#pls unfollow me if you think that’s okay
diamondseaside · 1 year
some of you hold taylor to such a high moral standard and then turn around and think it’s okay to publicly harass people… if you’re gonna screenshot posts from my blog to send to other people maybe @ me instead
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
the idea of anon hate is so funny to me, like   “ i’m a stranger on the internet, who’s too chicken to even attach my face to these words, and what i say isn’t going to affect any other facet of your life aside from this specific blog on this specific website.... but here’s all the reasons why you’re terrible and you need to listen to me bc i’m an entitled little dipshit who thinks the world revolves around me and everyone needs to cater to my whims all the time, always”   like lmfao.  touch grass, plz
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skullrock · 1 year
with peace and love. please think about how the person on the other side of your ask might feel. sometimes people ask my mutuals such uncomfortable things - like “do you know why x unfollowed me?” or “why aren’t you answering my messages :(“ and things like that. there is a person on the other side who really doesn’t owe you explanations and you may be putting them in a very awkward spot, especially if you are sending an ask (which is usually answered where the public can see it!!). like just think about that please 🫶🏻
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wakanai · 1 year
do you ever get that feeling where you wonder if a person actually hates you? CAUSE as a chronic overthinker, I can say that it absolutely sucks 🤡🤡 like PLS if you dislike me or anything I said or if I make you uncomfortable, just unfollow. I don't care if we're mutuals or anything. LIKE LEGIT I WONT GET MAD I'LL ACTUALLY APPRECIATE YALL FOR BEING REAL TT. and it's not personal so i 100% understand. i unfollow blogs too. PLUS even if you unfollow, as long as i like ur posts ill still keep following you lol. unless you block me which- again, ill understand.
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accopara · 17 days
recently i posted this on my telegram channel, and i wanted to take some time to move whole post into tumblr. yesterday my bro krkrymer sent me a post from i suppose burner account that was exposing truyerabi, and post got deleted over some time
so i decided that it's time for me to put a lid on a jar too! I'm going to use some images that was included in this post so yeah, just sayin. for more pictures i really want to thank @veneck
truyerabi or qqqkrolek is the REALLY HUGE tf2 artist on tumblr
she's big both in English and Russian community (being Russian) and have tumblr and telegram channel.
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she openly draw spyscout only on telegram without any trigger warning (except for one particular picture i won't include here) , here's the artworks, here's proof that they are her
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also she reposted those kind of stuff
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she's completely aware of it being incest and that things she's doing are wrong. there is gonna be some screenshots in Russian, some of them i will translate.
those are comments under the gore art
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"i think it's spy fucking scout in his guts" and reply for this "cool"
"we didn't expect but deserve this"
"how sad that this is not a direct fucking, but works too"
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"dang i remembered one fanfiction" to which truyerabi responded by "damn, can you send me a link pls?" then "OKAY, I'M AFRAID TO FIND IT AGAIN BT I'LL TRY"
also i belive she is islamophobic? there is her meet the artist when she was 17, you can clearly see first проком (procomshipper) and second under her 💔 (hate/dislike i guess) Muslims.
in her new meet the artist there is no proshipper tag (interesting) and under her 💔 there is pro-palestine.
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notice how she doesn't have it in her English version of meet the artist (she replaced pro-palestine with meat), which means she completely self aware and just filters everything she posts on English platforms.
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what can i say to finish? this post was made by me to warn you, to make you aware of who you follow. please do not go and harass, bully, doxx the artist or her mutuals. that was my whole point, make you aware and make you think for yourself IF you want to follow this artist/support her or not, it is completely up for you. just know that if you want to continue follow her, if you are a proshipper or/and islamophobic: simply unfollow me.
truyerabi is an adult woman doing degenerate stuff in my opinion and i don't want to be in the same space with somebody like her and shit. if you are on the other hand interested in those kind of shit - congratulations, i just found you a new favorite artist.
thank you for attention.
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cupidsdolll · 8 months
I accidentally just unfollowed and refollowed u when I went to send in prompts HAHA but pls know it was an accident!!!!! anyway 14 and 18 :))))
Sweet Loving
hahah it's okay! here you go <3.
- - - -
14 - kisses
18 - heart candies
- - - - 
“Come on, just one more!” 
Harry and Y/N have been standing in the same spot of her living room for the past ten minutes. He’s supposed to go to the store to gather a small list of groceries she needs to make dinner tonight. He has the list in hand and one arm very gently trying to pull the girl’s arm away from around him. He never leaves her without a soft and quick goodbye kiss which is how they ended up here. 
He gave her one small kiss and went to the door, but she tugged on his arm and asked for one more. He’s not one to deny such a simple request so he nodded and gave her another, which turned into five more and then five more. 
“Love, I’ve been in the same spot forever. You want this dinner, don’t you?” He asks and she immediately frowns. 
“I mean yes, but I just love you.” She says and he chuckles in response. 
She’s always been such a softie for him, always wanted to make him the happiest and always looks at him with the softest and gooeyist eyes he’s ever seen. He thinks it's always been like this, can’t remember a time where she acted anything differently towards him. He doesn’t mind it at all, he finds it quite endearing if he’s being honest. He likes that she loves him so much and always wants to show him just how much. He loves the kisses as well, it’s one of his favorite things of hers. No matter what’s happening, she’ll never leave him to do anything without kissing him gently on the lips. They’re addicting in a way, his own personal drug and encouragement. He can’t ever get enough of them and honestly, neither can she. Which is why he thinks their relationship works so well. 
Y/N huffs and stares at him, a mischievous glint passes through her eyes, but Harry doesn’t pay attention to it. He already figured she’d start trying to plan things when her pouting doesn’t work on him. 
“If you don’t love me, just say that.” She says with as serious of a face she can manage, which would almost fool him if he didn’t already see this coming. 
“You know I love you, pretty. I’ll love you always even when you’re being a bratty little thing like you are right now. I will give you all the attention you want after I go to the store and get everything you need to make food; we eat and get settled for the night. I know you must be hungry by now.” He says with a smirk on his face, he knows there’s no way she can refuse that offer. She’s never refused it before. He watches as she begins to think it over, except she’s not thinking it over. She’s stalling, trying to keep him here in her arms longer. 
A beat passes before she sighs reluctantly, and he just rolls his eyes lovingly. He knows she’s given up, that he’s won and she’s about to pull away. 
“How about I go bring you some of those cute little heart candies you like so much as well? S’been a while since we’ve had some.” He says and she immediately perks up, a bright smile seemingly lighting the room before she nods excitedly.
"You would do that? Wait, I mean, are you sure? Isn’t that candy shop across town?” She asks and he just shrugs. 
“As long as it makes my girl happy, I don’t mind. You should know this.” He says as he pulls apart from her, placing a kiss on her forehead before heading to the door once again. 
“I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes tops. I love you.” 
“I love you too. Hurry up, I’m counting the seconds.” He laughs at her dramatics before he closes the door behind him, determined to make it back before she gets done counting those fifteen excruciating minutes.
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I swear to god if my mutuals repost one more memey death threat to paras im unfollowing them all and never looking back because fuck your idea that the death penalty is okay for only the people you personally dislike and fuck your idea that all paras are sex offenders
“everytime you repost this a pedo gets hit by a truck!!” “Just fyi, if you think that zoophilia is a disability, GET OFF MY BLOG” “can we kill all gross paras like can we burn them alive now pls” I don’t want to be friends with you if you’re so obsessed about this topic and wont stop virtue signaling to say “HEY! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME, IM SO MORAL AND GOOD! IM CAPTAIN GOOD GUY! IM SO GOOD AND MORAL! DID YOU KNOW IM SUPER GOOD?” and to make sure that nobody mistakes you for… heavens forbid… an icky gross “problematic”
Death threats can burn in hell, ESPECIALLY the memey ones. Wishing harm should NEVER be a joke.
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Bro I woke up and something came to my mind. What if mammon had a wet dream of you while you slept next to him 😳.
Anyway pls make a story/headcanon of this or I... uh..I.. Unfollow you👹!!
First off, yes, lovely idea. Secondly, you are likely a mammonwhore, you would not unfollow me because I’m in your timeline too much.
“Fuck!” Mammon whipped himself up from out of the covers, breathing heavy and panting. He was covered in sweat from head to toe. You stirred next to him, whining.
“Did you have a nightmare?” You mumbled, rubbing his side. He flinched at your touch.
“No… no I didn’t.” He laid back down and turned to you. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah. It’s okay I’ll go right back to sleep. I need you to hold me.” You tried to inch toward him but he moved back and you were confused. “Mammon, you don’t want cuddles?”
“I…uhhhh. I’m really sweaty.” He lied. Really, he didn’t want you to feel the damp spot on his underwear and the hardening of his cock.
“Mmm… okay. Lemme tangle my legs with yours at least.” You moved your legs between his and he jumped again. “What’s up with you, are you okay baby?” You brushed the hair out of his face and felt the heat radiating off him. “You always wanna cuddle.”
“I—“ he didn’t answer. “I’m really hot that’s all.” He was desperate to cover up his tracks.
“Are you getting sick? Usually you’re always cold.” You went to turn on the light, trying to figure out what’s wrong.
“No! No I’m fine I promise!” It was too late. You turned on the light and turned back to him. He was red and he quickly pulled the covers over his crotch. You turned to face him and rubbed your light sensitive eyes. He could see you now, wearing a tank top and with your hair as messy as it could be. He saw how wet your lips became as you went to lick them and how red you were from his body heat.
“Mammon, baby you look hot.” You told him, not referring to his attractiveness, but his temperature.
“Listen, I’m not sick! And whaddya doin callin me hot?” He got redder.
“Mammon, I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” You sounded so soft, so gentle. “I need to know.” You went to touch his shoulder and he bit his lip.
“Okay… I’ll tell you. I had a dream that you were fuckin’ me. And I… think… I might’ve came.” He watched as you started to smile and then laugh. “What’re you laughin at!”
“You could’ve said you needed to change if it embarrassed you that bed. I would’ve just gone back to sleep. I’m awake now all because you had a wet dream.” You laid back down and turned off the light. “You can go ahead and change.”
He sat there for a second, letting his embarrassment cool. “Okay.”
“Unless… you wanna get off? Is that the case, pretty demon?” You asked, grinning away now. “I’m still a little sleepy but I’m sure I could give you a sloppy blowjob. Your favorite!” You offered, inching closer to him.
“Mm, Mc. You would do that for me?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about getting me off.” You sunk under the covers and started pulling at his undies.
“I’ll always pay you back. If you’re too tired now, I can always wake you up with some head.”
“Just let me treat you, Mammon.”
And treated him, you did. By the time you were done, he was panting and curling his toes, his eyes rolled back, and his cock too sensitive to even let the cool air hit. You happily gave him what he needed, even as your drool coated his inner thighs and left a wet spot on the bed, the messier the better after all. He was definitely going to play you back, even if you didn’t want him too. One thing about Mammon, he’s a pleaser.
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artonice · 2 months
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Am I delulu?
Anyways... seriously y'all. I started publicly sharing B/V stuff in March. I'm just a girly from Boston who is obsessed with ice dance and the athletic, emotional moments it creates. I also enjoy its connection to art. Their 2023 FD reminds me so much of the above painting. I like to post comparisons and Kiki with the girls. Ice dance slays so hard bc I've never seen anything like it before! I really earnestly just enjoy all of the mechanics.
The dedication, the performance. Y'all caught me vicariously living, babes! We all wish we could've been something like a ballerina or an ice skater. Seeing Bella skate, inspires me to do the things that little me dreamed of. Still! Which I enjoy just as equally. Because everyone seems so grumpy all the time and I love having something to cheer for and believe in. I've competed for 2 bike races since following Bella. Because I'm rooting for someone who does cool stuff and think, wait I can do cool stuff too. And the duo for sure inspires me to paint and write and listen to good music and all that other important stuff. Like a good tv show or my favorite book would.
But this is my crutch, y'all. These are very real people. Celebrity and influencer culture makes us depersonalize the figures sharing their lives. I can def see how I get lost in the delulu of their skating story, and Bella's underdog lore (which is mainly why I'm here y'all). I know it's still a risk that skaters can see this post, but I just wanna yap to no one about how weird the modern world is. And I think Tumblr is probably the most private place out of all socials to yap anyways.
So, my point. I feel weird! I feel so weird making edits and talking about how inspired I am by these strangers, especially when the inspiring strangers can see😭. Bella follows my insta account (as well as a bunch of others) bc she's a cool and connective girl broooo like Bella pls don't unfollow girly I'm just saying I don't wanna freak anyone out 😭🫶. Cause I couldn't imagine all these people being so focused on my life and what I do, it might stress me out bad yall.
I know I'm delulu, but more so I'm sensitive. That's why I like this sport. And I like to chit chat!!! Combined with this hyper digital, often fantasy focused world we live in (movies, tv, sports, books) I don't want to be confused with some crazy person who can't decipher boundaries bc I run an active stan account. And no hate to my fellow Stan accounts, this scenario feels unique bc ice skating fan accounts have audiences that often include people in the skater's communities or families, if not the skater themselves. It's not like I'm posting about Taylor Swift who won't see it. Girl, my T-swift is 5'ft tall and can jump 6ft high in the air. Her Eras Tour starts in Lake Placid this July😭. And you bet your ass I need to talk about it!
But I also gotta remind myself that this isn't my favorite TV show but people's real lives. Like fr. Sometimes the competition is so good you'd think it was scripted, y'all. God, like let me keep yapping forever huh?
Anyways, I am so glad I get to connect with my favorite athlete, as I'm sure her other fans appreciate it too. She's honest and open to chat for a reason, it keeps us feeling like we are on the road to the Olympics with her. I'm gunna keep posting cause I love the idea of turning all of booktok on her lore and getting a million people to root for them so I can see them at freaking SKAM 🤨. The conversation between influencer and audience is just hella interesting. And I hope I'm towing the line okay!
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monst · 2 months
Da rules
Well here's some new rules and a reintroduction: 
     I go by Monst and I guess I’m writing again: I do read faster than I write so enjoy all the reblogs lol
I like the color orange it's not relevant, just thought I'd put it out there
Uh the bnha master list is definitely not up to date and needs a revamp (I will probably get to that eventually, someday...soon...) Speaking of it Here's the DC one and Here's the BHNA one.
Anyways if you're interested below is basically the what's what. Stick around if you want.
 Okay cool!
       I’m a new person! (Not really still v much unhinged) But we do have some new rules so let’s get to it: 
All characters for nsfw stuff are aged up 18+ (If you’re one of those (Can't separate reality from fiction/fantasy) then the unfollow/block buttons haven’t moved from their location and you are free to use them at your discretion )  
     I’m cool with: 
Requests- Hcs, Scenarios, thirst posts, Ya sending ideas, thirst, recommendations, ask for advice or info dump (Might not get to all of them, and might not do some I’m not feeling) I write for F. Reader, GN. reader and M. Reader. Genre: all of them tbh
Ships! Character x character is cool - Block #Ship🤌 if it's not for you
Random shit- You telling me about your day, thoughts, opinions on whatever ig. I love to chat. 
I’m okay with dark content (Dubcon, noncon, yandere, somno, etc.) and everything should be tagged appropriately. You can always ask that I tag something if it is missing. 
Sfw- Fluff, angst basically anything that tickles my fancy. Most of my longer stuff is going to be sfw going forwards and while probably be on Ao3
Music! Tell me what your listening too! (Yes I'm one of those 'I listen to everything' I need new stuff to listen to)
Also! I miss the whole deviant art/Quizzilla shit so I might do a whole seven minutes in heaven thing lmao (This doesn’t belong here but scream at me about it cause I need it to happen for nostalgia’s sake) 
    I’m not cool with: 
Incest (This one's a toss up, it honestly depends cause I've written for it both step & blood related)
Use your discernment ig
Also, I'm kinda using this space as a kinda fun mostly horny diary lmao so it's just mostly gonna be vibes
So here’s the fandoms&Characters if you wanna request: 
Shocker, but I do have some old asks that are too good to just let’em go ya know?  
Shinsou (I started this blog cause of him so.. yeah) 
Villain/Yandere Deku sorry
Please, please, please send me shit about Tim Drake. (Need him biblically) Literally hopped back on for him. 
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle 
Poison Ivy 
Joker (Nothing good is coming out of anyone requesting this I just know it) 
Diana (Wonder woman my beloved) 
Amanda Waller 
Slade Wilson… 
Mark Grayson 
Kakashi ‘blow my back out’ Hatake
Shisui (My love)
Tobirama’s messy ass
Ask for more but these are my faves 
D- gray man-
Yuu Kanda!
Tyki Mikk
Kingdom Hearts-
Most of the organization tbh
All of them. 
But especially Sephiroth 
Any type of monster lmao 
Kenji Sato lmao
You can ask for others not listed in different fandoms I just think this has gotten a bit too long  
And Yeah, Let’s have fun! ^^
New Tags: 
         This bitch is yapping - Any asks answered or just general shit
         Thirsty bitch juice - Small scenarios, thirst,
         Pretty things- Art 
         Oh la la that’s some good shit right there- Fic recs & reblogs
         On my monster fucking bs - Monster fucking lol 
         Lock that shit up in the basement pls- cursed asks and stuff 
Uh random bullshit go! - My newer writing
And if you made it this far down here's a cookie 🍪
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knightcoree · 8 months
I hope you guys aren't mad at me for not wanting to be on here. I just. I'm tired. Of not being myself. Of pleasing others. Of not having fun. Of being turned down. Of being hated. Of being depressed. Of drama. Of people being picky af and stuck ups. I'm having fun on discord so don't blame me for ...enjoying rping there a bit more than here rn. Sure I still like to post on my main but. I'm unsure of the future of my rp blogs atm. I'm just. I'm staying on break for now. The stress sometimes gets exhausting. I need infinite vacations lol. Also I been playing cult of the lamb to distract myself. And staying in my private server with my close buds whom I know won't hate or judge me for anything I do. Idk. I'm thinking. Give me some time okay? Patience pls. That's all I ask. I'll make a decision eventually. Idk. In the meantime I'm gonna continue to post reblogs on main but I'm staying away from my rp blogs for a while sowwy. It is what it is. Hate me if u like. Whatever I guess....I'll miss you.
P.s. I'm going through shit rn cuz I may need to have my pet rat put down cuz she's suffering a lot. Her foots not healing and the vet thinks ...yah..we don't got much choice for her quality of life. So. It's another reason I'm on break. I can't handle decisions or serious shit rn. Or drama a there's always drama on tumblr rp communities ...so.. yes. Bye. Add my discord if interested otherwise I'll post reblogs still so no need to unfollow or anything.
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sayyourprayers · 1 year
Sorry if this is about your mutuals. Actually not sorry at all. But do y'all realise that they're now bullying an account they have blocked or don't follow and being on some high horse and you guys enable this bullshit? OVER A FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
Pls unfollow or block if you think this post is wrong or uncalled for idgaf. Aemiron henrysglock and their whole ass coterie are bullies. And so are y'all who will wax poetic and then be silent when it doesn't concern y'all.
I was unaware of the drama as I've been blocked but I'm glad I was made to see this shit cuz now I can make this post.
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Real mature. Y'all support these people. And fellate their already inflated egos.
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The fucking irony. LMAO. You gots to be kidding me.
Also all the bootlickers y'all know who you are including some ex-mutuals. Call me an ADHD baiter to my face you spineless cunt. What is your friend doing? Going on to posts not meant for them. You can't RB, you can't converse in tags and you can't make your own posts tagged "anti". Well anything to say to that? No. Don't think the higher ups have allowed that.
Get a life. Seriously. Try idk being at least half upright. So that your words mean something. Btw y'all condone bullying. It's one thing to have a one on one tiff when it is a tiff and another to send your hounds. How delicious are the Scooby snacks anyway?
Get well soon. You know who you are. Question is. How are you okay with it?
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I need some help with a moral dilemma!
A person I follow reblogged a post about how you should respect other's kinks, ships and such things, which I agreed with, but immediately I thought "what about proshipping and pedo stuff?". And in the post the op brought up the "What about ____?" and wrote that if you thought that something horrible couldn't possibly be included in this, it was! They also said the of you didn't like something you should block the tag and not interact with it, which I also agree with.
I went down to the comments and saw how the op (not the reblogger) defended pedo ships and I got really uncomfortable, I wondered if the reblogger also agreed with that.
I personally interact with some yandere content cus I think it's interesting to read and fantasies about but I'd never accept it or like it if it happened to me. In that way I could somewhat understand where the op came from, but pedo ships? Really? I can't in anyway defend it, even when fictional if it isn't shown in a negative light.
I personally am against it because I've heard and seen how people have become desensitized to proshipping to the point that they think it's okay to act out those things irl, I've fallen into that category myself when I was younger, unlimited access to the internet yk. You could say the same thing about yandere but I fell like pedo and incest ships are so morally wrong that you just can't write about it like that.
Can someone give me their opinion on this? Did I misunderstand the point? Should I unfollow the reblogger?
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Pls help!
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feralkwe · 2 months
ship ask game. pre-relationship 5, general 10 and 12, + 7 and 10 for domestic? pick whatever ship you want lol
so i was gonna do a different ship, but you have an elidibus avatar, i have an elidibus avatar. let's not be coy. you are all gonna unfollow me if i don't get other interests soon.
let's go!
I - 5: what would their lives be like if they had never met?
this one is very funny to me, given that he's an essential part of the plot on at least three occasions and she functions to stop him in it. i imagine if they hadn't met, there wouldn't be much world left. tho, idk maybe she'd have survived it all and come out the other side of all the rejoinings fully intact. huh. wow. i have to think on that one a bit. ope.
II - 10: What are their parallels, whether in their personalities or their histories?
oh i love this one. idk who would ever sit and draw all the parallels between the wol and elidibus. that certainly could not be me. i would never think about the fact that they both consider their duty to the world the top priority even over the personal self. i absolutely spent zero hours thinking about how they both love the world enough to sacrifice everything to save it. and, if i'm honest, i've never noticed that they're both a little obsessed with one another over the course of their bizarre twists of fate.
i like to think meeting the wol in the past influenced elidibus as he went forward as warrior of light. kit certainly pressed onward to see the world saved in part because she knew what he sacrificed to give her that chance. i also h/c that kit being a warrior inspired him in his paladin form, but you're not here for my silly lore headcanons. i also think his choice to possess ardbert was strategic as part of that obsession.
for kit's part, she never really recovered from what she had to do in sos, which is a nice paper cut that pandae poured lemon juice all over.
II - 12: do they hide anything from each other, big or small?
before setting off to elpis, elidibus warned her that she could not use these little jaunts through time to change the events of the past or influence the future. so obviously when they meet for pandae, she doesn't tell him what she knows. right or wrong, it is a choice she made out of what she saw as a duty to the world. that's okay lol because he totally thought she believed his ruse too, right? those are equal things, for sure! so initially, yes, they were both keeping pretty big secrets. arguably hers is much worse.
i think in a world where they were allowed to be together that honesty would be a big thing. kit dislikes lies, and lying seems counter to the fundamentals of who themis/elidibus is. they will both do so out of necessity, but if we're dealing with a world that isn't tearing them apart and making them mortal enemies, no, i don't think they would hide anything from one another.
IV - 7: who worries the most?
oh, i'm pretty sure this yoke is bore evenly. it's just who they both are, imo. my god, will someone invent therapy?
IV - 10: who is more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
well that is a disgustingly cute question that is gonna take me back to that 'in perfect world where they actually get to be together' place. my initial gut was to say kit, because elidibus is too duty-bound, but uhhhh i established in fic that he considers her the one exception to always putting his duty first. him. it would be him. "just five more minutes to cuddle, pls. no, the convocation won't miss me. it's fine. i can be late. only nabriales will complain. he can go fuck himself."
i'm so cringe. please take me out back and shoot me.
thanks for the ask! i'm almost sorry i'm a one-trick pony right now. almost.
ship ask game questions here.
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mikareo · 10 months
(DOVE OMG IDK IT SAID I UNFOLLOWED U but i think it was on accident or smth and lwky it was weird bc i didn’t see u on my dash lately :// i’m so sorry for that !!! i feel so bad i’m so sorry ;-; !!)
but i just saw that u were holding matchups, so i was wondering if i could provide a submission ? one for complete matchups, if possible <3
for blue lock, btw !
in a separate ask (thank u sm <3)
male, and around teenage years
sfw pls and thank u :))
i think i’m a v honest person, and i suppose i don’t mind saying what’s on my mind if i’m close to u. but to others, i filter what i say, and i tend to “people please” by saying what might be favourable to them. i’m really introverted and shy lol, it takes me a while to warm up to someone, but when i do, i’m pretty extroverted and loud :,) i think i’m also realistic, and i can sometimes be pessimistic, but i’m trying to be more hopeful about the future lately hehe. i feel like i’m also often trying to take care of my friends, and it’s like i’m the mother of the group ;-; and i would say that i’m quite empathetic, so a lot of the times, my friends do come to me for advice or just to hear some comforting words. i’m an infj :) and i’m a cancer ! i go by she/her !!
i like to write, read, and draw sometimes (not v good at it but it’s a calming activity imo). i also like to watch kdramas and anime <3 they’re probably one of my favourite things in the world !! and i like to cook (baking not so much idk why)—it’s also kinda therapeutic. i also love shopping, but specifically shopping for my things (idk how to feel ab grocery shopping :/)
ideal dates would probably have to be like art galleries, cafe dates, a picnic date w like painting activities hehe, a spontaneous trip out in the city, or a stay-at-home date where we just do wtv and enjoy each other’s company <33
thank u so so much ! hope that i included all necessary info, and pls (maybe) have fun w this !!
(i’m quite excited to do ur submission for my event too hehe <33 and so sorry ab the unfollowing I FEEL SO BAD </3)
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...yoisami!
saki!!!! i honestly didn't even notice u unfollowed me so dw abt it really!! girl u are SO pretty omg!! like the vibes u give off are so fairy princess,, i love that for u <33 also,, before u open this post (if u haven't alr LOL) it's like...really really long bc i have a lot to say abt this particular character ajskfl i haven't even finished writing everything yet while i'm typing this,, but i alr know it's going to have such a long wc for a matchup (1.2k pls),, i rlly hope u like it tho!! complete matchups are always so fun bc they're just a total brain dump for me :3 (p.s. i'm also so so excited for what color u come up w for me n isagi EEEK) also i dunno if i said it alr,, but i rlly love the little selfship drawing u have on ur navi,, it's so cute!!
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ APPEARANCE PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🌻✩NIJIRO NANASE₊˚🌿⊹♡
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with gentle features that seemingly express lots of emotion; no doubt, the two of you would be considered a visual couple and have countless onlookers wishing they were with either of you. nijiro only cares about your eyes, though. he's not bothered by the lovestruck stares and greedy thoughts the passing women have. he only needs to make you smile. that's his one and only goal.
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ PERSONALITY PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🍙✩YOICHI ISAGI₊˚⚽️⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
okay this actually was so easy for me to settle on, i literally read your personality info and the first person who came to mind was isagi. i weighed out all the other options, but no one else really clicked in my head other than him. i think about this man like so often; and knowing so much about him, there's no doubt that you two would be so compatible!
one thing that really stood out to me amidst all of isagi's personality traits, is his perceptiveness. obviously he's extremely good at reading the field, but his true talent is reading people. while you're very introverted and tend to keep to yourself at first, he'd be able to figure out a way to make you feel comfortable around him upon the first introduction. he wouldn't be alarmed by your shyness, but rather intrigued and he'd want to understand you better; in fact, he'd make it a challenge for himself to do so. immediately, he'd be able to notice the difference between you telling the truth and you trying to 'people please'— but no matter which one is occurring, he wouldn't call you out on it. he'd trust that you're saying and doing whatever you feel comfortable with, and respect that. he'd also enjoy your outgoingness once you finally open up to him, and his favorite thing in the world would be whenever he's able to make you laugh. isagi loves a girl who laughs a lot whilst showing a beautiful smile; and he'd wish he had a photographic memory just to revisit that look on your face when he's struggling on the field, in need of some comfort.
i don't necessarily think you two are total opposites, but there are definitely some things that you differ on; one being his optimism vs. your pessimism. isagi is someone who lives on adrenaline and keeping his head in the clouds. he believes that everything will work out for him so long as he continues to practice and find a new solution; however, he needs someone who can keep him grounded. if he spends too much time in the clouds, his feet will never come back to earth. with your realist perspective, you can tell him when he needs to focus or lock in on a goal— whilst also making sure that he isn't getting too ahead of himself. the reverse is also true. he uses his extreme optimism and drive to encourage you to take those chances that you normally wouldn't with your realism holding you back. he wants you to fly in the cloud with him, and looks forward to that safe landing he knows you'll bring. you keep him from flying away. he makes sure you're not stuck to the ground forever.
even though he's an optimist, isagi is so hard on himself. he beats himself up after every game even if he's the one who scored the winning goal. to him, there's nothing more important than improving; which is why your advice is so valuable. if anything, you'd surely be his rock in the midst of the chaos of his football career. he'd rely on you when he's feeling down and go to you whenever he needs some words of encouragement. with those words, he'd close his eyes and try to recall them— recite them— before he has a game (it's his good luck charm) and feel so much stronger. your the person he looks up to most. it's not noel noa. it's you. he hangs onto your every word, his attention is undivided, because he knows that you only want the best for him. your advice is selfless, and yes, maybe he is selfish for asking for it so often, but can you blame him? you're the shining sun when he's rained off the field and the sweeping waves when he visits the beach. your physical and emotional beauty astonish him.
on his off days, isagi loves to go for walks, read manga, or simply stay at home with you. surely, he'd be the one to hand you your sneakers and tell you that there's a new cafe open downtown that he wants to try— knowing full well that you've been looking forward to it for weeks. when the two of you are walking through the city, he's bound to take a few pictures with fans; and while you're holding up the phone telling them to say 'cheese', isagi smiles after, telling the strangers: "isn't my girlfriend so cute?" he's such a character. if you choose to spend the day at home, baking and such, he tries his best to help out in the kitchen. though, it never really works out as planned. isagi has his certain skills, baking not being one of them (i.e. soccer being the only one) which causes your sweets to be a little lopsided. however, his company isn't a burden as he makes you giggle and smile with his quips and encouragements as you try a new recipe. isagi loves spending time with you when he can, and he makes sure to make the most of it.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
your boyfriend is someone who thinks on his feet, pre-planning has never really been his thing, which is why it was no surprise when he laced up your sneakers and led you to the train station with no prior warning. "c'mon, that new cafe opened in ginza." is what he'd said to you; trying to sound spontaneous, even though he so obviously remembered you've been looking forward to it for months now.
the two of you are nearly there, just a few blocks away since you somehow got off the train two stops too early, when a pair of middle school (?) girls stop you in your tracks. "excuse me, do you mind if we get a photo with you isagi?" to which he gladly accepts.
naturally, you offer to take the photo, being used to your boyfriend's adoring fans and tell the girls to smile big. it's so adorable the way his face lights up whenever he's able to share his passion for football with someone new. you love that beaming look on his face and are so grateful that you get to look at that grin every day of your life.
"the girl taking the photo..." isagi begins to say to the fans, worrying you that he's about to make some joke that you won't find funny. "she's my girlfriend." aw.
they both nod at his words, commenting on how pretty they think you are, before he continues to speak.
"isn't she gorgeous?"
he always knows how to make you blush. damn him.
"you're a flirt, yoichi." you shake your head, giggling softly as you hand the phone back to the girls. "i can't take you anywhere, can i?"
he reaches out, lovingly clasping his large hand over yours and kisses your temple. it's a very public display of romance, but he made sure to cover your face while doing so, knowing that you tend to get a little embarrassed by those sort of things. "i'm the luckiest man in the world." his voice is so caring, so loving. "i'm going to tell everyone i'm yours whenever i get the chance."
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(i am literally a mess when it comes to isagi jasfdkl this brain dump was lethal)
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
Hey! I know its a bit out of the blue but Im reaching in hopes if you could possibly help boost/share the post i pinned for my cat? We desperately need some help rn, im so sorry if I did bother you, I hope you stay safe. Pls consider answering this ask privately or maybe send me a msg. 🙏❤️
you know what
no 🙏❤
hey kids, lets play a game of spot a scam again!! (i'd copy and paste the previous one but tumblr search is worthless and apparently that ask isnt tagged in my blog for some reason or just doesnt exist anymore buT ANYWAYS!!)
okay this is literally the same story ive seen before at least three times. its word to word the same. youre not even trying
reblogs only from original posts. they have gotten "smarter" tho as this blog followed me in attempts to try to show its "real". and yet they havent reblogged from blogs they supposedly follow, only from probably the top posts from some cat tag and only from original posters
their only original post as far as i scrolled (which admittedly wasnt very far as its obvious this is a scam lol) is the donation post. unsurprisingly
ive said it before and i'll say it again - they seem to target people in similar positions that they are supposedly in, trying to pluck that sympathy cord with "your pet is sick so you are sensitive and know how this feels". also bitch if im asking help to pay my vet bills what makes you think i can help you LOL
"pls consider answering this ask privately" lmao so what people dont know youre a scammer? NEXT
a simple search even within tumblr tells you people already know about this. the account, the story and the cat. you aint fooling anymore
if unsure kids, ask a friend and google things 👍 reverse image search, for example, is your best friend!!
also kids, in case youre asking "well what bad could a one little me reblogging a post even if its a scam do if i dont donate :/" 1. im sorry what and 2. it makes them look legitimate which they are not. the more notes the more trusted the source cause tumblr is full of idiots (sorry not sorry ive been here for over 11 years i know what people are like) plus you put your friends, mutuals and followers in a risk of participating in a scam. and have your name associated with it as well. do i need to go on?
anyways hi go report this blog and always be hesitant if someone you dont know asks you for donations like this. unless its a beloved mutual on your dash, reconsider. stay safe, thanks 💜
//update 1. seeing their blog requires a login lmao and 2. they only followed me for me to notice and idk if they unfollowed afterwards immediately or already blocked me so hey cool look guys a proven scammer <33 just fyi <3
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