mogai-headcanons · 9 months
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Kasuga Ichiban from Yazuka is an autistic bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honorilexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy with ADHD, PTSD, and schizophrenia who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/heros pronouns!
She's in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba Yu, an autistic vincian acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix demiguy who uses he/hihom, they/them, it/its, herb/herbs, and mage/mages pronouns and age dreams when they're alone and especially happy!
Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear with PTSD from his former workforce who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns!
Saeko Mukoda is an autistic sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderlove genderlovesick genderstalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender hategender honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcattic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric violencecoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic femme butch with PTSD who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns!
Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual turian transmasculine catgender catten kitheadbonkloven catthing catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man with SPD and PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Joon-Gi Han is an autistic pomosexual asexual demiagender autigender alosolus ghostfrilled monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender wintergender wintercoric snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby with selective mutism and PTSD who uses they/them and it/its pronouns!
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neopronouns · 4 years
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Pianogender- a gender experience which is heavily connected to pianos, piano music, or playing a piano.
i hope you don’t mind, i did a high-res recreation of your flag to queue this with! i didn’t change any colors, just resized it.
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Pianagender Pride Flag
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Pianagender: A gender that can change at the push of a key.
Coined/designed by GenderPridePlus
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termcoiner · 3 years
Things about me!
Some of my sexualities:
* abrisexual
* Agatic
* Agenamoric
* Agenilian
* Agenipian
* Agenirian
* Alexandritic
* Ambivaic
* Amoveosexual
* Androflexible
* Androsexual
* Aquamarina
* Aurian
* Asterosian
* Auto-Bisexual
* Autoflux
* Azurian
* Benitoitic
* Biaesthetic
* Biflux
* Binotrix
* Callistian
* Carnelian
* Gastrosexual
* Implasexual
* Julietian
* Neptuniflux
* Tiric
* Uraniflux
* Zoric
Some of my genders
Agender man
Agender woman
Agender x
Non binary
Some of my xenogenders
* Apisoleic
* Astraitelian
* Berserkic
* Cieglasolean
* Coifleumari
* Colaiscolaen
* Faiaminnian
* Flapazian
* Fogueiraean
* Foscouvian
* Fuemontic
* Herrimendian
* Holian
* Hyttemian
* Leitusavean
* Loralisian
* Lucionotteic
* Lunamedisian
* Lysfurescurian
* Masquian
* Melarvorean
* Moapuentian
* Monievitan
* Natatiumdeorsu
* Nebulain
* Neosynthic
* Noistefleurian
* Nottesolean
* Orchaic
* Panapastian
* Pienecampic
* Pintavesian
* Pintorevillean
* Pluviparian
* Pluvinoctis
* Plynestraean
* Realoraen
* Reiliscurian
* Rosetian
* Rosunsettian
* Rovinamossic
* Seamerosian
* Subaquacivian
* Sylteaen
* Triscenian
* Aestasean
* Agrian
* Cavernian
* Coisaillean
* Insuldreifing
* Montibusian
* Perditusian
* Praediction
* Pylaegenis
* Volubileous
* Ironicgender
* Genderbell
* Genderbulge
* Genderflute
* Genderharp
* Genderhorn
* Genderguitar
* Pianogender
* Saxogender
* Trombogender
* Tubagender
* Ukugender
* Violigender
* Xylogender
* Contrebasigender
* Tambougender
* Sanriogender
* Cinnagender
* Kuromigender
* Hellokittygender
* Pompomgender
* Pochaccogender
* Milkgender
* Melodygender
* Wormgender
* Genderbee
* Genderbumblebee
* Butterflygender
* Labugender
* Holeagender
* Warleagender
* Blaleagender
* Greleagender
* Yelleagender
* Exitiumgender
* Expecgender
* Exploigender
* Fairymagian
* Fantasygender
* Fantomaticflux
* Faraharian
* Farmcoric
* Farmgender
* Faronottean
* Fasfogender
* Fatalgender
* Fatugender
* Fatum
* Faunafluid
* Faunagender
* Faunaromic
* Fawncoric
* Feargender
* Feathergender
* Felidegender
* Feligender
* Feloidgender
* Feminist-
* Feminyc
* Femorrefluid
* Fennegender
* Fenogender
* Ferrgender
* Pokemongender
* Pikagender
* Ferrian
* Feumyrsian
* Feurian
* Fictigender
* Fidgetgender
* Firebendrian
* Fireworkgender
* Firmagender
* Fishingender
* Fizzgender
* Fleuric
* Flexanatis
* Floagender
* Floatgender
* Flopgender
* Floragender
* Florfraisian
* Flowercoric
* Flowergender
* Flowerian
* Flowgender
* Caegender
* Genderairy
* Crowgender
* Flucalor
* Fluffy-cloudgender
* Flustrian
* Foodgender
* Forestcoric
* Forestgender
* Foxboygender
* Frappegender
* Fruitgender
* Fruitpunchgender
* Frygender
* Fuchsgender
* Fudgegender
* Fuhzgender
* Funkingender
* Furflux
* Galasigender
* Gardencoric
* Gelagender
* Genderblanket
* Genderblast
* Genderbouffon
* Genderboquet
* Genderdoux
* Genderei
* Genderfinch
* Genderfleur
* Genderfluff
* Genderfluffy
* Gendergarden
* Genderhoodie
* Genderlasso
* Genderlocked
* Genderlune
* Genderlynx
* Gendermarine
* Gendermeadow
* Gendermollis
* Gendermoxie
* Genderowl
* Gendersea
* Gendertower
* Giftgender
* Glazegender
* Glitchcoric
* Glittergender
* Cutecollector
* Dustbunnygender
* Acidusgender
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Sunny from OMORI is an autistic selectively mute demiromantic lesbigay bigender violigender estalino carvolinian catgender artgender turigirl lesboy with ADHD, MADD, ASPD, PTSD, and alexithymia who uses he/him, she/her, and voi/voids pronouns, and voi is in a QPR with Aubrey, an mspec sapphic omniaspec gendercute pinkgender bungender rabbitgender faerflux nonbinary trans girl with BPD, ADHD, and separation anxiety who uses she/her and bun/bunny pronouns; Kel, an autistic pan-oriented aroace transneutral nonbinary cenrell guy with ADHD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; and Basil, a pangender flowergender naturegender naturecoric faesari cenrell rosboy with depression, separation anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD who uses any pronouns!
Kel’s older brother Hero is an autistic transhet trans man with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he’s dating Mari, an autistic pansexual transfeminine pianogender musigender catgender paragirl with ADHD who uses she/her pronouns! Aubrey is also dating Kim, an autistic bisexual queerian trans demigirl who uses she/her and they/them pronouns! They’re both in a friend group they call The Hooligans, which consists of Charlene, an autistic sapphic gendercute trans girl who uses she/her pronouns, Angel, an autistic nonbinary trans boy who uses he/him pronouns, Mikhael, an autistic kinggender trans demiboy with ADHD who uses he/him and xe/xem pronouns and also calls himself the Maverick, and Kim’s older brother Vance, an ally who uses he/him pronouns!
Mikhael’s older siblings are Daphne, an autistic lesbian transfeminine nonbinary demigirl with ADHD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns, and Bowen, an autistic gay transmasculine nonbinary demiboy with ADHD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns! They are all friends with Mincy, an autistic nonbinary lesbian who uses they/them pronouns, and they also all know the Recyclepath, a bisexual trans man who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Within Sunny’s dreams, Captain Spaceboy is a meteorshoweric stargender spacegender galaxionic caelmasc trans man who uses he/him, they/them, and star/stars pronouns, and he acts as an older brother to Kite Kid, an autistic trans boy who uses he/him pronouns! Sweetheart is a femme pansensual alloaro autosexual lesbian pinkgender candygender sweetgender trans hypergirl with ADHD and hypersexuality who uses she/her, they/them, and lo/love pronouns, and lo has a lush on Medusa, an autistic ply lesbian-oriented aroace transneufeminine greengender pastelgreengender demigirl with ADHD who uses shey/shem, sea/seas, and kelp/kelps pronouns!
Kelps sisters are Marina, an autistic pan lesbian asexual transneutral pinkgender pastelpinkgender girlflux nonbinary woman with ADHD who uses zhe/hir, sea/seas, and cor/coral pronouns, and Molly, a non-SAM aromantic omni lesbian transneumasculine bluegender pastelbluegender fluidflux genderfrither gal who uses she/shim, sea/seas, and wave/waves pronouns! They were also the sisters of Abbi, an eldrigender horrorcosmium voidic gendervoid person who uses she/her and it/its pronouns! Abbi is acquaintances with Tako, a voidic genderless nullpronominal creature, Uni, a voidic singularian creature who uses nameself pronouns, and Meido, a voidic agender being who uses it/its pronouns!
dni link
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mogai-headcanons · 9 months
Blake Ichiban is a bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecomfic gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honourlexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonsigngender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/hero’s pronouns! Hero has undiagnosed ADHD, (1/?)
(2/?) PTSD, autism, and schizophrenia! She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba! Nanba Yu is an autistic acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic vincian wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix vincian demiguy who uses he/him, they/them, it/it, herb/herbs, and mage/mage’s pronouns! Mage age-dreams when they’re alone and especially happy, and he's in a queerplatonic relationship with Ichiban!
(3/4) Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns! He has PTSD from his former workforce! Saeko Mukoda is a sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bathaesic bathcomfic bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender churrosgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender digifem dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic femme feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderhate genderlove genderlovesick gendersgalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender harukazesongic hatecoric hategender heartaesic honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic luvelic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcatic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic butch who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns! They have PTSD and autism! Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual transmasculine turian catgender catten kitheadbonkloven cathing
(4/4) catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic rainbowcatian pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man who uses he/him and they/them! Claw has SPD and PTSD! Joon-Gi Han is a demiagender pomosexual autigender alosolus ghostfrilled asexual monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender gendercold wintergender wintercoric snowcloudic snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic wintercoric coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby who uses they/it pronouns! It has selective mutism, PTSD, and autism!
Yakuza anon here! Sorry to bother, but I accidentally typed the wrong name for Ichiban. It’s Ichiban Kasuga, not Ichiban Blake. Honest mistake, my bad.
queued! however, i couldn't find quite a few terms - since i found many of these terms on pinterest, it's likely they're on there, but since pinterest is very hard to locate terms on by name, i wasn't able to locate them. if you link me to them, i'll get them added!
they were: gamecomfic, neonsigngender, bathaesic, bathcomfic, churrosgender, digifem, genderhate, harukazesongic, heartaesic, luvelic, gendercold, and snowcloudic
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
More additions to the D&B pt. 3 rq
Uhh so this is pretty long, if you don’t mind this being sent. Can you please add that Gary is fictosexual; Blogblez is fungender, sillygender, greenhouseaesic and cactucaren, uses nameself pronouns (its fave variations being blog/blez and blog/blogs); that Banjex is also maquaric and frogindiemasc; that Bamberly is tealaesic and has special interests in karate, cats, art, and the internet, Bamburai is also sunsetgender has special interests in his own culture and karate, that Wedsen is also genderfaun and gendernuisance, and that both Dandi and Wedsen have special interests in Minecraft, Starbound, Terraria, and Mario, and add these characters: (Garrett’s Funny Animal Game) PLAYTIME_2_0 is a robotgender DOSgender kidcoric nonbinary girl who uses she/her, they/them, 🤖/🤖s and play/plays pronouns! Do You Accept is a neurodivergent evilgender antagender weirdcoric nonbinary man who uses he/him, ze/zim and trust/trusts pronouns and also goes by the nickname DYA! This is a Wizard, also known as It’s a Wizard or simply Wizard, is a neurodivergent purplegender wizardgender wizard who uses he/him and poof/poofs pronouns, but doesn’t mind any pronouns! Mr. Music is a pianogender cadensgender musicgender demiboy who uses it/its, key/keys, ⭐️/⭐️s, 🎹/🎹s, 🎶/🎶s, 🎼/🎼s, 🎵/🎵s and he/him pronouns! Leggi is neurodivergent and bluegender and uses they/them pronouns! Peensum (from GAE 3.0 April Fools) is a jesteric trans man with ADHD and anxiety! (These next characters are from Popcorn Edition; add them after the Popcorn Edition characters already in the request!) Otos is an ambiamorous bisexual cyoptic lizard with ADHD and kleptomania! He uses he/him, mae/maer and vae/vaem pronouns! He is rivals with Zetrus, who is an autistic ambiamorous MLM being who uses he/him pronouns! Zetrus is dating his roommate Bampal, who is an autistic ambiamorous genderfaun lulivoistella MLM being with ADHD, and he uses he/him, they/them and it/its pronouns! Banzack is an autistic pansexual aromantic scenecoric 00scoric memegender nostalgiacoric dubstepgender purplegender purbleplacian sparklescenic dogegender comicsansgender nyanmemegender boy+ man with special interests in 2000s memes and uses he/him, doge/doges, taco/tacos, rain/rainbows, wub/wubs, waff/waffles, 💜/💜s, and 🐾/🐾s pronouns! He is friends with Bambistep, a autistic bisexual trans man who uses he/him and xe/xem pronouns with special interests in music! BamHashley is an autistic 90scoric animecoric sanriocoric scenecoric tweencoric kidcoric lovecoric kuromicoric melogender pinwebtigender pinkgelovic 2000sanimepinkgender musiboxhellokittian magicagirly omnisexual sapphic gxrl who uses she/her, he/him, mew/mews, nya/nyas,
Ah, I thought it sent the whole thing, but I will resend just in case! Let me know if it cuts off again; it's probably a pronoun that might've caused it 😅. Continued: (the text heart pronouns), XD/XDs, rawr/rawr, melo/melos, 💗/💗s, 💚/💚s, 🌈🌈💿/💿s, 🍬/🍬s, 🍡/🍡s, 🎀/🎀s, 🌸/🌸s, and 🩰/🩰s pronouns! Dandi has a huge crush on Hashley! (These next characters are from Vs. Bambi: Strident Crisis.) degnupxE is an autistic othellic alderglitching glitchcoric glitch404gender viraen glitchgender limaltrojic molebug horidox being who uses yeht/meht and ti/sti pronouns! One of Expunged's creations is Hellbreaker, who is a transgender polygenderflux alderglitching glitchgender glitch404gender spidergender being who uses he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns and also goes by the name Hadie when feminine! Expunged's son, Bumbo, is an autistic canonically MLM bluegender 00scoric musigender glitchgender glitch404gender glitchnouryic glitchgameic nightdaycoric boy+ demigod with special interests in iPods, and he canonically uses he/him pronouns! He has an iPod as an item he holds onto for comfort (canonically)! He is canonically married to Thinbi, a canonically MLM man who uses he/him pronouns! (Jamtrix is from Bambisona Mayhem.) Jamtrix is an autistic queer man with bipolar disorder with special interests in selling, gamer culture and Hatsune Miku, and is canonically uses he/him pronouns! (another Popcorn character to add) Yambo is bisexual with a preference for women; he is experiencing some form of gender dysphoria and is also questioning his gender, specifically if he's under the nonbinary umbrella, and uses he/him pronouns, but is also trying out they/them and it/its! He also has ADHD! (Please use his older appearance, the one that resembles the current one but w/o the c0p accessories! /nm) Baxel is a canon straight ally who uses he/him pronouns! (More GAE characters) Tristan has four friends; they consist of Theodore, a canonically autistic canonically dyslexic boy who uses he/him pronouns and has special interests in videogames and FNAF; Truffle, a neurodivergent boy who uses he/they pronouns with special interests in Lapfox Trax and the furry fandom; Oey-Jay, an undiagnosed neurodivergent orangegender (gastrogender) nonbinary pronoun hoarder child who canonically uses he/she/they pronouns; and Trix, a neurodivergent boy who uses he/him pronouns! (Bambi's Purgatory) Bombu is an autistic webcoric vaporwavic canonically pansexual man with special interests in computers with ADHD and dyslexia who uses he/him pronouns, and he loves his boyfriend, Bamburg, an autistic canonically bisexual burgergender yellowgender trans man with special interests in burgers who uses he/him pronouns! Crusti is an autistic transneutral fluidflux canonically bigender canonically genderless genderqueer pizzagender demiboy who uses he/him pronouns! Banbodi is an autistic abrosexual man with bipolar disorder who uses he/him pronouns! His brother, Bambox, who also goes by the name Bandoxx, is a canonically mentally ill autistic tourettic anorexic canonically straight ally with ADHD, OCD, OCPD, NPD, depression, PTSD, social anxiety, general anxiety, ASPD, PPD, BPD, DPD, StPD, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and is the host of a system of mixed origin, has an intellectual disability, and canonically has many diagnosed and undiagnosed disorders! They use he/they pronouns collectively! One of their members is Señor Timmy Boxivius El Docinivius III (no canon appearance and not a canon character; just reuse Bambox's sprite image), who is straight, royalcoric, and demicis and uses he/him pronouns! Candu is pandulcigender and uses he/him, they/them, candy/candys and 🍭/🍭s pronouns! Reaper Bambi canonically has no concept of sexuality and gender, and canonically uses he/him and it/its pronouns (and its gender is canonically described as such)! (I believe there was a term for when one's gender can only be described by pronouns but I forgot the name, but if you know the term can you please use the flag for that term for Reaper?) (Hortas Edition) Conbi is agender and uses they/them and 𓂀/𓂀s pronouns! Unidentified Tall Entity is a transgender agender being who uses he/him pronouns! (Bambisona Mayhem) Kuri is a canonically disabled autistic pansexual woman with a preference for women who uses she/her pronouns with special interests in TF2 and engineering! She lives with Dardin, a canonically gay autistic yellowgender genderpunk steampunkic man+ man who uses he/him pronouns, and Brindo, a canonically bisexual cheesegender cheesecakegender mouse who canonically uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and also 🧀/🧀s! Kuri's reincarnation, Kurl, is a canonically disabled autistic canonically polyamorous canonically pansexual boy with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns! Kurl is adoptive brothers with Jembi, an autistic kidcoric poklogender nonbinary person who uses they/them pronouns! Rocketambi is a camoaesic straight ally who uses he/him pronouns! Baldi from Baldi's Basics is an autistic transgender transneutral schoolcoric kidscienceaesic asexual person with OCPD! He uses he/him pronouns preferably, but doesn't mind they/them pronouns! Alex from Alex Basics in Biology and Zoology is a pansexual kidscienceaesic demoncoric bloodnouryic trigender trans man who uses he/him and they/them pronouns! He knows of Dolly, who has a crush on Alex; she is a dollcoric nonbinary woman with PTSD who uses she/her, they/them and it/its pronouns! Candice is a canonically plural autistic tweencoric demigirl with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns! She is the host of a system! Her co-host is Candy Princess, who is a fairycoric candycoric tweencoric lovecoric candygender nekoaesic catgender sweetgender sweetcoric sugarcoric dulcigender saccharinegender cottoncandyic pinkgender fairymonstergirlic princessgender fairytalentgender tackyjewelic winxgender sparklisweet bubblegum popae candynecklacegender panfaegender pandulcigender magicagirly lipglossparklian fairygender pronoun hoarder fairy who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, fae/faer, fey/feym, nya/nyas, glit/glitter, 🩰/🩰s, 🌸/🌸s, 🎀/🎀s, 🍭/🍭s, 🍬/🍬s, 👛/👛s, 🦄/🦄s, 🧚‍♀️/🧚‍♀️s, 🪄/🪄s, 🌷/🌷s, 🌺/🌺s, 🍰/🍰s, 🍩/🍩s, 🍪/🍪s, 🍨/🍨s, 🐈/🐈s, and all fairy-related and candy-related pronouns! (Note: there's only one appearance for Candice collectively, so reusing the same sprite for both Candice and Candy Princess would be fine.) Candice is good friends with Asmodena, an autistic demoncoric canonically sapphic canonically intersex girl with PTSD! Asmodena canonically has a huge crush on Candice! Billy from Billy's Basics is an autistic pansexual robotgender glitch404gender man who uses he/him and gli/glitch pronouns! (Popcorn Edition) Backrooms Explorer is an autistic backroomic kenodigilic dricadic weirdcoric man with acute stress disorder with special interests in The Backrooms who uses he/him pronouns! James is an autistic kidscienceaesic yellowgender weirdcoric trans man with special interests in chemistry who uses he/him and ⭐️/⭐️s! (Stadium Edition) Badam is an autistic polysexual man with special interests in baseball who uses he/him pronouns! Punkay is an autistic blueaesic trans man with special interests in cricket who uses he/him pronouns! Icaros is an neurodivegent DOSgender abstractgender runasique man who uses he/him, 📧/📧s, 📬/📬s and tur/turon pronouns! Charmes is an autistic canonically MLM pupgender gay trans man with special interests in soccer who uses he/him, paw/paws and woof/woofs pronouns! Bax is an autistic canonically MLM gay man with PTSD with special interests in sports! Bax and Charmes are canonically dating! Bax's sister, Bianca, who also goes by the name Bia, is an autistic GNC bisexual girl+ ultrapinkgender trans girl with PTSD with special interests in tennis and mechanics! She uses she/her, 💗/💗s, 💜/💜s, 💙/💙s, 🎀/🎀s, 💄/💄s, 🌀/🌀s, and 👾/👾s! Bamburai's brother, Bamwind, is a canonically blind autistic man with special interests in karate! Bia is friends with MechaKairo Sakira, a neurodivergent 90scoric maquaric synthic robotgender robot with special interests in tennis who uses they/them pronouns! Can you please add MSPaintgender and lowpolygender to everyone except for all the Popcorn Edition characters (with the exception of Banzack and Bamberly but remove lowpolygender from Bamberly), all the Stadium Edition characters (with the exception of Icaros), all the Bambisona Mayhem characters, all the Alex Basics characters, and Banbodi please, and add comicsansgender to all the Garrett's Funny Animal Game characters, and add that Wedsen is also polyamorous? Thanks in advance!
I accidentally typed in BamHashley it's just Hashley whenjekrfp
Can you please add that Blogblez is also a lexeplantic wetgrassgender lonigrasoilaromic altaherbaos stemfloweric tsistebin sillything, Gary is darkhyperfixic, Oey-Jay is mandoracuppic, PLAYTIME_2_0 is earlychildhoodratingic, DYA is lexesignic, peregalon, fungender, distortgender, lightheartedmischiefgender and whitelepartic, Wizard is wizardaesic and weirdiscomfix, Bombu also uses 💻/💻s, ⌨️/⌨️s, 🖱/🖱s, 🖥/🖥s, 💾/💾s, 💙/💙s pronouns; Bamburg uses 🍔/🍔s, 💛/💛s, Crusti uses 🍕/🍕s, Jamtrix is bristimadic and likes spinning around in circles as a stim and also has HPD, Bamburai is warriorcharic and autumnmaplequoteic, Zetrus is videbleuon, Bamibo is retroshakeic and also has depression and is autistic, Hashley is a bigender webstalgirl, Icaros is backroomlabyrmusica, James is favusvermis, Backrooms Explorer is arakatuin and backroomaesic, Candy Princess is sopajain, hyperkidgender, lexebutterflyic, and candylandboardgamic and also has PTSD and is autistic like her host, and add the following characters: ERROR from Dave's Fun Algebra Class is an autistic redgender errorlexic mspaisevgender trans man with PTSD, OCD and anxiety who uses he/him and they/them pronouns! Donk from Golden Apple Edition is an autistic DOSgender applegender grassybeachgender riverbedgender litoresentious distortgender dreamingkidcoric dreamcoric oddcoric 90scoric kidcoric sillygender fungender trans man who uses he/him and nameself pronouns! Bambeez (who I meant to put before Hashley) is an autistic yellowgender noobgender orientationless MLM man with IED and has special interests in Roblox who uses he/him pronouns! Can you also add mspaisevgender to all the MS Paint style characters? Thanks in advance!
Ah, apologies! I was kind of in a rush when I wrote that wjenjenrjrrm. I meant anyone who has the color palette, which specifically are these characters: all of the Garrett's Funny Animal Game characters minus Mr. Music! Sorry for making that not very clear. Also I have some more additions again: Can you add that Blogblez is sillylexic, Bombu uses 💻/💻s, ⌨️/⌨️s, 🖱/🖱s, 🖥/🖥s, 💾/💾s, 💙/💙s pronouns, Bamburg uses 🍔/🍔s, 💛/💛s, Crusti uses 🍕/🍕s, Bambox also has insomnia, Candice is an age regressor and is also femme and hypagekloudian, Asmodena is also futch and uses she/her and they/them pronouns, Backrooms Explorer is abandex, Donk is alderalien, Baldi is trixic and has special interests in math, Billy is also an agender man and has special interests in machinery, remove orientationless from Bambeez and can you add schoolcoric to all the teachers with the exception of Alex, and can you add this character: Scrina is an autistic robotgender dreamcoric agender girl with health anxiety, separation anxiety and PTSD who uses she/her, they/them and it/its pronouns! Also, just like what you did with Bandu and Expunged last time, can you please make separate icons for both the regular forms and Origin forms of Otos, Zetrus, and Kuri? Thanks in advance!
More additions: Can you also add that Blogblez is springscentian, Jembi has special interests in cosplay, Wedsen is altcoric, Candy Princess is fleurfaepintic, paspinktwirlic, paskittycakic, Scrina is descinfinic, and also add another character: ??? from GAE literally doesn't have the time to know what to identify as, but had ??? stuck around for much longer, they'd be a neurodivergent nonbinary cassgender being with anxiety who doesn’t mind what pronouns others use for them! Also did you get the additions regarding mspaisevgender?? /nm Thanks in advance!
Oh, thanks for letting me know! The following characters in the request that are teachers include James, Alex, Billy, and Baldi! Also, I can completely understand not being able to find many images of the Garrett's Funny Animal Game characters ehenjrkrjr. Mr. Music and This is a Wizard can be found in some video thumbnails for the game, and I did find a timestamp for an image of Leggi (6:24 or 7:22 for the MediaGamesGuide gameplay video for the V1.4.1 version of the mod).
Once again, thanks for letting me know! I actually forgot the name of the coiner unfortunately, but in all honesty I'm fine w/you removing it from the request. Can you please add that Blogblez is also newleafic, DYA and Peensum are both sillygoofygender, DYA is also gendernuisance, Peensum is also a clownthing, Oey-Jay is orangelightshinic, degnupxE is primarily kaleifuction and considers that term to be the most important to rieht identity, both Hashley and Banzack are kandiaesic, Banzack is scensarainimaic, MechaKairo Sakira also uses it/its, Billy is virulighta, Candice is perswefleur, Donk is parpicun and fruisharis, and can you also add the following characters (all from DIMENSIONAL DEEP-END)? Thanks in advance! Bambzerker is a greengender lowpolygender being who uses they/them and it/its pronouns; Soup is an othellic aliencoric lowpolygender being who uses they/them pronouns; Cuble Gooble is a canonically disabled abstractgender yellowgender laughgender lowpolygender being who uses they/them and cube/cubes pronouns; and Jimble Flong is a slimecreaturency goolexic lowpolygender sillything who uses they/them and goo/goo pronouns! Because the characters were unveiled quite recently as of this writing, I suggest you go to the OST videos for the mod itself for images. Thanks in advance, and apologies for all the additions! You definitely deserve breaks every now and then, and take care! /nm /pos
Thanks for letting me know! Thankfully I do have the name of the coiner who made the term: @/genderpains! I also have a few more additions to add to the request: Can you please add that Brindo is cupupancen, Banzack is PLURgender, Crusti is sunpizzagender, Hashley is monstergirlic, Asmodena is demonmonstergirlic, add that Scrina is robotmonstergirlic and remove the it/its pronouns from Scrina and write that she gets dysphoric upon people using those pronouns for her, and add neurodivergent to everyone who doesn’t have a disorder listed yet (unless I got everyone)? Thanks in advance!
Can you change Banzack from pansexual to canonically gay, add that Bambistep's bisexuality is canon, add that Dandi and Hashley are dating and Hashley is also vaporwavic, and Otos is gender apathetic please? Thanks in advance!
Ah damn, more terms to dig up! From what I recall, the coiner of lulivoistella also made transpopunkic, but idk if the account is still up anymore. If it isn't, then maybe remove it if you can! As for limaltrojic, I unfortunately forgot the name of the coiner. If it's still out there, let me know, but if it isn’t then remove it too if you want. Also, can you add that Gary is modgender, Peensum is littleguyclownic, Oey-Jay is amberfairic and orangepupgender, Crusti is dominosfasfogender, Banjex is popcornratgender, both Punkay and Wedsen are chaospunkboyic and rebelrevelic, Banzack is tacopupgender and xXRawrRa1nb0wXx, Backrooms Explorer is raccoontoastgender, Hashley is sanriogender, kandiglittercatgender, kawaiicoric, kandimonstergirlic, lovecoregender, zOMGgender and peachwiigender, Bambzerker is chaoscoric, Baldi is a paraman, and Candy Princess is fairycatgender, gracefairic, honeyfairic, cherryfairic, and pearlfairic? Thanks in advance!
Once again, sending in more stuff! I left out some characters + additions: Add Alex (from Bambisona Mayhem, not ABIBAZ); he is an autistic canonically aromantic boy with ADHD who has special interests in skating and uses he/him pronouns! (Popcorn Edition) Elegant Bambi is a neurodivergent aesigender yellowgender being who uses ey/em and thon/thons pronouns; Balde is a neurodivergent nonbinary purplegender being who uses they/them, 💜/💜s and 🪣/🪣s pronouns; and Mikoe is a neurodivergent queer being who uses he/him and they/them pronouns! Can you also add that Backrooms Explorer is queer please? I also accidentally wrote that Candice was hypagekloudian; can you move that to Candy Princess? As for relationships, can you also add that Wedsen and Punkay are dating, Wedsen, Punkay and Dandi are all best friends; Backrooms Explorer, James and Hashley are all friends; Crusti, Bamburg and Bombu are all friends; Banzack and Bambistep are best friends; Wedsen and Dandi are rivals with Yambo; and that Billy and Alex (ABIBAZ) are rivals? Thanks in advance!
Can you add that Bampal is stargender and that he also has special interests in astrology, add that Otos being gender apathetic is canon and add that he is physically disabled and also has an intellectual disability, Bambeez is also beargender, Badamb is colorblind and also has albinism, Bamburai has PTSD, Bamwind has ASPD and PTSD and is also non-verbal, both Otos and Bamwind are rivals, and change the relationship status for Bax and Charmes from dating to canonically married? Thanks in advance!
Once again, I unfortunately forgot the coiner name! However, I don’t mind you using lexegooic instead! Also, can you please add that Peensum is happygoofycircusgender, degnupxE is kenostatica and kenogenlossic, Candu is also demigender and candycrunchsoundic and has special interests in candy, Dardin is lunapunkenic, Bampal is astreakenic, kenotempestia and stellakenottea, Hashley is sanriofresian, Billy is lexewebcamic, Backrooms Explorer is kenoliminotelic, Candy Princess is spinnerinamboxic, all of the Garrett's Funny Animal Game characters are acespec, and degnupxE, Donk, and all of the DIMENSIONAL DEEP-END characters use poly/polys pronouns? Thanks in advance!
Can you add that Punkay is MLM; Otos is also pansexual; Dandi has a preference for women, Baxel is both demisexual and demiromantic, Crusti, Bombu and Bamburg are acespec, Bambistep, Wedsen, and Asmodena are arospec, all the DIMENSIONAL DEEP-END characters are aroace, Donk is asexual, Hashley is catkin, and remove demonkin from Wedsen please? Thanks in advance!
More characters! Stadium Edition: Yippee is an autistic nonbinary autigender fungender TBH who uses they/them, mirrored pronouns, yip/yips, and nameself pronouns! Dansuki is a femme lesbian angled indigomonstergirlic robotmonstergirlic gamegender gamergender neutrois virtualgirl robot who uses she/her pronouns! Artr0n_99 is a neurodivergent emocoric altcoric nyctogender pizzagender xenogender person with kleptomania and OCD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns! Kerlen is a neurodivergent trans man with PTSD and OCD who uses he/him pronouns! DIMENSIONAL DEEP-END: L is an autistic catgender greenaesic nonbinary being with hyperfixations on Spongebob and Sonic who uses he/him, they/them and it/its pronouns, and canonically doesn't know their own sexuality! Its grandfather, Bin, is a disabled strayt grandpacoric masc-presenting nonbinary 3D god who uses he/him, ae/aer, and ey/em pronouns! For some additions + changes, can you add that Blogblez is flordrawkidcoric, glowlapsic and rainboplanvadis, degnupxE is abominationlexic and neonliminalaesic and also uses eyestrain/eyestrains pronouns, Bumbo is ♪gender and virtualboyic, Jamtrix is phosroccandial, Banjex is rainboplanvadis, Banzack is arcadecarpetian, Hashley is magigirltbhic, James is :]gender, Candy Princess also has kleptomania and is princesslexic, ✿gender, flordrawkidcoric, pinkflangender and fairyfloran, Bia uses feminine Portuguese pronouns and Bax uses masculine Portuguese pronouns, both Bambzerker and Soup have separation anxiety and also please refer to Bambzerker as a chimera, and change Bamberly from being autistic to having ADHD? Thanks in advance!
Another character to add: (Golden Apple Edition) Atae is a neurodivergent spiralmonsterenbyic bluegender redgender blueaesic redaesic 00scoric scenecoric mindmurderaesic xenofluid being who uses ey/em, ae/aer, wy/wym, it/its, fang/fangs, hy/hyp, 💙/❤️s, 🌀/🌀s, and eyestrain/eyestrains pronouns! For additions can you add that DYA is evilqueer and bisexual, Mr. Music is polysexual, Wizard is physically disabled, and Charmes, Bombu and Banjex also use masculine Portuguese pronouns, Rocketambi uses el/ello pronouns for his native language (Spanish), and Crusti is also genderfeast and also uses 🍔/🍔s, 🍟/🍟s, 🍗/🍗s, 🧀/🧀s, 🌶/🌶s, and 🧂/🧂s, and can you also add that Reaper Bambi also canonically doesn't have a concept of sexuality, Bambox has AIWS and is also disabled, Jembi also uses it/its pronouns, Dansuki is neurodivergent and has special interests in gaming, Wizard has a facial deformity, Mr. Music and DYA are in a wavership, and Bin has facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy? Thanks in advance!
Can you please add Cosbi, and add that they’re a neurodivergent eldritchine keysmashgender holoaesic bluegender being who uses he/him, they/them, spam/spams and ☜/☜s pronouns? Thanks in advance!
Oops, I accidentally left out the source, thanks for catching onto that! Cosbi is from Golden Apple Edition!
finally got this done - it’s queued
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
( 🦋, omori request 1/?
for the ones with them i'd prefer if you used the real world versions if thats okay! :D )
sunny is an autistic bigender violigender estalino carviolinian catgender artgender demiromantic lesbigay turigirl lesboy with adhd, madd, aspd, ptsd, and alexithymia who uses he/him, she/her, and voi/voids pronouns and is selectively mute!
voi is in a qpr with aubrey, a gendercute pinkgender bungender rabbitgender mspec sapphic omniaspec faerflux nonbinary trans girl (nonbinary girl + trans girl flag) with bpd, adhd, and separation anxiety who uses she/her and bun/bunny pronouns; an autistic kel, a transneutral nonbinary cenrell pan oriented aroace guy with adhd and who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; and basil, a pangender flowergender naturegender naturecoric faesari cenrell pangender rosboy with depression, separation anxiety, adhd, and ptsd who uses any pronouns!
( 🦋, omori request 2/?)
kel's older brother is hero, an autistic transhet trans man with ptsd who uses he/him, and he's dating mari, an autistic transfeminine pianogender musigender catgender pansexual paragirl with adhd who uses she/her!
aubrey is also dating kim, an autistic bi queerian trans demigirl (trans girl + demigirl flag) who uses she/they! both of them are also in a friend group they call the hooligans, which consists of charlene, an autistic sapphic gendercute trans girl who uses she/her; angel, an autistic nonbinary trans boy (nonbinary boy + trans man flag) who uses he/him; mikhael, who also calls himself the maverick, an autistic kinggender trans demiboy (demiboy + trans man flag) with adhd who uses he/xe; and kim's older brother, vance, an ally who uses he/him!
( 🦋, omori request 3/?)
mikhael's older siblings are daphne, an autistic transfeminine nonbinary lesbian demigirl with adhd who uses she/they, and bowen, an autistic transmasculine nonbinary gay demiboy with adhd who uses he/they!
all of them are friends with mincy, an autistic nonbinary lesbian who uses they/them! they also know the recyclepath, a bi trans man who uses he/they!
( 🦋, omori request 4/?)
within sunny's dreams, spaceboy is a meteorshoweric stargender spacegender galaxionic caelmasc trans man who uses he/him, they/them, and star/stars! he acts as the older brother to kite kid, an autistic trans boy who uses he/him!
sweetheart is a pinkgender candygender sweetgender alloaro autosexual femme pansensual lesbian trans hypergirl (trans girl + hypergirl flag) with adhd and hypersexuality who uses she/her, they/them, and lo/love!
( 🦋, omori request 5/?, but just a quick note since i forgot: for daphne and bowen you can just use the unbread twins battle sprite since they dont have any of their faraway version)
lo has a sensual crush (lush?) on medusa, an autistic transneufeminine greengender pastelgreengender ply lesbian oriented aroace demigirl with adhd who uses shey/shem, sea/seas, and kelp/kelps pronouns!
kelps sisters are marina, an autistic transneutral pinkgender pastelpinkgender asexual pan lesbian girlflux nonbinary woman with adhd who uses zhe/hir, sea/seas, and cor/coral pronouns; and molly, a transneumasculine bluegender pastelbluegender non-SAM aromantic omni lesbian fluidflux genderfrither gal who uses she/shim, sea/seas, and wave/waves pronouns!
( 🦋, omori request 6/6 )
they were also the sisters of abbi, an eldrigender horrorcosmium voidic gendervoid person who uses she/her and it/its pronouns!
abbi is acquaintances with tako, a voidic genderless creature who is nullpronominal; uni, a voidic singularian person who uses nameself pronouns; and meido, a voidic agender being who uses it/its.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club! is an autistic transfeminine softgender lovegender lovecoric lovergender panlovegender lovesickcatgender genderlovesick affecgender genderheart pinkgender kidcoric rosagender genderfleur tenderic dreamic sleepygender hazomnigender amantesexual bi lesbian who uses she/her, they/them, he/him, lo/love, pink/pinks, heart/heart, nya/nyas, zzz/zzzs, 💗/💗s, 💘/💘s, 💞/💞s, 💖/💖s, 🌸/🌸s, 🌺/🌺s, 🎀/🎀s, and 💤/💤s pronouns!
Natsuki is a transmasculine genderfluid animegender sweetiegender magigirlgender tsundegender bakerycoric sweetgender pandulcigender cupcakegender buttercreamic frostingic cakegender candygender cheesecakefluid confettium cottoncandyfluid mirukufluid confectionainvolcrum plutinofluid slushgender lesbian with PTSD who uses she/her, he/him, ze/zem, xe/xem, nya/nyas, fict/fiction, magi/magic, 🍭/🍭, 🍦/🍦s, 🧁/🧁s, 🍰/🍰s, 🍬/🍬s, and 🍫/🍫s pronouns!
Yuri is a neurodivergent transfeminine limitegender fictigender booktix xenoirgender eyegender occulian horrorhypic horrorgender slasheric bloodaesic genderfinch webcoric errorgender oddcoric kenopsicesse vellinulic bordericesse daimogender daegender decepteric genderdamned genderfoncee postbi greyromantic lesbian with BPD who uses she/her, it/its, dark/darks, noir/noirs, eye/eyes, 👁/👁s, 🥀/🥀s, and 🌙/🌙s pronouns!
Monika is a transfeminine webcoric glitchgender netgender netgirl erroricine gamegender digigender simugender vurilic BSoDgender datingsimgender DOSgender modgender telestaticgender fliphogender dousteleuic musicagender musicgender cadensgender genderchord genderconcerto phrygigender ionigender lydigender pianogender lovecoric lovergender panlovegender pan lesbian with BPD and obsessive love disorder who uses she/her, web/webs, glitch/glitches, .exe/.exes, .gif/.gifs, .txt/.txts, 👾/👾s, 🎼/🎼s, 🎹/🎹s, 💿/💿s, 📺/📺s, and 💚/💚s pronouns!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Yuezheng Ling from Vocaloid is a firegender summergender southgender redgender tigergender genderguitar girl+ lesbian with ADHD, Zhiyu Moke is an autistic non-SAM aromantic metalligender autumngender westgender whitegender birdgender pianogender neutrois person, Mo Qingxian is a disabled sapphic bellussexual dirtgender seasonalgender compassgender yellowgender floragender violigender xynthian azalean person, Yuezheng Longya is a GNC gay brethrian springgender eastgender greengender dragongender drumgender man with separation anxiety, and Luo Tianyi is an autistic agenital gendervast gendermajor ionigender harmonigender aliudic virtelian angelix angelgender angelhonum stargender gender creative penumbrian aliengender aroflux cupioromantic nebulasexual nomascbian with selective mutism!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Sayori from DDLC is an autistic transfem softgender lovegender lovecoric lovergender panlovegender lovesickcatgender genderlovesick affecgender genderheart pinkgender kidcoric rosagender genderfleur tenderic dreamic sleepygender hazomigender amantesexual bi lesbian who uses she/they/he/lo/pink/heart/nya/zzz/💗/💘/💞/💖/🌸/🌺/🎀/💤s pronouns!
Natsuki is a transmasc genderfluid animegender sweetiegender magigirlgender tsundegender bakerycoric sweetgender pandulcigender cupcakegender buttercreamic frostingic cakegender candygender cheesecakefluid confettium cottoncandyfluid mirukufluid confectionainvolcrum genderramune gendersaccharum pineapplegender plutinofluid slushgender lesbian who has PTSD and uses she/he/ze/xe/nya/fict/magi/🍭/🍦/🧁/🍰/🍬/🍫s pronouns!
Yuri is a neurodivergent transfem limitegender fictigender booktix xenoirgender eyegender occulian horrorhypic horrorgender slasheric bloodaesic genderfinch webcoric errorgender oddcoric kenopsicesse vellinulic bordericesse daimogender daegender decepteric genderdamned genderfoncee postbi grayromantic lesbian who has BPD and uses she/it/dark/noir/eye/👁/🥀/🌙s pronouns!
Monika is a transfem webcoric glitchgender netgender netgirl erroricine gamegender digigender simugender vurilic bsodgender datingsimgender DOSgender modgender telestaticgender filphogender dousteleuic musicagender musicgender cadensgender genderchord genderconcerto phrygigender ionigender lydigender pianogender lovecoric lovergender panlovegender pan lesbian who uses she/web/glitch/.exe/.gif/.txt/👾/🎼/🎹/💿/📺/💚s pronouns and has BPD and Obsessive Love Disorder!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Circus Baby from Five Nights at Freddy’s is a magikavine librafeminine yamikawaiic bi lesbian with depression and C-PTSD who uses she/her, pri/prin, and di/dis pronouns! Di’s friends with Ballora, an autistic lesbian aceflux regnachtic classicagender pianogender nonbinary woman with anxiety who uses lo/lor, 🩰/🩰s, and lu/lum pronouns as well as she/her auxiliary pronouns, and Funtime Freddy, a pan-oriented aroace nightcoric trans man with ADHD who uses he/him, it/its, rot/rots, and dea/death pronouns!
Di is also friends with Bon-Bon, an unaligned agender animatronic who prefers no pronouns, but is okay with any neutral pronouns; Bonnet, an autistic trans girl who uses she/her or bun/buns pronouns; Funtime Foxy, an autistic GNC vincian trans nonbinary femmlmgender man with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, and 💋/💋s pronouns; and Lolbit, an autistic digigender agenderflux AI with anxiety who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, ai/ais, and lol/lols pronouns, but is okay with any pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Hifumi Yamada from Danganronpa is an autistic futch polyamorous biromantic fictosexual transfeminine nonbinary gendercute person who uses she/her, they/them, and nya/nyan pronouns! They’re dating Leon Kuwata, an autistic polyamorous biromantic greysexual trans man with ADHD and dyspraxia who uses she/her, it/tis, and xe/xyr pronouns, and Tsumugi Shirogane, an autistic soft butch demiromantic intersex genderfluid animecoric trans lesbian who uses any pronouns, but prefers she/her and ani/animes! Leon isn’t dating Tsumugi, but xe is dating Sayaka Maizono, an autistic polyamorous transmasculine person with PTSD who’s questioning vyr orientation and uses ve/vyr and song/songs pronouns!
Sayaka is dating Kyoko Kirigiri, an autistic polyamorous transfeminine agender greysexual lesbian with PTSD who uses she/her and it/tis pronouns; Sakura Ogami, a femme hypo-polyamorous genderflux genderqueer trans lesbian with ADHD who uses he/him, fae/faer, she/her, and bun/buns pronouns; Aoi Asahina, a butch ambiamorous genderflux pupgender milkgender transmasculine asexual lesbian with ADHD who uses he/him, xe/xim, and ve/vir pronouns; and Ibuki Mioda, an autistic hyper-polyamorous biromantic asexual nonbinary catgender person with ADHD who uses kit/kits, nya/nyan, she/her, and they/them pronouns!
Aoi is dating Sakura, Ibuki, and Kyoka, and both Kyoka and Aoi are dating Celestia Ludenberg, a polyamorous-questioning queer agenderflux trans lesbian who uses she/her, gamble/gambles, and lie/lies pronouns! Ibuki is also dating Mikan Tsumiki, an autistic bisexual medcoric caedgender nonbinary xirl with anxiety and PTSD who uses med/meds pronouns; Peko Pekoyama, an autistic staticgender trans aroaceflux lesbian who uses he/him, bun/buns, and still/stills pronouns; Hiyoko Saionji, an autistic nonbinary genderqueer asexual lesbian with PTSD and ADHD who uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns, squish/squish, and be/beans pronouns; and SHSL Imposter, an autistic bisexual genderless person who uses any pronouns!
Peko is also dating Mikan, Mahiru Koizumi, an autistic biromantic aceflux genderfluid autigender girl who uses snap/snaps and they/them pronouns, and Chiaki Nanami, an autistic gamegender softgender trans asexual lesbian with ADHD-PI who’s hyperfixated on gaming and uses he/him, she/her, bun/buns, and game/games pronouns! Mahiru is dating Hiyoko, and Chiaki is dating Sonia Nevermind, an autistic futch bisexual genderfae gorecoric pupgender transmasculine xirl with NPD and a special interest in true crime and criminology who uses crim/crims, he/him, she/her, and gore/gores pronouns!
Sonia, Chiaki, Hiyoko, and Peko are also dating Akane Owari, an agenderflux bigender transmasculine greyromantic lesbian with ADHD who uses fae/faer, he/him, xe/xir, and sometimes she/her pronouns! Akane is in a QPR with Nekomaru Nidai, a gay catgender trans catboy who uses she/her and kit/ktis pronouns! Nekomaru is dating Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, a biromantic greysexual gorecoric bigender trans man who uses he/him, gut/guts, and knife/knives pronouns; and Nagito Komaeda, an autistic gay demiromantic transfeminine autigender nonbinary guy who uses she/her and hope/hopes pronouns! Fuyuhiko and Peko are also QPPs, and they grew up and transitioned together!
Nagito is also dating Hajime Hinata, an autistic bisexual transmasculine xenogender demiboy with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, vy/vyr, and nya/nyan pronouns, and Fuyuhiko is dating Chihiro Fujisaki, an abrosexual demigirl nonboy with ADHD who uses she/her, hack/hacks, kit/kits, and code/codes pronouns! Akane is also in a QPR with Ibuki and Fuyuhiko, and Fuyuhiko is also dating Nagito! SHSL Imposter is also close friends with Byakuya Togami, an agender aroace gay man, and K1-B0, an autistic biromantic demisexual agender catgender robot who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, bot/bots, and nyan/nyans pronouns!
K1-B0′s datemates are Miu Iruma, an autistic panromantic asexual nonbinary genderflux demitransgender genderhoarder with hypersexuality due to trauma who uses inv/invent, he/him, xe/xyr, she/her, and it/its pronouns; Kokichi Ouma, an autistic aroflux gay genderfaun purplegender abrogender clowngender trans rosboy with ADHD and NPD who uses any pronouns aside from they/them and prefers lie/liar, honk/honks, and she/her; Shuichi Saihara, an autistic bisexual autigender trans demiboy who uses detect/detective and he/him pronouns; and Kaede Akamatsu, an autistic queer pianogender genderflux cadensgender nonbinary girl who uses any pronouns! Shuichi is also dating Kokichi, as well as Miu and Kaede, who are also dating one another!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
characters from vocaloid, feel free to reword/reorder things I just format it like this because it's easy for me I dunno what your preferred format would be
Yuezheng Ling
-firegender, summergender, southgender, redgender, tigergender, genderguitar, girl+
Zhiyu Moke
-metalligender, autumngender, westgender, whitegender, birdgender, pianogender, neutrois
-non-SAM aro
Mo Qingxian
-dirtgender, seasonalgender, compassgender, yellowgender, floragender, violigender, xynthian, azalean
-sapphic, bellussexual
Yuezheng Longya
-separation anxiety
-brethrian, springgender, eastgender, greengender, dragongender, drumgender, gnc man
-gay man
Luo Tianyi
-autistic, selective mutism
-gendervast, gendermajor, ionigender, harmonigender, aliudic, virtelian, angelix, angelgender, angelhonum, stargender, gender creative, penumbrian, aliengender
-aroflux, cupioromantic, nomascbian
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Hifumi Yamada from Danganronpa is a futch autistic polyamorous transfem biromantic fictosexual nonbinary gendercute person that uses she/her, they/them and nya/nyan pronouns! They're dating Leon Kuwata, who is an autistic polyamorous biromantic grey-ace trans man with ADHD and dyspraxia that uses she/her, it/its and xe/xyr pronouns, and Tsumugi Shirogane, who is a soft butch intersex autistic demiromantic genderfluid animecoric trans lesbian that uses any pronouns with a preference of she/her (1
and ani/animes pronouns. (even tho this is crossgame it should be noted that tsumugi is most likely over 18 years old along with hifumi:)). Leon isn't dating Tsumugi, but xe's dating Sayaka Maizono, who is a polyamorous autistic transmasc person with PTSD that's questioning vyr orientation and uses ve/vyr and song/songs pronouns! Sayaka is also dating Kyoko Kirigiri, who is an ambiamorous autistic transfem agender greyace lesbian with PTSD that uses she/her and it/its pronouns, Sakura Ogami, who
is a femme hypo-polyamorous genderflux genderqueer trans lesbian with ADHD that uses he/him, fae/faer, she/her, and bun/buns pronouns, Aoi Asahina, who is a butch ace ambiamorous genderflux pupgender milkgender transmasc lesbian with ADHD that uses he/him, xe/xim, and ve/vir pronouns, and Ibuki Mioda, who is an autistic hyper-polyamorous biromantic asexual nonbinary catgender person with ADHD that uses kit/kits, nya/nyan, she/her, and they/them pronouns. 3)
Aoi is dating Sakura, Ibuki, and Kyoko, Kyoko is also dating Celestia Ludenberg, who is a polyamorous-questioning queer agenderflux trans lesbian that uses she/her, gamble/gambles, and lie/lies pronouns (Celestia is also dating Aoi). Ibuki is also dating Mikan Tsumiki, who is an autistic medcoric bisexual caedgender nonbinary xirl with anxiety and PTSD that uses med/meds pronouns, Peko Pekoyama, who is an autistic aroaceflux 4)
staticgender trans lesbian that uses he/him, bun/buns, and still/stills pronouns, Hiyoko Saionji, who is an autistic asexual nonbinary genderqueer lesbian with PTSD and ADHD that uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns, squish/squish, and be/beans pronouns, and SHSL Impostor, who is an autistic bisexual genderless person that uses any pronouns. Peko is also dating Mikan, Mahiru Koizumi, who is an autistic biromantic aceflux genderfluid autigender girl that uses snap/snaps and they/them pronouns, 5)
and Chiaki Nanami, who is an autistic ace gamegender softgender bunny-hearted trans lesbian with adhd-pi that uses he/him, she/her, bun/buns, and game/games pronouns, and bun's hyperfixated on gaming. Mahiru is also dating Hiyoko, and Chiaki is also dating Sonia Nevermind, who is a futch autistic genderfae gorecoric pupgender transmasc bisexual xirl with NPD that uses crim/crims, he/him, she/her, and gore/gores pronouns that 6)
has a special interest in true crime and criminology, and him, Chiaki, Hiyoko, and Peko are also dating Akane Owari, who is a greyromantic agenderflux bigender transmasc lesbian with ADHD that uses fae/faer, he/him, xe/xir, and on occasion she/her pronouns. Akane is QPPs with Nekomaru Nidai, who is a gay catgender trans catboy that uses she/her and kit/kits pronouns, and kit's dating Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, who is a biromantic greyace gorecoric bigender trans man that uses he/him, gut/guts, 7)
and knife/knives pronouns, and Nagito Komaeda, who is an autistic transfem gay autigender demisexual nonbinary guy that uses she/her and hope/hopes pronouns. Fuyuhiko and Peko are also QPPs and they grew up and transitioned together! Nagito is also dating Hajime Hinata, who is an autistic bi transmasc xenogender demiboy with ADHD that uses he/him, they/them, vy/vyr, and nya/nyan pronouns, and Fuyuhiko is dating Chihiro Fujisaki, 7? i forgot how to count)
who is an abrosexual demigirl nonboy with ADHD that uses she/her, hack/hacks, kit/kits, and code/codes pronouns.Akane is also QPPs with Ibuki and Fuyuhiko, and Fuyuhiko is also dating Nagito. SHSL Impostor is also close friends with Byakuya Togami, who is an aroace agender gay man, and K1-B0, who is an autistic biromantic demisexual agender catgender 8)
robot that uses she/her, he/him, they/them, bot/bots, and nyan/nyans pronouns. K1-B0'S datemates are Miu Iruma, who is an autistic panromantic asexual nonbinary genderflux genderhoarder demitransgender person with hypersexuality due to trauma that uses inv/invent, he/him, xe/xyr, she/her, and it/its pronouns, Kokichi Ouma, who is an autistic aroflux gay genderfaun purplegender abrogender clowngender trans rosboy with ADHD and NPD that uses any pronouns except they/them 9)
and prefers lie/liar, honk/honks, and she/her, Shuichi Saihara, who is an autistic bisexual autigender trans demiboy that uses detect/detective and he/him pronouns, and Kaede Akamatsu, an autistic queer pianogender genderflux cadensgender nonbinary girl that uses any pronouns!! Shuichi is also dating Miu and Kaede, and those two are also dating eachother! Shuichi is also dating Kokichi! 10, the finale. feel free to change anything if ur uncomfy with it or it goes against coding!!!)
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Baby from FNaF is a magiskyvine librafeminine yamikawaiic (is that how its spelled?) bi lesbian with depression and c-ptsd who uses she/her, pri/prin, and di/dis pronouns. di's friends with Ballora, an autistic regnachtic classicagender pianogender aceflux lesbian nonbinary woman with anxiety who uses lo/lor, 🩰/🩰s, lu/lum, and she/her auxiliary pronouns, Funtime Freddy, a pan-oriented aroace nightcoric trans man who uses he/him, it/its, rot/rots and dea/death, (pt. 1)
(pt. 2) Bon-Bon, an unaligned agender animatronic who prefers no pronouns but is ok with any neutral pronouns, Bonnet, a trans girl who uses she/her or bun/buns pronouns, Funtime Foxy, an autistic gnc femmlmgender trans nonbinary vincian man with adhd who uses he/him, they/them, and 💋/💋s pronouns, and Lolbit, a digigender agenderflux AI who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, ai/ais, lol/lols pronouns, but is ok with any! (sorry for two rqs so fast and one that got so long lol)
queued!! and dw, long requests are so much fun to do!
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