#planets in the third house
halodbethyname · 9 months
Planets in the 3rd House
🗣️👥📌THIRD HOUSE: The mind, intellect. Communication, short distance travel, also siblings, close relatives. Planets in this house have an effect on the natives’ communicative abilities and tendencies, and intellect, or how one processes information. They may also influence one’s political activity, mode of short distance transportation, even daily errands.
☉THE SUN: prospers in the third, giving a sociable nature and likability. Brave in social situations, may even give political influence , political career. Makes friends easily, the siblings are important component to the personality, and has a high intellect, may even be an analyst, or publisher.
☾THE MOON: strong emotional bond with close family, esp. siblings. sign, other placements and aspects can give more insighf. This placement can also give creativity, natives may be writers, directors, influential with media, advertisement.
☿MERCURY: high intellect and communication ability, loves thinking and sharing ideas within a group. Very chatty placement, and fast learners. Common placement for teachers, public speakers. They are well informed and sometimes a gossip.
♀VENUS: beautiful/notable speaking/singing voices. Charming and personable individuals who may have many talents or creative pursuits. May enjoy diversity in partners or even poly relationships. Often a strong emotion relationship to close family and siblings. Often attracts social partners as well.
♂MARS: courage is notable of this placement, defensiveness over family and siblings, sociability can be source of career advancement/ income. Take care on short errands and while driving especially, esp. when transiting mars negsticely aspects your mars, may be prone to accidents on the road, or arguments with the siblings. Solid in morality and opinion, and can sometimes be considered over-defensive of their opinions. Excellent debater, speaker.
♃JUPITER: intutitiveness, high intellectual and communicative capablities. This native excels in social circles and may find many lucky opportunities through socializing, also an excellent placement for teachers, they can grow personally from imparting their knowledge onto others, ability to analyze and foresee gives intuition
♄SATURN: limitation, restriction in communication and the sharing of ideas, may have a stern, serious disposition and be slow to speak. May even struggle socially due to outdated modes of communication. Saturn struggles in the third and the native must learn to build healthy self-confidence and studying habits.
♅URANUS: adventurous, unconventional thinkers who bring wow or shock factor to socializing. They are exciting to talk to and often have a unique, unconsidered perspective, which can get them into interesting social situations and create a rebellious streak in conversations. Their ability to always see a new perspective can give this native a devil’s advocate quality. Good placement for comedians.
♆NEPTUNE: high intelligence, vivid imagination and intuition. These natives are very creative, with many interests that can cause scatter-brained-ness, inability to fully focus on one oursuit, and maybe overlook important details necessary for success. Ideas may come to these natives in dreams, and because of their easily-imposed-upon intellectual nature, should be careful to avoid manipulation and deception, both in themselves and from others.
♇PLUTO: deep, ambitious thinkers. Can have great power of words and influence in social situations. Should also take care to avoid intellectual power plays, schemes. Good placement for leadership, social change advocates. They love to learn, and may soend much of their time in deep introspective thought, also a good placement for researchers.
It’s been a minute, here’s the planets through the third house ❤️
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karmaastro · 10 months
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In astrology, the 3rd house in a birth chart represents communication, learning, and the immediate environment. It reflects how individuals express themselves, their communication style, and their relationships with siblings and neighbours. This house also signifies short journeys, intellectual pursuits, and early education. Planets placed in the 3rd house influence these aspects, shaping people's communication skills, curiosity, and connection with their surroundings. A strong 3rd house often indicates effective communication abilities, a curious mind, and harmonious sibling relationships. At the same time, challenging aspects may suggest communication difficulties or strained relationships in these areas of life.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 6 months
🎱Astro Observations #2🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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•Moon in Scorpio or 8th house indicates an inclination towards witchery, this individuals tends to be psychis or have a strong connection with the occult.
•Scorpio and Taurus rising are the muses, although they have different vibes, their aura are equally enchanting; they drawn people in with their energy.
•Cancer women tend to look innocent but they are the clever ones, they know how to tap into your emotions and manipulate if they want to.
•All the Venus in Scorpio with fire personal placements people that i've met don't like marriage, they see it at something unnecessary. Although water moon or suns see it differently.
•Venus in fire signs have beautiful hair, it's always an statement for them, whether they dye it or it's just naturally awesome.
•Taurus personal placements or Midheaven Taurus or Leo loves fashion, they tend to pursue carreers in which they can express they fashion sense, they like to be seen.
•Uranus 3 house tends to have a weird relation with their family, this a really exccentric placement that tends to be misunderstood a lot by their peers. It can also indicate someone that grew up in an home with a lot of rules or restrictions.
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veggie9961 · 1 year
The Third House
The third house is a place of action. 3 is an active number. It is often associated with activity, manifestation, connection and creativity.
When it comes to the zodiac signs, number 3 is Gemini, which can be associated with the ideas of connection and activity. We can learn a lot about the third house, the house of activity, from analyzing Gemini, the sign of activity.
Gemini is the immediate Air sign, and it's mutable. It operates on the immediate, flexible capacity of its logic and perception. It represents agility, calculation, imitation, and adaptation. This gives the third house its rulership over the mind, memory, and expression.
Ultimately, Gemini is an Air sign that wants to externalize its overthinking to be at ease with itself and with around it. The third house is how we seek ease. It operates on externalizing responses and connections. As such, it represents trains of thought, words, reading, talking, gossip, conversation.
Gemini also famously represents twins or fraternity. This symbolism illuminates the third house's connection to siblings, cousins, next-door neighbors, best friends or childhood friends, lovers, community members and comrades. These are people with whom we can find ease and escape our insecurities.
Finally, Gemini loves information. Smart, sharp, and cynical, this Mercury-ruled sign associates the third house with learning. The third house represents receiving an elementary education. All early or foundational learning experiences are here: K-12 education, training workshops, summer classes, living-learning communities and lower-division education.
Beyond the associations of Gemini, we can understand the third house by taking a look at the ancient scheme of houses.
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In the ancient scheme, we are born under the earth. The fourth house represents birth or conception, home, parents, and family. It represents the comfortable, protected world of our most trusted family. Since this scheme is analyzed clockwise, the next house after the fourth house is the third house, which is quite interestingly named Goddess.
We have already discussed the third house's connections to communication, expression, intellect, and learning. The ancient scheme introduces a sense of local community. The child is born inside the safe and comfortable fourth house; her parents send her outside to play in the local community---school, friends, neighborhood. In the community, she makes friends, interacts with neighbors, and embarks and learns about the world and finds her core memories. The third house represents a child's learning about the world. Walking, eating, breathing---life's simple things. Simple activities, along with exploring the community, can make up our entire world during childhood.
But community exploration can be an adult thing too. Let's focus on the name of the third house---Goddess. Why would the Goddess (the Moon) choose this house as her temple? Well, there is naturally a divine magic to learning and information, and to the childlike experience of the world, but beyond that, there is a sense of comfort in the community which I feel appeals to the Goddess.
In the third house, there is a sense of ritual. A bus route you take every Tuesday. Walking by that bench and crossing this street to get to the bookstore. Commute and transportation on schedule. A daily scone that you grab on the way to work. Ritual in this sense, and perhaps in general, is comforting. At the weekly farmers market, people mingle at ease with the same friends and neighbors from the locality. Local vendors go about their small businesses mindlessly. People run their errands, children doodle in the grass and fly kites, queers flirt and frolic, friends grab a bite, elders walk, teens gossip. There's something really nostalgic about it all.
This idea of memory and comfort and familiarity in the community feels almost Cancerian. This is why the Moon rejoices in the third house, in the traditional scheme of planetary joys (see the diagram above). This is part of why the third house is so important. A lot of comfort can be found in a healthy locality. Recent feminist scholars in the field of urban studies have advocated for the replacement of our patriarchal view of the city with a matriarchal view. Today's cities are not loving or nurturing, they place cold, alienating, isolating, exploitative and White cis-heteropatriarchal expectations on people, upholding the system of industrial global neoliberalism. Cities need to be more localized, affordable, inclusive and comfortable for the unhoused, for the working class, and for women, queer people and racial minorities. The Moon rejoices in the local, inclusive, comforting space envisioned by the third house. Urban planners should take inspiration from that. Providing protective comfort and care along with a healthy democracy for natives, immigrants and marginalized groups (and for the environment) should be the central purpose of a city, not profit. Sorry I'm an urban planning major and I'm super passionate about this.
To sum it all up, here's a list of the indications of the third house.
action, the mind, memory, expression, thought, words, reading, talking, conversation, eating, walking, breathing, childhood, siblings, cousins, neighbors, best friends, childhood friends, community members, comrades, learning, receiving an elementary education, local community, neighborhood, sense of comfort in the community, ritual, commute, transportation, small businesses, people
At this point, I'm gonna shift over to discuss placements in the third house. Please take what resonates!
Gemini risings / Sun in the third house
you feel proud about your intellect and conversational skills
your ego is in your mind
you holistically identify with your mind and your mindset
you had a lot of fun in the early part of your life, and you continue to have the most fun with those friends or in a small circle or community
you think and speak in a way that garners you attention and validation; you are popular
Taurus risings / Moon in the third house
you're great at verbalizing or acting out your emotions; this makes you a comforting person to be around, but you can be manipulative
you feel safe equipping yourself with different perspectives--you want to see all sides of a situation intuitively
you feel comforted by small errands, commute, and activity
some of your childhood memories are comforting and deeply important to you; you continue to feel like you belong most in a smaller social circle or in a local community
you crave validation for your manner of thinking
Aries and Cancer risings / Mercury in the third house
you're a sharp thinker, a fast, dynamic conversationalist, and you learn quickly because your logic is sharp and precise
you're very present and detail-oriented in your mindset and skillset, which makes you smart and crafty, but can cause you to spiral into depression or anxiety
you were a smart student in school, and you continue to tap into your intelligence in small circles, community spaces, or with siblings and close friends
you keep your intellect and thinking to yourself, perhaps due to anxiety, but you have an affinity for expressing yourself through words
Pisces and Leo risings / Venus in the third house
you're great at balancing several different perspectives, but your mindset can uphold conventional values or standards
you think and express yourself with others in mind, with caution
you experienced luxury in your schooling, childhood, social circles, and there were expectations that came with it
you're a calm, elegant, adaptable communicator, well-received in social circles and in the community
Aquarius and Virgo risings / Mars in the third house
you strongly identify with how you instinctively learn and think; you have learned to be defensive of your thinking
your mind is raw, destructive, and powerful; it's an angry force that can feel dominating, but causes others to re-evaluate their mindsets
you are known for your fierce individuality and raw honesty within the local community or in small circles
you are fiercely loyal and protective over close friends and siblings, over your view of your childhood memories, and the community
Capricorn and Libra risings / Jupiter in the third house
you are a deep, philosophical, and wise thinker who collects information with awareness of the bigger picture
you may rely on intuition rather than acute logic when it comes to daily speaking, activity, errands
you see broadly and often have higher ideals in mind when making decisions
you were mature and expansive at a young age, and you are a figure that people know in the community or in social circles
you may present as unintelligent or dissociated at first, but people find that your mind is always expanding
Sagittarius and Scorpio risings / Saturn in the third house
you are a disciplined and innovative thinker who has the capacity to gain a unique control over your mind
you submit to your own awareness and what you carefully derive
you feel comfortable doing things on terms that you define
you may speak in a way that is unique and different in an either alluring or isolating way
you might have felt restricted, anxious, awkward, or repressed in your childhood, and you can continue to feel that way inside, with siblings, in school or community settings, or in conversation
you are highly aware of the objective truth of the things you say, or the deep ideals of obligation underlying your actions
Sagittarius risings / Uranus in the third house
your mindset, thoughts, word choices and interests are often out-of-the-box or unconventional; you might be a geek or a nerd
you were a visionary, idealist child who knew that the world could be changed, but you might feel disconnected because you've always thought differently
you have a revolutionary mindset which you can share with the community to inspire the change you want to see
Capricorn risings / Neptune in the third house
you were a mystical child, drawn to the arts, mysticism, spirituality
your thinking is deeply intuitive and actively connected to your subconscious; you struggle with feeling present and using logic when thinking, speaking, learning or doing
you reveal an intuitive, kind side of yourself with siblings, close friends, within small circles, or in the local community
Virgo risings / Pluto in the third house
you change people with your words; you invoke ideological upheaval and transformation within yourself and within others by confronting the reality of the facts
your words are deep-cutting and powerful, which gives you the control; you feel powerful inside
though you might have felt more actively in touch with your change and power during your childhood, your expression still has a quality which demands submission, especially within your closest circles
your childhood was full of massive power struggle and upheaval
as you make mistakes and learn, even if you leave destruction in your wake
Cancer risings / Chiron in the third house
you are giving with your mind and actions because of the emotional wounds you received in your childhood
you might have had traumatic incidents very early in your childhood, which caused you take on the role of a healer
you are destined to discover healing in your life through your mindset and actions, with your closest friends and siblings, and by serving your community
Virgo risings / Lilith in the third house
you engage petty fighting, manipulation, lying, twisting your words, or bullying, especially to fulfill your desires, assert your power, or get to know someone deeper
you might have had a sibling, cousin, or close friend who you were unfairly compared to in your childhood, which introduced jealousy
you have a gift for communication; your uncontrolled expression is one of your most attractive qualities, people find it very alluring
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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo | How Does It Affect Your Third House?
As the third house is ruled by mercury it is one of the most important houses to look at during mercury retrograde. As the house of communication, it can relate to technology, friendships and interpersonal communications, online discourse and debate, and anything where wires could potentially get crossed.
But learning and studying is also a form of communication and mercury retrograde can affect how we uptake information and what we do with it in the wider world. From harrassed study sessions to computer glitches when submitting things, this is how the planets in your third house may influence how you experience this mercury retrograde in virgo.
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Author's note: At first glance this may seem like a doom and gloom reading, but in fact, it is a form of shadow work reading in itself, as it show exactly what negative energy could be coming your way. why might you even want to know this? like astrology is just the cards you have in your hand, this energy is not absolute. it is much better known and expressed, as ultimately I believe we have free will and can choose to use it as an opportunity for growth.
likewise after each placement are ideas of what you can focus on or manifest in order to counteract the energy of the retrograde. thus, the energy can be used to your advantage, as a time for spiritual growth and restoration.
🌊 Sun in Third House can cause ego, miscommunications, inability to apologise, but also relates to competition, grades, miscalculated marks, change of identity-based decision like project themes and thesis topics. May be communication difficulties with professors who don't want to support you. counteract this by manifesting a smooth sense of identity and confidence in communicating the reasons behind your decisions | themes to manifest: closer connections with others, green crystals for the heart chakra, greater use of heart and subconscious over ego. empathy in conversation. alternatively, question yourself if you image and feelings match up. what are you trying to communicate to the world? are your choices in line with who you really are?
🌊 Moon in Third House leads to emotional reasons behind miscommunications. feelings expressed better in real life than over technology. social relationships under stress due to technological influence, speed, or breakdown. counteract by spending more time in the physical presence of friends and family to ward off mercury's detrimental influence | themes to manifest: red colored crystals to embolden your emotions, patience, taking a step back. not reacting immediately from the emotions. some shadow work but not too much
🌊 Mars in Third House your boldness in getting across your ideas may be appreciated at other times yet at the moment may be misinterpreted. alternatively if you have this placement you could overcome the effects of mercury through brute force. just don't put people off who are not as headstrong as you | themes to manifest: clarity; confidence; connection with the emotions; connection with the spiritual side
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🌊 Mercury in Third House: not too bad a placement to have, somewhat buffered from the effects of the retrograde OR could be amplified depending on the energy you are attracting at the moment. very intellectual-spiritual energy affecting you intensely in combination with this retrograde in virgo. be prepared for either heaven or hell | things to manifest - strength tarot card, candle lighting, red and pink crystals to balance the intellectual and sensual realms, dark colored crystals for strength
🌊Venus in Third House: trouble communicating in romance, inability to talk to crushes, mixed messages, disputes over the material, roommate conflicts | things to manifest: strength in the root chakra, strength in the heart chakra. red and green crystals. balance between the emotional and the material.
🌊 Jupiter in Third House: difficulties balancing work and play, feelings of being restricted. inability to fulfill full spread of idea. potential conflicts regards nightlife and going out. work life balance. overburdening with work. invitations, gatecrashing, and similar difficulties with events. missed timings. double booking and similar clashes. | manifest - blue colors and crystals to cool things down. take a break from life. the hermit tarot card. solitude, close friends. if an extrovert, get in touch with your introverted side.
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🌊 Saturn in Third House: obedience to authority turns to overobedience, otherwise, difficulty with own path. struggles with mentor figures. difficulty communicating ideas that cross the current order. alternatively misuse of power, risk of being a bad leader, an over critical teammate or classmate. struggles with bureaucratic institutions. micromanagement | themes to manifest: freedom; balance; learning from experience
🌊 Uranus in Third House: failed rebellion, poor leadership. breakdown in structure, identity struggles identity conflict, inability to move on. difficulty and blockages either generating plans and own endeavors, OR trouble putting them into action | things to manifest : personal willpower, law of attraction. magician tarot card. turquoise and indigo crystals. check where your neptune is, Neptune in cardinal or mutable signs may find this easier to deal with. neptune in fixed signs can use this for shadow work to let go of any old spiritual energy
🌊 Neptune in Third House: a placement for lost poets, creatives, loners, introverts, artists, and theatre lovers. trouble with creative inspiration. good ideas go unrewarded. writers' block, creative blocks. | counteract it by focusing on yourself. hoard your ideas, don't feel you have to share them immediately. keep and perfect them until the retrograde is over. they may gain greater appreciation.
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🌊 Pluto in Third House: saying more than you wish, head vs heart conflicts. difficulties and blockages spiritually, alternatively. an imbalance of spiritual energy, trouble with shadow work being either unobtainable or too intense | things to manifest: focus on third eye and crown chakra; focus on heart chakra. green and purple crystals. pink and blue crystals.
🌊 Chiron in Third House: reopening of old wounds, difficulty taking or passing on advice. little alone time, constant interruption. be careful of being the 'therapist friend'. | things to manifest - any form of spiritual self care brings the positive energy to counterbalance this. even shadow work can be beneficial. lighting candles and incense. connecting with the spiritual, meditation, subliminals
🌊 Lilith in Third House: breakdown of connection with the unconscious, difficulty accessing creative and subliminal parts of ourselves. rift between spirituality and the physical. better to use this time to focus on the practicalities of day to day life | things to manifest: patience; balance; wholeness; external connection; close friendships
🌊 Part of Fortune in Third House: another protective placement, you may not feel the effects of retrograde so strongly. use this time to spread your good energy to those around you. learn from experience. take mistakes and build on them. miscommunications and clashes tell you more about yourself and other people. you are lucky in communications, use your power for good not evil.
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Check out my post on uranus placements here, pluto placements here , and uranus in love here!
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divinatorydoll · 2 years
beauty in the natal chart:💄
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beauty and charm are strongly associated with venus, but we can see beauty throughout the entire chart !! each house represents qualities in us that people find beautiful:
the first house: your individuality, general demeanor, and personality
the second house: your self-esteem, voice, financial responsibility, and wealth
the third house: your communication skills, driving etiquette, and how you treat people in your community
the fourth house: your domestic needs, sentimentality, and how you are with children
the fifth house: your natural talents, personal confidence, and hobbies
the sixth house: your hygienic habits, tendency toward service, and overall helpfulness
the seventh house: your social behavior, public persona, and how you work in relationships
the eighth house: your inner power, sexual magnetism, and how you handle debts
the ninth house: your spiritual practices, belief systems, and your relationship with travel
the tenth house: your lifelong vision, line of work, and what your sense of dedication
the eleventh house: your ambition, friendliness, and how you connect with people
the twelfth house: your spiritual knowledge, emotional sensitivity, and how intuitive you are
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book a reading !!
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astrolekha-blog · 10 months
Pluto in 3rd House: Creativity, Sex, Synastry and Strategies for Success
Pluto in the 3rd House revolves around transformation in communication, learning, and close relationships. It encourages deep, investigative thinking and a powerful expression of ideas. This placement can lead to significant changes in how one perceives and interacts with their immediate environment, including siblings, neighbors, and local community. It often results in a profound understanding…
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whimsicmimic · 6 months
the plot of trigun is really fun when you consider the fact that This Is Zazie’s House.
yeah yeah yeah plant twins this the fate of humanity that — This Is Zazie’s House. Never Forget That All Of You Are In Zazie’s House.
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mulbruk · 1 year
attempting to come up with some sort of synthesis between la-mulana and the locked tomb but not really getting anywhere useful besides imagining the terrible teens as fish.
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siraj2024 · 2 months
Daily update (29)
I came back from the long bathroom tired, and I was shocked when I saw my wife with her hand on her cheek and crying as she burned some of the clothes she had worn throughout the war, so that she could light a fire for cooking in them. I didn’t even want to ask her why you did that, I just kept silent and looked at her. What I know is that she endured what she endured. No woman on this planet could bear it. She moved 7 times from tent to tent. She took care of her children and their cleanliness as if we were in our own home. I do not think there is a woman who had the patience to clear the dishes from the water bottle. Halima’s patience ran out, and I do not think she is the same person as before this. Extermination, but what I know well is that in peace and war and at all times I “love her very much.”
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Note: I am aiming to reach the third goal of 30k by the end of next week, in order to rebuild the house and get out of this bitter reality.
Please support and participate🙏
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Hey if you:
Hate the military (industrial complex)
Are American 🦅 and/or
Are scared about project 2025
Trans/genderqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
Someone who generally cares about people around the planet🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩
I need you to know:
the US Senate has started considering spending $911 billion dollars on the military to erode more human rights.
And the act to do so already passed through one dem-controlled committee.
It passed after anti-trans amendments were added
Links and such below the cut
TLDR: The military hates trans Palestinians and trans Americans and will systematically harm both in 2025 unless someone does something about it so now is a great time to do something about it. We have til about August to convince our reps this is a Bad Move.
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The Fiscal Year 2025 NDAA authorizes a topline of $911.8 billion for military and national security programs at the Department of Defense and Department of Energy.
"The United States Senate’s committee report for the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, which provides funding for the U.S. Military, was uploaded onto the Senate Armed Services Committee website Monday night. In it, two anti-transgender “riders” were included through an amendment process with the support of independent Senator Joe Manchin, who caucuses with Democrats, while a third was defeated; many more Democrats then voted to approve the full bill committee report.
[...]The amendments are key parts of Project 2025, a policy document put forward by the Heritage Foundation aimed at radically transforming the United States government. Project 2025 seeks to concentrate power into the hands of the President and implement ultra-conservative policies across various domains, including reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ issues, and more. The initiative has drawn support from over 110 conservative organizations and former Trump officials.
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And of course it's the military budget so it's not like trans military members are the only ones being harmed by this and it'd be ignorant of me to suggest it to say the least:
"Israel has the right to defend itself from Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah," Rogers told the Washington Free Beacon. "The FY25 NDAA makes it clear that the U.S. stands with Israel by investing in U.S.-Israel cooperation and joint exercises.
Additionally, the FY25 NDAA fully funds critical missile defense programs, like Iron Dome, Arrow, and David's Sling, that benefit both the U.S. and Israel."
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What do I do??
Be calling/emailing your reps. Tell them you will Not vote for them in the upcoming election if they pass the budget as is and that you support any protests against it AND them if they pass it.
ORGANIZING: educate yourself, friends, family, and start figuring out what actions you can take together to make a difference in your area (protests, blocking roads, threaten to flip/withhold your votes as a collective, harassing politicians IRL, signing petitions, spreading the word, [redacted] etc). This one is really up for interpretation and depends on your ability and proximity to do things so...yeah.
protest the budget however you can: irl protests, include it in Palestine protests, starting hashtags, etc
Start prioritizing U.S queer & Palestinian solidarity because the military and it's committees are happy to make no distinction at all between who's giving the order, a Democrat or a Republicans. And if it doesn't matter to them who's calling the genocide shots then it shouldn't matter to you, especially when the order is to lim it your human rights.
Learn about pinkwashing in regards to solidarity because, "The most painful thing is to see LGBTQ people, who have personally experienced exclusion and discrimination, then inflict the same violence on others. It’s sad that the state has succeeded in making many think that integrating into the Zionist enterprise is the way to integrate into society."
Call the news. I'm serious. Tell them how you heard about a bunch of people talking about Kamala must hate trans people cuz she's letting the NDAA pass with anti-trans ammendments, express concern 'as a voter' that this will cost her the election.
Pressure cook these politicians about the NDAA budget!!!! Do whatever you have to for them to take you seriously
What do I say?
End all U.S support for the occupier state known as Israel
I demand the NDAA budgets to be decreased by $300 billion, it would still be 2x the budgets of the next top military spender.
And I demand the funds be redistributed to human rights initiatives such as trans healthcare
Someone on here said the people accepting these calls just do tallies, they aren't taking the names and number of everyone who calls: so call back to back.
The NDAA isn't usually signed until after August so this gives us plenty of time to spread the word.
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Because it's absurd to have a military budget this big when we have foster kids starving on the street and mentally ill vets keeping them company.
If anyone has other suggestions please add them
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manime-morninghair · 1 year
The following just occured:
I walk out on the patio at the end of my shift as I have done many times before. Dressed in all black I walk out, and this night I treat myself to a Jay. I'm pacing myself I really dont want to do it too often. So I stand and relax and exhale. I let myself fully listen. To my youtuber and let go of my surroundings.
Eventually I snap to as I turn suddenly and hear something scutter, clearly in response. I look down to see: a neighbor's cat? No I've never seen a cat that looks like this, but I know his fuckin name: Pepe Le "fucking" Pew.
A young buck skunk SMelled my WEED and approached the smell. He got so close because I was dressed head to toe in black like a backed "fucking, also" shinobi.
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loveemagicpeace · 5 months
🧚🏽Astrology Notes🧚🏽
🎸If Jupiter is in the first, fourth, seventh, tenth house, it should protect the person from major accidents. Jupiter in the 11th house means many friends. Jupiter in the 9th house means long journeys, usually paid for by someone else. Jupiter in the 4th house means that the person has a very religious family and that he will not live where he was born.
If Saturn is in the falling house (third, sixth, ninth, twelfth), circumstances may arise during that period, but you only become aware of them a few years later. If Saturn is in an angular house (fourth, seventh, tenth) at the time of birth, it sets a pattern that a person will follow throughout his life.
Saturn in the first, second or third house can indicate a burden on a person already in his early life. This is often because of the father. Saturn in the 4th house means that the individual will build a larger valuable property.
If the Sun is in a corner house (first, fourth, seventh, tenth), this means that the exercise of individuality will be visible to others. It makes the power that can bring you fame.
If the Sun is in one of the following houses (second, fifth, eighth, eleventh), this tends to give up publicity and the individual must progress on his own. If it is accepted by the public, it is not based on a personal initiative, as the main position of the sun sign would suggest. Follow-up houses often lead y dealing with other people's lives and/or their property.
If the Sun is in the falling houses (third, sixth, ninth, twelfth), this indicates that the individual thrives best behind the scenes. It makes an individual who serves. The beauty and strength of this individual are visible only to those closest to him in close contact with him.
Uranus is the planet that shows the clairvoyance of a person and the premonitions that a person has. But it is also a planet associated with astrology.
Mercury and Uranus: each aspect helps the person to communicate well. A person writes a horoscope.
Sun and Uranus: this is one of the more important aspects. No matter how aspected it brings a person great success in the field of astrology. And people will accept him as an expert and trust that person. You will become an authority figure, so you can make sure that you are honest.
Pluto rules kidnappings and gangsters. And many people do not know that pluto is also the co-ruler of Aries. So people who have a lot of Aries and act mysteriously is also part of it.
Cancer rising people are very sensitive when someone is rude to them. They take it to heart when someone is rude to them, especially authority figures. They are very used to home and family and it is difficult for them to be with people who are not their family for a long time. Let's say: if someone takes them to a doctor, they will always want it to be a person who is related to them.
Capricorn rising people are basically unaffected by things. And they are used to people being harsher towards them. are basically unaffected by things. And they are used to people being harsher towards them. They have tough skin and are generally not that personal as a sign. They look at things from a different perspective.
Aquarius Sun tend to want more friendly relationships than romantic ones. They don't like you controlling them or telling them what to do. But they are prone to long engagements. They also say that Aquarians do not like flashy and provocative clothes, jewelry and make-up. Although it all depends on what other signs a person has.
Venus in Aries- are often selfish in love and will always put themselves first. And it is considered unstable venus.
Venus in Taurus- are very frugal with money. In love, however, they are loyal, deep and lasting.
Venus in Gemini- in love, they tend to flirt or have several relationships at the same time.
Venus in Cancer- are emotional and tend towards the domestic environment. They can be better parents than partners. This position is not always favorable for marriage.
Venus in Leo- love to spend, especially on people they love. They like attention. They are frank, honest and sometimes too kind-hearted.
Venus in Virgo-Venus falls here. They are artistic, but they are also emotionally closed. They tend to be critical. Once they commit, they don't let up.They are often disappointed in relationships and have several.
Venus in Libra- are young at heart, often indecisive. They are determined hosts. They often marry early.
Venus in Scorpio- are passionate, intense, mysterious, jealous. They strongly desire to know the hidden motives of others. He is quick to rate people. They can have a hard time forming relationships.
Venus in Sagittarius- are positive, sincere, passionate, irresistible. They are very idealistic, philosophical. They are intuitive, loyal and love a mystical way of life. They have many friends.
Venus in Capricorn- usually not open, they are calculating, serious, careful. They are often disappointed in love, so they are afraid of relationships. They can get married for the sake of society. They marry a person who can be quite different.
Venus in Aquarius - aloof in love, quickly establish contacts with strangers. They are usually more friendly than romantic. They tend to have multiple relationships.
Venus in Pisces- often fantasize about their love life. They are sensitive and also depressed. Music has a good effect on them.
The first house covers areas of life such as: early life impression, causes of financial losses, long journeys of children and their religious inclinations, friends of brothers and sisters.
The third house covers areas of life such as: incidental sciences, willpower, speech and hearing, reasons for moving away from home, long journeys of a spouse.
The fifth house covers areas of life such as: spouse's friends, grandchildren's long journeys, person's passions, ways of relaxation, cause of bankruptcy.
The seven house covers areas of life such as: the description and characteristics of a marriage partner, friends in other countries, rivalries, quarrels and fights, enemies and rivals, things that are the most difficult for a person to achieve, the outcome of diseases, the mentality of children, the later life conditions of the father in the female chart, later life conditions of the mother in the male chart.
The eighth house covers areas of life such as: natural death of a person, business friends, transition to the astral world, gateway to the spiritual world, acquisitions due to partnership, acquisitions due to marriage, investigation of lawsuits, short trips to work.
The second house covers areas of life such as: inner emotions and feelings, financial visions, the propriety of borrowing money, a person's ingenuity, the ability to be comfortable, what you give is what you get, family friends, time and reputation of children, inheritances and inheritances by marriage partner, cause of death partner.
The fourth house covers areas of life such as: family traditions, situations in later life, kitchen, causes of sadness due to love relationships, inheritances from other countries.
The sixth house covers areas of life such as: favors, small animals, attitude to diet, restrictions due to marriage, restrictions due to partner, working conditions, food, clothing.
The ninth house covers areas of life such as: rites and ceremonies, types of church, gains from spiritual experiences, gains from psychic experiences, the person's consciousness, the hygienic conditions of the person's home, the care or neglect of property, the mentality of the spouse, the health of the parent of the opposite sex, the end of the life of uncles, restrictions or losses in business, situations of children's romantic relationships.
The tenth house covers areas of life such as: the house of pride, reward karma, grief and loss of friends, long journeys due to money matters, children's health, the cause of death of loved ones, the end of the life of a spouse, money that you can earn from traveling.
The eleventh house covers areas of life such as: societies and organizations to which one belongs, punishments, fines that a person has to pay, the way money is spent, agreements in foreign countries, attitude towards entertainment of the spouse, potential cause of loss of property, health of uncles and aunt on your mother's side.
The twelfth house covers areas of life such as: a symbol of the most difficult battles, a symbol of the most difficult tasks, a symbol of accidents, losses, fate, enemies, hospitals, asylums, the house of spies, the cause of the end of romantic relationships, residence in a foreign country, how someone sleeps and relaxes, house hindsight, self-analysis, friends' finances, friends' acquisitions, closest point of contact with a person's soul.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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jyeshindra · 20 days
Astrology Observations— jyeshindra
🤖- i feel like libra moons are what people think libra suns are. passionate, romantic, idealistic, fair. they need to thrive in partnerships, but they don’t always achieve that!
🤖- building off of the previous point, i think we end up using the CONSCIOUS energy of our sun to meet the needs of our Moon. Now we can either be conscious of our shadow (moon) or we can be unaware of our needs. which do you think sounds more toxic?
🤖- uranus i feel is the most LGBT energy in western astro LOL. like mars - uranus aspects or lots of Aquarian energy in the chart? It’s givinggggg gayyyyyy
🤖- sagittarius is a verrryyy psychic placement. this is like Sailor Mars energy for those who have watched Sailor Moon. the element of fire had psychic abilities!!! and with Sagittarius being the higher mind…the guru?? i see it.
🤖- 12H placements unfortunately can be BLIND to potential “enemies” connected to planets in that house. Mercury? your mind is the hidden enemy. the Sun? YOU are your hidden enemy. Venus? something to do with relationships. either literally the people you’re dealing with or the WAY you approach relationships
🤖- 12H venus charm almost comes from how hidden they are…you almost can’t help but be curious about them. they can be so withdrawn!
🤖- saturn in the third house can give you fears related to your speech and how you express. you may overthink or you may have had authority figures who made you feel afraid of your words/communication.
🤖- wherever saturn is…SLOW DOWN. Mars and Saturn are enemies!!! Mars likes to move fast, quickly, with passion! Saturn takes its time. it thinks. it weighs. it analyzes. it learns. it takes time to find the right balance…saturn is here to teach you PATIENCE.
🤖- chiron transits can be a painful…but beautiful time. you’re healing old wounds…reclaiming parts of yourself…and grieving others all at the same time. and more is uncovered as the day goes by. let it happen. cry. release. let yourself be angry and frustrated and bitter. feel it all.
🤖- Mars in Cancer natives need some sort of physical/creative outlet for all that emotional water energy. Mars is debilitated in Cancer because...well...Mars likes to be direct and straightforward. Cancer is the crab, it moves in irregular patterns. This can create natives who don't externalize that martian energy, or they blow up out of nowhere, or they just can't control how the martian energy is expressed! Some outlet is beneficial for the health of the native.
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lua-magic · 7 months
Eighth house and your hidden pain.
Whichever your eighth house Lord goes, there you have to face transformations, humiliation, pain and traumas.
Wherever your eighth house Lord goes or which ever planets goes in your four, eighth and twelfth you should be extremely secretive about that planet and should not disclose about it to public as eighth house is of secrets.
Eighth house Lord in first house 🏠
This is little tricky placement, because it makes person extremely secretive about his/her activities.
It could get native involved in extra marital or immoral activities or give person high sexual drive or urges which he/she can't control
Person has deep rooted traumas and pain that he/she can't express .
Person is extremely sensitive and has tendancy to pent up emotions and that makes person emotionally unstable as/she has no idea "how to release emotions in healthy way" that makes person extremely agressive when he expresses his emotions.
He has hidden personalities which he doesn't show to public for example he will be different personality to his family and then he switches his personality for his wife
However, person would be good in research and good in spirituality.
Native should not talk about himself to others he should extremely quiet about his life.
Eighth Lord in second house 🏠.
This combination gives you money, so much so that you can lead a life of dignity, nor less not more, as eighth house has tendancy to flush out things, it cannot hold, that is why eighth house represents your "excretion ".
You will face ups and downs in finances and regarding family.
In some cases family could be the reason of your pain and traumas.
In some cases person often see or sense super natural powers around him.
You should be secretive about your finances and should not disclose to others.
Eight Lord in third house 🏠.
Third house is of mental inclination and attractions.
Your own desires and mental inclination will be cause of your anxiety, stress, and depression.
Eighth Lord in third house is not good for siblings, as they will be constant cause of worry and anxiety for the native.
Third-house is also of house of courage, so eighth Lord damages your courage and you don't like to take initiatives and risks in life.
Third house also represents, subconscious mind hence, native should always work on his subconscious mind and be secretive about his/ her desire.
Eight lord in fourth house 🏡
Eighth house is of transformations and fourth house is of domestic environment.
Person will live like wanderer, and continuously change is place.
This placement give trouble to mother and gives person extreme emotions like depression and anxiety because native like to go in roots and analyse everything in so much details that he loses his emotional control.
It could also make person good counselor and psychiatric
Fourth house is of comfort, hence, person should always work or think outside comfort zone and never try to limit himself or herself.
Person should be quiet about his house and home related matters and should not disclose it in public.
Eighth lord in fifth house 🏡
Fifth house is of children, children could be the cause of stress and anxiety for the native.
Fifth house is also your concious mind, so person will be constantly being under stress or anxiety.
Fifth House is also of learning, so this placement is good for someone who wants to go in occult and Astrology.
Fifth house is of love life, due to love life native could face extream transformations in his/her life
Native should be quiet about his love life, and about his children and should not disclose it in public, especially be quiet about your pregnancy and conceive.
Eighth Lord in sixth house.
Sixth house is of debt and diseases, native could face stress and anxiety due to his diseases and debts in life.
Sixth house is also of daily routine, so native can't maintain his daily routine.
It is also good, because person would fight with his traumas and his eniemies.
Native should be quiet about his social services, charities and about his problems in life, don't announce it on public platforms or even to your family, learn to to do secret charities and be quiet about your struggles.
Eight Lord in seventh house 🏠
This is again tricky placement because it disturbs the martial life of the native and partner could be cause of stress and depression.
However, native could experience major transformations in life after marriage.
Native should marry partner who are into occult and Astrology or are Deep thinker or in research.
Native could also gain inheritance from his partner.
Native should be quiet about his married life and should not disclose much about his partner to public.
Eighth Lord in eighth house 🏡
This could give major transformations in life and also be cause of depression and anxiety, as eight house is of traumas and eighth Lord in his own house will only increase all your traumas and grief in life.
Native experiences deep pain and sadness in his/her life before your life gets better like dark night of the soul and then native transforms for ever
Sometimes you have to die in order to reborn., I am mentioning mental death.
Eighth house is of isolation and detachments, it makes person isolated and detached from every thing, once you are detached and emotionally dry, your life starts getting better.
It kills you emotionally slowly and exposes all your past life traumas and emotions that you have stored inside you to you till you work on it and transform yourself.
It is good for someone who wants to learn astrology and occult.
Person should be quiet about his pain and grief and should not disclose about his sadness and depression in public.
Eighth Lord in ninth house 🏠
Ninth house is of father, religion and teacher, native could experience major transformations in his/her life due to father or teacher. Father could be cause of stress and anxiety and depression.
Person will not be attached to his religion and has difficulty in making long term plans.
Ninth house is also of luck, so her person should not leave anything in "Luck" .
Scorpio has energy death, so person experiences major event in his life, where native hits the rock bottom, and then he/she experiences divine blessings, blessings come only in critical situation.
Native should be silent about everything in his life, and should not disclose his weaknesses especially, to his friends or even family. If you have weak spot then don't let anyone know about it.
Eighth Lord in tenth House 🏠
When eighth Lord goes in tenth House 🏠, it gives you major change or shift in your career and work, you will change your work frequently and won't be satisfied in your work life .
It won't let you settle in work or you won't be able to find work which you enjoy. You experience stress and anxiety due to work continuously..
Native could do well in occult or in Astrology..
Native should learn to do his work in silence, and not to disclose his professional life with anyone.
Eighth Lord in eleventh house 🏡
Eleventh house is house of your friends, so native should be careful about choosing his/her friends as native could experience stress and anxiety due to his friend circle.
He should make only spiritual friends and don't share his personal life with his friends.
Due to his bad friend circle native could get involved in illicit activities, friends could also try to harm or defame the native.
Native should always have healthy boundaries with his/her friends.
Eighth Lord in twelfth house 🏠
Twelfth house is of Intuition, and eighth house is of occult and Astrology, person has some occult powers or sixth sense within him.
Native could be great healer or has connections with spirits or angels that guide him/her
Twelfth house is of bed pleasure, so person could experience problems in bed pleasure and especially sleep related issues.
Twelfth house is of sleep and eighth house is mysticism, so person could experience premonition in dream and can sense events.
Eighth house is also of dead, so native could sense death before or talk to dead people as well.
Person should not disclose his occult powers in public and also about his sexual activities
If person gets into meditation then he/she can unlock his hidden super powers easily.
This placement could also give native sexual traumas, and pain and fear due to sexual activities
Scorpio 🦂 is tail, Opposite to eighth house is Taurus which represents your eyes and mouth, hence Scorpio has energy of being hidden, or which cannot be seen but, could be felt intensely.
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sakurapandadreams · 27 days
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
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This is a new series of post I'm planning on continuing
This post consists all the placements that makes or causes someone to feel left out with in a place or a group or from people.
If you have some or any of these placements rest assured these placements doesn't mean you won't find any friends at all.
🖇 Mercury or Moon in Aquarius
Natives with these placements have trouble sharing their thoughts with others as they feel it doesn't align with their peers. Which is a big reason why these people rarely relate with anyone. In this world where people live by socializing they build their small world at home on their computers or phones through social media.
🖇 Capricorn Moon
These natives grow up the hard way, they mature at a young age. Growing up they can realize how people only make relations if it benefits them. However they disfavor this very idea, there more serious and want people to take their friendships seriously [which many unfortunately don't].
🖇 Cancer Rising
They don't feel left out everywhere but in certain groups yes. Many may get along with people elder to them as they find comfort in sharing their ideas with them. People with this placement even if their in a trio, can feel like someone who is third wheeling between a duo. Many people with this placement are ahead of their time.
🖇 Venus in 0 degrees
Of Course this is the purest form of the planet. Natives with this placement can get sidelined or get mistreated by people around them due to their looks. Most might be clueless or have trouble understanding certain aspects of love which inturn secludes them from their peers.
🖇 Saturn in Gemini
These people may have trouble understanding what to share and how much to ?. Hence these people keep to themselves and instead of talking things they express themselves better in writing. These people avoid gossips or conversations that may lead to drama which ends up making them left out.
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🖇 Saturn in the 11th house
The most mentioned one of all. People with this placements feel left out because they have grown up learning it's better to be cautious around others. Many natives keep formal relationships with their peers making them hard to reach or feel free or comfortable to talk to.
🖇 Uranus in or ruling the 7th and 11th house
These people are highly intelligent, many people won't be able to match their intellectual wavelength. Hence more often than not they get alienated by people their age. Nothing is wrong with you guys. It's just your ideas and philosophers are different from people your age.
🖇 Neptune square Mercury
These people do have friends but within their friend groups they tend to feel left out. Because most don't understand which friends is reliable and many also desire to be liked by everyone hence in this process they aren't able to make close friends. This makes them feel left out in their own groups.
🖇 Rahu conjunction with Mercury
These natives get alot of friends [depends on signs and degrees] but most of them harbor jealousy for these people. Many may take advantage and keep friends till they benefit them. Many could have faced backstabbing. Their friends could have made them feel dumb. Hence these people feel left out.
🖇 Chiron in the 11th house
Quite less spoken one these people may have wounds regarding friendships or how they view themselves in friendships these people may often times feel that they don't deserve such people or may feel inferior to their friends on the flip side they could have been betrayed by their friends hence don't want friendships.
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