#please you all act surprised at the first answer with clothes.
greypetrel · 1 year
Hello! 💙 10,12,15 and 33? (if you want to and feel comfortable sharing, obviously) ✨
Hello there! 💜
Yeah, not entering much into details in public and outing myself as "Boring queer" but...
(also don't know how much this will be new for you but oh well you know where to find me xD)
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria (whether you’re cis or trans):
Boringly cis, here… Not very girly or gender euphoric, but. Dressing up and putting up a good outfit, colours matching. SWIRLY SKIRTS, particularly if they have pockets. (I own one skirt I LOVE, it's big and swirly and it has pockets, I'm considering a petticoat to make it poofy and going full '50s new look style. It gives me lots of casual Cinderella vibes and oh man. IT HAS POCKETS. BIG ONES THAT FIT A CELLPHONE.)
12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most:
*after the necessary "I haven't ever listened to music once in my life no thoughts head empty" moment*
QUEEN. I have one Freddie Mercury in every space I inhabit. I have two in my bedroom, one is hanging in my studio right in front of my desk. Queen had been a big and important part of my teen years. I am not a person who cries at movies/music, but put on The Show Must Go On or press play on Bohemian Rhapsody (the movie; i know it has flaws and it's dramatised but still) and watch me crumble. My favourite song of them tho… I can't choose one. Fat Bottomed Girl? But shit, Innuendo is just… A mindblown. I always clean my house with I Want to Break Free blasting on because I'm a basic bitch and that's mandatory.
David Bowie came into my life later but in stride, he's equally important, he's been the one celebrity death I felt like a blow (still can't listen to his last album without crying). Rebel Rebel is a favourite of mine but out of personal affection, the soundtrack of Labyrinth is the closest to my heart (that whole movie).
Janis Joplin. And with her my big favourite is Me and Bobby McGee (Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose 🎶*sings*)
I just discovered that Florence Welch is apparently bi too, so FLORENCE + THE MACHINE. The list of favourites is long but… Which Witch? Queen of Peace? Free? Morning Elvis? Can't choose, ARGH.
… I have the music taste of an old man, yes. Also I have the bad tendency in not getting much informations over artists if I'm not EXTREMELY hyperfixated, and it's a little since the last time I was hyperfixated with a band. It may be that other artists I regularly listen to are queer but I don't know. Again, I discovered Florence is queer writing this answer, oops.
15. How has your identity changed over time?
I had not many close contacts with the community until university, so I just assumed I was straight and never really thought about it much. Being demi ultimately didn't help me put two and two together any sooner, and without the proper terms and words… It was all very misty. So:
Straight > … People shipping me with a friend who is a girl don't bother me. Maybe… > No no, straight. Uh-uh. Just an ally. > Maybe bi-romantic, yeah, that maybe fits if I'm not having impostor syndrome, I won't tell anyone tho, I'm not sure. > "Hi friend of a friend who's very evidently flirting with me, WHY. You don't even know me. You have everything I should like but… WHY. This is overreacting, I'm sure you're getting something wrong it's too soon. Nobody is that much into someone else so soon in real life, this is fake and you're mocking me, right?" > … let me check the ace spectrum… > Demisexual. > Bi-romantic I said? No no Bisexual, definitely, still with a foot in the ace spectrum but oh shit why the girls I befriended and developed crushes on are all straight WHY.
(in all this I know that there are many people I know IRL that realised before I did. Hi, hello, I hope it was amusing to watch. x°D)
33. What about your LGBT identity do you feel proud of/ want to recognize/celebrate?
For my mental health, but also for the one of many other people: Being a valid queer person even if unable to go to Pride (they're a huge trigger for me, I'll start panicking before walking), or out with everyone or with relationship to prove it.
And the bisexual inability to sit down straight and composed without our joints falling off. That's a superpower we should be proud of. u_u
Jokes aside, I think there's some poetry in saying "I like people for being people, gender is secondary", and as much biphobia there is around… It's a good message to give.
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alicesivory · 2 months
I was all over her.
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pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female! reader
warnings: angst, sad Aemond, minor spoilers from hotd s2 ep 2, 3, and 4, not much smut but MDNI!!
WC: 4517
summary: when the world turned their back on him, she didn’t.
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Don't know what I wanted, I have a memory
Throughout Aemond’s life, he remembers how much he wanted to be seen. 
By his father,
by his mother,
by his brother,
by the whole world.
He wasn’t the heir to the throne, he didn’t have a dragon like his brothers or sister. He was weak and nothing. He spend his days being teased and bullied relentlessly by his brother and nephews. They had venomous tongues and big sharp teeth. He hated the way he is.
But when the world turned their back on him, one person remained. 
She was a Tyrell, born not long after his mother gave birth to his youngest brother Daeron. His grandsire and mother are close to her parents since the Tyrells and Hightowers are two houses that are closely related. 
When he first met her back in oldtown, he saw her as a meek and shy young girl. He hated it. Because it reminded him of himself. But his hatred grew when he saw how well she gets along with Aegon, Daeron, even Helaena. Maybe he doesn’t hate her, maybe he just hates how he’s nothing like her. 
Then it all changed in one summer evening. 
He was reading at the great library of oldtown, away from the world as he read about his great ancestors of old valyria and dragons. Dragons he longed to have. Like Aegon with sunfyre, Helaena with Dreamfyre, even Daeron with Tessarion. Then he heard a thud. 
Looking back from his seat, he saw no one was in the empty library but him. 
When he returned to his book, he heard another thud. 
Shutting the book with frustration, he began to look for the source of the sound that disturbed his peace. Walking deeper between old tall shelves, he took a turn to the left and saw…her.
Younger and smaller than him, but the Tyrell girl grunts as she climbs the bookshelf. Strong but mighty. The way her silly tongue sticks out as she’s so persistent to reach a book at the tallest shelf. He cleared his throat as he looked down, noticing many books had been scattered around the floor for her to climb.
She turned to him with a surprise stare.
“Prince Aemond!” 
As a child, she squeaks like a squirrel
Aemond thought to himself.
“What are you doing up there?” Aemond asks curiously. “I..I’ve been trying to reach that book!” She says as she still tries to reach the book at the highest shelf. 
“You will hurt yourself,” Young Aemond sighs. 
“Can you help me, my prince?” she asks as she jumps down from the shelf. 
“Absolutely not-“
“You’re far much taller than me!” She says pointing at his height. 
Even as children, he has always been taller than her. 
Aemond sighs, knowing what he’s about to do. 
And he did it. 
Not for his own pride, but for her.
“Oh thank you!” She thanked him with a smile when he easily reached and took the book she’s looking for. The girl hugged the huge book in her arms. “It wasn’t a big deal, whatever,” Aemond says, acting nonchalant while he dusts off his clothes. “It is though, I wouldn’t have been able to reach that book if you weren’t here!” She says with a bright smile.
Heat rose up to his cheeks. No one ever ‘relied’ on him before. 
“Biarvose,” he muttered under his breath, not wanting her to know. But she heard him and tilted her head with curiosity. “Are you speaking high valyrian? It sounds lovely! Can you teach me?!” She asks cheerfully.
“What, no I’m not-“
“Please! I want to at least learn something new!” The girl says excitedly. Before he could answer, she grabbed his arm and dragged him to their seats in front of the fireplace. “I’m a fast learner, I promise!” She says as she sits down beside him with a smile.
Can’t believe he’s doing this.
But…it felt nice. The way she wanted him to teach her. She could’ve asked Aegon or Daeron…yet she chose him. 
He mentioned her name. He liked how her name rolled off his tongue.
“…Tyrell, right?”
She nods. 
And since that day, and for the whole summer he taught her high valyrian in the library. Word by word, he was patient to teach her. He hates to admit it but she actually was a fast learner. 
She was his first true friend.
She was the first person who makes him feel like he has a purpose in life. 
Until they took his eye.
Just a year after he knew her, by the time he turned 10 he had claimed Vhagar, the largest and oldest dragon in Westeros. But for a price, which was his eye.
He became the same boy who hated the world. 
Never came back to oldtown or any places except the red keep. Afraid what the world might say about him. How ugly he looked with his scar, one of his eye missing, but most of all he was afraid of what SHE might say about him. Afraid of rejection, how she’ll stop spending time with him.
His thoughts were interrupted when his mother came inside his chambers. Bringing in the young Tyrell. 
“Aemond, she’s here to see you,” Alicent says, in a slight pleading tone. For he has shut himself out from the world when the maester stitched him. It hurts and it will hurt even more if he knew that all that people will see in him was a monster. 
“Go away,” he says coldly, his chair facing away from the door.
“Are you feeling any better?” Her sweet gentle voice asks as Alicent has her arm around the little girl.
Sometimes he just wants to run and hug her for comfort. For she was his escape from this cruel world. Her optimism makes him alive. He didn’t want to lose that.
“I said go away,” his hands gripped the arms of the chair.
“I brought you-,”
“I SAID GO AWAY!” He shrieks, stepping down from his chair and throwing his cup at her direction as he turns around, accidentally showing her his scar. His true self.
Alicent quickly tried to shield the young girl as she screamed. Shielding her from him.
From him.
“Aemond!” Alicent scolded her son. 
Yet his mother’s scolding didn’t matter to him. He saw his friend’s…his only friend terrified expression. He scared her. He hurt her. Just like how the world hurt him.
He took a step back. 
“I…I’m sorry,” he says lowly before returning to his chair.
He wanted to cry. But it hurts if he does.
Then he heard slow and tiny footsteps.
And she…she placed a toy dragon at the table. As her hands tremble. 
“I carved Vhagar for you…father taught me how to carve.”
The young girl says bravely. Yet Aemond wasn’t brave enough to meet her eyes. Not after he hurt her. So he says nothing. 
“Get well soon, my prince,” she curtsied and hurriedly returned to the Queen. Leaving him alone in his cold and empty room. Only the sound of crackling fire filled the room. Aemond loved silence but this time…he hated it. 
So he reached out, taking the wooden figure of his dragon into his hands. And by the time Queen Alicent returned to his chambers, she found her son asleep in his chair.
Holding the little dragon in his hands, close to his chest.
Back at that party, I was all over her
The death of Prince Lucerys Velaryon was at his fault and he couldn’t deny it any more. 
Kinslayer. Thats what they call him now.
His betrothal to one of Borris Baratheon’s daughter came to an end once Vhagar snapped her sharp teeth onto Vermax’s body. No one wanted to marry a Kinslayer.
A crippled and a kinslayer. 
What a fucking combo. 
But he firmly believed that everything that has happened to him was meant to be. Because if it weren’t for it, he wouldn’t be shaped as he is now. And he has to be better. Every sword training, every lessons, and at every war..he must be the best.
But that little boy inside of him still clings onto him till this very day.
Especially when his mother mentioned her name.
For he shall now marry her to strengthen the allieagance between their house and the Tyrells. They needed this. And he shall do it for them. 
He convinced himself it wasn’t personal and he doesn’t wish to meet her and just arrange the marriage ceremony. Secretly afraid for what she’ll think of him now.
A kinslayer, a cripple…a monster.
For they have not met again since that very night in his chambers. 
And when he saw her gain at the grand sept for their wedding, may the gods help him. 
She has grown into a woman. Not a young child anymore. 
She smiled to her family, giving them a nervous thin smile. 
Does he makes her nervous?
Does he scare her?
The ceremony was done in the sept. Not a grand wedding like any royal ceremony would be for they are at war and it’s ignorant if they host a grand wedding in the midst at war.
He couldn’t help but to stare how different she is now. How reserved and mature her body language is as she gracefully walks around with her long dress dragging through the cold stones of the sept. She was…beautiful.
“My prince,” she says as she curtsied. Even her voice has changed. Now it felt as if honey were dripping down her tongue.
“My Lady,” he greets back stoically. Not wanting her or anyone to read his mind. 
“How are you, my prince?” she whispers as the ceremony begins. Still making small talk as always, yet he yearns for it. He’s deeply grateful that she still wants to talk to him. Yet it has been awhile since he properly talked to her, it made him nervous. “I am well,” he whispers back. His healthy eye looked into hers as they were pronounced husband and wife. He finds nothing but nostalgia in her eyes. She is just how he remembered her.
We didn't make out or do anything
I just remember I was lonely
He didn’t like the idea of a bedding ceremony.
Where people would see him…and her.
It’s unnatural…and unfitting. 
So he ordered for the bedding ceremony not to be done. But he promised that he shall take her that night and they can inspect the bedsheets in the morning.
When he stepped into her chambers, he found her anxiously standing beside the bed. A weird tense atmosphere swept the room. 
“I..,” she wants to speak.
“I would like to say thank you for…not letting the bedding ceremony to happen-“
What is this? Does she not want everyone to see us together?
His anxious mind and overthinking took power over him.
“Who said it was done for you?” He snapped at her as he closed the door. 
Shit. He did it again.
And she was quiet once more.
I scared her again.
“But…still…I still want to thank you…my pr-“
“Husband,” he sternly says walking past her.
He took a jug filled with wine and poured it onto his empty cup. He at least needed a cup of wine if he wanted to bed her right.
“I am your husband now, am I not?” He asks, not looking at her. 
“Oh yes…husband,” she says with a nod, fiddling her skirt.
Aemond turned around and took off his attire and was left with his tunic, yet she just stood there beside the bed, not being able to move. 
She was nervous.
He looked at her, unsure what he should do. Should he comfort her? Should he take her quickly so they didn’t have to endure this pain together? No- no no no he didn’t want to hurt her.
Then he saw her slowly opening her nightgown. Her hands trembling like when he hurt her as a child. She slips her nightgown over his chest-.
It’s been awhile since he saw a woman’s body.
The last time was…..was…
She curiously looked up to him, only halfway through from being naked. “I-is there something wrong?-.”
“No,” he quickly answered, looking down with shame.
Yes. There is something wrong.
When Aegon took him to that brothel…at the age of 13..he…he couldn’t- it scarred him. 
She’s not like them. She’s not like that whore.
It’s only her, it’s just her!
His mind battling inside his head as he stood at the other side of the bed. He blamed Aegon for ruining something that should be meaningful for a man and woman. Ruining something that should’ve been meaningful for him and her. He blamed the brothel, he blamed his brother, and foremost he blamed himself. 
He can’t bed her.
Not like this.
“We must…do our duty,” he says, trying to mask his insecurity and vulnerability in front of her. Trying to mask the same 13 year old boy who was terrified when he stepped into the brothel for the first time. 
He didn’t dare to look up. He didn’t want to see her being disgusted by hi-
“Yet you don’t want to,” her voice was gentle and kind. Not a hint of mockery at sight. 
“I don’t want to do this either.”
He looks up, finding her shielding her chest with her nightgown. That sight aroused him terribly. He wanted to touch her, wanted to make her happy and satisfied. He wanted to make her smile. Yet he saw the same little girl that admired him as a child. He didn’t want to fuck her, he wanted to make love with her. 
But he didn’t know how to.
So he just…stood there. The two of them stood there and said nothing. 
Just as he thought all hope was lost, she puts on her nightgown and stepped away from the bed. 
She’s leaving.
She’s disgusted by me.
“What are you-.”
She took a butter knife and roughly slits her palm, letting blood drip to the bed. 
He stared at her.
“There. They’ll think I lost my maidenhead,” she says with a little smile plastered on her face. “No one will know.”
His eye drifts into her still bleeding palm. He groaned walking towards her, ripping a cloth and wrapped her bleeding palm with it. “Mittys,” he muttered under his breath. She chuckles, “You haven’t taught me that word yet.” 
And for the first time in a lifetime, a genuine amused smirk was plastered across his face. “Stay still,” he ordered, tightening the cloth on her palm. 
When he was done, she gazed up at him for a moment. “How long has it been?” She suddenly asked. “I have not been counting,” Aemond replied, still holding her scarred hand. She slowly then pulled him to bed, sitting down. “You must stay for awhile. Or else they’d be suspicious.” 
Gods be good.
She was too kind for him. 
And he joined her, laying on the bed side by side. He wonders if she’s still afraid of him as their hands brushed against each other. He never realized how much he craved for her touch. Wondering what it feels like to be held by her. Would she be gentle? Or would she push him away? 
“Usōven,” he muttered, looking at her. Apologizing for that night.
She turned her head to look at him. And smiled.
“I forgive you.”
I guess I am always, it's not a problem
It's just something, I got used to it
It got worse.
His yearning for her.
He was afraid to touch her, for he did not want to touch her like a whore. She was his equal. He didn’t want to hurt her.
So he lets all of his frustration to Madame Sylvie. He was attached to her even before his wife returned to his life, yet her presence made him worse. With the war…and his guilt for the death of Lucerys…and now the presence of her…it frustrates him. Every single time he fucks that whore, he thinks of her. He imagined that it was her in bed.
Imagined that it was her holding him.
At Least he could keep her safe from him.
He didn’t mean for it to happen. He never meant for it to happen in the first place.
But when he returned from his sins back to his sacred sanctuary, he finds nothing but horror in the keep.
They murdered his nephew. 
Prince Jaehaerys. 
A son for a son.
It was his fault his nephews were dead. 
It was supposed to be him who’s dead. Whose head should be beheaded. Not his nephew. Not anyone. 
After inspecting his chambers, he rushed to his wife’s room. Finding her in bed, holding Helaena and Jaehaera as the three girls cried. He saw how terrified the three of them were, but he noticed how she cradled his sister and his niece. Whispering nothing but reassurance to them. “It’s okay, they’re gone now…you’re both safe,” he heard her. She has always taken care of Helaena and the kids well. 
Noticing his presence, his wife looked up, finding him unable to move from the doorway. She lets go of her grieving sister in law and niece as she walks to him. Her eyes were teary and red. 
Oh how he hates to see her cry.
He looks down at her, cupping her cheek with one hand.
“Where were you?” Her question rang through his ear as her voice cracked on the last word she spoke. Guilt consumed him- no. Guilt starts to eat him slowly but surely. Eating him alive as her wife, her sister, his niece, and his brother grieve for the death of the young innocent prince. He couldn’t say a word, instead hugging his wife tight as she cried into his chest. Sobbing loudly as the castle was filled with darkness. Not a light of hope in sight.
“No one will hurt you. I swear it to you. I’m here..i’m here,” he whispers to his wife as she cried.
He might’ve gotten used to the pain people put on him, but he realized that he would never ever get used to seeing her cry. 
He would never let anyone hurt her.
He would protect her from the cruel world.
Even from himself.
Every stranger makes me feel safer
And every person seems more beautiful
“I do regret that business with Luke, I lost my temper that day. I am sorry for it.”
“They used to tease me, y’know? Because I was different.”
He knew he should be seeking comfort from his wife, but he couldn’t. As much as she makes him feel like him…he was still afraid his wife would see right through him. To judge him. So he couldn’t. Not to her. 
He feels safer in the arms of a whore, who has no power over him. While his wife, she had all the power to control him if she could. 
Nights went on and he sneaked out secretly. And no one knew. He was safe. His secret was safe.
Until Aegon…had to ruin everything like he always did.
Humiliating him was always his brother’s hobby.
Blinded with anger, he stomps and storms back to the keep. Wanting his brother and the world to disappear. He wanted to be alone. He hated everything. Yet he didn’t realize that a certain someone was still awake.
Closing Helaena’s bedroom door, lady Tyrell exits the queen’s bedroom for Helaena finds comfort from her sister in law. Just as she wanted to call it a night, she’s standing face to face with no other than her husband.
“Aemond,” she says in surprise.
He froze. He didn’t know what to say. All the rage and humiliation were gone in an instant. His face was covered with guilt and fear. “Wife,” he answered with a hint of anxiety dripping down his tongue.
“Where have you been?” She chuckled, thinking that he was just out for a walk or something. In her mind, she would never ever even think that Aemond would be doing things like that behind her back. 
Aemond stiffened, unable to answer. Before his brother always had to ruin the show.
“Look who it is!” Aegon says as his kingsguard follows behind him. “Your husband here…well, how do I say it..ah yes, was in the whore house, dear sister,” Aegon cackles, nudging Aemond’s arm before earning a hard punch from Aemond. 
He saw red. He saw red in his eyes. He hated his brother. He hates him. He should’ve shut up. He never should’ve brought him to that place in the first place, he should’ve never returned to that place!-
“What..?” His wife’s voice slightly trembled.
Even when Aegon was in pain on the ground, he cackled. Obviously still drunk. “You heard me! He was fucking that whore like a hound!” Aegon continues to say and starts to make howling sounds. 
Aemond saw how she started to grip her nightgown, her hands trembling. Her eyes were teary, not wanting to cry.
He disappointed her.
Disappointing the only person who has faith in him.
“I…I must go…sleep well your grace and….husband,” she says nervously as she curtsied at the two brothers before walking away. 
He watched her walk away. Not daring to chase after her or call out her name. He wouldn’t dare, for he knew he disappointed her deeply. He hurt her again. Like how he did as a child. And now he’s sure she won't come back to him. This was the start of him losing her.
She hasn't talked to him since then. What used to be civil and peaceful. Her small talks and smiles weren’t present at his presence. She avoided him at all times. To the point where enough was enough. He couldn’t live like this. He needed her to talk to him. He doesn’t want his marriage to end like his father and his mother. He cares for her…he…he…he loves her.
And when he blinks, he finds himself standing in front of her chamber doors one morning. 
He knocked gently.
“Come in,” he heard her sweet voice that he missed from her room. 
When he enters, he received her sad and surprised expression.
“Husband,” she greeted stoically, looking away.
He then realized how her closet was wide open and empty. Her clothes scattered on the bed as he saw her stuffing her dresses onto her..
“What’s this?!” He protested.
“Mother said it’s not safe for me to be in kings landing. War is coming and…I must go home,” she says in a sad tone.
His heart sank deep hearing her words.
She’s leaving.
She’s leaving him.
“You are not going anywhere,” he insisted, roughly taking dresses out of her hands. 
“Not on my sight!-“
“But Aemond-!”
“You are safe here! With me! With Vhagar!” He exclaims roughly, taking out of her dresses from her trunk. 
“Aemond, stop it!”
Yet Aemond does not answer. 
“I will keep you safe. Vhagar will keep you safe, no one will never hurt you-“
“But you did!”
Gods, he hated the silence between them.
“You don’t understand,” he grunts as he grips the bedsheets. “How can I understand if you never let me in?!” She protested, tears streaming down from her eyes. He doesn’t even want to look at her. He didn’t want to see her cry.
“See? You wouldn’t even look at me! You wouldn’t touch me, you wouldn’t kiss me, you…,” she points out. 
Aemond sighs in defeat. 
It was all his fault.
But then he roughly took off his eyepatch, towering over her, gripping her wrist as he showed his sapphire eye to her. “And would you? Would you touch this monster, hm? Kiss this husband of yours who’s the reason why two innocent boys are killed? The reason why this war STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE?!” 
She flinched.
She closed her eyes, scared…waiting for him to do something to her.
It broke him. 
“I…I..forgive me, I..,” Aemond lowers down his voice and hand, releasing her. Now guilt and shame has finally eaten him whole. He hurt her. Again and again. She deserved better. 
Then came a knock on the door.
“Sorry for interrupting, my prince but..the council awaits your presence,” A guard said to him.
“I’ll be there.”
Aemond took his time and walked out of her chambers with her as her trunks were carried out from her room. It was present how there’s a gap between them. He wanted to hold her hand terribly, but he couldn’t. Not after what he did to her.
He felt how people were looking. Eyes on them as they walked through the halls of the red keep. He tried one more time to reach his pinky finger to hers but when they touched, she pulled her hand away to rub her other arm. 
He lost her.
He probably never had her in the first place.
When they reached her carriage, he didn’t want to tear his eyes from her. 
“I would, y’know?” She suddenly says with her gentle voice.
“I would…kiss and touch you,” she repeats. “The monster you said of…is still my husband. You’re still my husband,” she emphasizes.
Her words touched him somewhere in the deepest parts of his heart that no one has touched before. It made him frozen and unable to move a single muscle or bone in his body.
“I know that I am not what you needed, and I know that I’m nothing to you-.”
She was terribly wrong. How wrong she was. She meant the world to him.
She was…everything to him.
“I hope you will find what you’re looking for in the future.”
He didn’t want anyone but her.
They looked back and saw people watching.
They’re waiting.
They’re watching.
She has always been far much braver than him. So she walked back to him, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, just beneath his eye patch. Beneath his scar. 
“Geros ilas, my love…avy jorrāelan,” she whispered to him before pulling away and stepping into her carriage without looking back.
And little did Aemond know, that will be the last time he would ever get to see her. 
In his heart, he blamed the world again. 
He blamed his brother.
He blamed everyone and everything that took her away from him.
Maybe in another life, the war wouldn’t have happened, Aegon wouldn’t have took him to the brothel, Lucerys didn’t take his eye, and maybe.. he could hold her like a normal person would. Maybe they’d have children…and maybe…maybe she’d stay. 
But right now, he walks back to the keep to assemble their army. To rook’s rest. To prove his brother and the whole world. To win this war.
For her. 
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a/n: Hello everyone! I’m Alice and thank you so much for reading! Fyi I used to write on tumblr but my old account was like semi suspended? Idk I couldn’t interact with people, I couldn’t comment on people’s post so now I’m here and uhh hi🥹I hope you enjoy this one shot and I’m only gonna write fics mainly about the Ewanverse so you’re in for a ride🫶🏻🤗 I’m gonna write more in the future and thank you for sticking around until the end of this fic! Thank you once againnn💞💞
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kooqitas · 2 months
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#pairing: virgin!dino x reader.
#genre: smut MINORS DNI | #w.c: ~2400
#synopsis: you knew that your entire rivalry with lee chan was solely sexual attraction, but you didn't expect him to invade the bathroom you were in, much less that he was a virgin.
#warnings: vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (m.), loss of virginity, spit. cute ending
#notes: i'm a little drunk (nd horny).... sorry guys
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you and lee chan are the fucked up cliché of students in the same course who can't stand each other for always competing with grades.
you've been at college for almost an year and you can't even count how many times you've argued with him, he's simply unbearable, of course, you sometimes tease him too, but none of that would be necessary if he wasn't so unbearable.
but everything changed tonight, mingyu's damn party, and now lee chan is in the bathroom with you, sucking your neck while grabbing your waist.
things just happened, one moment you were dancing on the dance floor and feeling his gaze burning into you every time your skirt lifted an inch, and the next minute, when you decided to go to the bathroom, he went after you, locking the door and trapping the two of you in the damn bathroom on the second floor of mingyu's house
"what the fuck are you doing?" you asked when you saw him lock the door.
"shut the fuck up for at least a second."
and he kissed you.
lee chan, or dino, as he is also called,  was completely possessive in the way he kissed you, it was hard to differentiate anger and desire since they clearly went together. you didn't judge him, dino could be annoying, but he was hot as hell and you knew it, you just didn't expect him to think the same of you.
"you're so fucking hot, what the fuck is wrong with you wearing that mini skirt? everyone seeing your ass on the dance floor, is that what you wanted?"
"you got turned on because of a mini skirt?" you laugh, clearly teasing the man in front of you. "how much of a virgin are you, lee chan?"
that was funny, you liked to say that dino was a virgin and he only teased you so that at least he could get attention from a woman, you knew it was a lie, after all, he was fucking hot, he definitely had the attention of any woman he wanted.
"fuck, stop calling me a virgin, we're not in college and i’m sure this shitty situation got you as turned on as i’m."
you laughed again, because it was true, fuck, you wanted to die when you entered mingyu's house and saw dino wearing the black shirt and the silver chain around his neck, it was inhuman how hot he looked.
anyways, the first move was his, he followed you to the bathroom, he kissed you, and he tried to take off your skirt at all costs...
wait... what?
"jesus christ, stop acting like a virgin, my skirt doesn't even need to be taken off, lee chan!" you grumbled at him.
"fuck, stop calling me a virgin..." he said, a little more irritated and nervous than usual.
"god, why do you get so offended by that… do you know there's no problem you're a virgin, right?" you keep teasing.
he huffed, dropping his hand from her hip in an instant.
"shit, stop it."
dino's reaction was strange. you were used to teasing each other with much worse things than simply calling each other a virgin. why was he so offended by a simple word? that wouldn't even make sense.
"wait, are you really a virgin?" you asked, trying to understand the situation.
he didn't answer you, he just started to adjust his clothes, getting ready to leave the bathroom, visibly upset with the whole situation.
"wait. lee chan, are you REALLY a virgin?" you questioned, visibly surprised.
"please, don't tell anyone about it, it's so fucking embarrassing."
"what? no! i'm not gonna tell, i just... i'm just in shock... wait, why the hell are you leaving?" you questioned when he unlocked the door.
"shouldn't i go?"
"hm?" you asked. 
"i'm a virgin..."
"yes, that was the big discovery of the night... and?"
dino looked at you visibly confused, trying to understand why you were stopping him from leaving in that situation.
damn, it was clear that you fought for the most idiotic reasons in the world, that academic rivalry was capable of making you kill each other one day, but lee chan was hot as hell, and you would never miss a night of sex with him JUST because he's a virgin... that's easily solved.
"y-you don't want me to go?"
you approached him, a little irritated, almost like when he bragged about a higher grade than yours.
"you broke into the fucking bathroom, kissed me, i’m completely wet, fuck your damn virginity, lee chan, we're gonna fuck”.
the next few minutes were marked by a wide-eyed dino and you dragging him out of mingyu's house. you ordered an uber straight to your house and thanked god for living in the neighborhood. in less than five minutes, you were in your apartment.
dino sat on your couch, observing every detail of the decor while you were in the kitchen getting him a water. when you arrived, handing him the glass of water, he had enough time to drink it for you to take off your skirt, leaving your white panties with a wet stain on display for him, who gasped when he saw you. he seemed to freeze, and everything got worse when your shirt also fell to the floor and he realized that you weren't wearing a bra.
"you're a virgin but you're definitely not an idiot, take off that shirt and your pants, damn it!" you grumbled, making him take off his clothes immediately, still looking at you. and you couldn't help but notice that the red underwear he was wearing also had a stain, and that turned you on even more.
you climbed onto his lap, attacking him as if he were prey, taking control of the kiss and watching him melt with every inch of your body that he discovered with his fingertips.
you felt him whimper inside you as you slowly rolled on his hard cock, and the sensation made you even wetter. it was clear that he didn't really know what to do, but all the tension in the room was completely exciting.
you felt him move his kisses down to your neck, shy but still possessive, biting and sucking there in a way that would certainly leave marks.
you took one of his hands and placed it on your chest, making him moan...
"you can touch it however you want... with your hands or with your mou-”
and the next second, dino's mouth was on your nipple, in a somewhat desperate way while his tongue swirled around your nipple, his hips crashing against yours and his other hand playing with your free breast in a violent way.
he was a little rough, maybe because of his lack of experience, maybe because of the horniness he felt at the moment, but that wasn't bad, you wanted to be hurt by him.
"for someone who's a virgin, you don't seem nervous!"
"shut up." he said with his mouth still on your nipple. "you don't have to remind me all the time that i'm a virgin."
"but that's what you are... a poor virgin." you teased, laughing when he got angry.
"don't get on my nerves now, damn it, i can't control myself anymore if you keep annoying me..."
"what are you gonna do? you're the virgin here, lee chan. you're the one who needs me if you want your dick to touch some pussy."
he gave a sort of grunt before squeezing your neck. you laughed a little, he was gripping you the wrong way, so you just repositioned his thumb.
"squeeze with your fingers, not with your hand!"
he nodded, squeezing a little harder as he went back to kissing your lips in a voracious way.
the excitement in your body made you grind again, and you could feel his dick getting harder and harder… you patted his hand twice and he let go of your neck at the same time.
"is everything okay? did i hurt you? did i do something wrong?" he asked when you got off his lap.
you didn't answer.
you just knelt in front of him.
"what are you gonna d- OH” he moaned when you touched the tip of your finger to his underwear.
the wet spot was bigger. and the moan he gave was enough to make you lose your sanity.
you distributed little kisses on the wet fabric, making dino moan and hold your hair while lifting his hips seeking more contact. and it was relieving when you actually pulled his underwear down, releasing his fat cock from the fabric.
his cock was hot, not big enough to hurt, but enough to fill you up completely, the swollen head and the bulging veins made you salivate
but he could barely breathe, the next second you were with your mouth on him, putting his whole fat cock in your mouth to suck as if you needed it to survive. the 'ploc' when you removed it for the first time could easily be heard from another room along with his moans, but damn, it was delicious.
lee chan saw stars when your nose touched his pelvis, a sensation he had never felt in his life, your throat vibrating on his thick cock.
and you continued, sucking every inch of his cock and letting your own saliva run down your mouth as you heard him scream that he was going to cum. it was a little early, of course, but you understood that it was his first time and he was sensitive to the new touch.
but you didn't want that.
not now.
"why why why" he questioned when he saw you stopping. "please, don't stop... don't do this to me... i almost..."
"I'll give you something better"
you said, pulling his underwear completely off his body, and then your panties too...
you didn't usually have sex without any preparation, fingering, oral sex, you usually demand at least one of the two, but seeing dino so vulnerable made you forget about anything. and that was why in the next second your pussy was going down on his cock.
it hurt a little, but the burning of being opened by a cock was extremely pleasurable, especially because the owner of the thick cock was completely crazy underneath you.
"fuck, i’m gonna go crazy, this- fuck-"
you raised your hips and lowered them once, watching him lose control.
his hand went back to squeezing your hips hard while the other played with your tits, all while he whimpered incoherent words.
"you're so beautiful" "your pussy is so tight." "so hot" "mine. fuck you're mine"
"i'm not yours!" you scolded him, going even faster on his cock.
at this point the shock of their bodies was audible, as were the eager moans of both of them, despite not being a virgin you hadn't had sex in a few months...
lee chan kissed you, the mess of the kiss making you go even harder on him, your tongues clashing and even the chattering of your teeth was extremely exciting.
you felt him pinch your nipple again, and that was the end for you.
you laid his head on the couch, and took advantage of his open mouth from his moans to spit there, ordering him to swallow it right after.
dino obeyed, he swallowed your spit and looked at you with a look that bordered on devotion. you were already whimpering on his cock, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold on to that position for much longer, your own orgasm was coming and you couldn't think...
"no no no, please don't stop," he begged, placing his big hand on your waist.
"i- i can't control it, fuck, it's too much."
the truth is that deep down he was a little bothered for not having 'done' much, after all, you were in control the whole time. and he was overcome by this, and by the overwhelming excitement he felt, that he grabbed the arm around your waist, forcing you to lay your body under his.
he put his foot on your coffee table, and began to fuck you like an animal, desperately and roughly seeking his own orgasm. you couldn't even think, the rough movements taking you to his as you felt his cock open you up hard. the way he held your body as if he wanted to merge with you, adding to the way he moaned making your pussy pulsate more and more.
"fuck- so good-" you moaned, with your mouth glued to his, but without even being able to think about what was happening.
"mine. fuck, you're mine, this pussy is mine. i'm gonna fuck you forever, me, only me, but no one. fuck, so hot." he said between the eager moans he gave.
one of his hands from your waist went to your hair, and he kissed you, in a completely clumsy way but he kissed you, and that was how he came inside you.
you felt his hot liquid running inside you at the same time that his legs trembled. and that was enough for you to come too.
and he continued thrusting, slowly, enjoying his liquid that was now leaking out.
"mine. you're mine." he moaned softly.
"i'm not yo-"
"shhh... shut up. you're cumming on my dick after taking my virginity."
"that doesn't make me yours..."
"so you don't want it again?"
you didn't answer. it was clear you want it...
"mine..." he teased again.
deep down you knew that all your fighting had always been about pent-up fucking lust, and you were glad it was finally over.
his cock slipped out, and he laughed when your legs shook on top of his...
"something tells me you want more..."
"dude, shut up"
"shut up my mouth for me...put your pussy here, sweetheart!"
"what happened to the whole 'virgin thing'?"
"if you taught me how to use a dick you'll definitely teach me how to use my mouth"
"goodbye lee chan" you laughed.
you settled down on the couch, even though you both knew you wouldn't be sleeping there, but in your bed...and probably in a spoon...
"i'm not kidding... you really are mine now."
you remained silent.
"aren't you gonna say anything?"
"no, i think i agree with that."
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antiwhores · 5 months
Small idea for a short bkg work
so you and bkg have been dating for a while but haven’t rlly done anything sexual bc you want to wait and he’s being a gentleman about it. But u make him so turned on, even when ur literally doing nothing. So he has to jerk off every single day and one day you catch him in the act. Maybe some dry humping or smth else after idk
Mayn ive been so busy but this is such a good concept. Thank you for your patience.
He’s gotten used to his hand now and it’ll stay like that until you’re ready. He doesn’t wanna pressure you into anything. It’s really hard for him though because everything you do has him excusing himself to take care of his raging boner.
Today was the worst day of it all. It was the day that you had finally invited him over after your five months of dating. It was a good day until he became hypersensitive to everything you were doing. He was doing perverted shit.
He took a shower and smelled your shampoo. Then he started thinking about what you looked like when you wash. The suds running down your tits, the loofa going in between your legs. Fuuuck he wants to be that loofa. Needless to say, he turned the water ice cold.
He almost came in his pants when you bent over to retrieve his phone that he dropped. You were wearing shorts, you never wear shorts. He was glad for the hoodie you were wearing. If you were wearing anything less than that he’d pounce on you.
He literally got hard when you stretched. He didn’t know if it was the sight of your shirt riding up or the little moan you let out. The blanket that was draped over the both of you was saving him.
Until it wasn’t.
“Can I sit on your lap?”
He was semi-hard but just you asking that made him grow solid. It was a long while of silence before he spoke. He didn’t wanna say no because this was a big step for you but he also didn’t wanna say yes because it might make you uncomfortable when you sit on his hard cock.
That beg was all he needed to be convinced. He nodded at you and you climbed happily into his lap. He had to suppress a groan when the pressure laid against him.
He couldn’t even focus on the movie anymore. He felt like a horny teenager breathing in your scent like it was his only supply of oxygen.
Imagine his surprise when you slowly start grinding against him.
He almost explodes the whole room at the first thrust of your ass onto his clothed cock.
“Is this okay?” you asked.
Damn, it was more than okay. He couldn’t even answer, throwing his head back and groaning. You took that as an invitation to keep going. Angling yourself to grind your clit against his length.
He came faster than he wanted to.
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cl6teen · 9 months
come and see me ❀ ln4
in which everybody knows just how whipped your long distance boyfriend is for you
contains: social media!au, student!reader (21-22), whipped!lando who spoils you a bunch, a short little thing because i love writing for lando, this is purely self indulgent lmao; but to my requests dw im certainly getting to them
📍 rio de janeiro
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, bsfsinstagram and 79,477 others
yourinstagram clearly not much studying is being done!
view all comments
landonorris goddamn
landonorris first
bsfsinstagram this is getting out of hand
landonorris 😍😍
landonorris how are you so beautiful??
landonorris hey
yourinstagram hi i have a boyfriend 🥰
landonorris he’s a lucky guy
maxfewtrell please just come visit so that lando can shut up and stop whining about you
liked by yourinstagram
luv4lando lando always having post notifications on for yn is so boyfriend of him 😭😭
user hes literally head over heels for her
oscarpiastri please do your schoolwork
yourinstagram you’re one to talk 😬
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liked by yourinstagram, f1bestwags, danielricciardo and 533,266 others
lando.jpg tfw when u miss ur girlfriend but she’s across the world
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danielricciardo my man my man my man lookin ass
landonorris my girl my girl my girl , and what about it?
yourinstagram i love you 🥰
yourinstagram call me call me call me
landonorris yes ma’am 😍
user lando seems like the type to mention his relationship at any moment and i’m here for it
oscarpiastri he does 😒
landonorris you act like it bothers you
oscarpiastri i just listen because i can’t tell you to shut up
user omg i’ve just gotten into watching f1 but who’s this?
user lando’s girlfriend! he’s head over heels whipped for her
bsfsinstagram please stop facetiming her while we’re trying to study ☹️
user get you a man like lando norris
yourinstagram he’s a one of a kind, but good luck trying!
user nothing was more sweet than watching lando’s post race interview when he said his celebratory plans were going home and facetiming y/n
user need this kind of love in my life asap 😩
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my man 🏎️
are you back from the beach?
mhm, just made some dinner
wanna see the photos i took?
my man 🏎️
the answer’s the same every time babe
i’m screaming into my pillow and kicking my feet rn
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my man 🏎️ loved an image
my man 🏎️ loved an image
my man 🏎️
holy shit yn
is that the dress i sent you??
shit, it looks good, you look so good in it
im glad i bought it
you’re the prettiest woman i’ve ever seen
lando omg
stop it stop it
my man 🏎️
i cant praise my girlfriend?
i should buy you more things
please don’t 😭
this was more than enough i’m so in love with it
my man 🏎️
if i can’t see you i can at least spoil you
i was going to get you a van cleef stack, what colour did you want?
lando norris.
i don’t need a van cleef bracelet.
my man 🏎️
what about some heels?
you’ve already got me a bunch, my closet is begging for more space
how about you get me podium on your race in singapore?
i cant wait to watch tomorrow
my man 🏎️
well that’s already a guaranteed
i’ll just surprise you 🤍
okay love 🤍
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liked by landonorris and 231,900 others
yourinstagram come and see me for once (lando)
view all comments
user awe the photo from his stream earlier 🥺
user HELP when he saw that y/n was watching he got so smiley and excited
bsfsinstagram not the partynextdoor lyric
yourinstagram the best of the best
landonorris im coming.
yourinstagram yeah sure 😓
user the period???
danielricciardo is this shade 🤔
yourinstagram most definitely not daniel, get off my page
bsfsinstagram danielricciardo you can get onto mine instead 😍
user realer than real
user does anyone else thinks she’s always too quick to show off her body, like she barely wears any clothing
landonorris shut up
bsfsinstagram shut up
oscarpiastri shut up
danielricciardo shut up
user omg if i was that user i would have no choice but to stop living bc how u get cussed out four times back to back
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my man 🏎️
you shouldn’t worry about that comment angel
it’s been a few days, they took it down
i know, lots of people say it anyway
it shouldn’t bother me
my man 🏎️
it’s okay if it bothers you
but don’t change because of it
i like what you wear
i actually love it
of course you like it
you like everything about me
my man 🏎️
why wouldn’t it?
you’re so smart and kind
and fucking beautiful
i won the lottery
so don’t change yourself to fit a rando’s wants
who the hell even are they
i love you so much
i wish you were here right now
my man 🏎️
yeah, me too
but i got you that gift i was talking about
it should have arrived by now
oh i didn’t even notice
my man 🏎️
yeah they said they dropped it off at your door
okay i’ll go check, i’ll facetime you in a bit to try it on
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liked by bsfsinstagram, mclaren, landonorris and 643,444 others
yourinstagram so he did in fact come and see me…
tagged landonorris
view all comments
user lando standing on business norris
liked by yourinstagram
landonorris i hope you liked the gift i sent
yourinstagram i love it so much
danielricciardo are you not the gift in question lando
oscarpiastri ik your grades are cussing you out rn
yourinstagram i’m actually still getting all A’s i’ll have you know
bsfsinstagram parents reunited in brazil!!
yourinstagram 💋💋
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liked by yourinstagram, danielricciardo, oscarpiastri and 895,256 others
landonorris 🇧🇷 with this stinker
view all comments
user the differences in their posts are taking me outtt
yourinstagram why would you post that
landonorris why wouldn’t i post that?
user will you be back in time for qatar?
mclaren he better be 😅
danielricciardo this is so girl from ipanema core lando
landonorris shut up mate
oscarpiastri when lando finally sees his girlfriend again and is no longer there to complain 🙏🏻
landonorris you know you miss me
oscarpiastri say hi to yn for me
yourinstagram best boyfriend ever 💋
landonorris only for you 🤍
2K notes · View notes
allfearstofallto · 3 months
Virgin! Wanderer x Fem! Reader
TW: 18+ MDNI, established relationship, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, finishing inside
Wanderer who gets addicted to sex after the first taste of your body. Such a meaningless thing, he calls the it, the act of intimacy with you. Especially sinces he's not sure if a puppet such as himself can impregnate you, the only purpose he believes sex has, but when you finally ask him sweetly enough one more time to please try it with you, after months of dating and expressing your sexual frustration, he breaks.
He's awkward as he undresses you, something that you weren't surprised about. You were his first kiss after all and that took days of teaching before he finally got it right, his kisses initially felt as if he were trying to swallow you whole. But even the two of you fall into a rhythm. Stripping off each other's clothes until you both lay bare. His skin is soft and cold, with the few scars he has looking more like cracks in glass than wounds on human flesh.
He lays you back on the bed, a raging blush upon his cheeks. He tried to be gentle, to be concise, but he's never done this before. Kissing you here, squeezing you there, eyeing your body as if it were more of a puzzle to decipher than his partner.
When he finally enters you, his eyes go wide. You warm, plush, wet walls squeezing him, the slick of you cunt making him slide in easily. Such a thing was being hidden from him the whole time? He was denying himself this much pleasure. And the noises you made, or rather, the noise. That one mewl you let out when he bottomed out inside you. Your sweet moan sounded like a symphony.
He obviously didn't last long, not with how exquisite your body felt. Less than a minute and only after a couple slow test strokes. You noticed the way he was grunting above you and how his body was trying shake, even though he was trying to deny himself the orgasmic tingles running through him. You could feel his cock twitching inside you, spilling his seed against your walls, and the face he was making was... delightful.
Wanderer was showing a mixture of pure, intense pleasure, but also a horrific embarrassment. Even he, who'd never had sex before, knew that this was much too short, yet he couldn't hold back when your insides rubbed against the head of his cock.
"I'll last longer next time," he grumbled beneath his breath, not even bothering to make eye contact with you because he knew what face you were making. That smug smile you did when you knew you were right, it pained him to even think of yet another blow to his ego.
"Oh, so there will be a next time?" You teased and he merely scoffed, that alone was his answer. But internally, his head was swimming with longing thoughts for when he'd get to taste your body again. Of course there would be a next time and hopefully, plenty more after that.
530 notes · View notes
geekforhorror · 3 months
For the 1k
#40 and #72
Anakin or Sam with dacryphila kink, humiliation kink, corruption kink and size kink?
(Not sure if there’s a kink limit, I only saw a limit for the phrases)
pretty when you cry
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pairing: sam monroe x fem!reader
prompt(s): “don’t give me that look”, “there is no way anyone is that innocent”
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!sam, sub!reader, unprotected p in v sex, humiliation kink, corruption kink, size kink, degradation, loss of virginity, pet names, teasing, sexual tension, etc.
a/n: i apologize for how dogshit this is
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“You’re a virgin?” Sam asks with a scoff.
He couldn’t believe it. The girl who had been relentlessly teasing him for weeks was a virgin? The thought of you being a virgin had crossed his mind every once in a while, but he never knew it was true. That was until you admitted it to his pretty face just now.
In the past few weeks, you had worn the skimpiest clothes imaginable when you were hanging out with the black haired boy that you so desperately wanted. At first it was subtle. Every now and then, you would “accidentally” brush your barely clothed ass against his crotch while walking past him. Then you started bending over on purpose, which gave him a glimpse of your panties. Safe to say, you were biting off more than you could chew.
“Why is that so surprising, Sammy?” you say, trying to sound as offended as humanly possible.
“Oh c’mon now, sweetheart…I see the way you act around me. How could I not be surprised?” he says in response.
You should be mad at him…but you aren’t.
“I also know one more thing for sure. You may be a virgin, but there is no way anyone is that innocent,” he puts bluntly. “You prove it to me every day with each little stunt you pull.”
“I-“ you start to say before Sam cuts you off entirely.
“Tell me if I’m right or not, but I bet I am…you touch yourself to some naughty videos, wishing it was me, huh?” he asks.
“Y-Yes” you say more timidly than ever.
“Fucking knew it baby,” he says with a cocky smirk.
“Please Sam…” you say with a whiny voice.
“Please what? C’mon, use those pretty words of yours, princess,” he tuts while lifting your chin up, forcing you to look deep into the irises of his heavenly blue eyes. “Don’t give me that look,” he says before gripping your chin with two of his fingers, forcing you to look up at him.
“I want you to fuck me,” you finally admit.
“Pretty girl wants me to ruin her?” he asks, already knowing the pathetic answer that would fall from your lips.
“Yes Sammy.”
That was all he needed before he found himself throwing himself against you, his mouth finding yours before settling into the thrashing kiss. His tongue invaded your throat and you could care less about the soreness that would follow. His hands seemed even bigger when they were roaming your figure like a wildfire. You shudder when the cold metal of his rings were flush against your ass.
“Need you…” you whine.
“So impatient, but that’s okay… I’m gonna teach you some manners,” Sam says lustfully.
Before you know it, he pushes you down on the bed, now taking his shirt and pants off until he was completely bare. He finally gets on top of you before he lifts your skirt up only to reveal the scandalous panties you had chosen just for him.
“Picked these just for me, huh?” he asks you with a grin.
“Yes…” you admit shamefully, a rosy tone rising to your cheeks.
“You look so cute all flustered f’me, angel,” he coos. He slides your lace panties off your cunt, revealing your collected arousal. Sam practically lets out an inaudible groan at the sight of your glistening pussy. It was all his.
"Been dreaming of this for weeks, you have no idea," he admits.
"Then prove it," you say in an attempt to get him all riled up and bossy. You didn't want Sam to be gentle. You wanted him to ruin you to the point where no other boy could ever make you theirs.
Your attempt to get him all bossy proves to be successful when he suddenly pins your hands above your head, now unable to move whatsoever. "I don't know what's gotten into you slut, but I'm going to make sure I fuck it out of you. I wanted to prepare you baby, but you couldn't keep your damn mouth shut," he grits.
Without any sort of verbal warning, he slides himself into your tight pussy, earning a gasp from you at the sudden intrusion. You could feel how big he was, which made you feel deliciously full. He wastes no more time before pounding his fat cock into your greedy cunt.
"Fuck baby, such a small little pussy and it's all mine," he rasps, moving his hands to your hips, having an iron grip on them that made the supple flesh turn white. It felt like he was splitting you open despite not being all the way in yet. You try to grind your pelvis against his hip bones, but it proves to be unsuccessful with the way he's holding you.
"Fuck Sammy!" you say as he scrapes his cock deeper inside your velvety folds.
"Taking me so well like the little cock slut you are," he grunts in between thrusts before you feel him bottom out. The sensation of it all is too much for you and your aching pussy to handle, causing tears to fall from your eyes. Sam notices this and his only response is a loud scoff and an eyeroll.
"Nasty slut wanted to be treated like one and now she's crying, huh?" Sam retorts. "Good. Let those tears fall baby."
"Feels so good...please don't stop," you whine.
"Wasn't planning on it, you dirty little thing," Sam coos.
At this point, he's practically fucking the brains out of you until the only thing you can think about is him and how good he's making you feel in this moment. This was everything you dreamed of and more. You had always fantasized about how good his dick would feel, but it could never live up to the toe-curling reality. It was euphoric to say the least. There was just something about the need and passion that added to the current scenario you were in.
The sound of the rickety bed fills your ears as it slams against the thin walls of your room. Usually, you cared what others thought of you, but you just couldn't bring yourself to give a damn when you were so cock drunk on Sam.
"Fuck...think 'm gonna cum Sammy..." you say in a high pitched voice, almost pathetic sounding really.
"Give me whats mine...milk my cock like I deserve," he demands of you. With those words, you find your pussy spasming around him, closer to your inevitable release. One last deep thrust is all you need before you cream his cock with your sweet juices.
"See, wasn't so hard now, was it?" he mocks.
He takes this as an opportunity to rut harder into your slick pussy, feeling himself twitch inside you before spilling his delicious sticky seed into you. He pants through his orgasm, his breath returning to normal in no time along with yours. He slides out of you, hair sticking to both of your sweating foreheads as he climbs gently off of you.
"I hope you learned something today baby."
tag list: @zapernz @mortalheartache @myheartwillgoon2022 @camiemorgan8 @demieyesore @midnight--raine
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asunflowerana · 17 days
brownie bonding — Nanami Kento
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summary: kento makes most of his quality time with his baby daughter.
warnings: pure fluff, dad!nanami, cooking.
wc: 800.
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A warming melody of jazz echoes on the portable radio in the kitchen, filling the bonding moment perfectly. Nanami is just finishishing tying a cook’s apron around his waist, feeling a bit awkward to wear such a flowery print, but it was a request from his baby daughter. There’s no way he would refuse her. 
“You look pretty, daddy!” His sunshine compliments him, sitting in the high chair at the counter with her head covered by her tiny cook’s hat. She isn’t a kid that plays around: if she’s going to cook, she’ll wear the proper clothes for it.
Six years old, acting that way already. Imagine when she’s sixteen.
He can’t help but send her a fondly smile. One of the good things about having a kid is that you will always receive an honest answer from them. His little girl it’s saying he looks pretty, so maybe flower prints actually suit him. 
He moves his focus to the counter, checking the ingredients on display: sugar, butter, wheat flour, powdered chocolate, milk, eggs, chocolate chips. The mixer is set, the oven is heating up, and they have everything they need to start the day’s recipe:
You’re on your way home from a business trip today, and they both came up with the idea of ​​surprising you with some brownies. In addition to welcoming you home with a delicious gift, Kento also takes this opportunity to spend more quality time with his daughter. She’s growing up so fast that he’s been feeling guilty for missing some moments of her life because of work. He wants to make sure that as long as he has time, he’ll make the most of it alongside her.
“Alright sweetheart, what’s the first step?” He claps his hands, giving her the task of leading and guiding them through the recipe. She bows to read the children’s cookbook she got for her birthday last year, and points her little index to the first illustrated step.
“We need to mix eggs with sugar.” She says, cautiously taking the mixer’s bowl and placing it in front of them. “Can I put them in, daddy?”
“You can, but you need to be careful with the eggs. Break this way.” He demonstrates to her, tapping the tip of the fork against the eggshell until it breaks a small part. He then opens it halfway, and pours the yolk and whites into the bowl. “Your turn now.”
Eri picks up another egg, and tries to imitate exactly what her father did, but ends up hitting the shell too hard, causing the egg to break right on the table and smear the wood with white and yolk. The dirt definitely doesn’t please her father, but he isn’t going to make a big deal of it. These things happen, even to adults, and he doesn’t want to make his daughter feel guilty about something like that. So when she looks at him with those fearful little eyes waiting for a scold, he starts to chuckle at the situation, making her visibly relax as the moment passes by.
They continue with the recipe, now with Nanami directly helping her put the ingredients into the bowl, and his heart warmed to see his daughter having fun cooking, her mini apron’s all dirty from chocolate. “Now we have to add the flour.” He takes the bag from the counter, and gives it to her. “Think you can do it, sweeheart?”
She nods eagerly, and starts pouring flour into the meter. A small amount of flour escapes, but she manages most part of the process, placing the measured flour into the bowl. “I did it!” She announces as soon as she’s done, a huge one missing tooth grin on her face.
Nanami smiles at his daughter’s delight, caressing the top of her head. “Yes sweetheart, you did it.” He presses the ‘on’ button on the mixer, and it starts to churn all the mixture into the bowl. The two watch together the mixture incorporate and become a smooth brown dough, which soon after was put on a platter to bake in the oven.
Since the brownie would take about forty minutes to bake, Nanami thought it would be a good time to give his sunshine a bath and get her ready before the sweet is done.
But his daughter has other plans in mind.
“Daddy, you have flour on your face.” She points in the direction, making him run his hand over his whole cheek. “No, missed.”
“Where’s it?” he asked, leaning his face close to let her clean it for him.
She puts one of her flour-covered hands to his nose, laughing when she sees the art she’s made on her father’s skin. “There.”
His first reaction is deadpan, not believing he fell for a six-year-old child’s trick. But he’s definitely not a quitter: as soon as she gets occupied laughing at his face, he places his hands on her sides and holds her, giving her a mischievous smile. “So this is how you want to play, huh? Very well, young lady… You shall be defeated.” He starts tickling her body, making her squirm and laugh even more. He releases her eventually, and the two soon start a big flour fight around the room, running and throwing flour everywhere.
Not only they’ll give you a brownie tray, but also a pretty messy kitchen to deal with afterwards. But you can’t deny that it’s worth the price. 
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
a lesson in love.
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The puppet that had recently begun to live in your village had been acting strange around you lately. His name was Kabukimono, and you had never met anyone like him before. You distinctly remember the first time you saw him, Niwa and the others crowded around him. He had the fairest skin, long luscious locks, and clothing that only the highest-standing nobles in Inazuma could afford. He almost reminded you of a princess.
Although the other villagers accepted him, they were still quite reserved towards him. Niwa, Katsuragi, and a few others were the only ones who would smile and laugh with him, ruffling his hair as if he were a normal human. And though Kabukimono was greatly pleased by this, you could see he was still rather lonely. After all, his friends worked most of the day while he was left to his own devices as of now.
You were fascinated by the beautiful boy who seemed enamored with the most simplest of things life had to offer - collecting fruits (especially Lavender Melon, which seemed to be his favorite), playing with finches and other small creatures, and shyly yet curiously watching the other children play from a distance. You were quite entranced with him, and so you struck up a conversation with him. From that day forward, Kabukimono was a changed puppet.
Kabukimono would constantly stare at you and then immediately look away when you turned to face him. He would trail behind you like a lost puppy until you acknowledged him, and quickly scurry to your side. You would wake up to the puppet sitting outside your house, waiting to start the day with you (you were greatly concerned once you realized he sat there for the whole night.) He’d insist on carrying everything for you, and although he was very strong, he did not have a good sense of balance, and well… you can guess how that turned out. He was quite literally attached to your hip, and it didn’t take long for everyone else to notice as well. 
The kids would giggle uncontrollably and start to whisper: “Kabuki and [Name], sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-”, you quickly clamped your hands over their mouths before they could say anything else, while the puppet was confused the whole time. Couples would shoot you knowing looks. Niwa’s wiggling eyebrows and grin did not help you much either. Kabukimono’s love-struck behavior only increased but the problem was that he himself did not understand why he felt this way. Often you would see him with a stumped expression. And well, you had grown a soft spot for the puppet too… you completely adored him. You wanted to make him happy. But first, you must talk with him.
It was a normal day where you were doing nothing in particular, simply enjoying the calmness while Kabukimono sat next to you as well. The puppet had trouble understanding the concept of “relaxing” and doing nothing but he did feel the stress leaving his body whenever he engaged in this activity with you. The birds chirped, the breeze was cool, and everything felt perfect for some conversation.
“Kabukimono, have you been alright lately?” you questioned, hoping to get him to talk about his feelings. The puppet perked up at your voice.
“Me? Yes, I’ve been fine. Why?”
“Well, sometimes I see you looking a little down. I was just wondering why.” Kabukimono was surprised you noticed that, and he felt a bit shy but happy at how much you paid attention to him.
“W-well, it’s nothing really,” he tried to reassure himself and you but you didn’t buy it.
“You know you can tell me anything,” you advised. “I want to help you with whatever’s bothering you.” Kabukimono chewed on his lip, persuaded by your kindness. A determined expression appeared on his face.
“I think I’m sick, [Name],” he said it so seriously you were caught off guard. Out of all answers, you were not expecting that.
“Sick…? But you know you cannot get sick,” you said, trying to hint at the fact that puppets could not contract illnesses.
“I know that, but there’s just no other explanation I can think of! I asked some of the children in the village, and my symptoms line up with what they said!”
“Well, what are your symptoms?”
“My body gets really hot, my palms get sweaty… and my chest starts to feel funny,” he explained.
“Hmm, that does sound like a sickness.” The puppet let out a resigned sigh but then straightened up again.
“These things… they only happen around you, [Name]. Around everyone else I’m fine, but then as soon as I see you, all these weird things start happening to me,” Kabukimono looked down at his lap bashfully, almost afraid his statement would offend you. Your heart completely melted.
“Hey, look at me, Kabukimono,” you requested, and the puppet slowly complied, looking at you with his shimmering, worried eyes. “Don’t give me that look,” you giggled. “I’m not mad. In fact, I think I know what’s wrong with you. But I… need to do a quick test on you to confirm. Is that okay?”
Hope appeared in his eyes as he nodded excitedly. “Oh, of course! But what do you need to do?”
“Here, give me your hands, Kabukimono,” you said gently, as you placed his soft palms on top of yours. The puppet’s stunned and red-faced reaction already told you everything you needed to know but you still had to take this slowly. “How do you feel right now?”
“I-, I…” Kabukimono struggled to find the words to describe his current state. All he felt was hot, hot, hot from the simple yet affectionate gesture. But the patient smile you gave him was comforting. “I feel very happy, and my mouth hurts from smiling so much. And my body is getting hot like I said before.”
“I see,” you nodded in understanding. You released his hands from yours, much to Kabukimono’s disappointment, but then you placed your hand on his cheek, immediately bringing back his giddiness. “What about now?”
“I feel so…” The puppet was cut off as your thumb suddenly moved to trace your lip. “Ah, it feels like my chest is going to explode!” You chuckled at his simplicity as you removed your hands from him.
“And you’re absolutely sure you only feel this way towards me?” Kabukimono shook his head rapidly.
“No! No, no one else. No one else comes close to you,” he declared, intent on making himself clear, still in awe at the tingly feeling your thumb left on his lips. Your heart sped up from his unintentional adorableness.
“Well, I think I know what you’ve been inflicted with,” you nodded in response. “Yes, it’s quite obvious to me now.” Kabukimono leaned in more, curiosity taking over his body. He was so interested to hear what a smart human like you would say.
“You’re not sick, Kabukimono. You’re simply feeling a rather intense emotion,” you said slowly, hoping not to confuse him. “You are in love,” you finished. Kabukimono’s face was frozen in shock, only a slight shaking of his mouth and eyes could differentiate him from a statue.
“Love… love, i-is that what this is…?” His voice had come to almost a whisper. “Love, like how those married couples love each other?” Suddenly the mental image of him kissing and holding you appeared in his mind and would not leave. “Love!” The puppet could not help but repeat the lovely word again and again. But then a realization hit him and his excitement came to a screeching halt.
“But love… love needs more than one person, does it not? You need to… oh,” the reality of the situation hurt him. Surely you would never return his love. Surely you were interested in someone else, someone who was human. He was just a no-good puppet. Quickly you found your words to comfort him.
“No, no, no, Kabukimono. Look at me, pretty. Please don’t look so forlorn. You need not worry, as I love you too. I love you with my whole heart,” you stated matter-of-factly, in a way that could not be disputed. 
It felt like something was stuck in Kabukimono’s throat, as he found it hard to push words out. “You… love me?” You vigorously nodded in confirmation. “You love me,” he repeated as if saying it more and more would help it settle in. “You love me… such an amazing person loves me…”
You squeezed his hand in response. “Yes, I love you dearly, Kabukimono. I want us to be together,” you said softly. The puppet’s mouth opened and closed, not sure how to even respond to such tenderness. But what ended up coming out was a pitiful sob and streaming tears.
“Thank you for teaching me… thank you for loving me. I don’t know how I could-” The boy’s words began to slur as he cried. Although he loved you dearly, Kabukimono’s mind could only think about how you could abandon him as his creator did. Would you soon deem him unworthy or not good enough, and leave him too? You were taken aback at this drastic change in behavior but quickly pulled him into the reassuring warmth of your chest. You now understood what Niwa meant when he said he was an emotional puppet.
“Hey, hey, deep breaths, okay?” You rubbed Kabukimono’s back in gentle motions as you instructed him. “In, out… in, out, okay…?” The puppet followed your directions and with time, his sobs lessened and now he was a curled-up quiet mess that was in your arms. He would not move away from your chest, and you would be more concerned but you knew he did not need to breathe.
“You don’t need to apologize or thank me for anything. I don’t know what you’ve been through, but… I will always be here for you. You are a beautiful, kind soul. I am so happy to love you, my dearest,” you whispered, stroking his hair in a further attempt to calm him. The puppet almost felt like bawling again at your sincerity, but your voice was such a soft lull, all he wanted to do was take a break in your embrace.
“I love you, [Name]...” Kabukimono mumbled softly, as he fell asleep right there on your chest, knowing that he would be blessed with dreams with you instead of his abandonment.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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love-toxin · 6 months
billy brainrot🤭 xxxi. "You're mine. Get that through your dense little brain." with him after a breakup!! pretty please
took me 1001 years to finish this but here i am babey
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(cws: violent behavior, jealousy, toxic relationship, gn pronouns + fem nickname, possessiveness, post-breakup sex, needy billy, vaguely dubcon, shower sex, pet names, gaslighting)
Billy broke it off with you, not the other way around. He should not be the one banging on your front door, waiting by your car to catch you on the way to work, bothering you at your job to try and talk to you--and he especially should not be sabotaging your dates with other guys by showing up and causing a scene.
Punching your car window and dragging your date out to get into a fistfight with him? It's about as mature as a twelve year old's attitude. It was a first date too, not even that serious.
But that's just Billy. Just like it's quintessential for him to act all offended afterwards, like he's the one that's been put out cause you got mad at him. Then he starts up with the sweet talking, the "c'mon, mama", the kissing on your neck and telling you he missed you when you know he was messing with at least three other girls just this week. There's no reasoning with him, nor any point in entertaining his immature frame of mind. He's messed up and violent--a dangerous and unlikely-to-last cocktail for a partner.
Yet it's no surprise that you ended up in the showers with him, the pool empty and the parking lot dark since it's well close to midnight. You shouldn't have forced him to sit down with the first aid kit when he refused to go to the hospital for his cuts and that sprained shoulder--"'m not a pussy"--he said. It's different once the hot water hits his body, when he's got his hands bracing the wall behind you and his eyes burning a hole through your skull.
"You're mine." He growls over the hail of thudding water on linoleum. His skin burns as it slides over yours. "Get that through your dense little brain."
His muscles pin you like a brick wall against the shower, too broad and too strong for you to possibly resist. He slides your thigh up his hip to hook your leg around it, using the leverage to bump the tip of his rock-solid cock against you. That kiss he gives you is searing.
"Billy," You moan between kisses, your sentence finishing in a gasp as he slides in with a smirk. "You're an ass."
"You love me."
Thump. "No I don't." Thump. Each thrust knocks your head back against the tile, but Billy's hand creeps up to cushion it on the third time onward.
"You'd bite my dick off right now if you didn't."
"Nnh. I might still do it," Your warning comes with absolutely no venom, not nearly enough to wipe that grin from Billy's face as he gets exactly what he wants. Your answer makes him chuckle while he repositions you, hikes your other leg up with a grunt to hold you up against the shower wall. With both hands free you can cup his face as he makes out with you, adding to his perception that this is really what you wanted all along as your touches reminisce on a time not so long ago. When fucking in the pool room showers was a daily occurrence, tending his wounds was a kindness, and hearing him say 'I love you' felt like it actually had some meaning. Now it just feels like it's meant to placate you.
"Put on a condom, at least, you animal." You mutter amongst the sounds of skin slapping, tongues meeting teeth, and your back hitting the wet tile.
"I love you." He murmurs back. His voice rumbles against your throat, preceeding a soft but stinging bite that leaves a mark behind. You've got no idea what that answer means, but maybe it, too, means nothing. He could just be ignoring you for all you know.
"I'll pull out, baby. Y'know I will." Billy nips at your lower lip when he finally raises his head from your neck, having not had enough of using his teeth, evidently. "C'mon, mama. Love you."
"Quit it." That nickname hits you in the chest like a hammer on cloth, more than even those promises of love. He liked to tease you with that, then it became a term of endearment. You've always cared for him; reassuring his difficult emotions, cooling his anger, tending his wounds, even cooking for him and giving him affection in the simplest ways. Maybe that's why he's not letting you go. He can't do any better, but he can't let go of the only comfort he can find.
"That's it, baby..." He's losing himself now. His thrusts are aggravated, growing more aggressive as he reaches the finish line. His eyes squeeze shut and his grip tightens on your hair as his hips buck faster. "Squeeze down on it. That's it--that's, there--oh, fuck!"
The end comes as a surprise, a sudden moment of pleasure that overwhelms his ability to hold out. Billy's weight presses into you and you know--you just know by that distinct pulse inside you--that he's not pulling out like he said. Your nails dig deep scratches up his back as he closes in on it, harshly pressing your hips completely still as he forces himself past that one, last boundary that could've still allowed him an out. Now there's no choice but to drain himself inside you; cum splattering in thick drops down the drain as your legs tremble with pleasure. He always manages to get it on the last try--triggering your orgasm like it's a switch at the last possible moment. But he never misses, not even once.
Now it's sinking in. You're floating off your feet, barely able to stand when he finally lowers you down, and you have to let him hold you just so you don't fall. As much as you want to push him away, he made it so you need him to rely on. Again. And you don't feel as bad about it as you should.
"Break up with that dickhead." Billy growls into your ear, suddenly riled up again--probably over his own thoughts more than anything else. The way he has to tilt his head down just to reach your ear is a new level of intimidating...and regrettably, incredibly hot. "We need to get back together."
"You'll change your mind once your brain evicts itself from your dick." You mumble dismissively, nudging his arm down so you can grab a towel. But he stops you--he blocks you back under the water, his mouth barely a hair's width from yours as he whispers.
"I want you back, baby."
"This was a mistake. It was a first date anyways, weren't even 'together' in the first place...and I still don't want you back."
"Doesn't change the fact that I love you. We fit together." He murmurs into another kiss that you less than reluctantly accept. A lock of your hair curls around his bronzed skin as he twirls it round his finger. "Think about it, at least. I know you want it."
"Why the hell would I?"
"Cause you can't last a week without fucking me." That, at least, is true. But that doesn't...mean anything. Plenty of people backslide, it doesn't mean you're still in love with him. You turn your head in a pout and he smirks at the idea that he's right.
"I like your dick. Not you."
"Then take it every day." He grabs your hand and moves it over his crotch, just to laugh when you yank it away and slap him. It's not hard. Much less hard enough to make him feel anything but affection at how feisty you still are. "You're still mine. My pretty little slut-"
As he whispers low in your ear you finally break away from him, just barely stepping out of the shower when he grabs your ass on the way out. You have to wrench his wrist off to get him to let go and that's fortunately enough for him, but it doesn't change the downright predatory stare he gives you as he watches you dry off and get your clothes back on in a hurry.
"Come by the quarry later. Tomorrow. Let's have some fun in our old spot."
"Don't count on it."
You're done up and out the door before he knows it. Your car revs up in the parking lot outside before peeling out like a madwoman--and he can only imagine the way you're yelling and hitting your steering wheel as you drive, trying and failing to force your thoughts of him out of your head and the way that orgasm felt rippling through you, just as good as he always makes it feel.
He'll definitely be seeing you at the quarry tomorrow night.
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livelaughlovesubs · 5 days
hello hello!!! as for the event can i ask lyney (if you write for him, ofc!!) with "making them perfom tricks" plus "begging"? i thought about him right when i read the first prompt. 😭
hope you have a nice day!!! :D
Thank you :] I was a little lost on what to do as ‘tricks’ but @illustrious-ia helped me brainstorm
Dom!reader x sub!lyney - reader is GN
Warning: strip tease, anal play, dildo & bullet vibrator, teasing, voyeur (?)
Anniversary event
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The click of the door, loud footsteps as he walks up the stairs, a heavy sigh before he enters your room, all blushy already when you two locked eyes. “How did your performance go?” You stared up from the bed, sitting up, smiling softly. “Everything went well, you’d expect nothing less from the greatest magician.” Lyney said, ruffling one hand through his dirty-blond hair. “A shame you weren’t there to watch me.”
Slowly, he got closer to you, kneeling down at the bed post, looking at you with such adoration. “You are right, so, won’t you give me a private performance?” His eyes lit up at that, and he smirked mischievously, “my pleasure.” Afterward, he stood up again, undressing himself with a teasingly slow pace, feeling your gaze on his body. “Please watch me carefully.” The boy mumbled, untying every single ribbon on his body. This was a game he enjoyed to play, to test your patience and to egg you on.
“You shouldn’t let your audience wait so long, they might get bored and leave you know?” You said, hinting at something, though you knew he wouldn’t fall for that. “I have no need for an audience who can’t appreciate the art of waiting.” Lyney answered you confidently, now taking off his gloves and peeling off his leg wear. The way he did it was provoking, wriggling his hips around, doing his best to show you his chocolate side. Seeing how much effort he was putting in, you decided to give up, “mhm, is that so? Fine, I’ll wait.”
Once he was entirely stripped of his clothes, he did a little twirl as if to showcase a pretty dress, though he wasn’t wearing one. He let you take a good look at his body, not an ounce of shame present in his actions. You clapped sarcastically, saying, “oh lyney, our greatest magician, please show us a worthwhile trick~” he bowed at your two faced compliment, replying with, “why of course, I’m sure the next act will be splendid!”
Then, to your surprise, he grabbed a nearby chair and put it in front of you, so that you’d have a good view of the object. After that, he grabbed his black hat and continued his little show. “Next, my lovely audience, I’ll pull an item out of my hat~” he kept going with this persona of his, acting as if he was searching for something with an arm completely buried in that hat of his. “Ahh, my apologies, it seems it’s quite cramped in here.” You waited with bated breath, staring at him intensely as he pulled out… some cards, some tape, a plushy, a rose bouquet that he drew at you, some vibrators and a suction dildo.
“Haha, sorry for the long wait, there it is, what I was looking for.” Now he was grinning all excited, pressing the toy against the chair, strapping the vibrators to his chest and already fully erect member. Once he was done, he hovered above the silicon toy, using the tip to poke at his entrance, before slowly taking the gland in. He didn’t use lube nor did he prepare himself, and with one swift motion he sat down completely. “Nghh~ w-what do you think, y/n? Pretty impressive, huh?” Finally he broke his facade, one hand clenching the edge of the chair, the other one holding a book.
You caught the bouquet with a confused look, wondering if it was a part of the shoe. It must be, considering he doesn’t do useless things. When you looked closely at the bouquet, you found remotes in it, which were probably for the vibrators on his nipples. With a big grin, you turned it on, listening to the low vibration sound and his lustful gasps. He was withering, an aroused look across his features as his insides tightened around the toy. You stared at the way his small body eagerly swallowed the huge toy, clenching around it with such fever. “Yes, I am enjoying myself. Go on, mr. Magician.”
He took a while until he could maintain eye contact with you, then declared with a shaky voice, “n-now, I’ll read you a s-story, hnnGggh.. while riding this, ah, toy.” So, basically he was saying, ‘watch me while I become a needy bitch for you’. You wanted to comment on it, to maybe stand up and ‘help him’ as an assistant, but he continued his speech with, “p-please stay seated until the end. When I’m done, we can gladly do some fan meetings ♥︎”
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greenfiend · 1 month
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For those still in doubt that Will flayed/influenced Hopper in ST3…
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So when someone flays another basically what happens is, as Mike states they “[take] over their mind” and “basically become him”.
Now, it’s very interesting how in ST3 we see Hopper act childish- but exclusively in ST3. The very same season Will desperately holds onto his childhood.
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It’s suspiciously very meta for him to say lines like this. It’s intentional. The writers didn’t just forget how to write Hopper. We are supposed to notice this abrupt shift in his persona and overall demeanour.
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As Will says, he likes to hide. Interestingly enough Will and him share that in common. Note the “only used me when he needed me”. Same is true for Will using Hopper. Hopper still has moments where he is his “normal” self.
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Whenever Hopper is “serious”, it’s really him. Whenever he’s emotional and kid-like, he’s under Will’s influence.
The Clues
So, let’s start by going over some of the major clues, shall we?
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Him saying this to a Byers of course. Interesting writing choice.
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The original script tells us that Will wears colourful clothes. That’s his style and he stands out because of it. Now it seems to be Hopper’s style all of a sudden too. It’s even noted by officer Powell here that it’s surprising to see Hopper dress this way.
Play these transition scenes. The first one has Lucas asking Will for permission to take a shower, then we are shown Hopper showering. I suppose Will granted Hopper said permission. Then of course we have El asking “how can you tell when someone’s a host?” afterwards the first person we see is Hopper himself. A perfect example of a host. They answered her question!
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We are often shown Hopper acting childish. Look at how he’s holding his pillow! We never saw him doing this in seasons prior. Then we have Murray outright calling him a “manbaby” and “children”.
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When “Hopper” orders an alcoholic beverage he struggles with the pronunciation. Reminiscent of a young person attempting (but failing) to appear older and more mature.
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We even are shown him being fed lines that came from a Byers.
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Now for the major clue. Why oh why did they show Will while Mike explained that Hopper threatened him? Not just Will, but Will moving pieces on a board. He’s essentially controlling things! Bending to his will, if you will. I mean it makes sense. We know Will was very jealous of Mike and El and complained about them! Just like Hopper, he wants them to break up. Perhaps even more than Hopper actually does.
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Then we have Mike referring to him as crazy! That’s their special word, so naturally “Hopper”/Will does not take this well. Look at his face! He looks betrayed.
The References
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It’s extremely subtle, but we have another Byler/Jopper parallel here. Earlier in 3x01, we see Joyce holding Hopper’s left hand, very reminiscent of Mike holding Will’s right hand last season. Then we have Hopper communicating in Morse Code as he and Mike fight to lock/unlock the car door several times. Notice how we have a shot of his left hand doing the locking of the door? Same one Joyce held. I’ve tried to work out what he’s communicating but I’m falling short. If anyone wants to take a stab at it please let me know your findings!
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Then we have the Back to the Future references. Again very subtle, but there nonetheless. As we know, Will is compared to Marty Mcfly a fair bit, ever since his very first appearance!
Do you recall the plot of Back to the Future? Marty travels to the past, accidentally changes some things, then has to bring his parents back together! Will does the same thing… through Hopper!
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And just like Marty… things get a tad bit awkward…
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Now keep in mind… these scenes all occur within the same episode. While trying to set up his mother and Hopper together through “flaying” Hopper, Will accidentally gets his mom interested in him (as Hopper). That is why he refers to Murray as “Freud” aka the Psychologist who created the theory of “the Oedipus Complex”. This is also why Robin drops that line about of the movie.
So… How?
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If you recall back in ST2, Hopper is spat on by something and was trapped in the UD. Will is able to sense him and thus is connected to him. Hopper is a part of Will’s hive mind. I also believe they may be biologically father and son… but that’s for another post.
The Implications of All of This…
So what does this mean? I’m not fully sure, but it seems like Will has some abilities here. I have no idea if it’s future Will manipulating things, or present Will and I’m not so sure how aware he is of all of this.
But in regards to Mike… here are some funny implications…
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ST3 shows us a Mike with a peculiar fascination with bears. Bears seem to be associated with Will and “bear” has a specific other definition…
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Now the icing on the cake with this is the fact that Mike has made comments regarding Hopper’s weight multiple times! So, he’s well aware of Hopper’s “bear” status. Mike shows interest in bears because he’s interested in Will. Will essentially is a “bear” while he is puppeteering Hopper.
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It’s also nice to know that Will actually did get that hug he yearned for from Mike. We just didn’t realize it. Mike and “Hopper” hugged a tad longer than normal too while Will was facing them of course.
To conclude, I know this theory sounds so silly and I sound insane, but I swear to you… this is real. I may be wrong about some aspects of this but I know Will influenced Hopper in some way. Remember though, it’s not a constant thing. Will only “used him when he needed to”. Will experienced being flayed in ST2, then he became the “flayer” in ST3.
If you have any questions or comments about this theory feel free to send me an ask! These things are fun to think and talk about.
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johnbrand · 3 months
Weaponizing Normality
With @wakeup01
“C’mon babygirl, you know what to do about this, right?”
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John gulped, his ex-boyfriend cockily lying on their bed. His bed. They were exes now after all, considering John had caught the flamboyant twink cheating on him with the young hunky cashier from the liquor store. But it was more than that, because John had converted his ex-boyfriend after the incident in a fit of rage. One bullet and a mental breakdown later, he had vowed to never see Garret again. But here he was, or at least, what he had become.
“How are you…why are you…” John sputtered, trying his best not to check out his former lover. The twink’s slim figure had been eradicated along with the homosexuality. Now Garret embodied the classic toxic straight boy. Rippling muscles, tanned skin, perfect hair and face. Even a tattoo was now carved into where his arm met his shoulder; the most heterosexual of all ink locations.
“What, didn’t you miss me?” Garret purred, his voice deeper and more sensual than John remembered. “Left my clothes at some chick’s place before I got here, hope you don’t mind.”
John realized what Garret was referencing. Although shirtless, he was currently wearing a pair of John’s slacks, his massive pouch stretching the fabric. Garret had always been too petite for John’s clothes before, but now the opposite problem had occurred. John envisioned his pants screaming in agony with Garett’s muscular lower half stretching them to the limit.
“Not the only thing I stretched out today, if you know what I mean,” Garett winked, reading John’s thoughts. John could not believe he could still do that after all they had been through.
“Look,” John finally sputtered, a firm decision settling in his mind. “You need to go, now.”
Garret frowned, taking a beat. “Are you sure? I come bearing gifts.”
“‘Gifts’,” John repeated unconvinced.
“Well sure,” Garret affirmed. “To thank you for all you did, and to apologize.”
Although he did not show it, John was surprised by this comment. Had conversion not morphed Garett into a classic douchebag?
“You obviously had a reason for what you did,” Garret started. “I cheated on you, plain and simple. You were acting solely as a response to my actions.”
John could not believe how mature this conversation was.
“After I got converted, everything changed for me. First off, I realized how much pussy I’ve been missing out on. It’s great stuff, man.” John did not respond, so Garret continued. “Anyway, I wanted to double up the two and come here for one last hurrah, a ‘To new beginnings!’ sort of thing.”
John considered this, “What do you have in mind?”
A self-assured smirk fell over Garret’s masculinized face. He already knew John’s answer before he even asked the question. “A thick, sensual blowjob on this new alpha body.”
John had no words. His eyes shifted from Garret’s down to the enlarged pouch, and then back up to Garret’s, before going back to the pouch again. John continued this pattern, with each glance back at Garret’s man meat a little longer than the last. Before he realized it, the words had already left his mouth.
Garret tossed his hands behind his head and shifted his pelvis a bit, “Get to work then, fag.”
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Overridden by a sudden wave of lust, John dove in. Like a rabid dog he ripped apart Garret's (his) own pants, tearing away at the tight briefs (which on John were supposed to be boxers) immediately after. But before John could lay his eyes on the superior cock the laid below, he felt the pressure of cold metal brace his skull.
The gun went off quickly, the bullet lodging itself directly into John’s head. Garret watched as his collapsed on top of him, John’s body lifeless on top of half of his. With a chuckle, he dove his hand into the back of John’s pants and shoved his two fingers right next to the crack. He felt it pulsating, vibrating as it carefully shut its well-maintained entrance. 
Garret then began to feel up the rest of John’s body, curious to see what else could be affected right away. He recognized the flab of his ex’s stomach begin to evaporate away, and took in the crackle-pops of John’s widening back. Garret could not help but investigate the armpits, relishing in the fact that they were growing hairier and sweatier by the second. Bringing his fingers up to his nose, he grinned childishly in disgusted glee at the sour smell that had latched on, growing funkier by the minute.
Garret could not believe weaponizing normality could be so wickedly fun. He glowed with mischievousness, his impish revenge tantalizing him. Garret knew that it would not be long until his vengeance would be complete. But until then, he had to get this dude off his dick.
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a-world-with0ut-dr34ms · 11 months
Hi, please, please, please! I need a premise where Simon finds a pregnancy test in the house he shares with his wife believing it is hers, upset and anxious he asks her for explanations, without giving her the time to give an answer. The test was his girl's sister's ❤️ :')
A Good Father
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Ghost x Wife!Reader
Ghost is anxious about being a father.
SFW, Extreme Fluff, Husband!Ghost, Wife!Reader, Comfort, Pregnancy Scares, Domestic, Softness, Vulnerability, Awkward Conversations, Innocent Misunderstandings, I'm reluctant to say there's humor, Scarcely Proofread, Drabble
Personally, I do feel like Ghost would be flustered if he found out his wife was pregnant with his first child. HOWEVER, I don't think he would act rude or distant or cold. Not on purpose. This is how I interpret that I guess. And thank you anon, this was an interesting topic. If you have anymore please don't be shy! ^^
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It'd been an accident when he found it, and the kind of accident that could put a man six feet under if you weren't careful.
It was a sunny and rare fall day in which Simon had been let off work before you for once; a welcome change to his usual routine, as he'd been looking forward to surprising you.
He started with the kitchen, knowing it had been one of your least favorite places to clean. He washed and put away the dishes before wiping down the counters, making quick work with sweeping before mopping. In the blink of an eye he'd already straightened up the living room, which made the dining room light work in comparison. All that had remained was the bathroom, your second least favorite room to clean.
When he arrived home and saw you were gone, he'd thought to himself -- What would be a better surprise than coming home to your man and a clean home? It hadn't been as often as he liked where he was given such an opportunity, so he jumped at the chance without question the second the idea popped into his mind.
There hadn't been much to contend with, a few misplaced clothes and some used towels. He'd just begun picking things up when he'd suddenly heard something small clatter against the bathroom tiles. Finally he saw the tiny, long piece of white plastic sitting tucked between the toilet and the counter -- A pregnancy test.
At first glance Simon froze, unsure as to what exactly he was even looking at. It hadn't been every day he was faced with these sorts of things; you'd only recently broken the record for being the longest relationship he's been in. So when he saw it, his mind hadn't wanted to jump to conclusions. Not at first...
...But when he picked it up off the floor and felt the thing in his hands, it was as the whole world had stopped. His brown eyes skimmed over that red plus sign at the corner of the test and reality felt anew. A positive result.
A number of emotions ran through Simon, though none could be more certain than the sudden shakiness to his grip and the tightening of his jaw. A pang of nausea coarsed through him, soon followed by a sudden guilt for that. He must have stood in that bathroom for a solid three minutes before his thoughts had somewhat gathered...
Pregnant. You were pregnant, and you didn't tell him. Why? Had you not planned on keeping it, or were you simply just waiting to break the news to him?
Robotically, naturally, Simon finds himself continuing with what he was doing before, throwing the test away and continuing with cleaning. He hadn't known what else to do really; anything else and he may just storm out and call you about it.
But no, he wouldn't do that. He couldn't. His emotions are just out of sorts now and he's confused. There wouldn't be a point in channeling that confusion into anger and taking it out on you, especially since you're the one with the answers.
The final thing to clean had been the mirror. As Simon began to wipe the glass down, he caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection. There he sees the battered husk he barely recognized at times. A father.
It felt unreal. Both too good to be true and a waking nightmare. He'd always dreamed of being a father some day, perhaps, in a different life which allowed him to be a part of his child's world in the proper way that he had desired. Some parts had been out of spite of his own father, having had some subliminal need to prove to a ghost what a real parent looks like. Other parts of him genuinely longed for a family of his own, and something he could be a part of from the start and see through to the end. To be a father would make him the happiest man alive.
Yet he wasn't ready, not now. Not in ways in which he felt he could really be of any use to you and your child. He feared every bit that could replicate his own childhood into his life today. There had still been so much of himself he'd felt needed to be set right before bringing someone into this world under him. He'd just wanted this moment to be perfect...
Simon didn't bring it up when you got home. Seeing the excitement on your face to see him nearly made him forget about the whole ordeal entirely. But it lingered on his mind like a heavy weight, and you could see it.
You asked him if he was OK, and despite himself he'd told you he was fine, only tired. He'd hoped that perhaps you might bring it up yourself, though you don't, merely continuing about the evening as usual.
Dinner was awkward, mainly do to Simon's stoic behavior, even moreso than usual. He stayed up to watch a movie with you, though he hadn't said much at all during it, forgoing his usual jokes and one-liners.
It hadn't been until you'd crawled into bed next to him that he finally spoke, though it hadn't been what you expected to hear.
"Do you think I'd make a good father?"
The question catches you off guard and you laugh and little, rotating yourself in his arms and resting your chin on his chest to look at him. From there you've felt his fluttering heartbeat dancing anxiously against your palms.
"Of course I do, Si'," you say. "Why?"
He's quiet again. Even in the dark you know those brown eyes are sifting through the room, looking anywhere but where you are. His hands over you shuffle slightly, and he sighs. "I have my doubts sometimes."
"I don't know why," you smile. "You're one of the best men I've ever met. I've always thought you'd make good "dad" material."
Simon can't help but smile. "Is that right?"
"I mean you've already got the dad jokes down," you tease. "What more do you need?"
You both laugh lightly to each other, and Simon feels a warmth grow in him that only you seem able to bring forth. Even when you know something is on his mind, you go out of your way to make him smile first. It's these reasons he loved you.
"Is this your way of saying you're interested in... trying?"
Unsure of what ruse you were playing now, and no longer being able to hold himself back any longer, Simon sits up, signaling to you that this was about to become something much deeper than anticipated.
"No," he says rather coldly. Too blunt for what he'd intended.
"Oh," you say, unable to hide the disappointment in you tone. You then look up to him, confused. "Is something the matter? You've been acting odd since I got home."
"I'm just wondering when you're going to break the news to me."
"The news?"
"Your first step into motherhood."
You pause. "My... what? What are you on about?"
"I found the pregnancy test."
You pause again, audibly making a confused "oop" noise as you tried to figure out what it was your husband was talking about. "Pregnancy test?"
The confusion in your tone now only makes Simon pause. "Yes," he says. "A pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test."
You're sitting there racking through your brain now, trying to recall when it was you took this said test. Having brought it up, all the thoughts Simon's had little time to sort through can't help but spill from him now.
"I'm not mad," he leads with. "I'm just... I wasn't...
"Oh!" You interject suddenly, a light bulb going off over your head. "That was my sister's!"
"My sister came over this morning. She didn't want our mom to find it so I said she could do it here," you explain, before chuckling. "Though I'm gonna have to yell at her later since can't clean up after herself... Didn't mean to spook you though, love."
Simon sits there silent and frozen, still processing the last minute. "...So you're not pregnant then?"
"No," you laugh. "Not that I know of anyway."
No. He won't be a father after all. If he'd felt his emotions swirling earlier, they've torn into a twister now. He won't be a father.
It disappointed him, despite his reluctance earlier. Had he been looking forward to it more as the day went on? This was for the best, nonetheless. Now at least he could breathe again.
"Fuckin' hell," Simon lets out a heavy sigh, a boulder of stress dropping from his shoulders like a landslide. "Don't scare me like that, love. Y'nearly did me in with that."
You smirk, climbing back onto Simon until your legs were straddling him against the bed. You lean forward, letting your nose brush his and his breath detail his presence to you in the dark. Before you've kissed him, you linger there for a spell, simply marinating in the moment.
"I still think you'd make a wonderful father, Si'."
You feel him sigh, his body sinking comfortably beneath you, as you've felt his callous palms cup your cheeks gently.
"You'd make a beautiful mother."
"I'm still up for trying," you say. "If you think we're ready, I mean..."
Simon pulls you in, until your lips have found his, locking in its familiar ways. Between the soft pecks he'd left, he spoke to you softly, holding you close.
"We're not getting any younger."
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How they found out you were a switch
I'm still begging someone to do this idea better than me. I'm really not a great writer and I'd love to see your spin on it.
Also none of this was beta read.Haha. you're getting it as is.
You followed lilly and her girlfriend around the "toy" store. You weren't really sure how you ended up here, but you sure weren't complaining. The world narrowed when you stumbled on a section of rods, reading the little info card on the shelf. That little switch within you flipped.
You had always known you were a "switch". However because the desire to be in charge were so far and few between the conversation hadn't come up with the boys yet. They were in for a surprise today.
When you made your way onto the common room with your purchase, you immediately set out to find any of your boys you could get your hands on. Sirius was the first one you found.
He opened his mouth to greet you but was immediately cut off as you grabbed his hand and all but pulled him into the boys dorm room.
Sirius had a wide, if not a little confused, smile on his face at your manhandling. "Babes, what's the ru-"
"Where are the others?", you sounded a lot more desperate than you liked. But you were reaching your limit. You absolutely had to fulfill this need, or you were sure you'd explode.
"They got roped into tutoring a few first years for Minnie. Wh-"
You had heard what you needed. You hastily pushed him back onto his bed, only taking a second to cast the silencing spell on the door. If you got what you wanted, it would be needed.
You hastily stripped out of your clothes, eyeing Sirius as the prey he currently was.
Sirius had never seen this desperate, but he was here for it. "What's gotten into you love?"
"I need you" you whined out.
"Oh my poor little love, I'll make it all better. Come here". The smirk on his face could not have been any more smug.
You crawled up his body, ripping off his clothes as you went. You stopped him reaching for your hips, knowing he wanted to flip the two of you over.
"Can I top you?"
His breath caught. That was a first. You'd never showed any interest before, but he was never one to deny you. Particularly when you were on top of him with that desperate gleam in your eye.
"Oh, is that what my baby wants today? Of course" he dramatically throws his arms out beside, him with a salacious grin. "Please have your way with me".
You grabbed you wand, summoning the bag you had dropped at the door in your haste to get him inside.
Sirius was delighted, watching you pull the toys you'd brought out of the bag. "Did you buy me presents?! You really shouldn't have!".
He was trying to act coy, but you'd have him reduced to begging and whining soon enough. "Do you trust me?".
He cocked his eyebrow, propping himself on his elbows "You know I do love", glancing down at your toy selection, then back up at you. "Should I have a safe word?"
" Yes." You breathed out. "Probably. We can use the same one we always do with me... same rules apply. Anytime I do something you don't like, immediately let me know".
He was blushing at this point, which he found a little baffling. He was sure all the blood in his body was pulsing in his cock. "Alright, love"
You picked up the sounding rod. It was a little silicone rod, with ridges going all the way down. There was a loop at the top that would wrap around right under the head of his cock. The rod was very flexible so you weren't worried about hurting either him or yourself with your plan. "Do you know what this is baby?"
He went to open his mouth to answer, but only a whine came out of his mouth. He nodded desperately instead.
"Are you ok with me using it on you?"
He nodded again. He absolutely wanted to get this show on the road now. "Please... "
You beamed. "You're going to be such a good boy for me huh?". Moving your attention down to the items next to you, picking up a silk maroon ribbon. You loosely wrapped it around his cock, taking the moment to slowly jerk him off with it. You loved the low breathy moan he let out, watching as he collapsed back flat on the bed and letting his eyes close.
Slipping your free hand down to your wand, you let the ribbon slip through your fingers. With a flick of your wrist the ribbon tied itself around the base of his cock.
His eyes flashed open "wha-", cutting himself off with another desperate moan as he looked down.
"All wrapped in a pretty bow like the gift that your cock really is. You shouldn't be able to cum before I take the rod out, but this will add an extra protection". Running a finger lightly up the length of his dick, enjoying the way it twitched under you ministrations.
"Magic really is a wonderful thing" you couldn't help sigh happily at the sight. "No fumbling around for lube". You picked the rod back up, tapping it with the end of the wand, watching as it coated itself in lube.
You had wanted to drag this out, but seeing him all wrapped up pretty for you, you couldn't seem to make yourself. Next time. Wrapping your hand tightly around his cock, you gave it one teasing stroke before lining the rod up with his slit.
You both moaned as the tip slid in an inch with little resistance. This went on for a while. Slowly in and out inch by inch. Sirius was all but drooling by the time you had it settled all way on, and secured. Honestly you weren't doing much better. He looked so hot stuffed and wrapped for your pleasure.
You ran your hands soothingly up and down his thighs, giving him a moment to get used to the sensation. "Fuuuck. You doing ok baby? You're so stunning, your big cock all filled to the brim for me".
The whine he gave was straight up pornagraphic. "Please please please please". Though he really wasn't sure what he was begging for, just more.
You giggled. "Oh my pretty baby. We're just getting started". Crawling up farther on his body, you stopped to grind down on his stuffed cock.
"Fuck you feel so good baby". You were damn near gushing now. "Feel how wet I am? This what you do to me. Such a pretty baby".
The whines went up an octave, as you felt his cock begin to twitch against you. His hands snapped down to your hips, not trying to guide or stop you. Just to give himself something to anchor to, babbling out about needing to cum.
"Oh pretty baby, did your cock try and cum already?" You got a desperate nod, though you barely took note of it. Instead choosing to watch his cock push through your folds with each grind. "Good thing your cock is so stuffed and tied up huh? Otherwise the fun would be over already". If he gave any kind of reply, this time you really didn't notice, too enamored with the look and feel of his silky stuffed cock against you.
It didn't take long before the need to be filled took over. You leaned down to kiss him. Taking a second to soak this moment in. Before abruptly sitting up and turning around. He always did like the view of your ass. "Hold on tight babe, and enjoy the ride. We aren't stopping until I've come at least twice".
He could only whimpered in reply. His head was getting very fuzzy . This entire thing is so brilliantly overwhelming, he never would have thought you'd have this side to you. But damn if it wasn't one of the hottest things that's ever happened to him.
You lined yourself up with his cock, and slammed all the way down his length. You looked back at his face, marveling at how beautiful he was as he opened his mouth to scream. No noise came out though, causing you to let your own lengthy moan out. He'd had you to that point of pleasure so many times. You're sure his cock was giving a valiant effort to come again. What a pleasant torture you thought, to be stuck on that constant edge of pleasure without being able to release it.
You turned back around, focusing on your own pleasure for now. You really needed to cum, you'd play with him more after. You leaned forward, bracing yourself against his legs as you began a fast pace riding his cock. You hadn't done this position often, but damn was it doing it for you at the moment. It didn't take you long to reach your peak, between his cock hitting at just the right place, and the desperate sounds spilling from his mouth. You dug your fingers deep into his thighs as you came.
The rhythmic tightening of your core, added to a level of pleasure he had never reached before. He could feel his balls tighten again. That's 4 times he would have come by now, every time adding to this blindingly sharp pleasure.
You slammed down on his cock once more, riding out your high. You took a minute to catch your breath after, gods this was amazing, definitely a lot of work though. You glanced back at him again. Despite the near death grip he had on your thighs, his face looked blissed out to the point you weren't sure there were any thoughts in his head. You couldn't help but giggle. You still weren't satiated. You stayed there till you felt him relax his hands and body some, before reaching down to trace a line up his balls. He jolted a bit but otherwise didnt tense up again. You asked his color just incase, and got a green in response.
His muscles didn't get to relax very long though, as you took his balls in your hand and massaged them. Poor things felt so hot and tight. This caused him to give an aborted thrust up into you.
"You're doing so good pretty baby. Your balls hurt huh? They feel like they need some attention." You only got incoherent babbling in response, that sounded like an agreement to you. You started moving your hips slowly again, but most of your attention stayed on his balls. Alternating between massaging and gently pulling on them. You normally didn't get to spend much time on them, sirius was usually very focused on your pleasure. He'd eat you till you were well blissed out before pounding you into oblivion. He'd go so desperate to be inside you that it left little time for things like worshiping his balls.
It was a shame you thought. They worked so hard for you, making all that cum to fill you up. They deserved more attention, you were sure they felt heavier than usual now, working overtime with no where for it to go.
You patted them a few times, not being able to help yourself. Adding just a touch of pain to his pleasure. You felt another heavy twitch within you. Huh. That might be something you'd explore at another time. You were sure that was 5 or 6 times you would have cum by now. Or maybe he was having "dry" orgasms, you weren't sure. You looked back, and he currently didn't have the brain cells to tell you now if the look on his face was any indication. You filed that way with the other things you'd explore later.
You grabbed your wand, casting another lubrication spell, on his tight little asshole this time. You kept one hand on his balls, still rolling and massaging. Using the other one to slip a finger into ass. Gods it felt so hot and tight in there. You momentarily wished you had a cock, if the look on the other boys faces were any indication, you knew it had to feel amazing when they go to thrust into him. You wondered if there was a spell for that...
You added another finger, and began searching for the little button you knew was in there. You knew you found it when he bucked so hard up that you almost got jolted off. The movent caused an orgasm to slam through you. The sudden peak surprised you, your vision whiting out for a moment. A high whining noise brought you back to yourself. Your hand on his balls had inadvertently tightened while you were riding out your pleasure.
You immediately let go and turned your body around so you could check on him.
"Oops I'm sorry baby. You ok? Do you want to stop?"
He frantically shook his head. With a steady "cum cum need cum" falling out of his mouth.
You smiled and decided to take pitty on him. He had been so good for you after all. Never trying to take charge, just holding onto your hips like a lifeline. And you did have two very satisfying orgasms.
You gently pulled yourself off of him, settling yourself between his thighs. You ran your hands up and down his thighs as you took one last moment to enjoy the view. you softly kiss the head of his cock as you released the charm on the ribbon, watching it slide gently away from its place.
You unhooked the loop of the rod from its home around his cock. You didn't just slide it out though, instead torturing him a few minutes longer. You thrust the rod slowly in and out of his cock. The sight was mesmerizing honestly. You could have kept this up much longer, but your poor love was about to vibrate out of his skin.
It only took two pumps of his cock after you slid the rod out for him to finally cum. His orgasm was so strong his seed hit all the way up to his cheek at its highest point. Jet after jet of cum coated his chest and stomach. You stroked him through it, his orgasm lasting quiet a while. You were thankful you had the forethought to put up the silencing charm. You're sure the whole castle could have heard the noises he let out as his pleasure crashed through him.
You get up to get a wet cloth to wipe all the cum off him. You could have used a charm to spell away the mess, but found this much more intimate. It's what you prefered when the roles were reversed.
He came back to himself, all cleaned up. You had wiggled underneath him, so that his head was on your chest, and our hands running gently through his hair. You two basked in the afterglow for quiet a while before he decided to head down to the common room and maybe get something to drink.
You guys split up at the bottom of the stairs so you could head to your dorm to change.
Sirius had just collapsed on one of the couches when Remus and James came through the portrait hole. Sirius still felt pretty floaty and out of it, with a permanent grin on his face. When they finally got him to share what happened the boys were beyond shocked. They didn't think Sirius was lying. But they also couldn't imagine their sweet babylove doing those things. You were normally so sweet and malleable. Preferring the boys to take charge.
You came down not long after in your shorts and one of their jumpers. Looking very cute and soft if they said so themselves. You stopped short when you noticed them. Sirius with his head resting against the back of the couch, eyes closed and blissed smile still there. They boys both staring at you owlishly, blinking slowly.
"... what?" You looked down at yourself to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. They just shook their head and welcomed you into their arms. Still too shocked, trying to wrap their mind around what sirius said, with the sweet baby cuddled up in their arms.
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peaxhxhair · 7 months
Can i request Lucifer with a male!reader s/o that had a bad encounter while being out and about, exploring the pride ring? Like when male s/o arrives home he acts all gloomy until bedtime where lucifer tries to comfort and cheer him up, peppering him with kisses and hugs until it suddenly turns a little bit too-heated and then smutty shenanigans ensues👀
A/n: HELLO!! Thank you SO much for the request! This is my first time writing a kinda smutty fanfic so PLEASE forgive me if it's shit 😭 lmk if you want a part two!
Pairing: Lucifer x Male!Reader
Warning: NSFW CONTENT, Handjob, Cuz (idk what else to put here I cant lie 😭)
Hazbin hotel - MASTERLIST
Kofi <3
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The pride ring was your favourite place. It was just so… interesting to you. There was something about the blood splattered streets of hell that made you want to explore every inch of it. Your partner thought it was a bad idea for you to go out alone - especially around the likes of cannibal town.
You knew that Lucifer just wanted to keep you safe, but you were a grown man - fully capable of protecting yourself. He, of course, would rather protect you himself, but you couldn’t rely on him for everything.
It was near noon when you reached the entrance to cannibal town. You knew to avoid the people, to avoid being eaten alive or something. So, you slithered around the outskirts of the town, looking through all the alleyways before facing the open areas. You were a little surprised by how many corpses you found in each alley. Though, it was more so about how they had left anything at all.
Your face scrunched at the thought of their final moments, continuing down the street. Well, that was until you were knocked off your feet. You stumble, face colliding with the floor as you struggle to recover from being knocked over. You’re quick to pick yourself up, only to be knocked over again - landing on your ass this time.
Now looking up at whoever was knocking you around, the club in his hand drew your attention - along with the butcher’s uniform. Shit. Maybe bringing Lucifer was actually a good idea…Too late now…
You could clobber this guy if you wanted to, but was it really worth it? You could just run away. *Smack*
Oh yeah it’s definitely worth it.
“Fuckin’ piece of shit” You grumble as you push open the front door to your house. Your left hand was holding your nose as it poured with blood - an attempt to keep any from getting on your clothes, until you can find a tissue or something. You slam the front door behind you.
You hobble into the kitchen, shoving your bloody hands under the sink after it was turned on. Once your hands were clean, you splashed your face with water, grumbling as it just spread blood around your face instead of getting rid of it.
“Love, is that you?” Lucifer calls from upstairs. It was surprising that he actually heard you come in, considering he was usually hidden away in his office.
You chose not to answer him. It wasn’t long before he poked his head through the kitchen door, noticing your rough appearance. “What happened?” His voice was immediately filled with concern, rushing to your side. He takes your face into his hands, eyes staring into yours.
“Some butcher wanted me for lunch” You answer, and his eyebrows furrow. You look away, already knowing what he wanted to say. Instead, he just sighs.
“Did you win?” You were surprised by his question, but nodded.
“Fuck yeah I did” The grin that grows on his face was so pure - like he was so proud of you. Even if he had seen you beat someone in a fight before. He leans up to kiss your cheeks, peppering your face with kisses until you let out a chuckle. Even with his lips all over your face, he had neglected your lips entirely.
“You gonna kiss me for real or not?” You joke, before his lips finally meet yours.
-----------— 18+ MINORS DNI—-----------
His hands are on your ass in an instant - yours moving into his hair. Your teeth clash together as his tongue invades your mouth, pushing your bodies closer together. He pushes you against the counter, lifting you so you are sat on top of it.
“Sure you’re tall enough for this?” You chuckle as you pull away from his lips, he scoffs.
“You’re a real piece of work, Y'know that?” He grumbles, moving to attack your neck. You gasp at the feeling of his teeth against your skin, tugging at his hair.
His hands move to undo your belt, discarding it onto the floor before taking off his own. You begin to lift your shirt, but he doesn’t let you - his lips connected to your neck, almost like a leech. You push him off by tugging on his hair again. A groan leaves his throat - guttural.
“Take it off” you point to his shirt, and he nods - obeying. You take off your own as he turns to discard the clothing, much like he had the belts.
You gaze at his chest and he flexes as you admire him. He chuckles for a moment, before his hands return to your body, trailing down your stomach until his thumbs graze the top of your pants. He gives you a look, and you nod in return - consenting.
His hands move into your trousers, caressing your thighs as he lifts you - taking the chance to rid you of the garment. He palms you through your underwear and your whole body twitches, a needy whine leaving your lips.
“You look so pretty under me, baby” he says, and you gasp as he pushes your underwear down - your cock springing free of its constraints.
“My beautiful boy” A choked moan emits from your mouth as his fingers wrap around your length - your back arching. He attaches his lips to your chest - sloppily leaving hickey around your nipples.
He begins to stroke your cock, applying pressure to your tip with his thumb. You twitch in his hand, moaning as you squirm under him. He uses his free hand to hold your hips down - forcing you to feel everything.
“Ah~ Luci~..Please~” You whine, and he laughs. He laughs as he watches you beg and plead for him, squeezing your cock as you writhed under him.
“Please what baby? Use your words” his face creeps closer to yours, and when you lean to kiss him, he pulls away - denying you.
You stutter, struggling to find the words as his hands pleasured you. You couldn’t keep yourself from coming undone, your head surging forward as your orgasm hits you. “Aah~ Please~” You groan again as your mum paints his hand, dripping down his arm. Your head rests against his shoulder as you attempt to catch your breath.
He plants a kiss on the top of your head, and you grunt in recognition. “We’re not done yet, love” He whispers into your hair, before picking you up and carrying you up the stairs and into your bedroom.
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