#please spread this? OTL ]
helsensm · 6 months
Hi! Sorry for attacking your inbox lately, but I'd just like to say I really love and appreciate all your art. Even though this sounds stupid I've always had a hard time showing appreciation or just leaving happy or supportive comments due to being extremely shy😭 but after leaving a few replies and seeing how very nice you are it makes me feel a bit more confident to leave this! Whenever I see your art pop up on my page it genuinely makes me smile (along with other artists art but auwvduhdhwbr) anyways I hope you keep making art in the future because you inspire people a ton from what I've seen incudling myself who gets a bit more motivation to draw whenever I see a favorite artist post hdhehduxb.
Anyways I really hope you're doing well or soon feel better if you aren't <3 Keep going man! 💕
wait, I must give you something in return, lemme just.. ugh, he's hiding again, one moment-
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Thank you so much for your kind words! 😭💗 I'm saying it every time when someone compliments my art, but it REALLY MEANS A LOT. And I'm so happy (and so proud??) to see that you are overcoming your shyness to spread positivity and make someone's day better with your comments!
I remember your Kung Lao pencil doodle 👀 you drew his face SOOO CUTE!! *explodes* Please keep drawing too, because, first of all, the world is a better place with people like you and your creations in it. And second, the only way to draw one great hand is to draw 100 bad hands agafgHH so you got it, I believe in you <3
also sorry for the late response, days got busy oTL
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merakiui · 11 months
No part of you will go to waste, he'll cook you thoroughly and cherish every single bite. After all, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and you're certainly going that way. Then once you're fully digested, you'll become parts of his flesh, the blood that runs through his veins. The both of you will never be apart again <333
(I was also thinking of another route where he'll just shrink you down, chewing and poking at you playfully with his tongue, before swallowing you whole, keeping you safe in his tummy forever. I don't know what's the line that separates cannibalism and vore, aren't they sort of the same?)
Anyway, Yandere Jade who thinks with his stomach expresses his love thru cannibalism(❁´◡`❁)
HE IS SO.......... WWAAAAAAAA OTL my favorite murder eel who can shock my heart anytime he wants. I want to write a lot about the concept of monstrous love and the different types of hunger and how they apply to Jade with his big appetite (for both food and perhaps even love). There's a lot to explore!!!! He's such an enigma!!! I wonder if he's ever considered doing mukbang.... OMG,,,,,, mukbang on the dark web, but it's just Jade eating a spread of various human parts he's prepared. Scary... ;;;;; or maybe you're right there with him and he's making you join him even though you don't want to. :( terrible eel!!!!
While I don't write for vore and so this may be incorrect, my understanding is that cannibalism and vore are both different in their own respects. The similarity is that there's a focus on consumption, but the difference is that there's more brutality in cannibalism, as well as a focus on the build-up to inevitable feasting. Likely torture aspects, how the person is killed and later prepared, and so on. More gore and perhaps even violence; it's messy. The end result, in most cases, is death if [insert character here] has killed you and is cooking and eating you in parts. With vore, I think there's more emphasis on the relationship or dynamic between predator and prey and how there's not usually gore involved (although I'm sure there could be), merely just the act of being swallowed alive and whole and then being kept in the predator's stomach, whether to be digested or not.
HOWEVER!!!!! The idea of being shrunken down to a small size...... macro/micro with Jade........ being a smol fairy who the twins capture and put in a jar and......... :) Jade holding you up by your wings, pinching them in two fingers, and dangling you over a bubbling cauldron or the batter for a cake he's baking and acting as if he might drop you in............. he's the worst. >:( but Floyd with a little fairy darling is cute because I think he'd put you in a dollhouse and watch you sleep because you're so cute and he has to restrain himself from just,,,, crushing you in his fist because the cuteness aggression has him in a chokehold. >_<
Aaaaaa I love the idea of yan!Jade always thinking with his stomach even when it comes to love. He's hungry for your heart in more ways than one. To use my blog's catchphrase, he's after your heart. <3 hehehe!!!
But on the subject of cannibalism, there's a Vocaloid song called The Last Supper in which Len is sick with a seemingly incurable disease and no food can seem to sate him; so Kaito and Gakupo feed him all kinds of foods in hopes of finding one that pleases his bottomless appetite, but eventually they run out of ingredients and so they offer themselves to Len. This concept but with a royal!darling and butler!tweels........... but then maybe they just feed you Azul instead. T_T he has eight tentacles; maybe he can spare one to help you overcome your insatiable hunger, but then maybe that ends with you getting attached to the taste of Zuzu. Maybe he was a prisoner in the palace dungeons......... hmhmhmmmm many thoughts. >:D
orz aaaaaaa forgive me for rambling about lots of things at once!!!!!!
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ragnarokhound · 23 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
Thanks for the ask!! <33 Ohhh my favorite five fics I've written... how dare you make me choose not one but five favorite children lmao but in no particular order below the cut:
Sit, Stay, Speak - DC - Jaytim - Rated E Not my first attempt at Jason POV, but the first fic with Jason POV I actually finished :') I have such a soft spot for this fic because I adore both a) accidentally falling in love with someone in their absence and b) accidental vulnerability. Revealing inadvertently that you adore someone when you didn't think they were listening - and having that reciprocated. Hee hee hoo hoo ha ha
Handstands For You - Teen Wolf - Sterek - Rated E I know most of the folks who follow my fics are here for DC/Jaytim, but this is the fic I thank forever and always for getting me back into writing! Definitely proof to myself that I could do it, start, middle and end :) And if you like the way I write pining, werewolves, and a fun mystery that isn't really that mysterious, you may enjoy this one ;)
open my heart and let it bleed (onto yours) - DC- Jaytim - Rated E Speaking of werewolves, if you've read this one or been following me for longer than five minutes then you knew it would be on this list I think lmao. What can I say, I, tumblr user ragnarokhound, like werewolves (!) and think vampires should try dating them (!!) and biting them (!!!) and sharing the weight of their monstrosity more often (OTL) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Snapshots: Chapter 2 “Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.” - DC - Jaytim - Rated M I really enjoyed writing these hurt/comfort prompt fills last year(ish), and of the three I've gotten around to posting (OTL i will finish that last one... eventually... jaytim exchange comes first lmao) I had the most fun with this one! The batfam is riddled with trauma and while I haven't examined it very closely in some of my other fics, I really enjoyed digging into Jason in this one. Sorry buddy 😔but at least he's got a Tim to sit with, so... win? <3
not from the stars do i my judgment pluck - DC - Jaytim - Rated M I had a great (if wild and mildly stressful) time writing for jaytim week this year, and while I'm pleased with all of them (secretary fic takes the cake), this one is my favorite of the unexpected fics lol. It started with the last few paragraphs of the last scene, and while I wasn't planning on writing much at first, I needed to support them adequately fjdlsjfafds WE GOTTA EARN THAT BINARY STAR METAPHOR, OKAY, YOU DON'T JUST GET TO DROP THAT SHIT FOR FREE-- (And this is why I have a million WIPs OTL)
(And I barely restrained myself from including literally any of my Sorcerer's Son fics on this list, but thats because a) they are older and I've learned a lot since writing them and b) I know that maybe three people on this planet would care enough about those books to read them, and none of them follow me on tumblr dot com fjdlsfja.
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bell-arina271 · 7 months
Hello, Christian side of tumblr! I have a passion for spreading the gospel, but I'm too tired and lazy to do it on my own OTL. SO I made some designs to do it for me! :D
Here are the first designs I made. They come in two colors and I thought they looked cool, so hopefully you like them too u.u
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If you can, please spread and signal boost this so other believers can see these too. Ask friends and family to buy them for you! -dabs- Whatever we can do to get them out into the world.
Anyway, thank you for your time, and have a nice day!
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
oh hey, this sex scene has some things changed/added too
i’m not done with reading yet, so there might be more changes after that (although i don’t think so?) but between wwx asking “does it feel good inside me” and him going “lan zhan you’re dooone for what would your uncle say if he knew you’re fucking before marriage? ;p” there’s a whole scene that’s honestly... kinda cute lol?
basically, wwx asks “does it feel good inside me?” and lwj -- who was either “stupidly straightforward” (japanese meaning) or “dull” (chinese meaning of 愚直) in love, didn’t know how to get along with others and wasn’t particularly talkative, answers by biting wwx’s lips and thrusting harder.
then, wwx goes “lan zhan, lan zhan lan zhan lan zhan -- i really love you to death! i’m yours, i’m only yo-- wait, be more gentle!”. then he tears up again, “as if he was so happy that he went round to sadness”, and asks lwj again to please be gentle, this place is sensitive, don’t just go all out on me, if you do it too hard you’ll break me i’m just a little birthday boy etc etc, THEN (honestly one of my favourite moments, WHAT an absurd man)--
“lan zhan, you’re really the best, not only you’re such a beautiful little thing, you play the qin so well, your calligraphy skills are top notch, you’re a strong and skilled cultivator, you’re so good in bed, why are you so irresistible, how can i not love you--”
poor lwj says nothing, and the narration notes that wwx has been born shameless but also had the property of getting more excited the more shameless nonsense he spouted. lol
then he spreads his legs (meekly, submissively, etc etc) and goes on, basically telling lwj to fuck him more and deeper, come inside etc -- lwj does fuck him deeper indeed, to which wwx is back at his little birthday boy act, nonono, help, that’s not what i meant, this is too much. lwj’s like YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW and wwx once again spreads his legs, once again in a meek/docile way, and eggs lwj on like “gege, lan-gege, i’m going to die, you’re KILLING ME, i’m sorry i’m sorry, this is my first time, please be gentler” to which lwj’s like well ARE you really asking for mercy or doing that on purpo-- STOP moving your hips
wwx goes “someone heeelp pleasee, hanguang-jun, i won’t do it agaaaain” etc etc, lwj kisses his tears and says with audible difficulty that he’s being serious, wwx should stop doing this because he won’t be able to control himsef, that it’s SCARY and he’s sorry. wwx, seeing this, softens in his heart and says “don’t apologize. and if you break me... i really want you to break me”
and then we’re back to the “omg lan zhan you’re done for!” thing, except instead of “…I have long since been like this.”, lwj says “we've already bowed three times” (とっくに三拝した).
i think the original chinese is 早完了 which, since my chinese skills are 50% gtrans and 50% wiktionary/baidu/pleco, doesn’t tell me much lmao. 完了 is “finished, concluded, done, over” and 早 is “early; fast” so the meaning is like “it’s too late/it’s done” but what? what’s already happened? who knows, it’s context city now!
i looked it up on tt, and japanese users are... having problem with it as well lol;;; apparently there was an interview where mxtx said they did bow three times, i think a screenshot is here and it seems she said it happened AFTER they fucked? (生命大和谐 aka “an undescribable scene” gfkjhgjfskg) but do we count the bathtub or the grass as their first time? i think she mentioned adding it in the edited version, but if she did, then i either didn’t notice it or forgot about it OTL;; also, at the end she said “everyone can imagine how it went on their own, it was probably wwx being wild” which. mxtx for god’s sake please. this japanese fan has a whole thread about this mystery, and mentions “we’ve already bowed three times”, “i’m already done for” and “we’re already done for”. hm.
wwxは一旦振り返ると、もう一度 江枫眠夫婦の位牌に向かって真面目に数回地面に頭をつけて拝礼してから、lwjと一緒に立ち上がった。
Wei Wuxian turned around for a moment, once again bowed a couple times facing the Jiang Fengmian and his wife’s tablets, and left together with Lan Wangji.
this one? are we supposed to assume lwj bowed here as well... mxtx you are the master of leaving things unsaid in a frustrating way
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
hi there! i hope that your doctor's appointment goes well, and its actually the same lucio anon from last time OTL, i hope you dont mind a sentence prompt which is: "you always felt like home" c: soft hours for this count (i hope you have a great day! :D)
omg hiii, I genuinely love all your asks so much, I hope you have a great day too! would you like me to call you anything? I'd love to see you returning and then I'd always know who it is!
You slowly blinked up at Lucio as your eyes adjusted to the sudden colours of the world, the crackling fireplace and the voices outside. He was absentmindedly stroking your hair, watching the door with a frown. You could make out Julian and Asra through the window, fighting perhaps, or bantering, who knew.
"How long was I asleep for?", you asked, yawning and turning onto your back, your head still resting in his lap. His lips twisted into a smile as he realised that you had woken up.
"Three years", he grinned and you groaned, rolling your eyes, even though his words tugged the corner of your mouth upwards.
"No, be honest, how long was I out for?"
"Maybe half an hour." He looked tired himself, but after the last few days, you couldn't blame him. No one could.
"You should have slept too", you scolded him, not convinced that you sounded nearly as demanding as you wanted to with how he grinned down at you.
He brushed his fingers through your hair once more.
"In this hut? I have standards, love. I only sleep at home. At the palace."
You raised your eyebrows at him, silent for a while. Then your silence was cut off by a yawn and you found the strength to raise your hand and wiggle your finger in his face. "So I'm not 'home' enough for you to calm down, am I?"
Lucio pouted. "Of course you are! You've always been home."
Despite the absurdity and mocking, you had to smile. With another yawn, you pushed yourself up from his lap and turned around to sit next to him.
"You're sweet", you said softly, kissing his cheek before he could tilt his head towards you. "You're my home, too."
A grin spread on his face again, washing away the signs of dramatic hurt from his expression.
"So if you can only sleep at home, you can sleep here now, too, right?", you went on. "Please, you need some rest. We all do."
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
eeweehehe- hi-! i wanted to request something, if thats alright- if not, please feel free to ignore this.
can- can i request possibly imagines for eh- the batter and/or zacharie with a super small s/o- possibly nsfw and/or fluff? i dunno i'm pretty short, so i'm just automatically attracted to tall people cus their cool lmfao.
Smut is so much harder to write than I thought it would be. I suppose that's what you get for never writing it OTL I tried to combine both nsfw and fluff in these, I'm just not sure how well it turned out. I am so sorry, it seems like I need more practice in this field of writing as well!
Batter and Zacharie With a Short Reader
Warning: NSFW
You were so tiny, Batter simply towered over you. That was quite endearing, especially with how helpless it made you look. He wanted to protect you, he simply had to. As his puppeteer, you were vital in making him succeed with his holy mission. Despite this, the act the two of you found each other in was just as sacred.
Overpowering you was easy enough, after all, you wanted it too. And so, Batter simply initiated what he had been wanting to do for a while now. Naturally, it started out with a kiss, and yet, it ended up like this, with him on his knees in front of you, holding your legs apart ever so slightly. Enough for him to have room to access your arousal.
Even so, as he dragged his tongue across your sex, he took his time, wanting to take in your taste and every reaction of yours. Batter was going to leave you satisfied and pleasured, but that didn’t mean he had to hurry in doing so. Your whimpers, your moans, he drank it all in, hoping he was doing everything right.
As filthy as he was, you still allowed him to be purified himself with your kindness and mercy, he couldn’t repay you no matter what he did. Even if he pleasured you a thousand times, even if he devoted himself to you further, he could never hope to be as divine as you are. And so, when you arched your back, crying out in pleasure, for a second, he felt as though he did everything right and his sins were but specks of dust.
Licking the fluids off his lips, he shifted his attention to your face, getting up and pressing you closer, into his chest. You were panting, yes, but the way you looked up at him with those adoring eyes, it was far more than he ever deserved. “Your turn, Batter.” That blinding smile, that kindness, he couldn’t help but cup your face and kiss you.
“I love you, My Player.”
It was absolutely beautiful how you shivered underneath him as he pumped his fingers in and out of your ass, lubing you up for the special event. To say he was a head taller than you was an understatement, and yet, that’s all it took for you to want him in a way he didn’t expect. His most beloved customer, spread out in front of him like that. The way you would jerk when he hit an especially sensitive spot, it was nothing short of amusing.
However, as a precaution, you were wearing a blindfold. Not to make this session more pleasurable, but for Zacharie’s own comfort, for he wanted to take off his mask just once during an occasion as special as this one. While he may not have been completely ready to reveal his face to you just yet, it was definitely a step forward.
Waiting a second at your entrance, he asked: “My dearest (Y/N), are you ready?” Gulping, you nodded. And thus, he entered.
The trust it must have taken for you to leave yourself this vulnerable. You couldn’t see what was happening, all you could do was to focus on the feeling of him sliding in and out of you and his voice whispering all kinds of praises in your ear. Strange as it may have sounded, during a moment as dirty as this, the mere thought of that faith, it made butterflies in his stomach swirl around.
And how you would call out his name, so content and yet trembling at the same time, wishing for that sweet relief. Completely overtaken with love and adoration for you, he didn’t have the heart to tease you, pressing his forehead against yours as he came, you following not shortly after.
After a moment of regaining all senses, it was your turn to ask Zacharie a question: “Can I… touch your face?” Well, he had no objections to that, and so he agreed to let you do such.
And that you did, taking in his features, making a picture of him in your mind. When you stroked his lips with your thumb, you took the chance to kiss him.
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besanii · 3 years
omg the angst.... (clutches chest) i’d love to read lan wangji’s reaction to xixian please.... (laughs in pain) i love your works so much OTL
[ part one (LWJ) | two (LXC) | three (WWX) ]
They come to a halt at the lookout point halfway up the mountain that leads to the Cloud Recesses. It is a little after daybreak and the morning sun casts a sleepy light over the city spread out below them; the light dances over the river that runs right through the heart of the city, glittering in the remnants of the morning fog.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be tired of this view,” Wei Wuxian sighs, sitting back in his saddle. “Even if I have to get up early to see it.”
Lan Wangji hums in agreement. He has seen this view countless times in his past, ever since he was tall enough to ride, but it still takes his breath away. They spend a few moments taking in the view from their saddles, letting the peace and quiet of the morning settle over them.
Eventually, Lan Wangji shifts, turning his head slightly to look at his companion.
"I am leaving," he says. Wei Wuxian raises his eyebrows, surprised. “I am needed in Jinghai.”
“Ah.” Wei Wuxian nods in understanding, but his brow is furrowed in concern nevertheless. “When do you leave?”
“At dawn.”
Wei Wuxian exhales through his nose, tapping his fingers against his saddle, the reins held loosely in his grip. They’d both known the orders were inevitable—they had not been faring well in the war with Dongying and the troops on the front lines were in dire need of both backup and a morale boost. Lan Wangji, as a member of the Imperial Family and also an accomplished military strategist and commander despite his young age, is the obvious choice for the task.
He laughs under his breath.
“I would ask to come with you, but...” he breaks off with a helpless shrug.
Lan Wangji makes a noise of dissent and shakes his head.
“You are needed here,” he tells him. “I cannot ask you to come, no matter how much I wish it were possible.”
With the Marquess of Yunmeng bedridden and their relationship with Qishan growing increasingly hostile, Wei Wuxian would be put to better use here in the capital than on the front lines. It doesn’t make the thought of parting any easier.
“I suppose that’s that then,” Wei Wuxian agrees. 
Below them, the city stirs as the first boats arrive from the harbour, ferrying their goods along the river to the markets. The morning mist is starting to dissipate, bringing the cityscape into clearer view. Lan Wangji tightens his grip on the reins in his hand as he watches Caiyi come to life.
“There is one thing,” he says slowly, carefully. “Before I leave, there is one thing I would like you to have. Would you allow me to give it to you?”
He watches Wei Wuxian shift in his saddle out of the corner of his eye; his chest is tight, his breath stoppering his throat in his anticipation. The thin box feels too large in his pocket, its corners and edges pressing against him as if to constantly remind him of its presence. He grips the reins tighter and waits.
But Wei Wuxian shakes his head and waves his hands out in front of him vigorously, eyes wide.
“No, no, don’t give it to me!” he exclaims.
Lan Wangji’s heart sinks.
“Why—” He clears his throat. “Is there a reason why?”
A thousand reasons rush through his mind. Has he overstepped? Is the gift not welcome? Has he misread the nature of their relationship? They have never spoken of it before, but he had assumed there was an understanding—
He’s interrupted mid-thought by Wei Wuxian urging his horse closer so he can nudge him with the tip of one foot. It’s only then he notices the rosy tinge to those high cheekbones, and the way in which he rubs the back of his neck as he avoids eye contact.
“Wei Ying?” Lan Wangji asks again. Wei Wuxian laughs, embarrassed.
“I just...” he trails off, clearing his throat. “I was just thinking you could perhaps...give it to me when you return. As a—a guarantee? A—”
“A promise,” Lan Wangji finishes for him, feeling suddenly lighter. The corners of his lips twitch as Wei Wuxian’s face reddens. “Yes, of course. When I return.”
The door to the study opens and closes with a quiet click.
It’s dark inside with only a handful of candles casting their flickering light around the room, but it is not difficult to spot Lan Wangji. His posture is slouched, his fingers laced together as he rests his elbows on the desk, his lips pressed into a thin line. His eyes are downcast, weary.
“You’ve seen him then,” Lan Qiren says without preamble.
Lan Wangji glances up at him and inclines his head.
“Huangshu,” he says hoarsely. The closer he gets, the more Lan Qiren can make out the tight lines and the redness in his eyes. “You knew?”
Lan Qiren sighs.
“I did,” he admits. “Though not in time to prevent it.”
He watches his nephew’s head drop into his hands with a haggard exhale, his own heart heavy and hurting for his sake. This was not the welcome any of them had hoped to give, not the reunion any of them had expected. 
“Would you?” Lan Wangji asks. Lan Qiren raises an eyebrow.
Lan Wangji raises his head just enough to stare at him over the top of his interlaced fingers.
“Would you have prevented it?” he asks.
Lan Qiren pauses. If news of Lan Wangji’s supposed death had not arrived when it did—if Jiang Fengmian, Marquess of Yunmeng, had not been deathly ill and unable to mediate between Yunmeng and Qishan, leading his son and Wei Wuxian to take matters into their own hands—if, if, if.
He says nothing.
Lan Wangji scoffs. In any other situation, Lan Qiren would rebuke him for his impoliteness. But his heart is not made of stone. His nephew sits before him, battle weary and heartbroken, looking so much like his father before him it is concerning. So he holds his tongue while Lan Wangji struggles to get his breathing under control.
“I had plans,” Lan Wangji says to the wooden desk, his face hidden from view once again. “I had it all prepared before I left for Jinghai. I would have done it before, but we—we had agreed it would be better to do it when I returned. As a promise.”
His breathing grows ragged. Choked. Lan Qiren’s own heart hurts to hear it.
“I came back,” he whispers brokenly. “I kept my promise. But I was too late. And he didn’t—couldn’t—wait for me. I was too late. It’s my fault. I did this.”
Lan Qiren swallows thickly.
“What’s done is done, Wangji,” he tells him. “We cannot change the past. The only thing we can do is learn to live with the outcome.”
He knows his nephews. He will survive this. Somehow. They all will.
They all must.
Jinghai (鯨海) - an old name for the Sea of Japan (lit. Whale Sea)
Huangshu (皇叔) - Imperial Uncle
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Did I proofread this before posting? LMAO NOPE THIS WAS POSTED AT 1.45AM.
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bastardpacs · 3 years
A Quick Theory on Malakai Black's Newest Promo
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I guess this may be less a theory and more just some super quick thoughts!! Definitely subject to change 😂😓 I just absolutely lost my mind over Malakai's new promo, so I had to type this out super quick, so there is unquestionably probably a lot of grammar errors in this, so please forgive me in advance!
Tarot reading is, unfortunately, a bit of a weak spot for me... But I'm going to try and do my best! What I know comes mostly from an old friend who was super into tarot, and my own thoughts based on interpretation of the imagery. So just a tiny warning that there could be a bit of bias... 🤕
The things that immediately jumped out to me with this was not only the names of the tarots laid out, but also the groupings themselves. But this was just my super quick and initial thoughts...
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Beneath the Empress, who we know to probably be Julia Hart, we see the Fool and the Knight of Swords. Although Griff was the first to challenge Black after he attacked Julia, between a couple of tweets and how the match played out, I'm going to tentatively place Brian Pillman Jr. as the Fool. Next to him we have the Knight of Sword. Being next to the Fool, and the groupings of the cards, makes me think the Knight could be a reference to Griff Garrison himself, with these three cards representing the Varsity Blondes.
The next row is the cards of Justice, the Hierophant, and the Hermit. We already know PAC to embody the face of Justice. And after Pentagon's promo on Wednesday - of digging up Pentagon Dark - Malakai tweeted a reference to a Dark Hermit, who I'm super inclined to think that this was/is linked to Pentagon Jr.
malakaiblxck: Bring the dark Hermit, I’ll take the broken Knight Of Swords and blind Justice as well. The house doesn’t fear your change, the house created it, wanted it. Judgement is by design.
Because of these two groupings of three, I'm going to make a massive assumption that each of these groups represent their respective stables. So by extension, the Hierophant may possibly represent Fenix. What also makes me think this card could represent Fenix is also what the Hierophant visually shows: a religious figure seated on a throne wearing a crown. 'Rey' having the meaning of 'king.'
Then we have the final spread of cards at the top. Those of the overturned card with a Cernunnos pendant resting on it, the Devil, and Death. The Devil and Death, I think, are meant to represent Malakai Black and Brody King respectively, with the final overturned card the coming third member of the House of Black.
When Malakai reaches for the overturned card, in the cacophony of voices we hear "Not yet. Trust the process. Patience. The day will come." It was difficult for me personally to make out the rest, but I do hear something about a 'gaze'. Throughout his past writings, Malakai has made reference to a coming 'Judgement'. Whether or not Judgement is this card, or Judgement leads to the overturning of the card remains to be seen.
And finally we have the Tower, placed askew on the Devil. The placement of the cards is super reminiscent of the tarot placement called the 'Celtic cross spread', where within this placement, the card laid atop another is seen as a forthcoming challenge.
The most interesting card to me was the King of Coins, the unknown card that rests between Death Triangle and the House of Black. The King of Coins, also known as the King of Pentacles, and its position between these two warring factions is really interesting. And if it may allude to maybe a coming match, a coming event. My brain went in a thousand different directions when I saw that card.
We have both Penta and Rey Fenix, who both can each represent an aspect of the King of Coins/Pentacles in their own respect ways - Rey, again the king, and Penta through wordplay, with pentacles. And even the likes of Matt Hardy, who thrives in his wealth. (and maybe... possible... a reference to a certain coin drop entrance OTL I would honestly commit atrocities to see Malakai v Okada, but I'm definitely getting way off track and into dream feuds with that lmao 😓 )
addendum: as pointed out by @allelitecowboy​, both the placement of the King of Coins and the name and imagery itself could allude to Andrade, who is the reason for war between the stables, and who flaunts both his wealth and kingpin status. I thought this absolutely brilliant, and full, full credit to them!!
Another thing that is interesting about the King of Coins in the visuals of the card itself. Of a king who is adorned with gold and grapes, not unlike the ancient Greek god Dionysus, who may actually have a festival revering him coming up in March if I'm remembering correctly... I'm probably absolutely getting off track here with that lol, but I couldn't shake the imagery, considering the respect we see Malakai paying to ancient Greek and Roman deities.
It's going to be incredibly interesting to see who the face of the King of Coins/Pentacles is. The Penta in pentacles again automatically made me thing of Penta El Zero M, but the pairing of cards - as well as Malakai referencing the Dark Hermit - makes me believe that again we're possibly seeing stables grouped together, with Penta falling as the Hermit. This isn't to say that one person can't represent two cards, or two people can't represent a single card (such as Fenix and Penta), both like two sides of the same coin, or that Penta is possibly not the Hermit, so I don't want to leave anything off the table.
It was Malakai - the Devil - that we saw the Tower fall upon. Speaking to massive upheaval and change, it is a terrifyingly violent card. Malakai has made reference to the tower before, when in a Instagram post he wrote: The Black Tower initiates. He brings it upon himself now, welcoming that change that will come with this heavy price of destruction. Burning the field to feed the earth.
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Along with the prominent visuals of the tarot cards, we also had the images of Herne the Hunter again from one of his previous post, and now Kali. Herne, who in some beliefs was seen to lead the Wild Hunt, and Kali, the Hindu goddess of change through annihilation, another reference to this wild and massive change through violent means.
What ever, possibly even who ever, is Malakai's Tower is going to be insanely interesting to see.
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parkerlyn · 3 years
"Holding the other’s chin up", with The Sage (beloved)
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AKSDKJSDKS they do work with Archivists lol. These were from a touch prompt list from a while back, and I had been meaning to put this out there for a while OTL. So Part 1 of a couple of drabbles for a belated Sage's birthday special! Thank you for the asks! ❤️
Note: Not quite 18+ but some suggestive content!
You're waiting at the main entrance of the Library again, late afternoon sun gliding along golden orange rivers through the windows and onto your skin. The Acolytes flitter around from the upper levels and around the front desk like hummingbirds - unable to stand still and sharply turning with obviously awkward movements when you catch them staring.
Probably because of the rumors surrounding you, the mysterious newcomer, and the Gold Sage. Which, to be fair, aren't really baseless. And you haven't really gone out of your way to stop their gossipy fun.
One day you'll really need to control the one about you skydiving from one of Braka's plateaus to save the Sage though.
A smile barely turns your lip.
Maybe another day.
Echoing steps draw your attention up, and you see the Gold Acolyte blustering towards you with flushed cheeks.
"Hello again!" he exclaims just a hair too loud, oblivious to the snickers from the other young mortalis as his voice bounces around the entrance. "Are you looking for the Gold Sage?"
"I think we both know the answer to that question," you say, tone teasing and a smirk to match your raised eyebrows.
The Acolyte rolls his lips inward and looks away in embarrassment, only coughing when some of the giggles from behind him grow more noticeable. Since your more frequent visits began, you noticed his demeanor around you transitioned almost opposite to what you would have expected. Smooth, distant formalities switching into bumbling nerves - 'A sign that he likes you,' the Sage had explained over their fond laughter. 'Excellent with strangers, not so great with those he wants to impress.'
"They're currently in their office-" His voice draws you back as he tries to straighten and puff out his chest, a small attempt to regain his dignity. "Would you like me to take you there?"
Your voice lowers as you look over his shoulder. "If you're trying to avoid your cackling friends, then by all means."
The fluster returns, face sheepish and shoulders hunched.
"Yes, please."
You know the path by heart at this point, but still he leads you forward step by shuffling step. Up the cascading stairways and across the high-ceilinged atrium, a slight breeze of carts transporting scrolls and books whizzing far above your head. Into the back doorways and systems of lifts, to the same hallway you had seen when you first spent time with the Sage, all that time ago.
The memory brings a soft smile to your lips as you pass the planetarium doors, their designs filled with the gleam of the Platinum Sage's metal. Onward to where the sloping outer glass gives way to a string of offices and slotted windows, where you just catch glimpses of a pair of Sages conversing, another hunched over her desk, a third rifling through their shelves.
And then-
The smile on your face breaks into a grin before the Acolyte has fully opened the door, sun bursting through the floor to ceiling windows to halo around the Sage's body.
They lift their head abruptly up from where it was, their chin to their chest, hands splayed out for support against their desk as they stand over a spread of papers. Their eyes catch the Acolyte and then shift to you, before their mouth drops with a gasp.
"Oh no, I thought I had more-" Their hands scramble, trying to tidy the papers in a hurry and narrowly missing the slowly revolving apparatus attached to the corner of their desk. "Is it seven already?"
The Acolyte clears his throat as he prepares to speak, but you beat him to it, the joy at seeing the Gold Sage always too bright to dampen.
"No, no, you're fine. I'm early," you reassure, stepping forward through the narrow doorway as the Acolyte tries to squeeze himself against the creaking frame.
A noticeable breath releases from the Sage's shoulders as their lips spread into a smile at your approach, and they turn to their Acolyte. "Thank you, though I think my companion likely knows the way up if you'd prefer to-"
"No, it's no problem! Happy to help!"
The Sage gives a brief, but knowing, look to you at the Acolyte's excitable response, and you can tell the corners of their mouth are shaking to keep the laugh inside. "Yes well- I appreciate it. I don't have anything else for you, so if you're complete with the tasks from the Archivists, feel free to go home for the day. We'll pick up in the morning in the observatory."
He opens his mouth again, and you cheer internally for him to be able to eek out whatever he wants to say as you all wait in silence. But instead he looks to you, blinking owlishly for a few moments. Eventually, he gives a quick bow of his head and yanks the door closed as he departs, just cutting off what you think is a shy, run together "Haveagoodevening."
A quiet snort and a chuckle turns you back as the Sage shakes their head, organizing the haphazard documents into neat stacks in more methodical motions now that they know they have some time. The room quiets after the thud of the door closing is muted against the wooden bookshelves stacked with tomes and trinkets, stretching along the entirety of both walls. The only sound left is the calming tick of an ornate clock tucked into the corner, its gears and hands bare behind its glass case.
Taking one more second to make sure the door is indeed closed and knowing that the rooms on either side are vacant, you cross your arms and lean to one side.
"You're sure it's not the sheevra thing?"
"Positive." A larger sheet of paper is rolled into a cylinder and placed into a small tube. "He'd be frigid toward you if that were the case. In fact, knowing him as I do, I'd wager he might have a crush on you."
They can't hide the playful smirk that finally allows itself to show as the shock widens your eyes, and the glitter of reflected light from various baubles and pens only heightens the mischief in their face.
"Seems like there might be a bit of a competition for your affections," they say with mock worry and a 'tsk', tucking away several more papers before laying the cylinders against the floor by their desk. "What ever should I do?"
You scoff and wave off the idea, though amusement lines your features. "It's not much of one, seeing who he'd be up against."
"Are you sure?" they ask, accompanied by an intentional series of movements. A thoughtful tap of their finger to their chin. A tempered brush of their fingertip over their bottom lip. A restless hand carefully pushing their braids back over their shoulder and stopping just to hover below their ear. They hold your gaze, a challenge in their eyes that dares you to come closer, its spark brighter than any of the gleaming gold adorning them.
And you're not one to back down from a challenge.
With an equal amount of coy bravado, you move between the chairs opposing them and work your way around the desk, fingers tracing a path against the chamfered wood and around the loose parchment. The Sage watches your slow, languid movements until you center yourself against their desk, the edge digging into the back of your thighs.
There's a soft chuckle again as you reach for their wrist and pull them closer to you, their body and legs framed by your own as you dig your heels into the thin carpet and wrap your arms below theirs, encircling their hips. They bring their hands forward in response and lean their body over, palms pressed against the desk around your waist.
"Positive," you whisper, hands smoothing over the embroidered textures of their robe's patterns, feeling the angles of their shoulder blades and the path down their spine. The further your hands travel, the more often the Sage's eyes flicker up towards the closed door of their office, though they make no movement to stop you.
"Well, who am I to argue?" they murmur against your next movements, breath mixing with yours. Your palms ghost a trail down their back and pause to rest at the bottom, before your fingers splay downward over the pliant curve of their body and down into the soft layers of fabric pressed around their thighs.
They shift against you, the hitch in their breath indicative that they might be experiencing the same brand of desire that you can currently feel snaking down through your gut.
"Now, I am early," you start, trying to shake the heated haze threatening to consume you as your hands rise to settle against the small of their back. "But I think I'd be more fun to study than these papers - just saying."
"Ah, I don't know if I have the proper tools here for that particular field-" You can feel the faint pressure of their hand gliding along your hip, up to your waist, a shiver along your side as it slips over your ribs and disconnects. You blink at the sudden lack of touch before your arms are stretched outward, the Sage straightening and taking a miniscule step back. A single finger meets the bottom of your chin then, and an amused, but wanting, smile aimed down at you vacates your mind of any other thoughts. They gently tilt your face upward, but holds it there firmly, moving tortuously closer.
"But I'm sure I'd have everything I need to continue elsewhere-" You can feel the smile against your cheek as they purposely avoid your lips, their warmth flooding your senses. "-in private?"
Well, who are you to argue?
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
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And in the ongoing saga of saturating my dash with BH6 stuff this month–have more from that one BH6/HTTYD fic I’m working on, Ghost’s Fury, with some book two shenanigans and maybe even some from book three OvO (read the first book now on FFN here and AO3 here ).
Anywho, starting from the top left:
A thought that occurred to me while recalling The Hidden World: since the fake tail disappeared when Toothless did that power blast, then it means the scales disappear no matter if they’re attached to the dragon or not, ground up or not.  Obake takes advantage of this.
I might have adopted Varian from Tangled thanks to Tumblr osmosis.
Some sketches of riding gloves.
Obake and Tadashi having a disagreement.
Obake and Momakase, probably having a conversation in the middle of a battle and eyeing you for interrupting.
This is actually one of my older pages of sketches so the various dragon faces (all nicely labeled) were some of my first attempts at drawing the different species.  Some were very simplified, like Fred.
Bottom left is Rune with a Night Light he unfortunately named Mittens.
Over in the right we have a full body of Juniper in what I am pretty sure is the first time I’ve drawn her, and then partials of Trina and Rune.
Next up in my saga...I’m halfway kids, we can make it. ;o;/
Anywho--good news about working on all three books in a series concurrently: you can keep details straight and address foreshadowing in book one that pays off in book three immediately.  The bad news: it takes forever to upload new chapters because you’re spreading it across three books.  I’m working on it, I swear. OTL
As always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © Disney
How to Train Your Dragon © DreamWorks
Done in pencils.
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fuck-goes-on · 3 years
pairing/s: dio morrissey x f! reader
summary: dio was being a brat, dancing with another girl in front of his mommy, so you take it upon yourself to remind him who he belongs to
warning/s: SMUT 18+ (MOMMY KINK, MMlb dynamics, light bondage, cock slapping, hand jobs, edging, orgasm denial, degradation, praise kink, dacryphilia (crying is arousing)), dom&sub aftercare, comfort, mentioned ricky and eddie
note/s: GODDAMNIT im back to my bullshit again huh, this time we fuckn making dio our BITCH!!! hhh ok all i need to do now is write eddie, and mayhaps all three of them together OTL gif is mine lol
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You were not having a good day. You had missed your bus stop after already being an hour late to work, and to top it all off, you were accused of the mistakes in a large business report you and your coworkers wrote. After a long day of trying to fix whatever went wrong in the said report, Dio, your little devil, dragged you out of the comforts of your home to a nearby club and wind down with him.
The club wasn’t somewhere you would go, but it seemed to please Dio and you thought to yourself, why not just enjoy it? You weren’t needed at home, anyways, with Ricky out with his friends and Eddie at the library to study. And of course, Dio was with you the rest of the night.
He took you to the bar and ordered the both of you some drinks, glancing at you with a grin. You sat in front of him on the stool, leaning back against the bar to see that mischievous glint in his eyes. "Now, isn't this fun, mommy?" He said unabashedly, his hands resting on your thighs as he stood in between your legs. He picked up your drink once it arrived, sniffing it once before handing it to you.
"It's alright," You teased, giving him a half-smile. Sipping on your drink, you take your time scoping out the area. There were multiple bodies on the dance floor, all dancing and swaying to the beat of the songs, and there were groups of people sitting at the booths and the bar. You looked back at him, catching the soft expression on his face before it melted back to his confident persona. "I can see why you and your friends like coming 'round here, it's entertaining and the booze ain't bad either."
Dio glowed at your praise, perking up and broadening his shoulders. "Of course! I wouldn't bring my mommy anywhere that's polluted with a bunch of drones." You shook your head, amused by his words. Leaning in, you pressed a kiss on the edge of his lips, feeling him chase you when you pulled back. He pouted for a second before bringing back his cheshire grin, "Do you want to come dance with me, mommy? I promise you'll have a good time."
"Hmm, I don't know, baby," You said regretfully, "I'm feeling too tired to dance. How about you go and have fun, hm? Mommy will keep an eye on you from here."
You laughed as he harrumphed, knowing that he brought you here solely to show you off, and now he wouldn't get the chance to. Your devil was a popular guy amongst the punk grunge community, that much you knew, but you've never been introduced into it.
Watching him slunk into the crowd, you silently observe him as you drink your liquor. He walked through the crowd as if it would part just for him, and it did. His head was held high, a slight swagger to his walk, and-
He approached a girl, slightly shorter than him, definitely a fan of him by the way she reacted, and led her to the dance floor. You glare daggers into the girl across the room, but mostly directed it into the leather-clad shoulders you were oh so familiar with. Your grip around your glass tightened as he turned her around, her back facing you, so he could catch your eyes as they ground against each other. You throw back your drink, finishing it in two gulps before standing up and stomping your way towards them.
Dio's shit-eating grin grew wider as you got closer, and the little devil had the gall to look pleased when you grab him by the arm and pull him away from the girl. Thankfully, she must've noticed your dark look and scrambled off into the crowd. You seethed at him as he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you flush against his body. "What's the matter, mommy? I thought you wanted me to have fun." He whispered in your ear.
You reached your hand up to run your fingers through his black hair, suddenly gripping it tight and tugging his head backwards. He moaned out loud at the action, an open smirk on his lips you desperately wanted to erase. His eyes were dark as his gaze landed on your tense expression, and you knew then that that was the reaction he was looking for.
"I didn't mean that kind of fun, baby. If I'd known you wanted to be a slut tonight, I would've treated you like one," You growled at him, making him bite his lip to suppress his whimper. You let go of his hair, turning around and start walking towards the exit, knowing Dio would follow you out.
The ride home was fast, your hand clutching at the steering wheel tightly while your other hand held Dio’s just as tight. You felt his eyes on you the entire time, but besides your joined hands, you ignored him completely. 
When you arrive back at the empty home, you had slightly calmed down but still intended to punish Dio. He almost bumped into your back in the hallway of your house after you paused in the middle. "Mommy?" He quietly asked, feeling the shift of your energy.
You turned to face him, eyes hardened, your gaze made him cower. "Go to the bedroom and strip. Hands above your head. Don't touch, or it'll be worse for you. Understand?"
Dio nodded, his breath catching in his throat. But you aren't satisfied with that, so you grabbed his jaw, forcing him to open his mouth. "Y-yes, mommy, I understand."
"Good. Now go." You watched carefully as your devil scrambled up the stairs towards your room, his leather coat flying behind him. You took your time, however, before following him up. After bidding your time by checking things around the house, you finally climbed the stairs and entered your room.
Dio was spread out on top of your pristine sheets, as naked as the day he was born, with his hands above his head. You were pleased that he took your orders seriously for once and hummed in appreciation. His eyes were on you, tracking your every movement and waiting for your next order.
Instead, you reached down underneath the bed to grab the box of toys you shared with your three boys and pulled out a soft strand of rope. You moved to straddle Dio around his chest, far away from his leaking cock. Taking his wrists, you pulled them up and tied them to the headboard. You checked the knots to see if they were tight enough to stop him from moving his hands.
After being satisfied with your work, you shuffled down Dio's body, now sitting between his bare thighs and running your hands against his skin. "You know how this goes, right, baby? Tell me your word."
"Drone, mommy," Dio replied, already sounding breathless and all you did was tie him up. He struggled against his restraints, and when that failed, he bucked his hips down to chase your hand. You tutted and slapped his thigh, hard enough it left a pretty pink mark.
"No, Shane, mommy is going to punish you, so behave," You warned him, amused as he moaned loudly for you. You waited for him to settle down before spitting on your hand to wrap around his cock. Watching him jerk and groan, you kept at a slow rhythm, thumbing at the slit on the red cockhead every time your hand rose. "Do you like that, baby? You like mommy touching you right?"
"Yes! Y-yes, mommy, I love it," Dio hissed out, trying his best not to thrust up into your grip. It was fun seeing him unravel under your touch, how you affected and shook his whole being. It gave you a sense of power, of control over him, and nothing gave you more pleasure than that.
You abruptly pulled your hand away, making him cry out in want. You tsked at him, giving his cock a sharp slap in annoyance. Satisfied with the way he whimpered, you brought your hand back on him, this time tugging him faster and tighter. "Tell me, Shane, who owns this cock? Hm?" You asked darkly, observing how close he was to coming.
"It's yours, mommy- ah, th-this cock is yours!" He swore loudly, orgasm building quickly and eyes focusing on your hand. Growling, you pulled your hand away again, relishing in his sweet cries for more. You slapped his cock, once, twice, watching it bob left and right at the impact.
Grabbing his chin in your other hand, you made Dio look at you straight in the eye before resuming your fast and harsh rubbing. He sobbed pathetically, tears slipping from the corner of his eyes, mouth open wide with lewd sounds coming out of him.
"That's right, baby. This is my cock, so tell me- Why did you let that bitch grind on it? Is mommy not good enough for you anymore? Have to go out and whore yourself out to anybody who wants you?" You pushed his thighs wider apart, leaning your still clothed body as close to Dio as you can. He shook his head frantically, trying to speak and explain himself but before he could, you slap his cock once more. "It's okay baby," You cooed, faking sympathy. "Mommy will just have to remind her cock that it belongs to her only, isn't that right?"
Dio wailed as you keep jerking his cock, his orgasms denied multiple times it almost hurt. He pulled at his restraints, wanting to hold his mommy, but to no avail, he was tied down perfectly to your liking. "Ngh, mommy, mommy- please, I'm sorry, I'll be good, please-"
"Aw, baby, I forgive you," You said as you smiled at him, your hand pulling away from his flushed purple cock yet again, denying him of his pleasure. Thick tears start to streak his face, and you wipe them away with both of your hands. Pressing a kiss on his forehead, you felt him tip his head closer to yours, eyes shining with unshed tears. You soften at the sight of him and meld your lips together in a slow kiss. You licked at his bottom lip, nipping at it lightly and pulled at it as you leaned back. "Are you okay, baby? Still with mommy? You did so well for me, Shane, the best. Mommy will reward you now, okay?"
"Y-yes, thank you, mommy," Dio whimpered out, gasping out loud as your hand makes contact with his sensitive cock for the last time. Your movement is slower now, less tight but good enough to easily bring him to a high. You don't let go as he finally came all over your hand and his stomach, crying out loud at the intensity of his orgasm. "F-fuck! Thank you, thank you, thank you-"
"That's my good boy, taking his punishment so well and remembering his manners. You're so good for me," You mumbled against his temple, pressing soothing kisses at the matted hair and skin there. You reached up to release his wrists from the rope and kissed it lightly. You let Dio rest and relax on the bed as you moved around the room to get lotion and wet tissues.
Sitting next to him, you started rubbing the lotion at the irritated surface of his wrists, soothing it the best you can. You then clean up the mess he made on his belly and your hand and wipe away the tear stains on his cheeks, throwing away the used tissues in the garbage can near your dresser.
Thankfully, Dio calmed down as you took care of him, his breaths going back to a normal pace. You took off your clothes before laying down next to him and smile when he immediately curled into your side. You rubbed his back and stroked his hair, humming a random tune to lull him to sleep.
Before he did, he opened his tired eyes once more to stare up at you. You tilted your head in question, wondering what he has to say.
"You did well too, mommy. You feel better now, right? No more tension?" He asked, and you freeze in surprise. It made sense, Dio using his brattiness for you to let off some steam from your bad day. And he did succeed; You felt infinitely more lighter than you did at the start of the day, and it was because of your little boy.
You softly smile at him, eyes tearing up a bit at his thoughtfulness. "Yes, baby, I feel much better. Thank you for this, love you so much, Shane."
"I love you too, mommy. Now let's sleep, you tired me out." You chuckled and cuddled Dio closer to you, the both of you drifting off to a peaceful slumber.
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duckiee-the-ducky · 4 years
Scent: Errorink Fanfic
original “Scent” by @lemonadebytrade
Key: (M)=Mind (W)=Whisper (G)=Grumble/Growl (S)=Shout
Error closed his eyes taking in the wonderful scent.
He never smelt anything like it. The smell warmed his body and provided him with extra comfort. Error loved the smell of Ink. For multiple reasons, actually;
It reminded him of all his good memories.
He always wanted to be around it. 
It told many great stories.
Comforted him in his weakest times.
It also meant, Ink was there.
Ink looked at Error and gave a small smile.
Ink: Comfy?
Error opened his eyes and realized what position he was in.
Error: Uh... yeah..?
Ink chuckled. He thought Error was very cute when he was being shy, even though they’re married.
Ink: Really? You don’t sound too sure of yourself-
(S)Error: -I am sure! ...Uh...
Error blushed and looked away. Ink couldn’t help but smile.
Ink: Wanna get something to eat before we hit the hay?
Error’s soul ached with hunger. He, very much so, wanted food, but he also didn’t want to move. He didn’t want the sensation to end so quickly. Error did not respond, but tightened his grip on Ink.
Ink: Error? You okay?
Error nodded, still not willing to respond with speech. Ink patted Error’s head.
Ink: You know, you can do this while we’re going to sleep. We sleep in the same bed, silly.
Error blushed, embarrassed. He didn’t think of that. He slowly let go and sat up straight. Ink could see his face clearly now. Error was still blushing, but he was pouting too.
Ink: Just so you know, you look adorable when you pout-
Error: SHUT UP!
Error was flustered.
The skeletons went to the kitchen and started making sandwiches. They were easy to make. Error started spreading mayonnaise on Ink’s sandwich. Ink left to go get something. Error didn’t like that. 
(M) Error: Ink just got home after a long trip and now he’s gone again...
He really missed Ink. Error didn’t ever want him to leave again, but here we are. 
Error sometimes thought, in the depressing, dark depths of his mind, that Ink wasn’t happy with him. That Ink didn’t love him anymore. That’s why he left. It hurt Error to think about it, so he pushed it back farther. 
He noticed he was shaking... and sweaty. He quickly put the half-made sandwich down and hurried to the bathroom.
Ink rummaged through his belongings looking for the present he got for his sweet Error. 
Ink: Mn.. where... is ... it?!
He couldn’t find it.
Ink was crestfallen. Where did he put it? Error was waiting on him, he had to find it! Ink continued to rummage through his stuff once more. 
Ink hit something in the very bottom of his bag; this was it. He found it! He pulled the gift up to the surface. A cloth. Just a cloth. 
Ink was excited to give this to Error. 
He rushed out of the room and into the kitchen. A half-made sandwich was on the table.
Ink: Error?
No response.
Ink walked back to the living room. He wasn’t there.
The bedroom. Not there either.
He came to the bathroom door. He tried turning the knob, it was locked.
Ink: Error? Are you in there?
Error froze. He quickly wiped the tears from his eye sockets. His voice was shaky. 
Error: Y-yes. I-I’m fine.
Ink could hear the sadness in his voice. He became serious.
Ink: Open the door Error.
Error didn’t want to open the door. His face was still wet from tears and he didn’t want to look at Ink right now. The disgusting thought hurt too much.
Ink: Open the door or I’ll come in myself.
Error knew disaster would happen if he didn’t open the door now. He dried his face as much as possible and opened the door slowly. The creaking of the door made him dread it even more. hey that rhymed 
Ink and Error stood face to face with one another. It was painful for both of them.
Ink didn’t like seeing Error sad.
Error was on the brink of crying again.
Ink’s face softened.
Ink: Error, what’s wrong?
He gently put his hands on Error’s arms. Error pushed them away. It felt as if Error shot string right through his soul, maybe even worse than that.
Ink: Wait... Are you mad at me? Please tell me what I did wrong! I’ll make it up to you! ...Error?
Hot tears were streaming down Error’s face. He couldn’t hold back anymore.
(W) Error: I-Ink..? Do...D-Do you still love me..?
Ink was dumbfounded at the question. He cupped his hands around Error’s face.
Ink: Why would you ask that? You know the answer!
Error tried to pull it together but, it was just too hard. He continued to hiccup and sniff.
Error: I-I... I feel like... like you l-left because of m-me...
It felt as if another string pierced through Ink’s soul. Why did Error feel this way..?
Ink pulled Error into a big hug. Error wrapped his arms around Ink’s neck. 
(W)Ink: Error... I would never leave because of you... I love you so much and don’t you ever think otherwise! Now... just... let it out, okay?
Error stood there for a moment taking in the wonderful scent again. He remembered the first time he met Ink.
It was rainy day. It was the very first day of middle school. Error was walking in wet shoes and wearing nothing but his hoodie and shorts. Error sighed.
(G)Error: What a great way to start off middle school...
(S)???: Hey!! Wait up!!
Error turned his head around to see a skeleton, with a colorful umbrella, splashing through the puddles towards him.
Error: Ugh...
Error walked faster, but the skeleton caught up with him anyways.
Error: What do you want, weirdo?
???: I was wondering if you want to share my umbrella? My name’s Ink by the way. What’s yours?
Error stared at Ink in annoyance.
Error: Noneya.
Ink: Noneya?
Error: None-ya-business.
Ink stared at Error for a moment. He busted out laughing. Error rolled his eye lights and continued to walk. Ink wiped a fake-tear away.
Ink: I like you, you’re funny. Wanna be friends, Noneya?
Error glared at Ink.
Error: Not even in another lifetime.
He continued walking. Ink walked with him.
(S)Error: Would you go away already?!
Ink looked shocked at Error. He then looked at his feet and let Error walk ahead.
(M)Error: Ugh, finally. That idiot is leaving me alo-
Error slipped on a puddle and fell face first onto the ground. After that, it mostly just darkness.
Error slowly opened his eyes. Pain pierced through his skull. 
Error: Ugh... ow...
Ink: Oh! You’re awake! Thank goodness.
Error froze.
(M)Error: That voice... oh no...
He looked to where the voice came from. Just as he thought; It was Ink. Error slouched down in the nurse bed.
Ink: How are you feeling?
Error didn’t respond.
Ink looked at him for a moment. 
Ink: I... was gonna wait to ask you this, but... do you remember me?
Error looked at Ink, confused.
Error: I’m pretty sure I would remember an idiot like you.
Ink sighed.
Ink: I guess you don’t, huh? Well... maybe this will jog your memory?
Ink pulled out a folded up piece of paper. He unfolded it and it had a picture of two people holding hands in the center. One of them looked kinda like Error, and the other looked like...
Error: Squid..?
Ink gleamed with happiness.
Ink: You do remember! Haha! I missed you, Glitchy.
Error’s eyes grew wide. He hadn’t seen him in 7 years. They went to the same daycare when they were 4. Ink was his best friend.
Error sat up and hugged him. The vaguely familiar scent of his 4-year-old best friend came back to him. It warmed his soul.
Error was crying again, but smiling too.
Ink: Let’s go sit down, okay, Ruru?
Ink gave a soft smile.
Error: Heh heh, okay, Kiky.
They walked to there bedroom, hand in hand, completely forgetting about dinner. Ink sat Error down on the bed.
Ink: I have something for you.
Ink cupped his hands around Error’s face and wiped his tears away with his thumbs. Error loved it when he did that.
Error: Okay...
Ink pulled out the cloth.
Ink: Here.
He handed it to Error.
Error: A cloth..? Are you serious?
Error looked at Ink and cocked an eyebrow.
Ink: Yes. Turn it over.
Error turned the cloth over and on the back it read; My love for you will always be by your side. Hold onto me forever, until we die together. -Kiky
Error read it over and over again.
Ink: This may sound a bit weird but, smell it.
Error glanced at Ink, then back at the cloth. He held it up to his nose and sniffed it. It smelled just like Ink. Error quickly looked back at Ink.
Error: It smells like... 
Ink: Me. Now you’ll have a piece of me wherever you go... and you can give me my sweater back.
Error wrapped his arms around Ink again.
Error: I love it... Thank you, Kiky... I love you...
Ink embraced him back.
Ink: I love you too, Ruru...
The End
~for now!~
For @lemonadebytrade:
Thank you so much for inspiring me to write this fanfiction! Since you do such a good job on all of yours, I decided to make a sequel to my favorite short story, Scent. I wanted to add a little bit of that Error sadness because I feel like Error would feel that way. I also decided to add a flashback because you added a flashback- double flashback?? whatttttt?? Also, their first meeting in the daycare was sorta based off of Momma CQ because Ink and Error first met at a daycare there too. I really hope you like it. I didn’t want to put too much romance-romance because there are real problems in a real marriage in real life. You portrayed that well in the original too. While I was writing this, 90% of the time I was saying “Poor Lil’ Error-”  ;-; Errorink might be the death of me OTL ciao~
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fieryanmitsu · 4 years
A Taste of Home | Ikemen Vampire – (Sebastian/Female MC)
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I had this idea outlined for almost two months, but didn’t have a chance to actually write it out during  @unappreciatedotomelove’s “Unappreciated Character Month” back in June! My goal was to finish writing before the end of July so that I could at least pretend to contribute this to the event! OTL Luckily, I was able to squeeze in some writing in between work the past few days!!
For this piece, I decided to focus on our lovable butler! Sebastian is actually one of my favourite characters from IkeVamp, and I’m very excited to finally write something for him! This is actually my first time writing for IkeVamp in general, as well, but hopefully it won’t be the last!!
Just going to quickly tag @b1a4seeyou – I’m sooooooo so late, but here’s that Sebastian fic I was talking about, haha!! Also tagging @otonymous and @pseudofaux! No pressure at all, but if either of you have some time, I’d really appreciate hearing your thoughts - especially with Sebastian’s characterization (and since I’ve finally written something in a fandom you’re both active for)!! ☺️
Please enjoy~!
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Written for “Unappreciated Character Month”
PROMPT: Day 19 – Being ill
CHARACTERS: Sebastian, Female MC
PAIRING: Sebastian/Female MC
My fanfic masterpost: Here
AO3: Link in my Blog Menu
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It was an unfamiliar feeling for Sebastian – this consistent throbbing in his head and rawness in his throat. He prided himself on his resilience and excellent immune system, after all. Yet, here he was, flat on his back on a plush mattress, his cheeks flushed with a fever.
The historian couldn’t even remember the last time he had been sick. It certainly hadn’t happened since he had arrived at M. le Comte’s mansion, at the very least. Even though – for months and months on end – he had single-handedly taken care of the cleaning and cooking for all the residents of the mansion with nary a break, he had never taken a sick day.  
As he pondered his recent medical history – or lack thereof – a distant memory flickered across his mind. A memory from many years past and a previous life. However, before his fever-addled brain could grasp it firmly, his bedroom door creaked open.
“How are you feeling, Sebastian?” the newest resident of their mansion asked as she pushed a trolley into the room and quietly closed the door behind her.
“I’ve been better,” he replied dryly, before a cough wracked his body.
“I’ve brought your medicine, and something for you to eat,” the young woman responded with a sympathetic smile. “Can you sit up?”
Sebastian grunted and managed to move his arms, heavy with fatigue, and propped himself up into a seated position. He leaned back against the plush pillows and sighed wearily. Once he was settled, his colleague proffered him several small pellets and a glass of water.
Swallowing the bitter medicine, he watched as the woman next to him lifted the lid off his meal.
“Is that... rice porridge?” he asked incredulously.
“It is! Are you surprised? But, when I heard you were sick… well, I just knew that it had to be rice porridge – there’s just nothing quite like it when you’re not feeling well, right?” she replied. “I added in some minced chicken for protein, too – so that you can get your strength back up.”
Sebastian could only stare speechlessly as she set a serving tray over his lap and placed the piping hot bowl in front of him, along with a couple of ramekins and a saltshaker.
“I couldn’t get my hands on any pickled plums or the other really Japanese toppings, but Dazai was able to find some fresh ginger and scallions for me. He was so excited to hear that I was cooking Japanese food, he scoured the foreign markets for hours to find the ginger, you know,” she chattered, a chuckle slipping past her lips. “Oh, and here’s another one for your diary: Napoleon wouldn’t stop hovering as I cooked – he was so fascinated with the concept of rice porridge that he sat and watched the pot almost the entire time it cooked.”
“I have no idea what diary you’re speaking of,” he retorted automatically with a frown. If only his arms didn’t feel so heavy, he would flick her in the forehead for that comment.
Apparently ignoring him, she turned her attention to the tray and seasoned the rice porridge with a dash of salt and sprinkled on some julienned ginger and slivers of scallion. Mixing the porridge gently, she scooped up a small spoon and blew on it carefully before lifting it to hover in front of his mouth.
“Say ‘ahh’,” she instructed, eyes crinkling with a mischievous smile.
Cheeks flushed – from the fever, or something else, he wasn’t quite sure – Sebastian hesitated, eyes flickering to the door. Confirming that it was indeed firmly shut, he finally leaned forward and took a bite.
The taste was so nostalgic that he became overwhelmed. The fleeting memory from earlier now slammed into him like a truck. And, suddenly, he was in university again – when he had collapsed in his apartment after weeks of stress, overexertion and lack of proper meals and sleep. With his completed thesis safely handed in to his professor, his body had finally surrendered. It was his sister that had found him on the floor, hours later.
He had eaten rice porridge back then, too, with ginger and scallions – they had been his sister’s garnishes of choice since childhood. And, as the taste lingered in his mouth and the warmth of the porridge slid down his throat, spreading through to the tips of his fingers, he felt another unfamiliar feeling prickling at his eyes.
When was the last time he had cried, either?
“Oh no!! Was it too hot?! You’re tearing up!” the woman beside him cried in panic.
“No, it’s fine. Stop flapping around,” he responded with a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment, regaining his composure.
“Oh, thank goodness,” she sighed, her hand pressing against her chest in relief. “How does it taste, anyway?”
Sebastian paused. Instinctually, he wanted to say: ‘It tastes good’; which wasn’t a lie. Though, he honestly would have been quite concerned if it hadn’t been palatable considering it was just rice and water. However, another word had popped into his head instead.
It tasted like home.
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Sebastian’s always so unflappable and competent, I just thought it’d be really cute to see him helpless, for once! Also, I was actually trying to figure out how long Sebastian’s been at the mansion – I haven’t read all of the routes yet and couldn’t remember if it was mentioned in any of the routes I did read – but I wasn’t able to find the answer easily, so I left it kind of vague. I know that, in his birthday story, he mentioned that he hadn’t seen his sister in years, but he didn’t specify if it was because he was at the mansion or if he was already estranged from her previously. If anyone does know the answer, I’d love to know!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Please feel free to leave your thoughts – I love hearing what readers think! If you’re interested in my other entry for the “Unappreciated Character Month”, I also wrote a quick piece for Ikemen Sengoku as well (found here). I plan to round out my entries with one more piece – for Ikemen Revolution – so please stay tuned for that in the next couple of days!
Thank you so much for reading and any reblogs are always appreciated!
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Not a confession but do you know anything about artifacts? I've been researching about them but I still don't get it ಥ_ಥ
I'll try my best to explain because i'm pretty messy to explain about things- i'm sorry if I accidentally spread any misinformation- please correct me if I'm wrong oTL
There are 5 pieces of artifacts that you can equip your character with! It has a flower, feather, goblet, watch and a hat!
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The goblet, watch and the hat sets has their own main stats such as crit damage%, HP%, elemental mastery, elemental recharge%, geo damage bonus%, etc. As for the flower and feather they have their own locked main stat which are the HP and attack respectively.
Starting 3☆ (?) Artifact they can have upto 4 substats!
Substats include hp, defense, attack, crit rate/damage, defense, elemental mastery and energy recharge
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You can only upgrade your artifacts by converting the artifacts you don't need anymore
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The higher stars your artifact has the higher their max level they can have. A 3☆ artifact max level is 12, a 4☆ is 16 and 5☆ is 20.
Now for the bonus pieces!
On how i'll describe they're like considered as an additional passive to your character and you can have upto 3 passives depending how many same set pieces you'll be equipting to your character. Like let's say I would like my Traveller to have a two piece set of Gladiator's Finale so I equipt him with a Gladiator's Finale's flower and feather.
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You can mix and match with different artifacts with your characters if you want ^^ each artifact passive could be synergized with your character.
You can have a full Maiden Beloved set on Diona for extra healing, Xiangling with 2 piece set of Nobleese Oblige and 2 piece set of Crimson Witch of Burning Flames for pyro damage support or Xingqiu with full 4 piece set of Noblesse Oblige for extra support ^^
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This is just a suggestion from me, for your dps character you may want to equipt them with an attack%, crit damage% and crit rate% in order to maximize their damage per second :D
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Now for your support you have to focus on giving elemental mastery, energy recharge and their elemental bonus damage to create some elemental reactions and your support bursts would be ready very soon
Aaa I think that's all I have to say for now ^^ I hope this guide would be useful to you anon and goodluck though!! (⌒▽⌒)
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notdeadjack · 4 years
annual rec list 2020
13 fandoms represented:
Part 1: 55 fics total
Leverage: 13 fics Star Wars: 3 fics  Star Trek: 2 fics  Haikyuu!!: 13 fics   Teen Wolf: 3 fics Jurassic Park: 1 fic The Witcher: 1 fic  Merlin: 3 fics  Borderlands: 2 fics  She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 2 fics Naruto: 8 fics  Dorohedoro: 3 fics 
Part 2:
Boku no Hero Academia: 211 fics here
If the read more breaks, I am truly sorry oTL
List split into two bc tumblr called me out on reading too many fics and wouldn’t let me post all of them at once boo
https://archiveofourown.org/works/799639    your body is a war zone but you are not a ruin by postcardmystery    2k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, 
“Make me a sandwich,” Parker says, so he does.
“Cut the damn wire,” says Hardison, so he does.
“Jump,” says Parker, says Hardison, and he never needs to ask, “How high?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12475840    Well Worn, Well Loved by BabylonsFall    3k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, fluff, sharing clothes, 
You would think, given everyone’s space issues this wouldn’t be a thing. But it was. And none of them were complaining.
(Everyone steals each others clothes. They're all surprisingly okay with it.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6363724    Hotel Heart by Laughsalot3412    45k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, canon-AU, psychic abilities, mind rape, 
He had a sniper rifle scoping the girl’s bright eyes and the guy’s smile.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1407967    The Safe and Sound Job by flutterflap    15k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, injury, h/c, 
Eliot Spencer doesn't do hospitals.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3861028    like a map of a place you've never been by bydaybreak    24k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, pining, slow burn, fake/pretend relationship, 
He knows it’d be so fucking easy, if he’d let himself. Because he’s easy for them, has been since that first job, since the day he hauled Hardison’s ass out of a building about to explode. It’d be so easy.
So he won’t.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3928687    the warmth of your doorways by gyzym    3k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, 
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1357111    Old Dog by thingswithwings   16k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, service submission, bdsm, mild puppy play, 
Eliot's their hitter, and taking on any physical threats to the team is his job, but there's something beyond professionalism – even beyond the obvious fact that Eliot relishes the fight itself – in the way he puts his body between Parker or Alec and any potential threat. Alec has a good view of Eliot's back on a lot of jobs, and he reads something in the tight line of Eliot's shoulder, in the slow turn of his foot as he steps into a fighting stance.
Something possessive.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8823406    Motion Parallax by Laughsalot3412    8k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, outsider pov, 
So, apparently Amy’s boss was part of a criminal gang.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9071065    Wash the sorrow from off my skin by Keiya    2k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, soulmates, 
He lays on his bed and knows without a doubt that his soulmates can read Fucking Genius on their skin, or maybe just Genius, but Fucking gives a ring to it.
Because he is, baby, he is.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2854310    Love (By Any Other Name) by ChouetteAnanas41    5k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, 
Eliot fell in love on a Tuesday.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3928888    Pancakes by saavik13     7k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, mentions of rape and child abuse, h/c, 
Parker can't ever ask a simple question.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3556844    No Time Like the Present by waterbird13    22k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, past Moreau/Eliot, violence, murder, child murder, 
Eliot's past with Damien Moreau is even more complicated than most people know about, and of course that would come up again when dealing with his incredibly complicated present feelings for Parker and Hardison. Eliot isn't a hundred percent sure how love works, but he's pretty positive it exists only to bite him in the ass.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4542576    Guard Your Eggshell Heart by letsgostealafandom    14k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, praise kink, 
Parker had a theory, and her theory was this: it made Eliot really happy when they noticed the things he did for them. It made Eliot happy when they made sure he knew they noticed the things he did for them. And when Eliot thought they didn't notice, it made him- not unhappy, but something worse, something like he knew that was all he could expect from anyone and he'd resigned himself to it a while back. Once she'd noticed it, she couldn't stop, and the realization of how often they took Eliot for granted made her stomach twist uncomfortably.
Star Wars
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5783371    This is Called Falling by Cartopathy    24k, Finn/Poe, h/c, 
Poe stood and he walked, remembering suddenly his only friend on the planet was gone and there was little hope of finding a town, much less hospitality.
And yet he walked in hope.
There was a stormtrooper—he needed to find the stormtrooper. ________________________________
“Was Poe important to you? You were close in the Resistance?” Rey asked.
Finn cleared his throat. “Yes, because I’m in the Resistance and he was in the Resistance so we've known each other for a while. He was important to me, yes.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18546007    Stop Your Fear by gloss    12k, Finn/Poe, sex pollen, dub-con, public sex, pining, 
Imprisoned by space pirates, Finn and Poe get to know each other better. When Finn gets whammied with sex pollen, Poe helps him out, not entirely unselfishly.
Afterward, they try to clean up the mess and take care of each other.
please note: sex is entirely consensual, but within a compromised situation. Dub-con, not non con.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6904006    Against Disaster by gloss    29k, Finn/Poe, pining, PTSD, 
Not that he loved Finn. There was no way he could love someone he'd spoken to for all of ten minutes, no matter how lifechanging those minutes proved to be.
He loved the feeling of it all. The thrill, the novelty, the rush. Everything he'd shared with Finn had been more exciting than the rest of his life put together, and his life had been far from sedate.
That's what he told himself, anyway.
__ Poe's a disaster and Finn's still got a lot of brainwashing to work through.
Star Trek 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/849107   Treasures by yeaka    17k, Kirk/Spock, AU, pon farr, soul bond, 
Sometimes the other Vulcans wonder how Spock managed to obtain such an exotic bondmate, and sometimes Spock wonders himself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11697684    Echolocation by Darksknight    8k, Kirk/Spock, 
Kirk and Spock don’t realize that they’ve bonded right away. The rest of the crew is a different story.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21762448    discovering the smile of one kageyama tobio by Emlee_J    8k, Hinata/Kageyama, fluff, 
Kageyama blinks once before a grin of his own spreads over his face. Shouyou’s breath halts in his lungs at the sight, and he wills for time to stop, just so he can drink it in. He sees it sometimes, when they’re playing - Kageyama’s fierce smile when they pull a combo off just right, when they show their opponents how possible the impossible can really be. But then there’s another serve, another rally, and the moment is gone.
'Shame', Shouyou thinks to himself, as he lets his eyes roam over Kageyama’s stupidly happy face, taking in the creases that are from joy rather than frowning, for a change. 'It’s a really nice smile.'
In which it's their third, and final, year in high school and Hinata has only one goal: to make Kageyama smile outside of volleyball.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5479973    75% Useless Pining by ravelqueen   4k, Nishinoya/Asahi, pining, hair kink, 
People often ask Asahi why he keeps his hair long. He gives them a different reason every time, from being too lazy to cut it, over saying he thinks it looks nice on him, to just ducking his head and hoping they'll move on.
The actual reason is pettier and smaller and has nothing to do with his fashion sense and everything to do with Nishinoya.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2330126    Exception to the rule by Mysecretfanmoments   2k, Sugawara/Daichi, 
In which Sugawara Koushi just so happens to belong to the .001% of guys Daichi might conceivably fall for, and it takes a confused third party for Daichi to realize it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21580309    Just Another by Mooifyourecows    103k, Sugawara/Daichi, drama, humour, childhood friends, flip-flopping,
Everything is changing. But in the midst of exams, plans for the future, nationals, and a tumultuous new fracture to his family life, at least Sawamura Daichi can always count on his friendship with Sugawara Koushi to stay the same.
Or so he thought.
(RN: some of the best flirting i’ve ever read. also, Sugawara’s family? A++)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2940728    boys by buu    5k, Sugawara/Daichi, 
Before, if Suga had been asked to pick a type, he would have hummed and thought it over, maybe said something vague like “nice eyes” or “nice legs” or “a good personality”. Now, he can only think “Daichi”.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3189353   Perfectionism by Mysecretfanmoments    2k, Sugawara/Daichi, practise kissing, accidental boners, 
“I just wish it was something you could practice before you have to… perform.” He narrows his eyes, imagining it. “Like a CPR class.”
Suga raises an eyebrow. “You want to practice it. Beforehand.”
“Yeah. Are you offering?”
((Daichi doesn't like to be bad at things--kissing included--and Suga is willing to help him practice.))
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6411370    Jealousy by surveycorpsjean    7k, Sugawara/Daichi, jealousy, 
It’s so horrid- it feels like sludge in Suga’s stomach, like poison in his veins, like an itch behind his skin.
It burns, it stings. He hates it, he hates it more than anything, but he can’t help it.
He’s hopelessly in love.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7496004    Hinata Shouyou's Fucking Face by Esselle    17k, Hinata/Kageyama, 
'Kageyama doesn't know why Hinata's face rubs him the wrong way—it just does. So one day, in an attempt to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes Hinata's Shouyou's fucking face so fucking annoying, he begins to catalogue all the things that really tick him off.
This proves to be startlingly revelatory.'
A thought-provoking study and critical analysis of Hinata Shouyou's stupid face, by Kageyama Tobio.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1831732    need a friend you can fuck, i can be that by readbetweenthelions    5k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, friends with benefits, 
noya and tanaka are just really good friends who have a bit of good, not-exactly-clean friendly sex sometimes. here's the first time it happens.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3332642    it's fine by lokh    2k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, phone sex, just dudes being bros, 
have you ever wanted to jack off but you're in the middle of talking to someone and you can't exactly tell them that you've gotta jack off so you either sit through it awkwardly or make an excuse to leave? imagine that they found out and tell you that it's fine if you just jack off mid-conversation. now imagine that it's not you and it's tanaka and noya. that's the whole plot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5103794   find out what we're made of by sweggscellent    2k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, first kiss, frottage, 
It’s weird, noticing things about your best friend when your best friend is literally the goofiest person on the planet, but Noya does; the swell of his powerful calves, the line of his back when his tee shirts cling to it with sweat, the strangely graceful determination on his face when they’re up against a particularly strong team. It almost makes Noya uncomfortable.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6205864   Rule 4 by mean_whale    15k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, friends with benefits, friends to lovers, 
Nishinoya and Tanaka are tricked into watching gay porn, and curiosity gets the better of them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5979136    Roundabout by Shaples    12k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, past asanoya, post-canon, emotional h/c, 
“Actually I, uh. I was thinking I might stick around. Like, long term? I mean, if you haven’t already found someone to rent the other room, and you still. You know. Want to live together.”
Tanaka’s eyes widened in surprise. “I thought that you and Asahi were-”
“Yeah,” Noya said. “We aren’t.”
“Oh,” he said. And when Noya didn’t look up from the label on his beer bottle, Tanaka breathed out, “Shit.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13344624    And They Were Roommates by Hella_Queer    7k, Hinata/Kageyama, first time, trans character, 
“I can like...eat you out if you want.”
Silence surrounds them. This was it. Three years of friendship down the tubes. Kageyama would move out, or demand he move out, and he'd be forever branded as the Pervert Roommate. No one would talk to him ever again. His life was over!
Teen Wolf
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22812937    Five Times Derek Heard Something He Wished He Hadn’t, and the One Time He Did by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)   14k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, pining, 
“This place is hell,” Derek decided. “This place is absolutely hell.”
How was it possible he’d gone so many years of his life without hearing anything nearly as over the top as he had just visiting Stiles at school? This had to be some kind of record for the most disgusting things he’d ever overheard.
(I mean really, the title says it all lol)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27872045    Can You Feel A Whole New Part of Your World? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    53k, Stiles/Derek, AU, neighbours, fluff, 
“Can you hear me singing in the shower?” Stiles blurted out, because he had to know, now. If one of his neighbours had slid that note under his door, then it meant Parrish as another neighbour could hear him, too! He had to know if this was all a huge joke and one person had walked by and overheard him and decided to fuck with him.
Or if everyone could hear him and he now had to leave the country.
Parrish gave him a weird look at the question, but answered anyway, making Stiles’ plans to leave the country speed up in his mind.
“Of course I can. You’re actually not bad. Though you have been singing a lot of Frozen lately, getting kind of tired of the soundtrack.”
“Oh my God!” Stiles shouted in his face.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6156885    you're never too much of an old dog to teach a duckling a new trick by driedupwishes    2k, gen, light angst, 
“Y’know, it’d be real neat if someone gave me a gun,” Stiles says.
And Chris does.
Jurassic Park
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5199038   5 Times the Raptors Tried to Kill Miriam, and 1 Time They Didn’t by JulisCaesar   22k, OCs, gen, blood, science, freaking dinosaurs heck yeah!
Miriam thought the job working for InGen sounded perfect. Tropical island, good pay, first dibs on publications… At least, she thought so until she found out that she was the only behaviorist on staff. Once the eggs hatched, it became all she could do to keep up–with the dinosaurs, the science, and her health.
The Witcher
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22247587   swallow my breath and take what is mine by anacaoris    6k, Jaskier/Geralt, first time, sugar baby!geralt, 
“It began with the baths.
It had been so easy to dismiss at first. Some attempted to win him over with kindness-with-a-catch when in need of something, a bed for the night, a pouch of coin, a good drink to lower the cost.”
Jaskier likes to take care of Geralt. Geralt very quickly takes notice.
Merlin (BBC)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7287    In Want of a Wife by syllic    43k, Merlin/Arthur, 
When Merlin first hears that Arthur has been betrothed, his ribs pull inwards with an odd little hitch, and he only allows himself a second—which he needs in order to coordinate spinning in place without falling on his face—before he’s running to Arthur’s chambers.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2193282   The Frog Prince by Clea2011     58k, Merlin/Arthur, canon AU, disability, 
Canon era AU. A teenage Arthur is hit by a mutation spell intended for Uther. Unable to speak and hidden away by his father because of his appearance, Arthur is left lonely and isolated. A few years later Gaius takes on a new apprentice, someone who can understand Arthur and see through the enchantment. Someone with magic.
But breaking the spell was never going to be easy.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/835089    Such a Life, a Heart, a Mind as Thine by dreamlittleyo    42k, Merlin/Arthur, sex pollen, first time, non-con, soul bond, guilt, 
In which Arthur inadvertently triggers an ancient magic, but he does not face the consequences alone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8628043   How They Met Themselves by Wheat From Chaff (wheatfromchaff)    205k, Timothy/Rhys, slow burn, past abuse, 
Rhys wants to change Pandora. He wants to make things better, build things up. He wants, more than anything, to prove Jack wrong.
Tim just wants to get paid.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9951275    you'll find me buried by Wheat From Chaff (wheatfromchaff)    7k, Jack/Timothy, fight club, hate sex, dub-con, 
It's not every day you face yourself in the ring.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16748245    tooth for a tooth by nowweareunstoppable    3k, Adora/Catra, exploration, first time, biting, 
Now, though, Adora was on top of her, and her chest heaved in a way that was decidedly not sleepy. She pleaded with Catra with her eyes, then her words, “Please, I just-” before cutting off, not knowing what to even ask for.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19767655    More than Words by SimonKilnsworth    5k, Kyle/Rogelio, first time, 
Rogelio gets woken up in the night as Kyle struggles with his feelings. 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/37259    Ten Years Gone series by 100demons    80k, gen, time-travel, 
Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self.
(It gets a lot more complicated.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25538635    Better It Be You by cricket_aria    4k, Kakashi/Sakura, dodging arranged marriage, 
When Sakura's parents realize that she would be ill-trained for any job in the civilian world should she ever be too badly injured to remain a ninja they decide to try to arrange a marriage for her with one of the members of a major clan, so that at least if that day comes she'll still have value within the ninja community. Too bad they didn't discuss it with her first.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14143890   the chosen fruit by theformerone    51k, Sakura/Shikamaru, AU, honey pot, sex work, exhibitionism, implied non-con, kidnapping, drama, politics, 
Sakura is a rōnin, but she's good enough with a blade to find work. She's trusted at Fukiage because she's a nameless woman who can't afford to bite any hand that feeds her.
Shikamaru's awful attitude makes him a favorite in the teahouse. He makes his money on his back but his real trade is information. There is rot in Fire Country. Shikamaru sees it, and he is going to burn it at the roots.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16304705     Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos) by Pleasedial123   gen, 40k, canon-AU, BAMF!team 7, 
In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher. He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team. In another world he was quite hands off, merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his.
In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. He suddenly realized what he had done, passing a team. Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team.
In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher. This is the starting of a new Team seven.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13690269     there to welcome you home by theformerone    1k, Sakura/Neji/Shikamaru, fluff, 
Sakura gives birth to their daughter in the bathtub in the main house on the Nara compound.
Neji comes home and nearly has a stroke.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14902124    brown eyes steal me by theformerone   10k, Kiba/Shikamaru, canon-au, arranged marriage, mutual pining, 
"You planted a -,"
"I planted a tree, Ino, I know, I was there."
"Kousa," she says, finishing as if he never interrupted. "Not very original, but cute. You think that'll be what you name your firstborn?" 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18913750    gonna give you all my love, boy by theformerone    2k, Sakura/Shikamaru, first time,
Shikamaru is a (maybe ace?) virgin. Sakura is not either of those things. It still all works out. Sexually, speaking.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18756313    Consideration: Or, The Smart Kids Get (It) Together by cairn    12k, Sakura/Shikamaru, friends to lovers, 
Noun: Consideration 1. Careful thought, typically over a period of time. 2. A fact or a motive taken into account in deciding or judging something. 3. Law: (in a contractual agreement) anything given or promised or forborne by one party in exchange for the promise or undertaking of another.
"You want to give yourself cancer?" she had asked.
"Good afternoon, Sakura," he'd drawled back. "So nice to see you so unexpectedly."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25767034    I Am Intrinsically No Good by Medegela    2k, Noi/Shin, accidental voyeurism, sexual tension, masturbation, 
They had recently renewed their partnership for the third time and things he faintly noticed and always dismissed before were amplified. He knew now that she also enjoyed watching him, he knew that the same kind of release ran through her when she saw him, and he was sure of that because of the contract.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12192696    Secondhand Smoke by dirtbag    -1k, Noi/Shin, unresolved romantic tension, magical shotgunning, 
They sure do this a lot, for something that's so endlessly frustrating.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12387897    Love Is a Verb by dirtbag    4k, Noi/Shin, pegging, 
Shin can’t figure out why Noi is so insistent on being careful with him tonight when he’s pretty sure he’s come out of her bedroom mildly concussed before.
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