#platonic relationsship
floral-force · 1 year
hi!! can i request general relationsship headcanons for tbb x reader? like, what is each member like in a romantic relationship? :3
absolutely!! I hope you enjoy these ♥️
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The Bad Batch x Reader Relationship Headcanons
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warnings: my blog is 18+ ONLY, no minors. some light innuendo sprinkled throughout, but not entirely NSFW. mention of trauma and body dysmorphia.
a/n: I headcanon Tech as autistic, and I myself am autistic. I mention this in Tech's headcanons.
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Crosshair x You
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I think Crosshair would be hesitant and nervous, hiding it under a smooth, smug exterior.
His feelings for you have grown beyond being platonic, and it scares him.
When you admit your feelings to him, his reaction is so blasé that you walk away to sit in the cabin of the Marauder with Tech and Echo.
After a day of ignoring each other, he finally approaches you while you're alone in your bunk to confess his feelings and give an ultra-rare apology.
He struggles with giving you verbal forms of affection at first. But as time goes on, and you tell him what you need and like to hear, he gets better.
Whispering soft praise in your ear after making a clean shot, calling you "doll" and "sweet one", making sure to tell you he appreciates you when you bring him food, water, or grease for his rifle...
"Where would I be without you, my sweet one?"
He's very possessive in public. A part of his body is always touching you--holding your hand, a hand around your waist, a grabbing your thigh when you're both sitting down...he needs the galaxy to know you are his and his only.
He makes sure to say that in your ear each time you're intimate in any way together. Growling it while kissing or having sex, whispering it when you're the little spoon...
Echo x You
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Echo has a hard time believing you have romantic feelings for him. He immediately tells you he feels the same, but also expresses his disbelief.
You know it stems from trauma and body dysmorphia, so you make sure to remind him every single day how handsome you find him, how amazing and sweet he is.
Of course Echo does the same! He isn't afraid to call you "sweetheart" or compliment you in front of the rest of The Batch.
He's a sweet, caring partner, always thinking of you. Sometimes, on missions, he'll surprise you with a random gift--one time it was a flower, another time it was a wood carving from local.
At first, he doesn't want to cuddle, preferring to only hold hands, sit side by side with your legs strewn over his lap. You ask if it's because of the way he sees himself, and he nods.
The day that he finally slips into your bunk, nesting his body behind yours, his chest to your back, you grin. Your sweet Echo finally trusts you completely.
And once he does, he is yours entirely--even more than he already was.
"You're so precious to me, my love."
He constantly has you in his sight and checks on you if you need to do work in the hull while he's needed in the cabin with Tech. Before he walks away, he always presses a kiss to your forehead and caresses your cheek with his hand.
Hunter x You
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He'd be the one confessing his feelings first. Even if you didn't feel the same, at least it'd be off his chest.
When you admit you feel the same, he grins and pulls you into a hug, repeating your name and then pulling back to kiss you.
One time, he tells you to stay on the Marauder with Omega, wanting to keep you safe. When you--and stubborn little Omega--refuse to stay behind, he caves (and never tries again). He can't say no to his girls.
Hunter is a protector through and through, always thoroughly checking you after a mission, almost never leaving your side if you're sick, reminding you to eat and drink if he noticed you hadn't.
He may not make his feelings for you blatantly known like Echo does, but The Batch can see the way he softens talking to or about you, a gentle smile teasing the corner of his mouth.
In private, he will be loving on you nonstop. Spooning in your bunk, gently caressing your body, calling you "baby", "my love," and more.
"I'm always here for you, baby, no matter what."
At a random cantina during a mission, a random stranger walked up to you and started flirting with you, and when Hunter noticed, he saw red.
He came up behind you and pulled you against him, and scared off the person with a threatening glare. Hunter was possessive in his own way, and it can definitely lead to more afterwards...
Tech x You
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You knew Tech struggled to pick up on hints and subtlety, so you asked to speak with him one day in the cabin and told him how you felt in a blunt, to-the-point way.
He was entirely blindsided, and actually put down the project he was working on. You saw a gentle blush on his cheeks as he admitted he felt the same, and had for a while.
Tech has some anxiety about being in a relationship. He explains to you that his struggle with showing affection in conventional ways is a feature of his autism, apologizing as he does.
You shush it away and embrace him, telling him you know how much he adores you and that you adore him entirely.
You and The Batch can see it in the way he looks at you, talks about you , and how he always invites you to the cabin if he's working there just so he can be close to you.
After that, he masks much less around you and starts to share his hidden area of interest--flora and fauna!
He calls you his "precious flower" one day when you're both sitting in the cabin and you give him a kiss.
"You're my precious flower, forever."
Tech slowly becomes more and more addicted to your touch--joining you in your bunk for cuddles, winding down with gentle kisses and his hands on your cheeks--and you can't get enough of his, either.
Wrecker x You
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Like Tech, I think he'd be surprised when you tell him how you feel, but absolutely overjoyed upon hearing it.
He'd always been helpful, but now it was almost overwhelming. He refused to let you move heavy crates even if you insisted you could handle it, and would snatch things off shelves for you even if you were about to grab it.
Wrecker adores how gentle you are, carefully tending to his injuries with soft hands. He always made sure to give your palms a kiss before planting one on your lips--his own way of saying "thank you."
He is a HUGE cuddler. Wrecker insists on you sleeping with him, claiming it's for your protection. The truth is, he selfishly loves the way you curl up and look so small next to him.
On the Marauder, he's careful not to be overly sappy in front of the rest of The Batch, unlike Echo. In private, though, he'll hold you close and compliment you endlessly.
Wrecker calls you his "star," saying it's because you light up his life even when things get dark.
When you tell him that you like the size difference between you two, he bites his lip and sweeps you into his arms and into his bunk.
"You're so incredible, my bright and beautiful star."
Whenever you're uncomfortable or feeling off, Wrecker is instantly by your side and refuses to leave. He'll always do whatever he can to help, whether it's making you laugh or lulling you to sleep.
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raitrolling · 2 years
What do you think of how Eichio is currently handling himself, Viltau?
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i would SSay that he iSS going well, FFrom my perSSpective aSS hiSS boSSSS. he haSS returned to work and iSS aSS dutiFFul aSS ever, which iSS all i require oFF him.
oFF courSSe, i cannot SSay FFor certain what iSS happening behind cloSSed doorSS. i'm SSure he knowSS that he can SSpeak with me iFF he haSS any iSSSSueSS he would like to addreSSSS. but, i think thiSS queSStion would be beSSt reSServed FFor thoSSe who care about him on a much deeper level than i, no? i believe there are otherSS he iSS cloSSer to, in termSS of a platonic relationSShip.
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softjeon · 5 years
Home | Pt. 4
• Pairing: Namjoon x Hybrid!Yoongi (Platonic!) • Genre: Fluff | Hybrid!AU • Words: 6,5k | AO3 • Disclaimer: a tiny bit of anxiety and insomnia
written with @cassiavioletblue
↳ Namjoon watched Yoongi strutting after him over his shoulder and sighed. He couldn’t believe he’s really done it; paying too much money for a hybrid that would bite him if given the chance when all he had wanted was a cute, little - very much harmless - kitten to begin with.
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Namjoon hummed in response, nodding as he was talking to Taehyung on the phone, smiling at Yoongi as he passed him. They were talking for a while now and Taehyung kept on switching between the topics and then kept asking him random questions about his hybrid again. He really needed to concentrate to follow him, closing his eyes to focus.
“Do you still want a kitten if he stays here? I think my neighbor’s cat had some offspring. It’s a bit too early now but in a few weeks maybe…,” Taehyung asked over the phone but Namjoon interrupted him right away. “No, I don’t think so. It saddens me enough already…I don’t need a cat right after, which probably doesn’t want to stay with me either. I’ll just sell the kitten stuff,” He quickly shrugged the conversation off, getting back on the topic to tell him about Yoongi and if they could meet up soon.
When Namjoon walked into the kitchen where Yoongi was eating his breakfast (Namjoon had urged him on to eat while he was still on the phone or else the other hadn’t touched it), he smiled. “So, I have good news and bad news.” Namjoon reached for one of the apple slices and took a bite from it, “Bad News: Taehyung won’t be here for a few days…so we can only meet him on Saturday. Which means you have to stay with me for a couple of days. I hope that’s okay? But to make up for the promise I gave you, I talked to another friend of mine…and I’d like to show you something.”
Yoongi - relaxed and fluffed up from his trip to the bathroom (he had almost fallen asleep from being so comfortable but then Namjoons pacing and talking on the phone had woken him back up and the smell of breakfast had drawn him into the kitchen) - paused mid eating. “I’ve been so long in capture that a few days won’t make a difference.” He answered, not really sure about it himself but there wasn’t really anything else he could do. Running around in circles and scratching the wall wouldn’t change anything. “Hm? Can it wait till after breakfast?” He had no idea what it was that Namjoon wanted to show him but it couldn’t be as amazing as scrambled eggs with bacon.
“Oh, you sure have to be well fed and have enough energy for this one.” Namjoon laughed and grabbed a slice of bread and some of the bacon, “Also I never skip on a meal.” He winked, before diving into his own food. It was nice like this, they were talking – not too much, but they were opening up to each other and Namjoon actually felt like Yoongi enjoyed it in a way. He was only hoping that his little surprise could ease him even more and make him see that Namjoon didn’t want to hurt him. He had promised him some freedom and if they couldn’t visit Taehyung, they could visit another friend of his: Jin.
They kept on eating in silence, not because they didn’t know what to say but because they were both so concentrated on their food. Yoongi ate until he was full again and Namjoon would have even offered him another serving. He would definitely miss Namjoon’s tasty food.
Namjoon opened a drawer in his hallway, keys already in hand and ready to go, when he pulled out a scarf. “I know you hate the collars, but we have to put something around your neck…so the people don’t freak.” Namjoon walked over to Yoongi, “Do you think that will be okay? I won’t put on a leash or anything. Just this.” 
The response made him pause again, looking at Namjoon with skepsis in his face while trying to see if Namjoon was hiding something - but the human was smiling at him completely open, his dimples showing again. Yoongi found himself relaxing easily again. He trusted Namjoon in a way because it was pretty easy to read his body language and while at first he hadn’t been sure if the other wasn’t just putting on a show while hiding his true motifs away he was now pretty sure that Namjoon wasn’t even capable of hiding something big from him. And he also liked his dimples. He frowned nonetheless. “Give it to me, I can handle that.” He took the scarf and tried to tie a proper knot but without a mirror and with no expertise in scarf the thing hung loosely and ugly around his throat when he was finished. Namjoon only chuckled at that, way too excited and nervous at the same time. 
In the car, he was bopping his head to the music as they drove further downtown trying not give away where they were headed to. “Jin is a good friend of mine. Actually, one of my oldest friends…,” Namjoon began explaining when he noticed how close they were, “But you don’t have to be afraid. Inside it will only be you and me. He only will open the doors for us.” He could literally see the confusion written on Yoongi’s face and how the expression changed when their car pulled up to a large parking lot. Yoongi was stiff and tense on the drive, he didn’t like the car and the other cars that drove past them and when Namjoon mentioned his friend his ears lowered. He didn’t know them and he would also be outnumbered - but apparently they wouldn’t even meet him? Yoongi was utterly confused until they arrived and his eyes widened. 
“He owns this Snow Dome. It’s a skiing center but they are closed on Wednesdays… you will have it all to yourself. I packed some food for you, something to drink…and I brought my laptop.” He turned off the engine and opened the car door, “I promised that you could run around on a field today but since Taehyung isn’t here, I thought you’d like this instead?”
There were big signs advertising the snow dome with pictures of snowflakes and ice and snow and everything Yoongi could dream of. “There is... snow inside?” He asked, still not sure if he had gotten this right, “But it’s not winter! Is this like a giant freezer? Do people store their food here if they don’t have space at home?”
Namjoon chuckled, opening the trunk of his car to get out a thick jacket for himself and the bag he had packed, “It’s a place where people usually ski inside, you know. And apparently some people prefer the cold and there is a kids place, too where they always build snowmen and igloos. There is a skiing slope inside, but as I said there won’t be anything on but the lights so you can just run around and do whatever you want to do for a few hours. There’s a lot of snow inside.” Namjoon waved Jin from where they stood and turned to look at his arctic fox that suddenly seemed way smaller, his eyes big and looking up at the sign with a hopeful glint. “You ready?”
Yoongi still wasn’t sure what ‘skiing’ was but he didn’t dare to ask so he just nodded and followed Namjoon, the prospect of seeing actual snow winning even over his wariness when that other human joined them, apparently Jin. Yoongi stepped from one foot to the other, nerves and curiosity mixing until he felt like he was about to burst form the restless energy in his veins. He was so fixated on what was inside that his tail twitched a few times, stroking over Namjoon’s fingers in the process and making him jump a little.
Namjoon thanked Jin, taking the key from him and trying to avoid answering anymore questions on why he had a hybrid now when he wanted to get a kitten in the first place. He quickly closed the door behind them and then motioned for Yoongi to go along. “This way,” Namjoon pointed behind the counter and showed Yoongi the way through the changing rooms all the way into heart of the dome. He placed his bag onto one of the tables at the now-closed and very empty bistro and opened up his arms, turning around to proudly present his surprise. “You’re free to go and explore. If you need me I’ll be here working on some stuff…just call out if you need anything or want snacks.” But before Namjoon sat down, he hesitated, taking a step closer to his fox. “Let me…,” Namjoon said quietly and untied the scarf from him, “We can put it on later again. You should enjoy yourself now.” 
Yoongi nodded enthusiastically and then turned towards the vast snowfield. It looked like everything he needed to be happy and he sniffed, furrowing his brows a little. “This smells different…,” He was more talking to himself than to Namjoon as he carefully took a tentative step into the snow. It crunched under his sole and with an over excited little hop the fox hybrid landed with both feet in the white stuff. He giggled when he felt the snow under both of his shoes. Then he crunched down and took up a hand full, licking it curiously. With a squeal he took a full bite of it, getting snow all over his face. “That’s... that‘s real snow!” Which was the last Namjoon heard from him for a while (except happy fox sounds) as he turned and started running as fast as he could.
Namjoon jerked a little when Yoongi first squealed thinking that something has been wrong, but then the fox had been running and looking so happy while doing so that it was enough reason for him to bare the cold. He got out his thermos and poured in some hot coffee, when he opened his browser to answer some emails. Namjoon had given his house viewing appointments over to his colleague, thinking that he had spent the day at Taehyung's.
Taking another sip from his coffee, he noticed it was already gone and after an hour even his thermos was completely empty.  He frowned, looking over his shoulder to one of the vending machines debating whether or not he should get himself another coffee. The tired yawn that followed answered that question for him and he only regretted it again, when he drank the first sip of the hot coffee from the automat. “Ugh,” Namjoon shook himself from the bad taste and leaned his chin onto his hand, trying to find Yoongi in the snow. He yawned again, blinking his eyes tiredly, feeling how heavy his eyelids felt. Pulling his jacket a little closer around himself, Namjoon closed his eyes. “Just for a moment,” He mumbled to himself. 
Yoongi completely lost track of time, running and jumping and rolling in the snow. Like a little pup. There was endless white, no cars, no dirt, no humans, just him and the snow and he loved it!
He started panting after a while, not caring about over exerting himself, he just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted though after a while the thought of what Namjoon might be doing had sneaked into his mind. Maybe they could do some snowball catching? When he caught sight of the human he realised with a tinge of disappointment that Namjoon didn’t have eyes for the crisp beauty that was this amazing snowfield, instead he apparently had eyes for nothing right now as it looked as if he was sleeping. Carefully Yoongi stalked closer, like a predator eyeing his prey.
It didn’t take long for Namjoon’s chin to slip from his hand, making him jerk up in a sudden realization that he had fallen asleep. He looked around, his breath quickened and then Namjoon saw Yoongi stalking him. Rubbing his hands together to get the warmth back into them, he chuckled softly at him. “You’re cute, Yoongi!” Namjoon pointed at him, “Your white fur looks perfect next to the snow. Are you hungry? How late is it?” He quickly pulled his bag closer, searching for his phone. They only had a limited amount of time in the dome before they needed to prepare it for tomorrow’s business. 
Yoongi immediately tried to loosen his stance but Namjoon had already seen him - and worse he had called him ‘cute’! Yoongi couldn’t help the pout that was forming on his face. 
He was a wild predator, damnit!
“I might take a bite of human, just for a snack,” He answered just because and crossed his arms. “And I have no idea what time it is. But you can leave me here all day!”
Namjoon couldn’t help but smile brightly at that, ignoring the first comment on purpose and just got out something to drink for Yoongi anyways. “I’d love to really…but when it’s open it’s full of people here and unfortunately they have to get the dome ready for tomorrow. Did you build something maybe? Want to show me before we go?” Namjoon asked and quickly added, “Oh and I already asked Jin if you can come here again and he said ‘yes’ as long as you don’t break something.”
“No I didn’t built something.” Of course he had buried himself under a heap of snow at some point but he definitely wouldn’t show Namjoon that. He pouted even harder at the thought of humans running all over the snow, trampling the crisp, untouched surface and ruining its beauty. He sighed deeply. At least he had been so lucky to have the full dome to himself today. He huffed offendly. “What exactly am I supposed to break here, hm? The snowflakes? The funny thing is if you look a little more closely it’s always humans who break things: they cut the trees and poison the lakes and asphalt streets without giving a damn of what was there before! But sure, ask me to be careful.” He walked off, grabbing a hand full of snow and putting it into his pocket in a desperate attempt to keep a little of this feeling with him.
“I didn’t want to anger you, Yoongi. I was just repeating what Jin said,” Namjoon said, hoping to calm the suddenly furious hybrid again. He chuckled at Yoongi’s behavior quietly enough for him not to hear and closed his laptop to stuff it back into his bag. Namjoon sighed in content, when he could feel the warm breeze on his cheeks again and he closed his eyes for a second. He quickly brought the keys back into Jin’s office and drove them back home. 
Spending the day in the snow dome had made Namjoon feel even more tired, even though he hadn’t been moving all day but typing and calling customers while watching Yoongi run around.
“Is it okay for you, if I go to bed a little earlier… I have a house viewing tomorrow. It’s an important customer,” Namjoon asked as he untied the scarf around Yoongi’s neck again and putting it back into the drawer. “You can just go and eat whenever or watch TV if you want to. Read…or walk into the garden. Just don’t forget to close the door again.” Namjoon yawned, hiding it behind the palm of his hand. 
Yoongi shook his head. Of course he didn’t have a problem with it if Namjoon went to bed early as it only meant that he had even more time for himself. Then his ears perked up. “The garden? You will let me go out alone?” If he was lucky then maybe he could even hunt himself something fresh. “Are there mice? Should I hunt us some?”
Namjoon just nodded, “I told you that I won’t force you to do anything. I just asked for you to look at Taehyung’s farm first, where you can be safe and free, before running away.” He was just about to turn, when he looked at Yoongi again. “That’s nice of you.” Namjoon was actually fond that Yoongi had thought about him, too, “But I’m not really into mice…but I bet you’ll find some…especially right by the garden house.” Once more, Namjoon had to fight the urge to ruffle through Yoongi’s hair. 
Yoongi shrugged, "No mouse for you then." He had figured that Namjoon would like some extra meat but if you had some in store at home that was already ready to be eaten then you could be picky. It hit Yoongi like a little jolt when he realized that he didn't have to hunt as well, at least not for the next few days. Namjoon had said that he could eat when he was hungry… so maybe he would just pay the mice a little visit and stare at them.
They fell into a comfortable rhythm. 
Namjoon trusted him completely and gave him as much freedom as he could so Yoongi didn’t feel the need to run away any longer. He had decided that he would believe Namjoon and give this Taehyung person a chance. If it turned out that it was just some version of a private hybrid zoo then he could still bolt, but until then he enjoyed the comforts that living with Namjoon brought: He had a bed that came as close to a den as human bedding could, he had food whenever he wanted and Namjoon let him choose freely what to eat (he didn’t turn up his nose at him when Yoongi chose to eat his eggs raw every once in a while  - raw egg yolk made for a shiny fur - but also included him whenever he made food and this way Yoongi had found out that he enjoyed human food a lot. All the spices and fancy things that he had never tasted before were really fun to try. It had become a little game as Namjoon tried to come up with things Yoongi might enjoy but had never heard off before) and most important: Namjoon never ever treated him as a pet. 
He didn’t punish him, he didn’t try to train him, he didn’t even use a collar on him after he had realized how much Yoongi hated to wear one. He also never used the leash on his neck. They clipped it onto Yoongi’s belt loop under the jacket so that it didn’t really show where it was coming from whenever they went out and had to walk through crowded spaces. If he was really honest it made him feel better not worse to have the leash on him like this because he could pull Namjoon closer to him him just as it was the other way round when he got overwhelmed by too many people. And with his leash he also didn’t need to be afraid of running into policemen and be hinted again. Though he preferred spending time with one human at maximum. Namjoon. 
He had also found the mice in the garden house as Namjoon had told him and he had become fond of them. In a way they lived pretty similar; formerly wild animals who had become habitants of the city, living among humans and eating their food while still being a free spirit at heart. If Namjoon had noticed that there were a few extra slices of cheese missing then he hadn’t mentioned it.
There was just one thing that was really unpleasant: Namjoon’s nightmares. 
Yoongi had gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night. Namjoon didn’t always scream. Sometimes he just whimpered or turned in his bed over and over because he couldn’t fall asleep for more than a few minutes. Some nights he gave up after a while, roaming around until they eventually meet in the kitchen. Those nights were often followed by lazy days filled with movies and snacks and lounging around. Yoongi had found out that kitten brushes were perfect for grooming sensitive parts like fox ears and he loved to brush his tail when he kept Namjoon company in the living room. Sadly he could practically see how Namjoon got worse. He became unconcentrated, started to forget things. From all the coffee he drank his smell became a little bitter and Yoongi didn’t like it. He could see the exhaustion in the shadows under the humans eyes, the paleness of his skin, the way his smile got a little strained. He wondered for how long Namjoon would be able to go on like this.
Rubbing his eyes again, Namjoon blinked them open staring at the bright screen of his laptop to decipher the words. But no matter how hard he was trying it felt like they were blurring into one. Yawning deeply, he stretched his tired limbs, getting interrupted by another phone call. “How can I help you, Miss Jung?” Namjoon answered, knowing the number by heart (an old lady that rented an apartment from him and always had something to complain about). He smiled at Yoongi as the hybrid jumped back into the living room, obviously happy about having the space of the garden, as he got up to get some more of the frozen fruits he had bought on his way home from a house viewing. Filling them up in a small bowl, Namjoon was putting the phone between his shoulders and ears, trying to hum in understandment. Honestly, the old lady was just as alone as he was...so he understood in a way, not really being mad that she would call him almost every other day. He placed the bowl in front of Yoongi, who had made himself comfortable on his pillows again. 
“Here, I got you only the best forest fruits,” He whispered and then added a little louder into the speaker of the phone, “No, Miss Jung I was talking to a friend.” The phone call took even longer than he had expected and Namjoon was pacing a little, trying to get other things done while he was listening to her complaints about the neighbours. When he passed Yoongi though, who was eating so cutely his fruits, sitting on the floor, Namjoon couldn’t help himself but ruffle through his hair instinctively, scratching him lightly behind his ears for a second and then walked ahead, not realizing what he had done. 
Yoongi’s eyes widened as the fruit fell out of his mouth and his spine straightened automatically. He blinked in confusion. Whenever a human had touched him before his first instinct had always been to recoil, disgust and nausea bubbling up. This time however he had perked up as if he wanted to lean into Namjoon’s touch. His scalp tingled from where Namjoon had scratched him at the spot behind his ears... it had felt way too good! He stared at Namjoon in confusion as if the other could explain this to him while wiping over his ear a few times. It didn’t help. Namjoon’s gentle scratches had felt way better than his own touch. He huffed indignantly and stuffed his mouth full of berries to have something other to do than stare at his human.
Namjoon came back, finally putting the phone back on the table and looked at Yoongi with furrowed brows. The other had red spots all over his white fur, his cheeks looking puffed as he stared back at him. “Don’t eat too much, Yoongi or else you get a stomach ache…or choke on it.” Namjoon chuckled, “You’ve got fruit juice all over yourself.”
Talking back wasn’t an option with his mouth stuffed so he just grumbled unintelligibly, clutching the bowl tighter to himself as if to say ‘they are still mine and I will eat them even if I have to do it slowly’. After chewing thoroughly (he would never just swallow something so deliciously down in own gulp), he shrugged his shoulders. “I have a fox stomach. We can practically eat anything.” He refused to mention the fruity spots on his fur but he tried to wipe them off without seeing them, using his tongue - which kinda made it worse.
Namjoon shook his head softly, chuckling at the way Yoongi was only making it worse. Pushing himself up from the couch, he got a towel from the smaller bathroom downstairs and moistened it with lukewarm water. Getting back to Yoongi, who showed off the empty bowl proudly to him, Namjoon smiled and kneeled in front of him. “Let me help you with that or else you get it everywhere else on your cheeks and paws. I don’t know how you did it but you have some red spots on your ears, too.” He couldn’t help but grin, showing off his dimples, as he reached out for Yoongi slowly. The hybrid didn’t hiss at him, nor did he growl, so Namjoon simply began to clean his cheeks softly, careful not to hurt him. He was cleaning him thoroughly though, making Yoongi tilt his chin up with a touch of his hand, knowing how much the hybrid loved his white fur to be spotless and absolutely perfect.
Yoongi didn't hiss or react because at first he simply had no idea what Namjoon wanted from him and when it dawned on him that the human was about to clean him it was too late. 
"It's fine I can..." He was stunned into silence when Namjoon started to clean his face, so gently as if he was the kitten Namjoon had been prepared for. He just stared at the other, too overwhelmed to do anything else - until he was starting to go for his ears. They flattened immediately against his head, away from the humans hands. They were very sensitive and just the thought of Namjoon touching them roughly chased a shiver down his spine. He had been so gentle with him until now though and even at this moment he didn't just reach out further to get his ears back up, instead he just waited until the perked again, slowly and carefully. He kept eye contact with Yoongi the whole time which made it feel so intimate that Yoongi had to look away to hide his rosy cheeks. The touch on his ears had him shuddering again, but in a good way and without thinking he leaned his head in Namjoons direction to give the other better access.
Namjoon reacted on instinct, caressing the hybrids ears softly making a smile appear on his lips. He’d never thought that Yoongi would let him come this near, or even let him caress through his fur. A painful ache made him awfully aware of them parting soon, though and Namjoon pulled back. “There...all clean, now.” Yoongi was almost disappointed that Namjoon was so quick and efficient. He was really good at this, with a steady hand and gentle but firm touches… so good actually that Yoongi found himself thinking about how he could make Namjoon caress his ears again. Without making it too obvious how much he liked it of course, he had to keep his face.
Namjoon’s smile wavered a little, as he got the bowl and brought it back into the kitchen. Trying to occupy his mind, Namjoon started to clean the dishes, desperately avoiding the thought of being alone soon again when Yoongi decided that Taehyung would be the better solution...or being on his own again, if he deemed it not enough there, because Namjoon definitely wasn't the place he wanted to stay. Yoongi had made that clear a couple of times. A plate slipped from his hands and shattered on the floor and Namjoon cursed himself, quickly cleaning it up again so Yoongi wouldn’t hurt his paws or anything. Since the other had been living here, he’d always made sure to clean his floors thoroughly as the arctic fox loved to sit and lay on the floor whenever he wanted to. He finished his task quickly, ignoring the constant nagging at the back of his mind. 
Although it had been a nice encounter for Yoongi, at the end Namjoon behaved strangely. Something was off and Yoongi didn’t know what it was, if it might have been something that he had done wrong or if Namjoon simply didn’t feel well. It worried him. And when Namjoon broke the plate he was on his feet right away, ready to help or make it better - but then he didn’t know what to do or what to say and so he sat back down, worrying his bottom lip and feeling helpless. 
“Good night, Yoongi!” Namjoon called out before he made his way upstairs, the urge to just fall asleep and ignore everything else sounded better than to think about the reasons why no one wanted to stay with him, why he wasn’t good enough and always ended up alone. He was like a robot, as he got into the shower, did his usual night routine and then laid down in bed, staring up at the white ceiling. Biting down onto his bottom lip hard, Namjoon turned to curl in on himself. It was so stupid, all of it, the thoughts, the doubts. He knew that. Which made it even worse, because he felt childish, selfish and alone. 
Yoongi didn’t go to bed right away when Namjoon had told him ‘good night’ instead he switched off the TV and listened, hoping that Namjoon would be able to sleep a little better this night.
Namjoon got up again and into the bathroom and then walked out only moments later because he couldn’t stand to see his own face right now. Then he took a book from his desk nearby, trying to get comfortable, pushing the cushions around but nothing wanted to stay like he wanted to. Nothing worked. Not even the cushions wanted to stay at their stupid, fucking, dumb place. Namjoon groaned in anger and let himself fall onto his back, finding himself staring back at the ceiling again. He sniffled quietly, wiping over his cheek angrily when he felt something wet on them. 
Yoongi’s ears moved constantly, following every movement that his human did upstairs, getting up, laying down again... he felt dizzy just listening to this. How on earth wasn’t Namjoon so exhausted that he had no other choice than fall asleep? He half expected to see Namjoon get down the stairs to join him in the kitchen in a little midnight-talk when it suddenly got quiet. Apparently the sleep must have won over the human after all. Content Yoongi got up from his place in front of the TV and got himself ready for bed as well. 
Namjoon reached for a cushion and hugged it tight, hiding his own face in the soft fabric to stifle his sobs that seemed to overwhelm him out of a sudden. He was tired and exhausted. Namjoon sobbed. One painful gasp, before he tried to hide himself while curling in and closing his eyes. If he just pressed his eyelids tightly enough he’d fall asleep – he was sure of it.  
The fox was about to get comfortable in his den when a miserable sound made him still. He listened intently, trying to decipher if it had just been a little sleepy snuffle or if there was something wrong with Namjoon. He was just about to lay his head back down when he heard it again. And this time there was no doubt about it: Namjoon was crying. It surprised him, how much it hurt him to hear the human cry. He had tried to not let it get too close to him when hybrids were sad in the pet shop and when he couldn‘t be cold and detached he had figured that it was because they were so similar to him. But Namjoon was human, and yet here he was, heart aching just from listening to a few of his choked off sounds, knowing that he was up there, feeling lost and lonely and desperate enough to give into his tears. Yoongi tried to curl in on himself more tightly and ignore it, to let Namjoon have his privacy but there was no way that he could fall asleep like this. It weighed heavy on his conscious and after a short little while he gave up and got back on his feet. Asking Namjoon if he was okay couldn‘t hurt. It was dark and it was late so if Namjoon wanted to keep his feelings private then he could just tell him to leave and they could both pretend that none of this had happened. Yoongi quietly got up the stairs on bare feet (feeling a little too cold for his comfort) before he finally reached Namjoon‘s bedroom. He hadn‘t been in there before and now that he was right in front of it he hesitated, not sure if it would be overstepping his boundaries with Namjoon. “Can I come in?” His voice was barely a whisper and yet in the sudden silence it felt way too loud.
Namjoon jerked in surprise, sitting up quickly and wiped over his cheeks to get rid of any tears left. But his red, puffy eyes still gave him away. “Y-yeah, sure…,” He tried a smile when there was light coming in from where Yoongi stood in the doorway. “Do you need anything? Did the air cooler stop again? I-I can try and fix it.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m fine. But you’re not.” Carefully he slipped under the covers, pulling his tail along so every part of him stayed warm. Then he inched closer towards Namjoon, slow enough that the other could bolt if he wanted or tell him to stop (because that’s what Yoongi would have wanted if he had been in Namjoon’s situation) and when nothing came he stretched out right next to to him. The human looked still tense and uncomfortable so Yoongi turned the other’s face towards him and started cleaning him to make him feel at ease.
Namjoon completely stiffened up in surprise, his eyes wide and body froze when Yoongi simply licked over his cheeks. “Y-yoongi,” He gazed at his hybrid and couldn’t help but tear up even more pulling him away from his face to look at him thoroughly. He sniffled softly, as he couldn’t help but cry again, “What are you doing?”
“I’m helping you to clean up your tears,” He stated as if it was obvious and the most natural thing in the world to do. He leaned forward again to reach the others cheek and licked over the reddened skin, getting rid of all the salty tracks on it. His tongue was a little rough even though Yoongi was gentle and so Namjoon’s face reddened even more. The fox nosed along Namjoon’s jaw when he was finished, sniffing at where his skin was the most delicate and Namjoon’s smell the strongest. “Are you sad because you can’t sleep?”
Namjoon hesitated to answer and instead leaned against the bed frame, to get himself more time. “I’m sad about a lot of things. But sleep is one of them…but it’s kind of an endless circle. I can’t sleep because I’m sad, then that makes me even more sad, you know?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I tend to overthink everything and I’m very stressed out recently.” Namjoon bit his lip, not being able to hide how his eyes were tearing up again but he blinked against it trying not to cry. “And I am sad that you will go soon…but I am also very happy for you.” Reaching out for Yoongi, a faint smile played on his lips that only faltered when he realized what he was about to do. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Namjoon quickly pulled his hand back. 
“Hmm..” Yoongi bit his lip. If he was getting overwhelmed then he just let his instincts take over knowing that they would help protect him and do what was best for the fox. But it wasn’t like he could tell that to Namjoon as the other was merely human. He had no idea how humans made themself feel better. “Well you can visit me there. You’ll always be welcome if you bring fruits,” He nodded encouragingly, not realizing that Namjon couldn’t see as good as he could in the dark. If Namjoon didn’t have a fox side that he could rely on - then Yoongi would just treat him like a fox and hope that it would help him too. “No overthinking tonight. We will get comfortable now and then you will sleep and tomorrow you feel better. Maybe you’re inside too much. I always feel restless when I’m without nature for too long. You should go for a run in the park. A forest would be best but I don’t think you have those here. And if this doesn’t help then I’ll clean you, just like you did with my ears. You’ll see it’s really nice for destressing.” Content Yoongi lied back down next to Namjoon. “Are you ready to try sleeping again?”
“I will,” Namjoon spoke softly, “I will visit you a lot if you want me to. And I’ll take you to the snow dome from time to time, okay?” He chuckled at Yoongi’s orders but just did as he said. Laying down beside him, Namjoon sighed deeply and pulled the blanket a little closer around the hybrid and gave him a cushion of his. “Yoongi?” His voice was only a whisper, “Do you mind if I…I’ll be gentle…”
Yoongi huffed, “I’m not made of glass, you don’t need to be gentle.” Seeing such a vulnerable side of Namjoon had him feeling more secure... and also strangely protective. “I sleep best when I‘m curled up but we can still share your bed. Maybe the extra warmth helps you sleep.” He turned around so that his back was towards Namjoon, inching closer until the other could reach for him easily and then curled in on himself so that his knees where up and he could bury his face into the fur of his own tail how he liked it. „I won‘t mind if you want put your face against my ears. I think it‘s most comfortable to sleep against fur. Maybe it makes you feel safe too.“
Namjoon only smiled at that, pulling the hybrid into his embrace and curled up around him, doing exactly what he had offered: nuzzling his face against his ears. It was unbelievable to Namjoon, how soft Yoongi was on the inside and the more he was opening up, the more he understood the fox and why he had been so scared in the beginning. Again, Namjoon wanted to cry – but out of different reasons. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself and closed his eyes, hoping that no bad dream would wake him tonight. He didn’t want Yoongi to get hurt if he might roll around or get scared by him talking in his sleep. The hybrid got used to another body close to him pretty quickly and he sighed happily when Namjoons solid presence had warmth seeping through his skin. He could get used to sleeping comfortably like this…
Surprisingly he wasn’t the only one to enjoy this as he didn’t wake for quite a while until the sun was rising again. Only when his tail accidentally got in the way did he blink awake sleepily, only to find the human still asleep. He looked almost cute like this, relaxed and soft and Yoongi had to hold onto him to not lean forward and lick his face again.
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A/N: Only one more chapter left! Thank you for all the nice comments we received on this story! Cat and I always are so happy ;; You guys make us so happy!!! Oh and if you haven’t yet then check out the new trailer that we just posted for the upcoming Geisha!AU!
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jawanaka · 3 years
For the director's commentary; I'd love to know your thoughts on Ciri and Morvran's relationship, both present and future?
Oooh, that's a juicy one,
So unlike previous essays this will be less about canon and more about how I write their relationsship.
Now as ships go Ciri/Morvran is certainly a rare pair, though almost all Ciri ships qualify as this given the lack of canon or even semicanon loveinterests sans Mistle (where we won't go cause yikes) and arguably Cahir (which has alot of haters who very seriously need to find a better way to spend their time). Most fics with Ciri and Morvran tend to actually not be about them but about Emhyr and Geralt, which fair enough. And in most of these they tend to be presented as a alright but arranged marriage.
I don't like this. Oh, the arranged marriage to lovers is a nice trope but Ciri has suffered enough to be married to some guy she's met like twice? And I don't see Ciri accepting "oh and also you need to marry this random guy" as a part of the package for empressing, especially when as she has clearly stated she has stuff she wants to do with that power (historical digression: for a ruling woman marrying a man was a great way to lose power, which is why many female rulers like Elisabeth I didn't marry).
For me it was important to build Ciri and Morvrans relationship platonically at first, which is why The Swallow of Niovigrad is a genfic (even though they flirt fairly shamelessly on occassion). So apart from a love of horses they need to have something more in common. I choose a shared political vision: both Ciri and Morvran understand that the empire cannot keep functioning as it has been doing. Now they obvisouly come at it from different angles and have plenty of disagreements on the how, they share an ideal which they both keep pulling eachother back to.
“No,” said Ciri and shook her head sadly “No you didn’t Morvran. Because for you they are not people aren’t they? Oh I do not mean you are particularly prejudiced against elves. It’s just that to you these people are just numbers aren’t they? Acceptable casualties in some imperial game, better a hundred of them then one of ours. They are not Nilfgaardian like you so what do they matter?” She turned her gaze towards the map again, controlling her outburst.
Morvran seemed to contemplate his boots. Finally he said in a low voice “I though we were Nilfgaardian?”
“You are. I’m not, I’m Cintran. It’s your empire, not mine.”
The general was silent for a moment then said in a low voice. “The empire must be an empire for all it’s citizens or it has no value. You told me that, riding to Vizima. If you it’s future empress do not believe it has any value then what chance does it have?”
In short it was important to me to write Ciri and Morvran as partners in goverment before they became partners in another sense. Neither are very quick to trust others and both are kind of akward, in different ways. But they also complement eachother. Both are idealists but not fanatically so, Morvran is eventempered wereas Ciri is a bit of a hothead, Ciri is audicious were Morvran is at times overly careful, Morvran is detail and big picture oriented whereas Ciri is more prone to focusing on singular issues, Ciri has an ironclad sense of morality towards herself and her people whereas Morvran is more conflicted. Ciri knows the people and the north in a different way while Morvran knows the court and the army. Both can switch back and forth between upbeat and morose and can pick eachother up. Individually they would be fairly good at their jobs but together they can be quite formidable.
At least that's how I see them: partners, in more ways then one.
Thank you @cahirdyffryns for the ask! Ask here in case anyone's interested!
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Requests Masterlist
Studying You
(Female reader) “Could you please write an imagine where reader is Gibbs’s best friend from childhood, knew his mom, was there for him when she killed her self but au where there’s no Shannon and kelly and they get married and reader names their daughter Ann after Gibbs’s mom”
My Mark
(Gender-neutral reader) “If requests are in fact still open, could you pretty please do something about the reader giving Gibbs’ hickeys just to mess with him?”
Please Don’t Leave
(Gibbs x little girl (fatherly relationship), very slight reference to a McGee x fem!reader relationship) Gibbs discovers a little girl at a crime scene who is deaf, and upon learning more of her backstory, he begins to bond with her. The guardians she was staying with were killed in a break and enter, both her actual parents were killed while deployed.
I Won’t Leave
(Gibbs x little girl (fatherly relationship), McGee x fem!reader relationship, Mother!reader) This is a continuation of the storyline from the fic Please Don’t Leave, with a time skip.
Forget About Me
McGee x fem!reader/mom!reader, Gibbs x reader (platonic/fatherly relationship) “I was thinking that McGee and reader find out their expecting a baby, and Anastasia finds out and runs away, because she’s scared that Tim and reader won’t want her anymore, and Anastasia gets lost and is all alone, and Tim is in full panic mode, and Gibbs won’t rest until he finds Anastasia, and Gibbs finds her, but she refuses to go home, and clings to Gibbs”
Rare Jewel
(Female reader) “Can I please request a Gibbs x plus size reader? Maybe they have to go undercover to a gala or smth together and the reader walks out in this figure hugging dress feeling and looking FLY AS F**K and Gibbs is like hot damn. You get where I’m going?”
I’m Here
(Female reader)  Request using the prompt - “Don’t be scared. I’m right here.”
What Family is For
(Female reader) “Could you do a Gibbs x Reader were the female reader gets beaten up by a group of boys (broken ribs, bruises, blood…) and just manages to stumble into Gibbs’ house were he will take care of her? A little kind of father-daughter relationsship but workwise. Just him getting very protective, comforting her and patching and cleaning her.”
The Peace Out Here
(Female reader)
“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”
With a Little Help From the Team
(Female reader) “Hello! I saw your post from this morning saying you didn’t have any requests for ncis at the moment and I wanted to make a request. If for some reason you don’t want to write it that’s okay but here’s my prompt,(Idk what to call it) The reader and McGee have been dating for years and McGee has to tell the whole team (Tony, McGee, Bishop, Gibbs. That team please!) including her dad (Gibbs, cause why not?) when he wants to propose. You can decide on if they say yes or no but I hope you’ll write it. Sorry if I’m overwhelming you I just wanted to make a request”
NCIS team:
Helping Hands
(Gender-neutral reader) “Could you do a one shot with NCIS where reader has a panic attack and the team comforts the reader and they validate the reader’s emotions? I just really need something like that”
Aaron Hotchner:
Dream Come True
(Female reader) “Hi sweetie!! I saw that you’re taking requests for reader inserts? I could I request one of either Hotch or Morgan where they have a dream about having a daughter with the reader. (The reader and him aren’t dating or seeing each other at all) but he really wants this dream to come true. Thank you in advance!”
In Your Corner
(Female reader) “can you make an aaron x fem reader where reader has an e.d?”
Spencer Reid:
The Way She Walks
(Female reader) “Can you write something for Spencer (or whoever) where you are Hotch’s assistant. One day you are bringing Hotch coffee and Reid is staring at you and Derek tells Reid not to stare cause it will freak you out. Thank you so much!!!”
The Way She Loves
(Female reader - sequel to The Way She Walks) “Helloo😌😌 could you do a follow up to “the way she walks”? I loved it😩💗”
The Raging Fire Within
(Female reader) “Hi! Could you write a modern au fic with Erik Destler where they’re in a relationship but hes still an awkward muffin and decides hes not having it any longer and tries to flirt with her using (sexual) innuendos but hes still a muffin and she loves it? Thank you so much!!!! (I hope it makes sense)”
An Angel to Me
(Gender-neutral reader) “Erik’s s/o being an artist who loves to draw him but does it in secret in fear of upsetting him but Erik finds one specific drawing. The drawing is a charcoal drawing of him with angel wings (shirtless or not, either one works) and the drawing is of how his s/o sees him. In the drawing he’s radiating like an angel and he’s beautiful despite his scars and that’s when he realizes how much his s/o loves him and that he is worthy of her love (or something like that) and he starts crying. When his s/o comes back, she find him curled up in a corner crying clutching the drawing to him. When he sees her, he tells her how much he loves her and needs her (even tho she already knows) and they end up going through all her drawings of him together”
When You Are Hurting
(Female reader) “hi love! ❤️ i was wondering if i could request an erik x reader? just a hurt/comfort with some soft Erik, maybe set in poto?? maybe one where the reader is having a tough day?? please take your time!!! i know you’ve got a busy schedule :)”
A Modern Lady
(Female reader) “Hello! Can I please request a fic or HCs where erik is in a relationship with the reader but shes really modern and vulgar for someone living in the 19th century and keeps making him blush? But he really loves it?“
(Female reader) “Can I make a Phantom x reader where the reader is the phantom’s wife or somethin’ and the Phantom wakes up from a bad nightmare but she is there to comfort him”
Dark Until I Met You
(Female reader) “Hello, I just want to say first of all that I adore your writing! I haven’t been able to find a story with this particular idea, so I thought I’d make a request. It’s completely your choice whether you want to write a fic of headcanons, but what do you think Erik’s relationship with a blind reader would be like?”
Just a Touch
(Female reader) “Hello! This is my first time requesting, so I’m not quite sure how things work. I was wondering if I could get a Phantom of the Opera x female reader, where he’s touch-starved and they’re just cuddling together. Thank you!”
So Much More
(Female Reader)
Prompt - “You didn’t deserve that…you deserved so much better.”
Promise I Make to You
(Gender neutral reader)
“As I've myself struggled with sh (I am 1 month clean, lemme just flex a lil bit) I've just had this scenario in my head where Erik in a way or another sees the readers sh scars/cuts for the first time and it's just pure fluff with a hint of angst. Also this is my first request ever, I've just fallen in love with the way you portray our not so local (unless u live in france) sewer man. Um ye <3 I shall go to sleep now”
Dancing in the Rain
(Gender neutral reader)
“Can u do poto Erik x reader with a reader who loves walking in the rain, even tho they get absolutely soaked Bc they don’t use an umbrella… so their hair is just absolutely drenched but reader doesn’t give a damn”
One Love, One Lifetime
(Gender neutral reader)
“Could I get a phantom of the opera x reader where the reader is the soulmate of his. The reader has a line of one of his songs. Maybe music of the night? The 2004 version of phantom of the opera. Do you do smut? If not that's fine. It can be fluff too.”
Meg Giry x Phantom:
Leading Woman
(Meg Giry x Phantom) Meg being willing to do whatever the Phantom suggests, even though his attention is on Christine. Finally, Meg has had enough and decided to meet the Phantom on his turf. Although he is upset at the disrespect and blatant neglect of his privacy, he is impressed by her lack of fear towards him and her gumption. Meg makes a case for herself, and the Phantom finally sees Meg for who she is, a leading woman.
Christine Daae:
You Can
(Female reader implied but could be read as gender neutral) Prompt - “I know you can.”
Winchester Brothers:
It’s in the Eyes
(Winchester brothers x gn!reader) “… At the moment I’m sort of dating a guy who was broken up with fairly recently and he’s not sure of his feelings (I think he’s really just scared to open up again). Anyway I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind could you write a happy ending/fluff for us with one of the criminal minds/spn guys?”
Dean Winchester:
Something Good
(Gender neutral reader) “Something Good” from the musical The Sound of Music as inspiration for the fic
Care for You 
(Female reader) “Hello !!! Can I have Dean Winchester x reader? Reader has been so caught up in her work that they forget to eat. They get extremely lightheaded and stumble a little. Dean steadies them and he is worried when he finds out they forgot to eat. While he is making food they faint and land (luckily) on the couch. When he’s done, he comes back,at first he thinks that they’re just laying down but he kinda freaks out when he realizes that reader is unconscious. ( I forget to eat sometimes) THANK YOU🥺💚”
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celestestardust · 4 years
I am glad that Ethan and Mark have had a serious talk about toxic relationsships and rectified the obviously bad ""advices"" on this website. It is a very very serious topic.
Abusive relationships aren't always physical!! I have been twice in an emotionally abusive relationship both romantic and platonic and it was really difficult to get out of it partially because I ignored the obvious red flags of threat, isolation and so on. It wasn't as obvious like physical abuse yet it was still very harmful!
Please try to reach out for help if you are currently in an abusive relationship!! Mark and Ethan put resources in the description of their latest video if you want to seek help!
This blog is a safe space for everyone who needs help in that regard (and in general). If you need someone to talk to feel free to text me on Tumblr.
Stay safe!
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ao3tageverything · 5 years
Cinderella and the Four Knights  - AO3tagged
Rating General Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Categories F/M Additional Tags k-drama, surprisingly little mention of shoes, bad parenting 101, involuntary housemates, Hana Yori Dango-ish, spoiled brats, dysfunctional families, fake relationship, annoying step-mother, annoying half-sister, flashbacks, lots of flashbacks, flashbacks within flashbacks, personal butlers, Second Lead Syndrome, actually Third Lead Syndrome to be precise, orphans, mentioned death of a kid by car accident, secret relationship, they’re really bad at keeping their relationship secret though, questionable fashion choices, liver cancer, Kang Seo Woo is a cinnamon roll, running away from problems, people have no sense for personal space and/or belongings, posh hospitals, secret pining, bad grandparenting 101, Lee Yoon Sung looks sharp in suits, surgery, everyone gets a happy ending, though some of it feels forced, honestly I don’t know if any of the relationships in this show are healthy
Relationships [spoilers, so it’s after the cut]
Eun Ha Won/Kang Ji Woon
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thegolden-queen · 4 years
Hello Dearies 😁
I want to introduce myself:
I started watching Once upon a time in November 2019 and decided to jump in the Fandom by creating a blog after I wachted it till the end.
What brought me in the fandom?
- Short answer: Rumple/Gold/Weaver.
He catched my interest since the first season and was mainly my reason to watch it. (I mean, look at him😍 He's hot, sassy, intelligent... have I mentioned hot? I like all versions of him, but his character in s1-s3A was the best. (All past that made me a bit sad how his character was treated after Neal died)
What are my ouat ships? (no ranking order)
Rumbelle - I liked it really much in s1-s3A. The age gap is something I found interesting and the characterdynamic as a whole. (rumple beeing in love and not entirely pretending to be the big bad is my attraction 😍😭 He has a soft spot❤️) But sometimes it was totally ruined, the torture began with s4 and ends with s6...👿😡
Golden Queen - I shipped it since s1. Not as much as the canon rumbelle since s1, but I liked the dynamic between those snarky, sassy villians. Sometimes they are enemies, sometimes they are friends/companions😏 but they stuck in the same situation - deep down both want to be loved. And that is why I became a fan of this ship.
One of my fav scene regarding GQ:
where regina and rumple are talking at the beach of neverland, and Regina tells him, that if he dies, than it would be her who kills him 😏😁 (I mean, If that's not a form of care/love 😏)
Something I had mixed feelings about:
As the seasons went on (and rumbelle was too bad written to focus on it for me mainly) I lost it as in s6 golden queen was becoming a thing - seriously I never thought that😂😂 But I liked the past relationship of rumple/gold/regina much more... (The affair was hot and I fangirled hard about it... but... it seemed it was made just for the plot (which has to ruin rumbelle! 🙃 and hey, why not taking the evil queen and pair her up with rumple🙃 As a fan of GQ I found the writing in s6... improvable. Not really satistying - neither for my rumbelle- nor for my GQ feelings... . And rumple's whole character was... out of place sometimes.
Golden Swan
Seriously, I never thought about that ship before I discovered there were actually fanfics about that 😁 And this catched my interest; I wanted to understand why people ship it. So I started to read ffs and now I really like the pairing dynamic of this two. It's hard to imagine it, bc in the series the scences they shared are... all other thsn romantic in my opinion. (But I like the sass Emma reacts with when Gold makes a comment - no one wanted to lose against the other, and the word battles in ffs could be really amusing to me😳)
Golden Hook
I ship it platonic. I really loved how s7 resolved about that two. And thanks to tumblr I really see the gifs of incorrect GH could be canon as well 😂😂 I wish the relationsship between them was more growing in s2-s6.
What am I doing now, since ouat isn't ongoing?
Searching for hot Robert Cartyle/rumple/Gold/Weaver content on tumblr 😏😏
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zwei-tales · 5 years
So from the behaviour we saw in this episode from Nora, Blake and Yang they will most likely join Robyn later, Nora and Blake are a definite and probably Yang she did have a bit of sympathy for ironwood knowing he's trying to do the right thing but seems to agree with Blake and it was her idea to go talk to Robyn and tell her what's going on. From what we got from Ren is that he will probably side with Ironwood mostly because he's scared and thinks the general has the right ideas, Qrow might go with Robyn (the intro dose kinda show some team work between them) but for the rest of the group I don't know the later episodes will tell. If this dose happen then the teams will get divided (for a bit but let's face it these kids are family and families don't always agree but they still love each other and will most likely come back together) and some relationsships romantic and/or platonic might get damaged like Ren and Nora's might (or their relationship will just grow stronger from the experience).
Just thought I'd share my theory
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floraone · 5 years
(A very subjective) Trope Guide
Ah well. So. Here is totally for selfish reasons my very weird and very extensive list of my favourite tropes! I wanna work with some of them, and I wanna mix and match and.. ya know, play with them a little. And I thought maybe you wanted to join in ;) So feel free to use and even prompt with!
A1 (Temporary) Amnesia
A2 Pick From Bizarre Ao3 Tag
A3 Totally Into Your Alter Ego
B1 Only One Bed / "Platonic" Bedsharing
B2 My Partner is a Badass / Action Girl / Battle Couple
B3 The Bet
B4 Blind Date
C1 Coffee Shop
C2 Accidental Confession
C3 Caught In The Rain
D1 Didn't Know They Were Dating
D2 Convenient Slow Dance
D3 Deus Sex Machina
E1 Enemies/Friends/Partners to Lovers
E2 Established Relationship
E3 Sex With The Ex
F1 Oh Crap There Are Fanfics Of Us
F2 Fuck Or Die
F3 First Times
F4 Fidelity Test
F5 Forbidden Fruit
F6 Flirting Under Fire
G  Go Seduce My Archnemesis
H1 Magical Healing Cock
H2 Happy Ending Massage
H3 Has a Type
I1 Intoxication/ In Vino Veritas
I2 Introduction by Hookup
J1 Just Tonight
J2 Just Friends / She Is Not My Girlfriend
K1 Kink
K2 Indirect Kiss
L Lust At First Sight
M1 Mission Sex
M2 Matchmaking
M3 Meet Cute
M4 Mistaken For Cheating
N1 Nobody Needs To Know
N2 New Student
N3 New Old Flame
O1 One Night Stand
O2 Mistakingly Overheard Conversation
P1 (Secret Mutual/Unrequited) Pining
P2 Party Fic
P3 Accidental Pervert
P4 Terrible Pick-Up Lines
R1 And They Were Roommates
R2 Pretend or Secret Relationsship/ Fake Dating  / Fake Not-Dating
R3 Idenity Reveal
R4 Red String of Fate
R5 In The Rain
S2 Sex Education/Teach Seduction
S3 Protag Has a Secret/Char B Comes To Very Wrong Conclusions
S4 Stupid Sexy Friend
S5 Sex Pollen
S6 Stuck In A Small Place / Elevator / Closet
T1 Telepathic or Emotional Bond/Mindlink/ Magic Bond / Mindlink Mates
T2 Texting
T3 Traveling
T4 Talking In Bed
T5 Tutoring/Study Help
T6 Third Wheel
U1 High School/ University
U2 Unresolved Sexual Tension
W1 Wingman/woman
W2 Working Out Together Is Kinda Sexy
W3 You Wake Up In A Room
W4 Will They Won't They/ Almost Kiss / Not A Date / Ship Tease
Y Aliens Youmas Made Them Do It
It goes without saying that these can be used in any setting. AU/Post Canon/Canon/Fluff/Smut/Angst with or without a Happy ending/ Fix It... whatever floats your boat.
ALSO I WANNA KNOW YOUR FAVORITES AND WHICH YOU WANNA SEE IN THIS FANDOM! Alternatively if you have a favourite fic for any of the tropes, I wanna know that too ;)
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ao3feed-ssgb · 6 years
by AlmandineWinter
Douglas Archer is a successful young detective who learns about a twisted story that changes his life forever.
Words: 1085, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Demons
Fandoms: SS-GB (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Douglas Archer, Oskar Huth, Other(s)
Relationships: Douglas Archer/Oskar Huth
Additional Tags: SS-GB AU, SS-GB/The Dark Valley crossover, Douglas Archer is a good detective but law fails him, he is also stubborn, and in the closet, mentions of rape and violence, Minor Character Death, set in late 19th century but don't expect historical correctness, platonic relationsship, Huth appears later
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autismus-obscurus · 7 years
Can I ask about sex? Ladies with autism, how do you deal with it? To be honest, I have no idea what to do. I haven't meet "my" person yet, but even in daydreaming I can't imagine process with my participation. It's like.. "Oh, I like XXX. XXX is safe, cozy and interesting. And YYY is too. I like them and want to feel them closer". Like the Pokemon, "I choose you!" Then I try to imagine sex and feel joy, pleasure, physical stimulation. Aaaand.. Nothing. Like paralysis. (1)
“They are so good. What if they will be together in that way?”  It’s like cooking, ingredients combine and become even better, more cozy and interesting. Like spectator, I doing physical things, and everything turns in right direction. Ok. It’s nice, but it’s like parallel love railways. How can I be together with someone, if even in dreams I can’t? I saw in movies, books and IRL people want to be together and feel joy. They are drowning in feelings inside and outside. How did they do it? (2\2)             
CW: Sex mention
I’ll give this over to the community as well, but here’s my two cents: I feel the exact same way. I have absolutely no interest in romantic relationsships, let alone sex. I used to think I was broken. We get taught that you’re only complete if you have a romantic partner, movies are so full of unnecessary sex / romance, that makes it hard to find other explanations.However, I figured that I’m aroace, and you kinda sound like that as well. Aroace stands for Aromantic and Asexual. Asexual means that you don’t develop sexual attraction to people, aromantic that you don’t have romantic feelings for people. (Note: That doesn’t mean that you can’t have meaningful platonic relationships, or find others aesthetically pleasing. Asexuality and Aromanticism are also not inherently linked, there are aromantics who are not asexual and aces who are not aromantic.)I can’t say for sure that you’re aroace of course, that is for you to figure out.If you’d like to research more, you could scroll though the ace / asexual tag here on tumblr. If you have faceook there’s a page called Asexual ACES that I find very helpful. And lastly, YouTuber Ash Hardell made some interesting videos about asexuality and aromanticism. Seeing how others define and experience their sexuality might help you decide if the label fits you.I hope this helped a bit.
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