#piper rants
piperstrangeart · 6 months
In other fun news, a trans woman released a song about her experiences of joy as a woman and everyone is jumping down her throat because it's not a song about the tragic life of being a woman. Like I'm not a woman, but maybe people are allowed to find joy in their experiences of womanhood. Maybe women are allowed to express other emotions other than misery and suffering.
PS the fucking Barbie soundtrack, which was a self-described movie for all women had plenty of songs that had the exact same vibe, Dylan's song is legit just her experiences of trans girl joy.
The more cis people who get angry about it makes me enjoy it even more unironically tbh.
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rachiebeee · 3 months
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they are best friends and siblings and i love them both so dearly. featuring piercings bc i stand strong in my belief that they would
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
Here is a link to the Cherokee Nation's official site. Here is the Visit Cherokee Nation youtube channel. Here is a playlist for learning Cherokee (and here's one for learning Ojibwe, as a bonus cause i'm biased). Here is a link to Daybreak Star Radio, which is a radio station based in Seattle dedicated to showcasing international first nations and indigenous music that you can listen to online. Here is a pdf of various recipes, including references to which tribes they originate from. Here is a link to The-aila-test's buy native tag, and here is a link to Beyond Buckskin's buy native list (though some of the links are broken). Here is a link to the Cherokee Phoenix newspaper's official site.
now go take a minute and come back once you've done some research so everybody can stop being weird about Piper.
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mars-barsz · 1 month
In this essay I will talk about how Rick could have made Jason a more interesting character to more people
Im not joking, Drews is next and why she really wasnt that bad of a person, just a traumatized teen
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Starting off I fully believe most people didn't like Jason because he was a random new guy, like we were expecting Percy and got some amnesiac and didn't get to see out hero happy and living his life for the entire book, and he was so confused most the time, because he fully didn't remember anything, he wasn't even given the same fake memories to try and act normal, he didn't know his own name when he woke up on that bus, we had to personality to go off of at the start, because HE DIDNT KNOW WHO HE WAS! People always say Leo was the best out of the lost trio and that's because so many people could relate to him, he used humor to cover stuff up, like everyone's favorite mc did (Percy). Piper had her own struggles, like finding out who she thought was her boyfriend, didn't know who she was, she was being manipulated and her dad was being held hostage as she was told to kill her friends, and she AND Leo were in a WILDERNESS SCHOOL. A. WILDERNESS. SCHOOL. I got off topic, sorry, but piper had so many of her own stuff she was working through in the way she thought was correct, by lying and hiding things. Jason had nothing, he knew he didn't remember anything and he was sad. Leo had a personality and was content separate to them, obviously he had issues but he was the most similar to Percy, so fans liked him the most (imo)
Now, onto how rick could have made Jason better
made him actually an awesome fighter, he killed monsters with his bare hands and was raised by wolves since two, he should have been equal to or even better than Percy with muscle memory and all, which yeah he had but he still should have had a more feral side to him, he was said to climb the ranks at camp Jupiter and was a bit more wild than other romans, I think it would have been interesting to see Jason use his instincts more and be a little feral when he lost his memory, not having his camp Jupiter training but muscle memory and instincts to guide him and keep him going
He should have been more separated from Percy, he was not a comparison to Percy and I don't like that was how he was written, I don't have much to say about this but I really didn't like when they both sat at the head of the table
He should have gotten his memories back like percy did, He never got to learn who he was or what he stood for in the past because he never got to get those back, even after the war ended hera/juno didnt return them, which I think would have made a really interesting ending to TLH, or getting them during the quest or something, but he dies without knowing who he was, only a pawn for the gods
Have had mention of him previously, like a picture thalia had and thats why she even agreed to bring annabeth, because she reminded her of jason, or just that she even HAD a little brother so readers could have had a fun plot twist and even more of a heart warming reuniting scene
Adding to that a bit i think thalia and jason really should have had more time together, like maybe in toa mentioning that thalia had been visiting jason when she could to catch up on lost time, to be siblings again and try to live as normally as possible. (off topic but i think the jason/luke comparisons are 50/50, i like others seeing it and Thalia at first but removing the idea immediately because at one point she liked luke and jason is her baby brother)
Let him be awake during fight scenes
I think jason could have grown more, and adapted a mix of fighting, a bit roman, a bit greek, and a bit feral, to match how his life was
when we see him in toa i think it would have been fun to see how much he had grown, experimenting with new styles (maybe a bit more alt considering his older sister, but he was at a boys school so maybe outside of it?) Just, growing into himself and not focusing on the gods as much, he lived and died for them, without much in return
Let us know who his friends were before he lost his memories, like have percy seens people asking around or being asked if he had seen a blonde gut about yae high, named jason, just stuff like that to show he had a community or at least someone who truly cared he was gone
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Ik it was more of a list but yk, also sorry for the lack of punctuation, i forget it exists unless its an excessive amounts of commas, i like commas, and forget to capitalize my I's
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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ruegarding · 6 months
Hey, quick question if you don't mind me asking but what are your thoughts on Drew Tanaka as a character and how she was portrayed in HOO?
canon drew...well. i rbed this post that says "drew was not written as a character but rather a human obstacle who needed to be feminine so the ‘not like other girls’ could defeat her," and i think that summarizes it perfectly. she exists exclusively to make piper look good, which is a real shame bc drew could've been interesting. as-is, drew is not only uninteresting, piper is also uninteresting by extension. it'd be like if nancy was one of percy's greatest obstacles in tlt.
more under the cut bc i'm incapable of keeping things short.
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here, in her introduction, not only is drew, a feminine girl, vain, she's also weak and unintimidating, a triple whammy right away! she has no reason to be antagonistic towards piper here, they literally just got to camp. piper's crime right now is *checks notes* not looking cute and existing next to a "good-looking guy." oh, yeah, btw drew likes jason for being hot and powerful.
this triple whammy isn't even restricted to drew, it's the entire aphrodite cabin. they all giggle when drew flirts w jason and when piper is uncomfortable being "gorgeous" and are too scared and weak to stand up to drew. the two exceptions are a guy who got in trouble for saying piper "might not be so bad" and a girl who's afraid of ugly shoes. what an uninteresting take.
anyway, moments like this
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are everywhere. now, let's remember for a moment that the aphrodite cabin (including drew!) fought in a war where they were outnumbered and won. but yeah, their biggest strength is their ability to "make an orange t-shirt glamorous" bc piper is the only one out of them who can *checks notes* uhhh run? charmspeak on a quest? carry a knife? she doesn't even know how to fight in tlh! she wasn't at camp for more than two days, she never had any fighting experience! the fact that she's being called tougher than ppl who fought in a war makes me grit my teeth. and thalia was there when it happened!
and it doesn't even makes sense bc we see aphrodite like this is ttc
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and she says this in tlh
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(also sidenote: why is aphrodite's claiming so egregious and uncomfortable then? it's like rick has a moment of clarity and realizes he's being stupid and then immediately fucks it up again.)
this is interesting! and some of these kids (including drew!) would have met this aphrodite during the solstices. so portraying drew and the aphrodite cabin as a bunch of shallow kids obsessed w makeup that need to be saved by piper "not like other girls" mclean is so contrived. and constantly bringing up how piper's so much better than those shallow and weak aphrodite kids makes piper's entire character grating. rick brings up aneaus repeatedly throughout tlh, a son of venus/aphrodite that founded rome. why are we acting like aphrodite children are weak and stupid when we could be exploring literally anything else? like, you know, how they're traumatized?
and the thing is, he brings up silena! and it's done terribly. piper, who never knew silena and never will, lecturing drew, someone who knew silena and was betrayed by her, has always pissed me off. piper relating to silena bc she feels like she's in the same position? good, that's fine, i have no problem w this. but acting like she knew silena to ppl who actually did and then preaching abt what silena believed should've gotten her smacked (rick didn't even addressed the actual important part, which is how the other campers feel abt silena or how they feel abt surviving a war).
then when piper challenges drew, again, drew fought in a war while piper hasn't trained for a single day, why are we acting like piper could beat drew in a fight? piper can't even use charmspeak bc drew's resistant to it! that's the one advantage piper has! writing it like this comes off like piper is only strong as long as everyone else is weak. she's not rising to a challenge, her competitor is just so pathetic that she can overpower them. she didn't earn her strength. that's not good character development! so we're throwing two entire character arcs away for this!
what really gets me abt all of this is that piper didn't need to be a counselor. piper needed a place to belong. making drew nothing more than a stepping-stone was completely unnecessary, and making the aphrodite cabin weak and vain was redundant bc we already had an example w silena (and again, all the kids that fought in a war). as it is in canon, drew's character is a great example of some of rick's biggest writing flaws.
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catcacophony · 5 months
do you guys think that beryl grace is what tristan mclean would have become if aphrodite told him who she really was or
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the-pjo-archive · 26 days
My thoughts on Piper McLean
Warning: This will be a lot of my personal story and a lot about me and the real world instead of Piper and fiction Also Spoilers for HoO
I have seen people hate on Piper for being a pickme, for being cringy
But my take is that she is the most real character, she is the one I can relate to the most. Rick managed to capture the experience of denying yourself who you are and the struggles of accepting yourself later.
I grew up surrounded by people who found dresses unpractical and we had a very holier than thou view of "Well I don't feel the need to wear makeup because I'm pretty the way I am" and very much thought we were better than all those "girly girls" who said literally too much and did makeovers or whatever. And now, 10 years later, I am slowly putting on makeup, in private, constantly worried I'll be bullied for it. I'll want to wear a dress and have a whole breakdown about if it's even right for me wear one.
Piper grew up trying to run away from the spotlight, she hated the camera, she hated being rich and famous, and wanted attention from her dad, so she tried to look boring and normal and messy so she could pretend to be a regular kid, so she wasn't like the ladies in hollywood always chasing after her dad with their pretty, fake smiles. Then she gets claimed by aphrodite and gets thrown in with all the fake ladies who are chasing after her father, she was repulsed by them the moment she saw them (she did change her mind when she met Mitchel and Lacey though) but not only that but she was also forced to wear makeup and have her hair up nicely. At the time she was upset about the whole situation and stressed about her dad, but if Aphrodite's blessing had happened when Piper wasn't so worked up I think she would have liked it. Because she's like me, she is drawn to art and self expression, she is drawn to true (inner) beauty, she just never got to experience it and instead was only shown the ugly sides of makeup.
Reason I went on this tangent is in chapter 22 of the Lost Hero:
"Her jeans were tattered from the fall through the roof. Her boots were splattered with melted dirty snow. She didn't know what her face looked like, but probably horrible. Why did it matter? She'd never cared about things like that before."
Now she does go on to blame Aphrodite for "messing with her thoughts" but she has always been a daughter of aphrodite, the only thing that's changed is she has been given permission to explore that part of herself.
If any of this is covered in later books then I just don't remember, I am rereading for the first time in like 5 years or longer.
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gl4ukopis · 1 year
I will never recover from Jason's death, here's why
His whole story is heartbreaking. His mum died, he was separated from his sister when he was just a baby, he was abandoned at the wolf house and was raised by Lupa. He grew up at the Camp Jupiter surrounded by harshness, severity and rigidy. Then he lost everything, including his memory and had to take part to a dangerous mission in order to save the world. After everything ended he was finally happy, he had found his place, his people, a family. He was reunited with his sister, Thalia, was happy with Piper, had a beautiful friendship with Nico. HE WAS ALSO GIVEN THE TITLE OF PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. Then in the Trials of Apollo he also finds out that Leo is very much alive.
Then when he is finally really happy, Jason dies. He was just sixteen. I couldn't get through that book knowing he would die, I haven't finished the trials of Apollo for many reasons including this one.
Jason is such an underrated character and it makes me so mad. I never understood all the hate he got from the fandom honestly.
He will always be my favorite Character in Heroes of Olympus.
Well sorry for this long and messy rant.
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 month
Wrote a short moment of sexual tension between songwriter!Bob and Piper. This man is so fucking oblivious, I’m obsessed with him.
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piperstrangeart · 6 months
I stg people just want to argue with you sometimes and deliberately misconstrue your point.
I made a tiktok video where I complained that, when talking about JK Rowling and how she's currently denying the Holocaust, it makes me mad when people turn around and go "Yeah and she's a bad writer!" or something like that.
Like yes, absolutely she's a bad writer, HP is objectively bad and has plenty of examples of her bigotry. But we're not talking about HP right now, we're talking about someone being two steps away from agreeing with Hitler.
And someone commented, and continues to comment, about how it is absolutely relevant to talk about her books in these conversations because they contain evidence she's a bigot.
And sure, in conversations about how prevalent her bigotry is it's relevant, absolutely, but usually that's not what's happening and it's frustrating to hear people's opinion on her writing quality when talking about how she's causing so much hurt to the LGBTQ+ community.
What's frustrating is I don't even disagree with this person that the books are relevant to talk about in different circumstances, but if someone's response to "this person is a holocaust denier' is "I don't like the way they write children's books published 30 years ago" it's not helpful to the discussion.
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pjofancalledbelle · 3 months
One head cannon i HATE is that Jason’s memory’s with Reyna got changed to Piper because HE DIDNT HAVE MEMORIES! HE HAD NONE! He didn’t even know his last name and he didn’t know who piper and Leo was. So no. All the memories of Reyna didn’t get changed to piper. Also I’d like to say that I don’t care what people hc cause it’s a hc I’ve just seen people talk like this is fact when you’ve read the book it’s easily proven it’s not.
Anyways new fan fics soon I’ve just been a bit down recently but I’m getting better.
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yonko-sat · 5 months
so, like, with the CHB vs CJ thing going on (from what i’m seeing) on Tiktok wouldn’t CHB win??
cause it’s stated that there’s roughly two hundred kids there and that there are hundreds of minor roman gods and that “a lot of the campers are legacies— second or third generation. Maybe their parents were demigods. Or their grandparents.” -Hazel (SON, ch 4)
MEANWHILE, at CHB they’re all direct children of the gods as they also gain abilities/powers from their parents (ex: apollo kids being able to curse others)
and sure they got actual formations and shit but CHB has the Hermes and percabeth which percy is known to have insane battle IQ + annabeth PLUS hermes cabin being the hermes cabin with their insane tricks and ideas to battle out the roman’s. though, their fighting styles are different as Romans usually stab instead of slice which Percy is seen doing. really, it all depends on the time and place because CHB has been thru sm and lost so many kids fighters.
imagine a prime CHB vs CJ like with Luke, Ethan, Beckendorf, Silena, and Clarisse. that’d be funny and insane!
in conclusion, CHB is really more insane power wise and respectfully has Piper (charmspeak) Annabeth (insane strategist) Leo (fire + insane w machinery) PERCY JACKSON. (no nico cs we need to make it fair) and the roman’s seem to be really uptight and strict when it comes to battles like, “no! you can’t just do that in a fight!!!1!1 >:((“ or maybe i’m biased.
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My response to the idea that Percy Jackson is an atheist:
I got the sense that Percy WAS an atheist when he first arrived at Camp Half Blood, but by the end of things he's offering ships drenched in Diet Coke to Dionysus.
I think that over 90% of the characters in the Percy Jackson series are clearly neo-pagans who actually worship the gods, or at least worship their divine parent.
That Jason wanted to become a priest of all gods at the end of Heroes of Olympus could be taken as further indication.
Not that I'd want to fight anyone to the death or anything over my theory that the PJO universe is essentially neo-pagan. It is fiction, and there are few wrong conclusions about fictional characters. The reader/viewer is free to see what they want to see.
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ruegarding · 11 days
in pjo, rick wrote abt rich white kids who would act out for attention bc they were neglected at home and acknowledged that, while it's sad they're neglected by their parents, they still got to escape most of the punishment for their behavior bc they were rich and white. and then in hoo he gave piper the same exact backstory but failed to account for how the story would change considering she's not white.
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rlqfpdl · 6 months
I need more xHermes! Reader fics, it’s always either Aphrodite, Apollo, Hades or Poseidon. You guys know there are other cabins right ? 😭
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francisofgotham1 · 5 months
Percy Jackson Characters Explained by Dogs
So, after reading this post about how Percy Jackson is actually terrifying, but we (the readers) don't notice it as much because we're always on his side, I commented that certain dogs can explain it more visually. So, I decided to make it into a post (with images). Now, here we are, putting dog photos next to PJO-HoO characters. Here we go:
Percy Jackson = Caucasian Shepherd or Belgian Mallinois
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He’s a sweetheart to family and FAMILY ONLY. To everyone else, he will label you as a threat until proven otherwise. (Also, I just realized Percy fits the Mastiff type dogs perfectly, which is what Mrs. O'Leary is).
2. Nico di Angelo = Dalmatian
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He’s not seen as violent, but every now and again he will tear someone or something to shreds. Which, coming from a "harmless-looking" individual, makes him creepy. (Ironically, Nico went to Dalmatia in HoH).
3. Jason Grace = Rhodesian Ridgeback
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He will stare down and hunt down lions, but is not known for violent outbursts. (I just realized it also fits his "raised by wolves" bit, since the RRs need good socialization to be stable).
4. Annabeth Chase = Border Collie/Dingo
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She's highly intelligent, fierce, adaptable, and extremely intimidating when focused on a task (usually involving hunting of some kind). Also, the size difference between Percabeth is an added bonus. (Can you imagine the tiny Dingo with the giant CS curled around it?)
5. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano = Greyhound
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She's dominant, laser-focused, and will chase down her goal, no matter who or what stands in her way.
6. Leo Valdez = Basenji or Nureongi
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He's slightly out of place (Basenjis don't bark, but yodel) with a very dark past (Nureongis are only bred for dog meat), but has the personality of a sweetheart with a hidden fire.
7. Hazel Levesque = American Foxhound
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She's good around horses, and feels comfortable in both violence and family.
8. Frank Zhang = Dogo Argentino or Aksaray Malaklisi
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He doesn’t seem intimidating at first glance, but a closer inspection reveals a strong ferocity that has killed many beasts (also, he's freaking huge).
9. Piper McLean = Calupoh
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She's extremely beautiful, which allows her to get away with certain things that would otherwise turn some heads (reference to her charmspeak, as well as her desire for revenge).
10. Thalia Grace = Carolina Dog, Siberian Laika, Canaan Dog, Brazilian Caramel, or Indian Pariah
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She's too wild to stay in one spot, but always close by whenever someone needs assistance.
So, yeah, that's what I got so far. I might make some more in the future, but we'll see.
PS: I changed the "were" to "are", since some companies in Korea still breed Nureongis for meat only.
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