#please be nice abt this
codyjey · 2 months
okay so. here's my thoughts on mania night 1! (I completely forgot to live blog bc I was live tweeting lol but take this) SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY
rhea v becky: really really good! I loved all the counters they had for each other's moves and they both looked absolutely fantastic. I think this will really be a new era for beckys character after her loss and I'm excited! very happy for rhea too!!! her entrance was fucking sick
tag title ladder match: pretty cool spots! I love a-town down under but I didn't really think they should've won, I would prefer if they turned on each other and had a match at payback, but overall good for them! and wow I can't believe rtruth won the raw tag titles by himself! incredible! fr very glad they finally split the titles and truth got his mania moment, but overall I think that match was lacking something but I'm not sure what.
rey + andrade v santos + dom: very veryyyy good match. I absolutely love lucha wrestling and I love rey winning even more!! andrade is insane also. also think the football cameos was a fun little touch. very nice
jimmy v jey: I actually really really liked it, I know controversial. It may just be because I care about the both of them so much but I thought it was nice. I think it wouldve been better if they could go longer. also thier match was never gonna be anything revolutionary, thier rivalry is about fucking story. they are storytellers. I thought it was awesome and I'm glad they got thier mania match they've always wanted and it genuinely upsets me ppl r being so mean abt it.
bianca + naomi + jade v damage ctrl: when bianca came in I feel like it rlly picked up for me. she was killing them bro. but seriously, they all did so good and it's so awesome three strong, beautiful, and powerful black women got to do that, and got to win. I also absolutely loved asukas face paint. that's my wife guys... all of them looked so very good and they killed it. I loved it so much.
sami v gunther: if I'm being completely honest with u all, my favorite match of the night. I genuinely cried and started shaking when sami won because I really didn't think he would! like I'm so so very happy he won I'm so so very proud of him and just. wow. wow wow wow. and thank you gunther for the greatest intercontinental championship reign of all time, god bless u and I know he's gonna move on to do even bigger things.
cody + seth v rock + roman: well. I knew rock and roman would win, because of all the rumblings of people needing to help cody tommrow. It just made sense, and it's obvious they want cody winning and roman losing to be the biggest deal absolutely possible. and they should! it's going to be great! that doesn't mean it still doesn't upset me that cody and seth lost :/ . I know seth is probably losing tommrow as well and that just makes me sad. he's so great and he did fantastic in that match. as did cody. as did roman. and the rock, well. he was there! that's for sure! I did think that match was better than I thought it would be but yeah. so glad seth got his main event and he really showed out.
okay there
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koipiu · 5 months
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thar cup.sure is ace
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forgotmynametag · 1 year
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Somethin somethin somethin, we WIN
(Nimona's out on Netflix, go give it a watch!)
Textless vers:
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spoopdeedoop · 10 months
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goldenpunk doodle page i did a while ago when i was sad
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ssaalexblake · 6 months
Why is 13's regen abt a white dude and why is 15's regen abt a white dude when do we get rid of that white man that just Cannot let other people have their own moments I swear this is so old, like really, it's a tale as old as time where white dudes are the center of the narrative and universe and everyone caters to them, and I'm so bored of it being celebrated. It's not innovative, it's not new, it's not brave.
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risetherivermoon · 11 months
I usually wouldn't make a post like this, but I'll preface this by saying I'm happy for Zar, that he's decided to repost his works and that he feels comfortable in doing so. He is an amazing writer, and this fandom does not deserve the stuff he has done for it.
What I don't want to be seeing is people saying shit along the lines of "I have to download all the works now in case they get deleted again!" It's just downright disrespectful, the works are made by a person. Remember that, with any fanfic in general, Zar is a person. He made those works for free, and it's all within his right to take them away again. You are not entitled to being able to see these works and Zar does not owe you anything.
Zar deleted his stuff for a reason, just because they are back up doesn't mean you get to ignore that it happened, learn a lesson from this. The initial reactions I saw to him deleting the works were downright disgusting, you are consuming these works for free, you aren't allowed to complain.
If I hear anyone who follows me or who I am following making disrespectful comments about this entire situation I won't hesitate to block or unfollow, please think before you post something. There are people behind the text on your screen. This is basic human decency. Cyber harassment is real, and it is damaging.
We don't deserve the writers in this fandom if all we will do is treat them like machines. Learn from this.
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qrichas · 1 year
btw! from twitter, some context from qforever and qcellbits convo
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quirkle2 · 8 months
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ms paint with mouse time
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hexplaything · 7 months
its incredible how long it takes me to cum even with a fuckin wand
they/them . no intense comments unless we are mutuals please !!!
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the-knife-consumer · 1 year
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Can you people be fucking normal over her. Please💔
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joy-crimes · 8 months
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the-meme-monarch · 16 days
i'm this universe's peter parker but instead of being bitten by a radioactive spider i was bit by a just really mean cockroach. my hero name is they-roach i guess
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vii-doodles · 5 months
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My part for the DTIYS by @mitamicah 🫶
Congrats on 1l followers Micah!! You deserve every single one 💚 you are such a lovely person and I'm glad to share the same Fandom with you! I hope you will like my version of your super cute titanic Bojere Art!
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anonymouscheeses · 3 months
about this human verse you got…
how does Al fit into all of this? Is that where Vaggie got the spell or is the gang she’s a part of also a monster hunter org?
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This is Alastor's human design! I wanted him to give off a old money rich vibe. I didn't look up a reference for old money attire 😭 i jjst looked at some randim char from a show i watched that kinda gave off Alastor vibes. This may change but tbh I kinda like it the way it is. Altho one day I may change my mind <3 lore drops under cut!!
(Sorry if he doesn't look like Alastor, these human designs are mostly based on my redesigns so they look even MORE different than usual ill get better hopefulllyyyy)
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Husk(left) is Vaggie/Valerie's dad in this au cuz I said so unfortunately. Sorry i dont make the rules! Husk is Salvadoran like Valerie cuz ofc, like he's 100% black but I wanted him to be Valerie's dad soo I was like.... yeah win sum lose sum. But dw I have SO much black characters on the way. It's kind of terrifying!!
Alastor tries to be like a dad to Valerie but she resents him. Her mom died to a sickness, and Valerie has no room in her for another parent figure in her life except Husk.
Also, Al is gay aroace, so when he fell in love with Husk he was SO surprised likeee how??? He was his first love ever and Al just loves him dearly despite never loving anyone ever before. He's still a girls girl ofc but brutha is gay u can't tell me otherwise 😍
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Charlie gave him the headband with the antlers that she cheaply made herself. Alastor loves them genuinely. (If Alastor cares abt Valerie or Charlie is purely up to viewer, but if you want to see him care for orr like be toxic to them send a request fr fr imma draw that shi 😍🙏). Alastor is the only one who knows that Charlie is a demon because he's the one that taught Valerie how to summon a demon(YOU'RE SPOT ON. HOW??).
(Also I forgor the stripes. Sorry I was so sleepy drawing this you can probably telll.😭)
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Alastor is still a cannibal, his husband and step daughter just doesn't know it yet, and NO he will probably never tell them unless forced to or he feels like he can. This man is the friend the smiley bro 😭
I'll maybe soon draw what happened between Valerie, Lute, and Adam during the fight, since ALOT happened. But it may be a bit before I get to that
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Alastor taught the kids young how to summon demons the WRONG way. Because obviously he didn't want literal immature kids to end the world completely. The trio spent years finding ways to summon just one demon. Adam did it to create chaos, Lute just followed, and Valerie just loved having fun with her friends.
Now that they aren't childhood best friends. And that whole fight happened. Valerie doesn't know what to do. Alastor suggests she gets a bodyguard from hell, any demon at all(Demons are devoted to you as long as you keep a part of your deal with them or you break the contract of summoning one). Aaaaand that's how Charlie came to be summoned! Valerie got her eye stabbed out, Alastor was being silly and taught his kid how to summon a demon, Valerie was like "aight ig", then summoned her future wife.
Fun fact: Alastor has a radio station of his own that he plays 1920's music in. Although most people would rather NOT listen to old times music, somehow he makes it work that people always listen to his radio. Maybe a deal with a demon of some sorts...? Perhaps... :>
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vampirerodeo779 · 3 months
watching SNW and where is the fruit. where is the cunt. the men have no eyeshadow, the women don’t wear outrageous updos. Where is the color in the set. where is the clothing seams and the face-paint aliens. Where is the breaking of social norms. And then Kirk shows up and they dont even sprinkle in the homosexuality.
I love Ethan Pecks Spock but that is not Spock. Spock is a sweetheart and hes gentle and soft and emotional. hes not meant to be built like a brick wall. Hes a lover not a fighter. Where is the immediate co-dependency with all of the people closest to him, especially with Kirk?
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gemapples · 1 year
why i think this instance where magolor cries at the end of magolor epilogue is one of the most essential details
before this, we've never seen magolor show any genuine emotional vulnerability. even one of the concepts for magolor epilogue implies that he hides his emotions that can be considered as a "weakness"
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he doesn't seem even remotely upset in dc and prior to this, this was the only instance we had regarding his reaction. we've never seen him display any major sadness, regret or even fear. his ksa description even goes so far as to call him fearless, if that's anything to go by (i know star allies as we know isn't really considered a credible source lol but i think this should still be added for reference)
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btw. i am aware he does cry with one of his animations and i may get backlash for this one lmao but i'm convinced this is a fake cry, or at least, an overexaggerated one. if you compare this one and the one in the ending, the other one is obviously Much more severe and impactful
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him shaking and crying in the ending i feel is him being so overwhelmed because of everything he's gone through that it finally breaks him. he's afraid. he's scared he won't return back. he's uncertain of himself and what awaits him
i think this is so important because, while it only lasts for a couple seconds, it's actually displaying how he truly feels for the first time. how he's not lying or hiding anything. this also relates to his dialogue, where he's thinking about kirby and the others. like almost constantly lol
something about him actually Showing it and not just him thinking about it or denying it i think is such a significant aspect for his character.
i think one of the most significant things to take from this is that kirby and the others have shown him that it's okay, and even a good thing, to be genuine. that it's okay to be upset and to show vulnerability rather than bottling things up so much that it deeply affects you. i hope because of this we get more of him expressing his true feelings without believing needs to hide them or lie about it
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