#please let me knoooow <3
moo-siala · 2 months
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꒦꒷ NOTE: some of these prompts are mine and some of them are not so credit goes to their respective owners. your requests can have as many prompts as you want or none at all. if you come up with another idea of your own, i really don’t mind. these prompts are here for some inspo in case you need it. i’ll try to update the prompt list as much as i can, so keep an eye on it
1. "it's alright... it's okay... i'm here now. i've got you."
2. “you are my everything.”
3. “i’ve always loved you, and i pretend to keep doing it until our last day on earth.”
4. “i just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
5. “is that my hoodie?” “keep it.”
6. “you can hold my hand, if you want.”
7. “honey i’m home!”
8. “stop it with the puppy eyes, they won’t work this time.” “you sure?” “stop manipulating me.”
9. “how about a kiss before i go?”
10. “seeing you happy is all that matters.”
11. “you feel like home to me.”
12. “what, am i not allowed to look at you?”
13. “you’re so dumb.” “you love me.”
14. “i’ll be damned if i don’t make you smile at least once today.”
15. “how did you even get sick? you look ugly. come here.”
16. “what do you need?” “kisses, cuddles, and a back massage.”
17. “you’re mine.”
18. “i’m yours.”
19. “you did all of this for me?”
20. “what are you doing?” “getting comfortable?”
21. “you’re my everything.”
22. “you’re staring.” “i’m admiring you.”
23. “by the way...” “hm?” “i’m gonna kiss you now. if you don't want to, just punch me.”
24. “give me a chance.” “a chance for what?” “a chance to prove you that I can make you happy.”
25. “i freaking love you!” “...you’re drunk.” “i knoooow!”
26. "please shut up so i can kiss you."
1. “i trusted you.”
2. “it was never my intention to hurt you.” “but you did.”
3. “i still got love for you.”
4. “please.. don’t lie to me.”
5. “if you won’t change... then i can’t stay. i’m sorry.”
6. “don’t start a fight you won’t win.”
7. “you’ve changed.”
8. “please go away.”
9. “i know i have a heart because i can feel it breaking.”
10. “don’t go on that date.” “why?” “you know why.” “say it.”
11. “you didn’t just break promises, you broke me.”
12. “that’s not what i meant and you know it.”
13. " 'till death do us part, huh?"
14. "do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?"
15. "all i’ve ever wanted is for you to see me, but i’m not like them."
16. “you don’t have to hide your tears for me.”
17. “tell me what’s going on.” “i don’t feel good.”
18. “you deserve better than me.”
19. “i miss you.”
20. “i never wanted that divorce.”
21. “i will always take care of you no matter what.”
22. “no matter what they made you think, you are worth loving."
23. “seeing you like this and not being able to help – it breaks my heart.”
1. “sleep is for the weak.”
2. “did it hurt?” “what? when i fell from heaven?” “no… when you hit your head with the door.”
3. “do not do that again” “or what?”
5. “come over here and make me.”
6. “fight me” “i’m not going to fight you.”
7. “just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
8. “you were put on this earth to give me a headache.” “and you were put on this earth to make me horny.”
9. “one of us is clearly smarter than the other.”
10. “did i stutter?”
11. “what would you do without me?” “live in peace?”
12. “you sent me a nude.” “accidentally.” “how is that even possible?”
13. “you make me want to rip my hair off.” “nice. what about your clothes?”
14. “why are you following me?” “i need attention.”
15. “i’m not your friend, i’m your boyfriend. get it right.”
16. “go away.” “then let go of me you idiot.” “you’re rude.”
17. “can i-“ “no.”
18. “stop poking me!” “then give me attention!”
19. “can i wear your race suit?” “it’s too big for you.”
20. “shut up.” “don’t tell me what to do.”
21. “stop calling me a bitch, bitch.”
22. “get off me.” “you’re literally on top of me.”
23. "Friends don't look at each other the way you two do."
24. "I didn't do it." "Then why are you laughing?" "Because whoever did is a genius."
25. "You're burning up."
1. “if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs.”
2. “this feels dirty” “that's because it is”
3. “bend over.”
4. “im going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name.”
5. “i can’t hear you.”
6. “fuck you.” - “when?”
7. “do you need help with that?”
8. “i don’t care what you do just fuck me.”
9. “touch yourself for me.”
10. “everything off. right now.”
11. “i love it when you moan my name.”
12. “no panties?”
13. “i want you right now.”
14. “can you feel what your doing to me?”
15. “don’t be gentle.”
16. “be a good girl and spread your legs.”
17. “we’re.... just friends.”
18. “i forgot my towel.”
19. “you won’t be getting any sleep tonight.”
20. “don’t pretend to be so innocent.”
21. “oh don’t mind me I’m just enjoying the view.”
22. “you’re naked aren’t you.”
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ladyseidr · 3 months
okay muses i need to write more: fn.af edition ( shocking ):
cassidy, in general. like, i already made it clear that i think she'd get along with michael ( derogatory, sorry michael ) but i also have the verse where cass's brother is killed instead of him so y'know. older stuff is a possibility too
golden fr.eddy, also in general. but honestly more stuff where cass and evan are fighting for control / both involved instead of just cassidy. i do actually ( gasp ) like the idea from the movie of like. . . cass ( and, by extension, evan ) being able to show up as an actual Human Kid Ghost and not just GF so uh. let's traumatize some af.tons ( more ). they're definitely scarier-looking than in the movie too
rory, but i knoooow i need to finish his bio BAD fkjsdhfslkdaj. bully loser who is also michael's not-really-ex-but-kind-of. guy who met michael when he was trying to harass him and michael just shoved him out of the way and told him to fuck off and rory was Instantly In Love ( oblivious )
cir.cus baby!!!!! possessed by liz ideally, but she's so funny to me if you ignore the horror. like when will i be able to bring this energy to life.
charlie and / or the p.uppet like please!! the angst is crazy!!
any and all of the anim.atronics always and forever <3
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myfathersjournal · 11 months
So I Bought A Starship Episode 5: A Mouthful
Gemma glared at the little display on the vending machine, narrowing her eyes. Her fingers typed out another request which was almost immediately replaced by a red flashing error message. She tried another request.
“Captain, I have already told you  that the food synthesizers are currently running in emergency mode. They can only produce basic lipid, protein and carbohydrate rations.”
Gemma had seen the basic rations already and had no desire to repeat the experience. The basic carbohydrate ration had been a two inch by two inch block of compressed sawdust that crumbled almost immediately on contact with air and absorbed any moisture in the mouth like a sponge. The basic lipid ration was exactly that, a two inch cube of fat that was slimy and gross. About the only semi palatable one was the basic protein ration which had tasted like the world's saddest jerky. The machine flashed another error message and Gemma smacked the side of it. “I knoooow” she whined, setting her head on the console. “But can’t you do anything else? Can’t you, I don’t know, combine them into something more edible?”
“Unfortunately no, not until we get the food synthesizers repaired.”
Gemma looked up at the blank walls. She’d not been able to find any cameras or anything that Stacy could see her through, so she’d taken to just glaring at the most convenient spotl when talking to it. “Wait, I thought I got a certified pre-owned starship. Why is so much of it broken?” She kicked a riveted panel which gave a hollow gong noise. “The food synthesizer’s broken, the bridge is mostly duct taped over, hell even my “captains suite” looks like a damn capsule hotel room. What give?” She crossed her arms over her chest and picked a new spot to glare at. 
“the 45 point custom inspection, yes.” Stacy acknowledged. “This ship was tested by a Redd Herring and Son’s technician and passed.”
“Are you dying from lack of oxygen?”
Gemma blinked, then glanced down at the spot she’d kicked. “Um, no?”
“Then the hull integrity, atmospheric recyclers, electrical and door seals pass inspection. Do you have adequate nutrition that is bioavailable for your species?”
Gemma glanced at the vending machine. “I guess…”
“Then food synthesizers and organic reclamators pass inspection.”
Gemma’s eyes wandered up to the ceiling and down the claustrophobic corridor of blank riveted metal. “This ship’s…smaller than it’s supposed to be, isn’t it?”
“The ship's external dimensions are somewhat obscured by recent minimal repair work, but I assure you its structure still fits within the laws of 3 dimensional space.”
“Oh you know what I mean Stacy!”
“Please don’t call me that, and yes. The internal space available to the crew is greatly diminished from original builder specifications. Extensive repair work will be needed to bring subsystems back online.”
“And I have to pay for that?”
“And you have to pay for that.”
“While paying off my debt for the ship too.”
“While paying off your debt for the ship too.”
Gemma let her head thump against the front of the vending machine again and groaned.
“I may have found a solution to your problem Captain.” 
Gemma’s head came up again, hope clearly playing across her face. “Yeah? What?”
“Maybe if you crumble the three rations together in a bowl you can make it more palatable.”
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it hardly needs to be said that i am EXTREMELY protective of what i reveal in or about GOOMT, but i WILL say this:
i view GOOMT's...... Arcs(??) (Timeline??? ?? idfk) as separated into four books. there are four reasons to separate them into four books. i will be getting GOOMT printed when it is said and done, btw, and i can assure you that these four books will also have the additional use as a murder self defense weapon
not to mention that GOOMT also being four books alongside Harry's Filicide series ALSO being in four books may or may not have Implications or Correlations, aehdkgfdghkehghaha
oh yeah. chinhands. shit. Harry's Filicide series. yeah no that's GOOMT canon LOL i know i've talked about the Filicide series before just briefly here and there but no. no, that's GOOMT canon. hahaaha. i'm pretty sure i can talk about it bc there's like. nothing Spoilers about it so yeah let's give it a gew
so before the events of The Fuckening of Silent Hill Pt 2 or 3 Depending On Who You Talk To GOOMT, Harry was starting to seriously consider retirement, or at least taking a very long hiatus from writing.
he thought it'd be fun to knock out a book that was a very personal project. a. VERY. personal. project. it was kinda dark, it was strange and ~experimental~, as many would state in reviews. and it was called Filicide.
it was published, it received its accolades and its criticisms and Harry was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and was just kind of chuckling wryly to himself that it was doing so well. and then he was going to announce that he was taking semi-retirement/extended hiatus when his agent/editor (Maggie) strolled up and /chinhand on his counter and was like. sooooooo~
........ soooooooo Filicide's doing reaaaallly well and people are wanting a sequel :) and i knoooow you said you wanted to retire, Harry. But. what if--
harry's like. mfer. jfc maggie i SAID i wanted to retire, i don't even have any more lore for that!! it was supposed to be a one-off!!! hello!!!!!! ma'am please button your blouse your advances don't work on me
sorry harry i just don't know how to seduce men with morals. anyway soooooo wouldja do a sequel oooorrrr :)c???
so basically Harry's like FINE. FINE i'll write a fuckin sequel jfc FINE but this better be THE LAST ONE--
SIKE spoiler alert it, it was not. Filicide got a sequel, yes: Infanticide. maggie was like. ummmm......... sooooo about that title,
and Harry put his foot down, like. either u publish it with that title or u aint gettin it
she's like. ok the execs said fine. but jfc, harry
Harry just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !!!!! what did i say!!!!!!!! so now we have two books in the series. and Harry's like pls let me hiatus now. and they were in agreement. but Infanticide did really well. people were loving it. it was REALLY off of his normal writing path and while Infanticide got some more negative and weird reviews than Filicide did, Harry super didn't care (considering the extremely personal nature of these books), his publisher loved their paychecks from it, Maggie loved her paychecks, and Harry loved his paychecks too!! so happy family right??
WRONG guess again moron. HOW'S ABOUT A THIRD and i'm pretty sure that Harry was actually in the middle of writing the fourth and last book of the series (and it was hard agreed-on this time that this was going to be the last Or Else) when GOOMT then takes place. so in the series, we have:
which, super great dark and edgy right?? makes u think u might have an idea of what the plot of those are bc they're very personal to Harry and very uhhh Telling in their titles, right??
well. what if i told you. that the series is NOT a retelling of his time in Silent Hill, but yes, has strong connections to Cheryl/Alessa/Heather, but no, not THAT strong, but also it's a sci-fi ghost story in Space. :) now what would u think of that
anyway. throws glitter. Lore
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peaches-writes · 4 years
meeting points
description: because overcoming heavy traffic is the new crossing oceans for people member: jisung / han genre: fluff, college au, not-so-long distance au, city life au, best friends to lovers au word count: 9.4k warning: explicit language, drinking, suggestive, food, traffic, heights, a clown note: i want to throw fists at han jisung but like with affection y’know
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one - a new cafe
For almost 2 years now, you and Jisung have what Seungmin has once referred to as a semi-long distance friendship—only semi since you attend universities literally 20 minutes away from each other when there’s no traffic and friendship because, well, you’ve been best friends since high school. It’s not that you don’t have other friends who attend SNU like him or vice versa (but Yonsei University); rather, it’s that Jisung is the slowest replier in the world and you’re the second clingiest person in the world (just behind Hyunjin). Seeing each other in person as much as you can is an absolute must in order to keep Jisung from fully becoming one with his dorm, you sane from the academic pressure of tertiary education, and your overall friendship afloat. College students need to stick together somehow.
Unless it’s a bigger hangout with your mutual friends, you alternate locations depending on who has a heavier deadline to attend to afterward. When Jisung finds himself struggling to finish a song or needs to be at the campus radio station with the rest of 3racha later on, it’s you taking the bus to his university dorm; when it’s you slumped on term papers for your core subjects or on visual props your club needs, Jisung convinces Minho to let him carpool (since his night part-time job is on the way to your university). 
But even then, it’s more often that you make the tedious travel. Like today. 
On this particular day, it’s you seated on a bus and looking outside the window to pass the agonizingly slow time, sighing for the nth time at the evening rush hour. It’s only 6:20 PM on your phone and your bus is already on the connecting bridge but the endless sight of cars behind and ahead of you, against the darkness of the Han river and the bright city lights, doesn’t make you feel like you’ve crossed any distance. Jisung’s last text was a simple “stay safe” almost an hour ago when you got on the bus from the nearest stop outside your university. 
The two of you are you supposed to try the new cafe inside his campus for dinner since your recent hangouts have only been inside his dorm (with Hyunjin too since they’re roommates), watching old movies and eating take-out until Jisung accidentally falls asleep from power working beforehand. It’s nearing the semester break and everyone’s been sort of busy at SNU, but lately, Jisung’s been actually making an effort to make time for you and insisting that you hang out at the expense of his sleep.  
Backwards thinking but okay, you shrug one shoulder at the thought. You’ve talked about it once on call when his sudden initiative to meet started since you’re concerned about his well-being and that you have all the time in the world once break starts but Jisung unexpectedly fell asleep halfway and Hyunjin had to end the call. Two days later, Jisung texted you that he rented the movie you wanted to watch at the cinema for the weekend with an apology for falling asleep and assurance that he’s almost finished with his deadlines and that he’s asking you to hang out responsibly.
It’s not like you don’t like it, you are already on the way to SNU, after all. Besides, you’re still very much free from heavy academic and club activities since your professors scheduled their deadlines after the break and your club is not as active lately. Have fun now, suffer later as Seungmin and Changbin have told you when you told them your worries about Jisung’s sleep schedule. 
After a while of trying to count the cars on the bridge as your lane moves a little faster now, you open your phone and message Jisung to pass the time. You don’t always expect that he replies but it’s always the most reassuring when it’s him you’re contacting, even when it’s just casual. 
y/n: don’t u have radio tonight? [sent 6:32 PM] 
You’ve heard 3racha’s campus radio show on the several times you hung out at SNU during the day. They air live on Friday nights, Saturday if most of the all-student crew are busy, but the meetings are rather frequent when nearing holidays so you’re careful of leaving on time even on a non-Friday weekday like this.
y/n: just crossed ynghwa
y/n: bus is driving steady now!!! aaaaak
jisung: almost typed ‘arent u supposed to be looking at d road’ then i rmmbr that u don’t have a car LOL [sent 6:56 PM] 
y/n: so do u have a meeting later? 
jisung: no
At their dorms, Hyunjin is out for the night to god knows where but Jisung is quite certain it’s not for studying since he was dressed to the nines. When he got a text from you, he slowly but surely forced himself to stand up from his work area to get dressed. Though he’s the one who insisted on hanging out, it doesn’t change the fact that leaving his work is hard when he’s in his ‘zone’ but he has to since the new cafe’s apparently a 3-minute walk from his dorm but he has to meet you at the bus stop first.
y/n: ur probs not even dressed yet 
y/n: close that laptop nerd
Jisung couldn’t bring it in himself to reply because he was already preoccupied avoiding getting dissed by you again whenever he wears his favorite Supreme t-shirt. 
You arrive at the bus stop at around 6:50 PM, just as Jisung arrives, panting heavily from running the remaining distance when he received an ‘almost there’ message from you. You offer him a bottle of water you forgot to take out from your backpack and he quickly swipes it from you, chugging down the contents as if his life depends on it. “Woah there, haven’t seen you in a long time. Drink slowly and breathe.” You rub his arm comfortingly as the two of you stand on the empty sidewalk. Behind you, your bus drives away. “You didn’t have to run, you know, I could’ve just met up with you wherever you are.” 
He then stops drinking just to breathlessly say, “But it’s dark and there could be creeps out.”  
You’re touched but still concerned. “Still. I have you on speed dial, remember?” 
When Jisung’s fully recovered, the two of you walk to the cafe together, catching up on what’s happened in your own lives in the past week since you last met. There’s not much, actually, since Jisung really doesn’t go out often unless it’s for classes, the radio show, or some of his other friends insisted and you’re almost always with your dorm mates, Lia and Ryujin, or with Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin. 
“Minho says they have good Americano.” Eventually you arrive and Jisung immediately points to the several posters on the window, showcasing the cafe’s specialty. 
“And how many days have you been running only on Americano?” You point out in an almost scolding tone. You approach the counter now where there are barely any people in line since most customers are already seated. 
“Not that long!” He holds up his hands in the air. “Just 2 weeks!” 
He imitates you dramatically with,“Y/N!” to which you only roll your eyes to. 
“Good evening, how may I take your order?” The barista asks. 
Jisung opens his mouth to speak but you hold an arm in front of him and turn to the barista, “One pesto, one lasagna, the chicken wings for sharing, two glasses of water, one cheesecake, and one strawberry cake, please.” 
“Y/N, this is a cafe, where their specialty is coffee.” Jisung teases dryly as the barista takes note of your order, a last attempt at getting himself another cup of Americano. 
So without turning to him, you tell the barista, “Also, can you add an additional Americano—?”
“Finally—” “Two shots for me, not him.” 
The barista only laughs at your banter. “Name please?” 
While you’re conversing with the barista, Jisung shoots daggers to the side of your face, dramatically declaring, “I’m stealing your Americano.” 
But you only drop your arm in front of him as the barista says, “That would be 12,000 won.” 
“Oh, he’s paying.” 
Either way, Jisung reluctantly pays with the sole motivation to get a sip from your iced Americano. 
“Seriously, though, cut the Americano for a little while, maybe until finals.” You point out as you settle on a nearby table that has just been cleaned by staff. “Do you even know what a water dispenser looks like at this point?”
“I drink water.” He pouts, opting to sit down next to you to show that he really has all intents to steal your Americano. “It just doesn’t give me ideas for my projects.” 
“You have one practical project due before the break. What about the other times you do work?” 
“I do them quickly.” 
You sigh in defeat. “Ah, seriously?”
When the barista calls for your name at the counter, Jisung holds you down by the shoulder and makes a run for the counter, taking a long sip of your Americano until you caught up to him. 
“Success!” He exclaims, proud of himself, as he takes one of the two trays. 
“Satisfied with your Americano?” You take the other tray in defeat, walking back to your table with him. 
“Hm, I don’t knoooow.” He teases in sing-song, sitting next to you again instead of across from you as he would usually do. “You might finish everything before even finishing your pasta.” 
“I’m not too much in a coffee mood, actually.” You scrunch up your nose. The two of you then proceed on taking your respective orders off the tray, setting the trays aside. 
“But after the break, you will be.” He states matter-of-factly. “How many projects do you have due after the break?” 
“I can only remember six because I really don’t want to think about them right now.” You steal a small slice of cheesecake from him as an unwritten exchange for his unlimited share of your iced Americano. “As Seungmin and Changbin once said, ‘have fun now, suffer later.’“ 
“Oh, I’m fun?” 
You turn to your side to look at him, finding him looking back at you with a triumphant smile. “You’re not letting me live this down, won’t you?” 
“No, it’s getting added to my list of Y/N compliments!” 
You roll your eyes, taking another slice of cheesecake. He reiterates with his now third sip of Americano—you’re not even sure anymore because you’re pretty sure he’s already drank half of it. 
“I said drink your water, jeez.” You slide him his glass of water, barely a quarter empty. You take the Americano from him, taking your own long sip of the drink.
“I will, I will! Just one last si—” “Han Jisung, let me drink my damn coffee!” “Okay, fine, let’s exchange!” 
You leave the cafe when it’s nearing 9 PM. Somehow, when you’re with Jisung and food, you barely check the time, much less your phone, since your table gets messy from stealing each other’s dessert plates and, for tonight, Jisung drinking most of your Americano. You and Jisung also had a lot to say about your respective classes in a full-on rant session since there’s only 2 weeks left until everyone is on semester break.  
“There’s not much traffic at this time, isn’t there?” Jisung asks you as he walks you back to the bus stop. He holds a paperbag containing your take-out cakes for your roommates. “You might fall asleep and miss your stop again.” 
“Says the guy who sleeps on people during calls.” You tease with an elbow to his side. He tries to slap you back on your arm but you walk ahead enough to be out of his reach, sticking your tongue out at him. “There isn’t much traffic now, though, it’s only Thursday.” 
“Y/N.” He laughs while calling your name, covering his mouth. “It’s Friday.” 
Your eyes, of course, widen in surprise. “It is?” He only nods at this, finding amusement in the way your expression quickly turns into that of horror. “Ah, shit, I told my roommates we hang out tomorrow!”
“Why, do you have to do the dishes or something?” 
But checking your phone, you only find a ‘wya’ message from Ryujin. Almost as quickly as you started panicking, you calm down again. “Oh, it’s fine.” You conclude, shoving your phone back in your coat pocket. “It’s just that they sometimes think I died at the library or something and end up making a big scene about it. Last time, our batch FB group got spammed.”
“Wow, then you judge me for always being cooped up in the dorms?” 
“That’s different—I actually go out and walk. I’m surprised you can even run to the bus stop a while ago.”   
Jisung threatens to swing your take-out bag at you. You only take it lightheartedly by holding your hands up in front of him, laughing. 
But all jokes and banter aside, you give him a hug before boarding the bus. “Text me when you get home.” He recites his constant line when it’s you leaving. “Or when you miss your bus.” 
“Shut up.” You mumble on his shoulder, punching his back hard before pulling away. “I hope you trip on your way back.”
“‘Night, Y/N.” “See you when I see you, nerd.” 
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two - a park 
After a month of living off of ramen and iced Americano, barely seeing the sun, and hearing the same chords and melodies on repeat, Jisung passes the song he’s been working a week later. Besides this, he only has three papers left to tweak before he can fully enjoy the semester break without any sort of guilt.
To celebrate, it’s you inviting him this time to ride bicycles so he can move around but also relax. You picked the park at Ichon that’s on your side of the Han river but still far away from university so you don’t think of schoolwork the entire time.
On this particular hangout, you took the same bus but at different times. He boarded the bus first before you, arriving some 30 minutes after you’ve arrived at your nearest stop. Since it’s a Saturday morning, the traffic’s not too heavy.
“You look nice.” Jisung nudges you with one shoulder as you take a seat on the spot he saved you. The bus is not full since the rush hour had just gone.
“It’s just a t-shirt and shorts.” You reply flatly, hiding the fact that you actually thought a lot about your outfit last night. You even wore your good sneakers and denim jacket today.
“Yes, but it’s your other other favorite graphic shirt.” He points out. “The one for when we’re outdoors.”
Oh, so he noticed.
“Yes because someone has to look cute.” But you actually think Jisung looks nice even when he wears the same Supreme shirt like today—you’re just too in deep with the teasing to compliment him.
“I compliment the rainbow shirt you always wear when we sightsee but you diss my Supreme shirt.” He rolls his eyes. “Ah, people these days.”
“Because you’re always in and out of university in that.” To emphasis, you tease him further by scooting away. “Do you even wash that?”
“Of course I do.” He confidently and lightheartedly answers, putting an arm on your shoulder and pulling you back. “While it’s in the laundry, I wear my other Supreme shirt, or my other other Supreme shirt—“
“Yikes.” You tsk at him, crossing your arms. “This is what staying inside all day does to you.”
“That’s why you’re here, my Y/N, to take me out.”
“I was reduced to the role of babysitter.”
“I was going for hangout or date but you called yourself babysitter.”
Arriving at Ichon park, you make a quick snack stop at the nearest convenience store first. Since it’s your turn to pay, Jisung makes sure to buy all of his favorites (sans an iced Americano this time as your only condition to pay for him). You fill an entire basket with snacks and drinks both for when you ride a bicycle and for when you settle down for a picnic later at lunch.
“By the way, did you bring the mat?” You ask Jisung as you walk to the renting station, remembering that he and Hyunjin have the picnic mat you and your bigger circle of friends use for outings like this.
“Of course I did, what do you take me for?” He unzips his backpack to show you the blue gingham pattern Seungmin picked out two years ago. Aesthetic, he said. “I’m not the one who mistakes dates.”
“And I’m not the one who had to ask what the picnic mat looks like the other night despite having it for 4 months now.” After a few more steps, you arrive at the renting station. “I was just making sure.”
You then rent two bicycles, both with baskets for your belongings.
“Y/N, wear a hat.” Jisung reminds you while putting in his.
You frown. You did bring a cap but you also put a lot of effort on your hair today. “It’s going to ruin my hair.”
“The sun’s going to burn your hair if you don’t.” He takes your cap from your hands and gently places it on top of your hair before you can even reiterate, a small smile gracing his face at your speechless expression. “There.”
The fuck is he on? Still, your heart beats erratically at his sporadic gestures. Being Jisung’s best friend is a bit of a rollercoaster.
Especially lately.
Before you know it, Jisung’s already on his bicycle, urging you to do the same. Half-dazed, the two of you leisurely circle the entire stretch of the park, pointing at random landmarks across the river and eating your snacks.
Since this hangout’s also meant as a celebratory one, you let Jisung let loose and yell, “I’m done with my projects!” while extending his hands out as he cycles. You think to yourself that you have the rest of the year having a heart attack over that.
The park is full of families, friends, and couples on a Sunday that you almost couldn’t find a spot to lay your picnic mat on when the two of you got too tired of cycling around. You couldn’t consider sitting on a park bench since Jisung was getting sleepy as well, a result of not having a proper sleep schedule and a half in the past weeks.
So, after almost twenty minutes, you managed to secure a place from a couple who was just leaving for the nearby Namsan tower.
“Thank you so much again!” You thank the couple who even helps you set up the picnic mat while you let Jisung temporarily rest on the bare grass with his backpack as a pillow, sleep quickly catching onto him.
“No problem.” The woman says with a smile.
“Have fun on your own date.” The man adds, placing an arm on his date’s shoulders.
“Oh we’re not—“ But before you could even finish, the couple’s already walked away. You sigh, squatting down to Jisung’s eye level this time. “Jisung wake up, mat’s ready.”
He scrunches his nose with a groan, about to roll over to the opposite direction until you stopped him and rolled him towards the mat. His head lands soundlessly on the ground, forcing him to open his eyes.
“Damn, I thought I was going to land on your lap.” He rubs the area on his head that hit the grass.
You sit down next to him, taking out the sandwiches you bought from the convenience store. “Who do you think rolled you over, dumbass? For a genius, your sense of direction is quite questionable.”
“But can I?” He looks up at you now, poking your bare thigh. “Do you need like a blanket or something?”
You remind yourself that this is the same guy who threatened to smack you with a box of cake last week and dropkicked you once (but that’s another story). “Fine, go ahead.”
As if he woke up just a little with wide eyes and a genuinely happy expression on his face, Jisung scoots over while laying down (which makes you stifle a giggle because he looks like a worm doing it) until his head lays on your lap. You push a bottle of water and two bags of sandwiches next to his shoulders. “You have to eat later, though, okay?”
Looking down at him, you surprise yourself by finding him with his eyes still open. He busies himself with lazily getting his phone and earphones from his bag, putting on an earbud and offering you the other. “I saved my project for you to listen to.”
“Didn’t you say you were going to sleep?” Nevertheless, you take the earbud just as the music starts to play.
“Yeah, but I’m suddenly hyper-aware and awake.” He shrugs, taking the sandwich on his side. “You know, like when kids get put to bed from sleeping somewhere else.”
“So you do think you’re a kid?”
“Shush, this is the good part in the song.”
You chuckle, opting to not reply vocally to enjoy the song you’ve been hearing fragments off for the past month. The two of you then eat and listen in silence, that is until he asks you for comments at the end and the two of you discuss it for a while then it’s back to comfortable silence again but with different music as you scroll through your phone and Jisung tries to nap again.
Jisung falls asleep once he has a good look at you without your phone in the way.
At the end of the day, around 4 PM so you don’t get stuck in rush hour traffic, you take the same bus again but this time, it’s you leaving first.
The only problem is that despite a year and a half of frequenting your side of the Han river, Jisung still can’t seem to memorize bus stops well, forcing you to stay awake the entire ride.
“Y/N—“ “No, Jisung, we’re still three stops away.”
You don’t even have to look up from your phone to know that Jisung’s still looking out of the window as he’s had for the past 20 minutes, trying to gues your stop. At hearing your answer, he decides to stop, turning his head to the other direction as you text your groupchat.
“What’s up?” He rests his head on your shoulder casually to get a better view of the messages you’re skimming through, sending a shiver down your spine.
You try shrugging him off his shoulder but he shows no initiative to move. “Everyone’s starting to talk about the annual Halloween party. You’d know if you check the chat often.”
Away from your view, Jisung frowns. “I get ideas of what you’re talking about from how Hyunjin reacts to them, especially to the memes, thank you very much.”
“Well, at least you’re a bit better than Changbin when it comes to being online.” You say, more to yourself than to Jisung. “Anyway, you, Hyunjin, and Chan are in charge of the guest list. Chan just suggested that you squeeze it in your next radio show this week since the party’s the next night—maximum of 50 people!”
“Oh, yeah, we can do that.” He nods. “Any news on the venue?”
At this, you release a sigh of frustration. “Seungmin and Changbin booked a rooftop in Itaewon of all places.”
“Isn’t that cool? Why are you sighing?”
“Speak for yourself, Jisung. Remember last year?” You close your phone now but Jisung’s head still remains on your shoulder. “I don’t want to deal with a lot of drunk college kids again—especially not on a rooftop and not when I really deserve a drink.”
“Nah, I’m sure it won’t be as bad as last year.” He tries to say dismissively but the two of you know exactly know crazy it was last year, especially for Jisung.
“Which is why I told Minho that we buy the alcohol together on Wednesday—so no one does anything too stupid.” You shrug Jisung completely off of your shoulder now since you’re nearing your stop and he complies, caught off-guard with the way you said you and Minho are doing something together. “Okay, Sung, this is my stop.”
You stand up and Jisung almost does the same in his absentminded state. “So are you carpooling with Minho on Saturday?”
“Yeah, I need to do something for my club before going to the party but we’re sending the drinks early in case we’re late.” You say quickly. “Okay, I gotta go. See you this break?”
“Hm, see you.”
When the bus moves again, there is a sinking feeling in Jisung’s stomach until the view of you walking back to your university disappears.
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three - a supermarket
You invited Lia to help you and Minho to buy liquor at the nearby supermarket after Minho’s classes, only to find out that Minho brought 3racha along.
“It’s not that I don’t trust your box-carrying skills but I don’t trust your liquor-handling skills.” Minho explains when he sees your surprised expression at seeing Chan wave at you and Lia from the front passenger seat. “That goes literally and figuratively.”
“I mean, I feel the same which is why Lia’s here but, really? You trust Jisung and Changbin with liquor?”
“Hyunjin’s out with someone again and Jeongin might get carded again.” Changbin shrugs from the open passenger seat window.
“Seungmin? Jeongin? Felix?”
“Do you think we’d actually let them touch alcohol until Saturday?” “Right.”
“I’m sure it’s going to be fine. We’re buying for around 50 people right?” Lia asks Minho as the two of you squeeze in the back seat of his car.
“Yeah, so that’s about 6 boxes since the venue’s also providing some drinks.”
“What about snacks?” “Covered by the venue too.”
“How many bottles can fit in 1 box?” You mumble to yourself but Jisung, sitting very closely next to you, hears.
“Around 10 to 15, probably.” He says, startling you.
“Aren’t you supposed to be finishing papers?”
“I already finished them waaaay back.” He smirks at you coolly. “While being a ‘cave man’ at the dorms like you said. You’re supposed to be proud I’m voluntarily going out today.” 
He’s too prideful to admit that he finished his remaining work in the 3-day window you didn’t see each other so he can tag along today.
At the supermarket, you split up in teams, each with two baskets to fill. Changbin and Lia head off to the liquor store outside the main supermarket while Minho and Chan go to the liquor aisle inside the supermarket. You and Jisung, on the other hand, stick together, browsing the other aisles instead after being in the same liquor aisle but at different sections with Minho and Chan. No reason, you both just felt like it.
“Do you think we have enough budget to sneak in a bag of candies?” You think out loud, holding a bag of mint candies from the shelf. “I’m not sure if I want this one but Minho likes it.” 
“Minho probably wouldn’t notice—maybe he’ll even think he put that in himself.” Jisung says, standing really close to you and examining the candies himself. Your two baskets of alcohol bottles are half-forgotten to the side. “Why do you even want to buy candies for him? If you want it, though I can buy it for you.”
You give him a skeptical look, only then noticing how easily your shoulders brush against each other. “Why are you standing really close?” You voice your observation out loud, making him turn his head to you with a pout. “I mean sure go ahead but you’re literally blocking the light.”
“I can’t?” To emphasis, he leans some of his body weight to you, just enough to make you hold onto him by his arm at the feeling that you’ll tip over if you don’t. Succeeding, he smirk triumphantly and takes your hand off of his arm so that he can put in on your shoulder. “Y/N, I missed youuu.”
“We saw each other 3 days ago.” You huff, more to yourself than to him because he really is making you nervous. “You’re so clingy today, that’s my job!”
“Sus, I can’t miss you after 3 days now? When it’s already my break and you’re still attending some classes?” He pouts, holding his arms open. “Come here.”
“What? Why?” At this point, you’re just getting a serious whiplash from his sudden clinginess. That’s my job, how dare he?
When you don’t budge, eyes still narrowed at him, he moves forward himself, trapping you in a hug. “I want to hug you, idiot.”
“What if I don’t want to?” “I’m still hugging you.”
You simply give in this time, the two of you just standing there until Chan passed by to get Minho candies.
“Dudes, come on, we’re buying alcohol.” He reminds with an amused smile, snatching the bag of mint candies from your grasp. “Get moving, lovebirds.”
“We’re n—“ “We’ll be right there.”
You pretend on swinging a bag of gummy bears at him. When he asks you why, you only run back to the liquor aisle to meet Chan and Minho.
More bickering, some alcoholic jokes, and the woman at the check-out counter asking for your I.D.s later, the 6 of you rest and eat ice cream at a parlour near the check-out before leaving, your boxes of alcohol carefully placed together at the end of your table.
“So how many people are actually going?” Lia asks Chan over her chocolate ice cream.
“Around thirty-people already responded to the invite.” Chan answers. You wince every time he bites his ice cream. Every person to themselves but biting ice cream is just a no for you. “When the Friday show airs, hopefully more people go.”
“We had 100 people last year, right?”
“That’s because these geniuses thought they can handle a hundred drunks at a house party.” You recall the chaotically eventful party last year. “We’re cutting in half since we’re at a rooftop party and I don’t want to see people jumping off the 4th floor.”
“Also since not a lot of people dress up.” Jisung frowns. The party has always been a costume party when it started 3 years ago but somehow, a lot of the guests you’re not particularly close with always show up in the bare minimum.
“Ooh, what are you guys dressing up as this year?” Minho asks, suddenly excited at the topic of costumes.
“Might just go as a vampire again this year since I won’t have much time preparing this Saturday.” You frown.
“Hey, I wanted to go as a vampire!” Chan complains.
“You already went as a vampire last year! Can we not match again?” 
“What about you Minho?” Lia asks, disinterested in your bicker with Chan.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He shrugs. “Ask Jisung.”
Lia turns to Jisung who enthusiastically answers, “It’s a surprise!”
“It’s probably the horse head again.” You roll your eyes, knowing his enthusiasm very well. “But we’re just going to pretend that it’s a surprise on Saturday.”
“You better do.” Jisung pouts.
“Have you even washed that horse mask since last year?” Minho narrows his eyes at the younger boy. 
You yourself didn’t even expect that he’d keep it for this year especially after what happened.
“Minho, you know I do! I take it out sometimes to scare Hyunjin’s dates!”
You head to the events place in Itaewon after. From the photos in your groupchat, it’s an average-sized building in relation to the others in this particular district, holding a convenience store on the first floor, a BBQ place on the 2nd floor, and miscellaneous offices on the 3rd—one of which rents the rooftop for events.
“So why did we have to buy drinks at the supermarket again?” Changbin asks, still trying to catch his breath from carrying so many boxes of alcohol. 
“Because supermarket alcohol is slightly better than convenience store ones.” You answer matter-of-factly. “It’s semester break and Halloween. Indulge a little,  Binnie.” 
“Y/N has plans to get wasted.” Jisung spoils to everyone, making you call out his name from the front seat. You asked to exchanged seats with Chan after loading the boxes at the back of the car so you can have a run through of the food and drinks. Throughout the whole ride, he’s been hell-bent on exposing you. 
“Then it’s counterproductive to buy those hard drinks.” 
“Who says I’m sharing them?” You chuckle. You didn’t expect that anyone but Jisung would notice that you bought smaller drinks for yourself. 
Then the car is quiet for a while sans the music playing from Jisung’s phone which you immediately recognized as one of the playlists 3racha played on a broadcast before. 
When you get stuck in temporary traffic on the last intersection before the venue, you then turn to Minho. “Minho, aren’t you afraid of heights? Is 4 floors okay?”  
Glancing at Minho for a response, he nods while still looking at the road. “The place’s really nice in person. I went with Seungmin yesterday.”
“If you say it’s nice then I’d probably feel guilty of letting people trash the place this weekend.” Because it’s true, if Lee Minho calls something nice or pretty, it’s really really nice or pretty.
“It’s really spacious so you don’t have to stare at the ground below all the time, lots of picnic chairs and tables with the big-ass umbrellas, fairy lights, and a sound system when people want to karaoke or need mics.”
“Ah, yes, very much of Seungmin’s aesthetic.”
“I’d like to be acknowledged too, thank you.” Changbin says from your rear view mirror view.
“Thank you Changbin.” You tease him with a laugh. “What did you like about the place?”
And before Changbin could even answer seriously, the rest of the car answers in chorus, “There are lots of glitter and foil decorations.” before breaking into laughter. 
“There are beach props too! There’s fake grass and everything so it looks cheerful!” Changbin defends but to no avail because you only end up laughing. “Seungmin didn’t like it but I insisted that we borrow it for the party.”
You arrive at the building afterward, handing the alcohol to the staff on their 3rd floor office and finalizing the food you’re going to have on the party. 
“We’ll see you on Saturday night, then?” The owner of the building confirms once you’ve covered all the inquiries you have. 
Chan nods. “Me and the guy who booked the place, Seungmin, will be here first on Saturday night around 6 PM.” 
“What are you doing at 6 PM that you have to be late on Saturday?” Jisung whispers next to you, diverting your attention from looking at the view next to you to him as he looks at you expectantly. 
“Cramming a poster while waiting for a club meeting.” You frown. “Not everyone had their school day on Friday.” 
“Can’t you skip?” 
“Hm? Why?” You nudge his shoulder, as if trying to take out the pouty expression he wears on his face. “I told you I’m carpooling with Minho on that day so it’s fine.” 
“But stiiill. I won’t save your alcohol.” 
“No need, I already asked Seungmin to do it...and even asked Felix to watch you before I get here.” 
“What did you bribe those two with?”
“Tickets to Lotte world.” 
Jisung narrows his eyes at you but he’s thoroughly impressed. “You’re too smart.” 
“I have to outsmart you somehow when it comes to doing something stupid.” You shrug with a chuckle. “Plus, traffic’s really heavy on Saturday since everyone’s going home that day.” 
“You really should just ditch club.” He shrugs. “It’s the last day anyway.”  
“I can’t, dumbass, that’s part of my grade. Really, it’s fine, at least I’m with Minho on that day so we can be late together.” 
Before Jisung could argue further, however, Lia approaches the two of you. “Ready to go, guys?”
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four - a rooftop party
Sometimes, you hate it when Jisung is right. Turns out, the meeting you had for your club was relatively pointless and could’ve just been discussed over e-mail or your club groupchat. Still, it ended at around 9:15 PM because most of your club mates arrived later than the 7:35 PM you agreed on and the stubborn president didn’t want to start the meeting until everyone was there. 
Still, you passed your posters (which you definitely crammed at the school library prior) and made a lot of suggestions during the meeting which felt rewarding enough to make up for the frustrations you can’t vocally tell your seniors over causing a lot of inconveniences to your meeting. Just think that’s going to be you in a few years, Y/N, so try to understand, you think to yourself as you return to an empty dorm. Ryujin already informed you over text that she and Lia already left with Yeji to pick up Chaeryeong from her university. 
“Now, for costume.” You mumble under your breath, heading straight to your room.
After much thought on which black clothes to wear, you got dressed quickly to attend to your make-up faster. Since you’re a vampire again like last year, you have to put in more effort on your hair and make-up—you’re definitely not winning best costume but at least you look decent (and definitely not wearing the same clothes from last year) for the endless pictures Hyunjin’s going to take of everyone later. 
 When you’re already halfway to your make-up, Minho decides on spamming you, your phone lighting up and displaying 9:58 PM. Shit. 
minho: here!!! 
minho: traffic still heavy 
minho: chan asked for reinforcements btw
minho: so were stopping at d mart
minho: pls don’t tell me ur putting make-up blood on ur face [sent 10:03 PM]
You groan, typing a quick “i am” reply to his last message before quickly finishing your make-up and heading out. 
y/n: ok otw [sent 10:06 PM]
You quickly spot Minho’s car right outside of your dorm, his tinted windows rolling down as you approach. Opening the car, your eyes widen in brief surprise before crinkling into a laugh as you get in and close the door. “W-what the...what the fuck, Minho?”  
“Don’t.” He holds a threatening finger up in front of your face, putting his hand back on the steering wheel as you drive away from your dorm. But even he stifles from his own laughter. “The kids asked that we buy 10 more bottles of the whiskey Chan picked out since Hyunjin made cocktails with it and a lot of people want more.” 
“W—wh...sorry, it’s just that I can’t concentrate when you’re looking like this.” You end up laughing for the rest of your first 2 minutes inside the car and almost forgetting what you were going to ask. 
This year,  Minho is a Korean traditional woman for Halloween.
“So,” You start when you’ve recovered, holding a hand to your chest to steady your breathing. “So, are you going out to the mart or do I have to sacrifice myself?” 
“You can air drop the pic of the whiskey brand on your phone.” He answers. 
You sigh, putting on a jacket you find on the back seat to cover your exposed torso for when you go out to the supermarket. 
At the supermarket, people only gave you brief stares because of the fake blood dripping from your chin to your collarbones before their attentions turned to another person (probably from another Halloween party) dressed as a literal YouTube video picking up snacks. Though you’re relieved, you made your exit quick after your purchase, pushing the cart as fast as you can to the nearby parking spot Minho’s car occupied, because your phone suddenly started ringing from consecutive messages from Jisung, of all people. 
jisung: y/n where r uuuu
jisung: party started at 6! 6! 
jisung: seungmin playing truth or drink 
jisung: changbin singing at karaoke
jisung: also i drank ur mules 
jisung: n ur peach sojus
jisung: but i shared w felix! [sent 10:25 PM] 
You sigh, particularly at reading the last message after successfully loading your box of whiskey at the back of the car. You were too hopeful trusting even Seungmin and Felix. 
y/n: otw w minho [sent 10:25 PM] 
“Jisung’s really drunk again.” You inform Minho once you’re on the road again. “I can’t even trust Seungmin or Felix now.” 
“Well, you’ll have to keep texting him because the traffic going to Itaewon doesn’t seem to be moving.” Minho sighs. “You know he’ll sleep dehydrated if he’s that bored by himself to text you.” 
You groan. “No shortcuts?” 
“Even the shortcuts are flooded. I swear, everyone’s travelling home or partying tonight.” 
You lean back on your seat, taking a few deep breaths. If there’s anyone that shouldn’t be left alone at a party, it’s one Han Jisung. 
At the party, Jisung sits at the bar, accompanying Hyunjin as he re-discovers his drunken talent of mixing cocktails. He scrolls through his phone absentmindedly with the occasional sips of the peach soju he’s been struggling to finish for 20 minutes now, having no motivation to join Changbin and Felix at the karaoke or Chan, Jeongin, and Seungmin playing more drinking games with most of the guests. 
“Jisung, you’re sulking.” Hyunjin points out as he gives another guest his new cocktail recipe. 
“No, I’m not.” Jisung frowns and hiccups through his big horse mask even when the older boy can’t actually see. 
“You’ve been in there for the past 20 minutes.” Hyunjin knocks on Jisung’s horse mask for emphasis. He’s no better, actually, dressing up as a big giraffe head since Felix decided to be the Joker this year. “Literally the last time I saw your face, you were texting Y/N.” 
“Y/NNNN! Why aren’t Y/N and Minho here yet? I want to see Y/NNNNN!” 
“Well, it’s traffic out.” At the very end of the bar, Hyunjin can see the heavy traffic below. “Everyone’s going home or eating out tonight.” 
“But I want Y/NNN!” Jisung is fumbling around now, narrowly missing his bottle of peach soju since the horse mask doesn’t have a good view from the weird eyes. “Where is Y/N?” 
Though his friend is incredibly drunk now, the tipsy Hyunjin still tries to keep a decent conversation so Jisung doesn’t accidentally fall asleep on his mask again. “You saw each other a lot the past weeks, though? Unlike when it’s a regular school week and you barely reply to them on chat.” 
“But that’s because I’m not as busy then as I was this semester.” Jisung manages to slur after a while before momentarily taking his horse mask off just enough for him to take a long sip of his peach soju with a metal straw he found somewhere in his backpack a while ago. “I miss Y/N when I’m busy.” 
“What about when you’re not busy?” “I also miss them when I’m busy.” 
Hyunjin sighs. “Just say you have a crush on them and go.” 
And he’s not sure if Jisung actually heard him but the boy replies with a muffled sigh. “Having a crush from people in different universities is hard!” 
You open your phone to check the time, the twelfth time you’ve done so in the past hour since you’ve been stuck in the now moving traffic. Eleven-twenty PM on the dot, the party could either be still in full swing with everyone drunk off their asses or dying down with everyone drunk off their asses—either way, most of the liquor are probably gone now (even the one you asked Seungmin to guard for you) and the reinforcement’s probably not a good idea already. Next to you, Minho sighs, “Not that it’s annoying but you keep checking your phone and frowning every time you do. It’s scary, especially since you look more like a depressed vampire than a slutty one.”
“Thanks, Minho.” You roll your yes, closing your phone and putting it down on your lap.
“You’re really that excited much to see your boyfriend?”
You glare daggers through his side profile. “He’s not my boyfriend and I’m more worried than excited because he’s really bad at drinking. Remember last year—”
“It wasn’t that b—”
“Minho, he was crying because he thought his mask was stuck on his head.”
“But—” “He also tried drinking soju while crying and wearing his mask.”
Knowing he’s on the losing side of the argument, Minho waves his hand dismissively, eyes still on the road. The traffic’s moving steady now. “Anyway, there’s 50 people there someone has to be sober-ish somehow.”
“Uh huh, sure, someone is.” You reply dryly. Though this party has a larger attendance list than your friend group’s usual hangouts since it’s your annual Halloween party, you can’t help but remain distrustful. Your friends aka the worst drunks ever are hosting, for God’s sake.
“Why don’t you text someone so you’d feel less nervous?” Minho suggests after a while.  
And this time, you actually listen to him and open your phone again, opting to text Chan.
y/n: y’all still alive?
y/n: we’re about to turn right to the venue [sent 11:28 PM]  
chan: shit’s lit!!!!!!
“Yup, even Chan’s drunk.” You conclude, closing your phone as Minho pulls up to the building. Minho sighs for probably the nth time tonight, exiting the car when you do. “Come on, ahjumma, we’re checking if our friends are still alive.” 
Arriving at the party by the service elevator the staff kindly showed you, you almost kicked the box of whiskey bottles you placed on the ground in surprise once the doors opened and Chan greeted you dressed as a clown. “Finally, you’ve arrived!” He exclaims through his semi-faded white make-up and red nose, completely ignoring the way you just had the shock of your life. “Here, let me help you with the whiskey.” 
You recover quickly, helping Minho and Chan lift the box to the nearby bar where Hyunjin is still busy mixing drinks. “Chan, why are you dressed as a clown?” 
“Twitter poll.” He answers nonchalantly. “You should see Jeongin, he’s a life-size bread.” 
Carefully setting the box on the ground for Hyunjin (who is more than grateful that the whiskey finally arrived), your expression returns to that of concern. “So, where’s Jisung?” 
“Oh, he said he was going to take pictures by the railings with the good view.” Hyunjin shrugs. Panic sets on your face. “Don’t worry! There’s like a lot of people there right now! And I gave him water a while ago!” 
You swip a bottle of peach soju and a bottle of water you saw hidden expertly under the counter from your view on the ground, sighing. “I swear to God, you guys are the worst hosts ever.” 
And so you set out to find Jisung amidst the most random crowd of costumes ever. You spot Changbin dressed as Kim Shin and a Joker Felix still competing for higher scores on the karaoke and passed by baguette Jeongin and sunflower Seungmin who are now hosting a very drunken Whisper Challenge with your seniors, Younghyun who wears a big report card on his neck, Jae who’s dressed in Chicken Little’s clothes, Snow White Sana, and a pirate Jeongyeon. 
If it’s any consolation, at least people dressed up better this year compared to last year. 
“Ryujin, have you seen Jisung?” You near the viewing area on the other side of the rooftop where the light gets progressively fewer. 
“He’s over there.” Your roommate points to an empty area with only a few tables and outdoor lights. 
“Oh, he’s laying down somewhere. He’s still wearing the horse mask if that helps.” 
“Thank you!” You part ways as you open your phone, turning on the flashlight to find Jisung. 
From your area of the rooftop, the EDM music Chan mixed for this party already sounds faint and the traffic below sounds louder. You point your flashlight on the ground but also look ahead for any shadow of a horse mask. 
“Han Jisung.” You call for him in a loud whisper, in case he fell asleep since he’s sound-sensitive when drunk. “Yah, I swear to God, we’re not hosting another party again if you’re dead somewhere.” 
You repeat this a few times, changing baseless threats in hopes that it alerts him, until you find him raising a hand up in the air. “Here.” He responds tiredly to you, his voice not muffled by a mask this time as he’s long set it down next to him. He spots you immediately, illuminated by the garden lights. “You look pretty.”
“Thanks?” You approach carefully, pointing your flashlight away from his face and kneeling beside him. “Why are you laying down on the ground?” 
You contemplate on laying down next to him but then you remember that you left your jacket in Minho’s car at the thought that the denim doesn’t go with your all-black ensemble. The bare floor’s already cold on your bare legs, how much more on your exposed back? “Anyway, drink this water later.” 
But Jisung seems to ignore you, pushing you gently away by your arm. “I’m looking at the stars, Y/N, move over.” He groans. “Turn the light off too.” 
You scoff. “You can’t see the stars—” But as you look up at the purple night sky, you see countless of twinkling stars. Caught off guard, you turn your light off. “—here. Oh.” 
“Do you want to lay down?” When you turn to look back down at Jisung, he’s already sitting up slowly. Moving away a little so that you’re not in his way, he then takes his jacket off and places it on the ground. “You can use my jacket. It’s fine.” 
You hand him your water bottle and place your peach soju next to his horse mask. “Sure...” Reluctantly, you lay down on Jisung’s jacket. 
Jisung chugs down half of the water before laying down again, next to you this time. 
“Aren’t you cold?” You ask, sparing a glance in his direction as you do so. Jisung only shakes his head. 
“I thought you’d never come.” He pouts, still looking at the stars. He’s slowly sobering up now, making it harder to look at you in the eye. 
“Traffic.” You heave a long sigh. “Hyunjin also made Minho and I buy extra drinks.” 
It’s silent for a moment, you glance at Jisung for the second time to check if he’s fallen asleep again but you see a very concentrated expression on his face as he looks at the stars. “Are you still drunk?” You shake his arm, immediately getting his attention. 
“Do you like Minho?” He suddenly blurts out, catching you off-guard. What makes matters worse is that he didn’t even spare you a glance while. 
“What?!” You exclaim. At this point, you just regret not drinking your peach soju before joining him. 
“Do you like him? Like like-like as in...hold on, the word like’s getting too redundant here...” In the darkness, Jisung turns beet red the more he looks away from you, not even realizing that you’re equally flushed from trying to hold in your laughter. 
Where is this going? You can only think to yourself as he was rambling. 
“Jisung, I only like Minho when he offers carpool and free drinks when we hang out.” You sit up this time, extending your hand out past him to your soju bottle. You’re definitely drinking to this unusual conversation. “Why did you suddenly think I like him?"
You don’t remember doing anything with Minho that would make Jisung think this way.
Leaning even more towards Jisung’s direction, you see a faint glimpse of his embarrassed expression—his hand covering his eyes as he curses under his breath. You drink a little bit more of your peach soju before nudging him with the bottom of the bottle. “What made you say that?”
“No.” He replies as calmly as he can, hand still covering his face. At that moment, he wishes he could put the horse mask back on quickly so he can run away while hiding his face. 
You try prying his hand away but to no avail. He looks at you on his own accord a moment later but even then he doesn’t hold eye contact for long. 
“It’s silly, just the soju.” He waves his hand dismissively. “Can you lay down again so I don’t have you see your face? Not that the make-up is bad, it’s just really embarrassing when you’re looking down on me like this.” 
You chuckle, amused, but comply eventually when you’ve had enough of your soju. Instead of looking up at the stars, however, you turn your body to the side so you’re facing Jisung this time. 
“You said lay down again, I’m laying down.” You tease in between laughs. “Are you seriously not looking at me in the eye?” 
“No!” He whispers loudly in a dramatic fashion, taking his horse mask and balancing it on his face to hide from you. 
You shrug, flicking his horse mask away easily. “Why are you so embarrassed? Best friends talk about this all the time, it’s normal.” You shrug as you say this next, trying to act nonchalant about it as possible. Internally, you’re still processing where this conversation could go. “I’m just wondering how you came to that conclusion? It sounds weird and gross: Minho and I, I mean.” 
Jisung only looks at you quietly for the next 2 minutes, clearly contemplating. “It’s just...” He starts and you hold your breath, realizing that your faces are really close when he turns his head to your side. “Seriously, it’s silly!” 
You shrug, as nonchalantly as you can seem. “I want to know, it’s n—”
“Hm?” You feel lightheaded, and you definitely feel like you need to pee. Soju works fast that way. 
“I like you...” He says, slower and trailing off this time. He thinks you didn’t notice but you caught the way he glanced briefly down at your lips before going back up to your eyes. “Like really really like you; but we’re always running on different schedules since we entered college and we’ve only ever hung out when my deadlines aren’t heavy enough to make you feel guilty to come over until recently.” 
“...Is that why you’ve been asking to hang out more this semester?” Jisung nods at the simple question. “You wanted to see me that much?” 
“Well, don’t get too cocky now.” He chuckles nervously. Suddenly, he’s overthinking everything, trying to pick apart any hint from the tone of your voice. “Because this would be really really awkward and embarrassing if you keep acting like that then turn me down later.” 
Your heart skips a few beat, you’re sure it’s Jisung now and not the soju kicking in. “Who said...who said anything about me turning you down?” 
Jisung’s thoughts malfunction at this. Suddenly, he’s taking too slow to process anything again. You roll your eyes at this. “Do I have to say it?” 
You scrunch up your face in distaste but Jisung doesn’t laugh, making you sigh. “Fuck it, fine.” You take a deep breath, slowly following your words with, “I like you too, Jisung.” 
You look at him expectantly and he returns your gaze with one of disbelief. “R-really?” 
“I just said it, didn’t I?” You flick his forehead. 
“Can I—” 
He leans forward but you stop him with a hand in between the two of you.  “You smell like alcohol.” You whine, pushing him away slightly. 
“But we’re in the dark, under the stars, sorta drunk at a Halloween party; naturally, the next thing that follows is—” 
“Ew, Jisung, gross!” You push him away completely but he only resists, managing to hug you with one arm. 
“You can say that all you want but you already said that you like me too.” Slowly, he gains his confidence back which only just makes you squirm more.  
“Yeah, but you said it first.” You give up from squirming in his grip, realizing that it’s warmer than letting your torso be exposed to the cold for another second. “If anything, I actually have the upper hand here.” 
He shrugs. “So? I actually like saying it. I like you, I like you, I like you...” You open your mouth slightly to comment but he takes this as an opportunity to press a long kiss to your lips. “I like you. There.” 
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
| URL Song Game |
Thank youuu @larrysballetslippers @laurelier and @longhairlouis-mybeloved for the tag!
Rules: Spell your URL using songs.
So I spent ~way way way too long~ on creating an actual playlist and it really is something. This is some fuck the system also we gay also we're just gonna very aggressively dance powerhouse playlist aasdsdkasdj. I was gonna stay far away from 1D and all its boys for this one and still this thing is just yelling larrylarrylarry because it's coming from my brain so. Hmm. And I wanna explain why. Because I think these songs are awesome (or at least some of them) and worth a listen if you're a larrie which is I assume is most people seeing this are so I put a bit of an explanation of what I see in these songs at the end here. Anyway:
tagging @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @appreciateeverythingblueinlife @theworldisblueandgreenforareason
@youaretheoceanyouarethesky @sleepingonmyproblems @delightswithviolentends did i just tag people with really long usernames maybe ohhhh that's evil. Feel free to ignore lol <3
Also @laurelier I already did the picrew thing but I love the pic I made so:
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Putting the playlist explanation under a cut because blablablalblabla:
1) introduces you to Woodkid, the epitome of what the actual fuck?how the fuck is this wholeass album this much of a larry like what is this? our fandom's soundtrack??? what the hell, I've rambled on about this before but really I urge everyone to just listen and have a readthrough of Woodkid's The Golden Age (yes the whole album). It's also amazing when you don't relate it to anything not saying it's only good because you can, it's just an added bonus.
2) Laurel Wreath (thank you Louis for that one asdkljafkla yep the laurel anthem AGAIN)
3) Muse for some fuck the system (also U's are hard to find)
4-6) some buzzgaycocks with their gay lil songs and I thought why not put a song going 369 WHAT DOES IT MEAN in between. If you're frustrated with the what the fuck is this 369 shit louis this is the soundtrack to that istg the whole song is literally going wtf does 369 mean it's just a number right? Like somebody help me please what is that number? What does 369 mean?? why is 369 there all the time???? wedged between 2 "shit I'm british and gay" songs for your lil larry ears namnamnam that's a ten (again just good music, it's only an added bonus)
7) more nautical gay shit from Woodkid
8) more fuck the system im gonna live in the middle of nowhere
9) some walk boy walk through fire protect you stuff (also just a really really good song and I honestly don't know if this music is well known or some niche western european stuff I really have no clue)
10) some more fighting for peace and love and waves can't try to break em all that
11) this is the gay struggle anthem
12) this is kinda where the wow really have a listen to these songs because if you're a larrie you might like em stops and my personal just aggressive vibing continues. Back to let's go fuck the system fuck the waves trying to break us some more but let's also just dance lol (but my way because the only way I know how to really let loose is heavy ass wubwubdubdub borderline industrial metal yelling the louder the better yep bye)
13) it's no problem for me but it's a problem for you just still on that wubbalubbadubdub don't tell me what to do shit's wrong with you and the COAC system not me byebye i go dancey dance
14) another 369 joke couldn't drop it THREE SIX NINE DAMN YOU A FINE LINE
15) seriously was at a loss for another E, sia already took me too long, wanted to continue the trend of music I can dance to, and then I saw it. iT wAs AcTuAlLy CaScAdAhhhh yeah no that really does fit here.
16) just end on another anthem screaming powerhouse to close it all off lol.
Am I ok? Nobody knoooows. This was fun tho.
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Okay, I’m just doing this once, to link it to all the idiots who exist in the future.
Dear Makoto fans (cause I don’t know other Rin haters out there), I’m gonna try to explain it as simple as possible. 
If the video is titled “Rin & Haru”, it is most likely surprisingly is about Rin and wait for it, cause you won’t believe it... Haru. So if you hate Rin and you see a video, which title contains “Rin” AND there’s an actual Rin on the thumbnail
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maybe (but that’s just me going crazy here)... maybe you shouldn’t look for Makoto there. Cause I don’t believe they look similar.. but I might check my eyes just in case later.
So for all the pals like this one:
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(and there was a bunch of others that I’ve muted), if you have two brain cells left, please invite them over for a minute here.
1. It is not my fault that my video reached over half a million views and got into Youtube recommendations. I’m not responsible for no your recommendations, no mine. Youtube recommends me all kind of stuff, including Ikuya vids, for example, cause they’re also related to Free!, doesn’t mean I have to watch them.
Like you won’t believe it, but not only the “I don’t wanna watch this” button exists there, but there is also such a crazy possibilty as to NOT WATCH YOUR NOTP VIDEOS (and YES IT FREAKING EXISTS!). You do it by not clicking on the vid and just, well, you know, not watching it with those two thingies on your face thats called eyes.
Also thanks for being my biggest fan and all, but there’s really no need to go through all of my vids, if you don’t even like this ship. Cause I kinda considered to take it as a compliment for a moment there. But this amount of free time honestly can be used to create your own content that actually includes your otp. Just saying. 
2. Breaking news here, but just because Rin makes your ship invalid, doesn’t mean he’s a bad character. 
So let’s just all hate him for much more “obvious reasons” like:
- being a great brother:
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- being a great son:
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- being a great friend:
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-being a great boyfriend:
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- for working hard to get where he wanted in life and for fighting for his dreams:
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I knoooow right? I hate dat perfect bitch, too, but there’s really no need to be agressive about it. You can instead try to do all these beautiful things, too (it’s very hard tho, but believe me it’s really worth it) xD
Like instead of watching a video about Rinharu, whom you hate or scrolling through their tag, try maybe cooking your mom a dinner for once or smth. And I know that to your part of the fandom having life goals is very offensive, but maybe you should try these, too.
Or like maybe watch a 10 minutes Chloe Ting challenge vid and spend few minutes doing this. I mean that’s how I got my sexy abs, after watching Harurin perfect bods xD I mean, all better than bindge watching your notp vids.
3. For tumblr haters. There’s actually such thing as blocking a tag on tumblr. Like “Free!” is a mutual tag, but if you block “Rinharu” tag, you won’t see my post even in the Free! tag. I mean, yeah, tumblr mulfunction sometimes, but in general it works. If the malfunction happens, just scroll past it. 
Cause I’m just kinda already reconsidering my respectful non tagging “makoharu” and “makoto” policy (and mind this: I only talk about those when I’m asked), cause what’s even the point, if 90% of your fandom are idiots who search and post in “rinharu” tag anyways and apparently hanging out on my blog a whole fucking lot.
I mean, I’ve been in some ugly fandoms, but I seriously have not yet seen this much disrespect to the other side, who doesn’t even touch you. Like have you not calmed your tits yet? Even in 2020? I’m really asking you to, please, reconsider this and stop embarrassing those two nice people if they’re still there. Because I’m really close to not giving a shit in return.
4. About anonymous death threats. I have a guy, who fixed my computer, who can track those. Most times I really don’t care and just block, but what if one time I’d have lots of free time or get drunk or smth..? Cause he offered once to do it just for fun xD
5. If you want to shit so much that you just can’t help it, shit in YOUR tag. Like we don’t go there, we don’t see it and you can vent if you need it this much. 
You do not post Rin hate in his tag. If you do not get it, it’s the tag for his fans. And no, “I hate him, cause I ship MH” is not a character study. 
P.S. DM me if you need any help with “how to not go on you NOTP tag”, cause I’m such a genius, I actually know how to do this, too (lmao).
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arrowflier · 3 years
Author Interview:
Thank you to my very talented friends for tagging me: @sickness-health-all-that-shit @thisaintmacys-bitch @iansfreckles @gallavich-x @abundanceofnots @energievie
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
99,198.  I have a ton of stuff not crossposted though, and my giant Gallavich file is over 210K.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Meet the Neighbors /489
Eighty-Seven Percent (Anatomy of a Heart) /263
Marriage, Mickey, and Milk of the Gods /250
F*ck the Stars /136
Ease my Pain /103
I have some Tumblr-only stuff that would probably knock that last one from the list, but I haven’t been cross-posting because I’m lazy and I feel like mostly the same people would see it anyway.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I did at first, then I stopped for a while because anxiety, but I’m trying to be better about it again!  I like to let people now I appreciate that they took the time to comment, because it does mean a lot, but sometimes my brain gets the better of me and then I stress about it being weird after too long, etc.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Nothing on AO3; I don’t really do unhappy endings since life sucks enough already.  On Tumblr I guess this one about Mickey as a kid, but I still went back and did a follow-up.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmm...if I go only by full finished fics I don’t have many choices lol.  Even though it’s otherwise rather angsty, I’ll go with Burn Out the Sun because it ends on pure wedding fluff.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Sort of?  I’ve used settings from Star Wars and X-men, and I have a ongoing fics that includes characters from Parks and Rec (These Undomesticated Wilds) and Jurassic World (Tooth and Claw).  No knowledge of the other universe is ever needed, though; it would just read like a regular AU without it.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I’m aware of, thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’m working on it!  I’ve been accepting requests for practice so I can include it in some ongoing fics where it makes sense to do so.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, but I haven’t been around very long anyway.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I think it’s super awesome when people do that!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope!  And I might be a little too controlling for that.  Unless you count that little writing game that was going around where we all wrote like a paragraph, that was fun!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Changes when I stumble across new obsessions, but right now Gallavich obviously.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh gosh I hope I finish them all.  There are a couple I haven’t started yet though that might never happen, like the Cinderella and Little Mermaid AU concepts I’ve had for forever.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I never knoooow.  I say description because that’s what I like doing, though.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Also description lol. I fall into purple prose and keep it cause it sounds pretty in my head so who cares, but I know a lot of people prefer things straightforward.  It’s just not my style, though.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t trust myself to do it well.  I only did it once, and I cross-referenced like five different websites and was still a bit uncomfortable with it.  I’ve liked it when other people do it, though I do prefer when the translation is offered immediately (or as a link) so I don’t have to scroll down for it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Shameless!  I’ve only lurked in others.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I’m thinking I’ll probably do something for Good Omens (Crowley/Aziraphale) during or after season 2.  My other ships are very aged and there wouldn’t be much of an audience anymore, if any.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
How about the favorite one I’m still writing: A tie between Snow White, Blood Red and Tooth and Claw because I get to play closer to my genre of choice.
I’m super late the the game because my parents’ wifi wasn’t strong enough for my laptop this weekend, so please ignore me if you’ve already been tagged or feel free to add yourself:
@sunnyian @howlinchickhowl @gardenerian @mickeysfreckles @suzy-queued
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igotanna · 4 years
Heyy bb!! I hope you're taking care of yourself and aren't too busy🥰 So I thought of this and I wanted to ask if you could this: GOT7 reaction to dating someone who is very polished and polite (elegant even) in public but is very adorable and rambly when they're alone together. Do it only if you're free and willing, no pressure love💜
Ah honey thank you so much for this request! I know it took me looong but I really enjoyed it (also appreciate the open hand date tysm)💚💚 it was refreshing ~ also I hope I maintained to stay on topic bc this was a bit tricky😅 if not then sorry for that🙏
“MaRk!” you cried out of your bedroom with the highest level of despair.
“Yeah!” sounded Mark from the other room, not shortly after looking at you, standing on the doorstep.
“I can’t find my purse,” you pouted and threw another pillow on the floor hoping your tonight purse is hidding between the sheets.
Mark chuckled and shrugged, sat down on the bed you were currently digging a hole into.
“What are you laughing at? This isn’t funny!” your voice got all lost between the blankets and pillows. Mark laughed and pointed down under your vanity table “Did you tried to look there?”
As soon as you endend another episode of Mark’s fav series - you searching for your lost things - you headed to the award night. In the car with two of other members you kept the conversation floating nicely and maintained all glossy, Mark had to laugh as he just remembered how you looked few minutes ago.
“What is so funny?” Bambam noticed his amusement. Mark shook his head and held your hand tighter “I remembered something.”
You felt he’s implying to you and you turned your head to face him, raising your eyebrow.
Bambam and Youngjae wouldn’t leave him get off that easily but they had to get out of the car. Just before it was your turn you faced him again “What was that?”
“Oh nothing,” a soft apologetic kiss on your cheek “You just give so mature and even bossy vibe when we’re out, but when I shut the door at home, you-”
“I turn into a child??”
“You turn into the most adorable lost sweetheart I saw.”
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You knew JB sometimes doesn’t know what he wants himself. You got used to that sometimes he prefers you as elegant powerful woman, and sometimes he wanted to be the one seen and he wanted you to back a little. You had to learn when to do what.
After one night on public, just after you kicked of your high heels, high enough to see top of JB’s head, he leaned on the door and asked very random question “Where is this two sidedness coming from?”
You just put down your earrings from which your head was aching and turned to him “What do you mean?”
JB kept observing you like it’s the first time actually seeing you.
“What?!” you incited him with shaky voice. You felt like he was reading your mind. When he didn’t answer at once you sighed and turned back at him, starting to unzipp your dress as you made your way to the bathroom.
After a while he came in to lean on the doorframe and watch you getting ready to go shower.
“Can you just pretend we’re not alone?” his voice was at least disturbing.
You shook your head “I’m really tired - can you talk normally?”
“I wanna see your lady self.”
You blinked and got to the shower, giving him blank looks through the glass.
He changed position to see your face better and played with the hem of dress you left on the basin. A thought came on your mind that maybe he’s preparing to say something he’d never say out loud because he thinks you can’t hear him through the splashing water. His voice was low and he sighed a little like he was picking up courage. A nervousness poured you over with cold sweat.
“You...’ve got such a presence.. and power.... and beauty...I never told you... how proud I feel...when we’re on public and you’re so.. impressive.” and he gave you surprisingly long look “I just wish you’d sometimes be your lady-self before me as well so I know ‘m also worth your effort.” how he paused between the words and barely looked at you when he talked you knew he meant every line. And your heart dropped as you felt his emotions through his hesitating voice. He thought he’s not worth the effort!
You turned the water off and looked at him properly, this time with the softest look “Babe I thought you wanted me to be like that on public. I  did always what I thought you needed at that time.”
“Come here,” he pleaded with cracked voice so quiet and tender eyes. His hands were opening to you like a invitation for the warmest hug ever.
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“...and so when I got there I drank all his coffee by mistake!”
“By mistake? Jacks how can you drink somebody’s coffee by mistake?!” you cried with laughter. Actually you were rolling on the sofa laughing your ass off because Jackson was just finnishing his story from the other day.
Jackson was maintaining his poker face, but corners of his lips were dancing zumba. He always got so happy when he saw you enjoying his stories and jokes. Ofc you were all about his stupid sense of humour.
That stands until you both are facing cameras, reporters or other celebs. Jackson was still the same, throwing jokes, unrequiered stories and weird looks to make someone laugh. But he gave up on making you laugh on public long ago.
“Why aren’t you laughing was it not funny?” he asked the first time you gave him bitch face on public. You shook your head and because knowing others can hear you shrugged “Maybe next time.”
He got used to that when he makes joke on public you are far from amused and he has to earn your attention. He called it your “jinyoung time” with the distinction you actually never cracked once you decided to be your sassy self.
Jinyoung himself sometimes even praised you for being so calm with Jackson on public (he didn’t know how you were really loosing your shit when you’re alone).
“Stop that Jinyoung crap now I really need a support tonight, please?” Jackson squeezed your hand while you got out of the car. You knew this time he has no friends around since it’s foreign music festival and he is insecure af. You pecked his cheek “Okay maybe you’ll make me laugh today.”
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“Okayy soo.. I guess Bahamas??” your face went from nervous to quizzical. Planning holiday was on you and Jinyoung got specific reason for that. He loved how hesitant and insecure you were given that big task. It was funny watching you wandering finger on the map in front of you and not being able to make a firm decision.
“Oh I don’t knoooow,” you cried and rubbed your forhead.
“Do you want to go and have some sun or not?” he tried to help but held back laughter. He knew it’s not going to be any help.
You threw hands “I want both! I want to sunbathe and swim but I know I get fed up with heath after few days so unless you want to fly around the Earth with me for the whole 3 weeks I suggest you to YOU choose the destination.”
“Oh nono no you’re not making your way out of this. We agreed.” he gave his  uncompromising serious face and pointed at the map you were leaning away from “Go on.”
“Oh screw it.” you closed your eyes and randomly stick your index finger on the map “MADAGASCAR!”
Jinyoung held this memory before his eyes the whole family dinner you were currently having with his family.
As all of them were admiring his girlfriend’s determined spirit. His mum was asking you what are your plans for future after you finnish your post graduate. He held his breath as you gave her detailed plan you were obviously making up on place. He knew very well you have no plans bc the same question by him was unanswered the day before. Next his father praised you for being so sure of your steps in life and asked whether you’ve always been so sure and mature.
Jinyoung didn’t held it this time and burst out with laughter he quickly covered as cough. But after dessert time he catched you in the kitchen alone and took you by your hips to face him “What was that?? I didn’t know you are going to be a lecturer!” he laughed.
“Stop it you know I was obviously lying!” you tried to get out of his embrace but he had to get a kiss before he let you go with “And I was obviously enjoying that.”
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Youngjae had to move aside as you threw your high heels away “dAmn YoU!”
“Stop it - look Coco’s scared.” he warned you and picked his dog up. You threw the other shoe to through the hallway and cursed more.
“What’s wrong anyway?”
“I hate high heels!” you hissed and tried to get rid off those riddiculous dress as well “I hate walking in those I hate being in those! So unstable.. I’m all woblly and.. going to fall any minute. I’m just waiting to cause you some scandal like stumble over my own feet on the stairs and showing everyone my underwear! I feel so stupid when I wear those!” you practically cried the last words.
You burried your face in your hands with your dress halfway unzipped and your hair messy. Youngjae held his breath while you were talking.
You’re so stunning on high heels! He never knew you feel that way. He put down Coco and softly held your shoulders, fondling your naked skin.
“You never told me.”
When you didn’t reply he hugged you tightly “If you would I could tell you how elegant you look on high heels and how you seem like you were born to do it.” his words were half lost between your collarbone as he rested his chin there “I love it how you handle being in the spotlight.”
“Ohkay,” you sobbed and smiled a little “But I still prefer socks.”
He laughed “Oh, who doesn’t?”
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“Yes this is Dior’s fall 2020 season gown,” you nodded to the interviewer who just admired your dress “It’s actually the one’s that..” and you went into deep detailed story of the gown as Bambam proudly held your hand and smiled all around.
He had in mind the first moment he gave you these very dress.
“hoW mUcH?!” you freaked out when he showed you the most beautiful expensive looking dress you ever saw. He laughed and repeated the price he payed for those.
“whY?!” you were afraid to even touch them. He had to take your hand and let the fabric slipping through your fingers.
“Love that’s..” you gasped when you saw the bag in which it arrived “tHat’S FuCKinG DioR! BaM ThoSE Are FucKInG diOR’s DResS!”  and the whole evening went with you freaking over those, being shy, embarrassed, grateful and not being able to express wheter you’re glad he did something nice for you or angry he spend so much money on dress.
He just had to smile how serious and elegant you were now. No one could tell you know only what he tells you about the current fashion and that you were even scared to put the dress on. And exactly that’s why you were his queen.
“Oh tell me more when’s the new fashion week darling?” he pressed his cheek on yours and laughed to your ear.
“Shut up you.”
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“I knooow honey it’s tough!” you nodded with your voice dripping with empathy as your friend was almost breaking down on a face time with you. She was sick to death of her busy life and you gave her almost hour of advices and support what to do when she’s stuck at home etc.
“Thank you y/n, I really appreciate that... see you soon.”
“Take care love, bye!”
You sighed at how desperate she looked. You knew Yugyeom is in the living room probably watching some series. But when you got up to go and do something his voice stopped you “Is she okay?” his head appearing in the door, peaking to see if you’re finnished.
“Yeah I hope she’s better now.”
You both agreed on what you’re going to cook for lunch and Yugyeom helped out a lot. But after he ate last bite he disappeared to his studio to do some work. You managed to kill time with tidying up after cooking, but what to do next? Feeling urge to do something productive you wandered around the flat. You had the “do nothing and everything” mood and it was exhausting.
Yugyeom came out of his room like three times to use bahtroom, get some water and so on and every time he saw you going from nothing to nothing. Everytime he smiled to himself and went back to work.
You hated this state of mind but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t start anything and you felt desperate for keep yourself busy. Finally a sleep came like a solution and you passed out on the couch.
“Babe sorry it took me longer.” Yugyeom woke you up with soft kiss on your cheek. He snuggled down almost at you and digged his head on your chest.
“What’s the time?” you mumbled looking around.
“About 5pm..”
“Oh shit haven’t done anything!” you started to move quickly trying to get up.
“Stay still.. it’s fine, let me rest a while and your duties are done for today.” he hugged you tight to stay down “also you were adorable today.”
“What do you mean?” fingers runnng through his hair.
“Just like an ad for cuteness. Wandering around not knowing what to do.. you were just adorable,...” he almost whispered his words as he was falling to sleep “you just gave a whole therapy session and there you are.. not knowing .. what to do with yourself.. so cute.”
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raschuuuu · 4 years
Let’s try. // J.HS imagine (J-Hope) angst/fluff
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Summary: You were put into an arranged marriage with Jung Hoseok yet he has no feelings for you and neither do you. How will you deal with each other when you both know well that you cannot divorce or develop feelings for each other.
Word count: 4100
Genre: angst/fluff
warnings: swearing / mentioning of Namjoon and his wife / no idol J-Hope / businessman J-Hope
Pairing: J-Hope!businessman x Female!reader
A/N: Hello!!!! this was requested and first off all I want to say: thank you so much I’m really happy and shoutout to the creative person who requested this. I hope you’ll like and enjoy it <3 keep in mind that English is not my first language so if you spot any mistakes I would love you guys to tell me. If you like it please leave a like and if you have any preferences or wishes please let me knoooow! Have fun everyone and keep in mind REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! hihi bye.
"You look beautiful! Wow I'm fascinated!" wow thank you. Does that mean I looked like shit every day? Why does everyone keep telling me that? If today wasn't my wedding no one would tell me I looked good everyday... well maybe because I don't either.
Today is my wedding to the one and only Jung Hoseok. The Jung family made a very big name for themselves in South Korea, years ago. Jung Hoseok's father is the founder and CEO of a famous restaurant chain. His mother is a famous doctor of surgical aesthetics and his older sister Jung Jiwoo is a famous youtuber and fashion designer in South Korea. So you could say that the Jung family is more famous than the president of South Korea and freaking rich. And I have the "privilege" of marrying him today. NOT! Neither he nor I agreed to this wedding, but what do children have to say when their parents have already decided behind our backs.
Jung Hoseok's father is my father's boss. You wonder why your father's boss wants an employee's daughter for his son? It's very simple, I'll explain it to you: My father lost his job back then because he was ill and had to get surgery on his leg, since then he really has trouble walking. And in South Korea almost no employer feels sorry for you. When you are healthy and you can work, you go to work. If you are ill and unable to work, it's your fault and you get fired and lose everything you have. And so my father lost his job back then and desperately looked for a job in a metropolis with millions of inhabitants that was fair to him and not physically demanding. Where did he end up? With Mr. Jung, who surprisingly had understanding and compassion for my father and took him on in one of his companies in Seoul.
"Appa where are you?" I asked as my father when he answered his phone. "I am on the 12th floor my child! Did you come?" - "Yes Appa, I promised you that we would have lunch together today!" I said as I stood in front of the giant building of the Jung's company. "Yes, okay, that's right my child! Wait for your father, I'll be right there and we can go to the restaurant next door!" so I waited downstairs in front of the entrance. I don't want to wait inside, there are so many men at the entrance.... They're pretty serious about security here. "Y/N!!" I heard someone shout from behind. I turned around and saw my father coming towards me... or rather sneaking. Unfortunately he still can't walk since he had the surgery on his leg.
I went to him and offered him my arm so that he could support himself. I am really happy that he was accepted here. He doesn't earn much but enough to support my mother and me. We've always had money problems, ever since I was little. I was always one of the last to get the new shoes that were already in fashion last year. Or I was one of the people who got an iPhone 5 when the iPhone X was already on the market. That's why I tried to go to work at a young age to help my parents financially. My mother has been cleaning restaurants or schools or sometimes houses of rich families for years. But still I am glad that my father wanted to work after his surgery and found a simple office job.
"Appa, are you very hungry?" I ask him as we slowly walk down the stairs in front of the big building. "Yes my child I really-" - "Hello Mr. Y/L/N!" we heard someone shout interrupting my father. My father and I both looked up and standing in front of us was an older man, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked very smart and around him were 3 men also wearing suits. "Oh, oh hello Mr. Jung!" my father exclaimed and bowed. I quickly bowed in response as well. That's Mr. Jung! The man who gave my father his job. The rich famous Mr. Jung CEO of his restaurant chain.
"Who is your pretty companion?" he asks and comes towards us. My father grins "My daughter Mr. Jung! Isn't she pretty?" oh no dad what are you saying. I notice my cheeks turning red and warm. Mr. Jung looks at me and smiles. "Yes your daughter is very pretty." wow I feel flattered. "I didn't know you had a daughter Mr. Y/L/N" he added. "Yes Mr. Jung I have a daughter and she is my pride and joy. I am honestly happy to have her in my life" my father said and I blurted I am as red as a tomato. "I would be too if I were you. She must even be my son's age! What a coincidence" says Mr. Jung and then we say goodbye to him and my father and I go to eat in the restaurant. Wow did that really just happen?
Few days later - still flashback
I can't wait to get home. Work is so exhausting, I'm so tired and exhausted I'm looking forward to my shower and my bed. Just as I walked in the front door I saw my parents sitting in the living room with a worried look on their faces like something had happened, like they were waiting for me.
"Hello Eomma and Appa." I say, about to go to my room. "Y/N wait!" I hear my mother call and I go back. She points to the couch to indicate that I should sit down. "What's wrong?" I say, looking at my parents. My father is looking at the floor all the time he doesn't dare look up don't  I don't know him that way. My mother looks at my father and waits. "Hello?" i ask. "Your father has something to tell you but please don't freak out." I am worried. What is going on? "Appa what's wrong you are scaring me is anything wrong? Are you not well?" finally he looks up. "Y/N, you know I love you." - "Yes I love you too" - "And you forgive me everything? Even if I trade selfishly?" - "Yes Appa I forgive you but please tell me what you did."
He finally looks at me and sits up straight. "The other day when we had lunch in my lunch break when we met Mr. Jung.... That same evening he came to me and asked me for something" he says with tears in his eyes. "What did he ask you, Appa?" I ask curiously.
"He asked me if you would like to marry his son."
He did what? 
Is he fucking serious? Who does he think he is? Just because he is rich and famous and who knows what he can take the right to go to other men to ask if the daughter can marry his son?
"Please tell me you said no Appa please tell me you said no" I scream and fall to the floor on my knees. The only thing he says is "I'm sorry" I can't take it anymore I start crying. Why is he doing this? Why does he agree? Why does he agree to such a thing! Why doesn't he ask me why doesn't he talk to me about it first instead of deciding for me! I am not an object or a toy that you can just give away. I am a human being, I decide for my own life and I tell him that.
"Please understand me, my daughter. I love you more than anything and you know that I only want the best for you. He wants to retire soon because he is also not the youngest anymore and he wants his son to follow in his footsteps but he needs a wife he wants that when it is made official that his son is CEO the media will report that he is married and when he saw you you immediately caught his eye!"
"Still no one gives you the right to say YES Appa! I don't want to marry his son! I don't know his son and I think his son has better things to do than marry a girl he doesn't even know!" I shout and stand up I can't believe what he is saying.
"Y/N don't you understand? They will be able to give you a better life. They will be able to give you everything I couldn't give you. You'll never have to go back to work you'll never have to get up early every morning to torture yourself you can quit your two jobs! You will be able to live a normal life of wealth and happiness! Please think of your mother and me too. I can't go to work anymore I have pain I can't walk properly and this office work is also stressing me out now I sit all the time I have back pain! Your mother has 3 jobs to take care of. We can't do it anymore and with the financial help of this family we will all be better Y/N please. Do it for us do it for you" he shouted.
I hope he knows that you don't need wealth to live a happy life. I say nothing more and rush into my room, throw myself on the bed and let my tears run. I can't believe it why do these things always happen to me? Just when I think my life can't get any shittier, it gets worse.
Back to present
"Thank you." I say to my work colleague whom I invited to my wedding. I haven't invited many people simply because I don't know anyone. Or let's put it this way, I just don't have any friends. I was never the most popular one at school. My work colleague and I took a photo, she thanked me, bowed to me and walked out of the beautifully decorated photo room. Just as I was about to get up there is a knock on the door and I see Mr. Jung and his wife and daughter come in.
"Wow Y/N! You look fantastic!" he says and hugs me. His wife and daughter agree and I smile at them. I'm not in the mood to talk to you rich brats. You're ruining my life.
"Hoseok is in his dressing room with his friends. He's pretty annoyed and irritable so don't be surprised if he gets a bit of a scowl at the altar," his sister says, grabbing my shoulder. Yes, because he doesn't want to either, don't you see?
I met Hoseok once when his parents invited me and our parents to their rich villa for dinner. Before that, of course, Mr. Jung transferred a lot of money to my father, a sum I have never seen in my life, and of course my father was allowed to quit his job. How can I put it? If you think Hoseok and I exchanged even a single word then I have to disappoint you. He didn't even look at me. He didn't speak a word, didn't laugh or smile once and didn't eat a thing. I have never felt so uncomfortable or ashamed in my life. That evening, our parents were just talking about what to do after the wedding. They have decided that my parents will move to a bigger house with employees so my parents will never have to move or work again. Mr. Jung will retire and tell the press that his son will be the new CEO and Hoseok and I will move into a villa in Seoul after the wedding.
Of course, he asked us if we would like to go on a honeymoon right after the wedding to get to know each other better, but neither of us agreed. He didn't make a sound anyway, so I had to have the stupid conversation with his father.
The only person I got along with well was his sister. She could completely understand how me and her brother felt. She told me after dinner that she is also married and her husband was also forced to marry her by her father. Her husband was of course also the son of a friend of his. He was of the opinion that she, as a famous fashion designer, needed a man by her side and she said to me that I shouldn't hold it against him because he still thinks in such an old-fashioned way. Meanwhile she and her husband are happily married, I am happy for her that she could at least learn to love him.
When it was finally time to walk down the aisle with my father, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't care about my make-up, I just wanted to go back to my old life because I know I'll never have that again. My father and I walked down the long aisle with eyes fixed on me. I could hear everyone amazed and saying how pretty I was and how lucky I was to be able to marry him. No, neither of us can consider ourselves lucky because we both don't want that. The aisle seemed so long and it just wouldn't stop. Arriving at the altar, my father presented my hand to my future husband and they bowed to each other. He didn't look me in the eye once, his eyes were empty and directed to the floor.
The ceremony went okay I could hear a few tears flowing from our mothers. To be honest, I had imagined my wedding quite differently. I could have married on a farm, but at least the love of my life would be with me.
The wedding went well, how can I say it was okay. We both sat next to each other while the guests danced and had fun and drank alcohol. We, or rather he, talked to many of the businessmen his father had invited to the wedding. It felt more like I was wearing a wedding dress to a business meeting. We didn't exchange a word, not even glances, he treated me like I was air. Too bad we'll be living together Mr. Jung Hoseok.
1 month after the wedding
"Y/L/N Good morning. Would you like coffee or tea? Pancakes or rice? Or do you have any other requests please let me know so I can pass it on to the cook!" the housekeeper Soyoung asks me as I'm walking down the stairs - I've only just woken up. I'm still overwhelmed with this new lifestyle never had someone running after me just after I get up but she was very nice and sweet.
"A coffee please Soyoung. I don't want anything to eat thanks I can't eat well in the morning, I usually eat when I'm hungry!" she looks at me surprised. "That's why you sometimes leave your food.... well then please let me know right away if you get hungry Y/L/N I will tell the cook right away!" she says smiling and walks to the kitchen.
I look out the big window facing the exit and I can see that Hoseok's car is not here. It's never here. He always gets up early every morning and comes home very late since he is the new CEO. We don't see each other at all or never.
In the evening when I was sitting alone at the dining table I hear a car parked in the driveway. I look out of the window and see that Hoseok has just come home - quite early by his standards, it's only 8pm. I quickly sit back down and pretend I was never at the window. He walks in the front door and all the staff bow to him. He looks at me and then quickly goes up to his office. Hello to you too Hoseok.
1 month later
This month is my mum's birthday and I have to be honest that I haven't seen her since my wedding. I don't have the best relationship with my parents anymore because I still can't forgive what they did to me and that they gave me away to another family for their happiness. But of course they don't know that I am so resentful because please, they are still parents. Parents usually don't see that when the children are angry or not happy.
I stand in my wardrobe and look at the clothes Soyoung put out for me. A beautiful Chanel skirt with a matching blazer, nice shoes with a little heel and a bag that looks more expensive than some cars. I change and Soyoung calls a woman in to do my hair. I'm not used to all this, I've never had my hair done before, I'm just going to visit my parents.
"Y/L/N, when you're done, you can go down to the car. Mr. Hoseok is waiting for you downstairs," she says and smiles at me. Mr. who? "What, why is he waiting downstairs?" I ask her in surprise. "He will accompany you, of course! Wouldn't it be bad if he didn't congratulate his mother-in-law! So I'd be mad at my husband if he didn't come!" she says, smiling at me.
Oh Soyoung you are so sweet and naive. I walk out the front door and get into the car with Hoseok waiting for me. I have to say he looks really good today, he's dressed up more than usual. And the fact that he took the day off to come with me to my mother's, even though he must have a lot to do, makes me very happy too. But what am I saying? He's the CEO, he can take the day off whenever he wants.
The car ride is very quiet and the only thing you can hear is the voice of the radio presenter saying what the weather is today and in the next few days. I'm honest I'm quiet for a really long time I'm always quiet when someone isn't talking to me and feels uncomfortable next to me then I feel exactly the same. I could win first place in a quiet competition and I would even be proud of it but this silence between me and Hoseok is eating me up inside so I muster up all my courage and say to him "Thank you for coming with me today. I know it's not a matter of course" I say and look at him. I can tell by the look on his face that he is surprised that I am talking to him. He hesitates a little before he says, "No problem," curtly.
Arriving at my parents' new house, we stand in front of the door and wait for someone to open it. "Y/N and oh! Hoseok! You came!" my mother says in surprise when she sees Hoseok standing behind of me. Hoseok bows to her and wishes her a happy birthday. "Come on in quickly," she says and takes us to the living room.
"I'm so glad you came, what a surprise to see you here Hoseok!" my father says as he walks into the living room. Hoseok smiles at him and says "I'd love to. I mean, my mother-in-law doesn't have a birthday every day." I am surprised! Did he honestly just say that? He's never shown any interest in my parents before, let alone me. So why does he suddenly care about my mother's birthday? We were served coffee and cake by my parents' housekeepers while there was an uncomfortable silence.
The young housekeeper serves me my coffee and a piece of cake and goes over to Hoseok. I notice how he doesn't look at her but she tries to get all his attention. She keeps asking him how he wants his coffee and how big his piece should be. Hello, why didn't she ask me that? I mean, is she really trying to get his attention next to his wife?
My father interrupts the awkward silence by asking "How are you two doing? I know this might not be the perfect time to talk about it, but are you getting along better? Have you been able to get to know each other better?" I notice how tense Hoseok becomes and wants to avoid answering but just as I am about to answer I hear him say, "Yes, we understand each other better. We have a relatively normal marriage now. Don't worry about it Y/D/N" and smiles at him. I don't think I'm hearing right? Is he serious? For two months he hasn't exchanged a single word with me and now he wants to tell my parents that we are happily, well almost happily, married?
Back in the car we don't exchange a word with each other. Happy marriage, my ass. Don't make me laugh. At home, Soyoung serves us our dinner and we sit alone in the living room, eating in quiet silence. But suddenly, "Would you like to go with me to - to my friend's house tonight? He and his wife invited us, I said it might not work out but it's still early so do you want to?" I don't think I'm hearing right. To his friend's? He's introducing me to his friend? AND his wife? I stammer "Y-y-yes so if that's ok with you" and he nods.
After dinner we drive to his friend's house. We are standing in front of the door of a penthouse his friend must have quite a lot of money too. "Hello Hoseok!" his friend says as he opens the door for us. "Hello Namjoon," says Hoseok and we both go inside. Once in the living room, his friend calls his wife Naeun and they both introduce themselves. "Hello I am Namjoon and this is my wife Naeun we are very happy to finally meet you. Unfortunately we couldn't talk to each other at your wedding," Namjoon says and smiles at me. "The pleasure is all mine," I say and sit down on the couch. "And how is the newly in love couple? I think it's a shame we couldn't meet you earlier Y/N but Hoseok said you were busy every time" Naeun says and Hoseok doesn't look at me. "Y-yes I was busy I'm sorry. I wish I could have met you guys earlier too," I am overwhelmed I don't know what to say.
"Come on tell me how you two met already! Every time I ask Hoseok he avoids me, maybe I can get it out of you!" Namjoon says.
“I-I uh we-" - "It doesn't matter Namjoon! Our fathers knew each other and that's how we met and fell in love," Hoseok interrupts me.
I think I'm in a bad movie. He tells lies about our marriage just to make himself look good, but I don't understand, he is his friend, why doesn't he tell him the truth? Time went by more and more and we understood each other better and better. I also saw Hoseok laughing so much today, I didn't even know he could laugh properly, otherwise I always got to see his angry and cold looks and he also talked to me a lot more today.
When we got home we were greeted by Soyoung at the door late at night. "Soyoung you can go to sleep it's very late" Hoseok says and Soyoung looks at him in surprise. When Soyoung went to her room and I said goodnight to Hoseok he grabs me by my wrist. "Shall we sleep in my room tonight Y/N?" - "W-what why? Are you sure?" I ask him. 
"Yeah I think we should sleep together tonight.... I mean we are married. Neither me nor you wanted that but it happened now and we should make the best of it." he says and looks at me curiously. I agree with him. He is right. We are married whether we like it or not we are husband and wife. "If you want we can start with little dates.... We can go to the movies and restaurants... We can travel. We can do all that and maybe get to know each other better." he suggests. I smile at him and thus began a somewhat strange but ultimately beautiful marriage.
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Trouble in Devildom Town, Part 2/3
Approximate reading time: 10~15 minutes
Words: 3.084 words
Lucifer pressed out a sigh.
From what Leviathan had explained, the game's concept actually got him quite agitated. He was highly interested in the game of trust and betrayal, of temporarily working together with your co-players that, in the next second, might be trying literally to backstab you.
However, his fun-o-meter had dropped remarkably after Mammon had caught up to him and Violet.
He tried ignoring his younger brother.
He tried to focus on Violet, and on finally finding a weapon to defend themselves.
He really tried,
but if Mammon was good at something, it was getting on Lucifer's nerves.
Mainly because he just kept talking and talking...
"So Lucifer, what's the plan? Why do we have to go to the forest, Lucifer? I haaaate the bugs that live there..."
Finding themselves in what seemed like a dead end, Violet looked around, spotting a little opening between the trees.
And Mammon stumbled after them, continuing to blabber...
"Hey, what weapons do you guys think they have in this game?! An epic flame thrower? Drones that explode when touching an enemy?"
The oldest brother silently helped Violet get over a tree trunk lying on the floor.
So Mammon continued...
"Oooh, I'm so hyped to check out my premium detective store once I have enough points! I'll be the most bad-ass player the world has ever...
...Hey, are you guys listening to me at all?!"
Violet gave a little sigh, mumbling an "of course we do" into Mammon's direction, but seeing the look on Lucifer's face, Mammon was unamused regardless.
"Lucifer, I swear, if you're a traitor I will never forgive you for backstabbing me. And if you're not, you'd better start doing what I want you to, because I'M the detective!"
The group came across a clearing.
"Yeah, how does that feel, huh?!" Mammon puffed his chest in an attempt to establish dominance. "I'M the superior one for once!! Actually, Lucifer, how about you..."
Mammon stopped as Lucifer had bend down to grab something lying in the grass.
It was a weird, black stick.
"... What's this?" Violet and Mammon asked simultaneously.
Then, Lucifer found a button and pressed it.
It started buzzing in a weird way, the tip was even giving off a weird, vibrating sensation (but no it's not what you think it is, you dirty-minded little...).
Lucifer stared at the stick in his hand.
Kind of on instinct, he pointed at a nearby rock, and on command, it glided into the air, following the movements Lucifer was doing with the weapon in his hand.
"A... telekinesis stick?" Violet blinked in surprise.
Lucifer stared at the stick.
Then, his eyes landed on Mammon...
With a maniac sparkle glimmering inside them.
"Oh how I wonder..." Lucifer purred threateningly, "If I can also move around people with this...?"
Mammon grew pale as he did a step backwards.
"Uh-uhm... You shouldn't... I mean... I-I-I'm the detective, remember?! If you do anything against my will, it's treason! Do you want to bust yourself as a traitor?!"
"Let's see..." Lucifer came closer. "If it means you finally shut up, then yes, I'll very gladly take that risk."
And as he pointed the club towards Mammon, the second-born's feet lost ground in an instant. Screeching and flailing helplessly in the air, Mammon's body was controlled by Lucifer's will.
"Hm... Where's the best place to dispose of you...?"
"Let me goooo...!!!" Mammon was still screaming. "That's not funny.... Lucifeeeer!!!"
With a last swing of his hand, Lucifer practically yeeted his own brother into the nearest tree.
His last words of "you traitooooor" screamed into the sky of day, Mammon vanished somewhere in-between the twigs and was nowhere to be seen.
Deactivating the stick for now, Lucifer attached it to his belt, then turned around to look at Violet.
"I'm sorry, I hope this did not cause you to bear any doubt in me now. I would hate to fight you as well."
Violet, who had watched in quite some amusement, gave a little shrug.
"It's not really any different from how you two usually behave, so... I don't really see a reason to, don't know, be wanting to kill you all of a sudden."
She gained a laugh from the male.
"What a weird sentence, but fairly pleasant to hear."
He reached out his hand.
"Well then, shall we continue and find you a weapon as well?"
  Meanwhile, the twin brothers had reached a point where the giant cliff and the other platform became visible.
Seeing that Beel was about to go exactly there, Belphie finally pulled himself out of his brother's grip.
"W-wait, Beel...! What's gotten into you?! Do you really want to go over there??"
"... Why not?"
The avatar of Sloth crossed his arms.
"Think about it. What if there's a traitor on the other side, waiting for some idiots to walk right into his trap? With only this bridge as means of escape, this is the perfect place to camp for innocents to come by."
A little silence came over them.
Belphie was kind of stressed to see his brother pondering over something else than their own personal survival as a pair, while Beel stared over to the other side, lost in thoughts.
Then Beel's eyes widened all of a sudden.
"... Clover!!"
He dashed towards the bridge, leaving his puzzled brother behind.
Belphie was screaming after him, searching for what could have caused Beel to be in such a hurry.
His mouth fell open as he spotted a person lying on the bridge, a leg stuck between the wooden planks.
Clover was waving at Beel to come and save her.
Hurrying after Beel, Belphie kept analysing the scene, a feeling in his guts that something was off about this sight...
He watched as Beel was calling out to her, but she wasn't replying at all, only waving and helplessly trying to pull her leg out of there.
Then Belphie realised what was bugging him.
He stared at the nickname above her head...
And Belphie dashed towards his brother.
"Beel, wait!! This is a tra-"
  "Somebody.... Help meee..."
Levi heard a voice when making his way through the forest.
He wasn't very pleased to have heard that voice.
In a great sigh, Levi came to a stop next to a large tree that was covered in twines.
And amidst these twines, there was Mammon, obviously stuck, giving awful whines as he wasn't able to free himself apparently.
"... Mammon."
"LEVI!!!" Mammon was swinging in glee as he saw the otaku passing by. "Levi, my most favourite brother!! Oh, have I ever been more glad to see you?"
Levi gave another stressed noise, not really wanting to interrupt his hunt for ammunition or another weapon, but the thick forest actually kept him from proceeding.
"You knoooow..." Mammon continued to muse, "I really think we're getting more close to each other lately. Don't you think so, too? Like, as the second- and third-born brothers, we kinda just HAVE to stick together... Don't we?"
Levi started to think.
"So..." Mammon continued. "Could you... Maybe... Help me get out of here?"
Levi was thinking...
And he made his decision.
He left.
"Wha-?! Levi, what are you doing?!?!" Now Mammon was swinging in anger. "Help me, you dumbass, I'm the frickin' DETECTIVE, why are y'all so mean to meeeee?!?"
And well, he had a point...
But Levi left anyways.
  It felt weird for Clover to lead the way after she and Satan had passed the bridge, but as the girl was the one bearing the weapon, Satan had told her to go first.
The buildings here looked similar to those in the spawning area, poorly built, mostly empty, and with dust and plants covering them.
They checked one house at a time, and soon Satan was equipped with a riffle gun and a batch of ammo to go along with it.
Clover felt a little unsafe, seeing how now Satan was actually able to eliminate her in the brink of a second, but he really didn't seem like he was up to anything bad.
But how could she be so sure, you ask yourself? That this evil, wrathy mind wasn't coming up with a master plan just this second?
Well, when they found one specific building...
Clover peeked inside the house that Satan had went into while she was guarding him.
"Is... Everything alright?" She asked in a mumble, but the male quickly waved her off.
"Of course, I'm perfectly fine" he responded.
"Hey, uhm, Clover, do you mind checking out the two remaining houses by yourself? Don't worry, I'll be back by your side in a second, but I, uhm... Want to check how this thing here works."
Clover stared at him for a moment.
"Satan, if you do kill me after all I will never forgive you."
"No no, I won't, I promise, just... Please?"
She had no choice but to check the other buildings herself.
The first one, a house close to the one Satan was sitting in, was empty.
However, the last and biggest shack was another deal.
A few of the other houses had their front doors unlocked, and so was this door as Clover stepped inside.
It was rather gloomy inside, so she pulled the curtains open to have a better look at her surroundings.
While she was browsing through the abandoned house, looking for anything of use to her, the girl was ripped out of her thoughts by the sound of an explosion. It appeared to be rather far away, however, so in the end, Clover was unsure what to do.
She feared that someone might have destroyed the bridge, or that something had happened to Satan.
"No... The explosion would have been louder if it went off on this platform..." she thought out loud.
She found it best to quickly skim through the house and then return to her partner as soon as possible.
And actually, she was pleased to find a whole batch of different weapons.
A knife, three grenades, and a shotgun, loaded but with no additional ammo.
Clover attached them to her belt and kept the knife in her hand...
When she heard footsteps approaching.
"... Satan...?"
No, the steps sounded too heavy, Satan had been moving more careful and silent before...
The girl backed away from the door, careful to not be obviously visible through the windows.
Ready to grab her pistol, she stared at the doorframe...
Then Beel stepped inside, a surprised look on his face as he locked eyes with her.
  "... It seems we have seen about most of the forest by now."
Lucifer came to a stop, resting on a rock and gesturing Violet to do the same.
"What do we have so far?" he asked, pointing at their equipment.
"We have... two pistols, one for each of us, a sniper gun... one smoke grenade and a few normal ones... And this weird magnet stick."
The male was nodding contently. They shared the ammunition and grenades fairly between each other, then the demon raised himself to walk around while thinking.
"Well, looking at the timer... We have about thirty minutes left to survive. However, it seems somebody must have died within the last two minutes, because I recall to have more time passed originally..."
Somewhere in-between his rambling, Lucifer noticed that Violet didn't seem to be listening.
In fact, she wasn't even looking at him.
He kept staring at her, until eventually, her eyes would wander up from the void she had been staring into.
A light blush spread on her cheeks as she blinked in awkwardness.
"... Is something wrong?" she asked.
"Where were you" Lucifer asked in a sharper tone, not leaving her out of his sight now.
"I was emersed in thoughts, I'm sorry" she waved it off. "It's just... a weird concept we're in, so I was thinking about how to further proceed in the best way."
Lucifer pressed out a hum.
"Indeed... But I find this to be rather thrilling. Most of Levi's games are too childish for my taste, but this here has caught my interest..."
He made a little pause.
"Although..." he then began, "there are a few things about this game I have yet to figure out."
Violet tilted her head.
"Like what?"
Lucifer's gaze finally drifted off her as he pushed himself away from the rock to lumber around.
"Well, for example... Levi has told us that the traitors as well as the detective have access to a special weapon repertoire... But how exactly do they enter this store? Is it a place to visit, or what should I interpret it as?"
Again, Violet blinked.
"Uhm... I guess in the game's normal version, you'll have some kind of window you can click on... It's not like a place, but more an additional inventory where you can buy stuff. Or at least, that's how I imagine it..."
A soft wind's breeze carried a silence onto them.
Violet grew a little concerned as Lucifer wouldn't respond anything, his back turned towards her.
"... Lucifer...? What's wrong, what are you thinking about?"
She heard him breathe out...
Then, he turned around, starting to walk back to her, arms crossed as he pinned her down with his eyes.
"I was only wondering... If I was to enter a shop like the traitor's weapon repertoire, it would be something like a cognitive process, as the shop itself is not a material place according to your description."
He came to a stop in front of her, placing a hand next to where she was leaning against the rock.
"And then I thought... How would that look like to the other players?"
Violet's eyes widened as his eyes narrowed, his face slowly getting closer to hers.
There was a thick tone of thread painting his voice as he continued.
"I personally imagine it could look like...
Somebody mindlessly staring off into the distance while taking advantage of the other person not paying close attention to them..."
Violet had backed away on instinct, but soon she was bend over the stone and could not escape his deviously sparkling eyes any longer.
"Or what would you say... my dear traitor?"
    --- just a little earlier... ---
 Belphie hurried after his brother.
"Beel, wait!! This is a tra-"
An explosion went off before Belphie could finish his sentence.
The avatar of Sloth protected himself from the chunks of dirt flying through the air, but the explosion's impulse pushed him off his feet nonetheless.
When he felt save enough to open up his eyes again, he saw a large hole in the ground near the bridge, but the construction itself didn't seem to be damaged.
Although, what was more important...
Belphegor stumbled towards his brother, falling onto his knees as he crouched down beside his body.
"... Beel...?"
Sighing, he had soon to realise that now Beelzebub's health bar was visible, however he had to see that it had dropped to zero.
His eyes snapping back at the bridge, Belphegor gasped as he watched Clover pulling her leg out of the bridge. She looked back at the tragedy that had happened, before turning around to run away from Belphegor and onto the smaller plattform.
   "... Beel?" Clover watched the male entering the house, his arms raised in a gesture to show he meant no harm.
She felt herself shivering, but let go of her pistol for now.
"What are you doing here? Weren't you with Belphie?"
Beel's eyes were averted as he came closer.
His face showed extreme sadness.
"The explosion..." he whispered, so faint that Clover had trouble understanding him.
"Did he...?" She hurried towards him.
Beel gave a little nod.
Then, the girl grew suspicious.
"Wait... You didn't... kill him, did you...?"
Now he was shaking his head.
"I would never..." Again, he whispered, barely any colour in his voice at all.
His arms slowly found her shoulders.
"He is dead..." His voice was so fragile it stressed Clover a lot.
"Beel, this is only a game..." she mumbled in an attempt to soothe him.
Then, suddenly, he pulled her towards him, his arm wrapped around her waist and his free hand cupping her cheek.
"I only got you left..."
The girl flushed red in an instant, her brain errored as she was overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.
As her hands grew sweaty, the knife she was holding just kind of slipped out of her grip.
She was about to babble a response, but completely puzzled, she didn't manage to press out more than his name.
"Clover..." he whispered, and now Clover realised his voice sounded so weird, even despite him whispering. "Please, let me..."
He didn't finish his sentence, but instead let his lips land onto hers.
Confused, but not able to pull away, the girl let it happen, her eyes fluttering shut on instinct.
She felt her heart beating incredibly fast, even more as his tongue slipped inside her mouth.
While breathng faint sounds, Clover was amazed by how... perfect this felt.
This sensation, his kissing style, the way he moved and played with her, how they have stumbled backwards until she felt her back pressed against the wall...
It was so...
So full of...
Clover realised too late she was done for.
The second she felt something besides his tongue inside her mouth, her opponent was pulling away, forcefully pressing a hand against her mouth.
When Clover opened her eyes, she wasn't looking into Beel's eyes,
But those of Asmodeus.
"Oh, my..." He purred, keeping the struggling girl in his grip easily. "What a kiss~! So full of emotions, so full of... Love~?"
Clover was desperate to not swallow the pill she felt being in her mouth, but in the end, she couldn't suppress the reflex.
Seconds later, she was coughing, and Asmo let go of her.
She fell onto her knees, holding her throat as she felt like being choked, in terrible need of air.
"I'm so sorry, darling. But I'm not a fan of blood and the like, so I decided to go with a weapon that is more my style..."
She managed to glance at Asmo as tears filled her eyes.
"But hey!" The demon cheered. "Maybe Beel was watching us from the spectator lobby, then he saw how passionate you are about making out with him!"
Then, her body fully collapsed, and Asmo took his time to loot her corpse.
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petersasteria · 4 years
Hannah Montana - Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter x Reader
Requested? Nah. I wrote this last Aug 18, 2020
Peter Parker Masterlist
* * * *
- i miss writing headcanons so why not am i right?
- anyway, here it is
- so, aside from being Spider-Man, Peter has another secret
- his favorite song ever since he started being Spider-Man is "Best of Both Worlds" from Hannah Montana
- he hasn't told ANYONE
- not you
- not Ned
- not aunt May
- not even Tony
- no one
- only Karen knows abt it bc at that time, Peter was singing it when he was home alone and he was playing around with the mask on
- he was singing it super loud and at one point he hit the right note and was like-
- "omg it's my first time hitting that note! SKSGAHGFKJSJGW"
- "That's very good, Peter."
- "Yes, Peter."
- "....please let this stay between us.... thanks."
- "Of course, Peter."
- so I guess only him and Karen know about it
- that's about to change tho
- he wasn't at school so you visited him and he was home alone
- when you got there, he was in the shower and he was singing "Best of Both Worlds"
- you knew abt Spider-Man, ofc
- you just didn't know he had a song for it
- you pieced it together when you heard the chorus
- so you stayed in his room and as soon as he entered his room, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist and he had his eyes closed tight and he was really feeling the song
- he even had a little comb as a mic
- it was intense
- he was air guitar-ing too
- you were sat on his bed watching the whole thing and your jaw dropped
- you didn't have the heart to let him know you were there
- he even pretended that he was Hannah Montana
- "iS THAT ORLANDO BLOOM?" and that's when he opened his eyes and saw you
- "OH MY GOD Y/N." (he stopped the music after that)
- "Uhhh... I'm sorry I'm not Orlando Bloom??"
- "...how long have you been here?"
- "A few minutes."
- "You heard all that?"
- "Yes sksks"
- "Omg."
- It's like he didn't want to see you ever again and you didn't want that so you had to do what you had to do
- you opened your bag and grabbed your brush and stood up from your spot on his bed as he watched you
- you grabbed his phone and played the music again
- Peter laughed at you as you danced around and sang along to his favorite song and he couldn't help but think that he's in love with you and he loved you even more for joining his craziness instead of making fun of him like he expected
- He knew that you were it for him and he wouldn't trade that for anything in the world <3
* * * *
hope y'all liked this one <3
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @myblueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower @buckys-little-hoe @justanothermarvelmaniac 
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​​ @osterfieldnholland​​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @parker-potters @itstaskeen  @call-me-baby-gir1 
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hrodvitnon · 4 years
Ch. 14 Nonnie: You Monster! How could you leave us with a torturous cliffhanger?! But still loved every bit of it! 1.Will that amulet come into play here soon? 2. Will Thor’s role pick up more action as it continues? 3. When Serizawa died did he encounter darkness like what San saw with Viv or was it something completely different? 4. Would there ever be a point where San no longer fears death but welcomes it? Can't wait for the next chapter! Please tell me it's coming soon.
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1. A Chekhov’s Incantation, if you will? Could beeee~... Who knoooows~... there’s something due any day, I will know right away, soon as it shoooooows!
2. It has been a while since Thor took a more active role, hasn’t it? Rest assured, our fuzzy punchy boi will make a comeback in the future.
3. I think it’s safe to talk about this outside the Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane aspect in the fic... let’s say he did see darkness. And maybe, after a time, he saw something different. I don’t know how else to explain it, but a good visual interpretation I’ve seen could be the painting “Metempsychosis” by Yokoyama Taikan.
4. Whether San overcomes his thanatophobia or not remains to be seen. It might just depend on future events, but that would be telling...
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fishymom-art · 4 years
And I’d like to tell you about every wonderful moment/thing in the show (and why you should watch it, if you didn’t). Right in time to all the hype around the end!
- Glimmer going from that little girl who couldn’t control her powers to a powerful queen and sorceress that can oppose her own father, who was one of the strongest sorcerers of all!! She became unbelievably powerful and honestly? The best character development.
- Entrapta’s character. I knoooow I talk about her a lot, but she is literally the reason I watched the show and I have all the right to continue talking about her. She is a very interesting character. She is a loner, no one has ever been friends with her without her annoying them. Even her own staff don’t like her. When she tried joining the Princesses Alliance, everybody would always tell her how “wrong” she is in their image. That’s why it was so easy to pull her to Horde’s side. She could close in herself again, dedicating herself to First One’s tech. And suddenly, she found people who didn’t judge her for who she is. Especially Hordak. He didn’t care how “wrong” she is, he wasn’t the best himself and he admits it throughout the show. He saw that she could be a good friend if you give her a chance. And he did. And I fucking love the Lab Partners.
- The fact that no one, even the villains/antagonists cares about ones  personality. Especially sexual orientation. Heck, Horde Prime used love in his privilege and that was the most normal thing. No one gets surprised at Bow’s dads, no one gets surprised or uncomfortable with Netossa and Spinnerella being wives and no one CERTAINLY doesn’t get uncomfortable with Catra and Adora. Love is one of the most important topics in She-Ra, although not directly. We are shown that love can come in different forms, friendship (Bow, Glimmer, Adora and Catra), teamwork/support (literally almost anyone, but I will go with Lenny, Rogelio and Kyle, because they got a nice character development too) and relationships of course. And no one will question who’s your partner in crime! Hordak - one of the main villains- and Entrapta - an outsider princess? Great team, friends, lovers, think as you wish. Glimmer and Shadow Weaver? Heck yeah, teacher and student (also, imho, Shadow Weaver deserves the world), and Perfuma with Scorpia, supporting each other through every step. Love love love!!!! Only love can win against evil! (Love and some hardcore weaponry)
- Can we please bring up Swift Wind? The best loyal steed a hero can have. Honestly, I didn’t like him and the fact that he talked made me uncomfortable at first. But he is such a funny character! And I think he is a great supporter to She-Ra. I love him.
- Every ship you have is canon! Like, literally, no matter who you ship, they totally have some kind of a bond and there is no way they couldn’t be a couple. But I won’t let you ship Kyle with anyone except for Rogelio, I am sorry, I don’t make the rules.
- Everything characters do has a meaning to the lore. Every their action influences the future. And this is sooo cool! It lets you theorize a lot, you get engaged a lot more, because you know that character’s decision will have consequences. Mostly to their own character which is the next thing.
- Mentality. We can see how actions influence the characters. The fight between Adora and Glimmer specifically. They couldn’t trust one another at some point, which influenced the way they handled things. Also, Catra sending Entrapta to Beast Island, allowing a portal to open which led to... khem, some bad things (Season 4. I don’t like Season 4. It’s all wrong without Angella). We can see Adora, always judging herself because everything depends on her. That’s a realistic behavior for a hero, because you feel that everyone blames the strongest one if the team loses. We can see Catra having issues with herself after she pushes Scorpia away, realizing how much of a bad friend she is. And so on!
- WRONG HORDAK. Ok, I was watching She-Ra with @captainleemon​ and he disliked Wrong Hordak, but COME ON. He is a BABY! He is a literal face of “giving a second chance”. He was such a relief to watch! While Season 5 was all intense and serious, Wrong Hordak was there being a complete sweetheart and I thank Heavens for blessing us with him.
- I talked about it already, but D E S I G N!!! In the original show, every woman character was overly sexualized. Men too, of course. You can’t be a hero if you’re not buff and sexy!
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Look at Bow!!! Yes, he lost his cool mustache, but he became realistic!!! You don’t need to be buff to be strong! And he is SUPER STRONG!
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Also, look at ENTRAPTA!!! Yes yes, that’s her! Imagine remake Entrapta wearing that sexy clothes, Hordak would lose it XD. I think their new costumes fit their personalities and work better now. I don’t think flying around on your hair and working in front of a computer is as comfortable in a dress as in a jumpsuit. 
- Everybody deciding it’s time to confess their love to one another in the end, because hey, we will probably die, why not? First Glimmer to Bow, then Sea Hawk to Mermista (although he did it a lot before), Hordak kinda admitting he is soft for Entrapta. And Catra like “well, if everybody does that, I might as well follow the majority”. Can’t believe they invented love.
- The Best Friend Squad interrupting Huntara from flirting with a woman in a bar. That’s all, that’s the thing.
- Micah being a complete dork, when young and when old. 
woah, that’s a lot. BUT WE’RE NOT DONE YET!!!!
- My favorite is probably the fact that they mixed magic with technologies which is my all time favorite thing!!! The planet is a weapon??? First Ones were making technologies using magic??? LIGHT HOPE?? My gosh, it gives you so much possibilities! And also an excuse to do whatever you want with the tech and not explain it scientifically , it will all work, because it has something to do with magic. You have to explain how tech works, but you don’t have to explain magic ;))
- This show made me SO EMOTIONAL. Every character has a meaning and I am happy they didn’t kill or hurt characters without a purpose. I am talking Angella’s death. I’m still not over it. I was hoping she’ll come back in the end, but ugh.... well, you have to learn how to move on.
- ksjthrtliuhriuy THE INTRO AND HOW IT WAS CHANGING DEPENDING ON WHAT WAS HAPPENING!!! Scratch that, THE INTRO ITSELF!!! Imma do a fucking cover, you can’t stop me, it’s one of the best intros I’ve heard in a while. It can fight Gravity Falls and Steven Universe.
- Sea Hawk’s shanties. Period.
Ok, I think that’s all. If there’s anything I will remember, I’ll add. You can also add something yourself, if you want! Thank you for sticking around!
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gazebobullshit · 4 years
tell me when 
pairing: eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier ( reddie )  rating: teen ( for language )  word count:  2284 summary:  Richie and Eddie spend a night in, Eddie asks some important questions. gift for: Christine ( ladystvrk ) for the @it-fandom-exchange ao3 link: here
“Alright, alright Trashmouth!” Eddie’s hands are up, half empty beer dangling from his right. “If you were so sure, then when did you know?”
Richie snorted, his own beer nestled in his lap. “Are you seriously asking me when I realized I had a crush on you?”
“Yeah, well-” Eddie opened his arms out in a challenge, face flushed from the drinks he’s already had that night. “You keep saying since we were kids and I’m calling bullshit.”
Richie can’t help but laugh at that, elbow resting on his knee and body leaning forward to support his chin on his open palm. “I know. Hard to believe that I, Derry’s number one pussy slayer, was in fact very gay for one Mr. Edward Kaspbrak.”
“Please. The closest you’ve been to a naked woman is Bev in her underwear.”
“Ouch Eds.” He pointed with his free hand, “I mean you’re not wrong, but- ouch.”
“C’mon. I’m serious.” Eddie straightened his legs out on the floor, enough to bump his socked foot against Richie’s knee. “When did you know? And be real with me Tozier, no jokes.”
“Fuck. If I’d have known we’d be playing twenty questions tonight I’d have vetoed the booze.” He straightened, hands pressing against his face, pushing his glasses up into his hairline. He could feel Eddie tapping at his knee with impatience and he grumbled low in his throat as a response. Hands dropping enough to let his glasses slide ( somewhat ) back into place. Just enough for him to glare at Eddie over the tops of his fingers. “Give me a goddamn minute. We only got these memories back like four months ago.”
“Bullshit. You’re fucking stalling.”
“So what the fuck if I am? It’s embarrassing.”
“Please Rich. I want to knoooow.”
Richie might have found it amusing, even borderline adorable,  that tipsy Eddie got whiny. His cheeks flushed as he took another sip of his drink, shooting Richie a look that’d put the puppies in those adoption commercials to shame.He looked so comfortable, and far more at ease than Richie thinks he’s ever seen him, even back when they were kids.
“Okay. Okay. Just- don’t fucking laugh at me.”
“Absolutely no promises, but continue.”
That earned Eddie a middle finger, which got Richie double the response back.
Richie settled back against his couch, head tilting up towards the ceiling. He knew of course, how far back the crush went. Maybe not the exact date and time when he’d realized it, but he did know a vague enough answer.
“Well, there’s that summer.” And sure, saying it like that’s kind of vague, but they all know what ‘that summer’ usually refers to. Sweet summer of ‘89 with its clown bullshit. “I was kind of ignoring it until then.”
“The crush or the-”
“Both.” Richie shrugged, nail scraping at the label on his beer. “Figured if I just never shut up about how much tail I was getting on the reg’ people wouldn’t notice, you know? Or I dunno, fake it till you make it, I guess.” He flinched, letting his head fall forward again but keeping his eyes squarely off of Eddie’s face. “It took Bowers being an asshole and the clown chasing me through Bassey as that fuck ugly lumberjack for me to think, ‘Hey dickhead. Maybe this is a thing.’”
“So, what? When we were thirteen? That tracks I guess. You were extra annoying that year.” Richie might not have been looking at him, but he could hear the expression on Eddie’s face. That frown of consideration that made the wrinkle between his brows more prominent. “Still not seeing the whole crush on me thing.”
“Eh, I’m getting there.” He exhaled, shifting where he sat, lifting his beer to take another big sip. When the bottle was back in his lap he let his gaze drift, spacing out somewhere in the general area above Eddie’s head. This memory, unlike some of his others, was crystal clear and distinct. The very first one to hit him when he’d walked into the Jade and set eyes on Eddie for the first time. It was almost...too much to look at. The colors are too vibrant, the feel of the wood assaults the nerves at the end of his fingertips. He got a splinter that day and he can feel it now, like it’s been digging itself under his fingernail for the past twenty-seven years. It takes him a minute to wade through all of that to find his words again. “Remember the Kissing Bridge?”
“Of course. Isn’t that where Bowers got Ben the day we met him.”
Richie winces, and nods. “Yep.” He pops the ‘p’ on that, “Well, I didn’t go there to carve up new kids like Thanksgiving turkeys. Call me old-fashioned but I kind of prefered the original purpose.”
“Oh God. Don’t tell me. You fucking didn’t.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Oh my God Rich.” Eddie snorted, “What the fuck.”
Richie finally let his gaze drop to Eddie’s face only to find Eddie trying to muffle his laughter with the palms of his hands.
“Hey! I told you this was fucking embarassing!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think- Jesus Christ Richie, the Kissing Bridge? Are you serious? You can’t be fucking serious.”
“Fuck you.” He pointed a finger at Eddie, wagging it in the air between them. He’s trying to be serious but the grin on his face and the laughter in his voice is giving him away. “I thought it was fucking romantic, and it wasn’t like I was about to confess my undying love for your hyperactive ass.”
“You’ve gotta be bullshitting me. There’s no fucking way. Nope. I don’t believe it.” Eddie’s head is shaking, and he’s leaning back on his hands. “You know I’m not about to step foot in that town again to check.”
“Hah, but that’s where you’re mistaken. You don’t have to do shit. I took a picture.”
“Get ready to eat your words Kaspbrak.” Despite himself he was grinning as he shifted to pull his phone from his back pocket. Thumbing quickly to clear the screen of the avalanche of twitter notifications and angry messages from his manager. Pulling up his camera roll he pulled up the snapshot he’d taken of the Kissing Bridge just before he’d left town, his old carving done up fresh and standing stark against the wood. “Read it and weep, bitch.”
Tipsy Eddie did not have the sort of hand eye coordination necessary to catch a phone but Richie tossed it anyway. Then laughed as the other man fumbled not to drop it before it flopped face down on his lap. Once he could actually look at his screen, Richie watched as his eyebrows did some complicated gymnastics routine on the upper part of his face, mouth turning down in a frown.
“I can’t believe you’re serious.” He squinted, fingers moving to expand the picture, before he glanced back up. “This shit looks too fresh to be from 1989.”
“Recarved it.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope.” He brought his beer back up to his lips, drinking the last of what was left in one quick gulp. Tongue dragging out  to lick his lips before continuing. “You almost died-”
“But I didn’t.”
“Right, but you didn’t.” He shrugged, “I don’t know, it just felt cathartic. I thought maybe if I carved it again I could just leave all those feelings there. Put them to rest.”  He gestured between them vaguely, “I didn’t think- I mean, I had every intention of keeping it to myself for the rest of forever.” He never once thought he’d be here, with Eddie. That talking about all this shit would be so easy, embarrassing sure, but easy nonetheless. Because Eddie knew and Eddie was here, and despite everything Richie woke up with the man of his dreams half tucked under his side.
Eddie was back to staring at the picture, only this time his face was all pinched in thought. “So that’s when you knew? When we were thirteen.”
Richie moved, stretching to put his bottle on the coffee table, before settling back in his spot. “That’s when I accepted it. Realizing it was a lot more fucking embarrassing.”
Eddie looked skeptical. “More embarrassing than carving our initials on Derry’s horny make-out spot?”
“Remember the day we met?”
“No! Richie- Richie we were six years old! No fucking way.”
“I told you this shit was embarrassing!”
“You were not in fucking love with me when we were six.”
“Hey! You’re the one holding my phone. Go ahead, dial my mom, ask her! I swear on Ben’s perfect abs I told her I’d marry you the second she picked me up from daycare.”
“I’m not- Richie it’s like 3 in the fucking morning where they are. No.”
“Then you gotta take my word for it.” He lifted his hands, palms up towards the ceiling. “Your mom dropped you off and you looked so mad about it. I thought you were one of those kids who bursts out crying the second their parents left them alone, but nope! You were just pissed because everything was a mess.” He laughed, and this memory- this memory wasn’t like the other one. It was faded and delicate. When Richie picked it up he felt like he had to be careful or he’d risk tearing it apart, like an old piece of film. Bits and pieces shone through well enough, the things that he’d always liked about Eddie since the start. His loud, fast voice, and animated hand gestures. The way his fanny pack looked too big and cumbersome, especially back then when he was nothing but tiny hips and twiggy legs.
The way he’d looked at Richie like he found everything he did physically repulsive, and yet didn’t pull away. Instead he’d clambered all over him, manhandled him into obedience so he could apply brightly colored bandages to the scrapes and bruises on Richie’s knees. All while yelling about cooties and calling him a dummy.
He expected to hear Eddie laughing, but when he looked up, he was looking at Richie’s phone, thumb pressed lightly to the screen.
“Eds? Spaghetti?”
“Don’t call me that.” Absent and automatic, without bothering to look up.
“Which one?”
“Both, dipshit.” One eyebrow arching up as their gazes finally met for a moment, before Eddie was taking his beer and downing the last of it in a series of furious gulps.  
Exhaling, he set the empty bottle down next to Richie’s, and held  the phone out. Not like he was handing it back, but so that Richie could see the screen. The picture had been shifted, zoomed in a little off to the side to show a different part of the screen. Another carving, faded with time but still visible.
R, with a heart around it.
“For the record. It was that summer for me too.” When their eyes met over the phone Eddie’s were intense and focused. No signs of the alcohol in his system, though he was breathing a little harder. “You told me to look at you. You kept telling me to look at you instead.”
They both swallowed, not really wanting to relive that moment, but finding it bursting through their defenses unbidden anyway. For Eddie it was the way the clown’s hand had felt on his face, the pain of his broken arm, and the smell of rancid breath washing over him. For Richie it was hearing Eddie scream, seeing the clown standing over him with drool dripping from IT’s jaws.
Then it was just the two of them. Richie’s hands on Eddie’s face, his voice yelling at him to look away. Just like it was the two of them right now, only instead of chaos and children screaming, the world was quiet, like it was holding its breath.
“I can’t believe you gave me shit. You’re just as big a sap as I am.” Richie’s voice sounded hoarse to his own ears.
Eddie just smiled, pushing up onto his knees so he could close the distance between them. Dropping Richie’s phone in his lap, before lifting that same hand to tilt up Richie’s chin. “You’d probably think I was body snatched if I didn’t give you shit, admit it.”
Eddie’s head lowered, Richie could taste the beer on his breath and it made him feel drunker than any of the alcohol he’d had that night. Light-headed and wanting. Head tilting to the side to accommodate the kiss he felt like he’d die without.
“One more question.”
“Jesus Christ, Kaspbrak. You’re going to kill me.” He groaned, letting his head fall back against the couch. This close he could feel Eddie’s laughter like the rumble of a distant thunderstorm vibrating the air between their bodies.
“Do you still love me?”
Richie’s head snaps back up slightly, one eyebrow trying valiantly to reach his hairline. His hands had settled on Eddie’s waist, but now he let them slip down the rough fabric of his jeans. Giving him a brief pat on the ass, before he hooked the back of his thighs and guided Eddie into his lap. “Eddie my love, that is the stupidest question I’ve ever heard.”
“That’s not an ans-”
Richie can only hope that the kiss they share, just like every kiss that came before and all the ones he prays are still to come, will be answer enough. When they pull apart it’s with Eddie’s hands cradling his face, and a dopey smile slowly spreading across Richie’s features. “I love you Eddie Kaspbrak.”
Eddie beams, actually beams, and Richie feels his heart stutter. “I love you too Richie Tozier.”
“Oh fuck off, Trashmouth.”
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
text || aarotin
Discord text thread featuring: aaron & @quentindelancret
When: december 18
Mentions: @davieslandon
Description: quentin thanks aaron for the christmas presents, and they get into a little fight about quentin going on a couple of dates with landon
TW: just aaron being an insecure lovesick BITCH
I love everything so much!!
awe babyyy
I’m gonna thank you really good
oh yeah?
how so?
I’m gonna do your dishes lmao
haha kidding
as long as you do them naked
Anyrhinf you want daddy
you drive me crazy
It’s very mural
m u t u a l
hahaha I’m drunk
it’s 4:30pm lmao
hahaha I’m not even out of work yet
I knoooow!! I got Hennessy from my secret Santa and it seems like a great idea but... oops haha
I mean. I can’t blame you
No? You don’t wanna spank me?
well now that you mention it. Drinking before five is naughty
it’s very naughty
should I come to you when I’m out of this meeting?
Yes please!
are you at home?
I ammm
I’m decorating my tree and Landon is bringing hot cocoa to help lol
well then I’ll leave you two to that
What? Why?
im assuming it’s like a date so I’ll let you guys be
it’s not a date
it’s okay
have fun
Yeah, okay.
love you <3
so why are you going out with Landon then
what do you mean? We’re. It going out.
we’re not going out
We had a couple of dates that’s all
but, I don’t know what you want me to say. You know how I feel Aaron.
yeah sorry I shouldn’t have said anything
I’d much rather be with you and you know that. So, I don’t know what you want me to do here
idk, I don’t wanna fight. But I don’t wanna ruin what we have either
I don’t either
just tell me if you want me to stop seeing him
I don’t wanna do anything that upsets you
I could never be mad you
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m not looking for a boyfriend. We just hang out. I’m not going anywhere
yeah we just hang out. I’m not going anywhere either
I meant Landon and I. But okay lol
yeah. All I care about is that you aren’t going anywhere though. So I’m good xx
I’m not
good! Can I come over later?
ofc I miss you. I’m having dinner with Jaycee. After?
yeah definitely! I miss you too.
I’ll see you soon *pleading face*
you will indeed <3
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