#pixel’s shitposting again
kaito-fanatic · 10 months
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the crucifixion of kaito christ
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theyoshimister · 8 months
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i was talking to my cousin the other day about the peumbra podcast (he’s at s1) and i showed him a pic of juno and said “juno steeeel <3” and in a flat voice he immediately responded with: “no, juno do not steal.” 
and i fucking died.
and this is how this was born: 
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I have gotten way more plot work done while talking with a good friend for 2 hours than i did doing it alone FOR A WHOLE WEEK.
Sometimes, how my brain works fascinates me.
Apologies that this blog has been silent for a bit. I've distanced myself from coding after a whole day of trying to code a flashlight and failing at it, meaning i had nothing to post, especially since my ask box is sadly empty. I wonder what i could do to have you ask me asks. Please send me some? Ask anything you'd like about the game.
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seedofjoseph · 1 year
I need Joseph Seed three-dimensionally.
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sammy-witha-c · 2 years
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Obligatory Artfight post with some of my favs I did for team Bloom! I had a load of fun this year, really excited to be nearly finished haha. Here’s the credits from top to bottom, left to right, character / piece name to owner(check these people out! they’re super talented).
Besties lineup: @profcarrot on here
Oak and Alden: @spooqy-squary on here
Makana: rhys-sand on Artfight
Metao, Hollis, and Gray: @marblebrains on here
Berry and Jam: @dustandmarbles on here
Brook: Kuleaya on Artfight
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thicc-astronaut · 2 years
Saw a post about Cars 2 that featured this lovely image of Finn McMissile
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Seemed like a funny face so I made a meme of it and then for fun I decided to screenshot my own file viewer and rescale it a few times to make it look like it had been passed around a bit
Crisp version (this one is a .jpg)
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Moldy version (this one is a .png)
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I could have made it a lot fuzzier but I didn’t feel like putting that much effort into it
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seshrat · 6 months
i miss when everybody's tumblr had like 400 extraneous pages tacked onto it. about. interests. random shitpost bait and switch link. pixel family. things will never again be what they were
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randomnameless · 23 days
I'm sure someone mentioned this before but it feels like Raxy-manbaby's rhetoric is borderline segregationist. Like he's like "dragons should never interact with humans, this is a humans only zone and if they do, they will be prosecuted and murdered even if humans come to their area". And the whole "refuse to humble themselves" reads off as "refuse to acknowledge human supremacy". It's flat out racist, and the only reason people are not noticing it or at worst giving him a pass is because it's fiction.
I don't have my redshit folder at hand right now, but someone jokingly replied to someone on the 3h sub some time ago (2 years? 3 years? You lose the meaning of time in this fandom) something like "separate but equals? It sure wasn't racist as hell."
Worry not, people notice it and fwiw, it's one of the reasons why I'm so annoyed at the Aeneid - because of its status : it was meant to be both a fic and supposed to be a meta commentary of the game, and many people swallowed it up complete with the nonsense that Billy was never biracial (or whatever Sitri was) or worse, they "become human again" as if having Nabatean blood/soul is something you can wash as easily as a hairdye.
I guess when you have to twist yourself in pretzels to pretend Supreme Leader going "you are a nabatean you cannot rule over humans" isn't pulling the race cardn, the only pretzel you end up with is one that is rancid and has been chewed by all kinds of unsavory people and we end up back to square 1 "separate but totes equal i'm telling you so please bow your head otherwise you defy me and you're going to fall on my axe".
Fanfic is fanfic, and meta is meta, they're two different things !
Imo the conflation always boils down to the same set of pixels : granted, I earlier joked about how FE16 might have been a social experiment, if you simp very hard after a waifu, will you follow that waifu to the depths of hell, or will your common sense inform you that this waifu might be, uh, titillating material but nothing more?
The rise of disturbing discourse on the net though (remember the "he's mentally ill he shouldn't have babies?" or, in general, the sheer fact that someone had to remind people that segregation was racist as hell, or whatever the hell is going on in that server) is, tbf, sort of worrisome anon and unlike the trolls of the old days, the "maybe imperialism is good sometimes" people seem serious in their views so while it's not my job to tell them to touch grass and turn off their computer, I prefer to laugh at the sheer idiocy.
I mean, nothing's as funny as someone very seriously writing a wall of text to explain "how BaD feudalism is" under a shitpost lol
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messydiabolical · 2 months
🎀 What style do you not currently do that you love and want to try?
🎠What is a typical 'workflow' for a piece from idea to finished?
🍤Shout out a handful of your favourite artists who have blogs you can @ and tell us why we should check them out
Three big questions, thank you so much for asking!
🎀 What style do you not currently do that you love and want to try? Pixel art! I love it so much. I have some brief past experience with it but not for years. I made stardew valley mods way back in the day (clothes and wallpapers). I made them in MS paint by mouse and then downloaded gimp just to add transparency to upload them (I think the newest paint might have layers and PNG's now? wild times). But I never like, studied pixel art or tried anything outside of specifically wanting to make some clothes for stardew. I had a goal, I did the thing and that was that. The things pixel artists come up with are absolutely mind blowingly beautiful. Check out 6vcr for examples. stunning. Procreate doesn't seem to be well geared for it unfortunately (it's not the best for zooming in massively and doing small scale stuff in my experience) maybe I will have to whip out the MS paint out again! 🎠What is a typical 'workflow' for a piece from idea to finished? This turns out to be a HUGE question, so i'm actually going to give it it's own post. In the mean time, here is an example of how i storyboard comic ideas. Behold my beautifully rendered shitpost:
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🍤Shout out a handful of your favourite artists who have blogs you can @ and tell us why we should check them out I could literally name hundreds and I know i'm going to kick myself for missing people off. I'll limit this answer to some of the very first art blogs I followed, the ones that personally happened to come onto my radar and inspired me to pick up a pen and get drawing myself : @angstyastro @nimueth @bargu @reiline @thedandiestoflions @autodiscothings
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kaito-fanatic · 10 months
bruno zero and gallerian marlon and they kissed
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growling · 3 months
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In the process of answering a yaoihellsmile ask again (shivers) and as always my main's followers get some wip privileges. it dawned on me however that whilst i was scribbling down exaggerated shitpost pixel blood murder blood murder blood in my red color loving fueled frenzy i may have gone a bit too overboard so uhhhh lmao. Also I should draw blue era/pre-BW/human/whatever Yomi more cause he slays kinda but also i don't really uhh y know
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Check In Post
first off the cat post is making the rounds again
second of all while I've not really done a whole lot since the last post I am starting to feel the positive effects from like not being on social media all the time and perhaps I will even eventually get back to pixeling as I'm finally getting around to doing studies again like I said I should do like a hundred years ago
so that's good
growing increasingly fond of minimalist game boy pixel art and starting to get a little less hype about extremely detailed pixel art; final fantasy legend 2 aka SaGa 2 GB has some really charming little dudes in it for instance
I think replaying kero blaster recently finally flipped that switch in my brain; pixel really knows how to make a good looking game with like a 100x160 size window or whatever
(play kero blaster)
I also think I've gotten a good handle on helldivers II and will be making an off the cuff post about it later today describing my experience with it; it is a good game and it is a multiplayer game (much more then DRG, to my dismay) but the progression system gets more and more obnoxious every time I log on
but more about that in a second post
as a reward for reading through this post have a link to a twitter thread that is about mario 64 supposedly being a freemason and illuminati ritual
I don't know if it's secretly a big shitpost by someone with an interest in the field or not but it's a fun read anyway
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
finally explaining the bunny thing!
ok I'm currently really board and stumbled upon an old sketch book and I've decided hey let's FINALLY explain why tf I draw wwdits characters as bunnies (cuz I know it's random as shit and I personally find the story behind my bunny art intresting)
so strap in cuz I'm going to write a lot for something I could probably sum up in two sentences
also small heads up a lot of drawn cartoon violence and blood ahead sooooooo :|
if you just want a short answer I draw these goofy looking bunnies cuz 1 it's fun 2 it's kinda a way to release stress and just a way to overall put myself in a better mood. at first I was drawing the same bunny getting kill/injured over and over again and now I draw characters I like as cute bunnies cuz it cheers me up and it's fun!
ok so I know that last part came out of nowhere but to explain a bit of how tf we got from point a to point b that let's go to the long answer
OK SO (wow I say ok so a lot sorry idk how else to start shit lol) THIS ALL STARTS SOMETIME AROUND EARLY 2022
well if you really get technical it all starts like late 2019 early 2020 when I first read a little comic called johnny the homicidal maniac then picks up in early 2022
in the comic there's a character called nail bunny which as the name kinda suggests is a dead bunny with a nail in it and I wanted to draw this character for whatever reason (I think I might have re read the comic? or I was just bored at the time idfk)
shortly after starting I gave up and instead doodled this:
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why yes that was a heart and yes I did scribble all over it and stabbed it with a pencil for some reason? I kinda learned not to question past me at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so later that night I couldn't for the life of me sleep and idk why but I couldn't forget this bunny I drew so I pulled out my sketch book at the time and drew this:
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(btw the little virgo simbol in the corner of some of these drawings was my signature at the time cuz it's my zodiac sign and I thought it looked neat)
and as the next day came and I talked to my friends over discord I STILL couldn't get this bunny out of my head so we gave her a name
this plush (yes despite bleeding this bunny and any bunny I draw is intended to be a plush bunny which is why I draw them with twinkies for arms and legs) bunny over here is named alexis (named after a friend who wanted the bunny to be named after her) and from that day onwards it was my goal to needlessly kill/injured her over and over in ridiculous ways
the story I created for this character to kinda justify it is that she gets killed/injured in ridiculous ways often (which is why I draw her with X eyes) cause her luck is just REALLY shitty and she just kinda accepts it all at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
some of my favs from this time:
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as times goes by I draw her less and less (cuz I shit you not I ran out of ideas) to the point where I kinda stopped drawing bunny art
jump to later in 2022 and after creating a pixel art shitpost which led to me learning pixel art (but that's another story for another time) I realized wait a minute I actually really like this but idfk what to draw
then I remembered alexis existed! so while chatting with a good friend of mine I asked how should I kill her this time (yes that's exactly what I asked he knew about the bunny thing tho) he said "dying peacefully in a hospital"
so like the great friend I am I decided to be a dick and drew this
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this led to the creation of a new bunny character alexis's friend/roommate/idfk what they are anymore courtney!
courtney's little shory is she knows alexis, she has witnessed her die far too many times, and in later drawings she would gain the stare of a victorian child
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no joke she looks like she saw her parents die of the plague
after asking the same friend what else to draw alexis doing I also created a zombie bunny but I didn't really draw them much
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all of this sparked another wave of bunny art with like a few digital drawings but after a bit it went back to traditional but now with color!
some faves from this wave:
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now ngl this next point is a blur but soon I would draw something that would change the course of history bunny art where bunnies AREN'T killed *gasp*
so apparently this happened earlier this year but it feels like it happened last year ngl
at this point I wasn't drawing bunnies AS much but I would doodle them every so often and for whatever reason I decided to draw stede and ed as bunnies (it might have to do with the fact that I'm not the greatest at drawing humans but idk)
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and for a while it sat in a notebook with the only people I've shown it to being my irl friends
that is until the one year anniversary of this show when I decided to open up that pixel art website again and turn it into pixel art! (here's a link to the post tho I lowkey wanna redraw this since I don't like the way I drew the ears) and originally it was going to be the only bunny pixel art I was gonna do since it took a while and idk how I felt about the results
but then wwdits brainrot set in and I decided since I suck at drawing humans why not draw my boy guillermo as a bunny and the rest was history
ngl when my bunny art first for attention whenever I saw someone calling it cute in the back of my mind I would think hehehe this only exists cuz I would stop killing the same bunny over and over again
so now you know the history behind the art
yay but why?
at the beginning it was just a fun little thing I did and I never gave it much thought. It wasn't until recently as I started to post it onto tumblr I ACTUALLY thought about my bunny art and to say it's just a fun thing to do doesn't really describe it as well as it used to. To me it grew to be MORE than that! it's a simple thing I could draw to mess with new mediums, it's a thing a can draw over and over again and not have to worry about how it turns out since even if I post it on here at the end of the day I'm mainly drawing it for myself, if I need to let off some steam I can draw alexis getting killed in a goofy way, and if I don't wanna draw alexis I can't just draw wwdits bunny stuff since that always cheers me up since it's hard to be upset while drawing plush bunnies (and trust me I've tried)
yeah I know this whole thing is kinda silly and honestly random as shit but this bunny art has a special place in my heart despite me only really doing it for a year
hell it's gotten to the point where I have a small list of rules I stick by whenever creating something bunny related and I have fucking bases I use whenever I'm drawing pixel art of a character as a bunny for the first time
why yes I am taking pastel bunnies far too seriously
I think the funniest thing is (and I think I've stated this before in the tags of a bunny drawing but I'll say it again) bunnies aren't even my favorite animal
that honor goes to frogs (bunnies are in the top five tho)
so this whole thing makes LESS sense if you take that into consideration but idk it's just fun
and at the end of the day that's really all I had to say but I wanted an excuse to talk about the history of this bunny bs lol
thanks for coming to another one of my TED talks and remember I swear I'm not crazy
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mrtodd · 1 year
Some (semi-old) ClanGen Drawings!!
So I drew some of my ClanGen cats a while ago, but I hadn't really been on Tumblr back then. But now that I am here, I thought it would be fun to share them! Just keep i mind these are all a few months old. I also don't remember a lot about these cats because I never write anything down about them... hmmm.. Maybe I should do that lol
First off, the one i put actual effort into: Gravewanderer & Voiddive!
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(Gravewanderer is the cream & white one while Voiddive is the black & white tabby one)
Just to be completely honest w/ you, I only drew this couple because I liked their names lmao. Though I don't remember their clan (I've had like, a thousand clans, so no chance on that honestly) I do remember that Gravewanderer was one of the medicine cats & Voiddive was just a regular warrior. But I thought they were cute, & so decided to draw them. :)
These ones are much simpler (& i actually included their sprites!):
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...Yes, Blightbright's name was entirely randomly generated (So were all the others. but yknow. Blightbright.) Again, I don't rmemeber their clan, but I am fairly certain it was the same as Grave and Void's. Anyways, like the others, I don't have much to say about these cats... Uh, they're cute right? Lol.
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Riftpelt & Roughsun. Again, not much to say abut these guys other than, they're cute, right ?!?!
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Just a solo cat this time. Venomtide! Still not much to say about them. I know for a fact they're from the same clan as Nutmeg/Blight, & I do know that I liked them a lot despite not giving them any sort of story or whatnot... But yknow. They're pretty! Lol!
& now, a couple headshots in a slightly different style (AKA more complicated faces).
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She was the deputy of a clan I am still yet to remember. She actually has a personality this time: She was quite a bossy & stoic cat, often not taking shit from any other cat, but deep down, she did genuinely care about her clanmates & wished them the best - she was only bossy to make sure they got themselves out of trouble. She kinda acted like the mother to her clanmates.
I also drew this bonus shitpost of her:
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Next, here's Icicleshard:
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As you can see, Icicleshard is EEVVIIILLLL. Though she never actually did anything. She's the only one here who's name wasn't randomly generated - I didn't like her original suffix, so I changed to shard, as I felt it fit her better. Despite the fact she likes acting like she's all tough & is gonna destroy the clan, you could probably knock her over w/ a slightly strong sneeze. Oh, & also, I actually remember her clan: FeralClan!
I also made this bonus pixel art of her:
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& Finally:
Barleysmoke of ScorchClan. The only one I gave an actually cool design to. Need I say more?
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Yeah, that's it. I hope you enjoyed the silly kitties <3
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alizarinessence · 1 year
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hi. i havent used this account properly in years, but i think i wanna start posting my digital art here again. since i have started doing pixel art and animation again recently. expect to see mostly wip projects related to this webcomic idea i have, and maybe some shitposts and random animations
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