#pls enjoy robin's arrival
desiccatedwithering · 2 years
we live in troubled days (oh, my friend, we have the strangest ways) — ch 3/6?
(4k || read on ao3) (ch1 || ch2 || ch4)
“Ahoy,” Eddie says upon his return to the kitchen, compelled to keep pushing this button until it kills him. This is why he prefers to be the DM instead of a player.
Harrington just sighs and asks, “Everyone good?”
“Your bandmates? Are they good?”
Eddie freezes. Is this a trick question? Was Harrington eavesdropping on his phone call? No, he’s probably just trying to pretend to be a normal, friendly person who doesn’t kill people every year. Eddie forces his shoulders to relax and lets out a high pitched, awkward chuckle.
Harrington stares at him, eyebrows steadily climbing. Fuck. Right. He asked Eddie a question, didn’t he? Those usually require answers.
“Uh, kinda?”
Harrington’s eyebrows furrow, which is fair, because what the hell does that mean?
“I mean, I didn’t get through to everyone,” Eddie says, finally remembering how to string words into coherent sentences, thank god. He shrugs a little. “I’ll have to make some more calls later. If you don’t mind.”
Harrington waves a hand, turning back to the counter. “Yeah, no worries.”
Great. Time for another awkward silence.
He should’ve spent more time investigating Harrington’s room, done more than a cursory search of his desk. He’d been worried about spending a suspicious amount of time upstairs, but if he’d known that this was the alternative—
Eddie jumps a good foot in the air when someone behind him mumbles, “Cookies?”
He whirls around to find Robin Buckley standing right behind him, in a Hawkins High swim team hoodie and reindeer-patterned pajama pants, hair mussed, blinking at him with bleary confusion. “Jesus Christ,” he gasps, clutching at his racing heart. “Where the fuck did you come from?”
“I’ve always been here?” Robin says, frowning. Which is an extremely unsettling sentence.
“She took a nap after her shift this morning, so she’s been conked out upstairs for the last few hours,” Harrington explains, reaching out to grab her hand. She lets herself be reeled in, tucking herself into his side and accepting a mug of coffee with a pleased hum.
“Oh.” Eddie jams a hand into his back pocket, crossing his fingers. “I didn’t wake you up with my phone call, did I?”
Robin obnoxiously slurps her coffee, eyeing him with what Eddie feels like is an unwarranted amount of suspicion, given the fact that he was invited to this dinner.
“Don’t worry; she sleeps like the dead.”
“Except the nightmares,” Robin mutters.
Harrington rolls his eyes. “Well, yeah, obviously, but it’s pretty clear when you have those, ‘cause you wake up screaming.”
Jesus Christ. Was she a witness or (unwilling?) accomplice to Harrington’s summer rampage?
Wait, has Eddie been thinking about this all wrong? Is it possible that he managed to earn himself the freshmen’s seal of approval, and now he’s going to be inducted into the cult by participating in Robin’s murder?
No, she doesn’t fit the pattern (which does exist; fuck you, Gareth). She may be weird and nerdy in her own way, but everyone knows that she and Harrington are connected; the whole school was abuzz with gossip when the fallen king dropped her off on the first day. The most believable rumor Eddie’s heard is that Buckley is a succubus who learned how to control her powers over the summer and now has Harrington under her thrall. (Ok, yes, he was the one to suggest that, and no one else is talking about it. But the girls who’d “overheard” him had only rolled their eyes and not even bothered to call him a freak, so who knows. It might just be getting off to a slow start.)
There isn’t as much gossip circulating about them these days, but pretty much everyone who doesn’t live under a rock knows that they’re an item or whatever. Way harder to buck suspicion if everyone knows that you’re the victim’s best friend slash coworker slash boyfriend.
Eddie squashes the tiny spark of hope—not that he wants Robin to die; he’d just really rather not be murdered himself. Plus, it’d be easier to rescue someone else from being sacrificed, especially if he’s expected to participate and therefore has a knife; he doesn’t really think he’s athletic enough to save himself when he’s strapped down to an altar.
Harrington steals her mug to take a sip, then says, “Robin always wakes up on the second to last tray of cookies.”
“That’s how long it takes the smell to fill your stupidly big house. Also, I notice that you’ve failed to provide me with said cookies.” She holds her hand up expectantly.
Harrington rolls his eyes but dutifully reaches past her to grab a cookie and move it the whole five inches from the cooling rack to her hand. God, straight people are insane, Harrington especially.
Eddie heaves himself back up onto the island, and Robin perks up and asks, “Ooh, are we sitting on Steve’s counters today?”
“No,” Harrington says.
“Yes,” Eddie retorts, swinging his legs.
Robin grins at him and hops up beside him, fully ignoring Harrington’s aggrieved sigh.
“Fuck, there’s two of you now,” he grumbles. He glares at them for a second then inexplicably hands Eddie a glass.
Eddie accepts it cautiously, squinting at the contents. It looks like perfectly normal water, but honestly, who knows? There could be some sort of poison in there. Cyanide is water soluble.
“I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you,” Robin declares, “so there’d be no reason to complain if there were two of me.”
Harrington smirks at her. “Wanna try repeating that in front of Dustin?”
Eddie sniffs his glass surreptitiously. He doesn’t smell almonds, but with his luck, he probably doesn’t have the gene that allows you to smell cyanide, so he’d have no idea it was there until it was too late. The safest option is to not drink it. After all, it’s way easier to poison a person with a glass of water handed to them than with a batch of cookies that anyone might eat.
“Uh, no. I value my hearing, thanks.” She rolls her eyes, then tilts her head, looking towards the counter. “Hey, why’s your murder knife out?”
Ha! Eddie hasn’t been overreacting; that insane cleaver is a murder weapon. …Oh no, it’s a murder weapon. Should he be running now? No, he still needs evidence. Which means finding a way to get back into Harrington’s room and actually snooping around, rather than getting caught up in giving Gareth an extremely important status update.
“Eddie asked to see my favorite knife.”
Robin furrows her brow, glancing from Harrington to Eddie and back again. “Steve.”
“What?” Harrington turns to meet her eyes, and his brows shoot up. “Oh. You think?”
Robin nods, hands fluttering.
Eddie stares at her blankly, waiting for her to say actual words, but Harrington just hums thoughtfully and says, “Huh, I totally missed that.”
“What?” Eddie asks, but he’s completely ignored as Robin huffs a laugh and makes another indecipherable series of movements. Cool. Eddie will just listen to half an incomprehensible conversation, then. Like a game of charades but infinitely worse.
“Hey! Not yet, at least,” Harrington says. “And I mean, yeah, obviously.”
Robin raises her eyebrows and bites her lip, drumming her fingers on her thighs. Harrington tilts his head, sets his hands on his hips, and says—
Alright. Theory one: Harrington and Buckley are cyborgs, sent back to the past to ensure their successful overthrow of the human race. Admittedly unlikely, given the fact that he’s been in school with them for long enough to know that they definitely age like normal people—unless they were recently replaced with cyborgs or their design is so advanced that they can convincingly mimic human growth. Not to mention the number of times Harrington’s wandered into class with his face all bruised and bloody, not a hint of metal in sight. And Eddie seriously doubts he’s some sort of Sarah Conner; there’s no way he’ll ever be a vital part of fighting an apocalypse.
Theory two: Telepathic powers. Telepathy doesn’t really strike him as the sort of power that’d lead to a person becoming a murderer—though maybe he’s just biased from reading X-Men. ‘Cause, like, what if you heard something awful, like someone thinking about the best place to plant their bomb? Then it’d be your moral obligation to stop them, right? Kill one person to save many.
Though Eddie’s not really sure how Harrington’s probable victims fit into this scenario. Sure, Eddie’s thought some nasty things about the jocks at school, but he’d never actually hurt anyone. Just thinking about something doesn’t mean you’ll actually do it. There’s no way Barbara Holland or Bob Newby would’ve gone around setting buildings on fire just because they were bored and wondered how easy it would be to get away with. (Which is a question that Eddie’s never had, for any mind readers listening in right now.) And Hargrove’s thoughts were probably just as terrible as his actions, but the fact that he would beat people up for fun is what really matters, not whatever was going on inside his head.
Surely the first rule of telepathy is judging someone on their actions rather than their thoughts, right? Because most people have enough self restraint to not give in to their worst impulses.
Maybe instead of wanting to kill him for some sort of thoughtcrime, Harrington wants to kill him because his thoughts are inherently a crime. Like, maybe Eddie’s brain is just too loud and chaotic, and Harrington can’t tune it out, so murder is the only option if he wants to ever have peace again. He’s heard the kids mention Harrington’s headaches in hushed, secretive voices. And if they’re Eddie-induced headaches, then obviously they’d want to help Harrington kill him. He doesn’t have any illusions about where their loyalties lie first and foremost.
Can you hear me? Eddie thinks as loudly as possible, imagining the sound traveling straight from his head to Harrington’s like a phaser beam.
Harrington scratches just behind his ear, which isn’t very conclusive.
Hey, Harrington. Harrington. Harrington. Are you listening?
Harrington jolts and snaps his fingers. Is that a yes? He pulls something out of his pocket—probably a switchblade—and says, “Oh, hey, Rob, I got you an ornament for the tree.” He tosses it over to her, and she lets out a delighted gasp.
“Holy shit, Steve,” she says with actual human words, “he’s beautiful. Where did you find him?”
“At the thrift store,” he says, pleased as punch. “The woman who owns it gave him to me for free.”
“God, who would put a treasure like this at the thrift store?”
Harrington shrugs. “Some people have no taste.”
“What is it?” Eddie asks, leaning closer.
Robin hold it up so he can see better, and Eddie is confronted with the most fucked up Rudolph he’s ever seen. Honestly, it probably wouldn’t be recognizable as any sort of animal, let alone a reindeer, if not for the bright red nose on its sorry excuse for a head.
“Fuck, that’s incredible,” he breathes, reaching for it without thinking.
Harrington preens.
“Don’t even think about stealing him, Munson,” Robin growls, clutching melty Rudolph to her chest protectively and hopping off the counter to put some distance between them. “I’d fight to the death for him.”
He holds his hands up placatingly. “I wouldn’t dare, Buckley.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” Harrington starts, glancing at Eddie. “I didn’t want the kids to see this, so—” Harrington turns away, rooting through one of the cabinets for his sacrificial blade.
Does Eddie have time to make a run for it? He takes a surreptitious glance towards the doorway, only to find Robin oh-so-coincidentally in between him and his path to freedom.
So this is how it ends. Stabbed to death, throat slit in Steve Harrington’s kitchen at the tender age of nineteen.
He’s had a good run of it. Sure, he’s failed to graduate from high school twice, and he’s about to die a virgin, murdered by his crush, but— Yeah, he doesn’t have an end to that sentence. This whole thing absolutely blows.
“Here you go!” Harrington says brightly, spinning around with all the enthusiasm of a hyper puppy.
It’s genuinely unfair that he still looks this unfathomably hot when he’s literally stretching his arms forward to stab Eddie in the gut with—
Eddie frowns. Unusual weapon choice.
“What is that?”
Harrington rolls his eyes, propping one hand on his hip. The other gives the thing he’s holding a little jiggle. “Maybe you’ve never gotten a gift before, but the whole point is that you don’t know what it is until you unwrap it.” Then a second later, he winces. “Shit, that was— Sorry.”
“I thought we weren’t exchanging presents,” Eddie says warily.
Harrington shrugs. “I wasn’t going to invite you over and then force you to get me something, dude. That’d be a dick move.”
Dumbfounded, Eddie takes the present. He shakes it automatically; Harrington snorts but doesn’t protest the investigation. Nothing rattles, and it feels solid. Eddie’s fairly certain that it’s a book rather than something deadly. He still holds his breath as he breaks the seal of the tape, slowly peeling the paper away.
“Oh,” he breathes, blinking rapidly like that might change what he’s looking at.
“Do you like it?” Harrington asks, anxiety clear in his voice. Eddie’s fairly certain that he’s wringing his hands right now, though he can’t manage to actually look at him to check. “Will said it was published this year, but if you already bought it for yourself, I have the receipt, so you could get something else. Sorry, I don’t really know what you like other than Dungeons and—”
“Uh, no,” he croaks. “I mean, this is— I don’t have it yet. Didn’t. I—” Jesus, he feels like he’s going to vomit. He makes the mistake of glancing up, catching sight of Harrington, yes, wringing his hands, brow furrowed, putting on an Oscar worthy show of concern, and—
“I have to go call Gareth bye,” Eddie blurts, words probably unintelligible with how fast he spits them out. He darts for the stairs before Harrington has a chance to react.
“Gareth, he bought me Unearthed Arcana,” Eddie hisses the second the line connects.
“Um. Gareth, it’s for you,” a woman who is very much not Gareth says hesitantly. She hasn’t even bothered to cover the receiver, which is rude, frankly. “Some weirdo talking about digging? Dirt? I don’t know.”
There’s a muffled, “Oh, Jesus Christ,” and then Gareth says, “Yes?”
“Gareth, it’s me, your friend Eddie who is not a ghost yet but will be soon.”
He sighs, like dealing with Eddie in mortal peril is the greatest hardship of his life. “Yeah, I figured. It’s been, like, fifteen minutes; what could you possibly be having an issue about already? You freaked out my cousin.”
“Unearthed Arcana,” Eddie repeats. “Harrington bought a D&D book. Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Yes, I am aware of what ‘D&D’ stands for,” Gareth says drily.
“He bought a D&D book for me.”
Gareth lets out a low whistle. “Shit, now I kinda wish I was invited. Seems like a better party than my family’s having right now. Do you think I could’ve gotten a new drum out of him?”
“You are not helpful,” Eddie says, gritting his teeth.
“Oh, sorry. It’s so tragic that a cute boy bought you the book you’ve been whining about for months. Do you think you’ll manage to survive this ordeal?”
“Do you have memory issues? Obviously not because he’s planning to murder me.”
“Why would he buy you a present before killing you?”
“It’s actually for the kids, and he just gave it to me to lull me into a false sense of security? Or maybe his deity requires happy sacrifices. I don’t know! I’m not in his head!”
Gareth sighs again and asks, “Why am I the one who keeps having to deal with you?”
“Because you’re my nearest and dearest friend,” Eddie replies, voice saccharine.
Gareth scoffs.
“And because I didn’t want to piss off Jeff's mom, and Frank would just get me even more riled up. I need to keep a level head if I want to make it out of here alive.”
“This is you keeping a level head?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Eddie shrieks.
“God, I hate being one of the only sensible people you know,” Gareth groans.
Eddie rolls his eyes. Like he’s not sensible. What does Gareth even know? He— Holy shit what is that?
“Hold that thought,” Eddie says, though he honestly doesn’t know what Gareth was just saying, so it might not have been a thought that merits holding. Much more important at the moment: “I’m being stared at by some sort of demon.”
“It’s like some sort of fucked up cat?”
“Fucked up how?”
“I don’t know, it’s just creepy? And it’s staring directly into my soul. Like, you know that awful lemur that you had to do a project on? The one you complained about for weeks because you said it was giving you nightmares?”
“You said you would never bring it up again!”
“Well, anyway, picture that in cat form and then increase its evilness by approximately a thousand percent, and you might have a decent idea of what I’m looking at right now.”
“Christ, and this lives in his house?”
“Apparently. Unless it crawled in through whatever portal to hell he’s planning to shove me through.”
The sudden knock on the door would’ve given him a heart attack if it hadn’t been the familiar tap-tap-tap-tap, tap-tap pattern that the freshmen are always using. God, they’ve conditioned him, like one of Pavlov’s dogs salivating when it hears a bell. Have they trained him in other ways that he just hasn’t noticed yet?
“Uh, hey,” Robin says, hovering awkwardly just outside the room.
“Gare, I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” He just barely catches himself before saying hopefully.
“You really don’t have to. I—”
Eddie sets the phone down, then turns just enough so that he can face Robin while keeping the demon in his peripheral vision.
“Are you ok?” Robin asks and then gives him exactly zero seconds to answer. “Listen, I told the dingus down there that he shouldn’t buy you a present because it would make things awkward, but he’s, like, infuriatingly stubborn when he gets an idea in his head. So I get it. Or, I think I do. I don’t actually know what upset you, exactly. Is he coming on too strong? Or is buying books for a DM after they hit high school some sort of, like, nerd faux pas?”
“What? No, it’s not. Why would—?”
“Look, I don’t know what Steve did to you in high school, but I can promise that he’s not trying to buy your forgiveness or, like, flaunt his wealth or anything like that. He really does just genuinely enjoy getting people gifts. And I think it makes him feel better to use his Pawn Fund to make other people happy. Otherwise it just sits around, collecting dust and making him miserable.”
“Pawn Fund?”
“My name for it, not his. His asshole dad cut him off as soon as he graduated high school. But his mom and dad have… issues, so whenever his mom wants to piss his dad off, she sends Steve money. It’s fucked up and manipulative, but at least it means that Steve can spoil the kids at holidays.”
“Right,” Eddie says faintly.
“If it helps, you can just think of it like a gift he’s giving the kids, with you as his middle man or puppet or something.” She winces. “Ok, phrasing it like that makes it sound bad, but you get what I mean!”
Eddie honestly isn’t sure that he does. “I— Sorry, I can’t focus. Are you aware there’s some sort of hellcat in here?
Robin follows his line of sight, then lets out a horrified gasp. “Oh, Steve’s gonna kill you for insulting his baby.”
Fuck, what Eddie wouldn’t give for the ability to summon his DM poker face in times of crisis.
Whatever expression he makes sends Robin backpedaling furiously: “Kidding! Steve doesn’t have a violent bone in his body. Unless you threaten to hurt the kids, and then he’ll hit you with a car. But there were extenuating circumstances there, and he didn’t, like, enjoy it. Honestly, I think it sucked for him because getting into a car crash when you already have a concussion can’t be fun. But if he hadn’t, the kids and Nancy would be, like, definitely dead, so—” She finally stops for a breath and seems to take note of the fact that whatever that was didn’t help the situation even remotely.
“Okaaay,” she says, eyes darting around the room. She claps once. “Forget literally everything I just said! The point is that whatever you think you know about Steve, you’re wrong. I know what he and his friends used to be like in school, and I know what all the nerds and outcasts thought of him. But he’s nothing like that, ok? He’s honestly the best person I’ve ever met, so if all this—” She gestures at all of him “—is because of your preconceived notions about Steve? Knock it the fuck off. I’ll kill you before I let you hurt my soulmate.”
“Um. Noted,” Eddie says, because that honestly feels like the only safe response he could give.
“Ok, great!” Robin claps again and grins at him. “Now that that’s sorted, you should come back to the party. Steve just heard through the walkie chain that Mike is finally off his phone date, so the kids are actually on their way now. Come on. You, too, Keys.”
Eddie watches as the hellcat jumps down from the bed and trots over to Robin. “Harrington’s cat is named Keys.”
“Her legal name is Carmilla—”
“Like the vampire?”
“Yep.” Robin scoops the cat up, and she immediately perches on her shoulder like some sort of bizarre gargoyle. “But Steve has a friend in Indianapolis named Camilla—without the r—and he thought it’d be weird for her. Which she thought was weird, since she’s never been to his house and never plans to, so why would it matter, right? But Steve thought it’d be an issue or whatever, so we usually call her nicknames. I like Keys—or Car Keys—because I think it’s hilarious that she always tries to steal Steve’s keys to stop him from going to work.”
“Right,” Eddie says again. “Why not just name her something else?”
“Because she was pretty feral when he first got her and kept biting him hard enough to draw blood.”
Robin frowns at him. “You still seem weird.”
“I’m not being weird!”
She gives him an unimpressed look. “I watched you pour an entire glass of water into a plant.”
“It looked dry!” It did not. It was probably the most vibrant and colorful thing in this awful house.
“A fake plant.”
Ah. Well, that would explain why the water just conspicuously pooled on top of the soil. He curls his shoulders in, tugging some hair across his face in a futile attempt to hide his blush. “Oh.”
“So, again, why are you being weird?”
“I’m always weird?” Eddie gestures to himself. “Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson, remember?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, you’re bizarre and off-putting; we get it. What’s actually up, though?”
She tries to set him on fire with her mind.
“Fine! I just— Has Harrington been replaced by a pod person or something?”
“Ugh, is he doing that thing where he doesn’t want to seem like a bully, but he overcorrects and is way too agreeable and it’s creepy?” Once again, she doesn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll deal with it. Now come back downstairs.”
Eddie casts one last forlorn look around the room, then trudges after Robin. Next time he’s in here, he will actually investigate. No more panicked phone calls to Gareth. But for now, he has to try to act normal around Harrington to assuage Robin’s suspicions. So once more unto the breach. He can do this.
(ch4 on ao3 or tumblr)
If you haven't read Do You Mind? (will you mind?) by GreenQueenofClubs (the fic where Steve is a telepath and Eddie's brain is too loud for him to tune it out), I'd highly recommend it!!
45 notes · View notes
luveline · 11 months
hi jade! can I make a request for kbd au, maybe one of the girls gets sick or is in the hospital and Steve and r trying to take care of her and the other girls but are worried themselves. pls ignore if you don’t like this love your writing:)))
ty for requesting! ily i hope this is ok ♡ kisses before dinner —you and beth spend some time in the hospital. mom!reader, 1.5k
Bethie looks up in your lap with red-rimmed eyes, her eyelids puffy. They look so sore. You bring your hand up to touch her cheek. 
“When's everyone coming back?” 
You lean back in her hospital bed and pull her against your chest. “Soon, baby. So soon. Are you missing everyone?” 
“Yeah. Avery said, um, that she would let me,” —she rubs her little nose into your collar— “sleep in her bed with her when I go home.” 
Bethie will be sleeping in your bed for a while so you can keep an eye on her, but you let her believe it because she sounds very eager. 
For now, you aren't sure when she'll be going home, but certainly not tonight. She's having trouble breathing at night, and her skin warms yours with the intensity of a space heater. “You're not enjoying our big sleepover?” you ask. Four days and counting, you've slept here every night in chairs slumped over her lap or briefly in the foldout cot beside her. 
She was too sick to remember the first two days, but now she's getting better she's realised you're doing something strange together, and she may be poorly, but she seems particularly pleased to have your undivided attention. “I love it!” she says in a rush, prompting a wracking cough into your shirt. You rub her back. “Sorry.” 
“If you need to cough, you do it, baby.” You bring a tissue up to her mouth and clean away the spittle. “Don't be sorry. Cough all over me.” 
You hold her close. You didn't need Steve to tell you to take care of her to do it, but you can't get the memory of the run up to Beth's hospital stay out of your head.
I think– I think we need to take her to Urgent Care. His sickly terror, but his surety, too. Steve was gonna make whatever decision he needed to and you couldn't have stopped him (and wouldn't want to). By the time you called Robin to watch the others, your girl getting sicker and sicker, Beth couldn't keep her eyes open. 
Not you nor Steve nor Beth made it home that night. Steve, squinting with a migraine, had relented in the early morning. You'll stay and I'll go home, he'd said. You wouldn't call it selfish to want to be the one to stay, but it was selfless of him to volunteer to go home. He hasn't once asked you to leave her side. So you look after her for me, too. You have to do double. 
“Here, my love,” you murmur, bringing a sippy cup to her lips. Doesn't matter that she's too old for it. “It's just juice, don't worry. No more medicine.” 
“I miss daddy,” she says, pushing the cup away. 
“I know. He should be here any minute now, yeah? And when he comes he's going to be all worried and bossy about how you're feeling, so let's drink this juice. It'll make your voice less crackly.” 
“Is it crackly?” she asks, surprised. 
“Yeah, babe,” you say with a laugh, “it's like crunchy sugar, you can't hear it?”
“What?” she asks, giggling between little coughs. 
You hold her cup to her lips. She values her father's esteem for you, drinking her juice and settling back into your arms just in time for him to arrive. He has yet to be mad at you during this time, but you're sure he'd threaten violence if Bethie wasn't getting all the attention and care that could possibly be given. The first thing he says is, “Hello, my girl, how are you feeling today?” 
You try not to rush her out of your arms and into his, but he has company. Steve picks Bethie up from your arms with the same slow hesitance he'd hold a newborn, his lips quick to the top of her head. “Sweetheart,” he says softly, “hello,” before he goes completely silent. 
Robin stands behind him with your teeny tiny baby held in her car carrier with both hands, and Avery and Dove toddle in front of them with matching grins. You slink off of the bed and crouch down, nearly knocked on your butt as they rush you. 
“I missed you! I missed you so much!” you shower their cheeks with kisses before pulling them in for hugs. Over their heads, you give Robin your best smile. “How's she doing?” 
“She misses you. Or she hates me. Either or.” 
“You're the best friend in the entire world.” You close your eyes into the cuddling. “She loves you.” 
Steve sits down on the side of the bed and rubs Bethie's back, all but covering the short breadth of it with spread fingers stroking up and down. “You look better today,” he says. He speaks softly. You have to strain to understand him. “Did mommy give you a shower? You look sparkly clean.” 
Bethie curls into him. 
“I missed you,” he says. “I miss you every second you're not home, I can't wait for you to come home.” He looks up at you. You shake your head gently. “But how about this hospital bed, huh? This looks comfy. Can I lie down?” 
Steve lays down in the bed with Beth against his chest. He looks super tired, his eyes wrinkled in the corners and his jaw set in pain. Bethie rises up to squish her cheek against his. Steve makes a kiss sound. “Aw, Beth. Love you.” 
Dove wants to be on the bed —this is a vaguely new place to her and she's a toddler. She whines until you lift her up, while Robin puts Wren's car seat in a vinyl chair and sets about unclicking her straps.
“Is she feeling better?” Avery asks, holding up her hands. 
You walk into her outstretched arms. “She is. Not one hundred percent better, but better. She just needs to stay a little bit longer.” 
“How long?” 
“What did the doctor say this morning, Beth?” you ask with a smile. “Just one more night for checks. Then hopefully tomorrow we can all go home.” 
It takes a while to get everyone settled. Robin sits in one of the chairs and you the other, Wren placed in her car carrier to your left. Avery climbs into your lap, and you find no reason to dissuade her from sprawling backwards, her head under your chin. Steve hugs Beth with a palpable relief about him, though he holds Dove's hand when the smaller girl insists. It's surprisingly peaceful. There's nothing to do but wait for your girl to get better. 
“I missed you,” Steve says again, Beth hanging on his every word, “I can't remember the last time you spent so long away from home. Are you and mommy having a good time?” 
“My–” Beth struggles for words, her chest giving a weak wheeze, “my voice is funny.” 
“You think so?” He brings his legs up, eyes closing as Beth does the same. “Sounds the same to me.” 
You can't miss the way he's hugging her. You've never seen him so relieved. It lingers in his every touch, every word he says, even as he makes his silly jokes. 
Steve spends at least ten minutes like that laying with them before he looks up. “Ave, you still need the bathroom?” 
Avery jolts. “Thanks for reminding me!” She springs up on her feet. “Mom, will you come with me?” 
“Sure I will.” You stand with her, giving Wren a quick glance over before sidling up to the side of the bed. Steve looks up at you funny. “Steve?” 
You lean down to his ear. “Honey, will you stay with Beth tonight? Just so I can see the baby? I can't stand being away from Beth when she's sick, but I'm really worrying about her,” you whisper. 
Steve's eyes widen. “Are you sure?” 
He's not stupid. He knows what you're doing. 
You nod quickly. You could say a lot of things to him —of course I'm sure, you should've stayed two days ago, you've been so good letting me be here with her— but Avery tugs on your hand, winging, and you only have time to touch Beth's back. She'll be in good hands. 
Beth is upset to see you go that night, but she missed her dad. Steve hugs each of the girls in turn while Beth lays tucked in bed, even Robin, who laughs and complains about his touchiness and how it gets worse every year. You wait with them in your coat for your turn, sick to your stomach.
“I'll call you before nine,” he promises, squeezing you tightly. “You did such a good job, Y/N.” 
“...What, no joke about leaving it to the pro?” 
“I'm being thoughtful.” Steve kisses you, hugs you again, kisses you a second time. He can't decide what he's doing. “I love you. I'll see you in the morning.” 
You kiss his cheek. It takes you another fifteen minutes to leave, busy making Bethie promises. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you so much, brave girl, your dad's gonna take the best best best care of you ever. And then we're gonna spend the next week in bed so we can stop missing each other so much. 
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spookykoolkat · 1 year
Plus Size!Metalhead!Reader x Eddie Munson smut idiots to lovers!
The reader is Robin’s best friend and has just moved back to Hawkins after studying abroad.
When she returns she is introduced to everyone and quickly becomes part of the gang. Eddie quickly falls for her as the two have quite a lot in common, however, he doesn’t act on his feelings as he thinks the reader is Robin’s girlfriend. Little does he know she has major feelings for him as well but she thinks him and Steve are together. Eventually they are forced to bunk together on a camping trip (orchestrated by Steve and Robin who have been dying for the two to finally admit their feelings) at first things are awkward between the two but they soon heat up into something neither of them expected.
the cabin in the woods - e.m. request*
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an: just a story i tried to convey the best, about two very confused adults who don't really know how to communicate! i hope this does your idea justice it took me FOREVER i'm so sorry 😭 and its so long omg this is my longest work ever PLS I HOPE ITS NOT BORING THANK U FOR SENDING UR REQUESTS I LOVE THEM 🩷🩷 i'm also doing requests for kinktober if anyone wants to send them in :p thank u everyone to all of ur love on all of my fics u dont even Know how much it means to me 🥹
wc: 10.4K
warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of mutual pining, explicit thoughts, mentions of eddie and you wishing the other weren't gay, lots of mentions of sexualities, miscommunication, porn with a plot, p in v, (unprotected. do NOT do this), oral sex (m and f receiving), slight ass play, ownership, pet names (sweet girl, baby, princess, pretty, sweetheart, etc)
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IT WAS WEIRD BEING BACK IN HAWKINS, being back in the states in general felt like a culture shock. and disappointing. the euphoric feeling of learning and living in another country for a year was not comparable, and you promised your best friend robin that when you got back, you'd tell her all about it.
over the year you were gone for your studies, she told you about a few people she met while she was in high school, and had been with ever since. she was excited about bringing you to a party the night of your arrival so you could meet everyone, she said you were all she ever talked about, and how excited everyone was to meet you. 
robin was insistent on your attendance, getting small hesitation on your part, and she swore up and down that you'd fit right in. you questioned her judgment sometimes, especially in women, but you had no other reason not to trust your best friend.
you and robin were complete opposites, you were the girl who liked metal, death metal, and occasionally rock music and she enjoyed the oldies, harboring weird talents and interests that you enjoyed learning about. but you clicked so well, meshed together in a way where you could never be separated.
it wasn't long before you arrived at her place, dressed and ready after hitting your house first, and was met with a lethal scream of your name and tears of joy. it didn't take long to catch up, talk, cry, and laugh so the minute robin decided it was time to go to this party, you guys drove into the city together.
"are you excited?!" she dragged as she noticed your fingers tap against your faded gray jeans that were maybe two sizes too bog, hanging low on your hips with the help of a belt. 
"i'm fucking nervous." you admitted and ran your fingers through your hair.
"for what? dude, these are not people who need to be impressed. they're going to love you and i know it!" she exclaimed.
it was a bit before they drove past buildings, and turned into nothing until they pulled into a trailer park. 
“eddie’s trailer was the destination party zone tonight, so, yeah.” robin said as she parked next to a van, presumably eddie’s. you weren’t one to judge a single person, especially not one you didn’t know, so you just nodded with a smile and stepped out of the car. 
you adjusted your black tank top that, unlike your jeans, was maybe two sizes too small and hugged the curves and rolls of your body.
you liked the way you looked, your wrists covered in bracelets with studs and beads on them, your hair parted down the middle and frizzy from the hawkin’s heat. the makeup you had on was minimal, just black eyeliner smudged around your eyes and lipstick that was lined with black and filled in with a blood red. 
robin was so drawn to you when she first met you. she thinks about it as the two wait at his front door, and how she was so lucky to meet you. to bring her out of her shell and be honest with herself.
she knew being with you meant zero judgment, and if someone dared to fuck with you or robin, robin knew you’d be quick to defend her with your life. you honestly reminded her a lot of eddie once she met him, telling him she had a friend that he would just love. he doubted it of course. eddie didn’t think there was another person like him that existed, impossible.
but robin knew, she believed she knew everything. and she made a small promise to herself that she’d help you find someone, even though you insisted on being happy alone. she knew it was true, but when she first met eddie she realized maybe she could play cupid when you came back into town. 
“robin, did you bring the-” eddie said, opening the door, until he looked beside the skinny, jittery girl.
you didn’t blush at the unsaid compliment, you just watched as eddie looked over your full figure.
“eddie… you’re staring,” robin said, looking between you and eddie to make sure he wasn’t scaring you off. you just laughed a little. 
you stuck your hand out and introduced yourself by your name, “i’m robin’s friend.” 
he took it with grace and stuttered out a small hey, as normal as he could but it was indeed weird. eddie looked at robin, gleaming with pride, and he tried to put two and two together, failing miserably. 
“friend?” eddie asked, looking between the two of you before letting go of your hand. 
“yes idiot! she just moved back to hawkins, she’s the one i’ve been talking about!” robin said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you inside. you give him a smile, and a look over, going with your friend. 
she’s the one i’ve been talking about. how could he be so stupid? he totally forgot about this girl he’d been hearing about. robin would go on and on about her friend coming back from another country, and how much she adored this friend and missed this friend and how badly she wanted the group to meet this friend. 
he didn’t think too much about it, he didn’t want to assume. everyone knew robin played for the other team, so he wasn’t sure if you were her friend or her friend. so, he took advantage of the gray area and checked you out as robin introduced everyone to you. eddie saw how robin held her arm, close to her and tight.
he also tried to pay attention to the groups reactions, to see if maybe they had the same idea as him. he was a shit expression reader. he was going to feel bad about staring at this girl,  imagining her in every way he could, if you were in fact robin’s girlfriend. 
as the night went on, it seemed like it got more difficult. you kept seeing him stare at you sitting on the floor in between nancy and robin, he watched you as you drank and laughed and got to know the crowd that robin found herself in. you enjoyed everyone, nancy was such a nice girl to you, constantly asking if you needed anything and if you were okay.
you wondered if eddie would come over to you and maybe try to talk to you, but he just engaged in conversations with steve.
you got to know everyone, who was studying what, if they decided to go to college next fall or not, life plans and enjoying each other’s company. it wasn’t often you were alone, but the minute robin and nancy got up to get another drink from eddie’s fridge, he slithered his way to sit next to you. 
“i was wondering when you were going to stop staring at me,” you spoke, turning your head as you sat crisscrossed in front of the small coffee table.
“i was trying to figure out, and i’m being honest here don’t laugh at me” he warned before speaking again, “if you were real.” 
you laughed a bit more than you expected, feeling it in your tummy and he gave you a pout. 
“and your conclusion?” you asked, taking a sip again. 
“honestly? i’m not so sure yet.” 
it was the beginning of long conversations, laughter, bonding, and hidden flirting. the two of you were dancing around each other, bouncing off of each other's wit and casual snarkiness. 
it was fun, you could admit. and you finally assessed him, his faded metallica shirt was paired with black jeans that might’ve been tighter than yours, almost the same bracelets. his arms were covered in aimless tattoos that were small and looked like they were just drawn on from how many he had. you loved them. 
“i love metallica,” you murmur against your cup, indulging in eddie while everyone talks amongst themselves and listens to the music.
it was loud enough to not hear your conversation if you were someone else, that you were grateful for. you watched as he sat up a bit to glance at his shirt, and gave you a nervous smile.
“wha- oh, right yeah. me too, i can play a few songs on my guitar actually.” he tried to impress after remembering the shirt he was wearing, and it worked. you were a sucker for guitar players, especially ones who preferred metal and rock. 
“oh yeah? are you in a band or something?” you laughed softly, there was no way he was actually in one because it’d make it ten times harder not to want to jump his bones. “what guitar?” you asked excitedly. 
you appreciated the instrument even with no knowledge about it and would appreciate it more seeing him play it for you. eddie liked seeing the excitement on your face, the way you got closer to him sent excitement somewhere else for him. 
“i am actually, maybe i can play for you one day.” he teased and finally, you blushed.
the way his eyes met yours made you want to melt into it, have his gaze consume you whole. he was everything, he was adorable, handsome, sexy, attractive, funny, and god was he charming. he didn’t even have to do much to send you pining after him.
“it’s on my wall, in my room if you wanna see it,” he suggested and you raised an eyebrow, too distracted to remember what he was talking about and he notices, “the guitar, i don’t use it often but i think this one time is an exception, afterall you might just be my favorite guest. wouldn’t want any of my hospitality going to someone like steve,” he joked and steve whipped his head around. 
“i heard that, asshole.” steve replied over the music, sending you to laugh before looking back to eddie who blew him an exaggerated kiss.
“i’d love to see it,"
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you were staying for good, which meant you had all the time in the world with eddie when he wasn’t working at his uncle’s mechanic shop. he would brag about being the one to take over, shaking his head at the thought of going to college.
you didn’t mind though, you told him that college isn’t for everyone and it’s okay going a different route despite ghosted voices that were haunting him about it.
he admired the fact that you were so similar to him, finding himself getting lost in you when you explained the lore of texas chainsaw massacre and actually being interested in it too. he heard everything you said, listened to every story you told about being in france, and helped you through whatever hump you were trying to get over.
you didn’t believe robin when she said he was actually the only other guy she got along with besides steve, and how she believed it would be the same for you. she was right, but you’d never tell her. 
and she’d never tell you her true intentions by introducing you to eddie, and how she wished that maybe he’d open you up enough to the idea of possibly dating again. but, she didn’t really think it through. she figured maybe she’d let the universe handle it, but then started to notice the dynamic of your idea forming about eddie. 
you found yourself at his trailer a lot, smoking his weed that he offered and drinking, watching movies and enjoying the company of one another while robin was busy. 
he gave you soft touches here and there, let you sleep in his bed with him when you were too high to drive back, gave you massages, picked you up when you needed a ride. he was there when you needed him, there at any moment you called for him. 
and so were you. you really liked eddie, the feeling weighing on you everytime you let yourself take his flirting and touches for more than what they were. you felt guilty for lying next to him or on him when you passed out during a movie, you felt guilty for thinking about his lips on yours and on your body. 
the only problem that kept the two of you from indulging in the fantasies you both had was… you strongly believed that eddie was in a relationship with steve harrington. and as for eddie, he was fully convinced that you were off limits because you were going with robin buckley.
and this was the problem robin worried about.
you knew robin was lesbian of course, and she knew you were bisexual. unfortunately, eddie knows robin is lesbian but figured you were lesbian as well. he couldn’t shake the feeling of craving you and wanting you the way he has, and he felt guilty because in his mind you were robin’s girl.
so, all of his dirty thoughts and ideas about you felt wrong, and instantly tried to bury it when one night he found himself wishing you liked men.
but where was the harm in imagination? eddie was so infatuated with you that his self indulgent behavior was harmless. he knew he couldn’t have you, he knew you only saw him as a friend and that was that. but he was so wrong, and so were you. 
he thought of you daily, and in ways that were almost embarrassing. he craved you, the desire and want he had every time you were near was almost uncontrollable. 
you never asked anyone if eddie was gay, to be fair. it wasn’t your place to ask of course, plus you figured if eddie was into you he’d just simply tell you. 
you just assumed, and the way that he and steve interacted all the time made you think maybe they were romantically involved. eddie’s teasing and flirting towards steve made you wonder if eddie was completely off limits, but affirmed it when eddie would plant a wet kiss on steve’s cheek.
you didn’t know, but that was just what eddie did. 
eddie was a flirt, to everyone but robin in their group. even if it was out of nowhere, that’s just how eddie carried himself. of course in your mind, you hoped that he was at least bisexual.
you felt incredibly guilty about that too because regardless if he was bisexual, in your mind he and steve were still a couple. to not only hope he turned out to be bisexual, but to fantasize about someone else’s partner was just incredulous to think about. 
but there you were. daydreaming about the guy who sat next to you almost every other day on his couch after work, and would have to snap back into reality when he asked you if you wanted to smoke.
it was a routine.
you’d say yes, the two of you would smoke and listen to his cassettes, talk about urban legends and myths, movies and how you always felt like you could act—you couldn’t—and topics that seemed to flow between the two of you. 
it was easy with him, and you appreciated it. 
the only thing hard about the relationship you hold with him is that you’re thinking of being face down for him on your bed with your ass pushing against him. you were fighting every nasty thought of your friend, wondering how he’d feel inside of you and if he’d be able to make you cum.
the attraction the two of you had for each was obvious, so obvious that the entire group were pointing it out to each other. 
robin needed a plan. and quickly, because she couldn’t fathom another minute of you denying yourself as well as him just because he thinks you’re lesbian. she didn’t want to address it actually, she wanted to scheme and plot. better to make them think it was coincidental when really she had something to prove. 
robin felt weird about plotting a set up for you, especially because robin knew there was obviously a better and more logical way to approach this miscommunication between you and eddie. so, in hopes of setting the two of you up, robin goes to steve with her probably weird borderline disturbing idea. 
turns out, steve and robin felt the same way. watching you two was just as painful for them as it was for the two of you. thus, mission cabin in the woods was put into place. 
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you regretted this terribly. you weren’t an outdoorsy person even though the place you were staying was like a cabin. just a cabin in the woods, six young adults, left to their own devices for two days. it wasn’t the absolute worst you soon found out, the cabin was right near a lake that had a long extended pier, trees and dirt and grass surrounding you, and a large bonfire opportunity behind the cabin, right before you went to the lake.
it was more modern than anything, as everyone settled in and went around the cabin, pairs started calling dibs on the three rooms, leaving you and eddie the last pair to bunk together. 
“robin, i thought we were going to stay together? what the hell?” you whispered as you grabbed her arm to drag her down the hall away from everyone. you already settled in while eddie quietly took his things to his side of the room. 
“oh! um, right,” she didn’t think of what would happen after phase one of her and steve’s plan, nervously glancing at steve who was peeking at the girls from his door frame.
“steve, i mean you know steve, he needed to talk to me about how he keeps getting rejected by every woman, like ever. he was a little upset about nancy and jonathan rooming together.” 
she was lying, and you followed her awkward gaze to steve, when he immediately withdrew himself from peeking and behind the wall. but you heard a small gasp from that room since it wasn’t too far from where you and nancy stood at the stairs.
it was steve’s gasp, because when he rested his back against the wall and opened his eyes again, eddie was standing there in front of him with his arms crossed. 
“dude, what the fuck,” steve said, and eddie shook his head. 
“i should be saying that to you. care to tell me why on earth i’m rooming with her?” eddie asked condescendingly, expecting the truth. 
“what’s wrong with that? i thought you guys were friends. robin, she needed my advice to-”
“i’m going to ask you again.” eddie said, “why am i not rooming with you?”
steve looked defeated and he hasn’t even tried, but he knew if he gave no excuse it would be worse than a shitty one. he was also a little scared that robin would become unfathomably upset if steve told eddie what was really going on.
and so would you, so before either of the two could mutter out another lie while you and eddie interrogate them unknowingly at the same time, nancy ended up coming out of her room with a grin, 
“i need to go swimming, come on!”
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the entirety of the day you spent at the cabin on your first day of a three day trip, you spent at the lake. not by yourself of course, you and the other two girls swam and tanned as the guys sat in their swim trunks, drinking beers.
to make things more interesting, the three of you decided to have fun diving off the pier and into the lake, splashing each other, and playing marco polo. 
now the three of you swam around each other, keeping yourselves afloat to talk and converse. the conversation started about you being in france again, and if you met anyone there, if you had a french lover for the semester or if you were too busy with your head in books. 
“there was this one girl, god she was like five foot eleven and just, she was so fucking gorgeous. we met at a cafe and we talked for like a few days until she was like, ‘well i don’t really think i’m gay,’ and i was just,” you explained to the girls and paused. “we kissed and i guess she wasn’t into it so i never heard from her again.” 
“you’ve lived like ten lives.” robin deadpanned and it made a laugh bubble to your throat. 
“so you’re bisexual?” nancy inquired, genuinely. “you know i thought you were straight actually.”
“yeah i thought i was a lesbian for like six years but then i started dating this guy during high school but i still liked girls so, figured i was bisexual.” you said with a small laugh, and the girls smiled at you. 
“so, do you think eddie knows?’ nancy asked the two of you as you guys kept afloat in the water and you raised your eyebrow, looking between robin, nancy, and even glancing over your shoulder to the guys who were now smoking so you could look at eddie. 
only for eddie to already be looking at you while you swam in the water. a blush creeped onto your skin, thanking god that your slight sunburn covered it. 
“knows what?” you asked. 
“that you’re not actually a lesbian,” nancy laughed and you heard robin wince and say nancy’s name.  
“what?” you couldn’t help yourself from the high octave in your voice, and nancy looked surprised.
“she didn’t know, nance.” robin said bleakley and nancy mouthed a small sorry to her. 
“explain. now.” you demanded, swimming your way to the pier to pull yourself up and sit on the ledge. the girls followed you but stayed in the lake. 
“well, see, he kind of thinks that we’re together, like girlfriends. and well, fuck,” robin said as she looked behind you and hit her wet hand against her hand. 
“what?” you asked worriedly and saw a forced smile creep onto her lips. 
“hey!! eddie!” robin said dramatically and you looked behind you to see eddie, standing in nothing but his black swim trunks and right in back of you. so much as to where you were practically face to face with his groin. you whipped around quickly. 
eddie was watching you all day. he couldn’t help but watch you. your bikini set didn’t help him either, steve actually had to tell him to close his mouth when you pulled yourself up from out of the water and onto the wooden pier, every movement causing a bounce and jiggle in your body and sending an ache to his cock. 
he was thinking of you so impurely, so twisted that he didn’t even feel like he was being himself. he didn’t understand why he was so obsessed with you, why everything about you made him want you even more. 
“well apparently those two assholes have suffered major injuries to their legs because they both asked me to come over here and tell you two girls,” eddie said pointing with his index and middle finger at nancy and robin, “that you are wanted as of now.” 
you didn’t bother turning around to peer up at him again, instead you just watched the girls look at you, then at each other, then swimming to the stairs of the pier. eddie takes a seat next to you, legs dangling off the pier. you feel the burn of his body heat sitting right next to you, and you look down to see the distinction between your thighs and eddie’s. 
he’s like half your size. 
you were nervous, you knew that you were a bigger girl and didn’t care, but suddenly you felt like you were taking up too much space. but he sat this close to you for a reason, your thighs spilled over to touch his at this point. 
“is it just me or are they acting reaaaaaaaaally weird?” eddie asked, peeling his eyes from the crease between your tummy touching your thigh, and how the bikini bottom you wore pressed into your hip, to robin and steve. he needed to distract himself before he felt himself forming a tent in his not so stretchy swimming trunks. 
you watched robin and steve from across the lake, sitting in lounge chairs and talking, while looking at the two of you. you tried to think back on the way robin had been acting this last month, wondering if she was showing any signs of suspiciousness to understand why she had been so secretive. 
“he kind of thinks we’re together, like girlfriends,”
you were thinking back to finding out you weren’t sharing a room with your best friend, and instead the man you’ve thought about between your legs. 
she was fucking lying. 
“right…. hold that thought, actually.” you said blankly, lifting yourself from sitting on the wooden edge of the pier and fast walking your way to robin’s seat. 
one, it was hard to sit next to eddie without being awkward about his presence. and two, this would be your only time to talk to robin about whatever she had up her sleeve. 
eddie watched you walk off, how could he not, and watched as the pumpkin orange bikini get taken in between your asscheeks. he was definitely enjoying this view of your curvy silhouette, the rolls of your back, where the strings of your bikini bit into. he was enjoying all of this, and he immediately felt his cock harden again as he let himself consume all of you, and the way your thighs jiggled with every step. 
eddie could say he wouldn’t know what love is, which would be true, but whatever it was, he felt it when you came into the picture. he had crushes before, girls in the classes he barely went to, his newest supplier, a girl he made eye contact with once. but you, you torched his body into flames with every touch and laugh. he was consumed by you, his mind only thinking of ways to make you smile, to make you happy. he remembered your favorite foods, what color you chose to wear out more, and even your own childhood crushes. 
he wanted to be buried in them, to feel the way they suffocate him when he’s face to face with your thick core, spreading your lips to taste all of you. he couldn’t name a person that made him feel like you do, and he couldn’t imagine anyone else being made for him like you were. 
knowing eddie’s eyes were on you, you ignored it as you pulled robin up from her seat. 
“you were lying! steve didn’t fucking need your help, you were trying to set me up with eddie!” you hushed out, your cheeks hot. 
“what?! i would ne-” you tilted your head and looked at her blankly. 
“fuck okay, fine but steve helped me too!” your head whipped to steve who glared at robin and held his hands up in surrender. 
“why would you help?” you asked, confused as ever now. you looked between the two as they looked at each other as if they know something you don’t. 
“i mean, why would you want to set us up? eddie’s gay!” you said, as a matter of fact. 
“and he’s dating you is he not?” you asked questionably, pointing to steve and now as you understood their faces more. 
“what? no! you thought he was dating me?” steve exasperated from his seat, which wasn’t that far from where you stood. 
“eddie’s not gay… that’s why we tried to um, set you guys up because both of you thought the other one was dating us. so, we took it upon ourselves.” robin explained and you crossed your arms over your chest to put a hand on your forehead. 
“why would you think me and eddie were dating?” steve kept on, and robin shushed him as she looked back to you. 
“i mean does it seem like we’re dating? like, am i-” 
“steve. not now.” robin said curtly and you tapped your forehead. 
“eddie’s… not gay?” you whispered to yourself and looked back to him, only to see him standing behind you. 
“you thought i was gay?” eddie asked, finding it a little funny. he was amused, at least. not angry. 
“um, steve i need, uh,” robin said and looked at steve. “that thing, you know like that thing i was talking about that time-”
“just go!” you grumbled, keeping your eyes on eddie as you heard their footsteps falter. 
the only sound you can hear is nature, the lake, and your breathing. the sun was going down already, and the pink hue of the sunset coated the sky, and glimmered on eddie’s face. he looked beautiful, his curls were tighter given the lake water from earlier, dry now and his pale body was glistening with a small sheen of sweat from the humidity. 
“you thought i was dating robin.” you said to defend yourself and his eyes went wide.
“you’re not dating robin? but she’s been like talking about you since forever and the way she talks about you━wait so you’re straight?” he said once he remembered what he was talking about. 
“well no, i’m bisexual but, still like men.” you smiled.
there was a shift in the air once those words left your mouth, and when eddie’s eyes fell over your body from your face to your toes, you felt your core clench around nothing. there was something in his eyes that you’d never seen before, knowingly at least, and when your eyes raked over his body, you noticed a bulge in his trunks. 
now you felt bare to him, only in two pieces of small cloth that covered your most vulnerable areas. something that eddie noticed too, knowing that he could get you naked bare for him with a pull and a tug on your swimsuit. 
“so you’re single?” you blurted and bit your lip.
eddie smirked at the question, and stepped a little closer to you. 
“and ready to mingle, baby.” 
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it was fairly surprising that everyone decided to shower and settle for watching a movie on the tv in the cozy living room. the fireplace was lit, only because it was practically freezing inside. 
you were the last one to shower and after you finally got dressed in the humid bathroom, you ringed your hair dry with your towel and shook the strands apart. you decided that you were ready to hit the sack, wanting to get as much rest as possible before you find yourself out of breath and passing out from heat exhaustion the next day while you’re on your hike with the group. they wanted to actually try the whole campsite thing, roasting marshmallows and drinking water out of a can, meanwhile you just wanted to go dip in the lake again. 
you decided to say goodnight to everyone who was downstairs, half already snoring, sprawled out on the floor. one person you didn’t see was eddie, who you actively looked for until you guessed he was in the restroom. your heart was already in your chest as your feet hit each stair, only taking you further to having to spend eight hours in the same bed with eddie munson. 
maybe you were nervous. the thought of feeling this guy lay next to you in bed was putting a flutter in your tummy, everything felt like it flipped upside down when the confusion was cleared up between the two. no one ever made you feel like this, not even the six foot straight french girl who seduced you. 
before you could even open the door to the room you were hoping that you’d be asleep by the time he came upstairs, just so that the ache between your legs would finally settle down. but to your dismay, you opened the door to eddie, shirtless and laying on his back over the comforters. 
he sat up without a second thought, and you almost got whiplash with how quickly he moved and looked at you. 
“i can take the floor if you want,” suddenly you felt small. it was a weird feeling, but walking into this room to sleep with him only felt like it was an invitation for more. and you wanted more. 
“no it’s okay, i’m just ready for bed.” you said and smiled, closing the door and going to the right side of the bed. 
“can i turn this off?” you asked looking over your shoulder just to see him looking at the bare skin of your back that your skimpy little shirt didn’t cover. 
“you can do whatever you want, princess.” he muttered under his breath and you turned your head, smiling and pulling the beaded string until you heard a click. his lamp was still on as you pulled your legs into the lifted covers, sliding down to lay on your side and face the opposite direction of eddie. 
eddie on the other hand was thinking of what to say as he turned his lamp off, doing the same maneuver you did to get comfortable, except he was facing you. staring at your back again, his eyes went lower until the blanket was resting at the curve of your waist. he noticed where your shirt copied the and molded your rolls and back. 
eddie felt like now it was a free-for-all. knowing you’re not tied down to someone, and knowing you were still very attracted to the opposite sex. 
“steve and robin tried to set us up didn’t they?” he asked you from behind, his voice still very close to you. 
“they did,” you confirmed, softly. 
“did you want to be set up with me?” he asked, a little nervous. 
“if i tell you then robin and steve would be right.” you said and turned awkwardly to face him, now eye to eye. he couldn’t help but notice the way your tits pressed together. 
“who said we have to tell them the truth?” 
his hand didn’t waste a second to press into your cheek, his thumb rubbing over your lips to trace them. 
“you really want me?” eddie asked. 
there it was, the shift in the dark air that was only scarcely lit by the full moon flooding in through the bare window. 
you didn’t answer, you only shifted from your position to your knees, moving the blanket off of eddie to see his pale white skin, and straddle his hips when he laid on his back. your hands moved to his chest to steady yourself and his hands fell naturally to the dip of your curve, gripping into the fat of your hips.
he tilted his head to look up at you, your hair cascading down your shoulders to create a sort of shield around your face. he couldn't help but tug at a strand,making you smile. 
you just decided to go for it. all the nervousness and teasing and flirting built up to this, when you leaned down to press your lips into his. 
it was odd because eddie pictured this moment just like this, with you straddling him in just shorts and a loose fitting tank, watching your soft lips come closer to his with your eyes closed. you were so fucking cute, and he tried to constrain himself from going wild by digging into your skin. 
the kiss was soft first, eddie let you move your lips on his before he found a rhythm and moved with you, gentle, soft, teasing kisses to test the waters. you were growing wet with every minute you fixed your lips to his, using one hand to put right under his jaw, rubbing his throat with your fingers. 
you thought maybe eddie was just enjoying the kiss way too much as you got a little more messy, the two of you giving hard kisses, but the minute you felt something poking your inner thigh, you realized you had been grinding down on him the entire time. 
you pulled away first, leaving him just as breathless as you, but he followed you and sat up with you, chasing your lips. he had a dumb grin on his face, looking over your disheveled look to see where you two met. god, she looks fucked out already. 
“eddie?” you hummed, letting your fingers trace the small tattoos and the ones that lead to his manhood. 
“fuck, yes baby?” he breathed and watched you take your plush lip between your teeth and sit back fully on his clothed cock. he let out a strained groaned and it brought a smile to your face. 
“can i suck your dick?,” you asked unabashedly, “i’ve always wanted to, wanted to taste you,” 
eddie was practically already close to exploding in his pants, and you felt the throbbing of his cock against your ass now that he’s fully hard. you were sure that a wet stain would be left on his light colored pajama pants.
“you can do whatever you want with me doll, i’m for your pleasure,” he said as he watched you slide back down between his knees, eddie spreading them so you had more room to lay between him, and you rubbed at the skin above the hem of his pants to admire the growing bulge that was asking for relief, pleading. 
“you’re so fucking pretty, baby, can’t fuckin’ believe i could’ve had you since the beginning,” he said in a hushed voice. 
you didn’t take long to drag his pants down to his ankles letting eddie kick them off as your eyes stayed pointed at his cock. it looked almost painful, for you and him. he was throbbing, his cock jerking against his abdomen. you salivated, looking at him as you grabbed his shaft at the base and softly stroked him lazily, looking at every vein, every little freckle, and the waay his slit dripped with beads of pre cum. 
it was a sight to see. you heard eddie’s low moans as he sat up against the headboard, getting a view of you jerking him. 
“you’re dick is so pretty,” you murdered as you watched your fingers tease his slit to use the precum as some sort of lubricant, massaging the head. he let you take full control of him, and the way he tries to buck into your fist made your cunt clench around nothing. 
“baby, please,” he begged as you kept your lazy pace up. he was craving your mouth and before he could ask again, you directed his tip into your mouth to let your tongue swirl and play with the angry head. 
“ah, fuck-shit,” he hissed, finally feeling your mouth envelop him entirely, not faltering when you tried to stuff as much of his as you possibly could. you hollow your cheeks as you sucked him gently twice, releasing him with a pop, and smiling. 
he was focused on only you, not the laughter that came from downstairs, not the crickets singing outside of the window, only the way you went back down to take him in your mouth, reaching the back of your throat this time and gagging. 
“my fuck- fuck oh my god,” he strained, letting his hands find your hair to get a better view of your face. 
“so fucking good, taking my dick so well baby,” he praised and you moaned with your mouth still taking all of him, keeping the steady pace of bobbing, up and down his shaft with a hand wrapped around his girth, following the same motion of your mouth. 
it was a euphoric feeling eddie had, to see his crush be the one to take, or try to take all of him. the girl he’d dream about, think about going down on, was laying between his legs playing with his cock like it is your favorite thing to do. 
and slowly, it was becoming your favorite thing. your air was coming in through your nostrils as you cupped his balls, using the slobber that was falling down his cock to massage and fondle them as you flattened your tongue under the base of his shaft, forcing yourself to take all of him. he was trying to cover his moans with pants, but it wasn’t happening.. 
“fuck, just like that, you’re fucking filthy,” he said sitting up fully now so the top of your head was touching his belly button, still letting your drool and spit create a mess under your hands. you were loving this even when your jaw was crying, you liked being the center of attention for eddie. 
you released him again with a long string of spit connecting from your lips to the head of his cock, sitting up on your knees to become eye level with him, still using the spit to jerk him. your grip tightened, loosened, and teased around his red tip to watch his buck, and jerk his body to you. 
“need you to fuck me, please,” you asked politely, the spit still on your chin, your eyes watery and your nose a little runny. taking all of him was impossible for you, maybe with his help he’d be able to squeeze the rest of him down your throat to make room, but that was for another time. 
eddie’s eyes were on yours, then back between your two bodies to see how your hand worked against him, he felt the heat building up in his stomach, feeling the strings snapping with every stroke. 
before he could even release, he grabbed your wrist and halted your movements, using your vulnerability to flip you on your back, gripping your wrists beside your head. 
“so you do want me?” he queried, and you giggled. 
“no eddie, of course i don’t want you, i’m totally not soaking my panties right now,” you said unbelievably sarcastic as he moved to kiss your cheeks, your neck, licking your jawline and kissing you once more on your lips before he straddle you. 
“you’re gonna lay there, your hands up just like this, and you’re gonna be a good girl and take it, yeah?” he shifted, his voice dark and his eyes pitch black as he grinds his naked cock into your thin shorts. 
“eddie,” you pleaded, not wanting to keep your arms in the fixed position he held them in. 
“need you out of these fucking clothes now,” he said and immediately yanked your shorts and panties down, moving to your shirt. 
“take it off for me,” he encouraged and you did, reaching your tank and arching your back to get rid of it. he marveled at your complete nakedness, spreading your legs to situate himself between them. lifting your legs in the air while spreading them, eddie leaned back to take a mental picture of the way your pussy was dripping for him. slick sliding between the cheeks of your ass, over your hole and onto the bed sheets. 
“this all for me? no one else?” he asked as he tugged on his cock, stroking himself. 
“yes, you, only you, please,” you were bracing for the impact of his hardness pressing and stretching you out, but instead you felt the pads of his fingers trace down your tits, to your belly, to your fupa, and spreading the fat of your pussy lips to see all of you completely.
what he conjured up in his mind was nothing near the actual sight. it was breathtaking, the way your hair fell into a ring around your head, how your tits moved and jumped with every movement you made, the way your belly creased and curved with your legs mid air, the way your thighs looked so meaty with his inbetween. this was heaven, and you were god. 
he watched you completely as he sat back on his achilles, your legs still spread for him like the good girl you were, and teasing your clit. 
“i need to taste you,” eddie groaned, taking the wetness from your clenching hole up to your clit, rubbing smooth circles. 
“eddie, no fuck, please i wanna be full, please,” you moaned, louder than you intended, “you’re just so fucking big, and fucking pretty i just need t’ feel you, need all of you please eddie, give it to me,” 
he’d never seen you so fucking responsive, so vocal with him. he was remembering the way your voice dripped with urgency, and seduction. he couldn’t ever tell you no, even in circumstances of being fully clothed and feet away from each other. 
“just a taste, please baby,” he bargained, too distracted with the way your cunt sounded as he plays with your pussy. he was teasing your hole at this point, threatening to let you feel the stretch of one finger until he got too impatient to wait for your answer. he quickly dove down onto his stomach, letting his arms hook around your thighs and latching onto your cunt like a fucking bottle. 
“you-what the fu-, my god,” you tried to spit it out, but fuck his tongue swirling around your clit and the way his fingers kept your lips spread made you grind against his hand, moving your hands from where eddie told you to keep them and into his curly hair before he pulled up and landed a small slap on your pussy. he watched in enjoyment as it jiggled. 
“what’d i tell ya, keep those fucking hands right there baby, be good for me yeah?” he breathed, going back down to lay on his stomach, arms hooked even tighter now. Your hands were thrown up above your head, gripping onto the edge of the bed to stop yourself from yanking his long hair. 
“eddie, please, fuck,” you moaned out, the feeling of his finger inching inside you was a fucking tease. 
“shit, didn’t know you’d be this tight for me, needa stretch you a little bit, that okay?” 
“yes, fuck eddie it’s okay, just, fuck i need more,” you found yourself out of breath, eddie’s arm reaching from your thigh to toy with your nipple, watching every reaction he pulled from you. 
“pretty fucking pussy baby, look at you, taking my fingers so good for me,” he continued with the praises, the small words as he released your clit to focus on the way you were sucking his fingers, your walls gripping him tight. 
“fuck baby, cum for me, need to taste more of you,” he groaned, unable to help himself when his puts you back into the position of having your calves resting on his shoulders. until he folds you even more with his large hands, to where your knees are touching your shoulders, or at least as far as he could bend you to his preferred shape with your belly in the way. but he liked it, he loved seeing you so mendable for him, pushing your limits of how much you can take. 
he wanted you to be pon full display for him, being able to see both holes shine with your wetness.he practically held your ankles bound together to push against your chest, going back down for the third time to watch your cunt spread for him like this, to watch how you leaked down to your asshole. 
he licked a wide stripe from your clit to your asshole, licking and spitting on your tight hole to start rubbing his thumb to create a ring of spit on it. 
“tell me you want me, princess,” he ordered, eyes trained on the sight in front of him. 
“eddie i want you, fuck, fu-,” you breathed and tried to gasp for air, “need it,” 
“so good baby, look at you holding those pretty legs for me, let me eat you right,” you didn’t even notice your hands went from the edge of the bend to your legs, holding yourself spread open just for him. If anyone walked in right now, they’d see everything. 
the way you were laid for him made you wetter by the second, never being folded or manhandled this way, but as he grabs the cheeks of your ass to move and spread them, he spits on your cunt again and goes back to brutally assaulting your oversensitive bud. 
that pressure on your spine was familiar, and the way you felt tingles spread from your inner thighs to the rest of your body, even your legs going weak as you struggled to keep your eyes on his. it was beautiful, mesmerizing even the way he ate your pussy. it was pornographic, the slurping and wet sounds were only growing louder as eddie shook his head, his ose rubbing against your clit when he goes to lick and fuck your hole with his tongue at the same time. 
“i’m, cum, gonna-fuck eddie, im fuck-” you couldn’t even get it out before your eyes were clenched, your pussy pulsing and throbbing, pushing all of your release out of your hole where eddie was to lick up every drop.
the moans were eccentric, he’d never heard you this way and seeing you come undone because of him made his cock scream for touch. it was something he could listen to for hours, only wanting to finger fuck you and eat your sweet cunt just so he could listen to the little noises that made him feral.
“need to feel you sweet girl, let me fill this pussy,” he lets your legs fall from where they rested after you went slack during your orgasm, letting your feet plant on the bed bent at the knees. 
“can’t fucking  think when you’re looking at me like that, princess, do you want me to cum already?” he smiled, watching you watch him with pure adoration and desire, not seeing him as a freak or a lowlife.  
he saw your softness in your eyes, soothing a part of him that has never been healed until now. 
“please, eddie i want you to make me cum again,” you gasped, lifting your head a little to look over your stomach as much as you can, now letting your eyes lazily travel between eddie’s eyes and where he prodes your entrance with his tip. 
he took pride in the way he made you feel, how you looked sweaty and cockdrunk already. he couldn’t get enough of your frizzy hair surrounding you, and the smell of your shampoo mixing with sweat. 
“can’t believe you want me, you’re unbelievable,” he said, letting his cock slip between the fat of your pussy lips. he wanted to be covered in you, all of you. 
“you’re so big, eddie,” you groaned, feeling his length slip back and forth between your wetness. 
“you want it, baby? want me to fuck this pretty pussy?” he asked, his palm flat against the bed next to your head, gripping his manhood with the other. 
“fuck eddie, yes i need it, need all of you fuck,” you cried, gripping thr back of his neck to lift your head a little, watching your hips try to pushed down on him. 
“let me watch you take it, yeah? wanna see you stretch just for me, only for me,” 
he sat up on his knees and spread your legs, lifting them to rest on his shoulders as he admired your glistening sex. every part of you felt like you were burning up, all of your nerves subsiding and turning into pure greed for him, your want stronger than anything else. 
he pushed in slowly, softly, watching the fat head slip and disappear into your tight hole. 
“holyfuckingshit,” he rushed, watching you take him with a little resistance. it felt like a sting, but spreading into pleasure when you feel his balls against your asshole, filling you up completely. 
now, he pressed into your legs to fold you again, this time he was able to watch you and force you to see him as he ruined you for anyone else. 
“you’ve got to be kidding me,” he was out of breath already, the few slow strokes he did to the sound of your moans were to stretch you enough for him to lose control on you. 
“so, f-, so fucking big,” you almost felt the wind get knocked out of you as you feel the loss of his warmth and length, only to be pushed back into you with more force. hitting the back of your cervix repeatedly, he was lazily smiling at the sounds you were making for him. 
“oh baby, there you go, sound so fucking pretty for me,” he encouraged, letting his arms hook around your thighs for more leverage. he pushed you up a little further, almost bringing your chest to your chin as he pounded you harder. 
“e-eh, fuck, eddie, s’ lot- it’s, oh eddie,” you cried watching him, grinning with an open mouth as he pants out groans and moans from the way you gripped his cock. felt better than anything and anyone he’s ever fucked. 
“what, too much for my pretty girl? what happened?” he cooed, “thought you were, fucking hell, thought you could handle it,” he teased, taking your legs from his shoulders and using his hands to grip at your ankles, spreading further so that your legs are flailing in the air as he fucks you. 
it was fucking intense. you couldn’t make sense of anything but him buried inside you, the way your cunt twitched and squeezed around him, and just how close you were to another orgasm. 
“fuck, this pussy is mine.” he growled, gripping the fat of your stomach and waist, massaging, “always gonna be mine, sweet baby.” 
“tell me, sweetheart . tell me whose pussy this is and i’ll, jesus fucking christ,” he was cut off by the clenching of your cunt, your hole rapidly pulsing as his two fingers dove down to play with your clit, rubbing in lazy fast circles. 
“i’ll let you cum, tell me baby,” he urged and you tried to form the words, but nothing but sounds were coming out. the way your breasts jumped with every hard thrust, the way your fat jiggled on your thighs and tummy, how smooth and warm you felt under him, he was losing his mine. 
not to mention your little sounds. the whimpers, the silent begging, the cries and gasps for air, it was going straight to his cock that was already starting to twitch from your eyes on him. 
“it’s yours eddie, only you fill me up like this, please,” you finally mustered up the words, and you felt your own ball in your tummy growing bigger and bigger with the way you obsered eddie. 
out of breath, his hair was clinging to his sticky face and his silver chains he never took off dangled above you. you watched as his muscles flexed and gripped the hard biceps when he pulled you in for an embrace, holding you as he fucked you. 
your forehead rested against his right shoulder, peeking down to watch the sloppy mess between you grow wetter and messier. he looked down with you, pressing kisses into your damp hair and face. 
“look at that baby, creamin’ all on my dick, my fucking messy girl,” he was aggressive, more aggressive than you’d ever seen him and so much more filthy than anyone could comprehend. 
“look so good, fucking me,” you whispered, not even trying to get him to hear but he did. and he was encouraged by it, looking down again as he heard your labored pants in his ear. it was a beautiful sight. 
your pussy lips enveloped him completely, letting his length reach the deepest parts of you over and over again. your arousal was dripping down your ass even more now that the two of your juices were mixing together, and forming a white-ish ring around his cock. and it just kept building with every thrust, sending your pussy to clench around him again. 
your head was completely empty, nothing but the sensation of being filled to the brim over and over. it was incredible, and having already reached your peak once, to do it again was going to ruin you. 
he was already ruining you, the way he turned so dirty so fast, how he spoke to you and watched you completely. he took all of you in as much as he could and let himself watch you undo beneath him. 
“cum on my dick, baby,” he said, “pussy feels so fucking good sweet girl, don’t wanna fuckin’ pull out,” he sounded like he was slurring, and his fingers went faster on your overstimulating bud. 
he felt the clench of your cunt at his words. “aw you like that? wanna be full of me? give you my babies?” 
it was impossible not to scream no, tell him that mentioning babies was practically a threat to you, but the way he moaned those words as his hand went up to your throat just to grab a hold of you, and his other started to toy with your nipples. 
“eddie,” you dragged, crying out with your back arching when you felt your buildup finally crash over him. you didn’t even need to tell him, he could feel it by the way you twitched and how you clenched so hard you practically pushed him out of you. 
“fuck baby,” he said as he fucked your hole with his tip, the feeling of the curve and edge of the fat cockhead was a different sensation, and as he kept fucking you like that, slow and soft, you felt an oddity in your new buildup. 
it was faster, stronger, and as he teased your hole with just his tip, you were cumming again, but this time it was wet. you could heard the small gush over his cock, coating him and his pelvic bone as he gleamed at the sight below him and feeling his own release starting to snap. 
“fuck, eddie please, you fuck me so good,” you breathed as you pulled him flush to your chest, letting him still slip in and out of you lazily. 
“fill me, please, fuck i don’t care i need it, mark me, make me yours. please, its your pussy please cum inside of me,” you whispered in his ear in a cry, scratching down his pale back as he moaned against you. the vibrations of his noises sent a tingle all over your body, your nipples hardening again. 
the thought of eddie getting you pregnant was intense. for you at least, for eddie, he thought it was the best decision to ever make. of course he’d fill you up. why would he have the opportunity and not take it? he wanted everyone to see you knocked up with the freak’s baby, he wanted everyone to know even if you were too smart and too goddess looking for him, he had you. 
it was even sending another pulse to your cunt, letting your weak and abused hole tiredly clench on his. you were losing your breath at this point, you’d never been fucked and pleasured like this ever, never for this long either. 
he made sure to worship you, to cherish you, to make you feel sexy. he wanted to make you see what he saw, make you feel the way you made him feel. and this was it. 
he was falling in love with you, the way he felt like you were made for him even now was pulling at his insides, pulling hard enough to finally let him still his hips inside of you and letting his cock twitch at the deepest part of your cunt. 
“fucking, mine. my fucking pussy,” he groaned into your chest, your hands gripping in his hair and rubbing on his scalp. 
“s’ yours, only yours,” you said softly as you felt his cock twitch even more, until he groaned and slipped out of you. 
it was a new feeling, still feeling full even though all contact was lost between you two. still feeling warmth inside your cunt, until you felt the mixture of both of your releases leaking out of your hole and sliding down your ass. your eyes were closed after he got off of you, and you weren’t sure how he put on his clothes so fast but when the door opened again you saw him walk back in with a wet rag. 
“baby?” he asked, craning his neck to see your face in the dark. 
“mmm?” you hummed, still laying on your back after turning your head back to the ceiling. 
“let me clean you up and we can go to bed, does that sound good princess?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed to separate your legs again. 
you expected to feel the coldness of the rag, but you instead felt his fingers softly spreading your pussy lips apart and it sent a chill through you. 
“look so good like this, fuck, i think i really truly want to die by your pussy. please?” he said, letting his finger dip his cum back inside of your whole. 
“eddie,” you dragged, clenching your thighs together. he just smiled and chuckled a little. 
“alright, lets get cleaned up and you can take my shirt,” 
you lay there, trusting eddie as your eyes fluttered closed and felt him wipe between your legs and wipe your thighs, finding his shirt that he threw on a chair in the corner to bring back to you, but he already hears the soft snores coming from your body. 
he shook you a little before you finally opened your eyes again and smiled sheepishly at him, before listening to his commands and following them, still half asleep. 
all he asked was that you sit up and raise your arms, and he tugged the faded iron maiden shirt that was too big for him, but fitting just loose enough on you. before he could even pull the covers over you, still with your eyes closed, you gripped the blankets and pulled them over your bare legs up to your chin, and nestled into the softness. 
eddie was a man who did his fair share of sleeping around, with all types of people, and he’s been with older, smaller, skinnier, taller, bigger. but being with you, watching you and being able to sleep next to you was a fucking blessing he didn’t deserve. 
so he indulged in it, letting himself wrap you in his arms and holding you until you push him off because you’re too sweaty. 
but you don’t do that. you let eddie hold you all night even after hardly any words were exchanged after. and in your dream that night besides dreaming about your future with eddie, was a dream of you thanking robin and steve for their ridiculously foul plan. 
a ridiculous foul plan that worked. 
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itsbubbleteataro · 5 months
Heloo! :D I saw your request are open so i decided to send one! what would be Sunday's reaction to a Furina!s/o? If that's a tad bit confusing, can you do Sunday's reaction to his s/o performing Sinners Finale (Furina's execution song) and the execution if you're feeling angsty :3 (You dont need to add that part if you dont want to) SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH IM REALLY BAD AT EXPLAINING
can i be 🤸 anon pls :3
You bet you can! Sorry 🤸 if it's not as you'd like but I did have a lot of fun writing about it. I kept some elements that I really enjoyed and found some nice music to listen to in the prosess. I had a lot of fun brainstorming in a cafe with some coffee!
Sorry about my posting being all over the place, moving across the country in the next few months will keep one busy! Anyways heads up this will pull at the heart strings,
Without anymore stalling, I present
La Danse du Chagrin
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"Long, long ago, on a small planet named La Sec, a tradition old as the aeons persisted. Every 500 years a lottery was to be held. The winner is said to preform a dance so wonderful that the skies themselves weep and bring this dry and starved planet the water it desires"
You've told this story to Sunday as many times as he asked. Every time he seemed more and more enthralled within the sad story.
The very same story you told him when he first found you, one of of his many trips outside of Penacony.
He saw you dancing for the very first time, a style he wasn't familiar with at first. You lived gracefully, going up en point as if it were as easy as breathing.
The two of you met when he went to extend an invitation, to invite you to dance for the dreamscape. You soon became one of the more popular shows to go to when Robin wasn't present.
It was just after one of your shows, you and Sunday were in your dressing room. Him away from the public eye, watching you make yourself perfect before your next performance.
Sunday's always liked that about you, how your always perfect when you dance, as well as when you dress for the day or for the stage.
A bloodhound knocks on the door to the dressing room, prompting Sunday to get up and answer it as you were busy making sure your hair was perfect. Sunday was handed a note, addressed to you. He passed it along, setting it down on your table while he took his seat again.
Carefully you opened it, taking the note in hand and reading it. You bit your lip, keeping as stoic an expression as you could muster.
"Well my dear dove, it seems we have a show to attend in La Sec. I do hope you will come watch me dance, they did personally invite me too"
You said as you stood up, turning to face him. In hand your point shoes. In the other a red tambourine with matching velvet ribbons tied to it. Your dress a silky white with blood red accents.
"By of course my dear, it seems we are to depart?"
You nodded your head and walked side by side with him.
Arriving home was just like you expected. Dry, the earth cracked and starved for water. You took Sunday to Palace d'ear. A grand palace with many a room and beautiful gardens made of stones instead of lush greens. Inside tall ceilings with paintings.
Sunday looked at the paintings, filled with beautiful dancers, tales of woe and sorrow. Some of excutions.
The two of you walked on, further and further. You directed Sunday to a stage, and had him sit in the audience, while you went off to speak with an official.
It had been about an hour, he noticed a spinning blue sword above the stage, he figured it was just an effect. After all, it is a stage.
He blinked as he looked at you, then, the music started to play.
He watched you dance both your and his favorite solo, La Esmeralda Finale .
Your white dress swirled around you as you danced, your pristine point shoes matching your skin as always. Your hair half up and half down. Sunday always lived watching you dance.
The music ended as you held your final pose. As Sunday stood clap, the blue sword he saw beforehand stopped spinning, and came crashing down with a thunk.
Your dress was stained red, like the bow in your hair.
His eyes, wide in horror. No one had explained the sacrifice to him.
He bolted to the stage when he could, cradling what was left of you as he watched your body turn to little blue droplets and head into the sky.
Your bloodied point shoes, held close to his chest as it started to rain outside.
Oh what a terrible day for rain.
He clutched your beloved shoes close to his heart. He started to sob.
First he was robbed of his sister, now of his beloved? How the world was cruel to him.
He stayed long past the crowd leaving, gathering up your belongings to take them back to his home, your home.
Sunday never went to a ballet again, it wasn't the same.
How he wished he could have watched you keep dancing on for him
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Quiet My Fears (With The Touch Of Your Hand)
Steve Harrington x f!reader
Description: It was Steve's fault you got hurt last time, and it's Steve's fault again this time, too.
Warnings: pregnant!reader, mentions of being sick, blood, mentions of s3 events, lots and lots of crying
Word Count: 4409
Notes: Hello everyone I kinda poured my heart and soul into this pls enjoy
My Masterlist! - Series Masterlist!
Next Chapter!
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July 5th, 1985 - 4:05 am
Steve had already decided what he was going to tell his parents about the state of his face. He was at a party, he’d say, and got into a fight with some drunk asshole who was hitting on you a little too hard. He tried to tell him to fuck off, but the guy got mad and threw the first punch. Steve won, of course.
A semi-believable story that involved zero Soviet torture doctors. 
You’d made it out of the night without any black eyes or broken noses, but there was a sizable gash peeking out from under your hairline. The blood that had dripped from your temple down to your neck had been wiped away by one of the EMT’s, so the cut was really only visible if you already knew it was there. It wasn’t bad enough to warrant stitches, thankfully, but that did very little to quell Steve’s incessant worry. He didn’t like the way your whole body was trembling. Or the way your tights were ripped. 
It took hours for the two of you to be able to go home, made longer by the mountains of contracts and NDA’s you were forced to sign. Steve had already gotten the super secret security rundown twice before. “You’ll probably end up with a good chunk of hush money, at least,” he had joked with you. “All of us did.”
You trailed behind Steve like a lost puppy as he unlocked his front door. He was just happy that you were alive at all.
You, for whatever reason, hadn’t made it into the same interrogation room as Robin and Steve. You weren’t there when Dustin and Erica arrived to get them, and you were nowhere to be seen during the big fight. Steve hadn’t even realized that you weren’t with them until whatever he’d been injected with was out of his system, but he was plunged into an ice cold panic the moment that he did. He begged Hopper to let him go back and look for you, though the idea got shot down immediately (‘Because clearly, you did so great down there the first time!’). Funnily enough, it was actually Murray, of all people, who found you first. He said you were about two seconds away from breaking his nose, if not for the fact that you were chained to the steel bench built into the wall. 
The house was empty. Steve’s parents were spending the holiday weekend with his aunt and uncle two states away; thankfully, Steve hadn’t been dragged along this time. He always thought his dad’s brother was a creep anyway. Your parents were across the street, most likely sleeping soundly at the thought that their daughter was just out at a house party like a regular 18 year old. Of course, nothing about any of this was regular.
Steve’s usual post-saving-of-world routine was to down two doses of ibuprofen, take the hottest shower known to man, and sleep for a day, and there was definitely a part of him that wanted to do just that, but you were still hovering behind him like a ghost. Steve clicked on the lamp on the table next to the sofa as the two of you entered the living room.
“Sit, okay?” he told you. “I’ll find you some pajamas or something.”
You nodded to him, sullen and shaky, and lowered yourself into the pristine couch. It was cream colored and satiny, like it was designed to be easy to stain, and Steve had never actually been allowed to sit on it when he was little. 
His whole body ached, but he trudged up the stairs anyway. He ducked into his own room to quickly strip off his decidedly disgusting uniform and put on a too-big sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants before picking out something for you. Steve came back down to find you wincing as you slowly pulled off your shoes. 
“Jesus,” Steve remarked at the state of the white socks that slouched around your ankles over your tights. The backs were drenched in angry red, spread all the way around the heel and down the sides, and the nylon of your tights had big holes worn through that exposed just how ripped up the skin of your heels had become.
“I decided to put on new shoes this morning,” you sighed. “Hadn’t broken them in yet.”
While humiliating, he and Robin’s Scoops uniforms were actually pretty comfortable. The sneakers Steve had worn to work that day had held up wonderfully to all the walking (and running for his life) that he’d had to do all night, but you worked at one of the fancy department stores. You couldn’t wear sneakers or comfortable shorts, you had to wear smart, grown up clothes. You’d been running around all night in a pair of brand new, shiny black mary-janes and a skirt. It made Steve feel just a little bit sick to his stomach to think about. 
“Fuck,” Steve huffed out. “Alright, hold on. There’s a first aid kit in the bathroom.”
Steve bandaged up your ankles, carefully cleaning the wounds with the softest cloth he could find and cursing himself when you made a noise at the pain. 
God, this was all his fault.
“You can take the room next to mine, if you want,” Steve said after you’d changed. “My parents won’t be home until Monday, so we won’t have to worry about them at all.”
“Okay,” you said, voice mouseish. You’d been to Steve’s house a million times before; you grew up across the street, the only other person his age in a neighborhood full of elderly couples and houses for sale. Even before Steve de-assholed, you’d still sneak out of the house to come drink stolen beers on the roof of his garage on the nights when he couldn’t stand to sleep. 
That being said, ‘welcoming’ was not really a word you’d use to describe the Harrington household. The guest room next to Steve’s was, similar to the living room, untouched and pristine. Perfectly made bed, easily palettable decor, somehow devoid of dust despite the fact that it was clear no one had used the room in a very long time. The bed had a pink comforter, a dusty-rose kind of color.
The two of you had only been apart for an hour, maybe less, before Steve heard a knock on his bedroom door. He opened it to find your teary eyes on the other side.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Steve asked. He couldn’t either. 
“I can’t-” you stuttered out. “I don’t think I can be alone right now.” 
Steve knew the feeling.
He stepped out of the doorway to make room for you to come in. The pair of you stood too close to one another in the middle of his room in heavy, suffocating silence. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve whispered.
“Don’t be,” you replied. You stepped forward and pressed your forehead against his shoulder. 
“I am, though. I got you wrapped up in this fucking mess,” Steve said as he wrapped you up in a hug. “And now you’re hurt, and it’s my fault.”
“I’m the one who wanted to help you guys. I could’a just gone home, but I chose to stay. You didn’t do that, I did.”
“I still think you deserve to be mad at me.” 
You stayed quiet for a moment, with Steve above your head wishing he could go back in time and fix all of this before it had the chance to get back to you.
“They told me you were dead,” you admitted through the quiet.
“After they pulled me away,” you explained. “You and Robin, they told me you were both dead.”
“Oh, my god,” Steve huffed out. “Oh, my god, I’m so sorry.”
You muttered his name into his collar bone, and Steve pulled away just enough to be able to look at you. You were crying now, but so was he, and fuck, he wanted to kiss you. Kiss all of the tears away, and pull all of the horrible, fucked up things that had happened to you out of your memory, and as you stood looking at him, Steve realized that you had gotten the memo.
You leaned up and kissed him, so incredibly soft, making sure to be careful of his split lip. Steve’s eyes fluttered shut as his hands came to meet the junction of your jawline and neck. 
You pulled away from him first, tears still silently spilling from your eyes, and he touched his forehead to yours. 
“I’m really happy you’re not dead.”
February, 1989
Steve was entirely zoned out behind the counter at Family Video when the shrill ring of the phone broke through his trance
“Thank you for calling your local Family Video. My name is Steve, how can I help you today?” Steve regurgitated the same spiel as he does every time he picks up the phone. 
“What time do you get off work tonight?” you asked him. Steve knew your voice in an instant, and even through the crackle of the phone, he could hear that something was wrong.
“Eight. Why?” Steve inquired.
“I need you to come over,” you said. “It’s an emergency.”
Steve’s heart dropped into his stomach.
“Should I be calling Hopper?” he asked you. If something. . . upside down-ish was happening again, he was gonna lose his shit.
“No, nothing like that,” you clarified, and Steve let out a silent breath of relief. “It’s an entirely non-supernatural emergency.”
“Do you want me to come over now? I’m the boss-man. I can leave whenever I want,” Steve joked. He was trying his damnedest to hear your laugh come from the other end of the line.
“You’re a shift lead, Steve.”
“Yeah. Boss-man.” 
There was only silence on the line for a moment. 
“I don’t want you to get in trouble, is all,” you explained, and it made Steve's heart ache just a touch. 
“It’s fine, I won't,” Steve said to placate your worry. “Twenty minutes, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” you said, though you didn’t sound thrilled. It made Steve worry even more as he hung up the phone. 
Steve knew the two of you were wildly codependent on each other. Believe him, Robin had been reminding him constantly over the past year since she’d caught the two of you in a house party bathroom. 
The fact that the pair of you hadn’t actually made it official yet, despite the fact that you’d been sleeping with each other with relative consistency for three and half years, definitely didn’t help matters at all. 
‘You are in love with her,’ Robin loved to point out. ‘And pretending to not be in love with her while also sleeping together is going to destroy your brain!’
She was right, of course. It absolutely was destroying his brain, but if he had to pick between having a destroyed brain but also having you, or not having a destroyed brain but also not having you, he’d pick a destroyed brain anyday. Even if he thought (knew) you didn’t necessarily feel the same way he did.
Steve parked his car in the empty space next to yours in your apartment building’s lot. He knew the code to the building’s door by heart now, and he’d had a spare key to your apartment for the last six months.
He let himself in, making sure to lock the door behind him once he was inside, and saw you shaking like a leaf on the couch. 
Steve paused for a moment before he dropped his car keys onto the little table by the door. He was instantly plunged into crisis-management mode. 
In recent years, Steve had become quite familiar with crisis management mode; put all the feelings to the side, and deal with the situation at hand. Was it healthy to stub out all of the mushy shit like that? No, probably not, but emotional healing was a lot easier to do when he didn’t have the threat of  interdimensional horror hanging over his head.
Though, over the phone, you had promised him there was no interdimensional horror at the moment.
He toed off his shoes and rounded the coffee table to crouch in front of you. Your eyes followed his every movement, wide and glassy and enough to make Steve’s rib cage feel like it was about to cave in. He took your hands in his.
“What happened?” he asked you. 
You shut your eyes, forcing more tears down the slope of your cheek. A small, quiet sob escaped your lips as you dipped your forehead onto Steve’s shoulder. He brought a hand up to graze over the back of your head, holding you close to him. 
You were tougher than you looked, always had been. That wasn’t to say that Steve ever thought you were weak, but you were timid and quiet. Shy since birth, you never really stood out to Steve as a fighter until he saw you crack a Russian soldier over the back of the head with his own gun. You’d had a fire in your eyes that could’ve rivaled Nancy’s that night, before you had all been separated from one another. That fire was decidedly missing right now, though. Your tears seemed to have extinguished it.
“Hey, hey. Tell me what’s going on, yeah?” Steve asked.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered into his neck. You sounded small and, more pressingly, fucking terrified. Steve did his best to place a hand on either side of your face and pull back to get a good look at you, though you clearly didn’t want to be pulled away from your spot tucked into the collar of his crew-neck. 
“Sorry for what, baby?” Pet names had previously been reserved for dirty-talk purposes only, but you’d started calling him ‘handsome’ a few months back as a joke (which quickly became much less of a joke), and now that rule had been thrown out the window. One more blurry boundary line in your relationship. “I wanna help, but I can’t do that if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
“Steve,” you murmured.
“You’re scaring me,” Steve told you, and it was true. “Is it something with your mom? Did she call?”
“No. She won’t. You know she won’t.”
“Then what’s happening? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this upset, and I will do everything I can to help, but-”
“I’m pregnant.”
You whispered it and Steve swore he felt his heart stop. 
“What?” he whispered back. Surely you didn’t mean it. Surely he had to have misheard you.
“I’m pregnant.” 
Definitely hadn’t misheard you, then.
“You-” It felt a bit like his brain had been replaced by cotton balls. “How sure are you?”
“Uhm, I took a test here, and it came back positive, but the box said that you can get false results sometimes, so I waited a couple days and took another one, but then that said the same thing,” you rambled. “So then, I went to that clinic on Poplar and got a blood test, and they called me earlier today and said that that one was positive, too.”
“Very sure,” Steve said in response to your onslaught. 
You only nodded in agreement.
Steve could hear the drip drip drip of your leaky kitchen sink, the sound of your cat batting around his favorite toy mouse, your neighbors downstairs fighting like they did most nights. He could hear your ragged breathing, and the beginnings of your quiet sobs, and his own heartbeat in his ears. He didn’t know what to say to you, how to get you to calm down, and he didn’t think he had the mental capacity to figure it out right now, so he didn’t say anything at all. You stayed quiet too, tucked away in your own little world of the smell of Steve’s cologne and the soft of his hair. 
Steve was about two seconds away from completely shutting down when your pitiful voice sliced through the silence.
“Steve, I don’t know what to do.”
That kicked his brain back into gear. 
“That’s okay,” he said from his spot on the floor. His emotions get tucked underneath the floorboards so he can deal with yours first. “It’s okay. You don’t have to know right now.”
And you two stayed there, you on your couch and him with his back pressed against the hard edge of  your coffee table, for a good long while. Your sniffles had graduated to full on bawling and you were clinging to him like he was a liferaft. You were petrified. His head was swimming and he felt a little bit like his heart might explode, but he wasn’t about to let you know that. 
Logically, the next step would be to talk about. . . all of it. What you wanted to do, and what that would look like, and all of it, but you weren’t able to get a word in. Even though Steve knew it was what needed to happen next, the thought of actually having to face the music made him feel sick. 
“We’ll figure it out, alright?” Steve said into your hair. “We’ll figure it out. It’ll be okay. I promise.”
You just sort of fell limp against him once you had run out of tears. Steve’s back was starting to cramp up from being squished against the table, and when he moved to plant himself onto the sofa next to you, you stayed adhered to his side. 
“Steve, I don’t-”
“I know. It’s okay.” I don’t know what to do had become your mantra of the evening. Steve was in the exact same boat, though, and the best idea he’d had all night was distraction, so distraction it would be. He paused for a moment before asking you, “are you hungry?”
You tilted your gaze to him, looking confused.
“How ‘bout I go and get us something to eat from that diner you like, and we can watch a movie or something. Then we can talk about it in the morning, yeah?” Steve suggested. You didn’t seem all that on board with the idea, though. “Is that okay?”
“I can’t keep anything down,” you explained after a moment.
Oh, yeah. People get sick when they're pregnant. Steve hadn’t really thought about that part yet. 
“Right. Well, have you tried at all today?” he inquired. You shook your head.
“Not since last night.”
Great. You’re already terrified and now you can’t even eat.
“Look, I’ll get you a grilled cheese, and an extra large Sprite for your stomach in case the sandwich doesn’t work out, and I’ll stay here with you all night,” Steve said. 
“Okay,” you said with a nod and a sad smile. You seemed to understand what he was doing, though you showed no signs of protest. “Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, it’s okay,” Steve said as he got up and slipped his feet back into his shoes. He scooped up his keys and shot you a smile before opening the door. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
You nodded, giving him the green light to leave. He half-jogged down the stairwell and out into the parking lot, and he barely made it into the driver’s seat before he started crying.
Guilt settled in his chest in an instant at the thought, but the first thing that popped into his head when he was finally alone was that his dad was going to fucking kill him. And not just in a figurative, ‘oh no I scratched the car, dad’s gonna kill me’ kind of way; his father was going to pick up a weapon and actually kill him. Then, Hopper was gonna kill him after his dad did. You two weren’t even actually dating; how was he going to explain any of this? ‘Hey, dad! I accidentally knocked up my not-quite-girlfriend/best friend with benefits!’  That’ll go over splendidly. That’s two people added to the list of people who wanted to kill him. 
What was going to happen next, then? He was having difficulty figuring out the answer. 
Whatever you wanted to do, obviously, but you didn’t know what that was, and yeah, he was scared shitless, but you were beyond terrified. Scared in a way Steve had never seen you before. That made him feel about a million times worse.
‘Cause he was still just a shitty kid, who still lived with his shitty parents and worked a shitty job, and even with his shitty promotion, he still made a shitty wage. A shitty wage that definitely wouldn’t be enough to raise a kid, and-
He was spiraling, he could feel it, and he’d never been more grateful to see the glowing neon of an OPEN sign in his life.
He parked the car. He got out of the car. He opened the door to the restaurant. He walked up to the counter and a girl he used to know from high school took his to-go order. If he remembered correctly, she was a tattoo apprentice.
“You alright?” possible-tattoo-apprentice ask Steve after ringing in the food. “You seem a little, I don’t know, freaked out.”
“Yeah,” Steve replied with a tight lipped smile and curt nod. “Yeah, no. I’m good.”
She looked right through his lie, but moved on to a couple of older men sitting at the counter with coffee refills anyway.
 Steve, in the ten minutes it took for the food to come out, stood leaning against the wall in utter silence. In that silence, he allowed himself to live in what was probably an irresponsible thought; the one where the two of you actually did have a kid, and a house, and maybe a dog if he’s lucky. Something that maybe was a lot less far off in the future than he thought. Steve used to want kids, when he was younger. Maybe it was just the fact that he’d had every single stereotype of the American dream shoved down his throat his whole life, but he really had wanted it at one point. That was before everything, though. Before the monsters, and the chaos, and all the awful shit he’d roped you into. Before it all came back, and then came back again, again, again. Any dream of a family had been stubbed out by the fear that it could all one day be ripped apart. 
Despite that, despite the fact that he knew every single reason that it could never happen like the back of his goddamn hand, he did nothing to try and save himself from drowning in the fantasy. The image of you holding his baby made his chest go tight and he wanted it more than anything in the world, but fuck, what happens if everything goes to shit again? He had done a pretty awful job at keeping you away from it the first few times, you had the nightmares to prove it, so how could he possibly protect his kid from it, too?
The food came out and he was rocked back into reality.
He left the restaurant, stopping on the way back to your apartment at a 7/11 for the Sprite he had promised. He grabbed some anti-nausea medicine too, but it wasn’t until he got into the car that he realized there was a big warning on the back of the box: ‘Do not take if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.’ 
He did his best to scrub any evidence of tears out of his eyes in the rearview mirror, and got out of the car.
You were waiting for him on the couch, just as you had been when he had left. You smiled at him when he walked through the door, still the sad self pitying kind, but a smile nonetheless. 
“I come bearing grilled cheese,” he said as he placed the bag on the coffee table. The joke didn’t land.
“You were crying?” you asked once you were able to get a good look at him, the shake in your voice back once again. Clearly he hadn’t done a good enough job in the rear view. 
“N-no, no. I wasn’t, I-”
“You were,” you interrupted him, and Steve knew better than to try and deny it. You looked like you were about to start crying again, too, and Steve could feel the twist of the knife in his side. He rounded the table to sit next to you, and you drew yourself into him in an instant. Tucked into his arms, you did start crying again (how you had any tears left, Steve didn’t know) and just barely whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey. No sorries, okay?” he said. You wouldn’t look up at him, just shook your head. “Look, if we’re gonna blame anybody, it should probably be me, right?”
Thankfully, that line was enough to finally bubble a laugh out of your chest.
“I’m serious!” Steve took the joke and ran with it in a desperate attempt to lift your spirits even in the slightest. “I mean, it was my, y’know. . . fluids.”
“Oh, gross, dude!” you exclaimed, playfully slapping his shoulder as you sat up straight. “Don’t say it like that!”
“That’s just biology, babe.”
“I know that, I just don’t want to have to think about your fluids when I’m trying to eat,” you quipped at him as you pulled the styrofoam boxes out of the bag on the table, opening the first of the two and passing it his way. It seemed like you were feeling better, and even if you were faking it, Steve would take it. 
“Hey,” Steve called to you through the quiet chatter of the TV after a moment. You turned your face to meet his and the moment his eyes locked on to yours, it seemed like every word he had wanted to say to you had slipped out of his mind. Your voice reeled them all back in, though.
“Whatever you wanna do, okay?” he stuttered out. He was pretty sure he might start crying again.
“Right. Yeah.” Your smile faded in an instant at the reminder of the situation.
“And whatever that, y’know, looks like,” Steve continues. “I’ll be right next to you, holding your hand the whole time.”
You give him a pitiful, heart crushing smile, and the pair of you didn’t bring it up again all night. 
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munsonnbaby · 2 years
love to see you blush
the one where eddie is a little shit, knows you like him and likes to see you get all flustered.
warnings: fluff, a little angst. reader thinks eddie doesn’t actually like her, eddies a little tease. that’s all! enjoy pretties <33.
my first eddie fic, pls leave feedback in comments and send me requests through inbox! love you mwah.
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eddie munson is a massive tease. he was before, but after finding out through my “friends” that i may or may not have a massive crush on him, i knew he was going to tease me about it.
he’d gone to robin and steve two nights ago, friday night, interrogating them about why i’d be acting differently around him, he bugged them for a while and in their defence they managed to keep my secret for a while, until they broke and told him everything. and i mean, everything. they had immediately found me after they finished work, profusely apologising at my door. immediately i was humiliated, just knowing that eddie knows that i like him. i was extremely worried because how on earth am i ever going to be around him now? he probably doesn’t feel the same, because it’s now sunday night and he hadn’t come over, texted me or anything. i think if he felt the same he would’ve been excited right?
monday morning came and i’d never been more anxious to go to school. and to make it worse? first period i have english, the class where i sit right. beside. eddie. the second i walked in, his eyes were on me, an amused glint in his eyes as a smile slowly grew on his face. i sighed, furrowing my eyebrows as i quickly sat beside him in my seat. i could feel his eyes on me, so i turn to him and sighed.
“can you please forget about it?” i beg, letting out an anxious breath as my hands shake as i grip onto my pen.
“why would i wanna do that beautiful?” he said with a smirk, the nickname flushing my cheeks almost immediately. his smile widened, “look at you all flustered? damn you must really like me” he giggled.
“it’s not funny!” i say back, looking away and keeping my head down.
“you don’t need to be all shy, and you better still sit with us all at lunch” he says, reaching over and pushing a little bit of hair from my face, his thumb brushing my blushed cheek.
“stop.” i say, pushing his hand away. luckily the teacher soon arrived, so eddie shut his mouth and left me alone.
it’s bad that he knows my feelings for him, but it makes it ten times worse that he’s neither rejecting me or saying he feels the same. its almost like hes mocking me for it. i’d much, much rather he just straight up tell me he doesn’t feel the same i can go ahead and start getting over him. he knows i get shy and anxious when i’m uncomfortable, so why would he purposely make me feel uncomfortable?
much to my despair, the teacher screwed me over and said we were to pair up and research about the topic from textbooks. i turn to look at eddie, as he grins, pushing his table close to mine and scooting his chair far too close to me.
“so when did you develop this massive crush on me?” he says, leaning his head in his hand and grinning at me. i feel the heat rush to my face, avoiding eye contact with him.
“stop it, eddie” i frowned.
“i do actually want to know, because i really had no idea you felt the s-“ i cut him off,
“about 6 months okay?” i say, “now can we actually do this research?” i gulped, looking away from him as he smiles softly, nodding.
soon lunch came around, and i’ve been dreading it all morning. i walk into the cafeteria and see everyone already sat around the table. eddie, the kids, robin, nancy and steve. i frown, slowly walking over as the anxiety builds up once again. i sit in the only empty seat, right beside eddie. and immediately that shit eating grin returns to his face as i sit down, facing away from him.
“hello gorgeous” he purred, and everyone smirked at the table. “hi” i mumble, pulling out my water bottle and having a few sips. he scoots his chair closer to me, tapping my arm so i look at him. reluctantly, i do. it doesn’t help that he just looks extra good today. his skin is all perfect and glowy, his hair fresh and fuzzy pulled back into a man bun which takes my breath away, his lips look extra red and plump and soft-
“like what you see?” he says, snapping me out of my trance and turning away from him again with red cheeks. “i thought you blushing over a nickname was bad, but from just looking at me?” he grins.
“stop it, please” i say, looking over at robin and steve with a sad look. they both look so guilty, and good, they should.
“i don’t want to stop because you are extremely cute when you start blushing” he says, resting his head in his palm and smiling. i gulp, putting my water away in my bag.
“okay fine, yes i blush a lot when i’m around you or when i look at you or when you talk to me because yes. i do like you, but that doesn’t give you the right to tease me and humiliate me in front of my friends. if you don’t feel the same, i’d rather you just tell me rather than mock me for it.” i snapped, standing up and walking straight out of the cafeteria and straight to my car. i can’t handle another minute of his teasing, the anxiety too much for me.
third prsn.
“not cool eddie. not cool” steve says, shaking his head. “you know how anxious she gets!” robin adds, as the whole table stares angrily up at eddie.
“i don’t know what i did wrong?” he says, furrowing his eyebrows, genuinely confused by y/n’s outburst.
“she’s right, if you don’t like her then you should just tell her” dustin says, nodding his head at his curly haired friend.
“but i do like her! i am crazy about her! i thought i was making that obvious to her” he says, stressed out and rubbing his face. everyone is confused. “what by teasing her? mocking her? making her uncomfortable?” nancy says, annoyed at eddie for upsetting her best friend.
eddie frowns, “i didn’t want to do any of those things, i really do think she’s cute when she blushes”.
“then make her blush by telling her how you feel about her!” robin exclaims. “and do it fast because i swear if a single tear falls from that beautiful girls eyes i will not hesitate to kill you”.
eddie laughs, locking eyes with robin as she keeps a straight face. his smile dropped. “damn, okay, okay i’ll go now” he says before running out of the cafeteria and to his van.
back to y/n pov
i plop myself onto my bed, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. i held it back the whole drive home, not wanting to breakdown whilst driving. i got into my pj’s, putting on a movie and finally that i’m sat down and relaxed, i couldn’t hold them back. i feel so embarrassed. embarrassed from my feelings, embarrassed from my outburst earlier. just humiliated. my friendship with eddie is now effectively ruined, i doubt he will want to speak to me again, and i can’t be around him anymore.
i sit up, cuddling into my covers and blankets as i lean against the headboard. i stare at the tv, trying to focus on the movie and stay out of my own head.
i was snapped soon out of my trance as i hear a massive bang near my window, my heart jumping out of my chest. i hop up and fun over to the window, pulling open the curtains, seeing eddie hanging off of my windowsill, motioning towards the window. i sighed, opening it and letting him climb inside. “you know i have a door, right?”.
“well i wasn’t sure if you’d answer me” he says, standing there looking at my sad face, furrowing his eyebrows.
“look if you’re here to tease me more i’d much rather you just go home-".
“no, no no sweetheart i’m not here to do that” he says, rushing over to sit on the edge of my bed right beside me as i curl back under my covers.
“then why are you here.” i ask softly, staring at him as he scoots a little closer.
“i’m here to apologise for today, i did not want to humiliate you or embarrass you, and i most certainly wasn’t teasing you” he starts, his hand coming up to wipe away the tear stains on my cheeks. “i was just trying to, i don’t know… flirt?” he says nervously, cringing at himself.
“flirt?” i say, raising my eyebrows.
“yeah, i know. stupid isn’t it?” he laughs dryly. “clearly i’m not very good at it” he sighed. i let him continue. “when they told me you liked me, i was really, really happy. i mean i was so happy i got home and didn’t know what to do with myself. all weekend i was thinking about you and i wanted to come over but i was really nervous. fuck, i even did a whole routine monday morning, i did my hair and shit and scrubbed my face and stuff i don’t know”. he trails off of his ramble with a chuckle.
i sit up straighter, my face now closer to his. “why did you do that?” i say, fresh tears poking at my eyes. he sighed,
“because i… like you”
i widen my eyes, lips parting, staring at his pretty doe eyes. “you like me?”
he sighs and nods, “i’m crazy about you” with his own blush.
“well look who’s blushing now” i say, smiling a little with a small laugh. he rolled his eyes, “shut up” he lets out a breath, before leaning in and catching my lips perfectly in his for a soft kiss. he smiles against my lips, hands trailing down from my face to my neck, over my shoulders and around my waist. i feel starstruck, my hands on his biceps, squeezing as he presses his lips a little harder on mine. i let out a shaky breath as he pulls back for a second to look at me, before re connecting our lips.
i eventually pull back before i pass out, staring at his eyes as he looks at me a little in a daze himself.
“sooo, do you wanna be my girlfriend?” he says, looking at me with wide eyes, waiting nervously for my answer.
“yeah, yes, i do” i breath out, a smile breaking out on my lips.
“yeah?” he says, confirming it for himself.
“yeah” i say back, nodding.
“i have to go tell robin, she keeps sending me threatening text messages”.
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flowercrowngods · 11 months
Spooky lighthouse story, pleeeaaase
(this is steviesummer btw)
alright, finally, have a little taste of what’s to come your way soon 👀🤍 (also pls i know who you are 😭🤍) @klausinamarink and @vampeddie you asked for this, too, but instead of three snippets i’m giving you the beginning of part 1 all in one 🫶
The fog rolls in like a heavy cloud that morning, leaving the city in eerie darkness as Steve Harrington hurries toward the heavy door to the steel manufactory, scarf wound tightly around his neck to keep out the cold so uncommon for late September.
“Thanks,” he mutters to the gruff man who holds open the door for him. He sees him every morning but has never had the chance to ask about his name. The question is on the tip of his tongue when, with a nod and a touch to his sturdy-looking hat, the man walks down a different corridor than Steve.
Where outside the fog was so thick that all noise seemed dulled, like cotton in his ears, the manufactory is a cacophony of banging and clanging, hissing and whirring, and Steve needs a moment to breathe the polluted, heavy air that’s always just a tad too hot for his lungs.
He doesn’t mind the work, is good with his hands and enjoys the single-minded focus it provides on a good day, the deafening noise loud enough to drown out most of the comments the other workers throw his way; comments about his father, his upbringing, and his rather sudden downfall when Richard D. Harrington decided to disown his eldest son three years ago.
Steelwork, engineering, intricate cogs that work massive machinery — they fascinate him, they keep him busy fourteen hours a day, and they leave him dead to the world when the shift is over and graciously let him sleep through the dreams that have been haunting him ever since he can remember being haunted.
It’s always the same dream, in the fall more than in the spring. A lighthouse trapped in the sea, waves rolling and crashing, water rising so high that it might as well swallow the lighthouse whole. And through it all, a beacon. And through it all, a voice he cannot make out. And through it all, a ticking that echoes through his skull even long after he gasped awake with a lungful of water that Robin says might mean Tuberculosis.
He blinks away the gloom that has laid over his mood like the fog over the city, shakes off the trancelike feeling that overtakes him every time he tries to think about the lighthouse when he is wide awake, and rubs away the headache. It’s fall again, which means he doesn’t get all that much sleep anymore, haunted by ghostly images of a lighthouse he’s not even sure exists, and it’s starting to manifest as a perpetual headache. It’s earlier this year. Everything is a little earlier this year.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder as Emerson arrives behind him, snapping him out of his reverie and leading him to their station with idle chatter about the weather and the horrible, horrible fog that Steve has not the patience to partake in today — which is just as well for Emerson and his sunny disposition, he’ll talk enough for the both of them. Steve is fond enough of him to let him be as he falls into the routine of working steel.
more of this coming your way on the 25th 👻
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
Submission: Can i get like bratty!reader and Robin  getting a pegging punishment from dom!nancy bc they were both being cheeky and rude to Nancy while they were out with their friends . PLS-
U CAN INCLUDE THESE KINKS: degrading,choking,overstimulation,and dumbification .
Tyyyyy 💫. 🤭
Of course!! I will say, I’ve never written a pegging fic soooo, if it’s really bad, super super sorry!! (Also, so sorry this took so long!! I probably should have made this into two parts, but too late now.)
Hope you enjoy!!😊💖
Minors DNI (18+ Only!!!!!)
No Patience Leads to Punishments
Dom!Nancy x Sub!Robin x Sub!Fem!Reader
Notes: The three of them are in an established relationship, all the kinks listed in the submission were used, and both Reader and Robin have praise kinks
The five of you decided to go to the mall today. Apparently, everybody wanted something, so everyone decided to go together. It was you, your two girlfriends, Robin and Nancy, and your two best friends, Steve and Eddie. You were at the mall to look at some jewelry and maybe buy a new dress. Robin and Eddie wanted to look for band tees and maybe some more rings. Steve was there to see if he wanted a couple new sweaters and maybe a new pair of jeans. Nancy planned on buying some new makeup and maybe a new bottle of perfume. Everyone stayed with each other, making the trip at the mall longer than it should have been. The first store the five of you went into was for Robin and Eddie, they sold band tees and rings. Everyone was in there for at least 20 minutes, while Robin and Eddie looked at shirts, then tried on almost every ring that could fit any of their fingers. Robin bought a ring and Eddie bought a band tee that Steve picked out. The next store was for Steve’s sweaters and jeans. He tried on multiple sweaters, but complained about each one. Then, he did the same with the jeans. It had now been an hour since the five of you arrived at the mall and you were starting to get tired. You noticed that Robin was getting a little tired too and very fidgety. As the five of you were walking to the next store, you watched Robin wrap her arm around Nancy’s waist, then quickly drop her hand and grab her ass. She giggled and Nancy looked mad, then quietly said, “None of that Robbie.” Robin pouted and whispered, so only the two of you could hear her, “But Nanceeee, I’m bored and I wanna touch you, pleaseeeee.” Nancy watched as you bit your lip and she whispered, “(Y/N), don’t get any ideas. Be a good girl for me, angel.” Then she turned to Robin and whispered, “You will be patient. I’d hate to have to punish you.” She turned to face you again and continued saying, “Either one of you.” Robin crossed her arms and pouted, then walked up to talk to Steve and Eddie. You, stayed with Nancy and the next store the five of you went into, was for you. You were quick, mainly because you were tired, but also because the store didn’t have any dresses or jewelry you liked. There were only two more stores left to go to, both for Nancy.
You and Robin were tired, too much walking and too many stores. Robin started to complain first, then you followed after her. Loud enough that the four of you could hear, Robin said, “Nance, can we please please please come back another day and go back to (Y/N)’s house?” Nancy said, “We can go to her house after I’m done shopping, baby. I’ll be quick, I promise.” Robin looked into Nancy’s eyes, trying to win her over with her puppy dog eyes. Then, she got closed to Nancy and whispered, “Please, Nance. I need you. Please.” Robin’s hand found Nancy’s ass and squeezed it again. In a stern tone, Nancy whispered, “No and we’re going back to my house, after we’re done shopping.” Then, Nancy looks at Robin and says, “And you’re getting punished. Do you understand?” Robin’s eyes got wide and she nodded her head rapidly. When everyone got to the makeup store, you whined and said, “Nance, do I have to go in? There’s a bench right outside. Can I just sit there?” Nancy replied, “What if I want your opinion on something, sweetheart?” and she batted her eyelashes at you, knowing that would convince you. You pouted and sighed as Nancy smiled, then grabbed your wrist, dragging you into the store. She whispered in your ear, “Robin’s already getting punished, I would hate to have to punish you too. Now stop acting like a brat.” You crossed your arms and pouted, but not a single word left your mouth. Nancy whispered, “There’s my good girl” and your cheeks turned bright red. Robin saw and giggled at you getting flustered. Meanwhile, Nancy didn’t take too long in the makeup store, but she didn’t buy anything, nor did she ask for your opinion on anything. When everyone walked out, you looked at her and in an annoyed tone, said, “Why did you make me go in if you didn’t need my opinion on anything?” Robin’s eyes widened as she looked at you, then at Nancy.
Steve and Eddie were in front of the three of you, but they both whipped around quickly. Eddie said, “We’ll uh- We’ll meet you three at the perfume store”, then they quickly walked away, not wanting be apart of whatever is happening with the three of you. Nancy said, “(Y/N), watch your tone.” Your next words were said without a filter and without thinking, you said, “Make me.” Robin spoke before Nancy did and said, “(Y/N), you just fucked yourself over.” Nancy glared at you and said, “Oh princess, you just made a big mistake. Now you get to join Robbie in being punished.” Your eyes widened, then you started to whine and beg Nancy, trying to be as quiet as possible, but you we’re progressively getting louder. You said, “Wait no! Nance no! Please don’t! I didn’t- I didn’t mean to say that! It slipped, Nance, I promise! I’m sorry! Please don’t punish me!” Tears started to roll down your face and Nancy didn’t want to make a scene, so she said, “Lets go to the bathroom”, which luckily for the three of you, was nearby. All three of you walked in and Robin locked the door behind her. Nancy dried off the sink counter, then said, “(Y/N), sit for me, princess”, in a soft tone. You nodded your head, still crying and jumped up to sit on the counter. Nancy gently wiped your tears with the pads of her thumbs, then looked into your eyes and softly said “I’m here angel, don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” You mumbled, “Please don’t- Please don’t punish me.” Still in a soft tone, Nancy replied, “(Y/N), you know I have to punish you, sweetheart. You know that you can’t speak to me like that in public.” You said, “Na- Nance, I’m sorry. I just- I need- I need you Nance, please.” In response, she said, “I know angel, but you have to wait.” Your attitude quickly returned and you said, “No! Don’t want to wait. Want you now.” Then you grabbed her hand that was cupping your cheek and put it under your skirt, in between your thighs. You were about to push her hand against your clothed pussy, but she pulled her hand back. She took her hand and gripped your neck, then in a stern tone, said, “Did I say you could do that?” You whimpered and choked out, “N- No, Na- Nance! I’m- I’m sorry!” She released her grip and in a stern tone, said, “Did I say you could do that?” You whimpered and choked out, “N- No, Na- Nance! I’m- I’m sorry!” She released her grip and in a stern tone, said, “What do neither one of you understand about wait. (Y/N), I was trying to be nice, but you blew that and because of what you just did, now your punishment is the same as Robin’s.” You whimpered, knowing Robin’s punishments were always harsher than yours. Tears filled your eyes again, none fell, but both your girlfriends saw them. This time, Nancy showed you no sympathy, Robin was the one who comforted you. She said, “Hey, it’s okay, sweet girl. It’ll be okay. I got you, it’s okay. Relax for me, princess.” You calmed down after a couple minutes and accepted that you’re going to get punished regardless of what you do. Nancy has been pacing in the bathroom for the past couple minutes, working off her frustration with you and Robin. Once she realized you calmed down, she sternly said, “Now, we are going to the perfume shop, you two better fucking behave or so help me god, neither one of you will cum for weeks. Do you both understand?” Both you and Robin whimpered, then in unison, said, “Yes Nance.” You and Robin walked behind Nancy with your heads down like sad puppies, all the way to the perfume store.
Steve and Eddie were waiting for the three of you by the store. They both laughed when they saw you and Robin behind Nancy. Eddie mocked the two of you, he fake pouted and said, “Aw, did you two get in trouble?”, then he giggled. Steve was giggling too and said, “Did Nance scold you both for being bad girls in the mall?” Both your faces turned a bit red and Eddie said, “Oh my god! She did, didn’t she! I knew Nancy was in charge in the bedroom, but god you two are so whipped!” Robin said, “We are not!”, then without thinking again, you said “And she’s not always in charge you know.” Robin looked at Nancy, grinned at her, then said, “(Y/N)’s right. Sometimes, Nance gets tired of being in charge. Sometimes she wants to-” Steve and Eddie, both stopped Robin before she could continue talking, not wanting to hear the details. Hesitantly, you looked at Nancy and she was giving you a death stare. You whimpered, then she looked at Robin and said, “You want to embarrass me, Robbie? One more thing out of you and I’ll embarrass you in front of this entire fucking mall. Try me.”Robin whimpered and mumbled, “Yes, Nance”, then looked down at the ground in embarrassment. Nancy grinned, satisfied with starting Robin’s punishment early, embarrassing her in front of the boys. They were now hysterically laughing, watching Nancy absolutely shutting the two of you up. Robin said, “Shut up! You both are dinguses!” and you nodded in agreement, your face red with embarrassment, same with Robin’s. Steve, still laughing, said, “What’d she say to make you both look like sad little puppies, earlier? Come on! Tell us!” Both, you and Robin’s eyes widened, then shot up to look at Nancy. She had a wide grin painted on her face and the boys started laughing more. Eddie said, “That bad, huh?” and Nancy spoke up, saying, “That bad”, before walking into the perfume store. It took Steve and Eddie a couple minutes before they could walk into the store without laughing. The five of you weren’t in the store that long, but while Nancy was shopping, Steve and Eddie kept teasing you and Robin. They both kept whispering whip noises into both of your ears and giggling to each other. Nancy bought a new perfume, then everyone left the store, and started heading outside to the cars. You and Robin looked at each other as the five of you walked out, both knowing what was going to happen next.
Everyone left the mall and went over to Nancy and Steve’s cars. You and Robin rode in Nancy’s car, while Eddie rode in Steve’s. The three of you said your goodbyes to the boys, then watched as they drove away. Robin grabbed the handle to the passenger side door and in a harsh tone, Nancy said, “No. You both wanted to act like brats and embarrass me, so you’ll both sit in the back.” A small whine escaped from Robin’s mouth, then she said, “Y- Yes Nance” and quickly got in the back seat with you. Nancy started the car and scolded the two of you almost all the way back to her house. She said, “I cannot believe the two of you. Acting like fucking brats in the mall, whining and complaining. Both of you touching me after I told you not to. Saying things without thinking them through. I tried being patient with the both of you, but neither one of you could be a good girl for me, could you? Now I have to punish you both.” Both you and Robin whimpered, then you said, “Na- Nance, I’m- I’m sorry.” She replied, “I’m sure you are, princess. You’re usually my good girl, but apparently I have to show you what happens when you’re a bratty little slut.” You whimpered again and Robin said, “Nance, I’m sorry. I-”, but she was cut off. Nancy said, “No. I don’t want to hear your excuse this time. You’ve done shit like this before, Robbie. I expect this behavior from you.” You watched as Robin’s eyes dropped and then she mumbled, “You- You do?” Nancy replied, “Mhmmm. I think you just like being punished, baby. I think you like when I’m rough with you and turn you into a dumb little whore.” Robin whined out, “Nanceeee, stop!” and Nancy teased her, saying, “You don’t have to admit it, Robbie, but I know.” She whined again and Nancy said, “Can both of you be good girls for me and be quiet for the rest of the drive?” Nancy looked at the two of you through her rearview mirror and watched you both nod your heads. She said, “Good girls” and continued driving. Around five minutes later, the three of you arrived at Nancy’s house. You and Robin observed the driveway, noticing there were no cars nor any bikes there. Nancy noticed both your confused faces and with a grin on her face, said, “Oh! Did I forget to mention that I have the house to myself this weekend? Yeah, my parents, Mike, and Holly went to visit my grandparents in Indianapolis for the whole weekend. I told my parents that I needed to work on articles for the paper, so they let me stay home.” Her grin grew wider and she said, “That means the two of you can be as loud as you want while I punish you. And trust me, you both are going to be loud.” You both whimpered, then you looked at Robin, wondering if she had any clue of what Nancy’s punishment was. Robin shrugged and Nancy said, “If you two are wondering what your punishment is, it’s a new one.” Nancy unlocked her front door and said, “Shoes off, then go upstairs.” Almost instantly, like a reflex, you said, “Yes Nance!” Robin responded a couple seconds after you and said the same thing. You quickly took off your shoes and made your way to her room. Robin joined you about a minute later, then both of you sat on her bed, looking nervous. Nancy came in soon after Robin and said, “Robbie, up.” She sprung up and Nancy said, “Hmmm, eager are we?” Robin whined and Nancy said, “I’m going to strip you bare, you know why Robbie? Cause you’re a needy whore and needy whores like you don’t deserve clothes.” Your eyes were fixated on the two of them, watching Nancy strip off Robin’s clothes. You gawked at her and you could feel your arousal pooling in your panties. Once she was completely naked, Nancy said, “Now sit on the bed and (Y/N), come here.” You immediately went over to her and looked into her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes that remind you of the bright blue sky, were engulfed in black by her blown out pupils.
Nancy looked at you and said, “Bratty sluts don’t deserve to wear clothes either, princess. Now be a good girl and raise your arms, for me.” Immediately you raised them, then your shirt quickly made its way off your body. Your bra was unclasped next and when it fell to the floor, exposing your bare chest, Nancy said, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful, princess. It’s truly a shame I have to punish you, you just couldn’t be a good girl for me, huh?” While you whimpered, she pulled down your skirt and underwear, all at once. Now you were completely naked and exposed in front of your two girlfriends. Nancy looked between you and Robin, then said, “Aw look at my little brats being obedient now. So cute. So good for me.” She grinned as she walked to her closet, while you and Robin both whined. Nancy grabbed a bag from the back corner of her closet and said, “I’m going to be right back. Can I trust you both to be good girls while I’m gone or do I have to tie your hands behind your backs?” You whimpered and said, “N- No, I’ll be- I’ll be good.” Nancy replied, “I know you will, angel. Robbie, are you going to be a good girl for me?” Robin said, “I’ll be- I’ll be good, Nan- Nance. I pr- promise.” Nancy grinned and said, “There are my good girls, I’ll be right back.” You and Robin nodded, then watched her leave and go to the bathroom. Robin stared at you, all of you, and said, “God, (Y/N) you’re so beautiful.” You blushed and said, “Thank you, Robs. You’re beautiful too, so fucking beautiful.” Your bottom lip found it’s way in between your teeth and Robin said, “I’d do anything just to touch you right now. Fuck, I want to so bad.” You said, “Robs, no. Remember what Nance said in the mall, she won’t let us cum for weeks. We both know neither one of us can go that long.” Robin replied, “Oh shit, you’re right. I forgot about that, yeah nevermind. Definitely nevermind. I’d like to know how she’s punishing us though. She said it was new and she’s never done it before. She’s punished me a lot, so I’m trying to think of something she hasn’t done, you know?” You replied, “Well we’re gonna find out soon. I’m really- I’m really nervous, Robs.” She softened her eyes and looked into yours that were full of worry, then replied, “Hey, it’s going to be okay, (Y/N). You know your safe word and you trust Nance, right?” You said, “Yeah, of course.” Robin said, “Exactly and Nance would stop immediately if you used it. She never wants to hurt you, princess. All Nance wants is to teach you how to behave, that’s all.” You nodded and Robin asked, “Do you feel better now, (Y/N)?” You answered back, “Yeah, Robs. Thank you, baby.” She smiled and said, “Anything for you, princess.” Seconds later, you heard the switch to the bathroom light flick and the door close, then footsteps coming closer to her room. Nancy stood in her doorway and when you saw her, you whimpered, then your jaw dropped.
Nancy stood in her doorway holding a bottle of lube and a towel, but she had stripped off her clothes in the bathroom. Now, she was only wearing a strap-on, but it’s not one you’ve seen before. It was smaller and thinner than what she normally used. Robin was whimpering on Nancy’s bed and said, “Nan- Nance, please, no. Pl- Please, Nance. Pl- Please n- n- no.” You whipped around and looked at Robin, then said, “What- What is it?” Nancy replied before Robin could and said, “Aw, my sweet, innocent princess. You’re so cute. How about I show you, rather than tell you, hmmm? You can watch Robin get punished and see what I’m going to do to you. Okay, angel?” You nodded your head, then Nancy looked at Robin and said in a stern tone, “If you tell (Y/N) what this before I show her, you won’t cum for a week. Do you understand, Robbie?” She nodded her head rapidly and said, “Y- Yes, N- N- Nance.” Nancy grinned and said, “Good girl, baby.” Robin whined and you watched Nancy grab her desk chair, then place it a couple feet away from her bed. She laid the towel she brought from the bathroom down on it and said, “(Y/N), be a good girl and sit.” Without hesitation, you moved over to her, then sat down. She said, “Good girl, angel. Such a good girl for me” making you whine as she walked over to the edge of her bed. You watched her every movement like a hawk. Nancy said, “Robbie, be a good girl and lay flat on your back for me” and Robin quickly obliged. You watched as Nancy climbed on top of her, until she was eye level with her. She hovered over Robin’s lips and whispered, “You were such a fucking needy brat earlier. Is this what you wanted? You wanted me to punish you, baby?” Robin whimpered out a “N- No! No, Na- Nance! I’m- I’m sorry! Please d- don’t!” Nancy replied, “Too late for apologies, baby. You should have thought about this before you decided to be a needy whore in the mall.” She whimpered again, then Nancy said, “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be nice and slow”, then lowered her head and started harshly sucking bruises on Robin’s neck. Her moans filled the room and you could feel your arousal dripping from your pussy.
When Nancy was finished marking up her neck, you watched as she slid down Robin’s body, until her mouth was level with her chest. Nancy bit down on one of Robin’s nipples, causing her to whimper and Nancy to grin. She licked over it and Robin let out a breathy moan. Then, Nancy started flicking her nipple with her tongue. Robin’s moans soon filled the room again and it was getting harder and harder to resist touching yourself. Her moans stopped momentarily, but it was only for Nancy to switch to her opposite nipple. You watched as she did the same things on that side and Robin’s moans got louder. After she was done, she positioned herself in between Robin’s legs, sitting on her heels. You whined and Nancy looked at you, then said, “Aw princess, you must be aching. You’ll just have to be patient, angel. Robbie’s punishment hasn’t even started yet.” Robin whimpered and you whined while nodding your head. Nancy said, “(Y/N), you’re being such a good girl. Being so patient and not touching yourself. Always such a good girl for me.” You whined and watched as Nancy redirected her attention back to Robin. She moved her hand in between her thighs and lightly pinched Robin’s clit, making her hips buck up. Nancy said, “Is that what you’ve wanted, Robbie? Is that why you’ve been such a needy brat? You just wanted me to play with your pretty pussy, huh? Such a needy little whore.” Robin loudly whined out, “Yes, Nance! Please touch me! Fuck, please Nance!” Nancy giggled and rubbed Robin’s clit, agonizingly slow. Robin squirmed, but she wasn’t going to beg for more, knowing to take what she’s been given. Nancy started to speed up her movements, then stopped right as Robin was on the edge. She whined and said, “Noooo! Nance, please! Please, Nance!” Nancy replied, “Stop being fucking greedy” and slapped her pussy, not hard, but not too soft either. Robin screamed out a whimper and immediately said, “I’m- I’m sorry! I’m sorry Na-Nance!” Nancy got off the bed and said, “Lay on the edge of the bed, on your stomach, feet flat on the floor.” Robin quickly got off the bed, so she could move into the position Nancy commanded her to be in. While she was getting into position, Nancy grabbed the bottle of lube and turned to look at you. She said, “You ready to see what this is used for, princess?” Hesitantly, you nodded your head and waited for Robin to get in the position Nancy wanted her in.
Once Robin was in position, Nancy squeezed some lube onto the strap-on, then stroked it with her hand, making sure it was spread all around it. She put a little bit on her finger, then spread it around Robin’s tight hole. When you watched her do that, a loud gasp escaped your mouth. You’ve done anal stuff with Nancy before, but not this, only buttplugs. Nancy giggled at your reaction and said, “Robbie, I think princess knows what pegging is now, but lets really make sure she knows, hmmm?” You watched as Nancy roughly grabbed Robin’s hips, then slowly entered the strap-on into Robin’s tight hole. Robin screamed out whines and whimpers as Nancy continued pushing into her until all of the strap-on was inside of her. She waited about a minute, allowing Robin’s body to get adjusted to the feeling. Robin had tears in her eyes and Nancy said, “Robbie, you’re being such a good girl for me. You’re taking your punishment so well, baby.” She whined, then Nancy slowly started thrusting and after a couple thrusts, Robin’s whines turned into moans. Nancy gradually sped up her thrusts until Robin was on edge, then she stopped completely. Robin started whining and Nancy said, “Aw baby, did you want to cum?” Robin loudly replied, “Pl- Please Na- Nance! I was- I was so cl- close! So close! Pl- Please, Nance!” Nancy didn’t say a word, she just grabbed Robin’s hip, rougher than before, and started pounding into her. Robin was screaming out moans, saying, “F- Fuck! Pl- Please Nance! Pl- Please! Need to- Need to c- cum! Please!” Nancy leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Cum for me baby.” Robin came seconds later screaming out, “Oh my- Oh my god! Nance! Thank- Thank you! Thank you! Oh my god! F- Fuck! Na- Nance!” She pulled the strap-on out of her quickly and Robin loudly whimpered. A couple tears rolled down her cheeks, but Nancy said, “Flip over for me, baby. I’m not done with you.” Robin immediately rolled over, then you watched as Nancy quickly took off the harness and kneeled in between Robin’s legs. She held Robin’s thighs down, preventing her from squirming away, then started licking her clit. Robin’s body arched and she moaned loudly. It didn’t take long for her to cum again, but Nancy kept going. After her third orgasm, Robin had tears in her eyes again, this time from Nancy overstimulating her. She mumbled, “Sensi- Sensitive, N- Na- Nance” and Nancy just hummed, then continued abusing her clit with her tongue. After she came for the fourth time, she was sobbing, Nancy pulled back her head. She said, “You think you can be a good girl and give me one more, Robbie?” She weakly nodded, then mumbled, “Any- Anything for- for- for you, N- Nance.” Nancy hummed and said, “That’s my good girl, baby”, then slowly pushed two fingers into her entrance. She curled them repeatedly, causing Robin’s to scream out her sobs. Nancy hit Robin’s special spot, over and over again, until she came, then she slipped her fingers out. Once she was done, she kissed Robin on the top of the head and said, “You did so good for me, baby. You took your punishment so well, Robbie. Such a good girl for me.” Robin was still sobbing, all she could reply with was a slight nod and a hum. Once Robin had calmed down, Nancy said, “You okay, Robbie?” Robin just hummed in response, making Nancy giggle. She said, “Aw, did I fuck you dumb, baby? Did I fuck you too good, you can’t even speak? Aw, you’re so cute when you’re like this, all ruined from being fucked over and over again. You’re just my dumb little whore, aren’t you, Robbie?” She weakly nodded her head again and Nancy giggled, then looked over at you. She said, “It’s your turn now, princess.” You whimpered and looked at her nervously. She grabbed the strap-on off the floor and said, “Let me go clean this for you, angel. Be a good girl for me and comfort Robbie, while I’m gone. I know she can’t really move right now, so I know she won’t try and touch you.” You said, “O- Okay, Nance”, then you moved to sit next to Robin on the bed.
Once Nancy left, you helped Robin lay on the left side of the bed, then held her as she continued to cry from the overstimulation. You played with her hair and whispered sweet things to her, until she started to calm down. When Nancy returned, she said, ”How’s my baby doing?” and Robin mumbled, “Slee- Sleepy.” Nancy giggled at her fucked out girlfriend and said, “Well, I still have to punish (Y/N), but you don’t have to move, if you don’t want to, baby.” Robin mumbled, “St- Stay. Can’t- Can’t m- move.” Again, Nancy giggled and said, “Okay, baby. You’re good right there, Robbie”, then she focused her attention to you. She said, “(Y/N), lay flat on the bed for me, princess. Now, it’s your turn” with a grin on her face. You said, “Y- Yes Na- Nance” and did exactly what she asked of you. When you got into position, she hovered over your lips and said “Why weren’t you a good girl like this earlier, princess? Now I have to punish you, sweet girl.” You whined and said, “N- No, pl- please d- don’t.” Nancy replied, “If you didn’t want to be punished, you shouldn’t have been a bratty slut earlier, (Y/N). You put yourself here, I’m just giving you the punishment you deserve, princess. Do you think you deserve to be punished?” You whimpered, but didn’t answer the question. One of Nancy’s hands found your neck and gripped it, choking you. She said, “Princess, I asked you a question, didn’t I?” You choked out a “Y- Yes” and Nancy replied, “Then answer it.” A whimper left your lips and you choked out, “Y- Yes N- Nance! I deserve- I deserve to be- to be p- p- punished.” She released the grip around your neck and said, “That’s my good girl.” Then, Nancy starting harshly sucking dark bruises on your neck. After leaving a few dark bruises, her lips made their way down to one of your nipples. She took it between her teeth and bit down, not too hard, but not too soft either. It elicited a whimper from you, but her tongue quickly licked your nipple, making the pain fade. You breathily moaned, “Fuck Nance”, causing her to grin and hum. Then, she started rapidly flicking your nipple with her tongue and your hips bucked up. Nancy giggled and said, “Aw princess, you’re so cute. You still have a long way to go until you get to cum.” You whined and she giggled as she moved to the other nipple, biting, licking, and flicking it like she did the other. By the time she finished playing with your nipples, your pussy was dripping with arousal and you could feel it on your thighs. When Nancy positioned herself in between your legs and saw your pussy, she said, “Fuck, (Y/N) you’re so wet! My poor angel, your cute little clit is throbbing. Let me take care of that for you, sweetheart.” Nancy took her index finger and started rubbing slow circles on your clit. It was nowhere near what you needed, but you knew not to beg for more, not to be greedy. Nancy hated when you and Robin were greedy, so you took what Nancy gave you. Your body was tense and Nancy said, “Such a good girl, taking what she’s given. My good girl, always my good girl, (Y/N).” Then, she started to speed up her circles until you were about to cum, then she retracted her hand and said, “You didn’t think I was going to let you cum, that easy, did you, princess?” You whimpered and she bent down, then with her clean hand, squeezed one of your cheeks. Nancy said “Just my dumb, needy, little slut, huh?” You whined and she said, “Flip over for me, pretty girl. Just how Robbie was positioned earlier.” You followed her command without hesitation, immediately doing what demanded of you.
Once you were in position your entire body was tense with fear. Nancy noticed and said, “Sweet angel, just relax for me, okay? You remember your safeword, right?” You nodded and said, “Red for stop and yellow for don’t stop, but almost red.” Nancy said, “Good girl, sweetheart. If you start to feel uncomfortable at any time, say red and I’ll stop. Okay, princess?” You nodded your head and said, “Y- Yeah, o- okay.” Robin turned over to look at you and mumbled, “It hurts at first, but feels so good after, (Y/N). Trust me.” You nodded your head and said, “O- Okay, Robs.” Your body was now more relaxed, but still a bit tense and Nancy said, “Good girl, princess. Just relax for me, just like that, sweet angel.” Then you heard the bottle of lube open and around 20 or 30 seconds later, Nancy’s finger was smearing lube around your tight hole. Each of Nancy’s hands gripped your waist, not roughly like she did with Robin, and she said, “Take your punishment like a good girl, princess.” You whimpered and then you felt the strap-on slowly start to enter you. Your hands turned into fists, white knuckling the sheet below you and your eyes squeezed shut. You whimpered from the pain, but once the entire thing was inside you and Nancy let your body adjust to the feeling, it wasn’t as painful. Nancy said, “You’re being such a good girl, princess. Taking your punishment so well, angel.” You whined in response and then Nancy started to slowly move her hips. It only hurt for a couple thrusts, but afterwards your loud moans filled the room. You loudly moaned out, “Oh fuck, Nance! Fuck! Nance! Nance!” It didn’t take long for you to start feeling your orgasm forming. You were already so worked up from watching Robin get punished and from Nancy touching you. Once Nancy could tell you were close to the edge, she stopped. You whined and begged her to keep going, saying, “Na- Nance, pl- please! Need to- fuck (italicize) Need to c- c- cum! Pl- Please, Nance! Please!” Nancy ignored your whining and begging, she said nothing, she just gripped your waist roughly, hard enough to leave a bruise. She started pounding the strap-on in and out of you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you screamed “Oh my god! Fuck, Nance! Fuck! Holy shit! Nance!” Seconds later, you were begging again, saying, “N- Nance, pl- please! Please can I- Please can I c- cum? Please, N- Nance! Ne-Need to, pl- please!” She responded, “Be a good girl and cum for me, princess.” You didn’t need to be told twice, you let go, screaming Nancy’s name as she continued pounding into you, until your orgasm was completely ridden out. She pulled the strap-on out of you, without warning, eliciting a screamed whimper from you. Nancy ignored it and said, “Be a good girl and flip over for me. I need to get a taste of your pretty pussy, princess.” You did as you were told, not only because she told you, but also because you wanted it, you needed it, you need her.
While you were changing positions, Nancy was removing the strap-on harness from her waist. She asked, “Did that feel good, (Y/N)? Did you like when I fucked your tight little hole, princess?” You whined and responded, “Y- Yes, N- Nance. So- So good. Felt so g- good.” She grinned, then dropped down to her knees, in between your thighs and said, “Aw, my sweet angel’s pretty pussy is dripping.” Robin weakly sat up and Nancy said, “Robbie, you okay, sweetheart?” She hummed a “Mhmmm” and asked, “Can I please kiss, (Y/N) while you- while you play with her?” Nancy grinned and said, “Good girl for using your manners. You can as long as it’s okay with (Y/N).” You eagerly nodded your head and mumbled, “Please, Robs.” She moved to be on top of you, then she leaned down and kissed you. It was sweet and gentle, her lips felt so nice on yours. While the two of you were kissing, Nancy flattened her tongue, then licked a stripe through your folds, collecting your cum and wetness on her tongue. Nancy hummed at the first taste and the vibrations made you moan into Robin’s mouth. Then, you felt Nancy latched her mouth around your clit and start to suck on it. It became too hard to kiss you because of your constant moaning, so Robin rolled and laid next to you. She started praising you, saying, “You’re being such a good girl. So good, (Y/N). You’re being so good for Nance, sweet girl.” Your moans got louder from the praise and your legs started to shake. Nancy released her mouth for a second and said, “Cum for me, angel. Be a good girl and cum for me.” Nancy moved her mouth back, then started sucking harder and faster than she was before. You screamed out moans, saying, “Oh fuck, Nance! Fuck! Oh my god! Nance! Nance! Nance!” Then, you came again and Nancy slowed down, but she still wasn’t done with you.
Nancy switched from sucking on your clit, to licking it rapidly, but lightly. You moaned, “Holy shit! Fuck Nance! Oh my god!” Robin was praising you, saying, “You’re doing so good, princess. You’re being such a good girl. Tell Nance how good she’s making you feel, sweetheart.” You moaned, “S- So fuck- So fucking g- good! Fe- Feels s- so g- good! F- Fuck N- Nance!” Nancy hummed, which only fueled the feeling of your orgasm. Robin said, “That’s a good girl, (Y/N). You’re doing so well, sweet girl.” The praise sent you over the edge and your legs started spasming as you came again. Nancy continued lightly licking your clit until your orgasm was completely ridden out. Then, she lifted her head up and looked at Robin. She said, “Robbie, be a good girl and hold (Y/N)’s thighs down for me, please baby.” Robin nodded her head and said, “Yes, Nance.” Robin got into a position where she could hold down your thighs comfortably. Nancy said, “Good girl, Robbie. Such a good girl for listening, baby.” Robin blushed as Nancy ran her hand up your inner thigh and said, “Don’t think I forgot about you, angel.” You whined out, saying, “N- Nance t- too sensi- too sensitive. Pl- Please no m- m- more.” Nancy giggled, then fake pouted and said, “Aw princess, you’re sensitive? I’m not done with you yet though. I need you to be a good girl and let me play with your pretty pussy. You want to be my good girl, don’t you, sweetheart?” You whined and said, “Y- Yes, Na- Nance.” She replied back, “Always my good girl, princess. Such a good girl for me”, then she started rapidly lapping at your clit. You tried to squirm away, but Robin was too strong. She said, “Just relax, pretty girl. You’re doing such a good job for Nance, princess.” Tears formed in your eyes and rolled down your cheeks from overstimulation. Your back arched as a high pitched noise escaped your lips. Nancy made you cum again, then after helping you ride out your orgasm, she popped her head up. She said, “One more angel and then I’ll stop. You can do one more, for me, right princess?” As tears were rolling down your face and you were close to sobbing, all you could manage to respond with was a nod. Nancy said, “Good girl, princess”, and lightly licked your clit, then abruptly shoved two fingers inside your entrance. That was your breaking point and you started sobbing from being overstimulated.
Robin whispered praises to you, but you could barely register what she was saying. Your brain was complete mush and all you could focus on was what Nancy was doing. She moved her head away from your abused clit and solely focused on her fingers. She repeatedly targeted the spot that makes you scream, curling her fingers inside you over and over again. You were now screaming out your sobs, several tears rolled down your cheeks and drool started to cover your chin. The feeling of your orgasm started to form quickly and when you fell over the edge, your eyes rolled back and you screamed out a broken sob, as you came. You continued to sob as Nancy rode you through your orgasm and once she was done, she retracted her cum soaked fingers from your entrance. You whimpered and sobbed more, now feeling empty without them inside you. Robin released the hold she had on your thighs, while Nancy slipped her fingers into her mouth. A hum of pleasure left her mouth from the taste of you. She said, “Princess, you taste so good, so sweet” and then she got up to lay next to you. You were still sobbing, still so overstimulated. Nancy ran her clean fingers through your hair and whispered, “It’s okay, princess. Everything’s done now, no more punishments. You did such a good job, sweetheart. You were such a good girl for me, (Y/N). Just relax, sweet angel. I’m here, Robbie’s here, we got you, princess. We got you, you’re okay.” It took you about 10 minutes to fully stop crying and once you were calm, Nancy asked Robin, “Baby, do you want to clean, our princess up?” Robin eagerly nodded then looked at you and said, “(Y/N), is that okay with you? I’ll be super gentle, I promise. I’ll even stop if you need me to.” You weakly nodded your head in response as your eyes fluttered open and closed. Nancy condescendingly said, “Aw, poor thing can’t even speak. I turned you into my dumb little slut, didn’t I princess?” You weakly nodded your head again and she replied, “You’re so pretty when you’re like this, sweetheart. So pretty when you’re all fucked out. Robbie, come clean our pretty girl up.” Robin didn’t waste a second, she immediately got off the bed and made her way to kneel in between your legs.
Nancy continued to run her fingers through your hair, trying to relax you, while Robin cleaned you up. When you felt her tongue start to lap up your cum and wetness, a small whine left your lips. Nancy turned her head towards yours and said, “Shhhh, it’s okay angel”, then kissed your lips softly. You could taste yourself on her lips and a small hum of pleasure left your mouth. When Nancy pulled away from the kiss, you could see her chin still had your cum and wetness on it. Your eyes fixated on it and Nancy noticed, then said, “You wanna clean off my chin, princess?” You were too far gone to feel embarrassed and weakly nodded your head. She leaned in to kiss you and slowly you made your way to her chin. You lightly licked your cum and wetness off her chin, then once you were done, the embarrassment kicked in. Your cheeks turned a bright red and you refused to make eye contact with her. Nancy knew exactly what was wrong and said, “Sweetheart, it’s okay. Don’t feel embarrassed, angel. I wouldn’t let you do it if I didn’t like or if I didn’t want you to. Okay, pretty girl?” You nodded your head and a couple seconds later, Robin popped her head up. Her face was now covered in your cum and wetness. Nancy said, “Good girl, baby. Come here” and Robin quickly made her way over to Nancy. She sat up and said, “Kiss me.” Robin leaned down and kissed her lips with no hesitation. Nancy hummed, loving the taste of you on Robin lips. She made sure you were watching as she made her way to Robin’s chin and licked it up. When Nancy pulled her head back, Robin said, “Fuck that was so hot, Nance” and Nancy turned to you, then said, “See, nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart.” Robin nodded her head in agreement and said, “Nance can we all cuddle now? I’m so sleepy and (Y/N) can barely keep her eyes open.” They both turned to look at you and you mumbled a barely audible, “Sleepy.” Nancy replied, “Mhmmm, we’ll take a nap and afterwards we’ll all take a bath. I’ll help you two get all cleaned up.” Robin immediately went to the left side of the bed, while Nancy helped move you to the right side. She got in between the two of and once she was comfortable, you nuzzled your head into her bare chest, humming at the feeling of her soft skin against yours. You had a hand placed on her stomach, that one of Robin’s hands soon found. She started playing with your fingers and Nancy ran her fingers through your hair, then kissed the top of your head. She said, “I love you, sweet angel” and you mumbled, “I love you, Nance.” She smiled, then turned over to Robin, who had her head on Nancy’s opposite shoulder and kissed her forehead. Nancy said, “I love you baby” and Robin replied, “I love you too, Nance.” Robin tapped your hand and said, “I love you too, sweet girl.” You lightly squeezed her hand and mumbled, “I love you too, Robs.” She smiled, while you nuzzled your head deeper into Nancy’s chest. You fell asleep almost instantly, so relax with having Nancy’s fingers running through your hair and Robin lightly playing with your fingers. Nancy whispered to Robin, “She’s so cute” and Robin whispered back, “Absolutely perfect.” Then, around 10 minutes later, Robin was fast asleep. Nancy smiled, proud of herself that she turned her two little brats into her completely fucked out, good girls.
Hope you liked this!!😊💖
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jessysapphireblue · 9 months
One Piece Advent Calender Door 24
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Door 24: Christmas Eve
Morning dawned at the Cabin, everyone awake, some still sleepy but the others mostly awake. “So is it Christmas?”, asked Chopper. “No, tomorrow. Today is Christmas eve. The day before the actual feast”, explained Robin. “Perhaps we should go to the Sunny. I fetch us some nice warm breakfast there”, admitted Sanji.
“One ham sandwich for me”, Luffy raised his arm happily sanji and Nami smirking with his back to him before they walked out. Nami brought the key back and you all went to town.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!”, Usopp screamed as he saw the sheer mass op people. “Christmas Eve. Today the last things are gonna be bought, stuff picked up and then they all go home, spending time with their friends and family”, you admitted with a soft smile. “Christmas is crazy”, admitted Zoro with a loud yawn. “Just like us, so it´s perfect”, you admitted and Jinbe, Brook and Luffy laughed.
Once back on the Sunny, you helped Sanji prepare breakfast before you all st down. “Now, dig in”, the cook said as ”...where is the meat?”, asked Luffy. “Today is no meat”, said Nami. ”...what do you mean?” “As we stated yesterday today gives no meat. At all”, smirked Sanji. The color from Luffy drained as he collapsed on the table, sliding off his chair to the ground. “A bit drastic, don´t you think?”, admitted Usopp.
“my meat...I want my precious meat” “Tomorrow”, said Sanji. “So what will we eat tonight?”, asked Zoro. “Fish”, you smiled and Usopp looked happy. “Fish, really?!” “Yes” “With a super burger!” “Also no burger. Contains meat”, said Nami and the Cyborg was all stiff. “Like nothing at all?!” “Nothing at all”
Nami and Sanji clearly enjoyed the torture of the crew. “What about dessert?”, asked Chopper. “Well, I´ve never seen or heard of a dessert with meat so-” The doctor breathed out, which made you chuckle. “Luffy, come on and eat”, you said. “MA MEAT!”, he began to whine. “Yohohoho, Luffy-san is depressed” “You survive one day without meat”, admitted Sanji. “Je, pls. Meat”, Luffy robbed to you, his head now in your lap, looking so broken at you.
You inhaled and looked forward, contine to eat. “JE! Look at me! Don´t you care if I die!? I thought you love me!!!” “I do, hun”, you looked at him and were meet with THE MOST KICKED PUPPY EYES. “NO!”, Nami used her staff to smack Luffy from your lap.
At the end, he ate the stuff, still sad about his non meat. You helped Sanji in the kitchen, preparing most of the stuff for tomorrow, as well for tonight. While everyone got something else to do, Luffy rested on your bed, along with Soma, Looking at your wish list. “No meat...I won´t survive today” Your dragon nudged him, giving him a few licks on his cheek that made him smile. “Thanks!”, he beamed. ”...So HUNGRY!!!!”, he whined out, holding his growling stomach. looking at him, Soma took off.
You soon came with a big bowl into your room, his stomach sounded like it was dieing. “I heard you´re hungry” “YES! I demand my meat!” He said and you sat next to his legs. “Well, I have no meat but food” Directly he sat up and looked at the bowl. “What is this?” “toasted bread cubes with butter. You can have all if you want” “JE!”, hugging your waist, you laughed. “You still love me!” “Of course I do. I always do. So, you want-” It was taken from your grasp and Luffy began to munch on them, a content smile on his lips.
Evening soon arrived and the table was fully decked with stuff, from fish to mashed potatoes, cabbage and different little things to snack on. And as Sanji sat down, all began to take food, eating and smiling, and even Soma ate with you. “This feels like a real family gathering”, admitted Franky. “Yes, it does”, you smiled and saw how Luffy ate so much, you were sure he would burst. “The fish is nice”, smiled Usopp happily. “I like the peaches!”, beamed Chopper. “All this stuff is nice!”, smiled Franky.
It was just after dinner, the sun long gone and all of you went outside, faint music was heard from the town, and you all just admired the scenery, snowflakes softly falling around the ship. “What is that?”, asked Zoro and motioned with his head under the tree. “Why, chistmas presents” “PRESENTS?!”, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp leaped to them. “TOMORROW!” Nami and Sanji kicked them hardly while the rest laughed. “So...can I have meat?”, Luffy asked you, arms around your waist and you sighed with a smile. “Ha~ Fine. I make you something” He beamed brightly, tugging you away from the others.
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Can I request something from the prompt list pls angel?
1.“I’m going to make you remember who I am — who I was to you.”
So much is in here! Angst! Smut! Fluff! I hope you enjoy!!!
Steve never wanted you to get involved with the whole upside down situation but sadly life doesn’t always go the way he wanted. You two have been together for around four months when it happened. You were there at lover’s lake. You were there when they went to go kill Vecna. You were there, even though Steve tried to protect you he couldn’t, and that is his biggest regret in life. 
It all happened so fast. One minute you are standing next to him and the next minute you are being dragged away by this huge vines. Steve screams your name and rushes to you but the vines are faster. Just as he’s about to reach you, you are dragged into a huge rock and you get knocked out cold. Steve has never felt such intense fear then he does in that moment. He sees blood slowly start to flow from your temple and he screams your name, running towards you.
Hearing his screams he alerts Robin and she gasps seeing you laying on the ground motionless. Robin goes to help Steve with you but he denies her help “Go help Nancy kill this thing” He yells making her nod and run towards Nancy more determined then ever to kill it once and for all. Steve picks you up and carries you to the gate. Just as he steps through with you in his arms he hears Nancy and Robin cheer in victory. Hearing this makes his shoulder relax some but when he looks down and sees your unconscious form he tenses back up. 
The kids are excited to see that Steve is back in one piece but they all gasp seeing you. “What happened?” they all ask at once but Steve just ignores them as he keeps walking towards his car. He sets you in the car gently and mutters “you’re going to be just fine princess” He rushes to the hospital and once he arrives there he hurries to get you inside. When he is inside he makes up a lie telling them that you were jogging and you tripped hitting your head on a rock. They seem to believe him as the hurry to get you checked in and into a room to be examined. While the doctors do an exam they find out that you have swelling in the brain and they tell Steve that they need to do an emergency surgery. He nods trying to stay calm but on the inside he has never felt so much fear before. 
It’s almost three hours later when the doctors come out from surgery and tell Steve that you’ll be okay. He breathes a sigh of relief but then he tenses up again hearing the doctor say but. “But? But what? I thought you said she was going to be okay!?” The doctor nods “She will be okay but the problem is she will have memory loss. We don’t know how far back she won’t remember but we expect it will be about seven months of memories gone. Steve gasps hearing this. The two of you didn’t even know each other seven months ago, there is a possibility that you won’t know who he is at all. Steve tears up thinking about that possibility. 
Steve stays at the hospital all day, it’s been four hours since your surgery when you wake up. He is sitting in the chair next to your bed when you do and you jump slightly seeing a random man in your room. He flinches seeing you look so scared just from seeing him next to you. “W-Who are y-you?” you ask with a slight stutter.  He whimpers before responding “I’m your boyfriend. My name is Steve. Steve Harrington... we’ve been together for four months so far” you look at him shocked “Really? Why don’t I remember that” He starts to explain to you that you were in an accident and you had head damage. You nod along to what he was saying, slightly remembering getting hurt but not much in detail. 
The doctor comes in happy to see you’re awake. They ask the basic questions “What’s your name?” “Who’s the president?” “When is your birthday?” And they were very happy to see you knew all the answers. “Since you knew all those things you should regain your memory quickly” Steve releases a breath he didn’t even know he was holding back. You smile “That’s great!” The doctor nods before turning to Steve letting him know about somethings he can do to help you remember things faster, and that you two are free to go first thing in the morning. 
It’s been about two weeks since the accident and you remember almost everything but one thing. You don’t remember ever being with Steve. You even remember being in the upside down, but being with Steve? No memory of that. And it was starting to drive him crazy. 
You two are still living together but to the both of you it was like living with strangers. You felt awful for not remembering Steve, he kept trying to remind you it’s not your fault but the longer you don’t remember the more you see him losing hope. One day you overhear him on the phone with Robin talking about his worries “Rob I don’t know what to do. I’ve done everything the doctor has told me to do and they even said that if something doesn’t trigger the memories of us together she might never remember us.” You hear his voice crack and you feel your heartbreak. You might not remember being with him but something inside of you knows that you love him. You remember that the doctor said once that having intimate moments might trigger the memory of you two being together. Steve denied it, not wanting to take advantage of you in such a state but if it’s what will trigger the memories of you two together you will do it in a heartbeat. You wait until he’s off the phone before putting your plan into action. 
He hangs up the phone and you walk towards him, “Steve” you softly say making him turn around “Yeah? Is everything okay?” You nod before walking closer to him, as you get closer you pull him into a kiss. He gasps against your lips shocked to feel your lips on his once again. You feel a spark as you kiss him and slowly memories start to come back. 
He pulls away to breath but you pull him even closer “Stevie...” He gasps once again hearing you say the nickname you gave him. “Y-you remember?” You nod softly “I remember some. Please help me remember the rest” He nods understanding what you’re asking and he picks you up carrying you to the bedroom. As he walks to the bedroom he is leaving kisses along your neck. You are moaning softly as he drops you onto the bed gently. You go to pull him close to you but he pulls away before you can. 
“This is all about you” he mumbles as he starts to kiss your exposed skin. He gets to your shirt and he softly yanks on it while looking up at you. You nod letting him take off your shirt and he quickly pulls it off of you before moaning seeing your bare chest. “always so beautiful” he mumbles against your skin as he leaves wet kisses down your body. He stops as he gets to your waist and he starts to kiss back up your body leaving slight love bites in his path. You moan for more making him chuckle “Always been so desperate” You hips jerk slightly as he starts leaving kisses on your clothes core. “Stevie please” you beg loudly and he decides to be nice as he starts to pull your bottoms off. He moans at the sight of your soaking cunt “So fucking wet for me” You nod breathless making him smile. He decides not to tease like he usually would and he goes to kiss both of your inner thighs once before going and kissing you clit softly. He moans feeling your wetness already dripping onto his lips and he immediately loses all control. He mumbles an apology making you confused “Sorry for what?” you ask but the words lose all meaning as he dives his tongue deep into you. You moan loudly as your hand flies to his hair. “Steve!” He moans against you, always loving when you pull on his hair, but he loves hearing you moan his name even more. He pulls away slightly to tell you  “I’m going to make you remember who I am - who I was to you” You nod quickly “Please Stevie please remind me of you, of us” He smirks before moving back to continue eating you out. You feel the pressure start to build up as you moan louder and louder. “Steve.. Fuck Steve I’m going to cum” You half expect him to slow down but instead he speeds his tongue up and add his fingers to start rubbing your clit. You moan loudly as you grab his hair tightly. You start to grind against his face as you cum hard around his tongue. He moans at the taste of you and he continues to fuck you with his tongue to work you through your orgasm. He pulls away and he starts to kiss up your body before he reaches your lips. He kisses you deeply and you moan tasting yourself on his lips. “Steve... need you so bad” 
He nods and he pulls away to undress himself. You moan and bite your lip watching him get undressed before you gasps seeing how big he is. “Steve!” You gasps looking up at him with wide eyes. He chuckles seeing how you’re reacting and he laughs even more after he hears you whimper “I don’t think that’s going to fit in me” He kisses you softly before reassuring you “It’s fit before but we will go as slow as you want to” You nod as he slowly thrust into you. He moans feeling how tight and wet you are for him, hearing him moan because of you causes a rush of memories come flooding in your mind. You gasps and pull him in closer to you, making him thrust into you deeply. He moans in shock before choking out “P-Princess? W-What are you doing?” You chuckle softly “I remember it all Stevie. Fuck me like you love me, like you always do” He smiles widely before kissing you and thrusting into much faster. 
As he continues to thrust into you he can feel you growing tighter, wetter. He can feel himself growing closer to cumming and he starts to rub your clit. You tighten around him more then he ever felt you before. “Princess.” He moans breathless, “Cum around me. Cum on my cock” You nod and start to cum harder then before. He feels you cum around him making him moan loudly. “Fuck! Going to cum princess” He thrust deeper into you as he cums, feeling him cum makes you moan even more. He slowly pulls out and kisses your head as you hiss trying to get used to the empty feeling again. 
“I’ll be right back princess” He kisses you one more time before hurrying to get a warm wash cloth and some water for you. He comes back and hands you the water before he begins to clean you up. You twitch feeling the warm cloth against such a sensitive area and he kisses your thigh gently. “Did so well for me” He mumbles making you blush. 
As he tosses the cloth to the side he begins to cuddle into you, you start to giggle which confuses him “What are you laughing at?” He asks teasingly. You just shake your head before responding “Just can’t believe that all we needed to do was to have sex for me to remember everything about us.” 
I hope you enjoyed! I hope I did this justice! I’m still new to smut lol 
If you did enjoy please consider liking, reblogging, and commenting it all means the world to me!! 
Request are open! And my prompt list is my pinned post <3 
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
Chapter 2: Fears
Season One | Season Two | Season Three
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[Raining Hellfire: Season Three]
Word Count: 2628 words
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, just a little sad
[A/N: I hate how slow this story has started off but pls enjoy and let me know what your theories are so far if you have any]
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You arrived at Scoops Ahoy just in time to hear Robin’s taunting voice.
“And another one bites the dust.”
You walk passed two girls with ice creams currently giggling to eachother and you shake your head. Steve’s flirting had failed once again.
“You are oh-for-six, Popeye.” She marks a tally on her board, one she had made during a break when she was getting incredibly bored of Steve’s whining about not having a girlfriend.
You walk up to the counter, not knowing that Steve hadn’t noticed you there.
“Yeah, yeah, I can count.” He says, already sick of Robin’s jokes.
“You know that means you suck.” Robin mocks and he tightens his lips.
“Yep, I can read too.”
“Since when?”
You hold in a laugh, Robin shifting her gaze slightly to notice you leant against the counter. Steve stared down at his shoes and in that moment she sends you a suspicious wink and you raise your eyebrow. What was she up to?
“It’s this stupid hat.” Steve complains, walking towards the divider Robin was behind, “I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature.”
“Yeah, company policy is a real drag.” Robin jokes, leaning to him, “But, you know, that’s not really your problem.”
“Then what is?”
She risks a glance to you and you straighten, shaking your head.
“Maybe... your heart just isn’t in it?”
“My heart?” He raises an eyebrow, “What kind of bullshit is that?”
“I just mean that, hypothetically, deep down… you don’t want to date those girls.”
You start to make your way around the counter, swinging your arms around wildly to shut her up. It only entertained her further.
“Then what girl do I want to date?” He was confused now but incredibly intrigued.
“Have you ever considered that the girl you want to date is-”
“You should just tell them the truth!” You interrupt and Steve practically jumps out of his skin, stumbling.
“What the fuck, dude?” Steve stares at you, wide eyed.
You laugh awkwardly, “Oops.”
“When did you- never mind.” He shakes his head, sighing.
You send Robin a glare and she shrugs, disappointed.
“What’s your big idea then? Since everyone is apparently involved in my love life now.” Steve looked to you, crossing his arms as he leant back against the wall.
“Not our fault you keep whining about it.” You surrender, leaning against the counter. “But… you should at least think about telling them the truth. Girls like that.”
When Steve raises his eyebrow, you shrug and Robin sighs.
“You know, she’s right.” She nods and Steve groans.
“She usually is.” He complains and you smile slightly, shrugging it off when Robin catches you, “The truth?”
“Yeah?” You say like it’s the most obvious solution.
“Oh, you mean, that I couldn’t even get into Tech and my douchebag dad’s trying to teach me a lesson, I make three bucks an hour and I have no future? That truth?” Steve deadpans, awaiting your response.
“You might get a date out of pity?” You wince and he looks to you.
“Wow, thank you so much.” He sighs before slumping his shoulders. “And I’m sorry for complaining. I know you’re basically in the same boat I am.”
“Aye, aye.” You laugh, pointing to his hat. You immediately shut your mouth when he glares at your attempt for a joke.
“Hey, twelve o’clock.” Robin snaps her fingers and you turn to see a group of girls heading towards the counter.
“Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay… uh…” He looks to you both, nodding. “I’m going in. And you know what?”
He quickly throws off his hat
“Screw company policy.”
You and Robin exchange looks.
“Oh, my God, you’re a whole new man.”
“Woah, you’ve been Steve Harrington this whole time?”
He sends you both a mocking look before turning around and practically scaring the life out the girls.
“Ahoy, ladies! Didn’t see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavour with me?”
You shake your head in amusement, turning to Robin.
“I can’t believe that man used to be the biggest flirt in high school.” You shake your head, watching as Steve fails to charm yet another customer. It was a little sad, actually. You figured if Steve Harrington couldn’t get a date, you had no chance.
“Hey, Y/n?” Robin tilts her head at you as you still stare at Steve.
“Why does Steve think you didn’t get into college?”
“Shh!” You practically shove her head through the divider, making your way through the doors to meet her on the other side. “Because he doesn’t know!”
“Why not? I thought you two were best friends?” She frowns.
“We are. Which is why-”
“Why you didn’t tell him you got a scholarship?”
“It’s…” You squeeze your eyes shut, waving your hand in the air, “Complicated.”
“What’s complicated about it?” Robin suddenly smiles, leaning towards you. “Oh, is this one of those stories where you realised you fell for your best friend and you don’t know how to tell him so you give up every life opportunity just to spend time with him?”
You blink at her. “How pathetic do you think I am?”
“Then what?”
“I… I couldn’t do it.” You admit, pacing slightly as every decision you made leading to this flew through your mind.
“Do what?”
“Leave.” You slump into a chair. “I was so excited for years about the possibility of leaving this place. I mean the whole reason I wanted to was because of my sister but then one day she just showed up and that plan was cancelled. And then it was gonna be me and Eddie…”
Robin slowly nods, humming. “So what I’m hearing is that… you’re scared?”
“I was on my own when I moved here.” You shake your head, looking at your hands, “And I hated it. I guess all my graduation plans had involved another person. And, I don’t know, I just hate the idea of being on my own again.”
I hate the idea of losing everyone I love.
“I get that.” She solemnly nods, sitting back in her chair. “The fear of being alone? Haunts me.”
“Just… don’t tell him.” You plead. Robin glances at the divider before looking back at you, a sincere smile on her face.
“I won’t.”
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“So… what amazing, life changing plans do you have tonight?”
Steve asks, leaving the mall’s locker rooms in a fresh set of clothes and practically staring daggers at his Scoops Ahoy uniform.
You step away from the wall to see him wearing his soft yellow jumper over a pair of faded jeans.
“I thought I stole that.” You point to the jumper, frowning.
“You did.” He hugs his torso protectively, “And you gave it back to me that one Christmas, remember?”
“Oh, yeah.” You sigh, yawning.
“You have an obsession with my jumper.”
“I just really like the colour.” You comment without thinking, shaking your head back to reality when you realise. “And to answer your question, I have very interesting plans tonight.”
“Really?” He raises a sarcastic brow.
“Hey, I can have interesting plans.” You insist, Steve only raising his other eyebrow. “I’m an interesting person!”
“You’re something.”
You punch his shoulder.
“Ow.” He rubs his shoulder, shaking his head. “Okay, fine, what is this interesting plan of yours?”
“I don’t want to tell you now.” You pout, crossing your arms.
Steve laughs, rolling his eyes. “Very mature.”
You poke your tongue out at him. “Fine, if you must know… I’m meeting Nancy.”
“Wait.” He stops, halting your steps toward the car park. “You. And Nancy. You and Nancy?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?”
He sent you a look and you continued walking.
“We have tickets to see a movie at the drive in.” You explain, feeling a little happy that Nancy agreed in the first place.
“When were these plans made?” He interrogates as if you were hiding something.
“Uh… like a week ago maybe? She was at the pool when I was working and we just started chatting.”
“Cool. Cool, cool. Very cool.” He nods, avoiding your eyes.
“Oh.” You stop this time, Steve looking back to you with a confused look. “Should I not go?”
“What? Of course you should.” He walks the small distance back to you.
“Will it not be too awkward for you? I mean, you’re my best friend and she’s your ex and I didn’t really even think about that at the time but there might be some kind of bro code that I won’t know cause I’m technically not a bro-”
Steve waves his hands wildly in front of your face. “Y/n! It’s fine. I’m not upset about that.”
“Then why are you upset?” You frown.
“I-” He takes a breath, “I don’t even know why. I actually have plans tonight anyway.”
“Really?” You question, sceptical.
“Yeah, yeah.” He furrows his brows, staring straight ahead as you walk out into the parking lot, “I, uh, actually... got a date.”
“Are you serious?” You smile, jumping over to him, “When did that happen?”
“You know, when you and Robin were busy chatting away. One of the girls gave me her number. Lisa.” Steve shrugs, acting nonchalant.
“That’s… cool. I'm happy for you.” You nudge his shoulder and he laughs awkwardly as you both step toward your cars.
“Have fun with Nance, yeah?” Steve calls out, half a smile on his face.
“I will.” You smile, sort of giddy at the idea that you and Nancy were finally reconnecting, “Have fun on your date!”
“Yeah.” He mumbled, getting into his car.
You jumped into your car, the radio immediately turning on. You’re about to switch it off when the familiar lyrics blare out loud.
‘Til now, I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now, it chills me to the bone-
You switch it off, sitting back in your seat, smiling to yourself. It had been a while since you heard that song. It was all you ever played during high school, blasting it through your headphones to calm you down. You’d lost the tape a long time ago.
Driving in silence, you pass the abandoned steelwork plant, glancing over before shuddering in disgust. The usually eerily empty building was now home to scurrying rats. No wonder it was shut down a long time ago.
As you park your car just outside the drive-in theatre, you glance to the sign and see Nancy isn’t stood at your planned meeting place. Glancing at your clock, you realise you’re a few minutes early and decide to lean against your car as you wait.
Nancy Wheeler was practically the first friend you made when you moved to Hawkins. You had met Steve around the same time but with Nancy it was different. She welcomed you into her family and gave you a safe place to deal with things. She never really judged you until Barb’s death.
You knew it took a huge toll on her, one you could completely understand. But it didn’t bond you. It broke you over time and ever since, you’ve felt a little piece of you missing. Now, you were getting the chance to reconnect, to mend what had been broken.
But you should have known better than to believe in miracles in Hawkins.
Minutes turn into a painful hour when you realise she isn’t going to show up. The movie playing in the background of your disappointment was already half way done and you decide you really aren’t up for it.
Slipping back into the car, your eyes start to sting. Not because Nancy didn’t show up; your anxiety had already prepared you for that. You just hated the idea of being alone. Especially today of all days.
You started the car, shaking off the tears as you pulled back onto the road and drive back the way you came. The silence soon becomes unbearable and you reach over to switch on your stereo.
Before you could press the button, your car lets out a very unhealthy noise and very soon starts spluttering at you, slowly breaking down until you come to a devastating stop.
You sit frozen until smoke starts forming from the hood.
“Shit, shit, shit!” You mutter as you ran out of the car, throwing open the hood and coughing against the smoke. “No, no. This can’t be happening.”
Your throat tightens and you take a deep breath. You calmly walk back to the driver’s side and sit back in your seat, slamming the door shut behind you.
In frustration and defeat, you lean your head against the wheel, tears starting to fall. You glance at the faded yellow ribbon tied onto one of the loops of your trousers before you mutter under your breath, eyes squeezed shut.
“Happy birthday, Lillian.”
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“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Lillian! Happy birthday to you!”
The room broke out into cheers as you watched your best friend blow out the candles on her cake.
“12! You are so old now.” You giggle, just for her to playfully shove your shoulder.
“You’re older than me!” She laughed with a grin, brushing her long black hair away from her face.
“A lady never reveals her age.” You smile and she rolls her eyes.
“You’re such a dork.”
“Okay! Presents!” Her mother calls out, Lillian’s father placing a few wrapped boxes on the table in front of his daughter.
“Open mine first!” You insist, handing her the rectangular box practically covered in soft yellow ribbons. Her favourite colour.
She delicately unwraps her present, careful not to rip any of the material. She always liked to keep the ribbons you gave her.
As she pulls away the paper, she lets out a soft gasp and breaks into the brightest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She squeals, pulling you into a tight hug.
You laugh with her as her father peers over your shoulder at the illustrated box in Lillian’s hands.
“What is… Dungeons and Dragons?”
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She would have loved my friends now, you thought as you sit up, only to rest the back of your head against your seat.
The grief was never going to leave you, no matter how hard you tried. Ever since that night, you’ve felt cursed. Like anyone who came too close to you would be signing their death sentences.
Wiping away your tears, you stare out into the darkness as the headlights illuminated the path in front of you. You vaguely remembered seeing a telephone box up ahead and so, with a reluctant sigh, you get out of you car and begin walking.
Your arms hugged your sides tightly once you were fully aware how late it was. The dark surrounded you as you fell further from the safety of your car, your feet forcefully taking you further. Once the light behind you vanished, you cursed under your breath. You just needed to make one phone call to Jack and you’d be out of this mess.
Another step and your eyes catch a glint of light up ahead. As you get closer, the light splits into two, shining onto the telephone box beside it. Another car. Frowning, you cautiously walk over.
“Please don’t be a murderer.” You chant with whispers, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves.
Approaching the car only resulted in disappointed. Steam was leaving the engine and you sigh. You weren’t the only break down tonight. But then you notice the cracked windscreen and only when you step back do you realise you recognise the car. Your breath is caught in your throat as you stare, every worst scenario running through your mind.
It was Billy’s car.
Chapter 3: A Bad Feeling ->
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taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711/ @eddiesbirdie/ @livasaurasrex/ @darktimelegends / @jackierose902109 / @mvrylee / @chervbs/ @eternallyvenus
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jordiestardust · 1 year
Wet Part 2
Find Part One: here
Summary: Steve is dedicated to making things right with you, though he doesnt realize he wants to emerge as more than friends
Warnings: Cursing, use of y/n, implied f reader ( if i messed up w prnouns, same as last time PLS LET ME KNOW), unedited, shitty ending, fighting, alcohol use, unedited asf
“Okay. We need to talk” Steve had a stern look on his face as he spoke to the girl in front of him.
“Do we though?” Not only was she making him nervous, but she was making the task impossibly difficult for him.
“Yes. I want to start with saying im so-“
“Youre sorry? Really Harrington, thats bullshit you just want to get in my pants” She said, oh so obviously holding back a laugh.
“Robin i swear to god.” Okay, In his defense, Robin did basically force him to participate in this practice argument with him.
“What? You we’re kind of a slut last time you saw her.” Ouch.. he thought. But it was true. Steve most definitely had not been known for his great reputation at ‘boyfriend’.
He was going to suggest that they try again, but before he could speak there was a slight tap on her window before Margo came tumbling into the room.
“BIRDIE! And Steve,” She glared over at him, “I think i left my drumsticks here yesterday, have you seen them? We kind of have a gig at Tommy Hagens pool party and the drummer just might need her drumsticks. Itd be kind of hard to back up Y/ns vocals if i didnt have them, I mean shes really good and has great projection, but she needs something to-“ If it wasnt obvious, Margo and Robin have the same rambling habit.
“Desk, ill be ready in a few. You going to Hagens party too Steven?” Robin asked, hopping off of her bed to help the latter in her search. She knew of Steves history of the boy, but she also knew that he wanted to be financially stable when he was older; and Steves father had made it pretty clear that if Steve cut off his connections, hed be left in the dust for real this time.
“Stop ‘full naming’ me asshole. But yeah I kinda have to. Didnt know you guys had a gig there, though .”
“Must’ve slipped my mind.,” Margo shrugged, but her and Robin gave each other a look that low key freaked Steve out, “Just hurry and go get ready and uh remember what we talked about. Thank you for m’ sticks Birdie, Im out.” Margo kissed Robin on the cheek, and crawled back out of the window less than elegantly. Who was going to tell her Robins parents were out on a couples retreat this week, and that there was no need to crawl out of the window? Not him thats for sure- No fucking way willingly hed sit through another five minutes of their sickening cuteness.
“You should go now too Dingus, party remember? Go get dressed, pick me up in an hour. Well go, have fun, get drunk, talk to Y/n/n. You know like in the good old days” She smiled, like she was up to something, pushing him out of the room slightly.
“The good old days? Really?” Steve was mildly unamused, but left the house all the same. Maybe getting a drink or two in him wouldnt be all that bad, Tommys parties were usually unorganized and chaotic, so he might not even run into Y/n. You know, when shes not on the big ass stage he knows Tommy rented, “just for her.”
“Margs have you seen my glasses?” You called down from the stage, while Margo maneuvered herself around the few people that arrived early, in search of a beer, or like a caprisun or something. She had range.
“Gave em to Ajax” She yelled, still searching. Before you could turn around and look for the bassist, the glasses flew at you like a paper airplane. You were just barely able to catch them.
“Told you i could throw them up there, you immature ass.” Ajax muttered to Jonathan.
“I wasnt doubting you, dickwad. It was a statement.” Jonathan seemed to enjoy going to the parties where there would be a band playing, especially yours. Anyone else would think he just goes to get a glimpse up your skirt, but to anyone that knew him, it was clear he wanted practice for his future job of photographing rock bands. It was a diverse group of people you hung out with, really.
“Hey Henderson!” You looked up to see Tommy Hagen, the one throwing this party, waving at you from atop the diving board. Once you two made eye contact, he tried- really tried- to impress you with a jump. And it wouldve worked, if when he was about to jump in, a football didnt hit him in the ribs.
“OH SHIT-“ You exclaimed through a laugh, still glad to see that Tommy was able to resurface without needing CPR from Jason Carver.
“Oops-“ Ajax mumbled, as he and Jonathan slinked away together, laughing under their breaths. You shook your head in amusement, before placing the glasses on your head, and bending down to finish setting up the amps.
In no way were you into Tommy Hagen. He was an asshole, and it was pretty obvious that he thought of you as an accomplishment to add to his mental trophy case. Though, itd been a while since someone tried to impress you like that. Not who I wanted to have jumped into a 8 foot pool for me today. You thought, nearly laughing out loud at your own thoughts. HAH, scratch that. I bet he doesnt even remember we dated.
“We’re late because of you, i hope you know that” Steve mumbled at the girl who was currently holding onto his arm for dear life. Robin enjoyed coming to these things sure, but she needed someone to hold onto in these crowds.
“Its not my fault, I swear. It was in my little green notebook except i think i left it in my overalls at my dad’s house, but the overalls were in my closet at my moms house so i was really really confused and then you came and i didn’t- HEY MARGO! Later Dingus.” Robins rant this time was about how they were thirty minutes late because she couldnt find the paper she wrote Margos favorite color down on. Sickening cuteness, he thought to himself.
Steve looked over at the stage that had been set up in the Hagens massive backyard, to see Ajax up there tuning his bass guitar, and Margo was off somewhere with Robin, but he couldnt see you anywhere. You know, until he did.
You were off by the punch bowl, looking slightly uncomfortable, in the way that nobody but someone whos memorized the way you smile when youre happy would notice. With Tommy Hagen.
“Oh yeah, I mean, I leave sometime next week, so i dont think ill be able to make it.” You murmured, slightly annoyed that he wasnt getting the hint. Or that he didnt want to.
“Oh well thats alright princess,” you winced slightly at the nickname, “We can move it to tomorrow if youre free.” He smiled widely, raising his eyebrows as he waited for your response. Before you could turn him down, he spoke again. “Well look who showed, Steve Harrington, everybody. Did you know he was gonna be here princess? I didnt think hed actually show, you know hes kind of a wuss.” Tommy spoke loudly as Steve approached him, in an attempt to draw a crowd. One that worked.
“Oh come on, Tommy knock it off.” You said, trying to dissipate the situation before anyone did anything stupid. Steve and Tommy didnt have the greatest track record when it came to these things.
“Shut it, Hagen. Youre making her uncomfortable, knock it the hell off.” Steve said sternly, stopping a few feet from Tommy.
“Oh and you would know? I mean you guys dated for what a few months, before you dropped her for little miss perfect. Come on man you barely even know the girl, let alone what makes her uncomfortable. Hell i bet you dont even know what makes her comfortable, you know what really riles her up. Do ya Harr-“
Oh my fucking god.
“STOP GUYS STOP WHAT THE HELL- STEVE GET OFF OF HIM WHAT THE FUCK” You were yelling before you could even process what was going on. Steve was beating the absolute shit out of Tommy.
“DINGUS GET OFF OF HIM JESUS CHRIST” Now Robin was joined in on your yelling, along with the majority of the partygoers chanting ‘Fight Fight Fight’ or the occasional ‘Beat his ass Tommy’ and ‘Fuck him up Harrington.’
What the hell did he think he was trying to accomplish here
It wasnt long before the fight was broken up, Steve winning by a long shot, though he was definitely fucked up. You couldnt help the pang of pride you felt for him in your chest though, because according to Dustin filling you in on everything you missed upside down wise, this was the first fight hes won against a human since Starcourt.
It was still a pain in the ass to drag him to your car.
Steve woke up to the soft sound of strumming in the next room over. He wasnt really sure of what the hell was going on, until he tried to stand up, and was hit with a horrible pounding in his head, and suddenly all his wounds felt fresh again. Though, technically they were still fresh . It had only been forty five minutes.
He kept a hand on his head, because he felt it was the only thing keeping him from passing out, and padded his way out of his room and into the guest room.
There, he found you singing.
‘You adored me before, oh my good looking boy.’ You sung, softly strumming, while still blissfully unaware Steve had woken up.
You were still wearing the makeup from earlier, purples and navy blues covering your face, to match the bands theme. Your hair was still styled like how it was in the video from the other day. You looked beautiful. Even if you were so clearly stressed out by Steves actions.
‘The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it AGH-“ Now you were aware of his presence. Steve winced at the loud noise, and you apologized quietly, placing your guitar on the guest bed.
“Did i wake you up?” You asked looking up at him as he stood against the door frame, still cradling his head with one hand.
“No, no, you didnt. Woke up on m’ own” He mumbled.
“Good. Now i get to me mad. What the hell were you thinking earlier Steve. That was fucking stupid, Tommy couldve gotten seriously injured, and so could you.” You scolded, grabbing his wrist harshly and dragged him to the bathroom.
“He was being a dick, he deserved it.” He said, as you pushed him against the counter until he got the hint to sit down.
“Move your legs really quick… And youve been a total dick recently, I havent beat the shit out of you.” You reached under the sink for the first aid kit, before standing back up and placing it on the counter next to Steves thigh.
“What do you mean Ive been a dick?” His eyebrows scrunched together when you started laughing. Because of course hed been a dick. Itd been four years, and he was still ignoring you like a twelve year old.
“Okay, okay, that was my bad. I have been a dick.”
“Clearly.” You smiled sweetly at him, before using the towel youd wet as you spoke to wipe the dry blood off of his face.
“Can I ask you something, Steve?”
“Yeah. Go ahead” He was thinking you were just going to ask what he was thinking when he hit Tommy, or something along those lines. Definitely not,
“Why did you break up with me?” He looked at you, straight into your eyes. He could tell, just by looking at you, that you were just curious. No tears, no annoyance, just pure curiosity.
“Honestly?,” You nodded slowly, “I couldnt deal. I mean I wasn’t exactly boyfriend of the century back then. You made me feel.. Light? In a way. Like I didnt have to worry about graduating, or getting a shitty job working for my dad, hell or even what people thought about me. I mean, my girlfriend was going to be a rockstar, “He smiled at you, “But i couldnt go through with it. None of it. I guess I was scared, and Nancy was the safest option, you know? Little miss perfect, is that was Tommy said? Yeah thats what I thought back then too. Its stupid i know, but it was safe.” Steve was looking at you, and the small smile on your face, and he couldnt help but laugh a little. “What-“ He laughed a little more, causing you to join in.
“Wait can i- sorry- Can i clean your cuts first? So you dont double hate me after this?” You said through a fit of laughter, reaching for the first aid kit again.
“Yeah, yeah go ahead.” He said, calming down a little in anticipation for the pain.
“Sorry sorry sorry-“ You said as he hissed in pain, eyes closed, with his head leaning into your hand.
“Its all good. ‘S all goodd” He said, looking up at you once more.
“Anyway. I was laughing because youre a total fucking idiot, Steve Harrington. I mean you just beat up Tommy Hagen at his own party, halfway through one of my gigs. Youre still best friends with my little brother, despite avoiding me for the last four years, and youve yet to try and embarrass me for writing songs about you. Youve changed Steve. Its freaky, if im being honest”
“You write songs about me?” He asked. Robin had told him that youd done it before, but he always just assumed they were old songs. From before.
“.. You didnt know?” Now your once curious, calm features, were nothing but pure panic.
“No?? I thought maybe youd met someone in LA, you know?”
“And it doesnt bother you? Like at all”
“I mean i kinda wish you told me, then i couldve asked this three years ago,” He chuckled lowly, grabbing the wrist of the hand that was holding his face lightly, “Can i, uh, could i ki-“ Before he could finish, he was cut off by your lips pressing against his. It tasted like your chapstick, strawberry flavored just as he remembered, and the punch from earlier, still tinged with a but of alcohol. You pulled away for air after a few moments, and the shocked look on Steves face kinda freaked you out.
“Sorry- Shouldnt have cut you off. Thats like, thats my ba-“ This time he cut you off, cupping your cheeks and lightly pulling you toward him.
“Dont be sorry. I should be sorry, I was going to start with sorry, but Robin said it would sound insincere or whatever” He murmured against your lips, causing you to laugh a little.
“I mean you were the one who suggested we kiss- Come on Steve, be better” You scolded mockingly.
“Yeah, yeah. But uh maybe we should tell her and Margo to stop, like plotting either our demise or our like borderline reconciliation-“ He laughed a bit, because it was so, so obvious that was their main goal in life then.
“Borderline? You are really bad at this, Harrington.” You laughed some more, placing a light kiss to his nose.
“Oh shut up, I know you missed me” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist.
a/n: not my best work but im still getting used to writing fanfic again, so im getting there 😭 post’s might be a little infrequent because cheer szn is starting agaim, but i am accepting requests, so if u have any lmkk🫶🏾 i write for steve, eddie, ethan landry, and robin rn (currently hyperfixated on stranger things and scream rn lmaoo)
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ker0senebunny · 2 years
you've always had me✫*゚・゚(walking on a string ii)
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steve harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader
part one
summary: steve misses reader a whole lot (dustin smacked some sense into him). now, how does he win her back? (angst, fluff, smut)
warnings: afab!fem!reader, language, angst, fluff, smut (18+), UNPROTECTED SEX (pls remember to practice safe sex!!), kinda soft!dom steve? but no use of sir or daddy etc, apology sex, loss of virginity, PRAISE so much praise, oral (f!recieving), fingering, p in v sex, use of pet names, size kink (for like one second), dirty talk, no use of y/n, a little bit of roughness at the end (but not degredation or anything like that!! cheerleader!reader likes to be called pretty and good while she's getting railed), all characters are 18+, discussion of insecurities, soft tummy steve rights, NOT BETA'D (seriously if anybody wants to, pls shoot me a private message!)
word count: 6,187 (wowza! was not expecting that)
notes: THANK YOU FOR 200 FOLLOWERS WTF!! when i published walking on a string, i had about 30 followers so thank you so so much for keeping up with my silly little writings. i'll do a little celebration party later - i’m thinking something along the lines of blurbs from a prompt list, so send in asks! without further ado, here's the second part! seriously, thank you all for all the love you've been giving me. it really keeps me motivated to write! i hope you all enjoy this part before i start my taylor swift trilogy and ballerina!reader oneshot!
p.s. i also got a couple of asks that have perhaps inspired a part three (!!!) in the adventures of steve and his cheerleader, so thank you to the anons who sent those in! lmk if you guys would be interested in that xoxo
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the things you said are hanging in the middle of my mind, tonight.
i can’t turn them off.
you hadn’t been to family video in three weeks and steve desperately missed you.
winter had arrived in hawkins, bringing with it shorter days and longer restless nights. a tangy cold ran through the air, slipping under the door of the video store and creating a stupid fucking draft. steve watched the door anxiously as the stale air burned his nose. robin snorted. “dude, she’s not coming in,” she said. he huffed out a quiet “shut it, buckley” in response, keeping his eyes trained on the door. she rolled her eyes. “it’s your funeral, dingus.”
now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen you around town either. he never saw your sweet face at the grocery store. or in the park where sometimes, he'd catch you lying on a blanket, enjoying the pre-winter breeze and blasting duran duran on your walkman's tinny headphones. hell, he even went to the library to seek you out. but it seemed that you had just plain disappeared from his life.
only his life.
steve asked anybody who came into family video if they knew where you were; they always made some offhanded comment about seeing you at a party or at your favorite boutique. the one you always got your little low cut blouses from, where trina denman had made you cry once and so he chewed her out the next time she came in to rent a movie -- pretty in pink. your movie.
"steve, you are a dipshit."
steve rolled his eyes and turned his gaze away from the door to see dustin standing in front of the family video counter.
"tell me something i don't know, henderson."
dustin rolled his eyes right back before hopping over the counter to get into steve's personal space.
"hey! man, what the hell are you-"
"apologize to her."
steve was startled at dustin's sudden seriousness. he'd only ever seen the kid get serious about upside down stuff or d&d. or, when he talked about you. he knew that you two really got along when he introduced you to all of the kids, but your bond with dustin ran deeper. you both often met at the old creek to go look at the wildlife there. you taught him about the flowers and the moss that surrounded you both, palming crisp bark and teaching him to appreciate the world around him, inadvertently worming your way into steve's heart even more as dustin regaled him of these tales.
"dustin, she doesn't want anything to do with me."
"because you haven't apologized yet. jesus christ, steve. it's like talking to a toddler. i swear." robin let out a sharp cackle from where she was eavesdropping. steve flipped her off.
dustin sighed. he just wanted to see you and steve happy. he snapped his fingers in front of steve's face to get his attention.
"i'm not a fucking dog."
"i'd argue against that." dustin chose his next words carefully: "whatever you do next has to matter more to her than anything you’ve ever done before."
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i'm in a twisted web,
and i can't pull my head from it.
that first day when you came in was one of the best days of steve's life. he couldn’t believe that you, the golden girl, were speaking to him with such softness. but then, the thoughts he tried to cram away constantly invaded his mind, clouding whatever emerging feelings he felt for you. steve decided for himself that you were playing a game - making him the fool. and so he decided on revenge - playing you right back. poking out his tongue whenever he looked you up and down (which was quite a common occurrence). letting you cuddle into him whenever the two of you were seated even remotely close to one another (this was definitely not for his benefit as well). posing for pictures that you’d take with your polaroid camera that was “so annoying” to him (he’d never tell you that the picture robin took of the two of you, your back to his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist, lives in his wallet - next to the first of your little notes).
steve liked to take his time with things and he knew you needed space, but three weeks was a long time, right? it was too long of a time for you to have not pranced into family video, excited to show steve your newest purchase. too long of a time for him to go without smelling your peach shampoo on his sweater after you’ve fallen asleep during one of your many viewings of pretty in pink. he missed the sting of your manicured nails on his forearm when you were so excited to tell him about a new trick that you landed, that you physically glimmered. he realized with a start that he missed your silly notes and the mirth in your eyes as you laughed at a dumb pun he made. he missed how you would light up even more than usual whenever one of the kids said hi to you outside of one of their hangouts that they'd taken to inviting you to. he missed you.
and he fucking hated himself for it. he felt stupid, used, and above all -- guilty. why would he feel guilty if he saved himself from whatever heartache you could bring him? your teary face flashed in his mind.
because you hadn't been trying to use him -- you actually liked him. a lot.
and he definitely was a little bit (a lot) in love with you.
and he only just figured it out.
robin watched her best friend as his face changed. she snapped her gum in her mouth before plunking down on the stool next to him. "i smell wood burning," she said, "what are you thinking about?"
steve turned to her.
"i fucked up."
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i hang my head
and feel the oxygen drain.
agonizing hours passed as he thought about what to say to you. he almost missed the tinkle of the bell above the door, letting him know that there was a new customer in the store. from where he sat, all he could see where white sneakers. his eyes snapped to the top of the doorway, and he shrank in disappointment. walking through the door was chrissy cunningham, not you. she was holding pretty in pink, no doubt to bring it to you to cheer you up.
so, it seemed that you were just hellbent on avoiding him.
chrissy gave him a polite smile as she brought it to the counter. steve cleared his throat. she nodded at him in greeting. robin stood a little further back, entranced by everything in front of her (did she sort of want her best friend to get punched by chrissy cunningham? …yes).
steve handed chrissy her change and just as she left, he jolted to his feet.
“wait!” he said, as if the words couldn’t wait inside his mouth any longer. she hesitated, already knowing what he was going to ask.
“how is she?” he said, eyes honest as he searched chrissy for an answer.
she set her mouth in a grim line as she shook her head at him.
“steve, i’m not going to lie to you. she’s really hurt.” steve felt his mouth dry up instantly.
“would she even want to see me?”
chrissy sighed exasperatedly and gave him a shrug before looking at his wounded face. for however much he was hurting, she knew you were hurting way worse. she slammed her hands on the family video countertop, mustering up as much of a threatening tone as she could, pushing herself to the tips of her toes to look steve directly in the eye.
“i have never known someone as kind or genuine as her,” the tiny girl said very seriously, “so you better fucking fix this harrington, because even though you’re a dickhead for what you did, i know you care about her. and for some reason, she cares about you too. probably too much.” steve opened his mouth to reply but chrissy jammed her pointer finger into his chest. “fucking. fix. it,” she said through gritted teeth before waving to robin and swaying out the door.
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you're never running out of ways
to worm your way back in.
the past few weeks have been hellish for you, to say the least. getting not only rejected but belittled by steve harrington, the boy you…love? yeah, love would be the best way to put it. you'd pined after that idiot since freshman year, your feelings only intensifying with time and your prolonged visits to family video. those same visits evolved into impromptu sleepovers due to your absent parents, nights out when the local carnival was in town, watching out for the kids on halloween.
you pretended to be fine in front of your friends, a group made up of jocks and the cheer team. you knew that lucas sinclair, one of the new basketball players, was friends with steve. so you avoided him as much as possible, but that didn’t help. everywhere you went, you felt like steve was following you. seeing the people he loved (because he obviously didn’t love you) caused the rift within you, one searing with pain and self-loathing, to deepen.
there was less of a pep in your step. your gentle attitude remained, but you were more melancholic than anyone had ever seen you. sure, you were always willing to lend a hand or a listening ear, but as soon as you were left with your own thoughts, it seemed like a shade had passed over your demeanor.
you hadn’t let anybody into your room since the pep rally, sinking into a cocoon made of your duvet and throw pillows for hours on end. your walkman was always pumped up on full volume. crumpled tissues blanketed virtually every surface - a palpable reminder of his words to you that continued to hang in your mind. you tried to block them out - to block him out - but steve had become so engrained within your daily routine without you even noticing.
his yellow sweatshirt lay on your desk chair, directly in your line of sight, which didn’t help with your attempts to wallow and just get it over with.
you didn’t even let chrissy in to talk to you - she had to resort to seeing you in public or talking over the phone. your room was your safe space: your zone away from anything (or anyone) else but you.
which made steve’s raucous entrance at 2 am all the more unwelcome.
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anyone who knows what love is will understand;
you’ve always had me,
walking on a string.
you’d finally been pulled under into what could almost be described as sleep when you heard a thump and a quiet “fuck me!” you were alone in your parents’ large house (something about visiting your dad’s old boss — you couldn’t care less), which made the nighttime extra unnerving to you as a young woman, alone in the middle of fucking nowhere. that was something steve had known about, before he broke your heart.
you shot up immediately, rolling out of your bed and grabbing one of your sneakers to hold up as a makeshift weapon. your eyes were wide with fear and your voice shook as you spoke, “don’t come near me, perv!” you launched the shoe at the tall, dark figure, striking them in the shoulder. whoever it was taken aback and made a noise of pain. you were reaching for your other shoe when you heard your name. “it’s just me, sweetheart.” you lowered your arm as you took in his outline in the dark. you didn’t need light to know what he looked like; you’d spent long enough memorizing every freckle on his face. the slight gap in his left eyebrow from when he got cut in a fight and it scarred. how the right corner of his mouth used to be permanently curled in a smirk around you.
you squinted still.
“stevie? did you sneak through my fucking window?”
you couldn’t help but use his nickname. three weeks of the cold shoulder doesn’t exactly undo months (nay, years) of pining.
“you could’ve used the front door, you know. my parents aren’t home.”
he hadn’t said anything to you yet, allowing you to fill the silence with your half-awake rambling. he gave you a sheepish smile as you moved to stand in front of him, looking up at him with your arms crossed over your chest in worry.
“why are you here?”
you hated how your voice cracked.
he looked down at the floor and then back at you, meeting your eyes. you hated how you immediately got sucked back into the warm umber of his gaze. he sucked in a breath through his teeth, shaking hands in his pockets.
“i need to tell you something,” he said with as much sincerity as he could pour into his words. you rolled your eyes, turning to get back into bed. “i think i’ve heard everything i need to hear, harrington.” he said your name pleadingly, reaching out to envelop your fingers in his.
you hated how you let steve's warm fingerpads trace the inside of your wrist.
you especially hated that it made you feel better.
“please let me say this and then i’ll be out of your life forever.”
you nodded.
“i didn’t think that you’d want anything to do with me.”
your heart ruptured.
he continued: “you’re this stunning, whip-smart, sweet girl who everyone loves. and i’m just this washed-up guy who chauffeurs for six children and works in a video store.”
steve paused to look at you, not quite understanding the emotion pressed into the creases of your face.
“i thought that your friends put you up to this - to me. i thought you were just using me to get a laugh, so i thought i would use you right back.”
tears bubbled up along your lower lashline. your lower lip wobbled as he poured out the deepest, darkest crevices of his mind to you in your moonlight bedroom. your eyes adjusted to see him
“but then i got to know you. like really know you. and i realized that you were one of my favorite people ever. and then i felt like i’d fallen into your trap. and so i lashed out and i was a fucking dumbass and ruined whatever i could’ve had with the girl i love. what i’m trying to say is - i was an idiot and i really don’t want this to end before we even had the chance to start it, sweetheart.”
you let the tears fall unknowingly, but unlike the gym, steve cradled your face gently in his hands, swiping away the beads of saline that ran down the apples of your cheeks. you sucked in a breath, but it felt like the oxygen cascaded out of you instead; you brought your face closer to his.
“you’re so fucking stupid, harrington.”
and then you were kissing him.
it felt completely natural to you both - no hesitating, no waiting. he moved his mouth over yours, pressing your scantily-clad pajama-covered body into him. you felt the softness of his stomach and the hardness of his chest against you as you tried to get yourself impossibly closer. from where his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, you saw some of his chest hair. a path of warmth made its way down to the root of your core. he pulled away and you whined, chasing his mouth with yours.
he breathed out your name like it was a poem.
your smile was just as bright as it usually was, even through all of the salty wetness sliding down your face.
“i love you, stevie."
he looked at you like he wanted to bring the stars closer, just so you could get a better look.
"say it again," he teased gently as he nosed at your throat, prompting you to lift your chin and expose your neck. he started to pepper open mouthed kisses on your neck.
"i-i love you."
he sucked harshly on one spot, making you softly cry out. you pulled back and watched his pretty face form a pout.
"but you’re gonna have to make it up to me.”
he looked down at you with a boyish smirk, before dipping down to meet your lips with his once again.
“i can think of at least one thing that might help.”
he kissed you with a ferocity, a deep-seeded wanting. you sighed into the kiss and whimpered when you felt his tongue nudge against the seam of your mouth. you opened your lips in a surprised moan and he slipped his warm tongue in, licking the roof of your mouth. you let out another whimper, and he groaned. “those sweet little noises are gonna fucking kill me, baby.” his words were strained, his voice raspy, lips slick with a mixture of yours and his spit. you felt your face warm to match the heat emanating from your sex. he dove in to kiss you again, gently leading you toward your bed.
your back hit your cornflower-dotted duvet as steve caged you within his arms. your hands had made their way into his hair, mussing it far past anything that a few puffs of farrah fawcett hair spray could ever remedy. you felt the ache between your thighs grow and in your steve-induced haze, your hips jolted up to meet his. you were surrounded by him: the feel of his warm, wet mouth on yours. his smell -- lemongrass shampoo and pine cologne and something that just made him steve. steve tasted like promises and the cherry slushee he'd gotten with robin after work. his rough fingertips soothed over the spot at your waist where your flimsy tank top had risen. you maneuvered your hips over his groin again. the tiny bit of friction that his rough, tented jeans provided against your throbbing clit made you whine out his name.
“stevie,” you pleaded.
he moved his lips down your neck, lapping at your pulse and leaving a trail of bruises in his wake. the stimulation only made you move your hips more in desperation. you were already surprisingly close — not even nights alone in your room with your hands shoved down your cotton panties, imagining this very moment, were you ever close this quickly. one of his hands came down to squeeze your hip — not harshly, but as a reminder that he was in charge. he pulled away when he felt you move your hips again. he sighed. “pretty girl, i want to take my time with you. be patient.”
you looked at him through your heavy lashes, pouting a little as you grabbed for him to come back closer to you. “but i wanna feel you!” you exclaimed, pulling him down toward you to latch on to his neck and grind up toward his bulge. he hissed as you found his sweet spot, right between where his collarbone meets his neck. he panted out your name as the hand gripping your hip got tighter; you could see the hand near your face clench into a fist and he breathed shakily. “i want to feel you too, but i have to get you ready first, sweetheart. is that okay?”
your heart swelled so much you thought it might beat its way through your chest. you nodded bashfully as his hands finally slipped under your tiny pajama tank top. steve kissed you as his fingers danced over your ribcage. you shivered at their warmth and giggled when he intentionally tickled you. you felt him smile into the kiss (which did almost make your heart explode). but all thoughts of just how much you loved him went out the window when you felt his hand rub over one of the stiff peaks of your covered breasts. you arched upwards, pushing your chest into his hand. he chuckled at your eagerness and detached himself from your wanton mouth to remove your tiny top. your breasts met the air and steve looked at you in wonder, as if you deserved to be immortalized in the louvre. “god, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured.
you suddenly felt shy, his words bringing you back into the present. here you were, topless with steve harrington giving you hickies. you grabbed his bicep gently with nerves puddling in your still lust-blown eyes.
“stevie, wait.”
he immediately gave you space, asking you oh so kindly, “is everything okay, baby?” you nodded. “more than okay. i just…” your voice faltered and you looked at your hands. he put his hands on the sides of your face, letting you sink into their warmth and weight. “it’s okay, pretty girl. you can tell me anything.” you bit your already kiss-bruised bottom lip.
“it’s just that i’ve never…this is the furthest i’ve ever been with anyone,” you rushed out. you desperately hoped that you hadn’t ruined things with him again. he sponged a kiss to the tip of your nose before saying, “i won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.” your eyes widened and you placed your hands over his on your face. “no no! i just wanted to let you know before we did anything else. i want it to be you, stevie. i love you.”
he smiled at that. “i love you too, sweetheart. god, i can't stop saying it.”
it was a miracle that your heart had still remained lodged in your chest at this point.
“kiss me, please,” you cooed, and he happily obliged, removing your thin pajama shorts in the process.
he left soft, wet kisses along the column of your throat, biting down gently on the top of your left nipple when he arrived at your tits. “perfect tits” as he called them. you squeaked and he laughed, the vibrations around your puckered bud heading straight to your pussy. you half-believed that your panties would be sheer from how wet you were.
he kneaded and pinched at your right nipple as he laved his tongue all over your left, giving you little nips that made you squeal and kisses that made you melt under him. he alternated between breasts and when your tits were sufficiently marked with imprints of his teeth, he placed his hand over your searing cunt. he watched your face change, your eyes rolling back, from the lightest of touches. you were equally as whipped for him as he was for you. steve groaned as he felt your thighs trap his hand, pushing the wet part of your panties into him. his eyes rolled back at the sight before him, your tits marked with his teeth, your eyes darkened for him, your pussy rutting into his hand, all covered in white cotton panties with a little pink bow. you whimpered when he took his hand away, searching for relief as your clit pulsed.
“what did i say, pretty girl?”
“that i have to be patient,” you answered shyly. he hummed.
“good girl.”
you burned from head to toe at his words.
he peeled your panties off of you, inhaling sharply as a string of your arousal connected you to the sopping cotton, only snapping once he had your panties partway down your thighs. “all for me, sweetheart?” you nodded shyly and pressed your thighs together, but he caught you and spread them again. “i wanna see you, baby,” he said before lowering himself to face your drooling cunt.
he licked a fat stripe up your slit, making you jump a little and let out a breathy gasp. steve grinned before spreading your folds with his hands and prodding at your quivering hole with his tongue. he moaned at your taste — tart and heady and you. you moaned as he sponged wet kisses to your folds, before moving up your thigh toward your needy clit. he looked you in the eye as he devilishly licked around the bud before latching his mouth onto you. steve sucked your clit into his mouth, gently brushing his teeth across your sensitive bud. you rushed your hips to meet his face and your hands flew to his head again. he gave a little laugh at your want. he kept his mouth attached to your clit as he gathered dipped his index finger into your folds, gathering your slick before pushing into your poor little hole. he muttered a curse under his breath.
“shit, sweet girl. you’re so fucking tight.” you contracted around his fingers at his voice, about to reply before he put his mouth back on your clit, sucking harsher than he had before. you felt yourself get impossibly wetter as steve began to pump his finger in and out of your entrance. you tried to move yourself on his hand, pleading for “more, stevie, more!” his middle finger slid in to join his index and you hissed at the stretch. he stopped to let you adjust and you marveled at how full you felt just because of two thick fingers. he eased the two of them in and out of you slowly, spreading you open for him. you were so lost in the pleasure that he was doling out that you almost missed his calls of your name.
“baby, can you take another one? d’you think you can?” his face had moved to hover over yours now; you could see your juices on his chin. you nodded frantically, shifting back and forth on his already dripping fingers. “please stevie — need it. need you.” he kissed you heatedly as he inserted his ring finger, swallowing your gasp with fervid swirls of his tongue. you keened as you felt the girth of three fingers inside of you; your fingers and imagination couldn’t do steve’s hands justice. he gave an experimental thrust, keeping up with his assault on your clit, with the heel of his hand. he kept kissing you, switching between gentle presses of his mouth to yours and hot, frantic swipes of his tongue. he noticed your cunt start to pulse, steadily getting tighter as you mewled. his fingers squelched as he slid them in and out of your sopping cunt. “steve, stevie, m’gonna-” you could barely get the words out before you let another loud moan. “gonna cum for me, sweetheart?” he teased, speeding up his ministrations. your voice was but a shred in the back of your throat at this point; the only response you were able to give him was a high-pitched sob. your mouth fell open and your head tilted back, renewing him access to your neck and chest. you felt yourself tighten even more as his lips brushed across the tender bruises he’d already made. the combination of his lips on yours, on your skin — his hand between your thighs — you were completely surrounded by him. he was knuckle deep by now, allowing your gummy walls to suck him in. your nails cut into his biceps as you breathed rapidly. “cum for me, baby,” he said through gritted teeth. at his permission, you let the taught string in your body snap. your walls tightened like a vice around his fingers, so tight that steve swore it could’ve cut off his circulation. your cunt fluttered around the fingers seated deep inside of you. your back arched off the bed and your gut tightened as the intensity of your orgasm washed over you in waves. your vision blurred as your body went limp, twitching with aftershocks. you said his name like a prayer through it all, finally blinking to clear your vision. you were met with his smug face as he gave you one last push with his fingers. you squeaked at the contact and he smiled at you, giving you a doting kiss on your swollen, bitten lips.
“all good, baby? you were so good for me. my good girl.”
you nodded, thoroughly exhausted, but also craving him. “stevie, i wanna feel you inside of me,” you said, giving him your best puppydog eyes. he gave you an easy smile, before searching the pockets of his jeans for a condom. “oh shit,” he said, exasperatedly. you sat up with a frown as he rooted through his belongings. “stevie, honey, what’s the matter?” he looked at you apologetically. “i don’t have a condom,” he said dejectedly. you reached out to kiss the corner of his mouth, to push the frown off of his face. you gave him a small smile and said, “s’okay! ‘m on the pill.” his pupils dilated, darkening his eyes so that only a sliver of hazel showed. “and i’m clean, because, yanno…”
“fuck,” he rasped out, “you can’t say shit like that to me, baby. i’ll cum in my pants like a fuckin’ dope.” you laughed your real laugh, his favorite laugh, and in that moment, he felt overwhelmed with love for you. so overwhelmed that as he pulled his cock out, he told you again. he called your name softly to get your attention.
“i love you so goddamn much,” he said, pouring every drop of earnestness he could into his words. now that he knew that his words actually did matter to you.
“i love you too, steve harrington,” you said as you leaned up to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek. he chased your mouth with his to lay a series of quick kisses to your lips, muffling the giggles that tumbled from your throat. he rose to his knees above you and shucked off his jeans and his boxers.
now, you’d never seen a cock before in your life, but fuck, were they all as pretty as steve’s? his cock was just, so pretty: a red tip that gave way to a flesh-toned shaft, thick with a vein on the underside of his length. his head was leaking in frustration. your eyes widened as you took him in, wondering if his massive shaft would be able to fit inside of you.
he teased his ruddy tip through the wet mess between your thighs, stroking himself with your cum from earlier. he placed one of his hands on your hip, interlacing the fingers of his other hand with yours, letting your entwined hands rest by your head.
“are you ready, sweetheart?”
you gave a soft “yes” in reply and gulped down a breath. he noticed how you tensed up and squeezed your hip gently. “we don’t have to if-” “no!” you exclaimed, “i want to it’s just…what if i’m not good?” his heart almost shattered as he looked at the worry written across your sweet face. he brought his lips to the crease between your brows, pecking you there to tell you to relax your face. “you’re perfect to me already, baby,” he said, oh so honestly. and you believed him, because it was your stevie looking at you like you were the only real thing in his life. “okay, i’m ready,” you said, relaxing into your bed a little more.
steve guided his tip to your quivering entrance and kissed you as he slid the fat head of his cock in. you gasped as he breached your walls, arms winding around his neck. your jaw fell open, slack against where your chin rested on his shoulder, almost impossibly close to him. the fullness of his fingers was one thing, but this was totally different. the stretch was addictive as he slid into you inch by inch. he worked you open gently, and you wanted him to stay inside you forever. he noticed that you’d gone quiet and brought a hand up to comb through his hair in order to see you better. “everything okay?” you nodded fervently, wriggling your hips and mewling out, “stevie more, more.” at your words, he bottomed out, heavy balls slapping against your ass and you made a strangled noise into the air as he moaned into your neck. “fucking- holy shit, you feel so good.” your walls contracted around him and steve had an idea. he started slowly thrusting into you, allowing you to get adjusted to the feeling of his heavy cock inside of you. all the while, dripping praise into your waiting ears.
"you're doing so well f'me," he said, still thrusting into you slowly -- wanting to make this about you, not him.
but something inside him snapped when you said, “stevie, fuck me.” he started pounding into you, jackhammering his hips against yours, making your eyes roll back so far in your head that all you could see was black. his chest hair brushed against your nipples, meaty thighs brushing against you with coarse hair during every thrust. you choked out a loud moan at the sensation, clapping a hand over your mouth at the volume. he noticed that your sounds had become muffled and whispered into the air between you two: “c’mon pretty girl. i wanna hear those sweet sounds you make.” his balls slapped against your ass as he rolled his hips into yours; the sounds of flesh against flesh ricocheted off the toile wallpaper in your bedroom. the wetness between your thighs kept spreading, creating a lewd slap as he plunged into you over and over again.
his spongy tip pushed against your g-spot and you clenched around him desperately. he moaned at the sensation, muttering a curse under his breath and something about how tight you were. you bit his shoulder after a particularly hard thrust, causing him to hiss and shudder. your walls started to spasm around his cock as that big vein of his pummeled into your sticky cunt. your whimpers became faster and higher as you chased your orgasm, steve right there with you. “stevie!” you yelped as he continued his brutal pace. “’m right there with you, baby. let go,” he whispered, his lips covering yours. you did just as he asked, a borderline pornographic whine slipping its way out of your throat and plastering itself across his mouth. you clenched impossibly tightly around him, stuttering out, “want it inside, please stevie,” as you were pushed over the edge. your pussy pulsed and your body shook, muscles tense as he milked your puffy cunt for all of your juices. you sobbed while you came; it was the hardest you’ve ever cum, your intense love for steve amplifying every shockwave. your legs were wrapped around him, heels digging into his back as he gave you one lasting thrust, his hips stuttering. you felt a warmth extend through your weeping cunt as he painted your sweet walls. the feeling of his hot ropes of cum filling you caused you to tighten around him once again, riding out the last waves of your orgasm.
neither of you moved for a while as steve remained inside of you, both of you at a loss for words. he raked a hand through his sweaty brunette mop and gave you a kiss, pushing all of his feeling into it as he eased out of you. you whimpered at the resulting emptiness, reaching your arms out to keep him in bed with you. he smiled, dropping a smattering of kisses to your face. you giggled and held his head in your hands to catch his lips. he pulled away with one final peck to your lips, pulling on his boxers. you sat up with a melancholy look in your eyes, but he squeezed your ankle in reassurance, telling you that he was “just gonna go ‘n get a washcloth for you, sweetheart.”
he returned moments later from your ensuite with a damp cloth, kissing up your leg as he wiped down the apex of your thighs. he wiped himself off and grabbed his shirt for you, gently telling you to raise your arms as he slipped it over your head. he lay down and opened his arms for you, as you giddily landed on his chest. you reached over him to turn on your bedside lamp and he quirked an eyebrow up at you.
“just wanna look at you s’all,” you said delicately, as you let your fingers play with the curls at the nape of his neck. his heart stumbled at your words and he squeezed you tighter.
“i’m sorry,” steve said again, “i love you so, so much.”
you yawned and snuggled into him, throwing your other arm across his body, murmuring into the air shared between you two: “you’re the only one for me ever, stevie.”
he looked at you in the buttery light of your bedside lamp, half-asleep on him, drowsily babbling about everything you loved about him (his jokes, his freckles, his loyalty), nose squished into his neck as far as possible.
and he realized, in that moment, that he’d always walk on whatever string you led him on.
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© ker0senebunny. all rights reserved. all original posts of writing are my own words, with the exceptions of quotations from songs, movies, and other media. my work is NOT to be crossposted to another platform, copied by anyone, or translated without my express and explicit permission.
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taglist: @flwersgarden @darklingbrekksov @hollablkgrl @pearlstiare @theonlymaddie @555stargirl555 @johana-l-killian @sparkletash @hcloangcls @marvelouschic @foreveralone223 @steves-robin @doveeyeliner @hawsx3 @dessmxsworld @trickylittlewitch @redgetawaycar @salome-c @fujiihime @lovenotesxo @pitchblacksmile @inluvwithladybug @secretsicanthideanymore @shelbycillian @phantomxoxo @stevesdick
lmk (either through an ask or a comment) if you’d like to be added!
☆⌒★ if your name is crossed out, it's because i wasn't able to tag you! ★⌒☆
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jealous jill
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summary: a jealous steve - req
this isn’t edited but i believe it should be gender neutral if there’s any slip ups pls let me know!
Steve - the hair - Harrington was jealous. It wasn’t a problem he usually faced, in fact it was often the other way round. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by him the way girls fawned over him, or his hair. He’d noticed how they’d come into Family video, hovering by the horror section, the area that had the best view of the tills, with no intention of getting the Poltergeist.
But it was different when you came in like clockwork every Friday afternoon. Robin had guessed Steve had a thing for you pretty quickly as always. Every Friday he’d anxiously wait at the tills, usually being sent to do some random job Robin made up as he was too preoccupied to do his job properly.
The first time you’d come in Steve had been tripping over his feet to get to the till before Robin. Usually he was cool in front of girls he liked but something about you just made him stumble over all his words. Robin watched from the back, holding in a laugh when he forgot how to even work the till.
Since then he’d managed to hold conversations with you - barely. Finding out that you came every week to pick a film for your weekly film night. Steve almost wished he could score an invitation.
That was the usual Friday routine, until one time you didn’t show. Robin had teased him endlessly as he watched the door like a lost puppy. When closing time arrived Steve was slumped over the counter dejected.
“Steve” Robin whined, poking him in the back “I need you to help me shut up.”
“What’s the point when love is dead.” He mumbled, throwing a hand in the air.
Just as Steve had managed to pick himself up off the counter the bell rang, signalling a customer.
“Sorry guys we’re -” he was cut off by the sound of your voice, when he looked up the sight made him wish he hadn’t. Your hand was grasped firmly in that of Eddie Munsons. He felt like he’d been stabbed, you weren’t even together yet somehow he felt cheated on.
“Is it okay if we look for five minutes?” You asked, normally if it had been anyone else Steve would have been pushing them out of the door but he always made time for you.
He nodded reluctantly, shooting a withering look to the long haired boy next to you. Your excitable chatter echoed through the small shop, your conversation indistinguishable but he could tell whatever you had found was good.
“Just this, Stevie” you beamed up at him. He blushed at the nickname, heat rising up his neck, he clears his throat awkwardly before completing your order.
“Enjoy,” he waves his hand between you and Eddie “whatever you’re doing.” You make your way to leave and Steve’s head falls into his hands.
“That was painfully awkward, Harrington” Robin pats him on the back, her voice strangled with laughter.
“Love is dead” he repeats, slumping back onto the counter.
“Calm down jealous Jill.”
The week passes slowly and despite the gnawing feeling in his stomach that you’d much rather spend your time with Eddie he still looks forward to your visit.
Once the time has come Steve is unusually irritated and no longer looking forward to seeing you after one two many jokes from Robin.
“For Munson?” He snaps as you pass him the film at the counter. His voice is sharper than he intended and he recoils internally, “sorry, ignore that.”
But the damage is done, he’s shown he’s jealous. You lean across the counter, resting your chin on your hands. “And would you have a problem with that, Stevie?” A sly grin features on your face, Steve finds himself staring at your lips for too long, his eyes tracing the curve of your Cupid’s bow. God how he wished he could kiss that stupid grin off your face. He shakes his head, clearing the thoughts.
“Not at all, enjoy with whoever you want.” He plasters on a fake smile.
You narrow your eyes coyly, a hint of laughter sparkling in them, “So you won't mind if this is for Eddie” you hold up the film in your hand, the cover of ‘Sixteen Candles’ displayed on the front.
“Didn’t realise Munson was the Chick flick type”
“No, but maybe you are?”
“What are you trying to say?” He asks with a grin.
“They’re asking you out, stupid” calls Robin from the back. Steve slams the door to the back room shut, his cheeks flaming red.
Your eyebrows are raised questioningly, “so?”
“I’m more of a Footloose kinda guy” he smirks, “but that’ll do.” He takes your hand in his, leading you out of the shop, leaving Robin to shut up alone but she’ll allow it just this one time if it ‘stops you moping around every week till friday.’
tagging some people who might be interested but no pressure to interact: @x-lulu @sortagaysortahigh @thisismynerdyself
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
The reader and Eddie have been friends forever seeing as how they live across the street from each other. One day your hot water goes out and you have no where else to go. After showering you realize you didn’t bring a change of cloths so you ask your best friend and change in front of him without thinking.
Friends Don’t Look At Friends That Way (Gender Neutral Reader)
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(not me screaming at a gif)
summary: the request, feat. dustin henderson (dw he’s not, like, there if you get what i mean)
notes: ok so this was written before volume two when everything was fun and fresh but wasn’t edited until today so uh yeah. we’re totally all happy campers here!! anyway, enjoy some eddie fluff (and a special surprise…) <3 also i kind of changed up the ask a little, apologies if that’s not a good idea to do :)
word count: i’d say around 2.5k as an estimate, all done in drafts :)
tags: implied sex, eddie can’t help himself around you, kissing and making out, changing in front of someone, friends to something more (possibly), eddie trying to be a dom lol but eventually he will give in, dustin’s here for a lil’ bit, slightly jealous eddie is here for a bit, and i’m all here for it. ugh, yes please.
taglist: dm, comment or ask to be added or removed. @taecube @quickiesgirl @xxlangdon @sympathyforher @langdon-cumslut @wzrlds @in-love-with-will-byers <3
| i tried proofreading but that didn’t work so here we are with whatever this is |
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After a long day working with Steve and Robin, you decided it was time to head home to relax for the night and to wash away any stress the day had given you. Upon arriving you saw Max and El playing with her dog and Dustin jousting with your best friend, Eddie, using some branches they broke off from a tree and the lids off cardboard boxes as shields. It was nice seeing how good he was with kids, and it made your heart warm.
You chuckled to yourself as you unlocked the door to your trailer, stepping inside, throwing your bag to the ground and heading straight for the shower. You switched on the shower and waited for the water to get hot, keeping your hand under the freezing cold water which only made you feel worse on the cold winter evening. Waiting and waiting for it to get hot, but it never did.
You sighed, drying off your hand and turning off your shower. What were you going to do now? Not shower? But cold showers suck, especially in winter. So you decided to try your luck with asking Eddie, who would do anything for you.
The cool breeze brushed through you as you left your trailer, still in your work uniform, walking to the other side of the trailer park where nobody was in sight. El and Max had probably gone back into Max’s trailer and Dustin probably went home.
You walked up the steps and knocked three times on the door, and it opened almost right away, revealing Dustin Henderson in the doorway.
“Max, we’re done pl— Oh! Um, hi Y/N,” he said, blushing a little in a silent apology, standing aside to let you into the trailer.
You breathed in the familiar scent of the trailer, it smelled more like home than your own home did. You never admitted it to anyone but to you, home smelled like Eddie Munson, your best friend. Your entire life.
“What brings you here on this fine winter evening, m’Liege?” Dustin asked, and you curtseyed him, playing along.
“Unfortunately I have run out of hot water, good sir, and I was wondering if Lord Munson had any he could spare.” You giggled as you saw Dustin’s eyes wandering, and you smoothed out the lines of your uniform.
“Like what you see, Henderson?” You teased, just as the devil himself, Eddie, appeared in the doorway separating Eddie’s bedroom from the rest of the trailer.
“Y/N! Didn’t expect to see you here, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Dustin mocked jokingly, earning himself a light swat on the arm. “Okay, okay, I’m going. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.”
As he left, he made the ‘grr’ sound Steve told him to stop doing, which made you laugh, but it made Eddie’s brows furrowed.
“I love that guy but sometimes he can get on my nerves.”
“You really are like brothers, huh? Dustin being the more mature one, obviously.”
“Hey! I’m mature!”
“Keep telling yourself that, Munson. Anyway, I came over here to ask you do you have any hot water I could use. Mine stopped working.”
“Are you just saying that to come over here more often or are you being serious?” Eddie asked, placing his hand on the small of your back as he led you to the bathroom. “There’s body wash, shampoo, a hairbrush even though I never use it.”
As you stepped inside you noticed a look on his face you’d never seen before, and a little smirk playing on his lips, and by the look on his face if he went into that bathroom with you you surely wouldn’t be comparing loofas. Too focussed on… other things.
After you finished your shower you wrapped a black towel around your body, keeping in theme with pretty much the entirety of Eddie’s trailer, and you used the untouched brush to part your hair the way you like it. Then you opened the door to get your clean clothes, letting the steamy air circulate around the trailer, and then you realized something.
Smacking the palm of your hand to forehead you realized you forgot to bring a change of clean clothes with you, and you certainly weren’t wearing your work uniform to bed. Then you felt two hands reaching up to your face from behind, covering your eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Is that you, Harrington? The hottest guy in all of Hawkins? My one and only love crush! Oh my god I love you! I love it when you flirt with me at work!” You joke, hoping to get a reaction out of Eddie, and boy were you in for a treat.
“You need to stop doing that, sweetheart.”
“Stop what?” You laughed. “Can’t a person confess their feelings for somebody? We’re friends, Eddie.”
“Well,” he chuckled deeply, standing directly in front of you, his lips barely an inch away from yours. “Friends don’t look at friends the way I see you looking at me. You get me all riled up on purpose.”
Your brows furrowed into a slight frown. “I need to get changed, excuse me,” you said, not wanting him to see any more of the obvious blush that had been painting your cheeks.
When you began to stand up, a warmth pooled between your legs when Eddie grabbed your wrist, bringing you back over to where he was sitting. “Do you have a change of clothes with you?”
“Uh… Here,” he said, pulling his shirt over his head before handing it to you. “It’s the only clean shirt I have.”
You didn’t want to sound ungrateful, so you kept your mouth shut. Eddie then got up and walked into his room to give you some privacy as you changed.
“I feel so honoured… getting to wear the Leader’s Hellfire shirt,” you chuckled, slowly unravelling your towel, listening to his voice from the other side of the wall, the door closing to cut through some of the tension in the room. Eddie had seen you in a towel plenty of times, but something about seeing you in one of his towels, in his trailer, felt… different. Partially because he’d never seen you in his clothes before, and now you were pulling on his most prized piece of clothing; his Hellfire shirt.
For a few moments you heard nothing but pure silence from the other side of the door, except a soft jingling noise that was surely coming from outside the trailer. You peeped through the small gap in the side of the door and saw Eddie walking around his bedroom, running his hand over something metal on the wall, and then guitar strings. And it brought you back to a week ago, Eddie resting his head in your lap as he played a song on his guitar. Your favourite song, and you were mesmerized by the way his fingers moved up and down the neck of the guitar, pressing on the strings, and you were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t even hear the knock on the door.
In your conscience you had already put the shirt on, so you dropped the towel and opened the door, not bothering to look down to do a double check. You stepped back to let Eddie pass you, and as soon as he emerged from his room he froze, subtly looking you up and down.
“I uh… wow,” he laughed nervously, unable to take his eyes off you, smirking as you looked down to see yourself in just your underwear.
“Shit!” You screamed. “I’m sorry! I thought I put the shirt on!”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said softly. “I’ve seen you like this plenty of times.”
“That was years ago, Eds. My body has changed now,” you said, trying to cover yourself with your hands, until you remembered the shirt in your hands and you slipped that over your head, shoulders and arms, the fabric falling to your thighs.
“I... what? I was going to say... oh, right, sorry!”
You looked up from the floor, meeting the eyes of a blushing Eddie. “It’s just... you looked cold and I didn’t want you to be just standing there in your underwear without me saying anything!” He tried to convince himself as much as he was convincing you.
“Whatever,” you dismissed, sitting down on the sofa, your legs now on full display to him. “Let’s just watch the movie.”
Eddie gulped, sitting down next to you, his thigh touching against yours, which only served to make him feel even more uneasy, as if the slightest touch from you was enough to make him lose consciousness. He took a long look at you and his eyes widened. Your hair was wild and messy from the humidity mixed with the wetness after your hot shower, and his mouth watered at how cute it looked like that—even with its messiness and disheveled nature.
“Okay so I was thinking of putting on… Um… What are you doing?” He asked, voice shaking as you kneeled next to him, one arm around his shoulders, the other tracing over the bat tattoos on his arm.
He flinched slightly under your touch but didn't shrug you off, which was a good sign. You gently pulled the sleeve of his shirt up to reveal the same inked creatures on his stomach, and he flinched again, eyes darting away from yours in what looked to be embarrassment.
You sighed, standing up slowly. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that without asking.”
“It’s all good,” Eddie said. “And um… So what should we watch?”
“You choose.”
“Okay, uh… No, I can’t choose. You do it!”
“Eddie, it’s only a movie. Plus the ones we have we’ve already seen a million times so it won’t be any different,” you said, pulling out one of the tapes. “Ah, we’ll watch The Exorcist.”
Eddie laughed nervously, hiding his face in his hair, not wanting you to know how much this movie freaked him out. He grabbed an extra blanket and wrapped himself up in it, and you couldn’t help but smile as you put the tape in. He looked adorable.
As you sat back down, you realised how close you were to him, and it unlocked a new confidence within you, one that would potentially ruin a friendship or start something new. You leaned your head on his shoulder for a few moments, before turning to look up at him, your lips barely an inch away from his.
“Your face is very close to my face… and you are practically on top of me now… Um…”
You chuckle. “Oh, Eddie. So oblivious.”
You lean forward, pressing a kiss to his lips softly as you close the gap between your bodies, letting the blanket fall off Eddie’s shoulders.
He let out a soft moan in response and deepened the kiss, both hands gripping your hips gently as he held you tightly against him. Your fingers ran through his locks while your tongue brushed against his bottom lip.
He hummed into the kiss, moving one of his hands from your hip to grab your waist, pulling you against him. His other hand gripped onto your ass tightly, massaging the flesh between his fingers, holding you there for as long as possible before reluctantly pulling back for air.
“Damn, who knew you’d be such a good kisser?” You whispered, leaning back in to press your lips back against his.
He moaned quietly into your mouth at that and your heart fluttered. The kiss continued until you pulled back slightly to catch your breath once more.
"Eddie…" You panted out with wide eyes as the reality of what had just happened finally hit you.
His eyes hooded with lust, and he smirked. “Yes, sweetheart?”
His arms wrapped around you tighter as he lifted you slightly so you were now sitting on his lap. He pulled away just enough to look down at you before leaning down again for another kiss.
"You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that," you sighed, resting your forehead against his, hands still wrapped securely around his waist.
You both sat there, you in his lap, not quite sure what to say. You could feel him shift beneath you and you smiled softly, pulling back to see Eddie looking slightly embarrassed. His cheeks flushed a cute pink and he chuckled.
“Does this mean you like me?”
“Of course it does, silly!” You laugh, cupping his cheeks with your hands. “I’ve liked you for months now.”
“Months? You could have told me, Y/N,” he grumbled playfully, trying to hide the blush on his face from yours. It didn't really work, but you weren’t about to point it out. “Why wait so long to tell me?"
"Because I had no idea what feelings were until recently," you explained patiently, looking at the cute little crinkles in his face that formed around his eyes when he smiled. “Nancy helped me figure it out.”
“So uh… What does that mean for us then? Do we just… I don’t know… Stay friends? Or do we progress?”
“I think,” you started, trailing your fingertips up his sides, feeling his skin prickle with goosebumps beneath your touch. “That we should just see how the night goes. After the movie—!”
In an instant he pushed you off his lap and leaped onto his feet, grabbing you by the wrist to the sound of your little yelp of surprise. You stumbled through the trailer to his bedroom, with him kicking it open and shutting it with his foot as he pulled at the fabric of his shirt on your body.
“On the bed,” he ordered, guiding you over to the mattress. “Now I’ll show you how much I like you.”
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prettiestboyreid · 2 years
wish you were sober (E.M. x Female Reader)
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okay so I had this idea. I was very much in a Conan Gray slump for the past month, and I’m so in love with the ‘’Wish you were sober’’ and ‘’Disaster” songs. And idk if it’s just me? But I feel like they kinda go together? So I thought why not make an Eddie Munson fic based on them (Bc holy shit this dude has done something to me). So the “Wish you were sober” lyrics are kind of the Reader’s POV and “Disaster” is in Eddie’s POV? I hope it makes sense. Also pls be kind, english is very much not my first language and I haven’t written anything since my One Directions days (Which, those days are still not over let me tell you that). Also I hate dialogue?? So minimal dialogue for this one idk?? I’m thinking of making this into a series if people like it enough?? Like with a big time jump idk? I have a lot of ideas. But yeah, hope you enjoy ♡
warnings: alcohol, weed, two fools in love, very much angst??, not very happy ending, implied smut?? like mentions of it idk if heavy makeouts are smut??, unrequited love or so they think??, swearing, use of (y/n), idk if i missed any pls do tell me if i did, also me being an american but havent been there since i was born so i dont really know how america works so if anything is weird again pls do tell me, also idk when to fit this in the timeline of stranger things?? nobody really mentions vecna and everybody is happy and eddie is alive (if i go on with this series then this is fit like in their last year of high school i guess?? we’ll see)
I do not consent to my work being uploaded on any other platforms, translated or copied.
summary: You and Eddie Munson have a not so formal agreement. At the end of the night of every party, when alcohol doesn’t really do anything for any of you anymore - You switch it out for each other’s lips. But what happens when you’re a little bit greedy, and still want even more?
Word count: 3795
It was the first big party of the fall. The Halloween party, nonetheless. Pre-Eddie entering your life, Halloween was the only party you ever went to all year. Post-Eddie it was any and every party you could find, at least the ones you knew would be attended by the pretty, long haired boy. Sometimes you liked to imagine he felt the same. “this party’s shit, wish we could dip. could anywhere but here.”
‘’So, what are you supposed to be dressed as?’’ You drank the rest of your drink before hopping off the counter, giving Steve a twirl and showing off your very homemade witch costume. You’d have actually prefered to sit down, plan out your whole costume and find every piece so it would have looked perfect for the night. But between classes, your job and finding a very limited time to see family and friends, the season changing from summer into autumn hadn’t occurred to you. So here you were, in a little black dress with a witch hat you had bought for your first ever real Halloween party a couple of years back and some old jewelry sown lazily onto your dress. ‘’Well Steve Harrington, I am the wicked witch of Hawkins. Can’t you tell?’’ You said with a bow. Steve just chuckled and filled up his glass with cheap looking liqueur.
“nineteen, but you act twentyfive now. knees weak, but you talk really fly, wow.” ‘’He’s here, you know?’’ Steve asked while throwing a ping pong ball that landed perfectly in your beer. You just shrugged while you downed the beer, trying to look clueless as to what he was saying ‘’He asked about you when he arrived,’’ Steve continued while you tried aiming for just one of the 5 still perfectly lined up glasses in front of him, but missing yet again. You didn’t actually know how Steve persuaded you to play beer pong, knowing how bad you were. Maybe some liquid courage for the night ahead?
“ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed, take me where the music ain’t too loud.”
You didn’t know when or how you ended up on the sofa, surrounded by Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan. Also it just didn’t really matter at this point, your only point of focus being Eddie, dressed as the devil (no surprise there, right?) talking to that pretty blonde. You know the kind of pretty blonde that actually had planned her costume. The one who actually took her friends out, found a costume (a whole costume, not just a random, forgotten dress on the floor of her closet). The kind of blonde Eddie would be proud to show around in town, not someone who only got to taste his lips when he had one too many beers. ‘’Earth to (Y/N)?’’ Jonathan said, waving his hand in front of your face. Steve looked at you with pity in his eyes, being the only one actually knowing who occupied your mind. ‘’Mmm?’’ You said, still looking at the scene in front of you, afraid that you might miss something if you looked away, even for a second. ‘’So, truth or dare? What is it going to be?’’ Robin laughed. You weren’t entirely sure you had ever agreed to the game, alcohol clouding your thoughts, but you had nothing else to do, right? ‘’I guess.. Dare?’’ You said with a sheepish smile, regretting it only mere seconds later. Not only because you were now sitting comfortably on the sofa, squished between Nancy and the coushions, kinda acting like a weighted blanket. Not only because Robin wore a devilish smile while she whispered something in Steve’s ear. No, also because your friends had seen you literally kill the pretty blonde in front of Eddie, with your eyes and that gave Robin a very good idea.
“save me ‘til the party is over. kiss me in the seat of your Rover. real sweet but i wish you were sober.”
It was the first Halloween you attended with the intent of actually partying. The other years where Steve had thrown his big Halloween parties and invited you, you were always sitting on the sofa, soda in hand while being the designated driver. You didn’t mind, alcohol or parties weren’t your thing up until that day (You know the day every teen gets? When they realize that life is just rushing by and they won’t have any fun stories to tell before they’re out of high school? Or was that just you?) Nevertheless, here you were at your first real (well, first real for you) Halloween party. The drinks were flowing (That was also the night you realized you were very much a light weight) Bodies dancing everywhere. You just needed a second for yourself, just to sit on the toilet to gather yourself. ‘’Hoooly shit, I’m drunk’’ You giggled to yourself. You stood up, ready to wash your hands but got a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. ‘’I looked so pretty when I got here, and now look at me’’ You pouted at yourself in the mirror. ‘’Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was in here’’ A voice said behind you, but you were all too occupied with your mascara to care ‘’No no, it’s fine. Come in. I don’t mind’’ You hiccuped, trying very hard not to poke your eye out with your mascara wand. ‘’I’m not really sure we’re that close yet, that I would feel comfortable using the toilet in front of you, pretty girl’’ You could see Eddie Munson coming up behind your back in the mirror. It was not that you didn’t know Eddie, your friends were his friends. It was just that he once let it slip to Steve that you were oh so hot, but how he wished you weren’t so boring. He wasn’t wrong, about the last part anyway. But there was one thing you and Eddie had in common, you just didn’t really care what others thought. So even though you had found Eddie pretty, fucking attractive, it didn’t stick with you that he thought you were boring. ‘’A penny for your thoughts?’’ He asked behind you. Guess you had a habit of zoning out a little bit too much. ‘’I’ll get out of your way, sorry.’’ You said, trying to grab the handle, but falling over your own heels. Eddie was quick to grab you, sit you on the toilet, pour out his beer from his cup and hand you the glass back with water.
And that's how the ‘’tradition’’ started. Nothing major happened that night. You were too drunk, and Eddie was a gentleman. You just sat in his van, talked about life, got a much needed (also a little bit too late) apology for his comment to Steve. Ever since then, the parties always ended up in his van. It didn’t take long until the passenger seat got abandoned for Eddie’s lap and curfew got dragged longer and longer into the night. But that was all that it was. Stolen glances at parties, long makeout sessions leading to always just a little bit more. And at first, that was fine. You weren’t really looking for anything other than a little attention. But as you got to know Eddie more, nothing was enough. Eddie, who had started carrying around a blanket in the van, just so you could snuggle under it when you got a bit too drunk and just wanted to talk. Eddie, who remembered that your favorite smell was vanilla (Also it was hard for him to forget, you basically bathed in your vanilla perfume every time you went to a party because one time, he said that you smelled really good) went out and bought a Wunderbaum so his car would smell like vanilla for you. Eddie, whose lips were just a little too soft to forget.
Anyway, that was only in the confinement of his van. At school things didn’t change, sure he would smile at you a little more, talk to you a little longer but until that alcohol hit Eddie’s lips, you felt like you didn’t really matter in his world. 
“pullin me close, begging me, ‘’stay over’’, but i’m over this roller coaster.”
‘’I dare you, to steal away.. One Mr. Eddie Munson’’ Robin said, with a proud smirk. You looked at Steve, hoping he would help, but all he could do was shrug ‘’Those are the rules, girly’’. Sure Eddie would go with you, having downed about 10 beers and had 2 joints.. Or at least you hoped so. But as you looked over, once again, the pretty blonde had her arms around his waist and Eddie was biting his lips looking down at her. You looked at Robin, one more time, hoping she would give you another dare, but she just slumped back on the sofa, smiling. You stood up, knees wobbly, straightening out your dress while trying to come up with enough courage to walk over there. You poked Robin’s cheek on your way out to the make-shift dance floor. You could feel all eyes on you, not just your friends, but also the people surrounding you. Honestly, at this point you wished the floor would swallow you whole. And then you came face to face with… Eddie’s back. You still weren’t sure what to do, how to get his attention.
‘’Hey pretty boy, I missed you. Meet me in your van in 10 minutes’’ You whispered in his ear. You were honestly disgusted with yourself. Why would you say something like that? When have you ever said something like that? Why the hell would you call him a pretty boy? You never called Eddie pretty boy? Also, at this point you were pretty tired of whatever this thing between you two was. How would the boy ever know about your feelings, when you said stuff like that? You cringed, and started walking out. Steve and Robin threw their hands up ‘’What the hell was that?’’ Steve asked. You just smiled and skipped out of the door. It was only when Eddie excused himself from the blonde and raced out of the door that Steve and Robin looked at each other, laughed and felt a little proud of their friend's achievement. “i’mma crawl out the window now. getting good at saying ‘’gotta bounce’’. honestly you always let me down. and i know we’re not just hanging out.’’
‘’Eddie.. Eddie, stop’’ As soon as Eddie got in the wan, he was pulling you on his lap, attacking your mouth with kisses ‘’What, pretty girl, isn’t this what you wanted?’’ He said, mocking you. I mean this was kind of what you wanted. Why you came. Only this wasn’t all you wanted, you wanted to arrive at the party with Eddie, not just leave. You wanted to plan cheesy couples costumes, not just arrive and accidentally match (Which this year, you didn’t. So.) You wanted to dance, kiss, and talk all night. Not just when you were in his van or when the party got too boring. ‘’A penny for your thoughts?’’ He asked, just the same way he did at that first Halloween party. You licked your lips, you knew what you wanted to say. You knew what you wanted. You also just didn’t want to lose this. Whatever this was. Because holy fucking shit, had Eddie swept you right off your feet and started your new adventure as a young adult. He cocked his head, while still wearing that smile you just wanted to kiss stupid. But this was the time you needed to stand your ground. When you had mentioned to Steve briefly that you weren’t in the most ideal situation with Eddie, he had tried to coach you in the way of admitting your feelings, in his words ‘’You don’t have anything to lose. So what if he doesn’t feel the same? You’ll stop wasting your time and find someone more deserving.’’ But what Steve didn’t understand, and what you didn’t feel like you could tell him was, that Eddie didn’t feel like a waste of time. No matter what this was, this thing going on between you two, didn’t feel like a waste of time at all. Eddie listened to you, understood you, made you laugh at any given chance. 
‘’Hey, you with me, baby?’’ Eddie started to grow concerned. You were just sitting on his lap, looking kind of hazed out while biting your lips. ‘’Y-Yeah. Just thinking’’ You said while playing with his hair, a nervous habit you had formed a while ago, which actually benefited both. ‘’Mmmh, about?’’ Eddie asked, while slowly starting to kiss down your neck. It took everything in you to not just shut off your thoughts and give all of you to that beautiful, doe eyed boy in front of you. ‘’Us’’ you said, almost a whisper. This made Eddie stop his actions, swinging his head back up to face you, while his grip around your thighs tightened. He almost looked like a man in love, you let yourself think for only just a second. There was an awkward silence after that. You weren’t sure if Eddie was waiting for you to proceed or if he had to gather up any confidence to say that there simply wasn’t an ‘’Us’’. There was you, and him and sometimes you and him just happened to cross paths. But there wasn't an ‘’Us’’.
‘’Yeah, and what do you think about, when you’re thinking about us?’’ He tried getting you to proceed. His tone didn’t give anything away. ‘’It’s just.. I’m just.. It’s..’’ You said, biting your lips. Come on. This isn’t so hard. You’ve told him about some of your hardest times, some of your darkest secrets and he didn’t judge you one ounce. Why was it so hard to get it out? ‘’I’m not sure I can do this anymore’’ You settled on saying that, still not giving yourself away. You started fiddling with his jacket. Not daring to look into his eyes ‘’Oh.. Okay. May I ask why?’’ He took your fingers, started to toy with them. This was his new nervous habit. Again, beneficial for both. ‘’I just.. I’m not sure this is enough for me anymore? Y’know? I don’t know if I can keep on pretending that this is good enough for me anymore.’’ You said, without thinking twice. The only thing you were trying to do, is to shield yourself and your feelings against Eddie. You didn’t wanna drop the L-bomb for him to not feel the same (Oh, not the love-bomb by the way. You may be head over heels for this boy, but you’re not quite sure that a few drunken kisses can lead to love.)
‘’ ‘Cause the potential of us, it was keepin me up all night long’’
While the turmoil was still going on inside your head, Eddie was beginning his own war in his mind. What you said, to shield yourself, twisted itself in Eddie's head. What he heard was that he wasn’t enough for you anymore, that he wasn’t enough. 
While Eddie didn’t plan on this to be an occurrence as often as it had been, he didn’t mind it. At first you were just the hot girl who could make him forget about his own misery once or twice a month. Eddie swore that at first he only needed company, no matter what or who that company was. It didn’t hurt that it was you, a sight for sore eyes. It made it even easier to forget his own life. But then those stolen, drunken kisses turned into Eddie swapping his beer for water, only for him to remember everything you said the next day, for not forgetting how you smelled so beautifully of vanilla, for remembering every tiny detail about you and lasty, just so he could see your drunken little dance as you walked up to your front door after he’d driven you home. He couldn’t exactly pin-point when he realized that this was no longer just a distraction. That this was actually the best part of the parties. That whenever he knew you were in the same space as him, he couldn’t stop looking to meet your beautiful eyes. 
“this could be a disaster, there’s so many factors. Like, what if you freak out and then we’re losin it all. At the critical chapter where I say I love you, and you don’t say it after”
‘’I’ll just drive you home’’ That was it. That was the best reply Eddie could muster up. He wanted an explanation, he knew he should have asked. He knew, deep down, that he must have misunderstood. But that little part of him, the little part telling him that he, Eddie Munson, was not worthy of love from such a beautiful, charismatic, clever young lady like yourself, won yet again. ‘’No, Eddie, it's fine. I’ll just get Steve to drive me home. You just go back to the party and we’ll just pretend this didn’t happen. Honestly it’s fine. Like I saw how much fun you had with that blonde girl, what is her name again? Oh it’s Amelia right? Yeah, Amelia. She is fun. And pretty. And well put together I really liked her costume. And also I forgot to tell you that I liked yours. Like those small devil horns? TO DIE FOR. Yeah, so I mean I guess I’ll just leave your car and then I’ll get Steve to drive me home, and then we’ll just see each other monday like nothing happened, right?’’ Another thing Eddie adored, your rambling. Whenever he’d push your boundaries, just a little, you’d just start telling him about your day. How Dustin had made a fool of himself in the cafeteria, spilling spaghetti sauce all over his white tee, because he was too caught up in telling a story. About how Robin made it a competition to see how many times she could make Steve fall in one shift at Family Video. But not this time. No. Because this time may very well be the last time he will ever hear you rambling, to him at least. This time you were all wrong. Letting your insecurities shine through, ones he himself had added to before he got to know you. And Eddie still cursed himself out for it, everytime he thought of it.
Yes, you did see him with Amelia. What you didn’t see was that he could not stop looking at you, behind her. Looking at how you looked so damn cute when you zoned out from time to time, how your smile grew wider and wider with every sip of your cup, and although Eddie would never really admit this to you - Or even himself. He kind of liked how you didn’t really look all that amused by Amelia. He let himself believe that you were jealous, that you felt like Eddie belonged to you. Because in all honesty, he did. Every fiber of his being belonged to you. You just had to ask, and he would happily, never ever look at another girl again.
‘’but if i’m reading it wrong, man, it’d be better off if i died, oh’’ ‘’Yeah, no. It’s fine. I’m getting tired. I’ll drive you home. I was planning on it, so it’s no hassle.’’ Why couldn’t he at least try to ask? Ask what you meant? Ask what you wanted? Also, why couldn’t he look away from your damn cherry colored lips? So plump, so delicious. But now in a very obvious pout. ‘’Y’know’’ Eddie said, starting the car. ‘’I like your costume too. It’s really pretty.. Your real pretty. You’re always really, fucking pretty.’’ At least that's something right? Kind of gentleman-like? Not a full on, love confession. But something. Maybe it’ll change your mind? Maybe you’ll lean over the console, giving him a kiss that he sought after, ever since you broke off the last one. Maybe you’ll realize he looks at you everyday, thinks of you everyday, daydreams about you everyday. ‘’Thanks Eddie.’’ You say. Not looking at him. Not leaning over the console. So you didn’t understand, and what’s even worse is that you didn’t even believe him. He could hear it in your tone. He knew you, goddammit.
‘’I just think’’
You started talking at the same time. Finally. Finally. You smile. At him, nonetheless. ‘’It’s fine, you go first, baby’’ It was a habit. He couldn’t just be expected to stop a habit, albeit he didn’t want to. Not really. ‘’I just think it’s better this way, you know? Like I like you. Very fucking much. Not like, like you? I like kissing you? Is that weird to say? Well I do. And I like hanging out with you, you’re like my party-best friend? Y’know? Like a work-husband? But switch it out with ‘’party’’. Party husband.. No, no. Party best friend? Party, very good looking, very good kisser best friend? That makes sense, yeah,’’ You were so proud of yourself, Eddie couldn’t stop smiling. He knew what was to come, but you were so cute, his smile wouldn’t falter. ‘’Anyhooow. It’s better this way. None of us caught feelings, right? And I’m going off to college, right? So like, we don’t have to do the whole shabang with crying and missing each other. Like we’ll just stop it here. One last kiss at Halloween. Very good. I like that.’’ None of us caught feelings. None of us caught feelings. None. Of. Us. Caught. Feelings.Your sentence kept replaying in Eddie’s head. He didn’t even know what to say anymore. ‘’Yeah, no. Yeah. You’re right. It’s silly. You’re going off to college, and me. I’m.. Y’know. I’ll figure stuff out probably. Yeah, no. Good that we didn’t catch any of those mean things called feelings, right?’’ He said, laughing, hand tight on his neck. The rest of the car ride was silent. There wasn’t anything left to say. A daydream. It was all that it was. You coming out of your cocoon, a beautiful butterfly ready to fly off to college. And Eddie. Eddie was still just that. Eddie. Not good enough for you, Eddie. Not brave enough to tell you how he felt, Eddie. Not your boyfriend, not your hero, Eddie.
And while he watched you dance up to your front door one last time, while he fell in his oh so empty bed, Eddie couldn’t do anything. Not cry. Not laugh. Nothing. Because he screwed it up. He really screwed it up this time.
‘’maybe i’m mistaken. you’re not mine for takin. maybe i’m mistaken. maybe i just made it up, messed it up.’’
so idk i kind of hate this one??? i started writing this in like??? july?? but i have an idea of like multiple chapters?? like throughout their life?? idk the next one is going to be set in college. and i also wanna elaborate more on how eddie fell for the reader. also the whole toilet scene?? where reader is sad about her makeup?? yeah that was very much inspired by myself. only i didn’t have eddie munson coming in. also all my inspirations come from song lyrics?? so i think songs will be a big part of this world im trying to create?? and yeah most of them will be modern:/ im sorry:/ but yeah. let me know what u think. pls be kind. kisses and hugs to all you lovies ♡
EDIT: i privated this for a long time?? so if you’ve already red it thats why. i put it up again BECAUSE IM WRITING A NEW FIC RIGHT NOW and idk so here it is again
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