#poetry blogging 2021
myfriendscallmeweird · 2 months
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bearamirezve · 4 months
Bitácora rosa (Día 182)
Sólo pecaria por tus ojos, creo que solo tú me haces hacer este tipo de afirmaciones, y la verdad es que ya me convertí en pecadora, porque me permití perderme en la profundidad de tu mirada, sé que no hay forma de detenerme ahora, es que te quiero comer la boca cada vez que estás cerca, no importa la condena que deba pagar, pecaria una y otra vez por ser parte de ti aunque sea una noche, aunque…
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waitinqroom · 1 year
the way most of my recent followers/mutuals who i interact with regularly dont know about all of my old tumblr phases
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winterlogy · 1 year
on the scent of saturdays
it smells like saturday. a saturday full of different plans, full of breezes and illusions, of uncertainty and melancholy, of peace and chaos. it smells like a saturday that seems to shout that the year is about to end and that reminds you that your annual plans have not been fulfilled. a saturday that reminds you of the moons of august and the rain of april, a saturday of the light of november.
it smells like saturday, and every saturday smells like something. november saturdays smell of cold, of mountains, of wind and a bit of sweetness. it smells like a village, a park and the conversation of old men chatting about their hard life in the war while their wives buy bread for the family meal with their grandchildren. it smells of awakening, of scorpio and a little of my coconut scent.
it smells of saturday and of those eternal hugs from the person you give your life for, of that illusion and surprise when you see a butterfly, of those salty tears that soak the pillow; of that old november when you saw the snow for the first time. you caressed it and played with it without knowing that it would take a whole year to happen again and a whole year to be able to smell it again.
it smells like saturday. a saturday in november. to the air freshener in the kitchen. the dirty mosquito net in the bedroom. to the ledge where you lean out and catch the fragrance. to that antique rocking chair, you know the one i mean, right? it smells of late autumn and premature christmas lights, of a cosy village and that novel you'd reread. it smells like saturday.
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ad-venturism · 7 months
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I felt the tight cavity 
of my mother's mouth with 
her shrinking teeth
biting unrelentlessly 
"aahhh" I say
"can I help you brush your 
even if she said no I would
have tried until her brows
wedging into that opening
with a finger or a toothbrush 
"eeee" I say, sometimes
she will say after me 
gulugulu puipui gulugulu pui
"you can swallow if you want"
I bought Sensodyne's
children's toothpaste for my 
mother -- gulugulu is
gargle-gargle and puipui is
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king-galaxius · 1 year
The Insecure Writer's Group: Recap of May 2021 & May 2022
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headspace-hotel · 2 months
i'm...thinking about writing a book?
I mean. I feel really silly at the thought because i'm not like a scientist or anything, i'm barely at the beginning of my knowledge journey, but...being a writer was what I always wanted to do. It's what I've been doing ever since I could remember. And I'm constantly, constantly just so full of things that I want to tell the whole world. I will have a realization or idea and think, oh my god. Everyone needs to know this. But I can't tell everyone. I'm not good at talking.
I'm good at writing. But I will sit down to write a post on my silly little blog and get so overwhelmed by the SCALE of everything I want to say.
I think I've already started to write a book. I think the space for these ideas to fill is already the size of a book and it will never have any smaller of a size, and no one else will come along to write the book, and no one else CAN write the book, and IT HAS TO BE WRITTEN.
I want to write about the ways of the plants, of course. I want to teach how to transplant and how to gather seeds and the properties of keystone species...but more importantly, I want to write about how to learn the ways of the plants. I want to promote the habit of insatiable curiosity and intense observation. I want to show everyone that everything everywhere is infinitely interesting and mysterious, and if you pay attention to the plants, they will teach you.
I want to write about Symbiosis. I want to write about how we are connected to every other thing, how we have our own ecological niche as Caretakers, and our own special adaptations of curiosity and love. I want to write about how the ecosystem needs us to participate in it, not to cut ourselves off from it, and how our powerful influence on ecosystems can be for good or for bad. We are not a disease. We are a Keystone Species.
I want to discourage this Euro-centric idea that sees humans as separate, and recommend more reading from indigenous points of view that understands ecosystems better and sees humans as participants in nature, engaging in a reciprocal symbiotic relationship. I want to speak against all this talk about removing humans from half of the Earth or reducing the human population, and show other people that despair and fear make you paralyzed and powerless, but hope is powerful.
The most important and powerful thing you can do for your ecosystem is to love it. It is necessary to have hope for the future—to learn to imagine a future of restoration and renewal, and to build community with other people working toward that future.
If we don't imagine a future for our ecosystems, imagine them boldly and audaciously in ways that feel crazy and impossible, those futures will not happen. But just the act of saying, "This WILL happen. We WILL be okay." gives you the strength and energy to fight and it gives you the creativity to come up with solutions you never could have thought of before.
And I feel I have to explain, how did I end up listening to plants? And how did the teachings become so important that I had to write about them? There's this black, swallowing abyss underpinning all of who I am, some intimation of a reality so terrible the human spirit breaks beneath it. I had a mental health crisis back in 2021 where I was pulled deep into that abyss, and when I started rescuing little plants and caring for them, I was basically re-learning how to be human.
I feel like I was seeking answers to "How am I supposed to live in this world?" in the natural world because the human world of poetry and books and articles and think-pieces had utterly failed me in that regard. I had taken multiple poetry classes where I had read all the best contemporary poems, and all the poets just wrote flat, plodding, blunt descriptions of their trauma and despair. Nothing is wrong with these topics, but the worst part was how these authors didn't even take themselves seriously; they had to be detached and ironic about their own pain, like a snarky dystopian novel hero who jokes casually about the horrific reality they live in so the reader knows that this reality is normal and unremarkable to them—and even more importantly, that the hero is ironic and cool instead of responding in a vulnerable, human way.
And speaking of dystopian novels...there were a lot of those! It was like all the visions of the future I had read were dystopian. Even I had been writing a dystopian novel. But I realized that I wasn't wise enough to tell that story yet. I didn't know why at first. But then, as I was reading everything people were writing about climate change, I began to realize.
I saw a lot of patterns between the way people wrote about climate change and the tendencies of self-harm and self-defeat that gnawed inside me. Suicide was something that I had never struggled against, but I understood that suicide was only the most striking manifestation of a self-annihilating way. Sometimes you feel like by hurting yourself, you are being transgressive, exercising autonomy against an absolute, crushing reality. It doesn't have to be physical hurt; it can just be deciding no one will like you and denying yourself love, or thinking "Well, there's no use hoping for anything good to happen."
This is how people talk about climate change. They fantasize about extreme, horrific scenarios and talk as if the Earth is already dead and destroyed, and they talk about humans hatefully and as if they were a disease, and then congratulate themselves for seeing how bad it REALLY is instead of being in denial. It is easy for people to get attached to this and even get mad when someone suggests there might be hope, simply because self-harm can be very psychologically reinforcing.
It is common to call these responses "climate grief." But as I came into this very simple and quiet yet profound encounter with Nature, she had an answer to this philosophy that was perfectly gentle and placid and yet caustic enough to strip paint:
I realized, with a breaking heart, that I had always hated and resented my back yard and my home town, because it was an ugly place that seemed to me "Already destroyed," and my soul ached for woods and wilderness.
It had taken me 20 years to fully admit my love of nature, because I felt like there was no point in acting upon it—everything would get destroyed anyway.
I had not been brave enough to love the woods across the road, the creeks and the hills, because they were so fragile in a world that didn't respect them, they could be destroyed by some housing development at any time. So I just accepted that it was already a lost cause.
But it was time to be brave enough—not to accept despair, but to choose hope.
To grow up, first we had to become strong and get rid of silly beliefs like hope and fairness and love. But now, we have to become even stronger and start believing in those things again.
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
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on the topic of yearning and idols
or: "For me, he was my greatest idol since I started driving karts. Racing driver Michael Schumacher is my hero, the motivation to win races. The sport interests me, fascinates me, and there are other racing drivers, but there was nobody like him." - Sebastian Vettel
sources, in no order because i cant anymore, i used the wayback machine for this thing thats how insane i am:
this post by lovely @feraltwinkseb (and i think i may have downloaded some other pics that i had on my phone from your blog so THANK YOU; this; this; this; this; this; this; and this (yes i am exactly that pretentious). pics taken from pinterest mostly.
poetry: richard siken (of fucking course) // cj hauser // lucille clifton // doc luben
all screnschots taken from Schumacher (2021). all german translations are made by me :)
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noa5339 · 6 months
ok @emlovessid tagged me in this and i kinda just forgot to do it so let’s for it
name: noa sign: leo dob: august 4 2005 time: is this like time where i am rn? if so 5:31pm last movie: the eras tour movie (i think) last show: skam france (season 4, just finished episode 3) when i created this blog: first post was November 15, 2021 so prbs then? other blogs: i have a lil writing blog @noaswritingcorner where it's mostly just poetry but i'll upload personal (non-fandom related) writing projects if i feel like it (and ever actually finish them LMFAO) do i get asks/can you ask me something: i haven't got any asks but feel free to ask stuff avg hours of sleep: honestly i don't really have an average, i really vary between like 2 hours and 11 hours instrument: guitar, ukulele, bass (i want to start the drums and keyboard/piano too though!) what i'm wearing: pj's, today's been a studying for my final high school exams day and i woke up at like 12pm dream job: fuck me if i know, i just want to do something i'm passionate about; dance, acting, makeup and styling, writing, music . i'm low key just going with whatever
tags: imma just tag my mutuals? (ig that's what they are lmfao) but no pressure lmfao @gaystheysanddinos @saintchaser @evbell @reggiecantswimm @my-beloved-fandoms @marzst4rz
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maniculum · 1 month
I'm doing a College class on Ancient Foods. My focus is on Honey like the different recipes and usages in Medieval era. I found like a couple recipes, a thing on religious relation ("Milk and Honey of Paradise") /Crusades, medicinal use, and possibly bees/beeswax because I was struggling to get something.
Y'all have any recommendations?
(I've brought Zoe in on this one; the following is a collaborative effort. Also I'm assuming you have access to your university library so you can get ahold of the cited material below quickly and for free.)
Can you include beverages? Honey is the main ingredient in mead, which should give you a lot to talk about. Susan Verberg is the premier researcher on medieval mead, and has some excellent works on both mead making and honey production. She has a website at https://medievalmeadandbeer.wordpress.com/ where you can find both her formal publications and her blog.
If you do want to talk about beverages, there were other medieval drinks that used honey. Some citations for you:
Breeze, Andrew. “What Was ‘Welsh Ale' in Anglo-Saxon England?” Neophilologus, vol. 88, no. 2, 2004, pp. 299–301.
Fell, Christine E. “Old English ‘Beor’." Leeds Studies in English, vol. 8, 1975, pp. 76-95.
You can also go into cultural symbolism; here are a couple on that:
Enright, Michael J. Lady with a Mead Cup: Ritual, Prophecy, and Lordship in the European Warband from La Tène to the Viking Age. Four Courts Press, 2013.
Rowland, Jenny. “OE Ealuscerwen/Meoduscerwen and the Concept of ‘Paying for Mead'." Leeds Studies in English, vol. 21, 1990, pp. 1-12.
Also you might want to look into the general concept of the "mead of poetry" from the Old Norse sources. You can find the origin story for that in the Prose Edda, I believe.
Definitely check out https://www.foodtimeline.org for recipes with honey during the period - they have more than you'd expect. There's also a few medieval cookbooks you can parse through. Here's an online one you can sort through that does a great job modernizing the translations: https://www.medievalcookery.com/etexts.html
As for honey itself -- there's actually quite a bit of research on that! Honey was quite a specialized trade, and most of the medieval world used it for sweetener, so there's a good amount of research.
A few leads:
honey as an alternative to sugar, which was expensive, imported, and could indicate class
honey grading: honey was graded based on location/provenance, type (lavender, orange blossom, etc.), and also by grade. However, their method of grading was very different to our modern one.
honey as a preservative, not just for flavor
Articles on this subject:
(DEFINITELY this one!!) Fava, Lluis Sales, et al. “Beekeeping in Late Medieval Europe: A Survey of Its Ecological Settings and Social Impacts.” Anales de La Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, no. 22, 2021, pp. 275-96, https://doi.org/10.14198/medieval.19671.
Wallace-Hare, David, editor. New Approaches to the Archaeology of Beekeeping. Archaeopress, 2022. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv2b07txd.
Verberg, Susan. “Of Hony: A Collection of Mediaeval Brewing Recipes for Mead, Metheglin, Braggot, Hippocras &c. — Including how to Process Honey — from the 1600s and Earlier,” 2017. Academia.edu.
If you want to look more into the medicinal usage, Cockayne's Leechdoms, Wortcunning, & Starcraft collects all the medical & scientific texts of the Old English period. It's old enough to be public domain, so it's available on the Internet Archive and HathiTrust in searchable form, meaning you can just ctrl-F "honey" and see what comes up.
Let us know how it goes!
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Hey there, love
I'm Sirius and this is my attempt at an intro post. anyway, you can call me siri ;)
pick any pronouns from: he/she/they || I'm genderfluid || INFJ
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Sooooooo, if you wanna know, here it goes
Gonna tell you there's a part of me that shows, if we're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress,
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain and my heart
Well, you asked for it
For your perusin', at times confusin'
Hopefully amusin', introducing me<3
I've never
really been into cars,
I like really cool guitars and superheroes
And checks with lots of zeros on 'em
I love the sound of violins
And makin' someone smile
(yes I just inserted a disney song to introduce myself. go listen to it if you want it's called Introducing Me by nick jonas)
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my life motto is "do no harm but take no shit". That's right, I have my wise moments.
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I'd say this mood board just about sums up my personality, except, as all humans are, I'm obviously more complex than that.
@her-midas-touch is a poet and wrote this for me hehe:
Run out of metaphors great enough, my fingers paint a wraith
To faint to capture essence, mere shimmery traces of feelings
Every cheshire cat smile, every whirlwind idea, every leap of faith for every apathetic eye, missing the moment, is a soul
that sings
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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩💐
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click here for the playlist on Spotify by my lovely siv @good-oldfashioned-lover about what my soul is supposedly made of.
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this is my ao3 acc feel free to check it out
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feel free to interact<3 promise to advice/ listen if you wanna vent/ hyperfixations
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩💐
lovely mutuals:
@good-oldfashioned-lover @her-midas-touch@daydream-of-a-wallflower@hermioneswifeee@literallytoogaytofunction@lilbeanz@reisbackinblack@dementorfromazkaban@deprivedofbraincellsandsleep@starryrain@lizluvscupcakes@urbanflorals @accio-sriracha@siriusly-remu@werewolfenthusiast@none-of-it-was-accidental@feelin-sad-and-gay@jaylienpotter@illustratinglaura @nothingtoseeherebyeexx @silverscreenlipstick @moonysversion @mochami-mochi @sleepinginmygrave @icarus-last-fall @a-beautiful-fool @shuhuaspookie @xi-phos @here-for-a-good-time-hopefully @stars-over-ice-cream @kaaaaaaarf @re-is-back-in-black@rookofthekingom@toxik-angel@marylily-my-beloved@good-oldfashioned-lover-girl
(i hope i got everyone?)
mess with my friends and I will hurt you :)
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Things I love:
singing, marauders era, any and all kinds of art, poetry, books, fanfiction, the harry potter fandom (jkr can piss off tho), arctic monkeys, k-pop (bts, txt, svt, skz, treasure and a few more bands), renne rapp, taylor swift's music, conan gray, plushies, the moon, the stars, basically space, chai, biking, CHOCOLATE, nature, writing, badminton, musical instruments and a million little nothings
currently listening to: space girl by Frances Forever
fav authors/books: ruskin bond, the alchemist, ronald dahl, to kill a mockingbird, memoirs of sherlock holmes, and many more im too lazy to type out. ok look i love reading but the last thing i read was definitely on ao3
movies/shows: Heartstopper, Red white and royal blue, Loki, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, Night at the Museum, Marvel (not sucha fan of mcu), highschool musical (2 is my fav), Luca (2021) and most other pixar and disney movies, (i love animated movies so much)
bollywood has only managed to make a select few good movies out of which im absolutely crazy about like znmd, dangal and super 30
DNIs don't work so I guess I'll just say: fuck around and find out :)
this video made by the wonderful @urbanflorals is so me, i wanted to add it<3
alright ty for visiting my blog, you are welcome to stay
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bearamirezve · 6 months
Bitácora rosa (Día 1)
Son casi 28 (veintiocho) vueltas al sol, y he olvidado como se despide un año o como se inicia una década, no sé si por el caos que ha implicado, el caos mundial, el personal, el de existir, quizás porque marco la despedida, y los nuevos comienzos.A traspiés, he continuado, empiezo un nuevo año, despidiéndome como se debe del anterior, sin querer que vuelva, sin querer que se repita. Me despido…
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reiashiftsrealities · 2 months
page intro <3
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Hi, I’m Reia! I’m a reality shifter, and have been successfully shifting since 2021.
This blog is a shifting blog but I also post things about the places I shift to. The main purpose of this blog however is to motivate and help other shifters out there :)
|| dr masterlist || rules (?) || socials || my method ||
A little bit about me:
1. My full name, which is Loralei, means siren :)
2. I’m apart of the LGBTQ community, I’m a lesbian and genderfluid. I am AFAB, though.
3. I really love music, it’s a very important thing in my life. I love Greta Van Fleet, The Crane Wives, Dominic Fike, Sophie May, and more. I have a broad music taste and I listen to just about EVERYTHING so don’t hesitate to give me song recs!
4. I’m a retired fanfic writer, but a current fanfic reader.
5. I love poetry, and plan to post some of my work here too.
6. I don’t judge anyone’s scripting or DR choices. It’s your reality, live it the way you want to.
7. I love reading a lot more than I like watching movies. The fandoms I’m in are: Hunger Games, MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Stranger Things, Star Wars, HP (Harry Potter), GOT (Game of Thrones), Heartstopper, Grey’s Anatomy, and more I can’t name.
I hope you find your way here, and don’t hesitate to drop a question in my asks!
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holdinbacksecrets · 4 months
hii lovely, do you have any fic recs?
actually while we’re at it, your writings and the things you reblog are just beautiful, do you have any book recs too?
i have so many! and thank you for sharing kind words 🖤
my bts side blog is @sayeuphoria and my fic rec tags are ‘sticky feelings’ and ‘sweet like honey’
i’ll also make a little list of my favorite fics and ones i go back to regularly. the majority of these are 18+. mdni
also, please interact with fics you love. reblog them! reblog them with tags! reblog them with comments! send an ask or message to the author! but please reblog. you know how good it feels to take yourself out for a little treat? that’s how reblogs feel, and they make writers want to keep writing. it warms the hearts of writers to know someone was touched by our work, and a part of a piece that we’re really proud of ended up being someone’s favorite part of the fic. plus, don’t you want others to read your favorite pieces?? reblog to help people find them 🖤 it’s a potluck, and if you aren’t bringing a dish (which is totally fine), at least be willing to slice and serve some cake!
Rattled by @gukslut i first read this series over the summer of 2021, and i think about it on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. i reread it every six months. it’s an absolute gem, impeccably written. one of my favorite jungkook’s i’ve ever read
My feet to follow, and my heart to hold by @daechwitatamic i read this series as it was being posted last year, and i used to wake up so excited on the morning of a new chapter. this namjoon unleashed something in me, and i’ve been left craving love more than i used to. i love the presence of poetry too.
Guarded by @xjoonchildx this series was the first mafia au story i read and fucking loved. i’ve gone back to it so many times. i love the way hoseok’s perception of oc changes as the story progresses. oh so good and satisfying.
these blurbs by @darlingjoon tore me in half and stitched me back together
i’m a sucker for angst, and i love all the angst my lovely friend @taetaespeaches writes, especially for yoongi. perfection, but i’m going to drop some of my favorite titles of her fantastic, beautifully written work:
“i thought you left.” yoongi
“You know that I would ruin myself over and over again for you.” yoongi
“I didn’t think you’d care if I came back.” yoongi
“You’ve been my future since we were teenagers.” taehyung
“Let me hold you. Let me take care of you.” taehyung
“I may or may not have met someone.” taehyung
“You think I’d leave you if you falter?” jungkook
my @here2bbtstrash favorites:
deep end namjoon. this fic changed my life.
the shape of your body jimin
the spins jungkook
Love cafe by @chocosvt this jeonghan piece!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! the whole piece is amazing, but there were some scenes that were especially sweet and endearing. i remember sending a friend screenshots of dialogue freaking out.
i was so excited to share @by-moonflower-deactivated202401 bc their writing is incredible, piercing, and feels so nostalgic, but oh shit 😭😭 just learned they deactivated ☹️
book recs:
i’ve read almost everything by taylor jenkins reid, and i’ll recommend her books forever.
last year i read the book of azrael by amber v nicole and loved it. it’s a dark fantasy romance. i haven’t read the sequel yet.
this year, so far, i’ve read days at the morisaki bookshop. it’s a quick read but very sweet and comforting, with life lessons just beneath the surface. i’ve also read heavenly bodies by imani erriu. it had me screaming and kicking my feet. i posted about it here a few days ago. i’m reading the sequel right now.
dub finding ceremony by alexis pauline gumbs is a book i read my senior year of college, and it inspired a lot of writing for my independent studies prose class. braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer is another beautiful read.
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loveofastarvingdog · 10 months
i know we all get our cyclical yearning for 2021 spn blogging back, but we're right for it. destiel in love. reciprocated. hitting post limit every night weeks on end. the poetry. the art. the staying-up-till-five-every-morning.... what i wouldn't give
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torchwoodfanfests · 1 year
🎼Sign up to participate in the Torchwood Fan Fests 2023 Music Fest! 🎼
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We are happy to present the 2023 edition of our Torchwood Music Fest!
As those who participated in our 2021 edition may remember, this fest requires signing up. 
Anyone who signs up will receive a set of music prompts to use as inspiration. This time, each set of prompts will consist of 5 songs. 
You can use as many of them as you want to create as many fanworks as you feel like! This means if you really vibe with one of the song prompts, you can create several fanworks based on it, or you can make something for each of the songs, or weave all of them together into one story, etc.
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This fest will run from April 23rd until June 9th.
You can submit your fanworks at any point during this timeframe. If you are done with a set of prompts (whether you’ve created fanworks for all or just one of the songs), you can ask for another set. If you dislike the prompts you got and would like to request new ones let us know! We will send you a new set and put the unused songs back on the list to send to other participants.
Like last time, the pool of songs we’ll use as prompts will come from the fandom itself. Anyone (participant or not) can submit as many songs as they want for us to assign as prompts randomly. The forms will be in the notes of this post and in the blog description. (Please remember to include both the name of the song and the artist, and to send each song as a separate form submission.) 
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All types of fanworks are accepted for this fest, with (mostly) the usual requirements: the minimum word count for writing is 500 words (applicable to fic, meta, not!fic, and headcanons; poetry is exempt from this requirement), and 30 seconds is the minimum length for videos. As the prompts are songs this time, we’re upping the songlist limit to 6 songs (plus an explanation for how each song fits the characters/ship/situation and how they tie together to tell a story).
If you have an idea for a fanwork that seems unconventional or less common, send us an ask! We welcome all types of content for this fest and we will be happy to hear from you! 
As usual, we’ll have an ao3 collection for this fest (link in the notes). If you have any questions that weren’t answered here, you can check out our FAQ or send us an ask :)
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