#plays blah blah
sakorb · 2 years
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here we go again
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subby-fluffybunny · 22 days
Everyone always talks about fast and hard fucking, but where’s the appreciation for being fucked torturously slowly? When they force you to feel every single bump, lump and inch of their strap and go deep, really deep, and never pick up the pace, while they ever so gently circle your clit too. The slow build of your orgasm and feeling your cunt tighten around the strap and feeling everything even more intensely… when your orgasm finally goes over the edge it feels like something entirely different to a normal orgasm, it starts off kinda slow and then hits so HARD and you can feel every single contraction and each one brings another strong wave of complete euphoria and it keeps going for almost as long as they keep pounding you. Bonus points if they teased you for 30 mins before hand using just your nipples, and then put vibrating clamps on them while they fuck you.
That being said, I need a domme to come do that to me please 🥺👉👈
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pumpumdemsugah · 7 months
I watched the behind the scenes about the animation of Blue Eye Samurai and spoilers If you care but the fact some of you are pissed off the creators state Mizu is a woman over and over again is dumb. At this point, some ppl are so strangely sexist you do not think women are complex characters you can relate to or would never put revenge or being in disguise for safety (and ease of travel ) above conformity or femininity.
Mizu's mother told her two things: don't leave the house or they will kill us and don't let them know you're a girl because they're looking for a girl and will kill you. Mizu disobeys one of these and her hut gets set on fire with her mother in there. It's not hard to imagine why she'd continue dressing up as a boy for safety. If you really think a girl or woman would never dress up as a man to avoid being hunted down and killed, something is wrong with your brain. Women and girls famously don't like being brutally murdered.
That woman and child weren't allowed in the city to sell their goods and avoid starving because no male chaperone. How is Mizu supposed to get revenge if she needs a male chaperone to travel?
Some are denying central themes (because Mizu is relatable) like: the narrow paths women have- being a wife or an ' improper woman' ( working in a brothel ) to the point not even a princess was in control. Akemi is working within the confines of being a wife and we'll see how that goes. Disappointment doesn't mean bad writing because you don't think women would ever do that ( they do ) or God forbid you relate to someone different from you. She would have never ended up with Akemi because they're on very divergent paths. They were never going to scissor 😔 shame because it might fix her lol
Ideas get popular online and you're meant to treat pet theories like holy scripture. If you think the experiences of Mizu is too cool to be explored in a woman, first of all wooow!!, 2nd you're ignoring the story and it's a you problem.
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brother-emperors · 11 days
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a rough comic of some kind of scene inspired by this extremely interesting entry from socrates scholasticus
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ngl I think after I'm done with the late roman republic, I might try to adapt the opening act of the valentinian dynasty (so basically the brother emperors and then theodosius) into a comic (at the very least, this is a scene I'll definitely be revisiting and taking all the way to the inking stage)
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app
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defectivehero · 2 months
If you'd like, please write about an injured hero who needs to be carried around by villain! >:D
“One more complaint and I’m dropping you,” the villain announces, briefly readjusting their grip. They have one arm looped under the hero's knee and the other supporting their enemy's back.
The hero has been steadily avoiding eye contact, instead looking ahead. They look a bit flustered, for some reason. “This is humiliating,” the hero sighs, looking down at their ankle with a menacing glare.
“Yes, it is humiliating,” the villain agrees, an annoyed expression on their face as they stare ahead. They thank the stars that they're walking down a rather narrow and abandoned side street. They wouldn't be able to do this downtown, in broad daylight—both because they're too prideful, and because someone may recognize them. “Maybe if you had paid attention instead of tripping over nothing-”
“Hey, that’s not very nice bedside manner,” the hero interjects. The villain has to take a moment to process that statement.
“Bedside manner is for people who are ill or dying,” the villain sighs, “You’re just dramatic.” Gods, why do they even bother? They could be at home right now, washing the dried blood from their skin and melting under the warm water from their shower. Instead, they're carrying the hero across town as if they're some sort of delivery service. Absolutely ridiculous.
“You haven’t dropped me,” the hero points out. They look far too smug for the villain's liking. Indeed, their next remark nearly makes the villain's jaw crack from how hard they're gritting their teeth. “So I must be doing something right.”
The villain takes a deep breath, trying to maintain their composure. Leave it to their enemy to make a simple act of kindness so painful, overcomplicated, and tedious. “You’re clinging onto my neck so tightly that I’ll get whiplash if I drop you,” the villain feels the need to point out.
“Fair enough,” the hero acquiesces. After a moment’s contemplation, they loosen their grip on their neck. The villain can almost feel the weight slowly seeping from their shoulders. They had underestimated the hero's grip strength, it seems.
They expect the hero to be still once more, but their enemy doesn't relax. It only takes a few moments for them to snap. "Stop squirming," the villain demands.
"I was loosening my grip, asshole-" The hero seethes irritatedly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, what was that?" The villain asks, making a show of looking around at the empty street around them. "Was I just insulted for helping my enemy back to their agency—which, might I say, is an entirely voluntary and selfless act of heroism?"
The hero scoffs and rolls their eyes. "Oh, please," they huff. The villain gets the feeling that, if their arms were free, they'd cross them over their chest in indignation. "You wouldn't know heroism if it punched you in the face."
The villain just stares at them, waiting for them to catch on to what they just said. The hero connects the dots moments later, as they evidently realize that they themself have indeed punched the villain in the face before.
An awkward tension clings to the air. The villain continues walking down the street towards the hero's agency, internally cursing their pure heart. If this is how inconvenient it is to be a hero, then they don't plan on doing anything remotely good ever again.
Mercifully, the building begins to appear in the distance. As the villain crosses the street, the hero begins to murmur. “Let’s go in through the back,” they say, “Just turn the corner, there’s a door back there-”
“Oh, absolutely not,” the villain interjects immediately. "If we're doing this, then we're doing this." They readjust their grip once more and stroll towards the elaborate front doors of the city's top superhero agency. They can feel the hero stiffen in their arms.
“Please, no,” the hero begs them. The villain doesn’t bother listening, instead continuing to walk purposefully towards the entrance. The security is laughably lax at this hour. It's when they cross the threshold of the entrance that the hero attempts to break free from their grasp. Thankfully, the villain had been expecting them to do just that, and they manage to hold tight.
The villain pointedly clears their throat, satisfied with the way the occupants of the foyer immediately swivel around and stare with gazes of recognition. “I think I have something of yours,” they announce, looking down at the hero in their arms. At this point, the hero is positively wriggling in their arms—desperate for escape. The villain finally decides to take pity on them and they release their grip, leaving the hero to fall to the ground.
“Ouch.” The hero mutters once they hit the ground. The villain rolls their eyes, knowing that the hero managed to break their fall with a tactical roll and land without injury. They push themselves to stand on one foot and someone nearby rushes to their side, providing them adequate support to remain balanced on one side.
Everyone's eyes are on them, as if they're waiting for the villain to do something. "You may carry on," the villain orders, when a few seconds pass and the onlookers continue to stare expectantly. Their voice seems to break through the confusion and anticipation, and the people scattered around the space return to whatever they were doing. "I've done my civic duty for the year." They mutter to themself, turning on their heel and heading for the door.
"Hey." The hero's voice makes them freeze in place. The villain inhales slowly, summoning more patience. They turn around and manifest a calm expression.
"What?" They ask, struggling to keep the frustration from their voice.
"Thanks." The hero smiles.
"Just- don't let it happen again," the villain answers, looking away from the hero's far-too-bright smile. They turn on their heel and walk away, pushing away any and all feelings born from their enemy's gratitude.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
endnotes below!
the villain, holding the hero by the scruff of their neck: look what i foundddd!
the villain: this heroism stuff sucks. the hero: *expresses their gratitude and smiles* the villain, visibly flustered: now hold on a second...
this dynamic really amuses me. I can't get rid of the mental image of the villain holding the hero by the scruff of the neck like a kitten, and the hero just kind of hanging there in defeat. good stuff.
the villain lies awake that night, unable to stop thinking about the hero. :3
and thanks to the anon who sent this request! I posted a cry for help yesterday very briefly and then got embarrassed and deleted it, but! the original point still stands: my ask box is open! send me stuff and i *may* write it!
if ur reading this, ily <3 hehe
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claraoswalds · 4 months
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#i think about this scene every day
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S03E18 The Murder of One
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superfruitland · 10 months
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"broken mirrors, and what do i see?
a man with no face, he's looking at me
i know i've got a million scars, wear 'em all on my sleeves"
get dipped in goop idiot 🖤 @intotheelliwoods
bonus lineart ↓
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just so you all can appreciate the effort that i put into the details, y'know?
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prajjna · 5 months
this art reminds me of the painting i love..
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theyre both like visualization of even if the whole world's fucked up still hope n humanity shinning 🥲
so anyway my total score is 19/10.(yes, my highest score standard is 10 but this game exceeded it way more lol) although some sides r -in my opinion- slightly questionable or disliked, BUT this game's sooo great! totally love this.. the characters r very lively, stories r very detailed, and the mood's damn lonely, n of course art style r super cooooool too.
+and OMG. even the soundtrack is from my fav band . if u liked the game's ost, u def love this nice album too.. try try😚
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sunnfish · 11 months
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[ID: A digital illustration of Sissel from Ghost Trick. He is shown from a lower angle, as if the viewer were looking up at him. He has a hand close to the viewer and clutching a glowing soul core. His other hand is in his pocket, and he has a serious expression on his face. The background is the clock that appears when you time travel in the game, consisting of a glowing red clock face and glowing red lines radiating from it on a black background. The art style mimics that of the game’s, with sharp black lines and shading. The color palette is mostly red, with some light blue radiating from the soul. The artist’s signature “sunnfish 2023” is written on his leg. /End ID]
Change your fate.
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jordblod · 6 months
!! crucial !! piece of hilson lore confirmed - they're fucking LOSERS honestly? so affirming to me. this isn't news i know but to get this explicit piece of interaction about being a lonely child and now being weird adults who don't know how to make friends or have "normal" conversations or connections like this is the shit i eat for breakfast, especially accompanied with the complete and utter sense of surrender to this fact that wilson displays. there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to defend himself or act as if what house is saying isn't true bc it is and they both know it and knows the other knows it even if they've never actually talked about this once which is very likely but they know cause they're the same and they only have each other and and and
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dollypopup · 10 months
listen, i need Colin and Portia to be lifelong enemies in the funniest way possible. Penelope thinks the feud started when he informed Portia very clearly that whether she understands it or not, he's marrying her daughter, die mad at about it (and how she's wrong about Penelope and how wonderful he finds her) but Portia's *been* had beef with this boy since he ruined her 'get Marina married off' plans in season 1. Colin and Portia see one another in a hallway and it's on SIGHT
"Colin, how good to see you finally looking presentable for once." "Portia, what a lovely headpiece, it hides your horns so well."
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subby-fluffybunny · 19 days
Okay but pussy inspections??? With latex gloves??? Like yes, use that condom material on those beautiful hands and pull my pussy lips and poke and prod, clamp them open and start putting your fingers in all of my holes, test my reactions and use all your tools, but when I get squirmy, come pet my head and tell me that if I’m good you’ll give me something to suck (whether you choose a lollipop or a strap is up to you)
I need to be inspected regularly to make sure I’m a good cumbunny ready to have my bunny cunt filled and bred
This post is about lesbian sex. Men and minors DNI
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mitskiluvr · 19 days
replaying mystic messenger is so crazy because why am i gentle parenting these grown men and teaching them how to handle their feelings
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qprstobin · 9 months
I miss post s2 fics where the Party used to like hero worship Steve in the silliest ways. That man took a plate to the head and then went into the tunnels with them. He may have "lost" the fight but he kept on trucking they are so sure that man is invincible or some kind of Superman. Just, kid logic you know. Mike starts making NPCs that are all vaguely just Steve in different hats. None of them will be respectful to his face but that is their GUY
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pbnmj · 10 months
never before seen middle part comic noir… I’m obsessed u draw him so nicely 😭😭 so blessed
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NOT THE LAST MIDDLE PART COMIC NOIR I INTEND TO DRAW!!!! age discourse/noir timeline discussions i see on the dash have started to make me think about the overlapping year (1933....) and how that could be tied to the 'canon event'. and specifically the potential of comic!noir having a crazy angsty bittersweet time about itsv noir having longer with robbie because he happens to be born earlier in his universe. but also comic!pete having to grapple with knowing what happened to robbie in his universe and how he can't stand by and watch a version of himself lose robbie when he could change things. which is why i have this draft of a page :)
AND GOD DUDE THE WAY U DRAW COMICS NOIR (baby... baby boy) ABSOLUTELY HAS PLAYED A PART IN HOW I DRAW HIM !!! he is so devastatingly young in your depiction of him and i felt like the way i drew the comic version of him had to change and adjust towards that!!!! i love the comic art but that is not a 16-17 year old kid and i swear if the comic reflected how young he was i would have had the world's worst category 10 woman moment
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phykoha · 4 months
Does Mikey realize how fucking pretty he is!?
He's so pretty.
Yes (no).
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