#pink sapphire cookie
angelicalchaoticabyss · 11 months
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Barrel Jellyfish Cookie
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Lava Plume Cookie and Twilight Jellyfish Cookie
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Padparadscha Cookie
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Pink Sapphire Cookie and Bloodstone Cookie
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Star Ruby Cookie
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Welcome to New Tearcrown!
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greenwitchcrafts · 5 months
May 2024 witch guide
Full moon: May 23rd
New moon: May 7th
Sabbats: Beltane-May1st
May Flower Moon
Known as: Bright Moon, Budding Moon, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Frog Moon, Hare Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Merry Moon, Moon of the Shedding Ponies, Planting Moon, Sproutkale, Thrimilcmonath & Winnemanoth
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini
Nature spirits: Elves & Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Cernunnos, Diana, Frigga, Flora, Horned God, Kali, Maia, Pan, Priapus & Venus
Animals: Cat, leopard & lynx
Birds: Dove, Swallow & Swan
Trees: Hawthorne & rowan
Herbs: Cinnamon, dittany of Crete, Elder, mint, mugwort & thyme
Flowers: Foxglove, lily of the valley & rose
Scents: Rose & sandalwood
Stones: Amber, Apache tear, carnelian, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, ruby, tourmaline & tsavorite
Colors: Brown, green, orange, pink & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, creative energy, faerie & spirit contact, fertility, intuition, love, marriage, material gains, money, propagation, prosperity, real-estate dealings, relationships & tenacity
May’s Flower Moon name should be no surprise; flowers spring forth across North America in abundance this month!
• “Flower Moon” has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
May’s Moon was also referred to as the “Month of Flowers” by Jonathan Carver in his 1798 publication, Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America: 1766, 1767, 1768 (pp. 250-252), as a likely Dakota name. Carver stayed with the Naudowessie (Dakota) over a period of time; his expedition covered the Great Lakes region, including the Wisconsin and Minnesota areas.
Known as: Beltaine, May day, Roodmas & Cethsamhain
Season: Spring
Symbols: Eggs, faeries, fire, flowers & maypoles
Colors: Blue, dark yellow, green, light pink, orange, red, white yellow & rainbow spectrum
Oils/Incense: Frankincense, lilac, passion flower, rose, tuberose & vanilla
Animals: Bee, cattle, goat & rabbit
Mythical: Faeries
Stones: Bloodstone, emerald, lapis lazuli, orange carnelian, rose quartz & sapphire
Food: Beltane cakes, cherries, dairy foods, farls, green herbal salads, honey, meade, nuts, oat cakes, oats, strawberries & sweets
Herbs/Plants: Almond, ash tree, birch, bramble, cinquefoil, damiana, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, meadowsweet, mushroom, rosemary, saffron, satyrion root, St.John's wort & woodruff
Flowers: Angelica, bluebell, daisy, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lilac, marigold, primrose, rose, rose hips & yellow cowslips
Trees: Ash, cedar, elder, fir, hawthorn, juniper, linden, mesquite, oak, pine, poplar, rowan & willow
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Areil, Artemis, Cybele, Danu, Diana, Dôn, Eiru, Elen, Eostre, Fand, Flidais, Flora, Freya, Frigga, Maia, Niwalen, Rhea, Rhiannon, Var, Venus & Xochiquetzal
Gods: Baal, Bacchnalia, Balder, Belanos, Belenus, Beli, Beltene, Cernunnos, Cupid, Faunus, Freyr, Grannus, The Green Man, Lares, Lugh, Manawyddan, Odin, Pan, Puck & Taranis
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, creativity, fertility, lust, marriage, the otherworld/Underworld, pleasure, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, visions, warmth & youth
Spellwork: Birth, Earth magick, healing, health & pregnancy
• Create a daisy chain or floral decorations
• Decorate & dance around a Maypole
• Set up an outdoor altar & leave offerings to faeries
• Prepare a ritual bath with fresh flowers
• Light a bonfire or candles & dance around them
• Set aside time for self care
• Gather flowers & use them to decorate your home or altar
• Prepare a feast to celebrate with friends/family
• Make flower crowns
• Bake bannocks, oat cakes or cookies
• Hang wreaths decorated with ribbons & flowers
• Plant flowers in your garden
• Start a wish book/box/journal
• Go on a walk & gice thanks to nature⁸
• Cast fertility or a bunch spells
• Fill small baskets of flowers & small goodies, then leave them on your friends/neighbors doorstep as a gesture of goodwill & friendship
Beltane is mentioned in the earliest Irish literature and is associated with important events in Irish mythology. Also known as Cétshamhain ('first of summer'), it marked the beginning of summer & was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect cattle, people & crops, and to encourage growth. (Today, Witches who observe the Wheel of the Year celebrate Beltane as the height of Spring.)
Special bonfires were kindled, whose flames, smoke & ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around or between bonfires & sometimes leap over the flames or embers. All household fires would be doused & then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire.
These gatherings would be accompanied by a feast, and some of the food and drink would be offered to the aos sí. Doors, windows, byres and livestock would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire.
In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush: typically a thorn bush or branch decorated with flowers, ribbons, bright shells & rushlights. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty & maintain youthfulness.
• The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane. Like Samhain, which lies directly opposite from Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, this was seen as a time when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. At Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that we can connect & convene with our beloved dead, here at Beltane it’s the veil between the human world, and the world of faeries & nature spirits that has grown thin. Offerings would be left at the ancient faerie forts, the wells and in other sacred places in an effort to appease these nature spirits to ensure a successful growing season.
Some believe this is when The Goddess is now the Mother & the God is seen as the Green Man or the wild stag. It celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess & God & heralds in the coming summer months. It represents life rather than Samhain on the opposite side of the Wheel of the Year.
Other Celebrations:
• Rosealia- May 23rd
Rosalia or Rosaria was a festival of roses celebrated on various dates, primarily in May, but scattered through mid-July. The observance is sometimes called a rosatio ("rose-adornment") or the dies rosationis, "day of rose-adornment," & could be celebrated also with violets. As a commemoration of the dead, the rosatio developed from the custom of placing flowers at burial sites. It was among the extensive private religious practices by means of which the Romans cared for their dead, reflecting the value placed on tradition (mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors"), family lineage & memorials ranging from simple inscriptions to grand public works. Several dates on the Roman calendar were set aside as public holidays or memorial days devoted to the dead.
Roses had funerary significance in Greece, but were particularly associated with death & entombment among the Romans. In Greece, roses appear on funerary steles  & in epitaphs most often of girls. Flowers were traditional symbols of rejuvenation, rebirth &memory, with the red & purple of roses & violets felt to evoke the color of blood as a form of propitiation
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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love-takes-work · 5 months
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Highlights from the stream:
Here are the anecdotes shared during the epic draw-fest. Nearly all of them have been shared elsewhere at least once, but the new ones for me were about Greg Universe's orientation and the prototypical name for what Steven and Pearl's Fusion was going to be.
Rebecca Sugar loved Peridot's floating fingers and wanted to do all kinds of fun things with them before they would be gone forever. That's why we see her making arrows with them and biting them nervously in the episode right before she loses them.
When selecting clips for promotional use, they tried to be super careful about not picking anything that would show Peridot's real hands before the reveal had been aired. They didn't want a promo to accidentally ruin that surprise.
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While doing the show they had an "eye theory" where the three main Gems would always have a different number of eyes showing. Pearl had both her eyes visible; Amethyst usually had one covered; and Garnet had either no eyes showing or three eyes showing.
With Rebecca and Ian's decision to get married and the characters Ruby and Sapphire being based on them, they figured well, of course now they have to get married too. (Though Rebecca and Ian got to do so AFTER their characters did!)
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One of Rebecca's "post-Future theories" is that Steven gets a Gibson Hummingbird guitar.
Cookie Cat was originally based off of Cookie Puss, a very strange Carvell ice cream cake. It had a complicated backstory, which was appropriate for working with their own characters' complicated backstory. The branding and packaging of the Cookie Cat is important within the show.
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Jeff Liu composed the Cookie Cat theme on a Game Boy and pitched it.
Rebecca has a "theory" regarding how Steven and Connie's faces kind of "fit together" with Connie's face sticking out at the top and Steven's face sticking out at the bottom.
Rebecca used to do a lot of fan comics, and learned a lot about storytelling while practicing with others' worlds and characters. They love when people make things based on these characters.
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The original appearance of Rainbow Quartz was inspired by a music video from the Cars that Rebecca loved when they were younger. The Cars are referenced a lot throughout the show because their videos were a huge inspiration to Rebecca.
Lapis is very much based on a character from one of Rebecca's comics from the art school days.
Everybody on the Crew had different ideas of how Steven's head connected to his body and how his hair worked; Rebecca felt that they learned from everyone's various ideas.
If you've heard that Rebecca was against Finn being in a relationship while working on Adventure Time, that is not true. Rebecca worked on lots of the Flame Princess episodes. Finn and Flame Princess were still together when Rebecca left the show (last episode "Simon and Marcy").
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Greg Universe's sexuality was never explicitly stated on the show, but Rebecca thinks of him as sexually fluid. Regarding him as bisexual is also completely valid--and appreciated by Rebecca as a bisexual creator who puts lots of their own personal traits into characters and feels that bisexual characters are pretty rare. Greg's gender on the show is pretty solidly established as male, so Ian says he is probably not gender fluid, but Rebecca is fine with alternate headcanons about that too.
Some of the earliest concept art from "Mr. Greg" was everybody in suits. Getting everyone in a suit was a primary agenda.
Everyone also wanted Connie to have a Space Camp outfit in the earliest concepts for her design in the movie.
Rebecca used to love doing signings while doing the show because it was like a chance to come up for air and go back to work energized by knowing how many people were touched by the show.
Rebecca Sugar wanted Pink Diamond to feel a bit influenced/inspired, design-wise, by the work of Iwao Takamoto. Rebecca loved his work in the Hanna-Barbera Alice in Wonderland and on Sleeping Beauty.
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Rebecca drew the rough of the poster's art and Danny Hynes did the colors. Rebecca loves that they got to do this poster because they didn't get to do the final Comic Con with any art depicting Future or beyond (the finale of Future coincided with the emergence of Covid, so everything was closed down), so this is their way of "going rogue" and doing it!
An early prototype of a Steven/Pearl Fusion was called Coral. Rebecca said maybe they could share some drawings of this Fusion sometime. Rebecca shared this factoid with the viewers while drawing Rainbow Quartz 2.0, and mentioned that Ian boarded the scenes including their introduction.
Rebecca would often draw Garnet with a huge smile on her face whenever Garnet was the requested character--even before Garnet had made an expression like that on any aired episode. They had to be careful not to drop any Garnet lore before viewers knew what her center was about. For the short period before "Alone Together" had aired that they were doing conventions, some people were getting mysteriously grinning Garnets and not being familiar with that expression, but once the episodes aired, they understood for sure.
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Shelby Rabara, Peridot's voice actor, is a professional dancer, and she choreographed the tap-dancing in "Mr. Greg" as well as provided the foot-taps that you actually hear in the show during the dancing.
Rebecca thinks of art and writing as just two different ways of expressing what you mean--they're not exactly as different from each other as most people think.
Everyone on the Crew was so excited about Steven's neck as an older teen. Mainly because figuring out how Steven's head joins to his body was an issue in original SU.
Unfortunately, while it was also kinda nice to see so many people enjoying Rebecca's drawings and commentary, there was a lot of rudeness and obnoxiousness in the chat. I know, I know, it's expected; I too live on the internet. But I'm disappointed to say the chat was full of people demanding Black Diamond, or repeating their own name and what character they want every 3 seconds (like, literally, pasting it over and over again for a long period of time), or harassing them about "weird Ed Edd and Eddy art," or spamming "REBECCA WHAT WAS IN THE CHEST," or wanting constantly for them to say hi to them personally, or repeatedly asking if Rebecca has read Homestuck. Or even writing snotty things like "maybe you should stop drawing and get up and give us a new season." Holy shit. can u not
(I didn't want to get a live-signed one, but I did get one of these to be sketched later! Mine is supposed to get Lion on it. I love Rebecca and the SU crew for bringing us new art and fun discussions in 2024.)
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boggie-things · 2 years
At five years old, Robin Buckley says her favorite color is pink when asked by her kindergarten teacher.
It seems like the right answer, it's what all the other girls say (except for a few who say purple, but Robin thinks of the flowers at her grandma's funeral earlier that year that were a sickly shade a mauve), so it must be hers as well.
She doesn't mind wearing it, but she thinks it's bright, easy to call attention to. She gets scolded in second grade by Tammy Thompson when she says it's really just a shade of red, after that she decides she doesn't like it as much anymore.
In fourth grade she says it's green when her mom asks for a color to paint her room. It's the color of outside and Robin likes to play there.
Her favorite shoes are forest green and she sits in the green section at lunch with her best friend Barabra Holland. It's a good fit.
But in sixth grade Tommy Hagan tells her it's a boy color and if she likes it then she's a boy. And so Robin changes it again. This time it's yellow.
Yellow is a safe color, neither gender seems to claim it and it's the shade of the sheets on her bed where she spends most of her time now that Barbara seems to prefer hanging out with Nancy Wheeler.
Yellow is the color of the stray cat that she feeds eyes and the shade of the lamplight she likes to read under at night.
She changes it to red in tenth grade when she hears Tammy Thompson say she likes it (even though she got mad at Robin for her earlier suggestion of pink being a light shade of it), and she really thinks it's the right one too.
It's the color of her beloved converse and the shade of the only makeup she owns, the scarlet lipstick her aunt got her for her fifteenth birthday.
It's a color of her Scoops uniform and the dry erase marker she uses to mark down Steve Harrington’s numerous fails at flirting.
It's the color of blood staining her shirt and dripping from Steve's face on the Fourth of July, 1985. The color of fireworks being thrown at a monster made up of red flesh and the color of the ambulance lights that flash as she sits in it.
After that she doesn't have a favorite color. It changes whenever someone new asks, alternating between the ones of her past.
It's green to Steve and pink to the mother renting a movie for her daughter. Yellow for Dustin and for a project in English class.
It's never red though.
But then 1986 rolls around and it's suddenly blue. The color of the sky and her favorite shirt is navy. The color of a denim jacket and the waters of Lovers Lake.
The color of Nancy Wheeler’s eyes looking at her in the library. Cerulean in the sun and cobalt as they trek through hell.
Bright azure when reflecting fire and the sparks of flying bullets. Soft maya blue under hospital lights.
They're shining admiral when they meet hers outside the Wheeler house two weeks after it all. Her tears match the rain when they kiss. Baby blue when they finally part.
It's blue when Nancy asks as they lay together in their apartment just outside of Boston. She jokes it's for the ocean that they had visited that summer, but later she tells her it's for her eyes.
It's blue like the ring she proposes with, cheap but full of meaning. Blue like the lilies of the Nile and bellflowers of Nancy's bouquet she tosses in the air.
Sapphire like their daughter's name and the chair Robin sits in when she reads to her. The color of her cookie monster cake for her first birthday and the rims of Nancy's reading glasses.
Blue like the dress she's buried in.
Blue like the flowers on their side by side graves.
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pianocat939 · 7 months
Yandere plane company, you just chillin in your seat and then out of the blue all the flight attendants start to gift you chocolate and bouquets and gifts... because its valentine day~
I'm still sickly, but I am here for Yan plane companies again-
Tw: None honestly. Just like company breaking its own policies lol
You're on your flight to go see your long-distance beloved. The excitement to see them again the only thing you're focused on.
As you sit down at your typical economy seat you wait for the plane to takeoff. Right away, you hear the pilot's voice speak through the intercom "Happy Valentine's Day, passengers. Especially to the one sitting at D21."
Fortunately, no one was sitting beside you, but others within your row stared at you, confused. You glance away, wondering if the pilot just messed up the seat number.
Half an hour into the flight, the attendants start rolling in their refreshment and snack carts. The flight is about 4 hours long in total, so you were sure they would be walking through a few times. As the cart comes over to you, a pretty lady and man are all smiles as they ask what you want to drink.
As your cup is settled down, they give you one of those snack boxes along with some cookies and chips. Oh but they didn't stop there.
They took a heart shaped box out from the tray, and placed it on your tray as well, wheeling away before you could even ask what the chocolate was for.
Too weird.
Another hour later, another flight attendant lady hands you a big bouquet of pink and white flowers, chirping, "You look so beautiful today! I wonder what your routine is!" She's leaning a bit too close to you. As if she wants to steal a kiss on the cheek.
But then she's nudged by another attendant who comes over with a stuffed llama, his eyes forming a small glare. He puts the llama on your lap, patting it's torso. "Here, have this to keep you company. I can get you a thicker blanket if you'd like."
But just like that, one of the pilots, who rarely even show their faces during a flight, comes over. Holding a small opened box, which had a big sapphire ring in it. "This isn't an engagement, but it can be if you'd like."
The passengers watch as the poor D21 occupant struggles to keep the amount of plane staff calm as their area is overloaded with gifts.
How will you explain this to your beloved when you get off the plane?
(Sorry I'm so sick ah- I can't. But I'll be better soon I promise.)
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
The way u describe Kyle.... I just wanna give him a fat kiss on the lips and eat him. Like, in the "OMG a cute puppy!" way. Yk? Like I just wanna stare at him for hours like he's the Mona Lisa, or the mountains when the sun is setting. Bite tf outta him like he's a crunchy grape or one of those delicious asf cookies grandmas make. Like, i'm melting over here sir why are you so majestic😩😩. He's so precious like a sapphire, or a diamond. Words cannot describe how pretty that man is and how he makes me feeeeellllll 😩☺ yk? just wanna grab his cheeks and squish them and give him little kisses all over🥹🫠 the way u describe him makes him even more beautiful, like, omg. GIMME NEOW ☺☺
Also, what do u think the boys would do if omega put little rubber bands and bows in their hair? ☺ I wonder if theyd be like "🤨🤨" or just be fine w it. I'm jus imagining omega+Kyle chasing Price down just to put little pink and purple bows in his beard and snapping millions of pictures of him. Mmmmmmmmmm. ☺
Lets end on a happier note tonight.
I understand you 100%. Kyle is my baby girl, my malewife, my sweet princess, my pookie bear. I want to frame him on the wall and also bite him and also sit on his face. Mhm I understand you completely.
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Johnny would ask for it to happen 😂 might dodge at first depending on how they came at him, but then he's into it. Decorate his whole mohawk.
Kyle's down. Puts them in himself 😂
John definitely tries to stop it (but only halfheartedly) but gives in when he sees the cute faces in front of him. Forgets to take them out too 😂
Simon....no. absolutely not 😂 will hold them in air jail if they try.
Have a Kyle and I'll see you all tomorrow
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forlovvers · 10 months
( meant to be )
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pair: prince!jake x princess!reader | genre: fluff, meet-cute, royal!au | warning(s): none! | wc: around 1k | synopsis: in which you plan to escape from meeting your husband-to-be. 
lynne’s notez🗒️: HAPPY BIRTH MONTH TO MY MAN JAKEEE😵‍💫😵‍💫 i cannot explain in words how much i love jake !!  also this is soooo inspired by bridgerton queen charlotte 
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Climbing out of a three-story window, in an Indian sapphire encrusted gown should be considered a triathlon with the way it had you panting as if you had just swam thirty meters, ran five miles and cycled through a rusty forest. The old Victorian window was also no help at all, the way it wouldn’t open without some elbow grease.
Your grip tightens around the ivy vine as you feel yourself slip ever so slightly. You needed a better way to escape. You jump and almost lose your grip when a gentle voice appears from behind you.
“What are you doing?” the voice asks, laced with curiosity. The cold wind of the night blows and it makes you wish you had thrown on something a little bit more covering as the chill settles over your skin.
You roll your eyes. “Baking cookies,” you say with sarcasm. You assumed the voice was a random maid, prying on your royal life. You ignore him, hoping he’d be uninterested and leave. You loosen your grip and drop down just a bit, almost touching the ground with the way your gown draped just over the soil. 
“Do you want help?” the voice offers. He sounds amused and that boils your blood. How could he laugh at the princess trying to escape from meeting her royal suitor? 
“No. I don’t. Now please, leave.” You shut your eyes and pray he’d listen to you. “That is an order from your princess.” You say (a bit embarrassed), trying to assert your dominance and instead of leaving like you asked, the voice laughs. 
“But, I can’t just leave a damsel in distress.” He says and you can almost picture a smirk on the mystery person. You groan indefinitely and throw your head back. He just wasn’t going to leave you alone, was he?
“Well, are you just going to stand there or help a damsel?” You say irritatingly. He chuckles and you can hear shuffling from behind you. He reaches up and suddenly a strong pair hands of wrap around your waist. You slowly let go of the vines, pleading to the angels above that he doesn’t drop you. 
His grip tightens and you feel a bit a flustered. He’s impossibly close as he gently lets you down and you feel your feet hit the earth once again. 
You look down at your dress and pretend to dust it off, thanking the moon for not shining down your rose-dusted cheeks. Your heart was beating so fast and loud, you were sure he could hear it. Deciding you had had enough, you gather your skirts and begin to walk away. 
“Wait a second,” the voice says and his hands catch your forearm, spinning you around and into his chest. He holds you by the waist as you stare into his big brown eyes. He smells of vanilla and fresh parchment. He has high cheek bones and pink lips that curve into an adoring smile, one that makes your stomach turn. His hair is swooped neatly and his clothes are adorned with gold finishes. Your breath shortens and you want to lean in. Lean in and be close. It’s enticing the way his pretty eyes invite you in. 
And then it dawns on you. He is no random maid. 
“I found the princess!” You hear one of the royal guards yell. The mysterious man lets you go almost instantly at the sound of new voices and takes a step back to clear his throat. You cough awkwardly, letting the new thought sink in. 
Your head snaps up at the sound of your mother’s voice approaching you hastily. The queen is walking quickly towards the two of you, a stern look on her face. “Y/n, where on earth have you been?” you can tell she’s trying hard not to raise her voice.
“I believe she went to take a moonlit stroll in the garden, which I must say is lovely.” The mystery man says, showing off his heart-melting smile. You’re slightly stunned. He just saved you from a long and terrible lecture from your mother. 
And it must work because your mother nods and her face relaxes. “Well, I see you’ve meet your suitor.”
“Prince Jaeyun of Bane, your majesty.” he bows and he suddenly takes your hand, his lips meeting with your knuckles, leaving a small kiss on your skin. You swear your knees buckle and you lose your balance. 
Jaeyun smiles his smile as your mother turns away and orders for the front doors to be opened. His steps fall into tune with yours as you walk. 
“You did not tell me you were my suitor.” You huff, cheeks pink with embarrassment. You refuse to at look him and fall under a spell once more. 
“You did not ask.” He says simply. Jaeyun bites his bottom lip as he tries to get you to look at him. He finds your embarrassment quite cute. Strands of your hair escape from your loose bun and he reaches out to tuck some behind your ear. 
This sets your heart on fire. You finally turn to look at him and Jaeyun fights back a smile when you give in to him. 
“I am not ready for marriage.” You say clearly, anticipating his reaction. Instead of becoming upset like most people have when you told them, Jaeyun’s smile only grows. 
“Then I am willing to wait for you.” Jaeyun says surely. He laces his hands with yours and your heart swells.
Maybe you are meant to be.
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 months
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Hoshiakari Fuyumi/Cure Schnee
Nicknames: Snowflake(Neige), Fuyumi(Kaida, Hoseki, Kiko and Risumi), Fuyumi-chan(Yuri, Hokori, Fuyumi, Yumeri, Seiza), Oneechan(Sonomi), Princesse des Neiges(Rook), Narwhal(Floyd), Lady Fuyumi(Samara).
Twisted from: Elsa and Anna(Frozen), Frost Queen Cookie(Cookie Run Kingdom), Jack Frost(Rise of the Guardians), Bad End Beauty(Smile PreCure)
Age: 17
Height: 154cm
DOB: 12/25
Species: Human(?)
Homeland: Sagewillow
Haruka Hoshiakari(Mother: Deceased)
Adelio Hoshiakari(Father)
Sonomi Hoshiakari(Younger sister)
Akio Hoshiakari(Older brother)
Roscoe Springbloom(Uncle)
Emerald Springbloom(Aunt: Deceased)
Rosie Springbloom(Cousin)
Dorm: Myrsina
Class: 1-A(No.1)
Club: Dance
Hobby: Randomly singing songs, staring into the sky.
Likes: Staring contest, collecting rocks, Snowball fights.
Dislikes: Danger, violence, seeing her friends in danger.
Pet peeve: being called short
Favorite food: Cookies.
Least favorite food: anything nasty.
Favorite drink: Vanilla smoothie.
"A second year of Myrsina, she's not your usual ice user, she's a cheerful yet soft-spoken girl with a heart of gold, and is the Center of Meadow Dawn."
Much like her sister Sonomi, she has dark pink hair with an ice blue streak her hair is tied up in a half-ponytail and sapphire blue eyes.
As Cure Schnee her hair became ice blue that fades into light purple tied up in a right-side ponytail and light purple eyes.
Fuyumi is the princess of Sagewillow, younger sister of Akio and older sister of Sonomi and is the middle child of Haruka and Adelio.
Much like Sonomi she didn't remember much about her mother before her younger sister is born. It was only her death that caused Fuyumi to be isolated but not as much as Sonomi.
Fuyumi is an energetic yet slightly soft-spoken girl with bright ambitions for the future, though her emotions clouded her judgement the majority of the time.
However due to her being isolated she usually wasn't able to understand normal social cues that led her to being called an oddball.
Unique Magic: Cherith Behemoth
It allows her to summon giant snow/ice golems, however she can only summon it 3 times a day.
Fuyumi is a very unique case from the other characters, she's twisted from 2 Disney characters.
Snowdrops are her favorite flowers.
What do you guys think about her?
@zexal-club @yukii0nna @queen-of-twisted @yumeko2sevilla @writing-heiress @liviavanrouge @childofwitches @fair-night-starry-tears @achy-boo
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marblecarved · 27 days
your muse’s aesthetics.
bold what applies to your muse and italicize what sometimes applies to them. please repost, don’t reblog !
colour: red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. magenta. pastels. bubblegum pink. blood red. ivory.
elements: fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light. dark. shadow.
body: claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. shape shifting. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish.
weaponry: fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader. flamethrower. metal rod. shotguns. needles.
material: bronze. gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory.
nature: grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi. cliffs. sunlight.
animals: lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. roaches. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantis. crows. ravens. misc. lizards. frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines. foxes. centaurs.
foods and drinks: sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies.
hobbies: music. art. piercing. watercolours. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self - defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. tree climbing. running. vivisection.
style: lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. legging. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendants. hat. goggles. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. pauldrons. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. pantyhose. stockings. thigh highs. eye patch. collar.
misc. balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. anger. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
tagging: you ! if you see this on your dash and you would like to do it for your muse, feel free to steal this !
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okinawa-division · 9 months
a faint knock was heard at the entrance of Eagle’s Nest. When the door opened, there stood a young lady with a few packages in her hands.
“ Good Evening, my name is Alice Shiroka. I come representing the Nakano division, BittASweetZ. Is Ms. Rose here at the moment? If not, would it be possible that these gifts are able to get to her? I apologize if I came at an inappropriate time..”
Alice shows the presents in her hands.
The first present is.. a pair of sapphire earrings!
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“These earrings are a gift from our division leader, Ririko. She hopes that these are to Ms. Rose’s liking. They’re made of sapphire, which Ririko thought would fit Ms. Rose’s style.”
The second present is..A box of cookies!
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“ These cookies were baked by Shu, another member of BittASweetZ. They’re chocolate flavored with vanilla frosting, and the rose is simply pink fondant. Shu hopes that Ms. Rose will enjoy what she baked for her!”
The final present is.. A beautiful light blue dress!
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“ Oh, this one’s from me. I spent a long time designing something that would suit the style of a model like Ms. Rose, and I have to say, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out! I hope that she finds the time to wear it at some point.”
After handing off the presents, Alice speaks once more.
“ Thank you very much for allowing me to give these gifts for Ms. Rose. BittASweetZ wishes her a very happy birthday. With that, I’ll take my leave. Thank you for allowing me a moment of your time, and please, extend my greetings to Mr. Douglas and Mr. Young if you can, farewell.”
And with that, the young designer left, smiling to herself.
“Great, I wasn’t too awkward back there! Now, about a way back home..”
( from @nakanodivision , Happy Birthday, Evelyn! )
Answering the door to his bar, Rashaad looked at his it was a young woman who looked familiar. Upon introducing herself, Rashaad gave an 'O' look on his face, before thanking the young woman for the gifts, promising to make sure the birthday girl in question received them. Evelyn was currently out with her boyfriend, and even Rashaad was unsure when they would return.
However, five minutes later, he looked as the door to the bar opened, revealing the birthday girl in question, followed behind by her boyfriend.
"Good evening, Miss Rose." Rashaad stated, with a nod to her, and then one to Ace. "A young woman from Nakano stopped by and left some birthday gifts for you. I placed them in yours and Master Ace's room."
"Ohh! Thanks a lot, Rashaad!" Evelyn shouted before running upstairs to see what she had been given. A few seconds, both Ace and Rashaad jumped for perhaps the second or third time that day when a loud 'Eeee' was heard from upstairs. Taking that as a hint that she liked the gifts received, both men sighed and began talking before the woman in question returned downstairs, wearing the blue dress and earrings that she been given.
"How do I look, guys?" Evelyn asked, giving a twirl, a bright smile on her face.
"Beautiful as always, babe." Ace stated, giving her a thumbs-up.
"It suits you very nicely, Miss Rose." Rashaad added, nodding his head, once more.
"Aww! Thanks guys!" Evelyn asked, liking how she looked, herself. "Like, remind to send a 'thank you' to that woman, Rashaad! She and her friends have good taste!"
"Will do, Miss Rose."
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angelicalchaoticabyss · 11 months
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Pre gacha line: The waves spoke of our meeting. Gacha line: I foresee many thanks to the ocean's prophecy.
Name: Pink Sapphire Cookie. Gender: Female. Age range: Mid 30's. Rank: Super Epic. Type: Healer. Position: Rear
Kingdom Skill: Foreseen sea's blessing. Casts a blessing from the sea that heals all cookies to full HP, casts and HP shield and curses Injury. It also buffs all stats for 10 seconds as well as giving the water's blessing buff which negates sleep and digital damage.
Skill line: Feel the love the Almighty sea!
Magic candy Skill: N/A
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godkilller · 9 months
COLOR.       ——     red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white, teal, silver, gold, grey, lilac, metallic, matte, royal blue, strawberry red, charcoal grey, forest green, apple red, navy blue, crimson, cream, mint green, magenta, pastels, bubblegum pink, blood red, ivory.
ELEMENTAL.      ——        fire. ice. water. air. earth.  rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light. dark. shadow.
BODY.       ——       claws. long fingers. fangs. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. shape-shifting. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish.
WEAPONRY.        ——       fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. venom. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader. flamethrower. metal rod. shotguns. needles.
MATERIAL.        ——        gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory.
NATURE.       ——       grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi. cliffs. sunlight.
ANIMALS.       ——       lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. roaches. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantis. crows. ravens. misc. lizards. frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines. foxes. pigeons. centaurs.
FOOD & DRINK.      ——      sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. pomegranate. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies.
HOBBIES.       ——        music. art. piercing. watercolours. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self - defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. fiddle . cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. tree climbing. running. vivisection.
STYLE.       ——       lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. legging. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendants. hat. goggles. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. pauldrons. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. pantyhose. stockings. thigh highs. eye patch. collar. no makeup.
MISC.       ——        balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. ripe. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirror. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. anger. laughter. screams. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. stories. drugs. kindness. love.
tagged by: i stole it tagging: @dokuhai, @keikakudori, @owabisuru, @madestars, and you!
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love-takes-work · 2 months
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do you have this necklace?
i actually never seen somebody with this necklace. Theres actually 2 versions of it (pearl & amethyst) but i never seen somebody with it.
(also sorry if i said anything wrong because i actually i dont speak english very good.)
Yeah I have both of them.
Here's my necklace collection (though it needs to be updated because I got some new ones).
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[Image descriptions: Image 1 from the ask box is a necklace with a silver chain, featuring an oval Pearl charm--from Steven Universe--and a charm in the shape of Pearl's spear. Image 2 in the answer features the same necklace, an Amethyst necklace surrounded by a whip-shaped holder, a star necklace resembling the Crystal Gems' temple star, two Cookie Cat necklaces with black chains--one with a Cookie Cat ice cream sandwich and the other with a Cookie Cat wrapper--a circular charm on a silver necklace shaped like Steven Universe's pink shield surrounded by the letters BELIEVE IN STEVEN, a pair of Ruby and Sapphire necklaces on gold chains each featuring a square-faceted Ruby and a triangle-faceted Sapphire, and a very small round sapphire on a silver chain.]
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walmarttrashbag · 2 months
Day Of A Princess
Warnings: Swearing, Fight, Anger Issues
This is not not something I usually do but I thought it'd be fun to write for the night!
Today was gonna be a strange day for me.
I was gonna get my pre-teen tiara swapped out and be shoved into the crowd and it probably wouldn't be fun.
I was sadly a princess. Why? Cause that's just how it works!
I'm Princess Astrid Star, the one and only daughter and sole heiress to the Treasure Kingdom throne of King Cosmo and Queen Heavenly Star.
I'm not just a princess, I'm a space princess. I live on the planet Hespera and we're a combined kingdom of two.
If it was just my monarchy it would've been called the Interstellar Kingdom, but it's called Treasure Kingdom because my parents couldn't come up with any other name because we're combined with the Hellbent Kingdom of King Discord and Queen Wonder and their sons Prince Dusk and Prince Helios Flare who I strangely have yet to meet.
We're not the only kingdom though. There are two other other kingdoms. The Floral and Bubblegum Kingdom.
I'm not too sure what the Bubblegum Kingdom is all about, but I heard there was King Cake, Queen Pie, Princess Sugar, Princess Taffy, and Princess Cookie.
But for the Floral Kingdom, I displeasingly knew them. Especially Prince Sage. That freak has had a massive crush on me ever since we met and last night he sent me like the five hundred millionth letter ever. He's such a creep.
I looked into my mirror, and beside myself, I was looking at who I was. One of the Hespera princesses. My eyes were a light pink just like my mom's, and my hair was a silky seafoam green, like my dad's. There were small natural crystals in my hair. Mainly Sapphires and Rubies and gems like those.
I was wearing a rose-thorn dress, but I'd never wear it if f I didn't have to. The petals were at the top, masking my chest and stomach, and the thorns were on top of the actual dress, which was a beautiful light blue. It was curtesy of the Floral Kingdom.
My mom walked into my room. "Astrid, dear, are you done yet?" She questioned me. I turned and looked at her.
"Yes, Mom," I mumbled, turning back to place my tiara on. It was a constellation tiara, and it would be swapped for a new tiara in just a few minutes.
"Good. Come on now, we mustn't be late for your ceremony," She grabbed my arm and dragged me along out of my room through the hallway of the castle. We eventually got to the grand balcony, where I could see my friends down in the audience, cheering my name. I could see other people I didn't know too. It was a bit of a terrifying experience to be in this.
The trumpets sounded, and the audience went silent.
My father cleared his throat and began in a proper voice. "Welcome one, welcome all. I, King Cosmo Star of the Treasure Kingdom, have humbly announced my daughter is officially a teenager fit for her crown on this day of the summer months," Everyone began to clap for me, then stopped. "She, just like I, and my father before me, and his father before him, and his mother before him, and so on have all had this ceremony, and it is truly something beautiful to be held. Bring out the tiara," He ordered.
A group of butterflies fluttered in and were placed on my head, and just like that, my tiara was replaced with a new tiara. One that symbolized who I was gonna be now. Everyone clapped, and as soon as it started, the ceremony had been completed. It was faster than I thought it'd be.
I changed out of my dress and something more comfortable and my style. I changed into a cute short dress that was light pink with light blue stars stitched into it. I put my light green with bellberry patterned tights on. I put my dark blue earth-benders on and got my choker, grabbing my gossamer silk white cape and putting it on. I made sure my twinkle charm bracelets were on, put my embroidered black silk gloves on, and finally grabbed my scepter and shoved it in my heart backpack with my tiara, slinging it over my shoulder and running out of the castle to find my friends out there waiting for me!
There was Pippa Zip, my fairy friend who had beautiful glass wings, Zipper Sky, who was an elf who could brew potions and things like that, Nova Twinkle, who was a regular old human but had an enchanted necklace, and Roxy Comet, who was a sun-vampire who could be out in the sun for hours and never burn to death.
"Astrid!" Nova began. "Your ceremony rocked! Your dress was so pretty!" She complimented me, making me smile.
"Thank you, the Floral Kingdom made it just for my ceremony!" I responded excitedly, twirling around and happy it was over.
Pippa grimaced. "That means Prince Sage was probably breathing all over it just because he knew you'd be the princess wearing it," She commented, making us all shiver.
I stopped twirling, pressing my lips together. "Nasty," I replied, shaking my head. "Makes me regret even having that ceremony after thinking about that,"
Zipper piped up quickly. "Come on, let's ditch that thought and go hang out by Juniper's Lake," We all agreed and she used a spell that got us all there fast.
We all sat by the lake and talked about things.
"I've heard the Bubblegum Kingdom is gonna try to get some more land for more pegasus stables," Nova brought up.
"They have like the most pegasi in the world! Why on Earth would they need more?" Pippa questioned, looking at Roxy who shrugged.
"Maybe to house more to eventually give them away?" I suggested, and before Nova could say something to be a part of the conversation, a voice behind the girls commented.
"You're so naïve it's funny,"
The girls looked behind themselves to the voice, and there was a group of boys. A horned and winged demon in the front, a vampire by the demon, a werewolf by his other side, and a centaur behind the three.
"Who are you?" I asked, looking at the demon boy, getting a little defensive over myself.
"Psh, why should I tell you? You don't look anything special to me," He growled, his third eye closing as he crossed his arms.
"You know she's the Treasure Kingdom's princess, right? She could have you thrown in the dungeon!" Nova butt in, and the demon's smug smile turned into a surprised look.
"Really? Well, that doesn't bother me because I'm Treasure Kingdom's Prince. Prince Helios Flare," He addressed, suddenly flying up, swooping in, and grabbing my backpack.
"Hey!" I yelled, standing up quickly. "Give that back you jerk!"
Pippa and Roxy got into the air and chased around Helios as he laughed like a prick. Nova stayed by me and we watched them until Zipper used a spell on Helios making his charcoal skeleton wings feel like metal and have him drop to the ground, making him growl in pure rage.
"HEY!" He screamed at Zipper. Zipper, scared, giggled nervously before using a teleportation spell that took everyone but me. How thoughtful. Helios's friends ran off, and it was just us now. I was scared beyond belief because I didn't know how powerful this demon prince really was. Helios tried to fly, but the spell wasn't so easy to wear off, so he stood up and brushed himself off of dust and dirt, still holding my backpack in his pale hand. He walked over to me, a mean and menacing glare was burned into his eyes. "You have no one now. I could kick your ass if I wanted to, princess little shit," He swore, surprising me. I didn't like swearing, so I accidentally pushed him further into anger.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" I retorted, before my eyes widened in shock of what I said.
Helios's eyes became burning red with rage, fire began to erupt in a ring around us, and he punched me square in the face, making me fall and dirty up my pretty clothes. My nose hurt so bad as it gushed so much blood. I cupped it my nose to try to stop the heavy pour as tears welled up in my eyes. He threw my backpack at me. "Shut your fucking mouth next time or else it'll be a lot worse," He threatened, his eyes going back to their purple color and the ring of fire dying down, letting him walk away since his wings hurt to fly.
I began to cry, my hand full of blood and it staining my dress below. My friends came back with weapons and pain potions.
"Where is he?! I'm ready to kill him!" Zipper yelled, and the girls looked around. It was too late, and Helios was gone.
"Oh my lord! Astrid!" Pippa screamed. My friends circled me, their voices cutting into each other as they asked me what was wrong. I looked up and they all winced.
"You have a giant bruise on your nose..." Nova commented, and Roxy wiped the remaining blood from my nose.
I sniffed, my nose hurting so bad. "He punched me... He's so mean... I- Oh god, it hurts so much..." I cried out. Zipper rummaged through her bag and found a healing potion.
"Drink up, it'll make you feel nothing ever happened," She told me. I quickly drank the bottle up and my nose was healed instantly, and I took a deep breath, rubbing my eyes.
"Thank you. I'm kind of salty you all ditched me though," I told my friends, and they nodded.
"We left to grab things, and because Zipper was being a wuss," Roxy teased, making Zipper blush embarrassedly.
"He looked at me like he was gonna kill me! I had to prepare! I should've taken you with us, I'm sorry Astrid," Zipper rambled, looking down.
"It's okay. I'm better now because of your potion. Thanks for helping me," I thanked, and we all hugged each other.
"Come on, it's getting a little late," Pippa piped in, helping me up. I grabbed my backpack and placed it back on me, nodding.
"Yeah, it is. I hope I never see that jerk ever again," I mumbled, giggling a little bit. "He needs serious counseling,"
"Oh, definitely!" Nova nodded, and Zipper used the teleportation spell, teleporting everyone to their respective homes. I got home and was dropped onto my bed.
I looked out the window that was by my big old comfy bed and saw the wall and bridge that lead to the other side of Treasure Kingdom where the Flare Monarchy lived. I couldn't believe I had met my match in that way. He was a real mean teen, but I wasn't gonna snitch. I was too scared to do that.
If we meet again, I might just give him a piece of my mind.
Should I make a pt.2?
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brownhairedbookworm · 7 months
Ch. 2: Snickerdoodle Sunshine
"Hot stuff, comin' through!" Natsuki carries a freshly baked tray of snickerdoodles over to the kitchen table. "Hands off the table, or you're losin' them!"
A very alert Sayori holds her hands above her head, afraid of the wrath of her pink girlfriend. Perhaps even more so than the actual heat of the metal tray. She scoots carefully away from the baker.
Natsuki deftly scoops the cookies onto a proper serving tray. "Double batch of snickerdoodles, for the pleasure of Miss Sayori and her guest, courtesy of La Pâtisserie du Chat!"
"Thanks so much, Nats! I know she's the one that ordered them, but they smell awesome, and I'm gonna finish what she doesn't!" The peachy-haired woman smiles, drumming on her stomach. "I've told you I love your baking, riiiiiiight~?"
"Constantly, but you know I love getting my ego stroked." Natsuki smirks at Sayori, carrying the tray back into the kitchen. She clears her throat, taking a breath before calling out to the further out members of their little brigade. "Oy! Yuri, Monika, hot pan on the stove. Hands off!"
A grunt of confirmation comes from the couch, where Yuri is enraptured in a hefty novel. She most likely won't let herself be in the kitchen, with Natsuki in it. Best to not trip over each other.
"Got it!" Monika comes down the stairs, swinging around the banister. "...Hm, cinnamon...?" The brunette pauses, taking a moment to consider the smells wafting through the air. "Oh! Right, Sayori, you wanted to do the feedism thing, tonight? I guess everything's ready?"
"If you've got comfy clothes on, yep!" Sayori picks up the cookie platter and heads for the couch. She carefully dances around an incoming pair of Kyoho grapes contained within a cream–colored sweater and through the waterfall of violet hair flowing behind them "Excuuuuuuuse me~!"
"You're excused." Yuri passes by Monika and Sayori, heading outside. A bit of evening reading in the sun ought to be nice. And keep her away from the fetish exploration until it's properly her turn. She still needs to plot what she wants to treat Monika to... perhaps something chocolate, to "share"? Hmmm.
"Hm, shorts and a t-shirt. Should be fine!" Monika follows Sayori and the deliciously warm tray of cookies into the living room. She takes a seat as Sayori gestures at her.
"Get that belly ready, Monika, you've got some work to do~!" Sayori kneels in front of Monika and picks one of the warm, fresh cookies off of the stack. "Say 'ahhh~'?"
"Ahh?" Monika opens her mouth.
Sayori gently places the cookie inside and taps the green-eyed woman's chin upward.
Monika can't help but moan at the soft, almost cakey texture of the cookie melting in her mouth. Her eyes drift upward in arousal and appreciation of the flavors.
Sayori giggles. "Cookies are a hit, Nat, good work~!"
"Yeah, I'm not sticking around to hear you two food-fuck. Glad you like my work, but I'm joining Yuri outside." Natsuki comes into the living room to deposit a glass of milk at the side of the cookie platter. "See you!" She flashes her girlfriends a peace sign and makes her way over to the front door.
"Later!" Sayori waves, loading another cookie into Monika's jaws. "Thanks for the milk."
Monika blushes. Sayori's more shameless nature is definitely taking the lead in this interaction. She won't complain, of course. Leading in "the bedroom" isn't really part of her nature. It's a nice break from stress and trying to wrangle people all day.
She looks up into Sayori's mischievous eyes, glinting in the glowing sunset. God, she could lose herself in those chaotic sapphire irises... Not to mention the warm flavors and textures in her mouth.
"Someone's enjoying this, already, huh? You are adorable, when you feel good, Moni~" Sayori runs a newly-freed-from-cookie hand through Monika's hair as she climbs up onto Monika's legs. "I love you~"
And Monika would return the sentiment, were her mouth not full of two half-chewed snickerdoodles. She chews the mass of cookie in her jaws, lost completely in the cinnamon flavor. Natsuki is an absolute wizard with the oven, these cookies are sending her directly to heaven. She loses track of time, just chewing and watching Sayori's eyes. Monika can hardly keep track of how many snickerdoodles have been stuffed into her.
The "cinnamon bun" in her lap feeding the cookies to her is contributing pretty significantly to the loss of time as well! Sayori carefully holds the tray of cookies off to the side of the couch, her free hand rubbing at Monika's somewhat packed stomach. "You're doing so good, Monika. That's ten cookies down. Are you still feeling good?"
"Ooogh..." Monika continues chewing, nodding at Sayori's question. The brunette opens her eyes, looking into Sayori's excited grin. She swallows the cookie in her mouth, taking a moment to breathe. "Milk, please...?" Monika hiccups, resting her hand atop Sayori's as it travels across the bump of her stomach. Ten cookies already, huh? Wow...
"On it~" Sayori's melodic tone bounces into Monika's ear. She sets the cookie tray down and lifts a tall glass to Monika's lips, carefully tilting it backward. "Take it slow~ This is proooobably gonna fill you up a lot, with all the cookies you already ate."
Glug, glug, glug... Monika feels the pressure in her stomach increase almost immediately. After just a few gulps of milk, she groans and has to shut her eyes. "Mmmph..."
Sayori takes that pained grunt as a signal to stop, and she takes the glass away from Monika's lips. She slides down to the floor, keeping her eyes on her girlfriend's rounded belly. "Mmm, all done, for now, Moni~?"
"I think... oooohh, I think so... I am... made of cookies..." Monika hiccups into a belch, and she immediately sags further into the couch with a defeated groan. "S-sorry I couldn't eat them all."
"Moni, you would explode. Natsuki made two dozen of these, and you almost made it through half. That's impressive. And kinda scary, actually, since you usually aren't a big eater like me and her." Sayori reaches up to massage Monika's stomach, hands barely brushing her stuffed lover's skin. "I'm proud of you~"
"...Not the most normal thing I've been praised for..." Monika hiccups again. "Ow..."
"Maybe not, but we're all freaks in this house, right?" Sayori gives Monika a teasing giggle. "Now that you're not gonna get crumbs everywhere, Yuri can't complain about me moving the party up to the bed!" She leans in and kisses Monika's gurgling stomach. "Whenever you think you can move, I'll help you up."
"I don't think I'm moving anywhere for a while, Sayori. I feel like I swallowed a bowling ball..." Monika winces as a particularly loud groan sounds from her stomach. "Ow ow ow... ooooh, I think we went too far..."
"Maybe I should have tried to pour the milk into you a little slower..." Sayori clicks her tongue. "Mm, learning experience, I guess? Ehehe..."
"For both of us... Ungh, I... I feel sick, but... a-also, uh..." Monika's cheeks dust a bit red.
"Ohohoho~? I guess we're learning a bunch, today!" Sayori licks her lips, leaning into Monika's stomach gently and rubbing her sides. "Is my Moni feeling a little... flustered and stuffed~?"
"Feeling... something." She burps, covering her mouth. A groan rolls off of her tongue as her body continues to lay limp in her seat. "Brain's... a little soupy..."
"I guess I'll have to help you with those feelings, won't I?" Sayori stands up, taking Monika's arms with her. "Come on, on your feet~ Let's get to bed so I can rub down that tummy!"
Monika carefully follows Sayori's tugging and guiding, eventually coming to lean on her shoulder. They shuffle slowly to the staircase and begin climbing, Monika's stomach loudly protesting each step.
The arduous trek up to the bedroom ends with Sayori bumping the door open with her plump rear, and Monika carefully being rolled up onto the bed. Sayori lays Monika out flat with her head resting on a pillow.
Time for the good part~! Sayori giggles and climbs up on top of Monika's legs. "Come to mama~!" Her fingers dance in the air and slowly descend upon their prey... a properly packed Monika tummy!
And, it makes the most adorable sounds when poked! Sayori begins to gently massage Monika's stomach, to her personal delight and Monika's moaning relief. She starts humming to herself, carrying a tune somewhere between the notes of digestion and Monika's whimpering.
"...God, this is so hot." Sayori carefully lays herself down at Monika's side, giving her a quick smooch. Her hands continue working across the woman's taut belly. "You did such a good job, for your first time, Monika. I'm proud of your tummy!" She gives Monika's gurgling middle a playful smack.
"Owwwwwww, Sayori, fuck..." Monika winces and clutches the bottom of her gurgling stomach. "Gentle... pl-URP- please."
"Sorry! Ehehe, got a little excited..." Sayori kisses Monika's cheek, again. "...So. How do you feel? Aside from 'stuffed to the gills' and 'sleepy'?"
"Mmmnn... I... definitely a little HIC horny? But... ooooh, my stomach REALLY doesn't wanna move, after nearly a dozen cookies."
"I'll contain myself. You just rest up, and Nurse Sayori will tend to your guts while you digest!"
And so the massage properly resumes. Sayori digs her fingers gently into the sides of Monika's stomach. Monika sighs softly as her eyes flutter closed. Between fullness and the sensation of Sayori being so close, she's more relaxed than she's been in a few days. Sleep takes her soon after Sayori begins, leaving a mildly frustrated feeder behind.
"Haaaa..." Sayori sighs in frustration. "I knew I should've expected her to fall asleep after her first session. But now I'm all worked up!" She huffs her way back down the stairs. It is time to inflict her wrath upon the innocent!
Or at least get one of the other girls into a shower with her. She can decide when she opens the front door.
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vulpes-fennec · 2 years
Winter Court Solstice Ball (Viviane x Kallias) 🎁
Summary: A series of fluffy/smutty ACOTAR winter one-shots! 12 stories for the 12 days leading up to Solstice (December 21).
A glimpse of what Solstice celebrations look like in the Winter Court, brought to you by our favorite ice couple! Set pre-ACOTAR series.
Read: Masterlist | AO3
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Tonight was the Winter Solstice. Tonight, households across the court would sing traditional hymns by their blazing fires, feast on roasted meats and sweet cookies, and exchange presents. 
Tonight would be Viviane’s 55th Solstice Ball, but such celebrations never got old. Garlands of holly and faelight were strung across the banquet hall, the soft tinkling of bells and strumming of harps drifted through the air, spiced wine and delicious treats were offered by finely-suited servants…
“Viv.” She spun around at the familiar voice.
“Kal!” she exclaimed happily. The High Lord’s son—and her closest friend—was adorned in courtly finery: a dark blue, fur-lined coat that stopped just above his knees, embroidered black pants, and fur-lined black boots. 
Kallias blinked his icy blue eyes at her, as if taken aback. “You look…nice tonight,” he replied, albeit awkwardly. 
“Well you look quite dressed up yourself, too,” she grinned, elbowing him. Viviane felt a pang of disappointment at his words. She wasn’t expecting him to call her beautiful, but still…it would have been nice to hear. Especially when she’d put extra care into her appearance tonight for him, dusting her eyelids with a sparkling shadow reminiscent of gleaming snow and blushing her cheeks pink to mimic the chilly outdoors.
“Thank you.” Kallias dipped his head swiftly. “I wanted to ask if you would do me the honors of the first dance.” 
The first dance held significant weight in court—politically or romantically. But Viviane and Kallias had danced together enough that the court merely shrugged them off as the two peas in a pod. Come to think of it, was there ever a time she didn’t share her first Solstice dance with Kallias?
Still, Viviane wished there was something more behind Kallias’s glacial blue eyes when he extended his hand towards her. It was stupid to hope. Kallias would be High Lord of Winter one day, opening the Solstice Ball’s first dance with his Lady of Winter. But until that day came…
“No need to be so formal, Kal,” Viviane chuckled lightly. “If you need someone to fend off those thirsty court ladies, I’m happy to dance with you all night.” 
Kallias smiled back, an extra brightness in his sapphire eyes. “I hope you’re not joking Viv, because those matchmaking mothers are especially bloodthirsty tonight.” 
Tonight, power thrummed through the halls of the Winter Palace, as if the icy land was reclaiming its identity on the longest night of the year. And when Viviane placed her hand into Kallias’s warm one, a similar thrill diffused through her very bones. Like something ancient and powerful was also stirring within her.
She blinked, wondering if Kallias felt the same way too. But his chiseled face remained neutral as music from the Royal Symphony started and swelled. 
Notes from string and woodwind instruments accompanied Kallias as he swept Viviane away in a waltz. Kallias’s heart was full with his friend in his arms. The words “you’re beautiful” had gotten lodged in his throat earlier, leaving him a stuttering, awkward mess. Truth be told, Viviane always looked beautiful to Kallias. But tonight, she was utterly ethereal in her bluish-purple gown of sweeping tulle, adorned by silk viola flowers. 
Hell, everything felt perfect. Viviane’s slender fingers fit his hand like a glove. Her supple waist was warm under his palm, under the layers of soft fabric. Even their footwork was well-matched. Dancing with Viviane was easy, natural. Kallias could dance with her forever and never tire of it. 
“Is that…is that an earring I see?” Viviane peered up, eyes lighting on the silver ring on the lobes of Kallias’s ears. The look of mock aghast she gave him was utterly improper for a ballroom dance floor, but Kallias loved it. 
“I can be adventurous, Viv,” Kallias murmured into her ear as he spun her. Earrings—particularly earrings on males—was the latest craze. At least pierced ears were relatively tame compared to the tattoo-on-the-tongue trend a decade back. 
“When did you get them pierced? I can’t believe I wasn’t there for it!” Viviane craned her neck to gain a better view of Kallias’s piercing. 
Kallias shrugged carelessly. “Just last week.” He selectively omitted the part where he’d gotten them spontaneously after a drunken night out. 
Viviane sighed with relief. “Okay, good. I was worried that I didn’t notice them before, but it turns out it was fairly recent.” Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “Do your parents know?”
Kallias chuckled. “No, of course not. My father would throw a fit. I figured he wouldn’t cause a scene tonight, so I dropped the glamour.” 
“Hmph…but you still didn’t tell me. I could have bought you earrings for your present.” Viviane pouted slightly, making her pink lips look all the more delicious.
Kallias smiled wryly. “There are a lot of things I don’t tell you, Viv.” 
Kallias’s teasing expression riled Viviane enough to offer boldly, “I’ll share a secret if you’ll share one of yours.” 
“Deal. I’ll go first.” The waltz was tapering off, but Kallias seemed to hold her even closer. Viviane was trying very hard to discreetly inhale his fresh pine cologne. To not reveal just how much she savored being close to her friend. “Do you like anyone at the moment?” His voice was tight.
Viviane felt like her heart had jumped to her throat. 
“I…I like you,” she said quickly, praying that the copious amounts of blush on her face hid the heat rising to her cheeks. It was a pathetic truth, one that could be passed off as platonic affection. 
Kallias’s brows lifted and his blue eyes flashed with surprise. But he recovered quickly, smoothing the stoic look of a Prince of Winter over his features. “Not helpful,” he scoffed. “I already know you like me…as a friend. Now ask me something.” 
He’d taken the easy route as well, filing her half-confession away with teasing. Squashing any possibility of romance between them. 
The vibrating dominance in Kal’s voice—the budding dominance for the heir of a Court—sent shivers down Viviane’s body as the song ended. 
Viviane regarded her friend carefully. Kallias had turned 70 this year, just as she had. They’d been friends since they were younglings, but…it was only recently that she began to notice things about him. 
Like the way his white hair curled at the nape of his neck in between haircuts. Or how the muscles in his back rippled during training sessions. She’d been dying to know whether Kal had anyone in his heart lately. But she chickened out. 
“Er…what is one Solstice tradition you dislike?” 
Kallias sagged internally with relief. He’d been scrambling to prepare a list of court females he could “claim” to have a crush on, if Viviane turned the question back to him. 
“I hate the whole elk sacrifice ritual,” he admitted.
Before the sun set on the Winter Solstice, the court’s herders presented the High Lord with their finest animal. It was an honor to be chosen, for the animal’s blood would be carefully collected for rituals and the meat would be distributed to families in need. The sacrifice was an important tradition that honored the herders, the circle of life, and the magic of the land but…Kallias hated seeing such a public execution of majestic creatures.
As the next throng of dancers moved onto the dance floor, Kallias and Viviane stepped back into the sidelines. 
“I never knew that, Kal,” Viviane said softly, putting a hand on his arm. “I suppose I don’t like it either, but at least I can skip the event.” 
“Just doing my duty, I guess. Though it doesn’t make me feel any better that I’ll be the one sending the poor elk to its death someday.” A pensive look came across his face. 
“I mean, that’s what happens when we eat meat. The slaughter is just behind closed doors.” Viviane plucked two cranberry tarts from a passing server and offered one to Kallias with nonchalance. “But you could try changing things when you’re High Lord.” 
She took a big bite. The tart was deliciously tangy, with notes of dark chocolate spreading on her tongue. “Mmmm this is so good…what if you did an elk pardon instead?” Viviane suggested around a full mouth.
“Oh, yes,” Kallias chuckled. “And send them to an elk sanctuary where they can live happily to old age.”   
“I’m serious! We can host a Solstice cooking contest and donate the dishes to the charities. And we can switch elk blood with berry juice.” 
“Well…” Kallias paused. “I don’t think the elk blood has any magical properties on its own, but the priestesses want it because the High Lord has touched the elk with his magic.” 
“So? You can use your magic to mash up some berries, right?” Viviane giggled. “Just think…Kal, High Lord of Winter, standing in the kitchen wearing an apron and covered in berry juice—”
“Me? Covered in berry juice?” Kallias said incredulously. “You’re the one with berry tart all over your mouth.” 
Viviane’s chest tightened as her friend took a step closer, sweeping his thumb gently at the corner of her mouth. There were indeed several crumbs and a smear of red on Kallias’s finger. Under normal circumstances, Viviane would have felt embarrassed. But right now, she could only feel the thrum of power and heady heat within her. 
What was going on? “Thanks,” Viviane murmured, grabbing a nearby napkin to wipe off his finger. “Do I have anything else on my face?” 
“No.” His eyes seemed to darken as he stared at her lips. 
Cauldron…she needed to get a grip over herself and stop reading too much into the situation.
“Anyways.” Kallias shook his head. “Let’s do it. When I become High Lord. We should do it together.” 
Viviane caught his silent promise beneath the words: that regardless of what happened in the future, Kallias would keep her close by his side. The next song was starting. “Would you do me the honor of the next dance, Kal?”
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