#plex history: daycare attendants
monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
It occurred to me yesterday that because there's so few daycare attendants in the Plex's history, the current one is likely older than literally everyone else. Sunny and Moon got to play caretaker to every single one of the others while they were going through their animatronic toddler phases and I think that's so fucking funny
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thehomophobe · 2 months
More Random Human/Humanoid! AU Headcanons
Chica is an advocate of all kinds of weird food combinations, especially pineapple on pizza. The only one she hates is milk before cereal. “The cereal would get soggy faster.”(PREACH!!!)
In my AU, Sun and Moon were the same animatronic. Yes, same mechanic with one transforming into the other via light exposure. Besides the clothes changing color, Sun’s skin would turn paler and the freckles would disappear as he turned into Moon. The coolest thing was the hair would also grow longer and change color as well. Though when Moon reverts back to Sun, the excess hair would fall off, leaving Sun to clean it. Another thing was that it hurt like hell. Swapping really cause both brothers lots of pain. Every time Sun had to switch for nap time, he had to go to his room and scream into a pillow in agony while transforming into Moon to not scare the kids. And vice versa.
When you made the twins separate bodies, the two would bicker about who’s the “older” twin. Even though they were technically born the same day. 
“I’m obviously the older one.”
“Nuh uh! I woke up before you did, so that’s means I’m older.” Sun woke up during the separation process but you forced him back to sleep.
”I don’t that counts.”
I like to think that each animatronic has a lot of random facts or knowledge about some topics. Like Chica knows about what stretches and exercises help what muscles. Monty, obviously, has knowledge about golf, but also fun facts about rock bands over the years. Roxy has knowledge about mechanical engineering, cars, and fashion history. DJ has music history. Freddy, Sun and Moon all just have general knowledge that they just say randomly. 
“Did you know that your brain is constantly eating itself?”
”Freddy…of all that fun facts…” You were scarred that day.
Monty may not have a good relationship with Moon, but he does with Sun. Which is strange considering the childish behavior Sun emits sometimes would’ve steered him away. It was one day when Monty needed a place to stay since he trashed his room again. The daycare doors were opened as the lights were on. Monty kinda waltz in there before Sun properly welcomed him. After that they chatted for a bit, which made Monty surprised by how mature Sun is. He really thought he wasn’t gonna understand anything he ranted about but Sun took it in emphatically. In the end, Monty left with a new friend and an origami frog made out of a ten dollar bill. 
Chica’s great at both rollerskating and skateboarding. Idk why she just is. 
Monty was jealous of Bonnie back then. Actually, he was jealous of the whole band. When he was born (built created idk), the Glamrocks were the hottest thing in the plex. Gator golf had very little people coming in even though it was a new attraction. He really did want the attention they had. 
The thing is…Bonnie’s known to be aggressive. So him coming to Gator Golf with an aura like that, Monty had to defend himself one way or another.
To this day he’s still mad about the rumors floating around about his “murder”, how he decommissioned a beloved animatronic because of “primal rage” and “envy”. Only one of those things were true, but wasn’t the motive behind it.
Foxy and Roxy shared a father-daughter relationship when he was around. Sure the main three mourned over his decommissioning, but Roxy was incredibly hurt. Foxy made her loved children the way she does now and set her straight when those doubts kicked in. On that day, she lost the one person who motivated her to be kinder. Sometimes she recites the words Foxy used to say to her to herself silently. 
Now truly, I believe Eclipse was the first daycare attendant before Sun and Moon were even theater bots. Eclipse did the standard things for the daycare; lunch time, naptime, etc. while Sun and Moon, who came later on after the company realized how many children come to the daycare, would entertain them when they would go to the theater. A little thing they had were anger issues, or rather, just little anger spurts, usually formed from abusive parents child live with or careless human attendants who really don’t care. And when they’re angry, ooo boy…they’re angry. Angry enough to snap a broom in half. Twice. 
I also believe Eclipse wanted to be decommissioned via due to knowing the horrible secrets of the missing children and not wanting to live with that. Sun and Moon didn’t know them well enough, but it was already too late...
DJ was kinda oblivious to romantic advances. The moment you told him he was hot was when he realized it. 
A bit self-indulgent, but you, reader/(y/n), have entomophobia. One day you were hanging out with DJ in the tunnels, literally hanging around, when suddenly you felt something crawl on you. Screaming and panicking, you thought it was a bug. You were right! Kinda…it was a music man. Though your fight-or-flight response was to curl up to DJ and tell him to kill it. 
“Woah relax (Y/N), he’s cool.”
And that was how DJ introduced you to the music men.
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chipistrate · 8 months
Why I believe Carnival will take place in the modern era, NOT the 70's/80's
featuring a bunch of neurodivergent rambles and hopefully some comprehendible evidence
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TLDR; I think Carnival is akin to Help Wanted 1 in that it'll show Fazbear Entertainment bringing back an old event known as Fall Fest to cover up a past incident that happened there, which I believe to be related to Mimic.
Theory under cut cause the it's long
Starting with why I think it's taking place in modern times and not early 80's/70's:
Help Wanted 2 practically confirms that Fall Fest and Carnival are one in the same, and along with that we got some interesting new hints at Carnival through certain minigames.
First Aid features a character called 'Carnival Nurse' guiding us through caring for Helpy. Carousel seems to take place in a carnival. And Fazerblast is said to take place in Fall Fest through one of Carnie's voice lines; "Gather round folks! Come see the worst Fazerblast player in the history of Fall Fest!"
Odd details to be in what's assumed to be a training simulator of sorts based on the other minigames. So, maybe they are still training you, just not exactly for the Pizzaplex- but instead training you for the reopening of Fall Fest. Fazbear Entertainment planning on taking some of the newbies at the Pizzaplex/Pizzaplexes and transferring them to the Fall Fest location while it's opened (assuming it wouldn't be permanent since it seemed to be a seasonal thing) doesn't seem too far fetched for Faz Ent- it's a money saver.
And if I can circle back around to Fazerblast and Carousel specifically, they both heavily feature Pizzaplex animatronics, which wouldn't make sense for an event from the 70's/80's.
Fazerblast 1 includes the glamrock band fighting off threats in space- typical fazerblast stuff. Fazerblast 2 focuses on Glamrock Chica and who we can assume to be Pizzaplex Foxy. Both use cutouts seen in the Pizzaplex, as well as cutouts using the same art style as the ones in the plex- they aren't old or anything.
That's also not mentioning how Fazerblast is most likely a new concept created for the Pizzaplex that hasn't been shown or hinted at having any prior role in the franchise before the Pizzaplexes creation.
And Carousel features Moon as the main/only animatronic hunting you down, and Sun as your "tutorial", aka they're the one that tells you it's broken and you need to fix it. With how Sun talks about it and how the DA is the main center focus on the carousel, it almost feels as though there's some connection between them and the ride, like they were the one who attended to it and its guests during the day- almost like it was "their ride" at the carnival. Though I could totally just be looking too far into it lmao
Now moving away from Help Wanted 2 and backing it up to Help Wanted 1, specifically the DLC.
The DLC with the lobby that has the huge banner saying "Fall Fest '83"! Of course I'd bring it up lmao
With my theory taking the premise of HW1 and using it as a foundation, Fall Fest being referenced in HW1's DLC feels pretty important. A game made to cover up past events having a DLC with a big focus on the most likely location for Carnival. Might expand on this point later, but I feel it's worth mentioning that the Corn Maze level, the same level where we meet Vanny/the reluctant follower for the first time, is VERY explicitly shown to take place in Fall Fest, what with the huge banners saying "Fall Fest '83!" n all.
Kinda of connecting with the last point of Vanny being connected to Fall Fest in HW1- Balloon World, heavily theorized to be Gregory/GGY's Princess Quest equivalent, takes place in a carnival and features the Daycare Attendant, possibly giving more ties between the Glitchtrap followers and the carnival, as well as Sun/Moon.
Alright I have to add this in as a brief point- we have no confirmation that Balloon Circus and Carnival are connected, but since there's a possibility I might as well bring it up;
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BC Chica is very clearly based on Glamrock Chica- the only other white Chica that may've been around during the 70's/early 80's was Funtime Chica and there's no similarities between FT Chica and BC Chica other than being white.
And that's essentially all the reasons I think Carnival could possibly take place in the modern era- but swiftly(and briefly) moving on to the Mimic connections to make the second part of this theory make sense;
The carnival catches on fire in the carousel and fazerblast minigame, Grimm Foxy is the main enemy in the corn maze minigame, and the corn maze minigame features this mural that looks like the aftermath of a fire. This all heavily implies a fire happening at the carnival and burning it down. Mimic was found in the epilogues in a burnt state that still hasn't been explained. With Mimics obsession with mascot costumes, something commonly used at carnivals, the event that left it burnt at the beginning of the epilogues could be explained by the fire that happened during Fall Fest.
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(the mural in question)
With all that being said- what do I think will happen in Carnival exactly?
As stated prior, I think it'll be Fazbear Entertainment bringing back Fall Fest to cover up a prior incident involving the event.
I think someone- whether it be 3 star fam, Lucia, Danny, or a new character- is spreading the word about Mimic and it's starting to catch on. Fazbear Entertainment sees this attention and decides to bring back the event to cover up the rumors Help Wanted style, but it backfires just as hard as it did with Help Wanted. We'll be playing as someone that either goes in with the intention of investigating, or gets roped into investigating the secrets of Fall Fest's past, and get more insight on Mimic and better set him up in game as our new main antagonist.
Depending on when exactly this all takes place, the story could be different-
If it's after Security Breach, I could see it being 3 star family spreading the word and then going to investigate after Fall Fest's reopening to make sure Fazbear Entertainment isn't doing anything fishy (they always are).
If it's before Security Breach, I could see the connections between the Glitchtrap followers and Fall Fest becoming relevant, one or both of them showing up and trying to sabotage our attempts at unveiling the truth.
And it could go on- there's a lot of potential roads this theory could go down, those are just two that came to mind while writing this
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Well now that that's done- YES I know this sounds batshit insane, but this is fnaf, what do you expect LMAO I just wanted to bring a new perspective to the table since everyone seems so confident that Carnival will take place in the past- and for good reason! But it's always worth thinking of it from a different perspective, yknow?
Shrug, just a fun possibility ^^ I don't have a closer line, but thanks for listening to my insanity! It may happen again!
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amphiptere-art · 7 months
I may as well share this little bit of information about warehouse. Arcade Eclipse exists.
Yes, The arcade made it over. The Pizza Plex is quite a shady company and reused anything. That arcade machine was just lucky enough to survive. And inside of it is eclipse. The actual bot is named Eclipse. And is alongside one of the only characters that believes that dim is sentient from the get-go.
Small little side tangent. Warehouse arcade eclipse was the building block for the arcade eclipse story. Which is what turned into red blue and black. Were blue moon got its design really from. It works as a previous daycare attendant that was shoved into the machine, but was there for so long that he changed. This is the exact same thing that happened to the arcade story. So there has to be some connection between the two.
But yes this eclipse was one of the only people that figured out Dim was sentient from very early on. Mostly from being in a considered nonsentient item for so long that it really wasn't a surprise him. He was essentially a prototype intelligence. I don't quite remember all the history behind him but he might have been theater, or just a daycare prototype. Either way he didn't work as they wanted. I think it was because he was sassy and realized his sentience and individuality from very early on. Making fazco basically shuffle them to the corner to avoid lawsuits on making people.
Dim got curious in the arcade machine because I was acting funny. It would seemingly turn on for no reason in the middle of the night. Dim thought maybe there was a intruder that kept coming in and turning the machine on. So one day they just kind of guarded it and Eclipse was able to introduce himself. Dim and arcade Eclipse got a very close connection. The other animatronics just saw it as dim being really good at the game or something. Like a robot playing chess. But indeed he was just playing the game so he could talk to eclipse.
Eclipse was basically the one that fostered dims intelligence really. He's the one that really encouraged them to meet the old man. He basically became a father figure to dim. Unfortunately he would always shut up or turn off whenever the others were around. Being what was considered an aggressive failure by fazco was dangerous for him. And fortunately for dim it was very easy to keep the secret. No one was really asking him thinking he would answer.
But yeah. He's a character in The Warehouse. Then doesn't tell anyone about eclipse until well into the fact that he's considered a part of the band. Basically it's not until they finally give Dim his place on the stage that he finally reveals about eclipse existing. Something that surprises everyone. Two non-sentient things gaining sentence? Of course that idea is false, But it's still a surprise. Eclipse does eventually get a body. But he stays in the arcade machine for the most of the story.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
The daycare attendant is so fascinating, I love talking about their designs. Like, if one were to build a da, taking into account everything we know about them, what would it involve?
I'm going to talk about their history, appearance, details, and potential theories behind their design, with a healthy dose of headcanon. And it's going to be LONG. I'll break it into reblogs to use multiple line breaks, but that requires I post it in unfinished stages, so bear with me.
First things first, what have we most recently learned? I said in another post that it's a theory that the attendant was originally created for the next door theatre before they were moved to the daycare full time. Similarly, we've just had proof of the existence of Eclipse, who's a absolute darling, if not at all up to date on the state of the plex.
Their arms were revealed to glow. In a dimly lit theatre relying on a light/dark gimmick, glowing forearms is both cool and helpful! But we never saw it in sb. Likely it's a conscious choice, given we see it after the plex is already destroyed, so it's not a lost or removed ability! It simply wouldn't have been very useful, with sun being in bright light at all times and moon trying for... A modicum of stealth.
Perhaps it's also a matter of battery, as another theory suggests the da, as the animatronic actively on patrol during the hourly recharge, and the first one you battle in the game, was originally supposed to be the source of the power upgrade that in the finished game is just readily available to freddy without explanation. Unlike all the other upgrades, which you have to defeat each other animatronic for. The increased power would certainly have been useful for both massively extended patrol times and those transformations, which certainly look power intensive! Booting up and switching over such all encompassing and high level programs has to be draining!
In a lot of the plex, but especially in the daycare, you see a lot of cut corners and animatronics not reaching their full potential (thankfully!). A lot seems hastily patched, from monty joining the band after Bonnie seemingly vanishes from the face of the earth, the constantly collapsing sinkhole in the raceway, the giant rubbish stuffed full sewer area like the underneath of a teenagers bed. Music man doubles as a cleaner. Moon works night shift as security (and a tva on the side lol).
In that regard, the da came across to me as very overworked, when I first encountered it. Sun was stressed and under a lot of strain, stretched thin. His barely contained mania is basically his whole character, besides his natural showmanship. He's jumpy, smothering, and basically five seconds away from wrapping Gregory in bubble wrap at any given moment.
What I found interesting was how he seemed tired. He talks about all these activities, but doesn't actually... Do any of them. He basically plonks Gregory down by the nearest distracting object (though it works against him, this obsession with having everything nice and tidy definitely read to me about trying to keep everything in your power when you have limited control) and doesn't let him leave from that spot. He doesn't speak or try and engage Gregory except to drag him back, he doesn't bother using the flying rope despite having the hook in his back. When he loses Gregory he just sits in a corner with his head in his hands. Whether he's playing hide and seek or crying or whatever you interpret it as, it's not exactly energetic. He's grubby and marked - either he or a staff member should be keeping him as sparkly as the other animatronics, and they're not keeping on top of it.
Moon, on contrast, uses the rope. He bounces and flips and jiggles and walks on his hands and pretends to swim. He's got no problem chasing Gregory into the tunnels once enough generators are flipped. He's not afraid to back off, either - he doesn't stop moving, but instead circles like a culture, muttering to himself. He most likely runs on the same battery as sun, but he's not afraid of using it. Not to mention whatever bizarre but super cool galaxy effect he can use on the hour change, possibly all the way across the map!
Eclipse, meanwhile, has a voice significantly less robotic than the other two, uses the rope, and activates those old glowing arms without a thought, despite the fact that sun and moon are slow and staggering by the time of ruin. For goodness sake, moon can't even get a proper grip on a child's arm, and is fended of by even a single torch beam, despite being completely immune to the torch and a game over if he even touched you in sb.
Theatrical expressive design
Eclipse as ring master
Child safety problems
Likely mechanics of mask/clothes
Implications of room
Chance of fazbear splurging on sign language/disabilities accommodation
Liklihood of bring connected to the Internet (not high)
Security desk barrier (they both can touch and climb on it only in cutscene)
Involvement of light levels
Human actors v endos.
Potential programming and maintenance.
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ane-doodles · 1 year
Use this ask to talk about one of your OCs :D
phew! a late answer but it's finally here: I present to you AOI!
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Name acrostic: Artificial Outperformer Inteligence
He is an oc (based on another personal oc) that I adapted for the DCA fandom. I had never shown it because I usually find it difficult to draw the "stilts" of its legs.
brief explanation: In this story we are placed before SB. AOI is a robot purchased by Fazco from another company that specializes in security (since their own advanced technology is more specialized in entertainment). It was not bought by their own decision, but they were forced by the constant complaints and requests of the workers who work with the animatronics. These workers, although they do not know the entire history of Fazber entertainment and others, do know how dangerous these intelligent animatronics can be and the damage they can cause if they fail, so they demanded as a security measure the purchase of a specialized robot. specifically not his own product.
AOI's main job is to keep workers safe during maintenance and repair hours, but it also has the purpose of keeping animatronics safe from employees who want to break them or infect them with a virus on purpose.
Some facts and data from AOI:
• In addition to protection, he is in charge of escorting the animatronics to P&S
• Sometimes he must recover staff-bots or small cleaning robots from spaces in which they get stuck.
• Their design is based on the appearance of a samurai, and as the name might indicate, the company that sells them is from the other side of the world.
• AOI has detention protocols for each animatronic (image below right). Basically he knows the weak points of each design and can use them if necessary.
• In addition to the AOI protocols, it has electrical conductors in both hands, which give a kind of electric shock that serves to paralyze both humans and animatronics.
• AOI's leg stilts are used to reach high places, run very fast, and maintain balance in confined or narrow spaces, such as ceiling joists.
• AOI is forbidden to be seen during Pizza Plex's opening hours, so he stays hidden. Some people have managed to see it for moments and there is a rumor of the existence of a "secret company animatronic".
• The workers at the Pizza plex love and treat AOI as a kind of mascot. AOI is able to hold logical conversations and is usually pleasant
• AOI, on the other hand, is not highly appreciated among animatronics (except for staff-bots and cleaning robots that have him as a hero). Most avoid it when they see it
• Having an equally advanced AI AOI was also interested in "being friends" with the glamrocks, but it seems that it is not possible
• Bonnie was the only one who was able to hold calm conversations with AOI.
•AOI also has a security protocol against intruders. In addition to using the electronic shock, he has the command to lock the invader in an office and give a report to the employees the next morning.
• AOI's jaw is locked, but he can sometimes open it and break the lock.
• The robe that AOI wears is a kind of haori, and he uses it to cover the logo of the company that created it (Fazco's policies).
• When one of the animatronics refuses to accompany him to maintenance, he has the mission to "hunt" them. He doesn't really like to do that, but he knows it's his job.
• His head works as a kind of light screen where his protocols and "false eyes" are reflected.
• AOI likes tattoos, but can't have them, so instead he gets small stickers to use as replacements.
• AOI is deeply interested in learning about the daycare and its attendants who rarely require maintenance...
Tbh I don't have a specific story for him, but I did have in mind a few scenes and interactions from AOI, the animatronics, Eclipse and the DCAs (here they are separated). I think at some point I even considered pairing him... but it never got very far.
I hope you liked it
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alrighty then, written explanation it is because I've been trying to draw it out for the past couple of days but designs are not fun to hash out while working on other things but anyhow!
some quick notes on the celestial symphony au prior to events that take place:
So, in canon, the Daycare Division started with attendants Sun and Moon-however, in this au, the theatre and daycare attendant line started with Eclipse models-the body was made by the creator, but the software was left up to FazCo. While functional, there were some slight errors with the first prototype during testing prior to its release into the public, such as confusion over orders and unwritten personality guidelines, to name a few. As a result, the first Eclipse prototype was scrapped within the first five minutes of its activation. Unfortunately, it wasn't properly shut down when trashed in Parts and Service, and finally turned off after running out of battery within a span of a few weeks without motor control activation to reach a charging outlet.
The second model (aka the og eclipse from the sun and moon show) built did not have these errors and was green lit to be released into the daycare, with smooth sailing for about 8 months before an incident occurred. There appeared to have been an overlooked software issue that messed with the personality of the attendant, causing it to become more irritable and quick-tempered, with certain parameters stressed too much and overruling others. A guest was gravely injured (to say the least), and the Eclipse model was scrapped in Parts and Service like the first.
With the evident failure of the Eclipse models, FazCo decided to split the code into two separate AIs-Daycare Attendants Sun and Moon, who were much more successful than their predecessors. Two years after their creation, Lunar was added to help with the younger children. At this point in time, the Daycare is doing alright, but the profit isn't enough to justify the investment placed in corporates' eyes. To cut back on cost, human staff manning the theatre and assisting in the daycare were replaced with the previously scrapped Eclipse models, which was...a bit jarring for everyone involved.
The first prototype, aka Solar, is tasked with manning the theatre, while Eclipse is sent off to be of more assistance in the Daycare, which results in some rising tension as both models realize how quickly they'd been replaced and how little they're actually needed. Sun, Moon and Lunar are hesitant to allow Eclipse to handle the children due to his less-than-stellar history with them, and Eclipse himself struggles between anger and betrayal over his replacement and the fear of a repetition of his lash-outs that resulted in his decommission. To avoid the other models, Eclipse typically stays away from that part of the plex and hangs around the theatre to bother Solar and help out with some menial tasks.
(Solar and Eclipse are on okay terms here for the most part-though Solar is a bit bitter about the fact that he was replaced so quickly without being given the chance Eclipse had, he recognizes the similarity in their situations, and they're a little closer than they are with the other attendant models. Sun, Moon, and Lunar don't mind Solar much since they couldn't really find anything about his past that was as bad as Eclipse's, and he stays out of their way for the most part. They're on good terms, with Solar helping Moon with any technical issues that should arise and entertaining Lunar after closing.)
This arrangement continues for several months before Earth's arrival to restore the theatre under the threat of the entire Daycare department being shut down and all the attendants scrapped.
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horrifichaunts · 9 months
@behindslaughter continues from X
Alright, so far so good with this conversation. No grabbing at her or screaming or running at her, really one of the most pleasant conversations of the night so far other than the brief one she got when being removed from the Daycare. 
Though Cassie should have figured despite her Faz wrenches handiness that it wouldn’t be able to sort all the problems she ran into tonight. Besides whatever this animatronic before her was, it was likely a wrench for glamrocks wouldn’t work on older tech. Still so many questions, maybe he’s a Halloween Bonnie? Would certainly explain the appearance being something right out of a horror attraction. Were the damages there before the Plex went to Ruin or happened because of it?
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“W-Well…is there a way I can help you? I sorta fixed the Daycare attendant…o-or at the very least rebooted them into some sort of code merge.”
A nervous tug on the sleeve of her sweater, and a little tilt of the head, still in the back of her head trying to understand…..feels like that’s all she’s been doing tonight.
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“ Are you ‘a’ Bonnie?”
Cassie does her best to make sure it doesn't come out like she’s asking if he’s glamrock Bonnie. She knows he’s not, and feels like it would be a bit insulting to just assume like that. He’s got to be some sort of Bonnie though, Fazbear ent. Only ever had one rabbit name in their history.
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tresradiossolis · 1 year
🖋️ he hasn't met any of them yet so :]
Send 🖋️ To meet a muse of mine yours hasn’t met before!
🎲 : Human!Elio
���️—Elio loved to visit the Pizzaplex, despite her history with the place. The bright colours and silly atmosphere, the laughing children and the (subpar) pizza they served, the arcade cabinets and the golfing and the animatronics the.. the daycare. It was all so nostalgic to them, and made him feel like he was a kid again. Even if it wasn't that many years ago that she was.
Sol didn't feel 21... It was crazy to think that from now on, whenever she visited the pizzaplex, it'd be as an adult. For a while however, they had been an employee. Interning at the "Superstar Daycare" as the Daycare Attendant was transitioning into its role, Elio had been helping out while also studying on the side. As soon as he wasn't free labour however, he had been sacked, and sol had to look for work elsewhere.
So with that in mind, the Plex would always have a special place in sols heart. It just sucked that her picture of the place had been... sullied, somewhat.
As they stood and pondered about all of this, a S.T.A.F.F. bot had came careening towards him at full speed, seemingly on their way to deliver a pizza from the nearby restaurant. Perhaps something was off in the programming, but they ended up crashing into her at full speed, sending both her and the pizza flying as they let out a shout of surprise.
Luckily they landed softly at least... No, wait, that wasn't right. With their nose unknowingly bleeding, they scrambled into a sitting position, before looking down at the poor soul that had served as his airbag.
"Ah!! I'm so sorry!!!"
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sinisrebloggin · 2 years
Idea where Readz used to work at the plex but then there was a mishap and now they aren’t on such good terms with the daycare attendant:
Sun sees Readz one day and somehow recalls they were close friends so he goes to give them a big hug and greet them like his favorite pals but Readz is immediately aggressive and he doesnt take it well. Especially when he keeps seeing them around the building and they do fine with other bots but its always him they react negativity to, it messes with the image he has of them in his head and a drawing he has pinned in his room. 
He keeps being friendly as ever, even when it is frustrating when he doesnt get the response he wants and he doesnt know why they are like this. They are angry at him, they accuse him of things he’s never done and they treat him like he’s dangerous. 
Eventually he learns, through hints and explicit tellings, that they were actually afraid of moon, who used to be the primary daycare attendant and had Sun’s face and name at one point and Readz used to be his handler before he brutally attacked them. Sun never paid too much mind to it before but it explained why they were missing an arm and had scars that peeked up their neck and marked their face.
Theres also this subplot of Moon trying to protect Sun (and himself) and he tells Sun things that may contradict others, while also regretting what he did to his handler all those years ago because they had history, and he misses them.
Somehow they work through that, I’m not sure if the story would end soon after they get over their fear of Sun or there would be more conflict with Moon. I just thought, “what if Moon used to be the only ai in the body until he mauled his handler and Fazcorp just shoved his replacement ai with him.”
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Have I talked about Jack-O-Moon shenanigans yet? Or even whadda hell happened to him? I like him he's funny. I don't have his personality down completely but he's a menace and a goof and he just shows up unannounced once Roxy frees him. Fucker keeps getting crammed in boxes and lockers cause if management find him he's fuckin' doomed.
This doesn't stop him though. No sense of danger. He's giving Roxy and the Raceway staff a fuckin' headache.
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pixelchills · 2 years
Oh no.... Poor Sunny.... What is the dolldrops backstory? Was Sun's original body destroyed in a fire? And Sun is the only one to remember? Are his dreams actually PTSD nightmares???? Do these adorable dolldrops have some angst??????? **hugs Sunny close while ugly crying**
The dolldrops backstory is explained a bit better in these two posts. "Did Moon have the Afton virus" and "How did the virus affect Sun and Moon's relationship" Shortly, after the events of the Security Breach gameplay, the Daycare Attendant was basically scrapped and the Daycare was renovated to just be a play area/jungle gym. Their body was mostly used for parts to fix the other glamrocks, and they were just sitting in the storage room for almost a year. A nice mechanic/robotics expert who had worked with Sun and Moon for years, build the doll bodies for the two as his personal project as an attempt to rebrand Sun and Moon to the Mega Pizza Plex as rentable birthday guests and playmates for the new jungle gym area. Sun's nightmares are actually PTSD from the time the Afton virus was active in Moon's system. Before the virus, Sun and Moon shared a connection that allowed the other one still see/be active in their head while the other was in control of the body. So Sun could see and hear what was happening with Moon while Moon was in control of the body and vice versa. After the virus, however, Sun's system blocked Moon and their shared connection completely as a safety measure. Now every time Moon was in control of the body, Sun would be pushed back to this darkness where he could not see or hear anything, and it was just very, VERY, scary for him. The nightmares are sort of like memories of this, mixed with the fear of burning alive when they escaped the fire. So his nightmares are sort of like a mixture of the two most traumatic events in his history. Moon does remember these events too and has trauma from the fire, obviously. Being alone and in the dark wasn't scary or traumatizing for him as he was used to being alone in the dark during naptimes and security rounds.
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
I have been thinking about a Defunctland episode regarding the PizzaPlex for days now. Even if we COMPLETELY IGNORE the entire fact that The Mega Pizza Plex in terms of marketing to a new generation is a stretch at best, the designs of the Daycare Attendant and Music Man, the whole “Better Worker” Staff Bot debacle, and EVERYTHING about the history of Fazbear’s as a whole world make for the greatest and most fucked up episode of Defuctland period.
[Kevin voice] Henry Emily would open a restaurant in 1982, which was a bad idea. He also brought in William Afton, CEO of Afton Robotics, as his co-owner, which was a worse idea
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virtuouscandlelight · 3 years
Full Name: Lullaby Betty.
Nickname(s): Lullaby, Beth, Bethanne, Betsy.
Gender: Female.
Species/Race: Animatronic.
{ FORMERLY } Circus ticket admissioner and jazz performer.
{ CURRENTLY } Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex Daycare attendant for the disabled.
Status: {Mal}Functioning.
Height: 6’2.
Skin Color: Porcelain white with golden freckles.
Hair Color: Powder.
Hair Style: Messy and frizzy, the ends protruding in wavy spikes out on her shoulders.
Eye Color: Neon cerulean with minty specks.
Clothing: Dressed similar to a vintage clown, her entire clown outfit consists of nostalgic type themes one would find in a fever dream or long lost childhood memory. Despite the plex having high tech functionalities and futuristic themes, Betty remains in the 1900’s. The top of her costume is a resemblance to roller - rink aesthetic whereas the balloon trousers and makeup { streaks and dots of golden, bright crimson lips, red ball nose. } are a nod to the Barnum and Bailey Circus. A night cap in sunlit yellow adorns her head and covers the top of her locks and on her feet are black, ball - tipped elven slippers.
Accessories: Betty usually carries around a set of four golden rings.
Voice: Betty Boop but higher pitched.
This animatronic was built and in her prime years during the 1900’s, serving as a ticket admissioner and performer at a local circus. When she did function well enough, the staff would have her keep a watchful eye on the audience to ensure all needs were met — greeting guests, programmed with FAQ, passing out snacks, manning the carousel and mini games when the staff would go on break, keeping the circus animals in check, and singing jazz on the side with the actual performers. The circus had computed her to know how to take care of all of the faire’s responsibilities in case of an emergency or severe understaffing.
However, as kids grew more bored of the circus and were wowed more by technology, the circus began to fail. Not only were there financial difficulties, but the faire eventually could not afford the animal inhabitants anymore — and, with worse coming to worst, one of the elephants had accidentally knocked over a flaming ring that set the tent ablaze. With Betty still inside as everyone ran to save their skins.
Miraculously, the animatronic had managed to wedge herself in a corner where debris couldn’t crush her — and was found the next morning powered down, covered in soot, burns, and ash. The excessive amount of smoke and intense heat had corrupted her inner workings, however. Because the circus was now permanently shut down and broke, they could not afford to both keep her and invest in repairing. Thus, the AI was tucked away in a storage unit where her malfunctioning grew significantly worse without maintenance — marking her permanently damaged.
The Fazbear company eventually adopted her into the plex after seeing a use in her chipper and gentle nature — designating her as the daycare attendant for the disabled children after giving her a new costume suitable for the children in need. Betty no longer sings by reason of her voice box being too glitchy, out of pitch, and unpredictable — but what she lacks in formerly she now makes up with playing with the kids, keeping them calm and not overstimulated, and attending to any panic attacks. This side of the daycare is much more quieter than the main play area where some kids may find it too noisy and active.
Unfortunately, no one could aid the internal damage. Betty was salvageable, thankfully, but not without her new quirks that frustrate staff a lot.
Aside from the glitching, her voice box tends to repeat words a lot. In worse cases, words would be jumbled and even repeated backwards like a broken record. Her eyes will blank out to an error screen and her body will jolt and sharply jerk as if going through a seizure, then ultimately force power down. This happens often and even sometimes scares the children into crying — thus she now has a button installed she must hit whenever she feels a seizure emerging, alerting the staff to escort her out so the children can’t see the episode.
Betty also suffers from intense memory loss. Leaving the daycare is like walking into Narnia. She often forgets names, places, and even vocabulary at times. Because of her programmed joyful nature, she never shows any symptoms of frustration toward her amnesia.
Voice demo: Boop !
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Since it's Sewerhell Sunday:
The Seasonal Carnival has at least four animatronics at any given time. As the season changes, the carnival changes, and thus, needs a different animatronic for each seasonal theme. Each one is usually only active during their assigned season, but it wasn't uncommon for an out of season animatronic to be wandering around staff areas during the day. It wasn't that big a deal really
The carnival started with Springtime Chica & Bonnie (with a Cupcake of course), Summer Monty, Autumn Music Man (may change this to Foxy I'm undecided), and Winter Bonnie. At the time the Carnival closed, there was Springtime Chica & Cupcake, Summer Monty, Montysuarus, Jack-O-Moon and Winter Bonnie.
There were of course, more major animatronics over the course of it's sevenish year run, but these are the ones that remained Carnival animatronics and didn't go on to be part of their own attractions. Animatronics like Montysuarus were part of special events that were put on every so often as a way to bring more people in, keep the Plex interesting, and to test new concepts and ideas for attractions on a small, cheap scale. These event animatronics are the ones that would sometimes go onto their own attractions if the event proved popular enough.
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tresradiossolis · 1 year
Quick Verse List
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Main Verse : Takes place after Sunny had his Moon and theater programming removed, and Asterope and Elio were created (and Chandra got trampled). Sunny runs the Daycare, Asterope the Theater, and Elio roams the pizzaplex. Asterope is the latest addition, while Elio has been around slightly longer.
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Pre-Disaster : Sunny only, this takes place before Sunny and his Moon got separated, and they were in charge of the Theater together. No verse for when they're in the Daycare is currently in place, since it was so brief and so violent it's a bit tricky to work with. This verse has the addition of Sunny's Moon, who can usually be found over at @theatricalmurder ! If you want to interact with him more directly, that's the place to do so.
Addition : To adjust for other Daycare Attendant muses or dash interactions, this verse has your DCA added to Sunny's Daycare, be it from a different Plex, or they're recently created. Sunny's great at his job, but his poor mental health causes him to need a little extra support.
Transferred : This verse is also for other Daycare Attendants' convenience. This one has Sunny come in from a different, smaller Plex, where his whole history with his Moon played out. He was deemed not fit to handle the Daycare on his own, and was added to the bigger Plex to support your DCA as a helping hand. In addition, Elio was brought along with him, and Asterope was created from Sunny's old programming and placed in the big Plex after they revamped the Theater there.
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Main Verse : Elio works at an indoor playground and part-time at a local daycare in Utah, Aster travels the country in his van as a street performer, and Sunny is a daycare attendant alongside Elio, while also working as a scout leader. The pizzaplex can exist in this verse, or not, it's not crucial that it does. If it does, consider reading the next verse.
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Pizzaplex Employee : Elio specific. In verses where the Pizzaplex exists, Elio is usually a former intern that used to help bot!Sunny get situated, or to support other DCA's before she got let go when the internship ended. This verse is either when they still worked there, or them getting employed again a few years later.
College : College verse time!! Sunny is a professor in Early Childhood Education, Elio is studying said subject along with Theater, and Aster is studying Performance Arts and Theater as well.
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Young Sunny : Obviously Sunny only. Sunny when he was younger and still a part of the cult. This is a heavy universe with lots of dark topics such as abuse and religious trauma and, well, cults.
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Time-skip Sunny: Just a bit of a time-skip for Sunny discovering her gender identity. This would mostly be used for specific roleplays or ask memes, as I prefer to let it naturally progress.
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Blacephalon Aster : Aster is a Blacephalon that got sent through a worm hole and came into Paldea. On the way through, his genetic code got all jumbled up, and out on the other end came a small human-like child with no memory of who he is. He was raised by Katy, and now travels Paldea as a street performer alongside his Popplio and Larvesta companions. At night, he sometimes unknowingly transforms into his Blacephalon self and causes havoc...
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