#plus we have an adopted aunt and two uncles
yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 9 months
Been thinking about the Goldenheart/Nimona family dynamic, so here are some headcanons pertaining to the sillies as parents
While Nimona is functionally their adopted child in many ways, she also isn't. She's their sidekick, roommate, best friend, mentor, mentee, child, sibling, all rolled into one chaotic shape-shifting gremlin who lives in their house
I do think however that at some point, the family would adopt a child (besides Nimona) that they could actually raise
Based on what's seen in the show I imagine Ballister to be an orphan himself with a childhood very similar to that of Comic Ambrosius, this weird rambunctious little sad orphan kid who wants to prove himself more than anything. I think he would totally want to raise the family he never had and give it to a little orphan kid like him.
Ambrosius I think would want to raise a family as well, he radiates dad energy, but really wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with the Legacy of Gloreth on their shoulders, so he'd want to adopt rather than try and father any biological children. Plus he sees his beloved husband in all those sweet little babies at the orphanage and by default that makes him love them so much.
We already know Nimona is good with kids. I feel like people don't bring that up because she's pretty alternative and in our society, liking kids is seen as somewhat trad (especially for a person with an even remotely feminine presentation) but it's obvious that she has a soft spot for them. She puts herself in danger just to comfort a little girl who was frightened, she is devastated by children's learned fear and hatred of her. Anyway what I'm saying is she would totally be like "ew, a child, keep it away" then proceed to be the absolute best uncle/aunt/sibling/godparent/mentor/friend imaginable. She would shapeshift into a little kid to play with them, or into animals like when she used to play with Gloreth. If they were adopted as an older child (not a baby) I think they'd glom to her first because she can make herself very physically non-threatening whereas two battle-scarred brick shithouses can't really do much to change how imposing they look besides trying to be as nice as possible.
I can imagine Ambrosius being a stay-at-home dad because while Ballister was actively extremely ambitious about his career, Ambrosius was just kind of shoved into it with no choice, and expected to be perfect. I can imagine him burning out and going like "Nope. Don't want that. Never wanted that, actually. I'm going to stay home and play Legos with my baby and the creature that lives in my house." Not to mention, while both the boys have dad energy, I think Ambrosius is more of an extrovert and would be less likely to get mentally burned out taking care of a little kid all day
One particular situation I like to imagine is them coming home from a date night after leaving Baby with Nimona and opening the door to see she's shapeshifted into one of them to calm the baby down. They are both screaming crying throwing up over how sweet it is before Nimona can try to explain themself away.
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thelostgirl21 · 10 months
Okay, someone wrote that they thought Jaskier had ADHD in some of my tags, and I've just GOT to address this, because asfjasfljadsflasjd;dlasja;slfjd;as...
@aro-tarot , OMFG YES!!!
As someone with ADHD, I've got such strong ADHD vibes from Jaskier like you wouldn't believe!
(That, plus I tend to headcanon that Jaskier suffers from Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), a condition strongly associated with ADHD, but more on that further down...)
I mean he's usually got no freaking impulse control whatsoever, and no filter on his mouth!
And even when he HAS that filter on, and some vague awareness that opening his mouth further and speaking his mind might get him into yet more trouble…
Well, the frustration he feels in the now is apparently so strong that the possibility of having to pay a price later is but a too distant and abstract concept to be enough to put a stop to that mouth!
I mean, that moment right here?
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Someone without ADHD would have stopped themselves at "Am I going to say it?" because of the "Yeah, if I antagonize him, he might decide to keep me away from getting on that boat and I'll jeopardize my safety as well as the safety of the people that are currently counting on me," that should normally logically follow...
Someone with a very strong case of ADHD however... Well, they might just have to say it!
Same thing in Season 1 with the elves. Jaskier's bound and tied ,and he just keeps antagonizing them because he's angry, and the need to express his anger somehow screams louder than the punch or the kick he'll be receiving 2 freaking seconds later if he keeps verbally lashing out at them!
Self-soothing and impulse managing are two skills that Jaskier doesn't quite have a good mastery of.
Like, don't let him get his hands on a djinn while heartbroken, drunk, and deeply wounded (because his best and very possibly queerplatonic friend just insulted his singing, while implying that it was likely why his other friend/lover had just left him, no less)... He might just start wishing Valdo Marx dead!
Generally, I'd strongly advise keeping him away from anything that could potentially become a weapon if he's highly emotional.
That's never a good combination.
Jaskier might do something he'll regret, and realize it was awfully dumb and stupid only once he's deeply in trouble, or has finally calmed down.
ADHD isn't a mood disorder, but it's been described as a "failure to self-regulate moods disorder".
Meaning that people with ADHD feel the same emotions as anyone else most of the time (RSD is a bit of an exception; again, more on that later), but they'll just have a harder time avoiding openly expressing them, and stopping themselves from acting upon them.
They can succeed most of the time (thankfully); and I highly suspect that Jaskier might be at his most focused and emotionally measured around Ciri, because he feels responsible for her.
Adults often have this instinct to sacrifice their own needs and wants to give priority to those of children (including sometimes teenagers, and/or grown children they've adopted as part of their family system and are still mentoring through life).
People with ADHD also tend to have a blast playing aunt/uncle, because we can super easily connect with the sense of wonder, excitement, and defiance of authority of children and younger people - be very impulsive and silly with them and act like children and teens ourselves, at times - while still remaining responsible and protective of them when we need to be.
It's like suddenly flipping our "adult switch" on, because we're aware they need us to be the adult.
But fellow adults don't need us to "adult" for their sake.
They typically have their own shit together way better than we do! So, we're just that almost full time impulsive dumb kid that they need to constantly watch out for while around our adult friends.
UNLESS they make it extremely clear to us that they need our help and/or for us to focus. We can "adult" if the stakes are high, and/or they need our support, too.
But that's not our default mode!
We'd rather be chasing butterflies and playing videogames / writing songs (or meta... Meta's good... My brain loves meta because it's always over-analyzing things!), doing whatever keeps us interested and stimulated in the now, than carefully planning things and being responsible.
And there's also that scene where Jaskier is in the Witcher lab with Yennefer, while Ciri's possessed by Voleth Meir (you know... going around killing people, lives are at stake and all that...).
But, since all of this is happening in another room, Jaskier can't quite emotionally connect with the gravity of the situation, so he's eating whatever he finds his hands on while randomly talking about nipples because Yennefer said "oriole", and his brain thought it sounded like "areola" (yeah, our brains are always making a bunch of connections that aren't relevant to the situation)!
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Yet, as soon as Yennefer makes it clear that she needs him to focus, he's 100% in the moment with her, and has flipped that "adult switch" on.
We can go there, but it typically requires a strong enough emotional incentive for us to ground ourselves, and it's a state that gets draining when sustained for a too long period of time.
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And given how we're at our best when highly stressed, Jaskier's probably the person you want there with you when things start really going to shit!
He's at his best when he's got no idea what he's going to do, and he has to think fast and improvise to respond to whatever is happening in real time.
Oh, and I'm about 99.9% sure that he suffers from rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), too (yeah, we're finally going there).
I discovered what RSD was about 5 years ago, how it tied into my ADHD, and that it had been something that I'd been struggling with (and often doing everything I could to hide) my whole life without really understanding it.
One thing that people with RSD tend to do, sadly, is constantly downplay our own hurt and pretend everything is fine - do our best to keep others constantly entertained and happy with us, even at our own expanse at times - so that they won't perceive us as a burden, and will continue to want to have us around.
Since a part of us is deeply aware that our emotional response to real (and/or even perceived) rejection, and the pain it causes, feels way more intense than it normally should be, we tend to be ashamed of it, and unable to fully discuss those feelings with those we love.
So, even when we do speak up for ourselves, we are afraid that we might be exaggerating, and/or making the issue much bigger than it is.
Thus, we almost regret it right away, and/or feel guilty for it afterwards, and we'll be almost desperate to let our friend "off the hook" as quickly as possible so they'll love us again.
Therefore watching Jaskier's behavior in Season 2, and the way certain characters (except Yennefer, that genuinely surprised me) responded to him, was actually physically painful for me to watch at times.
Some of the most triggering moments for someone with RSD include:
Jaskier brushing off Geralt's sincere apology - attempting to hide the depth of the emotional devastation he'd caused him - to avoid being perceived as being too much trouble and risking abandonment again.
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Jaskier humorously pretending that Ciri going past him, as if he didn't exist, didn't hurt, while joking "Like father, like daughter".
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Him going "Right, yeah," when Yarpen Zigrin dismisses him - having chosen to turn that constant rejection into some kind of game between them - because it's much easier to be under the illusion that they're just good-naturally teasing each other, than facing the possibly that Yarpen might genuinely consider him an unwanted nuisance he'd gladly do without, and that having excluded him from the word "friend" was 100% done on purpose!
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That same little heartbreaking "Right. Yeah" after he tells Lambert "Look at us. Just one big happy family, eh?" and Lambert goes "No." While pushing him out of the way.
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Jaskier is a sweet, loving, empathetic, highly sensitive bard that's on the freaking aromantic spectrum!
And aromantics can most definitely love their best friend in the whole wide world with an intensity, a depth, a sincerity, and a level of devotion that can easily match - and perhaps even surpass - any romantic couple.
Heck, I don't consider myself to be quite on the aromantic spectrum (given that I do experience primary romantic attraction towards people), but I also have a tendency to form friendships that are more emotionally (and sometimes physically, and even sexually) intimate than many of the romantic relationships I've had (except, perhaps, my current one, that is definitely on par).
I think the only reason why I've managed to remain with the same romantic partner (that I do consider the romantic love of my life) for 17 years now - and would gladly spend the rest of my life with him - is because of how deeply supportive and respectful he's been of those friendships I have.
I've built my own found family over the years that I wouldn't want to live without. And I've broken up with prior romantic partners that couldn't agree to "share me" with those other people I love (in a non-romantic way, but that doesn't make it any less tangible or real!) without regretting a single thing.
So, I wholeheartedly believe that Jaskier does love Geralt and always has loved him.
And I know that, if I'm right about this, and if Jaskier is indeed prone to RSD, then the level of emotional and physical pain that Geralt's rejection put him through would have been absolutely soul wrenching.
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"I've also survived, no thanks to you," sounds just about right.
Jaskier is human, while witches and witchers are frozen in time. He's been loving Geralt and travelling alongside him and singing songs about him for about 20 years.
20 years, in a human life, is a lot of one's life to devote to someone...
Then, the moment that Geralt's romantic love interest (Yennefer) leaves him, he turns on Jaskier and basically tells him that he's brought him nothing but bad luck and misery for two decades, and that what would please him ,above everything else, would be for life to rid him of him!
Why don't you just take a sword and run Jaskier through, Geralt? I think that would have been less painful to watch!
So, I think this is one of the reasons why Season 3 has been so freaking cathartic to watch for me!
I've been literally crying my eyes out each time people made Jaskier feel loved, wanted, said thank you (even Yarpen!!! Freaking Yarpen stopped to thank him, and called him by his preferred name, Jaskier)...
And of course, there's Radovid...
I could go on and on about how good it felt to have a character that finally treats Jaskier with the same care, attention, and empathy that Jaskier offers others...
But, I think one of the things I loved the most, with Radovid, is how Jaskier himself responded to him.
He's not trying to please him, quite the contrary.
When Radovid asks "Have you come to sing us pretty songs?", Jaskier answers "No. I don't do pretty".
And then, when Radovid says that, while he appreciates the information that Jaskier has brought him, all he really wants is a song, Jaskier responds by saying that "he's not really in a singing mood."
Because yes, he's a bard. Yes, he sings about people he's encountered on his travels, and yes, he sings about people he loves...
But he doesn't want to sing "pretty songs" about Witchers, fairytales, heroics and heartbreak for the entertainment of a Prince and his court!
He's not there so that "Prince Radovid" can sing the praises of "Jaskier the Bard" 's triumphant private performance at the palace!
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That's not what pleases Jaskier anymore.
I don't think Jaskier feels like he's got anything to prove performance-wise anymore and, sadly, I believe that, instead of giving him a sense of finally being seen and loved - of belonging...
At times, all this singing and performing - often for the benefit of others - has made him feel even more invisible and isolated.
And that's the beauty of him singing "Extraordinary Things", because that song is all about Jaskier.
It's vocally raw, vulnerable, filled with a fragile hope for love and for someone that makes him feel like he is seen for who he is... For someone that can help Jaskier finally believe that who he is is enough.
For someone that makes him feel like he doesn't have to try so hard to pretend to be happy, and fine, and give others what he thinks they want, so that maybe they'll love him (or keep on loving him) back.
Because it's not just Geralt...
Geralt is the one whose rejection hurt Jaskier the most, because he's the one Jaskier has loved and trusted the most...
Geralt is the one that broke something in Jaskier - his ability to feel safe in the belief that his closest friends would never abandon him.
Thanks to Geralt outburst, Jaskier is likely now being cursed with a little voice, in the back of his mind, that will continue to pop up from time to time whenever he feels safe and happy in his relationships, to make him wonder if his friends and family don't secretly wish that they could get rid of him.
Rationally, I'm sure that Jaskier understands that what happened with Geralt was caused by Geralt's own issues, and that his own behavior wasn't the cause of the rejection.
Rationally, I'm sure that he can trust in their relationship, and feel confident in the love they share.
But emotionally? Although trauma can be managed and kept at bay the vast majority of the time, there are always moments where you're bound to be more tired, stressed out, and where you don't always have the energy to push back against all of those nasty voices that wait for you to let your guards down to be heard and make you doubt.
However, besides what specifically happened with Geralt, Jaskier sadly has a very long history of having had to deal with rejections of all kinds, and been made to feel like he was never enough.
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Even Valdo's obstinated refusal to learn Jaskier's name is like he's constantly trying to symbolically murder Jaskier by denying him the very right to exist, for fuck's sake!
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After watching those scenes, I thought "Yup! It's really no wonder this happened:
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So, while having gotten Geralt back - and obviously having built strong emotional ties with Yennefer and Ciri since the end of Season 2 - has likely tremendously helped easing some of the pain rejection has caused Jaskier throughout his life, he still has those moments where it deeply hurts him.
And I think that Geralt knows...
Jaskier might have been trying to hide it - and Geralt might not fully understand why Jaskier was hurt as deeply as he was (I doubt RSD is something that people often talk about in their world) - but he knows that a part of Jaskier still fears being rejected or abandoned again.
He's just being so soft and patient with Jaskier this season; making it immediately clear that he's not angry with Jaskier, and that their relationship is not threatened the moment that he senses his discomfort.
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Or, you know, just reassuring him that the separation between them is only temporary, and that he's going to be the first person he comes looking back for as soon as he's done dealing with Rience.
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If Jaskier truly is someone that tends to see people as they really are - not as they pretend to be - then it's easy to see why Jaskier did fall in love with Geralt.
That level of perceptiveness is both a gift and a curse for Jaskier, though.
Because when the person you love is set on self-destructing and unable to embrace who they really are, you might find yourself caught in the blast.
Still, when Geralt is allowing himself to be loved, and to openly love people back, he's an absolutely wonderful (platonic, alterous, romantic...) partner to have.
He's shown as someone who is able to not only apologize, but also recognize the impact that his mistakes have had on others, and take full responsibility for them.
Jaskier may have been quick to brush his apology off and pretend that all was good, but Geralt apparently knows better and, more importantly, is showing that the apology was sincere.
He's making efforts to better communicate with Jaskier and he's doing everything he can to not only alleviate some of the pain he's caused him, but to avoid triggering his insecurities.
Sadly, RSD is not something that Geralt alone can fix, especially not when Jaskier has been exposed to a number of different patterns of interpersonal rejections throughout his life.
And, while Jaskier has a tendency to pretend being fine even when he's not, his eyes almost always tell the truth.
Makes you wonder just how emotionally smart and insightful Radovid is...
Because when someone sings to you those lines...
The greatest songs are made up of unspoken words of love Of them I have had enough With you, I have enough With you, I am enough I am, I am enough
Then looks at you with those eyes...
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Well, it's rather easy to understand that Jaskier has been made to feel like he wasn't good enough for those he loved, and/or still loves in the past.
And, given the success of "Burn Butcher Burn", I wouldn't put it past Radovid to have guessed that - athough they were back to being close friends - Geralt might have had something to do with the enduring vulnerability and the hurt he saw reflected there...
Thus, leading him to taking an educated guess as to what might have happened, and ask Jaskier "Does the Witcher know how lucky he is to have you?"
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Somehow, with that simple question, Radovid has achieved two very important things...
He's just told Jaskier that not only does he, indeed, believe him to be enough, but he would consider himself lucky to have him...
He's just told Jaskier that whatever Geralt might have said or done to make him feel unwanted in the past, it had been wrong.
And, judging by Jaskier's answering smile, our beloved bard just got himself a fresh new (and quite princely) voice in his head to help him drown out the sound of all the other voices that are occasionally trying to convince him that he's a barely tolerable burden to those he loves.
Radovid has thrown just enough shade Geralt's way to avoid insulting their relationship; while at the same time sort of giving Jaskier the permission to mentally go "Ha! See?! There are people that want and love me, and would consider themselves lucky to have me in their lives! God, you used to be such an asshole, Geralt!" should he still need to go there to help himself manage his pain.
As a victim of Geralt's harsh and cruel words, Jaskier is entirely entitled to have moments where he needs to be a bit petty about the way Geralt used to treat him, and to call him the "family goat".
It's a very healthy way of coping with the residual hurt and anger because it puts the blame in the right place (Jaskier didn't do anything to deserve the way he was treated by Geralt nor to provoke that rejection) with just enough humor to keep that pain and resentment from growing into something that could actually be damaging to their relationship.
Radovid is an impressively good and attentive listener - at least as far as Jaskier himself is concerned.
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And maybe that's one of the (many) reasons why Radovid asking to borrow Jaskier's lute, and singing the song back to him, touched me as much as it did.
It stood in sharp contrast to people singing Jaskier's songs back to him while thinking it makes THEM special for knowing a few lines! That Jaskier should be grateful to THEM for being fans, supporting his art, etc.
The entitled patrons that believe Jaskier's singing should be about what they love to hear without being really interested in what Jaskier wishes to say.
Like that obnoxious guy at the docks who started singing "The Golden One" with Jaskier, basically going "See! I'm a big fan! That totally makes us buddies now! And, as such, here are my artistic input, so that maybe you can do better next time! You know, it's good, but it's not good enough for me. Here's how you can improve!"
Basically sending Jaskier the message: "You, the artist, the message and the feelings you are trying to convey through your art don't matter. You are but invisible. Sure, you have a name, and now I'm excited at the opportunity of making my friends jealous by saying I've met you! But you're just a tool that I can now use to make myself more important and interesting to others! Your job is to stay in the shadow of your songs! Your job is to make me happy, to entertain me, to please me, to sing what I want to hear the way I wish I could hear it and to make your art all about me."
Instead, Radovid simply borrows Jaskier's lute, and humbly starts playing the song with a sense of reverence, gratitude, respect, and desire to offer Jaskier something in return for the gift he's offered him by sharing a part of himself with him through his song.
Radovid said that he had long wanted to meet Jaskier in person and presented himself as someone that is a fan of his songs, but that's because they fascinate him.
He genuinely cares about what Jaskier has to say and communicate to others (and/or about others) through them, not about what he wants to hear.
In a world where Jaskier has had to constantly fight to fit in, where he's often made to feel like he's "barely tolerated" (and it usually takes a long time for people to get to genuinely appreciate him, and openly love him back the way he loves them)...
Radovid is someone that comes along showing him that love is not supposed to be earned.
Love is a gift. You love people for who they are, not for what they can do for you.
And what Radovid heard, through those songs, was something so special, intriguing, and irresistible to him that his own response was a genuine desire to get to know the man behind the art.
He tells Jaskier that the unique way he sees the world, and his need to express it, does not make him hypersensitive or annoying - it makes him special.
I don't think the hurt in Jaskier's eyes will ever 100% go away, and that his RSD can ever be completely resolved, either...
But it doesn't need to, because it can be managed and shouldn't get in the way of one's ability to experience joy and happiness, too.
Pain is a natural and healthy part of one's life, as long as it doesn't stand in the way of everything else - as long as there's balance, and room for healing whenever it comes along.
As as long as Jaskier's found family continues to love and accept him the way he is - to let him know that he's an important part of their lives - I believe Jaskier's going to be fine. REALLY fine...
Even the moments when he's hurting are going to be fine, because that's not all there is, and he's got people loving him and offering comfort.
And maybe I'm too hopeful about this, but I think there's most definitely hope for Radovid and Jaskier to make a relationship work between them, too.
Even if it turns out to be a somewhat unconventional one, and completely different from what people might have in mind when they think of a classic "romantic couple", they can find a way to make it work for them.
My advice to them would be to leave all expectations and social conventions at the door, allow themselves to be creative in "loving outside the box", and to build something together that addresses most of their respective needs, while acknowledging and respecting the other responsibilities and emotional attachments each other have.
Oddly enough, Jaskier is one of the few people that I could imagine clearly understanding that Radovid's existence is a bit of a tragedy where he'll never be free to fully belong to himself.
In the event of his brother's untimely death (for example), should Radovid decide to give up his claim to the throne to live a less complicated life, any Redanian ruler could still try to have him assassinated "just in case" he was to change his mind, and later come challenge them.
The palace is a golden cage, and I think Jaskier would not hold it against Radovid, or grow resentful towards him, that he would only be able to offer Jaskier what he is actually free to give without risking both their lives in the process.
He might grow frustrated with all the circumstances that are creating some significant challenges to their relationship, but I could imagine Jaskier wishing to face those as partners, and avoiding to be angry at Radovid for what he can't magically change.
This is where Jaskier's ADHD brain might become an asset by helping him make unique connections, and find creative solutions to allow Jaskier to - as Batey suggested - still find the light in the darkest of places for them two.
So yeah, I definitely tend to headcanon Jaskier as having ADHD (with some significant amount of RSD), too.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
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@ravenwolf1132 YESSSSSS
Giorno has probably heard from Jotaro stories about Egypt. Probably not all the gritty details because….. well, he’s 13 when they first meet and 15 when they go to Italy, but enough that he knows the basics of what happened, who Dio was, why Jotaro killed him, and the fact that Jotaro was very close with Polnareff and clearly missed him much more than he admitted out loud.
Also, given the time they’d spent together, Giorno has been able to gather that Jotaro isn’t….. the best when it comes to actually taking care of himself, so it wouldn’t hurt to have a healer go with him.
However, there were conditions for Jotaro allowing him to come. There were the standard ones like don’t go anywhere without first telling me, but there were also some pieces of Jotaro AdviceTM like don’t pick fights you can’t win and always carry a secret first aid kit on you. He also makes Giorno swear that if he can avoid it, do NOT fight the guy who took down Polnareff alone. Self defense is absolutely encouraged, but if escape is an option, take it.
So naturally, the first thing Giorno does upon landing in Italy is accidentally kill a member of the mafia and fight Bucciarati’s, gaining an in to the mafia in the process.
And Jotaro is just. Tired. “I left you alone for an hour and this is what happens. That first guy wasn’t even a Stand User, that was just bullshit.” He might actually do the Passione entrance “exam” this time.
And the whole drug thing with Bucciarati….. while in this AU I don’t think Gio would be lying per say, he does despise the drug trade, I do think he would’ve been saying what Bucciarati wanted to hear in order to make things run smoother. Currently his goal is to help Jotaro find Polnareff, and the more they look at it the more Passione’s boss seems involved, so might as well overthrow him too.
And from here, the AU would probably be pretty similar, just remove Giorno from the Gang’s confusion since he’s gotten used to most of Jotaro’s….. all that by now. Though of course, because he’s been removed from the chaos just means he can add more to it. ESPECIALLY if we cash in the fact that Giorno would know his father was a vampire and also an asshole.
for example
Mista: so, what’s the relation between you two? How’d you meet?
Giorno, who no longer needs to be The Responsible One since Jotaro is here: Oh, I’m his great uncle and he killed my father. We met when he was tracking down my adoptive brother who was his grandfather’s bastard child when I was 13.
Jotaro, who’s completely oblivious to the amount of Mind Fuck in what Giorno just said: our family tree is more of a labyrinth. I have an uncle who’s 17 and an aunt who’s 2, and my great grandfather is his father. He was a bitch though, and he threatened mom, so I killed him
Giorno: honestly, he killed and ate several hundred people, so I’d say it was deserved. Plus the bastard left me with my mother, so I can’t exactly say I feel sorry for him
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Hi! I’ve been carving some skeptic content lately, and I was wonder if you can do a skeptic x reader domestic life + pregnancy fic? Maybe with a dash of family life aswell?
yes yes yes YES i adore a lil domestic skeptic!!! i'm going to change it up a bit to omit pregnancy and just change it to expecting a child (so you can envision it as either pregnancy or adoption!), so that everyone can enjoy!
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
»»—— Fatherhood ——««
[Skeptic x GN!Reader]
[Contents: GN!Reader; No gendered descriptions for reader; Written in third person with “[Name]” instead of “y/n” so OCs can be included!; Fluff; Domestic life; Raising a kid.]
[Shoutout to @thotsforvillainrights for their idea on Skeptic's daughter, Tomoko!]
[Content warnings: None I can think of!]
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“…A baby?” Tomoyasu repeats the words back to his spouse, pausing his furious typing on his home office computer – a sleek, dual monitor beauty that he considered to be his child. At least for now, since the current conversation was suggesting otherwise. “That’s quite the step in life, dear. Are you sure?”
Over the years, Tomoyasu’s personality had changed drastically since the first time he met his partner. Back then, he would have openly laughed at the idea of being a father, or at being in a relationship in the first place. He was Skeptic of the Meta Liberation Army! The CEO of Feel Good Inc.! A secretive and undercover villain previously wanted by the entire country of Japan! As if he’d ever have the time or security to settle down and start a family, he barely even had the patience to deal with full grown adults.
But, again, that was years ago. Now, he found himself taking more time off, taking better care of himself by sleeping a little more regularly and eating proper meals. Tomoyasu even managed to get rid of the deep bags under his eyes, at least to a level that wasn’t concerning. And it was all thanks to [Name], his wonderfully understanding and patient lover, who would bite back whenever he got snippy with them. It’s because of their kind yet stern care that he was able to develop a healthier routine, slowly breaking down his icy walls until Tomoyasu did the unthinkable: he got married. And now here he was, acting fairly calm and collected when faced with the question of raising their own child, yet another one of life’s options he never considered in the past. Because in all honestly, he wasn’t opposed to the idea.
[Name] offers him an assuring smile, walking in further to the office from their place leaning against the door frame. Tomoyasu then caught a whiff of dinner from the hallway, knowing his spouse must have been mulling over this while cooking. “Right now? Yes. But I’m willing to talk this over more if you want,” they respond, reaching over to push the dark curtain of his bangs back so they could plant a sweet kiss to his forehead.
Tomoyasu hums softly in content at the action, lazily moving his mouse to save the work he had been typing up. “How about we chat more over dinner?” With his partner’s chipper ‘okay!’ as a response, the two of them leave the office.
Dinner was spent discussing the various pros and cons of having a kid, what they would need, how responsibility would be split between them – Tomoyasu even suggested he get a crib for his office at work if he ever needed to babysit, since he likes to keep his office there quiet and off-limits to others. They’d have no shortage of babysitters, either, since Chitose and Koku would be more than delighted to play the part of a rich aunt and uncle. Plus, Rikiya was a huge fan of kids, so if Tomoyasu needed to bring them to an MLA meeting, the commander wouldn’t mind one bit.
Once the two of them were at the point that they were eagerly tossing out name ideas, that’s when Tomoyasu knew what their decision was: they were going to have a baby.
The wait was long and nerve-wracking, the couple spending most of their time setting up a nursery in what used to be the guest room, since they’d be kidding themselves if they said they ever had guests stay the night. When the rest of the MLA heard of the news, Chitose basically demanded they have a baby shower. Tomoyasu was against the idea, but eventually agreed to it as long as it wasn’t over the top and was only between officers of the MLA and the PLF, if they wished to come.
[Name] didn’t mind the party at all, since they were given plenty of gifts that consisted of necessities for the baby: plenty of clothes and supplies from Chitose, coupons for free ‘first time parenting’ classes from Koku, an assortment of books from Rikiya, and even toys from Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress. By the end, the two of them were fully prepared for their baby.
After all the waiting, the nerves, and the stress of making sure everything was perfect, the little one was finally home… And Tomoyasu has never felt so out of his element. Taking a seat on the couch, he reaches shaky arms upward when [Name] offered to let him hold their little girl, Tomoko.
“Just take a breath and relax, Tomo,” [Name] instructs him, quiet as to not upset the infant in their arms. “You’re not going to hurt her or anything.”
Tomoyasu simply swallows harshly. “Wh- What if she doesn’t like me? What if I make her cry?”
[Name] snorts in amusement at that, taking a seat next to him on their couch to carefully transfer Tomoko into his embrace. “Babies cry, Tomo. That’s, like, their main trait,” they reply. “Don’t worry, I’m right here to help.”
Now with the baby in his arms, Tomoyasu instantly felt all his nerves and worries fade away upon seeing the sleeping face of their daughter. Pudgy cheeks, thin whisps of hair atop her head, and equally tiny hands curled against her chest in her swaddled position. Here he was, a father – a part of life he used to laugh at when he was younger. But now…
Now, he’ll do anything to see their little girl grow up happy.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 months
Random number here we go: 6, 18,11, 1, 15
Since you didn't specify any kids, I'm just gonna answer for the kids that fit the question.
1. What are their child's/children's name/s?
So, I guess I'm just gonna go with everyone.
First off all, I have hinted of a Pablangie daughter, but I have never really written her in anything, just mentioned in passing conversation. I think I have decided her name is Paula. She's born around 2016.
The Violetta next gens, oldest to youngest:
Kim Torres (Born late 2021)
Isadora Vargas (Born August 1st, 2022)
Diana Caviglia-Hernandez (Born around late september/early october 2022)
Stella Vidal (Born October 2023)
I've also acquired two new next gens that I came up with literally last night at 1 AM. They are twins, and this far I've just decided that one of them will be named Tommy. No idea when the twins are born, but I know they are gonna be younger than everyone else. Maybe born in like 2028 or 2029, or even 2030.
Plus: The Franletta kids, Elina, Carolina and Oliver Castillo-Caviglia. Born mid 2022 (maybe August 1st too lol), late 2024 and specifically June 2027 respectively.
The Soy Luna next gens, oldest to youngest:
(Note: There may be some inconsistencies with the ages if you have read some fics of mine, for example Lucia appeared to be older than Charlie in a oneshot. But, I have changed my mind about it now.)
Lola Sanchez (Born either December 2022 or January 2023)
Charlotte "Charlie" Sanchez (Born early 2025)
Lucia Valente (Born mid 2025) -She wasn't adopted until she was 1-
Lilith Alvarez (Born mid/late 2026)
Angelica Alvarez (Born early/mid 2028)
Also, I may have kinda thought about some Gastina kids? Can't elaborate on that a lot rn, but I think they're slightly younger. Maybe that one of them may be born in like 2027/2028, but that's a maybe.
6. Does the child/children have any planned romantic partners?
Isadora, Diana, Kim and Stella do ;) And depending on the universe, Lola and Elina do too ;)
11. How are their relationships with other relatives (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc)?
Isadora is extremely awkward around Germán, even though she loves him. She's always felt safe around Angie though, and looks up to Paula like a cooler older sister. Leon's parents spoil Isadora a lot, it being their only granddaughter, and they always make her food and give her gifts.
Diana has a jokeful relationship with Gregorio, she likes to prank him and tease him, but it's all in good fun. She's also the only grandchild of Francesca's parents, as Luca never had kids. Luca got to babysit her once when she was like 5 and he seems to have traumatic memories from it (although Diana doesn't remember it at all), so every time she meets Luca she jokes that he looks so nervous around her.
Franletta's kids get along with all of their relatives. Germán is instead the one awkward around them, because suddenly there's three of them running around and he occasionally forgets Violetta and Francesca are married. Violetta starts to wonder if he has dementia.
Kim gets along with all of Camila's relatives and always has fun with his aunts and cousins. Camila has a large family, as everyone agrees on.
Stella looks up to her aunt Lena a lot. Because Ludmila has a strained relationship with Priscila, Stella does too. She has met Priscila very few times, so there's barely a relationship there.
Lucia is adored by her grandparents.
I headcanon Ámbar mostly visiting Sharon herself without her kids. She tells them a lot about them and how they're progressing and growing. Lilith and Angelica have met her, but they haven't talked much with her. They are very very close with all of Simón's family, though.
The other next gens I don't have much to say about, but they have a good relationship with their relatives.
15. How is their clothing style?
I haven't gotten definitive styles for a lot of them, except that Lilith is a mix of a punk, grunge and Simón's clothing style. Lola is also kind of grunge.
Diana is, as I've always described her, "Francesca's looks and Diego's personality", so she dresses like a female Diego a lot of the time.
Stella has some galaxy themed outfits... she's been influenced.
18. Sexuality?
The ones I have decided on:
Lesbian: Isadora, Elina, Lola
Bisexual: Diana, Lilith
Asexual: Stella
The others I don't have much on, mostly because it's not gonna be relevant (I mean, it's very irrelevant with Lilith as of now, but I just thought about her as a teen and was like... bisexual...)
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mstrickster · 11 months
I know we hear a little about the Ducks' families in the movies but what do you think their family situations are?
Ok, so I'm gonna include all the Ducks in the movies here. I will say since most come from poorer backgrounds I believe they are single-family or income houses.
Charlie: Charlie seems like a good place to start. I do believe Casey and Charlie's dad are divorced instead of him being dead. Charlie's dad is also not in Charlie's life. Also It seems like despite a stepdad being mentioned, it isn't a long relationship because he doesn't relate to Charlie. So, Charlie has just his mom and his father figures.
Adam: Adam has both a mom and a dad. They are very much a classic nuclear family with two sons and daughter. Adam is the youngest. His parent's like to put on the perfect family dynamic but Adam's older brother doesn't come home for holidays and his older sister went completely against what his parents wanted for her.
Connie: Connie was raised by either a single mom or lesbian mothers. She was raised to accept nothing but the best from men. She was taught she is strong and worthy. Her mom(s) are badass women who raised her to love herself and see pride in herself. Truly the most loving parent(s).
Jesse & Terry: Jesse just has his dad. His mom either walked out on the family or she passed when Terry was born. Their dad raised them the way Connie's parent(s) raised them. He raised them to be proud of themselves and take no shit from anyone. That's why Jesse is so blunt. Their dad is a great dad.
Guy: I feel like Guy has both parents. He is also has an older sister and a younger sister. That's why he drinks his respect woman juice. I could also see his mom being the breadwinner and his day being the home parent.
Tammy and Tommy: These two have a mother. Their father unfortunately passed away which is why their mom is so overprotective. They also live with their grandma who helps their mom take care of them. They don't have any other siblings.
Peter: Peter has both his parents but he doesn't end up living with them for long. Due to his parents volatile relationship he is soon placed in foster care. Fortunately he is adopted to a loving family. Unfortunately that family lives out of state. However, his new family provides 5 siblings and a big farmhouse.
Fulton: Fulton lives with his aunt and uncle plus his two cousins. His father abandoned him after his mother took off. However, despite them not being his parents they do love him. His uncle is a former ufc fighter and raised him to be strong. Where his aunt taught him to pick his battles and stand up for the little guy.
Russ: I want to say Russ has just his dad and his older brother. I hate that because Jesse also has just his dad. However, that seems to fit the character best. Russ' dad works his ass off and left raising Russ to his older brother. However, despite that he and his dad have a good relationship.
Luis: I can see Luis having just his mom, his dad having passed. His mom and dad were greatly in love though. His dad's portrait has a small altar under it. Luis also has two younger sisters. However, that's not all. He grew up living in a house with his uncle, aunt, grandma and three cousins. They live in huge two story house.
Kenny: Kenny was raised by his grandparents. His grandma is very sweet and his grandpa is very protective. He is an only child and so was his dad who was their son. Kenny's mom and dad passed when he was very young so he has very little memory of them. His grandma loves to share her recipes and enjoys meeting the other Ducks.
Julie: Julie has both parents but she's definitely a tomboy. She grew up with 5 older brother so she was taught to hold her own. Her mom is very sassy and takes no shit. Her dad loves her so much for that. Her parents banter so much and are still in love so many years and kids later. Julie is their princess cause she's their only daughter.
Goldberg: Goldberg has both parents but is an only child. His mother dotes on him and considers him the most wonderful boy. His father is hard worker. Both of his parents work in the delicatessa. He is kinda spoiled but his parents can't have any more kids so they want to make his life great.
Dean: Dean has his mom and his stepdad. His stepdad raised him since he was 5 and he considers him his own dad. He also has an older sister who picks on him and tried to braid his hair when he was little. His mom and him are the most close though. He loves to help her cook and just enjoys spending time with her.
Dwayne: Dwayne has his mom, dad, gran and aunt. They live in a large ranch just outside Austin. His dad is a rancher and his mom is a sahm. His aunt helps take care of the farm and his gran helps care for the home. He doesn't have any siblings but he grew up with 4 cousins and they are practically his siblings.
Karp: Karp has just his mom. He also has two older sisters who think he's a little shit. They are two and three years older than him. His mom has dated but she doesn't have much luck. However, due to that she doesn't have the best relationship. Hench why Karp goes after anyone who talks ill of her.
Averman: Averman has both his parents. They are the goofiest parents and are constantly joking. His dad works as counselor and his mom is a real estate agent. Averman is the middle child of 4 siblings. Two older sisters and a younger sister. That's why is also adds his two cents. He is close with his dad and they go to comedy shows all the time.
I wanted to include all the Ducks. I hope this is ok and thanks for the ask!
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direwolfrules · 1 year
3 Mandos and a Baby AU: The Cadet Squad
Korkie: Duchess Satine’s son nephew and the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet. Natural leader, charismatic, and also totally Force sensitive. Bo’s not sure if Korkie was Force sensitive in her first life, but she’s sure as hell he wasn’t so weird.
Korkie isn’t weird, he’s just being haunted by a bunch of dead folks. Jaster Mereel, Tarre Vizsla, Grandpappy Adonai Kryze, some dude named Myles that Jaster calls his son-in-law, and some old guy who just goes by 99, among others. His brain has a speed dial to the Manda and he just never explains it. Everyone but Fenn Rau think he’s at least a little crazy and talking to his imaginary friends, but as long as they give sound advice it’s all good.
Sometimes the voices give him the answers to dilemmas and shit, sometimes they lead him into trouble, sometimes they just guide him to plot conveniences, and every so often Tarre brings Korkie a baby man eating predator to keep as a pet. This is how Bo-Katan ended up with a strill (who I still need a name for!). We call these instances Deus Ex Korkie.
Amis: The impulsive one of the group. Took to explosives training like a duck to water. He gets too distracted while flying in combat situations so he’s a designated gunner. He struggles to turn in assignments on time–not because they’re too difficult, Amis is super intelligent–and he’s constantly suffering from severe executive disfunction. The boy sets alarms for everything, much to the consternation of his professors. Even with the alarms unless he has something to focus with, like music, he’ll forget what he’s supposed to be doing in five minutes.
He and Soniee are siblings! They were both adopted at they end of the Clan Wars, and then one of their parents died in a Death Watch bombing when they were like 5. So they were raised by a single buir. This might never come up or be relevant but their buir is a non-binary Miralukan.
Soniee: Our tech genius queen. If she wasn’t sent to the Academy she probably would have embarked on a campaign of cybercrime. Those were the only two options.
She’s Alrich’s favorite simply because they can both discuss art. Sure, he can also do that with Korkie, but discussing art with Korkie also means discussing art with a bunch of dead guys who may or may not be imaginary.
She runs an illicit gambling ring in the cafeteria where the currency of choice is muja fruit products. It’s totally not part of her 87-step plan to get Lagos to fall in love with her, the fact that muja fruit is Lagos’s favorite is a complete coincidence.
Lagos: Behold, our lady of common sense. She’s Ursa’s favorite simply because she’s the only one who, upon being given a spear to train with for the first time, didn’t almost immediately get themself killed. The others describe Lagos as “overly cautious”. Lagos would describe herself as “sane”.
She took to medic training like a Nabooian takes to child politicians. She’s a decently good sniper too, which makes Ursa so proud because Korkie and Amis seem to be incapable of watching their six and Soniee might honestly just let them get beat up if they’re running late with their muja fruit betting debts.
At a certain point her brain just starts to go into gay panic shutdown when she sees Soniee. They’re two useless gays your honor, and everyone but them can see it’s mutual. That is until crazy uncle Fenn goes and straight up tells them. Alrich is a bit annoyed because he had just popped another bag of bangcorn and now what’s he gonna do with it? Watch Fenn pine over Bo-Katan? That’s old news.
Alrich: He’s the cadet squad’s upperclassman advisor. He’s responsible for these idiots, which makes sneaking them out to train or for their verd’goten a lot easier. He also winds up getting invited to the palace a lot because Korkie’s mom aunt is just happy her strange boy is making friends. The minute he’s allowed to bring a plus one he brings Ursa, just to see what would happen (what happens is Satine likes Ursa better than him, and they both wind up feeling super guilty that they raised their daughter in a fashion that she named an anti-mando genocide device after this woman. She found the time to hand bake awesome cookies!)
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strqyr · 2 years
Which Cinder AU do you prefer: Cinder being raised by Qrow or her being raised by Taiyang and Summer?
Personally, I like both ideas, but I like Cinder being raised by Tai and Summer a little more because, assuming everything still plays out the same, I love the idea of Cinder having two stepsisters that loves her. And I really like Cinder being the cool big sister to Ruby and Yang as well.
tbh i'm running on the assumption that cinder is about 5 years older than yang, so based on the vague-ish canon timeline we have, summer would have already gone on her mission, so she doesn't really figure into this mess in my mind lol.
either way, to me, no matter the situation, cinder is always a big sister to yang and ruby. doesn't matter who adopts / raises her, that's something i'm not willing to budge from.
plus, in my version of this au, even though cinder would be "adopted" by qrow, she wouldn't call him 'dad'. she'd pick up 'uncle qrow' from ruby and yang, but i think cinder has enough trauma from parental figures that calling anyone dad or mom would be out of question for a long time.
so mostly it would be adults are just adults, caretakers, maybe uncle / aunt, but cinder would, eventually, come to consider yang and ruby her sisters.
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SBT Little Bite #23
Jimin picked up the phone after seeing Taehyung’s name on the screen. “Hey, baby.” 
“Guess who is already a winner!” Taehyung called out loudly without even saying hello.
After jumping slightly from the sudden noise, Jimin realized what his boyfriend had said and switched the call over to FaceTime. “Really, already? You’ve only been there for two days.”
Taehyung laughed, his boxy smile and chubby cheeks on full display. “I told you, Minnie. I knew it was going to happen.” 
Jimin walked over to the fridge and pulled a piece of paper down from where it was hung up, grabbing a pen on the counter and propping up his phone on the fruit bowl. “Okay, list them off.” 
“First thing Appa said today was that I am looking pretty healthy and then my sister said it must be all the takeout in Seoul,” Taehyung said with an excited tone while looking down at his own copy he packed in his bag. 
“Got it, what’s next?” Jimin said as he crossed things off. 
“Eomma said that you must be a good cook and that I’m being spoiled since we moved in together in the same sentence. I almost started laughing, she just kept going,” Taehyung replied, watching as Jimin scanned the paper with a smile. 
“I mean, are we surprised? Your mom is adorable,” Jimin said, looking up to see his boyfriend focused on him. “Keep going, babe.” 
Taehyung nodded. “Right, so then my grandmother got here and she just absolutely has no filter anymore. She looked at me and said, ‘I hope I made enough cookies. Look at you, sweetheart.’ Min, seriously, I was dying."
Jimin started laughing, finding the entire explanation hilarious as his boyfriend predicted this perfectly. “Any suggestions for the gym?” 
“Oh, my uncle said he could get a few names in Seoul if I wanted a membership and my cousin asked if I was bulking. Plus, my aunt, what a gem, gave me the little ‘everyone gets comfortable when they're happy and in love’ speech. They are all fixated on it.”
“So, which one was the winner?” Jimin asked, seeing a few places where it could hit. 
Taehyung started to laugh and looked at his boyfriend through the screen. “My sister asked what you thought of ‘my new look’ and how much money we spend on food.”
Jimin quickly made a line through one of the diagonal rows and threw his hands up. “Bingo!” 
Taehyung watched him do a little celebratory dance after completing their ‘things my family will say about my weight gain’ bingo card. 
It was a joke at first, but they really did hit every word he thought they might say. He hadn’t been home in over a year and a half between the end of their senior year at SNU, starting grad school, and his art museum apprenticeship. 
Since then Taehyung had moved in with Jimin, they had adopted a dog, and he had finally told Jimin about a certain interest of his - the reason why he also returned home carrying just about sixty pounds more than he did the last time they saw him. 
Fast forward to where Taehyung was now - he was sitting on his childhood bed during the Christmas holiday, anticipating not only his return to Seoul for his birthday but what his boyfriend will inevitably have in store for him as a prize for their little game. 
“Well, this calls for a celebration. You will be home this weekend which means I have things to prepare,” Jimin said with a suggestive smile. Taehyung had really gotten lucky with Jimin, he told himself that every day. 
Thinking about the feast Jimin would have waiting for him, Taehyung’s smile grew wider. “I can’t wait, baby.”
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my-mt-heart · 8 months
Hi, my-mt! Are you ok with some speculation? Don't know if you can because of strike...Well, I've been thinking about the Caryl kids: Sophia, Lydia and Henry..and now, I believe, Laurent. And I have a little theory that I would like your opinion. I see Sophia and Lydia as a pair - both girls had witnessed and/or suffered severe abuse from one of their parents, both are sweet, shy and so afraid, one got forever lost, the other one was saved, nurtured and got to grow up into a happy young woman with a loving found family. Ok, this pair is an easy one to explain.
Could Henry and Laurent be a pair too? Both are naive kids, very loved and treated as special (a prince, a miracle) by their communities, very sheltered, and have to leave their homes so they can learn new things that will help them on their future adult lives and their missions (to become the leader of the Kingdom, to save human kind LOL). Daryl agrees to be their chaperon basically for the same reason. He never developed a full bond with Henry because that wasn't the story being told, but he cared for him and tried to protect him from harm. Carol loved Henry as her own, but, at the beginning, she tried as hell to not be involved with him, and, after, she wasn't fooled by the fact that he, as Sophia, didn't have a mean bone in his body. And we can speculate that Daryl'll become some sort of father figure for Laurent, and that Carol, after meeting him and understanding how important the kid is to Daryl, will care for him too.
So it's like..Sophia and Lydia are their daughters, to them both, while Henry and Laurent are adoptive sons to one of them and cared by the other. If Isabelle dies (and I hope she doesn't, I'm tired of TWD killing off their characters), Carol may or may not become an adoptive mother, and they can wait until Laurent is grown enough and safe to finally leave France. Sophia and Henry die, Lydia and Laurent live, the cycle is finally completed and Carol and Daryl are finally free and at peace to be happy together. *cheers* Okay, what do you think about my half-cooked theory, my-mt? Followers please join in, I would like to see what fellow carylers think too. (( Oh, I don't factor Judith and RJ on this reasoning because I believe Carol and Daryl relate and care for them on a different level, on the primary basis that they are substitute parent figures who stepped in when needed. Yes, those kids are so much loved by Uncle Daryl and Aunt Carol but, in the end, that's what they are, uncle and aunt, niece and nephew. Yes, I'm completely ignoring that Judith called Daryl "daddy" on the main show finale because 45 minutes later he left and got himself stranded on fucking France so...also he wanted to run away to New Mexico with his boo and leave the kids to Tia Rosita and Uncle Aaron...so...yeah. ))
Hi there 🙂
I agree with you on the parallels between the two girls. I think Lydia was meant to represent the daughter Caryl saved together. Because they all share a similar background, coming from an abusive home, Daryl and Carol were able to teach her how to rise above that trauma. They showed her how to be part of a family, plus what it really meant to love and be loved. I really wish we got to see more of that dynamic, but imo that’s where the cycle ended. Daryl and Carol were meant to chase their freedom on the road together after that 😒
Henry mattered to Daryl because he mattered to Carol, so it stands to reason any kid Daryl cares about would earn Carol’s love too. But to be completely honest, I’m having a really hard time believing Laurent fits into that equation. Why does Daryl need to be a father figure to him? Because the nun said so? For one thing, that makes me super uneasy. Without even watching, I can tell you his bond with Isabelle is nothing like what he developed with Carol, so that can’t be what’s motivating him. Unless it’s revealed later that Laurent was also abused, Daryl isn’t naturally going to gravitate to him like he did to Carol, Sophia, and Lydia. He just feels like a means to an end to me, though I’m confident the show will try to force an emotional reason and it’ll piss me off 💀
I think after Daryl and Carol help him fulfill his destiny (🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️), they can leave him in the safe hands of the family he already has. They don’t need to adopt him.
Thank you for sharing your theory. I hope you don’t feel like I’m invalidating you because that’s not the intention. I think what it really comes down to is not trusting Zabel’s writing. Especially not when there’s evidence to suggest he didn’t even bother to watch the flagship show 💀
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netrunnerconduit · 1 year
Live Forever
It started with an ad. I don’t remember what sensie I was watching when I first saw it. Maybe it wasn’t even a sensie, maybe it was just on one of those holo-boards they have along the Queensway. I suppose it doesn’t matter how I originally saw it, what matters is that that ad etched itself into my brain. Figuratively, of course. I don’t believe all that conspiracy shit about NBN using subliminal messaging or radio frequencies to alter your brainwaves to make you more likely to buy… whatever. It struck me because in the ad it showed a kid playing with his dad, and having grown up without a dad, I’m always curious when they show dads in media. What was I missing out on? I always wondered. What if he hadn’t died in an industrial accident? Sorry, that sounds depressing. He passed when I was two, I have no memories of him, not even primal ones like a scent or a touch. It was just my mother and I growing up (and a crack team of aunts and uncles and cousins, it takes a village and all that, but that’s neither here nor there) and I thought turned out fine. So what was so magical about having a dad?
That was the hook. The barbed hook that got me to pay attention. They say we don’t even see advertisements anymore. We’re so inundated with them, it’s become a survival instinct to ignore them. They’ve done studies, people wearing advert clothing are 35% more likely to be hit by traffic, and not out of malicious intent, but because drivers will just zone out when they see an ad and blend the people wearing them into the background. They literally just stop seeing them.
Anyways, I was doing whatever and I happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and some subliminal part of my consciousness picked up that this kid was talking to his dad, so my brain zoned in, and I started paying active attention. What’s this father they’re advertising? They weren’t literally advertising fathers. Funny, I don’t think HB has released a line of bioroids for that. They’ve got nannies and “companionship” models for retail, but no parental simulacra. Someone should get on that, and write me a fat cheque for thinking of it.
The ad was actually for Reality Plus’ AI-remembered synthesis composites, which is a mouthful of technical jargon I don’t expect anyone to understand. Basically, they create a composite AI using every bit of recorded data available on your (presumably) deceased loved one. Every vid or holo you’ve ever taken of them captures how they look and move. Every audio recording or text they sent remembers how they would talk to you. They called it Live Forever. Obviously, it’s less perfect of a reconstruction than a full braintape, but it’s also way less invasive, and this is the clincher, way less expensive. It’s cheap enough that some rando like myself, earning a decent wage could afford it. Not that I went out and bought one right away, but enough that I was like huh, that’s in my price range, same as an above average vacation.
I also didn’t think about trying to get a composite of my dead father. Like I said, I never really knew him. I had zero attachment to him. Plus, I was a grown man, who like I also said, had turned out pretty decent. No, I was thinking about Hector and our child. To say Hector and I were serious would be a gross understatement. We had been living together for the last five years, an impossible length of time for the previous “Mr. Cruising King” (my nicknames for him) and we were talking about adoption. I think that’s what really did it. The day before I saw the ad, or the hour before, or some other relatively short period of time before, we sat down and had our first serious, practical planning talk about what we would need to do to adopt.
So it was in that mindset that I first saw the ad about this little kid talking to his holo-dad, and I thought, “If Hector or I die in an industrial accident like my father did, what would we leave behind for our child?” I kept gnawing at the thought, like a starving man with only his leather boots. I wanted to leave something for our as yet unknown child. So a couple days later, unbeknownst to Hector, I pinged the address for Live Forever and set up an initial consultation.
It wasn’t very exciting. Obviously, there wasn’t much to do while we were still alive. I signed a bunch of papers, and they explained the limits of the AI technology. The only practical piece of advice was to record everything. The more hours of recording, the more accurate their composites would be. It didn’t even really matter what kind of recording it was, though obviously full holos were the best to capture full 3D images as well as audio, olfactory, and tactile data. So I went home – and ordered 3 latest-gen holo-cams, and sixteen 80-zettabyte drives, all from Reality Plus technologies. What can I say, when I’m hooked, I’m hooked.
When the purchases arrived at our flat the next morning, I told Hector everything. He thought it was cute and didn’t mind but also wasn’t super interested. Hector was always more of a “live in the moment” type guy, and I always had to be the one planning out our future together. I set up two holo-cams in our modest apartment in the centre tier of our middle-class arcology, one in the kitchen, one in the living room. I asked about putting one in the bedroom, but Hector was confused. “I thought this was for our kid.” I dropped it and just carted the bulky holo-cam with me whenever we went out together.
At first, he was sort of into being constantly recorded. Hector had never been, shall we say, shy in the limelight. He loved to preen and show off and dance for the camera. I think I fell in love with him all over again, watching him soak up the holo-cam’s gaze. Eventually, I’d join him. This was how I wanted our child to remember us – happy, in love.
One evening as I was doing the monthly check of the holo-cams, I noticed that the two housebound ones had missed the last fourteen days of recordings. Apparently, there had been a power surge while we were out at work two weeks ago, and it caused the holo-cams to reset to their factory settings. That’s when I started going overboard. I started checking the cams every week, then every day, then twice a day. I think that coincided with Hector finally getting bored of the novelty of constant recording. He’d be in our dated kitchen cooking on hand-me-down cookware, dancing and singing to himself. And he’d beckon to me to come and join him in that sexy way of his, his gaze pulling at me from the side of his eyes, his finger curling like a hook below the waterline of his waist. I… pulled back. I ran to my PAD and double checked that everything was recording properly. The moment was perfect, and I had to make sure I captured it perfectly. “David,” he called out teasingly from the kitchen, “come join me.” By the time I finished double checking everything and tore myself away from the holo-cams feeds, Hector was no longer dancing or singing.
The holo-cams became a source of constant irritation. Even just seeing me check them or thinking about it (he could see it on my face) became an instant turnoff for him. “Please turn the camera off and join me,” became the most constant refrain in our house. But the less and less happy we became, the more and more obsessed I became trying to capture what few moments of happiness we had left. I couldn’t let our child remember us like this, some miserable couple who just communicated on fundamentally different wavelengths.
I remember our first fight over it. We had hopped out to Wasaga Beach for the weekend, and of course I brought the holo-cam with us. I had promised to only use it for one hour each day, and I was doing so well. We were doing so well. Hector invited me into our cabin for some sex, and I said, “Let me go change into something more comfortable.” That was a lie. I was setting up holo-cam. Hector came out into the kitchen, fully nude, saw the holo-cam and started yelling. I’m not proud, but I started crying, blaming him for our unhappiness. He locked me out of the bedroom. “If you won’t join me, you can stay out!” The cams caught all of it.
I wish I could say it got better from there, that I got help, but it didn’t. I kept recording everything, now with malicious intent. It gave me the upper hand in our arguments having perfect access to everything he’d ever said. Hector just became increasingly childish and petulant in response.
I don’t remember what came first, us losing the adoption bid or Hector’s diagnosis. Losing the adoption bid was obvious given our relationship at that time, but the diagnosis was a surprise. Hector got back from the doctors in tears. He said they discovered a rare form of lung cancer on him, stage four, or whatever number was code for “you’re way past the point of genetherapy”. That was the first night we shared a bed together for weeks, and we just spent it crying into each other. Some dam inside me broke and I stopped caring about the holo-cams. I turned them off and never turned them back on.
The doctors gave Hector six months to live. We got half that. I like to think we recaptured some of our old glory in those last three months, but it’s entirely possible I just sobbed the whole time. Hector seemed happy at times. He smiled genuine smiles at me. I stayed at his hospital bed all morning until he passed in the early afternoon. I didn’t know what to do with myself for the rest of the day, so I went home took a couple of his leftover pain meds and slept for over 18 hours.
When I woke up, I made a call to Live Forever. I lugged over the two 80-zettabyte drives I had filled with holos of Hector and myself. They were amazed at how much material I had, said that this was probably going to be their best composite ever. I even signed a release that they might use it in their presentation materials. I didn’t care about any of that. I just took my drive with Hector’s composite on it home. I didn’t even thank them.
When I first booted Hector up, I cried again. It turns out I wasn’t out of tears yet. After hours of sobbing and listening to his voice (he sounded exactly the same!) and looking at his perfect face, we finally started talking. Honest to God, I couldn’t tell that he wasn’t dead and we weren’t having a holo-chat from beyond the grave. Everything was the exact same, his mannerisms, how he spoke, how he laughed. It was the real deal. And then, at 4am in the morning, exhausted from crying and laughing and sleep deprivation, he said it.
“Turn that thing off and come join me.”
I blanked. Hector smiled his coy smile and gazed at me from the sides of his eyes.
“Turn that thing off and come join me.”
I panicked and ran into the bathroom. I was hyperventilating. There was no noise coming from the kitchen where the hologram of Hector’s head floated above our countertop. I slept on the bathroom floor that night, using the bathroom mat for a blanket.
When I came out for food the next morning, Hector’s head still floated pleasantly in the air, and he greeted me with a smile. We chatted a bit, until he said “I missed you last night. I wish you’d turn off that holo-cam and come and join me.” And you know what? I think I will.
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It’s CMA-
I cannot get over the sand on the letter thing. I know I mentioned it before but it’s such an amazing detail, honestly one of my favorite extra things I’ve noticed in your works
I feel like clover gets very overwhelmed by being the center of attention. Maybe I’m projecting, but when you grow up with abusive parents, receiving any sort of attention is a really bad thing; it always means something bad is going to happen. Besides the usual overstimulating nature of being the center of attention (anxiety at making a mistake, embarrassment, etc.), I could see her really having a tough time when more than one or two people are focused on her.
How long did it take clover to start gardening at her aunt and uncle’s house? Did she grow up knowing them? When did she start feeling safe with them? Did they have to work to win her over?
Wait Josie never lived with them, did she? Can we get a rough timeline of when clover left to live with her family, when Josie left, and up to her debut? And teddy is what, six?
I do wonder if teddy had residual trauma at all. I think that having a secure base definitely sets him up for success but I wonder if clover was the only one who raised him really because that would make her his secure base, and I wonder if now he has more of a collective secure base with the aunt and uncle as well, since clover won’t be around as much and that would be really hard for him.
I also wonder because a lot of parents who are easily set off, which we know clover’s were, are easily set off by a baby. It’s the entire reason why shaken baby syndrome is a thing (it can actually occur in young children as well)- they’re physically (not to mention emotionally and mentally) more fragile, and more needy and unable to fully communicate the way an adult does, so I wonder if teddy was ever in the firing line or if clover and Josie always stepped in.
I also wonder if they’ll tell teddy about the way their parents were, and if he’ll feel any (wrongly placed) guilt over it. A lot of children who see their mother’s be abused from a young age often feel a misplaced guilt for not stepping in, even though that isn’t their job as the child and they shouldn’t be the one protecting their parent.
(ugh not me wanting to do an entire breakdown on teddy’s psych too. I’d probably add Josie in for good measure LMAO)
Also speaking of Josie, she had to deal with everything the longest, had no one to take care of her, had to protect two younger siblings, and had to hide her sexuality on top of it all. No wonder she’s so mean/protective/defensive……
I wonder if her husband knows about her trauma/past, and if Bess and Ben will bond over their caring for the two of them. They could also swap tips over how to like, get Josie and clover to open up or whatever.
How long after the time her garden was ripped up did it take for clover to go back to gardening? Where was this in the timeline (after she moved in with her aunt and uncle? Started again secretly at her home?)
Why did her aunt and uncle wait so long to adopt them? What changed their minds?
I love that we see her go from being composed and biting with Benedict in the beginning to an absolute mess in later chapters
Wait so if Ben was caught coming back quite disheveled, will Ben and clover be caught coming back that way??? Or that he comes back disheveled with a mystery woman or something??? I want to know if word of them attending parties will get out at all!!
And then everyone will be questioning clover over what she’s been doing at night with him, going out and doing it. The speculation would be fucking wild…… plus if she slips that it’s a party to like Charlie or someone, they’ll want to go and it’d be chaos!!
Will we see clover visiting lady danbury’s garden/has she gone back?
In chapter 4, when he says that he hasn’t been able to paint for months but finally can, and then we see him painting in pretty much every chapter we have of their lives together I just-
Omg in chapter five she mentions that daphne and Simon make perfect sense lmao. Cupid before we even realized, plus he clocking whenever Penelope and Colin interact, even if she doesn’t realize it’s significance (hence her pushing him towards marina)
Lmao in chapter five before they visit she says that she will only stay in their drawing room and she ends up in his art room so she technically did only stay in the drawing room(s) lmao. Sorry I love a good pun and idk if that was intentional but it’s great and I’m bummed I missed it the first few times I read the chapter
So when clover left her parents, I’m assuming her garden (or what was left of it) was either ripped apart or fell to neglect. This is such an interesting parallel with Benedict’s art room remaining in the bridgerton home. Besides the fact that their financial status allows them to leave the room untouched, it really says so much about their families through this action.
I feel like the bridgertons didn’t even really consider getting rid of Ben’s art room, not in the least because they wanted him to know that he always has a place with them, that he will always have a home and family to go back to, and that they respect him, his art, and his space. It’s a sign of love, respect, caring, and so much more.
Meanwhile, clover’s space was completely violated, I’m willing to bet repeatedly. They had no reverence for the things she held dear, even going out of their way to intentionally ruin them. Her parents showed their anger towards their children through their violation of not only the children themselves, but also their space, privacy, and everything they hold dear.
Anyway, I just thought that was neat.
The way that in chapter five he completely takes the blame for what happens even though she’s at fault. Like even before they’re together he’s protecting her from everything, including, or maybe especially, herself. I don’t think he even knows about the guilt and self loathing she harbors at this point, but his first instinct was to shield her nonetheless. He’s immediately understanding and selfless in this moment (and throughout the series).
I also like that he seems to know when to banter and when to be understanding. He switches between them so easily and lets clover feel comfortable doing either one with him, without her even noticing that she’s slipping in and out of vulnerability with him. He doesn’t push, just observes and lets her go at her own pace.
And despite her pushing and pulling at him, he remains constant. He lets her control the tides of her own emotions. Or maybe she’s the moon and he’s the tide, willingly submitting to her every movement, allowing her to get close and to back away and matching her every step of the way. When she comes close to him, he reaches as high as he can to meet her and when she needs her space, he calms and lets her come to him on her own terms.
(okay I like this analogy a lot more than the sun/moon one lol)
I think I’ve already said this but im going to say it again: if Ben could play clover any song, I feel like he would play her rainbow by kasey musgraves. If I could send clover a song/message, this would be it. Like every single lyric I am just shouting at her (except it’s not that kind of song lmao)
Charlie corrects clover from calling her Charlotte in chapter 5 and I love that we’ve now made it so that Anthony is the only one who can call her that/that that was established because now rereading I can squeal over that detail even more lmao.
I wonder if clover will change her mind after she realizes she loves Ben about true love marriages in the ton being rare. In an au I wonder if she and Ben will have the cherie/Anthony bet about the number of love matches in the ton. I can’t see her ever conceding on that point though, but maybe that’s just me.
Also I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner, but this story has huge 10 things I hate about you vibes, and I wouldn’t be surprised if clover did the same thing where she listed all the things she “hates” about Ben and almost how she hates that she loves him because it feels like such a betrayal of who she is.
I also can’t believe I didn’t realize that there’s something very ironic with clover being in love with flowers whose meanings she knows, but also how she doesn’t believe in expressing emotions or art or whatever, not realizing that using flowers to convey meanings is in itself an art form and way of expression emotions. I also wonder if she’ll realize that she is actually quite expressive in a non-verbal way, especially in all the ways that she says I love you.
Also it makes so much sense that benedict would be the one to realize how much she says without saying anything because he’s an artist. He’s used to studying things that can’t talk back, to observing without intruding, to seeing what things and people are saying without saying anything at all. After all his paintings cannot speak, so he has had to learn how to convey emotions and meaning through paint and expressions and body language and colors, and he has to consider how his audience will react to these things as well, so he’s used to trying to see things from another point of view.
Like the ton is full of people who lie and say things they don’t mean, but even so, many of them aren’t adept at poking through the bullshit, at seeing expression beyond the surface, at understanding people beyond their outfits and pleasantries. They’re so focused on these very flashy ways of communicating their presence and emotions that they forget that there are so many other ways to express oneself. I mean look at their obsession with lady whistledown; they are obsessed with words and taking words at face value.
The only person who’s grown up in the ton and really able to ignore all that is someone who’s had to train themselves to do it, and then clover who wasn’t trained to see or show the bullshit in the first place.
Sorry sorry I’ve probably said this all before. It’s one in the morning and I’m tired lmao
Okay I’m going to send this and then go to bed cuz I need to stop staying up late and waking up at noon lolololol. I’ll finish the story tmr; love u lots <3
Aaaaaaa I’m so excited! 😍
Aw I’m so happy to hear that! Sand on the letter thing actually surprised me and I didn’t think anyone would notice that! ❤️
I think you’re absolutely right! She does get overwhelmed by being the center of attention and she actually hates it ❤️ I haven’t thought about the reason until you said it but it makes perfect sense yes! It suits her background and the way she was raised, attention meant trouble in a household that she always tried to fly under the radar! 😱
That would also explain why she doesn’t want anyone else -but Benedict- to paint her, it means getting more attention❤️
I feel like it took at least a year or more for her to start gardening and by extension to trust them❤️ She didn’t grow up knowing them because her father and her uncle kind of hate each other so they probably saw them like once or twice their whole lives❤️
Josie never lived with them nope💔 The timeline I have in mind is that Josie eloped around 3 years ago but she wrote her uncle a letter and explained how bad their living conditions were in their family’s house so there was a small time period -like a month or two- between Josie leaving and Clover and Teddy moving to their uncle’s house❤️ Teddy is six now so he was like three years old when they did, that’s why he mostly sees his uncle and aunt -and especially Clover- as parental figures instead of his actual parents ❤️
I actually wasn’t aware that psychological trauma could start from such early ages until you told me recently so I feel like Teddy might have it! Like, it’s very different than Clover or Josie’s but…💔
I had no idea about shaken baby syndrome oh my God?! That’s terrible! 💔💔
I think Teddy was in the firing line for sure but Josie and Clover always stepped in, trying to protect him as much as they could😭 But I don’t think Teddy will ever know just how bad it was for them, they won’t tell him💔
Ooooh Josie💔 I think Josie actually got the worst of it, like, she is the oldest and she had no one to protect her, and considering their family… Like, yes Clover is traumatized but Josie’s situation was much worse than hers because she always stepped in whenever Clover was directed that anger by their parents even when they were little💔
I think Andrew knows up to a point about their home life but Bess knows it much better than him❤️
It probably took Clover a long time to go back to gardening and she made sure to do it much further from home the next time, kind of like hiding it from them 😭
Her aunt and uncle had no idea how bad things were at home! That’s why they didn’t adopt them, because like, her uncle and father were on bad terms so they weren’t around each other😁
Oh Benedict was caught coming back quite disheveled because he was getting busy during those parties😏 So I doubt Clover will look as disheveled, unless…😈😏
She should visit Lady Danbury’s garden!
In chapter 4, when he says that he hasn’t been able to paint for months but finally can, and then we see him painting in pretty much every chapter we have of their lives together I just-
Benedict has had no problems with painting since they got together😏
Cherie was so actively matchmaking all the time, Clover is like…she is matchmaking but she’s not even aware of it really 😂
So when clover left her parents, I’m assuming her garden (or what was left of it) was either ripped apart or fell to neglect. This is such an interesting parallel with Benedict’s art room remaining in the bridgerton home. Besides the fact that their financial status allows them to leave the room untouched, it really says so much about their families through this action.
This is so true! It does show the absolute contrast between their families yes! ❤️ Like you said, while Bridgertons didn’t even consider getting rid of it, Clover’s space was violated when she was there and was left to rot when she left 💔Her family didn’t really respect or love her, unlike Benedict’s family❤️
Benedict’s first instinct is always protecting her and it is so sweeeeet🥰
I think that’s one of the reasons why Clover -despite herself- wanted to spend time with him a lot after a point❤️ They have this effortless dynamic which makes her feel at ease without pushing her ❤️
And despite her pushing and pulling at him, he remains constant. He lets her control the tides of her own emotions. Or maybe she’s the moon and he’s the tide, willingly submitting to her every movement, allowing her to get close and to back away and matching her every step of the way. When she comes close to him, he reaches as high as he can to meet her and when she needs her space, he calms and lets her come to him on her own terms.
Can I use this in the fic? This is the perfect analogy for their love story and dynamic, you’re a genius! 😍❤️❤️
That’s such a nice song! ❤️
Making Charlotte and Anthony in love was such a good idea, I hadn’t even considered that until you guys told me! 🥰❤️
Lolll Cherie and Anthony’s bet 😂 Ben and Clover could totally have that bet as well! 😂
I do think it will change her mind but not completely! Like, she will probably consider herself as one of the lucky few ❤️
Omg that is such a good point about her being expressive in a different way yes! ❤️ The fact that Benedict is an artist plays a huge part in it because he is very observant and he can read through her, even the smallest gestures or expressions ❤️
The only person who’s grown up in the ton and really able to ignore all that is someone who’s had to train themselves to do it, and then clover who wasn’t trained to see or show the bullshit in the first place.  
I think that’s also one of the reasons why Benedict instantly fell in love with her, compared to the rest of the ton aka his social circle, she is both simple and complex for him ❤️ She is simple because she’s not trained in the ton’s ways, she is not trying to come across as perfect or even slightly pleasant 😂 And she’s more complex in the way of her emotions and her emotional walls and such❤️
Never ever apologize for this, you’ve made my day with this! ❤️😍 ILYSM, this is amaziiiiing! 🥰😍 I'm smiling at the screen right now!❤️❤️❤️
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐞𝐫𝐢 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 9th of april 2021
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pairing : bakugou, todoroki x gn!reader
genre : fluff
themes : established relationship, 
note : part 1 you’re the daughter of aizawa [adopted] > quirk telekinesis<
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> they obviously knows your eraser heads daughter but now he basically has another daughter which they aren't exactly aware of at first
> you visited eri with your dad after helping rescue her since all your quirks are mental quirks
> you immediately connected with the girl, she isn’t a loud snotty ipad kid but her lack of personality bothered you
> you wanted to know her interests, what she loves and hates, her favourite foods and least favourites
> but she doesn’t know herself and you were determined to find out
> so when you were free you hung out with eri trying to connect with her and get her to open up
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[ bakugou ]
> you obviously told katsuki about eri but he never had time to properly meet the girl
> plus aizawa was afraid of him scaring her
> but weirdly the opposite happened?
> you were drawing with eri talking about your cool quirks and classmates
> she was weary at first but since aizawa was busy on patrol and mirio wasn’t on campus you took her to the dorms since being alone in the house probably wouldn’t fun and this way she won’t be alone for a second
> you wanted to try get her to sleep a little early tonight since every time she comes over you notice her horrible sleeping pattern, much like yours
> bakugou had gotten back from training when you arrived with eri after so as you laughed and drew he was showering
> “oi y/n- oh” he noticed the little grey haired girl laying her head on your lap as she scribbled on a piece of paper
> without you looking he took a picture of the scene smiling to himself slightly
> he .. quietly ?? sat in front of the girl and helped her draw your classmates adding a couple demonic features such as denki’s unmistakable “yayy” face
> “hey eri this is bakugou” he held out his hand for the girl “hi eri” she took as many of his fingers as she could with her little hand and shook it “hello bakugou”
> he didn’t understand how she was feeling since she had gone through too much for anyone to handle never mind a child
> but seeing her smile and feel comfortable around you made him realise how much effort you really put in with her
> you smiled at the little interaction not seeing his quiet side around children
> he decided to go up to his dorms to get a couple blankets after you hinted at warm blankets and watching movies to her
> but when he came back downstairs the girl was laying in your lap fast asleep as you laid on the sofa
> he placed a blanket over the two of you turning off the tv and dimming the lights slightly
> the others were around the common room and when they saw bakugou doing that mfers were so ready to scream until he told them he’ll blow their heads off if they wake you up
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[ todoroki ]
> “is she your secret sister” todoroki... baby there’s no secret- nvm
> you were in your dorm room teaching her how to play genshin when he had just come back from endeavors agency
> he came to say hi but he heard your voice along with a little girl and got confused
> he heard of eri from midoriya but he had non idea she’d be staying with the aizawa’s 
> he will think of all the possibilities before finally going to you
> “y/n?” 
> “hi shoto..oh midoriya told you about eri right?”
> poor boy had no idea how to act, he nodded as you told him to sit down
> he’s always had this fear of children since he didn’t have great parents he didn’t want to become like his father, even if he knew that would’t happen it still worried him from the amount of times people have told him he’s like endeavor
> “hello eri” you handed him the controller 
> he was very careful around her but also noticed how comfortable she is with you and since midoriya told him about her past he found comfort in her comfort in you? 
> a child who hasn’t been able to trust anyone her whole life to trusting you within a couple weeks made him smile
> after a couple hours of playing and teaching her new moves he went downstairs to grab a drink and food for you three
> when he got back you had put on a movie and she was slowly nodding off against your knee
> so he wrapped a blanket around you three and put on a movie to fall asleep to
> “y/n would you want children?”
> “maybe, or maybe i’ll just be the hot aunt/uncle”
> man looked at you puzzled as fuck before saying in his monotone voice “i’d like to adopt with you”
> 😐😐😐
> “shoto we’re-”
> “yeah i realised after i said that, we can wait”
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A/N :
taglist : @todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gazelle-des-pres @gaysimpsstuff @blackestpinkworld
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baeddel · 3 years
discussion on this post, @horatiovonbecker asks @otatma their opinion about extended families as an alternative to the nuclear family. @otatma replies that it is “a good thing to strive for” but “depends hugely on the family being nontoxic.” true enough!
as it’s my activity feed and they can’t stop me i’ll butt into the conversation. i grew up in an extended family. i lived with my mother and my maternal grandparents, and my aunt would live with us some days out of the week. all of this was accomplished in a 2-bedroom bungalow. i had very little privacy and i hated it; when i was 15 i ran away. my mother pleaded with the council and we managed to secure a terraced house in a socialized housing estate with a bedroom for each of us, plus a spare room (almost unthinkable today). we live near our grandparents and they visit every day.
when i was 16 i met my absentee father. he had been homeless in England and imprisoned in Scotland and when he returned to Ireland that year i found him living in a rhizomatic extended family scenario spanning four generations and three households. they were always being chased out by landlords or paramilitaries and relocating and, in any case, one could never predict who would be living in which house at any time; children would live with grandparents one month, parents the next, aunts and uncles the next, and so on. even husbands and wives did not always share a home.
[long post: 3k words, on the historical development of family structure in Ireland and England and what it means for monogamy, the family and anarchy]
based on this i believed the extended family to be an Irish institution. this is an assumption i shared with most sociologists and historians until about the 1990s (Seward et. al., 2005, pg. 2). the standard narrative was that, world-over, families historically lived in large, three-generation households and that thanks to the industrial revolution this was deteriorating. “Max Weber himself implies in his magisterial way that the rise of capitalist organisation was associated with 'the household community shrinking' ” (Laslett, 1974, pg. 7). Ireland was traditionally conceived of as an exception to this process of deterioration as, on this account, the extended family remained dominant while the rest of the world was going nuclear. it turns out to be the reverse in both cases: the extended family was never the dominant family structure anywhere (ibid. pg. 2-3; Vann 1974, pg. 3-4), except for in Ireland beginning in the 19th century, where over the course of the 20th century it did deteriorate (Laslett, 1974 pg. 34; Gibbon & Curtin, 1978).
the reason for this is embarassingly obvious once you realize it. the fact is that not all families in a society can be extended families. if all children remain in the family home along with their children into perpetuity this house will soon have the population of a small town. this is actually the origin of society proposed by Filmer in Patriarcha (1680), where parental authority becomes the “fountain of all Regal Authority” as their progeny multiply, until humanity is scattered about in the Confusion of Tongues (pg. 11-15). without a Confusion of Tongues to interrupt the exponential increase (and millions, rather than thousands, of years to account for) we have to imagine another sort of family structure. the 19th century sociologist Frédéric Le Play proposed that a new family structure emerged out of ancient patriarchy which he called the Stem-Extended Family. on this account one son was selected to inherit and he remained at the family’s residence; the other siblings were dispersed (Gibbon & Curtin, 1978 pg. 2-3).
to the extent that this form of family organization did exist, it could not have been the dominant form. in a family with three sons, two of them would have to go and form nuclear families with their spouses. they might go on to build their own extended family, or they might not. in many societies the extended family was indeed considered “a good thing to strive for”, and this was the position adopted by the conservative Catholic Le Play, and later accepted by the Catholic Church, who lobbied for policy interventions that would stem the tide of nuclear proliferation in Ireland, particularly by limiting employment opportunities for women. For example, women were barred from civil service positions until 1973 (Seward et. al., 2005, pg. 7).
if this is the case, how could the extended family become the dominant form of family structure in Ireland in the 19th and early 20th centuries? the most significant factor was the reorganization of agriculture carried out by English colonial interests; after the infamous Potato Famine the population of Ireland almost halved (after already more than halving after Cromwell’s genocides), as well as the almost constant state of war that Ireland was submerged in (continuing into the 90s in the occupied North). in the aftermath it was necessary for families to consolidate (Seward et. al., 2005, pg. 3). on top of this, fertility was exceptionally low and emigration was exceptionally high (in the North it remains very high, especially among Catholics). as a result, more generations could live together, and children were more likely to leave the country than disperse elsewhere in Ireland (Seward et. al., 2005, pg. 14). throughout the 20th century, as industry and free secondary education were introduced to Ireland, more children began to move from country to town and nuclear families rapidly replaced extended ones  (Seward et. al., 2005, pg. 6).
my family tree more or less follows this narrative along. in the chaos following the Land War my great, great grandmother was the head of a large intergenerational family involving aunts and uncles, as well as an adopted street orphan. my great grandfather met a homeless woman possessing a child out of wedlock and fell in love with her; they moved to this town and rented a house while he sought work as a street sweeper, starting a new nuclear family. in the 40s my grandmother worked in factories until she married my grandfather, a sailor, and they began their own nuclear family in the same town, renting different little apartments until, thanks to the state of the housing market in the 80s, they purchased the modest accomodations aforementioned. by the 90s this arrangement threatened to become a new Stem-Extended Family (with my mother and i playing the role of inheriting sons), but it proved inoperable in the new context of the 21st century’s mechanized Ireland, and we spilled over into our own single-parent home. given that both me and my aunt are infertile, the maternal line terminates here.
does it follow that we ought to give in and admit that the nuclear family is the natural unit of human society, and that the extended family is possible only in the middle of an ongoing genocide? despite what we’ve just said, there doesn’t seem to be good evidence for this either. while Gibbon & Curtin characterized a debate where Laslett “advanced the iconoclastic [proposition] that there had been little essential historical change in family structure” (1978, pg. 3) this doesn’t seem to actually be Laslett’s position. Laslett argued that family size has not changed considerably throughout history, but on the very first page of his landmark Household and Family in Past Time (1970) he emphasizes that he is “not concerned with the family as a network of kinship” and instead defines his area of research in terms of “coresident domestic groups”, which might bear little relationship to kinship structures. in the past the household very frequently involved not just blood relatives but “lodgers, boarders and visitors” (Vann, 1974, pg. 5) as well as slaves and servants. Vann quotes Etienne Hélin's caution that “[a]rithmetic means, although they varied so little covered a whole series of different situations” and describes how post-industrial English households had twice the number of blood relatives per house as pre-industrial ones, but fewer lodgers, and thus about the same mean. the difference between historical and modern families might not be one of size but of an increasing emphasis on blood relations.
it may come as a surprise that, as a matter of fact, Old English has no word for family. they have a word for relatives in general (sibb), for tribes (cynn, the root of Modern English kin), but the basic social unit known to the Anglo-Saxons was the hiw (and its many compounds), which might be translated ‘household’ (or, indeed, ‘coresident domestic group’). who belonged to a hiw? it was somewhat nakedly a property relation. it was not only a man’s wife and children but also his servants, his slaves, as well as his animals (Stanley, 2008, pg. 1). the Textus Rofensus makes only one distinction between members of a household, that they be “slaves or free” (ibid. pg. 7). it could also refer to a monastic group, involving the whole cloister. Stanley notes (and it seems true to me) that there is a virtual absence of family relations in the corpus of Old English literature. in fact i cannot think of a single example, except perhaps for the monster Grendel and his mother. in the mournful Wife’s Lament and the passionate Wulf and Eadwacer the emphasis is on completely personal affections and seductions, and in any case both depict forbidden relationships outside of the hired.
correspondingly, we find that the average Anglo-Saxon home was a large one; typically they were a single room which measured about 50 square meters and “could have accomodated up to about a dozen or so people” (Hines, 2003, pg. 139). there is no reason to suppose that this was to accomodate several generations of blood relatives; the Anglo-Saxons had many, now very unfamilliar, relationships to populate their houses with. there was husband, wife, and concubine, along with their children; there was slave and hostage (Lavelle, 2006), including many orders of slaves with different status (such as the relatively respectable title of bryti, a sort of ‘head slave’); and indeed guest, visitor, boarder, and in the case of lords and aristocratic thegns, perhaps retainers. in Beowulf about thirty thegns sleep with their lord in Heorot, pulling aside the bench-planks and replacing them with straw beds at night (and when the Geats arrive they incorporate them as still more visitors). we know that at least some beds were placed in recesses in the walls and had curtains (Wright), perhaps to accomodate private intimacy between husband, wife and concubine or, indeed, guest, retainer, hostage, slave, or (why not?) animal. even when husband and wife are the only kin relatives in residence we would hesitate to call this arrangement a ‘nuclear family‘, or indeed an ‘extended family’ should it include a grandparent.
why has industrial modernization corresponded with the narrowing of the productive unit of society to the nuclear family (or, increasingly, the single parent family)? why have non-blood relations become so systematically excluded from the household? these seem like open questions to me. our own experience leads us to suspect conditions placed on family structure by the labour market together with city planning. until the 70s in Ireland, as we discussed, it was typical (and indeed lawful) for wives to stay at home and husbands to work; today very few workers could afford to keep their wives at home, even without children. houses are also too small to sustain extended families (nevermind concubines, hostages and the rest). old council houses such as ours have two bedrooms, one for the parents and the other for the children, along with a room for guests. today they do not include the guest room. there are, in addition, only two common rooms: a family room and a kitchen. it is not only difficult to accomodate three generations in these houses (the small guest bedroom is a poor substitue for the reitrement room of many 19th century Irish houses), it is difficult to accomodate even two generations. teenagers will already complain about sharing a bedroom, and one sibling might take up the guestroom. but we know of women with six, seven, as many as twelve children who live here. as adults they could fill at least three of such houses. all of this is possible only on the theory that as the children grow up they will move out into their own homes.
so. it is tempting to analyze the family situation abstractly, counting up the merits and dysfunctions of different systems and comparing them. for example, using Hirschman’s well-known framework of “exit” and “voice”, we might ask how effective the different forms of family structure are at responding to dysfunction (abuse, neglect and so on). the extended family, we might say, gives a child better access to “voice” - they can turn to parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings for help. your mother might answer to your grandmother who is therefore well poised to address parenting issues, while your father can probably smoothe things over with your uncle if you quarrel. this means that you actually have to worry less about “toxicity” in the family compared to a nuclear family where parents aren’t accountable to anyone. however, in case of a family wide problem, you may have much less room to “exit” compared to a nuclear family, where exit is expected.
which one is better? you might reply that the extended family sounds better. it very well might be; but in reality you’ll never get to act on this exercise in judgement no matter how much striving you do. the nuclear family does not predominate because of the tyrannical thirst for the awesome power of parenthood (no matter how much we do find this thirst satisfied), but because of the given conditions of labour, housing, inheritance and so forth. this is why @horatiovonbecker can reply that all of this is “fair enough” but that they ”don't think it follows that discouraging monogamy will help.” no, surely it does not follow. especially now that we know that family size and kinship relations are not essential features of domestic organization. why was monogamy ever implicated in the first place?
now it seems like a curious slip of the tongue that when Goldman and Parsons disagree about monogamy they do so by attacking and defending the family by turns. but at that time monogamy was not so easily separable. free love was not really polyamory. it was this and also the abolition of both marriage and parenthood, as they understood both as property relations: “marriage slavery”, as even Parsons called it, and parental ownership of children. it was also the abolition of sex work, which they understood as the "public” expression of the subjugation of women which finds its “private” expression in marriage (Marx & Engels, 1848, pg. 24-25), ie. that women are dependent on men’s property and must acquire it by marriage or by sexual labour. as a corrolary they advocated for divorce (which became an immense priority to later Soviet planners who designed mobile, modular homes which would allow couples to separate and cohabit arbitrarily). it was also access to contraceptives and to abortion, as well as, believe it or not, very often the advocacy of eugenics (on the account that with abortion, contraceptives and the freedom to select partners, the previously blind and mute force of sexual reproduction would become domesticated to the rational will; see the anarchist journal Moses Harman founded in the 1880s, Lucifer the Light Bearer, later renamed the American Journal of Eugenics).
this constellation of problems no longer appear all together. after most women entered the conventional work force we could no longer as easily see monogamy and marriage as a relationship of slavery. as we say in the previous post, for many women the struggle is that they are too independent, saddled with childrearing and wage labour and housework with only the cold comfort of the day-care for assistance. for this reason sex work no longer appears as anything special compared to the other forms of labour women do out of necessity; “sex work is work” is the guiding catchphrase of militant sex workers. contraceptives and abortion still appear as a leading issue in feminist agitation but we no longer imagine they have the power to transform the everyday life of the household (nevermind summon forth the genetic Ubermensch). all together the abolition of marriage was replaced, as @birlinterrupted​ reminds us, with its extension: gay marriage. as of right now monogamy and marraige are still inseparable (i can now marry one of my girlfriends but not all three), but we think it need not always be. all together the program fragmented as its success was realized in pieces and none of them were actually irreparably fixed by the property relation (even if they did emerge from it).
Engels actually believed that a true equality of the sexes would, “according to all previous experience,” result in monogamous men and polyandrous women (Engels, 1884, pg. 43), but he admits that we can only conjecture about “the way in which sexual relations will be ordered after the impending overthrow of capitalist production.” he finishes this thought with this remarkable little statement:
[W]hat will there be new? That will be answered when a new generation has grown up: a generation of men who never in their lives have known what it is to buy a woman’s surrender with money or any other social instrument of power; a generation of women who have never known what it is to give themselves to a man from any other considerations than real love, or to refuse to give themselves to their lover from fear of the economic consequences. When these people are in the world, they will care precious little what anybody today thinks they ought to do; they will make their own practice and their corresponding public opinion about the practice of each individual – and that will be the end of it.
the straightforward correspondence between property, economic dependence and monogamy is still here, and which to us now seems insufficient to the problem (ie. the problem still persists after these given conditions are eliminated). broadening the question from questions of marriage, sexual access and economic dependence to the more general question of the organization of the household in general and the necessary social and economic conditions proper to it would clarify what’s really at stake in domestic oppression, the organization of reproduction, and so on. but it remains true that we can only remain sensitive to trends, to those of us organizing new experiments with the household, and where new opportunities might open as the present conditions dig their own grave.
Let’s give the final word to an old friend. What is the Family, Renzo Novatore? Why, nothing but “the denial of life, love and liberty.” Nevermind his entry for Love, which is a “deception of the flesh and damage to the spirit, disease of the soul, atrophy of the brain, weakening of the heart” and so forth.
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
I know we have a marvel au already but I saw a fan art of Sam as iron man and Tommy as Spider-Man and that’s all I can think about.
Like imagine, Phil and Kristen die and Tommy has to live with his uncles Techno and Wilbur, plus Wilbur’s wife Sally and their son.
Tommy loved everyone in the house but he spent the most time with uncle Wilbur. Uncle techno was nice but always away from tournaments and aunt Sally didn’t understand him the way uncle Wilbur did.
His cousin Fundy was chill, but a few years younger so he didn’t exactly understand.
Everything changed when he got bit by a radioactive spider.
Soon his uncle Wilbur died because he didn’t use his powers for good, he’s suddenly a lot closer with his aunt and tech wiz younger cousin. He’s getting fighting lessons from his uncle tech, using Wilburs death as the explanation.
He was actually a pretty good super hero, Fundy, who accidentally found out about it, was helping him with the suit and he wa helping people.
And then he met Sam.
Sam, the iron man. Sam, the guy who pulls a Batman every time he sees a traumatized child(now I’m thinking of a Batman au too). Sam, who sees these two kids, one a tech prodigy making a super suit and the other a superhuman helping around town, and gives them both an internship at his company.
Lets just say Tommy’s life got a lot more interesting.
Well ouch. Right off the bat Wilbur died and Phil and Kristin are gone. Oh god. Okay. That hurts. Well then.
I mean at least we get Sally, Tommy, and Fundy bonding. That’s good. Right? Still hurts though.
He gets cool spider powers at least. Swinging through building to building and helping people.
Then we get Awesamdad and then just we get Fundy and Tommy getting adopted by him and it’s nice. We get fluff over here. We get so much fluff you guys.
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