#plus i absolutely do not have the time to dedicate to an ask blog i was drawing nonstop for that shit
fluxedbuds · 1 year
see I never moved on from flux buddies i just ran out of ideas for it. so if you give me ideas. You Will Never Know Peace Again (due to posts and such) (from me) (about flux buddies)
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covetyou · 6 months
o, christmas tree
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ao3 ⋆ main masterlist ⋆ series masterlist
pairing: Dieter Bravo & gn!reader rating: M (18+ only blog!) warnings: sex toys (so many butt plugs), Dieter being a menace to his PA, no smut, pure silliness. word count: 1.2k summary: As PA to Dieter Bravo, you were used to the strange, unusual and downright weird. What you weren't used to was taking in a shipment of - what? And how many?
A/N: I've had christmas trees/butt plugs on the brain since submitting prompts for secret santas, so I stole this one back (@missredherring I literally couldn't resist, sorry). I wrote most of this while walking my dog on Wednesday, mostly while she itched her ass on the pavement.
This is the last Dieter of me for this year, I sweeeear. Pinky promise.
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future fics
Being personal assistant to Dieter Bravo certainly had its moments. And this was one of them, as you sign for a delivery at his home of several large boxes that had clinked when the courier had brought them inside and placed them on the ground.
With a polite smile, the courier doesn't meet your eyes as hurries back out the door and into his truck, leaving you alone with the delivery slip wondering what the hell Dieter has purchased now. You cast your eyes down the paper, the company name entirely unfamiliar to you as you reach the boxes contents.
"Three hundred assorted... Dee!"
It has got to be a mistake, you think. He was unpredictable, but there was no reason for him to do something as ridiculous as this. You couldn't even imagine, didn't even want to begin to imagine, what he would do with three hundred -
Thunderous footsteps slam down the stairs, and Dieter is swinging around the last post to greet you. His hair is a mess, when isn't it, and his clothes are slung loosely around his body. You'd seen the tabloids and magazines before you started working for him, and how they often liked to call Dieter a chaotic and unprofessional, but you had to admire his dedication to loungewear and comfort chic. If you could get away with it you'd wear pyjamas all day too.
"What have I done now. You only shout like that when I've done something."
Thrusting the delivery slip into his hands you put your hands on your hips and wait, watching as his eyes quickly scan down the page and a wicked smile pulls across his face.
"Oh, amazing, they're here just in time."
"Dee, you cannot be serious." You found yourself asking him this question often, and yet he almost always was deadly, painfully serious. The look on his face tells you as much.
"Really? Three hundred assorted butt plugs? Assorted, Dee. What does that even mean."
He gives you a look that tells you you should, somehow, absolutely know what it means. When you don't respond, he sighs dramatically.
"Y'know, assorted sizes, colors, materials."
He's still not getting it, or maybe you're not getting it. You've got to be sick, you're having some fever dream inspired by the sex toys he liked to leave all around the place.
"But what are they for?"
"The party. Duh."
You told him a party would be a good idea to celebrate the end of a great year, and at first he'd reluctantly agreed. It had surprised you when his party planning picked up with gusto, and he refused your offers of help saying he had it all under control. You knew you should've been more suspicious. It was always a good idea to be more suspcisious where Dieter was concerned.
You rub your temples. Three hundred assorted butt plugs. For a Christmas party. You'd seen the guest list, some A-listers were invited, along with Dieter's co-stars from the last year and his usual crowd. Even so, it wasn't enough to warrant three hundred of anything - the guest list spanned 100 people at most.
The harsh rip of tape pulls you from your mental gymnastics, and you watch Dieter crack open the first box. The boxes had been heavy, and they'd rattled in way that, now you think about it, screamed assorted. Dieter pulls the first butt plug from the box, holding it to the light and letting the glass gleam.
"Dieter. What do you need butt plugs for, it's a Christmas party."
He shrugs his shoulders. "Decoration. Party favors. Whatever."
When you blink your eyes at him he rolls his at you.
"Figured they look like little Christmas trees, look." He places the plug on the flat of his hand and, you've got to give it to him, he's not wrong. The one he's currently holding is a deep red glass, so it's festive too, but from a glance to the box you can see just about every color thinkable. Assorted is making more and more sense.
He hands the plug to you so he can rummage through the box some more, and you hold it as if it's about to detonate in your hand. You know it's not used (yet), and by god if you hadn't held some questionable things of Dieter's in the past, but it's too early to be dealing with any of this. You just want a coffee and a sit down, and maybe some tylenol now that you were seemingly getting a headache and a pain in your ass all at once.
"What color?" he says over his shoulder, his hands still plunged into the first box.
"What color?"
"Yeah," he says, standing, holding two plugs in each hand. "Which do you think is my color?"
"Dee, I am not picking out a butt plug for you."
"Oh, come on," he whines, stomping his foot a little. "I know you like -"
He yanks the first plug from your hands, the red one, and thrusts a swirly pink one into your palm. "Fine. Here."
The question is on your lips, but before you can get it out he smirks at you.
"Pink is your color."
Your pants rip in front of him one time, and he's forever bringing up the color of your underwear. He bought you pink copies of your favorite shoes for your birthday, sent pink flowers to your apartment for eight weeks whilst he was away on a shoot without you, kept ruby chocolate in the house to snack on when you'd walk by. The man was a menace, and even though you both knew you found it funny, you keep your face steely as you brandish the pink plug at him.
"You won't be encouraging people to use these at the party, will you, Dee?"
He picks up the first box, groaning as he bends but then chuckling as the glass jingles and tinkles together lightly in the box, and walks down the hall without answering your question.
You can see the devilish grin on his face from here. The asshole is ignoring you. You follow him down the hall.
"You won't be encouraging people to use them at the Christmas party, will you?"
"I think blue might be my color."
"Dee, stop ignoring me!"
He sets the box down on the kitchen island, rubbing his hands together in glee.
"Tell me you won't be encouraging people to use butt plugs at your party."
He still doesn't answer, and instead strides past you to the door, he grabs another box before lugging it down the hall to dump it next to the first.
Tearing open the next box, he lets out a very pleased chuckle as he pulls out a considerably larger plug and sets it down on the countertop with a clink. It did look remarkably like a Christmas tree.
He taps you on the nose as he fetches the last box and you cast your eyes down with a sigh, turning the pink plug around in your hands in defeat.
And then it catches your eye, a light engraving on the flat base of the plug. Flipping it, you look for a moment before your eyes adjust and register what's written on the bottom.
In beautiful looping cursive are the initials D.B.
Three hundred assorted and monogrammed butt plugs.
"God fucking damn it, Dieter."
tag list: @jupiter-soups @wannab-urs @bean-is-reading @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @youandmeand5bucks-blog @bbyanarchist @vickywallace @kamcrazy123 @valkyreally @ashhlsstuff @a-literal-goblin @ariundercovers @iluvurfather @stevie75 @toxicanonymity @thesevi0lentdelights @sp00kymulderr
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future fics
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death-in-a-handbasket · 4 months
Your blog has been lacking some headcanon drops. I gotchu homie, I'll change that
I'll talk about our boy cus we love him and his weirdness
I think a very big way to bond with Ayatsuji is by having a hobby. Like any sort of hobby. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything particular, just something that you are passionate about. I think if you have something you're happy and passionate about, and lets say will put plenty of time and money into it, he appreciates it. Because he himself has a hobby of collecting dolls and I think if your hobby coordinates with his, it'd make it even better. A good bonding experience is just sharing the things you both are passionate about.
I think what can correlate with this too is if you have something you like a lot, for instance a TV show or movie or a book, and just talk about that, it's another good way to bond. He's got that thing for hating most people and thinking most people are boring. I think you having wacky hobbies or "weird" obsessiveness over things gets his attention more. Having hobbies and extreme interests in things will amuse him more than not having any at all.
Just a simple hyperfixation exchange would be a great way to spend your time with this dude lmao
(Me telling him my obsession with dinosaurs)
HI HOMIE <33333
thank you for the ask pookie I love you bbg 🫶
I feel like most people really aren't that interesting to him and for that reason alone he tends to stay away from most people. He doesn't really live the kind of life suitable for small talk to begin with but even if he did I don't think it comes naturally, a lot of surface level stuff is short lived so the weirder questions you ask, the better. And of course if you ask about his personal hobbies he'll definitely love that my god
He probably loves body doubling while working on hobbies and the idea of a lover doing any kind of passion beside him feels so perfect too him, he just needs someone with the right kind of weird. Love is stored in the infodumping fr fr, the idea that you have something meaningful to talk about is so delightful to him and speaks volumes about your own commitments and passions, which seems like something he'd deeply value. If he's looking for something more than a fling he can't do casual, he needs someone locked in and the fact that you could dedicate yourself to a passion shows that you could equally dedicate yourself to him as well
I also think he prefers weirdos and creative types in general, the more opinionated the better, he loves discussion even if you and him have opposing opinions. If you and him read the same book or watch the same stuff 100% be prepared for active discussion with full arguments and opinions laid out for analysis. Hell, he'd probably find it fun if you and him could mutually shit on something for sport and explain why it's bad and totally sucks. Intellectual stimulation is totally a must, whether it's infodumping or deranged debate, he'd absolutely love it. Plus is you and him had a hobbies that overlapped he'd probably have a field day trading methods and techniques, and even if they didn't overlap, I'm sure he'd find the hobby process interesting in it's own right
basically, fuck yes talk to him about dinosaurs (imagine he takes note of which dino is your fav and makes you a dino figurine as gift)(ahh that would be so cute wahhh)
thank you for the ask broski, sending love as always <333
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
Welcome to ma blog! 💙 (Also Links Masterpost)
Quick introduction to me -
you can call me Sparkles :3
imma girl
Oct. 26
chronic Sonic fanatic 😜💙
What you can expect to find here:
pretty much everything Sonic 🤣
Wholesome Sonic & Tails Wednesday contributions: art, fics, screenshots, etc. 💙💛
random screenshots from something in the franchise accompanied by me happily screeching/ranting about it
Sonamy things 💙🩷 (and occasionally from some of my other ships, like Knuxouge and Tailsmo)
reblogs of Sonic stuff from other people
my fanart
my fics (they're also on AO3, I'll leave links down below)
Sonic Cinematic Universe stuff
Sonic IDW stuff
Sonic Prime stuff
Sonic Boom stuff
What you WON'T find here:
hate posts
inappropriate anything
(I TRY to avoid reblogging things with swear words, but sometimes the post is too good overall or something so there might be an occasional one. There won't be any in my own original posts, though)
Basically, this is my space to have a fun time with moots and the Sonic fandom! 💙
I'm on DeviantArt with an old user: Chaton150
Speaking of art, I will occasionally take ✨ REQUESTS! ✨ I won't officially open commissions till sometime in 2026, but until then, if you want a doodle of something (Sonic related ofc), just drop an ask in the guacamole box! Terms apply, like nothing inappropriate and no weird ships and/or ships I don't support, but in general, y'know. 💙
Links to my fics:
"Toddlers are harder than one would expect" - in which Sonic comes to realize that he's all but adopting this little fox that started following him, even though he barely has a clue what he's doing.
"Sonic Frontiers - Anything for Them" - in which Sonic's absolute dedication and love for his friends — even to the point of death — is explored as he scales the towers on Rhea Island.
"Foxes Go Floof" - in which Tails goes poof and Sonic thinks it's the funniest thing.
"Comfort in a Thunderstorm" - in which Sonic and Tails experience a thunderstorm for the first time and talk about their fears.
"Girl Talk" - in which Sonic and Tails talk about Amy, and Sonic's confusing friendship/relationship with her.
"Sonic's Weird Napping Places" - in which Sonic naps in weird places and his friends find him in said weird places.
"From 'Friends' to 'Parents'" - in which Sonic Wachowski comes to realize that Tom & Maddie are his parents, not just his friends, through the screen-to-text version of two actual scenes plus a new scene or two.
"Sonic Frontiers - Calm After the Storm" - in which Sonic and Tails — both exhausted after the events of Sonic Frontiers — take care of one another.
"Wachowski Family One-shots" - a collection of one-shots centering around the Wachowski family: Tom, Maddie, Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails.
"Healing Hugs" (Sonic Prime) - in which Tails tries to understand what happened with Sonic in the cave, and offers the simple comfort of a hug.
"Brothers' Night" - in which Sonic drags Tails away from his work to have a fun night together with no screens.
"The Darkness Within" (Sonic X) - in which Sonic guiltily reflects on his actions as Dark Sonic, and Tails sits with him, comforting him without knowing what happened.
(will update this as I write more)
"Sonic vs. Tails - The Ultimate April Fools Battle" - in which Sonic and Tails spend the entirety of April 1st locked in an all-day prank war.
"Enchanted" - a Sonamy AU, strangers to lovers, slow burn 💙🩷
Dats about it! 💥
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🖤 ~ About Me ~ 🖤
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+ Introduction +
Hey there! My name is Korvella Starlight, but you can also call me Kody or Korv. I'm in my 20's and I use both he/him and they/them pronouns interchangeably (I'm a non-binary trans guy).
This is a blog dedicated to Progressive Daemonolatry, Theistic Satanism / Luciferianism, Daemonism, and Paganism. I first got into Paganism when I was 14 years old. Throughout the years, I further expanded my beliefs and eventually got into Theistic Satanism. From there, I later got into Daemonolatry. Nowadays, I consider myself a Progressive Daemonolatrist/Daemonist (a form of Daemonolatry that respects closed practices and doesn't engage in cultural appropriation), Daemonologist, Polytheist, Panentheist, and Eclectic Pagan.
Please keep in mind that I am neurodivergent and mentally ill, and this severely affects my ability to function. I may take frequent breaks in between posts and I won't exactly be consistently active here all the time. I try to post as much as I can though!
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+ Why I Made This Blog +
I made this blog so I could provide a safe space for people seeking resources and information on the Infernal/Daemonic Divine. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
There's a lot of appropriation and antisemitism in some "demonolatry" spaces nowadays, and I had the unfortunate displeasure of being brainwashed and indoctrinated into thinking that cultural appropriation was completely fine at the beginning of my Daemonolatry path in 2022, because of an echo-chamber subreddit I was a part of. When a friend of mine explained to me how harmful it was, I vowed to change my perspective and I educated myself, changing for the better.
I wanted to try and counteract some of the appropriation and make up for my past mistakes, as well as help prevent others from falling down the same pipeline I did, by blogging about my personal experiences and providing info and resources that don't appropriate closed practises.
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✧ Exclusionists of any kind. ✧ T3RFs, SW3RFs, m1s0gyn1sts, s3x1sts/ tr4nsm3ds, etc. ✧ Anything anti-LGBTQIA+. I'm a non-binary trans guy and a demi-grey-pansexual. As a queer person, I won't tolerate any bigotry or hate directed towards my community. ✧ Anything involving H3lluva B0ss and H4zb1n H0tel. I highly dislike the series as it portrays daemons (beings I have a lot of respect for) in a very poor light. No disrespect or anything, I just personally don't want anything to do with it. ✧ Appropriators of any kind. This especially goes for gentiles who appropriate Lilith from Judaism. She's not a "Mesopotamian Pagan Goddess" and she's not the same as Lamashtu. Stop making excuses for stealing shit from closed practices. ��� Racists, antisemites, islamophobes, n4z1s and neo-n4z1s, xenophobes, anti-BLM, anti-ACAB, white supremacists, etc. ✧ M4Ps, p3d0ph1l3s, z00ph1l3s, b3ast1al1ty, etc. ✧ Right-Wingers, Conservatives, etc. ✧ P0rn0gr4ph1c and/or NSFW content that fetishises or objectifies Satanism, Luciferianism, Daemonolatry, and the Infernal/Daemonic Divine. ✧ Religious extremists/radicalists. If you're a regular old religious person and progressive, that's completely fine and I have no problem with you. It's just the extremists that I want absolutely nothing to do with; For example, those Christian radicalists that try to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats, or the ones who try to justify bigotry in the name of God. ✧ Ableism of any kind. This includes ableism towards mental illness, neurodiversity, and all personality disorders. ✧ New Agers. That shit contributed to my Schizotypal psychotic-like experiences and mental illness when it leaked into my spiritual practices as a teenager. Plus it's just highly problematic in general. I want nothing to do with it whatsoever.
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If you see any old posts of mine (specifically posts made prior to November/December of 2022) spouting antisemitic rhetoric regarding demons and/or the occult, please understand that it's not who I am anymore and that I have changed and educated myself since then. I sincerely and deeply apologise to the Jewish community for my blatant ignorance and antisemitic takes.
I used to be part of an antisemitic "Demonolatry" group back then (r/DemonolatryPractices, a terribly cultish space that I advise everyone avoid), and was brainwashed and severely misinformed on the amount of cultural appropriation and antisemitism that exists within the occult community. However, it is no excuse, and I am deeply sorry for the things I said and did in the past.
If you feel uncomfortable interacting with me and my content because of my past, that is 100% valid and completely okay. You are in no way obligated to forgive me if you are Jewish and/or were negatively affected by my previous content.
I have deleted my old posts, however some of them may still exist in the form of reblogs and reposts across Tumblr, hence why I've written this disclaimer to set things straight. I just want it to be abundantly clear that I am not like that anymore and I have changed. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and once again, I am sincerely sorry. 💙
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Hope you like what I post here! I wish you well on your spiritual path, and may whoever you honour/venerate bless your soul. 🖤
❀༻ Ave Satanas ༺❀
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+ Decor Credit + . . . Bat Divider . . . Blood Moon Divider V1 . . . Blood Moon Divider V2 . . . Ram Skull & Horns Divider . . . Baphomet Image . . .
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tanoraqui · 1 year
i would absolutely love more of your thoughts abt Finrod and Amarie's daughters!! which daughters are closest with each other? which aspects of finrod and amarie are in each? how do each think of themselves in terms of their noldor, vanyar, and telerin heritage?
Last question first only, because the answer is backstory long. The first five grew up in the early Second Age while their family was traveling constantly, staying everywhere from Tol Eressëa to Alqualondë to Tirion to Valimar to Údoriath [Dorúiath?] (the Unfenced Land, where many Sailed & re-embodied Iathrim settled) to…anywhere and everywhere else in Aman that Elves were settling, now that the Ban was lifted and they were all invited and encouraged to move West. Because, as discussed elsewhere on my blog, Finrod was one of the few people known and respected by pretty much all factions (who’d met him; distant Avari excepted), and this sort of “let’s all find a way to fit together as amicable neighbors!” diplomacy was already a specialty of his…
And at the time, or at least, for the first few years (first couple children), Finrod was kind of re-figuring himself out, after the shock of re-embodying to find that he’d changed a lot in Middle Earth—changed from what his parents and everyone else who’d stayed behind expected of him, for sure. The natural difficulty was compounded by being the First One Back. And Amarië was more slowly reconciling/reconnecting with her family, after abruptly moving to Tirion after Finrod’s death and joining the War as Finarfin’s ADC entirely without telling them, much less waiting for anything like permission. (Her parents forbade her to follow Finrod to Middle Earth the first time, and she’d agreed because she loved her family and her home. She came to regret it, and vowed never to doubt the urging of her heart again.)
So Nolorwë through Satarissë were raised with a strong sense of…[gestures at every Elven culture in their heritage, plus several more] “this is all part of you, or it can be, and you get to choose what communities you want to be part of.” If you asked any of them what people they belong to, they’d probably say, “Oh, I’m a daughter of Finrod” and expect you to know that means “everyone everywhere all at once”—which you would, because pretty much everyone alive in the early second Age has at least experienced the friendly, roaming blond hurricane that was the growing House of Finrod.
One by one, though:
Nolorwë settles down in Valimar, with her Vanyarin kin. She’s close with her great-aunt Findis and a cousin or two on her mother’s side, as well as assorted non-relative friends. She enjoys contemplating the beauty of Ëa and debating and writing essays about its metaphysical nature.
Mingoneth spends a lot of time at sea with the Teleri and other seafaring people. She took to it not for the people so much as the challenge—she gets restless sometimes, in peaceful Aman. She likes a challenge. The sea is always challenging, especially when Ossë comes out to play.
Manatar marries an Amanyar Sindarin elf (ie, born in Aman in the Second Age of Sailed or re-embodied Sindarin parents) and settled down happily in that community. They have a big farm, three(?) children, and a lot of animals at all times.
Veryawendë finds herself happily among the dedicated craftspeople of the Noldor, where she can feel like she’s appreciated for the skill of her hands and the works of her heart, rather than the nebulous destiny hanging over her head and the long-dead heroes it’s supposed to evoke.
Satarissë is the one who keeps traveling, keeps playing itinerant diplomat and general Fixer of Problems Throughout Aman. If she’s based out of anywhere, it’s Tirion, which remains a center of politics, art, and people who enjoy games of social one-upelfship.
Then we have Thaleth and Thandeth, aka Ambalaura, who are born at the start of the Third Age, when Turgon had finally returned from Mandos and he & Elenwë and Amarië and Finrod finally did that “have kids simultaneously” thing that they’d wanted to do since they were double-dating in the Light of the Trees. Finrod and Amarië have stepped back from official business and let Satarissë take over (well, they’d stepped back several hundred years ago, then stepped back in because it was all hands on deck while Númenor with Sauron was threatening an assault and then Eru Changed the world.) Socially, Aman is much more at peace than in the early Second Age, but practically, travel is now more dangerous because the Change in the World put them closer to the edge of Void, and the boundaries grow thin in places…
So that’s what Thandeth and Thaleth grow up with, as their parents all take (back) to the road in order to give them what Finrod, Elenwë and Amarië assure Turgon is a good, healthy, energetic and multicultural upbringing. It’s more leisurely than their sisters’ childhoods, but otherwise much the same. All their older sisters—including Idril!—join them on and off, sometimes sequentially and sometimes overlapping a few at a time or all at once. They all consciously decided to treat the “twins” as younger sisters, but the age difference inevitably made them a little more like extremely beloved aunts.
The Ambalurar continue to do that for the rest of their lives—leisurely travel, visiting friends and family and beautiful places, racing for fun and hunting sometimes for food and skill, sometimes for infringing Spiders. They really would (will) get along with their quasi-namesakes among the sons of Fëanor.
Honorable mention to: [name tbd], dark-haired daughter of Idril and Tuor, born because her parents looked at Idril’s parents and aunt&uncle having belated additional children and said, “Hey, yeah, we can do that, too!” They join the traveling cavalcade at times, but mostly she grows up in her parents’ house on Tol Eressëa. I’d expect Tol Eressëa to have a fairly distinct identity of their own by then, something of a proud multicultural waystation between Mortal and Immortal lands—into which a half-elf fits just fine. I don’t know much about her as a person, but I think she works in a library, maybe even the library that grows throughout the Third Age as Elrond sends records of Middle Earth overseas.
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monthly (ish) progress update CT:OS
Hi everyone! I’ve been pretty quiet on tumblr the past few days, but active on the coding/writing side of things :) Just wanted to give a short update on how things are going :) 
(As a rough gauge, I edited almost 50k words, and wrote + coded another 25k. P.S. My editing process is super important - ‘cause it’s where I do really major rearrangements/re-writes + add ideas + polish + brainstorm the next few scenes - basically, CT:OS would be so very, very different if I stopped at my vomit draft (yes, this is what I call my first draft). So it’s not just me wasting time, I promise!) 
Day 1 of freshman orientation (Sat) 
Meet D (and G) in the morning (Edited) - choose your fave beverage 
Meet your hallmates/orientation group (Edited, rearranged some scenes) - play a short icebreaker game, choose your major
Amazing race (Edited) - achievement up for grabs
Go ‘waterfalling’ (Edited) - added a short alternative scene 
Day 2 of freshman orientation (Sun)
Morning of the activities fair (Started editing) - options to hang out with hallmates at the fair, or alternatively, with Rayyan or Tobin
Laser tag (Written - raw draft) - tested + brainstormed some edits/improvements to the gameplay; achievement up for grabs
First day of classes (Mon)
First class (Written - raw draft) - tested + brainstormed some edits/improvements 
Training session- short scene (Written - raw draft) 
Rest of the week (Tue-Thur)
Short class scenes (Planned - skeleton) 
Friendly doubles match on Thu (Planned - all choices and scenes charted out, to code and write text) - long tennis gameplay scene, plus some Tobin interaction (finally!) 
Conclusion: Y’all are frikkin hilarious. AND so very, very kind. Thank you for the awesome responses, I read every single one in detail (sometimes multiple times), and they all made me grin. 
Also, it’s hilarious how many people are into Valentina/woman at the chinese restaurant (she doesn’t even have a name yet! oops.)
Finally, yes, I have created dedicated blogs for CT:OS and Merry Crisis (for the purists in the poll!) 
BIG BIG thank you to everyone who’s left their contact information, and details about your background and interests, or even suggestions for some of the routes! They were an absolute delight to read, and I am so excited for the next chapter of CT:OS. Can’t wait to bring you guys on board! 
Unfortunately, because I hope to get out the next chapter of CT:OS, so I can send it over to you guys to test, I’ve been prioritising writing before contacting everyone who’s reached out. 
I will be reading everyone’s applications again, organising/sorting them by routes/interest, and reaching out to those I have contact info for. If you indicated interest, but didn’t type in your email address, do note that the poll did not display/collect your email address (as I wanted it to be fully anonymous), so you’ll either need to drop me a DM or ask with your tumblr handle/email. But you can also wait for my official post in the next month or so. 
SORRY for being really bad at answering asks the past week/weeks, I’ve been concentrating on writing, planning, coding and editing. 
I’ll be heading off for a long holiday in <1 week, so things have also been super busy for me at my day (real) job + trip planning + trying to write as much as I can at night. So: If I don’t get the update out to beta-testers in a week, before I go hiking (most likely), it looks like an update in End July or Aug seems probable. 
Thank you to everyone who’s played CT:OS :) Sending you all much love, and hope you have an awesome summer!! 
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wordscholar · 5 months
my favorite books of 2023!
(plus some runners-up that didn't make the cut)
hi all! due to consuming copious amounts of manga this year, i met over 150% of my reading goal in 2023, which i think is a record for me!! that said, i still read a TON of amazing non-manga books, and i wanted to share what they are and why i liked them so much :) here are my top 10, in no particular order:
stay true, by hua hsu: i actually "spoiled" this memoir for myself, in that i opened it randomly at a bookstore and by chance saw a line that revealed the central event of the book. that said—knowing what was going to happen made this book even better. hsu's writing is so conscious of itself and you can tell he never says anything he doesn't mean or anything he hasn't thought about time and time again. i don't even like memoirs! but this book broke my heart.
witch king, by martha wells: all my friends know i'm obsessed with witch king. this was my first martha wells book and i was absolutely enraptured from the word go. it was so fun and exciting and the characters did not overshadow the plot, which is a trend in books nowadays that often bothers me, and it also didn't feel contrived or almost silly the way bad fantasy can be. i read this book so fast it made me depressed when it was over. read witch king!!
goodbye, eastern europe, by jacob mikanowski: dedicated readers of this blog, who definitely exist (lol), will know i am from deep eastern europe. reading this book helped me understand the region more, especially on a more personal and less geopolitical level, but almost more than anything, it made me feel like i wasn't wrong for always feeling like my country has left no footprint on the world. mikanowski says that eastern europe doesn't lack for history, but rather it lacks for narratives that it can tell about itself, having been torn apart and conquered and frozen and thawed and put back together again over the course of more than 500 years. it's not just that no one remembers us—no one even knows what to call us.
mammoths at the gates, by nghi vo: i have loved the singing hills cycle since it first started coming out and this latest story was no exception (though nothing can beat empress of salt and fortune). i love the focus on the neixin (the little "twist" at the end was so funny and cute) and, as i've come to expect with nghi vo, she gives her "antagonists" such careful, dedicated treatment that they stop being antagonists and just start being other people. also, i've said it but it's worth saying again: i love chih!!
the dispossessed, by ursula k. le guin: several years ago i read all of earthsea, and then i read left hand of darkness, but it was only this year that i finally got to the dispossessed, and the wait was absolutely worth it. uklg has so many ideas to share about feminism, nationalism, linguistics, not to mention anarchy and capitalism. reading this book made me feel like even our ability to imagine utopia, the perfect, impossible nowhere-land, has been degraded by capitalism over the years. this book should be required reading.
an immense world, by ed yong: i am scientist and so i love to read about other sciences, especially plant and animal science, and immense world is the best journalistic foray into animal science an amateur could ask for. this book just does not stop hitting you over the head with completely crazy true stuff about the natural world, and to top it all off ed yong is funny and likable and a socially conscious person. do you want to know more about animals, even in passing? read this book.
all the horses of iceland, by sarah tolmie: i'm obsessed with novellas that carry 100 times their weight in meaning, and (like the singing hills cycle!) this is one of them. are you interested in medieval eurasia? nomadic peoples? witchcraft? global judaism? horses? the season of game of thrones where she lives with the dothraki??? all of the horses of iceland has all of these and more and it's slim as hell!!
lonely castle in the mirror, by mizuki tsujimura: this book is most immediately about how bullying can truly send a person's (and especially a child's) life off course, but it's also about living on in spite of that and especially making new friends and reconciling with old ones. while the middle portion of the book is a little slow (not boring, just slice-of-life-y), once i got to the final quarter or so, i was so enraptured i read it while walking home. it's also maybe, but also definitely not? about time travel.
the premonition, by yoshimoto banana: this book is short but it takes you to many places as the narrator comes to understand a secret about her family that had been kept from her for years. many uncomfortable things are discussed and even put into action, but at the end of the day this story is about loving other people and appreciating your life and knowing no one can control you but you. unrelated, but at one point they drink hot calpico, which is total madness.
city of bones, by martha wells: i finished this book on christmas eve and it made the list! on the surface it's about archaeology (and combat archaeology! that beloved 90s genre), which i love as someone with a degree in classics. but it's also about people who are hurt in different ways by the social systems we live under and how mutual aid can help. and also, toxic shock syndrome(?!).
quite a few runners-up:
ms. ice sandwich, by mieko kawakami: a really sweet novella about a kid who doesn't understand the woman he has a childhood crush on had a botched plastic surgery to "fix" her eyelids.
juniper and thorn, by ava reid: a fairly dark piece of magic realism about abuse and freedom. tasteful but not toothless sex scenes.
the king must die, by mary renault: what if when theseus was taken to crete, there were no monsters, only people?
the remains of the day, by kazuo ishiguro: it's never too late to tell someone you love them—or to not do that, if you're british.
the mask of mirrors, by m. a. carrick: an ambiguously slavic (not russian!) fantasy about conning your way to success, or maybe not that much success.
young mungo, by douglas stuart: a really horrifying book in the sense that horrifying things happen in the real world, every day. the conclusion of this book is about as horrifying as the inciting action, but it's a fucking triumph.
all systems red, by martha wells: imagine if every time you went outside you had to bring an antisocial bodyguard obsessed with general hospital.
the last unicorn, by peter s. beagle: many people have written much about this book, so all i'll say is that they're right. it's good.
a couple that weren't for me:
lapvona, by ottessa moshfegh: this book was very much a folk tale describing what happened when pagan communities ostensibly became christian—except no one in the book knew they were still pagan. great in concept, but in execution far too gross for me personally.
confessions of the fox, by jordy rosenberg: i can understand why lots of people love this book, but for me it was actually a bit boring. the commentary (literal and metaphorical) was fun to read, but the story-within-the-story didn't end up interesting me very much.
what lies in the woods, by kate alice marshall: this was a deeply average mystery novel, totally predictable but not unfun. i'd rather just read tana french though.
days at the morisaki bookshop, by satoshi yagisawa: the first half of this book is actually alright, as a young woman is convinced by her uncle that her ex cheating on her was actually a hugely shitty thing to do, but the second half transitions to a completely different story about the uncle's wife reappearing after many years that i didn't like at all.
the manga series i read (or read a lot of) this year:
skip and loafer, by misaki takamatsu: an awesome slice of life story about a girl who lives in the countryside moving to tokyo for high school. the story is split really well between the characters' personal aspirations and arcs and their interactions with each other, and as many have noted there is a prominent trans woman character who's really lovely.
inuyasha, by rumiko takahashi: i'm finally getting into this classic manga. i tried watching the anime first and found it was too hard to pay attention to for me, but being able to take the manga at my own pace has been super fun and i'm really enjoying it! i love miroku and sango. i think this is the first manga i've read from the 90s.
a sign of affection, by suu morishita: a love story about a deaf girl in college meeting her first boyfriend, who is hearing. some parts are pretty goofy, but overall i thought it was cute and i learned a lot about experiences you might have as a deaf person in japan.
in the clear moonlit dusk, by mika yamamori: a romance about a boyish-looking, suave high school girl who is caught off guard when a filthy rich, slightly delinquent upperclassman becomes obsessed with her. sounds disgusting? except then he starts talking about how he'd still be in love with her if she really were a boy and proceeds to respect all her boundaries at all times. chef kiss!
various BL by nagisa furuya (japanese editions): this author's single/double-volume BL manga are super cute, my favorite was definitely long period (childhood friends!) with hoshi dake ga shitteru being a close second.
ao haru ride, by io sakisaka: i had watched the anime of ao haru ride (which stops halfway through the manga) and so when i reached that point in the manga, i was expecting more similar stuff, not a genuinely stressful love square disaster. the first half is so cute and the second half is terrifying. proceed if you dare.
witch hat atelier, by kamome shirahama: i've continued keeping up with witch hat atelier this year, and i have to say i read the first few volumes so fast i've sort of forgotten what happened....but that won't stop me from being obsessed with qifrey and his whole situation. i love that coco and agott are getting more comfortable with each other these last few volumes!
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vote-gaara · 1 year
Not Gaara related but I remember you making a Sakura anti-hate post on your old blog and I was all for it
Honestly Anon, I am pretty impartial to all the main characters in Naruto, leaning more towards feeling favourable toward them (except for Sasuke who has earned my contempt again and again), but I will be damned if I won't bust into the Sakura fandom, guns-a-blazin', and go to war to defend their favourite character.
Really, I just have no time to post character hate of any kind, as I'm much more inclined to talk about the characters I do like (thus my various blogs dedicated to Gaara) because it just feels better to me as a fan??? Plus it's much more fun to conjure up some silly speculation about your faves.
For example, did you know Gaara's favourite food is actually a pun in Japanese? What is the likelihood that Gaara tried to make a joke when asked what his favourite food was, but because he's so deadpan, the other person just didn't realize?
Makes you wonder right?
I joke, but it is much more fun to talk about stuff like that than to constantly beat down an unliked character.
Plus I just believe that if I were to criticize a character, it would be none other than Gaara himself, as at least it would be a fair analysis. And believe me, anon, I would absolutely dunk on Gaara so mercilessly and so thoroughly that it would be akin to Yashamaru's betrayal. Like I am all for reppin' Gaara till the day I die, but I'm here to love him for BOTH his flaws and his virtues.
Now specifically with the Sakura hate...I think what disgusts me the absolute most about it is that I feel it's so firmly rooted in misogany.
I think this way because people do not extend the same courtesy to her as they do with literally every single other character. They complain that all she does is pine after Sasuke...but Obito literally started a war over a girl who wasn't his girlfriend and didn't want to be. Also Naruto spent the entire series chasing Sasuke, and we can't forget about Gaara dedication for Naruto! Or even Hinata for Naruto, or Ino and Sasuke/Sai.
I just never understood why people took Sakura's love for Sasuke as this horrendous thing, as if acting on the behalf of your love for someone is not a noble goal, but something that should be admonished.
Hinata, you could argue, is the exact same as Sakura except she was quieter and much more subserviently to Naruto, never rippling the water. You never saw Hinata growing out of her love for Naruto, which is the same criticism people use for Sakura as to why she never evolved passed her "crush." The only difference is that Hinata rooted for the underdog (Naruto). Two, she had natural powers that already made her OP in comparison to the other genin, while Sakura had to rely on her natural intelligence and hard work once she matured and found her path in life. Third, after the time skip, Hinata became more pleasing to look at according to the male gaze.
(BTW I don't mean to dogpile Hinata. I am waving my truce flag here. It's just a comparison between her and Sakura, not a criticism.)
Back to Sakura: Her fangirling was annoying in the beginning. I never identified with her because...Sasuke -shudder-, but y'know why i looked passed it?
Cause she was a 12 year old girl in the beginning of the series.
I was once a 12 year old girl. And I can confirm, I was pretty much like that (it may have been for Kyo from Fruits Basket but the point stands).
Plus, as a 12 year old girl, she was more mature than Sasuke and Naruto in the beginning because she was wise and had risk assessment. Most of the fights where people claimed she was useless, she was actually just respectfully listening to what her sensei told her to do, as in...Not get in the way and be a liability (Land of Waves). Or she was one-shot because...um...Well, she jumped in front of Gaara who was half transformed into Shukaku. Oh, and prior to that, she cut her hair during a fight! Would you be able to cut your hair on a whim? Just like that? Just let a piece of what you loved most about yourself go because you needed to in order to win? Could you??? I definitely couldn't.
This leads into another thing that people still complain about, and that's that she's useless, which just goes to show that women and female characters have to work so much harder to earn the same respect as their male peers. The characters somehow will only ever default to the way they were first introduced, and in Sakura's case, they feel she is useless, weak and boy-crazy over Sasuke, even though she did the most growth out of her whole squad.
It's not Sakura's fault that she wasn't born with the strongest tailed beast or magic eyes that could rip apart worlds and also be one of the children of prophecy. It's not her fault that she had to learn a variety of skills to get on the same level as the men in her life, and that she had to do much more than only learned two Jutsus to carry her through the whole series (looking at you, Naruto).
People only seem to accept the women from the start in Naruto if they showed up looking hot, overpowered or naturally talented right out the gate. It's like there's almost no room for women to develop and grow in the series, which is so sad.
Now, maybe the Sakura hate is actually just a loud minority. Afterall, she did get A LOT of votes on the character poll, so maybe the misogyny isn't as rampant as I fear. Plus, I have noticed there's a significant decrease in the amount of hate I see for Sakura, so maybe the community has grown up and their opinions have changed as they matured, which is good.
I just don't see what else the hatred for Sakura could possibly be...unless we talk about her Anime personality. The Anime Sakura is actually way worse than her canon self, which could make a person who never read the source material think she is a bad character.
Also, if you just don't like her cause she doesn't float your boat, I think that's fine. I hate Sasuke nearly with a passion...I can't pin point why, he just isn't my thing and I wouldn't even be able to elaborate on it (though I do like him better as an adult).
I just personally feel that at this point in the fandom we are passed the low hanging fruit of Sakura hate such as "she's weak" "she's useless" "she is too interested in Sasuke".
Actually, I feel that I personally have reached a point in this fandom where I don't want any low hanging fruits of character hate. I guess I just don't have time to hate on characters at all, unless we are talking about flaws for analysis.
I come and engaged with this series to have fun and escape the hardship of life for awhile. Smashing characters in a series I love is just not worth it to me.
So yeah, I will absolutely support Sakura fans.
And um...I would absolutely support Sasuke fans, too (begrudgingly). Just like I would fans of anyone else's fave.
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abysscronica · 10 months
I hope it's ok to ask, I noticed you don't interact with many blogs or fandom discourse in general. Is there a reason?
Okay, I've received a couple of asks and DMs more or less revolving around this topic, so I'm going to address it here.
My blog's main goal is to interact with my existing readers, since all my stories are on AO3 and Wattpad (I've only posted a couple here). I use it to answer your questions on my writings, the characters, and whatever you guys want to ask me, and I love it. Of course I'm happy if I get some more readers from Tumblr, but that's not my primary aim here, at least for now.
It would be great to use this page to expand my followers, but I barely have time to actually write these days, so unfortunately, at the moment, I can't afford to spend any to curate this space... except for answering your asks. (on this regard, I know I'm months late for some, please don't lose hope, everything is there and will be worked on eventually!)
That said, even if I do get time to dedicate to my tumblr at some point, it'll probably be ordering my posts and posting my other stories, not much more. Before I go into more details on my thoughts on fandom discourse and fics/headcanons, let me repeat the usual disclaimer...
The ones below represent my very personal views. They are not right or wrong, and it absolutely does not mean I disapprove of different views. I encourage you all to enjoy the fandom experience and community in the way you see fit, as long as it's not damaging you or anyone else.
Fandom discourse. I... simply don't really care about it. I'm talking mainly about One Piece, but this can apply to any content I enjoy. Here's how my experience goes: I read the manga, the SBS, watch the anime, consume basically any content available. I follow a couple of OP youtubers talking about every little thing, from chapter reviews to any kind of news (Tekking101 and Sawyer7mage). Then I write fanfictions based on all the knowledge accumulated, of course expanding into my personal headcanons. This pretty much satiates my thirst for content and need for sources.
Obviously I enjoy talking about OP with other fans, especially like-minded ones such as Kid Pirates fans. Buuuut being an active part of the community can also be exhausting. I'm sure you know there's a lot of Kid dissing going on for example, and Kid fans are often caught in battles to defend him. I honestly don't want to take part into it, because I don't think other people's feelings about a character should influence my experience of the show anyway, so I don't care about changing their mind either. I just... wanna do my own thing and share it with my mutuals & readers.
Analyses, meta, theories. Honestly, the two OP youtubers I follow (plus Arthur's posts on Twitter) fulfill this need in a very comprehensive way. I've yet to see a single tumblr post that comes even close to their insights (but if you know some, feel free to point me in that direction, I'll be happy to check them out). They often even contain inaccurate information. I do reblog whatever I deem interesting though, and I'll gladly answer to anything if you wanna know about my thoughts.
Fics & headcanons. Once again, I'll always be super happy to share my content with you guys. I cannot accept fic requests but feel free to ask for any headcanon you may be interested in!
As for other people's stuff. I said this before, unfortunately I'm a terribly picky reader (this does not only apply to fics, but to literature in general). The slightest hint of "unjustified" OC, a Mary Sue trait on a MC, too many cliches, a writing style that does not catch me... I'll scroll ahead. I know many will roll their eyes at this, and they are right, but I just won't impose something I don't fully enjoy to myself, not with my limited spare time. But writers should write whatever they want and I'll never be unsupportive of that, even if it's not my jazz! The stuff I read and enjoyed, I reblog.
This should be all I have to say on the matter. If you have any further question, feel free to send and ask.
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ariadnasdiary · 2 years
30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom★
Mun Ari: I was tagged by @kindan-no-kanojo and @mino-diabolik thank you!! (Credit to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat)
1. How long have you been in this fandom?
I think around 2015-2016(?. 2015 is when I found DL anime, but it was until months later that I got interested with the decond seasom. I started here in tumblr in 2016 and until 2017 I stsrted my OC blog. So… 6-7 years? Oh my…that much? 😳
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband?
Kino my love <3. Since he made his appearance in 2017 and I read his route… puff! I'm in love~ lol. Up until now he has remind as my #1 husbando <3
3. Why do you like them?
For many reasons: we share some things from our past, so I can relate to him for that reason. Also, he's so funny (I love his sense of humor lol), how intelligent and witty he is (I love his role as the villain jijij), how childish and spoiled he can act, we share some hobbies and of course his appeareance and voice makes me weak! Also he's a cutie when he wants, I can't >////<
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character?
Hell yeah! @mino-diabolik @kindan-no-kanojo and @eli-loversblog we are all happy members of Kino's harem jijijij
5. How do you feel about it?
Happy and proud. Kino is such a misunderstood character and therefore his fan base is so tiny!! So whenever I find someone that loves Kino AND has an OC with him is like another tiny victory!!
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them?
No? So far I've encounter very few Kino fans, but none has been toxic or something similar 🤷🏻‍♀️.
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman?
As interact with Kino? Or with my OC? Or with both? The answer to all three is: absolutely yes! Kino deserves so much love and every new fan is great news! With Ari makes me feel super super happy for her to be loved and noticed! And with both as a couple makes my heart go 💗💗💗
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
I must admit that when I started I felt a little jealous with some (that are not longer active as far as I know) since they had more support and had the plus to be great artists so bring their ship's dream to reality.
Of course I got over it super fast and I focused on my own personal growth and so far I'm extremely happy to see more people liking and shipping Kino with their OCs!!
9. Confident, or pessimistic?
Eh? About what? My ship? If it's so then... neutral? I mean there were better times for the DL OC community, but understand that times changes and I'm busy with real life responsibilities, so I can't dedicate the time I use to give this blog. Of course is natural people left, others came and I stayed and to pass unnoticed is due to my lack of activity/interactions and such.
So is a 50/50. There are good days and bad ones.
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey?
Honestly? I miss the old days and I wish I could be more active. But there are so much new people and my some friends are now gone... that I feel anxious. I'm super shy when it comes to socialize and interact with new people + my reduced time online... that is very hard for me. So, I would love to interact more, but I'm shy >/////<
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover)
Of course! I try to send them asks from time to time and I always check them out whenever I enter here!
12. Are you friends with them?
I'd like to think that ;u; (I have interacted with their Muns and I talk to some more than others jejeje)
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ?
Good question... I'm not sure I know what it means 100%. I deduce you mean those who 'stan' a character as their fans(?.
I think everything in measure and balance is totally OK. You can ship yourself or an OC with them and be creative or have fun! HOWEVER! If your love becomes and obsession and it starts hurting or bothering others... then we have a problem. Is an issue when people believes they 'own' the character or are passive-aggressive with other fans. Excuses as 'I love them more than you do!' Or 'I'm the only one to understand them!' Or 'I'm their only and true girlfriend' is like: Get yourself a therapy~ you're desillusional 🤦🏻‍♀️
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others?
There is always that risk. It does annoys me since is a work/creation I made myself and it took me time, work and even money to create.
It did happened to me not long ago that a person took a commission I payed and edited it to put her OC. She made a TERRIBLE work editing it (you know with paint or even Instagram colors), but fortunately she "vanished".
I'm low-key afraid some might steal any of my fanfics and post them as theirs in other platforms though... but I'm not that relevant or famous to worry about that lol. And I haven't made any commissions lately and I haven't seen my commissions around or edited so... I guess I'm fine?
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens?
A friend was who told me about it and we both worked together to solve it (she was also a victim of that girl as she stole her OC almost everything [appearance, name, ship...] and in my case my commission). As I know what it feels like I try to tell the corresponding authors of the original piece if they are being victims of stealing so we can all work together to solve it.
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends?
I'll assume my blog/ship. The answer is public: at this point many know my blog and OC lol.
17. Do you lock a specific cp ship, whats the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!)
Nop. So far I haven't block anyone.
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you?
If I understand correectly this question.... I think you mean attitudes that I don't like in fans?
I'll answer as such: I don't like when people thinks they can own a character or many just because they have theirs ocs paired with them. If they are all bark no bite, then you can just ignore them... but if they are those people that actually harass others that pisses me off. I don't get involve in online confrontations (cause' is pathetic really), unless they are attacking friends of mine in a very mean way. I'm ready to thows hands!
ALSO the thieves or tracers also annoys me, becuase their arguments and actions are stupid. 'I found them online! So I shared it!', 'I'm doing them a favor by posting it in my profile!' or 'Who are you to tell me what to do? I post what I want!'. UGH! HATE THEM! If you don't know how to draw: DON'T POST OTHER'S WORK!
Overall, I just find annoying those people that are immature or mean in general so I just avoid them.
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)?
I haven't encounter any of the sort directed to me specifically? But I've seen what haters are willing to do.
I hate when they simply critize the OC in question with their stupid opinions like: 'I don't like your OC because is not pretty', 'she's ugly', 'she's a Marie Sue', 'she's a cheap copy of *insert character*', 'you need to improve your skills', or the best one 'I don't like your OC, stop shring her!' etc. Like: SHUT UP! NO ONE ASKED YOU. IF YOU DON'T LIKE A SHIP SIMPLY UNFOLLOW OR BLOCK. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR DAMN OPINION.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before?
nop, thankfully. But if I encounter one, I'll simply block them~
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp? 
yep! Well... the official route is still incomplete lol. I'm missing some endings, but I haven't come up with something .-.
BUT I have created so many AUs that is impressive how many lives they have lived and fallen in love with :'D
22.  Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story?
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Seriously, every idea has so much potential! that's why I have written so many~!
Don't hesitate to add Ari to any of your AUs!!!
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours?
Sure! Sometims it's me who begs my Ari to be ship with others ocs [Mystic I'm looking at you!], but I haven't had luck(?
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom?
Not really(? Unless I have already forgotten or never noticed(?
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
@kindan-no-kanojo (have you seen Scarlett? She's an icon! Her character is 100/10!)
@mino-diabolik (she has endure and survive the pass of time and Mystic is loved by many! #goals)
@violet-sin (she's not longer in the fandom nor tumblr, but all her OCs are magnificent!! Also, I was witness of her artists skills improvement and now I love her style!!)
@vixen-ocs (not longer in DL, but her self-insert was super pretty! I loved her!)
@eli-loversblog (she wasn't around for very long, but I liked her OC. I wished we could have interacted more ;-;)
@the-sloth-woman (she took the inicial idea [DL verse] and created an impire of her own... that's some mad skills. Also her writting talent is amazing!)
@invampirehellorheaven (not sure if she's still around [in this blog and her OC I mean], but she was an interesting character to interact with :D)
@lets-bewitched (she's more active on Instagram and we are good friends! I like Seina a hell lot!)
@lunaangel1010universe (Amina is lovely! Plus all her art pieces are amazing! I love how her story has development and even the many AU she already has!)
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited?
Excited? When the fandom was more active and many ocs interacted with each other! It was so much fun!
Sad? When all this stopped :'(
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom?
The OCs war. The trinity of caos that existed in the fandom and all the people they scared due to this >:'v
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom?
My friends that support me in all my blogs:
@sugar-lollipop @the-sloth-woman @kindan-no-kanojo @mino-diabolik @lunaangel1010universe @lets-bewitched and more <3
29. Say something towards those that support and admire your cp~
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30. You've worked hard, keep up the good work! ★★★
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heliosoll · 2 years
"I know I'm being very cordial in this response but I do hope it comes across that I'm sorry about hurting your feelings." Bestie shut up that is your sincerity 😭 the way you handled that whole situation has me 🥺🥰 love u and this safe and drama free blog!! Also not sure if im overstepping here but i did want to give my unsolicited personal opinion (yikes) just because i think it would give some perspective to u maybe idk jskaka. You've mentioned a few times that you to some extent see yourself coming across as blunt or maybe even me@n (censoring that bc u r not spoiler alert) and i was trying to think of how to word and explain this and i must have ✨️manifested✨️ the answer bc u literally gave me the perfect example in the tags of the ask u posted after that. A lot of shifting/loa bloggers have that really weird coddling+mean thing going on, kinda condescending and makes the bloggies feel ashamed or a bother to ask for help. There's also a lot of entitlement between those who have and have not and then mixed in with the frustration from people who are not believing in results and all that stuff, you know how it is. You aint got none of that bs here. You're very patient and I'd like to think more than blunt, it's a better word to say simple. You don't try to fluff it up or 'ive answered this a hundred times already, yall need to stop overcomplicating lol'. It has a lot to do with the way someone speaks yanno? Even in a few asks ago, you were very empathetic and gentle in saying that you know it's frustrating to hear but persist in there not being a problem and then even suggested that blanket affirmation. That kind of understanding nature is so rare to come by and its the reason why for the last few months u have become the sole shifting blog i follow and while yes i am the one who 'did' everything, it was under your guidance that i have let go of so much anxiety and disbelief. You promote the barebone necessities on this blog and that's literally all u need to shift. No limiting beliefs or backwards bragging. Your shifting post can literally be summed up by 'intention is all you really need' but you made a whoooole post about the ins and outs plus fine print. Like any question someone could possibly have, any loophole or limiting belief that could arise, you think of it beforehand and address it before it can be asked. I see that dedication and I applaud you for that like you really out here feeding a bunch of shifters for FREE 🤧 Anyways my life is so much better after finding this blog and learning how to do things the proper way. Thanks for all the effort and not enforcing any miniscule limiting beliefs. I think most people would agree that ur very friendly, kind and generally a good person, not mean at all. I've never once felt frustrated, discouraged or uncomfortable here. You're like the cool senior who looks sharp but is actually really sweet and tells all the freshman which courses to take and how to pass the class. Tldr; ur not blunt, ur just stating the facts as u should and we love u for it. This blog has brought me a lot of sollace (see what i did there) so i wanted to take the time to write this all out bc ur like my fave person evurrrrr. This is uhhhh also a bit of a doozy to post so u can absolutely delete this after u read it lmao anyway love u bestie 💓
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I don't think I'll ever be able to truly express how much this means to me. This is literally the nicest ask I've ever gotten! And a little embarrassing to admit but this made me tear up a bit. Everything you said is exactly how I wanted this blog to be for people. I wanted it to be a safe space for all kinds of shifters - new and experienced. I wanted it to be an easy going space with no limiting beliefs and acceptance of all different kinds of beliefs.
I can't thank you enough for this 🥺 It makes me really happy to know that so many people feel safe and comfortable here. And I'm so glad I was able to help you too! Every now and then I wonder if I'm actually helping people so it was really nice to hear :')
This ask helped me a lot actually because I can see where you're coming from! I think I just get worried that some of my more "to the point" answers could come off as mean to people but I can see why they wouldn't as well. I don't really know what else to say this is just such a sweet message and I'll be thinking about it for a long time. Thank you so much for taking the time to quell my worries and bring in a new perspective 🥺 It really helped!!
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theroadtotimbuktu · 3 months
What are the Best Destinations for Introverted Solo Travellers?
Ah, the introverted solo traveller, a noble species that thrives in the quiet corners of the world, often spotted with a book in one hand and a hot beverage in the other, expertly avoiding any form of unnecessary human interaction.
If you, like me, find solace in solitude and seek destinations where the main attraction is the blissful absence of a need to make small talk, then you've come to the right place.
First up, let's talk about the Scottish Highlands. It's the perfect place for anyone whose idea of a good time involves speaking to absolutely no one while being surrounded by dramatic landscapes that look like they've been plucked straight from a fantasy novel. The Highlands offer endless opportunities for solitary hikes, where the only conversation you'll need to have is with the occasional sheep, and they're notoriously poor at small talk.
Next, we venture to Kyoto, Japan, during the off-peak season. Imagine tranquil Zen gardens and ancient temples where the main sound is the rustling of leaves and your own footsteps. Kyoto is the kind of place where you can bow instead of small talking and nobody thinks you're avoiding conversation—it's just the culture. It's a haven for those of us who appreciate beauty and history without the side order of chatter.
Then there's Iceland, a land so spellbinding that even the most dedicated introvert might consider taking a selfie—just to prove they've witnessed its otherworldly beauty. With more volcanoes, waterfalls, and glaciers than crowded tourist spots, you can easily go an entire day speaking to no one but the wind. And let's be honest, the wind is far less likely to ask you why you're still single.
For a more urban experience, consider Copenhagen, Denmark. Yes, it's a city, but it's also the land of hygge (pronounced 'hoo-ga'), the art of coziness and comfortable conviviality with a feeling of wellness and contentment. This basically translates to sitting in a cosy café, wrapped in a scarf, sipping coffee, and not talking to anyone. It's socially acceptable, encouraged even. Plus, with their efficient public transport, you can avoid the awkward taxi small talk.
Lastly, New Zealand, a country so friendly that even the introverts wave at each other—albeit a small, hesitant wave that quickly retreats back into a pocket. It's a country with landscapes so diverse and breathtaking, you'll be glad the only conversation you need to have is with your camera. And on the off chance you do encounter a human, they're likely to be an adrenaline junkie throwing themselves off something high, too busy screaming to make awkward conversation.
So, there you have it, fellow introverted traveller. The world is full of destinations where our penchant for solitude is not just understood but embraced. The key to enjoying these places lies in the art of being alone without being lonely, a skill we introverts have perfected. Safe travels, and may your interactions be few and your experiences vast.
Be sure to check out my updated sponsor-free website, a rare gem in today's digital world, much like finding a seat on the Tube during rush hour. It's as sponsor-free as my Saturday nights, which, let's be honest, are usually spent trying to decide which takeaway to grace with my presence. My website is a labour of love, painstakingly crafted with the same dedication I apply to avoiding gym memberships!
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hoghtastic · 5 months
So do you want her to post about Alex or do you not? When she posts him you get angry and say she’s using him for fame, attention etc. then when she doesn’t post him you guys get, again, upset and say he’s the only reason she even gets the things she has recently and that he’s the only interesting part about her. Which even though she didn’t make a whole post dedicated to him (because it was a Paris fashion show celebrating the clothing brand, not some big event celebrating Alex and Luca) she posted him on her story and hyped him up a bit and that was it. Why is anything else needed? She gave you Alex content on a 24hr limited story (that you like to say is the only thing she is good for) while at the same time not making it all about him on her account (since you say she uses him for attention posts all the time). She gave you exactly what you wanted and still, you get upset and over analyze the whole situation? Literally anything she does is a problem to this blog, I don’t get it.
Thank you for sharing your point of view on this, anon. 😊 First of all, you say that "literally anything she does is a problem to this blog", as if this blog's sole purpose is to demonize Johanne, which is not. This is simply a place for everyone to share their opinions, and it's okay if you don't agree with them. Maybe they're not as positive as you would like them to be, but they're valid. Just like you thinking differently is also valid and respected here. Absolutely anyone can share their thoughts, both positive & negative.
Now, trying to answer the questions you raised, I can only speak for myself and give you my point of view, so if anyone else would like to add theirs, they're more than welcome to do so. First of all, I believe we'd much rather have Alex posting for himself, his own content and new, interesting projects, or just the fun tidbits of his daily life like he used to do in the past. No one asked for Johanne to give the fandom "Alex content", and certainly not in the way she does. I think observing Johanne & Alex's interactions in comparison to those of Lucas & Laura during this weekend really helped putting things in perspective, showing what really feels like some nice chemistry and companionship, and being there to support one's boyfriend, instead of trying to make oneself "the main character" once more. Maybe Johanne was super excited to be there and that's why she kept tagging the brand, but one would think that she was actually the one who got the invitation, when the truth was far from that. She didn't have to make a whole post dedicated to Alex, but she also didn't have to make herself look like this super influencer, describing her weekend and tagging all the brands. Again, using Laura's post as an example, it's actually a nice recap of their weekend — it's fun, it still shows Lucas, but it's not over the top, nor is she pretending to be more relevant that she was (in the context of Paris Fashion Week, of course). It's all a matter of balance, in my opinion.
Plus, no one got "angry" or "upset" with Johanne. We're just discussing things for the fun of it, it's not that serious and none of this affects our lives at the end of the day. So it's totally okay if you actually like her & her content. We don't always have to agree or like the same things. 😊
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kyokkou · 1 year
OKAY I KNOW WE HAVEN'T INTERACTED A WHOLE LOT but i've always really REALLY admired your blog and the dedication that you treat kiku and hikaru with!! whenever someone has this amount of info and research and care put into their characters you just know it's going to be a good time! i've always found the fact that your characters inform each other so much and are so connected to be very impressive, too--i know it can be a bit hard when you're the one also handling the most significant relationship in your character's life, if that makes sense? but these two are so connected and it's just such an interesting dynamic between them alone, let alone all the other interesting dynamics they have with others! plus the fact that you do most of your own art here, too, is like! wow the amount of time and care is so evident!! ... also jkmm gang is always lovely to see in 2022 ;) i would absolutely love to interact more in the future and it's been a delight to follow you!!
(TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE) what a gift... honestly!! I was shocked to get an ask all of a sudden, but I could read this over and over again-- it definitely does make sense, and I truly appreciate the compliments. Also were you in my mind just now like. I had a fleeting thought about how I (regrettably in some ways) rarely get to write the same amount of details about their relationship that most do since I'm carrying both of them, but honestly I don't think I'd have it any other way, not with the way I've had people disappear in the past on both of them when they had Other Relationships™ before I settled on this dynamic. They simply must be purchased together. :) I only wish I could draw a little faster / complete pieces quicker because I have so many ideas that have just wasted away as WIPs in the past 3 years that are just slices of their life. ♥
And fr I am so glad I'm not the only one in the rpc who knows JKMM they are so important to me and to the backstory here like ... finally. Another person who Knows™ hahaha. Not that I mind indoctrination sharing information about it but there is. A Lot of lore that I've built up around that too over the years since it's basically a free for all outside of a few established canon things. I hope we can interact in the future! Even if it's just Hikaru serving tea and being nice (!) I love stuff like that. Anything is possible. I do love seeing you and Danylo on my dash, he is so real and that's my favorite kind of character, and I love your passion for Ukraine so much, I've learned a lot from my time following you! Thank you so much for being mutuals with me and sending this lovely ask!
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I posted 30,648 times in 2022
That's 2,423 more posts than 2021!
378 posts created (1%)
30,270 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 378 of my posts in 2022
#youtube - 110 posts
#vox machina - 17 posts
#apex legends - 12 posts
#lmao - 7 posts
#mood - 6 posts
#yes - 4 posts
#pokemon go - 3 posts
#caustic - 3 posts
#apex - 3 posts
#lmaoooo - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like... i think thee'd have to be thunderbolts raining down as i flipped off the sky to motivate me to even consider... how i would tell th
My Top Posts in 2022:
you know, in almost every horror movie ive seen where the premise is that the whole family/community are cannibals and th3ey just have whole rooms for bodies to be hanging about in different pieces
like...99% of the movies just have it in some filthy shed or room covered in old blood and mold, with flies and meat hanging up sans refrigeration
like how has the whole ass cmmunity or family not died from rotten meat? from salmonella? half the time they don't even clean the bodies before they kill them so they're caked in mud
pretty sure humans have weird shit that lives on our skin just chilling and waiting for a cut or microtear to get inside and cause chaos
you would think an entire household or town dedicated to luring tourists and murdering them for meat would have discovered a more efficient and food safe way to do it.
not to MENTION like how does this happen? you go to a town meeting one day and on the ballot is a) lowering the speed limit around the school, b) funding the community garden restoration, and c) becoming a covert murder factory for fun, food and frivolity...
Things that would make more sense than a hotel that traps people: a SPA
the people coming in are usually the health-conscious type, they have some form of bath or soak throughout the process, they're relaxed, and you could put paralytics in the facemasks or something
not to mention, most rural towns (where this shit is usually set?) have butchers and mobile butchers at that with their own set up and clean room type equipment. there's heaps in our area. Wouldn't it be less suspicious to have them turn up, grab the bodies and transport them to another area for dismemberment? People are used to mobile butchers doing this sort of thing with cowsa, pigs, goats, etc. Plus they'd at least have clean equipment and less chance of unsanitary items used for the dispersement of meat etc.
The butcher shop would be the first place you'd think of for cold storage, but what about the freezers in the local supermarket? Assuming there's a walk-in and everyone's on board so the new people in town won't squeal to anyone.
The local ice cream truck or shop? Maybe?
If it's small enough the pub might have one of those converted shipping containers out back that's now a giant freezer.
Not sure how they'd store it, but like there has to be a better premise for the horror of the movie than 'opened fridge in dirty house to find a head or fingers'.
I think you could absolutely pull a subtle horror story out of this, and they could legit gaslight the tourists (only taking specific ones) by advertising the hotel as haunted.
you KNOW that people will already be on edge thinking they might see a ghost, and will manufacture paranormal incidents, which is the real trojan horse here. so you go in thinking its a ghost movie or maybe a cryptid movie, so when the occasional bone or skull is found it's like "oh no, the ghost/cryptid did it"
the whole time the protagonist(s) are having just the most amazing meals and customer service... never suspecting.
NOT TO MENTION none of that bone windchimes bullshit.
What is the one thing a LOT of farmers use? It smells like vomit so you always know its in use? Blood and Bone fertiliser. no questions asked for anyone who has been in a farming area. It really helps gardens bc nutrients (its legit blood and bone with other mixtures, usually the offal and such from abbottoirs)...
Maybe the locals are like super funny about it. There's a whole year-round halloween attraction with real skeletons and just enough tacky decorations that no one questions them.
Or the doctor's office has a like 6ft skeleton and the school uses it on occasion for biology.
the real question is like, what are funeral rights like in a town dedicated to eating people?
Is a town member considered Sacred and Off the Menu?
Or is it an honour to have your body shared amongst your loved ones after death? Does anything change in the event of like, an unexpected or accidental passing?
If you have a combine harvester accident, and you lose an arm, does the amputated limb go on the menu or it is carefully disposed of?
They never really look into how this whole system works in terms of a full town structure. It's always some shitty "protag snaps awake and screams at dead bodies" thing as people leer or masked people cut up bodies"
If they expanded on it, it could be interesting.
But that's just me, I'd want to know WHY a whole town went full hannibal and how that impacted all the other systems. Government, health, education, political/legal, community events?
Do they have a section for Special Meat Dishes in the local show / bake-off?
See the full post
57 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
...can a mimic get into a hospital/magical medical center with dr clerics or whatever, and pretend to be an organ?
Like, eat what was in the transport carrier, and get transplanted?
That could be a really fucked up DnD campaign where it slowly starts to bond to the body and fights for ful control of the limbs, and noone in the party knows until the changes are physical...
It could go:
a) the horror route, where they lose out to them and become a monster, and perhaps this is how mimics gain the mass to become a greater threat
b) the tragic hero route, where they see they are being consumed and sacrifice themselves to save the others
c) the changeling route, where the two mix into a new entity either with, or against, the will of both the mimic and the host
d) the symbiote route, where they bond and learn to live together, even begin to work together and maybe even love one another much to the discomfort of the other party members sharing the tent
e) the trial by fire route, where only through great suffering can the means to remove the creature or make it inert be gained
f) the medusa route, where the host is strengthened through (faith, medicine, magic, other) and is able to overcome the parasitic thing and force it into inertia so it 'dies' but remains as the organ itself
g) the feral route, where the host embraces the desires radiating through them and becomes wildly unhinged around concepts like 'good/bad' and 'friend/food' as the tendrils slip into their mind but still retains primary consciousness
h) the mirror route, where the creature takes control if the host is unconsious and has a different 'self', but will usually only act to preserve the body
i) the What? route, where the hero just wakes up as a normal person with a strange ability to shapeshift or blend into surroundings without any explanation and is just like 'fuck it let's gooooo'
j) the Aw YEah route, the same as i) but it's a bard, and they use it for... reasons of charisma, seduction and experimentation
k) the What To Do When You're Expecting route, this could be the final part of a mimic lifecycle and the hero was a good option to carry their spawn or eggs or magical essence or however you want to play that. mostly bc it would be hilarious to have someone being healed mid-battle and the cleric being like, 'uh, congratulations and im not sure what it is but there's a lot of teeth...'
l) the Choose route, where the host has a crucial moment to choose to keep the mimic or destroy it despite the cost and has to think about the benefits and problems. like, it could be attached to any other letter scenario as well, or random.
m) the PAssive route, weird but hear me out... the cleric catches it, and believes fervently that their patron or deity would want them to help soothe the anger and bloodlust, to bring this creature to peace and handles the issues through intense meditation or calm
n) the Zombie route, where the creature bonds to the hero and fills their blood with spores. non toxic, not harmful, but it does push for them to bring their bodily fluids into contact with the others around them. maybe they get hurt in battle more easily, maybe they're more seductive than usual, or more violent (eg biting in fights), and it targets the party. because it wants to build a protective brood around the host that are loyal to the mimic and will die to keep it safe / has readily available back-up hosts around.
o) the It Takes a Village route, smooshing concepts (k) and (n) together, so that the mimic builds a whole interconnected family of ifferent biologies to spawn through. giving the future mimics unique and durable genetics. more autonomy for hosts, but it pushes emotional bonds as well, and builds an army to protect spawn.
p) the Bonding Song route, where it uses the basic idea of (n) but to gradually make the infected cease movement and settle in a safe, secluded place all together with one mobile to bring food to them as the others meld together physically into a big organic Thing that will slowly form into a Boss Mimic. The mobile one remaining will continue to feed it, and help lead adventurers to it.
Probably others
74 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
cant shake this shitty headcanon in my brain of percy accidentally seducing the others in vox machina by teaching them how to do court dances
something the gentry and nobility are schooled in from a young age bc half their interactions with other noble houses are at balls where all dancing is regimented and very public, the most physical contact with someone outside your own household, usually
But it's all 'hands pressed as you step in counterpoint' and maybe a few flourishes or dips to show you have some mastery
its all fun and games until you realise how close you both are, and that you have the instructors full attention as he shows you how to dance (and not make an ass of yourself at the next formal dinner/ball / charity royal or-gee or whatever the money havers get up to in their free time)
Scanlan would be fun, though, imagine the strict discipline of dance trying to quell a bard whose entire way of motion to music involves hip thrusts and disco moves???
just saying, could be hilarious, could be very cute too
having trouble picturing a few of them, but as a spectator sport it would be very entertaining
89 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Master List - Creativity Help/Art Block Busting for Writers & Artists
Post for AUs & Tropes
Post for Monster-Making (Mundane Items)
Post for Dryad Creation
Post for Fae/Fairy Creation
Post for Random Character Weaknesses
Post for Random Superpowers
Post for Mermaid Making
Post for Monster Mixology
Post for Making a Randomised Centaur/Taur
Post for Winged Creatures
96 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i feel like the voix machina group could have handled the percy situation much easier if they have an enchanted like, pole catcher thing
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like... "I am death and vengeance and-"
*snick* "Gotcha, let's get you a snickers."
324 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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