#plus she’s dating Alicia
flem17ng · 5 months
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“that’s not my leighton!! 😡🤬”
she’s wearing Vivienne Westwood…
mf that’s Leighton, she just found lesbian tik tok and refreshed her pinterest.
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zepskies · 9 months
Show Me - Part 1
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized Latina!Reader || Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy (background)
Summary: Dean meets your infamous ex-boyfriend at a fallen hunter’s funeral. You just forgot to mention that he’s a hunter as well. Maybe because he still has the power to get under your skin…in the worst of ways.
AN: Another story for the Espresso-verse! This is set after “Devour Me,” and plays on plot threads in “Midnight Espresso” and the flashbacks in “In Bad Weather.”
Word Count: 3,100
Tags/Warnings: Angst, body shaming, body insecurity, protective Dean.
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Part 1: “Objects Are Closer Than They Appear”
Hunter funerals aren’t supposed to be lively affairs.
Alicia Jackson is special, however. She’s known so well throughout the hunter community that news of her death creates a kind of reunion at her mother’s house after the funeral, not unlike Asa Fox’s wake last year.
Even you had known Alicia, though not particularly well. You met her through Eileen. They’d called for your help on a ciguapa case a few months ago, and ever since, Alicia had insisted on buying you a beer anytime she was in town.
So today, Sam and Dean are really supporting you and Eileen by coming along.
Alicia’s mother, Martha, is a lovely Haitian woman in her late sixties. Her house is modest, but welcoming. She’s a gracious host to have so many rough and tumble hunters in her home.
The wake is mainly gathered in the backyard, where plastic tables and chairs have been set up. Most of the hunters have collected into groups of the ones they know, sharing stories, laughing, eating, and drinking.
You’re in the kitchen with Martha, as you’ve offered to help her put out some more beers on the table outside. The smaller woman falters for a moment when she glances at a framed picture of her daughter on the wall. Alicia was beautiful, with coal-dark skin and soulful brown eyes she’d inherited from her mother.
You end up holding Martha’s hands in comfort when she nearly crumbles again. Your heart breaks for her. Even if you hadn’t been that close with Alicia, you’d hope that someone would take care of your own mother in a situation like this.
“She just has so many friends,” Martha says, with a tearful chuckle. “I never realized…”
“We try to look after each other,” you reply, smiling. “Everyone here knew your daughter, if not personally, then by reputation. And guaranteed, all of them have at least one good story to share.”
Martha nods. Somehow, she’s able to smile through her tears as she pats your hand. 
After spending a few more minutes with her, you predictably find Dean by a long table of hors d’oeuvres and desserts.
“Babe, you gotta try these mini quiche. They’re delicious,” he says, after popping another pastry into his mouth. You can see that he’s eaten nearly a whole tray while he’s been waiting for you.
“You realize we’re at a wake, not the Golden Corral,” you lightly tease. He shrugs.
“Still gotta eat, right?” he says.
His capacity for food knows no bounds, but you love him for it.
You glance over at Sam and Eileen chatting with a small group of hunters under the shade of a tree. They’re sitting close together at a picnic table. Your lips form a subtle smile, and you lean in close to Dean.
“Look at your brother, being a supportive non-boyfriend,” you say. They’ve been loosely “dating” for weeks, though you aren’t sure they’ve put an official label on what they are together.
Dean’s expression turns both fond and amused. “Think they’ve sealed the deal yet?”
You glance over at him. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” Dean waggles his brows suggestively. You do know what he means, and you playfully smack his chest. Mostly to stop him before he starts making lewd hand motions.
“Come on, that’s none of our business,” you reply. Inside though, you’re wondering the same thing.
Dean spies the look on your face and smirks.
“See. You’re curious too,” he says. He gestures at your face with the same hand that holds a bacon-wrapped cocktail weenie. You have to raise a hand to fend him off when he tries to veer it into your mouth.
“Don’t point at me with your sausage,” you quip.
“Funny. I’ve never heard that particular complaint outta your mouth before,” he smirks.
He eventually gives up on feeding you and eats it himself. His warm gaze is still on you though. You start to blush.
“Again, we’re literally at a funeral reception,” you say, despite your growing smile.
His gait becomes more flirtatious as he leans in to whisper in your ear.
“Like I said. We still gotta eat, don’t we?”
You splutter laughing, though you attempt to contain it behind your hand. Dean’s chuckle resonates through you when he pulls you in by your waist. His thumb brushes your hip. He’s not so much into PDA, and certainly not as “touchy” as you, but this much will do for now. You lean into him in turn.
He finishes off his umpteenth hours d’oeuvre and sets his nearly empty beer on the table. After letting loose a barely stifled belch, he mentions something about finding a bathroom.
“Dogs are already barkin’, huh?” you tease.
“Yep,” he freely admits, patting his stomach. “Give me five minutes…or ten.”
He squeezes your arm in parting before he takes off down the hall at a purposeful pace. It leaves you to contemplate the mini quiche.
Damn, they do look good. You bend over the table slightly to peruse your options, when a familiar voice drawls behind you.
“Still got a fat ass,” he teases.
You freeze. Slowly, you straighten up, and you turn to blink in surprise at the man who stands there, holding a beer and wearing a playful smile.
Yours is polite at best as you try to get through your shock.
“Carter,” you blurt out. What the hell are you doing here?
He greets you with an incline of his head. The way he says your name is both familiar, and a little unsettling.
You cross your arms and lean back on your heels. “You knew Alicia?”
“We tangled a few times,” Carter replies with a nod. His smile laces with a bit of innuendo, but his eyes have just enough heaviness to convince you that he really did have some kind of relationship with Alicia.
Oh, Ali. You could’ve done better, you think. You wish you’d known that tidbit of information when she was alive. You would’ve warned her.
“I’m sorry for your loss then,” you say. Carter nods again. A silence falls awkwardly between you two.
“Is that all we’re gonna say to each other?” he asks. “It’s been…what, a couple years?”
“Almost four,” you supply. You and Carter had ended just a few months before you met Sam and Dean, a little over three years ago now. You and Dean hadn’t started dating until last year.
“All right,” Carter says, rubbing at his chin. His gaze roams over you with a slight smile. They take you in from your high-heeled boots and jean-clad curvy thighs, to your green blouse, laced loosely in the front. You’d decided to dress a little nicer for the occasion.
“You know, you look the same,” Carter says. His head tilts. “But different somehow.”
You raise a brow. “Different?”
“Yeah, like…” He draws closer and leans on the table beside you. He sips at his beer. “Confident. Like you’re not hiding yourself anymore.”
He mimics the hunch of a turtle in its shell.
“You used to be like a little mouse sometimes,” he adds with a light chuckle.
You know he means to be teasing, but you’re not laughing. If you’re not hiding anymore, it means you’re not trying to bury yourself under shapeless clothes, along with much of your inner self.
“Don’t you think that’s a little tight?” he’d asked you once, before you two went out together. It wasn’t the first time. (And it wouldn’t be the last.)
“I’m just saying,” he would often say. “You might feel more comfortable in something a bit looser. Cover these up a little.”
You remember how he’d squeezed the softness around your sides or your stomach. You also remember a well of anxiety in your chest that had made you feel almost grotesque when you’d studied yourself in the mirror afterwards.
Objects are closer than they appear…
You remember agreeing with him. Changing clothes. Drowning yourself in crewneck shirts and breezy buttoned-downs. Always wearing pants and baggy shirts to bed. Thinking all of this was to make you comfortable, and not the man who didn’t really love you.
So now, you give him a passive look as you take Dean’s forgotten beer and finish the last sip. Carter wears a hunter’s red plaid over jeans and his old leather boots. His blonde hair is shaggy around his ears, his face a little rough with stubble, his eyes still a deep blue.
He looks exactly the same. He probably is the same.
He’s right about one thing though. You’re not the same.
“We’re not in the profession of hiding,” you finally reply. “Guess I just got tired of it.”
Carter seems to sense your shift, and maybe, what you’re really saying. His smile falls into contemplation. He crosses his arms.
“Did I spot you with one of the Winchesters earlier?” he asks.
You nod. “Yeah, that was Dean.”
Before you can add the boyfriend part, Carter whistles lowly and shakes his head.
“I’d steer clear of them if I were you,” he says.
You quirk a brow. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Those two are walking hurricanes of bad luck, blood, and mayhem,” Carter says.
“You don’t even know Sam and Dean,” you counter. Your voice is sharp and your brows knit together in thinly veiled irritation. “So I suggest you shut your mouth and steer clear of me.”
You set the beer bottle a bit hard on the table and mean to brush past him. You spot Sam and Eileen again, still sitting in their same table under the tree. You aim to head over there to wait for Dean, but a hand wraps around your arm.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be like that,” Carter frowns.
“I’m not your sweetheart,” you tell him. You’re discreet in the way you try to twist your arm out of his grip. You glance around to make sure no one’s watching you two. The last thing you want to do is make a scene here, but Carter is being a stubborn ass.
Even though you manage to wrench out of his hold, he grasps your hand next to stop you from pulling away. He looks down at your hand, brushes his thumb over your skin. His gaze looks heavy, almost melancholy.
You know that funerals tend to bring out the sentimental shoulda, coulda, woulda in hunters, but you think he might be looking back on your time together with rosier glasses than he ought to be.
“Look, I'm sorry. Can’t I at least get you a drink? We can catch up,” he says.
“Consider me caught up,” you toss back. Frustration begins to set you on edge. “I don’t know why you’re pushing this. I mean, God, we weren’t even good together.”
At that, his grip tightens on your hand. Confusion and denial cross his face.
“That’s not true,” he protests.
Unbidden, you’re forced to remember the weeks you and Carter spent in Miami, where you’d met him. You remember how he’d convinced you to leave with him after his hunt was done, and to leave your family behind. A decision you regret to this day…
You lean in closer just to whisper hotly. “You know it is. We didn’t have a relationship. We had a transaction, in which you liked what I could do for you. But you never loved me. You never even really knew me.”
At that, his hold finally loosens in his shock. You take the opportunity to slip your hand out of his. Another familiar hand rests along your lower back, and a firm wall radiates warmth behind you.
“Hey, party people,” Dean says. He gives Carter a “pleasant” smile, and you a more genuine look. You okay? it says.
You let out a subtly relieved breath and nod. “Hey, was just gonna go check on you.”
“I’m good,” Dean says. He looks over at Carter, whose expression has cooled considerably. Still, Dean inclines his head. “Hey, man.”
“Yeah,” Carter says. His tone is bland, until his gaze slides back to you.
“Don’t tell me you’re shacking up with this one now,” he says, leveling a finger at Dean. Then he gestures across the lawn, over at Sam. “Or is it the former anti-Christ over there?”
Both you and Dean bristle. Your temper has a thin fuse right now, and while you still don’t want to make a scene, you might have to make an exception.
“Why don’t you remember where the hell you are and have some decency,” you hiss. “Do us all a favor and fuck off.”
Once again, you try to walk past him. This time when Carter grabs you, it’s because he smarts at you getting the last word. A sharp breath escapes you, and Dean intervenes with a firm, warning grip on the other man’s wrist.
“Hey, you wanna act right, before you make yourself a problem?” Dean says. His face is relaxed, but behind his eyes are a very real threat. “I got no issue laying you out right here, in front of all your buddies.”
Carter has a moment of indecision. He notices a few pairs of eyes drawing their way, and so he lets go of you, even as he sneers at Dean.
“Shove the Prince Charming bit, asshole. She ain’t a damn princess,” Carter snaps. “She don’t act like one, and she definitely don’t look like one.”
You roll your eyes at his spite, but Dean can’t quite let that one slide off his back. 
His grip tightens on Carter’s wrist as he pulls him in. He pats Carter hard on the back and smiles as if they’re old friends. But really, it just gives him the vantage point to speak lowly near the man’s ear.
“All right, douchebag. Keep talking shit. I’ll bet that’s how you’ve gotten this far in life,” Dean says. “But touch her again, and I’ll break every damn bone in your hand. And maybe, I won’t stop there.”
He tilts his head, so he can see the glimmer of intimidation hidden well behind the other man’s eyes. Then Dean lets him go. He turns and lays a hand at the small of your back. The two of you fall into step together while walking across the lawn in the backyard.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you say quietly.
Dean frowns and notices the way your gaze has lowered. His hand moves around your waist and squeezes to get your attention. Without him realizing, it just reminds you of the way Carter used to point out the thicker curves on your body.
Cover these up a little.
“Hey, you okay—”
“I’m fine, Dean,” you say, easing out of his hold.
It leaves him feeling unbalanced, and a bit put out. Dean remains quiet as he follows you over to his brother’s table.
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“Are you all right?” Sam asks you, discreetly, but with concern. The wake is coming to an end, and by now Dean has filled him in on your run in with your ex, Carter Hall.
You give Sam a nod and a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Yeah, I'm good,” you reply.
Dean is quiet. He stands beside you with his hands in his pockets. Eileen has invited you and Dean to join her and Sam at a nearby bar to keep the evening going with a few other hunters, but this has already been one hell of a day. You’re ready to make the long drive home and call it a night.
Eileen’s also agreed to take Sam home (eventually). You notice how they share smiles, how Eileen ducks her head with the beginnings of a blush. You’re happy for them, even as you and Dean part ways with a more stifled silence on the way back to the car.
It’s late, and it’s cold. You walk beside him with your arms crossed, just to brace yourself against the windchill eating through your jacket. You glance over at your boyfriend and feel a measure of remorse for the way you brushed him off earlier. You have a feeling that’s part of the reason why he’s quiet, giving you your space.
You decide to close the distance. You sidle up closer and curl your arm around his. Your hand slips into his as well, threading your fingers together with Dean’s.
He looks over at you with a slight raise of his brows. His lips quirk at a smile, and his hand tightens on yours. You’re able to give him a more sincere smile in return.   
“Can I tell you something?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Dean says.
You look up at him and bite your lower lip. “I’m starving. I never did get to try those quiche.”
It only takes a moment for you to devolve into a quiet giggle. It’s infectious, and Dean laughs with you.
“Okay, we’ll stop somewhere,” he nods. Though his eyes widen in realization. “Damn, that means you haven’t eaten since, what, this morning? Before the funeral?”
You mentally count back the hours, and you have to agree with a sheepish nod. Dean shakes his head in disapproval.
“Come on, sweetheart. You should’ve said something.”
You shrug, even though you know he’s right. Your free hand curls around his bicep, and you lay your head against his arm. He looks down at the top of your head and heaves a sigh, despite his lingering smile.
Though the peace you’ve brokered is soon interrupted.
Dean had to park down the road of Martha Jackson’s house. Two cars down is Carter, who’s about to climb into his old Honda Civic.
Damn. He’s still driving the same piece of shit too, you note. His head raises, and as if he knows he’s being watched, his attention turns toward you and Dean. You don’t allow yourself to react, other than staring across the way, directly at Carter. You wait until he looks away first, opening his door and getting into his car.
You expel a breath and brush your thumb over the back of Dean’s hand.
“Let’s go,” you say.
Dean nods. He guides you toward the passenger side of the Impala, but his gaze lands beyond his car, to the Honda still parked and warming up. He finds Carter’s gaze through the front window for a moment.
It’s Carter who once again breaks first; he revs the ignition and peels onto the street, and down the road past them without looking back.
Dean's lips curve. Bitch.
Shaking his head, he rolls his shoulders and rounds the car towards the driver’s side.
He’s more than ready to go home.
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AN: *sighs* Okay, originally this story was going to be a one-shot, but it just got too damn long. Let me know what you think of Dean finally meeting her ex-douchebag, Carter.
Part 2 (coming next week) will include all the angsty hurt/comfort and smut to come...
Next Time:
“I’ll just speak for myself then,” he says. His hand trails lower... “If you need me to remind you how beautiful you are, how goddamn sexy…then I got no problem showing you.”
His hand moves down the soft slopes of your body and comes to rest at the curve of your waist. Hearing your faltering breath, Dean pulls back so he can see your face.  
“Let me take care of you for a change,” he says. His lips pull at a grin, and it makes you smile in turn.
You take his face in your hands and bring him down to you for a kiss, languid and a bit devouring. It makes heat lick up Dean’s spine.
“Okay,” you whisper, close to his lips. “Show me.”
Keep Reading: PART 2
🎙️ Want to listen to the whole story narrated in podfic form? Check it out:
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean W. Tag List:
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@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
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pimosworld · 6 months
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The ties that bind
Pairing- Dave York x f!reader x Frankie Morales
Series Summary-Dave is a private investigator who tracks down soulmates. He's tasked to find Frankie's, but what happens when he finds you and wants you all to himself?
CW-18+,MDNI, NSFW, Smut,Fluff, shameless flirting, sexual tension, MMF dynamics, MM flirting, oral (f) receiving, unprotected piv, cream pie, aftercare
A/N- I’m sorry I made you guys wait so long for this but I promise it was worth it. We just have a few chapters left before I say goodbye to these three and I’m glad they finally figured it out.
[Main Masterlist][Series Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter VI
“I know you’ve explained it already but repeat it back to me.” You bite your fingernails as you pace in front of the couch. 
  “Honey I can explain it to you a thousand times, you’re still going to have to hear it from them.” Alicia says after her attempt at calming you down. The story Santi told her sounded so far-fetched you didn’t believe it at first and then you needed to hear it again to be sure.  
  “I just find it hard to believe they would go through such great lengths for me.” You narrowly miss the pillow she throws at your head from her spot on the couch. 
  “I told you about talking down on yourself.” She points a finger at you. “You’re a fucking catch and you have the upper hand so talk to them and see where it goes.” 
  It sounds easy enough but you weren’t even sure where to begin. You’re just glad your current predicament didn’t seem to be affecting Alicia and Santiago’s relationship. You loved seeing her so happy and told her not to worry about you. You had plenty of time to think since you spent most nights alone while he whisked her off on dates. 
  You were taking your sweet time responding to Dave and Frankie wanting them to squirm a little after what they put you through. You did appreciate their persistence. The daily good morning texts even with no response from you. Flowers overflowing your apartment and the record store. Your boss had stopped by on a rare occasion and raved about how you’d been decorating the place. You wanted to turn down the money he left knowing how expensive flowers were and you didn’t have it in you to even begin to explain where they all came from. 
  After a week and a half they were slowly wearing you down. Frankie sent you his attempt at a selfie while he was in the helicopter in his aviators. He cut off half his face but it still had you weak in the knees. 
  Frankie: image 
  Frankie: just in case you forgot what i look like 
  You wanted to respond so badly but you opted to just like the photo. 
  Dave: thinking of you 
  The extreme close up of the hummingbird practically brought tears to your eyes, but that could also be your hormones. You can see the vibrant colors on its back and the blur of its wings as it feeds from a petunia in the park. 
  It was inevitable that you were going to cave, but you wanted it to be on your terms. Over the course of the next week you spoke to both of them separately. You called them and heard both of their stories…the truth this time. As bizarre as the whole thing sounded you were relieved when their explanation matched up and you could tell they were being genuine. You’ve never heard two men apologize so much in your life. 
  Dave had to return home for a few days and Frankie was busy with work so you decided to meet at the end of the week to all talk in person about what you were going to do going forward. 
  “You’re gonna be late if you keep fussing with it.” Alicia says perched on your dresser as you fidget with the little black dress she let you borrow. As uncomfortable as it was in the beginning, wearing her clothes always brought out another side of you. 
  “I’m just taking a page out of your book.” You point at her in the mirror. “Fashionably late…plus I want them to squirm a little.” 
  She stares at you with an incredulous look on her face. “What have I done to you?” 
  In all honesty she’s given you a boost of confidence that you sorely needed over the years of your friendship. You’ve learned to ask for the things you want and not take no for an answer. You’d spent years being told you weren’t good enough or didn’t fit the part by your step mom and your ex and ultimately the rejection from your dad had you really believing those things were true. 
  Anyone else may have grown tired of constantly reminding you that you deserve to take up space. She never did and would be there every step of the way to prove it to you time and time again. 
  You suppose that’s why she’s such a good fit for Santi. He needed someone to be his match, to challenge him when no one else would. To show him what it was like to laugh again and enjoy the little things. 
  You put the finishing touches on your makeup as she hops down from the dresser. “You call me either way.”
  “Of course.” You wave your phone in front of her face as she crosses her arms. 
  “Just know I’m extremely jealous of you right now.” She trails behind you as you make your way to the front door a little wobbly in your heels. 
  “Nothing to be jealous of…this could all crash and burn in my face.” A sudden wave of fear waves over you at the prospect but you shove that down. 
  “I highly doubt that hon.” She spins you once and places a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She’s leaning precariously in the doorway as you step out into the hallway. 
  “Would you do this?” You ask sheepishly. 
  “In a heartbeat.” The door shuts in your face and you’re left in the quiet. Only the sound of your heels clicking on the ground echo as you head to the elevator. 
  “If you’re gonna keep fussing with your tie you might as well not wear one.” Dave says as Frankie pulls uncomfortably at the collar of his dress shirt. 
  They’re sitting in the lounge where you all agreed to meet to discuss things and Frankie hasn’t been this nervous since his pilots exam. Dave is the picture of calm as he relaxes back in the blue crushed velvet seat. 
  “Where am I gonna put it?” Frankie aggressively rips the tie from his neck. 
  “Put it in your pocket or something.” Dave bites out as he leans forward to take a sip of his drink. 
  The two of them probably look ridiculous sitting here bickering. It’s been an uncomfortable few minutes since they finished their conversation about how the night could go. 
  Frankie was preparing for you to tell him that you would need to think things over for awhile since they lied to you initially and he didn’t come to you genuinely and say who he was from the beginning. 
  Dave was prepared for you to tell him that you were obviously going to choose your soulmate and that he was a creep for leading you on and basically stalking you in the process. He seems calm on the outside but inside he’s cursing the thought of returning to his lonely life of helping others find what he so desperately missed. 
  Frankie leans forward as he glances at his watch. “We said seven right? It’s been a little while.” He wrings his hands together nervously. “What if she doesn’t show?” 
  Dave swirls the glass in his hand as he looks over at Frankie. “Relax…she’ll be here.” 
  They both turn their heads as the sound of heels on marble floors sound in the room. 
  It’s serendipitous walking into the hotel lounge where weeks ago you and Alicia tried and failed at finding love. The very same lounge where you both decided that this was it and you were probably going to end up marrying each other and riding off into the sunset. 
  You see them before they see you. 
  Dave is sitting back in the chair, legs spread wide with a glass of amber liquid twirling in his hand. He’s wearing a fitted black suit with his hair combed back. Frankie looks about as nervous as you feel as he leans forward muttering something to Dave. You can’t hear his reply but he looks unbothered. He’s ditched his signature cap and his loose brown curls are styled somewhat to frame his face. He’s got on black slacks and his white dress shirt is unbuttoned a little so you can see a sliver of his tan chest peeking out. If you were a weaker woman you’d forgo any conversation and ask for Dave’s room key right now. 
  It’s the click.click.click of your heels that brings their attention to you as you approach the table. 
  “Holy shit.” Dave speaks first and for all his practiced effort to keep it cool his resolve quickly crumbles as he sees you approach wearing  something entirely not you but such a welcome surprise. 
  He would tell Frankie to close his mouth if his wasn’t hanging agape at the short silk, black dress. The barely there straps that he could break with his teeth and the front plunging low enough to see your sternum. 
  You’re standing there expectantly and he quickly realizes neither have them have spoken a word since you waltzed up to them. 
  Just as Frankie is about to speak a waiter appears at your side. “Excuse me miss, would you like something to drink?” His eyes linger over you a second too long Dave’s nostrils flare in annoyance. 
  “Gin and tonic with lime please.” You say politely as you sit in the open seat in front of them. Doing your best to cross your ankles to not give them a view you’re not ready for. The dress rides up your thighs as you sit on the soft velvet seat and Frankie’s eyes flit briefly to them as he clears his throat and adjusts in his seat. 
  You’ve barely said a word and you’ve got both men wrapped around your finger. You’re completely unaware of the predicament you’ve been in since your little stunt at the country bar and this is only making it worse. 
  “So I suppose you both have some things to say before I tell you my thoughts.” There’s a slight air of confidence to your tone as you survey both men. 
  Frankie glances at Dave before clearing his throat. “Listen, I'm sure you’re sick of hearing our apologies.” You nod once before letting him continue. “I still have to say I’m sorry for lying to you. I wrongly assumed you would just toss Dave aside.” 
  “Thanks.” Dave responds dryly and you have to suppress your laugh. It’s obvious they’ve formed some sort of connection that hopefully plays into your favor. 
  The waiter returns with your drink trying to gauge whatever interaction is playing out in front of him. You all awkwardly wait until he’s out of ear shot to continue. 
  “Anyways…everything else I told you was the truth. Including the fact that I think I’m falling in love with you.” The last part is rushed out as your eyes go wide. A small part of you thought you might be moving too fast, but the feelings you were developing for both of them were hard to deny. 
  Frankie wishes the floor would swallow him up whole right now. His practiced speech went out the window when he saw you walk in the room. 
  You take a sip of your drink and direct your attention to Dave. 
  “I don’t regret what I did.” Dave states matter of factly as Frankie brings his head up from staring at the floor. Of all the things you expected him to say it certainly wasn’t that. “If I could do it all over again the only thing I would do differently is tell you who I was as soon as Frankie met you.” His voice is low as he leans in a little closer. “Even if you never want to speak to me again, I’m glad I did all those things for you and I never lied when I said I care about you a lot. So much that it scares me.” 
  You finish the rest of your drink and sit back in your seat. This is really starting to feel like an episode of the bachelor and if they don’t accept your proposal you suppose more than one person is going to get hurt. 
  “Well…” You fidget with your hands momentarily as your voice shakes a little. “I appreciate your honesty…even if it’s a little late. I’m relieved to know that you feel the same way about me that I feel about you.” 
  Frankie feels like he can breathe a sigh of relief that he didn’t just make a complete fool of himself. 
  “I’m not choosing.” You say with finality and Dave raises an eyebrow at you from across the table. “I don’t think I should have to after what you two put me through. So if you want out, now is your chance.” 
  You’re all three or four drinks deep, now the only ones in the hotel lounge. You’ve been swapping horrible dating stories and they’ve been swapping some more classified stories that you don’t care to remember for fear of your personal safety. These two unassuming and charming men have seen some things in their lifetime that you would never have imagined. It’s thrilling in a way to know how dangerous they are but when it comes to you they’re inculpable. 
  Neither one budged when you told them you weren’t going to choose and now that you’re sitting here a little more comfortable sharing the loveseat with Frankie as Dave relaxes back in the chair next to you it almost seems like this is how it was supposed to be. 
  Frankie’s strong hands rub small circles along the exposed part of your thigh. “So he calls you hummingbird?” 
  “That was our secret.” You say playfully to Dave as he brushes his fingers along your knuckles. 
  “Well, you share the tattoo with Francisco so I figured I should tell him.” He turns your hand over in his tracing the lines of the tattoo on your wrist. 
  “You don’t have to call me Francisco.” Frankie’s breath is hot on your neck as he’s moved a little closer to you. 
  “What if I want to?” Dave’s voice is anything but innocent as you watch a moment pass between him and Frankie. 
  This could work. 
  Frankie leans in whispering something as his lips brush your ear. He has to resist biting it as he sees the goosebumps raise on your skin at the close contact. Something in the air has shifted throughout the night and he’s done trying to overthink it. 
  “Who’s telling secrets now.” Dave grabs your foot that was trailing up his leg, your heels have been long discarded. His hands start to kneed and rub and you have to stifle a moan at how good it feels. 
  “I was just telling her what hummingbird means in Spanish…so we can have our own little name.” Frankie’s feeling bold as he kisses your neck. “Isn’t that right?” 
  You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the sensation of both of their hands on you but a pleasant buzz is running through your body. 
  A throat clears behind you and you lean your head back against Frankie as you lock eyes with the waiter. He looks a little annoyed but straightens up Dave and Frankie put their attention on him. 
  “The lounge is closing for the night so-“
  “Charge it to my room please. Dave York, Capri Penthouse suite.” Dave cuts him off and he’s gone before he could finish his sentence. 
  It’s quiet for a moment as you wait to see who’s going to speak first. You definitely don’t want the night to end yet but you have no idea where their heads are at. You exhale and look them dead in the eyes before you lose the courage to say what you’ve been wanting since they both walked into your lives. 
“I want you both.” They nod at each other but you’re certain they don’t interpret your true meaning. 
“We’re yours.” Dave says genuinely as he looks at Frankie. 
“Tonight.” It’s not a question, more of a statement as they both look at you wide eyed. Frankie tenses behind you and Dave’s shocked expression has you a little worried. It’s bold and so unlike you, you’re sick of doing the predictable thing. You want them and they clearly want you so these are your terms. 
Dave slides forward in his chair. “You’ve been drinking…” he whispers as if you’re not the only ones left in the lounge. “We don’t want to take advantage.” He emphasizes we….assuming Frankie feels the same and he nods at him. 
“We’ve all been drinking… and I made up my mind last night.” You gather your purse in your hand and start to stand. “Unless you don’t want to and we can discuss this at a later…”
“No.” “No.” You have to chuckle at their sudden enthusiasm. 
Frankie’s mind already starts to wander to all the things they could do to you. Things they could show you. All the ways he could make you come apart. Two hands are better than one and four hands….
It’s a little shocking to Dave that this scenario had never crossed his mind but it’s clear neither of them were about to let this opportunity pass them by, if even for one night. 
“I’ll give you two a moment to talk, I need to make a phone call.” You walk just out of ear shot to call Alicia who is no doubt picking up on the first ring.
“I didn’t bring a change of clothes.” You can hear her sigh and probably shaking her head on the other end of the line. 
“Clothes!…that’s what you’re worried about right now? I will bring you a change of clothes in the morning if you manage to pull this off.” 
You’re standing at the edge of the lounge door, not wanting to turn around and see whatever heated conversation could be going on behind you. 
“I’m mostly stalling, and mentally preparing myself to call a ride home in case they think this is crazy.” This is crazy right, how was this the next logical step in your brain. It all sounded right bouncing around in your head throughout the week and now your nerves seem to be getting the best of you. 
“Deep breaths…I doubt anyone with two eyes would turn down and offer like this.” Alicia mumbles something incoherent on the other end but you can take a guess as to what she may have said. 
You duck your head as some loud guests enter the lobby heading back to their room after a night on the town. You don’t know why you’re shying away, it’s not as if they could possibly know what’s going on behind you. 
“You said this would go one of two ways.” Frankie says as he fidgets with the label on his empty beer. 
“I know what I said…it’s just of course I didn’t expect…do you not want-“ Dave’s brief moment of clarity cuts through the sexual tension. Not even realizing what he’s asking of Frankie who’s already given up so much. 
“No, of course I want this.” His voice is sure and it’s the first time he actually says out loud the thing he’s been thinking since that first day in the coffee shop when he met Dave. Nothing in his wildest dreams would’ve imagined him here in this exact scenario. 
They’re both quiet for a moment, a little hesitant after admitting something that most men wouldn’t be brave enough to counter. It feels like that moment when you’re lucid and you don’t want to wake up because the dream is just too good. The lights in the lounge are perfectly dim casting a shadow along the walls. You’re standing there against the doorway, looking adorable and exposed in your shirt black dress and your heels haphazardly buckled because you didn’t want to walk barefoot away from the proposition you just dropped in their waiting laps. 
“Have you ever?” Dave asks timidly no ridicule evident in his tone. 
“Yes, but I didn’t care about them this way.” Once or twice when he was stationed overseas because Pope wrangled him into it, long before he was married. “I doubt she ever has.” 
Dave surveys you for a moment as you chance a look over your shoulder. “There’s no need to rush this, if this isn’t going to be the only time. I think it’s fair if you take the lead.” 
Frankie should be nervous or anxious at the prospect of your first time together being watched by Dave. There’s something else drumming below the surface as his voyeuristic tendencies start to rear  their head. Frankie adjusts himself trying to hide his excitement as Dave’s eyes linger too long on him. 
You’re glad you walked away to give you and them a moment to collect yourselves. You didn’t want to be present for any uncomfortable conversation if either of them decided this was just too much.
You can see it in their eyes as you approach, it’s clear what decision they’ve made. 
“So boys…are we doing this?” 
Frankie stands and takes your hand in his as Dave slides the room key out of his pocket. “Baby…we’re all yours.”
“You wore this to talk?” Dave’s fingers lift the strap of your lace bra as he slides down, brushing his thumb across your nipple through the soft fabric. 
“What can I say? I like to be prepared.” You bite your lip as small goosebumps raise across your skin. 
Frankie has to shake his head at the sentiment. The act you put on is not as innocent as he previously thought. Maybe your friend gave you a little push in the right direction. 
He’ll have to thank her later when she doesn’t want to kill him. 
Both of them standing in front of you, patiently waiting for your next move has you feeling a little exposed. 
Dave can sense some hesitation from you, you’re staring anywhere but at them as your hand covers your stomach. 
His hand cups your face, as he brushes his thumb across your jaw. “We don’t have to do this hummingbird.” You can see it in his eyes, how deeply he cares for you in that moment. 
“No, I want to…it’s just. I’ve never done this before.” You gesture between the two men and laugh a little. 
They both hold such serious faces then, not wanting to make a joke of your vulnerability. You are opening this part of yourself to both of them. 
Dave leans in, his lips brushing yours as you melt into the kiss. He turns your jaw slightly and Frankie is at your side, his large palm replacing yours across your stomach and then caressing your hip. 
His forehead meets yours for a moment, just breathing you in before he dives in for a kiss.  It’s like shockwaves whenever you touch him, the feeling skates down your spine into your toes and you’re leaning into his touch. 
Dave presses you impossibly closer, the growing bulge in his pants pressed against your back and the added pressure of his hand kneading your breast. You reach your hand back, reveling in the way Dave moans into your ear as you palm his cock through his jeans. The other hand tangled in Frankie’s hair as he pulls your bottom lip between his teeth. 
“We’re gonna take real good care of you baby, aren’t we Dave?” His breath ghosts over your lips in a whisper. 
Dave just hums in response, he’s letting Frankie take the control. He wants him to have this with you. He’s already been given the world, now's not the time to get greedy. 
“Lay down on the bed.” Frankie hooks his finger around you, making quick work of your bra before he lets you go. 
You haven’t been this exposed for anyone since your ex and he used to look at you in disgust, all the tattoos that weren’t his. 
They’re staring at you now like a painting in a museum. It almost takes your breath away at the thought of him finally seeing his artwork adorned on the body meant solely for him. 
“Jesus…you’re beautiful.” Frankie half whispers to himself as you sit on the edge of the bed, gesturing to their clothes. 
They almost mirror each other as they strip their dress shirts and slacks. You’re practically salivating at the two of them stripped down to their matching black boxers and tan bodies. Dave looks over to Frankie and whistles and you can see the red flush creep up his neck. It’s a relief to know you weren’t the only one this nervous. 
Frankie nods his head and Dave takes the spot behind you against the pillows. He crooks a finger at you to join him and you crawl over settling in the spot between his legs. You lay your body back against him and you can feel his hard cock through his boxers as he adjusts to get you more comfortable. 
“We’ll go slow…this time.” Frankie says as he crawls on the bed, fitting his broad shoulders between your legs. His fingers hook into the lace of your panties as he slowly slides them down your legs. His eyes are dark as he sets them on his prize and you swear you see him lick his lips. 
Your ex would go down on you occasionally but you could tell he was unsure of himself and so you never really could enjoy it. 
Frankie takes his time as he kisses at your stomach and nips at your thigh. Dave’s strong hands knead your breast and you giggle a little as he whispers in your ear that he knows you’re ticklish. The laughter dies in your throat as Frankie licks a stripe through your slit. His groan reverberates through you as you let out a soft whimper. Your senses are on overdrive as Dave’s hands work your body and Frankie’s mouth devours you whole. 
Frankie doesn’t care that he has to share with the way you’re looking at him and the sweet noises you’re making he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. You cry out his name as your hands tug on his curls. He’ll do anything to have you say his name a thousand times over while his face is buried between your thighs. “Fuck…Frankie I’m gonna come.” You pant out between breaths. 
“Come for me hermosa, I want to hear you.” He dips two fingers into your pussy as his tongue works circles around your clit. 
Dave’s not sure how he thought tonight would go. He hoped you would forgive them both and maybe find a way for everyone to get what they want. He didn’t expect to have you splayed out in front of him while Frankie takes you apart. 
He’s always thought himself confident in the bedroom but he may have to ask Frankie what exactly he’s doing to elicit these noises. His cock twitches at every moan and whimper as you squirm against him. 
You arch your back into him and whine, he can tell you’re close the way your whole body shakes. 
“I’ve got you baby, you can let go.”
It has to be Dave in your ear because Frankie hasn’t come up for air. You can feel the coil tighten inside as your fingers grip his hair. He growls as you pull him closer. 
He’s missed this feeling, the craving for someone so bad you can feel it in your gut. 
He can taste it on his tongue, the moment you break and cry out his name. Your voice is hoarse and he’s barely had his fill of you. 
He looks up from between your thighs and locks eyes with Dave. Your chest is heaving as he holds you close trying to calm your breathing. there isn’t an ounce of regret in the way he’s looking at you both. Like this is exactly what’s been missing from his life. 
Frankie rubs his hands down your body, slowly bringing you back to him. He kisses that crease of soft skin before he raises up and captures your lips in his, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. “Don’t you taste so good?” He rasps against your lips. 
“Mhm.” Is all you can manage as Frankie squeezes your thigh, dimpling your skin between his fingers. 
“I think Dave wants a taste.” Frankie nudges you back as Dave moves down beside you. 
You can feel Frankie take the spot on the other side as Dave takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger. Gently holding you there while you catch your breath. When he presses his lips to yours it’s softer than you would imagine. The hard set line of his jaw and his intense stare don’t let on to the tender touch of his hand. 
His hand drifts from your chin to cup the back of your head further deepening the kiss as you both moan at the sensation. He’s achingly hard against your stomach as he rolls his hips into you, pulling you impossibly closer. 
You reach down and palm him through his boxers but he carefully grabs your hand pulling it up to his lips, placing a kiss to your palm. “Not tonight hummingbird.” You tense up at the slight rejection but he’s quick to assure you. “You’ve already made me the happiest man alive, I can be patient and wait my turn.” He looks over your shoulder to Frankie with some unspoken words as they effortlessly roll you to face him. 
Frankie’s hair is a wild mess as you reach over and run your fingers through it. “Sorry about this.” 
Dave laughs as he presses his lips to your shoulder. “I don’t know, I kinda like it.” 
If there was a competition on who could make Frankie blush, Dave would be winning by a landslide. 
Frankie suddenly looks a little shy. “We can stop now, if you want too.” 
“No Frankie…I need you.” You surge forward and kiss him as you feel two fingers dip into your entrance. A small gasp leaves your lips as Dave works your open. Frankie’s pulling his boxers down in one swift movement as you try not to balk at the sheer size of him. 
“I’m gonna go slow okay?” His breath fans across your face as you nod. Dave groans behind you as he pulls his fingers out dragging them slowly up and circling your clit. You whine and drop your head back on his shoulder as he lifts your leg over Frankie’s hip. 
You only let the two of them talk briefly about tonight and yet it’s like they’ve mapped it out for weeks. They have the blueprint to your body’s every need and they work together like they’ve studied you for years. You’re not afraid to call it what it is anymore…it feels even more than love to you the way you all fit within each other. Dave at your back and Frankie at your front, looking at you with those puppy dog eyes like you’re the only thing keeping him tethered to this world. 
Frankie reaches between you to grip his cock, sliding the tip between your lips as you shudder. He pushes in slowly, experimentally rolling his hips as you grip his shoulders. Dave is nearly silent behind you as he places his hand along your abdomen, feeling the way you breathe. You grit your teeth at the slight pain that gives way to pleasure as he buries himself to the hilt. You wait there a moment, your foreheads pressed together as he tries to catch his breath. 
“Frankie please…” A stray tear rolls down your face as the sensation takes over your body. The feeling of Frankie’s cock inside you has you clenching around him.
“Fuck me…” Frankie hisses and Dave has to chuckle at the sentiment of you fucking him. “You’re so tight baby.” 
Frankie starts a slow agonizing pace and you can feel every ridge and vein as he drags his cock in and out, his eyes flit down to where you’re connected so he can watch the way your pussy takes him so well. He’s not going to last the way you feel right now and the way Dave’s looking at him. You bury your head into his neck, crying out his name as he picks up the pace, his grip tightens on your hips as Dave squeezes your stomach making Frankie jerk his head up to him. 
He can feel him and he knows it, your legs pull him in further as you match his thrusts and he finally locks eyes with Dave. He can see it in his eyes and he hopes he’s not wrong as Frankie leans in kissing him feverishly. He’s dizzy with the scent of you and Dave on his tongue. 
“Oh fuck Frankie.” You’re shaking as you whine into his neck. 
“You gonna come for me?” Dave’s voice cuts through the moans and sharp breaths and Frankie doesn’t know who he means but he’s dangerously close. 
Dave’s hand trails down from your stomach to rub your clit, his hand is pressed between your bodies and Frankie bites down on his lip to keep from coming right then, he wants to wait for you. He has too. 
It’s delirium having them all over you, inside you. You open your mouth as a silent scream leaves it, Frankie’s lips are on yours breathing it in as you come apart in his arms. You can feel his hips stuttering as Dave grips his arm. “Mierda, díme.” 
“English Francisco.” Dave grits out behind you. 
“Come inside me please…” Frankie groans as he pulses hot ropes of cum inside your pussy as you flutter with the aftershocks. You can feel a warm wet spot on your back as you cling to Frankie, his cock still pulsing inside you as you whimper at the overstimulation. 
It takes you all a minute to come down from your high and Dave rolls out of the king size bed to the en-suite bathroom. Frankie’s kissing your sweat soaked forehead as you rub circles on his back, still tangled up in him. 
“Okay lovebirds, I need to clean you up.” Dave says as he dips onto the side of the bed, wiping your back carefully with a warm washcloth. You glance at him over your shoulder as he blushes. “Not a word.” You laugh and mock zipping your lips. 
There’s a moment after he’s done where you’re unsure where to go from here. You can tell Frankie feels the same as he sits on the edge of the bed. 
Dave clears his throat as he takes his spot on the other side of you. “Generally speaking people sleep under the covers.” He pulls them back as you and Frankie deflate, his relieved smile etched across his face. It feels right between them, maybe a little hot at the moment but you know it’s where you’re supposed to be. 
You nestle in between the two of them as your eyes start to drift off to sleep. 
“Hermosa?” Frankie’s sleepy voice sounds from behind you. “You speak Spanish?” 
“In a pinch.” 
Dave snorts into the pillow as you both burst out into laughter. Ya this feels right
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Taglist- @missladym1981 @legendary-pink-dot @brittmb115 @christinamadsen @heavennumber2 @anoverwhelmingdin @guelyury @hannahkatharine @heareball @vabeachazn @frogjumps-world @jessthebaker @littlenosoul @adriennemichelle98 @syrupsstuff @pixielou5 @runningmom94
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venuscnjunctpluto · 2 years
Astrology Observation pt. 2
(Thank y’all for all the support on my first one❤️🙌🏾)
*as a sag Venus sag mars pls stop asking me why I’m laughing…I’m not laughing at YOU I’m just insane😝
*moon in the 1st synastry is so therapeutic you just feel really comfortable opening up to the 1st house person and as the 1st house person I feel honored someone trusts me enough to share their feelings🫶🏾
*people w aqua and libra in their big three are the chillest mfs you’ll ever meet. Even though I’m very chaotic anytime someone describes me “chill” just seems to be thrown in there. We space out ALOT and it’s honestly embarrassing😭 Ex: Alicia keys, lil Wayne, Harry styles, Rosalia. Harry gives such himbo energy in interviews and they drag him for it in the comments but he’s probably just thinking about multiple things at once. Alicia keys didn’t even realize lil mama was on that stage and went on performing lol. Obviously lil Wayne smokes but something about his energy…he’s on cloud 9. And just go watch Rosalia’s chicken shop episode💕😂.
*honestly Aries mars aren’t that bad when it comes to temper because usually they find ways to manage it. Now mars-Uranus aspects is a completely different story. I have late mars-Uranus and it takes me a while to get mad but when I do I can’t even think anymore. My old roomie had a tight square and she would blow up on people for no actual reason like girl sit down😭
*something about Scorpio mars men is just😮‍💨 they have such a sneaky energy to them that makes them stand out. Virgo mars are fine too they’re just so skinny and no matter wtf they do they’re always nerdy ugh (ex: Matthew gray gubler, Lucky daye, Dylan O’Brien, Jeff Buckley)
*i noticed Aries moon don’t really get along w each other. They find their own energy to be too mf much (which it can be) so they prefer being around more calmer people *coughs* libra moons like me. They wanna be bouncing off the walls 🤪 while their friend is just like 🙂.
* fire risings do a lot of things fast. As an Aries rising, I walk fast, get happy fast, eat fast, workout fast. My cousin is complaining her sag rising toddler eats and drinks way too fast.
*venus in 11th…how many tiktok drafts do y’all got😭
*i talked to this guy who had similar placements as me (Venus in 8th and moon in 6th plus Aquarius and Aries placements) It was so chaotic it was literally us going back and forth obsessing over eachother while trying to keep it lowkey. But also the amount of anxiety we are naturally incline to have made the whole situation too mf much.
*i have mercury conjunct my friends mars and for years she tells me the things I say can take people there and make them wanna fight me. It’s in Capricorn and so I was confused before I knew we had that aspect
* i noticed rappers whose lines always stick out to me have Gemini mars or mercury- mars (central cee, king von, tupac, kendrick , j. cole)
*i was talking to this guy and I had Venus and mars plus pluto in his 4th house. Months after we stopped talking our friend groups meshed and he would tell me non-stop I reminded him of his mother. He said she was the same height as me and y’all I was scared to ask what she looked like cause 😫 y’all remember that episode of family guy when Chris dated that girl that looked like Lois yep 4th house synastry.
*im a true crime whore and two women who killed their bfs had sun-Uranus aspects. Their energy was erratic and very off putting in videos. I can’t remember the other one but Courtney tailor/clenney was one.
* More spilling my business on the Internet😍 i think I’m done entertaining people my age. Pluto in the 8th, Lilith in 1st, and Venus conjunct Pluto synastry has been hell. Where’s my sugar daddy/mama?? It’s ghetto out here
*gemini Lilith generation whose a year younger than me is nasty asf😭 esp the tauruses they have their Lilith conjunct their Gemini Venus and opposite their Pluto. One said he had a slept w two girls at separate times. He didn’t know they met until the girls posted a selfie together and tagged him. They later told him they wanted a threesome and he did it😭 knowing astrology I believed every word
* sidebar Neptune-asc people and trying to give off innocent vibes ugh annoying asf to me. I can see right through their bs but they’re able to fool most people.
* mercury-Pluto aspects are in fact LIARS and throw a Scorpio placement in there😮‍💨
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the-invisible-bunny · 8 months
I have this burning desire to write a spideytorch fic where Sue is wholly opposed to the relationship (and effectively prevents Peter from making a move initially) because she thinks he’s too irresponsible for Johnny.
I think it’s partly because that’s kinda hilarious but mostly because I read, back to back, Peter calling Johnny irresponsible (Spider-Man/Human Torch) right after the stretch of Fantastic Four (rereading again because I love it so much) between Heroes Reborn and Civil War where Johnny’s strong sense of responsibility towards his power, family, and everything really I guess keeps coming up. Plus, I’d just read the whole Peter revealing his identity again after One More Day, and while they hug it out, Johnny is quite upset about Peter taking his face away (and Peter doesn’t seem to get how much that must hurt).
And after I had the thought it just kept coming. If Johnny’s had a series of bad relationships then surely Sue would not want him to date a guy who keeps secrets and just generally is the way Peter is. Sure, he’s Spider-Man and he’s great, but Spidey doesn’t come across as the greatest boyfriend ever. He’s a bit too flaky and secretive and quick to lie to everyone.
And I just love the idea of Peter’s reaction when Sue tells him to back off from her brother because he deserves someone more responsible and committed. Oh the angst and suffering and misunderstandings and eventual heart to hearts and shagging.
Downside is, can’t really write that properly until I’ve finished reading all the comics because that gives context to their actions and while I know generally what happens I haven’t read it all yet. I’ve been kind of avoiding the whole Alicia/Ljya story arc for a while because well… poor Johnny… and it’s hard to know where to start pre Heroes Reborn. Now I’m just reading from the beginning but it is a lot and I’m only up to like 1968 with the Fantastic Four and I’m mostly trying to read all the series (think I may drop the X-Men for a while though as they’re a bunch of boring buffoons so far).
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kuningannasansa · 9 months
spoilery thoughts on the spin off
i'm glad they didn't whitewash Berlin and kept him as the psycho creep he is, i was laughing so hard when he was having his "fuck the french" rant, that's my boy! i've seen some reviews complain that the love story doesn't work cause berlin is creepy but i'm glad he is, he is meant to be a creep and nobody does it better!
they do try to go full romantic in the end there and I dont like that he's still obsessed with her months later, it's more in character for him to lose interest now he's had her and she's become sad and a human being off the pedestal, plus he got the better of the husband so there's no competition left, i figured that's where they were going but apparently not... but then it's left open ended enough that i don't really mind. and i'm glad she got the money though, she deserves to get something out of all this.
i'm glad the blackmail didn't work, that would have been silly if they got the better of Berlin so easily, especially given that camille is... dumb... i'm sorry but... "who could possibly be framing my husband? definetly not the creep who showed up 2 weeks ago and has suspiciously large sums of cash lying around". she's waaay dumber than his usual type, tatiana & palermo & nairobi were all intelligent
i'm glad they explained why this gang isnt in the mint heist, they're all blown and the police has their pictures
i'm cool with bruce/kayla they're cute
i do not give a shit about cameron and her dumbass backstory, she's not tokyo and i didn't like the callback shots or the fact that a guy in a band dating a teenage fan isn't seen as fucked up
damian is also a creep and it makes sense that he would be, as berlin's friend, but I hated that lady hearing him yell at his wife and then still go for him, have some self preservation god!
Idk if they intended for Andres and Roi to come across that gay for each other, probably not, but dude literally emerges from a steamy bathroom with his shirt open and sighs "Roi" come on!
Loved every second of Alicia and Raquel and I wish they'd had more to do!
feminist masterpiece this ain't, but it was a very fun heist romp and kept me entertained and amused throughout
my biggest complaint - WHY THE FUCK DO THEY CALL HIM BERLIN????? that is a code name he doesnt pick until the mint heist!! have some respect for your audience, people are not dumb they can understand that andres = berlin
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heda-in-the-clouds · 1 year
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Escort Lexa & Client Clarke
This exact moment inspired me to write a little headcanon for my escort!Lexa and client!Clarke au where Lexa surprises Clarke with this matching black set during their weekend together
Minor note: Lexa's escort name is Alicia. She doesn't reveal her actual name to Clarke yet. Also light smut and g!p Clarke tags
Lexa watched Clarke as she peacefully napped on the bed. Lexa grinned smugly to herself that she tired out Clarke with their activities following their lovely museum date this afternoon.
Even with her yawns and drooping eyelids, Clarke argued that she could go for another round. Lexa chuckled and told Clarke that she needed to rest right now. They had a tiring afternoon with their date plus the three rounds of sex they just finished in their hotel room.
Lexa reassured Clarke that they still had plenty of time together this weekend. There's no rush and they can quickly pick things back up once Clarke wakes up. Plus, she told Clarke that she needed her strength and energy for what she has planned later tonight. Clarke nodded satisfied with this promise and immediately passed out from her exhaustion.
While Clarke's quiet snores filled the room, Lexa showered to freshen up and prepare for their second to last night together. She now stood naked in front of the mirror deciding which lingerie set to wear for Clarke. She had bought several new pieces for their weekend together and she had trouble finding the perfect one.
Clarke had confessed to her that she loved seeing Lexa in something simple because it made her look softer. After all, Clarke had wanted the girlfriend experience during their time together.
Lexa immediately knew what to wear. She chose a simple black lacy bralette with matching thin mesh panties. The bra offered enough support to accentuate her breasts while the high cut of her underwear emphasized her sinfully long legs. She could not wait to see Clarke's reaction.
Delighted by her choice, Lexa wore a fluffy robe to cover up her surprise before she took a seat in the chair next to the bed. As she fondly watched Clarke, Lexa reflected on her growing feelings for her client.
Clarke was a sweet romantic with a large heart ready to love and be loved. She always looked at Lexa with an air of awe and reverence. She saw Lexa as her own person unlike her previous clients who only saw her as an object to satiate their lust and desire. Plus, Clarke also cared about Lexa's own pleasure. She could not remember the last time a client wanted and made her climax. Clarke was different. She was special.
Lexa then recalled the pitiful reason that drew them together. No one had wanted to date Clarke since she was intersex. Sadly, people were shallow and dismissed Clarke's heart because of her anatomy. Lexa was shattered when she learned this through Clarke's application for her agency. She did not care that Clarke was intersex when she chose her as her client.
Additionally from their pillow talk, Lexa sensed how rejection after rejection slowly diminished the hopeful glint in Clarke's eyes of finding love. It finally pushed her to the extent that she had felt desperate enough to hire an escort to experience intimacy for the first time.
Thus, Lexa vowed to be the best girlfriend for Clarke during their weekend together at any cost. Unfortunately, the unexpected cost was that Lexa had developed feelings for Clarke.
From the moment they met, Lexa cared deeply for Clarke and cherished their time together. In fact, Lexa was heartbroken that their weekend together was slowly coming to an end. She would miss Clarke's contagious laughter, charming personality, quiet humility, and her selflessness. She felt that Clarke truly was her girlfriend. Lexa hoped Clarke felt the same and would remember her as her first love once they parted Monday morning.
Despite her feelings, Lexa could not act on them otherwise she would jeopardize her profession as an escort. She had to cast aside her feelings for Clarke and treat her as any other client. Her head reasoned she just had a fleeting crush on a client with a compelling sob story. She should forget about Clarke after their weekend ended.
However, Lexa's heart urged her to accept her feelings for Clarke. She had never felt such a strong and deep emotional bond with someone else. Lexa knew that her feelings for Clarke were genuine and not superficial. She wanted to open her heart fully to Clarke. The intimacy she shared with Clarke was real.
Lexa was at a loss on how to resolve the conflicts raging between her head and her heart. Fortunately, her thoughts were interrupted by Clarke suddenly stirring in her sleep.
At first, Lexa assumed she was having a nightmare since Clarke was writhing and breathing hard. However, when Clarke turned onto her back revealing her boner, it dawned on Lexa that Clarke was having a good dream.
She watched as Clarke's hand grasped tightly onto the sheets while her hips thrust back and forth into the air. Clarke's face contorted in pleasure as she pretended to fuck someone in her sleep. Lexa hoped it was her.
"Alicia." Clarke moaned out
Suddenly, Lexa felt her core tingling with heat once she learned she was the subject of Clarke's vivid sex dream. She watched enthralled as Clarke continued her thrusts which increased in pace and vigor. She grunted Alicia's name over and over as she chased her peak.
The more Lexa stared, the more arousal dripped onto her underwear darkening the black fabric even further. She was shocked by her body's reaction since she was never this soaked for her previous clients. However, Clarke was different from everyone else for a key reason. Lexa had feelings for her.
Now those same feelings were driving Lexa to act on her lust right now. Normally Lexa's clients touched themselves because of her. However, it was the opposite with Clarke. Lexa had never experienced this primal urge to fuck herself because of someone else let alone a client.
Lexa's feelings compelled her to give into her selfishness and seek out her own pleasure for once. Thus she reached under her robe, slid her underwear to the side, and started touching herself to alleviate the ache throbbing in her core.
She rubbed her clit in tight circles and pushed two fingers inside herself curling them along her wall. She mirrored Clarke's intensity and pressed harder and faster to match her pace. Spurred by the sinful moans of her name escaping Clarke's lips, Lexa sensed her climax quickly approaching.
Unfortunately, before Lexa could succumb to her powerful climax, Clarke had suddenly woken up from her dream surprising Lexa who reacted by quickly removing her hand from between her legs. To her relief, Clarke was still groggy from her sudden wakeup and did not notice that she had been touching herself right next to her. While Clarke was distracted, Lexa pulled her robe up to cover herself.
Clarke was breathing heavy and sitting up on bed as she tried to calm down from her intense dream where Alicia was lying face down with her back arched low lifting her ass letting Clarke thrust deep into her wet heat. Alicia was moaning Clarke's name and begging her to go harder and faster. Clarke was about to finish before she was rudely roused from her fantasy for some unknown reason.
Suddenly Clarke jumped when Alicia's voice interrupted her thoughts.
"I'm guessing you had a good dream babe?" Lexa chuckled when she caught Clarke by surprise.
"How'd you know Alicia?" Clarke responded when she sheepishly turned her head to face her hoping the blush on her cheeks was not too noticeable.
Lexa moved her eyes downwards to Clarke's lap and stared at her slick cock before moving back up and giving her a knowing smirk.
"Wanna tell me what you were dreaming of...or better yet, who?" Lexa cheekily asked.
"It's kinda embarrassing Alicia but I was dreaming of fucking you." Clarke timidly whispered.
"Don't be embarrassed Clarke. I'm really flattered that I'm the one responsible for getting you this hard and wet." Lexa reassured Clarke as she looked deep into her eyes.
"Really?" Clarke asked in disbelief.
"Yes babe. In fact, I got so wet watching you right now as you were enjoying your dream." Lexa added on when she saw the surprise on Clarke's face.
"Can, can you show me?" Clarke begged at this new revelation.
Lexa then stood up and removed her robe in one grand move revealing her matching black underwear with a noticeable dark wet spot on the front of her panties. She felt Clarke's eyes roaming unabashedly over her body. Lexa knew she made the right decision with her lingerie choice once she saw Clarke's eyes darken with sinful desire.
"Fuck. You're a goddess wearing that!" Clarke proclaimed.
"Thank you babe. That's such a lovely compliment. To be honest, I feel like one whenever you look at me." Lexa beamed back at Clarke who smiled at Lexa's honesty.
They stared fondly at each other for several seconds until Lexa softly spoke, "Babe."
"Yeah." Clarke responded in the same soft voice.
Suddenly, Lexa's soft eyes darkened as she stared intently at Clarke with her sultry smolder.
"Why don't you show me how you were fucking me in your dream? I want to make your sexual fantasy a reality Clarke." Lexa begged with lustful desire in her voice that sent a shiver down Clarke's spine to her dick that throbbed in agreement
Lexa slowly crawled up the bed until she straddled Clarke's hips so they were face to face, their cores grazing closely against each other so that they could feel the heat emanating between them.
Clarke was left speechless and paralyzed as Alicia slowly grinded on her lap with her soaked lace underwear.
"In your dream, was I wearing any underwear or was I completely naked when you were fucking me?" Lexa inquired with a devilish smirk on her face.
While Alicia was seducing her with her hip movements on her lap, Clarke stuttered her response as coherent words were lost on her tongue. Alicia then placed her thumb on Clarke's lips to silence her stutters.
"Better yet Clarke, why don't you show me instead."
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toaarcan · 5 months
Bold New Moebius is one of my favourite arcs in Archie Sonic, despite me not actually liking its main villain. I guess that's the power of Flynn going "There's an evil version of Tails and he acts like Starscream" and my then-teenage brain going "Oh that's two of my favourite things mashed into one character, I will love him forever."
Yes this is a Miles Stan Account. I have imaginary AMVs in my head about him like you wouldn't believe.
But there's something that bothers me about it: The Suppression Squad's team composition.
In this arc, the Freedom Fighters consist of all six of the classic SatAM crew, plus Amy and Nicole, though Nicole doesn't really do a whole lot. This is the standard FF roster for most of Flynn's run in Archie, it's hard to go wrong with it.
The Suppression Squad, meanwhile, bring Scourge, Fiona, Miles, Alicia, Patch, and Boomer. They have six to the Freedom Fighters' eight.
They don't introduce an Evil Nicole, and while an antiverse version of Amy is introduced in the story, she's not a member of Suppression Squad, she's a random crazy person who wants to both kill and date Scourge and gets in the way a whole lot during the parts of the story that are set on Moebius.
Additionally, Buns is removed from the team as a whole, instead appearing as a morally-questionable ally of Kintobor, because she's sick and Scourge threw her out for being weak.
And I find this weird. Not to say that I dislike the idea of a member of Suppression Squad being basically forced to redeem themselves because they had an r/leopardsatemyface moment, because I don't, I love it. I just think it's weird for two reasons:
They don't need to "Make room" for Fiona on the Suppression Squad, because the FF also have additional members besides the originals. Buns can still be there without throwing the numbers off.
If they're going to remove one of the Suppression Squad's original roster from the board... why is it Buns that goes, and not Alicia?
Think about it: Besides Scourge himself, Alicia is the nominal leader of the team. She's the one that Scourge worked with when he originally plunged Moebius into chaos at the end of the Great Peace, by killing Anti-Jules and banishing Maxx to the Void. She's the one that kicked him out of the Squad with the aid of Jeff. Why the hell would he keep her around?
She's also pretty redundant as a Squad member in this arc, because Fiona is here.
I've said before that I think that Archie viewed Fiona more as a Sally Clone than as her own character, and this gets infinitely worse in Flynn's run, where most of her own (very undercooked) personality traits are largely abandoned in favour of having her shackled permanently to the evil version of Sally's boyfriend, and doing the same things that Sally does, but evilly.
And it's this arc where this becomes really obvious that Fiona is just Evil Sally now, because she's on a team with a character who literally used to be called Evil Sally. Alicia mostly stands around and does nothing because Fiona's the one beefing with her counterpart, right up until the point where the two sides team up, wherein Fiona is hurriedly ushered out of the plot and Alicia returns to her normal place as Sally's opposite number.
So... why not keep Buns and have Alicia be the one to get kicked out and forced to turn to Kintobor? She can still play the role that Alicia did in the final chapters of the arc by simply linking up with the two teams when they arrive on Moebius, after all.
Now, I can see the point being raised that it was Buns that got sick with NIDS. But that plot point is something they introduced in this arc. They can just have Alicia get sick instead. She was last seen before this arc falling into a pit full of poisonous robots, after all. Or they can just skip that aspect and have her get kicked out because Scourge is petty and vengeful and doesn't want her around.
This confusion doesn't ruin the story for me or anything, I still think it's a good one, but it does still somewhat baffle me.
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Heyyy! I love your stories and was wondering if you could do a fluff piece with Zdog where her and the reader are having a date night like braiding hair and watching movies until Lyle or someone comes by and reminds Zdog that that night is the one night a week that all the re-coms get together to just relax and reader is all like you can go I wont be mad and zdog is like I rather spend it with you instead :)
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You were excited to have some time with your girlfriend Alicia finally, she had been so busy the last few weeks training and going on various missions, so when she finally had the day off there was only one place she wanted to be. You finished picking up your room and getting ready just opting to change into a pair of leggings and one of her shirts when you heard a knock on your door making you smile as you walked over to answer it. 
"Hi, baby." You said smiling at her as you opened your door. 
"Hey princess, I've missed you so much." She said wrapping her arms around you and placing a kiss on your lips. 
"I missed you too, please come in." You said stepping inside and letting her into your room before closing the door behind her. 
Alicia looked around your room and smiled at the growing section you had dedicated to all the stuff she always brought to you before her eyes landed on the stuff laid out for tonight. 
"You did all this for me?" She asked as you walked over to where she was sitting and stood between her legs. 
"I did. I just wanted to make tonight relaxing for you since you haven't had much of that lately." You said as her heart swelled at your words. 
"I love it, thank you. I'm sorry we haven't had much time lately." She said. 
"It's alright baby, I understand, and plus that makes us appreciate the time we do get together so much more." You said as she hugged you. 
An hour later you were both sitting on your floor with face masks on while you were catching up on everything that had happened since you guys lasted spoke when you noticed her patting her pockets like she lost something.
"Something wrong baby?" You asked her.
"Yeah, I left my pack of gum in my room. I need to go grab it if you don't mind." She started to say as you stood up and walked over to your nightstand. 
"Here I always keep an extra pack for you." You said handing her a pack of gum. 
"Really?" She asked stunned but also warmed that you thought enough about her.
"I figured there's a reason why you always chew it, so I always try to keep a pack on hand in case you need it." You said smiling at her. 
"I uh used to smoke back on Earth and when I finally decided to quit, I started clenching my jaw a lot to due to stress and whatnot and ended up with jaw pain. This uh helps me from doing that." She admitted. 
"I understand but thank god you stopped smoking. Because if I would've met you when you still smoke I probably wouldn't have dated you." You said making her laugh.
"Really? Not a fan of smoking?" She asked you. 
"No, I always hated it. I had an uncle who was a chain smoker he couldn't go more than five minutes without smoking and it was the worst." You said. 
"I was never that bad but I'm really glad I stopped then because you are more important than smoking and I would've hated to lose you to due to my nasty habit." She said placing a kiss on your lips.
Your alarm went off to wash the masks off your face, so you two went to your bathroom which was still funny to watch your 9ft girlfriend try to navigate. After washing them off, you two went back into your room and ate some food, before Alicia asked if she could play with your hair. 
"Sure. I haven't brushed it out in a few days, so it might be a little knotty." You said settling between her legs as a movie played on the tablet. 
Alicia made sure to delicately work through any knots you had in your hair and try not to hurt you as you rested your head on her leg while watching a movie. Playing with your hair was her favorite thing to do and it helped remind her that her hands were also good for something other than killing. She was almost done with your hair when your door opened making you lift your head as you were both confused as to who was coming into your room.
"Don't you know how to knock Lyle?" You asked him annoyed.
"Don't you know how to lock a door? Hmm?" He asked as you rolled your eyes at him before resting your head back on Alicia's leg. 
"What do you want Wainfleet?" Alicia asked annoyed that he was interrupting ya'lls night.
"I came to see if you were ready for tonight." He said as you looked at her confused. 
"Ready for what?" She asked him confused. 
"Our usual night out. Remember we said we would do it this weekend." He said.
"Oh, I forgot." She said. 
"It's alright. You should go." You said to her. 
Don't worry about girls. I'll tell them that Zdog is really busy. Have fun lovebirds." Lyle said making you two laugh as he left. 
"You should go with them. I know you only get one night a week to relax and not be a soldier." You said looking at her after you locked your door. 
"I know I do but I much rather spend it with you if that's okay." She said pulling you into her lap.
"That's more than okay with me." You said giving her a soft smile. 
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pearlnareff · 10 months
For the character ask game: could I please have 2, 5, 12, 18, 24 about Nathan (Seymour, lol 😉)? 💖
AHHHH YES! Sorry I only teared up twice answering these. also take a shot every time I use the word "iconic" because seriously they absolutely are (also alternating between she and they pronouns because that is how she exists in my brain fja;owejf):
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? Yes. All of the above. OKAY as true as that is, really? The vibes are immaculate. The aesthetic, the attitude, the style, hell- even the Dominoes Sponsorship /j Everything about Nathan is just chef's kiss. I love how they are just unapologetically themselves. Like UEGH even in… the Rising movie when they're going through that dream/memory/nightmare sequence and then snap out of it at the end by like hugging that younger version of them. Like it legit makes me tear up cause I see it as… Nathan being the version of herself that she needed back then. To just show herself a little bit of self-love. And it's just beautiful to me! Nathan Seymour is beautiful inside and out for real.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about this character? SAME AS YURI I'M SO SORRY-- THE FIRST THOUGHT WAS "GIRL IS ON FIRE" I promise I understand fire motif characters have more depth and that I'm just a slut for Alicia Keys, but TBH it completely fits Nathan a whole lot better. "So bright, she can burn your eyes, better look the other way. You can try, but you'll never forget her name." Also "She got her head in the clouds, and she's not backing down." Like not to talk about Sky High but like! Sorry I'll just never get over her riding on Sky High's shoulders as he flies around okay.
12. What is a headcanon you have for this character? I'm not too sure how much of this is actually considered a headcanon but I definitely believe that Nathan and Kotetsu have had a fling before. Super casual, no hard feelings afterwards, just a super cute temporary fling. A flame, if you will xD Like, maybe they one of them needed a date for a wedding or a plus one to some fancy event and they just had a really really good time. It's silly but their friendship just means a lot to me yes.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? What if I sat here and sobbed about Fire Emblem and Sky High for ten years? What if I laid on the ground and made you a sweater of my tears? Like not even just because FireSky is a top-tier ship for me romantically but like? Even just their partnership as buddy heroes is just so wonderful and wholesome like. I love that in their episode in season 2, their "conflict" is… Thinking the other one is too perfect. And too good. That's just? It's so sweet and I can't handle it. They're so different from each other but in the best way possible. Like peanut butter and jelly. Different but they go together so so so well. Nathan is sassy and fierce while Keith is golden retriever goober man. They compliment each other so so well. One day I will finally finish (start) the one shot idea I have for them but sadly I fail at completing things fjao;efi
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? This is hard because Nathan is so freaking iconic but like…. if I had to pick one out….. Okay same as the last ask I'm having such a hard time but! If I had to shove them into another fandom that I love, I think they would fit So well into Ace Attorney (Imagining her as a witness or even a guest prosecutor would just be so much fun) or into Jojo's BIzarre Adventure, Part 6 Specifically (I would just love to see them interact with some of the Stone Ocean ladies.)
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karimwillia · 2 years
Part 15
Warnings: Plot
After dinner the party continues. The group plays games, and sings karaoke. Okoye formally meets Miss Riri Williams after all the stories she has heard. They talk over what her recent research is about and how she is enjoying her last year in school. It seems that Riri makes a great impression on everyone she meets. Shuri walks over to where they are after thanking both Ronnie and Romanda for this beautiful surprise.
Okoye lights up. “Little Panther, I like her. Her ideas about biomedical monitoring via nanotechnology is brillant.” Okoye raves about the conversation. Shuri laces her fingers with Riri who blushes at the compliment. “Cousin stop, her head will get too big. She already knows her concepts are going to win her the next Nobel Peace Prize in the sciences. ” Shuri jokenly pokes fun. “Aht aht Dove don’t I told you that would curse it. Plus your interface design is going to make the project.” Okoye’s face is inquisitive. “Wait, you mean to tell me Shuri is designing again?”
Riri proudly answers. “Well yes. I needed some help one day with an idea and one of her sketch pads was open. She had the concept of a tech bracelet mocked up. It was gorgeous, so I asked to use it. Since then she’s gotten back into her art and design. Her mind is so beautiful the way it sees and uses shapes.” Riri is looking at Shuri with intent as she speaks. “Thank you Baby I only have been inspired because of you.” Okoye is stunned. “Miss Williams you are something else. I applaud you.”
The party closes out well after midnight. Ronnie and Sharon head upstairs for the night leaving the couple down by the tree. The girls are cuddled up on the couch again. “Princess, is it bad that I am so used to this after just one night?” “Used to what?” “Having you with me to sleep. It just feels better with you here.” Riri laughs. “No, it’s not. I am used to it too. We are so gay.” Shuri giggles and kisses Riri's neck as they spoon.
“You think we could live together?” Shuri wonders out loud. “If we go to college together we can.” Shuri listens as Riri articulates herself. College choice is looming and this is the first time the idea was in the air. They agreed that if separate colleges were the best fit then they would make it work. But being at the same school or less than an hour away are options.
“Baby if you want to wake up to me everyday just say that.” Shuri wants to ease some of the tension. Riri turns around to face Shuri as she’s lying on her chest. “No, you want to wake up to me everyday.” The prospect of being away from each other burns in their chest. Shuri knows only one thing to say. “Hell yea I do, but promise me we'll always do what is best. I think we are meant to be, and anything meant to be works out.”
Riri places her forehead on Shuri’s and smiles. “Dove, how do you do that? Say the one thing that makes everything better.” Breathing Ri’s air Shuri says. “I just speak what your heart tells me to say.” Speechless Riri kisses Shuri with a small peck. She changes the subject quickly to avoid tears.
“Baby it's 2 am.” Shuri pecks her lips again knowing this was an intentional shift. “Yes and I can’t sleep. I’m ready to open gifts. This holiday has been so amazing already.” “In that case I have a gift you can open.” Riri gets up to get a box from under the tree. With a timid smile she hands it to Shuri and sits to face her. Shuri unwraps a set of tickets. Reading them carefully she grins. “Bae you got us tickets to the Sky and the Bulls.” “Yes, I want us to have a date night. They are open tickets for the Bulls we can go anytime. The Sky is for tonight court side.”
Placing her arms loosely around her frame, Shuri kissed Riri’s forehead. “Rihanna Baby you are the best.” Riri grins when Shuri says her full name. “Mmm, saying my name sounds so good.” With smirks on their faces they kiss softly and hold each other for the rest of the night.
The day goes by so fast after Ronnie and Sharon come downstairs. Shuri actually made breakfast today and Romanda returned to spend some time with everyone. The gifts exchanged all came from the heart. Last was Shuri’s gift to Riri. “So Mother, will you be back for some of Shuri’s games?” “Yes Dear Heart, her senior night and last game. They are my favorite ones to see her play.” Riri and Romanda are talking as Shuri gathers her surprise.
M’Baku kept his word and found the perfect jewelry maker to bring to life the custom design necklaces she wanted. Shuri strides into the room with all the family there holding out the box. “Princess Merry Christmas.” Riri opens it and there lays an “S” pendant with a small colored diamond panther head charm. “Dove this is beautiful.” “I am glad you like it. I designed them specifically for us.” Riri looks to see Shuri is wearing an “R” pendant with a heart charm. Ri wants it put on her ASAP. “I am never taking this off.”
Shuri finishes with the clasp she pulls Riri in for a hug from behind. Kissing her cheek. “Good because I designed a modified clasp. It may not come off.” This has been the perfect first Christmas.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shuriris-stuff @dominiquesheart @neptoons1998
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monsterhunting · 11 months
omg i need to know more abt the stonathan hockey au 👀
so this one is my friend Alicia’s fault bc she told me to write it and then I outlined it and did nothing else with it lol. Also disclaimer I know next to nothing about hockey but I WAS obsessed with check please for years so I think that counts for something.
Anyway the idea is that Steve is in the NHL and Nancy is the PR manager for Steve’s hockey team, and Nancy and Jonathan are friends, so when Jonathan needs a job Nancy gets him an in as social media / photographer / whatever person for Steve’s hockey team. Insert stonathan annoyances to friends to lovers shenanigans plus your typical getting in fights on the ice plus hockey injuries plus oh no we’re staying at this hotel for an away game but the booking got messed up and now we have to share the same hotel plus oh no we’re kind of dating but you’re in the NHL so no one can actually know we’re dating plus minor ronance because obviously Robin would also be there somehow….. anyway yeah that’s the gist. It IS outlined but I have basically none of it actually written, but! Someday!
Thank you for asking!
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riverstardis · 2 years
thirty years:
charlie inviting duffy round for dinner and wine👀
ethan and lily watching cal and alicia together and lily’s like “just when i was starting to think she wasn’t quite as dumb as she looks” and ethan goes “you’re not jealous are you?” and she’s like “no, just full of pity. some women are beyond help.”💀
iain and jez come over and say how alicia and cal must be official now then and lily’s like “it’s like watching a baby antelope at the watering hole” HELPSJDKFJJ
ohhh this is the scene! iain says a few of the lads are going out for a drink later and invites lily and she says sure and when iain’s gone ethan goes “well, someone’s going home with a hunky paramedic” BI ETHAN BI ETHAN BI ETHAN🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 bc describing your male colleague as “hunky” is a very heterosexual thing for a man to do /s lily goes “ha, please” and he goes “don’t forget the five year plan lily! tick tock!” I MISS THEIR FRIENDSHIP SO MUCH😫😫
yknow if ethan’s gonna go travelling with bodhi i’m gonna choose to believe he’s going to go visit lily in hong kong. i should write a fic. i have actually been to hong kong myself but i was like 4 so i don’t remember what the city was like or anything.
lmaoo alicia comes over and ethan’s like “i think lily needs our help” “oh?” “yeah, trying to find a man.” lily goes “no i don’t” and ethan mouths “she does” to alicia behind lily’s back sjskdkfkg
why did ethan just fully take on a gay best friend role in that scene😭😭 this made me wonder if this ep had the same writer as handcuffs (rashan date ep) but no it doesn’t so there are TWO writers (at least) who were absolutely determined to make ethan queer! i thank them for their service!
also why is matchmaking ethan and alicia’s thing sjdkdjfj like them teaming up in s33 to get rash and gem back together, and, like here, they weren’t actually together themselves then either! (though they ended up getting back together at the same time, leading to them overhearing rash and gem having sex sjsjjfkfk)
lmaoo why is elle going “karen please don’t do this! karen!” while her patient runs away while making no actual effort to stop her😭
sjdkfkfk now alicia’s trying to help lily find a man, asking her what her type is and lily isn’t telling her so she looks around and suggests dylan “consultant? very eligible?” and lily goes “i once considered dr keogh but he still has that dog and mental health issues can be genetic, plus he lives on a barge” alicia’s face while she’s listening to that SKDKFKKF can you imagine dylan and lily though they would not work at all😭 too different flavours of autism
alicia’s begging for something to work with and lily’s like “someone like ric griffin” and alicia’s like “isn’t he acting ceo now??” and lily goes “exactly” wkdkfkkfkf
duffy’s son threatening charlie shdjfjjfj
poor tanya😢
ah sebastian’s dad. he’s locuming there so he can check up on him?
aw seb tries to stand up for his patient but his dad just shoots him down, and dylan also tries but mr grayling asks his name and then goes “ah yes, i know the name. curious business with the number 4?”
sjskfkfk alicia and lily were watching and alicia looks horrified and goes “what a—“ and lily goes “him.” saying he’s her type😭😭
lmaoo alicia introduces herself and lily to mr grayling and leaves lily to speak to him and goes to stand the other side of the nurses station and like motions for her to check his hand for a wedding ring and stuff SKDKKFKF
LMAO alicia goes up to mr grayling and fully just asks him if he wants to take lily out on a date😭😭 he’s like “extraordinary. you can tell dr chao to meet me here at 7 o’clock sharp”
lily’s like “i cannot believe you just did that! what am i gonna wear?” sjsjfjfkfk
aww duffy’s granddaughter is born
charlie and duffy talking about how they’ve had 30 years of friendship and duffy’s like ��it wasn’t just friendship though was it?”👀👀
aww lily all dressed up for her date! sebastian’s like “seriously, dad? she’s my age!”😭😭
lily talking to ethan and alicia while seb’s standing up to his dad. and she tells iain she can’t make drinks anymore. aw ethan’s like “have fun!”
oh are charlie and duffy about to kiss?
yup now they’re snogging in a store cupboard
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ryqfaeh · 1 year
Short Fancomic #01 : Who's An Illustrious Person?
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It's quite funny when seeing both of them have a swipe personality based on their maturity. In this version, Ali is kinda a little bit sensitive and might be jealous when he found out her male schoolmate are interested in her due to her popularity and beautifulness.
So, Ali showed his anger side to show how mad he is when the boys are trying to approach her in order to ask her out for a date while Ali is the only guy who can hang out with her.
In the other hand, Alicia is calm and a little clueless when she saw Ali's face. She doesn't know what is Ali thinking about. Plus, she feels confused when Ali asked a random question to her. She knows all along about the guys who always tries to get close to her but, in her mind, she already has someone.
Alicia also doesn't take any attention of any guy and that's why she chooses to ignore all of them. She can't even stop what people think and like.
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
@harrypocter Week 3: Lee Jordan
Lee flicked his wand and conjured a bunch of dandelions to lay on the grave.
He knelt in front of it, ignoring the dirt getting on his work robes. He worked for a wireless network anyway, appearances didn’t matter.
“Hey, Freddy.” He said casually. “So, this time I decided on dandelions. It represents ‘the return of life and rebirth’ according to the bloody book, which I think is rather ironic. D’you agree?”
He paused. “Of course, you do. It’s a damn good joke, if I say so myself. Plus a pretty great callback. Remember second year? The Halloween Feast?”
There was another long moment of silence. The breeze whistled through his robes and hair and against the gravestone, as though to break the depressing silence or trying to reassure him.  
At first, talking to the grave as though it would actually respond had been a coping mechanism and Lee had nearly sobbed every time he’d realized there was no point and there was never going to be a withering retort ever again. The pauses had been crushing.
Now, though. . . .
Talking to his old best friend’s grave like this made him nostalgic. More upbeat than upset. More melancholy than rage at the unfairness of the world. More a lingering loving sadness than despair. More spasming than debilitating. The pauses were more symbolic of the departure from his regular life, the dipping back into those war-torn awful years.
“George has a new product out,” He continued, standing up and walking around, gesturing as he did when he told stories without a mic. “It’s a figurine of Harry, actually. He’s experienced a sudden upsurge of popularity since the Blackwood case. Should’ve seen his face when George told him. It was at the last DA reunion. George loved his reaction, though he probably loved it a lot less when Ginny started to ‘console’ him, if you know what I mean.”
He waited again, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of wind and sunshine. The Weasleys really had picked a beautiful place for the grave.
“Angie’s pretty great, too. She was all giggly with Luna and Audrey and Alicia at the reunion though, which makes me worry because that is a dangerous group. Don’t tell them I said that,” he added. “Also, she’s taken a break from the Wanderers. Because. . .”
He cleared his throat. “Well, that’s why I wanted to come see you today. I’m sure you must be wondering. It isn’t your birthday, or Christmas, or the 4th of July, or New Year’s Day or the anniversary of the battle. It’s. . . .”
He wondered how to put it. Fred had always liked straightforwardness, Lee decided. George was the one to dilly-dally and outsmart.
“George and Angelina told me they’re pregnant,” he blurted out. “Well, Angie’s pregnant. They’re having a kid,” he emphasized, in case Fred hadn’t understood.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’ll make amazing parents, but still, here I am, bachelor, trying to remember the names of my dates - I accidentally called Andrew Alan and he threw a tantrum and left last month - and there they are, having an actual, literal baby. And they decided to make me godfather! Me!” He gestured wildly at himself. “What the hell made them think that would be a good idea? Ha! Last week I nearly burned down my apartment trying to make something edible.”
Lee paused again, and continued softly. “Th-They’ve found out the gender. It’s a boy.”
He laughed slightly hysterically. “I’m going to have a godson! I’m going to be a godfather! How about that, huh?”
He hesitated. “And – well. I know it’s different, and complicated, and George and Angie are a bit—” He shrugged, not able to articulate it. George and Angelina and their relationship could be as complicated as easy, as ugly as beautiful, as defined by grief as by happiness, and as marked by Fred’s absence as by the presence of his lingering ghost and legacy. “But – there’s no way they’re ever going to end up naming him anything but Fred. Wait and see. George blathered on about some names they’re contemplating, but I’d stake my Gringotts vault on it.”
He let out a breath and then knelt in front of the gravestone again, tracing the letters on it with his finger. “Your life was way too short. And—” He remembered seeing Fred the last time, the easy smirk on his face as he twirled his wand and made a crap joke in the Great Hall, the way Lee clapped his shoulder and said ‘Later, mates’ before leading his own group out onto the grounds, thrumming with excitement and nerves and determination.
He remembered feeling guilty for his own grief, about how all-consuming it had been, when to him George had been more important, George who had lost his twin brother.
“I couldn’t save you. You died.”
He closed his eyes again, pressing his forehead to the stone. “But … it happened. Dwelling on it’s not going to help. I’m going to do my best to make sure Lil’ Fred has a long, long life. He has to at least outlive me.” Lee nodded determinedly.
“I know you’ll be watching over him,” He continued, getting back on his feet. “Just like you’re probably fanboying over Teddy and Victoire and Dominique and Jamie and Lance and Percy’s soon-to-come kid. And well – I will be too. So, one more collaboration, huh, Freddie?” He smiled in remembrance. “S’how we became friends, remember? You were so nasty about it. ‘One collaboration’, you said. ‘We’re a duo,’ George said. And that promptly went down the drain when we actually got into it.”
His mouth twisted in a half bitter half fond smile. Somehow, the old grief had returned as an itch from the celebration of a new life he had meant to do. Grief had that way. He could be standing and doing something perfectly normal one moment and the next want to collapse and curl up and sob. He couldn’t stand to be there a second longer. “Love you, Fred, you Merlin damned asshole. See you soon.”
And he turned and walked away, ghosts still pressing at his heels, back into his life.
Feedback appreciated! I'll admit I got a teensy bit carried away with the length. . . .
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purplesimmer455 · 10 months
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Iseul's neighbor Dani came over, and Iseul invited them inside. Iseul and Cam chatted with Dani, and Iseul thought they were pretty cool. When Dani mentioned their partner, Alicia Feldman, Iseul's eyes lit up. "Oh, so you're that Dani." She said. Dani raised their brows. "I'm friends with Alicia’s granddaughter Tess and her wife Megan, and Megs told me about you and Alicia." Iseul explained, and Dani smiled. "Well, I am indeed that Dani. And Alicia is amazing, she's very smart and tough and sweet. We both lost our husbands 51 years ago, and we decided we didn't want to be married but wanted a romantic companion and friend so we started dating." Iseul nodded. "That's really sweet, and I can understand that." Iseul said. Plus, Dani asked Iseul and Cam about their lives and interests and hobbies. Iseul told her about traveling and Cam mentioned woodworking, building and fixing things. Cam also jokingly added. "You know Dani, I'm dating Alicia’s great-granddaughter Piper so technically you're my great-grandparent in a way like Alicia is." And Dani laughed. "Alright, honestly I don't mind because I have 8 billion grandkids on my side and Alicia has 8 billion on her side." They said.
Dani left, and while Cam took a quick nap, Iseul ordered some stuff using Zoomers, tipping the delivery guy before putting away the food so she and Cammy could eat it later. She then video called her girlfriend, Grace, who had just come home from her job. "Hey Issy." She said. Iseul's eyes lit up as she took in Grace’s brown hair in a messy bun, her science themed t shirt, shorts, her pretty brown eyes tired but cheerful. "Hey Gracie. You look good." She said. Grace blushed. "You too." She said, blowing a kiss to the camera. "How are you, Issy? And how's Cam?" Grace asked, stifling a yawn. "We're good. Cammy's taking a nap and I'm putting away some food delivery, I got these amazing turkey blts from a nearby bodega for lunch, and I'm drooling over them already." Grace groaned playfully. "Ugh, you're making me hungry again and I just ate." She said. "Sorry Grace." Iseul said, grinning. Iseul asked her about work, and Grace told her about some things she'd worked on, and a goofy in-joke a fellow lab technician had said, before they hung up so Grace could take a nap. Meanwhile, Cam had gotten up in her room, and she rummaged through her suitcase for her cozy plaid pajama pants and old sweatshirt so she could change into it.
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