martianmuckraker · 1 year
No One Wants My Quiche
Hey all – a few weeks ago I got to try out the new Horizon Framework, with the author GMing. Here is Episode II of the playtest. See the Horizon Framework on Role HERE!
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
man, my *pressing ask only to go wait holy shit!!* is getting out of hand
Ranger and DigiDestinedhood hammers home to the team that as good as saving people is, secret identities are a paaain, but a nessecery pain
But they would never trade it for the world
Tim arguably has it easier than everyone else when it comes to identity shenanigans. He has no powers, and thus no expectation to become a hero himself.
Inheriting Drake Industries and maintaining it will be a chore. However, if he plays his cards right, he can get digimon on his playrole to act in his stead when he can get away with remote work
The company still has motives to profit, but when it comes to it's non-profit organization and welfare departments? Policies to keep them at top quality are aggresively enforced.
It will also heavily invest in technology, particulary regarding the internet in ways that benefit his team's mission and the digital world
A good percentage of remote workers aren't even physical, but nobody except seven needs to know that
Plus Drake Industries will grow like never before. He can spout loads of bullshit to the press as to how but his team knows the truth
The Digital World and his Digital employees
The Batfamily are the main source of his worries, but he's got things under control
What Tim doesn't have to worry about is passing for (wholly) human. Becoming a Power Ranger of the Digivision negated his 100% human percentage, but minus some scares and precautions here and there, nobody will realize he's an unordinary human boy
He can provide support and even ways to help them hide their more extraordinary traits, employ Digimon support, but there's only so much he can do
Thorn can't help being frightened whenever Luthor is their foe, when Superman is front of him congragulating on a job well done
When Superman questions his frozen still state, he just says that he's a huge fan and can never believe it when he sees the super
"But I understand that I should see the man under the cape, not just the symbol, and I'll do my best to do so."
And he thought just seeing them on the screen or in the distance was bad
It's a frightening, but easy to take of the kryptonite when in Ranger form, and his friends and people are in danger, and embrace his powers to save the day, clumsy as he is at it
It's going to be a long time coming when he stops wearing kryptonite under his clothes, in his pockets outside of training, no matter how much better his body feels without it, and let himself be witness to so much agony in his civillian life
When Superman asks Data Ranger is also a Kryptonian?
When Superman stares down Thorn with both of them knowing full well they know that the other knows that they know?
"You're my clone"
Thorn can taste his death through the very kryptonite he's indulged a life's comfort in. Compared to what's more likely?
He'd much prefer that
Speedster metabolism is a straight up liability when you're trying to keep yourself secret
Bart wasn't pretending he didn't exist persay, just one of the more instrumental parts of himself
The Flash family was sniffing around since news about the Vaccine Ranger and the speed force first popped up. Please stay away thank you. And thank you Batman paranoia!
Sucked how the most crash parts of his life circled around to being mode--- oh hey his favorite store just opened!
Bart had to be very, very careful not to speed. Which was utterly mode in his books but it's crash in the long run
Tl;Dr?---he liked this time and world's slang---Tim is having him and Thorn live at his place since they're homeless otherwise, and the press sucks! But living with Tim comes with a rad allowance he can spend on all the food and snacks he wants
Tim was working on getting revolutionary food preservation tech and other tech and GMOs made so Bart would never want for anything that satiated his hunger and taste buds again
but for now he'd have to settle for shopping
"How many parties are you buying for?" the cashier asked
"I've made it a career," he jested
And if he used the speedforce to give him a tip of bills adding up to hundred with a note of "keep the change :D --signed party boy"?
Sue him, Gotham was mode!---No offense Tim---people needed all the help they could get here
Cassie arguably has it harder than the rest of her team from a certain view
What's stopping Zues or anybody else affiliated with him in anyway from flying down from the heavens and declaring her own divinity for everyone to hear?
What's keeping her from being forced into a spotlight or duties at the wave of a hand?
Pouring through texts for anything---anything!---that could conceal demigodhood, she mentally noted down anything that boosted luck as well. Knowing anything, she'll need it
She looked up to see that the digimon helping her were barely making more progress than her
So much for the ✨Age of Information!✨ she thought
Tl;Dr --- The Digital Division don't want their civillian identities compromised because it could compromise their allies
And they aren't to inclined to willingly share their identities to anybody outside of the Digital Division
If they manage to not compromise their allies, the prospect of being forced into another superheroism identity and thus be forced to juggle three secrety identities is something they don't want
Also rip Thorn with his unreliable narration. Lies and mental illness are a bitch!
Hey maybe the team expands the Digital Division to have its own social worker department of sorts aimed at helping the community
Maybe it's the start of the digital world and real world coming together as one, or maybe a different approach is taken
One must wonder the public and real world's reaction to the existence of the digital world
Also Bart and Terriermon would probably use a bunch of Digital World slang in the future addition to real world future slang, where as the present Digital World uses their own terms, another way of displaying their displacement in time
Also Tim would probably have Bart and Thorn stay at the Drake Manor since they're a bit homeless and maybe he arranges Helena and his parents to meet if they haven't already so Cassie can have an excuse to come and stay over whenever
Thorn and Bart staying at Tim's place is great! I like the addition here of the Digital Division kind of treating other heroes as pests. They are basically trying to shoo away anyone who's trying to figure out their identity.
I bet Batman is going nuts. He can't really track/follow them into and out of the digital world. Maybe he tries to get Oracle to help? Wonder how that would go.
I'm also vibing with the digital employees and Tim continuing to be the CEO for D.I.
Overall, the concept is cool as hell!
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st0neymal0neyx0 · 11 months
Are you into Daddy & kitten kind of kink & playrole?
Nothing turns me off more than a man calling himself daddy
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acdind · 9 months
Anyone up for a beginner Eclipse Phase game ran by a beginner EP GM? We'll be using Discord for voice and PlayRole for a VTT
I'm going to run the Eclipse Phase quick start game one night soon (actually, it'll probably take a couple nights over a period of time...).
Here is a link to download the Quick Start rules. DON'T read the adventure if you wanna play!! 🤣
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swan-of-fabletown · 1 year
Keira, what do you think his answer be?
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Keira: I don't know but it does got me a bit worried, like was I just a bate or undercover playrole?
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aisha2435 · 2 years
I sell my content and Dropbox
#playrole #sextn
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Old Dalmattia Waning - Guagelan's Travenue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1456314824-old-dalmattia-waning-guagelan%27s-travenue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=CheathamPatrick Category: Science-Fiction Main Playrollers (inconnplete): Singvlon Tabs (inconnplete): atmosphere terraformationland seringetizones spadesklubssbulkartsstaehdimondssdnomids atmosphomingskies Of interest to readers: Adjes 18 to 25 Language Person's' Personal Person (Anglian) [englishshilgne] Prev/rights to none of all (Cen)=(C) Doam Person's' nonDoMain Rating Standard (nonimmature) (maturity at adolescence) Story Stat us ?Connplete
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solresolvava · 3 years
Londyn nie rozpieszczał swoją pogodą stałe opady deszczu, szarość i błoto. Dawało się we znaki, jednak pogoda to mój najmniejszy problem. Dzień jak co dzień spędziłam w pracy w barze pod szkarłatną gilotyną. Zdawałam sobie gdzie pracuję i kim jest mój szef. Pod barem spotykali się dość wpływowi ludzie. Ale na górze sam bar, przypominał zwykły miejski bar w centrum miasta. Niewyróżniającym się niczym. Można było się tutaj napić dobrego koniaku ale i jak najzwyklejszego taniego piwa. Na scenie stało piękne stare pianino, lśniło mi osobiście zapierało dech w piersiach, gdy je widziałam. Zazwyczaj Leonard grał na nim i nie pozwalał go dotykać. Było traktowane z największym nabożeństwem. Nie dziwiło mnie to ale pragnęłam stanąć na scenie i dotknąć klawiszy tak cudownego instrumentu. Spojrzałam w okno po nim spływa kropla deszczu rozmywając zaparowaną szybę. Przecierając stolik wielkie wskazówki zegarka, który wisiał na ścianie za barem wskazywał godzinę 17:00. O tej porze w każdy czwartek i wtorek przychodził mężczyzna. Jego nietuzinkowa uroda przykuwała uwagę. Był niezwykle przystojnym mężczyzną. Siadał czasami samotnie, czasami z przyjaciółmi. Taki ktoś raczej schodził na dół załatwiać sprawy. Ale może tylko mi się wydawało i był zwyczajnym chcącym odpocząć po pracy mężczyzną. Zawsze siada w tym samym miejscu. Tym razem mija kolejne pół godziny, a ja nie wiem dlaczego myślę o nim. Szukając go wzrokiem po sali, jednak nie było go. Zbliżała się godzina zamknięcia, dziś zostałam sama. Z resztą jak zawsze, zdecydowanie się na pracę w męskim świecie było nie lada wyczynem. Ale postanowiłam dumnie udźwignąć ten ciężar na swoich barkach. Kiedy miałam już posprzątany bar, po dostawiane krzesła do stolików. Zatrzymałam się tuż przed sceną patrząc na instrument. Stal samotnie, podeszłam do niego opuszkami palców przejechałam po błyszczącym drewnie. W mojej głowie zaczęło szumieć, szczególnie słowa Leonarda a raczej jego groźby. Jednak odważnie dotknęłam klawiszy przez moje ciało przebiegł zimny deszcz. W przeszłości grałam bardzo dużo. Nawet nie wiem kiedy wpadłam w trans. Zabrałam kilka wesołych melodii. Zupełnie odwrotnie niż Leo, on grał raczej rzewne melodie. Kołysząc się wesoło przy instrumencie zaczęłam nieśmiało śpiewać. Byłam sama zatem nabrałam odwagi by śpiewać głośniej. Mój delikatny głos roznosił się po sali. Będąc w transie, nie słyszałam dzwonka, który zawsze dawał znać kiedyś ktoś wszedł do baru. Przekonana byłam, że zamknęłam drzwi. Kiedy otworzyłam oczy, swój wzrok skierowałam na korytarz. A tam stał mężczyzna. Jak oparzona zamknęłam instrument. Poprawiając swoją skromną sukienkę wbiłam wzrok w podłogę, z ledwością przełknęłam ślinę. Moje policzki stały się iście piekące. A ja cicho wydobyłam z siebie. Patrząc na postawnego mężczyznę ze sceny.
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martianmuckraker · 1 year
Coming soon to Vtt
Hello All – I have been looking into ways to get the game up on Virtual Tabletops and have some exciting news! PlayRole.Com I just submitted the game to PlayRole.Com. Will let you know when it has gone through the system and is available for purchase. Getting the game there will get you access to the character sheet format I made for playrole.com in addition to the PDFs. The Role game room…
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Old Dalmattia Waning - Guagelan's Travenue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1456314824-old-dalmattia-waning-guagelan%27s-travenue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=CheathamPatrick Category: Science-Fiction Main Playrollers (inconnplete): Singvlon Tabs (inconnplete): atmosphere terraformationland seringetizones spadesklubssbulkartsstaehdimondssdnomids atmosphomingskies Of interest to readers: Adjes 18 to 25 Language Person's' Personal Person (Anglian) [englishshilgne] Prev/rights to none of all (Cen)=(C) Doam Person's' nonDoMain Rating Standard (nonimmature) (maturity at adolescence) Story Stat us ?Connplete
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buyungafrianto · 4 years
"PLAY Your ROLE" video will talk about the importance of playing your role in all the activities that you are engaged in and certainly will have an impact that you will feel will be in accordance with the role that you play.
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martianmuckraker · 1 year
Pestilence and Paranoia
The May release (I am aware its June, but preparing for PlayRole took precedence) for “Under a Hostile Sun” is live! This months short-adventure will have the players confronting a medical disaster. It is a tale of space colonies facing a plague, each blaming each other. Where did this disease come from? And can we cure it in time? Features New map Three-page GM notes Players will have to…
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myfractaluniverse · 5 years
Cita con el Doctor.
Un día, el doctor me escribió y preguntó cómo seguía de mis dolencias. Después de platicar un poco y explicarle mis síntomas, decidí hacer una cita con él. Llegué al lugar acordado el día y la hora en punto, él me esperaba sentado en una gran silla. Después de verme, me dijo que sabía exactamente mi diagnóstico y qué necesitaba hacer para que estuviera mejor. Me pidió que me recostara, comenzó a palparme la espalda, el pecho a escuchar mi respiración, a sentir mi pulso que cada vez se aceleraba más. Pasó sus expertas manos por todos los puntos necesarios mientras me desvestia poco a poco, él también se iba desvistiendo. Después de varias horas yo tenía dolor de verdad, del que te hace sonreír cuando lo recordás, y antes de despedirnos con un beso para vernos en casa, estuvimos de acuerdo en que en la próxima cita él ya no sería un doctor, si no que yo sería una secretaria.
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