#pixar headcanons
ssadumba55 · 9 months
Toy Story Gang with Clingy Reader
Request: hiiii! can i request woody, jessie, buzz and ts4 bo (separate pls!) with a VERY VERYYYYY clingy reader who will very much wrap their arms around Woody/Jessie/Buzz/Bo whenever they get the chance or sumthin like that?
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Woody might not outwardly show it all the time, but he really enjoys your clinginess
He will encourage it too, if you don't immediately do it for whatever reason he will move to a position that makes it easier for you to do so
If you're shorter than him, lots of piggy back rides and hugs where you're practically hanging off of him
He might get a little embarrassed by it if you do it when he's trying to be all important hotshot leader
But he's not gonna ask you to stop because he doesn't want you to feel like you can't cling to him, so he'll just awkwardly try and get business done around you
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Like Woody, Jessie really likes your clinginess but unlike Woody she will be open and proud of it
She will initiate it if you don't, after being neglected for so long it feels nice to have someone who wants her in any capacity much less wants to show that much affection to her
Expect lots of high energy hugs and spins as she will find lots of ways to incorporate her hyperactive energy into the hugs
And she's a bragger, she will brag to the other toys that you've chosen her over them
Cuddles also sometimes involve Bullseye because the two are inseparable! Two for the price of one!
Buzz Lightyear
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It's a little fascinating to him that you like to cuddle him, because he's not a ragdoll like Woody or Jessie. He's made of plastic and as a result he can imagine hugging him would be very comfortable at all
Still, he enjoys it immensely. He will absolutely initiate it as well if you don't, he isn't ashamed
He will absolutely just sit somewhere with you and never leave if you don't want to leave, like he is committed to your clinginess
His buttons definitely go off a lot when you hug him and it makes you both laugh every time because you'll just be cuddling and then boom his voice box goes off
He wants to be hugging you all the time, seriously you're not the clingy one in this situation, he is
Bo Peep
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She doesn't understand why you're so clingy and she isn't sure how to feel about it at first. She might push you away the first few times you do it just because it will be so strange to her
But over time, she'll warm up to it. She doesn't get to experience the gentle touches of a child anymore and your hugs are the closest thing she has to it
She won't initiate it but like Woody she'll make herself more available to being hugged if you don't immediately wrap your arms around her
She will ask though that you don't squeeze too hard, she is after all very fragile, she was never technically meant to be a toy and she doesn't want to break apart more than she already has
Using her cane to pull you close if you're not within arms reach because she really wants to hug you again
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queenieguldbaek · 11 months
H/c that Randall Boggs is an organism that mostly eats fish
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asexualenjolras · 3 months
I've just been to see Inside Out 2 in the cinema and I NEED to talk about this guy. This is Embarrassment. And I love Embarrassment.
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When Anxiety introduces Embarrassment to the other emotions, she says: "he's not big on eye contact ... or talking".
And I know that emotions are non-sentient but I'm saying it anyway: Embarrassment is autistic.
Embarrassment is an emotion so familiar to those of us on the autism spectrum, so it's perfect. And he turns out to be such a hero in the movie too. Look at the way he's standing! And he stims too!
He's also non-verbal throughout the movie (he speaks once or twice at the end) but he's not made to feel uncomfortable about it from the other emotions. He's such an unexpected representative of autism, but I love him.
And I hope you all do too.
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cani-bal · 12 days
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first batch of cars human designs yes yes idk how i ended up here after saw but yknow.
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betinh3 · 6 months
Finally the old gay emotions💛💙💚💜❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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icecoldfresa · 3 months
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finally finished my gijinkas for all the emotions 🥳
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yinyangyandere · 3 months
ll Yandere Anxiety HCs 🧡
Synopsis; A long list of headcanons on how I think Anxiety would be like as a yandere, as well as somewhat of a fanfic
ll Caution: General Yandere Mindset, Mental Manipulation, Betrayal, Obsessive/Possessive Behaviors, Bad Ending, Possible OOC Writing
A.N.; Not me literally writing a 9-page Google HC Doc yandere scenario for an emotion jfnjrndjnredj3j3er But seriously, I love Anxiety so much. I felt like she had a good deal of nuance to her character, in-between her wanting to help Riley for the future with good intentions in mind, but executing it poorly. Should go without saying she’s probably my fave in the franchise, and one of my fave Disney characters now.
At the same time, I noticed a lot of her behavior could potentially be ripe for a depiction where she wanted to protect Riley SO much that she’d do anything for her. Eventually, that led to me making this; it should be noted that you are not Riley in this though. It’s intended to be a what-if situation, if OG Anxiety displayed yandere-typical behavior and was inside your head instead. Hope that makes sense.
Anyways, make sure to acknowledge the warnings before reading further! If any of the above topics make you feel even a bit uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to look out for yourself and click off. Your mental health is important!
If anyone needs anything additional tagged, I’ll do so and edit the post with the added warning. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
First things first, I’m so sorry for you; imagine having a yandere that exists solely in your head, and no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, they’ll always be there. They exist as essentially a part of you, and removal of such things is far from easy. Especially so if that yandere in question is a personification of an emotion, which leads me to your lovesick “headmate” today: Anxiety.
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🧡 ll Start:
She first showed up when you first began your puberty, similarly to Riley’s Anxiety from the movie. Like the others, she adores you and only wishes for the best when it comes to you. But all the while, the love Anxiety felt for you was growing more and more with each passing day, much more exponentially than what the other emotions in HQ felt.
Unconsciously, she slips her way into becoming the lead emotion, making you become an overall cautious individual as a whole. The others mostly disapproved of this, but they still went along with what Anxiety had in store for you since she could be pretty good at persuading everyone else into what she wanted.
Anxiety would, of course, step back so the rest can help you when needed, but as time went on, the other emotions needed to be more insistent on getting Anxiety to back down from the Control Panel. It had gotten to the point where Anxiety was basically piloting you for nearly the entire day without any of their input!
However, an awful pit in her stomach grew as well. Anxiety couldn’t help but squeeze her criss-crossed arms together as she observed your Joy manipulate the panel. ‘You were doing just fine with me in control!’ Anxiety couldn’t help but think to herself. ‘There’s no reason why I needed to step down!’
This feeling, this thought, persisted through multiple days and weeks. All the while, scenarios of you having a bad future because one of them made a mistake replayed on loop inside the girl’s head. She could’ve stepped in and stopped them, making sure you were safe, but she didn’t! She wouldn’t ever be able to forgive herself if she couldn’t protect you!
Anxiety, while she disliked these feelings, grew into someone who didn’t talk much to the others. She became antisocial, only focusing on tending to you and ensuring both your safety and happiness.
Sleepless nights and jealousy-filled days passed, and her obsession towards you never waned in the slightest. It grew, larger and more present, until it encompassed her entire life in her eyes. Anxiety lay awake one night, eyes wide open and staring up at the ceiling. Her mind just wouldn’t stop racing, thinking of you and how she could help you so much more if she was more in-control of things around here.
…Wait. Maybe…if she was more in-control…the sole emotion to take care of the Control Panel…
That idea persisted inside her head for days on end. She didn’t talk to the others during this time, refusing to answer their questions on why she was acting so weird and off recently. They wouldn’t understand. They’re your emotions, yeah, but Anxiety was your main one! She was the one who made sure you’d be protected in any situation!
Finally, it all came to a head when your Joy pointed out how obsessive Anxiety has been over you. The others agreed with Joy, and seeing everyone else loom over her with those questioning looks of theirs made Anxiety feel trapped. In an uncharacteristic act of rage from her, Anxiety shouted back at them, yelling that they would never be able to understand how she’d feel and that she was the only person there who truly cares for you. She stormed off before anyone else could retort back.
When she came back, in the middle of the night, she wasn’t alone. Alongside her was the Mind Police; she was able to convince them that the emotions there were actually rogue secrets and that the real ones are missing. Anxiety watched silently, fidgeting, unable to stop the slight guilt in her heart as she watched her former friends be pulled away and be stuck inside the Vault. ‘It’s for you,’ Anxiety reassured herself, talking about…well, about you. ‘Everything I’m doing is for you.’
It was weird at first, adjusting to being the only emotion left inside H Q, but she got the hang of it pretty quickly. Since, as the days ticked onwards, Anxiety swooned over you, sometimes talking to you as if you’d be able to respond back to her. Finally, she had you all to herself, and she’ll guarantee that she’d be able to keep you from harm’s reach while being able to bask in all of you.
🧡 ll Further Descent:
Boy, if you thought Anxiety had gone off the deep-end before, she certainly has now. Her days and nights are completely consumed by you. HQ is absolutely covered in drawings and little origami depictions of both you and her (and, while she’d often blush while doing it, she also enjoyed treating them like dolls and making them give little kisses to one another). Interspruced with all of that is her written ramblings, and it felt like that the further you went down in her notes, the more fanatical it became. 
Sometimes, she’d have small sparks of self-awareness. Anxiety will clean up HQ and tidy it, all while reminiscing on her love for you. These small moments of clarity will give her twinges of regret and doubt, but she’d push them all in the back of her mind in the end. After all, it’s for the greater good. She’d assure herself that she really was the only person who could truly be able to acknowledge everything about you until that assurance soon became a truth in her eyes. A stone-cold, unrelenting truth.
Meanwhile, you’d become much more nervous, “unstable” in some cases. Nowadays, you feel too apprehensive about going outside, quitting your in-person job in favor of an online or at-home one. Groceries are delivered to your door-step, and appointments you need to go to, like for a check-up or surgery, are done with great reluctance. After, you immediately rush back to the safety of your abode.
When it comes to social interactions, Anxiety also makes sure that, while you’d have friends, they wouldn’t get too close to you. She can’t have them hurting you, physically or emotionally! Though, deep down inside of her, Anxiety does feel a hint of possessiveness towards you, but it mostly comes out as her afraid for your well-being.
Crushes definitely are a no-go. Any attempts on trying to get closer to a love interest you may have is completely out of the question in the eyes of Anxiety. She’ll break the button that makes you feel socially-awkward if she has to.
Anxiety notices soon enough that your feelings of loneliness are increasing rapidly, and attempting to brainstorm an idea where both of you could be happy, a lightbulb goes off in her head.
She goes down to the studio where they produce your dreams, and through some sly convincing and surprising ability to help sway others to what she wants, Anxiety is able to control your dreams with full access. Now, she hopes that her plan will work. 
🧡 ll Meeting You in Person:
Well, in-person is in very large quotation marks, but it’s the closest thing she can get to doing such a thing. 
After making sure everything was in working order and looked good, Anxiety waited for night to come and for when it was finally time to reveal herself to you. The studio, while it mostly worked with actors, also had the option of summoning your consciousness in a tangible form; how else did you think those falling dreams would cause you to wake up violently right as you hit the ground? Though, Anxiety was using it for a much, much different purpose now.
She sweated bullets while she waited, stimming in both excitement and worry on how you’d react to her. Anxiety suddenly stood still when your eyes finally shut, signifying that it was time to enact her plan.
Pressing various buttons and switches, she grinned as the thing shuttered and spat out smoke before shooting a project of light from the machine’s camera. It morphed, taking form, until you were finally there right in front of Anxiety. You blinked, confused, before turning to the delighted squeak you heard. 
You nearly barrelled over as you felt a sudden force of weight being flung right around your torso, and as you looked down through the wild forest of orange hair that somewhat covered your vision, you saw Anxiety tightly wrapped around you in a hug. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and her smile beamed wider as she snuggled into you just a bit more.
“I…I finally get to see you,” you heard her mumble. “I never thought I would, but…here you are! With me!”
You gave her a confused expression, unsure of how to react. “I’m sorry, but, uh, do I know you?”
Anxiety’s eyes snapped open, tears wiped away in a flash, as she glanced up at you and immediately backed off. “O-oh, oh my gosh! I’m so, so sorry; that was so dumb of me, ugh!” She muttered the last part under her breath.
What follows is what you’d expect: she explains to you that she’s your personification of Anxiety, but makes sure to add that she only steps in to prevent you from making possible bad decisions. At least, that’s partially true. Then, she gives you a small tour of the place, deciding to give you a tour of HQ another day (when she doesn’t have your face plastered all over the walls…). After, she insists to you that she’d do anything for you. Figuring that this was all a dream, you simply ask her for some levity from your struggles in reality. In short, you two have fun.
Anxiety is extremely reluctant to allow you to go, but she figures that it would be too suspicious and off-putting if she begged you to stay. When you awake, you just figure that it was some sort of strange lucid dream before going about your day.
So, it surprises you when you see Anxiety again the next night…and the next…and the next…and the next. Around the third time, you realize this is abnormal and start feeling uncomfortable around Anxiety. She notices, and asks you about it. You just wave it off, saying you’re a bit nervous for work tomorrow. Anxiety’s very doubtful, but she goes with it.
However, when she shows up again on the fourth night, you’ve had enough. You’re creeped out with her, and explain to a now very concerned Anxiety that she can’t be real. “I am!” She retorts back. “But-but that isn’t a bad thing! That just means you can talk to me if you have anything troubling you! Please, don’t run! I’m not going to hurt you!”
Even though you did, in fact, run away from her that night, she just showed right back up again the next. What then happened was a repetitive cycle of you running away from Anxiety as she tries to explain her side of the story, waking up, and then going right back to Stage 1. You ask your doctors for a higher dosage of anxiety medication in hopes it would quell what you perceived as delusions. But no matter what you tried, no matter what medicine you took, Anxiety will always be the first thing you “wake” up to.
It had maybe been almost two weeks when you finally relented. Anxiety, however, seemed a bit snarky. “So, have you finally run all out-of-steam? Can I finally get to tell you what’s going on?!”
It took you a few seconds to reply. “...Yeah. Go ahead.”
She let out a sigh of relief, before she explained more on why she’s being so persistent with you. She figured that, since your life wasn’t the best at the moment, Anxiety would help give you some escapism during the night as a relief. While you still felt a bit off-put by one of your emotions continuously showing up in your dreams, and of all of them it’s the Anxiety one, her reasoning did give you some respite. She made sure she didn’t slip that she just really wanted to spend time with you too, though.
It took you a little while to warm up to both the idea and her again, but after some time, you started to enjoy your little adventures with Anxiety. She was funny, sweet, kind, and had all the same interests as you did. She became your best friend, but in Anxiety’s eyes, you two were already in a relationship.
Every time you awoke, she did a little happy dance at the progress being made. Heck, she even had a checklist full of things to make certain you’d fall for her in return. Anxiety was not going to allow herself to destroy your bond together with her. At this point, her whole life really is about you. She loves you so, so much and every day she gets more exhilarated at getting closer to the stage where she’d ask you the question.
Months pass on, and it’s now around the end of the year. She decided to give you a little celebration, convincing the workers below to set off fireworks outside. HQ was decked out in festive decorations, illuminated by the glow of the bright flashes of light outside. When Anxiety sees your gorgeous face lit up by the colors set off from the other side of the window, her heart thumps louder in her chest, almost to an audible level. Her breath is caught in her mouth, but shaking off the stunned reaction she has towards you, Anxiety figures now would be a good time as ever to ask you: do you love her as much as she loves you?
✨🧡 ll Yes:
“Well…ah, it’s a bit weird to be dating one of my emotions…”
Anxiety’s wide-eyed face immediately turns down on itself, pupils shrinking and a frown making itself very well-known on her face. No, no! You can’t-!
“...Ah, why not? Sure!”
I hope you’re stanced up because if not, you will be thrown to the ground in another one of Anxiety’s tight hugs. She keeps on letting out happy squeals, unable to contain her absolute joy at your response. You laugh at how cute she was, returning her hug. She smiles even wider at that.
“I love you, I love you, I love youIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouILOVEYOU!” Anxiety repeated, her tongue twisting near the end making her almost unable to be understood until her final declaration of love. You giggle, and at this her green eyes open up and twinkle at you, a smile spread wider across her face than ever before.
“I love you too.”
While Anxiety never truly does let go of her obsessive tendencies towards you, they do somewhat lax now that she knows you love her back. Her mind sometimes wanders to the other emotions locked up in the Vault, and now on her off-days, she actually goes and visits them, talking to them through the cell. Of course, they’re pissed off at her, but she just can’t stop gushing about you and how much you love her back. Anxiety is too lovestruck to notice the gagging coming from Ennui, Anger, and Disgust inside whenever she goes on another long spiel about how your kisses feel or the flower you gave to her the other day.
Speaking of gifts, while she loves to talk to you about your interests and hyperfixations, Anxiety’s personal go-to love language will always be presents. Whatever you want, she’ll make it happen in the dream.
If you had a bad day too, Anxiety will do double-duty to make sure you wake up feeling ten times better than what you felt like going to bed!
As you grow older, Anxiety reflects back on how when you pass away, so will all of them. But while she still frets over it, there’s also the reassuring thought that she may be a human in the next life alongside you. So, instead of being inside your head, Anxiety will get to live out in the real-world right beside you. But as long as she’s with you, any future is great to her.
Overall, Anxiety feels like a weight that’s been on her since her very inception has finally been lifted. She’s much more relaxed and allows you to go out more as long as you don’t cheat on her. Thankfully, you never do, and she couldn’t be more than grateful.
Life was finally good for her, and she couldn’t be any happier.
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💔 ll No:
You smiled awkwardly down at her, the tension in the room suddenly becoming more palpable to you. “I-uh, what?”
Anxiety’s grin falters. “Do you love me?” She repeats.
Your smile becomes a frown, and so does her’s. “I’m…I’m going to be honest with you, Anxiety. I love being your friend. But if you’re asking if we should date, I just can’t accept.”
Immediately, Anxiety shouts out. “WHY NOT?!” Panic is written all over her face, chest heaving in a faulty attempt to calm herself down. 
You flinch back from her, suddenly unsure of what to do. “It’s just-I-I don’t know!” You replied back. “You’re literally an emotion! Something my mind made up! You’re not real!”
Those last words hurt her worse than any knife ever could. “You-you don’t mean that! I know you don’t! We’re supposed to be happy together! I did everything for you! So please just love me! LOVE ME!”
You took a few steps back, unknowingly bumping into an ajar closet. When you turn around, you gape in abject horror.
Thousands of drawings and art crafts of you, reciprocating Anxiety’s adoration, filled your sight. You turned down to a sheet of paper that innocently slid to your feet.
‘I got rid of the others. I hated to, but they’d never be able to understand how I felt towards them. They were in the way. But now, we can be together forever! I can’t wait!’
Oh toaster strudels.
You whip back around to face Anxiety, fear evident on your face. She looked just as stunned as you, her green eyes prickling with tears as she shook her head. “I-I promise,” she tried to explain. “I didn’t think it would ever go this far. But I need you to love me back. I NEED YOU!”
Fast on your feet, you’re barely able to dodge Anxiety’s attempt at grabbing you, and without thinking, you go towards the window. You need to get out of this dream, A.S.A.P.
“NO! DON’T-” Too late.
As you fell, wind sweeping through your hair, you turned to gaze up at the window. The last you saw before you jolted awake was the speck of orange looking out the broken window, crying her eyes out and sobbing to herself.
Afterwards, you refused to fall asleep. You chugged energy drinks, made sure to take your anxiety medication every day, watched horror movies so you felt too scared, turned up your home’s lights, anything to make sure you wouldn’t go to sleep and see Anxiety again.
But in turn, you felt your own anxiety levels rising. You felt an irrational, unstoppable fear of attending to your job, jumped at every little creak in the house, the unexplainable drowsiness present in your fits of worry, you all knew it was the work of Anxiety to get you to go back to sleep and see her again.
Of course, you couldn’t stay awake forever. It happened one day when you did your best to explain to your boss why you haven’t been going to work. Your voice was slurred, giving away your sleepiness, and your boss on the other end worryingly called out to you as both your phone and your body landed on the cold floor.
🧡💔 ll Nice to See You Again:
You woke up on top of a comfortable bed, and while you were coming to, you noticed the rope wrapped tightly around you. A bandana had been wrapped around your mouth as well to make sure you didn’t make a peep.
At the foot of the bed, was Anxiety. She looked much more worn-out, eyebags present and hair an absolute mess. She was fiddling around with a clipboard at first, but as her eyes glanced at you for a moment, she realized you finally came to.
“Oh! Hey, didn’t notice you were awake there!” She ignored the cries of protests coming from you. She laughed, her loss of sanity being noted in her giggles. “I guess you always were a heavy sleeper!” You didn’t laugh back.
She got closer to you, any talk you had with her about personal space thrown out the (now repaired) window. Her eyes were bloodshot, like she hadn’t slept either. “I mean, it makes sense. You were awake for a really long time out there. In fact, you didn’t sleep for four whole days! Can I ask why that is?”
You glared at her. She huffed. “Ooooh, I think I know what it is,” she muttered. “I bet you didn’t want to get nightmares. Well, it’s okay now! Your girlfriend here, Anxiety, will make sure you have only good dreams from now on!” She puffed out her chest. You didn’t know if she was mocking you or genuinely deluded into thinking that was the truth.
You uncomfortably shifted as she crawled to the other side of you, wrapping her arms around your bound form despite your discomfort. “I’ve been so, so alone these past few days. I missed you, I missed you so bad. But now, you’re back! With me! I can’t wait for what adventures you have planned for the both of us.” That final note in her voice, that seemed to almost hiss out, gave you a sense of fear. You were too scared to fight back or even move, just allowing Anxiety to make up four day’s worth of no hugs.
“I promise that I’ll be the best girlfriend you could ever ask for. No other person knows you like I do. Nobody.”
Should I even have to explain to you that your two’s relationship is toxic now? Because it is. Like, hazardous waste-type of toxic.
In her deluded mind, Anxiety fully believes that you just ran through that window because you were scared of the commitment, and that you just responded no to her love request because of the same reason. In time, she thinks she’ll be able to win you over, and considering how you can’t really get rid of her, you’re unfortunately stuck with her.
When you eventually did wake up, you found yourself in a hospital room, alone. At least, physically. You couldn’t help the onslaught of hopeless tears that trickled down your face.
In the background, Anxiety was fiddling with your feelings, not thinking about your own desires on the matter. She smiled, chuckling, when she found what she was looking for, hidden deep within the recesses of your hypothalamus: the control center that managed who you found romantically appealing.
She was smart about it, though. Despite wanting to just crank it all the way up, she gradually made it so you found her more alluring without you even noticing the changes.
You were immensely terrified of her at first, discouraging her, but as she set your romantic feelings towards her higher slowly, Anxiety noticed the change you had in your demeanor.
Eventually, she was comfortable in allowing you to finally be untied (she had undone the makeshift gag a little bit ago), and while she was a bit disappointed at still seeing you be uncomfortable around her and shying away, that just made Anxiety more determined to get you to fall in love with her.
Was doing all of this morally wrong and cementing her fully into the deep-end? Yes.
But did she truly care about that currently? No.
She can think about the moral dilemma years down the line when you two are fully reciprocating love towards one another.
Anxiety accidentally let out an excited snort at you finally hugging her once again. She clasped her hands over her mouth, blushing right after. You found it to be…weirdly cute.
Eventually, your romantic feelings were almost at 100%. As time passed on, your life became better as you started to reflect that same strange comforting feeling Anxiety felt towards you. 
You felt inclined to question why you were getting these emotions for your mental stalker, but any attempt to further examine this is usually quashed thanks to Anxiety’s interference. Soon, you don’t even get these questions anymore. They just feel like they come naturally to you.
Those same reactions Anxiety had towards you were now being felt by you, except obviously with her. Shy gazes at her cute orange hair before looking away when she goes to return your look, fully enraptured in her kind voice and nodding along to whatever she said, blushing whenever you were complimented by her, the list goes on.
The fact that she did awful things almost seems to become a distant memory to you, until much later on, it becomes completely forgotten in your eyes.
Eventually, it came to a head. One night, when the two of you were alone, you tapped her on the shoulder. You smiled at her, blush clearly evident on your face as you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck.
“H-hey, uh, Anxiety? Can I ask you something kinda’...important? Promise not to freak out or anything, okay?”
Anxiety nodded violently. “Yeah!! Yeah, tell me anything!” She leaned in closer, eyes trained fully on you. Her hands were rolled up into fists, vibrating slightly in barely-disguised eagerness. After a bit of stammering, you finally were able to lock eyes with each other.
“Do you, um…want to go out with me-?”
“YES!! YES!!!” Anxiety jumped to respond, flapping her hands happily as she raced around the room. You laughed, before abruptly getting stopped by the kiss that Anxiety had placed on your lips. Both of you looked stunned for only a brief moment, before you happily returned it.
If emotions had brains, Anxiety was sure it short-circuited at that moment.
Finally relinquishing, you stepped back, only to lunge forward when you caught her about to fall right on her back.
“Woah, Anxiety, are you okay?” You chuckled. Anxiety looked up at you with a tired, but completely and utterly smitten look on her face.
“Never been better.”
Things were definitely better now. Much like if you said yes to her original proposal, she gives you more freedom in exchange for always being beside her when you’re dreaming. You happily accept, none the wiser of the manipulation Anxiety pulled to get to this moment.
She sometimes reflects on her actions, knowing full-well what she did was completely, morally-reprehensible. But at a certain point, Anxiety just sighs and puts it into the very back of her brain.
Yes, what she did was absolutely wrong. But, when she looks at you, finally head-over-heels for her as much as she is with you, Anxiety really can’t help but smile.
“I really am sorry, guys, but it was all worth it in the end.”
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beetlecakes · 5 months
More brain rot lmq headcanons:
Lightning McQueen loves running as well
I think he would’ve been really good at it during track in high school or sm
He let that dream die once Harv signed him
He runs every morning when he isn’t practicing with Doc
Lightning is determined to get a fast mile time so Sheriff drives behind Lightning and goes on the intercoms saying “come on” “faster faster” “don’t let that race car be the only fast thing about ya”
Like just image Lightning bolting down the street while Sheriff is a few feet behind him with Doc in the passenger seat
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roe-and-memory · 7 months
this is essentially lightnings rusteze commercial in cars 1
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mittch22 · 23 days
I feel the need to draw attention to the plight of this poor bastard at the start of Cars 2.
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Crabby is approached by a random-ass Aston Martin at a dock on the west coast of America, given a set of coordinates and is paid what I assume would have been quite a considerable sum of money to take said Aston out there. A strange situation indeed, made even stranger when you realise just how far Finn, or 'Buddy' asks Crabby to take him. When Crabby says "you can't get any further away from land than out here", he really fuckin meant it:
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The coordinates put them almost smack bang in the middle of the pacific ocean. (and before you come for me, the bottom set of coordinates are correct, the ones that are displayed in Cars 2 have not had their decimals converted to minutes and seconds) Now, at this point, Crabby isn't asking too many questions. And his confusion must have hit what he thought was an all time high.
Then big chungus rocks up:
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Tony Trihull, a heavily armed combat vessel, glides right up along side the tiny little crabbing boat and blocks him off from further venture. And when Crabby shows him his resistance, Tony threatens to sink him with a lazer guided missile launcher. At this point, Crabby relents and begins meandering back in the direction he came from (I do have to hand it to Crabby here, he's one fearless little ocean dweller).
So, Crabby has just been sent out into the centre of the pacific ocean with no logical answer as to why AND been threatened with being blown up AAAAAND, to top it all off with a delectable trauma cherry:
"Sorry, Buddy. Looks like its the end of the line.......... Buddy?"
'Hang on a minute. Where the hell is my four-wheeled, non-floating passenger!?!?!?' Aka, 'Did I just kill someone?'
Fear and panic would have taken over the mega-confusion of Finn's reasoning for his watery trip. 'Where did he go? How did he 'go'? There's nowhere for him TO go. Did he fall over the edge? Was he just a figment of my imagination? Hang on a minute, did I just help someone kick the bucket???'
Can you IMAGINE the horrific thought patterns that would have followed the realisation that 'Buddy' was no longer on board? Crabby is not aware of Finn's gadgets and capacities, and so, in his mind, there is no other possibility other than the death of the Aston Martin. Cue the hefty therapy bill.
I like to think that Finn is a bit of an empath and would have thought about how this situation would have affected Crabby. And I like to think that he would have found a way to let Crabby know that he was still around and kicking. Maybe after the mission had come to its conclusion. It would still leave Crabby with a plethora of questions. However, at least he would have known that he wasn't responsible for the death of a random and rather strange vehicle.
PS - Day jobs being performed in darkness are much easier to explain than evidently idiosyncratic night quests.
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Pixar Movies
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All my Pixar writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots with your favourite Pixar characters
Merida Loving a Princess (Female Reader)
Nothing Yet
Ian Lightfoot Follow the Plan (Gender Neutral Reader)
Barley Lightfoot Baby It's Cold Outside (Gender Neutral Reader)
Giulia Marcovaldo Bello (Female Reader)
Priya Mangal Nightfall (Gender Neutral Reader)
Meilin Lee Chinese New Year (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Headcanons Headcanons related to Pixar characters
Luca Being Alberto Scorfano's Adoptive Mother (Female Reader) Luca Paguro x Chubby! Reader (Male Reader) Dating Giulia Marcovaldo (Gender Neutral) Dating Alberto Scorfano (Gender Neutral)
Brave Being Princess Merida's Girlfriend Would Include (Female Reader)
Turning Red Platonic!MeI Lee X RedPanda!Reader (Gender Neutral)
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funsized-panda · 7 months
saw someone's headcannon post and I started thinking
blame @x0stormie0x for getting me into this mess
I love the idea of Doc being so fatherly towards Lightning. Like not even just being a part of the pit crew, all of RS became for Lightning, but literally being a father.
Someone mentioned Doc having to pull Lightning out of bed every morning, and HE WOULD! you're telling me this man is a morning person? never. he gets up at 3 pm SHARP.
I can see Doc waking Lightning up like in those cliche movies. He opens the blinds and yanks the covers off him. "Rise and shine, Mcqueen! we got training today!" All cheery and Lightning just groans and rolls over, trying to go back to sleep.
I can see during the off season Lightning and Doc just having this father-son relationship like no one else, and Doc even adopts Mater into the family dynamic at one point bc that's Lightning's beat friend and they already act like brothers anyway.
During off-season, while there is training, Doc isn't as harsh. Instead, he's sweeter and a little more gentle. It's only when racing season picks back up that he gets a bit harsher on our boy, and Lightning hates it, but he knows Doc does it out of love.
When they're not training, they're hanging out at Doc's place or maybe Flo's. Doc has to rally Lightning like he's a 3 year old because he gets so caught up in everything and starts getting so excited he can't contain himself.
They get on one another's nerves all the time, but that's because they love each other like their blood, and everyone knows it. They wouldn't have it any other way, especially when they keep each other busy and in check.
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coolclaytony · 1 year
My headcanons for other Elementals languages:
Assuming the English we hear and read is just the Water-language translated for our convenience, I imagine the actual language to have a phonetic library that invokes splashing noises, the crashing of waves, and the rushing of rivers; with a healthy dose of slurps and gulps thrown in.
The Earth-language sounds like rattling and cracking stones, groaning earth, and the snapping of twigs. Vowels are held in such a way as to make speech a slow and patient process and consonants are often rolled. Clicks are a prominent feature.
The Air-laguage is breathy and whispy. Expect the letter H to show up in every word and some phonemes require you to inhale inorder to pronounce them correctly.
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santaricotta · 3 months
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★彡 Photo shoot*** ★彡
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***may contain excess fireflies
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betinh3 · 7 months
Someone miss Anxiety x ennui? 🖤🧡🤭💕
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height difference lol
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New headcanon? they are intersex.
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bisexualmcqueen · 2 months
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finally sketched my fanparent OCs as cars!
Some of you may recognize Oliver McQueen and Donna from 2019 :3 they're awful and i've missed them <3
Oliver is a 1979 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS. A Boston native, McQueen moves to Texas in the early 80's in pursuit of his dream to become wealthy. Try as he might, his dreams are always just out of reach, and instead he's saddled with the task of raising his rambunctious, troublemaking son Montgomery by himself. Naturally, he does a piss-poor job.
Donna is a 1982 Chevrolet C3 Corvette. A small-town Texas girl meets a dashing businesscar while working at a diner. Before they know it they have a kid together, but this is a doomed narrative. Donna leaves Oliver one day when her son is small, and never sees either of them again.
Monty was born c.1981
a car's 'model year' usually lands between ages 20-25, at maturity.
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