#plot of the maze runner ????
sawbiter · 17 days
this is an issue i see primarily on ao3, and i think that even if you're a movie only maze runner fan, u should be aware;
dont erase newt's limp!!! even in aus. erasing a disability is never okay!!! not only that, but its an important part of his character and his story. you can make it for a different reason, but erasing his limp actually makes me (and a lot of other readers) think that you lack a respect or knowledge of the character. yes, this includes in highschool/college AUs.
is this probably considered a "chronically online" take? yeah. but as a disabled writer, its unfortunate whenever i see representation taken away. especially because that representation also includes mental health issues and suicide attempts (!!which disable people physically far more often than anyone talks about!)
tldr; stop erasing character's disabilities for plot convenience!
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nxwtonsxngster · 6 months
okay hear me out this is something @adoresbenho and i came up with on our late night facetime call yesterday
modern au, picture vince and jorge running each an illegal business (like dr*g or something) and they’re absolute enemies;
meanwhile thomas is vince’s son and minho is jorge’s, both work for their dads so are supposed to hate each other but they’re actually secret lovers??
the plot being about thominho being in love behind their dads’ backs meanwhile vince and jorge are fighting to ruin the other’s business and involving their sons into their toxic battle
add an hint of drama ofc, and maybe an enemies to lovers vinge side plot?
i’d sell my SOUL for this
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weepinglavenders · 2 months
This story is getting intense now
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the-fandom-queen · 9 months
I need a high school au of the maze runner gang where they're just scooby-dooing around and happen to uncover some very unethical evil secrets about the humanitarian science corporation Wicked. Like very stranger things style but less horror more goofy chill vibes
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toby-du-coeur · 1 year
pt 7 scorch trials burn out at last: liveblog finale 🔥🔥
parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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he hasn't ditched the turtleneck 😂 ig he just likes em
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yes aris that is how we all feel abt ava paige
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i feel like fry is here purely to give sarcastic commentary, from 'you mean besides a griever pancake?' on.
live frypan reaction
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love janson in all black & ava paige floating in after the carnage, the only one dressed in white
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min looks SO betrayed and hurt. minresa moment fr
sells the way be blows up at her later. this boy values loyalty ✨
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dramatically reaching for fatal wound w my cozy hand knitted fingerless gloves
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thominho moment of ALL TIME that look i am feral
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love how jorge protects thomas during this scene. hes truly adopted him
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NOO they're holding him all slumped over
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love how bren has what look to be fake-worn jeans/leggings/jeggings when they are.. very much in the middle of a real apocalypse
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jorge like i smell some heroic dumbassery that needs enabling
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hes. running into the maze again. for minho again.
but this time he doesn't do it alone
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in which newt imitates the classic tommy 'confused but slightly aroused' face
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harriet and vince have a Thing. they're both fighters. jorge & brenda parallel
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the way his eyes shift to the side and his whole expression just blanks out like i have no fucking ide - ROLL CREDITS
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nomoreusername · 5 months
New Girl (Part 1)
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:When you don't show up for yours and Aris's escape he ends up learning that WCKD truly does have all the power.
Tonight was supposed to be it. It was supposed to be the night Y/N and I left this place for good. At exactly midnight we were supposed to be outside those doors ready to see whatever we had been warned about.
She was late though. She's never late to anything, but I had been sure that she'd be here. So even though it was almost freezing I waited for her to follow through with the plan. She would come.
And as the time went from five minutes, to thirty, to an hour, to two I didn't move. Not until it started raining. 
Except, that's a lie. That's only what I should have done. Instead, I sat there completely soaked under a tree with water going through my clothes and down my face. By now I looked pathetic as I waited for someone that wouldn't come, in weather so cold that I could feel it in my bones. 
It was only when I heard thunder that I accepted that she had just stood me up on what was supposed to be the most important and best night of our lives. She made me look like such an idiot. 
Then again I did that myself. I tricked myself into thinking she was just running a few hours late. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with her? 
This is so messed up. We were going to get out of WCKD. We wouldn't have to be subjects anymore. We would just live.
Clearly, it was a mistake to believe her when she actually agreed. I should have never told her anything. In fact, I wish that I never even met her. 
Hate is a strong word so I don't like using it. There are so many bad people it should be reserved for. If you overuse a word it loses its meaning so I avoid words like that, or even good ones like love.
This time the impossible seemed to happen. I’ve never meant a word like more before, but tonight changed that. I hate Y/N. I hate Y/N for being like everyone else and lying to me. I hate Y/N for always being there for me only to leave me alone. I hate Y/N for forgetting about me like I’m nothing. 
I hate her. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her.
Most of all, I hate that I still love her, and I hate that I can't stop.
Is there an actual word for this? For despising someone who has your entire heart? 
Probably, but I’m too drained to come up with an answer. I just want to sleep and forget about this night. I just want to forget all about her forever. 
I know that won't happen though, but I can pretend I have a chance. Maybe if I lie to myself the way she lied to me I would believe my words.
♡ - - - ♡
Waking up the next day hurt and not just because of the way it seemed like she had shoved a knife through my heart (that obviously didn’t help the situation though).
I was still shivering, and my hair, body, and clothes were damp. It's not like I could say anything though. That would end great. 
’Hey WCKD worker. I’m just sick, because I snuck out to run away with the girl who I thought loved me.’
‘That’s a really depressing story. By the way, you're on lockdown.’
Yeah. What a wonderful conversation.
That meant just sitting at breakfast like nothing had happened. Resisting the urge to slam my tray on the ground and just walk out without a word. Resisting the urge to finally say everything about this place that I wanted to from day one. Resisting the urge to say screw it and run from them until I was free. 
The worst one though, was pushing down the way seeing Y/N sit alone made me want to just ask what her problem was. Ask what I did for her to leave me out there. Even if I wouldn't like the answer I deserve an explanation for why she abandoned me when I had just gotten a little bit of hope in my life. 
Seeing her wear a blank expression though, killed me. She was so apathetic about this, and it shattered my soul. Even if I did something without realizing what she did was beyond callous. 
“Aris?”Sonya asked. I glanced over to see her looking like she was debating herself about something. 
“Are you okay?”She whispered after a minute of silence. I went to lie to her when my throat closed up. She was still expecting an answer, but I couldn't even say a word. Not while she was there, and I couldn't ask why she did that.
“I’ve gotta go really quick,”I managed to say. Standing up, I ignored the shakiness in my legs as I quickly walked towards her. Feeling my heart thump faster with every step and my palms sweat, I dreaded what she would tell me. At the same time never knowing would only keep me up at night, thinking about all the possible answers. Even if I felt like I was going to throw up, I had to do this. I had to discover the truth. 
Approaching her table, I stood before her. She didn't even look up as she ate her breakfast. Had I actually done something so bad that she didn't want to look at me? What is it? Can I fix it? Do I want to fix it?
“Y/N?”I finally asked. She looked up at me and smiled as she met my eyes. By now the pain was confusion as she looked at me with such gentle eyes.
“Hello. Did you overhear what the guards called me?”She asked, holding out her hand for me to shake. What the hell? 
“No? That's okay. Not everyone likes handshakes from strangers,”She stated.
“Of course. I'm new here so I haven't gotten acquainted with anyone yet. Thanks for being the first person to talk to me,”She grinned.
“Y/N, are you kidding? It's me. Aris,”I apparently reintroduced.
“Hi Aris. As you know I'm Y/N, and I'm new to this place.”
“No you're not. You’ve been here for years,”I reasoned. She gave me a funny look while shifting in her seat. 
“I don't know what you're talking about. I just got her last night,”She shrugged.
“You aren't funny, okay? Whatever joke this is, it isn't cool,”I said firmly.
“I don't know you or anyone. I just got here,”She repeated.
“Hey, Aris. You talking to the new girl?”Harriet asked from next to me. 
“New girl?”I whispered, turning to face her.
“Yeah. The new girl,”She repeated.
Swearing that I would throw up, I frantically ran back to Sonya. Trying to control my breathing, I asked if she knew who Y/N was. When all I got was her asking if that was the new girl I tried the girl next to her, and the girl next to her, and the boy beside her, and the boy in front of him, and the girl in behind him, and every single person in this cafeteria. It was the same answer. 
New girl.
Nobody remembered her, not even her. 
Glancing back over at her, I saw Janson talking to her before facing me. With a small smirk on his face, when Y/N wasn't looking he put his finger to his lips. 
He knew. He knew about last night, and he did this. He erased everything from her. She never stood me up. They had her. 
Why couldn't I think of that? How could I doubt her? How could they take her from me? How could they do this? 
Taking my seat beside Sonya, I kept thinking about what I would do next. Obviously, I was going to restore her memories, but the real question is how?
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1nkpen · 5 months
If there were multiple mazes and stuff and Dr Paige shot herself at the end of the video explaining the world and whatever, how did people not realize she died more than one time? If everyone got the exact same maze, how did nobody notice this woman died like 4 times? It's been on my mind for too long, lol.
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bokvshou · 2 years
My ranking of The Maze Runner books because im bored.
Fever Code. it's the best book in the series, period. newtmas is at its best.
Kill Order. i know a lot of people don't like this one but i love it. I loved seeing how the whole pandemic and disasters in the world began.
Maze Runner. the one and only, the place where you fall in love with everyone for the first time. also, The Glade is my favorite location in the entire saga.
Death Cure. the epilogue is my favorite of all the books, although i feel the ending is the weakest, i'm a big fan of all the adventure and angst feeling in here.
Scorch Trials. I always felt it was a shame that the movie strayed so far from the original plot. but I prefer movie!brenda tbh. dashner can't write romance at all (or women? maybe that's the issue here).
Crank Palace. it's okay don't get me wrong, and I always appreciate more newt content, i just feel dashner could have done a liiiiittle more.
I really feel like I love Fever Code and The Kill Order so much because they contribute a lot to the world building, and makes the experiences we have with Thomas in the three main books a lot more... well, it makes more sense, and gives another perspective. and it seems very special in my head.
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thewolfprince · 1 year
Okay so got a reply from Teecupangel on something I submitted and it gave me a wonderful idea.
Desmond in the Ready Player One universe.
Now if you haven’t read Ready Player One it’s about this guy (Wade) who takes on a challenge from the creator of the OASIS, a network spanning the entire world with virtual reality, in order to try to keep it out of the hands of a Corporation that wants to basically capitalism the fuck out of the OASIS.
Sooo my brain went “oh shit. Oh shit we could turn this into AC AU easy.”
Desmond, our lovable protagonist blorbo boi, takes the place of Wade. He lives with his father and mother and a few other families in a secluded location called The Farm. Once the world went to shit, Desmond’s parents decided to isolate themselves from humanity as a whole for safety.
Now, Desmond was raised in The Farm so… all his experience with the world outside of it is on an old console that runs The Gray [Name pending], created by Isu Incorporated.
One day there’s a message for every single user in the world (seeing as [Name Pending] is the world’s default coping mechanism to a slowly dying planet, it’s basically to the whole world).
Desmond is shocked when the message appears on his visor, he presses play on the video.
It’s Juno. She explains The Contest, a hunt for different artifacts around the multiverse of [Name Pending]. The first person to get all the artifacts and open the Grand Temple will be the new Heir of Isu Corp and the sole Admin of [Name Pending].
So for a few years, everyone dives into the hunt. Including rival company Abstergo Industries and its special Artifact Team.
As months go on, people start to quit. Except Desmond because his father is pushing him to find the Artifacts for him.
And Desmond soon crosses paths with a player named ‘Subject_16’. His avatar wears clothes that look like a prison uniform, and he’s often accompanied by ‘Overseer_Stillman’, a woman who is dressed in a sharp Abstergo uniform with a badge.
These “Subjects” are people indebted to Abstergo Industries and often used for free labor. And now they’re being used to look for the Artifacts.
And one day a new pop-up displays on everyone’s visors.
“Team Masayf— 10,000 points” with a small golden sphere emblem to the side. The first Artifact has been found.
And everyone is pushed back into the frenzy of the hunt.
A few weeks pass and William tells Desmond that they are having a guest over. Desmond is very confused. The Farm isn’t supposed to have guests. No one is supposed to know they exist.
An old man who everyone calls ‘Al Mualim’ leads a young man about the same age as Desmond into The Farm. They are both welcomed warmly and with great respect. William tells Desmond to “make a friend” and Desmond realized he’s being used to try to get information out of the other boy who looks a lot like him.
But Desmond obeys and leads the other boy, Altaïr, to his console and offers to let him play with. Altaïr agrees and the two log into their accounts.
Altaïr asks what they should do and Desmond suggests a small world dedicated solely to parkour and free running. They both head to the world and spend the day trying to beat each other on various parkour tracks.
As they play, Altaïr and Desmond talk. They talk about their experience with the hunt so far. Altaïr seems guarded so Desmond quickly changes the subject.
When William and Al Mualim come to get them, they part as budding friends. They meet up in [Name pending] almost every day, and Desmond slowly forgets about the artifact. He has a friend.
One night William rips the visor off and yells at Desmond for “neglecting his duties”. Berates him for not getting any info out of Altaïr and wasting time and The Farm’s limited resources on “playing around like a child”. Desmond shoots back that he gets nothing from The Farm, not a coin from their sales nor the visor that he wears.
Enraged, William tells Desmond to cut contact with Altaïr. Another person in The Farm will monitor his account and “if he even thinks about talking to that boy again he’ll regret it.”
And enter Rebecca and Shaun. They are told to be around Desmond 24/7 and report everything back to William.
Desmond initially distrusts the two but Rebecca calls up Altaïr for him and scrubs the recorded footage, winking and claiming there must be some sort of malfunction in Desmond’s terribly old, like seriously how do you use this Desmond it’s fucking ancient equipment.
Shaun mostly sticks to his own thing and doesn’t bother Desmond.
And then one day, the three make a breakthrough. Shaun figures out the meaning of first message Juno left, Rebecca hacks into another person’s console, and Desmond is told where the first Artifact is located.
And then an SOS comes. But it’s delivered to Desmond instead of his father on accident.
Lucy Stillman, a mole for The Farm planted in Abstergo Industries, says they need a rescue team for Clay Kaczmarek—Subject 16–because his mental state is rapidly deteriorating due to the strain of constant Artifact hunting.
Desmond, Rebecca, and Shaun decide to tackle the problem by themselves (though not without a little help).
And then once they do they have a team of five. They decide to call their team Team Eagle to obscure their location.
And then, Team Eagle jumps to second place on the leaderboard.
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i‘m just gonna come out and say it: the scorch trials is an underrated movie
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i-oooo · 5 months
Spoilers for "the Kill Order" book 4 of James Dashner's Maze Runner series.
(Maybe spoiler? tbh just me trying to guess the plot)
This book is a prequel to the first 3 ones, 13 years before Thomas spents time in the maze.
The main character, Mark, uses a lot of the words from the first books to describe stuff about the airborn virus. Words like "Inferno", "Cranks" and his constant ruminating about wether or not the immune child could maybe be of some help to find a cure.
I will be shocked and confused if he doesn't end up working for or being part of founding WICKED.
PS: Also low-key waiting for Alec to turn against them in a gorey rage from the virus. Any moment now 😓 Like some grand finale
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weepinglavenders · 2 months
I just had a really mean idea for the Fanfiction
This is what happens when you don’t draw out a plot before you start posting chapters💪
Maybe Safe haven is false advertising now
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elibeeline · 4 months
Also hot take apparently but whoever's playing Haymitch in the new hunger games movie should be a 🤏 lil bit fugly right? Everyone's fancasting finnick lookalikes but i dont think that suits his character
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alittleemo · 5 months
btw i want to say if they do actually reboot the maze runner i will straight up rip the heart out of a Hollywood exec and eat it on hollywood boulevard . absolutely unforgivable.
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nomoreusername · 8 months
Well Played
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:After the betrayal you turn the tables around to show what that word really means.
This killed me to do. It hurts more than what I had been forced to do to Thomas. Thomas hadn't been in love with me. She was or is. Even worse, she seemed to genuinely understand why we did what we did. She didn't get angry or upset even when I told her about the kiss with Teresa, in hopes that she would break it off herself.
“Aris?”She asked, joining me away from the group. I didn't say anything as I avoided looking at her. I swear that I’m going to be sick. I never wanted to do anything like this, ever.
But I had to. It was part of the plan that I didn't have a choice in.
“I like you, Y/N,”I started, choking on the words.
“I would hope so,”She joked, making the guilt so much worse.
“Listen. You're really cool. You're really great to be around. You're nice and smart and funny, and I really like hanging out with you,”I got out.
“Look at me,”She suddenly demanded. I didn't have it in me to do that as I stared at the ground. “Aris, look at me. If you're going to break up with me look me in the eyes while you do it.”
“I really like being around you. I honestly do, and I didn't want to from the start. I really, really didn't want to, but I didn't have a choice. I like you-”
“What I’m asking is simple. Look at me while you break my heart,”She repeated, sounding unusually calm. Taking a breath and blinking away tears, I finally did to see that she was completely stone faced.
“Say it,”She said, gesturing for me to continue.
“You’re great, but I don't like you that way. I never did. WICKED made me, because you had been close to Thomas so it would rub salt in the wound. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I had to kiss you, because that's normally what you do when you're with someone. I had to say that I love you, because you had to believe it,”I confessed. Closing my eyes, I waited for something. For any kind of reaction.
“Okay,”She replied in a dry voice.
“Okay?”I asked, looking at her. Her expression, or expressionless, face didn't change.
“Yeah. Okay,”She shrugged. I tried to wrap my head around her casual response to all of this. I don't know what I expected, but this was more confusing than upsetting.
“What? You want me to cry? Scream? Maybe start hitting you in rage?”
“I don't understand,”I admitted.
“You thought that I would try and hurt you, didn't you?”She asked. I didn't know how to answer that. I had imagined a thousand ways this went down, and none of them were this nonchalant.
“Do you think that I didn't know, Aris?”She asked. Thinking I was hearing wrong, I kept staring at her while trying to figure out what was happening. “It was pretty easy actually. The way you ‘coincidentally’ became more affectionate around him,”She explained, using air quotes.
“I don't understand. If you knew then why wouldn't you say anything?”I asked in disbelief.
“Because I knew it would make you feel worse when you did something to him. Knowing you had used someone else, I knew that would kill you on the inside. Think of it as a little bit of salt on the wound,”She mocked.
“I already feel bad,”I defended.
“And you felt even worse, right?”
“Of course I did."
“Exactly. You got what you wanted, and I got what I wanted.”
“What did you even want?”
“Just to screw with you a little bit. See how long until you told the truth. I didn't know the exact betrayal or even if there was one. The theories ranged from hurting him to being in love with him. I guess you did hurt him though."
“That's not fair. I didn't have a choice,”I argued. Except, she wasn't arguing. She was just cold.
“Aris, that’s not how this works. You try to cut me, I’ll leave you looking like an idiot.”
“This is insane,”I mumbled.
“So am I though. I’m gonna go talk to Minho. I hope that salt isn't burning you,”She smiled. It looked so sweet and innocent that it was terrifying. She's just, I don't even know. That interaction just chilled me to my core.
I mean it didn't hurt her, but damn, that was unexpected. She played me better than I ever could have.
I guess we're even now, but I’m probably going to think about that conversation a lot. She didn't just rub salt in the wound. She had me wrapped around her finger while she did it.
Well played, Y/N. Well played.
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fandomchaosposts · 1 year
I've been getting back into writing again but it's like hydra, every fic just spawns 7 more ideas the moment i open it
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