#plus sans might be even more Like That if he’s the only one that remembers
Imagine yet another Undertale AU, but the thing that’s different is that it’s just the plot of Oshi No Ko.
If you know you know
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berryunho · 1 year
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Kim Hongjoong doesn’t like the word ‘cult.’ He prefers ‘sect.’ pairing: ateez x fem reader genre: cult au, thriller, angst check warnings on AO3
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chapter word count: 10,791
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“What the hell did you say to Hongjoong?” 
Seonghwa is quick to start grilling you as soon as San leaves the two of you alone, glaring at you across from the dinner table. It takes you a few seconds to even remember what he could be referring to, that conversation with Hongjoong taking the back seat in your mind to everything else that had happened today. 
You set your spoon down, resting your elbows on the table, “I could be asking you the same question.” 
Seonghwa scoffs, mirroring your actions. He leans over the table, though, getting closer to you, “Well I asked first.” 
Frowning, you look him up and down, trying to make him squirm a little bit. Unfortunately for you, he doesn’t seem to find you very intimidating. In fact, he only leans closer to you, his face basically taking up your entire field of view. “What did Hongjoong say that I said?” 
Seonghwa’s eyes flit to your lips, but you pretend like you don’t notice. “He said that you told him we had sex. Among other things.” 
“I said no such thing,” you glare back at him, “I only heavily implied it.” 
“Why?” Seonghwa wets his lips, “do you want to get me in trouble, Princess?” 
You don’t want to be the one to back down from this confrontation, but being this close to Seonghwa without him touching you might actually make you insane. His stupid fucking hot ass fucking face. It’s too distracting. 
But… you’re more stubborn than you are uncomfortable. “Only if you want to get me in trouble.” He smiles a bit at that, but you continue, “if you must know, though, I had to use you as a bit of a scapegoat. I figured you wouldn’t mind, considering the lies you’re telling him about San and me.” 
“Lies?” Seonghwa says sarcastically, “what ever would I lie about?” The question is clearly rhetorical.
But you answer it anyway. “You told him that San and I are together.” 
Seonghwa’s smile grows, “and is that a lie? Aren’t you?” 
“Frankly, it’s not Hongjoong’s business, and it’s not yours, either.”
He brings a hand up to rest under his chin, shrugging his free shoulder. “Difference of opinion. Why should I lie to Hongjoong for you?” 
“Well, San and I aren’t together,” you shrug as well, hoping he’s not picking up on the fact that you’re lying through your teeth. It’s actually a bit… uncomfortable to lie about it like this. You don’t want to have to deny… whatever it is that you have going on with San, but that’s just how it is. You suck it up and hope that Seonghwa can’t see your internal battle as you spit the words out.
Seonghwa bites his lip, “is that so? So he wouldn’t mind if I…” 
You do lean back, then, smacking his elbow out from under him so that his head falls, hopefully shocking him back into reality. “You wish, pervert.” 
He catches his head before he actually hits it on the table, gaping at you, his eyes wide as if he can’t believe that you really just did that. Honestly, you’re kind of surprised that you did it, too. Seonghwa is so fucking tempting. But you’re stronger than that…
“Plus, what would he think,” you tip your head in Hongjoong’s direction, not surprised to see him already staring directly at the two of you. He had been congregating with some of the Followers, but his attention is now clearly occupied, a sneer appearing on his face when he catches you looking. “He already thinks we had sex, no?” 
Seonghwa looks back over his shoulder to glance at Hongjoong, quickly spinning back to face you when he sees the look on his leader’s face. “Yeah, thanks for that, by the way. I had the time of my life trying to explain that I had absolutely no idea what you were talking about.” 
You shrug, “I needed some way to get his mind off of the fact that someone told me about Haneul. It worked.” 
His eyes really go wide, then, “Haneul? Who the fuck told you about Haneul?” 
“You did.” You smile, finally picking your spoon back up to eat some more of your soup. This is a damn good soup, you have to remember to compliment Wooyoung on it… if you guys are on speaking terms. You’re not sure about that. 
Seonghwa groans, also resuming eating his dinner. “I’m going to get my ass handed to me, Princess. Why wouldn’t you just tell him the truth?” He pauses, dropping his spoon back into his soup, “ wait, let me guess. San told you?” 
You shake your head, taking another bite, ignoring his eyes.
“Who else have you been alone with?” 
You shrug again, just to piss him off. 
It doesn’t work. “When San attempted to help Haseul with the escapade last night, did he have someone watch you?” Seonghwa smiles in disbelief. “He really covered his bases. Who was it?” He searches your face as if the answer will be plastered on it. 
It might be, frankly. “It had to have been Wooyoung. Am I right, Princess? Wooyoung watched you? And told you? How on earth did you get that out of him?” 
Staying silent, you opt to keep eating your soup. Wooyoung is the obvious choice, looking at the people that San is close enough to trust with such a secret, so it makes sense that Seonghwa would be able to guess him so easily. But you’re not about to tell Seonghwa that he’s right, so you do your best to keep your face plain. 
“Oh, this is quite fun information. What else did he tell you? Did you see his back?” 
That must be what Wooyoung had been referring to, where his scars are. But, again, you’re not going to ask questions or make Seonghwa believe that he’s right. The last thing that you want to do is throw Wooyoung under the bus for spilling cult secrets that he clearly shouldn’t have. 
Seonghwa leans closer again, whispering, “if I promise to not tell Hongjoong, will you tell me? I’m very curious.” 
You also lean in closer, putting your spoon down once more, “absolutely not. But will you tell me about Haneul?” 
He rolls his eyes, leaning back into his original position. “No, I won’t. She’s quite a sore subject around here.” 
… Yeah, you could’ve guessed that. “Can you at least tell me about Jongho and her?” 
“No?” Seonghwa looks at you like you’ve really lost your mind, “that’s not your business, Princess.” 
“Oh, so their relationship isn’t my business, but my relationship with San is yours?” 
“So you admit to having a relationship with San, then?” Seonghwa smirks, pleased to have finally gotten something out of you.
You sigh, “if you’re jealous, you can just say so.” 
He scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “why on earth would I be jealous of Choi San? If I wanted you so badly, you would be with me.”
You try to make yourself look disgusted at the mere prospect, “that’s bold, even for you.” You say this like the two of you had never been intimate. 
Seonghwa shrugs, looking you up and down before leaning closer once more. “If anything, I’m jealous of his ability to disregard Hongjoong’s orders.” The meaning of this admission isn’t lost on you.
You can’t resist returning the look, letting your eyes linger on the way the sleeves of his shirt strain around his biceps. Personally, you don’t give a damn about Hongjoong’s “orders,” but you’re not about to let Seonghwa win this by giving into him. And you have San to worry about. You lean in closer as well, smiling at Seonghwa. 
“You’re a pervert,” you whisper, keeping the smile plastered on your face. 
Seonghwa smiles, too, despite scoffing at your comment, “that’s really cute, coming from you, Princess.” 
“What is?” San’s voice appears from your side, making the both of you jump backward from each other. 
Seonghwa keeps the nasty smile on his face, looking up at San, “perfect timing, San. If you’d left her alone with me any longer…”
San gives you a puzzled look, sliding onto the seat next to you. He doesn’t get himself a meal, which is… a little strange, but you ignore it, going back to eating your own. 
He ignores Seonghwa’s comment easily. “I couldn’t miss the announcement, could I?” San asks Seonghwa, smiling tightly across the table. 
“Announcement?” You ask, looking between the two of them.
Seonghwa holds a hand up before San can start explaining. “You’ll see, Princess.” He smiles at you like you’re not going to like this announcement at all. “But, San, pray tell, where did you just run off to?” 
San gives you a sideways glance, and you can only imagine that he probably was doing something that you wouldn’t exactly care for. “I had a conversation that needed to be held, privately.” 
Seonghwa raises his eyebrows, “is that so? What ever about? Whomever with?” He asks these questions as if he knows perfectly well their answers, but wants to hear San admit it anyhow. “Why couldn’t your dear (Y/n) be in attendance?” 
You honestly aren’t really sure what San means, but the only explanation that you can think is… he apologized to Mingi? That would honestly make you rather happy, though, so you’re not sure why he wouldn’t want to say it in front of you. Maybe Seonghwa truly doesn’t know, and he wants to keep it that way? You’re honestly not too bothered by the fact that he doesn’t want to say. 
Before San can respond, the cafeteria falls completely silent. 
You twist in your seat to face the front of the room, not at all surprised to see Hongjoong standing there, his hands folded behind his back. He still has that weird outfit on, the ties of the robe dangling down, brushing against his knees with each small movement he makes. 
He looks to you, then, giving you a sideways smile before turning back to address the room. 
“It is with great joy that I make this announcement tonight.” The cafeteria is just as silent as the chapel. You look around, not at all surprised to see that not a single pair of eyes aren’t on Hongjoong. “Finally, we are prepared to start our harvest season.” 
A gentle applause starts, much like the kind you would expect at some sort of… gala, or something. Hongjoong holds a hand up and it immediately halts, everyone in the room once again waiting with baited breath. “Of course, this indicates the start of prosperous times for our group,” he gives you another glance, “but it also invites upon us some of the most troublesome ceremonies and events, as well as opening the door to… unwelcome possibilities.” 
… Yeah, whatever the hell that means. 
“As harvest will commence in the morning, our first event will happen during our morning gathering. I expect everyone to be in attendance, including children and those otherwise excused. It’s important that we are united as a group, as you all very well know.”
Everyone? Does that include Haseul? Surely it does, even if she hasn’t had a Choosing Ceremony. You want to believe that you’ll get to see your friend, but… You’re not sure. Hongjoong probably will keep her from you as long as he can; keep you on his little leash until he’s decided that you’re obedient enough again.
He waits, holding the attention of the room for a second longer, a tense look on his face. “You all must know that I don’t say these things to scare you. But the harvest season is trying for the Sign, and our connection is in peril every second that…” Hongjoong clears his throat around the words. “That we leave it unguarded. Those participating in the morning ceremony will be notified tonight.” 
With that, he turns away from the center of the cafeteria, eyes locking onto your table. Conversation picks back up as he strides toward the three of you, a smile replacing the tenseness. 
“Let me guess,” you say to neither Seonghwa nor San in particular, “I’m about to be notified of something?” 
Seonghwa smirks, “you can be so bright sometimes.” 
“(Y/n)!” Hongjoong calls your name when he’s a few feet away, closing the distance enough to rest a hand on your shoulder before asking, “Are you excited for your first harvest?” 
You blink up at him, amazed that he still even bothers, “you just made it sound like something to be weary of, rather than excited for.” 
He shrugs, squeezing your shoulder once before releasing you to sit next to Seonghwa. “We haven’t covered the Guardians yet.” 
“The what now?” 
Hongjoong waves his hand in the air to dismiss your question, “you’ll learn in due time.”
For a second, you think that Seonghwa even rolls his eyes, but that would be truly unfathomable. You’re happy enough to write off whatever the fuck the ‘Guardians’ are. The last thing you want right now is another lesson in cult lore.
“Anyhow,” he clasps his hands, resting them on the table. “You’ll be participating in the ceremony tomorrow. Its a fun one, too.” 
You look at San, though he’s looking anywhere but at you. Turning back to Hongjoong, you ask, “do I get to know what this ceremony entails ahead of time, or are you going to surprise stab me again?” You’re honestly surprised by how bold you feel, given everything that’s happened. Maybe seeing him cry reduces him a little bit… no, that’s not it. Whatever it was, you’re just not feeling particularly intimidated by Hongjoong at the moment, surprisingly.
Hongjoong waves a hand in the air, “there’s no need to be so dramatic, (Y/n).”
Honestly, you still think it was a fair question. But you feel lucky that he’s clearly in the bantering mood as well.
“You’ve already been Chosen; you won’t have to prove yourself again,” San offers, albeit rather quietly and more so to himself than to you. 
“I feel that its best that you’re prepared for the ceremony,” Hongjoong ignores San’s comment, “Seonghwa can cover it with you.” 
Seonghwa jerks his head toward his leader. “I can? I thought I wa—”
Hongjoong smiles, stopping Seonghwa in his tracks. “You’ll do as I say.”
He only nods in response, turning away from Hongjoong. To your relief, he doesn’t lay a glare on you once more, returning to his meal instead. 
“San, let’s talk privately for a moment,” Hongjoong rises, beckoning San to follow him. San furrows his brows, but stands anyway, following Hongjoong until they’re out of earshot from your table.
You turn your attention back to Seonghwa. “Let me hear it.” 
He drops his spoon again, looking annoyed at the prospect of having to spend anymore time with you. “I need a copy of The Answer to properly explain it.” 
“You’re telling me you don’t keep one on yourself at all times?” 
Seonghwa blinks at you. Leaning back, he unbuttons his jacket, reaching a hand to the inside pocket. Low and behold, he pulls a copy of The Answer from the interior pocket, gently placing it onto the table between you two. 
You had been half joking. 
He buttons his jacket again, sliding his tray away from himself. Wordlessly, he picks up the book, flipping to the back pages before landing on whatever page he was searching for. He turns his wrist, showing you the page.
Highlighted in yellow and underlined maybe five times is the title:
The chapter that follows is broken into a few different sections, from what you can see on the pages in view. The first subtitle reads:
“Your hand is shaking too much for me to read that,” you complain, grabbing the book from Seonghwa’s hands. You slide your own tray away, setting the book on the table to read. 
The text continues.
Perhaps one of the most strenuous times a year comes during harvest season. Though the crop can be bountiful and the blessings many, there are also dangers that follow. This implicates the necessity to instate a protective guard around our group; a ward to protect ourselves so as to protect our Clones. 
On the first day of the harvest, the following ceremony must be conducted to insure safety throughout the season. The steps are outlined here; however HONGJOONG may adapt these provisions as he sees fit per the requirements of the year. 
Typical ceremony regalia should be worn by all Followers. Ten Followers are chosen at random to participate in the ceremony.
Participation is mandatory once selected; certain Followers may be required to participate every year due to their given role in Universe One. 
At 6 A.M. The ceremony begins. The ten Followers link hands in a circle.
They recite the following incantation, taking three steps to the left following each break.
On this day we make our vow.
The Answer is near; we shall not wonder or fear.
I myself am mighty and true. My blood will protect and provide anew
The barrier is weak.
United, we cast away the evil that would do us harm. We uninvite the spirits that dance between this Universe and the next.
Following the incantation, each member shall raise their hands. The ceremonial blade is presented, and each Follower shall gently open their left palm, letting the blood drop into the center of the circle while reciting:
I offer this vessel of myself for the betterment of the community. My blood banishes the evil from them, and calls it toward me. I swear this today and everyday.
At the completion of each vow, the final words will be said:
We call upon you to stay away.
The Sacrifice will then be presented. It is to be left on the altar for one day.
This is the conclusion of the ceremony.
This ceremony is not infallible. Should trouble arise before, during, or after, HONGJOONG and designated Followers will resolve the issue. 
You stop reading, looking up at Seonghwa. “Sacrifice?”
He nods. 
“That’s, like, pretty cliche,” you frown, “and that rhyme sucks.” 
“Be more respectful.” Seonghwa mirrors your frown, “Hongjoong isn’t a poet, he’s a prophet.” 
“Really? I thought he was God?” 
Seonghwa only gives you a more exasperated look, rolling his eyes.
You scan over the ceremony again, trying to make sure you’re getting the details correct. “What’s this about ‘calling the evil towards me?’ And the blood? Is that really necessary?” 
He glances over your shoulder, a relieved expression gracing his features, “San, you have a knack for perfect timing today.”
You turn to look back and, sure enough, San is approaching your table again. 
San looks between you, Seonghwa, and the copy of The Answer in your hands, putting the pieces together. “Questions?” 
“A few,” you mutter, suddenly not very interested. You don’t mind pestering Seonghwa for answers to all of your questions, but you aren’t keen on asking San the same way. “But it can wait. What did Hongjoong want?”
San takes his place next to you again, shrugging as he does so. “He was just letting me know the plan for tomorrow.” 
Seonghwa reaches for his book, plucking it out of your hands before you can respond to San. “I trust you won’t be needing my copy, anymore.” 
Resisting the urge to mock him, you respond to San instead. “Such as…?”
“When to be there, how to help you dress, so on.” 
So on… Why does it feel like there’s a lot more emphasis on the ending of that list? They had been gone for a good five minutes, there had to be more than that, surely. Why wouldn’t San tell you the whole truth? What good would that do for him? 
You stay quiet, trying to ignore your suspicions. If you can’t trust San, who can you trust? 
.・。.・゜✭ ⧖ ・.・ ⧖ ✫・゜・。.
It turns out that you have to wake up significantly more early than usual.
San shakes you awake at four, ignoring your pleas for five more minutes. “I waited as long as I could, (Y/n).” 
You grumble and moan, but find it in yourself to get out of bed. For Haseul. That’s what you tell yourself. All of this is for Haseul. Your cooperation is for her. Had she not been here, you’d be kicking and screaming the whole way. 
But, unfortunately, Hongjoong figured out how to play you like a damn fiddle. So here you are, tugging on the same black dress pants that you had put on… what, three weeks ago? A month ago? Longer? You have no idea. 
You manage to button your shirt correctly this time, though your face burns at the memory of Seonghwa having to help you dress. What had happened to you? You never would have thought that the day would come where you would voluntarily wear this… cult regalia. 
San watches, already fully dressed by the time that he woke you up. You have to admit that he looks handsome in all black, the clothes clearly tailored to fit him. Two or three silver necklaces hang down his chest, matching rings gracing his fingers. He hasn’t put his mask on, yet, or his hat, leaving his features exposed in the security of your apartment. 
“Let me help,” he offers, squatting to his knees to help you tie your boots as you pull them on. He ties your right shoe as you tie your left, lacing them with the deftness of well-trained hands. 
Of course, he finishes before you do. He takes over tying your left shoe, smiling up at you as you yield the laces to him. “Thank you.” 
He only pats your knee, standing back up and offering his hand to you. You take it and rise as well, glancing at the clock. 4:29. 
The ceremony starts at 6. You’re not really sure why you have to be in positions so early, but… whatever. You’re not going to fight it. You can do this, you’re sure of it. For Haseul, you’ll do it. 
San opens the wardrobe, grabbing your two hats off of the top shelf. Had you ever noticed them sitting there? You’re not sure. Maybe someone had brought them in. 
He hands you yours, swirling his around on his finger instead of putting it on. “How are you feeling?” 
You put the hat on. “Fine.” 
“You sure?” He sounds genuine enough, and you don’t doubt that he’s at least a little worried for you. And, obviously, given the circumstances with Haseul… 
“I just hope I don’t fuck up.” 
San frowns, reaching for your hand. You let him take it. 
“Everything will be fine,” he promises, rubbing your hand with his. “It’ll be over before you know it!” 
Forcing a smile, you nod. He’s probably right. If you just grit your teeth and bare it, the whole thing will be over as quickly as you can say the stupid little incantation. There’s no reason to be afraid or worried. 
… That’s what you really want to believe. But you can’t bring yourself to think that it will actually be that easy. Something is going to happen. Something bad. You’re sure of it, now, in this moment. You’re more sure of it than anything else. 
Hongjoong won’t just let this happen. He won’t just let this pan out easily. He has something planned, and you’re sure that it’s something terrible…
The sacrifice mentioned in the steps… you had never had the chance to ask about it. Something is going to happen then, you’re sure. At the moment of the sacrifice or the moment that it’s presented, it’s going to be something beyond even your imagination. 
Hongjoong’s insanity knows no bounds, and that is something that you know for a positive fact. He can’t just have something go well or normally when you’re involved. He will have to stick his fingers in the pie, have to meddle to make something happen. 
Your stomach flips as you consider the possibilities. You suddenly feel woozy. 
“Hey,” San calls your attention back to the moment at hand, grabbing your other arm with his free hand. “Are you alright?” 
You blink at him, “Just a little lightheaded is all.” 
“Do you want something to eat?” He starts to pull you toward the kitchenette, but the thought of eating only makes your stomach feel heavier. 
Planting your feet, you shake your head. “No, no, I’m fine. I just want to get this over with.”
You’re not lying. If something is going to happen (when something is going to happen), you would rather just have it be done and have it be over. 
Whatever it is, you’re sure that you can survive it. You’ve made it this far without losing your wits or dying, you’re sure that you can make it through a ten minute ordeal. Even if it is particularly nasty or horrible. 
Fuck, you just hope the sacrifice isn’t a person. You’re, like, sixty percent sure that it won’t be, but… that forty percent is still a question mark. At least you know it won’t be you. 
That’s probably not the right mindset. But, hey, that’s life, isn’t it? 
San looks between you and the clock, looking disappointed. “I guess we don’t really have time, anyhow. I’m sorry.” He apologizes, dropping his hands from you. 
You brush off the apology, following him as he leaves the room and approaches your door. 
“You’re sure that you’re okay?” San asks again, pausing by your front door. “I can make up some excuse if I have to.” 
You don’t have to force a smile, this time. “I’m going to be fine as soon as this is over.” 
He nods in acceptance, opening the door and holding it open for you.
The two of you head to the chapel in silence, other Followers wearing their all-black regalia crowding the hallways and stairwells. A few people smile and wave at you, though you can’t really say that you recognize them. 
As you squeeze through the halls, you wonder where Haseul is being kept. In one of the single rooms, you’re sure, but which one… 
You almost have the urge to start knocking on every door on the women’s floor, jangle each doorknob and greet each person until you find her…
But that would be silly, and you know that. You’d only be punished if you went looking for her. Worse, she would probably be punished for your stupidity, too. 
That’s not going to happen. 
So you fight the feeling, just as you fought your panic. Your stomach is still a wreck as you follow San. You don’t hold his hand, not in public, but you wish that you could grab him for some semblance of comfort. 
He would take your hand if you tried, you realize. Clearly, he doesn’t have much of an issue speaking about your relationship, at least with Mingi. 
The memory of their argument brings a sour expression to your face. You’re still not very pleased with how San had acted, or with how Mingi had, either. Even after the apology… 
And San never confirmed that he apologized to Mingi. Well, you had never asked him. 
But whatever. That has to be a problem for another day, for another you. Or at least for the you of three hours from now. You can’t go into this being pissed at basically the only two people that you like here. 
That doesn’t give much credit to Nayeon or Yunho or Wooyoung or Yeosang, you realize, but whatever. You don’t need to be debating who your friends are and who your friends aren’t.
After what happened with Wooyoung, anyways, would you really consider him a friend? Had you really processed any of what he had told you? What the fuck.
Your head swims with the reality of everything that has been happening to you in the past couple days. You’ve experienced enough goddamn trauma to let Dr. Phil run another 12 seasons on you alone. Fucking hell. Literally what the fuck.
You finally reach the big doors, relishing the feeling of stepping into the cool outside air. The hallways had been stuffy with the weight of all of the Followers, and the sudden breeze is refreshing; especially given your fucking outfit. 
The sun hasn’t even poked above the horizon, yet. You wouldn’t even call it dawn. But you don’t have to squint to make out the chapel in this distance. 
The sea of Followers in front of you lead the way to the holy place, a swarm of black across the farm. 
You wonder how many of them there really are. If Hongjoong said that everyone had to attend this ceremony… fuck. There’s a lot of people. Just the people you can see outside seem to outnumber what you would have originally thought. 
How in the world had Hongjoong recruited so many people? 
How many of these people actually believed every word that he said? You’d have to assume most of them. What would they do to make him happy? To keep him happy? 
The thought sends an unwelcome shiver down your spine, only making your stomach worse.
The walk isn’t long, and you soon find yourself passing the doors that are being held open by the swarm of people crowding through them. 
It’s fuller than you’ve ever seen it, the chapel. Some people are already seated in the pews, chatting with their peers. The majority of the Followers, however, are still standing, mingling in the aisle.
You follow San’s lead, presuming that he’ll take you wherever you need to be. He goes about halfway to the front of the chapel, stopping in a less-populated area of the aisle in what you assume is an attempt to make you calmer. You’re not sure that it helps, but you appreciate the gesture, anyhow.
You wonder who the other Followers that were chosen for the ceremony are. Will anyone that you know be up there to comfort you? It probably wouldn’t make a difference, but at least one familiar face would be welcome. 
As you glance around the room, you find your eyes tugging toward the Sign of the Answer, the huge one on the wall. Hongjoong’s chair is gone in preparation for the ceremony, so you’re able to see it in all of its glory. Per usual, the chapel is lit by candles, and the light glints off of the Sign exactly how you remember it looking the night that you had been Chosen. The memory makes you more nervous.
San puts a hand on your arm, calling your attention back to him. You glance at his face first, only to see him looking ahead as someone approaches. For a split second, you’re worried that its going to be Mingi. 
But it’s only Wooyoung, you realize. 
He stops in front of you, two glasses in his hands. “Hello,” he greets you, looking between the two of you.
San returns the hello, but you can’t bring yourself to respond. Something about the sight of him disturbs you. And the glasses in his hands.
He gets straight to business.
“Drink this,” Wooyoung holds out a champagne glass filled with something that is decidedly not champagne. Instead of sparkling, yellow liquid, this is a flat, blood red. 
You hesitantly take the stem, tilting the glass to watch the liquid move. Thankfully, it doesn’t actually seem to be blood. You take a sniff, not all that surprised to smell the familiar red wine scent. 
“It’s just wine. For the nerves.”
Shrugging, you take a sip. He’s not lying, but… “Last time you fed me in this room you also drugged me.” 
Wooyoung mirrors your shrug. “Don’t drink it then.”
You glance at San, who also shrugs. 
“Well fuck it, then.” In an action reminiscent of your college days, you down the glass; ignoring the bitterness as best you can. 
Wooyoung takes the glass back from you. “Good luck, then.” 
He excuses himself, wandering back into the crowd with the other glass. You assume that he’s handing them out to all of the participating Followers, but you opt to stop watching him to look back at San.
“Do you think that was drugged?” You ask San, rubbing your palms on your jacket. 
His eyes go wide, “I wouldn’t have let you drink it if I thought it was!” 
“I’m not sure I trust Hongjoong that much.” 
“I do.” San puts a hand on your shoulder, rubbing it gently. His words don’t offer you any comfort, but the hand is pleasant enough.
Well, you’ll know soon enough, anyhow. Maybe this would all go a lot more smoothly if you were drugged, somehow. Your heart feels like a damn jackhammer in your chest.
You try to look around, wanting to spot any familiar face in the crowd for any sense of comfort. It’s just so damn hard with everyone dressed like the fucking grim reaper. You think that you spot Nayeon, briefly, her long brown hair contrasting beautifully to the fitted black of her coat. 
Yunho is hard to miss, his height only exaggerated by the hat atop his head. You’re not entirely sure where you stand with him, though, given your place with Mingi. If Mingi’s still pissed at you (which, to give him credit, you’re not sure if he is), Yunho probably is too. 
Speaking of Mingi, he approaches Yunho, his own height rather hard to miss in the crowd. He grabs his friend’s shoulder, exclaiming something that’s a bit too quiet for you to make out. But you know Mingi’s voice when you hear it. 
After this, you have to talk to Mingi. Even though you might be a little… upset? Disappointed? At his outburst and his childish behavior, you have to make things right by him. Yunho, too, you suppose. 
You still hold out hope that Haseul will make an appearance, though you’re sure Hongjoong made arrangements to keep her away. Though… if Mingi is here, who's watching her? It probably wouldn’t be hard to find someone else, but someone else that Hongjoong trusted that much… that’s a different story. You know that you should probably just drop it, but there’s something in you that feels like she’ll show up… you certainly have a lot of feelings, this morning. 
A hand wraps around your elbow, startling you. You don’t have to look to recognize Hongjoong, his touch alone enough to identify him, burning hot even through your jacket.
“(Y/n),” he purrs, holding you close to him, “how are you feeling?” 
You try to pull your arm away, to no avail. “Like I’m going to be sick.” 
Hongjoong laughs, “you’ll be completely fine. You’re not the sacrifice.” 
That doesn’t do anything to calm your nerves. That’s not what you’re worried about. And you’d rather not have to play one of his stupid games. “I have a sense that some anvil is about to fall on my head.” 
“Hmmm,” he hums, “maybe. Maybe not. It depends on what you’re picturing.”
“I’m picturing what you wrote in The Answer.” You force the words out through gritted teeth. It’s so fucking annoying when he does this; when he doesn’t just speak his mind. You’d much prefer him telling you that, yeah, you’re about to be grievously harmed than have him just dangle the thought in front of your eyes.
“Well, either way, I’m sure you understand what will happen if you disrupt the ceremony.” Hongjoong’s voice is laced with that sickening smile of his, “or if you fail to complete your part in it.” 
He’s right, he doesn’t need to remind you in the slightest. You can only imagine the fear that Haseul is in right now, but your own fear for her must be ten times worse. The idea of Hongjoong putting his hands on her makes your gut churn.
The fact that he backed you into such a perfect corner is almost sickening. It pisses you off to no end. Why did he have to bring her into this? Not that you would want him to use this treatment on Mingi, but, like, fuck, he at least already had him here. Was it really necessary to involve a completely innocent girl? 
If you didn’t care what happened to her, you might just spit in the man’s face at this very second. 
“I get it, Hongjoong.” 
“Then you’ll do great!” He releases your arm, opting to pat your shoulder a couple times. “Simply stick to the outline. Do your part. And it’ll be over quickly.” 
You take a deep breath, “Hongjoong,” you hope that saying his name will make him listen to you, “can I see her, afterword?” 
His hand stops on your shoulder, squeezing. “Let’s see how you fare, first.” His voice seems harder with these words, more sharp. Hopefully that wasn’t some sort of huge overstep to him. 
He cuts off the conversation at that, leaving your side to rejoin the crowd of Followers. He’s wearing the same outfit he had been wearing yesterday, the shiny material catching the light of the candles ever so as he moves. 
“San,” you turn toward where San was standing, only to find him gone. You whirl around in a circle in a way that must look comical, searching for where he could have gone off to. He doesn’t appear to be in your near vicinity, somehow completely, wordlessly disappeared. 
Dread swirls in your stomach. You were going to ask him if he knew what the sacrifice was going to be, finally reminded.
As if commanded by some outside force, the majority of the Followers suddenly stop their conversations. The room falls silent as people make their ways to their usual pews, sliding silently into their seats. 
Per usual, you’ve been left out of the loop. 
Without San to guide you into place, you really have no idea what you’re supposed to be doing. You look toward the front of the chapel, expecting to find Hongjoong glaring at you, but not even he is there to tell you what to do. 
Looking around to the other Followers that are still standing, you’re mildly surprised to see Yunho only a couple feet away. He catches your eye, tipping his head toward the front of the room in signal. He starts walking, so you start walking. 
You’re hyper aware of the sound of your footsteps on the wood floors, your boots clicking with each step. Yunho’s do, too. The steps are the only sound in the chapel. 
With bated breath, you reach the front of the room. You glance toward your usual pew, hoping to see San sitting in your spot. He’s not, however, only making the rock in your stomach that much heavier. 
Yunho steps up onto the little stage, offering you his hand to help with the step up. You take it, joining him and turning toward the congregation of Followers. From this angle, you can see… it takes you a second to count the heads… eight other Followers approaching the stage. You try to find Hongjoong among them, but he’s not there. Neither is San.
After what feels like forever, Yunho and yourself are joined by the others. You read this part, you feel okay about it. Well, not okay okay, but, like, you know. At least you know what to expect. 
Yunho grabs your left hand, as someone you can’t recall the name of takes the place to your right; taking that hand into theirs. 
The ten of you link into a circle, hand-in-hand. 
You had kind of expected there to be more guidance from Hongjoong in this process. A narration or a sort of sermon over the top of your actions, but Hongjoong remains unseen and unheard as the Followers around you start their recitation. 
“On this day we make our vow,” you don’t jump into the speech until the next sentence, unsure of how they knew that it was time to start. “From henceforth we pledge ourselves.”
You take three steps to your left. The Sign of the Answer twinkles in your peripheral vision. The Followers in the pews have their heads bowed. 
“The Answer is near. We shall not wonder or fear.” 
Three more steps. 
“I myself am mighty and true. My blood will protect and provide anew.” 
Three more steps to the left. This time, you almost step on Yunho’s toes. You try to look at the other Followers in your circle, but their heads are similarly bowed. You look back down at your feet. You’re lightheaded. 
“The barrier is weak.”
Your hands float upwards, along with the rest of the circle’s. Still connected, everyone’s hands hang in the air of the center of the circle. 
“United, we cast away the evil that would do us harm. We uninvite the spirits that dance between this Universe and the next.” 
Someone, you’re not sure who, breaks the circle first. Your eyes are closed, you realize. You open them only when Yunho’s hand leaves your own; barely hearing his hushed whispering at your side. Before you know it, the knife is in your own hands. 
It’s already sparkling with blood. At least Yunho’s. The lowlight makes it hard to see, but the Sign of the Answer does a beautiful job of illuminating just enough to reawaken your nausea. What the fuck is happening, right now? What the fuck are you about to do?
Yunho’s blood drips down the blade and onto your hand. It’s warm. 
You’re sure that you’re going to faint. 
But you hold the blade to your left hand, anyways, saying the words as quietly as you can. Surely, this is all just some batshit insane cult ceremony, but the weight of speaking them outloud is still sickening. 
“I offer this vessel of myself for the betterment of the community. My blood banishes the evil from them, and calls it toward me. I swear this today and everyday.” 
You swipe the blade across your palm, handing it off to the Follower next to you as fast as you can manage. You close your eyes again. Your hand burns. You almost think that you can hear your blood, dropping from your palm and hitting the floor.
At some point, the last person finishes. The knife clatters to the floor, the only sound in the chapel. You know to take three more steps to the left. And to finish the words. 
“We call upon you to stay away.” 
The scream makes you open your eyes. 
Disorientated, you realize that you’re facing away from the crowd, staring directly at the Sign. But it’s not glowing anymore. 
You turn around, blinded. Every candle in the chapel has gone out.
Was that the source of the scream? The lights going out? What the fuc—
The door behind the stage slams open. You jump again, spinning back as though you’d be able to see anything, anyhow. 
Someone in the audience wails. 
Are they seeing something that you’re not? Your heart pounds hard, so so hard. Is this panic? The spell? A heart attack? 
You need to sit down. Yunho grabs your hand before you can stumble off of the stage. He pulls you behind him, keeping the arm behind his back to hold you there. 
You fist the back of his coat, probably soiling the material with your blood, but it’s all you can do to keep yourself standing upright. The urge to vomit hits you again, but you prevail, closing your eyes as tight as you can. 
Is this supposed to happen? This wasn’t in the outline. Are you meant to feel like such shit right now?
How did all of the candles go out?
Who the fuck is interrupting? 
Something, or someone, drops in the middle of the circle. 
You open your eyes again, peering around Yunho. The rest of the circle had stayed in place. 
At the center of your circle, now, is a head. 
Not a human head, thank God, but a pig’s. Your stomach still revolts, still tumbling over and over itself as you slide back into your spot in the circle. You clamp onto Yunho’s hand like its the only thing that you’ve ever known, grounding yourself the only way that you can. 
Its still so dark. You close your eyes again
You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do now. Is it over? You hope to God that its over. You can’t take another goddamned minute of thi—
You open your eyes at the same instant that Yunho yells. Everything happens so fucking fast. 
Yunho falls backward, off of the stage. You process this secondly. Chiefly, however, your attention is caught by the figure now in front of you, where the pig head had been seconds before. 
It’s huge. You can’t comprehend it entirely, what it is that you’re seeing. It doesn’t even look human. It grabs your now vacant hand, pulling you away from the Followers. 
There’s a collective scream behind you, and you’re not surprised to realize that you’re also screaming. 
You try to look into the face. But it doesn’t have a face. It’s nothing. Is this death? 
You’re falling backwards, now. Before you know it, you’re on the ground, curling in on yourself.
Someone turns the overhead lights on. You cradle your hands to your chest, aware of the fact that you’re crying. The tears are hot on your cheeks. The blood is hot on your hands. The feeling of that, that, fucking thing making you want to retch. 
What the fuck was that? What the fuck? 
Hongjoong appears at your side, his face blurry. From your tears, from the panic? You’re not sure. 
He asks if you’re okay. You can’t answer him. You close your eyes again.
.・。.・゜✭ ⧖ ・.・ ⧖ ✫・゜・。.
In your sleep, you see it again. 
Even in this instance, you can’t tell what it is. It’s shaped like a person, but you can’t look directly at it. You know that if you look, it won’t have a face.
In your dream, it’s even bigger than it was. It towers over you, grabbing you over and over, your screaming and begging doing nothing to appease it. 
You can see its hands as they reach, as they latch onto you. They’re white. But they’re not skin. It’s cloth, you realize, gloves. 
The rest of it is white, too. But it certainly doesn’t look like clothing. You couldn’t ever explain it to someone if they asked, and you’re much too terrified to go digging into the details. 
All you know is that it doesn’t have a face. It’s not natural. Every part of you hates every part of this thing. 
You want to wake up.
.・。.・゜✭ ⧖ ・.・ ⧖ ✫・゜・。.
And so you do, in the infirmary. 
The first thing you see are the familiar ceiling tiles. The second thing is Hongjoong.
You startle awake, twitching in on yourself as you try to sit up. 
Hongjoong sucks in a breath, though he doesn’t get to his feet to help you. He’s still wearing that outfit. 
You’re still wearing yours, you realize. The pants rub uncomfortably against the blanket laying over you. You’re able to sit up easily enough, and you’re relieved to realize that nothing hurts. You feel fine.
“So, do you believe me now?” Hongjoong asks once you’re up, but he’s not smiling in triumph as you would’ve imagined.
“What the fuck was that thing?” 
Hongjoong sighs, “Exactly what I was trying to protect us from. A guardian.”
You blink at him, dumbfounded. There’s literally no fucking way in hell that Hongjoong has been right about any of this. He’s insane. He is fully, entirely, batshit insane. 
You can’t explain away whatever the fuck just happened, but you’re not about to accept that he’s been telling you the truth. That there are alternate universes and demons that can jump between them. That’s not real life. That’s not how the world works. 
Whatever just happened, whatever that was, there’s a reasonable explanation. Surely. 
Though you can’t imagine what that explanation would be, it must exist. The last fucking thing in the world that you’re going to do now is believe in Hongjoong. Like, what the fuck? What the fuck? Why would you fucking believe in a fucking religion that has fucking faceless demons fucking running around freely? You wouldn’t. You refuse. You will not. 
Even if that is the only explanation for the thing in white, you are not going to believe it. You would sooner believe that you have a hallucination disorder than accept that Hongjoong is right about anything. 
Thinking about it, you probably would have to have some sort of psychosis to accept any of this. But, then again, this is exactly the sort of thing that would trigger psychosis… 
You’re thinking way too fucking hard about this. It is simple. Hongjoong is a freak.
“Where’s San?” The question is natural. 
Hongjoong raises his eyebrows, “Interesting follow-up question. I thought it best to separate you two for now.” 
He doesn’t answer your question. Instead, he stands up. “How is your hand?” 
You had honestly forgotten about it. Holding it up, you examine your bandage. “Fine.” 
The two of you stay in silence. Hongjoong seems mad. 
“Is that really all you’re going to ask?” He asks, almost sounding whiny. Like a child. 
It’s certainly all you’re going to ask him. He’ll only lie to you. “Can I see Seonghwa?” You ask instead.
Hongjoong scoffs. He brushes his hair back, looking around the room as if he’s expecting some live studio audience to empathize with him. “I know you’re not fucking him.” 
You shrug. “Are you okay, Hongjoong?” 
His face falls flat. He crosses his arms over his chest, turning to fully face you again. “I’m great.” The words are strained. You’ve never known Hongjoong to be a bad liar. 
“You seem kinda pissed.” 
“I am not—” He closes his eyes, bringing a hand up to his forehead. “I’m fine. I’ll have Seonghwa come visit, since you clearly won’t be speaking to me.” He says this like he expects you to apologize. But what the hell would you apologize for? 
Hongjoong leaves without another word once it becomes clear that you won’t be giving him what he wants. You’re sure that he expected more crying, more fear, more begging and pleading for answers. 
You save that for once you’re sure that he’s gone.
Trembling, you pull your knees to your chest. Your fingers twitch with fear, your hair feels foreignly heavy, your wrist burns and burns where the thing had touched you. 
You refuse to believe that it was real. It cannot be real. None of this can be real. There was some trick, some show, some plan that you weren’t privy to. Seonghwa will tell you. He’ll have to tell you. He’s honest, most of the time. He’ll explain it away, he’ll tell you how Hongjoong did it and why it seemed so real. 
Where was its face? 
How had they done that? Where the fact should have been, there was nothing. You couldn’t even say that it was a color. It was a void. An emptiness. There was nothing there. 
The memory makes you dizzy. You lean back against the pillows, praying to God that you’re not going insane. Had you really seen that? You couldn’t have. Because that’s just not something that’s possible. 
If Seonghwa can’t explain this, you might go crazy. You might. What else is there to do? It wasn’t real. But the fear that you’re feeling now certainly is. 
What if it comes back? What if they make it come back? What was it? Where was its face? 
Even though whatever the fuck that was wasn’t real, the memory certainly is. You’re going to be lucky to sleep soundly one night for the rest of your damn life. What the fuck. 
Seonghwa lets himself into the room only a few minutes after Hongjoong had left. 
“You like me so much that you ask for me now?” He smirks, approaching your side. 
His face falls flat when he takes a good look at you. “Stop that. Why are you crying?” 
“Seonghwa.” You feel that it’s quite obvious why you’re crying. 
He only blinks at you. 
“What the fuck was that?” Your voice shakes with the question. 
“I—” He starts, opening and closing his mouth a few times. “Its complicated.” 
You cover your face with your hands. “Was it real? Just be honest.” 
You can’t see his reaction to your question, and he doesn’t answer it, either. 
“What was it?” You moan, hardly able to even spit the words out. To basically admit to Seonghwa that you were scared.
“I think it would be better if you talked to Hongjoo—”
“I am not talking to Hongjoong!” 
You take your hands away from your face, needing to look at him. You hate him. You hate him more than fucking anything. Why can’t he just be honest? Why is he Hongjoong’s little fucking doll? Why does he worship him to such a degree when he’s this fucking evil? Where would he draw the line? 
Seonghwa is stunned into silence. He only stares down at you.
“All I can say is that I didn’t know it was going to happen.” 
He looks blurry through your tears, only making you angrier as you recall Hongjoong looking the same way.
“Stop bullshitting me, please, Seonghwa,” you beg. “I think I’ll go insane if you don’t fucking answer me.” 
He turns away from your bed, striding to one of the medicine cabinets in an attempt to look anywhere but your face. He rakes a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead momentarily. 
“What do you want to hear?” He asks, turning back toward you, though he keeps his distance. “Would you rather know what Hongjoong is capable of or would you rather keep the comforting thought that he’s right? Wouldn’t that just be easier for everybody?” 
“You’re saying that Hongjoong can do things scarier than the thought of fucking interdimensional demons being real?” You throw your hands out in front of you, almost yelling in frustration. 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying! Yes!” Seonghwa matches your tone. “He’s only going to come at you harder. He exists to make you break! Just fucking accept the truth for what he says that it is, and everything will come easily!” 
“I’m not going to do that!” 
Seonghwa laughs bitterly. “I’m sure you believe that, too, Princess.” 
You stare back at him, sure that you look insane. “Can you be genuine for one fucking second?” 
His face contorts into a scowl. “I’ve never been anything but genuine with you. You’re the one that deludes yourself.” He strides back to the door, freezing in the frame. “Is there anything else you wish to fling at me?” 
“I’m taking this to mean that it wasn’t real.” 
“If that helps you sleep at night.” 
Seonghwa leaves. 
.・。.・゜✭ ⧖ ・.・ ⧖ ✫・゜・。.
Can you bear some girl time? You’re not sure as Nayeon lets herself in, walking casually into the room as if the literal antichrist of her religion didn’t just make a physical appearance before her. 
“How are we feeling?” She asks, dragging out the vowel sounds in her question. 
“Uhm,” you look at your hand, the only injured part of your body, “fine, I guess.” 
“Perfect!” She smiles, reaching out to put her hand under yours. “The bandage looks fine. I don’t think it’ll reopen.” 
Nayeon had found time to change her clothes. She’s back to her usual farm girl outfit, smiling and happy. 
“Are you alright, Nayeon?” You ask, curious to know what a regular Follower made of what the fuck happened. 
She frowns, and then shrugs, and then smiles again. “I mean, it was, like, a bit scary. But Hongjoong made it go away, and he’s always with us, so it’s not like it can come back to hurt us. I was definitely scared at first, but then he showed up and I knew it would be okay.” 
“Uh-huh,” you nod, slowly. Nayeon has always been a valuable source of information for you. 
“It was just so valiant; do you remember how he saved you?” She giggles, “he still has it going for you. It’s amazing.” 
You shake your head. “I can’t say that I remember much…” Other than the fucking maw of emptiness. 
“Oh, well I got you.” She pulls up one of her rolling stools, sitting herself down right next to your bed. “So the ceremony went great. Textbook, really. But as it was finishing… I guess I’m not really sure how it happened, either. Like, one second everything was fine, and the next Yunho was on the ground— he’s fine, by the way; wind knocked out of him, but yeah, anyways— and the Guardian was there and everyone was screaming, it was so scary. I guess it grabbed you… and then Hongjoong appeared and it was like his presence just scared it away. I didn’t see what happened exactly… but the next thing I knew you were on the ground and Hongjoong was hollering for my help.” 
She shrugs. 
What you gather from that is that she didn’t see how it got there or how it left. Good signs, probably. She’d certainly remember seeing something… appear out of thin air. You almost want to smile. What a silly thought, that that could have all been real… haha… ha… yeah, funny…
“I see…” You respond, not sure what you’re supposed to say, “how much time has passed?” 
Nayeon looks at her watch, “like, three hours.” 
Great. Perfect, actually. It would be very unfortunate to find out that you had been unconscious for a week again, especially given the circumstances with Haseul. She’s probably already freaking out, but not hearing anything from you for a week… 
Is Hongjoong going to let you see her? After your brush with death? It wasn’t your fault that… whatever happened happened. Like, he planned that, not you. Surely he can’t hold this over your head. If anything, you basically almost just got kidnapped into a parallel universe, he should be treating you very kindly, right? 
Asshole. He’s probably going to bitch and moan for the next week about you not being scared of him. Fucking asshat. 
But… God, ugh, this is all so frustrating. On one hand, you’re pissed at him for, you don’t know, literally everything that he’s ever done to you, maybe? But on the other, you know that you’re going to have to play by his rules to get him to leave Haseul alone. Or, well, at least as alone as he can.
When is she going to have a Choosing ceremony, you wonder? Yours didn’t take very long… 
Well, if he doesn’t let you see her after this, at least you have that to… tentatively look forward to… ew, you don’t even want to be thinking like that. 
Nayeon stands at your side, bringing you back. 
You don’t realize why until you look behind her, only to spot Yunho standing near the doorway. 
He’s changed out of his clothes, thankfully. But just seeing him is enough to flood your mind with the thought of the thing, your stomach lurching over again as he welcomes himself into the room, clearing his throat. 
Nayeon pats his shoulder as she walks past him, excusing herself. Yunho stops at the foot of your bed. 
You have to admit that he might be one of the last people you would have expected to visit you, now. You had been thinking it before everything happened, but you don’t really think he has any lost love for you, given your circumstances with Mingi. 
“Thank you,” you break the silence, forcing the words out before you can think better of them, “for, uhm, trying to help me. And, I mean, actually helping me, too.” You can’t forget that he had kept you standing when the sacrifice was presented. How ruined is his coat?
He awkwardly looks at his hands, which are gripping the rail at the end of your bed. “Don’t mention it.” His voice is so meager that you barely can hear him. 
Yunho doesn’t look up. You’re not sure what else to say. So you speak without thinking, again. “How’s Mingi?” 
He peeks up at you, but then goes right back to staring down. “He’s… uhm, well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” 
He pries his hands off of the rail, but then stares at them like he’s unsure that they’re even his hands. Tucking his hands behind his back, he continues, though he still doesn’t look straight at you, “I, uhm, yeah. Mingi is worried about you, and I think his worry came off the wrong way to you and San.” 
“Uh-huh,” you nod, slowly, and semi-sarcastically. You could’ve guessed that. “He has an interesting way of showing it.” 
Yunho takes a deep breath, “He doesn’t know that I’m here. I just thought that I would try and explain his side of things. From his perspective, he is the reason that you’re here and he feels guilty for that; but he’s also pissed that you’ve gotten close with San so quickly, because he doesn’t like him and he feels like you won’t take his concerns seriously.” 
“I don’t see what there is to be concerned about,” you plainly state, “do you have something against San, Yunho? Any reason at all to believe that Mingi could have reason to suspect that he’s not what he shows me?” 
Yunho startles when you say his name, like someone barely inhabiting their own body. “I mean, no. I think Mingi is probably just projecting his fear onto San, but don’t tell him I said that.” 
“Exactly. So why should I have to cater to Mingi’s ego?” The words sound harsh even as you say them, but its a genuine question. You don’t have much reason to believe that San would ever do anything to hurt you… besides him being someone that Hongjoong clearly trusts, but, like, you’ve been over that a million times before. 
Yunho just shrugs. “I don’t know. I just thought that maybe you would hear me out, since I know it’s hard for you to be alone with Mingi.” He stops his nervous fidgeting, finally looking directly at you. “I wasn’t nice to you because I harbor any sweetness towards you, for the record. I don’t even care that you’re the new object of Hongjoong’s affection. I only tried to help because I knew that, if I didn’t, Mingi would have.” His voice is harder than you’ve ever heard it; a shocking contrast to how he had been speaking just moments earlier. He maintains eye contact with you, his eyes dark. 
You’re the one to look away, this time, disturbed by what he said. What a very random and slightly disturbing thing to say. 
When you look back up at him, Yunho is already nervously looking around the room. His hands are in front of him again as he plays with his fingers. 
“Well,” you clear your throat, “thanks anyways, Yunho.” 
“Yep,” is all he says before leaving your room, basically running. 
… That was strange. Very strange. 
Nayeon doesn’t return. You’re left alone, puzzling over that entire interaction.
What… what was the point of that? Like, okay, sure you can get him wanting to try and vouch for Mingi. But… uhm??? The last part? What? Why was that so ominous? Huh? 
You had never known Yunho to be particularly timid… or… rude… This all is just very weird. Maybe even weirder than the fake demon situation. 
No, scratch that, definitely not any weirder than that. That one is gonna keep you awake for a while. A good while. But Yunho’s behavior was definitely not his usual, which is almost concerning. Almost… only because you suppose that you don’t really know him that well. Maybe he’s only really nice and outgoing to strangers… 
That wouldn’t make sense, either. 
Whatever, you really can’t be worrying about that right now. You have priorities. 
Priorities of which you would list, at least in your head, if San didn’t come barreling through the door the next moment. 
You startle, shocked by his sudden appearance. He’s changed, but he doesn’t look great. His hair is a mess, his lip is split, his shirt is untucked in places.
He reaches out for you, and you reach him halfway, grabbing his forearms as he grabs yours. Wordlessly, he looks over your face hastily, pressing his lips to yours before you can ask what happened. 
Your lips part, and he puts his forehead on yours. “We need to get out of here. As soon as possible.” 
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
Hear me out this might be too much… so u don’t have to!
but I’m craving Lee!giyuu rn so… Lee!giyuu (ofc) and ler!hashiras (all of them excluding giyuu)
I’m patient so take as long as you want on this!! Remember!!! Don’t force yourself!! If you don’t want to, delete it or ignore !! >u<
JAHSJSHJAHSKSHSAJA I missed writing about the e-, I mean I mean, about Giyuu
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Lers: Shinobu Kocho, Mitsuri Kanroji, Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku, Sanemi Shinazugawa and Iguro Obanai (Gyomei and Muichiro didn't want to participate)
'Am I the only one who has noticed Giyuu's change of mood?', Shinobu frowned as the others nodded.
Shinobu was closer to Giyuu, even closer than Mitsuri, Obanai and Kyojuro or even Sanemi, who had been trying to become his suitor, so she seemed to be the only one who knew Giyuu.
'You really are great observers... Tomioka-San has been happier these days, he is now a little more open and talks a little more, plus he smiles now...-' 'WHAAAAAAT?!', the others shouted, Shinobu definitely spent a lot of time with Giyuu. 'Are you serious Shinobu-Chan?!'
'Yep! I think this is all because of Tanjiro-Kun, he is the second person Tomioka-San spends the most time with. It seems that that boy has helped him come out of his shell... You should see them, I can never help but laugh since he looks like a mother hen with her newborn chick'
Shinobu laughed at the memory, but stopped when the others' gazes focused only on her, apparently they were waiting for Shinobu to stop the "joke", which was not. 'Tsk, that brat is always by Giyuu's side, I'm not surprised that his good humor has rubbed off on him... I wonder why Kocho's humor hasn't rubbed off on him before...'
'And I'm wondering the following. Why it seems that you are more jealous of Tanjiro and me than Shinobu or Obanai, they also spend time with Giyuu-San and it doesn't seem to bother you as much as my and Tanjiro's presence. Besides, you and Giyuu-San are nothing to make you jealous... '
'Tokito, that was rude, apologize to Shinazugawa,' Muichiro rolled his eyes and 'apologized'.
What he said was true, but Gyomei didn't like the way he expressed it, it wasn't an appropriate way of speaking for a child.
Shinobu simply sighed as Sanemi began to scold Muichiro for what he had told him, the only ones who didn't stay a part of it were Mitsuri, Kyojuro and Obanai, who followed her.
'Kocho, if what you say is true, why don't you just prove it? Because I remind you that on one occasion we tried every possible way to make Tomioka smile, and NOTHING helped. Do you think you can then prove that Tomioka can laugh?', Shinobu nodded and led them.
The four hid in some nearby bushes, they were spying on Giyuu, all because of Obanai's idea. 'Well?' What are you waiting for?'
'You're so impatient Iguro-San... But it's okay, I'll go~'
Obanai just looked away for a minute and Shinobu was gone, now she was jumping from branch to branch until she got close to Giyuu and she launched herself so he could catch her, and he did it.
'Tomioka-San! Thanks for catching me! What brings you here~?' 'It's a quiet place, it relaxes me...'
'Ooooh I see! Tomioka-San, forgive me for what I will do...', Giyuu raised an eyebrow in confusion, leaving Shinobu on the ground and then feeling how her small hands caressed his neck.
'This is a waste of time... She's not going to make it!'
'Patience patience Obanai! Let's trust Kocho! She does not-!'
'Shhhhh!', Mitsuri placed her hands on both of their mouths, when they finally quieted he pointed to where Giyuu and Shinobu were.
The three of them couldn't believe it, Giyuu was smiling!
'Awwww what's wrong~? Before when I did this it didn't seem to do anything to you, but now you're laughing!'
'N-no! I'm nohot-! Ko-Kocho!', Giyuu didn't want to laugh, but the smile he had implied many things. 'Aren't you? And what is that that forms on your face? It's not the expression you usually have, it's a little smile~'
Giyuu denied, covering his face with his hands, also finally moving Shinobu away from his neck.
But this wouldn't stop her, taking advantage of the fact that his arms were somewhat raised, she decided to dug into his armpits, looking for a better reaction, and she got it.
'Hehehehehey!! Kohochohoho!! O-okahahay!! I'm smilihihing!!'
'Oh really? I hadn't realized...~'
'Cohomehehe ohohohon!! Thihihis is embahaharrassihihing!!', Shinobu didn't believe it, but she already had what she wanted, so she stopped.
Giyuu shook his head as he caught his breath, making her swear not to say a single word to the others and she nodded.
But, the others had already seen what happened, would that count as a broken promise?
'I can't believe it... She really did it...' 'Woah! Kocho impressed me! Hahahaha! It's amazing, I want to try it too!'
'We shouldn't speak so loudly, they can come and listen to us!', they couldn't, they were too content in his place and didn't want to move for the world.
Mitsuri and Kyojuro couldn't bear the secret, and ended up telling Uzui. What was going to happen to poor Giyuu having those three lers chasing him until they achieved their goal of making him laugh?
Maybe there would be another objective involved, who knows...
'Well, what plan do you have?'
'What if everyone does it individually? If the three of us go together it can be very predictable, don't you think?'
'I totally agree with you Kanroji! So you will have the honors of doing it first!', Mitsuri smiled and nodded.
It took a while to find Giyuu and when she finally found him, she ran over to hug him.
For Giyuu it was normal, the only thing he wanted was for Obanai not to see them, it was always the same "she hugged me" argument, and it may not be so believable anymore.
'Tomioka... There's something weird about you...' 'Really? What could that be "weird"?'
'Your waist...', Giyuu raised an eyebrow, what was wrong with his waist?
Taking advantage of the fact that Mitsuri was hugging him, he used his hands to "caress" his sides with his reverse (left hand on right side and/or right hand on left side), "measuring" Giyuu's waist, who didn't know what to think and laughed out of nerves.
'K-Kahanrohoji! Whahahat-?!'
'I thought Iguro-San's waist was peculiar, but so is yours. Not in a bad way, you look pretty good! Highlight your figure!'
Giyuu didn't know whether to thank her, it was a bit of an awkward situation and if he didn't know Mitsuri, he'd think she was trying to flirt with him, but he knew that was the usual Mitsuri. 'What's so funny, Giyuu~?'
'I dohohohon't knohow!!' 'Aaaaw, are you nervous~? I'm barely doing something and you're laughing~!'
Giyuu covered his red face, it was embarrassing, both because of the situation and because he didn't know why he couldn't stop laughing, Mitsuri was right, she wasn't doing much and he was laughing
'Aaaaw Tomioka-San, you're so cute! So adorable! So giggly! Hey, what's up~? You don't like it when people compliment you? Look at your little red face, it's so cute~!', Mitsuri laughed as Giyuu made a futile effort to get away from her. 'Mit-!! Pleheahase stohohop tahalkihing!!'
'Eeeeh~? Why I should? You know I like to talk! Aaaaaah I'm getting it, is it the baby voice I'm making that's embarrassing you~? It's so cute...~' 'Nohohoho!! Plehahasehe!!'
Mitsuri didn't want to stop, who would? It was such an infectious laugh and yet unexpected and cute at the same time, but she stopped because it seemed like Giyuu would literally die of embarrassment.
'Okahahay! Gosh! Are you okay ?'
'Yehehes... Please don't tell anyone about this...', well, a little late for that.
Mitsuri nodded and after leaving, Giyuu went in the opposite direction, feeling that someone sensed him, he turned around but there was no one.
He shook his head thinking it was part of the shame of what had happened earlier, but when he returned his gaze to the front and continued walking, he shrugged when someone blew a gentle breeze on his neck. 'WHO?! Oh.. Is that you Uzui, what's wrong?'
'I thought it would take you a little longer to detect that it was me, congratulations to you for detecting me earlier!'
Giyuu sighed in relief, he should have known, Uzui is the only one who would do that. 'How was the experience you just had?'
'I-I don't know what you mean...'
'Please Tomioka, you know perfectly well that I have good hearing, don't think I didn't hear when Mitsuri tickled you...'
Well, the "please don't tell anyone" couldn't happen, but Giyuu deduced that Uzui must have been close enough to that place to have heard clearly.
However, Giyuu can almost never complain because he is always interrupted, whether by words or actions, in this case it was an action, Uzui had put a hand on his ribs, poking every 3 seconds or for every word he said.
'I guess you should be grateful that I was the one who listened to you. Can you imagine it would have been someone else? Someone like Iguro Obanai...' 'I-I imagine...'
'Everything okay? Are you cold or something? I feel like you're shaking, why are you hugging your ribs? I repeat the question, are you cold?', Giyuu denied, it was something he hated.
He didn't know he hated that until Sanemi and Obanai did it, he didn't like someone talking to him or the other person while tickling him, LESS, if that included "ignoring" him or pretending like he wasn't being tickled. 'If you're not cold, why-?'
'S-stohop!', Uzui tsked, but it was more like a chuckle than anything else.
Giyuu slapped his arm as he began to use his fingers as claws and began to tickle his ribs, the slap only made Uzui change position, lifting Giyuu off the floor and holding back his laughter as his feet began to try to touch the floor. 'What are you doing?!'
'Daaaah, isn't it obvious? Give you a hug! Have they never hugged you?'
'Why are you lying? You were tickling me! Wait...'
Tengen laughed and Giyuu cursed mentally, as he always fell in Uzui's games, and he knew what was coming, his head started repeating "idiot" as he prepared himself, but something different happened.
'Well, I think you earned your forgiveness. I'll leave you alone because you indirectly admitted that you're ticklish, even though I already knew that hahahaha. Well little one, you're free!', and said and done, Uzui put Giyuu on the ground and ruffled his hair.
Giyuu's brain was trying to recap everything, had Tengen just let him go? He expected something else, I don't know, maybe a raspberry before leaving but nothing, Uzui didn't do anything to him, should he feel disappointed or grateful?. 'Oh right, before I forget!'
And... It seems that Giyuu's thought was heard, Tengen picked him up one last time and blew a raspberry on his neck, and before Giyuu saw him, he was already gone.
Well... It could have been worse
'I think there's something really weird here... First Shinobu, although she always does it, it doesn't surprise me, then Mitsuri and now Tengen... I have to assume that the next one will be Rengoku...' 'And you're right my friend!'
Giyuu gasped as Kyojuro hugged him from behind, but one thing led to another and now they were both on the floor. 'Okay, what is this?! Why is everyone tickling me?!'
'The real question is why we should NOT tickle you! We know you like this Giyuu, stop acting strong and smile at life! I'll show you how!'
Oh hell no! Giyuu knew one thing, if Tengen did something, Kyojuro would ALSO do the same move, it was something he deduced when he found himself sitting on Rengoku's lap and Rengoku had hugged him tightly enough so that he didn't run away and it didn't hurt. 'Wait... Rengoku... Let's TAHAHAHALK!!'
'My my! It seems that someone has woken up with a slight sensitivity to raspberries! Hahahaha!', and all Giyuu needed was the damn teasing.
Why did those 4 love to talk to him as if he were a baby or teasing him if he laughed? The answer appeared on their cheeks, probably that blush of embarrassment was what was driving them. 'STOHOHOP THIHIS!!'
'Now?! But we've only just begun! Tomioka, you are a hashira, will you say that this is too much for you?!', Giyuu denied, he didn't care about the raspberries in a certain part, what was worse was the teasing
He couldn't, if Kyojuro started talking to him the way Mitsuri does, he was definitely going to lose everything, luckily Kyojuro wasn't one of the people who did that... Or was he...?
'Tomioka, your cheeks, they are as red as a tomato! No, wait, they're almost the color of the ends of my hair! I think now I understand why they call them 'raspberries', they have the same color as your cheeks!'
'What's wrong Tomioka?! "Not that"?! What thing?! The raspberries?! The compliments?! The tickles?! Be more specific!'
Kyojuro couldn't help but laugh as Giyuu's head fell onto his shoulders, feeling like it was no longer necessary to hug him.
'Mmmm I see! So you want the tickling to continue but without teasing?! Because if it were the raspberries that you want us to continue, you wouldn't be giving me access to your neck! Wait... What did you just do now...?'
Giyuu covered his mouth when Kyojuro let go of him to look at him in surprise. He knew that face and had exactly 3 seconds to run as far as he could or gain enough air for the next thing.
He wasn't being a coward, but he decided to simply run away as he heard Rengoku shout in the distance who indicated that he had snorted.
'Hahahaha poor Tomioka, and there are only 4 of us!', he commented as he stood up and shook himself, Giyuu wouldn't make it that far.
Who do you think would be next? Well, maybe one boy who was sitting on a branch of a nearby tree and the other who was leaning on the same tree could answer the question.
'That idiot thinks we forgot what happened last time?'
'Obanai, we're not going to be so cruel now, we're almost out in the open...'
'I had forgotten that ever since your feelings for Giyuu grew, you became soft. Cottonweed...', Sanemi climbed onto the branch and started shaking it, making Obanai regret having said that to him AND having said that about Giyuu.
Obanai couldn't believe it, but if he argued, Sanemi would respond that he is the same as him because with Mitsuri he is a god's bread that doesn't hurt a single fly, so he better put up with it.
'Well, if that's the problem, how about we take him to your estate? This way, if something happens, you will be a million meters away from the ears of others...'.
Obanai, you don't learn, do you? This time, Sanemi didn't need to make any effort because when he climbed up to try to do the same movement, the branch creaked and broke, causing both of them to fall to the ground.
'What's wrong with those two...?'
'I don't know, but promise me you won't do that Muichiro, you could get hurt', Muichiro nodded, but crossed his fingers behind him, it looked amused, who wouldn't?. 'Do we really have to tickle Giyuu-San? I think he's already suffered from enough...'
'Well, how about we stay and watch that duo not be cruel to him?' 'I think it is better'
Muichiro agreed and helped Gyomei hide, Giyuu had approached and had almost passed him by, but returned when he realized that Sanemi and Obanai were on the ground.
'Eeeeeeh... Guys, have you fallen or are you looking at the sky?'
'What happened is that we saw that the ants were telling jokes and we lay down on the floor to hear them better...', bad timing, but good sarcasm!
Muichiro covered his mouth laughing, Obanai was funny when he meant to be.
Giyuu shrugged as he sighed, helping them both up and brushing themselves off. 'Thanks Giyuu...'
'You're welcome, well, if you'll excuse me I'll go to my estate to...'
'Oh of course not! You just helped us and you think we'll let you go without thanking you?!'
That was strange for Giyuu... Obanai thanking him? He hadn't done much, but if that was necessary for them to let him go, he had to accept it, right? 'Okay...? You're welcome, see you again! Hey! Oh god, you too?!'
'We too what?' 'Why are you guys tickling me lately?! I thought you hated me!', Obanai wanted to say something, but Sanemi stopped him, he knew what he was going to say.
'It's a 50/50, if maybe you made that face, we'd like you better...'
'Face-? What face are you talking about? I don't make GRACES-!', Giyuu growled as Sanemi brought his wrists together and put them behind his head, fighting to keep Giyuu from moving away from his grasp.
Sanemi had to admit, Giyuu was strong, maybe stronger than he had thought and he liked the idea, he wanted to see how long he would have to fight until Giyuu accepts that he won't be able to escape for a while.
'Don't you know? Shinazugawa, what do you think we remind Tomioka of what we talked about?'
'Mmmm, I don't know, do you think he'll be able to handle it?' 'It is a challenge?'
Great, back between a rock and a hard place, although maybe it could be Giyuu's chance to escape, if Sanemi paid enough attention to Obanai, he could break free and run away.
Maybe in another world, at another time and with other people, not with that duo of terror
'I don't know, what do you think Tomioka? Who do you think would win?' 'And why do we ask him? Less blah blah blah and more action!'
'Shall I tell you something? Do it once and for all! I'm tired of this, if you're going to tickle me, do it NOW!', they both stayed silent, they didn't believe they saw Giyuu angry.
Obanai signaled to Sanemi, it was the opportunity for him to conquer his flirt, but Sanemi gave him a look that told him to keep his mouth shut or he would have a bad time.
Giyuu sighed and tried to headbutt Sanemi, but this ended with the three of them falling to the floor, and how did Obanai fall? Sanemi made him stagger and fall.
'Oh god, really? I was expecting this to be something more exciting, you know?' 'It's weird, but I think it's best to save Giyuu before those two do anything else...'
'And what are they going to do? They seem to be fighting right now and... Forget it, they already started tickling him...'
Gyomei nodded and let out a "about time" and Muichiro nodded in response.
It honestly seemed like both Sanemi and Obanai were holding back, how do they know? Because Giyuu was screaming so loud that it seemed like he was going to go hoarse if someone didn't help him.
'Do you think you're very skilled for headbutting me?! Well, what do you think, you're not going to get rid of this! You're going to suffer for your damn mistake!' 'Also, a while ago you were saying "if you're going to tickle me, just do it" a few seconds ago, it's obvious that you like to laugh, huh? You have nothing to say?'
'I-I-I CAHAHAHAHAN'T!!! YOHOHOU AHAREHEHE-!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!', and apparently Gyomei and Muichiro were right, Giyuu couldn't even form a sentence correctly.
But their little game was not going to last long for Sanemi and Obanai, since after a few seconds they felt like a small stone hit them with extreme force on the forehead.
There was deja vu in those moments, from the first time they met Tanjiro and someone threw a rock at him to stop him from screaming, do you already have an idea of ​​who threw that rock?
'Giyuu-San needed a break!'
'Yes, I understand. Well, now let me get Giyuu out of there. If you get too close Sanemi and Obanai will probably hit you....'
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thesharkbait · 1 year
“ The Day We Met ”
chapter three pt.2 -
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‘What…the fuck just happened?’
story tags/warnings : ot8/reader, male reader, polymerous pack, possessive hints, mature series, bdsm, strangers to lovers/mates, fantasy, courting, fluff, angst, mc is just a sweetie pie, male omega reader, alpha!seonghwa, pack alpha!yunho, alpha!mingi, beta!hongjoong, beta!yeosang, omega!wooyoung, alpha!san, alpha!jongho, wooyoung hates reader?, reader is the same height as woozi from svt, 18+ only no minors!!
chapter tags : maybe short chapter, fluff
a/n note : (heart divider by @cafekitsune)
Setting the table Y/n divided the food into each plates with an extra plate of pancakes and waffles in the middle sending a quick photo to his bestfriend “i made breakfast!” Suddenly clicking off his phone when he heard the others starting to file into the kitchen. Seonghwa and mingi were the first to enter the kitchen staring in amazement. Y/n closely watched their reactions. Sure he was used to making breakfast for others like at his old family pack when he made breakfast for the pups at the daycare he worked at. But this was different, this was for his new pack that he’d hopefully be joining. “I hope this type of meal is okay, i usually only cook for the pups or lixie” he stated with a smile plastered to his face as the pack sat at the table beginning to eat. After a moment of silence compliments started to fill the air even the stubborn pack omega wooyoung even hummed in delight next to a sleepy jongho who was holding him in his lap.
“You made breakfast?! usually we just make cereal now a days, but this is wayyyy better” seonghwa muttered out. Sure they made simple breakfast’s sometimes but none of them could really cook. Although seonghwa could make certain meals. The last time the rest tried to cook, mingi for example, the food came out burnt but somehow uncooked on the inside.
“Oh my god am i even awake right now…hwa pinich me..this taste like literal heaven where have you been all my life!” hongjoong sighed out dramatically stuffing his mouth full.
San stayed glued to his pack alpha as they entered the bathroom. “wooyoung seems to be reacting better to all of this you know..he came back to the nest smelling all happy along with being drenched in y/n’s scent. we all know they playmated in the bath from all of y/n’s loud moans it was hard not to just barge in there a fuck him myself.” Yunho chuckled at the other alphas word’s although he was right y/n was no where near quiet. Which was surprising because wooyoung barely even did anything to him.
“im surprised he didn’t do more honestly you know how he is, what they did was nothing compared to other things he’s done. i know you’re jealous with how much you love to watch. just imagine being able to watch our omega fuck y/n to tears god i just know-“
“Sannie id rather not get a boner this early plus he just got here. He doesn’t even know our dynamics yet after he knows then- well he did give his verbal consent and he accepted our collar, then you all can get to know one another in your own little ways but remember i will be the first to claim him in the end if he agrees to officially join the pack. Not just as our ‘helper’ ” Placing a passionate kiss against san’s lips yunho smiled at him bumping their noses together.
Yunho coming out of the bathroom from brushing his teeth came up from behind y/n and hugged the small omega surprising him. “You didn’t have to do this you know?…hwa could have helped you” he said in a hushed tone rocking them lightly side to side. Some might say it was weird for the pack alpha so be so welcoming to an outsider especially one that was not apart of his pack but with last night’s reassurance he was filled with joy and relief. It was like watching the sunrise in the early morning, hearing the birds chirp signaling a new day as begun. Y/n fitted perfectly with the rest of the pack even if some were still reasonably questioning it. He knew from the moment they finally met that he was meant to be with him. With all eight of them, every single one.
Smiling brightly y/n turned to look at yunho. “It’s okay yall needed rest and that kind of my job yeah?” his voice having a hit of playful sass. Glancing around he counted the number of heads at the table soon frowning as there was one missing, yeosang. “Wait is sangie still sleep? You eat ill go get him!” Giving yunho a quick hug he grinned widely before scurrying off to fetch the missing beta.
Glancing towards the two hongjoong watched as y/n quickly walked back to his room.
Opening the door to his room y/n bounced in with a bubbly attitude which slowly dissipated once he spotted yeosangs facial expression. “oh you are awake i made breakfast! the others are already eating at the table but i made sure to-”
“Why does it smell like other omega in here. Not only that-…you know wooyoung is not gonna be happy once he finds out right?” It didn’t just smell like other omega in y/n’s nest let alone all of his clothes. Oh no, it smelt like sex, slick, specifically the few clothes inside his next that didn’t come from y/n and wooyoung’s actions from last night. Trust he knows all wooyoung’s scent by heart. Yeosang now understood why his fellow beta came to him fuming with jealousy. Although he was as jealous as joongie had been he was worried for how wooyoung would act. Those two were the worst when it came to being jealous and now soon to be territorial over the new omega. While y/n had been cooking yeosang made sure to take a shower and change his clothes for an extra measure just to make sure none of the unknown omega’s scent got on him from y/n’s nest. “I won’t tell him myself but you might want to consider letting him know. Woo isn’t good with feeling threatened especially by a fellow omega, if he sees this as someone trying to steal what now his.” He sighed calmly staring at y/n.
Y/n stood frozen in his spot, he didn’t think it would be that much of a disturbance. Racking his brain of any reason why the other omega would have a problem with another ones scent in his nest left him confused. It wasn’t like they’d done it- fuck wait now that he remembered him and lixie had done a few things before they left. Quoting felix’s words ‘this will for sure make sure our scents last for a while just incase we miss each other too much.’ Y/n and felix were best friends although they are more classified as fuck-with-buddies plus being bff’s. However in the heat of the moment y/n didn’t bother to think rationally about the situation. All he could the of was to defend himself. Defend his nest. “Its just lixie, my bestfriend from my old pack back at home. Plus none of you have any say in what or who’s scent i include in my nest. If you don’t like it then…then fuck off!” he growled out his scent souring into a burnt chocolate smell. ‘wrong, beta not like nest. wrong. wrong. mine.’ Stomping over to his bed and shoving the beta away from his nest, the bell on his collar ringing violently from his harsh movements. It was his nest anyway he almost felt offended. Was his nest not perfect? He had spent all of 30 minutes setting it up and perfecting it. It was natural to feel hurt by someone commenting of any aspect of an omega’s nest if it wasn’t positive. It was their safe space.
“I didn’t mean to offend you i was just warning yo-”
“Breakfast is on the table” was all he said the tips of y/n’s ears turning red as he took a deep breath leaving the beta speechless. Tears gathering in his eyes. Y/n knew he was being difficult a brat even, not willing to even hear yeosang out. He didn’t care it was too early in the morning.
Yeosang walked in the kitchen fixing himself a cup of coffee while the rest just stared at him. “Sangie what happened why does is smell like burnt cake? Did you and y/n argue i heard him yell” seonghwa voiced out with concern. Sure enough when he was about to continue the sound of a door slamming shut sounded out throughout the kitchen.
Yeosang shook his head letting out a mocking laugh, “All i did was try to give the omega a heads up on something and it didn’t go that well.” He found it all amusing really, yeah the other had all the reason to be slightly upset but he also knew y/n was just being a brat. The other could have easily talked it out like an adult but that didn’t happen nor did he expect it to. Sitting down at the table he glanced at wooyoung before giving san a knowing look ‘seems like you were right.’
Wooyoung then spoke up, “maybe i should go talk to him you probably offended him with your oblivious-ness” he giggled out joined by a couple others.
“No, its okay let him cool off i doubt you would wanna go in there right now anyway with-” yeosang said nonchalantly before hongjoong abruptly cut him off quickly changed the topic before the omega could question. “So since woo, sangie, mingi, and hwa have the day free maybe you all can help get to know y/n. Let him know everyones cycle schedules- the ones that are coming up so no one is caught off guard.” He’d rather not escalate the situation more than needed. Of course everyone else wouldn’t have as much as a problem with y/n having his bestfriends/fwb’s scent in his nest, wooyoung was just extremely possessive. Once everyone was done eating seonghwa collected all the dishes putting them the dishwasher while jongho gave everyone kisses goodbye followed by the rest who had dance practice. After he was done, seonghwa ushered the rest to go sit in the living room before sending wooyoung off to get y/n.
In y/n’s room, the omega had called felix ranting about what happened as he rearranged his nest for the fifth time. “You know i knew this was bound to happen, with you practically being their new omega of course one of them is going to have a problem with you smelling like someone else. Not to mention with you keeping my slick stained shorts that i TOLD you to give up, but your drunk omega brain refused” felix chuckled out whole heartily. He recalled how on the night before they had to leave they had play-mated round after round until he left y/n begging for him to cum inside and refusing to let him pull out until he had a plug to fill him instead. Felix watched y/n’s collar as he began defending himself, “hey that really suits you, the collar i mean, but anyway you and i know he didn’t mean to offend you he was just being reasonable. Plus he did apologize right? If i were whats his name..wooyoung? i would be unhappy too with some random omegas slick in who is supposed to be ‘my omegas’ nest.”
Y/n sat infront of the phone’s camera listening to felix’s words letting them sink into his brain. Maybe he did a bit much with slamming the door. Now that he had really thought about it, it did make sense. This wasn’t the first time he had something similar to this happen. Felix had accidentally messed up his nest while y/n was cooking blueberry pancakes leaving him to walk back into the room thinking he was taking it apart which left the small male fuming with hurt and anger. Y/n didn’t even bother listening to his explanation before he threw the spatula at him and shoved him out of his room. That was also the first time he growled at his best friend surprising them both. After talking it out y/n laughed at the memory joined by felix who began teasing him resulting in the in him threatening to bake his favorite brownies the next time they meet and not share a single one. Running a hand through his fluffy hair he turned around at someone knocking on the room door, “give me a second lixie” Getting up he hurried to open the door. “oh hi hyung!”
Wooyoung stared down at y/n, “May i come in? i heard you and sangie’s little argument and i wanted to check up on you. I know how his words can come off as harmful at times.” Welcoming himself in he walking around the room seeing how y/n had already began decorating the space with little plants. Smiling softly at the other wooyoung continued on, “Any who i came to also tell you that we wanted to continue our conversation from last night-…”
“Y/n-ie who was it? hellooo” felix yelled out into the phone curiously, spotting a attractive male now into the cameras view. Y/n glanced towards his phone that was propped up on his pillow as wooyoung stared it down along with the cloth near it. Nibbling on his bottom lip he hurriedly jumped onto the middle of his nest snatching his phone. “Oh uh- lixie i gotta go byeee” he blew a kiss before suddenly ending the call. Clutching his phone he slid off the bed walking to wooyoung, “I know what your thinking that was just my best friend lixie-”
Wooyoung’s scent turnt bitter as his eyes stayed on the bed, “Why does it smell like another omega. Do you even understand what that collar means? You are ours, mine! Yet here you have another omega’s slick stained fucking clothes in your nest.” He held back a growl as he stalked toward y/n suddenly smelling the unknown omega everywhere making him even more upset. Not to mention how y/n spoke of the unknown omega so fondly. “Was this some joke to you? you’re mine so why the fuck to you smell of someone else” he gritted out while roughly tilting y/n’s chin up to look at him.
“I dont!- i mean i do but i was planning to get rid of it i promise i was talking about it with lixie! I was going to tell you first but yeosang found out..” Y/n spoke quickly his eyebrows pressed together in frustration. Suddenly his (felix’s) hoodie was being pulled off of him and thrown in the corner as wooyoung began scenting him roughly, leaving dark hickeys on his neck while muttering.
Wooyoung growled at the mention of the unknown omega’s name, “Oh so you weren’t going to tell me?” Y/n couldn’t say he was surprised at the males reaction. Felix had told him this was going to happen and oddly enough y/n wasn’t hurt nor offended, if it were any other pack he would have went off. Yet he was still caught off-guard. Letting out a small whine he gripped onto wooyoungs arms trying to pushed him away to continue explaining himself only earning a warning growl. Staying still he panted out a few words, “You can take it apart! i-im okay with you getting rid of any of felix’s scent only if you let me store it in my suitcase” his heart racing in his chest. Having the other upset with him was making y/n restless they had started off fairly well although a little rocky at first. Y/n would do anything in that moment to appease wooyoung.
Pulling away from y/n’s neck once he was partially satisfied with his work, wooyoung stomped over to the bed beginning to take the nest apart. He even made sure to rip apart the pair of shorts that had felix’s slick stained on them. He was almost embarrassed by how fast he got jealous. It didn’t help that his inner omega was still fuming at the though of someone else try to steal y/n away from him. They had just gotten him. He felt as if he needed to place his claim on him just to cool his inner turmoil, maybe it was because his omega was a higher status than y/n’s. “I am going to make you a new one myself, but first we have to continue our conversation from last night.” Rushing to his own closet wooyoung picked out one of his own t-shirts and scented it heavily before going back to y/n’s room proceeding to put it on y/n himself. “Come we’ll finish this later but for now i’d rather not have not hwa have a fit because we’re taking so long.” Taking a deep breath the two left the now messy room, y/n still a bit dazed. ‘What…the fuck just happened?’ was all he could think of he couldn’t decide whether he was turned on, lost, or happy that wooyoung basically announced that he accepted him as his.
Walking to the living room mingi eyed the two as they sat down, y/n on wooyoung’s lap. Mingi knew something happened but decided to save that question for later. Seonghwa then began to speak with a bright smile plastered on his face, “Okay ill start first i want to explain some of the roles of certain members of our pack so you can get to know us a little better. I personally know a little about how things are in a secluded pack as i lived in one for a short while and how different things can be. Which is another reason why i myself was extremely happy when you accepted the collar, it means alot to you and us so it is an honor. Anywho to start yunho is as you know our pack alpha but he is also the one who does most of the discipline and punishments along with san who is our brat tamer. Then there’s me and jongho who are more of the ‘caretakers’ we make sure everyone especially the omegas are taken care of and will mostly feed you ourselves. Im sure you’re used to that part from your old pack?”
Nodding his head y/n listened to the alpha closely. He could almost feel san and wooyoung’s eye contact the moment his name was mentioned. Don’t get him wrong y/n was fairly well behaved but he was indeed a brat even if he acted like he was some sweet angel when they first meet face to face. With his big doe eyes, fluffy hair, and soft voice y/n sold his innocent act well plus his average short height for an omega made it even better. As he fooled everyone around him, san saw right through his innocent front. It was no lie that the alpha could spot a brat from a mile away. “Mhm! some of the alphas would feed me and lixie before they went to hunt or just randomly at our festivals which was normal well i guess normal for us? I know its different here” y/n stated as wooyoung pulled him impossibly to him still on edge from earlier.
“Yes it is indeed different here, people here are more how do i put it their more private to who cares for their pack. For example in secluded packs like yours and my old one, it’s normal for alphas to care for omegas and give them their attention more because thats what they were taught, but here its seen as a threat if someone other than ur mated pack to do such things. Its seen as one trying to steal the omega from them. People who come from secluded packs are more in touch with their inner wolf and base instincts no matter their status, but here not so much.” Seonghwa made sure to throughly explain to not only y/n but the rest of them it was important to do so to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings. Even though he understood some of the new omegas actions that didn’t mean the others did, “For instance wooyoung i noticed something happened this morning and our betas texted me mind explaining to san and mingi?” Of course hongjoong would tell the alpha anything that was bothering him and yeosang just couldn’t keep a secret especially if it would cause problems for his fellow pack members. Honestly seonghwa found it kind of amusing.
Mingi then spoke up pushing wooyoung to answer truthfully he was worried for him, “We can all see the marks u left on him not to mention we can barely smell y/n’s own scent. You have hlued yourself to him. So its no use lieing you only do that when u feel threatened and we all know you never growl i heard it we all did.” Y/n stayed quiet while letting out calming pheromones sensing how worried mingi and san truly were.
Wooyoung sighed into y/n’s neck with a pout his arms still wrapped tightly around his waist, “When i went into y/n’s room to check up on him i smelled another omega in there besides myself…and he was on call with some other omega. It made me so angry and i kind of lashed out i dont know why..normally im not this way if its not one of you guys but with him i feel even more protective? I felt threatened..” Wooyoung then went of explaining everything not leaving even the smallest detail out. It was relieving to get his thoughts off his chest to his alphas, “I know how i am but that was different it was like my inner omega was enraged. Luckily i held it in a little better or that would have been worst.”
Y/n gasped his eyes widened at the males last words, turning around in wooyoung’s lap he embraced the older omega an effort to comfort him. He didn’t tell him that in the room, sure he knew that wooyoung would be upset from felix’s explanation and the beta’s warnings, but he didn’t know his inner omega would be that upset too. He felt guilty now even though he knew he shouldn’t be. Placing a small kiss to his neck he whispered apologizes, “Im sorry for upsetting you i really am, i didn’t mean to i promise.” Raising his head he looked in his eyes with a small frown. His hands coming up to caress the older omega’s cheeks checking for any negative emotions on wooyoungs face or in his scent.
The three alphas watched the how y/n had reacted to the situation and comforted their omega. He noticed the changes in not only their body language but their scent and had let out calming pheromones for them. This is when mingi noticed why yunho had made a great choice of choosing him for his pack. Sure it was different having another omega in the pack but he now sees why even their own omega need another one. Seonghwa cleared his throat nodding while san and mingi went to the pair showering wooyoung in kisses. “Thank you for telling us woo” san whispered between kisses while mingi began scenting him. Y/n had managed to wriggle his way out of the omega’s arms as the two alphas surrounded wooyoung. Smiling to himself for a short moment he admired their affection. Looking around he paused, ‘wait..what wheres seonghwa?’ as if on que the alpha rubbed the top of y/n’s head messing up his hair even more.
“Im right here pup, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way ill just continue. Those three are gonna take a minute, haha. We always tend to be a bit more affectionate when it comes to any of us being upset, especially when its our omega or now should i say one of our omega’s?” the alpha paused with a hum tucking y/n’s hair behind his ear, god how are you so adorable. Y/n had reminded him of a bunny or maybe that was just the way his big doe eyes stared up at him when he talked, so much for being descended from wolves. “My rut is approaching in a few weeks, two to be exact while wooyoungs is after that. Oh and normally san’s rut and wooyoung’s heat tend to sink-up. The rest we’ll mention when they get closer” he spoke softly as if not to spook y/n gently pulling the male onto his lap. “I know i already said this but we really are glad you’re here. I don’t know what we would have done if it were anyone else. Its hard to explain…but i can tell even without words. May i scent you? Dont worry woo will be okay i promise.”
Seonghwa had made sure they were facing the now scent high omega. Wooyoung has a perfect view of y/n, seonghwa even made sure to make eye contact with the omega with a silent ask for permission. He knew that something was off with wooyoung, and only himself and seonghwa knew the true reasoning. Y/n thought about it for a moment, ‘is wooyoung okay? maybe he- no he will make sure to give the older omega more attention for today’ his teeth nibbling at his bottom lip before he nodded. Letting out a light sigh he reminded himself ‘he is okay, omega not mad anymore, alpha safe’ His omega felt restless wanting to check once more for himself just to make sure he was really okay with seonghwa scenting him but he shook it off turning around in the alpha’s lap. “Only if woo said its okay” y/n whispered out to the alpha. Scooting in closer he bared his neck just a bit allowing himself to be scented.
Smiling down softly at the small omega in his arms seonghwa dipped his face into y/n’s neck rubbing all the away up to the soft plush of his cheek. Feeling y/n began to relax more in his arms he hummed satisfied. The small male was already so easy to comply yet also keep them on their toes, he was soft and had a hourglass figure just like wooyoung, the difference being that he was shorter.
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unhappycylinder · 1 year
Gonna Be Trouble (Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Fem!Reader) Pt. 8
wc: 3.3k
Warnings: Jake being an idiot, cursing, Gabby and Rooster being adorable,
Series Masterlist
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“Gabby I just don’t know what to do,” you sobbed into the phone, “I know he said that stuff to push me away, I know it's not how he really feels, but what kind of person can say that to someone they love? He probably doesn’t even love me…”
“Y/n don’t say that,” Gabby’s comforting voice brought more tears to your eyes, “you know he loves you, we all do, but you gotta remember its Hangman we’re talking about. He doesn’t know how to love someone this much. He’s from Texas, he doesn’t know how to have feelings.”
You laughed, wiping away your tears that had pooled in the crease of your nose, “very fair.”
“I’m so sorry he did this…” Gabby stuttered, “I have no idea why. We talked to him just the same day he called you, like literally hours before, and he told Rooster that he believed in you guys…”
That only made you sob harder, “then which one is it?” You coughed, the emotions overloading you to the point you thought you might throw up.
“Sweetheart oh my god,” Gabby’s heart broke for you, and her blood ran cold thinking of Hangman and how he could hurt you like this, “I don’t think you should be alone right now”
“There’s nothing I can do about that Gabby. It’s a long weekend, I have no friends here who know anything about my personal life, I have no money to go anywhere, I’m stuck,” you ranted to her.
“Alright then I’m flying you down”
“What?” You squeaked, “Gabby you’re not doing that”
“Yeah I am,” she pulled out a computer and started typing, you just stared at her dumbfounded over the phone, “send me your TSA number honey, we’re getting you out of there”
“Gabby,” you ran your hands over your forehead, “a flight to San Diego would be like $400 this last minute, it's ridiculous. I’ll be fine, I’m not-”
“Y/n just hush. You’re my best friend, you need support, and I need to see you. Plus, my husband’s in the military, I get flight discounts, and I have access to his credit card and he’s gonna be away at sea so who’s gonna know”
“You’ve got this deployment thing down don’t you,” you laughed at her
“We’ve only been married a few months but I’ve been with this idiot for years, and not once has he questioned why thousands of dollars leave his bank account every time he goes away. Honestly I don’t think he’s smart enough to remember how much money he had before he left…” She rambled while she booked your flight, “Can you be at the airport at 6 tomorrow? Direct flight to San Diego at 8:30…Roo and I can pick you up?”
“Gabby, I mean this sincerely, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you smiled at her,
“Suffer…probably,” she giggled, making you laugh too.
“Thank you Gabby, you’re the best”
“I know I am,” she flipped her hair, “anyway I gotta go soak up some Rooster time before he leaves for forever…”
You giggled, “I don’t want to know details…I’ll see you tomorrow, love you!”
“Love you more, go get some sleep, and don’t forget about your flight please!”
You blew her a kiss before hanging up. Luckily, the emotions from Jake’s phone call had drained you for the day, and you fell asleep pretty easily after the talk with Gabby. After all, you had a flight to catch in the morning.
“You better give me a big hug right now,” Gabby said as she walked towards you, arms wide open, as you exited the airport and the warm California air hit your face. Your lip quivered at the sight of your best friend, your tired arm threatening to drop your duffel bag as you embraced her and let your tears flow.
“You’re okay sweetie, you’re here now,” Gabby comforted you as she ran her fingers through your hair
“You have no idea how much this means to me,” you sobbed out, “I’m so happy to be here”
“Awww, I know,” she pulled away and grabbed your face, the widest smile across hers.
“Ladies, this is cute and all,” Rooster yelled from the car, “but this is 5 minute parking and this pilot isn’t looking to get banned from the airport anytime soon…”
“Oh calm down pendejo,” Gabby grabbed your bag from you and threw it into the trunk of the car. 
Sliding into the back seat of the car, you caught Rooster’s apologetic gaze through the rear view mirror, the sorrow in his eyes nearly making you break down again.
“Still haven’t heard anything from Hangman?” He asked, the bronco slowly moving out of the line of cars waiting to pick up passengers.
“Ay!” Gabby exclaimed, slapping the back of his head.
“What?” Rooster threw a hand up in defense, hunching over the steering wheel to avoid his wife’s swing.
“Why the fuck would you ask that?” Gabby hissed before turning around to face you, “I’m sorry honey, Mexico did a number on his brain apparently,” she joked as she muttered curses in Spanish to herself. Gabby and Rooster had just returned from a short but sweet honeymoon in Mexico, of which you heard many….maybe too many…intimate tales.
“It’s okay,” you sighed, “um I haven’t heard from him.”
Gabby and Rooster shared a knowing glance.
“Not to keep making you guys play middleman but…have you heard anything?”
“Um…” they both said in unison while staring at each other.
“You can tell me, guys, I’m pretty sure I’d rather know than not.”
Rooster sighed before turning to his wife, who then turned back around to face you.
“I wasn’t gonna tell you this cause I didn’t want you to get anxious,”
Too late, you thought to yourself.
“Jake knows you’re here…”
“Oh?” You felt a punch in your gut, the feeling of anxiety creeping into your throat as Gabby watched you process, “does he-”
“It doesn’t matter what he wants,” Gabby placed her hand on your knee, “you’re here to relax, not appease him. We’ll answer any questions you have of course, but I want you to spend this weekend how you want to, no matter what, okay?”
You sighed, questions and concerns filling your mind, “Okay,” you shook your head. Relaxing was probably the last thing you could do right now.
“I think I need to see him,” you muttered as Gabby helped you put your toiletries away in the guest bathroom.
Gabby sighed, “okay, whatever you want, but do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“I don’t know, is it? Did he say anything about wanting to see me?” You reclined against the bathroom counter, arms folding across your chest.
“Of course he did, Y/n, he feels like shit for breaking up with you, I know he regrets it. Rooster said his flying’s been off the past couple days, says he’s been extra dangerous, whatever that means.”
“Shit,” you panicked at the thought of him burning in, “yeah I need to talk to him”
“I’ll call him then, let him know to come by?” Gabby asked, waiting for you to decide where you wanted to meet him.
“I think I’ll just walk to his place,” you said mindlessly.
“Babe that's like a mile from here, why would you do that?”
“Give myself time to think of what to say? Time to abort the mission?” You sighed, leaving the bathroom to begin your pilgrimage to Jake’s.
“Alright, well, let me know if you need us to pick you up. I love you!”
“Love you too, wish me luck,” you yelled from the stairwell before departing.
Hovering your fist over Jake’s door, reality finally hit and anxiety flooded your body as you contemplated what the hell you were doing at Jake’s door three days before he deployed. 
“Y/n what the fuck?” You whispered, fist returning to your side as you promptly marched down his driveway, praying he hadn’t noticed you there.
He had.
“Y/n?” A groggy voice muttered from behind you, the Texan drawl of the man you loved barely identifiable over your own whispers. Stopping dead in your tracks, the anxiety bubbled up once again and this time threatened tears from your eyes. With a deep breath you turned around to see him.
Jake stood shirtless in his doorway, grey sweatpants clinging to his hips, his hair spiked and disheveled. The home behind him was dark, no blinds open to let in the midday sun of San Diego, and likely no ventilation for the better part of the last couple days. His eyes blinked rapidly as he adjusted to the light, the hand not clasping the doorknob shielding his green orbs as he trailed up your figure.
“Hey,” you croaked, tears beginning to slowly track your cheekbones. You didn’t move at all, you stood static on his driveway, arms crossed in front of you in a shallow attempt to comfort yourself.
“Come in baby,” he said groggily, breaking your heart to hear him call you such a loving nickname in such a tender way. The tears grew more frequent as you shook your head and walked towards him, arms still crossed until you reached the doorway and stood mere inches from him. 
He was impossible to read, but the one emotion you could identify was sympathy. Even Hangman, the hard-to-crack fighter pilot with confirmed kills, couldn’t stand to watch the woman who owned his heart stand in front of him shaking with sadness that he caused. You reached up to wipe away your tears, closing your eyes briefly, and just then you felt his strong arms around you. Jake pulled you close, nuzzling his face into your neck and stroking your back with his strong hands.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n, I’m so sorry baby,” he whispered into your hair. You cried harder, eliciting a grunt and sigh from him as the consequences of his actions finally caught up with his emotions.
“The things I said to you were-” he lifted up his head and stared upwards, searching for words, you remained nestled into his chest as you cried, “they were appalling. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything after Rooster told me you were here, I should have tried to see you. I just didn’t know what you’d want…”
“Jake-” you cut him off, peeling yourself off his bare chest to gaze into his eyes which were now also brimming with tears, “we need to talk about this stuff”
He nodded. You needed answers, he needed reassurance, talking was the only thing you could do. He let go of you and welcomed you into the house. Just as you had expected, he hadn’t opened a single window in the whole home, the air stagnant and dark, and the smell of dirty dishes beginning to creep through the building. You walked over to his couch, sitting down on the warm fabric that had obviously been the host of his body for the past couple days. He sat next to you, knees barely grazing yours as you sat in silence for a brief moment.
“Jake, do you remember what you told me on the beach at the beginning of the summer?”
“That I loved you?”
The past tense stung.“No, the part about you burning in, about what Phoenix was saying about you being safer…”
“Oh,” he glanced downwards, “yeah I do”
“Jake, you told me that you were flying safe because you were scared of losing me, that you were scared you’d miss out on our life, on our memories. You told me you wanted to see where we end up, and that our love motivated you to be a better pilot,” you fiddled with his fingers as you spoke, “and Rooster told me you haven’t been flying safe lately,” your throat choking up the more you thought of him being careless, “and I just don’t get why,” you finally sobbed.
The sound of your voice breaking finally brought Jake’s attention to you, concern and pity filling his eyes as he watched you struggle to explain yourself.
“I don’t get why you push me away. I don’t get why you tell me one thing and then do another. I don’t get why you put yourself in danger for no reason, why you put your career and your life on the line….to what? To prove some point?” Tears pooled on your cheeks while your eyes searched the room for some semblance of comfort. “The things you said when you broke up with me hurt, they hurt me to my core, but the thought of you throwing your life away out of spite hurts even more.”
Jake was speechless, his green eyes glassy under scrunched eyebrows as he finally felt the pain you had been enduring because of him.
“The life I want is the life I share with you. And I went into this relationship knowing distance and deployment and all that shit would be a factor. You did too. I’m prepared to go through anything for you…because I want those memories, Jake. I want to hold you and kiss you and dream of you while you’re gone. I want to move into your stupidly undecorated house on base when I graduate and be here for you every night when you come home,” you gestured to his bare walls, eliciting a small chuckle and nod from the hard-to-crack military man who had tears dropping from his eyes.
“God Jake the love I feel for you is endless. I gave you my heart, I gave you myself, don’t give those things back to me.” You stopped talking, the emotions overwhelming you to the point where you removed your hand from his and tucked your knees up in front of you, bundling yourself into a ball while Jake processed everything you said.
“I think…” he began, his eyes searching every part of the room except where you were, “I think we should take some time to think about all this,” he slowed down as he said the last few words.
Your tears dried up, shock overtaking the sadness. You didn’t expect this, you didn’t expect him to mean the things he said, to mean that he didn’t want to be with you.
“So you meant it?” You questioned, eyes finally meeting his.
“What?” He asked quietly
“You meant the things you said. The things about us? About me?”
“No, Y/n. I’m sorry for the things I said to you. They were hurtful and wrong and downright disrespectful. You’re a sweetheart and I’m sorry. I just mean I don’t think it's smart for us to jump into things right now, not with my deployment and your school.”
“What are you saying,” you cut him off.
“I think maybe we should just wait to date or something, til I’m back…”
“Jake,” your voice cracked, “I can’t do that,” you sobbed.
“You don’t think it's a good idea?” He asked earnestly.
“I’m gonna be waiting for you either way. I’d rather be waiting as your girlfriend than just some girl who's heartbroken and doesn’t even know if the man she loves loves her back.”
“You’re not some girl, Y/n, you’re my girl,” he rubbed your arm.
Shrugging him off as the confusion overwhelmed you, “no I’m not Jake. You broke up with me, you told me we should wait. Those don’t exactly go hand in hand with being ‘your girl,” you stood up to leave, he stared at you bewildered, “I’m leaving. You need to make up your mind, I’m tired of being confused about how you feel about me.”
You walked through the dark house to his door, opening it and letting the harsh California light hit the living room where he still sat on the couch, eyes never leaving your frame. 
“Good luck on your deployment, Jake,” and with that you took one last look at him and left the house, closing the door behind him. As you walked away, you held out for the possibility that he would open the door and come running out with an apology. But he didn’t. You walked the whole way back to Gabby’s without a word…without an ounce of clarity…just confusion like you had never felt before.
The remainder of the weekend went by without a word from Jake. Occasional glances from Rooster after he got a text or got off the phone let you know that, per usual, you were the only person out of the loop when it came to your relationship issues. Nevertheless, going through this breakup without Gabby would have been impossible, and her support meant the world to you.
Monday came around and it was time for the pilots to leave. The debate of whether or not to go had lived in the back of your mind for the better part of the weekend, eating away at you when you tried to close your eyes. Ultimately, after lots and lots of thinking, you had decided not to go for multiple reasons. For one, it gave Gabby and Rooster time alone during a special moment…and it also gave you the upper hand over Hangman. Despite what he told you, you knew Jake, and you knew he’d expect you to be there to wave him off. 
“You sure you don’t want to come, honey?” Rooster asked you as he walked by the couch where you reclined in their living room, dressed in his flight suit.
“Yeah I’m sure,” you sighed, sitting up to face him. “I know he’s gonna expect me to be there. And I want to be there for him…but I can’t let myself keep getting hurt. I can’t let him know that he can keep hurting me and I’ll come crawling back…”
“You know, as much as I love Jake, and as long as I’ve known him,” Rooster began, “I think you’re doing the right thing. You’re showing him you’re prioritizing yourself, which is important. He’s an asshole, he needs to be put in his place.”
“He is an asshole isn’t he,” you and Rooster laughed together.
“Alright honey,” Rooster ruffled your hair, the nickname he always called you by making you smile, “I’m outta here. I’ll keep my lips sealed to Jake for a bit, but you know how to reach me if you want me to tell him anything, okay?”
He grabbed his bags, “or if you just want to chat, I’d like that too.”
“Bradley!” Gabby’s piercing voice ran out from upstairs, “we’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry the fuck up!”
“Down here, baby!” He yelled back.
Gabby came running downstairs, “You’re ready before me?” She asked out of breath.
“Yeah?” Rooster said sassily, “why are you so shocked by that?”
You giggled at the couple, making Gabby sneer at you.
“Don’t you dare laugh with him,” she pointed at you, making you and Rooster laugh harder. She sighed before walking down and embracing her husband.
“You can’t wear this flight suit in the home, Brashdaw, otherwise you’ll be late to everything…” she flirted before kissing him, his hands gripping her hips.
“I love you, Gabby,” he kissed her again.
“Y'all are gonna make me throw up, go get on a boat or something Roo,” you pretended to gag as you got up from the couch.
“Bye Y/n,” Rooster said, letting go of Gabby briefly to give you a hug and kiss on the forehead, “don’t be a stranger”
“Back at ya.” you gave him a smile, “don’t like die or anything….Gabby would kill you”
Your friend laughed, giving you a brief nudge before opening the front door for Rooster. She shot you a quick wink before closing the door behind her, the sound of the bronco starting not long after. 
And with that, you sat back down on the couch, left with your own thoughts and the slightest feeling of regret and worry beginning…what if you never got to say goodbye?
Taglist: @dempy @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mightiestheroes @taytaylala12 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year
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Hello, gentle reader! As you know, Luca and Ali are teaming up and looking for a new residence. And guess what? YOU get to choose where they live! Yes, you! There is a poll at the end of this post, so please don't forget to vote. There are six lots in my save they are able to afford. I've provided a few pics and a description of each. Whatever lot you choose, I'll redecorate it and they'll move in shortly.
One thing I'd like you all to remember as you're making your selections, this save is very sims, so I don't put the same travel restrictions on them like in The Piersons & Friends. So even though a world might seem far to you, it's not far to them.
ALSO, I keep mentioning room/no room for Alessia. Let me just mention, at this point I have no plans to move her back home. But stayovers are a thing, and I think sims can ask if they can move in now(??). So...consider her in your deliberations or not. The choice is yours.
Let's get to these houses!
1. Sketchy shoebox
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If Ali would like to stay in Evergreen Harbor, he could live here. He likes that there is a 3rd bedroom in case Alessia wants to come home, but the rooms are really tiny. Also, the neighborhood can be sketchy at times.
2. Abundant apartment
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This is a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in the arts district. If you guys pick it I'll turn the fake closet in the master to an en suite. This apartment is spacious and very affordable. But Ali isn't sure about city living, and when he dies he won't have anything to leave Luca and Alessia.
3. Spacious oasis
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This house is setup for two roommates and will give our guys the privacy they need. It's big enough for them to not be on top of each other, and the office could be converted into a 3rd bedroom. There's only one bathroom though. And this house sits at the top of their budget and will be a stretch. Plus Ali isn't sure he'll like the weather.
4. Copperdale cubicle
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This little cottage has the nerve to have two bedrooms lol. The neighborhood is nice, quiet, and close to attractions. But those attractions can get loud.
5. Sans cons
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There honestly isn't anything wrong with this property. There's more than enough room for everyone, and if Alessia doesn't come home, maybe it'll be too big for our guys. It's affordable, the neighborhood is nice and quiet, and it has a big yard. The upstairs bedrooms are too small for an adult, so I'd have to reconfigure up there to make Luca comfortable. That could inflate the cost a little but not much. It could also make it cheaper! Just depends on what I do.
6. Cute ranch
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I think this house is super cute and possibly one of the best houses Maxis ever made. Even though it's small, the layout won't leave them feeling cramped. The courtyard is cute, and they still have a little yard left. But there is only one bathroom and no room for Alessia.
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blackgoldaster · 1 year
I don't like pure evil Gasters
I don’t like pure evil Gasters.
Or rather, I don’t like Gasters who get treated like they’re (pure) evil.
If Gaster is anything like any other character in both Undertale and Deltarune, he won’t be pure evil. His ‘evil’ will most likely come from pain, if all the pain mentions have anything to say about it.
Basically, If Spamton and Jevil can be forgiven (and become fan favorites) because their evil was from a source of pain…
Then why would Gaster be any different.
Why should we assume and treat Gaster like he’s pure evil, and thus, claim he deserves the pain…
When we treat nobody else like that.
Sure, there is the spade king, but the worst thing that happened to him was that he was thrown in a cell.
A far cry from being thrown into (metaphorical) hell, as so many people headcanon happened to Gaster.
Nobody in Undertale or Deltarune deserves their pain, it’s one of the core traits of these games. So why should Gaster be the sole exception.
If the vilification of Chara can result in an entire defence squad protesting, then why does nobody care that Gaster gets treated like a scapegoat as well?
I think it’s because we see so little of Gaster, plus his portrayal as devilish and creepy, makes people just. Not sympathise with him.
And I find that so unrelatable, as someone who felt really bad for Gaster ever since I discovered Goner Kid.
Which heightened the more fanfiction I read.
Other people hate Gaster because of their personal headcanons, which would be fine, except for the fact that AUs like Handplates and Underverse became so popular, that Hateable Gasters became so common, that it’s both very difficult to avoid…
And that there’s barely any variation.
The only Gaster headcanons that are popular are Dadster, which is usually good, sometimes neutral, rarely evil, and Badster, which always gets treated like evil no matter how nuanced he gets made (and people think the only way he can redeem himself is to be a dadster)...
And ships, more specifically Grillster (which is pure fanon), Kingdings (which makes more sense than Grillster at least) and Sanster, which gets called incest by dadster fans who can’t stand people have different headcanons than themselves.
And guess what? That's not much. If you just so happen to have completely different Gaster headcanons than any of these, including ones that are actually based on canon rather than preference…
Well, then you’re screwed in the content department, so that your only option is to look for niche content, blocking an endless stream of popular content just to get to it…
Or to write your own stories (assuming you can).
Now, I clearly don’t speak for most people here. In fact, I'm speaking about my own experiences here.
Remember the theory that Sans and Papyrus are pieces of Gaster? Or the theory that Papyrus is Gaster? Or even that Sans is Gaster?
Those theories never got popular.
People say it's because they think it's unlikely, but i suspect it's really because not many people just. Liked the idea that Sans and Papyrus could be one person we know nothing about that might be potentially evil.
In a similar fashion, I don’t think dadster and badster got popular because they are ‘likely to be true’ (which I heavily disagree with), but because most fans prefer some mundane dad whose entire character is determined with how he treats Sans, and to a lesser extend, Papyrus, over the Yume Nikki inspired eldritch man that Gaster most likely is in canon.
Which I personally think is really boring!
And if canon has anything to say about it, if Gaster turns out to be the father, he will be anything but mundane and he’ll actually have a characterization that isn’t centered around the fan favourite.
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watchoutforthefanfics · 4 months
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part two) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1
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Inspiration: this prompt
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), vague mention of one night stands, low self-worth, a little angst, loneliness, imposter syndrome, cursing, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: This one is kinda more angsty than I expected so like. Beware. It's mostly loneliness and low self-esteem. Something cute does happen though. Enjoy :))]]
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"Stan," Richie stressed, "-Hear me out."
"It is 2 in the fucking morning where you are, Rich," Stanley replied, kind of flatly (as it always was), "-what are you doing?"
Right, Stan was in Atlanta and he was in San Francisco. The Losers were kind of scattered across America, although, Bev was the closest to him (also in San Francisco). They met up a lot and streamed at Richie's sometimes. (Richie had the better apartment, mostly because of his parents. Gotta use them for something-)
This had nothing to do with that though.
"Debating streaming, obviously," Richie answered -unflinchingly.
"Do you ever get any sleep?" Stan commented, but Richie could tell easily that he was worried. Sometimes, Richie felt a little like he knew him his whole life even though it was only a few years.
"Oh, Staniel," he hummed, deflecting, "-don't stress your dick off, I am fine."
It should go unsaid that he wasn't.
Richie Tozier, in his empty apartment (at least in terms of people), felt lonely. He kind of always felt a little lonely, even on streams or with friends. He would still, at the end of the day, say goodbye and eat his shitty food and watch shitty shows in his dimly lit living room (with a too-big TV that he definitely shouldn't have purchased). So, maybe sometimes he streamed at night because the feeling of just being alone swallowed him whole when he tried to sleep-
"Right," Stanley spoke in a way that Richie knew he didn't believe him (he was right to be fair), "-Richie, why are you calling me?"
Because I felt like I might not be missed. Would you miss me? Stanley, would you miss me?
"To bother you, fucking obviously," Richie said instead.
"Cut the shit," Stanley replied -flatly again.
Richie pressed his lips together for a second, debating just what he wanted to say. If he ever wanted to be truly honest. He debated that every day, he remembers debating that before coming out. If he ever could be truly honest to anybody.
But now, here he was. An openly gay streamer.
He'd had a few public boyfriends too (parents met them, not they cared-), before his Twitch career, yeah, but still.
He hadn't needed to worry about being with someone online though, that was a plus. If he was totally honest, he wasn't sure how he'd handle a public relationship online. He didn't want to fuck it up, or have someone love the fame more than him. He'd seen it before and with everything in him didn't want that.
But Richie... God, he fucking yearned.
Like it was the 1800s and he was forbidden to love who he wanted to. Or maybe like he wanted someone to curl up against on the couch, make his brain shut up. Because it was so loud sometimes, and not in the fucking fun way.
Richie was a balance of self-hatred, emotional repression, and attention starvation. Sometimes he thought that was all he was, that he was annoying. Better in small doses, if you will-
"I don't think anyone is gonna stick around."
He spoke before he could stop it, Richie was never good at shutting up, or controlling himself for that matter-
"Not for-" he echoed out, into his empty apartment, on his bed -staring up at the ceiling, "-Not for me."
Stanley seemed to process it for a second. Like maybe he was running over the words in his mind, getting ready to say some shit laced with wisdom. Like he always did.
"I'm gonna stick around," he decided to say, carefully, "-I'm always gonna be here, Richie."
"I know," he didn't really, but he tried to believe it, "-I know that. I just mean... I mean like you and Pats."
Stanley was married, which initially was a red flag. Marrying your high-school sweetheart was testy, and often ended up in a shitshow. (Richie would've married a closeted guy, so maybe he has no space to judge but-) But Stan and Patty? He's pretty sure they ended up together in every universe, like the kind of love that was inevitable. They could be two fucking birds in a universe and they'd still stick to each other, or at least Richie thought so.
"You mean love?" Stanley questioned, somewhat for clarification.
"Yeah, I don't think-" Richie felt something twist in his stomach, "-I don't think anyone will want to stay with me. I'm..."
"There might be someone as crazy as you out there, Rich."
He laughed a little then, but it still felt so heavy.
"But seriously, you're annoying, yeah-" Stanley continued, voice still scratchy with sleep, "-but you're a good guy, Rich. Don't let this get to your fucking head, but you're funny, and caring, and loyal. Just because you've only dating shitty guys before who didn't see what they had, doesn't mean you aren't good."
Richie stayed silent a moment. He really hadn't had the best relationship with anyone. At all.
"And Patty wants me to say you're handsome too," Stanley added, flatly.
He could hear her voice distantly, "I would snatch you up if you weren't batting for the other team, honey."
"Wow," Stanley responded, offended (but not really), "-you know that we're married, right?"
"We'd obviously be a throuple," Richie commented -casually, before calling out to her, "-and love ya, Pats~"
"Love you too, Richie," she chimed back, and something in him felt a little lighter.
There was a pause there, laughter and smiles hanging in the air. It felt like he was there with them for a second, that he wasn't alone in his apartment... like he always was.
"Richie," Stanley interrupted the warm buzz, "-I know you'll find someone. And I'm never fucking wrong."
He really never was.
He's not sure why he didn't expect it, but when he woke up that morning, Bev was at his door. Stanley probably set her on him, which was something he didn't particularly like... but otherwise, it would be Stanley flying to California to beat his ass. Verbally. Sorta. Stan was complicated-
"Heya, Trashmouth," she grinned, as he opened the door (it was almost too bright for his barely awake eyes), "-I got you some breakfast."
Richie watched as she extended the bag forward and let herself in. It was a little her place at this point because she was here so often. Although, it should be said the whole place screamed Richie Tozier.
Bookshelves full of comics, limited edition signed movie posters littering the walls, an entirely separate display full of trinkets (he had one of Garfield in a bird feeder), and action figures (all posed in... interesting ways, of course). But every core piece of furniture was sort of neutral, Bev's doing. She said, it "balances out the space more", and he frankly trusted her.
"This a fucking welfare visit?" Richie remarked, aimlessly, closing and locking his door, "-You gonna send me to the loony bin if I say stupid shit?"
Beverly responded with ease, turning to patronizingly pat his cheek, "If I was going to do that, I would've done it a long time ago, sweetie."
Richie laughed out loud at that one.
She quietly led him to the living room, and the two of them sat on the floor with the food on the coffee table. He remembers when he didn't even have a coffee table, when all he had were some cardboard boxes-
"Stan told me you called him last night," Bev spoke, cautiously, still eating and not quite looking at him. Like he didn't have to talk about it if he didn't want to.
Well, at least Richie was right about why she was here.
"Yeah," he decided on, softly, "-I did."
She looked at him then, blue eyes posing a question. Do you wanna talk about it? They screamed, right in Richie's face, all caring and fond and shit he couldn't handle. It made something in his stomach strung tight, and his eyes burned like he was going to cry. He wondered for a second if she could see that.
"You wanna stream?" Richie said, instead.
Beverly didn't flinch, understanding that it wasn't the time, and promptly agreed.
They were setting up a tier list, one of those sites -Richie was trying to make sure his adblock was working currently. He really didn't want to be suspended at this point, especially because of a sketchy ad, streaming meant a lot to him. If he lost it, he didn't know what he'd do, honestly.
Bev sat closely beside him (in an older gaming chair he didn't use anymore), blue eyes peering over the monitor as she carefully ate some chips. Plain lays, if he remembered correctly. Or maybe sour cream and onion, it did smell like that.
"We're doing the Disney princes, right?"
"Yeah," Richie answered fluidly, gently running over audio and video input (just like routine), "-just not sure what we're ranking them on."
"Right," she hummed, eating another chip, "-What about how toxic they'd be as a boyfriend?"
He turned to her then, brainstorming, "How good they fuck?"
Beverly tipped a chip at him, before proposing, "If they can talk dirty?"
"Ooh," Richie grabbed a chip out of the bag, leaning backward in his chair slightly, "-Those kinda go hand-in-hand though, don't they, Red?"
"Let's do it."
She grinned, and Richie felt a little less alone. Even just for a second.
It was the moment in the stream where they were waiting for viewers, Richie tapping along the desk as Beverly sang some lyrics gently.
"Sweet Caroline," she sang lightly, moving her head a little to the beat.
Richie responded on instinct, low and under his breath as he tinkered with the settings, "Bum, bum, bum-"
Honk, honk.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: pay attention to chat dipshit
"Eddie, baby!" Richie called out extending his hands out like he could somehow hug him, "-And you are freakishly early, there's only like 30 people here, chat is dead as fuck."
eddie.kaspbrak: well fuck me then for clicking on this notification
"Awe, Bevvy, did you hear that?" He held his hands on his heart for a second, pretending to fawn, "-Spaghetti has his notifs on for me."
Beverly laughed, before turning to chat -responsibly, "What he means is thank you, Eddie, for the support."
Richie didn't get to see a response because everyone kind of flooded in after that, chat filled beyond belief in mere seconds. Most of them were Bev-related, but Richie understood, he loved her too.
Finally, they got to the tier list.
"What should we rename the tiers?" Richie asked Beverly directly, fingers tapping along the keyboard (light enough to not press).
She hummed, fingers dancing along her chin.
"Hear me out," he suddenly had a thought, typing it as he said it, "-bottom tier, disgusting (bad). Second highest tier, nasty (good)."
Bev paused, digesting his words for a moment, before nodding her head, "No, that's good I like that."
"B-tier is obviously just mid," Richie continued, mindlessly, typing it in, "-nothing special."
Bev hummed, questioning, "What about S-tier?"
"Hmm," he tapped his chin dramatically, before turning to his monitor, "-chat? We got some opinions?"
"Toe curling," he read out, "-Okay, I like that one, but is it better than good nasty?"
unicorny-boingy: sheet-gripping
slay.to.the.death: spicy novel
girlie-pops: what about a cardinal sin
younganddumb: we are all going to hell
the_turtlegod: are we really talking about this right now
mommy-boys: the perfect fuck (trademark)
jessies_girl: euphoria
Richie pursed his lips, Bev over his shoulder -skimming the very same chat.
stan.the.man: I leave you alone for a few hours and you're already doing this shit
They both laughed for a moment, before Richie decided to comment.
"I don't know what you expect from me, Staniel," he retorted, "-If you expected anything else, you simply do not know me."
stan.the.man: it is 11 AM !!!
"Yeah, okay, well," Richie replied, teasing mostly, "-some people want to know what Disney princes would give 'em a good time, and you know what? I don't blame them."
eddie.kaspbrak: you act like this was requested which it decidedly was fucking not
stan.the.man: @/eddie.kaspbrak I like you
He frowned, adjusting his glasses on his face, "Chat, are you not interested to know my rankings? How good me, and Bevvy, think Disney princes would fuck?"
betty.bugs: of course
tozier-trashy: this is exactly the content I expect of you so yes
gen_gennie: absolutely
hog-inthebog: I'm just here to say you're wrong
minecrafter.on.main: yes
cartoon-cursed: obviously
capngown: obvi
genuine._.disappointment: your name is trashmouth this is so on brand
dizknees: if flynn isn't in S you've lost a sub
catastrophically_me: @/disknees its eugene
tag.ur.self: why would I be watching the stream if I didn't
lightnin-queenie: will you rank the cars characters or no
babey-baby-oh: is this including pixar
"The chat has spoken," Richie echoed out with a melodic sort of deep tone, before switching fluently, "-and they want to know so fuck you two."
They ended up deciding on: god-level, nasty (good), mid, better be hot, disgusting (bad). He thinks it works pretty well for their purposes, at least.
And, so, they started.
"Aren't the first few of these shitty?" Richie commented, "-Like with no personality?"
"Except for saving the princess," Bev agreed, tapping along the desk, "-Prince Florian? Who's that?"
Richie's eyes darted to chat.
dizknees: snow white I'm pretty sure
"Oh," he chimed, frowning, "-boring. Is he hot?"
A quick Google search provided him with the prince. Beverly and Richie peered over him, critically; eyes set in total seriousness.
They both looked at each other.
He wordlessly added him to 'better be hot', and Beverly succinctly nodded.
"Tiny waist," he spoke, "-I don't think he has anything else otherwise."
"Yeah," she agreed, "-I doubt he'd even care about you. Just himself."
"Some people like that shit, though," Richie commented.
Beverly paused, turning to him, "Do you?"
He thought about the fact that it was all he kinda knew, that he's not sure anyone actually loved him. And then, he said-
They moved on pretty quickly after that, but not without Bev looking over him -cautiously. Richie ignored it.
"Prince Charming," he read out, before clarifying, "-Cinderella's prince. I remember this fucker."
"Face blind," Beverly mindlessly added, "-but he's pretty cute. Super committing, on that note, wanted to marry the girl he danced with once."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Uh," she hummed, tossing a pretzel in her mouth, "-maybe both."
tozier.trashy: rate him higher he has personality
tag.ur.self: you should see him in the sequels
bevs.boa: he's a himbo
girlie-pops: can confirm himbo in the sequels
"He's a himbo?" Richie questioned, before stressing further, "-There's fucking sequels to Cinderella?"
eddie.kaspbrak donated $10: it's disney fuckwad they're bloodthirsty
"Fair point," he relented, dismissively, "-capitalist pigs, yada, yada, so on and so forth-"
Beverly suddenly spoke up, in recognition, "Oh, yeah! I remember one of them was good. Something about like a different timeline? And he was definitely a himbo in that one. Jumped out a window I think."
"Is that himbo or dumbass behavior?" He asked.
catastrophically.me: you don't understand
dizknees: no it's himbo
eddie.kaspbrak: the whole thing of being a himbo is being dumb stupid fuck
"Stupid fuck, wow," Richie laughed, "-You running out of words, Eds?"
eddie.kaspbrak: fuck you
"Maybe later," he winked dramatically into the camera, before hovering over the list, "-Anyway, Bevvy, how are we feeling?"
She pursed her lips, "I'm not sure, he'd probably be loving. Soft and shit."
"I don't know if I'd want him to be soft-"
Beep, beep!
stan.the.man donated $1: don't even
"Like his dick," Richie continued, ignoring the donation and talking to chat, "-do you get it guys? Guys, like his dick-"
tozier.trashy: richie we love you but that one just no
trashmouth-for-me: yeah that was terrible
only-here-for-trashmouth: almost unsubbed
dizknees: 😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😆😆🤣😂😆
stan.the.man: wow he's a comedian
plz_stop: you should do a villain run on stardew
benny.boy: I'm so sorry but that was bad
eddie.kaspbrak: you're not supposed to explain jokes trashmouth
Richie smiled, holding up his hands like he was being humble after finishing a set, "Please, please, hold the applause-"
Beverly laughed a little, motioning to herself, "Richie, Richie, come back to me."
"Oh, yeah, we're doing shit, right."
Taking a breath, Richie put him on mid and then looked at Bev. She squinted for a moment.
"No, I agree," she pulled her drink to her lips (water, he thinks), "-he probably doesn't know where the clitoris is."
"Hot take," Richie mindlessly commented, before moving to the next one, "-but I agree 100%. I'm gay, and I could find the clitoris. I did find the clitoris-"
"Too much information, honey," Bev chimed, moving a hand to cover his mouth, "-let's move on."
Prince Phillip was hot, and they ultimately labeled him good nasty. Which was controversial in chat, but it was not Richie's first rodeo.
"Oh shit, we're getting real," his eyes skimmed over the next on the list, Eric, "-Bevvy, S just might see the fucking light of day."
Both of them looking at the picture they pulled up, they carefully eyed him. Beverly's eyes flicked to Richie's and back to Prince Eric.
"You could do a good cosplay of him."
He posed like him in the photo, carefully, and Beverly laughed a little, kissing her fingers like she was eating some really good food, "Perfect."
It came out before he could stop it, "Am I handsome enough for it, though?"
Bev immediately frowned before opening her mouth, most certainly ready to say something-
Beep, beep!
eddie.kaspbrak donated $10: of course you are fuckface
Richie's lips fell into a straight line, and he felt something flutter a little in his chest. Shit, when did that happen?
He was mean to me, it was only a matter of time really-
Beverly grinned a little, eyes scampering along his face -somewhat knowingly, "What he said."
On instinct, he deflected -ignoring the way his heart beat in his chest, "You could do Ariel, Red."
tell.me.why: WAIT
bevs.boa: reddy.bevvy and trashmouth.tozier cosplay collab when
trashy.tozier: anyone else see him blush
plz_stop: that reaction was so gay
minecrafter.on.main: BEV PLEASE
gay.shit.guy: 🏳️‍🌈 GAY SHIT MENTIONED 🏳️‍🌈
cartoon-cursed: bev would slay as ariel wait
dizknees: do it do it do it
trashmouth-for-me: can't believe I just watched trashmouth go speechless
catastrophically.me: please guys 🙏
betty.bugs: you could stream from the convention
genuine._.disappointment: if you don't do it, I'm unsubbing
Beverly laughed, which made Richie laugh too. The embarrassment sliding off his skin, he felt more in himself. He could always think about that later. Way later. Maybe tonight, when he couldn't sleep.
Not that it needed to be said, but Eric was put on S-tier.
Carrying on in the stream, he relaxed. It would probably be easy from here on out anyway.
"The Beast?"
He stands corrected.
"Bev, Bevvy, I'm not a furry," he turned to his monitor, "-Chat, I am not a furry, but-"
"You know he has a human form," she laughed, "-right?"
"A shitty one," he retorted -completely serious, "-he doesn't even have a beard and he's not... big like he fucking should be."
"Okay, okay," she raised her hands in surrender, "-I can see this is something you're very passionate about. You can run this one."
"Hear me out," he repeated, defensively, before hovering over god-level. Bev raised her eyebrows in response, stopping the chip on the way to her mouth.
"Wait, wait, wait, listen-" she hummed in acknowledgement, "-he's very caring, and has a little bit of an angry side. Which, in the right circumstances, is very fun-"
"Richie," she chastised with a laugh.
"What, it's fucking true," he offered, "-We're adults here, we can acknowledge the kink community."
"Is that a kink?"
"Technically," Richie leveled, a little uncertainly, "-anything you like sensually is a kink, I think."
Bev shrugged, putting the Beast in god-level and popping a chip into her mouth, "You've convinced me."
They moved on.
"Aladdin," Richie through his head back, "-Oh my god. Bev, do we even need to question this?"
She shook her head, sipping her drink before responding, "You could do a good cosplay of him too. Personality-wise."
He placed a hand on his heart, "Aw, Bevvy. That's the nicest fucking thing anyone has ever said to me."
"I just called you handsome."
"Personality over physical looks every day, baby," he chimed back with a shit-eating grin. She promptly shoved him.
"Alright, next up," Richie recovered from the shove, skimming over the next square, "-John Smith? Who the fuck is that?"
dizknees: pocahontas
"The colonizer?" He retorted with a laugh of disbelief.
Bev frowned beside him, shriveling up her nose, "Ew."
With the flick of his wrist, he put him in the disgusting (bad) tier. Unhesitatingly.
Beverly spoke this time, reading, "Captain Li Shang."
"Ooh," Richie spoke, "-Mulan, yeah? He's definitely hot."
"Oh, definitely," she reiterated -agreeing.
"Captain too?" He raised his eyebrows, eyes shooting to Bev's, "-A man of power, Bevvy."
"Who says I don't wanna be the power?"
"Oh my," Richie fluttered his eyelashes for a second, "-Bevvy, Bevvy. Chat, let's clip that."
"You fucker," she hissed, and promptly pushed him out of his chair.
Richie fell into a laughing fit, loud and brash against the floor. He even thinks he snorted out loud, big breaths forcing out of his lungs. Bev looked down at him, blue eyes sparkling.
"You alright down there, Trashmouth?"
"Bev gets off on a good one," he chimed back through laugh, "-Chat, let's applaud."
He pulled himself back up into his chair, wiping at his eyes -still laughing a little. Moreso, embarrassingly, giggling.
trashy.tozier: he's ALIVE
girlie-pops: 👏👏👏
babey_boy: our prayers were answered
hello-everybody: 👏👏👏
tell.me.why: 👏👏👏
bevs.boa: still reeling over bev being a top
trashmouth.for.me: RICHIE THANK GOD
big.bill: what did I miss
tell.me.why: 👏👏👏
dizknees: trashmouth.tozier dead, more at 3
burly-bear: just joined why did we think he was dead
elliot-turbine: 👏👏👏
trashy.tozier: @/burly-bear bev pushed him off the chair
minecrafter.on.main: 👏👏👏
Richie kept giggling.
"Alright, woo," he took a deep breath in, shaking his head and blinking, "-Bev, Li Shang, what's our ruling?"
"I think good nasty," she said, casually -choking back her own laughter.
He laughed a little at her laughter, with ease putting him in the tier, "Good nasty it is!"
And then, his eyes went to the next on the list.
"Oh, fucking easy," Richie tsked, placing both Naveen and Flynn (Eugene, really) in god-like.
Bev nodded dramatically, mouth full of snacks, and clapped her hands in achievement.
"Flynn Rider, he could r-"
stan.the.man donated $1: just stop there for the love of god
Richie saluted, speaking in a deep voice -mimicking a soldier, "Sir, yes, sir."
"There's one more," Bev pointed out, hand over her mouth, "-um, Kristoff."
"Oh," he squinted, "-that's the one from Frozen, right?"
dizknees: yeah he's a consent king
Richie furrowed his eyebrows, "Consent king?"
dizknees: he asked anna before kissing her
tag.ur.self: asked before he kissed
babey_boy: him and anna are so special to me
tell.me.why: flynn supremacy
trashy.tozier: it was a cute lil moment at the end of frozen
betty.bugs: "i like you better in leather anyway"
dizknees: @/betty.bugs SJSJZHSJJANAHG
plz_stop: he did have the weird thing with Sven tho
babey_boy: @/plz_stop Sven was like a dog to him that's not weird
girlie-pops: where are my jack frost/elsa girlies at
dizknees: @/girlie-pops NOOOOOO
"Shouldn't they all ask for consent?" Richie questioned, "-Why does Kristy get fucking... brownie points?"
"Disney hasn't done it before," Beverly clarified, "-It's like a big deal."
"What the fuck?"
"Yeah," Bev popped another chip in her mouth, "-world's fucked."
"Well, shit," he huffed out, dragging Kristoff around the chart, "-I dunno, I don't think he'd be good in the sack. Wasn't he like raised by wolves or something?"
"Rocks," she clarified, completely serious, "-magical rock people."
Richie took a breath, digesting that information, "Oh-kay. Well, all that being said, I think he's mid."
"Yeah," she agreed, "-He's like very loving but that doesn't necessarily mean that he fucks good."
"Exactly," he cemented, before clapping his hands, "-Well, Chat, we have our final rankings of the Disney princes and how good they'd fuck."
"How good we think they'd fuck," Bev clarified.
"Well, obviously," Richie laughed, "-You want me to teleport into Disney worlds and fuck these men?"
"You would," she teased.
And he very wholeheartedly agreed, "I would."
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
Can I request a Headcanon of the Ikemen Sengoku guys in an airport/plane with MC, pls? I can imagine a group of grown men (except Kennyo b/c he's more mature and calmer) fighting on who'll get sit next to MC.
Hi Anon!
Thank you for the ask. I hope you are having a nice week…
Now… as to your question, this might be half headcanon, and half a logic problem, along the lines of, “if seventeen warlords and one MC arrive at the airport for a 5p.m. flight, who sits next to MC?” So it’s like math, which is not exactly my strong suit, and if I lose a warlord en route (I mean, airports are kind of like giant wormholes anyway, and if Delta can lose one of my suitcases between Minneapolis and Cleveland, it's equally easy for an airport to lose a warlord... or twelve), my apologies.
We begin with 17 warlords & MC approaching the ticket counter. As it happens, the answer to the question “who sits next to MC” is determined right at this moment… but I’m going to leave you in suspense for a little while longer (because besides myself, only two other people know the answer to that question, and one of them is a sweet elderly lady who works for the airline).
Our next stop the baggage drop off… where Mitsuhide hands Masamune a water bottle laced with sake, and tells him to drink it quickly because it can’t go through security. Five minutes later, an unconscious Masamune is in a steamer trunk bound for Hawaii.
Now 16 warlords & MC reach security… and we lose Kenshin immediately, because he packed Himetsuru Ichimonji in his carryon, and threatened to kill the TSA Agent who requested he give it up. Of course Kanetsugu stayed behind with his lord, as did Sasuke, who decided he needed to stick with Kenshin to prevent a TSA massacre.
The 13 warlords who survived the TSA experience make their way through the terminal. Unnoticed by them, Mitsunari steps onto one of the moving walkways. He is not seen again, but six months later, is discovered squatting in the stockroom of one of the airport bookstores.
Soon after, Ranmaru and Keiji, enticed by the music, detour into the Karaoke Bar, where they are discovered by a talent agent and placed in a new J-Pop band.
We’re now down to 10 Warlords plus MC, but this is the moment that Hideyoshi reenacts that scene from Home Alone where Mom realizes that Kevin is missing… except instead of screaming “Kevin!” he screams, “Mitsunari!” and goes off in search of his lost vassal. Meanwhile, it will probably come as no surprise that Yoshimoto has vanished in the depths of the retail area of the airport. This is also the moment that Ieyasu and Motonari realize that being in an airplane means they will be trapped in a giant tin can with over 500 other people and nope out of the entire experience.
The 6 remaining warlords and MC continue through the airport, where their numbers actually increase for a little while when Kennyo attracts a small group of homeless Hare Krishnas who imprint on him like baby ducks, and trail after him. Unfortunately, while trying to talk them out of basing a new religion around him, he loses track of time, and misses the flight.
And so, it should be 5 warlords plus MC who make it to the boarding area of their flight. Except remember I said I was bad at math. We lose Kicho to the space time continuum in some kind of weird infinity loop which would make sense if I were good at math, but I am not. Basically Kicho has disappeared, but not to worry, he’s probably happily causing mayhem in early 20th Century San Francisco.
So now at the boarding area, we’ve got Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Yukimura and Shingen standing around, looking at each other. Mitsuhide, Nobunaga and Shingen all claim that they are going to sit next to MC. Yukimura would certainly like to sit next to MC, but even he knows that MC can only sit next to two of them, and he’s not going to go against Shingen.
But…. Wait a minute… when they print out the boarding passes at the gates, they discover that the seats are already pre-assigned! By luck, or more specifically, by a sneaky strategist who (1) figured out that the ticketing agent is the person who has control over the seat assignments, and (2) flirted with said Ticketing Agent to assign specific seats, it is discovered that Shingen and Yukimura will be sitting on either side of MC. Mitsuhide and Nobunaga have been assigned seats in the last row of the plane…
…by the toilets.
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may i ask you what u mean when you say that kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru? do you mean by not telling her of her true nature or something else? love your souji route commentary btw!!❤️
Hello anon,
I am glad your like my commentaries on Souji's route. I like making them too so at least two of us are having a nice time with them.
It is true that I must have said 3 or 4 times now that for me Kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru while raising her, without ever explaining what exactly I was referring to. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this.
(However, please be aware that I haven't play the game in its entirety yet and I am playing Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi which is a ten-years-old game and far from the newest iteration that might explore the subject a bit more. So this is informed by the anime, the movies and the part of the game I have played as of today. Plus by some of the discussions I have seen in the fandom.)
Also, I am so very sorry for the long post.
When I say Kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru am I referring to him lying to her about who she is or to something else? The answer is both, or rather I think the lying and other things were tools he used to isolate her (emotionally and also physically to an extent) in order to control her easily.
First the lying. Kodo lied to Chizuru, and he lied to her constantly including on things that cannot be reframed as a safety issue for her. Let's list the extent of his lies:
Not telling Chizuru she is an oni: This could potentially be reframed as a way to protect her from a world that would hunt her down. However, Chizuru still knows she is not like other people because of her healing. She has to hide it from ´outside’ people. This means Kodo only gave her half of the truth so she can't have a full picture of herself while also being convinced the only person she can trust entirely is him.
Not telling Chizuru she is not his biological daughter: Kodo is not Chizuru's biological dad. Biologically I am not even sure who Kodo is supposed to be for her. He is part of the Yukimura clan but he is not a pure blood oni. This means that the closest he could be to her is her uncle as the half-brother of one her parents. In the movies Kaoru calls him "Kodo-ojisan" (meaning uncle Kodo) but in Japanese as a younger person you can call middle-aged man ojisan as a mark of respect that is less formal than san (Mister/Sir). The official French subtitles translate this as "M'sieur Kodo", an informal version of Mister Kodo. In the game I am pretty sure Kaoru only calls him "Kodo-san". Which would mean that Kodo is not extremely closely related to the Yukimura twins (personally in my fic I made him the (half-)uncle of their mother who was born only a few years before her so they were raised as siblings more than uncle-niece, which meant that while Kodo is Chizuru's great-uncle he actually served as an uncle figure, I love family drama and complicated family tree). What does any of this matter? Well this lie does not serve any safety or cultural properness purpose. Adoption was extremely common in Japan at the time. Kondo Isami was adopted, Inoue (Okita) Rintaro (Okita Souji's brother-in-law) was adopted by the Okita family, Ito Kashitaro was adopted, Iemochi the Shogun at the beginning of the Hakuouki game was adopted, twice!, apparently Okita Mitsu was adopted by the Kondo family too so she could marry Inoue (now Okita) Rintaro... It would not have been shocking for Kodo to present himself as Chizuru adoptive father. What he actually is, btw. Yet he preferred to lie to her and say that he is her father, period.
Not telling her she ever had a sibling: as a follow-up to lying to her about being her bio dad, Kodo never mentioned to Chizuru that she had a brother. Reminder that Chizuru was 7 when her village was destroyed which meant she could have memories of her previous life (I can't remember if this is a popular headcanon or something backed by canon but it was Kodo who altered her memory right?). Hypothetically Kodo could have told her she had a brother (without mentioning the twin thing considering the negative superstitions surrounding them) adding that he died/disappeared. This could have match with snippets of memory she might have. It might also have salvaged Kaoru and Chizuru's relationship if they ever met again (something I believe Kodo was planning) because I personally thing that what definitely broke Kaoru was his sister not recognizing nor remembering him at all.
All of this accumulate to create a picture of "it was always just me and my dad and no one else" (why would she ever think she might need anyone else?) and "my father is the only person I can really trust". This is plain bad for Chizuru's development as a person and an absolute lie.
To this, one must add other ways Kodo used to make Chizuru dependent on him alone:
While Chizuru is well-educated and has attended a dojo for a short while, she has no (let alone close) friend. She never mentioned anyone back in Edo. I know some of this come from otome protagonists being some sort of a blank page so you can project on them but if we compare her to Hoshino Ichika for exemple (from Collar x Malice), Ichika does have friends and relations outside of the main cast that date back before the plot kicks in. Chizuru does not, besides Kodo.
The inclusion of Iba Hachiro in the new games might mitigate that but from my understanding Kodo did put some distance between the two at some point.
Chizuru had no prospect of her own, no goal with her future life despite being on the brink of adult life. Was the plan for her to live with her father forever?
While Kodo seems to be well-integrated in the medical/scientific community, no one seems to really care about Chizuru. No one seemed to have actually looked for her after she disappeared from the family home and went missing. Chizuru was 16 when she left Edo! She must have more or less run her father's household (which must have make her interact with people), maybe she helped him in the clinic and her father must have been a known figure in the neighborhood at least (as a doctor)... I understand that were more than troubled times but no one cared about the missing 16 years old girl they must have interacted with regularly? Really?
As a result we see a Chizuru that is an extremely strong-willed (she travelled alone from Edo to Kyoto by foot at sixteen years old disguising her gender in the middle of a deeply trouble political time! That takes guts!) and rather intelligent girl, yet she is also quite timid and does not seem to have a point of reference on how people should treat her.
The Shinsengumi kidnaps her and holds her captive for months for being at the wrong place at the wrong time and she is not deeply resentful to them? She thinks they are "nice men" deep down?
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It takes her being physically put in danger in the place she is forced to live in to go:
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She has no basis for what a sane relationship with someone should look like. She take being controlled as normal. Ironically, it is with the political militia who kidnapped her that she starts learning how to interact relatively normally with people. Because for what I think is the first time in her life since Kodo adopted her, she is allowed to interact with a multitude of people who have different opinion and act as if disagreeing with each other from time to time is normal (which it is). Hijikata gave the order for her to stay in her room? Well it is stupid order and we are not following it. Etc etc.
My thoughts about Kodo's behavior is that he raised Chizuru so she would be able to nominally be the head of Yukimura clan and his future oni/rasetsu kingdom (giving her Shotsuren, making sure she is passable with it, making sure she is educated, etc.) while making sure she could never really escape his clutches and would never even think about trying to do so.
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 months
who're your pred/prey crushes ?
totally not collecting blorbos like trading cards shhh - 🪀
There's a ton... I'll try to organize them. Let's start with ones I've written in some form or another.
Pred - TFA Starscream (so close with that guess lmao), anyway I've got this story I've been poking at since literally 2010 (@/wolvesinstarryskies is so supportive 💖 ) and it's gotten me through some really tough times, and yes there's a vore AU... also he's how I found out about vore to begin with (long story, it's over on my Tumblr RP blog)😳, really he's just a dick to his prey and will let them go after thoroughly messing with their head unless you can come up with some bribe worthy of Future Leader Of The Decepticons
Pred - Obey Me! Mammon, idk he threatens to eat the MC and I went "YES PLEASE", I have more fun flustering him when he's a pred than when he's prey 😼
Pred - Obey Me! Beel, it's literally canon and he's a precious boy and going hungry sucks and I'd be perfectly happy to help him not be starving 🥺 I don't care if he eats regular food at the same time as long as I'm safe
Prey - Obey Me! Lucifer (yes really), because that mans is going to take a break whether he wants to or not and I think Diavolo/Barbatos would see the humor in MC taking things into their own hands (my MC's strongest/most-expressed Sin is Pride plus she ain't afraid of this old man 😤)
Switch - Deltarune Spamton, I think he'd be easier to pay to be prey than pred, and I have a thing for robots meaning SNEO defaults to pred and I will immediately yeet myself into whatever fuel container said robopred uses no questions asked 😅
Newest obsession is Solo Leveling (IncredibleEdibleCalico actually did a piece ages back) and I only remembered after watching S1 of the anime and starting the manhwa. I mistakenly bought the books and comic (Vol 1-8) but regret neither purchase. Soooo good! 😍 Anyway here they are in super rough descending order of crush level.
Sung Jinwoo - Pred, I don't know how to put it into words, he just oozes soft pred vibes where tf did he even get that rune stone??? 🤔 maybe he saves someone from a Dungeon and discovers vore is actually pretty neat, he's comically oblivious at times and cares for his minions as people ugh the glowy eye affect it makes me weak
Woo Jinchul - Switch, professional, dry sense of humor, looked Death in the eye and only flinched when he saw the Apocalypse ahead, incredibly smart and intuitive, he's my Guilty Pleasure on this list 👮‍♂️
Song Chi-Yul - Pred, I lied here's another Guilty Pleasure, I actually literally cried at the end of the manhwa, he's only a C-rank mage but teaches swordsmanship to S-ranks, tried to save Jinwoo and Joohee but was talked out of it and regrets it to this day, he is classy and I just want to spend time with him🫡
Baek Yoonho - Prey (yes really), idk something about him makes me want to aggressively demonstrate affection, don't ever tease him about it because despite being the weakest Korean S-rank Hunter HE IS STILL AN S RANK and will cut a bitch (he was ready to beat the crap out of Hwang Dongsoo for strangling his lower-ranked guildmate edit that guildmate isn't even a Hunter and that is not a Hunter you want on your bad side srsly just Do Not The Thing)😼
Choi Jong-In - Pred, he's canonically a bit of a shit-talker and gives me OM! Diavolo vibes and I love me some playful banter with preds what is it with me and people with a red theme?? 😧
Son Kihoon - Switch, he's a sweetheart and I want to snuggle him three different ways, he cares for his strike squad and was willing to set aside a chance for tremendous personal glory as well as sacrifice his whole team to keep a literal army of High Orcs from destroying a few cities 🫂
Go Gunhee - Pred, he's a total badass who gave his all to keep Hunters from basically forming a Might Makes Right society also I have a Thing for older men I am not ashamed to admit it, Song-san is up there for a reason, the man is a Gigachad who outright rigs Hunters Association assignments to keep the D- and E-ranks as safe as possible 🙇‍♀️
Yoo Jinho - Prey, because he's just a sof' boi and must be protected at all costs, maybe he'd find it interesting and like that he was sought out for him and not just because he's Ahjin Guild's vice/Jinwoo's friend 😋
I started Stardew Valley 7/14 so there's gonna be some of that eventually my askbox is open 📨 if anyone wants to gush over their own vore crushes.
Can't forget Horizon Zero Dawn! the events of the Gemini Quest are NOT canon I refuse don't even @ me I WILL die on that hill 🔪
Kotallo - Switch, he's definitely my favorite character and I just love him so dang much, he's a fearsome warrior even without that arm and a brilliant strategist and completely loyal to the good of the Tenakth tribe as a whole, having no other ambition save serving his Chief... but I also want him to sit and relax, maybe having a stomach all to himself will give him a new perspective or insight ⚔️
Milvund - Pred, I did his miniquest back when my computer couldn't run HFW for more than 5-10 minutes but he's so precious and I'm betting would be very hesitant yet also so caring just let me comfort him 😭
Racking my brain for any other major fandoms but I can't come up with any for the life of me so have a bonus Pred TFA Cliffjumper because I have an active thread with him. ... Maybe jjks? I'd have to twist canon in knots to make Sukuna a safe pred, and there's a couple others but I haven't even finished S2 of the anime and a bunch of them are minors soooo...
>>; So much time in TFA focused on That One Smug Bastard and now I'm like "how do with other 'Cons??"
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yeetus-feetus · 11 months
I made this for @strange-birb for their Batkid Secret Band AU, it is their artwork in the background too. Please go and check out their art it's awesome!
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About the stuffs:
I decided to call them DeathwalkerS because they've all died at some point and they're still walking around. Plus I think it sounds edgy, which I think these guys would definitely go for. They also have a wide range of alternative music genres because all of them have different tastes but they're still very alternative.
The bands colour scheme is purple and green because I thinks it's a funny bit of irony. We're stealing the Joker colours the same way Jason stole the Red Hood look.
Gotham by Gaslight is the name of the album whish is why the font is larger than all the other songs, and why it's the first song on CD. Pretty sure the song is pretty self explanatory, but it's about being gaslit by adults they thought they could trust. With fun little metaphors that use examples of /actual/ gas attacks that have happened in Gotham as a comparison to what it feels like to be gaslighted constantly by someone you love.
The capital letters in the song named 'DaRCy' stand for 'Dead Robins Club'. In this song they sing about all the things they hate about Bruce under the guise of singing about a crazy woman named Darcy. It's a perfect way for them to get out their frustrations and feelings of betrayal at Bruce's actions, and it can be disguised as a break-up song or a song about a really unhealthy friendship.
'Fear in The Well' has the same vibe and sound as 'Fear of The Dark' by Iron Maiden. It's also a funny reference to how Bruce became Batman in the first place, by falling down that Well surrounded by his greatest phobia: bats. Just thought it'd be fun for them to sing this as a jab at their old man, even though he is currently unaware of their band.
'Skin Tight' is a reference to their vigilante suits, but it's actually a sex song. Because every band needs at least one really sexy sex song in their debut album. Like I'm thinking of one those heavy rock songs where the lead singer is doing more moaning than singing and the lyrics are literally about kink culture. (Welcome To The Jungle is the first thing that came to mind, but then I started thinking about Gerard Way moaning. Though I think the sound of the song would be more like what Judas Priest has going on.)
'San Fransisco Party Memories' is supposed to be super nostalgic. It's about the time they spent at Titans tower; the friends they made, the friends they'll always remember. The fun they had and the challenges they faced. It's about underage drinking and dancing on the beach. It's about helping each other with their soul deep pain, and probably not the in the healthiest ways but definitely the most fun kind of ways. It's about longing for those days in the warm sun and cool salty water. It's one of the songs that are super fun to dance to, but when ur said the lyrics really hit.
'Dead Bird Walking' is a Heathers reference to the song 'Dead Girl Walking', but with a much heavier and alternative sound. Could also technically be referred to as a sex song, like it's not as explicit as 'Skin Tight', but it is pretty suggestive. It basically just has that "I might die tomorrow so let's make the most of right now" vibes. (Pushing my theatre nerd Jason agenda here, can you tell?)
'Bats out of Hell' is a reference to Meat Loaf's song 'Bat out of Hell". DeathwalkerS' song has a similar sort of vibe, and it's basically about them all dying and coming back to life and doing crazy cool shit.
'Drywall' is the only unserious song in this album, it's one of those silly ones that doesn't really make sense but the sound is awesome and you just need to dance and headbang to it. Like it makes you need to move around. Same sorta vibe as 'Chic N Stu' by System Of A Down I guess?
'Wake The Dead' is probably the heaviest song on this album. It's about grieving and the pain that comes with that. It's about wanting to wake up all their dead friends and realising that can't always happen, not everyone comes back. They have to at some point accept that they can't bring back the people they've lost. There's also a really really awesome guitar solo in this one.
'Angels of Death' is a song about the the spirits of the watching over the innocent people of Gotham. The song is a story about these guardian angels; these Cryptid-like creatures that watch over Gotham City, making sacrifices to her and protecting her people. It has a really eerie, creepy vibes, like some old legend or Folklore about mystical creatures living in the shadows.
'All We Are (Street Rats)' has those indie rock sorta vibes. Did I get that right? Or is it alt rock? Like the Front Bottoms and McCafferty. 'Twin Size Mattress' and 'Trees' are the songs I'm thinking of right now. (It's those queer undertones they both have that I'm trying to encapsulate here). Some Radiohead vibes here too honestly.
I wish you guys could craw inside my head hear the music I'm imagining right now. I've got serious brain worms right now and I NEED to share them!
Also this is the band's banner for battle of the bands ↓ I made two versions lol (the stars were Steph's idea!)
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Again, please please please go check out @strange-birb I love all their art so much! And they're the reason I came up with all these ideas.
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mid-mid12 · 11 months
middy here usually rambles about her daily going ons now on twitter but since i'm back on tumblr rq i figured i'd ramble here too! theyr'e about the same as on twitter if you find me tho so <3 I've recently finished up Even if Tempest: Dawning Connections and firstly let me say i LOVE LOVE love Love the way this whole cast is Together. Usually I haven't seen many good interactions between the LIs without the MC being there but the chemistry and backstory relationships between these four LIs really got my heart going. And also my writing hands going b/c lemme tell you I fell IN LOVE with the bar trio of Crius/Tyril/Zenn . [below line contains spoilers for EiT and it's FD]
Firstly the fact that in the very Very beginning of EiT you get this inkling that Zenn knows of Tyril based on how they interacted within that castle scene? Then after Anastasia's first Fatal Rewind you go on to find out that Zenn changed from government to a local town detective ? Did you know there was an official little short story posted up on the japanese product page for EiT that was basically a miniature 'what-if' scenario if Anastasia had never used her fatal rewind and just died there?? For Zenn's, he still ends up establishing something of a friendship with Crius and Tyril, but because the truth of 'what' he is never gets fully discussed he ends up leaving them- though the memories are something he remembers fondly/holds close. 10 years later (TEN years..) he accidentally runs into Crius and Tyril again in a different country- and they greet him warmly (as warmly as you can imagine Tyril), because maybe all along they actually Knew about Zenn's immortality... but Zenn panics and runs away again. Only later on does he pull it together and realize that they must've already known, and they might have even come out that far to search for him. Just when he's steeled his resolve to go back to Hystorica to meet them... He finds out they both died. One from illness, and the other from a bite wound. GOD. THAT STORY MAKES ME INSANE YKNOW.
It's also the fact the lovely writer Ushio Ayane-san themselves have posted up all these delightful little tidbits across their social medias like who's the worst to handle when drunk, how are they when they get sick, what's their usual morning/night routine?
Anyways back to the ot3- while obviously I get the ideals that it's the MC who was able to affect all these changes within each diff LI, I am personally convinced that the relationships they shared helped them as well. Crius and Tyril took it personally upon themselves to go hunt down Zenn when he tried to disappear from their lives even without Anastasia's prompting!
Plus the implied fact that Crius + Tyril + Zenn are almost always at the bar at night together to drink + feed misinformation to their newest scheme's enemies ?? That Zenn, even through all his grousing and curses at Crius for abandoning him, would still take the drunken Tyril home without fail AND ensure he drinks water/doesn't try to drown in the bathtub?
If anything little tidbits I wish I'd gotten were more details on the background between those three aside from the whole 'taking Conrad's org down', how Zenn fares in fights, how they asked 'impossible' things of Zenn throughout this time.. Gosh. I love this game.
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invisibleraven · 11 months
"It's raining in the living room!" for Rose/Ray/Reggie?
One thing Reggie loves to do is sit and listen to his partners talk about their lives. Sometimes it's Ray griping about the haughty models he had to deal with that day, or Rose complaining about the bar manager who spent more time looking at her cleavage than listening to her music.
But her also loves it when they tell him about their childhoods. They had listened to his horror stories of his parents and the fairy tale of his grandparents often enough, so it was only fair.
Ray tells him about his childhood moving from place to place since his dad worked for the Navy, not remembering much of Puerto Rico aside from the odd holiday visit. About finding his first camera in a thrift store and capturing the country, falling in love the whole time.
Rose however, didn't leave San Juan until she left for university in California, so she has lots of stories. Her numerous cousins and relations who remained there, her parents whom Reggie has spoken to on the phone and seem like lovely people, even if they don't get the whole triad thing.
"I miss it," Rose laments one day after finishing another story about her crazy cousin Hernando. "I miss the changes in weather even-it's always the same here, sunny and hot."
Reggie gets that, even the climate in Georgia varied a bit more than here in Los Feliz. So he decides to do something to make Rose's day-she's done so much for him and Ray alike.
Because he's between albums at the moment he has a bit of free time while Rose is still plugging away tutoring music between gigs and Ray has shoots daily. Thus Reggie has all day to put his plan into motion. One trip to the craft store later, plus his weekly tea and cookies with Celia, he's back home and putting his plan into action.
He finishes just as he hears the car pull into the driveway, and starts the oven for a frozen pizza. Most days he's happy to cook, but today he ran out of time slightly, and he knows Ray and Rose won't mind the lazy meal.
"We're home tesero!" Rose calls. Reggie races to intercept her, pulling her into a kiss of greeting, then Ray, grinning when they all cling to each other, swaying together, happy to be reunited, even if it was only a few hours since they were together.
"I have a surprise for you," Reggie says. "In the living room. Gimme a minute and then come in?"
"It's not a puppy is it?" Ray asks with a smile. "Because we talked about no pets without discussing it first."
"It's not a puppy, but I'm ready to have that discussion over dinner if you want."
"Maybe after the holidays," Rose promises him, and Reggie nods with acceptance.
He rushes in and starts the sound machine, the gentle rainfall setting filling the space as he sets up the lights and calls for Rose to come in.
Ray and Rose stop in the doorway, looking at what has become of the space. Reggie had gathered large clumps of cotton batting and attached them to the ceiling, blue streamers and lines of beads hanging from them. The lights were low and the sounds filling the air.
"Wh-what's going on?" Ray asked.
"It's raining in the living room!" Reggie exclaimed. "Rose said she missed the rain, but since the weather here can't be controlled and we don't have the time to go somewhere it reliably rains, I figured..."
Rose comes over and pulls him in for a kiss. "Reggie this is... too much. I love it!"
He breaths a sigh of relief, and grins at her, then looks at Ray who is shaking his head but his grin gives him away. "Well, might as well make the most of the awful weather and snuggle," he finally says.
"Capital idea," Rose replies. "Let's get in our jammies, pop in a movie and enjoy that pizza I smell cooking."
"Meet back here in ten?" Reggie proposes. They all agree, breaking off to get ready.
Later, Reggie is sitting between his two favourite people, the pizza demolished as Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds dance all over the screen. Rose grins every time she looks up at the ceiling and even though Ray is starting to drift off, Reggie can see the contentment in his features.
And maybe, just maybe, later on, the LA sky darkens, the clouds grow heavy, and the sky opens up, but the three of them are too asleep to enjoy it. Just as well, Rose loves the rain Reggie made for her way more than the real thing.
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So, the first place we learn that resets and loads lead to the reset-er being forgotten is during the ASRIEL DREEMURR fight, at the end of True Pacifist. Which lines up with our friends never remembering us or anything we did, just a vague feeling of deja vu when they meet us for the first time.
This brings up questions about a lot of the characters, and why being forgotten is such a recurring theme. Like, if being forgotten is a property of resetting/loading, why is Papyrus "forgettable"? Why can no one remember the Blooks' real names (and, somewhat relevant, where the heck did Ruins Dummy go and why is no one looking for them)? Why is sans worried about forgetting his 3 friends in the picture (and who the heck are they???)?
And then, over in Deltarune, it's not that nobody remembers Dess, but Noelle is the only one looking for her. And being forgotten must be something that's bugging Dess, because she's the one telling us "don't forget, I'm with you in the dark", almost like, maybe she's being brave about where she is. Also, the song was very corrupted in Chapter 2. If this ends up becoming a trend in future chapters, with an increasing amount of corruption, could that be a symbol of Dess' increasing corruption within in the void? Possibly of her being forgotten by more and more people who knew her?
Speaking of the void, I might as well bring in the most well-known forgotten character. Yeah, Gaster was shattered across time and space, most likely when he fell into either the Core or the darkness that he opened in Entry 17; but since it takes Determination to save/load/reset and Gaster was doing Determination experiments at the same time he was building the Core and running the Entry 17 experiment, we don't yet know that Gaster being shattered wasn't simply the result of, perhaps, a literal explosion of Determination that shattered him. (And if this is the case, it would certainly explain how Dess can be trapped in the void without being completely forgotten- she simply wasn't shattered).
And then there's the evidence that Kris may have reset, and that's why they can remember Susie and Ralsei, but they don't remember Kris.
And I still feel like SFB is relevant here. Even if it's not directly connected to Undertale or Deltarune, it is definitely a very. big. clue. as to how characters gain self-awareness, and they do NOT reach this achievement without causing major corruption to the world around them. We see this with Flowey and ASRIEL DREEMURR, how they can drag us into some nightmarish black... well, void, in order to try to destroy us. Spamton is the epitome of a corrupted save file, and Jevil can do anything, including manipulating the room (the world?) into a revolving carousel (not to mention that Jevil's cell door, and the cell beyond, appear to be outside of normal game space; plus, there's his insistence that he's the only one who's free).
And while were talking about self-aware Darkners, what about Ralsei? The little guy sure seems to know a lot more than he should, eh? And it's not like he's not unforgettable- he was surprised when Susie remembered his Pacify spell after fighting Spade King, and Queen straight-up forgot all about him when she caged up everyone else upon our arrival at her mansion.
And, while I don't feel like his character matches any of these examples- he sure ain't self-aware, he can't manipulate anything, he turned himself into a jackass and a moron- I'm still gonna throw Berdly into this mix, because he described himself as a "forgettable little bluebird," and I think anybody who is easily forgotten should be in this post.
One more thing about Papyrus: why does sans never mention him by name? And if Noelle really did hatch Papyrus from an egg, why can't she remember his name? And why does it bug her so much that she can't?
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Midoriya-sensei AU
Part 2: Todoroki-sensei
Part 1 | X | Ao3 | Part 3
‘Wow, look at you, Midoriya-kun. Did you get into a fight?’
Izuku looked up from his mug of coffee and met shining turquoise eyes, staring at him with concern. Todoroki Fuyumi, the other first grade teacher and Izuku’s only friend at work.
‘Ha, me? Noooo!’ He smiled, looking at his bruised hands. ‘Late gym session last night. Imagined some parents a little too vividly when I let loose on the punching bag, that’s all.’
‘That bad?’ Todoroki winced, sympathetically. ‘I’m sorry you have to go through that every year.’
‘Don't be sorry. It’s not your fault.’ Izuku waved her off. ‘I’m used to it now anyway.’
‘You shouldn’t have to be.’ She sighed, looking out of the staff room window. ‘I remember when Natsuo first started at medical school. He was constantly forced to prove himself, so much more than the other students. It didn’t help that he goes by Himura as well. Sometimes, I think that maybe if he’d stuck with Todoroki, they’d have bothered him less.’
‘I can understand that though, given the lingering controversy around Endeavour and Dabi.’ Izuku pinched his chin in thought. ‘But you’re right, the Todoroki name still means something, especially considering Shoto’s hero presence.’
‘Yeah.’ She pulled her lips into a thin line. ‘But Natsuo’s gone by Himura since high school. He’s wanted to put the Todoroki name behind him for years, and I don’t blame him.’
‘What about you? Do you not want to?’ Izuku furrowed his eyebrows. ‘Not that you need to answer that. I'm sorry, I know it’s a sensitive topic.’
‘It’s okay. I trust you.’ Todoroki flashed him a gentle smile. ‘I guess, to put it simply, changing my name wouldn’t change who I am. The world knows about how father treated Shoto and Touya, but it was very different when it came to Natsuo and me, you know? We were pretty much thrown to the side and forgotten. My entire life, all I wanted was a normal family, but I understand now that that’ll never happen.’
She twirled a loose strand of hair around her finger and tilted her head to the side. ‘So, for me, I make the Todoroki name my own. I won’t be defined by my father. Shoto’s the same too, but I suspect he’ll probably take his partner’s name if he ever reaches that point with someone.’
'Thank you for telling me.' Izuku smiled warmly. 'It can't be easy to talk about.'
'It isn’t, but you get used to it after all these years.' Todoroki waved him off. ‘Besides, I think we’ll be friends for a long time.’ 
Izuku's heart warmed in response. He hadn't had many friends growing up; his longest friendship being incredibly problematic, while the few others he'd ever made had ulterior motives, and then left when that was achieved or they got bored. In truth, his friendship with Todoroki was probably the most genuine he'd ever experienced, and even after three years of knowing each other, she still wanted to be around him. 
So, it was only natural that Izuku felt incredibly touched, but then Todoroki beamed—a hint of playfulness behind her smile—and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Maybe there was an ulterior motive.
'Nothing.' She shrugged, grin never faltering. 'Just, we'll always have a place in each other's lives. Plus, I wasn’t lying. One day, Shoto might take his partner's name and become a Midoriya, and we'll be family too.’
'Todoroki-san!' Izuku exclaimed, wincing when the other teachers grumbled from the other side of the room. He called out an apology that fell on deaf ears, before lowering his voice. ‘You have no idea what you’re talking about! There’s no way Shoto-san would even look twice at me, let alone-’ He huffed, not daring to give voice to the end of that sentence. ‘That is just- I- er… I revoke my friendship card!'
‘Naw, don’t be like that!’ She giggled. ‘I’m just speaking the truth.’
‘You’re teasing me is what you’re doing!’
‘So you’re no longer denying that you’ve got a crush on my famous baby brother?’ Todoroki’s eyes were crinkled with mirth. ‘Took you long enough.’
‘That’s not- I don’t-’ Izuku floundered, pressing a hand over his chest to exacerbate his scandalised look. 'It's every time with you! Just because he's my second favourite hero and I think he looks cool and beautiful and strong doesn't mean I have a crush!'
It absolutely did. Ever since he'd debuted, Shoto had quickly become one of Izuku's favourites—he had an entire notebook dedicated to him, after all. Not only was his raw power something to marvel at, but his strategy and calming presence was incredible… And if Izuku stared a little too long at his athletic body, then so be it.
'Whatever you say.' Todoroki shrugged, not at all sounding convinced. 'Then I suppose you won't mind me asking the Head if Shoto can come in to give talks to each class about heroes?'
Izuku's mind screeched to a halt. Todoroki Shoto? Here? At the school? In Izuku's classroom? While he had to look after a bunch of seven year olds who loved heroes almost as much as he did? She was bluffing, surely?
He looked into mischievous turquoise eyes and felt his stomach drop… She was not bluffing.
'What's brought this on?' He asked instead, resting his cheek against his palm and raising an eyebrow. He hoped his voice wasn't too high.
'Shoto doesn't like interviews because there's always certain expectations, but he still wants to do PR and inspire others. He wants to be a hero who makes others feel safe.' Fuyumi ran her finger along the edge of her mug, a fond look on her face. 'He gets on well with children—they don't sugarcoat things and they take things literally, just like him—so I suggested coming here. Now, I just need the school on board.'
'That's really thoughtful of you.' Izuku reached across the table and patted her free hand. 'Damn, I wish I had a sister like you, nee-san.'
'Well, if you manage to get along with Shoto then that wish may come true one day.' She smirked, while Izuku pulled his hand back with a gasp, as if burnt. A new record: two Shoto marriage suggestions in less than five minutes. 'Think of him visiting as a reward for getting through another parents' evening. I know how much you love heroes, after all.'
'Right, but that's not a reward, that's a disaster waiting to happen!' Izuku waved his hands in front of him. 'You know I mumble when I'm nervous and what if he hates me?'
'It shouldn't matter. He's here to talk to the children, isn't he? Your reward is just being in the same room as him.' Fuyumi raised an amused eyebrow. 'Unless they wouldn't mind sharing his attention with you.'
'That's not- I- you!' Izuku sputtered as he tried to form a coherent sentence, but alas, the universe hated him. Luckily, he was saved by the chime of the first bell. 'Oh damn. Look at my wrist, it's time to go to class.'
His chair scraped against the floor as he stood up and moved over to the sink to rinse his mug, before bolting for the door. He tried to ignore the other teachers’ eyes that were glued to his back, while Fuyumi laughed without a care in the world.
'A pleasure talking to you as always, Midoriya-kun.’
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