#podcast idea
eye-motive · 2 months
had the vague idea for a podcast so hear me out with the plot:
there is a popular YouTube channel that is a group of four urban explorers. Three are the faces or the channel are the fourth is a faceless videographer who does a lot of the editing, location choosing, etc. They one day, as a sub goal reward, do a live stream exploring an abandoned hospital that is rumoured to be home to a demon. The videographer is unable to make it because of a family emergency but the rest of the team do it anyway. One of the other members knows how to work a camera.
While streaming, everything was going great until suddenly one of the members freezes up, the rest of them freeze up, start yelling, the camera cuts out and the audience hears yelling, a mumble of a voice no one knows, and then the stream suddenly ends and the vod is somehow deleted.
police are called out to the scene and there is no trace that they were ever there except the phone used to stream shattered on the ground.
Years later, everyone has given up on finding them, but one. The videographer who feels like it’s their fault that they disappeared. They tried everything to find them but no luck. Until suddenly, their YouTube channels starts uploading again and the first video is a few seconds long, it’s a black screen and it sounds like someone is heavily breathing and one of the members whispering ’help us’ and then it cuts out.
immediately the internet goes crazy with mass concern and then another video is released the next day with a riddle is a voice no one knows. The videographer uses the riddle to try to find them and along the way get more hints and clues and blah blah. You get the idea.
It would all be voice recordings from Voice Memos on the videographers phone since the videographer wants to have a record of their finds and everything. throughout the entire show you would never get to know the videographers name as well. It’s just ‘the videographer’ or something adjacent.
but…yeah. Sorry this is long. I tried to make it shorter but…that didn’t work out. once i learn how to write scripts and make the plot like solid, the characters decent and everything, it’s definitely going to happen.
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a-podcast-junkie · 2 months
as a person who almost obsessively listens to fiction podcasts i cant help but desperately want some more horror fiction stuff, so i have some ideas to run past you
"but rat! you only post about podcasts you listen to on this blog!" you cry! and to that i say dear reader, i do what i damn well please. plus ill be honest with you, some of the podcasts I've already posted about are so long i most likely wont be posting about more UNLESS i really enjoy them
now, hear me out, i have a few ideas:
an SCP 3008 podcast about living in the ikea
a backrooms podcast about surviving in the backrooms
a SCP podcast revolving around a specific site that houses more then one SCP, always dealing with issues (when i say this i would expect reseach about each site and what they hold before deciding on a site to have this take place in)
unfortunately those are all the ideas i currently have BUT if i think of anything else ill either reblog this to add onto it OR just edit the post
I'm also adding on the small disclaimer that I'm very dyslexic so if you ever see typos don't mind those! and if you would like to read some of the actual reviews i have on this blog please go check out my masterlist
Rat out!
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Is anyone interested in doing an actual The Bear Sydcarmy stand podcast? If so, please contact me. I’m down.
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arttsuka · 6 months
Ok but imagine: Star trek podcast but it's the captains log.
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xremus-is-deadx · 5 months
OKAY right I wanna pitch my podcast idea here, see if it is actually a good idea or if I just want to do it because I'm bored...
Anyway here it is:
Mythology myth busting
Essentially, I love mythology, especially greek, and I love retelling stories and talking about it more than anything, and I had an idea to do a podcast where I sit my friends down and ask them what they know about certain myths/ parts of mythology.
From there I break down what is right/ wrong/ etc, and essentially retell myths via the inaccuracies portrayed through pop-culture and such.
Essentially it's myth busters, for myths...
I don't know, does it sound like a good idea? Does this already exist? I need opinion from mythology people/ podcast listeners...
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ponkch0 · 4 months
Alpha male podcast with gay undertones but every new episode it gets a little more gay
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always-aqua · 2 years
I have a podcast idea that I think could be super fun. It’s literally taking the entire 1D catalogue and doing an episode per song. It could include music video behind the scenes info, theories as to the meanings of some songs (Girl Almighty, I’m looking at you!), best live performances of said song, etc. It could also include talking about song fics using the titles or lyrics, or inspired by the song. I just think it could be super fun. And once the 1D albums are complete, it could even move onto solo works.
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thebliznet · 2 years
I'm interested in starting up a podcast to talk about my favorite fandoms, headcanons, and ships! Including my original characters as well! It will be live, but I'll also post on my youtube? Would yall be down for it? ☺️
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perish-the-creator · 2 years
If I start a podcast would any of you guys be interested in listening to it by chance?
I want to broaden my creative horizons and try to fulfill as many avenues as possible before I die.
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misty-zzz · 10 days
GOOBERS! ive been thinking about my own idea for a horror podcast :DDD
heres the idea for the plot, still in development, and early stages of thoughts
so the plot is a girl, jules, who is in a different school this year that all her friends last year are going, so starting as a blank slate for this year.
jules has memory problems, she finds it best to speak out loud into a recorder to help remember best. mainly recording during mornings before school starts (but still in the school), lunch, and while walking home. repeating of the events of school so she can try her best to remember things. and she will record just about all conversations/meetings, some with friends, others with teachers and other school workers.
when having to get a book for her langue arts class, the librarian, Mr. Rainer, creeps her out a lot (NOT IN A PEDO WAY). she refuses to return to the library after that encounter. despite that, she also keeps an eye on him a lot, through the windows of the library. and notices him reading books that are not part of the library, his own collection. to find out these books are actually illegal. like spell books and other stuff like that.
Jules has been confronted about not returning her books to the library for a while now, but eventually Jules and Mr Rainer have their own sit-down talk. starting off about talking about the missing book, but eventually getting proof about Mr Rainers reading the illegal books, and that he has more for them. and that she should be wary of him from now on.
anywayysss thats ill ive gotten so far! i hope this is a super coolz idea, but definitely will be a LONG time till i can actually do anything about it. i have like no recording stuff or anything, so until that happens, ill just continue writing! tell me what you think :333
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outgoing1ntrovert · 1 month
there needs to be a podcast that motivates me to sleep
im talking: "you got this! stop scrolling! and get your amazing bed rest!"
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brotatowho-blog · 3 months
I'm bored and half considering occasionally uploading like, shitty podcast style recordings. Just picking something and absolutely just having an opinion on it. Wouldn't even do any research on whatever I pick each day, just, spout absolute bullshit about something new each time. A bucket of opinions and lies, lol. Some real wild takes.
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rainingcats-7 · 4 months
*Walks onto stage*
So bad podcast idea:
Someone who's very familiar with lolcows/eccentric internet people and someone who has never learned about a lolcow read the Cwcki (Chris Chan wiki).
The articles are read in chronological order as they happen (with the overall stuff like Chris and Copyright occasionally sprinkled in).
Ok byeee
*gets crushed by anvil*
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aclickbaittitle · 8 months
A show about culture, a show about people's complex relationship with their culture. In space. A found family. Some Queer Shit. Outcasts that very much steal and fuck the goverment. A show about alienation. A show about community. A show about a combi or microbusero driver with a very especial USB drive (or casset) with cumbias and rancheras and corridos and other music you find there kind of like in Guardians of the Galaxy.
I should re-watch the trilogy.
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artemisyates · 4 months
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Enjoy sky blue, Mike.
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eva-birdman-art · 6 months
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This is what malevolent feels like to me
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