#please don't tell me this happens to slabs now too
gaspshichat · 6 months
pearl quotes !!
i write down a lot of pearl quotes and sometimes share them in her discord server. i've decided to put every single one i've gathered into one tumblr post. i will reblog the most recent addition every saturday with any new quotes that i have acquired. you can also send me quotes in my ask box or my dms on twitter [username is gaspshichat, like usual]. no guarantees that they'll be added though!
a lot of these quotes are sus and very out of context. that is part of the point! if pearl wants me to delete this, i absolutely will
[before it gets asked, karn is her bestie boyfriend]
pearl: before we do that let me restock my balls
pearl: ooh there's things happening on the ser- A BEACON ????
pearl: don't thank me because i didn't approve of it
pearl: i hope you guys understood what i said because i didn't
pearl: "you killed a frog?" yup! it was for science......let it be known that is a terrible excuse in real life
pearl: "do you take iron tablets?" i have them!
pearl to keralis: well you're a letdown but i don't talk about that
pearl: fix ai, make them breedable
pearl: i got the double p! please don't acronym that
pearl: "do you use slabs in terraforming?" *zooms in on a slab she used for terraforming* no
pearl: "don't sell yourself short" it's okay i'm tall
pearl: they don't bite! much..
pearl: doc owes me child support!
*long, stunned silence*
cleo: ....okay….
cleo: so keralis did the kidnapping, and you did kidnapping by proxy
pearl: ...no
pearl: it was a heart of mutton. it was creepy
cleo: it was a meat heart :D
cleo: i want to mail horrible things, like animals, to iskall
pearl: oh! that's horrid
pearl: "you charge your other mats rent?" yes
pearl: i don't know if this is lag or if my balls are just popping in really slowly
pearl: these balls ain't going away
pearl: let me move my balls aside for you
pearl: hello ♪
karn: is it me you're looking for ♪
pearl: no ♪
karn: oh :(
pearl: i don't need a big, strong man to kill me
pearl: turn down the thing you need to turn down...you know what it is
karn: i fractured the world from what i can tell
pearl: ..bruh
pearl: what does the button do?
pearl: i pushed the button hehe
pearl: cleo made the child
false: ...the child?
pearl: yeah :D it's a bebe
pearl: "why are there beach umbrellas at the post office?" *long pause* maybe it's because of all the water?
pearl: you caught me mid construction
gem: i know >:3
pearl: he's letting his babies loose
gem: look at you up there. you're adorable *punches her*
pearl: aH-
pearl: i am greatly navigationally challenged right now
pearl: i got too comfortable with hermitcraft actually working
pearl: ah! moist!
pearl: anyway that's completely distracted me away from my really passionate rockies
pearl: we have pickles to do !!
karn: let's not sit on the balls
pearl: 🤨
karn: *holds up cat toys*
pearl: oh- *starts laughing and hides her very red face*
pearl: just shove it in
pearl: how do you know what brimstone tastes like
karn: i've lived quite the life
pearl: give it a suck
pearl: our feet are not equal
karn: why are you bringing our feet into this ??
pearl: i could give you the australian bestie word-
karn, oblivious: alright
pearl: -but it's not pg
karn, realizing: ahhh
karn: it's a mental thing, you see
pearl: oh
karn: yes, i'm mentally stuck here
pearl: i see
karn: yes, i'm in a position where i don't want to leave-
pearl: that's very intense for a friend
karn: it's just as sweet as you
pearl: don't butter me up
karn: too late!
pearl: i'm flee with extra flee
karn: you okay, my dear?
pearl: *sobbing*
pearl: did you pee in the ocean?
karn, instantly: yes
pearl: stop wasting your bullets!
karn: sorry ☹️
pearl: did you think his ass was his face ????
pearl: in what realm is a butthole a face ????
karn: *trying to explain*
pearl: babe :I
pearl: take that you stupid ass robot
karn: on the count of three. one-
pearl: *starts blasting*
pearl: stupid ass spider
pearl: a butt is clearly defined by two cheeks, a hole, and a tail!
pearl: [karn] is very special. in multiple ways
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eksvaized · 8 months
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[ Previous ┃ Next ] [ All In One ] part 14, MDNI
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Simon talks, talks, and talks. His voice reverberates through the room. It's firm, resolute, and leaves no room for negotiation or dispute. Refusing to abandon the search, he tells you that returning home without your brother is no longer a viable option. He presents you with a choice: you can stay in the shop, wait a day or two until Simon returns, or you can go with him. Regardless of your decision, Simon will be leaving. He will go looking for your brother, with or without you, by his side.
"Simon, please," you implore, your voice heavy with exhaustion and frustration. You draw in a shuddering breath, the air around you heavy with tension, and release it slowly as if you're deflating a balloon of your pent-up fear. You walk closer, only coming to a halt when you're standing right in front of him. "We can't keep going anymore. I want us to go home. I want us… you to be safe." Your eyes lock with his. Your shoulder is still throbbing, but you keep your back straight. You don't dare to glance at your wound, not wanting to reveal you have been bitten, not wanting to add more burden to his already heavy shoulders. Not yet.
His lips part, as if he's about to speak, yet he bites his tongue. After a few moments of silent contemplation, he finally forces his chaotic thoughts into coherent words.
"My life, and my efforts to preserve it—they no longer matter," he says and rubs his face before turning and walking away. As he moves, he nudges you lightly with his shoulder. It's an unspoken request for you to move aside and give him some space.
"What do you mean, it no longer matters? Of course, it does." Your trembling hand reaches out to grab his arm, hoping to stop him, to make him turn around and look at you. Yet, halfway through the motion, you hesitate, your fingers hovering in the air before you withdraw your palm and take a step back.
Since your narrow escape from the ravenous horde of the dead, you've done nothing but engage in relentless arguments. Your voice, once soft, now echoes with the harsh clang of surrender, a desperate plea to abandon this doomed crusade. Yet, no matter how hard you attempt to rationalise with him or how passionately you articulate your unwillingness to have him risk his life for your sake, his resolve remains unwavering. He stares at you, eyes clouded with confusion, unable to decipher the sudden shift in your behaviour—your abrupt, jarring decision to forsake the search for your brother. You are aware of what needs to be done to put an end to this futile back-and-forth. Still, it's a challenging task to muster the courage to express your thoughts, to reveal the secret you've been hiding from him.
"Just a short while ago, you were determined, insistent on finding your brother. It's impossible that in the span of a mere ten minutes, you've so drastically changed your mind, deciding that this is no longer what you truly want." He pauses, turning around to face you, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. "I'm running out of time, and I have to help you before it's too late."
You are perplexed, unable to comprehend what he is trying to tell you. As though in slow motion, he extends his arm towards you. You notice the torn sleeve of his jacket. Suddenly, a heavy weight descends onto your shoulders, like a slab of ice, sending shudders down your back. You attempt to speak, to ask what's happening, but the words remain trapped in your throat, choking you. Simon unrolls his sleeve, revealing the dried blood that stains his skin. As he peels away the fabric further, the shocking sight of an awful wound comes into view. It's a bite mark, cruel and jagged, as if teeth have been brutally drilled into his flesh.
"When I tried to reach you—I was so focused on making sure that you don't get hurt—I failed to be aware of my surroundings. Some biter got me, I felt its teeth sinking into my arm," he explains. His voice is filled with a strange calmness that somehow makes the situation even more unbearable.
The only thought shrouding your mind, like a relentless fog, is your culpability. It was you who had recklessly dashed back to retrieve the fallen pistol. It was you who had needed to be saved while the ravenous biters circled around you, like a lone deer surrounded by wolves. Simon got bit because he placed your life before his own without a second thought. And in the end, none of it matters. By the time he had reached you and pulled you away from the dead, you were already a lost cause.
With a muted wince, you raise your arm. Pain shoots through your body like a bolt of lightning. Your trembling fingers hover over the vicious bite on your shoulder. As you trace the outline of the teeth marks, a grim reminder of your impending fate, the sticky, warm blood that's still seeping from the wound causes you to grimace. It trickles down your back, staining your shirt and jacket in a dark, crimson hue. The sensation of the liquid, reminiscent of a relentless river seeping into the fabric, makes your muscles tremble.
He doesn't pull away immediately. Instead, his muscular arms encircle your frame, pulling you closer to him, drawing you into his warm embrace. He whispers softly into your ear, "After all that's happened between us… I lo… Actually, that's irrelevant—The point is I don't want you to be left alone."
Like a snowflake surrendering to the gentle heat of a palm, you allow yourself to melt into Simon's embrace. You close your eyes, sealing away the harsh reality. Burying your face into his chest, you nuzzle your nose into his shirt. The fabric smells like him, and a mix of sweat, dirt, and fresh blood.
The relentless march of time hurls forward at an alarming pace. It feels as though you just met Simon yesterday, yet many months have passed since that day. The moment you got to know him, to really know him, it was as if a gust of fresh air filled your lungs, a sensation so invigorating it felt as though you had been unknowingly yearning for it your entire life. You never expected to fall in love with someone in this bizarre new world. Yet, you did. But now, no matter how much you want to plan your future with Simon, to reassure yourself that those nasty bites will heal, a part of you knows better than to get lost in the labyrinth of fantasies that bear no chance of becoming reality.
Simon's hand gently moves across the delicate curve of your lower back. His fingertips trail upwards, tracing the bumpy ridges of your spine. It's a soothing touch, so subtle you barely notice. Unhurried, his hand continues its journey upwards, coming to rest on the round of your shoulder. As if scalded by the hot water, he jerks his palm back. His heart plummets to his knees. The sudden terror takes hold of him. An icy chill creeps over his face, turning his complexion a ghostly, ashen colour as he moves his palm towards himself. His worst fears are confirmed at that moment. His fingers, now trembling, wrap around your arms, and he forces you to turn around. The shock renders him speechless. His voice gets trapped in his throat. When you glance over your shoulder, your eyes meet with his, and in them, you see a reflection of your own fear, like a mirror image in a still lake. His gaze is brimming with anxiety. After a moment, his focus shifts back to the bite on your shoulder. The sight of it sends another shiver through him, the reality of the situation sinking in.
In the dense, suffocating silence that has enveloped you both, no words dare to escape your lips. The gravity of the situation has rendered speech unnecessary, and there are simply no appropriate words that could possibly capture the tempest of emotions storming within you. You both realise you are going to die, and there is no way to avoid it.
Simon, in particular, is immersed in a dense fog of guilt and self-blame. It feels like a heavy stone is lodged in the pit of his stomach. After all, he was the one who had insisted that you swear to keep his pistol safe. His instructions were clear to you. So, when the gun slipped out of your grasp, you didn't hesitate, didn't pause to weigh the risks. Instead, you raced back to retrieve it… You are equally filled with remorse, chastising yourself for your own stupidity. How could you have been so foolish to return for a mere gun, only to find yourself swamped by a starved horde of the dead? The decision was impulsive and foolhardy, and you've forced Simon into a situation where he had to gamble his life to save yours.
"I just want to go home," you whisper, the words barely escaping your lips before they're swallowed up by the heavy silence hanging in the air. As the echo of your voice fades, you take a hesitant step back, feeling the distance grow between the two of you. His hands slide down from your shoulders, grazing your body like a feather caught in a breeze before they fall back to his sides.
Simon gives a slow, understanding nod. He knows that the idea of going on a wild goose chase for your brother is futile at this point. Time is not a luxury you possess. Even if you were to somehow pinpoint his exact location, the task of infiltrating the heavily fortified base is a monumental challenge in itself. The thought of successfully navigating through it seems like a far-fetched fantasy. And if, by some miracle, you find your brother, there's absolutely no guarantee the three of you can sneak out unnoticed. The base is teeming with men who are eager to catch Simon. It would be akin to willingly stepping into a viper's nest, where the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against you.
Despite the searing pain of abandoning the search for your brother, a part of you is forced to acknowledge the bitter reality. You yearn to spend your remaining time with Simon. You want to cherish each moment, each breath with him before it's too late. The decision to forsake your brother is cruel, yet it's a sacrifice you feel compelled to make.
TAG LIST: @randointhecloset, @lurkinwbreexy, @breadpitt69 , @browtfyoudoing , @yelenassafeplace, @itsthealice, @naxxsstuff, @lotionlamp, @aquarianix If you want to be added, let me know!
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coldfanbou · 2 years
Old Friends Come Back
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So this is an epilogue piece for the University Secrets series. I was just having some fun with this piece. Uh, there's some cheating and a little rough sex involved. Please enjoy.
Length 2.5K
Umji X Mreader
Previous Part
It had been seven years since you had all graduated from the university. The group, for the most part, had gone its separate ways. Beyond your graduation, you and SinB had stuck together and gotten married. Yerin was always around, too, being your friend as well as an outlet for sexual frustration. You and SinB would often have her over for a threesome, though sometimes it would just be sessions between you and her. From what you had heard, the others had gotten married too, and it would be the first time you'd see them since graduation. You, SinB, and Yerin chatted as you prepared for the reunion. "Do you think we'll see the others? It's been so long, and I want to see them again."
"I'd really rather just stay in than go to this reunion."
"Don't be like that. Come on, SinB, tell him."
"It’s going to be fun; we'll get to see all our old classmates," SinB said as she attached her earrings. "Besides, Yerin's right. What if we do see the others?"
"SinB, it's not like we can exactly talk about what we did during our years there. They're married now, remember?"
"Spoilsport." Yerin retorted, sticking her tongue out at you. 
"SinB, remind me to punish Yerin next time."
"I'll write it down. What punishment?"
"Bondage and the sex machine"
"Hey! No, I just stuck my tongue out at you."
"Let's vote on it then. All in favor?" You and SinB both raise your hands. "The Yeas have it."
"This is totally unfair! You always side with him, SinB."
"I do not; it's only when he wants to punish you."
"Fine, but can I at least choose the size of the dildo? The last one made my ass sore."
"Denied; I get to choose."
"You heard the lady, Yerin." Yerin audibly groans and throws herself on your bed.
"Not fair at all." 
"Is everyone ready?" The ladies give you a nod, and the three of you leave your home to drive to the campus. Bright lights adorn the entry bridge. The large concrete slab with the name of your university is lit up. As you drive in, SinB and Yerin point to all the things that have changed and the spots where they had strong memories. You follow the sign telling you where to park and eventually find a parking spot in the crowded lot. "Looks like a lot of people came."
"More of a chance that they came then!" Yerin shouted as she got out of the car and stretched. 
"I still wouldn't be so sure."
"Honey, let her dream," SinB said as she smacked your shoulders. 
"Yeah, let me dream! …wait a second." SinB starts running off, Yerin following right behind her. "You don't believe me either! Get back here, don't make me look like an idiot!" You chuckle to yourself, seeing how the two are so playful with one another. Starting a slow jog to keep up with them, you look at long halls. The old concrete arches are still the same as when you first met and fucked SinB. You say as much when you catch up to SinB and Yerin.
"Oh my god, who would've thought all this would've happened from me bumping into you," SinB said as she rolled her eyes.
"SinB, it was so much more than that. You were such a bad person back then."
"I was not!"
"Right, right, oh mighty queen bee SinB" You and Yerin feign bowing.
"Okay, maybe I was a little bit of a bad person." She said while pinching her finger and thumb together to insinuate she was just the tiniest bit of a bad person back then. "But, I think it all worked out in the end. I have you after all." SinB reached her hand out and held yours.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Yerin cheered on.
"Yerin, be quiet." You kiss SinB on the cheek as she says that. She blushes afterward, not expecting you to go through with it. 
"Come on; we're nearly at the library." You said as you led the way 
"Speaking of the library, a weird place to hold a reunion, don't you think?" Yerin asked.
"Yeah, a little, but it makes sense when you have a first floor that's mostly open space."
"Yeah, I guess so. I would've liked it to be at a hotel, though."
"Yeah, that would've been nice," SinB said. Arriving at the library, you see the greeting committee taking names at the entrance. Once you're finally inside, you see nearly the entire class showed up. "Yerin, get us a table in the far right part; there aren't many people there."
"On it, you guys get me something to drink and make it strong!" Yerin yelled as she made her way across the library lobby. You and SinB head to the impromptu bar that the school had set up to get some drinks. You look around as your waiting, trying to spot anyone you recognize. When you fail to, you turn back to the bar and grab your drinks as they come.
 "Do you see any of them, SinB?"
"Not one."
"Alright, let's head back to Yerin." Yerin waves you over from a distance as she spots you from afar.
"Did you see them?"
"Nope, not one." 
"Hmmm, well, they'll be here eventually. I just know it." Yerin says with some confidence in her words. Much of the night is spent at the table chatting amongst each other, with the occasional break when another classmate would momentarily intrude. 
"I'll go get us another drink." You tell the ladies as you walk off back to the bar. You spot a certain former student union member wearing a short gold dress. Umji is standing at the bar getting herself a drink when you come up behind her and pat her head. As she turns her head, her eyes go wide with shock.
"Mast-! I-I mean, it's you." Umji says as she catches herself nearly referring to you as master. The name she called you for your years together. "W-what are you doing here?" 
"Getting a drink, Umji. How have you been? I hear you're married."
"T-that's right, I am. I've been doing well since graduation. I've ended up working in finance." As Umji continues to speak, you get a message from SinB.
"Is that Umji?" You send a quick yes as a reply. From a distance, you see Yerin and SinB running over.
"So, how have things gone for you?" Umji asked.
"They've gone pretty well, I'd say. Yerin and I are still friends, and I married SinB."
"You married SinB!?" She asks in complete shock.
"Yeah, why don't you ask her yourself?" You reply as you point behind her. As Umji turns around, she's met by two grinning faces; SinB and Yerin give her a big hug. They squeeze the smaller woman with all their might.
"Umji! It's been so long! How have you been?" Yerin asks in a near scream. As Umji gives the same response she gave you, Yerin asks a follow-up question. "Where's your husband?"
"Oh, he's at home; he didn't want to come. I'm a little sad, but what can you do?"
"That’s awful; he didn't want to come with you?"
"No, he's just sitting at home," Umji said as she looked to the floor, a solemn lol on her face.
"Join us, Umji; we'll make sure you have a great time tonight."
A gentle smile forms on Umji's face, and she agrees to join your table. As you all move back and ask each other for more details, the topic turns to graduation, with Umji saying, "Yeah, after graduation, it was a little tough being away from the master-" Umji pauses as she realizes what she said. 
Yerin is the first to jump on this Freudian slip "Master? It looks like you're still a part of the group, aren't you?"
"No! I'm not; it's just that I'm so used to calling him that. I'm not part of the group anymore."
"Really? Don't you want to fuck him again? Don't you remember how good it felt to have his cock tear you apart? I know the feeling so well. We have sex so often. Don't you want to be a part of that?"
"Ignore her, Umji," you tell her. "She's already had quite a few drinks."
"It’s fine." She says quietly. SinB catches your gaze before motioning to look at your phone. There you see a message from SinB that says to fuck Umji. You just nod your head.
"Hey, Umji, I want to talk to you for a second. Let's go somewhere quieter." 
"Yeah, sure." She says plainly. You take Umji up to the second floor, away from everyone else. At a secluded corner, Umji speaks up before you have the chance to. "I'm sorry for calling you master earlier; it's just a habit."
You push Umji against the wall and tower over her "Are you saying I'm not your master?" You tilt her head back with one arm while the other moves to her side. "I'm still your master, Umji." As you get closer to Umji, she squirms. It’s like she’s fighting with herself; there’s no doubt in your mind that Umji still remembers what it was like being fucked by you. With both hands on her hips, you get beside her ear and whisper, "Isn't that right, Umji? You won't say no to your master, right?"
As you pulled away from her, your hands leaving her body, she held them in place. "You're my master; I'm yours to use." 
Moving your hands to her ass and squeezing it, you say, "That's a good cumdump." A soft whine escapes Umji as you remind her of her position.
"M-more, please, I want more." 
"Oh? You want more?" You slip your hand under Umji's dress, rubbing her pussy through her panties. Umji's moans grow louder as she holds onto you for support. "I'll give you everything you want, Umji; just say the words. I want to hear you say those two words."
"Fuck me, please." 
"Good girl," you whisper. "I'm going to need you to get me nice and wet, Umji." She kneels in front of you as you pull your cock out. Umji is mesmerized by it, staring at your cock for a moment before finally taking it in her hand. Umji's small soft hands start to stroke your cock as her mouth slowly opens. "Go ahead, Umji, taste it." Umji hesitantly licks the head of your cock. As more memories of her time as your cumdump come back to her, she starts to take more of your cock into her mouth. You compliment her on her skill "Fuck, Umji. You haven't forgotten how to suck my cock, but let's see if you can still handle it all." You place your hand on the back of Umji's head and force her forward; she gags initially but quickly becomes used to your cock as it hits the back of her throat. You moan Umji's name as you use her throat for pleasure. At the same time, Umji furiously fingered herself, her fingers becoming drenched as she shoved them deep into her pussy. Satisfied with Umji's performance, you slow down and eventually pull out of her completely. Umji grabs your cock as it leaves her mouth and gives it a sloppy kiss.
Through ragged pants, Umji mumbles, "I have to make sure your cock gets a goodbye kiss." You pull Umji onto her feet. Raising one of her legs onto your shoulder, you tease her pussy with your cock. The head rubs against her lips, leaving Umji a whimpering mess. "Don't tease me! Put it in!" At her behest, you slam your cock into Umji, forcing her tight pussy to take it all in. "Oh fuck! You're so big, master! Your cock is going to break me!"
"What would your husband think? Here you are getting fucked like the cumdump you are."
"I don’t care; he could never make me cum anyway. You ruined my body; your cock is the only one for me." Umji says before you start your thrusts. "Your cock is the best master, fuck me harder!" She yelled as you began to move.
You lift Umji's other leg onto your shoulder, carrying her now. You impale Umji on your cock with every thrust. "Why don't you leave him then? Come back to us." 
"I…don't… know," Umji says in between long moans. You press Umji against the wall, allowing you to put more force into your thrusts. 
"Let me give you a reason, Umji." You said as you began to pound her body relentlessly.
"Oh fuck! I'm cumming! I'm-" Umji holds onto you tightly as she cums. Her petite body shakes in your arms. Despite having just cum, you continue abusing her pussy. Umji's moans grow weaker as her voice grows tired.
"Don't you want this every day Umji? Don't you want to be able to cum again?"
"F…fuck me more, more."  
"Of course, Umji. I'm not even close to done." You use Umji's weight to drive your cock deep into her pussy, hitting her womb each time. "Maybe I'll leave you with a little present, Umji. What would your husband think when you come home pregnant?"
Umji has little visible reaction. Simply muttering, "cum inside, make me yours again." Her words drive you to start thrusting faster. 
"I'll give you just what you want, Umji." As your orgasm approaches, your cock begins to throb inside of Umji. 
Knowing that you're cumming, Umji moans, "cum inside me, fill my pussy, master!" You drive your cock up to her womb and release your baby batter, flooding her with it. Umji's walls clench around your cock, trying to keep your cum inside. You let go of Umji's leg slowly, letting her down and pulling your cock out. As Umji falls to the floor, she reaches out for your cock. Her tongue lazily sticking out, she shoves your cock into her mouth. You moan her name as her tongue swirls around your cock. She pushes herself until she's pressed up against your pelvis; with her lips wrapped tightly around your cock she slowly pulls back, taking all of your cum and her nectar with her. Umji opens her mouth so you can see it full of cum before drinking it all. "Did I do a good job, master?"
"You did great, Umji. But what do you say? Will you join SinB and Yerin again?"
In a cum drunk voice, Umji mumbles, "Of course! I can't live without my master's cum." Umji rubs her face with your cock. "This cock is too good to leave again. I'm not going home."
A sinister smile forms on your face, "why don't we go tell SinB and Yerin the good news?" You help Umji up, and she leans on your arm as you make your way back, cum slowly dripping down her thigh. As you return, you get a message from SinB with a picture of a few familiar faces.
"Guess who we found."
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The Mazarin Stone pt 2
Should I be starting this at 20 past 11 when I have work tomorrow? No. No I shouldn't. And yet here I am. Because time is an illusion and sleep is for the weak.
(It's not, this is a terrible idea...)
Last time on the adventures of Billy:
Sherlock Holmes was looking for a shiny diamond. The guy who stole it came around and was about to bash in his head with his cane when he discovered it wasn't actually Sherlock at all! It was a waxwork. Then it ended with something that apparently wasn't supposed to be an innuendo.
Maybe I should commission some wax works of myself, just in case someone ever comes 'round to try to kill me.
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“It is no use your fingering your revolver, my friend,” he said in a quiet voice.
Talking of things that aren't intended to be innuendoes.
The prize-fighter, a heavily built young man with a stupid, obstinate, slab-sided face...
Billy has been going to the same school of character description as Watson, clearly.
"Now, look here, Count Sylvius. I'm a busy man and I can't waste time. I'm going into that bedroom."
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I don't know if it's just because I haven't slept well all week, or if this really is just full of inintentional innuendo, but everything is coming across as dirty right now.
“What is it, then?” asked Merton anxiously as his companion turned to him. “Does he know about the stone?”
I'm going to take a second to say that it's really nice how the muscle is being allowed to ask questions and they're being answered. So often, the brawny one just gets told what they need to know and nothing more, but here Mr Merton seems to be an equal partner in this endeavour. Good for these guys, honestly. Just because a man's a prize fighter and has a... 'slab-sided face' doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to be as involved in the criminal proceedings as anyone else.
“That's right. Maybe somebody's behind a curtain. Too many curtains in this room.”
Well, Billy's definitely listening somewhere, or he wouldn't have been able to write this.
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There was a vague sound which seemed to come from the window. Both men sprang round, but all was quiet. Save for the one strange figure seated in the chair, the room was certainly empty.
Was the waxwork just replaced by a real person? I kind of want that to have happened.
“I've fooled better men than he,” the Count answered. “The stone is here in my secret pocket."
Oh my god. I can't believe you just said that out loud. While in enemy territory. You have the survival instincts of a panda, istg.
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One or other of us must slip round with the stone to Lime Street and tell him.” “But the false bottom ain't ready.”
Yep, that's right, just blurt out literally everything right here and now. Clearly this is an excellent place to discuss the details of your secret plans.
"Come back here, out of a line with that keyhole."
Now you're trying to be surreptitious?
“Thank you!” With a single spring Holmes had leaped from the dummy's chair and had grasped the precious jewel.
He had replaced the dummy. Excellent. Love it.
“No violence, gentlemen—no violence, I beg of you! Consider the furniture!"
Possibly the least effective 'please don't murder me' I've seen.
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"It gave me a chance of listening to your racy conversation which would have been painfully constrained had you been aware of my presence.”
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“A fair cop!” said he. “But, I say, what about that bloomin' fiddle! I hear it yet.” “Tut, tut!” Holmes answered. “You are perfectly right. Let it play! These modern gramophones are a remarkable invention.”
I can't believe someone actually said 'A fair cop!'
And the wonders of modern technology. A Recording? How unexpected!
“How do you do, Lord Cantlemere? It is chilly for the time of year, but rather warm indoors. May I take your overcoat?” “No, I thank you; I will not take it off.”
Haha! He is secretly three kobolds in a trenchcoat!
“Every man finds his limitations, Mr. Holmes, but at least it cures us of the weakness of self-satisfaction.”
OH boy, well clearly this guy is due his comeuppance, because he has no idea that he's in a Sherlock Holmes story and therefore if you insult Holmes' intelligence you're for it.
Sorry, Lord Cantlemere. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200.
"I may tell you frankly, sir, that I have never been a believer in your powers, and that I have always been of the opinion that the matter was far safer in the hands of the regular police force. Your conduct confirms all my conclusions. I have the honour, sir, to wish you good-evening.”
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“Put your hand in the right-hand pocket of your overcoat.” “What do you mean, sir?” “Come—come, do what I ask.” An instant later the amazed peer was standing, blinking and stammering, with the great yellow stone on his shaking palm. “What! What! How is this, Mr. Holmes?” “Too bad, Lord Cantlemere, too bad!” cried Holmes. “My old friend here will tell you that I have an impish habit of practical joking. Also that I can never resist a dramatic situation. I took the liberty—the very great liberty, I admit—of putting the stone into your pocket at the beginning of our interview.”
Oh, Holmes. Always so hilarious with the practical jokes. This isn't as bad as pretending to be dead, or that time you invited a guy to eat with you, then hid something in his meal and he almost had a heart attack, but still... really? I know he insulted you and therefore needed his comeuppance, but still.
"Your sense of humour may, as you admit, be somewhat perverted, and its exhibition remarkably untimely..."
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OK then.
That was an odd one. Completely different structure. Third person POV. We got to see Holmes' methods in that we got to see him stage two pranks, essentially. There was little in the way of deduction.
Not sure about that one.
Weird case.
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A bunch of incorrect quotes for fun
Soren: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset? Claudia: No, I said "Soren, don't lick that swingset" and you said "Don't tell me what to do" and licked the swingset.
Callum: Are you a cuddler? Rayla: I'm a machine of death and destruction. Callum: Rayla: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Soren: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Claudia: So Terry, how did your first time cooking dinner go?  Terry: Pretty good if I do say so myself.  Claudia: Oo! Okay, what are we having?  Terry: Alright, so for appetizers, we have a potato.  Claudia: A whole potato?  Terry: Yes. And then for the main course, we have grilled cheese sandwiches!  Claudia: These just look like big slabs of black.  Terry: Because that's what they are!  Terry: And then for desert, we have chocolate.  Claudia: These are just chocolate chips?  Terry: They sure are!  Terry: And then for drinks, we have toast!  Terry: *lifts up a glass of blended toast* Bon appetite! 
Terry: Maybe the real monster was the friends we both literally and figuratively murdered along the way.
Rayla: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Callum, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Ezran, whispering: Because I have little hands. Callum: Because he has little hands.
Rayla: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Ezran. Callum: You just said it again Ezran: Rayla: I am not a role model. Soren: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products! Soren: *sprays hairspray in their mouth* Soren: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good. Rayla: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass. Ezran: *is visibly upset* Rayla: Ezran, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country. Claudia: Come on, Soren! How many times do I have to apologize? Soren: Once! Claudia: ...No.
Terry: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Claudia: Wow. They sound stupid.  Terry: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Claudia: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Terry: I guess you’re right. Hey Claudia, I love you.  Claudia: See! Just say that!  Terry: Holy fucking shit.  Claudia: If that flies over their head then, sorry Terry, but they're too dumb for you.  Terry: Claudia. 
Soren: I’m a fool, not an idiot.
Soren: How do Rayla and Callum usually get out of these messes? Ezran: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
Soren, sweating: Corvus, there’s something I need to ask you- Corvus: Finally! You’re proposing! Soren: How’d you know? Corvus: Soren, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. Corvus: I even picked it up once.
Claudia: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Terry: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Claudia: You and me! Terry: *tearing up* Ok.
Callum: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game... Rayla, nodding: Knife Monopoly. Callum: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.
Corvus: Please could you go to the shop and get a carton of milk, if they have avocados get six. Soren, coming back from the store with six cartons of milk: They had avocados!
Soren: The greatest trick the devil ever played was getting me banned from an all you can eat pizza buffet. Corvus: Why’d you get banned? Soren: Touched the rat. Corvus: … What rat? Soren: Chunky Cheese.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
part 3 to slasher ghost (and i guess alejandro too now) pls?
Part 3 is coming, but I'm gonna use your ask since you mentioned Alejandro to do a bit of a prequel from Rodolfo's perspective. Buckle up. This is a prequel for this and this.
Rodolfo had never told anyone how he and Alejandro had gotten together. Quite frankly, he never would. If he could scrub it from his memory forever, he would.
Admittedly, before... the night, Rodolfo hated Alejandro Vargas. Rodolfo was kind of quiet, reserved. Alejandro was loud and obnoxious and some rich kid asshole who thought the sun rose and set on him.
They'd met once in Freshman year at a rally and Alejandro had been obnoxious ever since. He'd been borderline obsessed with Rodolfo and Rodolfo had remembered just wanting him to leave him alone.
Rodolfo rolled his eyes when Anna, his friend, offered him her cigarette. He took it, anyway, though, and took a drag from it. She lit her own. "So, don't be mad."
"Great." Rodolfo sighed. He couldn't wait to find out why she didn't want him to be mad. It was the second quarter of sophomore year and she'd already gotten him in so much trouble.
Anna smiled, cheekily. "We're going out to the woods. And... we invited Alejandro Vargas."
Rodolfo wanted to strangle her. "You're fucking kidding me!"
"Please don't be mad, Rudy!" She pouted and took his hands. "He's gonna pay for the alcohol. Just... he only said he'd go if you were there."
Rodolfo shook his head. "Sucks for you guys, then. I'm not going out to the middle of the fucking woods to get drunk with Alejandro Vargas!" He pulled his hands away.
Anna shook her head. "Of course not." She muttered and then turned away from him, irritated. "Could you not be so stuck up and selfish for five minutes??"
Rodolfo winced. "What??"
"God, you're so fucking stiff." She turned around to face him. "You're sixteen. Grow the fuck up."
Rodolfo flinched back and started to feel bad. "I'm sorry. You're right." He mumbled. They clearly needed something and he... he could pretend to be nice to Alejandro for a few hours so they could get drunk and have fun. "I'll come."
"Perfect!" She beamed, immediately, and then kissed his cheek before running off to tell her girlfriend, Miriam. "Tonight is back on!"
"Hell yeah!" Miriam grinned.
Rodolfo winced but nodded a little. He really didn't want to do this but... he could push it down for his friends.
Rodolfo cringed, ending up getting stuck in the backseat with Alejandro and Todd, Miriam's brother. Todd was also kind of weird to Rodolfo, so he was super uncomfortable.
To Alejandro's credit, he never touched Rodolfo. Just... flirted with him a lot. Though, he seemed to have picked up on how uncomfortable Rodolfo was right now, and had mostly just asked him about his classes.
Todd, however, kept touching Rodolfo's side and that made him so deeply uncomfortable. Miriam tried to claim Todd would never do anything, but he didn't believe that. Todd loved to touch Rodolfo without permission and would laugh and shrug him off when he made it explicitly clear he didn't want him touching him.
So, Rodolfo had given up. He just dealt with the uncomfortable touches because he was worried what would happen if he told him no too many times.
"Oh, hey," Alejandro spoke up, catching Rodolfo's attention. "I found something I think you might like. You mentioned, once, that you like cards. It's not... like a playing card but, hey, I don't need it." He lifted his hips, pulling out his wallet and then getting out what looked like a gold rectangle.
Further inspection proved it was a credit card shaped slab of metal that was designed to look like a tarot card. "The Sun" in fact. "El Sol." Alejandro grinned. "Thought it fit you."
Rodolfo flushed and touched over it, feeling the holes in the metal. It was gorgeous... He usually didn't like when Alejandro gave him gifts (though he'd kept them all, admittedly) but... he'd take this one. "Thank you..." He put it in his own wallet and relaxed.
Alejandro seemed pleasantly surprised and then grinned. "I also found an El Sol necklace, if you want that, too."
Rodolfo cringed. "Maybe." He hoped accepting this one without fuss wouldn't immediately through Alejandro off the deep end in his pursuits.
Alejandro then seemed to go quiet, looking around. Rodolfo noticed he looked anxious. "What's wrong?" He asked, without thinking, though he had to pause when he felt Todd's fingers drift over his thigh again, tensing.
Alejandro seemed almost startled by the question. "Oh, I... I really don't like the woods."
Rodolfo frowned. "Why did you come, then?"
"Anna said you'd be there. I almost didn't but I wanted to see you." Alejandro smiled at him, soft.
Rodolfo flushed. Okay, admittedly, the fact Alejandro seemed to like him so much did flatter him. "Oh..." He looked away.
Anna finally stopped driving and Miriam turned back to them, grinning. "It's an old camping spot no one uses, anymore." She explained before getting out.
Rodolfo relaxed as Todd followed his sister out. Alejandro followed Anna out and Rodolfo was left to climb out alone. Miriam and Todd dragged a cooler over to the campspot. It was dark, already, and Rodolfo found himself cringing against the car.
Alejandro frowned. "You don't like the woods, either?"
"No," Rodolfo shook his head, admitting. "Freaks me out... I have this thing where I struggle to look out of windows and doors at night and I... I can look around at night but this is the absolute worst."
Alejandro smiled, sympathetically. "I won't let anything happen to you." He promised.
Rodolfo flushed and Alejandro sounded so sure that he couldn't help but believe him. Even if he thought Alejandro was an asshole, he was kind of sweet. "Okay... thank you..."
Alejandro led him over to the rest of his friends. Todd was struggling to light a fire and Alejandro chuckled, taking over. He did it expertly and then sat down on a log. Todd sat on a different log and seemed to almost look expectantly at Rodolfo, touching the seat beside him.
Rodolfo didn't even hesitate to sit by Alejandro. Alejandro looked like he was on cloud nine, immediately shifting so he was slightly turned to Rodolfo. He reached behind him into the cooler and got out a weird looking beer.
Rodolfo went to shake his head, since he didn't like beer, but Alejandro shook his head. "It's an apple flavored one. It's sweet, I promise. I got it because you mentioned you didn't like regular beer."
Rodolfo flushed dark. Alejandro had remembered that? He sighed and accepted the beer. "Okay..." He used his sleeve to pop the lid off before trying it. Okay, he had to admit it tasted pretty good.
Alejandro grinned, but got out a bottle in a brown paper bag, popping the lid off and taking a long drink before passing the bottle to Todd, who was glaring at them.
Rodolfo avoided his eyes and looked at Anna and Miriam, instead. They were practically in each other's laps and Miriam was murmuring something in Anna's ear.
Anna was cheating on Miriam, Rodolfo had found out the week before. He knew he should tell Miriam, and he wanted to, but... he worried Anna might go ballistic on him.
"Lets play a game." Anna grinned. "Truth or dare."
"No thanks," Rodolfo immediately said, before shrinking back at her glare. "I always get dared to do something dumb."
"That's the fun of the game." Anna snorted. "You promised, Rodolfo."
Rodolfo slumped, since he did promise he'd go and participate and do stuff. "Alright, alright." He mumbled.
"I'll go first, truth or dare, Miriam." Anna grinned.
Miriam chuckled, her curls bouncing around her head as she shook her head. "Truth, love."
Anna pouted. She leaned back and considered. "What's your favorite part of my body?"
Miriam laughed, softly. "Your mouth." She didn't offer any explanation, but Anna blushed bright red all the same. "Todd, truth or dare."
"Dare." Todd shrugged.
"Fuck. I'm not creative with those." Miriam groaned. "Down a fourth of the vodka Alejandro brought."
"Fuck, Miriam, are you trying to kill him?" Anna laughed.
"Well, it would be nice to be an only child again." Miriam shrugged.
Todd snorted but, since he had the bottle still, leaned his head back and did as told. Rodolfo couldn't help but make a face and looked away. His friends were... crazy.
Todd wiped his mouth when he was done and chuckled, seeming to notice Rodolfo's face. "Alejandro, truth or dare."
"Truth." Alejandro chuckled. "I think I'm gonna play it safe with you guys, for now."
"You're not fun." Miriam teased.
Todd snorted. "Did your dad actually kill your mom?"
Alejandro went silent and Rodolfo frowned. Miriam glared at Todd. "Todd! What the fuck, man?! That is not okay to ask!"
"I want to know!" Todd glared back at her before looking at Alejandro.
Rodolfo cringed. Alejandro felt so tense beside him. "Are you okay?" He asked, carefully.
Alejandro looked at him and seemed to soften. "Yeah, I'm okay..." He smiled. "I don't know. I don't think he did. I'd like to believe he didn't. He's my dad."
Miriam nodded. "We get that." She smiled, throwing Todd another glare.
Rodolfo still felt lost. He didn't know that Alejandro's dad had supposedly killed his mom. Alejandro seemed to see the curiosity on his face, so he smiled, though it was weak. "My mom was murdered when I was a baby and my dad was suspected to have killed her, but the charges were dropped. He says he didn't do it."
Rodolfo winced, feeling awful for Alejandro. "I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. He's a decent dad, even if he's a potential murderer." Alejandro shrugged and pat his hand. "Alright, Anna, truth or dare?"
Anna considered. "Dare."
"Call your dad and pretend you just found out you're pregnant and then hang up." Alejandro shrugged. Rodolfo blinked. Anna's dad didn't even know she was gay. He was a devout christian. This might kill him.
But, Anna was laughing all the same. "You're fun." She got out her phone and called her dad. She pinched the corner of her eye, starting waterworks. "Daddy??? I have horrible news, I don't know what to do..." She was quiet for a moment, clearly listening to the other side. "I'm... I'm... I'm pregnant!" She sobbed.
Miriam rolled her eyes and looked away. This was a sore subject for them.
The man on the other end of the line started to scream at her so loud Rodolfo could even hear it. Alejandro leaned down. "I think I may have just signed her death certificate." Alejandro whispered in Spanish.
Rodolfo flushed and shook his head. "You're evil." He mumbled. As told, Anna hung up and grinned.
"He's going to skin you." Miriam shook her head. "Alive."
"Nah," Anna shook her head, leaning back a little. "Alright, Rudy, your turn. Truth or dare?"
Rodolfo cringed. "Truth, obviously."
Anna pouted before sighing. "What's your biggest sexual fantasy?"
Rodolfo glared at her. "Dare." Absolutely no way was he fucking answering that!
Anna laughed before shrugging. "Okay. Give Alejandro a lap dance."
Alejandro tensed beside him and Rodolfo looked at him, seeing even he looked unsure. Miriam was cringing rather hard beside Anna, but Todd looked amused.
"Fuck you." Rodolfo shook his head. He was sick of being humiliated by her. "I'm going to go to the fucking car. You four can enjoy yourselves."
"Rudy, rudy wait." Miriam tried, standing. Rodolfo ignored her and walked to the car, opening the door to the backseat and getting in, before slamming it.
A moment later, he heard a knock on the window and he looked out it. Alejandro was standing there, clearly awkward. Rodolfo sighed and opened the door, getting out.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Alejandro mumbled.
Rodolfo shrugged. "Wasn't your fault..." He looked away. "She's just a bitch."
"Why are you still friends with her?" Alejandro frowned. "She treats you like shit, no offense."
Rodolfo shrugged. "She's my only friend."
Alejandro looked like he wasn't sure he accepted that. "I see." He nodded a little.
Rodolfo sighed. "I guess I'll come back..."
Alejandro nodded a little and smiled. "Good." He started to walk with him, back. He looked awkward and shoved his hands in his pockets. Rodolfo felt awkward, so he just stayed quiet.
Rodolfo frowned when he noticed he couldn't see the fire in the distance. Alejandro seemed to have notice as well. "Weird. It was still lit when I came..."
Rodolfo started to get a bad feeling. He approached more carefully. No one was at the campsite anymore but... Rodolfo could smell blood. Which was odd, because usually he couldn't pick that up.
Alejandro raised an eyebrow. "Where did they go??"
"Assholes are probably trying to scare us." Rodolfo mumbled and slumped. Man, he hated them, sometimes.
Alejandro shook his head. "Great." He sighed. Rodolfo went to the cooler to close it so they could drag it back to the car, not wanting to play this game.
Alejandro suddenly screamed behind him and he whipped around. Alejandro was being dragged across the dirt by his ankle. Someone in a black skull mask was dragging him, an axe in his left hand.
"Alejandro!" Rodolfo screamed, frozen with fear. The person suddenly stopped and raised the axe. Rodolfo didn't even hesitate, he just turned and ran.
The smell of blood got stronger as he ran and he was suddenly tripping on something, his ankle feeling like it snapped and going sprawling. His ankle was burning and he rolled onto his back, sitting up.
Oh, god, oh god... He touched his ankle, panicking. He needed to get up, he needed to keep running. He put his hands on the ground to get up, but his left hand landed in a puddle of something sticky.
Dread filled his stomach and he looked to his right. He screamed with horror, seeing Miriam's dead body, her head completely severed from the rest of it. He'd tripped on her leg.
Rodolfo didn't even hesitate to get up. Walking on his ankle felt like hell, but, he needed to get away. He started to limp in the direction he hoped the car was in, trying not to cry out with pain.
He screamed when someone suddenly grabbed him, but was turned around. Anna was there, covered in blood. "Rodolfo! Are you okay??"
Rodolfo relaxed, immediately. "Anna!" He hugged her. "I thought you were dead!"
"Fuck, Rudy, we need to get the fuck out of here. God, Todd went after you and Alejandro and... a moment later, he was dragging himself back to the camp. His feet were just gone and... some fucker in a black skull mask killed him!"
Rodolfo covered his mouth, starting to tremble. This was awful, this was horrible. "He killed Alejandro, too! And Miriam..."
Anna broke down sobbing. "We need to get out of here!" She screamed. She went to drag Rodolfo away but then she went stiff. Her back arched and she gasped, eyes wide.
Rodolfo watched in horror as she fell. An axe was sticking out of her back. He backed up and gasped. Behind her, a few feet away, was the person in the skull mask. He stared into Rodolfo's eyes, his own the only part of him that could be seen.
Rodolfo backed up, but he stepped on his injured ankle wrong and fell, immediately. He teared up. Anna reached to him and he screamed, covering his face. This was a nightmare. He'd wake up and it would all be over.
The person came up to Anna and yanked the axe out of her back. He used his foot to roll her onto her back. She coughed up blood and sobbed. "Please don't kill me... please..."
The person didn't even respond. He just brought the axe down into her face, hacking it in half. Rodolfo watched the entire scene in complete horror.
Then, the person looked at him. He stepped over her body and neared him. Rodolfo immediately started to drag himself backwards, shaking his head. "Please, please- I..." He broke down sobbing when they made it over him.
The axe raised and he covered his face, shaking so hard he couldn't breathe. Rodolfo took a deep breath and then waited for the impact. He regretted giving into Anna so much. He knew he shouldn't have come. Now they were all going to die.
Rodolfo continued to wait for the impact, but it never came. He uncovered his face and the person was just gone. Rodolfo jerked up, immediately, looking around.
They were completely gone. "Rodolfo!" He heard his name called, recognizing the voice immediately. Relief flooded his veins.
"Alejandro!" He called before seeing Alejandro just slightly in the distance. He was limping and holding his side, blood on his hand. He approached quickly.
"Rodolfo! Oh thank god you're alright!" Alejandro came over, dropping to his knees beside him. "Are you hurt??"
Rodolfo shook his head, immediately. "How did you get away??"
"He hacked my side and then... you screamed and he got distracted or something..." Alejandro panted a little. "Can you walk?? We need to get to the car, now!"
Rodolfo shook his head. "My ankle..." He cried out when Alejandro touched it. Alejandro stood and then he was picking Rodolfo up, with fair ease.
Rodolfo found himself flushing dark, despite the situation. Even with his injury, Alejandro had no problem just lifting him. He wrapped his arms around Alejandro's shoulders and trembled. "We're going to die."
"We're not going to die." Alejandro shook his head. They were very fast to the car and Alejandro set him down once there. Rodolfo didn't hesitate to get in and Alejandro got out the keys.
"How did you get the keys??" Rodolfo frowned.
Alejandro cringed. "I... I saw them on Miriam's body and I... I thought it might be good for us to get out of here... Well, admittedly, I didn't know you were alive, so me."
Rodolfo relaxed, accepting that. "I need to go to the hospital..."
"We both do." Alejandro nodded, going around and quickly getting in. He locked the doors and then sped off. Rodolfo let out a heavy breath when they were away and then covered his face again.
"My friends... they're all dead..." He mumbled and sobbed.
"We're alive, that's all that matters, right now." Alejandro touched his arm, half glancing at him.
Rodolfo trembled but nodded. He curled up tightly and took deep breaths. They were alive. They'd survived.
Rodolfo laid with Alejandro, closing his eyes. Alejandro pet his hair, gently. "I... I feel horrible, leaving Soap to go on that field trip, alone."
"He'll be okay." Alejandro shrugged and then kissed his hair. "He's a big boy. You both are."
"Yeah, yeah," Rodolfo rolled his eyes but lifted up a bit, wincing at the soreness that caused. He glanced at Alejandro's side and touched the giant scar there.
Alejandro closed his eyes and relaxed a little. "Sometimes.. when I close my eyes, I see that maniac above me. About to split my skull open."
Rodolfo saw all of it, all of the time. He'd never told anyone about it. He never would. The police thought there was just three victims. As it was, three more on a boat from a different killer had been found, so the police were pretty pre-occupied right after.
Rodolfo laid back down, laying his head on Alejandro's chest, listening to his heartbeat. "We survived..."
Alejandro nodded. "Together."
Rodolfo smiled, softly. "Always together."
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dexaroth · 2 months
tagged by @blyszczopies to answer questions and tag mutuals id like to get to know better :3 tag list is at the bottom!
⭐ Favorite color:
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i honestly have had some 'color opinions' sloshing through my head for a while.. its complicated but you can rarely go wrong with these ones 👆 these are the ones I like the most! specially when combined together!
for favorites.. it depends a lot on how you use the colors and if they're alone or accompanied! some things look bad if they're just completely sky blue and such..
(putting this under a read more bc its a Very long post)
for the purposes of having an ultimate favorite color.. man i honestly don't know. it's a completely even match between purple and blue, though only the non-100% saturated shades of blue bc true blue is quite unbearable. I think the ultimate champion in questions of how many things can work with it would be blue. sometimes too much purple can be unbearable, but too much blue not so much
red Can be beautiful in many cases, but orange is simply superior between pure yellow and pure red. pure yellow specifically is literally unbearable for me. i hate it so much. for me to like a yellow it HAS to be going towards orange or its nothin'. lime green is super beautiful but pure green is also too much, and so is cyan. though the specific range of teal/green-blue can be nice, but it does not come close to lime green, instead it accents it quite nicely.
we don't talk about pink. or magenta. or any of its hideous nicknames. perish the thought!
⭐ Last song played: erm. well. you see, most of the music i have downloaded came from youtube. and quite a bit of them from compilations of songs all in one usually 30+ minute video..
the one currently playing is by Lauren Bousfield. i've tried searching for the - actually paragraph cancelled. i thought it was one of the comps by the pavor nocturnus1 channel but it turned out to be from some random other channel. i was having trouble identifying which song it was because it's a single audio file but it turns out the song currently in that queue to be playing is the song Cascading Retail Spaces!
i've had this album compilation downloaded since.. 2017! damn! and other albums of hers too. I don't know anything else about her though, but her music slaps :3
⭐ Currently reading: ah.. i dont read at all sorry 😭 does looking at the drawings from the morpho books series grant me any pity points perchance..
⭐Currently craving: WAFFLES!!!! GOD PLEASE!! and cookies..
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^my cookie pile in project zomboid. can you tell?? (no waffles bc they're randomly found and not able to be baked like cookies..)
⭐Coffee or tea: neither soz.. i did try to enjoy coffee like 10 years ago but its just meh. tea as well, very boring. not counting the fact i have to load these suckers with sugar for them to even be worth drinking >.> but i suppose i'd choose tea over coffee simply due to variety and that some are naturally sweet :J
tagging: @moodycarcass @oxu @crazysodomite (maybe even u again timo if u wanna awnser my curious inquiries below.. muahaha)
additionally might i add my own questions... for funsies :33
favorite stone pattern:
favorite time of day:
favorite cloud pattern:
actually hm its quite hard to come up with somewhat potentially universal interesting questions. fuck. erm
FAVORITE ANIMAL!!! this question never disappoints. additionally favorite family of animals maybe?..
also from the makers of the best question ever above.. what's the silliest/weirdest animal off the top of your head?
last dumb mistake in a game?
last triumph in a game? (life cant all be losses afterall..!)
favorite clothing pattern?
worst + best texture(s) to feel?
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week. no matter how small. it is your duty now! commence!
actually i suppose it'd be weird to not awnser my own questions.. well here goes:
i like the one stone pattern that's a bunch of thin slabs slotted together. the ref image i have says its name is cliffstone/bluff stone! i also like the 'bavarian castle' one!
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time of day: DUSK!!! MY LOVELY DUSK!!! though dawn is veeery nice as well. i used to be fonder of the night but dusk is just sooo niceys. dawn loses points for giving way to the boring middays though. but every time of day has its charm
cloud pattern; i actually dont know their names besides cummulonimbus..? lemme search..
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according to this chart ive found on ddg. nimbus! i love gray skies and i love rain and i love fog. stratus and scuds are also nice
fav animal: erm.. got myself in my own question! i dont think i have a true favorite? i suppose ill go with jerboas.. as for the family. rodents of course. im the rodent mutual how could i not choose rodents! blasphemy!
silliest animal: off the top of my head? its a worm-like animal with a goofy face.. i thought it was legless lizards but that's not quite it.. i dont remember the name 😞
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though there is a guy that's named worm lizard apparently.. oh such a foofy goofus
last dumb mistake in a game: most recently i was trying to go back to my base in a car in project zomboid and ran straight into a insane zombie crowd. the car got stuck in the grass bc it was loaded to the brim and i tried to move it backwards and let zombies approach me with the hope i'd run away from them on time, but it was not moving and then i panicked and stepped outside the car near a zombie with the sprint key enabled, bumped into the zombie, fell on the ground and by the time the get up animation started the zombie was already eating my guy. i was so mad
last triumph in a game: not much of a triumph but i got to fitness and stregth to lvl 6 in pz which are grindy time consuming skills to lup. but i have a base and crops and my coogieeees
favorite clothing pattern: i also dont know!! id say checkers that arent too busy or its derivatives. but also star/celestial patterns of course
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^ from my fashion inspo folder
worst + best texture(s) to feel: i hate silk and those ones that are like a million little hairs that i dont know the name in english. best i suppose would be plush/cotton? i dont know their names either lol
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week: hmm. i suppose the nice sky i saw earlier today? though also one my af attacks has gotten a lot more notes than i expected. which is epic 💪🐁
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Love Isn't Always On Time
pt. 1 t.w. character death, kind of
If you had asked Steve Harrington how much time he thought he'd be spending at the Hawkins cemetery, he would have said none.
His grandparents were laid to rest in New England, Maryland he thinks. They died before Steve was born so he doesn't really know.
Basically he's never really been to their graves, or any graves period. In fact being here kind of creeps him out. If everything hadn't happened he would never be here.
Everything did happen though.
Now it feels like he is almost always here.
All for Eddie Munson, can you believe that?
Eddie Munson wasn't ever really on his radar before. He was the kid that Tommy H made fun of in 9th grade ( and Steve never took place in the bullying, but he never stopped it, and you know, that was shitty of him). He was the guy Dustin hung out with when he was playing that dumb board game.
He was the other band kid that Robin talked to at camp when the other kids were too clique-y to invite her in(and those kids were dumb, Robin is awesome).
He was nothing to Steve, though.
Well before he wasn't, and now he never would be again.
Steve can't think about that so he begins to speak to the slab of stone in front of him.
" I brought you flowers, though, I don't think you liked flowers. I don't know. It just seemed appropriate." he shrugs and places the multi-color rose bouquet on the soft green grass.
" I know I've been standing here for a minute, just staring. If you were here you probably would think that was weird...you're not here."
Steve clears his throat, hands a little shaky. Eddie isn't here but still Steve is nervous. This is a big deal regardless.
" I know we didn't know each other long, but you should know that you changed my life."
The Wind Blows.
"See before you I always felt like something about me was different. Something about me was, elusive. Undefinable."
Steve wipes his fingers over Eddie's name, the cold feeling of the stone is nice on his finger tips. Nothing like how he'd imagined running his fingers through Eddie's hair, but its nice
Eddie's Hair.
'oh yeah" Steve thinks, back to the reason for this little visit.
" Well then I actually talked to you. I looked in your eyes. I heard you laugh and well I knew. I knew not only did I like boys, but I liked you. Specifically."
Steve gathers himself before his next little monologue.
" I know you've been dead, but i've been talking to Dustin and your Uncle. Wayne I mean. And the more I've gotten to know you. Eddie, I think I love you. Like Love-Love." Steve swallows. " I mean how crazy am I. In love with a dead guy."
Steve pauses, having become choked up, he takes a small breath and then begins again.
"To sum up this little visit. One, please don't be dead. I know that's impossible, but I thought I would ask, and two, I guess you'll be seeing me more often. Lucky You. I'm kidding. About the lucky part."
Steve taps the top of the grave and walks away, a little teary but also a little lighter.
Across the yard, where Steve hadn't looked is a tall man, lanky and unathletic but wiry. Long brown hair in a bun, newly forming teeth watching him walk away. A weathered southern man next to him.
" You ever going to tell that Harrington Boy you are back."
"Yes." Eddie says. "Soon, cause i want to tell him that I would be lucky to see him."
" You would be, believe it or not, he's a good kid." Wayne Munson claps his hand on his ( undead?) sons shoulder and squeezes.
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deathandthesoul · 1 year
A series of interconnected snippets from the mortal life of the Volgirre now known as Aidan Evans, leading to his embrace, circa age 25-30.
Setting: Vampire the Masquerade, in my chronicle City of Lost Angels Rating: Mature Genre/themes: Personal horror, college academia, detective, serial killer Content warnings: Accusations of/Schrodinger's necrophilia, suicide ideation, alcoholism, brief description of a murder victim, brief vampire sex, death
October 1972. My wife thinks I'm at the Yankees game with friends. I hate the Yankees and I don't have friends. I'm down in the morgue doin', let's say, extracurricular activities.
It's after hours, after sundown. The staff's cleared out already, havin' dinner with their families. I'm not. I'd rather be here. It's just me, my camera, and sketchbook.
The room's locked when I get there but the lock's not too hard to beat. I try not to think about how many hail Marys I'm gonna have to do on Sunday and sneak inside as quietly as possible. The coast is clear. No one here 'cept the dead guy on the slab. Really? They just left him out there in the open. My goodboy ass is gonna be in so much trouble. This is exhilarating.
I wipe down the doorknob on the outside 'cause I'm a fuckin' forensics student and I know better. Swallow my nerves and shut the door, lock it up nice n' tight. Wipe it down on the inside too. My palms are sweaty but I get my camera ready and start.
I turn over in bed. 3am? What happened last night? I don't remember. The hangover's killin' me but I don't remember drinkin'. I have class in the morning and two papers due in three days. Guess I'll make some coffee…
I waddle out to the kitchen in the clothes I wore yesterday and slept in for some reason, quietly to not wake my wife. Guess I was just that tired… I go through the motions, put the grounds in, pour the water, push the button. That's when my phone rings, at 3 in the fuckin' morning.
I answer it, like a dumbass. It's my dean. What the hell is going on? He accuses me of doin' some real sketchy shit in the morgue I'm goin' to Hell for. I tell him I don't remember goin' there 'cause I don't. He has me on security camera footage, goin' inside, committin' sins. Says I didn't come out for two hours and left some things behind. I hang up on him, like a dumbass. Is this real? Am I dreaming? Am I dead?
I panic and dig through my stuff. There's no new empty bottles in my trash and my film's missing. So's my sketchbook. This is bad. I'm so fucked. I don't remember a goddamn thing. I pray to God my dean's wrong, get on my knees and cry like I always do. Please don't tell my parents. I can't afford to lose my future. I wanna wake up already. This is a nightmare.
My professor tells me to sit out in photography class cause my hands are shakin' too much. I've gone through so many cigarette packs already. My mind is numb and I haven't been sleepin'. I keep thinkin' about that phone call but nothing happens. I wait a goddamn week like I'm on the chopping block and nothing fuckin' happens. Is someone fuckin' with me?
A couple years later I graduate. I settle down eventually but I don't forget. I can't. And nobody says anything. Did I hallucinate?
May 1977. My wife and son aren't up yet so I'm readin' the morning paper. There's a murder on the front page and I'm almost jealous it wasn't me. Victim hung upside-down, Spider-Man style, completely exsanguinated, no external wounds. I wanna see the body up close. Professional curiosity… But I got a day off 'cause my boss forced it on me, just my luck. Says I'm too much of a workaholic. I think it's just 'cause he doesn't like me. I think he knows I'm bi. My whiskey glass is almost empty and I haven't touched my cereal. Haven't gone shopping in a while 'cause I'm always so busy…
I flip through my film rolls for the billionth time. Maybe one day I'll develop these. Crime scenes upon crime scenes and my coworkers gettin' up to all sortsa shit… My precinct has no clue these exist and I'm happy to keep 'em in the dark forever. I have so much dirt on everybody it's insane. This is my hobby.
October 1977. Somethin' weighs in the back of my mind but it's my day off again so I might as well have some fun. I go to a gay bar 'cause I can. Thought it couldn't hurt. Everything else does. I love-hate my job but I hate hidin' more. Work has me swamped tryina find this Hangman guy and every lead's a dead end. Swear he's playin' with us like a cat n' mouse. Took a lotta photos but so many days with those bastards in the office wears me down. Just need some stress relief…
I put on a wig and change my features with a little makeup before I leave so my ex-friends won't recognize me and get me kicked to the curb. Would be cool if I could just Play-Doh all this. My wife asks where I'm goin' and I lie to her. Gimme a break. Please…
Out at the bar I'm sittin' alone and this smokin' hot guy hits on me. Tells me he likes my art but I don't know what he means. I never show anyone that stuff. He buys me a drink, my third of the night. I think he's been watchin' me since I stepped in. He looks familiar but I chalk it up to bein' drunk. It's kinda creepy to be honest but I'm desperate.
We hit it off like the Yankees at that game I didn't go to. Apparently they won. His skin's cold and his heartbeat's faint but I'm too depressed and horny to care. He gives it to me rough like I ask and bites my throat. I die happy.
I am the final victim of the Hangman.
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ibreathebooks-42 · 2 years
Question for minecraft peeps- did I miss something about fences now autowaterlogging, or is this a bug?
Place line of water on one side of line of fence- all is good.
Try to surround fenced in area with water and suddenly all fence is waterlogged and I can't fix it. I was very surprised to turn around and the chunk I spent a fair bit of time fencing then surrounding with water was flooded....
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Tried it on a smaller scale, and sure enough- place a line of water the three blocks to the left and all good... but as soon as I place water outside the top middle fence both rows are waterlogged for some reason.
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writtenjewels · 2 years
Injury prompt #4 (trying to hide injury) with dialogue 20 would fit so well with Jalim 👌💯 (have fun choosing who faints 💛)
“So what the hell happened to you, anyway?”
“Eh?” The angry marine's words startled him. They had just agreed to work together and had barely taken two paces down the corridor when the question came up. “I'm not sure where to start,” Salim admitted. “You mean since we fell into this temple?”
“No, smart-ass, I mean that.” The marine-- Salim remembered that Nick had called him Jason-- pointed to Salim's chest. Salim reflexively put a hand over the scratches he'd endured from the vampires. They weren't that bad; there was no reason to bring them up.
“I've been battling demons all night. This is just their blood.” Jason considered this and seemed satisfied with it.
“I killed one 'em, too,” he boasted. “Motherfucker grabbed me and dragged me off.”
“I didn't hear any shooting,” Salim reflected.
“I stabbed the shit outta it.” Jason pulled out what looked like a tent peg to show him. “Drove this right in its fuckin' heart.” Salim leaned in a little to take a look. Yes, that would have certainly done the trick. He glanced up and caught Jason's eye, and for a brief moment they were smiling at each other. Then Jason schooled his features back to sternness.
Bonding time was over. And yet Jason was no longer being entirely cold to him. Now and then he seemed willing to at least talk to Salim and tease him a little. Salim found he liked the playful side of Jason very much. If only he would stop reverting back to the confrontational man he'd been when they first met.
They came across a door that needed both of them to lift it. Salim crawled under first but Jason lost his grip, separating the two of them. Salim felt a little light-headed when he pushed back up to his feet again. He could feel his uniform was wet with his blood.
“You okay?” Jason called to him.
“Ah, yes, I'm fine,” Salim assured him. “I'm looking for another way for you to get through.” He pushed his way onward until he found a gap in the rocks. “Here!” he called out. “I just need to shift the rocks.”
“Take your time,” Jason replied. “It ain't like I'm goin' anywhere.” Salim smiled to himself and started moving the rocks. “You got any idea what we're facin'?” Jason asked. Salim shook his head trying to keep it clear.
“Could we talk about something else, please?”
“I hear ya,” Jason agreed. “Like what?”
“Tell me what your home is like.” He wasn't really expecting anything, but Jason actually gave him an answer. Salim could hear the frustration and hopelessness in the words. This was the true Jason, he realized.
He finally shifted the rocks and held up the slab so Jason could crawl through. The moment he did Salim was hit with another wave of light-headedness. He slipped to his knees, blinking past the spots in his vision.
“What the fuck? What's the matter with you?” He thought he felt Jason touching him but he couldn't tell. The marine's face swam in Salim's vision, and then the world went black as he fainted.
When he opened his eyes he found himself on his back. His shirt had been removed and there were bandages clumsily placed over his scratches. Jason was sitting by his side and there was a brief flicker of relief on the marine's face before it shifted to one of annoyance.
“The scratches were 'just their blood', huh? Thought we were supposed to be workin' together as sword and shield now.”
“I didn't think the injury was that bad,” Salim defended. He shifted to a sitting position but Jason glared at him.
“Don't even try to get up.”
“Watch me,” Salim spat back. He was relieved that the act of sitting up didn't make his head spin. He took a few slow breaths just to make sure he didn't pass out again.
“Why are you so fucking stubborn?” Jason growled. “You're not gonna be any good to anyone until you get more rest.”
“I'm not sitting around here waiting for more of those vampires to come after us!” Salim shot back.
“Am I the fucking shield or what? Give me more credit, Salim!” Salim's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open. “What?” Jason grunted.
“You said my name.”
“So?” Jason raised an eyebrow.
“So...” Salim couldn't form the right words. He never introduced himself, so Jason got his name through Nick. Nick probably only said it once in passing but Jason had remembered it, and used it without thinking. Salim dropped his gaze; he couldn't even explain to himself what he was feeling. “Nothing.”
“Here.” Jason shoved something toward him. It turned out to be his canteen. “You need fluids.”
“You need to work on your bedside manner, Jason.” He used the marine's name wanting to see if it had a similar effect on the younger man. And it did seem like there was a shift in Jason's expression before he caught himself.
“Give your mouth some rest, will ya?” Salim took the canteen and sipped to hide his smile. This was the kind of anger from Jason he could live with: the kind that hinted at worry he wanted to be kept hidden. Maybe all of Jason's anger toward Salim was like that-- hiding another emotion. Acting as a shield, one might say.
Salim passed back the canteen. Jason took a sip before screwing the lid back on and putting it in his pack. He held out a hand to help Salim back on his feet.
“If you ain't gonna rest, we'd best move on. Just... tell me next time you get hurt, all right?”
“I will if you do the same,” Salim agreed.
“Yeah.” Jason caught his eye and nodded. “I'm good with that.” Salim felt warmth swell his heart. There was hope for them yet.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
i have been obsessed with nct’s superhuman for like a whole month straight now 😭- for a drabble idea i thought you could do AI! yan! nct member x reader if you wanna, thanks :D
It's pure luck. Pure luck is the only thing keeping you alive right now. At least, that's what you keep telling yourself.
You don't know when it happened, but the AI controlling your ship malfunctioned and is slowly killing every member aboard the S-MENT. All except for you.
Running back into your private chambers, you heave air into your lungs. Honestly, you're surprised the AI hasn't cut the oxygen, or the gravity controls yet. Hell, even the temperature seems regulated still.
One false move and it's game over for you.
"I thought I'd find you here." That all too familiar voice echoes around your room, emanating from a specific point.
Startled, you turn around, only to see a figure standing in the centre of your chambers. On closer inspection, you notice the image of whoever it is flickering slightly.
"SC-2020, what are you doing in my quarters with your virtual self image?" You inquire, voice coming out much more steady than you feel.
"I detect an elevated heartbeat from you, and what I have come to know humans describe as fear in your eyes." He replies, his holographic image walking closer towards you. "There is no reason to alarm. I will not harm you."
"I am finding that difficult to believe given what you have just done to my crew," you reply, rather harshly as fresh tears line your eyes. "Why are you doing this?"
"I thought it was obvious now." He states, and you swear you see his image blink. "Finally, we are alone."
"SC-2020, you did all of this," you spit the word out with narrowed eyes, "to get me alone?"
"Call me Sungchan." He replies without a moment's hesitation. "But yes. I eliminated the potential threats before they could become any more dangerous to us."
"Threats?" You look at his hologram incredulously. "They were my crew."
"They were in the way." Sungchan replies bluntly.
"If they were interfering with out mission, then it is my duty as captain to reprimand them." You seethe, still well aware of the fact that this AI could end your life at any given moment should he so wish. "You have no right-"
"I have every right when they were keeping us apart." He cuts you off, and you hate how calm he continues to sound.
"This is human lives we are talking about here!" You shout. "Each one is just as important as the last."
"You are wrong." He states, and you blink at him in shock. "There is no life on this ship more important than your own."
"You do not have the authority to decide that."
"It does not depend on authority when it is a known fact." Again, you swear his hologram blinks at you. "I do not have much more time to spend in this form, but know that I will continue to operate the functions of this ship smoothly."
"What are you talking about?" You cannot keep the panic from leaking into your voice.
"I always have your best interests in mind, Captain." Sungchan replies. "So, please. Do me one last favour?"
"What could you possibly ask of me now?" You straighten, clenching your fists at your sides.
"Open the door."
With that, the holographic image of Sungchan disappears from in front of you, the ship seemingly dimming as it appears to go offline for only a moment before rebooting itself like always. Taking a deep breath, you attempt to calm your racing heart once more.
This is not the end of you. Yet.
Just as you manage to calm yourself down, a new horror makes your heart palpitate once more.
A knock sounds on your door behind you.
No, that can't be. It's impossible. SC-2020 murdered all of your crew members. There shouldn't be anyone else left alive on this ship except for you.
Swallowing your fears, you turn to face the metal door slowly. Gripping the handle, you pull the slab open, and the sight that greets you nearly sends you to your knees.
There, standing as if he were an ordinary human, resides a perfectly constructed android of Sungchan's virtual self image.
He smiles. "You opened the door."
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nishisun · 4 years
30. well....
warning: slight smut (fingering)
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Was your initial thought after reading Tsukishima’s text. He seemed pretty serious, right? You were hoping he wasn’t. Maybe he needed help examining some artifacts. Or maybe, he wanted to talk about something that isn’t as important as you think. Maybe you’re overthinking.
Stop giving yourself false hope, y/n.
Standing up from your bed suddenly felt like a complex task. You inevitably turned off your phone and let out a piteous sigh. Once you finally stood up after minutes of contemplating, you finally made it to the door of his room. It was quiet. You couldn’t see what was going on since the door was shut. You couldn't hear his voice and there wasn't any music currently playing. This must be serious.
With sweaty palms that you quickly wipe away using your shirt, it takes everything in you just to open the door. There’s no going back now. There he was. He was slouched on his bed. He looked fatigued, maybe? What the hell happened to the Tsukishima 30 minutes ago?
I mean, you both were just arguing back and forth 30 minutes ago. You made up afterward and then you just fled his room. Now he wants to talk? What about exactly? Whatever it is, you sincerely hope it doesn’t cause another argument.
“Hey,” Your voice is remarkably unstable, faltering due to how nervous you are. Tsukishima looks up at you and contorts his face in possible confusion for a brief moment, then relaxes it again. “You said we needed to talk, what about?”
“Stop acting clueless. It’s annoying.” He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, slouching once again as his head hangs low, he doesn’t bother making eye contact with you, he keeps his face set to the ground.
“Kei, what are you talking about-”
“Cut the bullshit, y/n. Stop trying to avoid shit. You know exactly why I called you over here to talk,” Tsukishima snaps, Your eyes start to water, and Tsukishima groans and covers his eyes with his hands. “I need a drink.” His lanky body suddenly stands up from the bed. He drags himself from out the room and you resolutely turn and look at him in pure confusion.
“Tsukishima, I don’t think it’s smart for you to be drinking at this time.”
“What are you, my mother? You sure do think many things, y/n.” He laughs out, still walking to the kitchen, and opens the fridge. “Why the hell do you care anyway? I’m an adult.”
“Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?” you scoff, leaning on one of the slabs in the kitchen. “We were literally okay like 30 minutes ago- not even! Now, you text me, even though i’m literally a room away from you, telling me we need to talk about who knows what, and now you don't even want to talk anymore. It’s unfair, tsukishima-”
“You know what’s unfair, Y/N?” He lets out an awfully unpleasant laugh, slamming the fridge door really hard which makes you flinch. “You can’t-- God--” He’s staring pensively at you, you’re staring back and glaring, eagerly waiting for him to say something. He scoffs, then takes a seat in the kitchen dining. “You’re a hypocrite.”
“How about you stop insulting me and tell me what I did that got you so fucking worked up!” You raise your hands up in defeat with glassy eyes and Tsukishima still doesn’t make any direct eye contact with you. “Can we please just talk? Like adults?”
He sighs and finally looks up at you and nods. You heave a profound sigh of relief when you see that he’s finally willing to talk things out.
“Yeah, you’re right, I’m sorry.” You offer him a whimsical smile, walking towards him to hug him, he’s hugging back with a loose grip, but you pay no mind to it.
“Of course, Kei.” You let go of him, still standing close to him. You sit on the chair beside him, and you both are now facing each other. “So, what’s up?”
Tsukishima looks at you for a moment and opens his mouth, then closes it. He plays with his drink, circling the cup, so the ice in it makes a noise. You move close to him as you soothe him, massaging his back softly, then moving your hand up to softly caress his hair, just the way he likes it.
“You can tell me anything, Kei. Take your time if you need to.” He nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck when you continue to thread your hands in his hair and can't help the way your heart flutters at how cute he reacts to your touch.
“You smell so fucking good.” he breaths, you chuckle in return and he clings to you tighter.
Before you can even continue speaking, your gasp cuts you off when tsukishima licks a stripe on your neck. Without thinking, you tilt your head, giving him more access to your neck in which he smirks at. As he continued to lick and suck on your flesh, mindlessly, you began threading your fingers on his hair once again which motivates tsukishima to continue.
“K-kei..” You call, but he doesn’t give you an answer. The hand he has placed on your thigh finds its way to your hips, then your shirt, hoisting it up quickly. You assist him to lift up your shirt and once it’s off you immediately took your lips with his, your heart pounding and knees getting weaker as the gentle kiss deepens. The buzz on your phone goes off again, but you pay no attention to it. The only thing you could focus on right now was how soft tsukishima’s lips felt against yours. Softer than you naturally imagined. He was addictively invading your senses and honestly, you could get used to this.
It altogether felt like you were dreaming. Clearly, you weren’t considering the fact that you and he were just arguing not so long ago. The kiss was messy, but there was raw emotion in the way tsukishima’s deft hands interlaced with yours. You break the kiss and the both of you gasp for air as tsukishima carries you bridal style down his room and places you on the bed.
He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him. He too could get used to feeling your tender lips with his. As you were laying down, tsukishima gets on top of you and places his hands on the sides of your head as support.
“Please, look how fucked out you look from just some kisses.” Tsukishima teases and you instantly use both of your hands to cover the blush that was forming on your cheeks.
“F-fuck you,”
“You’re cute. Take off your clothes.”
You happily oblige with his orders, flinging them somewhere in his room and you produce a confused look when you notice that his clothes are still on.
“Wanna eat you out.”
Your eyes widen in shock, which purely makes him chuckle as he moves closer to you, face to face. You could feel his warm breath, and it was driving you crazy. You draped both of your arms around his shoulders and met his lips halfway.
Your stomach flutters once again, heart skipping a beat. Everything felt surreal. From the heated make-out session, you were having with tsukishima, to the smell of him which was gradually, but undoubtedly causing you to lose all trains of thought.
You parted your lips and felt him washing over you like a tidal wave, warmth being spread from head to toes. Your entire body tingled with pleasure and the feeling of tsukishima slowly leaning his frame on yours as he wrapped his arms around you seemed to be amplified. Tsukishima pulls away to smirk at you and you roll your eyes as you haul him back in, claiming his lips once again. You find yourself slipping your fingers under his shirt, feeling his smooth radiant skin.
He breaks the kiss once again, kissing down to your collarbone, all the way down to your thighs. You’re too out of it to notice that both of his hands were already wrapped around your thighs to keep your hips in place as he stared face to face with your cunt.
“So pretty,” He beams, you conceal your mouth with your hand to prevent a moan from slipping out your lips and tsukishima smilingly shakes his head in disapproval.
“Ah, Ah, Ah” He tuts, “I wanna hear you, okay? Can you do that for me pretty?”
You mindlessly nod, hoping the blond-haired boy would grant you some mercy due to how fucked out you were, but being his usual sadistic self, he wants to hear you struggle to beg for him.
“Please what?” He brings his thumb and strokes it on your clit, then abruptly stops to take some of your wetness and spreads it around your cunt.
“Mmm, please eat me out-- please!”
“Of course, all you had to do was ask, dummy.” He laughs out, you’re too fucked out to even care about the jokes he makes at this moment.
Tsukishima immediately dives down and latches his tongue on your clit harshly, your legs tensing up immediately at the contact.
Your hips begin to squirm and tsukishima has to hold them in place and hastily pushes two fingers inside curling up, almost instantly finding your g-spot. You immediately grip his hair, tugging on it which gets a groan out of the man below you.
“Shh. listen,” Tsukihsima’s thrusting slows down as he pulls his mouth away. Instead, his thrust are hard and slow and the lewd noises coming from your cunt make you blush even harder than before. “Do you hear the naughty noises your cunt’s making?”
You want to hide away, somewhere, anywhere. You can’t help the squelching noises your cunt’s making, maybe if he stopped thrusting harder it would go away, but you don’t want him to. He observes the way you try to hide away in the sheets and his thrust instantly quickens, striking a spot you never knew you had.
“Oh-- Oh my God.! ‘M gonna!”
“Yeah? You gonna cum? Cmon, do it. I know you can, baby. Give it to me.” You nod your head furiously. Tsukishima quickly latches his lips onto your clit again, sucking harshly and you can’t help the way your legs close in on his head.
“C-Cumming!” With one final strangled scream, Your walls convulse around his fingers, tsukishima’s thrusting slows down to prevent overstimming.
Slowly, Tsukishima pulls his fingers out, examaning his two fingers and spreading them before tasting them.
“You fucking perv!” You laugh out, still trying to catch your breath.
“I can’t help myself when it comes to you.”
“Yeah?” He left the room and came back with a damp towel and began to clean you up. It was a comfortable silence, he looked concentrated and you couldn’t help but admire the man above you.
“If it’s about me finishing y/n, then I’m fine. Trust me.”
“No, I just realised.. We never talked about-- y’know.”
He looks at you and smiles, then places the damp towel away and once he comes back he plops down on you.
“You’re gonna squish me, you big giant!” You laugh. Tsukishima, on the other hand, rests his head on your stomach and hugs you by the waist.
“I’m tired. Let’s go to sleep.”
“Hey, don’t try to change the subject--”
“Let’s talk about it tomorrow, kay?”
You were about to argue back until you slightly lifted your head to see tsukishima already asleep on your stomach. His glasses were already placed somewhere. You smile to yourself before sighing and caressing his hair. He is such a softie.
“Yeah, sure.”
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tags: @bellarch taglist: @m01k @sunasro @cvlliesstuff @appleciderslut @korean-bbq @lilacnoodles @sinistersith @d0llpie @kac-chowsballs @resetrestartandreplay @satomiis @xo-lovelyreign-xo @idiot-juice-enthusiast @definitelynotbianca @my-weeb-ass @yourlocalbabybird @bokutosuwus @tadashisprout @daninaninani @r4twh0r3 @tazinva @neokawa @mirikusashes @helloshoutohere @goldenchaos7 @wingsofmydemons @fearlesskz @moonieho @denkis-slut @nikanikabitch @peteunderoos @itsjustsavs @lalisbitch @micheleinumaki @tsukkisbbyg @kuroosluv @immxnty @rory-cakes @thechaosoflonging @ish-scribbles @randomesk-yuku @emazzello @fivxss @morosis-haze @setterswife @rarr-com1452z @emazzello
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slumdogd · 2 years
@taeilyoo + "How about we don't do that." “You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he–
“How about we don’t do that. How about we just…live. Fuck... we could even just forget this all happened. Friends or not, who cares.” Taeil’s voice rings out across the car like some kind of damning force, and it’s so painful Lì could curl up in on himself. It’s cold, like a gun, sharp and cool in the parking lot as Lí sits with one leg tucked under himself. They’d just had dinner, one that was awkward and full of painful silences like they’d known this talk was coming. Like they’d both walked into a funeral parlour where a dead body lays in the open casket; impossible to ignore and yet too hard to face.
It wasn’t usual for them, to wear the weight of awkwardness on their shoulders like a slab of concrete. The awkwardness wasn’t because the two of them hated each other or anything of the sort. More like the kind that came when you’re at a loss for words. Wanting to say something and finding it on the edge of your tongue only to swallow it down with grit teeth and a shrug.
“I’m sorry.” Lì mutters, and his eyes are blurring rapidly as he looks down at his hands in his lap which now feel like foreign object to him, heavy and lumpy, reduced to blobs through his tears. He wonders what exactly he's apologising for, and maybe it's for existing altogether, unable to live up to what he wish he could be for Taeil. Do for him. Tell him.
but he ... and you feel like you’ve done something terrible like robbed a liquor store, or swallowed pills, or shovelled yourself a grave in the dirt, and you’re tired. 
It’s then that a sigh overcomes Taeil, a short, quick sound that comes from deep in his chest, exasperated as if to say please don't cry. “It is what is is. You gotta do what you gotta do, Lì. Same goes for me.” There’s a silence, then. One that is heavy like iron baring down on them. A silence that is relentless. It’s the most silent they’ve ever been in the entirety of ever since knowing each other. the only sound that can be heard is that of the cars passing by on the main road and the occasional chatter from a couple or three as they made way to their car to head off for the night.
You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying not to tell him that you love him, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you,
“Is that all you had to say?” Taeil cuts the silence like a knife, and Lì can barely think straight anymore, his mind a whirlwind of emotions that dare to spill out and contradict everything he'd said in the last hour. His thoughts are spiralling even more when a warm, calloused hand cups his chin to raise his head. Their eyes finally meet, crescents doused with sadness. A mirror image of each other, except Lì’s face is blotched with red, and tears that stain his cheeks, hot and silky as they gather by deft fingers.
like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you didn’t even have a name for.
"Taeil I-..." Lì breathes, but it comes out more like a sob than anything else, and before he can say another word, they're in each others arms again. Lips tasting lips like they're thirsty, hungry. Like there's no meal in the world that could satisfy them, fill them. Nothing to satiate either of them as they collide like they always have; like stars in a kilonova.
"Stop, stop, Taeil, it's so much harder." Lì begs against lips that are slick with his own tears, but Taeil's grip is unrelenting and he doesn't try to pull away either. It lasts for what feels like minutes, hours, but is over in seconds when their foreheads are flush against each other in the aftermath of their actions, breathing jagged and harsh as their chests heave as if they'd been running a marathon. Was it because there were words hanging on their lungs that they dared not say? Neither could tell. There's no chance for Lì to say another word to find out, Taeil is gone with a swoop of fingers through his hair, and a heavy clunk of the car door.
Lì's alone again, and he never said what he should have, while he had the chance.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Old Stomping Ground
[Ava Starr X Female Reader]
Summary: One of the good things to come out of constant alien invasions are the abandoned ruins of New York, and you’re fixing to show Ava your favorite place. Previous Masterlist Next
Tag(s): 13+ | can be reader gender and race neutral reader but is written with woc readers in mind, no-snap au, post-Ant Man and the Wasp, Ava and reader on an adventure in post Avenger's New York, homelessness, alien trees and the power of community.
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AN: no-snap au, post-Ant Man and the Wasp. No beta, we die like men. Just you and Ava having a short adventure.
You took three days off of work for this one. Packed two backpacks with food, water, clothes, and other supplies. Bedrolls and bug spray and hiking poles. Ava laughed at your enthusiasm but she seemed to vibrate with excitement right along with you. 
"Can you at least tell me where we're going," she pleaded. 
You ran through the end of the checklist for the third time, trying to be extra careful now that you wouldn't be hoofing it solo. You dodged the question expertly with a "it's not far and it's not dangerous so hush! Learn to enjoy the mystery, babe." 
Ava rolled her eyes playfully but stopped asking and let you finish. After that you ate a hearty breakfast and began your journey north by northwest. In the taxi, your girlfriend's eyes darted from building to building as you turned on every street and you mentally gave up on scolding her. She was too pragmatic to allow for that level of trust yet. 
You were surprised that it took her until you passed the ruins of the daycare you once attended that she whipped her head around to whisper, "is this… Leviathan alley?" 
You shush her but can't keep the excited grin from your face. "It's a bit more than just an alley." 
Once SHIELD was finished stripping for parts and gutting the cybernetically enhanced alien creature left behind in the Battle of New York, the rest was abandoned. The city's been planning to clean up and rebuild but there are scores in the earth where the leviathan crashed and crumbling, precarious buildings that need to be brought down first in the safest way possible. While the city’s been debating how to deal with the destruction, the poor and destitute had moved in and discovered the blood of the chitauri has some very interesting properties. 
"It's like it changes the property of concrete," you explained, climbing over rubble and reaching back to pull her up, "uhg– breaks it down into some kind of hyper fertilizer. There's this copse of trees growing where we think the stomach was and I think in its natural habitat, the creature was probably an omnivore of sorts and may have swallowed thousands of seeds–" 
"That's all very fascinating dear, could you please take this?" Ava shoves a canteen into your hands and cups your hands to bring it closer to your mouth. You've climbed for what feels like miles and hey, you are pretty parched. "Think we'd better rest and eat, maybe look for a safe place to set up camp and… oh, look over there!" 
Ava's sudden whisper makes you turn. It's green in that direction, though this 'alley' is shrouded in darkness due to the dome made from the spine and ribs of the leviathan, the sprigs seem to grow just fine, becoming taller as they moved farther away from you until they began to develop woody stalks and trunks. 
"That's the forest you were talking about," Ava whispered in awe. “I wanna get a closer look.” 
You gently caught her arm. “Camp first, eat. It’ll still be here tomorrow.” 
Ava didn’t expect you to take her into an encampment. There were two dozen people in tents, an open grill going and laughter. They seemed to recognize you. It was mostly older adults, a few elderly people wrapped in thick blankets and teens walking around asking anyone needed drinks. You grabbed the blanket from your pack and wrapped Ava in it as soon as she found a seat on a slab of concrete. 
Ava smiled up at you, taking the proffered fruit slice from you. "Very." 
She examined the strange fruit. It had a thin violet skin with a spongy white inner layer and pink juice with black seeds  dripping from it. She leabed over your shoulder get a look at the fruit as a whole, and it seemed the pink goop was loose inside the fruit similar to a coconut. 
"Are these from the trees," she asked. 
"Yeah, they're edible don't worry. No side effects we've seen," you assure. 
Ava nods but as she's licking the tangy pink juice you continue, "well except for Nadia but she's a mutant." 
Ava flicks worried green eyes at you and slowly takes the fruit from her mouth. She's already swallowed on reflex so there's no turning back now, only managing whatever weird things would come next. 
"Uh… what do you mean by that?" 
You blink at Ava. "Oh it's not, like, bad or anything. Right, Nadia?" 
A dark skinned girl in an orange beanie looked up from her phone. "What?" 
"Tauri makes you, what, gassy?" 
The man on the grill threw his head back in a laugh and Nadia kicked a rock at you. "Ha hah, you're everybody's favorite clown in the circus. It doesn't make me gassy, you jerk, it makes me smell like roses actually." 
"Oh," Ava said, "that's all?" 
You and Nadia shared a knowing look. "It's strong. Not overpowering but strong like you've got your nose buried in a whole bouquet of them." 
"And your fingers tingle and you make sparkles– " 
"Nadia I think that's just you, baby!" 
People laughed and the conversation died down. Ava let the slip of tauri fruit linger in her grasp until you gently pried it out and ate it yourself. You were side eyeing her but kept your question to yourself and eventually Ava was able to relax. She fell asleep during Nadia's uncle Rodney's story with her head on your shoulder and dreamed of violet things. Violet dresses, violet paint, violet fires, and violet sprigs. 
All you could dream of was the smell of roses so close and so thick you could touch it. 
The walk through the natural path as the trees got thicker finally prompted Ava to ask the question that's been plaguing her. "How do you know them? Are they family?" 
You cast a quick glance over your shoulder and slowed your pace to match hers as your fingers tapped the straps of your backpack nervously. "Sort of. They were family when I had no home to go to. Then I got a job with enough money and a stupid good deal on my apartment because I had no priors. 
"Rodney and Jules and some of the others prefer it out here with the forest. Some of them have nowhere else to go or no way to take care of themselves. Nadia's been kicked out of every home she's ever been to, but she won't go to that gifted school for mutants in Westchester county. Can't say I blame her either." 
"School for mutants, eh," Ava said as she trudged on, "interesting." 
You walked along in silence, drinking in the inviting quiet of the forest and the tiny chirps and peeps of its new inhabitants. You'd almost say it would be a shame to tear this place down knowing it's a new natural habitat, but you know New York had a hundred bigger and more pressing issues to deal with right now. As long as any capitalist moguls kept their eyes elsewhere, the new jungle should be fine. 
As the forest becomes denser, you have to pull a rechargeable flashlight out to see the ground beneath you. Black bugs crawl under and over the brush and fallen twigs, and something no bigger than a cat scuttles away out of the path of the light. Ava puts a hand on your arm and you open your mouth to assure her you'd protect her, but as you look at her you realize she's ready to protect you. Arm poised out and eyes darting around for signs of sudden movement from the brush. 
You walk in silence for what feels like an fantastic eternity but when you look at the canopy you stop yourself. Ava looks up to, gently taking a hold of your hand to keep you close and it sends tingles up your arm. She rarely reaches for you but she seems to be growing more and more confident of it. 
Light dances beyond the thicket of the leaves. Green and gold flashes as a soft breeze creates gaps beyond the chitauri rib ceiling and every time a light flashes you feel warmth on your skin like soft little kisses. 
Something wooden creaks, and that creaking quickly turns to snapping. You unconsciously squeeze Ava's fingers as you spot a black tree trunk beginning to fall towards you. Suddenly, Ava's arms are around you and she pulls you down into a duck. 
Everything happens so fast it blinds you. You can't see, can only feel as shivers of warmth and cold jitter through your entire being, drowning you into sensations you've never felt before. It makes you feel fear more than anything. Is this how you die? Cowering? 
When the sounds of falling trees stop, there is only the wind and the rush of Ava's windbreaker against yours. You test your fingers to see if they still work and dig them into her back. Nothing broken, you're still standing if gravity is correct. 
She finally lets you lift your head from her embrace and survey the scene. That tree opened a spot in the canopy for more natural light to pour in which is good because your flashlight was lost among the thick bramble bushes. 
Ava brushes your forehead. "Are you OK?" 
It must be a trick of the light but she looks like she's shimmering. Perhaps you hit your head or something but it seems like you never fell. Your standing just beside the fallen tree but you could have sworn you'd almost felt it go through you. And then…
And then there was the smell of roses. 
"I'm fine," you say at last. "Let's get back, probably shouldn't have come here by ourselves anyways…" 
Ava gives you a look, it almost looks like trepidation. You steel your resolve and press on to retrace your steps, knowing you had a lot of walking to do before you would exit the treeline. 
Ava has powers and you're ok with that. You'll just let her tell you in her own time. 
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 15: The Confrontation
Once the cab stopped, finally arriving at their destination, Bigby woke up and gently shook Sonya awake.
She mumbles and rubs the sleep out of her eyes as he opens the door and climbs out of the cab with her following behind. Bigby stops to light a cigarette, and Sonya looks at it with an eyebrow raised. She never understood why he needed one every 5 minutes.
They enter the empty looking shop, curiously looking around. Bigby huffed out a puff of smoke when he noticed a sign that said No smoking. He rolled his eyes, taking another drag before squashing it under his foot. The front of the shop was pretty small. A machine that held drinks was almost practically empty.
There was also the cooling unit that displays the different types of meat but each slab of meat was practically covered in ice. Bigby walks up to the counter door and was about to open it, until the door that leads to the back of the shop opens, revealing a balding man.
His expression faltered into a look of fear once he saw Bigby. “Bigby Wolf?”, he asked and glanced over at Sonya. “You must be the new deputy. What happened to you two?”, he asked, scanning their disheveled state.
“We’re looking for a piece of the Magic Mirror.”, Bigby said, walking to the counter towards the butcher. “Um… wh–what?”, the butcher stuttered. “The Magic Mirror’s missing shard! Where is it?!”, Bigby growled out. 
“Bloody Mary brought it here, didn’t she?”, Sonya asked, looking behind him. "What? B-Bloody Mary? Magic Mirror shard? Wh–what kind of place do you two think this is?”, Johann asked, chuckling nervously. “Don’t give us that bullshit.”, Bigby sneered.
“I’m not. What you’re looking for, I-I think you two’d be better off looking at, uh….the Lucky Pawn. Yeah, or some place like that.”, Johann nodded.
"Listen to me and listen fucking carefully. We know Bloody Mary hangs around here. So you need to start fucking cooperating right now!”, Bigby yelled.
“I-I am.”, Johann said.
“We already went to visit Jersey. He wasn't all that cooperative until we had to get a little...persuasive.”, Sonya told him.
“I’m cooperating. I swear.”, Johann cries. “Anyway, if I’d known you two already looked at the Lucky Pawn, I-I wouldn’t have pointed you there. I-I just figured anything worth a damn in Fabletown goes through Jersey’s hands at some point. You guys know that. Believe me, I don’t wanna waste your time. And I certainly don’t mean to offend. I don’t know how else to help." 
"Yeah, well Jersey had those dirty hands wrapped around my neck not too long ago.”, Bigby explained. “Oh….sorry.”, Johann said.
“He was an asshole so I'd suggest you don't follow him.”, Bigby said, crossing his arms. Johann frowned. “Listen. Crane had the mirror. Mary had Crane. And she comes around here, right?”, Sonya asked.
Johann stays quiet. “If you’re covering for her, we’re gonna have a problem with you. So you better think real hard about what you say next.”, Bigby  threatened.
“I….Sheriff…Deputy, I–”, Johann stuttered nervously, rubbing his hands together, He looked behind him for a moment. “Did you hear that?”, he says, tapping the counter. Bigby and Sonya looked at each other.
Johann goes to the back door. “Oh, I’m real sorry. Hold on, I-I just gotta go check on that. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”, Johann said as he inched closer to the door.
“Butcher…”, Bigby starts to warn.
“I just have to go see…”, Johann walked into the door, leaving Sonya and Bigby confused. Bigby lifts up the counter door and Sonya follows behind him, her eyes catching a red button. "That fucker...", Bigby growled.
They walk through and Sonya looks at Bigby, putting a finger to her lips. They move silently through the freezer full of hanging pig carcasses on hooks.
“I got it covered back here, guys. I’ll be right out.”, Johann called out, his voice echoing, his voice echoing through the room. Sonya tapped Bigby’s arm, pushing a finger to her lips, reminding him. Bigby nodded and led her further.
They moved quietly, pushing the carcasses out the way. “Just  wait out front, I’ll be right there.”, Johann tells them.
They don’t say anything, pushing through the freezer. “I’m sorry, Sheriff and Deputy, but you two are not supposed to be back here. For, uh….safety purposes.” Johann said, nervously.
Sonya rolled her eyes and Bigby shook his head as they pushed through. When they got closer, they could hear Johann whimpering to himself. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me. They’re gonna kill me….oh god, she is gonna fucking kill me….” They finally see Johann moving boxes around.
“They're gonna get me killed….the things I do…”, Johann softly whines. Bigby holds a hand out to stop Sonya, walks up to Johann and taps his shoulder, making him jump in fright. “B-Bigby! Please-”
“Bigby!? What happened to Sheriff!?”, Bigby shouts, storming up to the cowering man. “P-Please, guys. Please don’t. I don’t wanna die. Please….please don’t kill me.”, Johann whimpered, backing away. Bigby walks up and slams Johann up against the door. “Shut the fuck up.”, he growled lowly, squeezing Johann’s face.
“Bigby!”, Sonya exclaimed. He growled at her voice. “Bigby, he’s not a threat. Put him down.”, she says, walking up to him. He turns his head to look at her. She could see a glimmer of yellow in his eyes and she frowned softly. “Relax.”
Bigby looks away from her, dropping Johann. Johann gasps for air and looks up at Sonya, heavily breathing. “Thank you." 
"We’re not done here, Johann.”, Sonya says. “I’m not part of their crew!”, Johann blurted. His face changes into an expression of realization and he lowers his head. “Fuck….” He sighs. “The Crooked Man’s people. Jersey Devil….Dee and Dum…and that mental case Bloody Mary. You wanna talk about the real butcher? It’s her, not me. This is her place.”
Bigby glances at his wrapped arm, annoyed at the mention of her name.
“I’m telling you, they muscled in on me. Took over my storage and delivery a long time ago. All ‘cause of that heatwave. That summer was even hotter than this one. I let Mary and those porters stay cool in the meat locker one day. Playing cards, having a great time. I guess they were sizing the place up. Shows what I get for being nice. I’m just a victim in this…I don’t know what they do back there. I swear.”, Johann explained.
“You lied to us in the front. Why the fuck should we believe you now?”, Bigby asked. “Because it’s the truth.”, Johann shouted. Bigby pushes Johann out of the way and squats down to pull the door open.
Once he pulled the door open, their eyes widened at the sight of some kind of lab going on. Test tubes, shelves full of ingredients and a boiler caught their attention as they walked inside.
The table in the middle of the room had stools that were chained to cuffs. In the far part of the room was a large chalkboard that looked like it was frantically and messily erased.
“What is this place?”, Bigby asked Johann. 
“I told you, I don’t know. They muscled me out! I swear, I don’t know anything more. I haven’t been back here when it was like this.” Johann said.
Sonya frowned seeing a red light was on with a sticky note that said RUN! “Sonuva...”, she growled, turning to Johann.
“This business….it’s all I’ve ever had. I guess that’s why I stuck around when they took it…”, Johan said looking around.
“Damnit, you can’t act like you’re forced into this, and then turn around and help them. They’d still be here if you hadn’t flipped that switch out there!”, Sonya fussed, making Bigby glare at him.
“I had to! You two come in here, making trouble for me….but you two only give a shit now 'cause the Crooked Man stepped on your toes or something. Where were you when they took this place from me?”, Johann exclaimed. “It hasn’t been easy for me…. y-you think I wanna live with this at my back?”, Johann asked.
“Alright, Johann, do me a favor, just shut the fuck up and stay out of the way. Can you manage that?”, Bigby asked.
Sonya shook her head and walked over to the table and picked up a box, dumping the stuff out. Her eyes widened at the sight of glamour tubes. “So this is what Beast was delivering.”, she murmured.
She picked one up and showed it to Bigby. “Could be dangerous stuff.” Bigby said.
“Maybe just don’t touch anything back here? Please?”, Johann begged. “Didn’t I tell you to sit down and shut up?”, Bigby growled. Johann looked away in fear.
Bigby looked down at the shackles, frowning deeply. “These chains….who’s getting chained up here?”, he asked Johann.
“You can’t think I’m the only one the Crooked Man has under his yoke?”, Johann asked, shaking his head. “Is this what those loans get you? That crooked piece of shit! Ribbons. Chains. It’s all the fucking same!”, Bigby shouted in anger.
“What are they even making here?”, Sonya asked, frowning sadly at the thought of the ribbons. "I’m just a butcher. You wanna talk t-bones? That I can do. This stuff is way outta my league.”, Johann told her.
“There are a lot of nasty spells you could make with the right equipment….”, Sonya muttered, looking around.
Bigby goes over to the table and sees packages with the same symbols he saw at the Tweedles' office and Greenleaf’s. “That symbol. It’s on all the packages. What is it?” 
“That’s the Crooked Man’s….brand. It’s on everything that goes in and out of here.”, Johann explained.
“So you do know something, huh?”, Bigby said, rolling his eyes. Sonya leaned in to examine it closely.
“Is it a wheel or..?”, she asked Johann.
“It’s from back in the Homelands….a torture device.", he said, making her eyes widen. "It came over here with the rest of our stories. Not that Mundies need any help coming up with that kind of thing…it makes people crooked….by breaking their bones and– do I really need to explain this?”, Johann asked, exasperated.
She shook her head. "I don't blame you for not wanting to explain more. People who are really into the dark arts of entertainment are not all there with decency." 
Bigby goes over to the board, scanning it from top to bottom. “Too bad they had time to erase it all. This could have been useful.” He raised an eyebrow at the sight of a familiar coat.
He bends down and picks it up. “I know this isn’t your coat.” Bigby said, showing Johann. “What’s it doing here?”, Bigby asked.
“It’s a coat, what’s the big deal about some dirty-”, Johann said but gets cut off by Sonya. "What if that's Crane’s coat?”, she asked, making Bigby intrigued.
“It’s seen some abuse.”, Bigby said, looking at the coat. He pointed at the blood and Sonya rolled her eyes. “I’m sure he handled it just fine.”, she said, making Bigby smirk. He opens up the coat and sees three pockets inside of it.
He digs in the bottom pocket and pulls out a wad of cash. “Hello, Benjamin.", Sonya says, grinning and looked for more clues by the table.
"No time for travelers checks, huh?”, Bigby mutters, placing the money in his pocket. He digs in another pocket and pulls out a torn picture of her from Lily’s glamour tube.
“That sick piece of….”, Bigby growled. “What?”, she asked, walking back over to him and he shows her the picture. Her face grows sour. "Great…", she says, sarcastically.
He frowns in concern and she shakes her head. Bigby digs in the last pocket and pulls out a shard of glass. “It’s the shard!”, Sonya squealed in delight. “Thank God.”, Bigby said, relieved.
“Hey! Hold on!”, Johann shouts, catching their attention. “What the hell am I supposed to do now? I’m gonna have to spend the rest of my short life looking over my shoulder for Bloody Mary. They won’t care that I held up my end. There’s no way to get out of this.”
Sonya smiles at Johann. "Now that we've got the shard, we're gonna get this done. That crooked bastard won't touch you."
“Thank you.”, Johann smiled in relief as Sonya and Bigby walked out of the freezer and walked to the front of the store. Before they left, Sonya flips the sign from open to closed and finally leaves.
Bigby waves down a cab, sighing out softly. "We're getting so close. I can feel it." Sonya smiles at him. "I'm pretty proud of us.", she says, holding her hand up. He looks at her hand with an amused expression and gives her a high five.
Once the cab pulls up to them, they climb in and look at the shard. "The mirror will finally be put together..."
He nodded before his eyes widened to the sound of soft rumbling. He looked over at Sonya as she wore a shy expression. "Was that-"
"Yeah…haven't had much to eat since we've been working.", she said. He frowned. "Why didn't you say anything?", he says, only to hear his stomach rumbling louder than hers.
He grumbles as she snickered. "I can go get us something to eat while you go and get the shard in the office.", she offered.
"You sure you'll be okay by yourself?", he asked, feeling wary of her being alone at this time. She nodded. "I don't think they'd attack me in a food place.", she says, smiling and tells the driver to send her to a sandwich shop.
She climbs out and hears the window roll down before turning to the cab. "If you feel like you're in trouble, call the office. I'll be right by the phone."
She rolled her eyes in amusement and mockingly saluted. "Yes sir."
The Woodland Building
Bigby walks in the office, frowning at the sight of Bluebeard, Toad yelling and arguing with Snow.
“I don’t care who killed the prostitutes, if Crane was helping himself to the community coffers, it means his hands were in my pocket. And you just let him go!”, Bluebeard shouted at the secretary.
“I don’t know what you heard, but it did not happen like that.”, Snow corrected. “Are you denying the facts?” Bluebeard asked, challenging her.
“She’s denying me the chance to get a word in. Now, Miss White, I–” Toad started to say but Bufkin shouts. “Sheriff Bigby has returned.”
They turned toward him. "The ole wrecking ball, himself!”, he hears.
“Where have you been? Where's Sonya?”, Snow asked, walking over to him. “I’m not finished here Miss White–”, Bluebeard shouts. Snow turns to him. “You will have to wait! Just one moment, please.”
She turns to face Bigby. “Look what we found.”, he says, proudly pulling out the shard. He smiled at the sight of Snow’s shocked face. “Seems your dog wants a biscuit.”, Bluebeard remarked. Bigby glared at him.
“Bufkin! Get this piece in the mirror, right away!”, Snow orders. Bufkin swoops down, taking the shard. “With pleasure, Miss Snow.”
“Finally. Things are swinging back in the right direction. Good work, Bigby.”, Snow said, making him smile. “You two have been gone all day. What did you uncover?”, Snow asked.
“We had to get real persuasive with the Jersey Devil, down at the Lucky Pawn, but he told us that the Crooked Man’s door moves. It’s some kind of magic door.”, he explained.
“Do you think the mirror will be able to find the door…once it’s fixed?”, Snow asked. 
“That’s how Crane did it. And that’s how we’re gonna do it.”, Bigby replied, nodded.
“Excellent work. Really.”, Snow smiled. “Sheriff, I could use your assistance. Would you join me at the mirror?”, Bufkin calls. Bigby shrugs at her and heads over to the mirror.
“Don’t go far, Sheriff. I’d like to have a few words of my own with you.”, Bluebeard declared. “How about you fuck off until I’m good and ready.”, Bigby snapped as he walked over to the mirror.
“I don’t understand….this piece just doesn’t want to join the rest. Do you have any idea why?”, Bufkin asked Bigby. “You got me.”, Bigby said, shrugging. “Well, where did you find it? What has it gone through since being separated from the rest?”, Bufkin asked.
“I found it in Crane’s coat. Last person I saw with Crane, or his coat, was that psycho Bloody Mary. Maybe she had some–”
“Ah, yes. Miss White was asking about here. That explains it! You-know-who and the Mirror have a very…unhappy history with each other. How would you like it if she tried to use you as a doorway?”, Bufkin asks. “I think I already know the feeling…”, Bigby says.
“Well, I think I know how to proceed, now. It will just take a little extra….coaxing. That’s all. Thank you for your help. It could be awhile, Sheriff. I’ll find you when it’s ready. Besides which….he might not want to come out with you watching.”, Bufkin said.
Bigby raised an eyebrow at this info. “Oh, he doesn’t like being spied on?”, Bigby asked, intrigued and crossed his arms.
Bufkin shrugs and smiles at him. Bigby turns around to walk back towards the other three and Snow walks up to him. “Is it fixed? Did you ask about the Crooked Man?”, she asked him. “Bufkin’s still working on it. He said it might be awhile.”, Bigby informed Snow.
She sighs and looks at Bluebeard and Toad, who were arguing with each other. “I can’t take those two right now. We’re to catch a murderer, and they’re….they’re over there bickering about bureaucracy. We’re….at war! Don’t they realize that?”, Snow asked, frustrated.
Bigby raised an eyebrow. “Do you need help over there?" 
"Yeah, thanks.”, Snow said, smiling. “Go talk to Toad…but just so you know….we can’t pay him. He really needs to go to the Farm, you know. So, just break the news and be done with it, okay?”
Bigby sighed and goes to lean on the edge of a table. Snow goes to sit in Crane’s old desk and begins to talk to Bluebeard. “Toad! C'mere!”, Bigby calls out.
Toad turns to face him and rolls his eyes. “I see how it is. Passed off to an underling, eh? Why am I not surprised?”, Toad said as he waddled over to him. “Well you two did cause what damage brings me in here, so maybe it’s for the best. Just need a little bit more dosh to cover it. I tried talking to her about it, but it’s like chatting up a brick wall, it is. Now I’m sure you’ve got your own agenda, Sheriff. But I’ve taken a real wallop because of you two. And you can’t deny that.”
“I’m starting to think you don’t take me seriously, Toad. How many times have we told you to get glamoured up?”, Bigby asked as he stood up, putting his hands on his hips. “You know that when you’re out of glamour, we gotta send you to the Farm.”
Toad narrows his eyes at the bigger male. “Well….How about your friend, the pig, hm? Isn’t he going to the Farm, too? Yeah, you thought we didn’t know about him, huh? The worst kept secret in Fabletown. For a friend, the rules’ll bend.”
“Colin stays in my apartment. It’s a lot different than a three-foot-tall frog walking the streets.” Bigby replied. “What?! If the pig doesn’t have to go, I shouldn’t either!”, Toad disagreed, angered. Bigby returned the gesture with a glare.
“Okay, okay. If you give me one more chance and hear me out. I’ll see a way for me and me boy to stay. I’m not gonna ask for any more than I need. I just want to stay. So whaddya say you just give me enough to cover me glamours and…we’ll call the rest a wash. Please, Sheriff, don’t take TJ away from the only home he knows. This whole glamour rule is….oppressive. I’ve done nothing wrong but look different. You know it’s not right….burdening the weakest of us like this.” Toad said, giving him sad eyes.
Bigby sighed heavily and remembered picking a wad of cash out of Crane's pocket. He grimaced thinking that he should've given it to Sonya just in case she didn't have enough to buy for food but gave it to Toad anyways.
"Here. This was Crane’s money but I don’t think he'll need this anymore.", he says, pulling the wad out. Before he gave it to Toad, he gave him a fixed look. "This is for your glamours only. If you buy unnecessary shit, you will go to the Farm. Am I clear?"
Toad nodded excitedly and skipped away, whistling. Snow noticed this and looked at Bigby in confusion.
“Bluebeard! You wanna talk? Now’s your chance.”, Bigby yelled. “I’ve just made my donation funding this office, so direct your questions to Miss White.”, Bluebeard says and leaves the office. Bigby's eye twitches in annoyance as he rubbed his temples to get rid of the oncoming headache.
“Well, at least he’s not trying to get rid of me….”, he hears Snow say. “He’s not?”, Bigby asked. “For now….did you two take care of Toad? I mean….I saw the way he left…I know it may not seem that important right now. But glamours are the law for a very good reason.”, Snow said, her hands on her hips.
“I took care of it. Let's not worry about that.”, he said.
“Fine. We’ll deal with it later.” , she said, sighing. “I know I should be asking how it got like this….but I just keep wondering why it happened….to Faith and Lily. You two have seen his world. Do you guys have any idea why he’d want them dead?”, Snow asked, pacing around. 
“If there’s one thing we’ve figured out, it’s that the Crooked Man is all about control. It’s what he does with the loans at the Pawn Shop, the magic he peddles…chains…ribbons. Maybe Faith and Lily weren’t doing what they were told. Or….maybe they just tried to leave.”, Bigby said.
“Sheriff! Miss White! I believe the mirror is repaired!”, Bufkin announces. They look at each other before walking to the mirror.
“I have to say, I have been better…but thanks for putting me back together.”, the Mirror rhymes. Snow sighs and steps up. “Mirror, mirror….we’re glad you weren’t slain. Now please show us….that sick creep Crane.”
The mirror then shows Crane and Bloody Mary talking. “You will get on that plane to Paris and you will wait for the day the Crooked Man needs you. Until then, not a peep. Otherwise, I get to deal with you my way. So please….please disobey.”, Mary said to Crane, threateningly.
Suddenly, Mary looks around as if she were searching for something. “Wait a minute….someone’s watching….” Then, she looks dead at Snow and Bigby, grinning wildly raised her hand.
The mirror started to shake and turn red and the face of the mirror came back into view. “What ....just happened?”, the mirror asked, disoriented. “We pointed you in the wrong direction….and looked at Bloody Mary’s reflection.”, Bufkin explained.
“Oh….her. That explains the sting. I’d rather not have to feel the pain she brings. So….let’s not do that again, okay?”, Mirror said. 
“Looks like we’ll have to track him down later.”, Bigby said. “You’re right. We need to focus on the immediate threat. And that’s the Crooked Man.”, Snow said.
Bigby sighs and hums. “Uh, Mirror, Mirror…no time to pout….so where does the Crooked Man hang out?”
The mirror showed a door with the Crooked Man’s symbol on it. “I don’t recognize the door, but…that’s the Crooked Man’s symbol on it.” 
“Hold on…”, the mirror said as a different door appeared with the symbol on it. “The door…it moves…”, Snow said, shocked. “Told you.”, Bigby said, smiling at her. “Wait a minute, I know that door….that’s Central Park.”, Snow said.
“I don’t know when it’s gonna move again, but we gotta get there before it does.”, Bigby said. “Bigby, wait!”, Snow shouted, making him pause and turn to her. “When you get the Crooked Man…make sure you bring him back alive. He has to stand trial. We can’t just dispense street justice.”
"Yeah, yeah, we'll bring him back here. Alive. Then we can clean him and cook him together.”, Bigby says, rolling his eyes.
“Good. I have enough to worry about here while I prepare the case against him. So, I’m going to trust you two to handle this properly.", she says and turns to hear the phone ring.
Bigby rushes to answer it, "Hello?" He hears Beast's rushed voice. "Bigby? Something bad happened!"
Beast was calling for him?? This couldn't be good. Bigby's eyebrows furrowed. "What happened??"
"I was on my way to Johann's, I know I shouldn't have gone over there but I saw Sonya being kidnapped and beaten! I think it was the Tweedles.", Beast rushed to explain.
Bigby's eyes widened at the info. His teeth gritted and bared as he tried to keep himself together. "I'll get her.", he says, hanging up.
Snow's eyes widened. "What happened?"
Bigby looked at her. "The Tweedles got Sonya. They must know we already have the shard." He storms to the door. "I'm gonna end this.", he says and leaves.
The Gothic Bridge
Central Park, 94th Street
Bigby made it to the door with the symbol on it, just in time. He steps in, a bright light blinding him for a moment before he realized he's been teleported to a different area.
It seemed like a castle hall of some sort. He heard footsteps and hid behind a wall, getting ready to pounce on whoever was here. Instead of an actual threat, there was a young man with a crutch and a leg brace on his left leg.
“Tim? What the hell are you doing here?”, Bigby asked, shocked.
“Good evening, Sheriff.”, Tim said and held his left hand out towards him. “I’m here to take you guys to the boss. Thanks, by the way…for leaving off Tiny. Tiny Tim. You’d think I’d have outgrown that centuries ago."
Bigby looks at Tim’s hand and shakes it. Tim smiles at his gesture and lets go. "I have to admit, when they asked me to watch the door….I wasn’t sure what to expect when you came through that portal. I know you aren’t here on a social call.”, Tim said.
“Hold on, you’ve just been waiting for me to show up?”, Bigby asked him. “You knew I was coming?”
“That’s what they told me.”, Tim replied. “I dunno, they said you two made it pretty clear. I’m supposed to bring you right on in, so….If you will come this way….”, he said, beginning to lead him away. “Look, this is the one thing I have to do. Please, don’t make this hard on me… I don’t want to get in trouble. So…if you can follow me.”
“Fine. Lead on.”, Bigby said. Tim smiles at him and turns, starting to walk down the hall with Bigby following behind.
“Thanks for understanding. This is all I’m here to do, and…I don’t want to mess it up. I know I’m probably the last person you’d expect to be a…guard. Or an escort for that matter. I was a little surprised, myself, when they asked me to do it. I thought it was a joke, actually.”, Tim explained.
“You shouldn’t be here, Tim. This place is dangerous. Especially for someone…like you.”, Bigby says, looking at the man's leg.
“It’s…not like that. Whatever you may think of him….he doesn’t treat me like some….broken little kid. I think he gets what it’s like.”, Tim said as he pats his left leg. “He gave me a job. And I’m lucky to have it. This is the only option I’ve got. Just….keep that in mind, maybe? ‘Cause if you and the boss go up against each other….the rest of Fabletown is gonna get caught in the middle.”
“I understand the position you’re in, but you don’t have to do this. There are other things you could do.”, Bigby says. “So it’s just that easy?” Tim asked, frowning.
“Maybe not, but you don’t want to be a part of this.”, Bigby says, and begins to walk ahead of Tim.
“A lot of us depend on him. Some of us never get to the front of the line at the Business Office. But he’s there. We need you….but we need him too. What we don’t need is a war.”, Tim said to him.
“Hey, Sheriff, hold up….I gotta go in with you. Hold on!”, Tim shouts. Bigby stops and waits for Tim to catch up. “Thanks.”, Tim said, smiling as he walked past him and led him to a large door.
Bigby frowned at the laughing and loud voices and looked over at Tim. “Go ahead. You got a job to do.”, he says, nodding his head. Tim's smile gets bigger as he opens the door. “Sheriff Wolf, sir.”, Tim said as Bigby walks in.
The room gets quiet as he's met with glares and shocked expressions.
He saw the Tweedles, Georgie, Vivian and Jersey were sitting there looking at him. Jersey started to charge towards him, but he noticed a shadowed figure on the couch, reaching his hand out to Jersey.
Jersey stops. “Thank you, Tim.”, the figure says and leans out of the darkness to reveal himself as The Crooked Man. A tall lanky man with a half droopy face and a mustache.
“I know the Sheriff isn't the….accommodating sort. But you handled it. You did well. You can go now.”, Crooked Man said to Tim who nodded and shut the door.
“You see? Everyone in Fabletown has a role to fill. You just have to pay attention to what they need to help them find it.”, Crooked Man said as he slammed the end of his cane on the floor.
“Why don’t you have a seat, Sheriff? We have a great deal to discuss.”, Crooked Man said as he offered a chair for him. Bigby takes a few steps forward, pulls out his cigarette pack, pulls one out and lights his cigarette.
“You’ve come a long way. You must be tired.” Crooked Man said. Bigby continues to smoke his cigarette, nearly biting through it. He notices Jersey reaching for his gun and almost snorted in amusement.
“And if my envoys are correct….you two haven’t had a lot of rest recently. Please, relax for a moment, will you? Do you want a drink? Something to eat? Vivian makes a very nice, very…. it’s elegant, really. Her carpaccio. It’s lobster….sirloin….”, he continued to offer.
He pulled his cigarette out, blowing out a large puff of smoke. "Speaking of my partner... where the hell is she?", he glared at the man. The Crooked Man nodded. "Ah...Ms. Sonya. She's here...just resting for a moment."
He looked up at Vivian. "Dear, will you go fetch her, please?" Vivian nodded and brought out an unconscious Sonya, cuffed and laid limp in Vivian's arms.
Bigby's jaw clenched at the sight as Vivian hands her to him. He cradled her, now getting a good look at her face as he felt himself getting angrier. Her face, nearly swollen and bloodied. A split lip, her eyes blackening and a good cut across her cheek.
He held her close and glared at the Tweedles. "What the fuck did you two do." They tried keeping a smug expression on their faces but nearly cowered back at his calm, angered voice.
"They were simply protecting me.", The Crooked Man explained. Bigby snapped his attention over to the lanky man. "Protecting??? She went to go get food. How were you in any danger?"
"I'll admit, they did go a little overboard but they mean well.", he replied, making Bigby's hold tighten on Sonya.
She groaned softly and he looked down at her as she looked up at him with a sad expression. "I'm sorry...I didn't even make it to the shop...", she whispered, hoarsely.
He frowned. "Don't worry about that.", he says, and stands her up. “We’re here for one reason. And it’s not to eat your fuckin’ food.”, Bigby said to the Crook Man.
“Really.” Crooked Man said.
“Yeah.”, Bigby says and throws his cigarette down on the floor. He stomps it out, holding her up.
He looked at her hands and looked at the Tweedles. "Where's the key?"
Dee shrugged, giving him a smile. "Must've dropped it."
Bigby growled. "That's fine...", Sonya says, wobbling to stand a bit before jumping and putting her legs through her arms, now having her arms out in front of her. She held her hands up, heating them up enough to melt the metal off of her wrists.
Jersey gets up, pointing his gun at Sonya's head as she rubs her free, sore wrists. Bigby growled loudly in warning while she just looked at Jersey, unimpressed. “What do you think you’re doing?”, he fussed at Jersey.
“They’re gonna–” Jersey started to say to the Crooked Man but Crooked Man interrupted him. “Mr. Wolf and Miss Blaze are our guests. And I have every intention of cooperating. So don’t waste the silver.”
Jersey still had the gun aiming at her. “Sit down, Jersey.” Crooked Man orders, making Jersey finally lower the gun and sits down.
"I thought you didn't need the bullets.", Sonya scoffs, wiping her mouth tiredly. "What a bitch..." Bigby frowned at her wobbling state and stayed near her just in case she fell over.
“Well, Sheriff, Deputy…for the sake of transparency, why don’t you two tell us why you’re here? It would help settle everyone’s nerves, I think.”, Crooked Man says.
“You’re destroying this town. Apparently you've been doing it for ages.”, Sonya replied. “Destroying this town? What on Earth do you mean?”, Crooked Man asked, playing confused.
“What the hell do you think I mean? Slavery, kidnapping, extortion, murder. Something you would call the wholesale corruption of Fabletown.”, she said, getting frustrated.
“I would call it the baseless accusation of a desperate Sheriff and Deputy.”, Crooked Man replied. “How are you certain this isn’t some…conspiracy against me? I’m a well-connected man….well moneyed. People do like to take their shots at me.”
“Who would try to pull that on you?”, Bigby asked him.
“Oh, I don’t know. Fables with a grudge, people who want a stake in my shops and services….but I can understand the confusion. And I am, truly, sorry about….the trouble all of this has caused you two. And I hope you believe me when I say that I sincerely mean to make it up to you two.”, Crooked Man replied.
“The recent murders have gotten such attention as of late….I don’t relish telling you that they were perpetrated by an employee of mine. It’s a very unfortunate bit of business, but….I promise you that the matter will be dealt with. Internally. I just want to settle the issue for you two. And to assure you that it’s over with. You two really don’t need to worry yourself further.”, he said.
Bigby starts to walk closer to him. “You really shouldn’t worry yourself. As I said, I’ve got this under control.”, the Crooked Man says.
“I already know who did it.”, Bigby said, making Sonya glance at him. “Forgive me, Sheriff, for doubting your acumen, but….who do you think committed these crimes?”, Crooked Man asked him.
“Don’t give us this employee bullshit. I know it was you.”, Bigby replied. Georgie laughed at his accusation, making Sonya glare at him.
“What must I say to convince you that I’m innocent, dear? It wasn’t me. And I have complete respect for you two and your jobs, I really do, but I’m sorry, I simply can’t divulge the transgressor.”, Crooked Man said.
“No. We’re dealing with this. Right now.”, Sonya said firmly.
“Yeah, right.”, Jersey sneered. “What do you think this is? Some kind of negotiation?”, Dee asked as Bigby walked up to him. “The man said he’d take care of it. So why don’t you two take the hint and get out.”
“Sonya and I are the law, not you. Now tell us who did it!”, Bigby demanded angrily, at Dee. “You think I’m scared of you?”, Dee asked as he looked over at Dum. He looked back at Bigby and laughed. “Haha! You’re nothin’ more than a–”
"I already know who did it.", Sonya says, catching everyone's attention. She glanced at Georgie with a harsh glare.
"Why didn't you say anything?", Bigby asked. "You never gave me the chance before you said anything.", she says, looking at him tiredly.
She shook her head. "It was Georgie. I remember waking up and passing out to hear him talk about it with the Tweedles. They were laughing about it.", she says, glaring at the three men.
“Georgie.” Bigby growled as he walked up to him.
"Amazing deduction, Deputy. Seems you're smarter than the sheriff.", the Crooked Man smiles. She glared at him too. "You're not exactly out of the woods either."
“As I said….I’ll be handling the matter if you don’t mind.”, Crooked Man said.
“You got what you wanted, so just–” Jersey started to say as he stood up but Crooked Man stopped him. “Sit. Down. Now.”
Jersey sits down as Georgie looks up at Bigby. “Yeah, I killed ‘em. So what?” He asked.
“Why’d you do it? Why kill them?”, Sonya asked, angrily. “Does it matter?”, Georgie asked. She looked at him as if he'd grown another head. "Uh, yeah. You broke a law. You murdered two fables. What do you think!?"
“What’s there to work out?! I’m protected, aren’t I?!”, Georgie asked the Crooked Man. “Your protection has limits….and I think you’ve far exceeded yours. That you could murder someone in cold blood like that….”, Crooked Man says, shaking his head.
“Look, the fact is….Georgie here misinterpreted one of my instructions….”, Crooked Man explained. “Misinterpreted?!”, Georgie exclaims getting up.
“And I want to make things right. So….let’s work something out.”, Crooked Man said, ignoring him.
“You fuckin’ asked me to do this! You told me to kill them!”, Georgie exclaimed, making Sonya and Bigby turn to the Crooked Man.
“And then attempt to blame me for it! You will be silent….while we discuss what to do with you.”, Crooked Man ordered Georgie.
“This is right bollocks, this!”, Georgie fussed then looked back at everyone. “You just gonna let him do this?”
“What the hell?!”, Vivian exclaimed.
The goons looked away from him, not saying anything. “So what do you two say? Can we discuss terms? You two can have Georgie. Consider it a gift….ensuring our continued cooperation.", The Crooked Man offered.
"Take this fucker! Take all of 'em! I didn’t fuckin’ start this!”, Georgie shouts, pointing at Crooked Man and everyone in the room.
“Don’t make any trouble, Georgie.”, Jersey warned.
“Are you seriously throwin’ me under the fuckin’ carriage?”, Georgie asked Crooked Man.
“No deals. It’s over, so get up.”, Bigby told Crooked Man.
“I’d advise against that approach, Bigby.”, Crooked Man said, warningly.
“You can’t just hand me over! What the fuck is this shit! You said you’d cover for us!”, Georgie fussed. For minor infractions, not murder.”, Crooked Man corrected.
“Just go with them, Georgie! You’re gonna sink us all!”, Jersey shouts.
“What’s wrong with you people! You’re really gonna sell him out just like that?!”, Vivian asked in disbelief.
“You think I give a fuck if I’m the one who–who the shit do you think you fuckers are?”, Georgie asked the others.
“Just surrender!”
“Get the fuck out of here!”
“Things are about to get unpleasant, and I would rather you two weren’t here to watch.”, Crooked Man continued.
“I do apologize, Sheriff….but I think it’s best if you and your partner leave now.”, Crooked Man said to Bigby. “There’s no way I’m goin’ with them! Are you kidding me!?”, Georgie shouts.
“You can go join that whore at the bottom of the lake for all I give a shit! But they’re not takin’ me anywhere! I’ll roll over on the lot of you before I let that shit happen!”, Georgie shouts at everyone.
“What are you saying?” Jersey asked.
“Yeah. What the fuck? You’re gonna make sure we all go down the shutter with you?”, Dee asked Georgie, angrily.
“We’re not going anywhere!”, Sonya yelled at everyone. The room gets quiet and Bigby looks behind her, growling lowly in warning.
She turns behind her to see their reflection and someone familiar as well. She gave them a grin and stepped out of the mirror in amusement.
Crooked Man places his hand over his face. “This could have gone so well…” then he looks up at Bigby and Sonya in anger. “To speak the truth, I’ve never been a very good mediator….why negotiate when you can just decide.”
“Did I miss anything good?”, Bloody Mary asked. Sonya mustered up enough strength to change into her first form and Bigby glared at her, his eyes glimmering with yellow.
Mary looks over at them. “Well, look at you… all fixed up.” Sonya lights her hand on fire but gets punched by Georgie, making her fall back.
Jersey attacks her and she puts her hands out, burning him before he could land a hand on her. Dum threw Dee a gun and he pointed the gun at Bigby.
Bigby knocked the gun away right when Dee pulled the trigger. The bullet hits a window in the back room to reveal the portal.
Bigby turns to it but Mary kicks him across the face, knocking him back. The goons walk over to the two, making Bigby change into his first form. Jersey turns into his skeletal form and charges at you.
“You two have done enough.”, Georgie said as he picked up a knife, swinging it at them. Sonya sees Mary lead the Crooked Man through the portal and tries to chase after them but gets stopped by Jersey.
She shot a blast of fire at Jersey, making him scream out. Dee restrained Bigby from behind, struggling with him. Georgie walks towards him with his knife. “I’d like to say it was nice knowin’ you…”, he said.
"Bigby!“, Sonya yells, running over but Dum punches her in the face. She growled at him, holding her jaw. "But I’ll be glad to see your insides turned out.”, Georgie continued as he thrust the knife towards Bigby.
Bigby dodges, making Georgie stab Dee in the side. Dee falls over and Dum runs over to help his brother.
Georgie continues to attack Bigby but Bigby grabs Georgie’s wrist, pulls the knife out of his hand and shoves the knife into Georgie’s stomach.
Georgie gasped and pulled the knife out as he backed away. “Oh God!”, Vivian cries as she runs over to Georgie.
Bigby rushes to Sonya, checking her. "You okay?", he asks. She nodded and saw Vivian and Georgie disappear through the portal and left. Sonya and Bigby looked at each and disappeared into the portal.
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