#plum tree diseases
blackknotbegone · 2 years
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The Black knot disease in plum trees or plum pockets, caused by the fungus Apiosporina morbosa, is a very destructive disease of plum and prune. Get quality plum pocket disease treatment from Black Knot Be Gone with its unique products. You can apply black knot be gone any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, early spring to late fall.
Visit: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/products/black-knot-disease-treatment-all-organic-plant-ingredients
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
So sonce Wukong is heavily associated with he earth and especially FFM, what if the mountain itself changes to fit Wukong's emotional and physical health? Like when he's sad, depressed, or hopeless it becomes more barren and cold, when he's hurt the earth itself cracks and plants wither and die, whe he's happy it's lush, warm, and beautiful like depicted in the show! It doesn't instantly change of course but slowly, the longer the time Wukong is in a certain mood, the more it affects the mountain. That'd also why the monkeys, who have EVERY reason to be distrustful of a stranger on the mountain considering literally everything in the book, are so quick to warm up to and welcome MK and his family into their midst! Because they make Wukong happy!
Ooo this is such a cool idea.
Wukong being basically the Te Fiti of Flower Fruit Mountain and the surrrounding country of Alolai.
When he ws young and unsure, the islands bloomed with new haphazard shoots and flowers.
When he jumped through the waterfall the first time, the rains came and watered the parched fruit trees.
When he travelled onto the mainland and trained with Sudbodhi, the air became heavy with the winds of his travels - A certain Macaque amongst the troop able to hear where exactly their King was based on how he sang to the breeze. Soon the skies became full of fluffy clouds so thick you could nearly walk (or rather Sommersault on them). It was one of the few joys his people appriciated whilst under the threat of the Demon King of Havoc/Confusion.
The night before the King returned, a great thunder rain occurred - startling all of them awake. A thunder of sadness and anger. But when their King landed home and cut the Demon's head in half with his new powers - the sun shined upon the island once more.
When the Brotherhood was made and friendships forged, the mountain bloomed with new life. Spider lilies flourished in the time the King had been whisked away to the Underworld, and lotus flowers sprang forth upon his return.
When their king lost himself as an attendant of Heaven, the waters in the streams became stale like a horse through, and fruits shrivelled on the branches like they had been dried for a dessert.
Oddly enough, when their King made havoc in Heaven; the most that the mountain experienced was a sudden unseasonable bloom of peach blossoms that dripped a heady dew.
When Sun Wukong was defeated and captured for the Furnance... the mountain Burned.
For 49 days straight.
They at first blamed the war god Erlang that had bested their King in the first place, but he and the rest of the brothers of Meishan rallied to save as many monkey yao as possible from the flames and the subsequent floods of murky ash.
When the Monkey King burst forth from the Trigram Furnace, it sent a volley of burning charcoal comets down to earth. Including onto the Stone Place itself.
And when the Buddha was forced to raise his hand? The island stagnanted.
For 500 years the razed island could not grow more than grass and ferns. No more fruits or flowers bloomed. The water was bitter and black with charcoal. And whats more, humans from the mainland beyond had discovered that the country of Alolai was ripe for the picking...
When their King returned once more at the helm of a fight with his religious master, the island rained for the first time in centuries. As he struck down each and every hunter he found, and saved and returned as many as his people as he could, the island seemed to Revive with the scent of blossoms and peaches.
When he left to rejoin his Pilgrim friends, the fruits and flowers still came, now just less sweet.
His subjects knew immediately knew when something terrible had happened with their King years on. The winds stopped blowing as if a switch had been struck. Stone fruit trees crumbled into dust as if they were diseased. The waters of the streams became salted as if with tears... it took a long time for the island to return to some normalcy after that. Though the plum trees never returned, no matter how ardent the efforts of those who keep mountains orchards.
A great bloom of golden flowers and fruits occurred the day their King had reached the home of the Buddha. The rush of life announced via a clap of thunder. The monkeys of the island hooted and sung for weeks at their King's return.
Many years later, fire broke out on the mountain's peak. Their King returned home with a haunted look upon his face but gave no explaination. They began to see less and less of the Western Horse-Dragon after that day... soon the fruits and waters became stale once more. The only flowers that bloomed were ones of mourning.
On a day, after many of arficially sweetened waters adn fruits, a great aurora of golden and purple lights broke forth in the skies above the island - distracting the King's subject long enough that they missed his wonder and conflict at finding a little stone monkey much like himself. The clouds rained heavy with seawater in the days to come.
And on the day a certain child appeared, the sun shone a hue so beautiful and happy that the subjects of the island just knew someone dear to the King had returned.
The plum trees returned some time afterwards, though the fruits were a little sour. They became sweet once more in the year after.
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todaysbug · 11 months
November 9th, 2023
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Common Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha)
Distribution: Found throughout temperate Europe, as far east as Ukraine and Turkey, and the continental United States.
Habitat: Often found in areas with soft, shaded soil; savannah, grasslands, forests and agricultural land.
Diet: Herbivorous generalists; adults feed on the leaves of deciduous trees such as oak, maple, chestnut, beech, plum and walnut; they will also occasionally feed on conifer needles. Larvae feed on new plant rootlets of any type.
Description: The cockchafer has a lengthy life cycle, with larvae maturing only after three years of growth, and occasionally emerging as adults only on a fourth year. They're considered garden and agricultural pests due to the larvae's tendency to gnaw on any small roots they can get their mouthparts on—this can weaken plants significantly, making them weak to disease. Interestingly, there seems to be a larger cycle at play as well, as cockchafers tend to emerge in massive quantities in the tens of thousands every thirty years or so.
Due to their destructive habits, a collection of cockchafers were put on trial in 1320 in Avignon, France, in hopes that they would atone for their crimes. They were sentenced to remain in a specially-designated area for three days (cockchafer jail!) and, when they failed to comply (because they're bugs.) were outlawed. Considering they're still found in France today, their cockchafer ban was likely unsuccessful.
(Images by John Reeves and Rasbak)
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toadstoolgardens · 2 years
🌿Inviting Birds Into Your Garden🐦
Birds are essential to a healthy ecosystem, but not everyone takes kindly to them in their gardens. Birds love to eat berries, peck holes in fruits, and scratch up seedlings, but in the permaculture garden we strive to partner with nature to meet the needs of wildlife AND ourselves. Growing food for ourselves at the expense of wildlife has resulted, in part, in the current global food system that doesn't value the humans involved or the ecosystem.
"By attracting birds, small animals, and insects to our yards, we not only increase biodiversity but make our gardens more balanced, disease free, and productive as well." -Toby Hemenway, Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Small-Scale Permaculture
Benefits of a Bird-Friendly Garden
Birds are beautiful! Watching them enjoy your gardens and learning bird language is rewarding and entertaining
Birds keep insect problems in check
Birds loosen the soil as they forage and scratch
Birds provide natural fertilizer
The Combination that Works
"Creating a garden that your winged friends want to call home is easy. You'll need to provide food, water, and shelter. Any of these elements will bring birds to your garden for a visit. But providing all three will make them more inclined to take up residence." -Kris Bordessa, Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living
Keep in mind that birds have different needs! Not all birds eat the same things and their nesting habits vary. So the real key is diversity! Plant a variety of plant types, textures, heights, and seasons of value.
Birds have a varied diet of fruit/berries, insects, and nuts/seeds. Some have more specific diets than others. Some forage for food on the ground and some hunt above ground.
Year-Round Bird Food Sources
Evergreen trees - Provide shelter, protection, and sap for food
Flowers, tall grasses, and herbs - Provide cover for ground feeders, seeds, nectar, and insects to forage
Fruits (late spring through summer) - Blueberries, brambles like blackberries or raspberries, cherries, elderberries, mulberries, serviceberries, and wild plum. Birds LOVE mulberries especially and having them available will help deter birds from your other crops
Fruits (fall) - Aronia berries, dogwood, sea buckthorn, buffaloberry. In fall birds need to build up fat reserves to survive winter, give them a fall buffet!
Fruits (winter) - These are fruits that cling to branches over winter. Crabapple, hardy kiwi, hawthorn, highbush cranberry, medlar, sumac
Nectar-producing plants for hummingbirds - Bee balm, lupine, sage, maple trees, black locust trees
Nuts - Butternut, chestnut, hazelnut, pickory, piñon, walnut. Offer protection, good nesting sites, and insects to forage
Choose plants native to your area!
2. Water
Birds love natural moving water like streams or ponds. Replicate this with a 2 inch deep bird bath with a fountain! Place your bird bath near a shrub so they have perches and an escape route nearby.
3. Shelter & Protection
Birds need shelter from the elements and protection from predators along with their food and water sources.
Tall grass, dense shrubs, tree canopy, and thorny plants act as a save haven. Birds also nest at different heights, so offer a variety of trees and shrubs for them to settle in.
More plant ideas that provide nesting sites, shelter, and protection:
"Without animals, nature just limps along." -Toby Hemenway
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zyuna-arts · 7 months
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Funguary '24: Silver Leaf Fungus | Lilac Seadragon
Week 1 | Week 3 | Week 4
Coincidentally we have a dragon in the year of the dragon just a few days shy of the Lunar New Year! 🐉 Based on the timing I posted this, it's also Valentine's Day ❤️
Silver leaf is actually a fungal disease caused by chondrostereum purpureum that viciously attacks the Rosaceae family that includes roses, apricots, plums, peaches and almonds. It also attacks deciduous trees like maple and hawthorn. The name is derived from the silvering of leaves on affected hosts, and the disease is often fatal. The fungus is as widespread as its hosts and can be a serious parasite to living trees.
Inspired by the properties of silver leaf disease and wanting to do something in spirit of the year of the dragon, I came up with a poisonous seadragon species. Halfway through I realised the pokemon Dragalge is basically the same concept but mine is quite a different take, I hope!
Really struggled with the rendering. I gave up multiple times and kept sighing on how to fix the shading because no matter what or how much I edited, I wasn't satisfied but I had to move on. It was fun coming up with a design and its background, though!
Each #Funguary2024 I do will be depicted as a sea creature and designed like an encyclopedia page. Funguary is a yearly drawing challenge in February hosted by artist Feefal to turn fungi prompts into characters.
SOCIALS: Linktree
Art & Character © zyuna
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from Earth Island Journal:
KOCHKOR KALDARBAEV REMEMBERS the forest of his childhood. It’s dense, with thickets of tall grass and brambles that make walking in a straight line impossible. Trees come in all shapes and sizes: spindly youngsters, stately elders, tiny seedlings peeking up through the forest floor. They come in all varieties, too, from hawthorn and maple to fruit-bearing trees like apple, pistachio, and plum. And everywhere you look, there’s the walnut: wide, smooth trunks branching off into bushy green canopies, with clusters of round fruits waiting to be cracked open to get at the creamy nut inside.
Kaldarbaev was born and raised in the village of Arslanbob in the mountains of southern Kyrgyzstan, a Central Asian nation home to the world’s largest natural-growth walnut forest. Today the forest covers some 50 square miles of a fertile valley of the Tian Shan Mountain range, which stretches from Uzbekistan in the west to China and Mongolia in the east.
His father spent 40 years working for the then-Soviet government as a forestry officer tasked with keeping the forest healthy and managing how people used it — which then, as now, mostly involved harvesting walnuts, the region’s main source of income and a key ingredient of the local culture and traditions.
For centuries, every fall, the residents of Arslanbob and other villages dotting these mountains have left their homes and camped out in the dense forest, spending weeks shaking down the ripe nuts from the trees and collecting them by hand. Usually, this is an all-hands-on-deck job for entire families, including children. During harvest season, the walnuts make their way from local markets in the nearby city of Jalal-Abad to Europe and Asia, mostly along trade routes that once comprised the Silk Road.
But by 2012, Kaldarbaev could walk through the forest understory with relative ease. The thick undergrowth was mostly gone, as were the smaller, more immature trees, says the 51-year-old who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a government forester. Only the tall trunks of mature walnuts remained standing, spaced oddly far apart.
A similar fate afflicts much of Kyrgyzstan’s forests, which make up only about 6.2 percent of the country’s land area but are rich in biodiversity. Between 2001 and 2022, the mountainous nation lost 2,470 hectares (6,100 acres) of forest cover, mainly to deforestation, overgrazing, and desertification. In recent years, climate change and development have added to the pressures facing these forests, putting rare species like Malus niedzwetzkyana, or Niedzwetzky’s apple, and Pyrus korshinskyi, or Kazak plum, and Arslanbob’s iconic walnuts at risk.
This is bad news, not only for the villagers who depend on these natural fruit forests, but for the rest of the world as well. Many of the widely- loved varieties of fruits and nuts that we enjoy today — including apples, almonds, pistachios, pomegranates, plums, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears, and, walnuts — originated from the wild species found in Arslanbob and other temperate montane forests of this region of Central Asia. At a time when domesticated strains of many of these trees are becoming increasingly susceptible to disease, these forests of crop wild relatives are a valuable genetic resource that could be critical for food security in the future.
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inherstars · 9 days
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Decanted the summer cellos, and got four large bottles and two small of each. We'll save the large bottles for next summer (raspberry iced tea and blackberry lemonade), and I'll give the smaller bottles to my boss as part of his Christmas present.
We also started the Christmas batch -- pearberry (pear and blackberry) and apple pie a la mode. They'll be ready by our anniversary, but will get portioned into smaller bottles to give away as gifts.
Made the difficult decision to completely dig up all the blackberries. They were covered in some kind of woolly aphid that's problematic to kill. I always said that if the plants were ever sick or diseased I wanted to replace them with a thornless variety, so that's what we're going to do.
We cut them down, dug up all the root balls, and I'll cover the beds in cardboard for the winter to hopefully kill off the weeds and any aphids. Next spring we'll add fresh soil, fertilize, and plant a cover crop of nasturtium, which are supposedly good for either warding off aphids, or attracting insects that eat them. We'll buy some ladybugs to release, as well.
The year after that, we'll replant a thornless variety, although we may not get berries again until the year after that.
These aphids seem to favor fruit, of which we have a lot, but I'm hopeful that with management we can encourage the local insect population to take care of them for us. I haven't seen any outbreaks in the raspberries, apples or the plum tree, so hopefully it stays that way.
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nonnieapple · 9 months
⛈ ☂️ Peach Pit, 3- A Rocky Heart For Breakin' Teeth☂️ ⛈
• (Akura-ou x g/n reader x Tomoe)   • r a t i n g: m a t u r e • 7 9 9 w o r d s  •  p o s t e d 07.01.2024    🌧  navigation 🍑 previous chapter 🍑 next chapter • s u m m a r y: you're a peaceful farmer in the mountains during the sengoku period. someone starts stealing your peaches, and the thief turns out to be a chaotic oni, and the events that ensue flip your life upside down. • c h a p t e r s u m m a r y: tomoe taunts you and you debate your life decisions. TW: alco hol, mention of alcoho lism-like behavior, brief discussion of de ath. 
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The morning sky was a marble of golds, pinks, and soft blues. 
  Before getting to work on your poem about sadness and roses, as one does, you went out for peaches. 
  You hesitated before you even left the door. Your hand tightened around your wrist. 
  You'd take the plums instead. 
  The fog was deeper that morning. The peaches were untouched. 
  Perhaps, you weren't so much mad at the act of the peaches being taken, but by the lack of consent. You had more peaches than you could eat. If he had asked from the start, there would be no issue, more so an issue solved. No rotting peaches would litter the ground unappealingly. Yokai were the worst of the worst, but if they didn't touch you, it'd be bearable. Would it? 
  You missed your dagger. When you checked your hip, your hand closed around empty space. It left you feeling empty inside too. 
  The dagger was undoubtedly a thing you didn't want anyone taking- even after your death. You wanted to be buried with it at the very least. You'd want to find it even in your next lives.
  You tucked a basket under your arm as you unlocked your door. 
  No tracks in the ground. 
  You ripped plums from the tree with minimum resistance, the plums squeaking against your skin and thumping against the basket. With your basket full enough you wandered along your territory. You stopped at the large sakura. More petals had fallen. Was it diseased? 
  You surveyed the branches. All seemed well until a pair of violet eyes met yours. You gripped your basket tighter. Yokai had a habit of stealing things from you. Especially now. 
  The kitsune sat on a sturdy branch, flicking his tail, ears perked up and hair blowing in the breeze ethereally. He seemed utterly immaterial, as thin like the fabric of his kosode, as light as the fan held in his hand, as mysterious as the look in his squinting eyes. 
  "Are you taunting me?" You called, your eyebrows lowering and stance defensive. 
  The light outlined his form softly. You were sure if you'd touch him, he'd disappear. 
  "Is it working?" He asked with amusement. A sinister smile reached his eyes, which some would call pretty. You'd call them trouble.
  "Quite." Your nails dug into your palm. Your feet were pressed so hard into the ground they could've grown roots. 
  As much as you knew ignoring him would've been better you couldn't win over your own stubbornness. 
  "Are you gonna keep that dagger?" 
  He fluttered his fan. 
  "Why do you ask? It's only some knife. You humans are materialistic." He hummed. He lowered his fan, flashing a smile. 
  "Get a new one." He leaned on his lithe hand. 
  Your lip twitched. 
  "I can't "get a new one"! That was important to me!" Your voice rose, anger burning inside your chest and up to your face.
  You took a pebble and threw it at his leg. It hit him, and he hissed, eyes wide with surprise. He didn't have time to get angry as you yelled once more.
  "You yokai are pathetic! You say we're materialistic?! Look at you in your pretty clothes! You look like a damn emperor!" You could feel your voice crack and your face heat up unbearably. 
  The kitsune clutched his leg silently. For a second, it seemed like he was sorry.
  His brows lowered. 
  "How rude," He grumbled. 
  Well, there went your spark of hope. You should expect less of spirits after all you've lived through, but you were stubborn through and through. And a tad stupid. Aren't we all? Ah, the plight of a human. 
  You put down the basket of plums. 
  You cracked open some plum wine from last year. You drank quickly. It was hailed as medicine, but you weren't drinking to heal. You were drinking to destroy. 
  It felt like stale water with how much you drank of it. You needed something stronger. 
  You stood in your kitchen as you cut up food for yourself patiently. The wine tingled at the back of your throat. 
  Night fell as did you into your bed. 
  You waited until you couldn't breathe to flip over. Life at the farm was truly thrilling. And your plants- how talkative. Life of the damn pity party. 
  You were delighted when you noticed the familiar shuffling outside. You hated to admit it, but it made you feel something other than the flat numbness that the farm evoked. It was an escape from pain to a placid buzz of mediocrity. You wondered if you could find something more exciting. 
  You heard steps. A flash of gold graced your window. Your agitation turned fear had turned into amusement with the creature. 
  You wondered how long he'd keep up with the visits. 
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defjux · 2 years
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100 of my favorite Hip Hop Albums of 2022 Might be excessive but there was simply just a ton of music this year that I enjoyed and found myself going back to, and I believe each of them is worth checking out.  Each of the album titles here also links to either a bandcamp page or stream where you can listen to the project. Hopefully you’ll at least find one new album that you enjoy here, and as always feel free to reply with what you enjoyed and connected with the most this year. I’d love to know, and any other recommendations are definitely appreciated. This was an incredible year for new releases, not just for hip hop but for music in general which is why i’ll be posting another top 100 list for all of the non hip hop stuff I enjoyed from this year, hopefully in the next few days.  Peace. Chart w/ titles included 2022 Hip Hop Spotify Playlist 1. Billy Woods & Preservation - Aethiopes 2. Avantdale Bowling Club - TREES 3. Cities Aviv - Working Title For The Album Secret Waters 4. MIKE - Beware of the Monkey 5. ELUCID - I Told Bessie 6. AKAI SOLO - Spirit Roaming 7. Teddy Faley - Teddy Brown Brown 8. Defcee & BoatHouse - For All Debts Public and Private [IMPORT EDITION] 9. Ka - Woeful Studies / Languish Arts 10. J.I.D - The Forever Story 11. Open Mike Eagle - Component System with the Auto Reverse 12. billy woods x Messiah Musik - Church 13. Danger Mouse & Black Thought - Cheat Codes 14. ShrapKnel - Metal Lung 15. SolarFive & Iceberg Theory - Momento Mori 16. Moor Mother - Jazz Codes 17. Serengeti & Child Actor - Ajai 2 18. Infinity Knives & Brian Ennals - King Cobra 19. Joshua Virtue - RAMA 20. Zilla Rocca & andrew - Don't Wait For Me to Leave 21. Fly Anakin - Frank 22. Cities Aviv - MAN PLAYS THE HORN 23. KILLVONGARD - I Think I've Lost It. 24. R.A.P. Ferreira - 5 to the Eye with Stars 25. Illogic - The Transition 26. Quelle Chris - DEATHFAME 27. Bloodmoney Perez - Curses 28. Fatboi Sharif & Noface - Preaching In Havana 29. Ockham's Blazer - Ockham's Blazer 30. Little Simz - NO THANK YOU 31. Theravada - Strange Voice 32. amani & robalu - I'll Be Right Black 33. Jam Baxter – Fetch The Poison 34. OKnice - Have You Tried Being Happy? 35. Davis & Foule Monk - Plum Whisky
36. Noveliss - Vagabond 37. SHIRT & Jack Splash - I Turned Myself Into Myself 38. Moses Rockwell - Until You Run out of Cake 39. Ja'king the Divine - 手术: BLACK SUN TZU 40. Archibald SLIM - Worldly Ways 41. NNAMDÏ - Please Have A Seat 42. YUNGMORPHEUS & Theravada - Up Against the Wall; a Degree of Lunacy 43. Roc Marciano & The Alchemist - The Elephant Man's Bones 44. Nas - King's Disease III 45. Lord Kayso - MOOR CHORES 46. Ace Cannons & MIGHTYHEALTHY - Mightycannons 47. Rich Jones & Iceberg Theory - Smoke Detector 48. Lukah - Raw Extractions 49. Nicholas Craven & Boldy James - Fair Exchange No Robbery 50. Ghais Guevara - There Will Be No Super-Slave 51. Lupe Fiasco - DRILL MUSIC IN ZION 52. Milc & Televangel - Neutral Milc Motel 53. ILL Conscious x Mute Won - Acres of Diamonds 54. L'Orange & Solemn Brigham - Marlowe 3 55. $ilkMoney - I Don't Give a Fuck About This Rap Shit 56. Teller Bank$ & Ed Glorious - The I & I 57. Wiki & Subjxct 5 - Cold Cuts 58. Love, Ulysses - 61​,​265​,​147 59. Vic Spencer & August Fanon - Psychological Cheat Sheet 3 60. Stik Figa x August Fanon - Heresy 61. Raz Fresco & Nicholas Craven - Boulangerie 62. QThree - U Be Ight 63. Wrecking Crew - Sedale Threat 64. eLZhi & Georgia Anne Muldrow - Zhigeist 65. Apollo Brown & Philmore Greene - Cost of Living 66. miles cooke - i used to feel things 67. Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire - I Love Y.O.U cuz Y.O.U Ugly Vol.1 68. demahjiae - Angels Wear Black 69. AJ Suede & Televangel - Metatron's Cube 70. Sacco & Vanzetti - It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You 71. Mavi - Laughing so Hard, it Hurts 72. Rhys Langston - Grapefruit Radio 73. Steel Tipped Dove & Aloe Vera - Days Pass Strange 74. PENPALS - Dimensions of Dialogue 75. Malachi. Whitman - Happy Place 76. Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See Your Future (Extended) 77. Lungs/LoneSword, Phiik & Cise Greeny - Where Are The Bugs!? 78. Pink Siifu & Real Bad Man - Real Bad Flights 79. Andrew - The Rain Knows What It's Doing 80. Mattic & Parental - Down In The Rabbit Hole 81. Boldy James & Futurewave - Mr. Ten08 82. Ransom & V Don - Chaos Is My Ladder 83. Torito & Small Professor - Soiled 84. Jermiside & The Expert - The Overview Effect 85. big kahuna og & graymatter - METAL GEAR SOLID 86. Duncecap & Hajino - Go Climb A Tree 87. Earl Sweatshirt - Sick! 88. Deca - Smoking Gun 89. Freddie Gibbs - Soul Sold Separately 90. Mickey Diamond & Big Ghost Ltd - Gucci Ghost 91. Rome Streetz - KISS THE RING 92. Redveil - learn 2 swim 93. Daniel Son - The Bush Doctor 94. Dälek - Precipice 95. Jesse the Tree - Pigeon Man 96. Jason Griff - Fireside Chats 2 97. Benny the Butcher - Tana Talk 4 98. Killah Priest - Mother 99. Lord jaH-Monte Ogbon & Sadhugold - The Black Möbius 100. Kipp Stone - Room 109
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As a resident brown thumb, and beginner gardener I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to invest in perennials.
Yes it takes longer for a perennial plant to mature, (about 2 to 3 years if it's in a pot) but you can definitely grow annuals while you wait and won't even notice, I am TELLING you it is so so worth it guys trust me.
You'll have Fruits/nuts/berries/herbs/leafy greens for years to come after one install and very minimal upkeep.
Perennials also tend to be hardier and more forgiving when it comes to beginner gardener's in my experience as well.
My method is to always purchase 1-2 perennial plants On Sale for every 5-8 annuals i plan on growing that year. It may be a little expensive if ur just starting out, so 1 perennial + 3-ish annuals would suffice.
Plants do well when they're companion planted so it saves u time, energy, and pesticides to get recommended combinations.
My first year didnt count, I only planted a solid block of irish potatoes of the same variety. It was a plague of bugs and disease. Don't do that, always get Companion Plant combos.
So let's go over a 4 year garden plan to get an idea, when you know what you're doing.
The 1st year I started with: a blackberry bush kit. The kit had 2 blackberry plants in it, I got it from Sams Club. I planted them in cheap plastic pots.
-a grapevine kit (Red seedless and Concord pair I also from the same Sams club). I didn't know what a mycellium network was so I thought the roots molded and threw them away, I still feel the sting from that waste but i was able to buy a Disease resistant grape variety online and plant it in the same pot. But dont be like me.
-And for my annuals that year I went with a salsa garden combo kit (peppers, cilantro, tomatoes, basil) that I got from Lowes. I harvested the salsa ingredients that whole summer.
-The second year
i bought an Italian plum tree, and for my annuals, I planted a Salad kit.
By that time, the Blackberries were mature and I was able to harvest blackberries for the first time.
This year, the 3rd year I've expanded my kitchen garden to include a salsa garden, and the 3 sisters combo (squash, beans and corn planted in the same place).
The grapevine I planted is now mature and will give me grapes in the late summer.
I'm on my second year of blackberries.
The Plum tree will be ready next year. And I haven't decided on what to plant yet.
The fourth year It will probably be a greek salad combo kit (tomatoes, red onion, basil, parsley, garlic) with a tea garden kit (rosemary, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, mint). By this time My plum tree will be mature and I will harvest my first year of plums, my third year of blackberries, and my second year of grapes. And for my two new perennials, I will go with two apple trees for $10 each online.
By That Time I will harvest my 3rd year of blackberries, my 2nd year of grapes and my 1st year of italian plums.
So that's how it works!
Grapes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are cheap and widely available from big box stores during planting season, whereas fruit trees are cheaper and healthier when ordered online outside of planting season but pre-ordered for the next year, in my experience.
(this could be berry bushes, a fruit tree, a nut tree, a fruit vine, or a perennial herb you just have to shop around) They mature faster when you plant it in a pot, and you grow however many annuals you want that growing season.
I'm so focused on the routine spring radishes and summer tomatoes, that two adhd business days (seasons) later and boom
"now I have fresh blackberries this season too."
"Oh what's this? Now I have grapes to go along with this year's harvest"
COCAINE can't beat that high, check your growing zone and buy that f*cking dwarf tree.
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
Do your fruit trees have spots, leaf curl, or other tricky issues preventing your garden from an abundant fruit harvest? Learn about common pests and diseases that affect fruit trees in NYC and what to do about them.
Webinar facilitated by Sam Van Aken on April 4, 2020. Hosted in partnership with the Trust for Governors Island Open Orchard Project: https://www.govisland.com/things-to-d...
The Open Orchard School is a two-year series of educational programs co-presented by NYC Parks GreenThumb and the Trust for Governors Island. The Open Orchard School is an extension of The Open Orchard, an expansive new artwork by Sam Van Aken on Governors Island that will take the form of a public orchard of 50 hybrid fruit trees. Each individual tree will contain multiple varieties of peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, cherries and apples that were historically grown in the New York City region over the past 500 years, but which have been lost to climate change and the industrialization of agriculture, preserving their biodiversity for future generations. Many additional trees will be distributed to community gardens in all five boroughs. Through the Open Orchard School, community gardeners and members of the public will learn practical skills related to the project, including in-depth experience with fruit tree care, cultivation, planting, and grafting. Participants who complete multiple workshops can become part of the team working to ensure the ongoing stewardship of the trees as they put down roots across the city.
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blackknotbegone · 11 months
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Get superior Plum Tree Fungus Treatment from Black Knot Be Gone. We offer unique products made up of organic plant ingredients which helps cure black knot diseases in fruit trees, apple trees, cherry trees, etc. Apply the black knot fungus spray any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, from early spring to late fall. Available in 30, 60 & 120 ML. 
Order now! For more details please contact: 607-343-7781.
For more details, visit our website: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/products/black-knot-disease-treatment-all-organic-plant-ingredients
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delightingintragedy · 8 months
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Venus Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Rules Taurus and Libra. Exalted in Pisces, Detriment in Aries and Scorpio, Fall in Virgo.
Nature: She is a Feminine Planet, temperately Cold and Moist, Nocturnal, the lesser Fortune, author of Mirth and Jollity; the Elements, the Air and Water are Venereal; in the Humours, Phlegm with Blood, with the Spirit and Genital seed.
Profession: Musicians, Gamesters, Silk-men, Mercers, Linen-Drapers, Painters, Jewellers, Players, Lapidaries, Embroiderers, Women-tailors, Wives, Mothers, Virgins, Choristers, Fiddlers, Pipers, when joined with the Moon, Ballad singers, Perfumers, Seamstresses, Picture-drawers, Engravers, Upholsterers, Limners, Glovers, all such as sell those Commodities which adorn Women either in Body (as Clothes) or in Face, (as Complexion-waters.)
Sicknesses: Diseases by her signified, are principally in the Matrix and members of Generation; in the reins, belly, back, navel and those parts; the Gonorrhoea or running of the Reins, French or Spanish Pox, any disease arising by inordinate lust. Priapism, impotency in generation, Hernias, etc. the Diabetes or pissing disease.
Colour: White, or milky Sky-colour mixed with brown, or a little Green.
Savours: That which is pleasant and toothsome; usually in moist or sweet, or what is very delectable; in smells what is unctuous and Aromatical, and incites to wantonness.
Herbs & Trees: Myrtle always green; all herbs which she governs have a sweet savour, a pleasant smell; a white flower; of a gentle humour, whose leaves are smooth and not jagged. She governs the Lily white and yellow, and the Lilly of the valley, and of the water. The Satyrion or Cuckoopint, Maidenhair, Violet; the white and yellow Daffodil. Sweet Apples, the white Rose, the Fig, the white Sycamore; wild Ash, Turpentine-tree, Olive, sweet Oranges, Mugwort, Ladies' mantle, Sanicle, Balm, Vervain, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerain, Thyme, Amber, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Coriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Raisins.
Beasts: The Hart, the Panther, small cattle, Coney, the Calf, the Goat.
Birds: Stockdove, Wagtail, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, the Thrush, Pelican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feeding on Grapes; the Wren, Eagle, the Swan, the Swallow, the Owsel or Black bird, the Pye.
Fishes: The Dolphin.
Places: Gardens, Fountains, Bride-chambers, fair lodgings, Beds, Hangings, Dancing Schools, Wardrobes.
Minerals: Copper, especially the Corinthian and White; Brass, and Lattenware.
Stones: Cornelian, the Sky-coloured Sapphire, white and red Coral, Marcasite, Alabaster, Lapis Lazuli because it expels Melancholy, the Beryl, Chrysolite.
Weather: She foretells in Summer, Serenitry or clear weather; in Winter, rain or snow.
Winds: Southern Winds
Angel: Anael
Planetary Alliances: Her friends are all the Planets except Saturn.
Week Day: Friday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Mars] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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hp-fruit-fest · 1 year
Here to share a few special prompts that were submitted to AO3 (in case any of them inspire you 😌)
peach 🍑
that scene in cmbyn...you know the one
Peachy Bum 🍑
Harry, Blaise, Seamus
humor, crack treated seriously, rare pairings
A spurned admirer has jinxed him. Now he has a peachy 🍑 bum and/or a banana 🍌 🍆
characters are just suggestions
Berries 🍓
Hanahaki Disease, Angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, mutual pining
A twist on hanahaki disease; the victim dies when the flowers in their lungs wither and produce a berry (of your choice).
Reverse Persephone Snarry
Mythology AU
Reverse Hades/Persephone. Harry, god of spring, is fed up with his life/reputation, and finds himself drawn to the bitter god of darkness, Severus. As the two misfits continue to cross paths, Harry hatches a plan: he can use his plant magic (and the traditional pomegranate seeds) to ensnare Severus and keep him imprisoned in his beautiful garden.
Yew Berry
Everything about the yew berry is designed to draw you in. The colour; a brilliant eye catching red. The texture; smooth and firm. The taste; the sweetest nectar. The promise of sustenance: of something good, something better.
The initial rush is euphoric and thrilling.
Left untreated, it leads to death.
Symbolism: prosperity, sexuality, and safety. A fig tree is slow growing and requires constant care and attention – just like a budding relationship.
Drapple 🍏
Serious or crack, I think any fruit festival needs this classic.
Candied Pineapple 🍍
As wholesome or morally questionable as you want. Could be an exchange of favours, a bribe, Draco trying to rebuild his reputation among high wizarding society, Draco catching feelings for his new father figure, something to do with Potions teaching...
Snarry Fruit Smut
Harry/Snape + fruit of your choice.
Peaches, plums, etc...any fruit, must be involved in the smut.
More prompts can be seen on AO3!
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faewitchsherbs · 2 years
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𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓/𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖐 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Apple, Silver bough, Tree of love, Fruit of the Underworld 𝕭𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Malus domestica 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞: Rosaceae~ plum, cherry, peaches, apricot, almond, rose, meadow sweets, firethorns
𝕸𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘: Helps with lung strength, heart health, asthma, bone health, weight loss, brain related disease, and immune system 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖊𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖘: No general side effects
𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑/𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘: Abundance Creativity Cut in half horizontally for a natural pentagram Death Divination Fertility Hidden knowledge Immortality Longevity Love Luck Opening gateways Prosperity Spirituality Wisdom
𝕯𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖞(𝖎𝖊𝖘): Odin, Hera 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙(𝖘): Water 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖙(𝖘): Venus 𝖅𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈(𝖘): Taurus 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗(𝖘): Fem 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖐𝖗𝖆(𝖘):
𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖘? 𝕴𝖋 𝖓𝖔, 𝖋𝖑𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖘 & 𝖔𝖗 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘: no- Most apples are a little sweet and a little tart, but neither characteristic overpowers the other. Some types of these apples will taste mild, while others will have stand-out flavor. As usual, that depends on the weather and harvest conditions, as well as the type of apple. 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓: Cooked down into a sauce, apple butter, or fruit preserves. They can be baked in an oven and served with custard, and made into pies or apple crumble. In the UK roast pork is commonly served with cold apple sauce made from boiled and mashed apples.
𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓- 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙: soil Ph should be between 6-7, can grow in most soils as long as there is no standing water or puddling when it rains. 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙: After the last frost 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙: Make a small hole with your finger, drop the seed and cover with soil. Water well, when the leaves begin to emerge, move the pots to a sunny window, plant the strongest seedlings in the ground when they're a few inches tall. 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘: Full sun 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖘/𝖘𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖘/𝖊𝖈𝖙: 𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖎𝖕𝖘: Dwarf trees take 2-3 years to fruit and standard trees take up to 8.
𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖞: Apple trees have a semi-broad trunk with wide, spreading branches. Dwarf apple trees range from 10 feet tall and up, while standard trees can grow over to 20 feet without pruning. Many apple trees have spurs, thorn like growths along their branches.
𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙- 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙: Some types of apples are ready to harvest as early as July, while others develop their best flavor during the frosty days of autumn, ripening in October or November. 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖋𝖔𝖗: when the skin color deepens 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙: The fruit, and sometimes the leaves 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙: Pick fruit from the trees and be careful not to bruise them by cupping the apple in your palm, lift up and give a gentle twist until it pops off with the stem. 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖗𝖞/𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖊: Store in a fridge or fruit bowl/ cut and dry in an oven or dehydrator.
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taimio · 1 month
Cultivating Plum Trees: A Guide to Successful Growth
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Plum trees are deciduous fruit trees that belong to the family Rosaceae. They are native to temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America and are widely cultivated for their sweet, juicy fruits. Plum trees can grow up to 20 feet tall and have a spreading habit, with a broad, rounded crown of branches. They produce fragrant, white or pink blossoms in the spring, followed by an abundance of fruit in the summer. Plums come in a variety of colors, including red, purple, blue, and yellow, and they range in flavor from sweet to tart. Plum trees require full sun and well-drained soil to thrive, and they are relatively low-maintenance, making them a popular choice for home gardeners. In addition to being delicious, plums are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, potassium, and antioxidants, which may help to protect against chronic diseases.
How To Grow Plum Trees
So, you want to grow your own plum trees? Well, you’re in for a juicy adventure! Plum trees are a delightful addition to any garden, offering delicious fruit and beautiful blossoms. Here are some tips and tricks to help you cultivate your very own plum paradise.
Remember, patience is key when growing plum trees. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a bountiful plum harvest. Take your time and enjoy the process.
1. Choose the Right Variety
First things first, you’ll need to choose the right variety of plum tree for your climate and location. Do some research and select a type that will thrive in your specific conditions. Whether you prefer sweet or tart plums, there’s a variety out there for you.
2. Location, Location, Location
Plum trees love sunlight, so be sure to plant them in a spot that receives at least six hours of sun per day. Make sure the soil is well-draining and fertile, as plum trees don’t like to have “wet feet”. Additionally, consider planting your plum tree near a pollinator to ensure a fruitful harvest.
3. Proper Planting and Care
When planting your plum tree, dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball and just as deep. Be sure to water your tree regularly, especially during dry spells, and fertilize it in the spring. Prune your tree annually to encourage healthy growth and fruit production.
So, there you have it! With a little know-how and a lot of love, you can successfully grow your own plum trees. Now, sit back, relax, and watch your plum paradise flourish.
For more in-depth tips on growing plum trees, check out this comprehensive guide. Happy planting!
Learn more about gardening with Taim.io!
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