#poets walk
starjunkyard · 2 months
Girl finds out the book is not as good as the movie and is fucking devastated. Rethinks life. Fuck you mean "neil looked at todd angrily" He has never looked at that man with anything but pure awe and admiration as if todd himself hung the moon and stars in the sky. Neil looks at todd like he holds the world in his hands he looks at todd with the eyes of a newborn baby deer are you insane.
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hello-is-anyone-there · 11 months
My life isn't meant for a job I'm meant to make art, write, and be pretty
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comfyymoon · 2 years
platonic dates. platonic dates. platonic dates. let's go to a bookstore together, let's just buy some coffee, let's go eat our favourite food together, let's buy each other flowers, let's write poems for each other, let's write letter to each other, let's go shopping together, let's go on a walk together, let's just go buy groceries together, let's just get some juice and sit on stairs, let's go to the movies, let's go for a hike. let's just be together.
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poetrybyonur · 5 months
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There are toxic people who target whom they want to be associated with by their physical appearance, education, and eloquence. They will never get to know who you are underneath all that because they don’t care. Your outer shell is what interests them, to boost their ego. When you’re gone, they’ll look for someone else with similar physical appearance and eloquence as you.
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olskuvallanpoe · 3 months
the dangers of conformity walking scene in dps except neil’s and todd’s version of a walk that “swims against the stream” is walking beside each other holding hands
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glasswaters · 7 months
i want to be a real boy, said the puppet to the fairy. i am too loud and too wooden. i cannot understand the softness of their skin.
when i lie, my nose grows. when i am lied to, nothing happens to them at all. they smile. their eyes shine, wet with salt-water. my wrists are bound with string, my ankles are threaded with wire.
when i open my mouth, out comes a scream, as a felled tree, bleeding sap. i've shattered the windows and bent the door.
i've broken my father's heart.
have i not given all i had within me to give? did i not shave myself hollow to offer a handful of wood chips and sawdust to anyone who would smile at me? my walls are thin, by now, and my voice is a haunting within my own head. when the sun is strong enough, it shines right through me.
as though i was made of glass, like the fine porcelain dolls in their fine silk dresses and their fine leather shoes. those chubby-red cheeks, polished to the noblest of shines.
smooth as aged pebbles, they do not hurt the palms that hold them unless dropped.
i have taken sandpaper to the high points of me. the rough, first, no matter how it hurt to hold it. no matter the mess. my father taught me well. i will not splinter if you touch me.
i will not lie. i will dance the dance, i will drink the drink, i will breathe only when i am told. i will sink this pining body into the sea. for my father, i will rot.
only make me soft. give me lungs and a beating, bleeding heart.
make me right, said the puppet to the fairy, make me whole.
silly little heartwood, said the fairy to the puppet, you are real. how else would you cry? there is nothing wrong with you.
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pencap · 5 months
it is january 2nd and the sun rises a little lighter over a horizon no longer crowded with the haze of a thousand hopes— under a wide-open sky still young and fresh and new without a thousand staring eyes.
it is january 2nd and the air is a little freer without the sacred weight of the untouched loading every trembling motion, without the lofty need for newness clouding every restless moment like a warm puff of breath in the january cold.
it is january 2nd and i relax like a slow exhale at the end of a long breath held two heartbeats too long— a little tight at the edges but not too much, not yet.
it is january 2nd. the year is still young and i have time.
i have time.
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dreaminofu · 2 months
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It was just a coincidence, they said. The most wonderful, unexpected, earth-shattering coincidence, but a coincidence nonetheless. It was supposedly just a coincidence how we happened to be in the right place, at the right time. As us.
But that is not what my heart whispered, that is not what my heart sang from the first moment. My heart’s message was as clear as the fact that the Earth orbits the Sun.
So instead, it whispered: It is no coincidence as it was set long before your time. This is what you have been waiting for your whole life, and even before that, the ones before you had been waiting.
Grab it with both hands and seize the day.
And that I did. That is when you became my Sun and I was the Earth. I started orbiting around you because you were the center, you were the light, you were all that ever was or ever would be.
You were mine.
Bojere week, day 4: AU free space - Soulmates
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Pitts be the type of guy to be anxious and do jumping jacks to calm down
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grimesgirll · 2 months
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they shake their heads sayin’, “god, help her” when I tell ’em he’s my man
i can fix him (no really i can) - taylor swift
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undercoverossifrage · 3 months
I have loved Soldier, Poet, King for years now and even back then I couldn’t help but appreciate how perfect it was for the Httyd books. I’m sure I’m not the first to point this out, but please enjoy this incredibly rough animation anyway. The amount of finesse I tried to put into this is… negligible?
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breezeoddity · 3 months
And what you hear is not silence It's just the trees waiting to hear what next you'll hum
Inkpot gods by The Amazing Devil
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villifix · 2 months
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a list had to be made. some of these characters fall under more than one category, but i tried to put them where it felt best. where do y'all agree/disagree?
if you're curious about a character that's not on the list, feel free to ask :)
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thiamblogger · 2 months
oh todd- how you live inside me.
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discoidal · 3 months
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bit of a longer one
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armorangels · 2 months
also this might be a VERY unpopular opinion but i think between neil and todd, todd would be the one who would be more feverishly intimate
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