#platonic gotg
Y/N: *walking into the room while yawning and stretching* Hey, guys. How’s it going?
Rocket: Where the hell have you been?
Y/N: Sleeping… why?
Gamora: Well, you’ve been sleeping these past two days straight, then
Y/N: Wow… I’m going back to sleep
Peter: *walking in and slamming the door* YOU’VE BEEN ASLEEP?!?! FOR THE PAST TWO DAYS?!?!
Peter: *angrily charging at Y/N* I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD
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itsscromp · 10 months
I was thinking about post gotg 3, Rocket and a reader who helps him taking care of the little raccoons they rescued, it would be adorable 🥹
They can be a handful
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YES !!!!!!!, So much flarking yes. I absolutely love this idea anon, which was easily the movie's best moment. Word count:512
You were peacefully sleeping in your room on the ship when you felt a patter of very small paws on your cheek, grumbling a little, you woke up to find it was one of the raccoons that Rocket had saved.
"Hey little guy" You said, smiling tiredly as you gently scratched its head, making it chitter happily.
"Got lost huh, I'll get you back to rocket" You sat up, gently holding the raccoon as you got out of bed and went to his room, To which looked like a mess.
"What's wrong bud ??"
"They escaped and I can't flarking find them !!!"
"First of all, language in front of the child. Secondly, just relax, we'll find them ok ??" You reassured.
Ever since he rescued the small creatures, you were by his side helping him through it all of taking care of them, from feeding them to cleaning them. You helped him every step of it all.
"Right... sorry" He took a deep breath and then regained his composure. "Ok let's go look for them"
So you two began to look high and low of the bowie, finding one or two in the cockpit, but where were the rest of them ?? You could see Rocket getting more and more worried by the minute, Have they run away... Or... what if something worse to them happened ??
"Rocket... stay with me Ok?? We found a few of them, I'm sure they're just somewhere in the ship, maybe internally"
"But that's where the combusters are !!, Oh god, they're going to get bur... I'm horrible... I can't even take care of them..."
"Hey, Don't say that. Rocket, you took care of Groot when he was just a bare twig, And look at him now, he's thriving more than ever thanks to you. Because you took care of him, and if you can take care of him, you can take care of these raccoons ok ??" You reassured him softly, to which the raccoons chittered, somewhat agreeing with you.
"Your... Your right. I got this... Thanks y/n" He smiled up at you and went back to looking.
Going further through the ship, he looked inside the ship's internal compartments, but sadly no raccoons, then his ears picked up soft chirping.
"What is it..."
"Shhh" He listened closely to find where the chirping was coming from and followed it.
You two walked to near the ship's heater and found them... all snuggled up soaking in the warmth of the heater.
"Guess they must've gotten cold last night" You said as you gently placed down the found raccoons so they can join for a nap.
"I guess so, maybe I should buy one of those portable heaters" He chuckled as he then laid down alongside them, curling up against them protectively and napping himself.
Smiling, you gently walked away leaving them all be, by god that was the most adorable sight in the whole galaxy. But regardless, like you promised you would help rocket with taking care of them, no matter what the situation ensues.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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GOTG on Incorrect Quotes ft. my OC! (because why not?)
Nave: If you water water, it grows.
Quill: ...What.
Mantis: She's got a point.
Gamora: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance?
Quill: No.
Nave: No.
Gamora: Didn't think so.
Nave: Good. Thanks, dad.
Rocket: You just called Yondu “dad”. You just said “thanks, dad.”
Nave: What? No, I didn’t. I said “thanks, man”.
Yondu: Do you see me as a father figure, Nave?
Nave: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me.
Quill: Hey! Show your father some respect!
Nave: I didn't call him DAD!
Quill: Rocket, you’re in charge!
Nave: Rocket, can we start a fire?
Gamora: Nave taught me to think before I act.
Gamora: ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Nave: Hey, are you alright with swearing? Asking for a friend.
Quill: Yeah?
Nave: Bitch.
Nave: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
Rocket: All good bro, any time.
Nave: Fuck you.
Nave: When I was younger, Quill told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Rocket: They are!
Rocket: No! Why did you fall for it again?
Drax: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Quill: You left me, Rocket, Groot and Nave in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Drax: I did that on purpose, try again.
Nave, pointing to Quill and Gamora: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves*
Drax: Okay!
*five minutes later*
Nave: *returns and sees Quill and Gamora unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out!
Drax: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
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gotgscromp · 11 days
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31 flavours
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Of course @happylittleshrub Here you go :D Word count:1K
It was a hot sweltering day on New Xandar, You must've haven't checked in with the weather man as the planet was sweltering in a heat wave. You hovered a portable fan all over your face to rid the sweat, but it only blew more hot air. Meanwhile rocket was scratching his head profusely, The heat was getting under his fur, making his skin hot and itchy under.
"Goddamn it !! I will literally blow up these sun's if i have too !!" He growled.
"And the planet would die" You reasoned even in a distressed state.
"Flark off..." He grumbled.
"Maybe we can just go out for a little bit, The wind looks like it picked up ??" You slowly rose from the chair, Your shirt sticking uncomfortably on your back.
He sighed. "Might as well, let's go humie"
As you left the ship, you were immediately blasted by brief heat, But sweet relief came in via a cool breeze.
"Now this is more like it huh pal ??" Rocket looked up at you as he climbed onto your shoulders.
"D'ast straight" You nodded as you enjoyed the breeze.
You enjoyed the breeze as you walked around, and you and Rocket watched as the Xandarians made the most of the heatwave by cooling down in various ways. Some kids were playing in the water park nearby. Some people were laying down nearby hoping to get a tan.
"I don't even understand why people want a tan, even back on terra" You shook your head.
"Whatcha mean ??" He quizzed you.
"Cause back on Terra, if you stayed out in the sun for too long you end up getting sick later in life" It was hard to explain, but this was the best way to put it for someone who hasn't been to earth.
"Yeah, fair... Don't you go sick on me humie" He flashed the familiar smirk as he noogied your head.
"Hey watch it !!" You chuckled.
Soon, a delicious smell picked up in rocket's nose... It was... so sweet. "hey, come on" He jumped off your shoulders and bolted on all fours to pick up the smell more strongly.
"Hey wait up !!" You rushed through the crowd to try and catch up to him, How was he so damn fast !!
You managed to find him at a nearby marketplace where people were selling all sorts of food, You found him blatantly staring into a window. "What is it..." You turned and your eyes went wide as saucers, the smell that rocket was picking up was ice cream !! But not just any ice cream, Yara root ice cream !! As if they were freshly ripe and ready to go.
"Guess we found a way to cool off." You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at all the flavours. They had the usual Terran flavours too, vanilla, chocolate, and raspberry. Even a few delicate flavours as well. Kree starfruit twist, Of course Yara fruit ripple and sweet zarg nuts.
"Ohohoho now we're talking" Rocket tried to leap for the door handle, which then you opened. "I could've opened it" He scoffed playfully.
"Yeah, sure" You chuckled as you entered the shop to scoop out the flavours, pun intended.
Like anything, it was hard to choose what sort of ice cream you wanted, one scoop, two or three ?? A sundae or a shake ?? Gahh !!
But rocket seemed to know what he wanted already, So without hesitation, he jumped back on your shoulders so he could be able to talk to the clerk.
"Yes hi, Could I be able to get chocolate dirt with some... gummy worms" He asked.
"Certainly, and for you ??" He soon asked you.
"Ummm... I'll get the triple scoop of Blue zazzberry, Yara fruit and vanilla" You nodded.
Rocket leaned over and paid for the two treats. "I could pay for my own" You looked at him.
"Yeah sure" He chuckled, But he wanted to, it was his shout. He may come off as the hardened bounty hunter, but you knew this softie inside and out, hence why he was your best friend.
"Order for Y/n and rocket !!" They called out as they placed the desserts on the counter.
"Thank you" You said as you grabbed them and soon headed outside to a shaded table.
"Oh, this is gonna be so flarkin' good !!" Rocket rubbed his hands together as he grabbed the spoon and began to eat, He was in heaven as the flavours hit his tongue.
Yours as well. "How is this better than the ice cream we have !!"
"Must be the Kantor milk, I ain't complainin'" He smiled as he took another bite.
There was nothing else on this planet that could've been better than this, You, your best friend, and ice cream.
"Let's make a pact to never tell Drax this" He snickered.
"Agreed, He'd eat the whole place"
It was fun while it lasted, with one last bite, your ice creams were gone, it was bittersweet... Rocket let out a burp as did you. "So good." He patted his stomach.
"This was pretty good, Might be the best damn ice cream I've had"
"You reckon ??" He looked at you.
You both shared fond smiles towards each other as you looked out into the crowds, watching them all go by. This was just easily the best day.
You felt your communicator go off in your pocket, Pulling it out and reading a text.
"The air conditioning on the ship has finally been fixed, Some of the parts were missing hence why it wasn't working" You smirked at Rocket.
"Hmm, Now who could've done that ??" He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he looked around.
"Come on, let's head back" You chuckled as you helped him up.
Maybe it wasn't bad this heat wave, you wouldn't mind if it lasted a little longer. If it was an excuse for more ice cream.
A/N: Now i want one.
Taglist: @callofdudes @rogertaylorswift @writings-of-a-demigod
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nix-fics · 1 year
Rocket's Little Girl
When a small Terran child is abducted and experimented on for months, she makes a friend. Little did she know, that she would help him as much as he helped her. "You know, your fur is really pretty," she said louder, determined to keep his attention. Subject 89P13’s fur bristled instantly; his head snapped to look at her with the most shocked face Phoenix had ever seen. "What!?" he croaked out. Phoenix could not help but giggle at this, "Your fur! It looks soft! The color is also the opposite of the walls. " A matter-of-fact tone laced her words as she perked up. Subject 89P13 genuinely was bewildered. "The walls?" he echoed. All he got was a curt nod from the little girl.
TW: Blood, Child experimentation, kidnapping, needles, depressing themes.
Chapter One
White rooms. 
That's what laboratories are always portrayed with. 
The sterile halls, the fluorescent lights, hushed experiments gone wrong.
It sounds like a horrible place on paper, but living through it is another whole monstrosity. Not a single depiction has described how loud it always feels. The hallways tower above you like mountains, the ceiling an unreachable and manufactured sky. Every small noise from a pin dropping to a featherlight footstep was made into a loud roar. It echoed and echoed until your skull started to rattle, and it never faded, because your own breathing would become warped and echo back to you in a garbled voice. Your own body soon became your enemy, as it betrayed you day in and day out. 
Nothing felt private. Nothing felt sacred. Nothing was your own. Even if you spent a lifetime in this sterile prison, you would never feel comfortable. You’d never feel warm or at peace. The floors would always remain cold and sticky to your bare feet, which would always make your feet sore when you finally sat back down. Instead of your clothing becoming comfortable and molding to your body over time, the fabric would always feel coarse. Sometimes, after you woke up, you would have a rash from where the fabric was pressed on too tightly. Breathing even felt like an action that wasn’t even your own. The air tasted stale and recycled, after a few days indoors you forget what a breeze felt like. It was all so sickening bright, so sickeningly clean, and so sickeningly loud. The fluorescent lights would always taunt you and remind you of a sun, but lack the warmth, and always let out a loud droning hum. It was always too bright. 
 "Too bright… " Phoenix thought. 
She tried to blink in an attempt to get used to the light burning into her eyes. Her efforts were in vain, and all she got in return was dry eyes. The sleep in her eyes only added to her discomfort. With a whine, the little girl attempted to rub her eyes, nothing happened, so she tried it again. As her consciousness was slowly being regained, she could feel the pressure of some metallic edges digging into her wrists. 
Phoenix then turned her head to the side, trying to get some respite from the bright lights, only to be met with the torsos of strangers in green. The clothes they wore were familiar but completely void of wear and tare. A wave of realization washed over the 9 year old. She remembered this place. This was the place they would take her and- 
A sense of dread filled her gut, making her throat dry up. She started to tug on her restraints, ignoring the pain against her bone.
"No-no… I don't want… here." She muttered out, her voice shaking. She was still being affected by whatever they were pumping into her, so she could hardly make a coherent sentence. A sense of helplessness caused her to try to suck up as much air as she could, only to just let it all out at once, and soon this process began to repeat. 
The people in white walked around her, taking notes and checking the distant screens. If Phoenix's eyes weren't being clouded with tears she would have probably been able to read them. She started to shake her head in an attempt to distract herself, to get away, or something similar. 
Her small voice choked out “i wa-nt to go hom-me." 
A faint sense of accomplishment flooded her mind when her weak struggling got some attention. She let out a small wail when the pain in her wrists became too much to handle. With a frustrated groan, she eased up on struggling, soon resorting to speaking since she had their attention. A larger person in green scurried over and quickly inspected her. 
"The chemicals wore off, subject is conscious"
"Put it under again." 
Phoenix didn't like the way these people talked about her. It made her feel small, well, smaller. She felt the tears begin to run down her cheeks. She hated feeling as if she were an animal unworthy of interaction or consideration. She voiced this with the most strength she could muster in her current state. 
Her moment of strength seemed to only make it worse, because she then caught a glimpse of a needle nearing her. Her mind was soon clear of any Haze, and she became aware of the fact she couldn't feel her legs. She couldn't stop herself from beginning to tremble and shake, afraid to even glance down.
" Yes ma'am. " The bigger person in white responded. 
The person came near and grabbed her left forearm holding it still, their grip too tight, and the gloves irritating her skin even more. 
  Phoenix attempted to thrash, but felt like her limbs weighed a hundred pounds. She couldn't handle another needle or injection. She couldn't handle falling asleep again. To aid her objection she let out a broken scream, which began to sting her throat. But it didn't matter how much thrashing or yelling she did because in the end, she was still a prisoner. She still wasn't her own. She was their object. She didn't have a single choice in her life that wasn't made by someone else and in moments like these, that reality made itself incredibly clear. 
The ice cold needle slid into her arm and the doctor pushed the sedative into her frail body.
A final desperate scream tore through before the girl's eyes shut, her world going dark and her body going numb. 
She missed her family more than anything. Her daddy would know what to do. Her mommy would find her. They loved her, they told her so every day. They would find her. She was certain of it. She had to be. 
And so, every day she would wait. Eyes glued to the door, waiting for her parents. Always waiting only to always be heartbroken and devastated when she was met with a man in strange armor placing a tray of food. In moments like those she was reminded that she, in fact, was very hungry. So she would eat, fall asleep, then wake up with a new bandage or a new ache in her body. It was maddening, and months of this passed by with her still hoping, longing, and believing that her parents would come for her. 
She would always begin to remember the time she spent when she would play with her family. She would try to remember what her mom and dad would sound like when they laughed, but as time passed, doing that made her feel worse. She would never admit it, but she had forgotten what they sounded like, and soon couldn't remember the details of their faces. all good things must come to an end so they say.
 Phoenix didn't even know when she broke, but she knew it happened. She was forced to realize her family wasn't coming back. She realized she didn't even know how long she had been left there. She didn't even know if her birthday had passed… She was alone. Alone… Alone…  Alone… 
Sitting and waiting was quickly replaced with screaming, crying, and hitting the walls. Day after day, Phoenix would scream and yell but no change ever came. She even tried to attack the man who gave her food, which resulted in a nasty bruise on her eye that swelled. She learned very quickly that it was more trouble than it was worth to throw tantrums. Soon she became tired of crying, she became tired of tantrums, and so she began to become hopelessly docile. The silence was deafening, but the echo if she did speak was painful. The noise of her own voice was sickening to her now.
  She soon began to try to get used to her schedule. She would sit and sit, alone and unbearingly uncomfortable, they would feed her mush, she would fall asleep, and when they were done with whatever they did, back into her room Phoenix would go. Never a toy or something like it to keep her company. Not a single thing to distract herself from the place she remained. The walls were far too empty and clean to even make shapes out. The only company was the all too bright lights above her. Always on, always looming, always cold.
At this point Phoenix lost count how many days, weeks, or months passed. It could've been years for all she knew, but she hadn't really grown much, so she doubts it. Today was just like any other day, the same silence and drone of the lights above, she stared at her legs, tracing over the scars on them, not really noticing that her skin didn't feel her own fingers on some particular spots. She flexed her toes and began to try to move one at a time. A dull sense of pride caused the slightest of smiles to grace her features because she realized she has improved her control over her toes. 
She heard footsteps approaching her room. She let her hands drop to her sides and she stared at the door expectantly, her smile dissipating. Another meal, she curiously wondered where her new scar would be. Instead of her usual meal of mush that greeted her, she instead saw the man in the armor holding nothing but his weapon. A newfound terror found its way into Phoenix's gut as she scrambled into the corner. 
"Wh-what did I do??!!" She yelled at the man. Her body began to tremble and shake without her being able to control it. 
In response the guard began to walk over to her, causing Phoenix to cover her face with her hands, curling up. Instead of a hit of pain, she felt the person's hand grab her upper arm and practically rip it out of its socket. She let out an involuntary wail of terror as she was yanked to her feet. Before she could comprehend what was happening the person began to drag her out of the room at a faster pace than Phoenix had walked in who knows how long. 
Phoenix could barely stand let alone walk, so she was constantly stumbling over her own feet. She could honestly admit she was too scared to see where she was being dragged. All that she could comprehend is that she was being taken to some horrific place and that she would be awake during one of the experiments, or worse, she could've lost her use. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks and all she could do was bury her face into her free hand, blindly being dragged through the halls. 
The noise was too loud, her feet painfully dragged on the ground as it clung to her flesh. The noise leaving a squeaking echo, making her want to puke. The distant wails and screams made louder the farther she was dragged. Her hands soon went from her eyes to her ear, trying to block them out. She hadn't even noticed the fact she had started to hyperventilate. 
Then, all at once, she was tossed onto some metal floor haphazardly. She hit the ground with a loud thud, it was all she could do to not open her eyes. Instead, she just curled up as she heard the sound of a latch closing. The ache on her skin where she was dragged was already beginning to bruise. She didn't want to open her eyes. She just wanted to get out of this place. She didn’t even remember where she wanted to go, just someplace not sterile. All she could continue to do was cry. So she remained curled up, hoping to just fall asleep.
“Some of us are trying to sleep in here!” a raspy voice called out. 
Phoenix instinctively flinched at the sudden voice. Another voice? Not just a voice, this one was different from the usual monotone voices that plagued her thoughts. Not even similar to the voices that would drone on and on behind closed doors, or when a sedative would wear off. 
"Oh my god, there's a kid now." another voice mumbled, seemingly to themself.
“People?” Phoenix thought. In a moment of hesitant hope, she took a chance to glance up, not sure what she was expecting to see. What greeted her were mats on the floor that lined each unbearingly white wall. Each held Animals, Creatures, and a few humans, none seemed to be her age, making Phoenix feel embarrassed that she had been on the floor crying seconds earlier. 
She glanced around the room, trying to gather more of her barings. Not many stared at the small girl for long, seeming to not want to accept her presence. Some of the ones that would meet her gaze soon turned away in what seemed like disgust or irritation. Phoenix wiped a tear track from her face, trying to calm her beating heart. She hadn’t realized she was still crying. With a resounding sniff, she sat on her knees. 
Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as her old room. At least she isn’t alone anymore. Phoenix attempted to ignore the gnawing in the back of her mind that it was going to get much worse, somehow. After spotting an open mat in the farest corner of the room, Phoenix shakily stood up, making her way to the unoccupied space. While she attempted to stumble to the back of the room, growls and snarls would  greet her if she tripped too close to an individual. 
Their eyes followed her every move. Phoenix felt exposed, the hair on the back of her neck standing, she felt as if one wrong move would have her killed. Not that she hadn't before but now, with all these creatures looking at her like prey, it made her heart race. As she neared the back of the room the girl stumbled to the mat in the corner. As far away as possible from the beings. The mat was just as stiff as the one in her old room. The pillow case was quite literally a burlap sack and the blanket was no more than a thin sheet. 
“At least I have a blanket.” she optimistically thought.  The second her knees touched the cushion she heard the sound of a strong electricity surge around her, causing her to involuntarily yelp. She frantically glanced around the room, no one seemed phased. She did manage to pick up on the slight discoloration of the white around her. Curiosity that she had forgotten she still had immediately gave her a wide eyed expression. She scooched close to the edge of the discoloration and stared at it. She blew on it and felt her own breath blow back. A smile graced her feature as she went to poke it. Her joy only increased, her hand felt fuzzy when she touched it. A part of hew realized she now had a smaller space to exist, but now she had a tingly wall, which was a decent trade off. She soon let her hand sprawl out over the barrier, seeing it grow slightly glitchy, but she enjoyed the tickling on her hand. Most of the other experiments had gone back to ignoring her at this point, but a few glares had returned because she was becoming an irritant.
Noticing the tension in the air, her smile immediately retreated as she looked down at her lap. Phoenix turned away hoping they would go back to trying to sleep. She decided today she wouldn’t focus on the barrier, instead she would cover herself with a sheet she never had before. After scampering on top of the mat, Phoenix took a glance around the room. As long as she stayed quiet and out of the way, no one would bother her. With a delicate maneuver, she snuggled herself under the sheet. Somehow, in the large, cold, and echoing room, Phoenix found herself just relieved she is no longer alone. Even if the people around her weren’t kind, they were like her.
Phoenix never wanted the silence ever again. She never wanted to go back to being alone ever again, but in moments like these she second guessed herself. The hallways outside of the doors echoed loud enough into the room where she was curled up. A scream far too violent to result in anything good. It was all the little girl could do to hide herself under the sheet and cover her ears as tightly as she could, but it could never block it out. “ kid.” She fainty heard a familiar voice call, but she didn’t make a move. The screaming continued to fill the room, it made her want to throw up. Her stomach churned as she heard a loud crash. Phoenix began to shake her head violently, then began to hit her head, trying to distract herself. “Kid!” the voice repeated, louder and angrier than before. It apparently was enough because it caused phoenix to peek out from under the thin sheet at the creature across from her. “I was worried you knocked yourself out or somethin'.” Phoenix didn’t smile at this, she instead flinched at the yells from the guards. Nothing the creature had said to her in the past ever seemed to help her. He snapped at her when she asked about the strange men, telling her that they were actually called the security. He always seemed to be angry with her, the more and more people disappeared the more frightened she would feel, and the meaner he would get. 
She faintly heard a tired sigh from the creature. “You got a name?” he sounded like he was straining to remove the growl from his voice. Phoenix looked at the creature and took a slow breath “...Phoenix?” “gee kid do you not even know your own-” just as he began, he stopped, took a deep breath, then started over “That’s a nice name… “ 
"Thank you…What's- what's your name?" 
Phoenix spoke hesitantly to not anger him again, she wasn’t sure how this snappy creature would react to her in general. The creature looked at Phoenix with an expression akin to bewilderment or frustration. After a few seconds of him gauging her expression his mouth twitched as he looked at the wall to his side, crossing his arms casually
 " 89P13."
 Phoenix scrunched her nose at this. "That's not a name.. that's just a lot of numbers."
The small creature took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. His ear twitched before  opening his mouth to explain.
"What's something you like?" 
Subject 89P13 didn't know how to respond to this small child. She was genuinely curious, he could see it but he knew he couldn't play into her little game. Getting to know people didn't help anyone here. He honestly had no idea why he even tried to spark up a conversation anyway.
"Doesn't matter. " He ended the conversation as quickly as it had started. Padding back to his mat, he sat down, back facing the small girl. It wouldn't help to talk to her. 
Phoenix stared at the angry little creature's back. That was her first conversation that had lasted over a minute. A newfound determination and desperation to not let it end filled her chest, her fingers twitched with eagerness, because this was also the first time 89P13 hadn't completely snapped at her.
“You know your fur is really pretty” she spoke louder than before, determined to keep his attention. 
Subject 89P13’s fur bristled instantly, his head snapped to look at her with the most shocked face phoenix had ever seen. “What!?” he croaked out.
Phoenix couldn't help but giggle at this, “your fur! It looks soft! The color is also the opposite of the walls.” A matter of fact tone laced her words as she perked up.
Subject 89P13 genuinely was bewildered. “The walls?” he echoed. All he got was a curt nod from the little girl. 
"They sometimes hurt my eyes. They get too bright. The lights hurt sometimes too. But they tell me to not talk about it. They used to say I talk too much.  I learned that they won't hurt me as much if I stay quiet " Phoenix took a moment to actually breathe. 
Subject 89P13 stared dumbfounded at the little girl. He honestly felt like he just opened a can of worms he wouldn’t be able to close again. 
"That's why I said your fur is pretty. It's nice to look at and doesn't hurt my eyes. And it looks warm. Are you always warm? Or do you get cold? "
The small creature had no idea how to respond to this. The fact that someone, this tiny girl nonetheless, was trying to continue a conversation. She was clueless, she had to be. Phoenix was staring at him with a hopeful expression on her face. A part of him couldn’t actually conjure the energy to snap at her, so with a resounding huff, he responded.
"Uh- I don't get cold. "
Phoenix grinned at his answer and tried again at her first question " What do you like? "
Subject 89P13 found himself answering even though he'd have a better time not even acknowledging the runt.
"I like sleeping." he answered shortly, only to catch the girl’s excitement dull. He growled to himself before giving a better answer. “ I like making things. “ 
He felt his stomach churn as he heard an excited gasp, he had to close his eyes to try and hide his grimace. A soft pitter-patter of Phoenix's feet echoed throughout the room as she got close to the barrier.
" What kind of things? " She asked in wonder.
“Great,” Subject 89P13 groaned to himself.
“ I build things like… “ Subject 89P13 looked for the simplest of words to describe his ‘hobby’ “remotes..?”
“ remotes? “ Phoenix scrunched her nose. "That doesn't sound exciting" she thought. "For what?" 
" For- things. "
"What kind of things?" 
Subject 89P13 was growing annoyed with her never ending curiosity. " Bomb things. Now stop asking questions." 
Phoenix tried to stay quiet, she really did but she just needed to ask one more little question.
"What do you need bombs for? Are you a spy-" 
" Just Shut UP! " he barked at Phoenix. 
The young girl flinched at his raised tone, her expression immediately falling. She looked away and shuffled back to her mat. She ducked under her sheet and turned to the wall, she would’ve apologized but decided being quiet was better. She attempted to not let it get to her, but of course, her shaky breathing echoed through the room. After a little bit she quieted down, her eyelids growing heavy. She welcomed sleep the second it came.
At some point, Phoenix had become old enough to be awake during the testing. She didn't know what marked her ready for that, but over the last 15 times, Phoenix had been poked, prodded, and injected with a wide arrangement of needles and liquids. On some special days she would be knocked unconscious, then wake up with a large bandage somewhere with stitched. Today was one of those days.
She was now laying on her bed already tracing the bruises forming across her body. The damage most definitely internal this time. There was a new pain behind her eyes, almost that akin to a migraine. The more she thought about it the worse it got, so she tried to turn her attention to other things. 
People began to disappear a short while after she arrived. She didn't really understand where they were taken, subject 89P13 never seemed to tell her, so she decided not to pry. As of now, the room she once felt threatened in was now becoming an empty cage like the one she was trapped in for as long as she could remember.  Subject 89P13 was still around and every once in a while they would have a small conversation, his patience for her seeming to improve the older she got. There seemed to be a moment that neither one was going anywhere, and neither one wanted to. 
Today seemed to be one of subject 89P13's test days, due to his absence. So it was silent, the stuffy and loud silence she had grown to despise. The one that haunted her every waking moment. She hated it more than she could comprehend. Phoenix huffed and diverted her attention to a way to keep the silence to a minimum. Humming to herself she discovered seemed to work. For better or for worse, there wasn't anyone in here to be bothered by it anyway… 
So little Phoenix sat there humming out different tunes, building upon her previous works. In the end she started coming up with lyrics too, none of which made much sense but that wasn't the point. It was a shred of happiness and she grasped on to it. One of the few things she truly believes is her own. One of the only things that they don't own.
A loud screech of the door interrupted her song, making Phoenix jump. On instinct she scooted herself onto her mat and pulled her pillow close, keeping her gaze on the ground. 
The loud footsteps of the guards were a silent promise of her companion returning, so despite her fear of them, their presence was welcome. 
There was a pained grunt and a loud thud coming from across the room, then the all familiar whir of electricity. Then the footsteps faded, and their presence was gone with a resounded slam of the door. 
The sound still echoing a few seconds after they disappeared. Once it was silent, Phoenix could just about make out and strained breathing from across the room.
Slowly, Phoenix looked up from the ground and was greeted with the all familiar brown creature in a fetal position. Her gut seemed to weigh thousands of pounds at the sight of  new electrical attachments littering his back; the fur was freshly shaved and the skin was grotesquely raw. She set her pillow to the side as delicately as possible and crawled to the edge of her barrier. All she could do for a while was stare in horror, her eyes watering.  
"Are you ok?" She barely whispered out. 
The room took her voice and easily carried it to the creature despite her initial volume. In return, he growled out something Incoherent, his back still to her. The strain in his voice was palpable, and seemed to end with a stunted wail in pain. He clearly wasn't able to speak even if he wanted to. 
Phoenix shut her mouth and felt helpless. This was worse than she had ever even imagined. Her own aches seemed to disappear and were replaced with dread. Or was it anger?
Silence filled the air, consistently being broken with a strained groan from 89P13. It was all she could do to try to look for something to help him. All she could do was draw a blank. And so she remained sitting at the edge of her barrier, feeling small, well, smaller. 
" a…at least your fur is still pretty…?"
A bark of a laugh that sounded more like a gasp of pain was the response she got. " you.. and your thing with fur- Gah- !"
89P13 could hardly speak without it feeling like his insides were being ripped apart. Yet somehow he managed to laugh. His grimace was practically a sneer, but the corners of it turned up. "This kid" he silently laughed to himself. 
Phoenix's frown turned into a look of horror as she saw the small creature force himself to roll over. She got the smaller glimpse of parts of his skin breaking and red peaking out. Then she met his eyes. " your… your back was red " she spoke as softly as she could. 
89P13 couldn't help but slightly grin at this. " what's n-new… " he strained through clenched teeth. 
Phoenix scowled at the creature, which honestly amused him. "Are you going to lecture me-?" He quirked a brow, as his body started to sweat. 
"Please, don't disappear." She spoke just as softly as she usually did. 
And there it was. The thing 89P13 wanted to avoid, attachment. Be it the strain it was to speak, or the sudden shock, he honestly couldn't tell, but he just stared. 
"I don't want to be alone again." Phoenix was unashamed to admit it. It was more selfish than she wanted to acknowledge, but it was true. Right now, she didn't know what else she wanted to say anyway. 
On 89P13's side, he was practically a statue. He swallowed dryly and soon winced in pain.
Taking a shaky breath, " me neither, kid " he barely muttered out. 
They met each other's gaze, in a silent promise. Phoenix wanted to say much more, but she knew nothing would've really mattered. 89P13's gaze softened and after a few seconds, he blinked slowly before rolling onto his stomach, shutting his eyes fully. The blood now clearly staining the edges of his fur. 
With that she turned back to her wall and layed down. Her aches weren’t gone but thinking about his injuries made Phoenix feel oddly numb to her own ailments. She didn't have metal in her body, well there was none that she knew of, and here she was being sad about it when he was in a lot more pain then her. 
As she snuggled onto her mat she thought of all the ways to make him feel better. Maybe she could make a remote. He liked remotes. 
Phoenix decided that someday, she would make a remote for 89P13.
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keefechambers · 2 years
just the fact that mantis, little sister, concocts the scheme to bring kevin bacon to peter and kraglin, big brother, is the one who convinces him to stay
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
Love love love all your stories!! Could you do a
I still need you... I think I’ll always need you.”
For nebula and gamora please! Preferably the original gamora and not the alternate universe one, but whichever you think is best
Thanks for all your content, I think you’re the longest fanfic author I’ve ever followed lol, I’ve been around since your descendants fics and you just keep getting better :)
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request! 💞 I absolutely love writing for Nebula and Gamora, and I hope that this one does not disappoint! I made sure it was the original Gamora (and my favorite Gamora 😂)
You are literally the sweetest and you made my day with your kind words 🥺💗💗💗 It means so, so much to me to hear that you've enjoyed my fics even back to my Descendants ones 💖 It's always awesome to hear from folks that have read these and the Descendants ones 💗
Thank you for being such a dedicated reader and for sticking with me all this time 💞 You're the best 🥺
I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k+
   “Now. What did you want to talk about so badly that you almost kicked Groot and screamed at Mantis for?” Gamora demanded as the door slid closed behind her and Nebula.
   She turned around to face her sister, and Nebula was just standing there impassively. Gamora could hear her heartbeat thumping steadily and Gamora knew that she was mad about something or another. Of course, that was not uncommon with Nebula. It was more uncommon to see a time where she was not angry.
   Gamora just watched her, and Nebula walked past her with a sharp exhale, moving to the cabinets not too far from her. Gamora narrowed her eyes as she turned to watch the blue-skinned woman where she was looking through the things stuffed away.
   “Well?” Gamora questioned, trying to push her into talking. Nebula simply ignored her, still looking for something in the medical cabinets.
   However, as Nebula withdrew some candy, Gamora felt anger rising within her instantly.
   She stalked forward, snatching the bag of candies before Nebula could get a single one in her mouth.
   “What is your problem?!” Gamora questioned, raising her voice, and Nebula snarled as she glared at her.
   “You haven’t checked in for a month,” Nebula spat, and Gamora just looked at her in confusion.
   “So what? All of this because you were worried about me?”
   “You didn’t check in,” Nebula repeated, ignoring Gamora’s interpretation.
   And with her second reiteration, Gamora understood Nebula’s meaning a bit better. Nebula was mad because Gamora did not check in on Nebula herself. And that filled Gamora with some amount of anger both for the fact that she hated herself for making Nebula feel abandoned and for the fact that Nebula was being ridiculous about all of this.
   However, her instant reaction was the easiest one that went on the path of irritation and anger. Only after this entire thing blew over a little would Gamora allow herself to actually feel the painful, gut-punching guilt in her heart.
   “This is because I didn’t check in on you?” Gamora questioned incredulously and Nebula instantly bristled.
   “No! I expect to hear updates from you! It’s how I know that you haven’t been captured by Father and that you aren’t spilling all of our secrets to him,” Nebula growled, and Gamora instantly felt the rage rising within her at the low blow.
   Of course, she knew it had been Nebula’s intention to redirect Gamora from the sensitive emotions to something that was more aggressive. It took everything in Gamora to focus on the main point of this entire confrontation.
   “No, you’re mad because I didn’t check on you,” Gamora stated firmly, looking at her carefully as she grit her teeth, and Nebula scoffed at her, anger and defensiveness rising within her.
   “I don’t care if you check on me! Keeping contact with you is a strategic choice!” Nebula tried to explain to her, but Gamora was not having it.
   “You are so full of it!” Gamora cut her off dismissively, and Nebula growled at her.
   “Look, I left you alone because I thought you didn’t need me right now and that you’d let me know when you did need me!” Gamora snarled back, irritation filling her at the fact that Nebula was yet again angry at her for something that she herself did not know any better than.
   Nebula’s eyes narrowed as her nose scrunched with the outburst about to overcome her.
   In the middle of her anger, Gamora kept pushing forward with her irritated jabs.
   “Normal people say when they need people! So I’m sorry that I can’t magically read your mind—”
   “OF COURSE I STILL NEED YOU!!!” Nebula practically roared, her voice cracking a little as she screamed a reply to Gamora’s statement.
  At the sudden words, Gamora quieted instantly, all of the gusto to fight her sister taken out of her as she looked at Nebula in surprise.
   Nebula instantly looked away from her, the emotions apparently growing to be too much all at once.
   After a few moments of the blue-skinned woman regaining control of herself, her head moved in a jerky motion so that she could looked at Gamora out of the corner of her eye.
   There was a hint of embarrassment written in the stiffness of her posture, and Gamora knew that she was likely ashamed of the emotion and actual care that she had shown. It also did not help that the Guardians were just in the other part of the ship, and Gamora felt fairly certain that Mantis was listening in.
   Nevertheless, despite their potential presence of an audience or lack thereof, Nebula had undeniably put herself on the line terribly with that statement. Gamora would honestly not be surprised if Nebula completely changed the subject or went on a different track.
   However, Nebula always seemed to be one with surprises when it came to Gamora and their relationship as sisters.
   “I still need you… I think I’ll always need you,” Nebula expressed hesitantly, her voice stiff and irritated as she growled the words out.
   There was a definitive shame in her tone, and Gamora just stared at her blankly, unsure of how to even begin to reply. She did not know what the right response was in this situation, and she was not sure what Nebula wanted to hear.
   Nebula bared her teeth a little, those dark eyes glinting with something pained, hateful, and so, so injured as she looked back at Gamora finally.
   “And I hate it,” Nebula shakily exhaled.
   Gamora swallowed, looking down at the floor, and Nebula did not speak, remaining silent as her heavy breaths remained as the only sound between the two of them. Her heart rate was elevated with how angry that she had gotten in the moment, and Gamora was truthfully not sure what to do to slow her heartbeat and cool the simmering anger boiling up.
   “Nebula, I—”
   Nebula let out a noise akin to a growl and a snort as she turned and started to leave, not even about to let Gamora finish. Gamora narrowed her eyes as she lunged forward and grabbed Nebula’s arm tightly.
   Nebula spun around swiftly toward her, her arm instinctively raised. Gamora simply remained still, looking up at Nebula as she stared her in the face and remained completely unfazed.
   “You do not get to walk away after telling me all of that,” Gamora informed her, her voice lowered as she spoke to her.
   “And why not?” Nebula snarled, her lips curled into a sneer as she fought to provoke Gamora. She leaned closer and further into Gamora’s space, and Gamora held her ground.
   “Because I deserve to be able to defend myself,” Gamora started to tell her, and Nebula pulled back, starting to attempt to rip herself away from Gamora as she scoffed.
   “Of course it’s about you—”
   “No!” Gamora raised her voice, tightening her grip as she held Nebula in place before bringing her voice back down to its previous level. She stared into the inky blackness that were her little sister’s eyes.
   “No. I deserve to be able to defend myself and you deserve to feel better about this,” Gamora told her firmly, not about to back down from this challenge.
   Nebula remained still, and when Gamora was mostly certain that she was not going to run out on her, Gamora released her, backing off only just barely.
   “I thought you wanted me to leave you alone since you didn’t seem to have time to talk much the past few times I called. I didn’t want to drive you away by checking on you too much,” Gamora tried to explain.
   Nebula scoffed, not believing her as she looked away, and Gamora tried to catch her gaze.
   “I’m serious,” Gamora insisted, and Nebula did not reply as she remained quiet and listened to Gamora’s next words. Gamora looked down, wetting her lips before gazing back up at her again.
   “If I knew it meant that much to you, I would have checked in on you,” Gamora tried to explain to her, and Nebula remained dead silent, not saying anything as she kept her gaze firmly affixed on the opposite side of the room.
   Gamora tried to muster the courage to keep talking when she felt the guilt starting to set in. It was the calm part following the storm that had just raged between them, and the regret was flooding her in the wake of the anger that had just dissipated.
   “You are allowed to need people. I need people,” Gamora tried to tell her, and although Nebula angled her head just a bit more in her direction, she did not look at her.
   Gamora took in a soft breath, nervousness gripping her just a little as she prepared to make her own statement that put her on the line just as Nebula had done to herself earlier.
   “I need you,” Gamora finally confessed.
   Nebula instantly looked at her, taking in the sight of her, and Gamora swallowed as she stared back, their eyes meeting as Nebula stared at her silently.
   There was nothing said between the both of them for several long moments.
   Eventually, Nebula started to speak, but as soon as she did, she was swiftly interrupted.
   “And I need you now tonight! And I need you more than ever!”
   Gamora and Nebula froze as they looked toward the speakers where music was suddenly playing through the ship.
   “And if you only hold me tight! We’ll be holding on forever!”
   The lyrics were definitely not lost on Gamora, and she knew that with the words combined with the timing and the volume it was being played, the song had definitely not come on by coincidence.
    Nebula looked at Gamora slowly, nothing but utter confusion and slight irritation written in her face as the music serenaded them.
   “What the—”
   “PETER!!!!” Gamora yelled, raising her voice as she tried to ensure that Peter heard her clear warning.
   “Sorry! I thought you might’ve needed some mood music!” Peter apologized from somewhere outside the door.
   “I told you we needed to be more subtle,” Drax declared resolutely, and Mantis let out some noise of unhappiness.
   “No, I said that!” Mantis protested, and Drax offered a dismissive grunt as the voices grew farther away, an “I-am-Groot” sounding off in the midst of it.
   Gamora sighed deeply, closing her eyes as the music turned off finally. She rubbed her head tiredly, not even sure what to say.
   “Check in more often, sister,” Nebula told her softly after a few moments, and Gamora reopened her eyes, looking at the younger sibling carefully.
   “I will,” Gamora softly promised with a nod.
   And just like that, things were back to that strange middle ground and the new normal that they had been developing.
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Y/N: As far as plans go, this is not a good one
Peter: It was your plan!!
Y/N: I didn’t think you’d actually say yes!!
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itsscromp · 7 months
Hi can i pls request your HC of Rocket's fave foods or leisure activities? Thanks :D
Rocket Raccoon general HCS
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ohohohoho now your talking my language *Cracks knuckles* alright, firing up.
We'll start with leisure activities, Now obviously Rocket would spend most of his time building bombs, weapons or new inventions for the team.
It's normally his number one pass time for boredom.
But then when you came to the team, he normally rolled his eyes whenever you talked about your favourite things from earth.
Until one day, you managed to bring aboard your games console when you first joined the team.
Rocket could hear the clicking of the controller when he was working, About to scold you for a bit until he saw what was on screen.
Whatever you were playing, He was intrigued by the premise of what you were playing.
After a little bit, he got off and went over to you, wanting to give it a go.
Ad after that, He's been hooked ever since, Gaming is now his new pass time alongside bomb-making.
Now for his favourite kinds of food.
Before he joined the guardians, he would have to make do with what he could get his hands on.
The biggest luxury of food was basic bread, he would always hear his stomach growl whenever he could smell it.
He would savour almost every last bit of crumb.
But when he met you, You would've brought back any form of earth food whenever you or Peter needed to make a stop there.
When you brought your bags in, you placed them into your snack drawer.
One day, the smells of said snacks peeked into his nose, Curiosity getting to him.
Deciding to sneak into your room and find the snack draw.
"Or...Ore...Oreo's ??"
He opened the packet and took a quick sniff, Smells sweet. But did it taste good ??
One bite... He was in heaven.
You then found the empty packet... More like rummaging through the snack drawer.
Finding him passed out on the floor with the empty packets.
Knocked out in a food coma.
He wasn't even sorry lol.
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inkandpaperqwerty · 6 months
I had a very productive week, and an even more productive weekend!
I worked on Awesome Mix Vol. 1, my story following Peter's life growing up with the Ravagers, and posted Chapter 4 on Wednesday. Chapter 5 will be posted this coming Wednesday, 03/27/2024. I also finished writing Chapter 10 and wrote all of Chapter 11, so I just have one more chapter to write, and then the story will be complete!
I have been working on Sparkling Eyes and Cigarette Burns, my Dad!Sam fic, and I have to warn you, I’m making some changes to the Men of Letters Bunker. I’m still using the floor plan as a reference but… well, it’s fanfiction. I can do what I want (to an extent). I am just so excited for my boys to finally have a home! Liam’s gonna have his own bedroom!
Did quite a bit on the original works front! I got some work done on Collision Course and really restructured a couple of the chapters. I also worked a bit on something I am temporarily calling ‘Unknown,’ which started as a biblically accurate Supernatural fanfiction and somehow became a story about an angel and a human who has schizoaffective disorder working together to fight demons all across America. So, similar, but different. As for Cataclysm, I am meeting with my sister (who is a published author) on Tuesday to start working on a game plan, and while I don’t have a release date yet, I am looking at September 2024. So there are lots of exciting things going on!
Thank you so much for reading and offering your support, and don’t forget to check out my recently posted list to see what’s coming in the future! Also keep in mind that I link to AO3 in my posts, but I'm also on fanfiction.net!
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gotgscromp · 16 days
Hello all ☺️ welcome to my side blog dedicated to our favourite misfits the guardians of the galaxy !! I am male and identify as aroace. Requests are open !!
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I do want to get a couple rules out of the way, only 2.
1: have fun ☺️☺️
2: I will only do platonic stories and the reader gender will either be male or gender neutral. Please refrain from requesting smut or romance please
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Characters who I will write for: Rocket raccoon, Groot, Star lord/Peter quill.
Characters who I may write for in the future: Gamora, Drax, nebula and mantis.
All can be either MCU or Eidos Montreal versions
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Masterlist: coming soon
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nix-fics · 1 year
Rocket's Little Girl
Chapter Five
A light laughter rang throughout the Milano's halls. Phoenix was seated by the bubble window while Finnick told her little jokes and stories. 
The two were stationed in the hull of the ship in the glass area, somewhere in the ship a soft 80s tune was floating through the air. 
“How'd you meet Cinna?” Phoenix questioned “Not to be pushy or anything-”
Finnick grinned, “You’re fine, I had been trapped in some, lets just call it shady business, till Cinna showed up and helped me out of there. Now we’re trying to help others escape whatever situation they might be trapped in.” 
“Wow, that's really great.” Phoenix nodded. Rubbing her hands down her legs as if she were dusting off dirt. 
“What about you,” he began, “How’d you end up with this group?”
“Well, you know. Abducted by aliens when I was a kid. It's like a free pass to join. Basic sad story starter.” Phoenix snorted dryly.
Finick chuckled, “Yeah, I understand what you mean.”
The conversation fizzled out but the silence wasn’t awkward, but more so pleasant. A song Phoenix was unfamiliar with played quietly in the background creating a comforting ambiance. 
A cough interrupted the moment. Phoenix’s head swiveled to see Peter standing behind the two arms crossed, staring at the pair with a pointed look on his face. 
Finnick turned slowly to look at the leather-clad man. “Do you need something?”
“The location we're meeting your boss at, so we can drop you off and get paid.”
Phoenix's mood dipped at that. She had genuinely enjoyed talking to this man and Quill's attitude did not seem necessary.   
Finnick's smile turned to a smirk  "Yeah, I'll be right there-"
"That's great, We need it now so let's go." A tone of sarcasm dripping from his words. The room was feeling stuffy with the testosterone flooding it as these two grown, but childish, men continued their stare down. 
 Finnick chuckled as he stood. “Alright Starboy.” He looked back to Phoenix, offering her his hand and helping her to her feet.
“Oh, thank you.” 
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Phoenix felt her face flare, ducking her head with a small smile on her lips. Without a second look back, Finnick walked out of the room with a flourish, leaving Phoenix and Quill in the hull of the spaceship. 
“What an a-hole. Am I right?” Quill scoffed and leaned against the doorframe, “He knows it's Starlord.”
“I think you should give him a chance.” Phoenix countered a bit frostily, to which Quill didn't seem to take well. His annoyance at Phoenix not taking his side was obvious. 
Instead of staying and listening to the insecure man diss Finnick any longer, she made her way to the door. 
“Excuse me.” she muttered as she slipped past the leather clad man and out of the room.
Running her hand along the cool metal of the hallways, her fingers bumped over countless pipelines and dents. She hummed as she bounced through the halls while following muffled voices to the cockpit.
The atmosphere was relaxed, Rocket was in the pilot chair with Nebula sitting across the aisle from him. Mantis was talking to Finnick right next to a snoring Drax while Groot and Thor were nowhere to be seen.
“Must be in their rooms.” Phoenix thought. As she softly walked through the main area.
Nebula glanced up at Phoenix as the Terran made her way to the front seats.
 “Hey,” Phoenix attempted to be friendly, holding out her hand “Nebula, right?”
The cybernetic woman watched Phoenix's hand suspiciously, so the Terran pulled it back and left it awkwardly at her side. With a voice far deeper than Phoenix was expecting, she responded “Yes and you are his child thing.” 
Phoenix paused, caught off guard. “Something like that. I'm Phoenix.” 
“I know.” 
With that Nebula stood and stiffly strutted away. Leaving Phoenix quite confused, she floundered for a few seconds before Rocket took any notice and supplied Phoenix with an explanation.
“Nah, she doesn't hate you. She's just selective with who she's nice to, like I said, a real charmer.”
“Yeah, I noticed.” Phoenix deadpanned to which Rocket rolled his eyes and motioned to the now empty seat next to him. 
Phoenix sat promptly and gave herself a moment to enjoy how the chair slightly bounced as she placed all of her weight on it.
“Whaddya think of pretty boy, huh?”
She was amused at the nickname but kept her voice down, 
“Seems nice. Told me about how he met that guy from the bar and what they do. He's got some attitude, not as much as your friend. Quill was being quite unprofessional actually.”
Rocket guffawed “Don't worry about him, he's got issues just like the rest of the galaxy but he forgets he's not the only one, like an idiot.”
Phoenix grinned at this, Rocket's little rants of insulting people had been engraved in her memory for as long as she could remember. 
“So, kiddo, what does he do then?”
Phoenix could bet Rocket was going to make fun of her answer as soon as she finished talking. “He helps people escape difficult situations, gang activity, stuff like that.”
“Eh, so he's a hero? Bleh, imagine not getting paid for doing hard work.” Rocket jeered only slightly joking.
 “Hey! I used to do stuff and not get paid.” Phoenix countered, glancing behind her where Finnick was listening to Mantis talk animatedly about something intense.
“Well, youre different, kid.” he spoke softly but gruffly, before turning his attention back to flipping switches and flying the ship. 
Turning to the windshield, Phoenix let her posture lax in her seat and pulled her legs up in a criss-cross. Resting her head back, the engine’s rumbles and the soft conversation behind her acting as a white noise while she rested her eyes. 
Phoenix was in the middle of a great dream, or at least she assumed it was, when she was awoken by a conversation to her right and promptly forgot about the subject of her dream. Her head still felt heavy and her mind felt groggy. Keeping her eyes closed Phoenix tried to catch what words were being exchanged, unfortunately her exhaustion was definitely winning the battle for consciousness. 
“Dude, she's in my seat.”
“Deal with it, she's sleeping and she was here first, Quill.” Rocket snapped, “Leave her alone. Go talk to Mantis or play your music while you wait.”
There was a moment of silence before a heavy sigh and the annoyed voice spoke quite a bit louder than a whisper
“If it was Pretty boy over there you'd have no problem with her being picked up. And furthermore, it's my ship. Mine.”
Rocket chuckled dryly “Well, anyone is better than you, Quill.”
Phoenix didn't hear the rest of the conversation and nor would she remember it later when she would be shaken awake by Groot, who was talking a million miles a minute. She wouldn't remember when saying goodbye to Finnick and Cinna and wishing them good luck on their missions. She wouldn't remember when Rocket took her hand and guided her up the ramp to Mantis and Nebula's shared room 'to really get settled in.' he had explained while giving her a tour.  She wouldn't remember Rocket's harsh words to the Terran man until later that evening as she was brushing her teeth. 
Her hand paused mid-brush, as she looked at the mirror but not truly staring at herself. 
“Anyone is better than you, Quill.”
Almost no other thoughts were going through her head, only those words and the thought of what could be if her and Quill ever happened.
Phoenix knew he was an attractive man, but that doesn't mean she had to be attracted to him. She was past that stage in her life. 'but he's confident, he's a human and has a great taste in music even if it's oldies and god he's handsome-' her mind countered unhelpfully. 
A rapid knock on the door snapped her out of her thinking. Spitting the toothpaste down the sink and rinsing her mouth out she called to the door
“Just a minute-”
The knocks halted as she dried her face and hands. Quickly making her way to the door, she unlocked it and came face to face with a toned, but very shirtless, chest. 
Her eyes widened and Phoenix's usual confidence was replaced by a stuttering mess. It felt like an eternity before she realized she was staring at his pecs and her gaze flitted everywhere else but still came back to the man in front of her. “Oh, sorry…”
Quill grinned and crossed his arms, he was obviously enjoying Phoenix's discomfort.
“No harm done, although, I'd have to say a picture would definitely last longer-”
Phoenix felt her ears and cheeks burn, she had been caught. “Right. Um- Good night.”
She quickly squeezed past Quill and scuffled down the hall. Mantis and Nebula were already sleeping and the room was dark so with as little noise as possible, Phoenix crawled into the cot Rocket had set up for her. 
When she closed her eyes, instead of falling right into sleep, her and Quill's interaction decided to replay itself. With a groan, she flipped over to face the wall. Fortunately the hum of the engines soothed her to sleep and Phoenix was soon lightly snoring. 
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anoddopal · 1 year
My MCU S/I isn’t super well developed, she’s just a silly person with no romantic attachments who ends up getting roped into various canonical storylines it is highly implied she may be the bio offspring of l.oki
Nothing too serious. I don’t really delve into that universe very intensely and I certainly haven’t been keeping up with the movies beyond Endgame.
But you better believe I have constructed an AU timeline where Batch 89 survives and my sona becomes their caretaker and even frequents going on adventures with the GOTG-
She develops an especially close bond with Floor. Opal babies the hell out of Floor and the REW lop gets to live as a bunny should- plenty of room to zoom and do binkies, unlimited hay and even two rabbit friends [Opal’s pet buns] to play with!!
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quillsmora · 2 years
past futures
rated G, avengers (movies) & mcu, gamora & nebula
“I had a family?” It comes out as barely a whisper, but she knows she won’t have to worry if Nebula heard her. She hasn’t had a family in many years, not since her first had been stolen from her by the man with the gall to call her his daughter. The concept of having one again seems foreign to her.
“That is what you called yourselves, although you all did fight quite a lot. I never really understood that part.”
“And you were a part of that family?”
or: after escaping thanos's ship, gamora has some questions for nebula about her future.
word count: 515
additional tags: avengers: endgame (Movie), missing scene
i just rewatched endgame for the first time since 2019 and had a lot of feelings but also wondered what gamora's reaction to finding out she had a boyfriend in the future so i wrote this.
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Mantis: We’re out of dirt
Gamora: *confused* What?
Mantis: Dirt
Gamora: Wha-
Peter: She means coffee
Peter: *turning to mantis* Y/N told you to say that, didn’t she?
Mantis: Yes
Peter: *sighs tiredly* Of course
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saltynametag · 1 year
Nebula: Drax and I are having a baby.
Ace: That's gre-
Drax, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here
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