an office)#so he saw that everytime i managed to get across the library then id get 3 books on a cart before the bell at the drive up window rang again#and that happened like 4 times in a row#not like he got up to do it though. just sat there pretending he didn't see it#then the next day we got an email from him requesting the way we empty the drop bins change#and YESTERDAY i was reading a book at the check out desk because of a DIFFERNT change in our department#bc we used to check books in at the desk too. but for some reason we stopped doing that a few months ago#so since then it's been terminally boring to work up there esp. since i work in the evening when there's less people at the library#but TODAY we got an email saying that we shouldn't be reading physical books up there#even though i keep my head on a swivel so that i can see when patrons come up#next thing you know he's gonna say we can't listen to music or ebooks at the drive up window. it's all horseshit. it not like i care though#whatever mike. you're bald anyway.#it feels passive aggressive to me. just pull me aside and say it to my face#and he said that it was a request from someone who works outside of our department so what the FUCK do they know about it#and i'm almost certain i know who it was. stupid as fuck. grrrr bark bark bark bark#i like my job i swear i like my job. but sometimes my job is stupid and it sucks.
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yandereshingeki · 9 months
also wanna say thank you to those being patient with me and my slow ass self with writing… I’m trying to write as much as I can but it’s hard to find the motivation with work weighing me down so much (;_;)+ the holiday seasons been so busy for me… but im hoping stuff will cool down after and it’ll get better. I’m also actively looking for another job that I hope will be less physically draining so that I’ll feel better lol
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izzy-b-hands · 3 months
Putting on last year's trans rigs stream from Drawfee before i have to get ready to go out with my mum and her bf today (bc i have the worst feeling in my gut he's gonna make that An Thing for me if given the chance today, aka whenever i eventually need the restroom while we're at Mystic)
#text post#Housemate was amazing and helped me calm down a bit before ae went to work bc my brain woke up in meltdown mode over this tbh#it sucks bc like. im excited to see my mum despite the Everything with that lmao#but im not excited for how her bf has been acting since they got here (and it's been day 1 out of 7 days)#with some outright homophobic comments while Housemate and i hosted them briefly at our house yesterday afternoon#not abt us but like. i mean. u know we're both queer so#doesn't really matter if it's abt us or not it's still fucky and makes me worry abt how he's gonna be today!!#doesn't help that he really wanted to go to Italy with her instead this summer#(despite the passive aggressive complaints from him & mum to a degree abt how expensive it was for them to come out here)#(we're ignoring the fact that a European trip would be even more expensive lmao tho i do think if they want to/can afford it they should go)#like. the Vibe from him has just been that he'll be Just Polite Enough but that he didn't want to be here#and he doesn't expect to have any fun and it's like#dude i am Trying. i and Housemate have looked up stuff to do that includes things he likes (like guns and historical weapons)#we tried making comments abt that yesterday like hey u might like this but if there's anything u have in mind already#and he was just. whatever idc but then made comments that made it clear he's not excited for anything else#like museums or the beach for sea glass hunting or the bird sanctuary or even the zoo#and all have places to rest/sit plus restrooms and food so I don't think it's a worry abt facilities thing for him#i think he's just fed up that I'm still involved in my mum's life since i moved and like#yes there's a detangling of the umbilical cord i and my past therapist were trying to eventually get my mum to cut#since cutting it myself in any attempt has had her metaphorically taping it back together#but like. it's not entirely on me here. I'm trying to set boundaries and make sure she's giving him more attention than me since he's w/her#more than i am now#i know he's upset when she helps me financially too (i offer to pay her back but she always refuses it) bc she took me aside yesterday#to give me some cash for the time with them for souvenirs/fun stuff i might not buy otherwise bc im trying to be mindful of money#aka still waiting on money my fkn job should have already paid me like. a week or more ago now#he makes her happy so even if he hates me i still care abt his frustrating ass#and i do want him to have as much fun as he can while still relaxing during the trip out here#but i feel like im gonna have to physically shake him by the shoulders screaming this before he listens#and even if he listens he probably won't believe me#sorry for the tag essay the edible hasn't kicked in yet can u guys tell lmao
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lostandbackagain · 3 months
annoying people love telling you it's your fault if a book is confusing and boring
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