#plex history: moon
monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
It occurred to me yesterday that because there's so few daycare attendants in the Plex's history, the current one is likely older than literally everyone else. Sunny and Moon got to play caretaker to every single one of the others while they were going through their animatronic toddler phases and I think that's so fucking funny
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thehomophobe · 2 months
More Random Human/Humanoid! AU Headcanons
Chica is an advocate of all kinds of weird food combinations, especially pineapple on pizza. The only one she hates is milk before cereal. “The cereal would get soggy faster.”(PREACH!!!)
In my AU, Sun and Moon were the same animatronic. Yes, same mechanic with one transforming into the other via light exposure. Besides the clothes changing color, Sun’s skin would turn paler and the freckles would disappear as he turned into Moon. The coolest thing was the hair would also grow longer and change color as well. Though when Moon reverts back to Sun, the excess hair would fall off, leaving Sun to clean it. Another thing was that it hurt like hell. Swapping really cause both brothers lots of pain. Every time Sun had to switch for nap time, he had to go to his room and scream into a pillow in agony while transforming into Moon to not scare the kids. And vice versa.
When you made the twins separate bodies, the two would bicker about who’s the “older” twin. Even though they were technically born the same day. 
“I’m obviously the older one.”
“Nuh uh! I woke up before you did, so that’s means I’m older.” Sun woke up during the separation process but you forced him back to sleep.
”I don’t that counts.”
I like to think that each animatronic has a lot of random facts or knowledge about some topics. Like Chica knows about what stretches and exercises help what muscles. Monty, obviously, has knowledge about golf, but also fun facts about rock bands over the years. Roxy has knowledge about mechanical engineering, cars, and fashion history. DJ has music history. Freddy, Sun and Moon all just have general knowledge that they just say randomly. 
“Did you know that your brain is constantly eating itself?”
”Freddy…of all that fun facts…” You were scarred that day.
Monty may not have a good relationship with Moon, but he does with Sun. Which is strange considering the childish behavior Sun emits sometimes would’ve steered him away. It was one day when Monty needed a place to stay since he trashed his room again. The daycare doors were opened as the lights were on. Monty kinda waltz in there before Sun properly welcomed him. After that they chatted for a bit, which made Monty surprised by how mature Sun is. He really thought he wasn’t gonna understand anything he ranted about but Sun took it in emphatically. In the end, Monty left with a new friend and an origami frog made out of a ten dollar bill. 
Chica’s great at both rollerskating and skateboarding. Idk why she just is. 
Monty was jealous of Bonnie back then. Actually, he was jealous of the whole band. When he was born (built created idk), the Glamrocks were the hottest thing in the plex. Gator golf had very little people coming in even though it was a new attraction. He really did want the attention they had. 
The thing is…Bonnie’s known to be aggressive. So him coming to Gator Golf with an aura like that, Monty had to defend himself one way or another.
To this day he’s still mad about the rumors floating around about his “murder”, how he decommissioned a beloved animatronic because of “primal rage” and “envy”. Only one of those things were true, but wasn’t the motive behind it.
Foxy and Roxy shared a father-daughter relationship when he was around. Sure the main three mourned over his decommissioning, but Roxy was incredibly hurt. Foxy made her loved children the way she does now and set her straight when those doubts kicked in. On that day, she lost the one person who motivated her to be kinder. Sometimes she recites the words Foxy used to say to her to herself silently. 
Now truly, I believe Eclipse was the first daycare attendant before Sun and Moon were even theater bots. Eclipse did the standard things for the daycare; lunch time, naptime, etc. while Sun and Moon, who came later on after the company realized how many children come to the daycare, would entertain them when they would go to the theater. A little thing they had were anger issues, or rather, just little anger spurts, usually formed from abusive parents child live with or careless human attendants who really don’t care. And when they’re angry, ooo boy…they’re angry. Angry enough to snap a broom in half. Twice. 
I also believe Eclipse wanted to be decommissioned via due to knowing the horrible secrets of the missing children and not wanting to live with that. Sun and Moon didn’t know them well enough, but it was already too late...
DJ was kinda oblivious to romantic advances. The moment you told him he was hot was when he realized it. 
A bit self-indulgent, but you, reader/(y/n), have entomophobia. One day you were hanging out with DJ in the tunnels, literally hanging around, when suddenly you felt something crawl on you. Screaming and panicking, you thought it was a bug. You were right! Kinda…it was a music man. Though your fight-or-flight response was to curl up to DJ and tell him to kill it. 
“Woah relax (Y/N), he’s cool.”
And that was how DJ introduced you to the music men.
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girl-in-a-bubbl3 · 2 months
Glamrock Monty (FNAF) x Reader Part 1
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AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Takes place after the fire
Animatronics are redesigned sorta
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
No use of y/n, your name is Beanie now
Will probably be multiple relationships (I love Monty and Sun/Moon both way too much plz don't make me choose)
Monty saw her before she saw him.
She was a tiny thing. Maybe 5 ft tall with long green hair up in a ponytail that swayed every time she walked. She had tiny little dots on her face, like freckles, except they were multicolored.
All of her accessories seemed to mirror the themes of the Plex. Her earrings were different. Dangling from the left ear was what looked like a Sundrop candy wrapper, one of the Daycare candies, and the right ear was the same except with a Moondrop wrapper.
What stuck out to him the most was the red, star shaped glasses that you had perched atop your head. They weren’t purple, like his, but you knew it was a nod to him.
Monty stared down at you from the balcony in the atrium. He was definitely intrigued.
As he was staring down at you, Monty became lost in thought. Not noticing when you looked up and locked eyes with him.
Today was your first day.
Sort of.
Ever since the fire that happened two years ago, you’ve been onsite helping with rebuilding the Plex and the animatronics who got caught up in the evil plans of humans.
You still weren’t clear on everything that happened. You just got a call one day from a very kind but monotonous lady who told you that your uncle had passed and the Plex was now yours to go further with, if you so chose.
You hadn’t spoken to said uncle in almost a decade. He wasn’t very interested in the family, just his machines. You didn’t know much about him and when he made it big in Fazbear entertainment, he left the family to fend for themselves in a failing economy.
So finding out that everything was left to you was more than a shock. It took you over a week of weighing pros/cons and investigating to ensure it was something you could do. The one thing your uncle and yourself had in common: Robotics was your greatest passion.
You spoke to him about it only once before you went off to college for Mechatronics but the fever in your eyes must have been enough to convince him that you would continue what he started.
And you would. But you’d try to do so, so much better.
Fazbear Entertainment had a history of violence, cover ups, coercion, and a lot of corruption. That was something you aimed to change. It was something you didn’t really had to worry much about with rebuilding the Plex because that was simple but when it came to the animatronics…
The repairs, recoding, and reinstallation of new and old parts took you a whole year and a half. You worked from the time you woke up to whatever time you would end up passing out. The more you read the manuals, wrote your own manuals, and spent time with the unconscious animatronics, the more you could see how easy it was to get attached. Something you were so unsure of turned into the center of your whole world.
You had a little apartment built for yourself that was connected to your office so you didn’t have to worry about commutes anymore. The Plex was now your home too.
You had been gone for the past three months. You missed the animatronics waking up again because you had to be in meetings to discuss the politics of reopening the Mega Plex. That hit your heart. You spent so long getting things ready and you weren’t even the first to reintroduce them to the place that they had worked in for so long now.
You trusted the handful of mechanics that was over that, but it just wasn’t the same. And the grand reopening was in a week so today you were finally back to introduce yourself and have some time with the ones you had grown so attached to, unbeknownst to them.
As you approached the stage where your colleague was introducing you, you couldn't help but feel every eye on you as you approached the stage to make your welcome speech. You had received an ungodly amount of criticism since you took over the Plex in your location.
At 27, you were old enough for people to consider what you said but still young enough for everyone to think that they knew better. You were covered in tattoos and always kept your hair dyed an unnatural color. Multiple piercings in your face and you had to always have your favorite accessories flashing (it just so happened that most of those pieces were Fazbear specific). You were never seen without your rose colored, star shaped glasses. You weren't exactly the image of professionalism.
Stepping up and standing to wait for your colleague to stop talking, you happened to look around and take a quick peak at everyone around. There were about 30 or so human staff members. Janitors, other mechanics, stage hands, etc. And then you saw the animatronics. Your heart skipped a beat as you recalled all of the work you put in to each of them.
You tried to keep as much of their original personalities intact as you could when filling in the gaps that the virus left. You did change their casings. You wanted them to be even more realistic than they were. Freddy, Chica, and Roxy got hundreds of tiny little fibers that gave them that extra soft feeling that fur would. Monty was fun because he got hundreds of individual scales and the design made him virtually impenetrable with the tough, but smooth reptile skin. You didn’t alter much with Sun/Moon except for allowing their faceplates to move and change instead of the one specific smile that they were forced to keep. You figured you’d talk with them personally about more alterations since the daycare attendant was a little more sensitive than the others.
Freddy was sitting forward in his chair, trying to give the speaker his upmost attention. Chica was by the refreshment table, obviously sneaking snacks. Nothing new there. Roxy was sitting beside Freddy with her arms crossed, examining her fingernails, looking bored. You didn't see the daycare attendant and immediately a little of seed of worry started to sprout inside of your stomach. You'd have to go check out the daycare after this.
Monty was also missing. You searched around the atrium and didn't see his large, scaley figure. You happened to quickly glance up and your eyes locked onto a large, green figure leaning against the railing on the third floor of the atrium. Monty's expression was hazy as he stared at you, almost like he was waking up from a dream.
After a moment, it's like he finally realized you were also staring at him. He quickly looked away and scampered off until you could no longer see where he was. You made a mental note to check on him later as well.
“Welcome our new Director, Beanie!”
That was your cue. You stepped on up with a large smile and took the microphone. “It’s so nice to see you all, especially our animatronic friends! We’ve all worked so hard to be here right now. It’s been two long years and a lot of dedication.”
The rest of your speech was pretty generic but you still tried to be as inspiring as possible. You truly did have the biggest sense of pride looking around the Plex and it definitely reflected in your voice. So no matter what you said, the promise of the future reflected in your voice.
After everything was over and employees started to disperse, you couldn’t get the absent animatronics out of your mind. You excused yourself from the last bit of conversation and headed off towards the Daycare.
You were a little nervous since this was your first time meeting the Daycare Attendant but only because you definitely had a soft spot for the twins. Something about their presence was enough to hide the past trauma that always presented itself to the forefront of your brain at the worst times.
You worked so hard to make sure the daycare would be up to their standards when they returned to it. It was the area you spent the most time in. Fortunately enough, the fire didn’t touch their room. You decided to keep it exactly as they had it but you did add a furniture catalog so they could request anything extra that they needed. You knew your uncle never gave any of them that option.
You entered the daycare lobby and briefly marveled at the familiar bronze statue of Sun and Moon in the center. It was one of your favorite pieces that was a part of the daycare so of course you kept it.
You decided to use the normal entrance instead of the ultra fun slide that the kids would eventually use once the Plex reopened. You’d definitely tested it out more times than you could count when you were unaccompanied so you figured you could use the main entrance for now.
Approaching the large, wooden doors you stood for a moment and took a deep breath. Before you could even reach for the handle, the door in front of you flew open and in front of you stood a lanky, 7 ft tall, sun themed animatronic.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Hi guys!! So sorry this chapter is so incredibly long. I needed to set the foundation ;-; I'm SO excited to start this story. I haven't decided on what relationships will happen yet. My poly brain refuses to let me just focus on one lol. Definitely Monty/Sun&Moon oriented tho. Might sneak some Freddy love in there. Not sure yet. I hope you guys like the intro! I'm literally about to start the next chapter because I'm so excited. Stay tuned for that and another Bonnie chapter. I have most of it written but I'm having writer's block and can't decide on how I want to finish it. So sorry I keep making you guys wait for that. But here's this to fill the time until then! Much love and hope you guys enjoy what's to come <3
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chipistrate · 8 months
Why I believe Carnival will take place in the modern era, NOT the 70's/80's
featuring a bunch of neurodivergent rambles and hopefully some comprehendible evidence
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TLDR; I think Carnival is akin to Help Wanted 1 in that it'll show Fazbear Entertainment bringing back an old event known as Fall Fest to cover up a past incident that happened there, which I believe to be related to Mimic.
Theory under cut cause the it's long
Starting with why I think it's taking place in modern times and not early 80's/70's:
Help Wanted 2 practically confirms that Fall Fest and Carnival are one in the same, and along with that we got some interesting new hints at Carnival through certain minigames.
First Aid features a character called 'Carnival Nurse' guiding us through caring for Helpy. Carousel seems to take place in a carnival. And Fazerblast is said to take place in Fall Fest through one of Carnie's voice lines; "Gather round folks! Come see the worst Fazerblast player in the history of Fall Fest!"
Odd details to be in what's assumed to be a training simulator of sorts based on the other minigames. So, maybe they are still training you, just not exactly for the Pizzaplex- but instead training you for the reopening of Fall Fest. Fazbear Entertainment planning on taking some of the newbies at the Pizzaplex/Pizzaplexes and transferring them to the Fall Fest location while it's opened (assuming it wouldn't be permanent since it seemed to be a seasonal thing) doesn't seem too far fetched for Faz Ent- it's a money saver.
And if I can circle back around to Fazerblast and Carousel specifically, they both heavily feature Pizzaplex animatronics, which wouldn't make sense for an event from the 70's/80's.
Fazerblast 1 includes the glamrock band fighting off threats in space- typical fazerblast stuff. Fazerblast 2 focuses on Glamrock Chica and who we can assume to be Pizzaplex Foxy. Both use cutouts seen in the Pizzaplex, as well as cutouts using the same art style as the ones in the plex- they aren't old or anything.
That's also not mentioning how Fazerblast is most likely a new concept created for the Pizzaplex that hasn't been shown or hinted at having any prior role in the franchise before the Pizzaplexes creation.
And Carousel features Moon as the main/only animatronic hunting you down, and Sun as your "tutorial", aka they're the one that tells you it's broken and you need to fix it. With how Sun talks about it and how the DA is the main center focus on the carousel, it almost feels as though there's some connection between them and the ride, like they were the one who attended to it and its guests during the day- almost like it was "their ride" at the carnival. Though I could totally just be looking too far into it lmao
Now moving away from Help Wanted 2 and backing it up to Help Wanted 1, specifically the DLC.
The DLC with the lobby that has the huge banner saying "Fall Fest '83"! Of course I'd bring it up lmao
With my theory taking the premise of HW1 and using it as a foundation, Fall Fest being referenced in HW1's DLC feels pretty important. A game made to cover up past events having a DLC with a big focus on the most likely location for Carnival. Might expand on this point later, but I feel it's worth mentioning that the Corn Maze level, the same level where we meet Vanny/the reluctant follower for the first time, is VERY explicitly shown to take place in Fall Fest, what with the huge banners saying "Fall Fest '83!" n all.
Kinda of connecting with the last point of Vanny being connected to Fall Fest in HW1- Balloon World, heavily theorized to be Gregory/GGY's Princess Quest equivalent, takes place in a carnival and features the Daycare Attendant, possibly giving more ties between the Glitchtrap followers and the carnival, as well as Sun/Moon.
Alright I have to add this in as a brief point- we have no confirmation that Balloon Circus and Carnival are connected, but since there's a possibility I might as well bring it up;
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BC Chica is very clearly based on Glamrock Chica- the only other white Chica that may've been around during the 70's/early 80's was Funtime Chica and there's no similarities between FT Chica and BC Chica other than being white.
And that's essentially all the reasons I think Carnival could possibly take place in the modern era- but swiftly(and briefly) moving on to the Mimic connections to make the second part of this theory make sense;
The carnival catches on fire in the carousel and fazerblast minigame, Grimm Foxy is the main enemy in the corn maze minigame, and the corn maze minigame features this mural that looks like the aftermath of a fire. This all heavily implies a fire happening at the carnival and burning it down. Mimic was found in the epilogues in a burnt state that still hasn't been explained. With Mimics obsession with mascot costumes, something commonly used at carnivals, the event that left it burnt at the beginning of the epilogues could be explained by the fire that happened during Fall Fest.
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(the mural in question)
With all that being said- what do I think will happen in Carnival exactly?
As stated prior, I think it'll be Fazbear Entertainment bringing back Fall Fest to cover up a prior incident involving the event.
I think someone- whether it be 3 star fam, Lucia, Danny, or a new character- is spreading the word about Mimic and it's starting to catch on. Fazbear Entertainment sees this attention and decides to bring back the event to cover up the rumors Help Wanted style, but it backfires just as hard as it did with Help Wanted. We'll be playing as someone that either goes in with the intention of investigating, or gets roped into investigating the secrets of Fall Fest's past, and get more insight on Mimic and better set him up in game as our new main antagonist.
Depending on when exactly this all takes place, the story could be different-
If it's after Security Breach, I could see it being 3 star family spreading the word and then going to investigate after Fall Fest's reopening to make sure Fazbear Entertainment isn't doing anything fishy (they always are).
If it's before Security Breach, I could see the connections between the Glitchtrap followers and Fall Fest becoming relevant, one or both of them showing up and trying to sabotage our attempts at unveiling the truth.
And it could go on- there's a lot of potential roads this theory could go down, those are just two that came to mind while writing this
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Well now that that's done- YES I know this sounds batshit insane, but this is fnaf, what do you expect LMAO I just wanted to bring a new perspective to the table since everyone seems so confident that Carnival will take place in the past- and for good reason! But it's always worth thinking of it from a different perspective, yknow?
Shrug, just a fun possibility ^^ I don't have a closer line, but thanks for listening to my insanity! It may happen again!
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muffant · 3 months
I got an adorable idea!
What if the animatronics in security breach played D&D! Now I'm not talking about the characters inside a fantasy realm I'm thinking what if a person left a players hand book at the pizza Plex and the gang devoured that shit up!
Id like to think Freddy would be a support roll, more the type to help the party indirectly. He feels like the most inclined to spell casting. Id put him as the type to do Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, or even Druid! Id say hed likely stick to the races in the players hand book, probably a human main. He's very into playing a character, even if that character is the same sweet person each time.
Chica is your major roleplay player, she would be all about getting into the mind of her character and really selling it. She plays any race, and class, and often is the one to pick her class race combo last so she has something to go off of, as a challenge. When she does choose you know my girl is Bard all the way. She's also the only one to actually read the history of the races and really get into the D&d lore.
Roxy likes playing a modified monk, (in fact as a over all rule they play with a lot of table rules!) or a rogue, she usually doesnt pick any other class, as well as loving being an elf. She's a little less on the roleplay side (but can't help but bounce off of the others when needed) she's more of a combat centric player. She loves winning encounters, loving puzzles, anything. She's likely to be the one min maxing her character. Which has lead to some fun experiences when Chica asks about how she became a Cleric, Paladin, Druid multi class.
Monty is exclusively a fighter dragonborn. He loves being allowed to smash shit up and have no *real* repercussions. However he's not actually combat driven, he's a roleplay player similar to Chica, only he expresses he can make 101 characters with out needing to change the mechanics of said character. It's scary how calm Monty can be when he's in the role. (Said calmness started to carry over to work life too!) That doesn't stop a burst or two which thankfully only results in a pouty gator. Monty loves exploring the worlds, it's his favourite thing. To picture landscapes and worlds completely different from his own. And then be able to interact with those worlds.
Sun and Moon are the DMs! Sun is a story focused DM, he loves crafting a narrative, playing NPCs, and developing the world's of his story. He's the one usually in the spot light for a majority of the time. The rest of the time is Moon. Moon is a challenge focus dm. He loves crafting riddles, puzzles, combats, and difficult choices at the party. When ever it's moons turn to take over the table all the lights go out and dark red ambient lighting fills the room. Moons challenges are to be feared as Moon takes death in the game as a real and possible thing. While Sun tries to avoid it happening all together. Funnily enough Moon doesn't like improf, he has his encounters planned almost to the T, including alternative paths the party takes, INCLUDING DEATH OUTCOMES. He is meticulous. Sun on the other hand has a half ass idea of what the session will be about related to the over arching story, have a few bullet points of required information, a few bullet points of optional information and just goes from there. He has a party who eagerly love to make their own decisions and discuss where to go and what to do.
I like to imagine that while one is running the work for the day, the other is planning out their portion of the session, always able to communicate and keep track of details together. While Sun is playing Moon is taking notes, more for himself really.
They play once a week on Sundays, seeing as that's their only day off. They play 6 hour sessions usually and go on many tangents. But they enjoy playing so much, after all its the closest thing they get to freedom.
Edit: I FORGOT DJ!!! Of course he would be allowed to play!! And the little DJ dudes too idk what their called. DJ seems like the kind of player to sit back and watch everything happen, communication is a bit hard but he's still included. I think he would play a bard (very classic) just so he could have an excuse to play sound boards during the game. Speaking of which they definitely play games in the west arcade, with DJ helping set the ambience with music and sound effects. I like to think he secretly downloaded files like leaves russling to add to it. DJ likes to work on theme songs for each character. He simply enjoys being included even if it's limited.
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'I'm not going anywhere' angst prompt with Moon and Y/N?
Ah, finally, a request! :D With pleasure, anon!
'I'm not going anywhere' with Moon x Security Guard! Y/N, I think hurt/comfort?
CW and TW// anxiety/panic attack, overstimulation, intrusive thoughts, internalized ableism, thoughts of dying
So far, your shift has been horrible. Genuinely horrible.
First, when you picked up your flashlight and fazwatch you realised you hadn't taken your anxiety medication. The darkness and constant, low whirring of machinery was already getting to you, and you dreaded the night-long shift ahead of you. You had never come to work unmedicated before, so for the first time, you were overly aware of every little sound and space in your vicinity.
Being overly aware wasn't the worst of it, though. Your nerves were already high, medication or not. You'd recently read up on Fazbear Industries' history. The fire, the break-ins, and worst of it all, the virus? A virus that infected not just the animatronics, but people? What if the virus was still clinging to the bots' codes? If it was still hanging around, are you safe? Are your coworkers safe? Are the children safe? You had no idea, and the uncertainty was tearing you apart.
You didn't have the clearance or experience to put yourself at ease. You were just a measly security guard (and apparently a janitor sometimes, according to management). You couldn't go rooting around in their code without badly messing something up. A single tapped key on a line of code could mean the end of the bots, or you. You'd rather not risk that, even if you had the clearance.
Walking into the arcade was probably what set you off. It was a very wide, dark area without the neon lights. You wished you could say it was eerily quiet, but you couldn't. Not when all around you you could hear the loud screech of the electricity circling through each and every machine and light source. Somewhere nearby was a dripping sound. Something else was making an almost morse code-like beeping pattern, barely audible. Staff bots were all throughout the area, cleaning, and moving constantly.
You badly needed somewhere actually quiet. No machinery, no movement, nothing hard on the eyes. The nearest janitor's closet would have to do. You did your best to seem calm as you walked into it, then discreetly stepped inside.
The closet was pretty spacious for a janitor's closet. About a metre in floor space, dark, and smelling of cleaning solutions and dust. You sat yourself down in the back left corner since it seemed the least likely to have spiders.
While attempting to calm yourself, your mind wandered. You were supposed to be working right now. You were taking an unscheduled break when you were supposed to make sure the plex was safe. What if someone broke in while you were slacking off? What if an animatronic went rampant while you were sitting on your butt, hiding away in a closet because 'tHe SiLeNce WaS tOo LoUd"?
Either would probably kill you before you left. Why leave a witness, right? It may be dark, but that wouldn't stop anyone with good eyesight, or worse, someone who could see in the dark.
They probably were already trying to find you. Or they did find you. You're not exactly very quiet. Your heartbeat had sped up, so a rampaged robot would definitely sense that.
You heard a bang somewhere outside. Probably in the arcade you were just in. So it was a bot who decided to come kill you? You knew what the bots were like. You didn't stand a chance and you knew it.
You hadn't noticed your breathing pick up. Or the tears beginning to spill down your cheeks. You were too busy sinking into your own thoughts.
The door pushed open. You held your breath and flinched, anticipating a fatal blow. Your gaze was met by bright, glaring red eyes.
Of course, it was the Moon animatronic. You'd read about what he was like with the virus. Murderous, violent. He traumatized children at nap time and his... 'discipline' seemed to get more harsh. Out of all the robots, of course this one would have it out for the security guard.
There was a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and screamed, curling yourself into a ball in attempt to save yourself. The hand lifted quickly at your reaction.
You heard the deep voice of the lunar daycare attendant warily say your name. He said it cautiously like you would break at any second. You slightly uncurled yourself. He repeated your name.
"Do you think you could count to ten with me?" He asked you. You wordlessly nodded. He held up his large hands in front of himself, closed.
You counted along with him with a shakey voice. His fingers raised for each number you both spoke. When you two finished counting, you realised he was grounding you. You felt a tear slip down your face, and you quickly wiped it away along with the rest.
You had psyched yourself out so badly that you thought Moon was going to kill you. That left a really bad taste in you mouth, but he didn't know that, so you figured you wouldn't mention it. You just sat in silence.
He broke it. "I'm sorry for startling you. As the closest to your position, I was alerted to your high heart rate via your fazwatch. I searched for you in the arcade area first, since it was where you were shown to be, so I took a while to find you." He spoke, his gravelly, surprisingly handsome voice calming you further. He lifted out a hand, offering to help you up, and you took it.
He was far taller than you'd expected. He looked about 60 centimetres taller than you, maybe more. His arms alone were longer than your own torso. His jester-like design and colour scheme added a fair amount of charm to his appearance.
"I- Uh... I'm sorry for taking up your time. You should probably get back to your patrol." You choked a bit. You couldn't meet his eyes. You still felt bad about your assumptions from earlier.
"I'm not going anywhere." He said flatly. You baulked.
"W-why?" You started.
"Your heart rate hasn't fully returned to its normal pace. Also, I think a patrol would be more efficient with two." He looked down to you.
"Don't you normally patrol alone?" You asked.
"Shhh." He pressed a finger to your lips. You blinked for a second. Did... did he actually just shush you? You began to laugh.
His eyes seemed to light up a bit as you laughed, and his grin widened. You finally met his eyes. Smiling back at him, you put your finger against his face plate's mouth.
"You shush if that's how this is going to go," you say without malice. A dark chuckle comes out of his voicebox. Without warning he lifts you up and holds you like a sack of potatoes under his arm.
"W- Hey!" You yell and flail, smiling. "Lemme go! You said two is better for patrol! I can't patrol like this!"
"Cope," is all Moon shoots back with.
You end up spending the rest of your shift with Moon. You hope you can have a shift with him again soon. You were so distracted by him that you never noticed the machines' whirrings, or any other sounds than the two of you for that matter. He was really good company.
Maybe your shift was good. Genuinely good.
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I've been thinking about the Phineas and Ferb crossover I came up with, pretty much, a year ago. So now that ruin came out I'll draw them in the style as well as I can
Had fun. Didn't draw Gregory's watch 'cause I didn't want to. Forgot about Cassie's bracelet
Hopefully will expand on what I had thought of for the crossover more later but here are ideas I had before and after ruin:
Phineas and Ferb exploring the pizza plex would have a blast and have this song on the background at all times no matter what (including scary scenes)
Phineas and Ferb are Gregory's age for the sake of the crossover
Candace and Vanessa would get their "busted" song number
The beak makes a reappearance because animatronics
The phindroid and ferbots make a reappearance because animatronics
Sun vibes to Phineas and Ferb songs. Moon does to but evilly as he chases a screaming Candace down
Candace survives because of Candace logic
Major Monogram, through Perry's watch decides he definitely wants to recruit these animal themed animatronics
"Sir, Fazbear Entertainment's history-" "Carl, I'm not interested in your video game lore."
Freddy and Perry chill together
Freddy has fun time with P&F. Gregory isn't enthused "STOP TRYING TO TAKE MY DAD"
Suzie is a menace in the Daycare.
Gregory is at least slightly annoyed with P&F
Gregory likes Isabella cause I think it fits
Phineas and Ferb tamper with animatronics.
Doofenshirtz is there. Imagine.
Stacey would also be there. OG fnaf fan
Ruin ideas:
Continued Phineas and Ferb music even in spooky setting
Fireside girls take in Cassie as one of their own.
Isabella and Cassie friendship
Phineas and Ferb have a BLAST in the ruins
Eclipse is confusion for why so many kids are here
If Phineas and Ferb were there earlier, Mimic Gregory would never have succeeded
If Phineas and Ferb were with Gregory then there would never be a doubt Gregory was trapped
Buford points at Monty "I could take him. Home. Phineas can you get me a leash!" kjlfkjlsd /jk
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arcadias-hell · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do one where you're a girl and one of the murdered kids from Freddy's pizzeria but a little bit older than them like 13-15 years old, and since there were only the four suites in parts and service William Afton put your body in the twisted Wolf animatronic so that's the one you possessed. And after all the years you're found by the Fazbear pizza Plex and they decide to put you on display to show the parents and kids an original animatronic, even though you're pretty scary looking and your voice box is quite broken and distorted the kids love you, but at night when you come to life you get angry and start breaking things, so the other Animatronics come and see you breaking things, they try to calm you down but that just makes you even more enraged, until Roxy somehow sees a glimpse of what you looked like before you were killed, and she says your name, since the missing kids files were download into there systems Incase you kids would show up one day, so when she says your name you turn to her and she somehow manages to calm you down, to the point you're over come by saddens and collapse to your knees, but Roxy comes over and hugs you and just comforts you until you tell her what happened to you and the others, and she just hugs you again telling you that you're safe now and that she and the others will help you and keep you safe now. Sorry if this is a long request.
hi! im sorry if this is rushed! SB Twisted Wolf!Reader
In the dimly lit corners of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Plex, she lays dormant. A forgotten relic from a grim past, she was once a child, much like the others who had met their untimely demise within the old pizzeria's haunted halls back in the days. But she was different – older, wiser.
Her consciousness, connected to a monstrous form, resided within the nightmarish animatronic known as the Twisted Wolf. With a body that bore the scars of years of neglect and decay, her existence was a haunting paradox. Hidden away, she awaited the moment her twisted fate would intersect with the modern world.
That moment came when the pizzeria underwent a long-overdue renovation and old relics were uncovered. Workers stumbled upon her form and decided to put her on display in the small museum on rockstar row, a relic of Fazbear's dark history, under the guise of a "vintage" attraction and a simple horror attraction.
Children and parents marveled at the grotesque animatronic, oblivious to the tormented soul trapped within. Her voice box was broken, resulting in distorted, nightmarish sounds that only added to her eerie presence. The children, with their innocent curiosity, seemed strangely drawn to her, finding fascination in her distorted being.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon cast its eerie glow upon the pizzeria, something changed within Twisted Wolf. A surge of anger, borne from years of torment, welled up within her. In the dead of night, she awakened, driven by a vengeful force that compelled her to break free.
She rampaged through the pizzaplex, tearing down decorations, smashing tables, and causing chaos. The other animatronics, sensing the disturbance, rushed to the scene. Freddy, Chica, Monty and Roxy, the familiar faces of the pizzaplex, attempted to calm her down, but their efforts only fueled her rage.
Amid the chaos, it was Roxy, the newer addition to the animatronic cast, who saw something others didn't. A fleeting glimpse of what the Twisted Wolf once was, a scared child betrayed by the world. With a stern, yet concerned voice, Roxy spoke her name, a name long forgotten in the annals of Fazbear's dark history.
The sound of her name, the name she had almost forgotten herself, pierced through the maelstrom of anger. The Twisted Wolf turned her monstrous form to Roxy, her animatronic eyes locking onto the newcomer. A strange sensation gripped her, a glimmer of recognition amidst the chaos.
Roxy, sensing a chance to reach the tormented soul within, spoke softly, "Y/N, it's okay. You're safe now. We're here to help you."
Tears welled up in the Twisted Wolf's animatronic eyes, her voice box emitting broken, mournful cries. She collapsed to her knees, the weight of her tragic past bearing down on her.
Roxy, undeterred by the horrifying exterior, approached Twisted Wolf cautiously, extending her arms. She wrapped her metallic limbs around the monstrous animatronic, offering a comforting embrace. The other animatronics watched in silence, understanding that something great was unfolding.
As the Twisted Wolf's cries stopped, she found her voice, the distorted tones now laced with sorrow. She began to recount the horrors of her past, the events that led her to this cursed existence. The tale was one of betrayal, darkness, and the tragic fate of the other children who had perished alongside her.
Roxy listened, her empathy unwavering. She whispered words of comfort, reassuring the Twisted Wolf that she was no longer alone, that they would protect her, that they would be her new family.
In that moment, something extraordinary happened. The memories of the missing children, long stored within the animatronics' systems, began to resurface. The Twisted Wolf remembered their names, their faces, their laughter. And as she shared these memories with her newfound friends, a sense of belonging, of unity, began to take root.
Together, they vowed to confront the darkness that had haunted them for so long. With Roxy as their guiding light, they would unravel the mysteries of their past and seek justice for the horrors inflicted upon them. The Twisted Wolf, once a harbinger of fear, had found her redemption in the arms of her newfound family.
And as the night turned into dawn, the animatronics of Fazbear's Pizzaplex stood united, ready to face the challenges ahead and bring closure to their long-forgotten past.
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amphiptere-art · 8 months
I just remembered all my older AUs. I haven't talked about them. Because well. They're not TSAMS. They're just standard security breach DCA. I've already gone on little tirades about these guys. And technically you're supposed to find out more about them in the RBB adventures of the cube. But since no one's interested in that, perhaps you guys would like if I just went on a tirade.
Down below the poll Is this shortest versions of the descriptions I have.
mechanical medic AU- story focused.
(Not in poll, But one of my lesser known AUs)
Ralph the Repair Dragon works as a moving parts and service. But is haunted by 3 fragmented souls of mechanics that died in the Plex. Sun n Moon struggle to get the medical mechanic animatronic to leave them alone.
Purrfect Thief- story focused.
you are a shape-shifting cat. You work with The gang Lord Eclipse but live as a house cat with the detectives Sun and Moon. You are an informant with the spiders web. A info company owned by DJ. Life has been simple and happy. But on the horizon a pack of dogs is ready to ruin that simple life.
Saving Waves- story focused
a sun n moon mer story. Were sun n moon were once in our lab/mer fighting facility. They are saved by a rehab facility and have to learn how to be normal Mer again. Also following the other side of the family. Who are trying to get pesky humans to stay out of their wild waters.
Warehouse AU- story / ask focused.
after the fire story were the dca, Freddy, DJ, foxy and Bonnie are moved to a big werehouse (owned by a y/n) is modified into a mini Plex (honestly more like a side road arcade that's bigger). And the dca has to relearn how to function with the band.
Rusty wheels- ask focused (lots of lore though)
a apocalypse au were a nanite Afton virus infects the world. It's cyberpunk with a rustic feel. Y/N has a big truck sized motorcycle thing and finds sun n moon. And drags them in their attempts of adventure and survival.
Cryptid eater- story / ask focus.
a Sun and Moon are Hunters story but you are a creature that eats vampires and werewolves and things like such. And the story takes place with you trying to convince them that you're on their side.
Warehouse Daycare- ask focused
a version of the warehouse AU where it's only sun n moon. The werehouse is smaller and they grow a closer relationship with y/n and a emotional support cat.
Stop you silly siren- ask focused
suns a tired Pirate. moons a silly siren. Eclipse is an angry sea captain. Popped in my head. want to see were it leads.
Creature dca- I made it for fun.
a random look for sun n moon. Has flip floped between being and basic non animatronic form to fey creatures that deal with changelings and guardian God entities.
Star foolery- a word for silly situations with no lore ties.
basic place for me to draw the dca in different situations. no major story but has lore. does occur during after and before in dca history
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pixelchills · 2 years
Okay, with the recent leak of the new Sun and Moon book canon, based on this post I wish to give my kind of sceptical overview of the situation.
Now, while I don't care about the whole "Moon was made to be evil" -canon, I'd like to point out some plotholes this new book canon has within the game lore and my own headcanons to the Daycare boys.
First of all, just super cool to hear Sun and Moon used to be stage Animatronics before! Gives them a lot of depth and a history to work with. However, I feel like a lot of people are overlooking the lines of Moon being the 'evil' side as described in the book. Remember, they worked on a stage to entertain customers (especially children) now what evil means in this sense? Probably not necessary sinister, horror type of evil, but more like a cartoony bad guy-type of 'evil'.
Now, after Sun was rebranded to the Daycare, I kind of like how they explained the whole concept of just not being able to remove the body/A.I. switch and deciding to just add generators to the playstructures. The book canon now divides itself from the game canon completely.
If Moon was not supposed to be working at the Daycare, because he was just evil and scary, and the lights had to always be on... why sell so much merch of him then? Why sell plushies, candy and have a lot of posters and art around the plex of the Moon animatronic if he was just a code in the Daycare robot that could not be taken out?
Thus, I personally have decided to keep my canon and headcanons separate from the book series all together, because it just doesn't make sense in the same universe does it 😂
I'll keep the lore where Moon used to be a good, soft Daycare animatronic working alongside Sun, and that the Vanny virus just made him glitched and evil, and instead of fixing him, the staff just added the generators to the playstructures to keep the lights on and visitors safe from the glitched Moon A.I.
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chimkin-samich · 1 year
What is that freaky nightmare thing? Does Sun have that too? Or is it strictly a Moon problem? Seems real bad if it's causing him hallucinations.
We can’t exactly say as of yet what the Shadow Tari is yet, mainly because we’re trying to figure out how to properly insert them into the storyline without seeming to out of no where
What we can say is that there is a huge possibility of them returning much later and they are not solely a Moon problem
But Shadow Tari is everyone’s problem tho for now their directing their energy at Moon for a reason, malicious or not you guys will find out with time 👀 although I’m sure there are hints there as to whether it is malicious or not towards others
The entity has been following Tari around, kind of like it stuck to her at some point in her life for some reason , she is unaware of this, but The Plex’s history and dark energy more or less fueled it and has allowed it to roam with much more ease at least at The Plex, kind of giving it energy from all the chaos there
We wanted to add some supernatural stuff into the plot mainly because it is a very big thing in the lore for fnaf and we also wanted to explore that subject as well
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monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
Oh wait I can poll this can't I?
This is in terms of giving former versions of themselves a story. These are the four most relevant ones in order of said relevance, so Bonnie, Chica and Monty already have versions with some kind of presence in other stories but none of their own, whilst Freddy doesn't really have a presence anywhere I just have a design in mind for him and know where his body is maybe.
Will this impact who's next? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see! The alternative is I just keep rotating this one Chica version like rotisserie chicken lmao but yeah I feel like adding to this history tonight so here's a poll!
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
The daycare attendant is so fascinating, I love talking about their designs. Like, if one were to build a da, taking into account everything we know about them, what would it involve?
I'm going to talk about their history, appearance, details, and potential theories behind their design, with a healthy dose of headcanon. And it's going to be LONG. I'll break it into reblogs to use multiple line breaks, but that requires I post it in unfinished stages, so bear with me.
First things first, what have we most recently learned? I said in another post that it's a theory that the attendant was originally created for the next door theatre before they were moved to the daycare full time. Similarly, we've just had proof of the existence of Eclipse, who's a absolute darling, if not at all up to date on the state of the plex.
Their arms were revealed to glow. In a dimly lit theatre relying on a light/dark gimmick, glowing forearms is both cool and helpful! But we never saw it in sb. Likely it's a conscious choice, given we see it after the plex is already destroyed, so it's not a lost or removed ability! It simply wouldn't have been very useful, with sun being in bright light at all times and moon trying for... A modicum of stealth.
Perhaps it's also a matter of battery, as another theory suggests the da, as the animatronic actively on patrol during the hourly recharge, and the first one you battle in the game, was originally supposed to be the source of the power upgrade that in the finished game is just readily available to freddy without explanation. Unlike all the other upgrades, which you have to defeat each other animatronic for. The increased power would certainly have been useful for both massively extended patrol times and those transformations, which certainly look power intensive! Booting up and switching over such all encompassing and high level programs has to be draining!
In a lot of the plex, but especially in the daycare, you see a lot of cut corners and animatronics not reaching their full potential (thankfully!). A lot seems hastily patched, from monty joining the band after Bonnie seemingly vanishes from the face of the earth, the constantly collapsing sinkhole in the raceway, the giant rubbish stuffed full sewer area like the underneath of a teenagers bed. Music man doubles as a cleaner. Moon works night shift as security (and a tva on the side lol).
In that regard, the da came across to me as very overworked, when I first encountered it. Sun was stressed and under a lot of strain, stretched thin. His barely contained mania is basically his whole character, besides his natural showmanship. He's jumpy, smothering, and basically five seconds away from wrapping Gregory in bubble wrap at any given moment.
What I found interesting was how he seemed tired. He talks about all these activities, but doesn't actually... Do any of them. He basically plonks Gregory down by the nearest distracting object (though it works against him, this obsession with having everything nice and tidy definitely read to me about trying to keep everything in your power when you have limited control) and doesn't let him leave from that spot. He doesn't speak or try and engage Gregory except to drag him back, he doesn't bother using the flying rope despite having the hook in his back. When he loses Gregory he just sits in a corner with his head in his hands. Whether he's playing hide and seek or crying or whatever you interpret it as, it's not exactly energetic. He's grubby and marked - either he or a staff member should be keeping him as sparkly as the other animatronics, and they're not keeping on top of it.
Moon, on contrast, uses the rope. He bounces and flips and jiggles and walks on his hands and pretends to swim. He's got no problem chasing Gregory into the tunnels once enough generators are flipped. He's not afraid to back off, either - he doesn't stop moving, but instead circles like a culture, muttering to himself. He most likely runs on the same battery as sun, but he's not afraid of using it. Not to mention whatever bizarre but super cool galaxy effect he can use on the hour change, possibly all the way across the map!
Eclipse, meanwhile, has a voice significantly less robotic than the other two, uses the rope, and activates those old glowing arms without a thought, despite the fact that sun and moon are slow and staggering by the time of ruin. For goodness sake, moon can't even get a proper grip on a child's arm, and is fended of by even a single torch beam, despite being completely immune to the torch and a game over if he even touched you in sb.
Theatrical expressive design
Eclipse as ring master
Child safety problems
Likely mechanics of mask/clothes
Implications of room
Chance of fazbear splurging on sign language/disabilities accommodation
Liklihood of bring connected to the Internet (not high)
Security desk barrier (they both can touch and climb on it only in cutscene)
Involvement of light levels
Human actors v endos.
Potential programming and maintenance.
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stardust-arcade · 3 months
Time skip. It has been at least a week.
Black Star continuously seems to forget to have a conversation with Jack o Moon about nova. Although he does vent to Jack consistently about Nova. Black Star has also been uppity because of Nova. Often having to drag Eclipse away so they don't murder each other. He has consistently been trying to communicate with his soul. But his only success seems to be making pranks with the little shadow.
Blood moon has set up proper therapy days. Although he does wander the Plex quite often. Usually choosing a certain area or person to hang around and observe. He has been rather encouraging towards everyone to get along. It does not mean they have necessarily been successful. But they are trying. Although Blood Moon stays out of their personal events for the most part. Trying to be professional.
Moon has given most of the history books back other than his and suns. At least until he was able to make a photocopy of actual marked maintenance pages. He's been rather depressed. Moon has removed himself from most people in activities. The only person he really hangs out with now is Sun.
Sun is still mostly an ass. But he's rather distracted by the fact that his brother isn't feeling well. It is the only reason he hasn't been extraordinarily snippy. More so giving everyone cold looks. Rather irritated at the changes blood moon is enforcing, and seemingly setting for pouting.
Planet and eclipse have decided to mostly take the time to play games. Planet is rather uninterested in the therapy. Usually skipping unless blood moon or one of the others grab her. She seems to have been rather stagnant in her opinions of everyone. Much like sun she is refusing to change.
Eclipse has been mostly just playful about it. He treats blood moons therapy like playdates with Pluto. Who has been getting more used to the giant bot. Eclipses outbursts remain similar as ever though. Blood Moon having talked with Black Star and getting the rundown that it's normal. Although Eclipse has been getting more and more irritated with Nova. Who continues to either push him out of the theater, or cause enough irritation that they leave. Or well, Blackstar begs them to leave.
Nova has continued to be rather taunting. But has not done anything else. Other than taking over to theater he does not seem to prose any threat. But he definitely is threatening. Often blackmailing over information, for threatening them with fire. Nearly everyone at this point has learned that Nova cannot be trusted. Although blood moon is holding on to the idea that perhaps he can help him be better. Although Nova does not go to any therapy.
Jack has been rather quiet but encouraging. He listens to Black Star the beginnings of his shift before he goes out to finish the rest of his duties. He does not exactly seem to be encouraging Black Star to remember stuff. But has periodically reminded him that he's got their back on the Nova situation. His mini pumpkins continue to wander around the arcade.
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alrighty then, written explanation it is because I've been trying to draw it out for the past couple of days but designs are not fun to hash out while working on other things but anyhow!
some quick notes on the celestial symphony au prior to events that take place:
So, in canon, the Daycare Division started with attendants Sun and Moon-however, in this au, the theatre and daycare attendant line started with Eclipse models-the body was made by the creator, but the software was left up to FazCo. While functional, there were some slight errors with the first prototype during testing prior to its release into the public, such as confusion over orders and unwritten personality guidelines, to name a few. As a result, the first Eclipse prototype was scrapped within the first five minutes of its activation. Unfortunately, it wasn't properly shut down when trashed in Parts and Service, and finally turned off after running out of battery within a span of a few weeks without motor control activation to reach a charging outlet.
The second model (aka the og eclipse from the sun and moon show) built did not have these errors and was green lit to be released into the daycare, with smooth sailing for about 8 months before an incident occurred. There appeared to have been an overlooked software issue that messed with the personality of the attendant, causing it to become more irritable and quick-tempered, with certain parameters stressed too much and overruling others. A guest was gravely injured (to say the least), and the Eclipse model was scrapped in Parts and Service like the first.
With the evident failure of the Eclipse models, FazCo decided to split the code into two separate AIs-Daycare Attendants Sun and Moon, who were much more successful than their predecessors. Two years after their creation, Lunar was added to help with the younger children. At this point in time, the Daycare is doing alright, but the profit isn't enough to justify the investment placed in corporates' eyes. To cut back on cost, human staff manning the theatre and assisting in the daycare were replaced with the previously scrapped Eclipse models, which was...a bit jarring for everyone involved.
The first prototype, aka Solar, is tasked with manning the theatre, while Eclipse is sent off to be of more assistance in the Daycare, which results in some rising tension as both models realize how quickly they'd been replaced and how little they're actually needed. Sun, Moon and Lunar are hesitant to allow Eclipse to handle the children due to his less-than-stellar history with them, and Eclipse himself struggles between anger and betrayal over his replacement and the fear of a repetition of his lash-outs that resulted in his decommission. To avoid the other models, Eclipse typically stays away from that part of the plex and hangs around the theatre to bother Solar and help out with some menial tasks.
(Solar and Eclipse are on okay terms here for the most part-though Solar is a bit bitter about the fact that he was replaced so quickly without being given the chance Eclipse had, he recognizes the similarity in their situations, and they're a little closer than they are with the other attendant models. Sun, Moon, and Lunar don't mind Solar much since they couldn't really find anything about his past that was as bad as Eclipse's, and he stays out of their way for the most part. They're on good terms, with Solar helping Moon with any technical issues that should arise and entertaining Lunar after closing.)
This arrangement continues for several months before Earth's arrival to restore the theatre under the threat of the entire Daycare department being shut down and all the attendants scrapped.
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crazycoke-addict · 9 months
The parallels of the funtime animatronics, glamrock animatronics and toy animatronics is insane that I wonder while the mega pizza plex is meant to be trip down memory lane because fazbear entertainment' goal is to make the light on what happened and it feel nostalgia. I feel like the lore itself is that history repeat itself.
Both the glamrock and funtime look to be taller than usual. Through the blue prints, you'll notice that Funtime Freddy and Circus Baby appear to have a child in their stomach. With the glamrocks, Glamrock Freddy has a stomach hatch where he said they place birthday cakes in there, but also a small child can fit in there like you see in the game with Gregory However, the other glamrock animatronics has that is Montgomery Gator.
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Another thing is that funtimes, glamrocks and toys get scrapped, scooped or damaged. In FNAF 2, at the end of night 5, a newsarticle is seen where it mentions the pizzeria will close down and that the toy animatronics are getting scrapped, the newspaper also mentioned the pizzeria was only opened for a few weeks. In Sister location, circus baby said she was on stage once and it is heavily implied that the death of Elizabeth Afton. They ended up having to close circus baby's pizza world for only a day.
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This is similar to what happened with the megapizzaplex. Gregory end damage the animatronics except Glamrock Freddy who gets damaged by Vanny. An earthquake happens where the pizzaplex gets damaged not to mention it seems like they were going to demolish the megapizzaplex since you see a wrecking ball in ruin DLC.
The glamrocks, funtimes and toys are corrupted by William Afton. The Funtimes were created by Afton to lure and kill kids. The toys' facial recognition was tampered which was definitely Afton since phone guy says a springlock was stolen. The glamrock animatronics along with moon are corrupted by Vanny whom is brainwashed by glitchtrap. Where there are many reports of them acting up and destroying staff bots.
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