#please hurry leave me i can't breathe please don't say you love me
masonmtxo · 1 day
Feels like Summer
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Words: 3k
Summary: what started out as a holiday fic turned into girlie getting broody
Notes: please leave feedback, it really means the world and is such a motivator 🩷
You'd never felt more relaxed in your life, the sun beating down on your skin as you laid on the lounger beside the pool, the heat making you sleepy, despite the chaos taking place only a few feet away from you.
A stark contrast from your pure state of bliss, Mason could only describe the fun being had in the pool as absolute bedlam. There were excitable screams from children in all directions, a niece (though he wasn't sure which one) was clinging to his back as she squealed, before her grip loosened and a little pink swimming costume clad body dove onto the unicorn float beside him. Poppy's little face spun to meet him, a huge grin on her face as he playfully grabbed hold of the float she was now sat upon, dragging it through the water behind him as his heart soared at her gleeful screams.
Don't get him wrong, he loved playing football, but the extended period of time he got to spend with his family under the sun during his summer break was his definition of perfection. Nothing could beat the feeling of spending his days being the fun uncle, acting like a big kid with his nieces and nephew, competing with his brother to be their favourite. He was in his element, splashing around the pool and playing games until they were all exhausted, heading inside for a snack and a nap. And in Mason's case, a cuddle and some loving with you. Sometimes you'd get involved in the chaos, his nieces adored you and would beg and beg until you'd jump in with them, sometimes telling Mason it was "girls time" and he wasn't allowed to join in. But for the most part you stayed in the dry, letting Mason and Lewis act as kids entertainers and tire themselves out trying to compete with each other.
You watched from your place beside the pool, eyes covered by sunglasses, exchanging words with Debbie every now and then as she sat on the sun lounger beside you.
You're not sure why you chose to blurt it out so abruptly, but you couldn't help yourself, heart soaring as you watched him interacting with his niece, "he's going to be the best dad."
Debbie took a sharp intake of breath, whipping her head round to look at you and peering over the top of her sunglasses, "are you...?"
Her words drifted off as you quickly stopped her,
"oh no, no, no," you hurried out, not missing the disappointment that washed over her face, "I just can't help but get broody when I see him with kids."
You and Debbie had always been close, she had treated you like her own from the minute you had met and over the years you had formed a close bond. There was something about the way her kind eyes bored into you that always had you opening up to her, something that her son had inherited too.
"He's in his element when he's with them, isn't he?" She smiled softly, her heart clenching as she watched you watching him, overcome with gratitude that her baby had found someone who loved him as much as you did. "He's always been good with kids, even when he was young all the littlens seemed to be drawn to him."
You nodded, taking a sip of your drink before turning to face her, breaking your eyes away from Mason as he began tossing Summer up in the air, "He keeps dropping hints about having a baby. I caught him looking at baby United kits on his phone the other day so I know he's ready."
"So what's stopping you?"
"I dunno, I guess with the move up North and having to re-jig my whole life, I felt quite unsettled for a while and there was no way a baby in the equation would have been practical," you shrugged, unable to avert your gaze from him, not wanting to a miss a second of the sweet display.
Debbie hummed in agreement, sensing you still had more to say.
Sighing, you carried on, "part of me is selfishly happy he didn't play much this season, as bad as it sounds," you were embarrassed to admit it, feeling guilty about the way you felt, but it was the truth, "It meant I had him around a bit more when I was feeling down. Don't get me wrong I'd move anywhere with him if he needed me to, but I don't think I fully comprehended how big of a change it would be for me. I've only just started making friends that aren't other partners of the players, wnd even with them it took me an age before I didnt feel like the new girl."
"Oh sweetheart," she reached across the beds to take hold of your hand, squeezing it in hers, "you know you could have always called, I would have been there in a heartbeat to come and keep you company."
"Mase did keep saying in the beginning that you would be happy to come up and stay for a bit, but I just didn't want to be an inconvenience you know" you paused, taking comfort from her warm hand in yours as you finally opened up about a years worth of turmoil, "he was the one who was getting hammered publically, he was the one who had to start off again at a whole new club. I just wanted him to worry about himself for once, not me."
"He always worries about you, he called me a lot in the first few months as he had a feeling you weren't settled but you were refusing to admit it," Debbie's voice was soft, motherly in a way that made you feel comfortable enough to divulge all your inner thoughts and fears.
"Bless him," you smiled as you turned back to look at him, now teaching the girls how to do star floats on their backs, "I remember one time l'd had a really bad day, a group of the girls who l'd been getting friendly with had met up without me and I was so sensitive, cried about it when I saw them all together on instagram," you laughed, "and he was so sweet, kept asking if I wanted to move back home and he would see if he could commute from London because he could tell I was unhappy."
Debbie laughed, shaking her head with a smile as it was something he had also mentioned to her in one of his panics. She had shut him down instantly, telling him to not be so dramatic and it was just a big adjustment.
"I think he was worried I would break up with him," you spoke softly, admitting something that you hadn't actually vocalised before.
Remembering the way he was on egg shells with you for weeks, doing everything he could to try and make you feel like Manchester was home.
Debbie didn't respond, just gave your hand another squeeze in acknowledgment. She knew it was something he had agonised over, sometimes breaking down into tears as he poured his heart out to his mum over the phone, worried he was making you unhappy by forcing you to leave your life behind for him. Debbie had reassured him repeatedly it wouldn't happen, and she had been right. It was just a bump in the road, and with his recurring injuries and subsequent time off the tearful calls had become less frequent, the extra time you had been allowed to spend together helping you settle into a new normal.
By the time he had gone back to training full time, you'd found your rhythm, making friends through Anouska who had kindly taken you under her wing and introduced you to all the best coffee places and parks to walk Ace in, the puppy Mason had bought to make you feel safer and less lonely when he was away. It had taken time, but you finally saw Manchester as home, loving the city more than you thought you would.
You settled into a comfortable silence for a while before Debbie spoke up again, still holding your hand in hers, "You know when you two were house hunting after moving up there he asked Lewis to find options that were listed as family homes," she smirked, eyebrows raised suggestively as you turned to look at her.
"I knew you'd want to go back to the grandkids topic," you giggled, shaking your head at her lack of subtlety, another trait Mason had taken from her.
"Can you blame me? I'll never say no to more babies in the family," her smile was infectious, making you return her grin.
"We did discuss a bit when we were house hunting. I didn't want to buy something so big to be honest, purely because the amount of cleaning it would need," you groaned, being reminded that you worry had come to fruition, "but he made a good point and said it's going to be the house we have kids in, so may as well buy one that's ready for that step."
"And are you ready for that step?"
"Yeah," you nodded, feeling sure of yourself, "he's been ready for the past few years, it's been me that's always had my foot on the break. But for the last few months the feeling just hasn't gone away, I keep going over to Anouska's just to get my baby fix with Lumie," you laughed, "and every time Stacey hands Honey over for a cuddle I struggle to give her back."
"You better hurry up and tell Mason then," she teased.
"Tell me what?" You both turned to see the man of the hour pulling himself up out of the pool having caught onto the last few words of your conversation.
Releasing her grip on your hand, Debbie shuffled up from her seat, "I'll leave you two to talk."
Watching her go, you would help but roll your eyes affectionately at the little spring in her step as she rushed over to the other side of the pool where Tony was sitting with a beer, clearly excited to fill him in on the prospect that they may soon be getting another grandchild.
Mason was watching you, taking the opportunity to drink in your bikini clad body while you were focused elsewhere, admiring the curves of your body and the glow from the sun on your skin.
"Go on then," he broke the silence, "what have you got to tell me?" His head cocked in question.
"Come here?" You asked, opening your arms to invite him to lay with you, figuring there was no time like the present and if you didn't tell him he would spend the day pestering you until you inevitability broke down to pressure.
"I've just got out of the pool," he warned, glancing down to his wet torso when he noticed you were transfixed on his body, a slight pink dusting over your already flushed cheeks.
"Don't care, want a cuddle," you murmured, smiling as he carefully plopped on top of you, head resting on your chest as his left hand trailed up and down the side of your body. His wet body cooled you instantly from the layer of heat the sun had given you, goosebumps covering your skin from the combined sensations of the cold and his gentle touch.
You sat in silence for a while, gathering your thoughts while enjoying the feeling of having each other close, the last time you had an opportunity to spend time with him had been in bed that morning. You had awoken to day light flooding into the room having forgotten to close them the night before in your desperation to get each other into bed. Your neediness hadn't passed, knowing you had to make the most of your time together before spending the day surrounded by his family. He had fucked into you slowly from behind, whispering how much he loved you into your ear until you were both spent, followed by another quick fumble in the shower before getting ready to meet the others for breakfast.
The kids had stolen him after that, so you made sure to enjoy the moments you had with him during the day, even if they were few and far between sometimes.
“So, you gonna tell me what mum was talking about?” He broke the silence after a while, fingers tracing over your stomach and you couldn't help but smile at the irony.
"I want a baby.”
His head shot up from your chest instantly, wild eyes searching your expression, "Are you serious!?"
"Yeah,” you nodded slowly, “I've been thinking about it for a while, every time I see you with kids I feel like I’m going to explode. But that's only if you're ready too.”
He laughed, the grin on his face probably the biggest you'd ever seen, happiness radiating through his brown eyes, “You know I've always been ready to have kids with you.”
“I know,” you face was apologetic, reaching out to cup his cheek and trace a gentle path across his flushed cheek, “and i'm sorry for making you wait so long, I just felt like bringing a baby into the world when I was feeling a bit all over the place wasn't the best idea.”
“No I get that, it wasn't the right time last year,” he agreed solomley, though a smile was threatening to burst through, “I know we spoke about kids and how we wanted them soon when we moved into the house but I was always happy to wait until you were ready too.”
“I felt ready all along in terms of our relationship, like if it happened accidentally last year I never would've had doubts or felt rushed. I just didn't feel ready to start actively trying you know? Felt like we had a lot going on and the pressure would've got to me I think."
"We don't have to put any pressure on it, even if it takes time," he reassured, "the baby making is the fun bit anyway." His cheeky grin made you giggle, loving the way he always knew exactly what to say to relax you and make you laugh. "And if you have second thoughts and want to wait for a bit before we remove contraception that's fine. We can do everything at your pace.”
You shook your head softly, he was so unbelievably caring you felt your stomach clench with love, "no I don't need anymore time to think," eyes flitting away from him to admire a bird circling the sky above you,
"It's something i've been thinking about for months now. I thought I’d wait and see, to see if the feeling went away once summer started and you were home all the time and I wasn't so lonely. But if anything it has got worse, I've never been so broody in my life.”
"Yeah?" His voice was soft, his eyes a little bit watery as he struggled to contain the love he felt for you in that moment.
"Yeah," you confirmed, mirroring his expression.
He rested his head back on your chest, trying to steady his breathing as his heart hammered in his chest. You were finally saying everything he had been waiting to hear for the past year, excitement pulsing through his entire body at the prospect of getting to become a parent with you.
"I want two, maybe 3 kids I think,” you murmured.
"Oh at least 3 for sure, the more you let me have the better," he grinned teasingly, his chin resting on the valley between your chest so he could look up at you adoringly.
"You're gonna be the best daddy in the world," you hummed, stroking the back of his head through his wet locks.
"And you’ll be the best mum,” he whispered, pressing a series of kisses to your chest, trailing his lips up until he reached your neck, “wanna go practice making a baby?"
"Mason, I just spoke to your mum about wanting a child, I'm not disappearing off with you, she will know exactly what we're doing," you groaned, gently grasping his face and pushing him out from the crook of your neck in an attempt to stop him getting carried away.
Mason barked out a laugh, "Babe, mum knows if she wants another grandchild we're gonna have to be having lots of sex, probably even more than usual," he wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, trying to charm you into letting him have his way with you but you were holding firm.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean hiding away to have a shag while on a family holiday, when all your nieces and nephews are here as well."
"You let me fuck you last night," he grumbled, "and this morning."
"Yes, while everyone was in bed Mason," you chastised.
"Baby they aren't stupid, they know we don't go in our room at night and play scrabble til we fall asleep," his voice was teasing, letting you know he was only playing around with you.
"That's beside the point, Mase. If we disappear now you may as well stand up and make an announcement across the villa we're going for a quick fuck."
"I mean I wouldn't be opposed to doing that," he shrugged, playfully biting at the palm of your hand that was still cupped around his face, "at least we wouldn't be disturbed."
"You're an idiot," you couldn't help but laugh at him, flicking him on the shoulder in jest.
"But you love me and you wanna make loads of babies with me," his smirk was full of teasing, dipping his head to bite gently down on the swell of your breast knowing it would wind you up further.
"Mason, do you remember you said I could decide otherwise at any point?" You asked pointedly.
He nodded, his smile not dropping.
"Don't test me," you countered.
With another sharp laugh, he pulled you in for a kiss, cupping your face in his large hand, his lips sweet and soft against yours before pulling away, "fine, I'll wait until tonight then."
Thank you for reading! Please leave some feedback if you can, it means a lot and motivates me to keep posting!
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astrangerlately · 2 years
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slowwshoww · 3 months
mitski really went tf off with first love/late spring
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losticaruss · 1 year
oh i am REELING over the fact that these kids are so young in the books. they're, what. fourteen? fifteen, maybe? and poor lockwood. how long do you think it's been since he's been able to act like a kid, really? without feeling guilt or shame or anything bad?
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changanomaly · 2 years
the only thing i ended up doodling while i was out today
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ofpd · 1 year
i don't think i ever posted this one. happy barricade day <3
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saintchaser · 2 years
"i'm still here, my sunshine. i love-"
"please don't say you love me," dorcas said, a pained expression on their face. "please don't say it, please."
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junkratswifey · 2 years
I hate when people say like "I have a song rec" then recommend some Hollywood Undead or something. (No offense Hollywood Undead fans, they're really good I just can't listen to it)
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lwveless · 2 years
me: imagine being best friends and falling in love and being together forever and <3... sigh...
me whenever a friend starts showing attraction to me:
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wku95 · 6 months
i miss feeling alive so much, those 2 are all that's keeping me afloat
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thtcloud · 6 months
Personally I'd feel incomplete without mitski's music in my life
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ouroborosreilig · 8 months
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So please hurry leave me I can't breathe Please don't say you love me
+ them seperated
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ripcupid · 1 month
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“I can’t wait ‘till we chill, what you wanna do?”
- you left Price with the kids as you went on date, the date couldn’t be bad right?
୨୧ ex husband! price x reader
୨୧ word count: 2.6k 😨
୨୧ yes the title is a nct 127 reference! (If you even know who they are) also sorry for being gone for 4 months 🤭
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“John, can you come pick me up?” You shiver in the cool night air, pressing your phone to your ear as you hold yourself.
“Was he that bad?” Price snickers on the other side of the phone, “I told ya, love,” he chuckles making you roll your eyes at the pet name.
“Shut up,” you huff, annoyance lacing your tone mixed with a hint of amusement. “Just hurry… please.”
“Alright, alright I’m comin’.” Price hangs up the phone, leaving you to wait in the cold a little longer before his car pulls up in front of you.
You find yourself smiling as you stare at Price's hands gripping the steering wheel, dropping your smile as he glances over at you, a sly grin spreading across his face. “I see ya looking, love,” he teases, looking from the corner of his eyes over at you. 
You roll your eyes playfully, feeling a warmth in your chest at his teasing. "Just drive, John," you say, unable to stop the smile tugging at your lips. You turn in your seat to hide the blush creeping up your cheeks, grateful for the darkness of the car. 
Price chuckles softly, the sound making your heart flutter as he drives the familiar route to your home. As you get out of the car, Price leans over the console, his eyes trailing over your body before locking with yours. "You gonna let me come in?" he asks, a smirk playing on his lips, "you know, say goodnight to my kids?"
"Fine, but just for a minute," you reply, trying to sound stern but failing. You feel his gaze lingering on you as Price follows you through to the front door and up to your twin's room.
You lean against the door frame, watching as he bends down to kiss your sleeping son goodnight, a warmth spreading through your chest at the sight of him being a dad all over again, remembering all the times like this before the divorce. He moves over to your daughter's bed and tucks her in tighter, whispering a soft goodnight.
"Are you staying for breakfast?" your daughter mumbles, looking up at Price with sleepy eyes. He looks down at her with a soft smile, "I don’t know, Ya gotta ask your mom first, sweetheart." Your daughter looks over at you with hopeful eyes, silently asking for permission.
"Of course, daddy can stay for breakfast, " you say with a smile as your daughter's face lights up with joy, "but you gotta go to sleep now." Price nods in agreement, giving the twins a final goodnight kiss before quietly leaving the room with you.
You walk him back downstairs, heading to the kitchen to grab two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. As you pour the drinks, Price leans against the counter, staring at you with a loving gaze. "What, John?" you ask, noticing the look in his eyes.
"Nothing, love, just looking," he replies, making your face heat up with a blush that you try to hide by turning back to the drinks.
"Don't call me that," you say under your breath, handing him a glass. "I'm not your wife anymore." Price takes the glass from you, a grin spreading across his face.
"Oh come on, what, you don't like it anymore? I thought you loved it when I called you that," he teases, taking a sip of his whiskey. You roll your eyes, trying to ignore the memories that flood back at his words.
"Yeah, when we were married" you mutter, taking a sip of your drink and avoiding his gaze as you stand across from him. Price chuckles, setting his glass down on the counter. He steps closer to you, holding your cheek gently in his hand. You wanna push him away but you can't help the familiar warmth that spreads through you as he cradles your face. He lifts your chin, locking eyes with you.
His thumb traces your lips softly, a gesture that still makes your heart race despite the months you've been apart. He pulls you closer, his lips brushing against yours causing your breathing to hitch in your throat. The familiar smell of his cologne clouds around you as you grab onto his shirt, bunching the fabric in your fists. "John, we can't keep doing this," you whisper in the small space between you.
"Tell me no then, and I'll stop," he responds his voice barely above a whisper. The tension between you two is palpable, but you never tell him to stop knowing that deep down, you don't want him to.
"One kiss won't hurt," you rationalize, leaning in to meet his lips with yours. The kiss is slow and passionate as he holds your face in his hand gently, letting his tongue slide against yours. As the kiss deepens, his hands roam over your back, holding you against him. You can feel yourself losing control as his hand slips under your dress, resting on the curve of your ass.
Price kneads the soft flesh with a hunger that matches his own, sending a rush of desire between your legs. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you run your fingers through his hair, tugging gently. "John, upstairs, please," you pant breathlessly between kisses.
"Ya sure?" You nod eagerly, letting him lift you effortlessly in his arms and carry you up the stairs to your bedroom. As he lays you down on your bed, he leaves a trail of open-mouthed kisses along your neck and collarbone, making you bite down on your lip to stifle a moan. He slides down the straps of your dress, exposing your bare chest to the cool air of the room.
The anticipation builds as he kisses down the center of your chest, your back arching in response to his touch. You hold the back of his head in your hands as he moves to your tits, kissing and teasing your sensitive nipples until they harden under his touch. Your breathing quickens as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before gently sucking.
You look down at him with desire, feeling the growing ache between your legs. As he continues to suck your tits, you push your hips up against him, silently begging for more. Price moves to the other nipple, giving it the same attention as the first. His hands move slowly down your sides, tracing every curve of your body as he buries his face in your chest.
You moan softly as Price releases your nipple with a pop, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he sits up to look down at you. "Look at you, love," he murmurs, his voice husky with desire. "So fucking beautiful." He pulls the rest of your dress off, revealing your naked body underneath before moving to your heels and slowly removing them, placing gentle kisses on each of your ankles as he does so.
You watch in anticipation as he spreads your legs apart, a smirk playing on his lips as he sees the growing damp spot on your panties. "No one's been taking care of my girl, huh?" He teases, sliding his hands up your thighs until they reach the edge of your panties. You shake your head, unable to form words as his fingers brush against the damp fabric, making you gasp softly.
"I gotcha now, don't worry," he whispers, his voice low and husky as he slowly slides your panties off, leaving you completely exposed to him. You sit up to stare down at him as he positions himself between your legs, his warm breath teasing your inner thighs. Price places a kiss on your aching clit, pushing your thighs to your chest to give him better access.
"Missed this pretty pussy of yours," he murmurs, looking up at you, making you shy away from his intense gaze. Your breath hitches as he leans in, his tongue darting out to lick a stripe up your slit before he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking gently. Your hands instinctively reach for his head, your fingers tangling in his hair as you moan softly, grinding your hips against his face.
Price pulls back, replacing his mouth with his fingers, slowly sliding them inside you as he watches your reactions closely, a smug smile playing on his lips. "You taste so good," he grunts, his voice low and rough. His tongue presses against your clit, flicking and teasing the sensitive bud until you're squirming and arching your back in pleasure, unable to contain your moans. "Shh, the kids are asleep," he whispers, his fingers moving faster inside you, his other hand gripping your hip tightly. "Can't -fuck, you feel so good," you moan, trying to reach for his hand.
"You wanna hold my hand, love?" he chuckles when you nod, intertwining his fingers with yours as his fingers curl inside you in just the right way to make you gasp. You cover your mouth with your free hand, trying to muffle your moans as Price returns to your clit, sucking and licking the bud with the same fervor as his fingers. Your hips sputter and buck against his face as you feel the heat building in your core, his touch driving you closer to the edge with each movement.
"I'm gonna cum, John, please, baby, don't stop," you whimper, your voice shaky with need. Price lets go of your hand, reaching up to knead your tits, teasing your nipples as he continues his ministrations. As you feel the tension in your body reaching its peak, you clamp your hand over your mouth to stifle the loud moans threatening to escape.
"That's it, love, come for me," he murmurs against your cunt. Your hips arch off the bed as you finally reach your climax, reaching for his hand for support as you desperately ride out the waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Price holds your hips tightly as you shudder and gasp, your body still trembling from the intensity of your orgasm.
You lay limp under him, panting softly as he presses gentle kisses along your inner thighs before kissing his way back up your body. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to your lips, kissing him slowly and deeply, tasting yourself on his lips.
Price's hands roam over your body, cupping your tits, eliciting soft moans from your lips as he brushes over your sensitive nipples. You continue to kiss him passionately, trying to get his shirt off, eager to feel his bare skin against yours.
Price breaks away from the kiss, his eyes never leaving yours as he quickly removes his shirt, revealing his toned chest. You chew on your bottom lip as he moves to his pants, pulling them down just enough to reveal his cock straining against his boxers.
Your breath hitches at the sight, anticipation building as he pulls himself free from his boxers, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip. He wraps a hand around himself, stroking slowly as he watches your reaction, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Don't look so surprised," he groans, tightening his hand around his cock, "I know you can take it, love." You spread your legs wider, eager for him to fill you as you feel the heat pooling between your legs again.
You reach down to touch yourself, moaning softly as you match his rhythm, the anticipation of him inside you driving you wild. "I want you inside me, please," you whimper, your voice barely audible over the sound of his heavy breathing.
Price pulls you closer, pushing your legs further apart as he positions himself at your entrance, whispering, "Keep 'em open for me, okay?” You nod, eagerly waiting as his cock teases your wetness before finally sliding inside you. His eyes stay fixed on your cunt as he slowly slides deeper into you.
You sit up to watch as he slowly starts to thrust in and out, a whiny moan escaping your lips as you watch him disappear into you. The feeling of him stretching you out makes your jaw go slack, your hands gripping the sheets as you look up at him, feeling every inch of him filling you up completely. "Is this good?" Price asks, leaning over you, his eyes focused on your face as he starts to move inside you with a slow and steady rhythm.
"Oh my -fuck, yes," you manage to gasp out. You cling to Price desperately, your nails digging into his biceps as you meet his thrusts with your movements. Price holds your face gently in his hands, his eyes locked with yours as he whispers, "You feel so good, baby -god your body was fucking made for me."
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his breath hot against your skin as he lazily plants soft kisses along your collarbone. You hold onto him tighter, savoring the feeling of his lips on your skin and the weight of his body against yours.
The room is filled with the sound of heavy breathing and your soft quiet moans as his cock slowly brings you to the edge once again. Price pants heavily against your ear, his movements becoming more urgent and desperate as he drives you both toward release. The soft sound of his name escaping your lips in a breathless plea only spurs him on even further, his hand gripping your hips possessively as he speeds up his thrusts, determined to have you come around his cock.
His eyes are locked on yours, filled with love and desire as he watches you unravel beneath him. You lean up to capture his lips in a hungry, passionate kiss, moaning against his mouth as your clit bumps against his pelvis with each thrust. Your body curls into his, your nails digging into his back as you feel the pressure building in your core. "I'm gonna come," you gasp, feeling the tension in your body reaching its peak.
"I know, love, me too," he grunts with a chuckle. Price's movements become more urgent as he feels your gummy walls spasm around him, pushing him closer to his own release as he helps you ride out your orgasm, his own release not far behind. He holds you close, grunting in your ear as he begs to come inside you.
"Please, let me come inside you," he pleads, his voice strained with desire. You nod slowly, still dazed from the intensity of your climax, feeling his thrusts becoming more desperate and sloppy as he reaches his peak. As he finally releases inside you, you whimper softly in response to the overwhelming sensation of him filling you up.
Price collapses on top of you, both of you breathing heavily before he rolls off to the side, pulling you into his arms and kissing your forehead gently. "This is the last time, John," you mutter, tracing lazy patterns on his stomach with your fingertips. Price chuckles softly, making you look up at him. "You said that last time, love," he teases, causing you to pull away to face him.
"I mean it this time," you insist, getting up from the bed and grabbing your clothes. "We can't keep doing this," you say, walking to your bathroom. Price watches you through the open doorway as you turn on the shower. "Can I at least shower with you?" he asks with a sly grin as he gets up from your bed, tucking himself back into his boxers.
You look at him where he stands in your doorway, a mixture of frustration and desire evident in your eyes. "Fine, but this is the last time," you say with a sigh, unable to resist him as he follows you into the bathroom. Price's grin widens as he follows you into the shower, knowing he has once again won you over once again.
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
More yandere bully pwetty please 🥺
I gotchu babagorl 🔥
Yandere!Bully x GN Reader pt.2
CW: harrassment, dub-con kissing, creep behavior (not from him...ish)
🖤 It's been a few months since Adrian started bullying you, and by bullying you mean weirdly following you around like a lost puppy and getting defensive if you say anything about it.
🖤 You've made a few friends, much to his dismay, who invited you to a party at one of their houses. They didn't say anything else about it other than it would be pretty wild.
🖤 Adrian was eavesdropping on the conversation you had with your friends and decided to go too, it didn't matter whether he was invited of not, he had to keep an eye on you in case you snitch about the stuff he did to you. and also because he's scared you'll meet someone you like, you're his! he can't let someone as cute as you leave him!
🖤 The party was indeed wild; you didn't expect there to be so many people. Loud music was blaring out of large speakers, people were roughhousing and drinking themselves silly, you think a window of two was broken...
🖤 You stayed anyway, trying your best to enjoy the party as your friends go off and greet other friends of theirs.
🖤 Adrian's car pulls up at the house, he already saw people making out on the porch outside and his heart beat fast thinking about if one of those people were you right now. he can't let that happen!
🖤 He pushed through the crowd inside and finally caught sigh of you in the corner of the living room with a red cup in your hand. His face lit up, but his happiness leaves him just as quickly as it came when he sees a guy approach you, clearly drunk out of his mind.
🖤 He sees red when the creep starts chatting you up, even though you were clearly uncomfortable with it.
🖤 "Hey! Who do you think you are hitting on them? Get out of here before I bash your skull in!"
🖤 He grabs the guy by the collar before shoving his away, the poor dude running off in a hurry.
🖤 You blink twice at Adrian as he turns to check on you with the softest look you've ever seen on him.
🖤 "N-nerd! Are you alright? Did he do anything?"
🖤 You shook your head and he sighs in relief. His expression soon changes to a frustrated one.
🖤 He grabs your hand and leads you outside, you start protesting, trying to pull your hand away from his but he's too damn strong.
🖤 Finally you ask where he's taking you and he leads you to the back of the house. He pins you to the wall and stares at you with wide eyes.
🖤 You felt the loud music from inside send vibrations across the house as his heavy breaths made your cheeks flush pink.
🖤 "You don't let anyone do that to you understand me, Freak? You're supposed to me mine do you hear me?"
🖤 His fists ball up, not in anger but frustration that he saw someone talk to what was his.
🖤 You stumble in your words, confused as to what he meant by 'mine'.
🖤 Suddenly you felt his lips crash into yours, one of his arms pulling your waist closer while his other hand held your head in place.
🖤 You place your hands on his arms as you start to kiss back softly, melting into the kiss. he pulls away, now bringing his mouth to your neck.
🖤 You could only whimper and moan softly as he left kisses and love bites on your neck, going unnoticed by anyone in the party.
🖤 "You're mine, no one else's, God you don't know what you do to me..."
🖤 He continued whispering praises and confessions to you, how the way you laughed with your friends made him want to get rid of them so the only thing you'd talk with was him, how he'd think about you every night, most times about you under him as you two shared passionate kisses, how he wished for so long to hold you like this.
🖤 Tears fall from your eyes as he takes his hand and wipes them away, kissing your stained cheeks.
🖤 Eventually he pulls away from you, grabbing your upper arm and leading you to his car.
🖤 "Come on loser, I'm driving you home...and s-stop crying...here, have a tissue...uhm...I..I love you...Nerd..."
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bedoballoons · 8 months
Something got into me.
Modern au!Genshin boys(up to you) hooking up w their s/o in a ferris wheel fem! reader maybe
Oh god
Oooooo, I gotta admit wouldn't be my place of choice I'm not the biggest fan of heights >///< but I can't wait to write it for you! I hope you enjoy and you like the characters I picked~
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Circus fun~༺}
CW: NSFW! MDNI! Modern AU! Heated make outs, semi public, f!reader, blowjobs, handjobs, hair pulling, fingering, riding, grinding, and just overall a fun time on the Ferris wheel (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour, my love, Heizou: Good girl, Wanderer: Kitten)
(Includes: Lyney, Xiao, Heizou, and Wanderer!)
Lyney groaned quietly into your ear, his warm breath caressing the shell of it while he held you tightly, the cart you were in swaying with every grind of your clothed heat against his bulge. This was incredibly risky, you didn't have alot of time before the ride was over and anyone could see you from the top of it, but you'd somehow gotten the ferris wheel all to yourselves and you both had been so flirty all day...
"L-lyney~" You moaned into the crook of his neck, his fingers slipping past the waste band of your pants and down into your undies, where you were more than just a little wet for him, "Mmmm mon amour, so turned on for me aren't you~" His voice was coated with lust, sending a shiver down your spine as you attempted to answer him, "Y-yes, please h-hurry~"
He chuckled, sinking his fingers into your entrance and starting off faster than he normally would, spreading his digits inside of you with ever pump of his hand, letting you fuck yourself on his fingers while staring up at you with glazed over eyes, "Y-you're so beautiful mon amour~" You gasped loudly, trying so hard to keep yourself quiet as your walls clenched around him, "Mnngh, hhh-hh~"
"You're going to have to f-finish for me soon my love~" You heard him, but you couldn't dare respond, your thoughts solely focused on chasing your release. He sunk his digits deeper into your wet cunt and you almost screamed out loud when they hit the most perfect spot, body shaking as you came.
You didn't even notice the ride had ended, you were entirely focused on how he licked up your wetness from his fingers with a smirk and that all to knowing gleam in his eyes. He definitely wasn't done yet...
As soon as the cart stopped at the top of the ferris wheel Xiaos lips crashed into yours, hands hurrying to pull you into his lap...he didn't know why but he was so impatient, your body was calling to him and the idea of only having a short time was more than appealing. His tongue slipped into your mouth, fighting yours for dominance as he groaned in delight and silently swore to himself he'd do this more often.
You on the other hand could barely keep up, the tent in his pants that was right between your legs...making you feel hot all over and lack of air from his never ending kiss making your heart race with excitement. You pulled away to catch a breath, but he was quick to go to your neck instead biting down are your skin and leaving delicious marks like he did to show others you were his.
"X-xiao~" You whispered his name in between soft gasps and he couldn't contains himself, his tent rubbing against your clothed heat as wetness seeped through your thin clothes onto his pants, "God you know I love it w-when you say my name~"
"M-make it say it louder~"
Heizou chuckled softly, watching you maneuver yourself between his legs despite the restrictions of the tiny cart, honestly he couldn't believe you'd offered to do this at all, given the fact it was in public and very time sensitive...but he was more than grateful, after all he'd been thinking of your pretty little mouth on him all day~
"Remember darling, you gotta be fast with this. Don't want anyone finding out what we are up to now do we~" He kissed the top of your head, seeing the delightful blush creep onto your cheeks as you nodded, shaking hands undoing his pants zipper and carefully releasing his dick from its prison. You looked up at him as you kissed the tip, letting your tongue graze it slowly while he moaned rather loudly, you almost told him to stay quiet...but you were so high up, perhaps no one could hear anyways.
You took him into your hot mouth, sucking as hard as you could while your hand pleased the rest of his length, you could taste his precum on your tongue and hear his struggled groans ringing in your ears. You loved pleasing him, especially when his hands found their way into your hair, pushing his cock farther into your mouth until it was hitting the back of your throat.
You hummed happily, the vibrations alone making him quietly curse in ectasy, "That's my g-good girl, keep going, j-just- like that, mmm~"
Wanderer groaned deeply into the crook of your neck, his fingernails digging into your hips as he thrusted up into your wet pussy that clenched around him so perfectly, he couldn't care less if someone caught what you were up to, all he wanted right now was to see you lust drunk face and your cum around his cock. "M-mmnh, look at you kitten, so desperate that you begged to do this h-here of all places, how dirty~"
You moaned loudly, eyes opening for a split to scan the ground below and make sure no one had heard, but Wanderer had other plans, his length roughly bucking into you so hard the stars in the sky above you disappeared, head thrown back as waves of pleasure washed over you. "Pay attention to m-me kitten, I don't give a fuck who sees us~"
You couldn't catch your breath to respond, air knocked out of you as you came around him, your walls tightening around his dick so perfectly that as he road out your high he came too, filling you as the ride started back up again. "W-way to c-c-close."
"So much f-fun though kitten.."
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Happy kinktober~*⁠.⁠✧
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l1tw1ck · 10 months
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100 Degrees
bottom!ftm Miguel x top!masc reader
🕷️ Word Count: 1,467 🕷️
AFAB Language Used
CW: Dub-Con, Masturbation, Womb Fucking, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy & Lactation Mention, Squirting
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“Look, Miguel,” You trace your fingers along the bulge in his stomach. “Look how deep I am inside you..”
Miguel whimpers. You’re not even fully inside yet. “Keep going..”
You ease yourself further in, your cock kissing his cervix. “Can't go any further, my love.”
“Please..” He whines.
You ram into his cervix and force your way inside his womb. Miguel’s eyes shoot open. There's a familiar, although amplified, feeling in his between his legs. He woke up from a wet dream. Right when it was getting good…He sighs and slowly brings his hand down to his pussy, sliding it down his chest and to his lower stomach. He twitches. He doesn't know what, but his lower stomach is sensitive. Just touching it is making him feel good. He circles his fingers around the area, moaning and shivering. He could come just from doing this. He covers his mouth to stay quiet, he doesn't want to wake you up. He pushes down and suddenly electricity runs through his body and he squirts. Holy fuck. He came so hard just from touching his womb. How erotic. It wasn't enough though. He wants– needs more. He needs you. He needs to make that dream a reality. If touching his womb made him feel that good, how would it feel if you penetrated it?
He sits up in his bed. The two of you are only roommates. You don't have a romantic relationship and he has no idea how you feel about him but he's so desperate and horny that he doesn't even care. He hurries out of his room and goes to yours. He knocks on the door rapidly, the sounds wake you up. You get out of bed and open the door. “Miguel? Are you okay?”
“I need your help.” He says. “I- I need you to fuck me.”
Your eyes widen. Did you hear that correctly? “Are you drunk?”
He should be able to say no, him being drunk is impossible but for some reason he doesn't feel like he's sober. “Please.”
You bring him into your room and sit him down on your bed. “I’ll get you some water.” You say before leaving.
He makes an almost growl-like sound before lying down on your bed. He’s so horny right now he can't even think straight. He pulls off his boxers and goes to masturbate. If he were in his right mind, he wouldn't be doing this. He just can't sit still. He needs to pleasure himself.
You walk into the room with a glass of water and turn the lights on. You pause when you see the sight in front of you. Miguel’s pussy is on display for you and yet something else seems to catch your attention. There's a marking on his stomach. A…A womb tattoo. Has he always had that? You don't know but oh God is it sexy. You place the water on your desk and walk towards him. “Miguel…when’d you get this done?” You ask, pointing at his tattoo. You’re almost mesmerized by it. You want to touch it…You reach your hand over to do so but stop yourself. He looks down at the new addition to his skin in surprise. How did that even happen?
“Touch it..” He says. With his permission, you eagerly go and touch it. Miguel moans in response, his body shaking. “More..”
You watch his face with wide eyes as you continue touching the tattoo. You're making him feel this good and you're only touching him. You mutter a curse under your breath. This is so hot. Just like his body, in both ways. Now that you think about it, he's almost burning hot. You pull your hand away, making him whine, and bring it to his forehead. Does he have a fever? He grabs you by the collar and brings you into a heated kiss. Again, in both ways. He definitely has a fever or something of the sort. You find yourself losing focus and reason the longer the kiss goes on. You're getting hornier and hornier, so horny that it hurts. You have to fuck him.
You pull away from the kiss and take your clothes off, getting Miguel excited. You climb onto the bed and spread his legs apart. As you ease yourself inside him, you start to become even more aroused. He’s so fucking wet and so fucking warm. He’s almost like an oven. An oven with wet, creamy, and soft walls. You grit your teeth as you move further inside of him and hit his cervix. Normally, you would stop there and ask if he's okay, if it hurt him, but nothing is normal right now. Instead, you keep going. You start ramming into it to force it open. Miguel lets out loud and high pitched moans, squirting when you enter his womb. You start fucking him like an animal in heat, fucking him with the intention of breeding him. Miguel digs his nails into your back and throws his head back. This is what he needed. He cries out your name in a guttural tone, tears flowing down his cheeks.
“Ha- harder!” He begs, nails so deep in your skin that you start to bleed. You don't even feel any pain.
“Gonna knock you up ‘n make you have my kids–” You promise.
“Yes~! Gimme your babies~!”
You press down on his womb, causing him to come again. You come shortly after, shooting a huge load straight into his womb. Miguel shivers like a cat before grabbing your arms and moving you onto your back. He straddles your hips and looks down at you with a slutty grin on his face. Half of the tattoo is glowing. It looks…like a sort of meter? The lower part of it is glowing while the rest isn't. Almost like it's measuring something. Or like it's…filling up?
He grips your shoulders and starts riding you, his eyes rolling to the back of his skull. He almost looks like a succubus. Everything about this is so erotic. The sticky and sloppy sounds of your cock in his pussy, his loud and slutty moans, and his tattoo. It's all so fucking hot. Even the room is hot. Your eyes wander to his breasts and his hardened nipples. You wonder how his milk would taste…
You prop yourself upwards and bring yourself to his chest. You suck on his nipple, trying fruitlessly to get milk. Miguel’s movements slow down thanks to you desperately sucking on one of his sensitive parts. You pull away with a frown. “Gonna get these full of milk..” You murmur. Miguel leans in to kiss you, riding you at a slower pace. You reciprocate it passionately. Your hands find their purpose massaging his soft breasts. He moans into the kiss, walls squeezing your cock tightly as he gets close to another orgasm.
Miguel pulls away from the kiss and returns his previous pace. He keeps moving even as he comes. He’d usually be passed out by now but he has more energy than ever. You grab his waist and switch positions again. You take his legs and fold him in half, plowing his pussy aggressively. The look on your face is primal, like a hungry wolf. You chase your orgasm, determined to fill him up with your cum and get him pregnant.
Your thrusts slow down but remain rough as you get closer to your peak. Miguel can tell you're about to come. He’s grinning so widely. He can't wait to have your baby. You finally stop, pumping him full of another load. His body relaxes, finally satiated. This time you can see the tattoo fill up, it fills up the same way you would pour liquid into a glass. It's glowing completely red now. You go to touch it but it disappears.
You blink a few times. “..Miguel?” You look down at him. You remember everything that happened but now you're back to normal. You’re a little freaked out and very concerned for Miguel.
He looks embarrassed. He turns his head to the side. “I…I want to keep it..” He mumbles, referring to the baby he’ll probably be having.
“..Me too.” You feel relieved that everything was consensual. You're kind of excited to raise a baby with him, even though you're completely unprepared.
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Miguel sees you sitting on the couch, scrolling on your phone. He walks over to you with a look on his face that says he's about to tell you something exciting. You look up at him and put your phone away. He climbs onto your lap. “Remember when you wanted to drink my milk?”
You look at him with an excited expression. “Are you saying..?”
He lifts his shirt up and holds up his breasts. “Drink up.” He grins.
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