#they have become a valuable asset to management as the only one that can get through to the newbies literally ever lmao
monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
It occurred to me yesterday that because there's so few daycare attendants in the Plex's history, the current one is likely older than literally everyone else. Sunny and Moon got to play caretaker to every single one of the others while they were going through their animatronic toddler phases and I think that's so fucking funny
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voonroo · 8 months
Hi!!! I’m currently on a Hazbin hotel hyper fixation and it’s not funny, but I saw your requests were open and I need to fill a void.
May I please have Vox with an overlord reader who can separate parts of their body. Like they can take off their skin and just jump around as a skeleton. Or maybe is Rosie is hungry they just take off some of their muscle and go “here it’ll grow back”. Weird I know but I thought it was cool!
Thanks and totally ok if not!!!
It's Just Regeneration. Oh.
⌐‣Vox x Overlord Reader REQ.
Want more? Check out the masterlist↩︎
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(I was 👻 anon on my alt-)
I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY THISSS!!! YOURE ALSO MY FIRST REQUEST—🥳 You didn't specify what format you wanted soooo I just went with a basic drabble? Idek if this qualifies as a drabble I'm still trying to figure out the differences even after being on this app for over a year… ALSO MY FIRST TIME WRITING FOR VOX SO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!
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Vox probably first met you in an Overlord meeting.
At first, he paid no mind to the new presence, assuming you were just another new face that may fall before too long.
But he was just delighted to find out you would last long enough to make a memorable impression.
Even if that memorable impression was you literally tearing off a chunk of your own flesh to pass it over to Rosie sitting next to you after the woman had quietly stated that she was growing hungry.
“Oh, it will grow back.” God damn. No wonder you've managed to last.
Since then, he's been keeping an eye out on you. With you being able to regenerate and be unfazed by losing parts of your physical body- which, you only get one of btw- he deemed you a possible strong opponent. (or a great ally)
He started to keep tabs on you, as one does. This was how he found out just how you quickly rose through the ranks.
He would be wary of you, but he wouldn't outright avoid you like he tries does to do with Alastor.
One time he was doing some stalk-scrolling, and saw a video of you literally shedding your skin and your skeleton turning toward the camera before the video cut.
His expression after seeing that was a silent eyebrow raise in quiet shock. Your little regeneration thing you had going on- he didn't know it could go to that extent.
After seeing that- there's a 50/50 chance that he’ll either bring it up in hopes of maybe blackmailing you to get you on his side (most overlords do not enjoy the fact that someone knows how they kill) or just stare at you in silence during the next overlord meeting. Kinda hoping you'd just shed your skin.
But deep down he knows the latter won't happen.
He’ll just have to chat with you himself. Who knows, maybe you'll become a valuable asset.
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Word Count: 330 (this feels too short)
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A Growing Relationship
Pairing King the wildfire x GN!reader
Warnings: arguing, implied dead family, fluff
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King would never admit it, but he was infatuated with you. Not that he needed to admit it, everyone could tell from how he treated you. And by that they mean without contempt like he does with everyone else who isn't Kaido. The only person who didn't know was you, but only because you suck at reading social cues. While while occasionally inconvenient it was one thing about you, that he found endearing about you. However, one of his least favorite things about you was your height. You were around average height of a human, so he towered over you. Meaning he could never truly be physically intimate with you as a man, which frustrated him to no end but didn't stop him from wanting to be with you.
It was almost love at first sight for King when he saw you the first time. You had joined under a subordinate captain, and were taking a tour of Onigashima when he laid eyes on you. He had no idea who you were, and he didn't know what drew you to him, but he pulled a few strings to get you working under him as his assistant. You were responsible for keeping him on track, managing his schedule, and anything he asked. Much to King's pleasure, you proved yourself to be a valuable asset to his work. You even kept his office presentable, from replacing the floorboards he regularly scorches, to dusting the floor to ceiling shelves of his book case. The latter always puzzled him because he never saw you getting the ladders to get up there.
King never bothered to ask you how you managed it because he was too busy trying his hardest to get closer to you. He wanted to know everything about you. Your mere presence engendered a peace in him that he had never felt that made him content just to be around you. You were the kindest person he had ever met, and he loved your indomitable spirit that refused to let anyone kill said kindness or change you as a person. The intriguing thing about you is there were whispers that you had a devil fruit, but no one, not even your captain knew what it did. And you refused to reveal or use it, not even Kaido could get you to change your mind. Which intimidated most members of the crew since no one knew for sure what you were capable of.
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The was until late one night King had gotten into a fight with Queen and the scuffle resulted in both of them destroying part of the crew's dorms, including yours, with all of your stuff with it. In fact, it was he, who wrecked your stuff, because it was all burnt to a crisp. King had caught sight of you during the fight, and he was surprised to see the look of rage in your eyes. After the fight King approached you to apologize.
"I will pay for everything to be replaced, and arrange for new sleeping quarters while yours are being rebuilt. I'll also pull some strings to let you have design input for your new quarters."
King grew nervous when you just gave him a hard glare and crossed your arms, while tapping your foot.
"I really didn't mean to.... It was just some stuff, please."
"Just some stuff!" You shrieked, "You have no idea what you've done!"
"Don't you think you're overreacting? Queen started the fight anyway," He huffed, trying to deflect the blame and your ire.
Out of nowhere you grew in size, becoming tall enough to look him in the eyes. You pointed a finger in his face and yelled, "You destroyed the only things I had left of my family King. My photo album was a pile of ash! I'm now going to forget what they looked like because of you. You boiled my rock collection, burned my book collection, sat on my glasses, and torched all of my clothes! You destroyed everything I owned, I have every right to be upset with you King!"
Your growth spurt shocked everyone in the room into silence, and half of the crew was watching you chew him out. King lowered his voice to show sincerity when he asked, "I had no idea, I'm so sorry. What can I do to make things right between us?"
King watched your rage and anger deflate, leaving behind exhaustion and sorrow. Guilt filled the Lunarian upon hearing the tone at which you replied, "... I don't know, I'm too tired and angry to think. I just want to be alone and to go to sleep."
King placed his hands on your shoulders and offered, "You can sleep in my bed if you would like, I'll take the couch." King knew how much you preferred your privacy, and there was nowhere in Onigshima that was more private than his room.
"I can't take your bed King, I'll just sleep on the couch in your office~" You started to pull away, while avoiding eye contact with him.
But King interrupted, "Yes you can, I just had clean sheets put on this afternoon. I also insist you take my bed for the night, because last time you slept on the couch in my office you messed up your back. I cannot have you out of service for a week like last time." Leaving no room for argument, he turned you around to lead you to to his quarters.
"You're shaking," you noted once the two of you were down the hall and out of earshot of the others.
King was admittedly excited because now not only did he know intimacy was possible. But he now had the opportunity to prove to you that he was boyfriend material. He excused himself, "I've never had a sleepover before... I'll have someone find you some pajamas and clothes for you to wear tomorrow." He'd rather look childish than like a creep.
"This isn't a sleepover.... Wait you've never had a sleepover before? How?"
King sighed, "I had an... unorthodox childhood, very isolated. But I know you probably don't have the energy for an actual sleepover, this is the closest I've ever gotten to one." He smiled when he heard to mumble in agreement but that perhaps tomorrow night the two of you could have a proper one.
In his quarters he left you alone to unwind while he went to call the tailor to get you some clothes to wear while he has a new wardrobe made for you. Upon his return he found you face down, half on and half off his bed, sound asleep. He watched you while mulling over his thoughts, there's a part of him that's scared of getting hurt again. That you'll turn him into the government for the reward money. But he knew you wouldn't, you had always expressed extreme disdain for the world nobles and their systems of power. However, that did not mean that he didn't trust you with his secret. Once he decided he would take this disaster he caused, and use it to open up to you. King moved to your bedside, took a seat and removed your shoes. After depositing them neatly beside the nightstand he picked you up tenderly and tucked you into his bed. The tall man took a moment to brush your hair out of your face, admiring your soft features, before he leaned in and kisses your forehead. His breath fanned over your skin as he mumbled, "Good night, and sweet dream dreams."
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Coming Soon
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chaoticbardlady99 · 10 months
I Took All This Love I Found and I Hope That it's Enough (Astarion x GN! reader)
Part 2 to “Yesterday I Was Dancing”
Author note- thank you for all the love on my last mental health fiction! I am so glad I could make so many people feel heard and loved during a difficult time :) WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS PEOPLE!!!!!!! Also I wrote this with my experience with CPTSD in mind and how my boyfriend is with me.
Title from the song “Only Love” by PVRIS
I leave you with this quote by Jamie Tworkowski:
“We’re all in this together. It’s okay to be honest. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to say you’re stuck, or that you’re haunted or that you can’t begin to let go. We can all relate to those things. Screw the stigma that says otherwise. Break the silence and break the cycle, for you are more than just your pain. You are not alone. And people need other people.”
I promise I tried to keep it as reader friendly as possible by keeping description to a minimum- please scroll with your mental health in mind. I don’t care that I’m telling you ‘not to’ and now you ‘want to’- save it for later and before therapy. Please call 988 if it becomes too much- the world still needs you.
CW: C/PTSD symptoms, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, torture
Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated :) thank you to all of you who have helped me find my love of writing again!
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*picture is not mine and does not belong to me. Please reach out if it’s yours so I can give you credit.
Astarion knows what he’s feeling is not necessarily normal- he should not be this outrageously terrified that you are talking to your other companions around the fire.
Laughing. Joking. Touching.
You could have anyone you like and Astarion had managed to sweep you up first. In spite of telling Astarion you only want him (after he observed an interesting discussion between you and Gale), he knows eventually you’ll discover that Astarion is only good for one thing- sex. Astarion’s chest tightens at the thought and then he feels that wave of fear that sits and rots in the pit of his stomach.
You laugh brightly again.
I’m going to lose them.
Astarion’s recent onset of agitation and anxiety has become all consuming. It hasn’t been this bad since the beginning of your sordid adventure (sordid to him anyway). His paranoia- specifically towards you- had caused him to, in his opinion, act bizarrely.
While you had been in a brutal fight with the Githyanki earlier that week- Astarion had been cornered by the Inquistor and he froze- checked out, if you will. Unfortunately, Astarion has been checked out ever since and when he does check back in- Astarion feels terribly uncomfortable and like the world is caving in on him.
What’s making it all even worse is that Astarion just wants to talk to you about it and wants to ask to be held or have you gently play with his hair like you do. Anything to make this horrible disgusting feeling towards himself- his own skin- go away. If he could just feel loved for five minutes…
No, that is not the plan. The plan is NOT to depend on them for anything other than physical protection.
But honestly? He really could give a shit less about his ‘masterfully crafted’ plan.
Astarion feels desperately alone in the world right now and he needs you. Only he won’t bother you- Astarion wants you to want to be with him and that means he needs to show off his assets. You couldn’t possibly want him like this- a sniveling, fearful mess.
Astarion knows he’s been giving you emotional whiplash ever since the Creche. He’s been fighting every decision you make, breaking things when the urge arises (nothing valuable, just some plates he’s stolen), been so angry at you that you have cried 5 different times, begs you to forgive him, runs away from you, and then freezes all over again. Today is one of the first days he’s seen a genuine smile on your face all week.
Astarion had also kicked you out of his tent- his skin crawling from the nightmares plaguing his trances all week. He regretted it pretty much instantly, but didn’t know how to ask you to come back.
His lack of rationale is ruining his plan entirely.
The dreams- they are always about Cazador. How he’s tortured him; physically, emotionally, and sexually. Last night, Astarion relived one of the more recent times Cazador had brutually raped him and then proceeded to let a couple of his politician friends go at him too. Cazador wanted him to remember what he was- is- only good for because Astarion had neglected to bring home someone for the Vampire Lord to consume.
The other nights, he went back to being flayed, being buried alive for a year, and receiving the carvings in his back. Astarion always wakes up feeling small, alone, and terrified- completely paralyzed and stuck in his body.
Through it all, you have been nothing but kind to him. You have attempted to understand why Astarion has been acting this way and, because he’s his own worst enemy, the more you give to him- the more he pushes you away.
Now Astarion is facing the very reality he was trying to prevent by pushing you away- you leaving him for someone else. Halsin gives you light brushes with his fingers, Karlach bumps your knees together, Gale gives you adoring smiles, Lae’zel has given you her undivided attention, and Shadowheart whispers into your ear just a little too close.
You are a bright light in camp- everyone has immediately been taken by you and that’s actually probably the only thing this group agreed on for a while. Even Astarion has come to genuinely care about you and doesn’t want to share you with anyone else.
As everyone begins to go to their respective tents- you hesitate by the fire and look at him. Astarion feels shame course through his bones when he notices how nervous you are as you slightly shake and the weariness written all over your face. He had just been taking care of you- you had let him in, why can’t he let you?
Astarion smiles brightly and feels successful when you beam- practically skipping over to talk to him.
“Well hello, Darling,” he purrs, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
You shift uncomfortably, “I just…. Astarion- are you okay? You’ve really not been yourself this week.”
Astarion feels every alarm bell in his body go off. He needs to save this quickly. Astarion can’t make you think he’s too much effort to be with or too much work. He doesn’t want you to realize that with as much pleasure as he can give you- he will never be someone you love long-term. He is far too messy. Astarion is a temporary camp for your heart right now and he needs to make sure it’s a long rest- despite how much he doesn’t really want to have sex right now. Astarion would actually prefer to be entangled with you and just talk- no sex, just intimacy.
How silly of him.
“My dear,” he says pulling you in close, his lips hovering over yours, “wouldn’t you rather we be doing something more… exciting with our mouths than talking? You are far too enticing for me to just talk to you right now.”
Astarion can tell from your eyes that you are frowning- he can fix this.
Astarion presses his lips to yours in a crushing, possessive kiss. He walks backwards into his tent, pulling you in by your hips, and pulls you down with him to the bed roll.
When you go to speak, Astarion flips you over on your back and begins kissing along your neck, grinding into you, and pressing your body down with his.
“Astarion,” you whisper.
He ignores you and keeps going.
“Astarion,” you say a little louder this time.
Astarion isn’t even in the building anymore- he’s fighting the walk down memory lane his brain wants to take. Whatever he needs to do to keep you near him. Astarion nips at the skin on your neck.
“Astarion!” You exclaim, gently pushing him off you causing him to jump back.
Astarion feels himself snap out of whatever dissociative prison that he was in and begins to have a surge of panic even worse than before. Now he misses that stupid, angry fog that’s been shielding him from whatever the hells this is!
“I’m sorry- I ruined it didn’t I? Fuck,” Astarion practically shouts, then begins rambling“ I’m so sorry Tav. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I know I’ve been terrible and I don’t deserve your forgiveness or you but-“
A choked sob interrupts Astarion’s sentence. He’s crying now, the emotions are whirling around, bouncing from one side of his brain to another. Images of terrible experiences flashing by and he’s already imagining every worst case scenario. Maybe you’ll flay him? Or lay him back down and ride him until he’s begging for you to stop or until he can’t cry anymore? Bury him alive?
“Please be gentle,” Astarion sobs into his hands, trying to cover his shame while pleading with you, “just don’t leave me- I’m so sorry. I’ll never do it again- I’ll be better.”
Astarion curls in on himself, his head hiding between his knees. Astarion is mentally preparing for the first act of violence towards him tonight- he imagines there is more to come after.
“Oh my Star,” you sigh sadly, “I could never ever hurt you- emotionally, physically, and I certainly won’t allow you to hurt yourself by forcing yourself have sex with me.”
Astarion feels his mood switch in an instant- now he’s hostile, digging his hands into his calves.
He chuckles bitterly before looking at you with angry eyes, “so this is where you tell me you’re done right? I can’t do the one fucking thing I’m good for so now what? Gale more to your taste? Or what about Shadowheart- you were quite keen on letting her whisper in your ear all night. Better yet, I bet Halsin will fuck you until you are fucking screaming like the whore you are under the Gods damn stars!”
Astarion’s words feel like venom coating his throat. He hates himself right now- he doesn’t know why he is saying what he’s saying- why he’s so hostile. You are you- wonderful, amazing you! Why can’t he just tell you he’s struggling?
Your expression is unreadable and you are studying him- Astarion can see the gears going behind your head. He puts his head back into the crook of his legs- not wanting to witness you leave him once and for all.
“I love your voice,” you say quietly, “and the way you talk- despite how much the words being used are hurting me right now. I love how brilliant you are and you are single-handedly the funniest person I’ve ever met.”
Astarion is looking at you, tears threatening to spill again. The way you are smiling at him is insane- you should be institutionalized. You are looking at him as if he’s the sun, the moon, and all the stars. Maybe even the whole galaxy- if he’s actually this lucky.
“I have missed being around you so much this week,” you continue talking in a hushed, gentle tone, “but I know that this is not you and that you are really really scared. You must know though- my affection for you, my adoration- to hells with it- my feelings for you is not fragile- it is not conditional. I will not be withholding it from you or leaving you because you need time to heal. I will continue to be here- in whatever way you need me-for as long as you will have me.
“I like you a lot Astarion. I really do- it has never been about what you can do for me. You’re my favorite everything. You don’t ever have to return my feelings- we can just be friends if that’s all you ever want. I am not your Master, Astarion- and neither is Cazador. You are your own person.”
He feels overcome with emotion- relief, joy, shock. Astarion never thought he could care about someone this much- let alone have them reciprocate those affections. Astarion practically tackles you into a bone crushing hug- knocking you flat on the ground. He feels warm when a pleased giggle shakes your body. Astarion inhales deeply- your scent squashing every negative emotion he is feeling temporarily.
Astarion feels instant comfort when your arms wrap around his torso and you adjust so that his head is laying on your chest. You stroke and play with his hair absentmindedly in the way he’s been craving for the past several days.
Astarion lays there and just listens to your heartbeat. Every thump that echoes inside your body relieves some of the pressure in his chest. Astarion’s back and shoulders still feel tight with nerves and rage, his legs are taught and ready to run, but at least now he doesn’t feel like he’s dying. Again.
“I’m sorry Darling,” Astarion sniffs, “I promise I’m not always this high maintenance.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for Star,” he can hear your sweet smile in your voice, “I’m right here when you’re ready. The maintenance isn’t hard for me- I’m here and I care.
“And like you told me- I am here to help you when you lose to yourself and need someone to just stand with you in the storm. We’ll get through this together from now on- no more hiding.”
“No more hiding- for either of us,” Astarion quietly agrees.
For the first time in a long time- Astarion has hope. Maybe he is more than just a body to enjoy in bed.
Tag-list: @spacebarbarianweird @domainoflostsouls
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norcumii · 9 months
Fic title: Non-compliant Weapon (Rexobi, Murderbot AU)
(regarding this fic title meme prompt)
Ok, there’s two ways this could go. One, the slightly more predictable path of some flavor of reincarnation AU where the Jedi Organization (some kind of meddling well-intentioned doctors-without-borders type group) has gotten neck deep into several volatile disputes and need help, so they’ve gotten a generous donation of sec-units from, I dunno, Palpatine Industries (Insidious Industries is more fun, but a little too on the nose). Of course, these sec-units come with pre-programmed sabotage routines up to and including Order 66, and of course sec-unit Rex manages to wriggle around those.
The more interesting idea I had was a bit...messier.
The plunnie starts with the notion that for a full three hot seconds, some megacorp in the galaxy decided that clones were the next big thing and just mass-produced a whole bunch of them. There was enough outcry that the project was scrapped, the company went broke, and the clones were shoved in cryostorage to become someone else’s problem when all the lawsuits were done. Shortly thereafter, sec-units became a thing because that skirted some all the nasty ethical issues.
Decades if not centuries later (...I have no idea when the Murderbot books are supposed to be other than The Future), whatever megacorp bought up various assets discovers they have a bunch of illegal product sitting around frozen in a warehouse. It turns out that the cheapest method of disposal is actually to thaw them and toss them a small agro planet to colonize (the potential fallout if they just space the clones or keep them in a basement somewhere is just too high for profit margins, much to the relief of everyone else).
And that’s how Rex and his brothers end up thawed, with some nice genetic repair work, on a brand new planet all their own, and no idea wtf to do now since they aren’t expected to just fight something. Since Rex is one of the more restless clones, he ends up doing resource management, taking surplus out for trade and scrounging interesting stuff to bring back. And one day he walks into some space!army surplus store to discover in the back there’s an old sec-unit and its cubicle. Rex starts off feeling weird but wildly sympathetic to this deactivated fighting unit, only to become REALLY creeped out when he asks in passing about it – and learns its being kept around for eventual spare parts.
Rex is not okay with this. He dithers a bit, but ends up purchasing the whole unit and brings it home.
Cody gives him a bit of hell, but he gets where Rex was coming from, so he sort of resignedly welcomes their new sec-unit: [some clever punning/l337 speak version of Obi-Wan Kenobi].
So it turns out that this sec-unit is defective. It’s good at fighting, but it doesn’t like to fight. It talks. It talks a LOT. It’s astonishingly good at negotiating.
It also flirts with everyone except for Rex, which Rex is absolutely not put out about in the least. Really. He’s not irked. It’s a good thing. This damn thing comes out of the box flirting, that’s disconcerting so it’s kinda nice that Rex doesn’t have to put up with that – especially since it’s quickly decided that since the sec-unit does talk anything in circles, it’s most useful going with him to help him barter. And hopefully keep him out of trouble, though Cody is the only one to say that, the bastard.
Since this is a Murderbot AU, that means it turns out that there’s actually something Very Valuable on the clones’ new homeplanet, and at some point they’re actively defending themselves and/or having to diplomat with hostile bodies who are Not Impressed that a sec-unit is one of the main negotiators.
(It helps when things go pear-shaped, of course, since said main negotiator can dish out and take some extreme damage. So that's not too different from canon.)
Things finally settle down, Rex and Obi-Wan return to venturing out on the regular, until one day – probably after some spectacularly vicious flirtation with someone trying to kill them – Rex just blurts out, “I have never been able to figure it out. You will flirt with anyone and anything, the more hostile the better.”
“It’s a wonderful distraction tactic.”
“Oh, I’m aware. You specifically pick out pet names to enrage people.”
“It’s hardly my fault the Duchess didn’t like to be addressed as ‘my dear’!”
“It kind of is, but…” Rex hesitates, then shrugs, still not looking at Kenobi. “You have never once flirted with me.”
Silence. Rex sneaks a few glances, and Obi-Wan is refusing to look back at him. Finally, when it’s clear Rex will play the waiting game, Obi-Wan just shrugs right back. “I don’t know how to do it sincerely. Flirt for real with someone I like.”
Rex goes through several stages of oh with embarrassing speed. He twists around to stare. “What – but – even from the very beginning?”
Obi-Wan continues to not look at him. “I might have been...less unaware than my prior owner believed.”
Rex blanches, well recalling his own long time in stasis – a cold, mostly dreamless state of unconsciousness. The notion of being even somewhat lucid across those long decades is nightmare fuel even before considering the indifferent way the guy at the store had talked about spare parts in a box.
Then there are super-awkward cuddles, eventually leading to some kind of queer platonic aro and/or ace ship happily ever after. ^_^
Thank you, this was a fun challenge!
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
AITA for killing a (19F/24F) girls father and then rewinding time to save him but only because it allows me to use the girl for my own intentions?
I, (???M) needed a replacement for one of my previous employees, because he (27M) has managed to escape my contract (he works for me and my employers, we get offers on various inter dimensional conflicts, and he has proven to be a great asset to those who can control him.
However, he has recently found a loophole in which resulted in him having cut contact with me, however my job is not finished and I need to quickly find a suitable replacement.
The girl (24F at the time) was travelling alongside my previous employee. She has shown remarkable skills, that of which has nearly matched the skill of my previous hire. She seemed like a suitable replacement
I killed the girls father, and then went back in time to bring a past version of herself (19F) to the future, specifically the scene in which her father is killed. I allowed her to “nudge” the timeline in a direction in which her father doesn’t die, however I didn’t mention to her that “nudging” the timeline would result in her being “hired”, and becoming my new asset.
I fear I am TA because I worded my entire conversation with the 19 year old version of the girl as if I owed her a favour (long story short- she rescued me from a high security prison), however, as soon as I let her change the timeline, I 180’d the conversation into telling her that she’s a valuable asset and then trapped her in my pocket dimension, despite her requesting to go home. I did not warn her before she nudged the timeline that she would be indefinitely trapped in there for as long as me or my employers need.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
*takes a deep breath*
I usually do not talk about my khr selfinsert/oc but honestly i AM very interested about your thoughts if i just let you lose, so.
"Rena Paolina" (birthname: Alyona Ivanovna Tsareyev), about the age of Tsuna and his guardians is a young woman with a hand for childcare and a trained theater teacher. She was partially scouted by the Vongola to be part of a mafia centric daycare, for the offspring of the Vongola families memebers (There is also another reason why they keep a close eye on her). She has a knack foe identifying what kids need and how to get them to behave, which was especially helpful with the still young Lambo. She is not a fighter (or so she claims) and she completely focuses on her work at the daycare and her small theater group.
Her origin are only known to CEDEF, Reborn and Dino as Dino was the first person she met when she came to italy. She gets along well with Tsunayoshi and his guardians tho she only really seems to bicker and butt heads with Gokudera. With everyone else she seems to find ways to be on good terms with them.
She is a very righteous person and can be hotheaded when it concerns topics that hit close to home. Then she usually becomes short sighted and so heated she ends up running herself into a corner. Even tho she repeatedly says that children scare her and that she isnt very good at caring for them there have not been many kids who ever disliked her. She openly speaks her mind and opinion even to people that have a standing above her, tho she does adjust her way of speaking to not be too disrespectful. She has a passion for theater and really blooms in theater related projects, happily teaching others about it and helping them discover themselves through the magic of theater. However she does shy away from ever getting too much into public spaces for some reason.
This reason being that she is terrified of someone possibly figuring out where she comes from.
"Rena" is actually the only child of the Leonov families boss Ivan Anatolyevich Tsareyev, a mafia family that is notorious for their incredibly conservative ways. Originally her family was banished, as her father was usurped by his own right hand man and had to flee the country. However as Rena became a teenager her father traveled alone back to his home and through gruesome circumstances he managed to take back leadership, making sure to rule through fear. He wanted ro take his wife and daughter back home, however Rena was very against this new life and she ran away from home finding her way to italy where she begged to be taken in. Reborn decided that considering her age and inexperience with anything related ro the underworld she could be allowed to work for the vongoa tho under strict supervision. Should her family ever become an issue in politics she would make a fine hostage.
But even in her youth as her family was banished she had a boy by her side, about the same age as her by the name of Dimitri. While everyone went against her father, only his bodyguard stood with him and followed her family. It was his son that was early on tasked with protecting Rena even as a civilian and when she decided to run away he saw it as his duty to protect her by allowing her to escape. With the years passing she managed to truly prove herself in her craft and became a valued and beloved caretaker even if there are always the entitled parents that try to make her life a living hell.
Bulletpoint trivia
* Lambo adores her as she manages to thread the needle between pulling him back in reins and engaging in his antics.
* in her fifth year at the vongola she had proven herself enough to turn her small theater group into an actual ensemble, even being provided a small theater where they can properly perform even if only for a small audience.
* Reborn always kept one step in the suspicion territory but after seeing how skilled she is at actually taking care of mafia children he realized that she was a valuable asset to the family.
* While on official documents she is listed as having a storm flame she actually posesses a sky flame.
* she is not a fighter. She can protect herself when it comes down to it but she is definitely more a civi than a fleshed out mafiosi.
* Dima keeps an eye on her from afar. He never dared to actually meet her, but ever so often he makes a trip to italy to watch over her for a day before he returns to other duties. Rena has never noticed this.
* The reason Rena is quite close with the tenth family (or the neo vongola family) is not just their similar age, but also that she was one of the first introduced into the circle as soon as the mafia business really started. She took care of a lot of mundane tasks and took care of Lambo first and foremost.
* She actually kind of enjoys her back and forth with Gokudera tho she isnt sure if he sees it the same way.
* On the outside Rena seems to most like she has everything figured out and knows what she is doing. However in that case she is the true embodiment of "fake it till you make it". She is WAY more anxious than people believe her to be.
So I guess i am not asking for anything specific, i mean you know i ship with dera, but I wanted to just give you an opportunity to give me your opinion? Ideas? Critique??? I dont really know myself.
It is up to you. I just value your opinion in general.
(Also wanted to ask: even if the event ends, can i send you my varia boys profiles once they are done?)
@eternitas I dug this up in the queue before work today, just as I know you've been waiting for it ans it keeps getting sent down in wach new reshuffle! First off, let me just say that I am deeply honored that you feel comfortable sharing your self-insert/OC with me. I know that takes a lot of bravery to do, as these sorts of characters become very meaningful and dear to our hearts. I’m not entirely sure what to really give you back though! Because this reply is published publicly on the blog, I am going to ask if you’re okay with other readers commenting on the beautiful Rena and, if you are, I ask my gorgeous constant readers – do any of you lovelies want to comment or ask questions about the character, other than the ones I will be asking? (Though a reminder that all comments and questions must be respectful, anything that I feel is mean-spirited will not be shared and might earn you a block from the blog because again – sharing these types of characters takes a lot of courage). What I ended up giving you was just my thoughts, sometimes an occasional comment that I had while reading through the description of Rena, but mostly questions on her though because I am always very curious about characters! Oh, so many questions! I hope the questions will make sense and that none of it will come off as rude or nosey!! Even the critiques are more meant as…okay, that’s an interesting writing choice. This is how I always thought about the character/process, so I’m just really interested in why you think this thing instead – because, as a reminder, mine is not the only right way to see things and by asking questions and hearing other people’s views, I get to learn new things and see characters and situations in lights that I might never have considered! (Also, please, please, even if there is no event going on, please feel free to send me profiles for the Varia boys, and please know, to my lovely other readers, that I am always interested in hearing about people’s self-inserts or original characters 😊)
How is Rena pronounced? Like Ray-nah or like Ree-na?
Where Rena has a birthname and a new chosen name, how did she settle on the name Rena Paolina? What drew her to that first and last name? Is there any significance behind it?
Where she does have the birthname and then her new identity, did she legally change her name? Most Mafia families would work with forged documents and would be able to spot fake documents, even well-made ones if the family is experienced enough, so I feel she’d be living dangerously relying on just forged documents. Did she go through something like what Reborn went through after becoming cursed, where he went to some sort of specialist, referred to him through Shamal (or maybe even Shamal himself, who knows) and got her old identity completely erased and a new one constructed for her by the best of the best to avoid any danger?
If Rena is around Tsuna’s age, did she temporarily go on the leave from the Vongola after high school to get her theatre degree? If so, who took over childcare while she was gone? Was her absence really noticed? How much contact did she keep in with her friends, if the theatre school she went to wasn’t in Japan? Did they come to visit her often and if so, who showed the most interest in what she was learning about? (Do you see any of the Guardians or Tsuna’s other family members as being really interested in the theatre and acting?)
Why was she scouted for the Vongola? I can see them keeping an eye on her for potential threats and having the attitude of keeping your enemies closer, but why in particular was she scouted for the position she was scouted for? Why would they entrust her with the next generation of the Vongola if there was that fear about her family? Had she proven herself to them in some way? Was she supervised while in the daycare for the first several years until she had shown her loyalty? Or was it that Tsuna and Timoteo's hyper intuition saw through all and knew Rena had a heart of gold and would never hurt any of them or the Vongola itself?
Lambo would obviously give Rena a run for her money and probably tire her out but what about the other children? How does she get along with I-Pin, who is just as energetic but less rambunctious and trouble-making? What about slightly older children like Fuuta? Especially Fuuta, actually, whose ranking abilities could prove dangerous if they were to reveal something she didn’t want to come out, like who she was in the past?
I actually really, really enjoy the fact that Rena isn’t much of a physical fighter and does such a niche job. It makes her much more relatable, in my opinion, without the worry of her being overpowered or anything along those lines. I also love that she has clear passions and interests of her own, things that she enjoys doing that are completely separate from Mafia life because it makes her feel more realistic as a person and more fleshed out and dimensional as a character.
This is the only critique I have and it’s more a question. If she is indeed part of the Vongola, why are her origins only known to Reborn, Dino, and CEDEF. Reborn and CEDEF have no say as to who becomes Vongola, though Reborn recruits for Tsuna’s family specifically and even then, they kind of need to be invited in by Tsuna or at least accepted by Tsuna as part of his family. So, am I confused, and she’s scouted as part of specifically Tsuna’s generation? Because otherwise Timoteo and his Guardians would know about her, and I could honestly see Timoteo being the most sympathetic to her plight and the one most likely to take her in, while I could see Iemitsu and CEDEF and especially Reborn being the more extremely wary of Rena, because they would view her more of a threat, where Timoteo, especially with the help of Vongola’s Hyper-Intuition, would view Rena more as a child in a bad spot who needs a safe place to be and as a human being who means them no harm, something his Hyper-Intuition tells him in his heart and I could actually see him doing everything in his power to bring her into the fold and provide a stable 'father-like' figure to her.
Or am I confused and this takes place when Tsuna is an adult, though that would make no sense as Lambo would be much too old to need childcare at that point, though some of the family members would have children of their own that might need childcare during that time?
How did she meet Dino, where he’s the first person she met upon arriving in Italy? Why did she choose Italy to flee to? Was it a conscious choice or was it more that that was the first flight she could grab?
What are the topics that hit close to home for her? What are the causes and topics she’s passionate about and that get her heated?
If Rena is someone unafraid to speak her mind to anyone and everyone, how is it that she hasn’t gotten herself ‘bitten to death’ by people like Hibari? Or Xanxus, Bel, and Squalo, should she have ever met them? Are there times when she knows how to keep her opinions to herself, because doing otherwise would lead to danger or possible fights, or is she the impulsive type whose mouth sometimes gets the better of her (which I would sympathize with her on if that's the case because sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my head)?
If Rena doesn’t want to perform in public spaces due to a fear of being found out, does that mean the theatre group only performs for the Vongola? Just wondering as I’m just a little confused as to that, because here at least, even the backstage crew gets pulled onto the stage at the end of the show to get their round of applause. Is it different in other countries and I'm just being ignorant? I can't remember if I asked above, but what role does she play in the theatre troop? Does she direct, act, write original plays, anything? I am so, so, so intensely curious and intrigued by this aspect of her and it's one of my favourite things about her, no lie!!
Is her family Russian Mafia? And what do you mean by conservative ways, precisely? Are we talking stereotypical brutal Russian mob, who terrorizes, extorts, blackmails, and murders those inside their own territory? If so, how was the family not taken apart by the townspeople they subjugated during the internal chaos of the coup d’etat where his right hand man took the Boss’ seat? How did his right-hand man take over a family like that while still leaving the former Boss alive, especially as it would be a huge threat to the right-hand man since the former boss could gather anyone even the least bit loyal to him back to his side and could come gunning for the person who took over his role by force. A point blank killing of Ivan would make more sense to me, so I’m just trying to dig into the world here and figure out if there were reasons he was left behind and how all this turmoil in her family happened.
Where did her family resettle, if they were forced out of the country? Did she like that country? Would she return there? Would she ever return to Russia, if the danger of being found out for who she was was taken away? Like, was her childhood there one that she would have loved if born from a different family?
Since she ran way, does she ever contact her parents from a secure line to let them know she is safe? It seems unreasonably cruel, since there’s no hints that her father or mother were abusive to her, for her to leave them there for years upon years wondering if she was safe, if their child had been killed, and all that. Is there more to this family’s story than what’s being told at first glance? Again, this is such an intriguing, interesting backstory that I want to deep dive into it and learn every little bit of information I can about it, like I would want to deep dive into any characters from published anime/manga!
Why did Dmitri not go with her when she ran away, if his purpose and life’s work was really to be her bodyguard? Why did he not follow her after ensuring she got safely out, meeting her at somewhere they would have agreed upon? There’s no way she could have guaranteed safety as a runaway living on the streets, hoping someone would take her in, so I would think he’d be even more insistent on being able to stay with her and protect her. Was it under her orders, to keep him potentially safe, since I know for sure she does genuinely have a good heart and would deeply care about someone who'd been so close to her?
How does she fake having a Storm Flame to seal these official documents? I don’t think Flame types are officially listed on most paperwork, since the only valid way to prove it for it to be recorded would be to light the flame on a Ring? I have nothing against her being a Sky flame, just wondering how she fakes the Storm Flame or if she just has a weak secondary Storm Flame, which would also make complete sense with her personality!
If Dmitri knows where she is and watches her from afar, why has he just not approached her? If it’s because he could be caught doing so, he’d be caught doing observation and surveillance on her, wouldn’t he? Is he nervous she'd be upset or is he worried he might not fit into her new life??
Now just some random questions because I genuinely do think Rena is adorable, I like the bit of shipping headcanons you’ve shared with her and Gokudera, and I’m interested in learning more about just who she is as a person!!
What are some of Rena’s other hobbies other than theatre? Is there any particular genres she’s really pulled towards for all the media and stage shows she prefers?
What’s one stage production that she has always wanted to be a part of but hasn’t gotten to be a part of yet?
Is she right or left handed? Is she at all superstitious and does she believe in things like astrology, crystals, and psychics?
Would she go ghost-hunting/Bigfoot-spotting, etc. with Gokudera? Does she genuinely believe in all that stuff or is she doing it to humour him and because she knows how much he loves that kind of stuff?
What’s her style? How does she dress? How much care does she take with her appearance? Is she a no makeup kind of person or someone who likes to play around with their makeup?
Who’s her favourite kid out of the main kid trio of Lambo, I-Pin, and Fuuta? What about the Arcobaleno, where they look like babies? Who would she think is the cutest baby?
Does she attend Yamamoto’s baseball games and if so, is she one of the super-loud spectators, cheering him on so everyone can hear or is she more quietly supportive?
Does she have a parent she preferred growing up? (Was she a Daddy’s girl or a Mommy’s girl?) If she didn’t really ever get along with her parents, was there another relative that she really loved and that was her safe space, like an aunt or cousin?
What does Rena look like! I don’t remember it in the description or anything, so I’d love to hear about that aspect of her too!
Does she ever have any relationships prior to getting together with Gokudera or is he her first and only relationship throughout her life? How do they end up getting together? Does someone officially confess or does it just kind of happen naturally?
What is her daily life with Gokudera like? Do they move in together and if so, how soon? What’s her favourite thing about him and what drew her to him and vice versa?
When’s their anniversary? How do they typically celebrate?
How do her and Gokudera resolve fights and arguments they have?
Honestly, just tell me anything and everything about her because I’m really interested in getting to know her!
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diana9999999 · 2 months
🎀It girl full guide🎀
Hi, love🩷
Did anyone tell you how gorgeous you are? You look stunning 😍
Anyway, I made a FULL guide on how to live like the aesthetic, trending IT GIRL ✨️
We will cover:
● mind
● productivity
● beauty
● study
And I'll give you a checklist on each to apply the info to your life!
Let's get right into it!
1) 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒.
you're on your own, girly.
Let that hit you. we all have a dream version of ourselves.
so, what does she do? does she scroll endlessly and look
like she never slept? no.
take charge and build a routine. get to sleep and wake up early.
stop wasting your potential
Add to your to-do list:
◇ create a routine:
use the reminders or notes apps and dedicate chunks of time to doing certain things. your morning routine, studying, your shower routine, etc. anything that's important and you should
do every day, write it down. once you start to plan your time, you realise how short the days are.
◇ stop relying on others. if you can do it, do it. stop playing the victim - everyone has their problems. own up to your mistakes and get yourself back on track. take charge of your own life.
◇get out of bed, mindfully: the hardest thing to do is wake up on time. Tell yourself every that this will be an amazing day, motivate yourself to get ready, count to 5, and get up.
2) 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑓-𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘
your mind is your best asset when it comes to becoming a winning it-girl.
In life, having emotional maturity is essential (gotta a post on that).
take note of your thoughts, no more of this negative self-talk girly.
you and I know you're better than that.
Add to your to-do list:
◇journal: physically taking note of what matters to you and what doesn't will help you to organise your thoughts after your manager fired you, write that down then write your thought process and why you're better than that. you did do something small that embarrassed you? does it matter? Just write.
◇ self-talk: Be conscious of how you speak to yourself, particularly with your appearance and past mistakes. you will be amazed to find how much negative self-talk affects you. so please stop with it, girly. positivity and constructive criticism only. changing your mindset = changing your life
3) 𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑠𝑒𝑡
if you truly want to change, you must work on your mindset.
Baby girl, no more of this people-pleasing, attention-seeking behaviour.
Nobody cares that much, honestly. it's you and only you. stop speaking negatively to yourself. You're everything you need.
Add to your to-do list:
◇ journal: Taking control of your thoughts is the most powerful thing you can do, write how the best version of you thinks and does that.
◇ be mindful of the media you consume: what you feed your mind will determine your outlook on life
◇ stop with the negative self-talk: would you speak to another person the way you do to yourself? no.
◇be busy. you're not always readily available. Stop lending out your time like it isn't valuable. Be selfish with your time because you can't get it back, baby.
1) 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑
find a way to organize all your todos for the day, week, month, and year. this can be Notion, Google Calendar,
a physical notebook, Google Keep, etc. (I'll make a different post about how to organize those tools).
Having all your to-dos in one place helps get the most out of every single day.
Add to your to-do list:
◇ find a to-do tool that suits you
◇ prioritize: I can't stress this enough, but not everything matters hun. I keep my todos in 3 categories according to urgency. So efficient.
2)𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛, 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛, 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛!
Plan your freaking days, please! Idc how old you are, but planning your day every morning is a blessing.
Add to your to-do list:
◇ decide what habits you want to include in your day and plan your weeks and days accordingly
◇ every day, when planning, write
1. Gratitude
2. How can I achieve any of my New Year resolutions?
3. What self-care you'll do
4. Todo
3) 𝐶𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑢𝑝
Add to your to-do list right away:
◇ make it a practice to clean your bedroom every day before you sleep, you'll wake up feeling fresh and you won't have to spend time cleaning it in the morning and you can
work on something in that time
◇ schedule weekly deep cleaning sessions
◇ every time you leave a room, take smth that doesn't belong there
For this category, I'll give you a bunch of tips right away:
💮 get 7 to 8 hours of rest a night, but never oversleep.
Otherwise, you will feel terrible
💮 take an everything shower at least once a week.
💮limit your intake of processed foods.
They only diminish your energy levels
💮. take care of your skin. Have a routine that you
stick to religiously.
💮style your hair in a way that makes you FEEL beautiful
💮 eat more whole meals and drink plenty of water
(at least 8 glasses a day !!).
💮Have a signature style and scent. people will remember you.
💮Only wear clean and well-ironed clothes
Finally, a topic I have
1) 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑧𝑒
To romanticize something is to make it more enjoyable and aesthetic, here's how
Add to your to-do list:
◇Study classical music in headphones: Classical music is just complicated enough that you can get lost in it without missing its meaning!
◇ Have study dates:In cafés, parks, and libraries, whichever suits you, study dates/ groups can greatly improve your work and productivity. Holding each other accountable can help you stay focused and motivated.
2) 𝑆𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑡 𝑢𝑝:
Use different studying techniques to keep yourself interested. Read, watch videos, review notes, create and use flashcards, or find a study buddy to quiz and have them quiz you.
Add to your to-do list:
◇ find and discover new study methods
I love you,
remember your worth and the power you hold
You're strong and pretty ✨️
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paramouradrift · 8 months
#Avatar BioShock Crossover AU" 2023 please!!!
This one's a doozy.
I don't remember precisely what triggered this one, but there was a period of a couple weeks last year where I got really into the idea of an Avatar/BioShock crossover AU. This spawned several AUs, only one of which made it into my WIP folder, apparently, so the rest must be lurking on discord with my beta reader. This particular AU has a few scant character notes, some timelines, and a discussion of themes that paint what I would consider a compelling but overly-ambitious picture.
The themes in play: destiny, causality, consciousness, free will, and moral choice. We are pulling material from BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock 2: Minerva's Den, BioShock Infinite, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Legend of Korra. Rapture exists in its own right, whereas Columbia is replaced with Republic City. Tears, Spirit Portals, and Spirit Wilds are all the same thing, linking Rapture and Republic City across time and space. Bending and Splicing are the same, as well, with the "Avatar" being someone who has spliced up to an incredible degree and not died of every kind of cancer. The Avatar State is thus a kind of berserk mode that uses up all the EVE in the Avatar's body, leaving them powerless and vulnerable at the end. Past Avatars exist as coherent ADAM ghosts.
Aang, in this story, is a Jack/Eleanor Lamb character originally from Rapture who escaped into Republic City through a tear, and set about trying to find a way back to Rapture's past to undo all of the damage he ended up causing. He's a man haunted by guilt whose efforts are ultimately futile, because that's not how causality works.
Korra is our Elizabeth, whose ability to open and close tears makes her valuable to Aang in his quest for redemption, but also makes her a target for everyone on both sides of the veil who wants a slice of the Rapture/Republic City pie. But opening and closing tears destroys entire sections of probability space, creating fixed points in spacetime and releasing a ton of spiritual energy that gets eaten by the bioluminescent mass that sits beneath Rapture, spitting ADAM slugs back out into the world, accelerating the chaos and decline of both cities.
I have here that Aang somehow travels back to the past and becomes the founder of Rapture, which means he later creates and then kills himself while trying to do everything he can to avoid that outcome. It probably made more sense in my head the time. The other members of the Gaang are listed as Rapture's Best & Brightest: Zuko and Sokka are divorced and miserable, with Zuko trying to be a single dad and Sokka inventing the Thinker; Katara is the city's foremost doctor and philanthropist; Suki is a detective/private security chief; and Toph runs the banks because nobody else is capable. She also laid a lot of the city's foundation.
The Mechanist is here inventing things. Wu is a popular singer with his own radio program. Suyin is a prima donna ballerina. Asami is...presumably doing something amazing, but I didn't write that bit down.
The villain rogue's gallery is all here as well, moving back and forth across the tears and causing mischief and mayhem. Zaheer's radical spirituality causes Aang (Rapture Founder) to ban religion, and Unalaq tries to get control of the Avatar Program so that he can become an Avatar himself. Ozai and Zhao extend their feelers throughout both cities, seizing power and resources for themselves. Amon slots himself nicely into the Atlas role (plot twist and all), so nothing really more to say there. Kuvira is apparently a former police officer turned mob boss capitalizing on the chaos for her own gain. Long Feng is a cold technocrat who runs a private security firm and manages assets for city big wigs. My note on him is "a less affable Sinclair."
Pro-bending/ADAM boxing is a thing, so Mako and Bolin are here trying to make it big in the big bad city/ies, which probably means I planned some background Wuko.
I have no idea what my endgame was. I don't know what the actual plot was going to be. This project wasn't one I seriously considered planning out in detail because I was in the middle of H&V/J&R work, and that takes priority over anything else with this level of ambition. Having said that, it might be interesting to take another pass at the concept and see if I can turn all of that up there into something workable.
WIP Game master post.
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notefinal · 3 months
star wars
riff is a smuggler with a small network of people working for him. he's force sensitive and he's managed to figure out the general logistics of how the force works through trial and error. riff's gang, the jets, are the only ones that know riff is force sensitive. they call themselves the jets because they're fast and quick and pretty good at evading the law. they all have a tattoo somewhere of either a j or the silhouette of riff's ship. the sharks are a group that's sort of a smuggling group. they're more well off than riff and the jets, but not by much. they just want the jets to stop terrorizing the galaxy with their escapades. they get into fights a lot and the local authorities consider both groups an equal nuisance.
dodge is force sensitive and mostly does odd jobs around the outer rim. he has a small ship that he'll occasionally smuggle with but he mostly keeps to himself. he's trying to find and kill the bounty hunter that killed his older sister, dayna. while he tends to stick to small jobs in the outer rim, he will venture into the more expensive cities if he's paid well for it.
in the early days of the republic, there was a jedi known as art donaldson. he was a brilliant jedi knight, and those that knew him said he was one of the best jedi they had ever seen. when order sixty six was executed, art donaldson disappeared. the jedi that survived the purge assumed that he’d gone into hiding as they had. and then, a year after the execution of order sixty six, there were whispers of a new sith lord attacking camps in the outer rim. darth kyros, they call him. there aren’t typically survivors of his attacks, so the information on him is limited. all that’s known about him is that he’s dangerous and not someone to be crossed. somehow, a former jedi manages to survive an attack. darth kyros is art donaldson, he says. it sounds impossible. but another former jedi comes forward and says the same thing. after at least five have agreed, there can be no more denying it. art donaldson must be returned to the light side of the force. it takes a long time, but he is eventually returned to the light. art doesn’t talk about his time as darth kyros. if pressed for information, he says that the sith captured and brainwashed him until he broke. he becomes a member of the rebellion and is a valuable asset when it comes time to target the death star.
connor is a jedi padawan. he’s an extremely volatile jedi padawan. he doesn’t have control of his emotions yet and he lashes out in anger a lot more than his master would like. the other masters are worried. the other padawans fear his anger and mock his lack of control. he’s too susceptible to the dark side, the masters say. he must get his emotions under control. connor doesn’t know if he can do that, but he’s not really willing to try. eventually, he is banished from the jedi order. he makes a living in the outer rim as best he can. when the rebellion starts, he keeps his head down. he doesn’t want to get dragged back into the order. they didn’t want him, after all.
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xautunno · 2 years
Rant about Spy x Family & Covert Affairs (found on Amazon Prime):
**I am watching the anime and have not read the manga yet
***This is long and you might want to skip my rambling but I felt the need to get it out
Okay, I have a little rant about Spy Family cause I keep seeing posts and it's aggravating me just a little but people keep pointing out that while Loid is getting more and more comfortable with Yor and Anya, his ability as a spy is diminishing. But I recently just rewatched Covert Affairs S1 and honestly, he's not becoming less of a spy but rather more of one.
Allowing truth to bleed into your lies makes your lies stronger and his family is not necessarily a lie with all the (forged) paperwork. His emotions being genuine bleeds through not only his act as a family man but Anya's and Yor's acts as well. Anya is a kid that obviously cannot lie well and his treatment, his relationship with her is how best he's going to influence her when she is out on her own representing them.
He also makes a point to always remind Yor she is part of the family because 1) she is and 2) in order for her to play her part, she has to believe in her role, that's going to allow others to believe their family tho it's also fair to assume her role will be more stepmom rather than mom.
This is a spy's life, managing assets in the field and expanding connections, all things Loid has given Twilight access to. A respected job, a daughter that goes to a prestigious school, and a wife that works in public service. He now has access to communities he might not have had before and more importantly, he has access long-term. No one can possibly question why he's hanging around this area for so long or perhaps not trying to move up the ladder because he's a family man devoted to his wife and his child's care. His child is in a very well respected school and his wife is a local (per the Handler).
In comparison, Annie Walker works at the Smithsonian and is a linguist which allows her to travel and she is comfortable traveling from previous experience. It gives her a way in with people but she also shares with others (typically other agents but sometimes assets) that she has a family waiting back at home, she's human too, with loved ones and that's what Twilight is finally becoming in my eyes is indeed the perfect spy.
I also feel like from some of the clips we do see before he gets to Operation Strix, he operated on almost an assassin basis rather than a spy. At least, from watching Covert Affairs, I see spies as managers in the field and collectors of intel. These spies in Spy x family might take on more of a dual role, I'm not sure.
I'd also like to point out that this is probably Twilight's first long-term mission. Long-term as in over a year. He could stay as Loid Forger indefinitely so long as he remains within valuable communities that allow him opportunities for WISE. And, while others call him the greatest spy of the West, we have no idea how he handled missions before Strix, and from what I can see of the missions he does alongside Strix, he probably messes up a lot more than we credit him. BUT, his success rate is high because he knows how to catch himself (and charm his way out), and once more, he probably never did a mission this long before so I doubt he knows how to handle himself when things he said last year come back to him because typically, his mission would already be over with.
And to address the Handler, we see her express emotion about the mission. She admitted to once having a daughter. That's probably why she joined WISE. All spies there seem to despise war and want only to bring peace. This is personal in their own way and that's why they must remind themselves to keep emotions out of their decision-making. That doesn't mean to suppress themselves or their compassion but do not let the heart rule on decisions that could be the key to a peaceful tomorrow and a war. I have yet to see her rule on the thought of emotions being bad (have not seen the manga yet) and Twilight also seems to have some qualms about his emotions during missions but Nightfall is the only one that I've seen take it so far and the others around her make note that is too far. That's not expected or required of them. In fact, her suppression of emotion can probably make some of her missions more difficult for her and other agents. And, it also means her inability to properly handle her emotions leads her to nearly compromise Twilight's mission.
Back to Annie Walker, we see her struggle with her emotions (she is a rookie after all) in the field. That's why she has Auggie (her handler) and Joan (her boss). Their job is to keep Annie focused and Annie's job is to keep her assets safe and focused so intel goes back to the CIA. But, Joan knows that the life of a spy is difficult especially with family and friends not knowing the truth. That's why Joan demands Annie takes a vacation, why she's watching closely, because the minute an operative snaps, they're gone. They either leave or they go rogue (seen in S1 with other agents). A handler has to know their operative better than anyone else so that when operatives reach the end of their rope, the handle can pull them back into safety.
I think The Handler knows Twilight all too well and that's honestly a good thing. and I think one reason for that is she will bear herself to him like she did speaking of her daughter and he bears a little of himself back. There's mutual respect and trust. If nothing else, an alliance that makes this possible. And, ensures Twilight doesn't go off the deep end. With his family around him now, I think this might make it easier to keep him focused, centered, and motivated.
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enterprisewired · 1 year
B2B E-commerce technologies – Discussing the pros and cons
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The business landscape is continuously evolving in today’s fast-forwarding economy. By understanding deeply that “change is the only constant thing” (business-to-business) B2B E-commerce technologies transactions has become known as the pulsating heart of modern commerce. These digital tools and platforms have not only found a place on the table; they have become integral, indispensable assets to how companies operate.
We are living in a world where businesses can buy and sell products and services, where burdensome paperwork as well as phone calls are relics of the past, and where the global marketplace is at your fingertips.
However, these platforms are like every other instrument in our toolbox. It’s a double-edged blade, bringing both benefits and drawbacks as well. In this post, you will discover the numerous benefits and drawbacks of B2B e-commerce technologies, navigating you through this critical path of the modern company with simplicity and clarity.
Let’s see numerous benefits and drawbacks of B2B e-commerce technologies:
Chapter #1: The Power of B2B E-commerce Technologies
A few decades ago if someone wanted to get some materials or services from another business/market perhaps one located halfway around the world; this could have been an arduous journey filled with countless phone calls, mountains of paperwork, and endless waiting periods.
Nowadays things are way different than before. The B2B e-commerce technologies have changed this entire pattern in the world. You just have to step into the world of online commerce, browse through a supplier’s virtual catalog, place your orders, and even negotiate if needed, all from the comfort zone of your rocking chair. It has become that easy!
Chapter #2: The Pros of B2B E-commerce Technologies
Convenience: Beyond ease, B2B e-commerce drives efficiency. It streamlines and automates what was previously a time-consuming and labour-intensive procedure. You can place orders, track shipments, and manage inventories with a few mouse clicks. This increased efficiency results in fewer manual errors, less paperwork, and faster response times.
Simplified operations: Business-to-business e-commerce simplifies important operations such as order placing, invoicing, and payment. This efficiency eliminates the possibility of human errors and guarantees that every transaction is digitally logged, reducing the danger of misunderstandings or lost information.
Global Reach: The potential of B2B e-commerce technologies extends well beyond your local market’s borders. It serves as a portal to the world stage. Going digital allows your company to access clients and suppliers from all around the world. This worldwide reach not only expands your consumer base but also opens the door to new partnerships and collaborations.
Data-Driven Insights: E-commerce is way more than simply transactions; it’s a data mine. Every click, every order, and every interaction provides useful data. Businesses may acquire valuable insights into client preferences, purchasing patterns, and market trends by examining this data. You can make data-driven decisions, adjust your services, and stay ahead of the competition with these insights.
Cost Savings: In the business sector, saving money is an ongoing objective, and B2B e-commerce delivers on this front. Businesses can decrease overhead expenses associated with physical shops and manual procedures by shifting to digital operations. In addition, the automation of processes such as order processing and billing reduces the need for vast administrative employees, resulting in significant cost savings.
Real-Time Communication: In traditional commercial transactions, customers are frequently required to wait for emails or phone calls to confirm orders or handle inquiries. Real-time communication channels are introduced by B2B e-commerce. Suppliers may update product availability, pricing, and order statuses in real time, keeping you informed and empowered to make prompt decisions.
Reduced Environmental Impact: Going digital is not just beneficial for the company; it is also good for the environment. Reduced paperwork and the requirement for physical infrastructure result in a lower carbon footprint. By reducing waste and energy consumption, B2B e-commerce complies with sustainable business practices.
Chapter #3: The Cons of B2B E-commerce
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Initial Investment: Implementing B2B e-commerce technologies sometimes requires a significant initial investment in software, infrastructure, and training. Smaller companies, in particular, may find these costs too expensive, thus limiting their ability to enter the world of digital commerce.
Security issues: The digital world presents serious security issues. Businesses must invest in strengthening their cyber security defenses in order to protect sensitive consumer data and financial transactions from possible attacks.
Learning Curve: Employees might experience a learning curve when adjusting to new technologies. Providing training and assistance becomes critical to ensuring that all team members can navigate B2B e-commerce platforms efficiently and confidently.
Dependence on Technology: Because It’s based on technology, firms are subject to technological problems or outages. It is critical to have contingency plans in place to resolve these situations quickly and with the least interruption in operations.
Intensified Competition: As the use of e-commerce grows, competition in online markets heats up. As the digital world advances at a rapid pace, being competitive needs an ongoing willingness to adapt and innovate.
In conclusion, B2B e-commerce has various benefits, including improved efficiency and the potential to access a larger consumer base. However, it is not without challenges, such as security issues and the need to adapt to new financial structures. Businesses must carefully strategize, dedicate resources to strengthen security, take part in staff training, and emphasize delivering outstanding client experiences in order to flourish in the digital age.
As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, B2B e-commerce technologies will become even more important in the commercial environment. Adopting these technologies and remaining adaptable in the face of change will be critical to maintaining competitive and affluent. Harnessing the groundbreaking potential of B2B e-commerce may generate development and innovation for businesses across industries, ensuring that they will thrive in the digital age.
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5 Signs You May Need a Facility Management Partner
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It takes a lot to manage a facility. Whether it’s building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance, and grounds management or compliance and safety, facilities management touches just about every part of the workplace. As a result, even the best FMs can feel stretched thin from time to time. If it’s unclear why there is a rising backlog of uncompleted maintenance tasks, or it feels like there’s no time to focus on more strategic initiatives, it might be worth partnering with a facility management provider. Here are five signs you may need a facility management partner.
1. Rising Costs
Constantly paying for ad hoc repairs can get costly. If you notice that repairs and servicing costs always seem to be on the rise, then it might be time to consider an FM partner. They will work with you to understand your entire operation and develop a custom solution that extends the lifespan of your equipment or building’s infrastructure. In turn, this leads to fewer repair costs and increased operational efficiency.
2. Frequent Disruptions
Whether they’re maintenance repairs or critical systems failure, constantly spending valuable time reacting to one situation or the other can lead to wasteful productivity. Partnering with an FM company allows you to bring in additional support and specialists as needed. This flexibility increases productivity and helps you deliver on a range of your organizational objectives.
3. Difficulty Tracking and Managing Assets
Spending time looking for assets or procuring new ones wastes valuable resources and stalls the resolution of problems in your facility. Then it’s only a matter of time before occupants become frustrated and workplace satisfaction declines, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Through effective staff management and the implementation of best practices and innovative technologies, an FM partner can help you easily keep tabs on not just your assets but your entire operation.
4. Low or No Budget For Technology
If you are finding that many of the facility management challenges you face could be minimized or resolved with enhanced or upgraded technology, then it’s a sign to partner with an FM provider. Forward-thinking FM companies have innovative technologies that cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In addition, they can help regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality.
5. Communication Gaps
When projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners is critical. If you’re finding communication gaps, an integrated, self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Choosing the Right Partner
Partnering with a facility management provider ensures your organization is running at full optimization without day-to-day facility maintenance interruptions. From the reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
National Facilities Direct offers top-quality facility services derived from real-time communication, state-of-the-art analytics, data-driven decisions, and proprietary technologies. We develop customized all-inclusive maintenance programs, best-in-class connectivity, and an extensive in-house network of diverse professional licensed technicians that help us meet your complex, ever-changing needs. Contact us today to see how we can help take your organization to the next level.
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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5 Signs You May Need a Facility Management Partner
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It takes a lot to manage a facility. Whether it’s building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance, and grounds management or compliance and safety, facilities management touches just about every part of the workplace. As a result, even the best FMs can feel stretched thin from time to time. If it’s unclear why there is a rising backlog of uncompleted maintenance tasks, or it feels like there’s no time to focus on more strategic initiatives, it might be worth partnering with a facility management provider. Here are five signs you may need a facility management partner.
1. Rising Costs
Constantly paying for ad hoc repairs can get costly. If you notice that repairs and servicing costs always seem to be on the rise, then it might be time to consider an FM partner. They will work with you to understand your entire operation and develop a custom solution that extends the lifespan of your equipment or building’s infrastructure. In turn, this leads to fewer repair costs and increased operational efficiency.
2. Frequent Disruptions
Whether they’re maintenance repairs or critical systems failure, constantly spending valuable time reacting to one situation or the other can lead to wasteful productivity. Partnering with an FM company allows you to bring in additional support and specialists as needed. This flexibility increases productivity and helps you deliver on a range of your organizational objectives.
3. Difficulty Tracking and Managing Assets
Spending time looking for assets or procuring new ones wastes valuable resources and stalls the resolution of problems in your facility. Then it’s only a matter of time before occupants become frustrated and workplace satisfaction declines, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Through effective staff management and the implementation of best practices and innovative technologies, an FM partner can help you easily keep tabs on not just your assets but your entire operation.
4. Low or No Budget For Technology
If you are finding that many of the facility management challenges you face could be minimized or resolved with enhanced or upgraded technology, then it’s a sign to partner with an FM provider. Forward-thinking FM companies have innovative technologies that cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In addition, they can help regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality.
5. Communication Gaps
When projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners is critical. If you’re finding communication gaps, an integrated, self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Choosing the Right Partner
Partnering with a facility management provider ensures your organization is running at full optimization without day-to-day facility maintenance interruptions. From the reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
National Facilities Direct offers top-quality facility services derived from real-time communication, state-of-the-art analytics, data-driven decisions, and proprietary technologies. We develop customized all-inclusive maintenance programs, best-in-class connectivity, and an extensive in-house network of diverse professional licensed technicians that help us meet your complex, ever-changing needs. Contact us today to see how we can help take your organization to the next level.
Visit Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com
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Efficient Organization for Your Workshop: The Benefits of Using a Dílenský Vozík
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In any well-organized workshop, keeping tools and equipment in an orderly and accessible manner is essential for productivity and efficiency. One of the best solutions for achieving this level of organization is the Check their site to know more details dílenský vozík, or workshop trolley. This practical piece of equipment is designed to store, transport, and organize tools, offering numerous benefits to both professionals and hobbyists alike. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using a dílenský vozík and how it can enhance your workshop environment.
Streamlined Tool Access
The most immediate benefit of a dílenský vozík is the improved accessibility to your tools. In a busy workshop, time can be wasted searching for the right wrench, screwdriver, or drill bit. With a dílenský vozík, all your essential tools are kept neatly in drawers or compartments, making them easy to find and retrieve when needed. Many workshop trolleys feature multi-tiered drawers, allowing for separate compartments for different tool types. This level of organization drastically reduces downtime, enabling you to focus on the task at hand without interruptions.
Mobility and Convenience
A dílenský vozík is equipped with wheels, which allow it to be moved around the workshop effortlessly. This mobility is particularly useful when working on large projects that require tools in various locations. Instead of walking back and forth to retrieve tools from a fixed toolbox or wall-mounted organizer, the dílenský vozík can be easily rolled to wherever it’s needed. This convenience saves both time and energy, which is especially valuable in larger workshops or garages where space is spread out.
Durability and Load Capacity
Dílenské vozíky are designed to withstand heavy-duty use, making them ideal for professional environments. Typically constructed from steel or high-quality metal, these trolleys are built to handle the weight of multiple tools and even heavy machinery parts. The durability of a dílenský vozík ensures that it will last for many years, even in the most demanding of workshop conditions. Additionally, most trolleys have a high load capacity, allowing them to store a substantial number of tools without any risk of collapsing or warping under pressure.
Safety and Tidiness
A cluttered workshop can quickly become a hazardous space, with tools scattered across surfaces and on the floor. This not only poses a risk of injury but also slows down workflow as you try to navigate through the mess. A dílenský vozík helps maintain a clean, tidy, and safe working environment by keeping tools stored securely. Many trolleys come with locking mechanisms to ensure that tools do not accidentally fall out or get misplaced. Additionally, by having a designated space for each tool, you reduce the chances of accidents caused by tripping over misplaced equipment.
Customization and Flexibility
Another advantage of the dílenský vozík is its customization options. Many workshop trolleys come with adjustable drawers, shelves, and compartments that can be modified to suit your specific tool collection. Whether you need deep drawers for power tools or shallow compartments for screws and small parts, the flexibility of a dílenský vozík allows for personalized organization that matches your unique needs. Some models even come with removable trays or bins, providing even greater versatility in how you manage your tools.
In conclusion, a dílenský vozík is an invaluable asset for any workshop, providing organization, mobility, and durability. Whether you’re a professional mechanic, carpenter, or DIY enthusiast, investing in a workshop trolley will streamline your workflow, enhance safety, and keep your workspace tidy. With the ability to store a wide range of tools in an easily accessible and transportable manner, the dílenský vozík is a must-have for anyone looking to improve the efficiency and functionality of their workshop.
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sanjana-s · 13 days
How Fractional Investment Companies Make Owning Expensive Assets Affordable
A fractional investment company lets people buy a small piece of something expensive, like a house or a painting. Instead of paying for the whole thing, several people share the cost and profits. This idea is becoming more popular in areas like real estate (buying and selling houses) and luxury items (like fancy cars or watches). Fractional investing allows people who don’t have a lot of money to own a part of valuable things.
This means you can put your money into something valuable without paying the full price. It makes investing easier and helps people get started, even if they don't have a lot of money.
 Benefits of Fractional Investment companies
 1. Own Expensive Things Without Paying Full Price
One big advantage is that you can invest in expensive things without needing to buy the whole item. Whether it's a high-end building or a rare piece of art, fractional ownership makes it possible for many people to own a small part of these valuable assets.
 2. Spread Your Investments
Investors like to put their money into different types of things to lower their risk and increase their chances of earning money. Fractional investment companies allow you to invest small amounts in different areas. This helps protect you if one of your investments loses value, as the others may still grow.
 3. Low Cost to Start
Normally, investing in things like houses or businesses costs a lot of money. With fractional investment, you only need to pay for a small part of the item. This makes it easier for people with less money to start investing.
 4. Share the Risk
Because several people share ownership of the item, they also share the risk. If the value of the asset (such as a property or piece of art) goes down, the loss is divided among all the owners. This makes fractional investment safer for people who don’t want to take big risks.
 5. Easy to Sell
In some cases, fractional investments are easier to sell than full ownership. This means you can get your money back faster if needed. Some companies allow you to sell your part to other investors, giving you more flexibility.
 Types of Fractional Investment Companies
 1. Real Estate Fractional Investment
Real estate (buying and selling land and buildings) is one of the most common places where fractional ownership is used. You can buy a small share in a residential or commercial property. Fractional ownership of real estate allows you to earn money from rent and property sales without having to manage the building yourself.
 2. Luxury Items Fractional Investment
Some companies allow you to invest in luxury items like fancy cars, watches, or even yachts. You don’t have to buy the whole item. Instead, you share the cost with others, and the company takes care of maintaining the item.
 3. Art and Collectibles Investment
You can also invest in art and rare collectibles through fractional ownership. Instead of buying the entire piece of art, you own a small part of it with other investors. These items can grow in value over time, making them good long-term investments.
 4. Investing in Startups
Some companies offer fractional investment in new businesses or startups. This can be a good way to earn a lot of money if the business succeeds, but it also comes with risks. Fractional ownership helps reduce the amount of money you could lose if the business fails.
As the world moves towards digital platforms, fractional investment is expected to grow even more. New technologies like blockchain may make these investments even safer and more transparent, allowing more people to participate.
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