sayruq · 5 months
The Lemkin Institute for Genocide has issued a genocide alert for the West Bank
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The Lemkin Institute is horrified by the dire situation transpiring in the West Bank. During what has already been a devastating six months of conflict in Gaza, the Israeli military and far-right settlers have used the cover of war to conduct continuous attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank, often leading to death and forced displacement. These attacks have been underreported in the mainstream Western press, which has also failed to tie Israel Defense Force (IDF) and settler violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to the genocide being committed in Gaza. These processes are all part of an overwhelming push on the part of Israeli authorities to oust Palestinians from their remaining ancestral lands. In other words, Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians across Palestine.
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spidergvven · 1 year
israel is built on top of the mass graves of palestinians, of entire towns burned to the ground, their inhabitants systematically slaughtered. the occupying settlers regularly arm themselves and rampage through palestinian neighborhoods. they march in the street chanting death to all arabs. israeli snipers shoot children and elders in the head and laugh about it afterwards. they assassinate journalists and doctors, bomb hospitals and apartment buildings. they openly call for a war of extermination and refer to palestinians as animals. israelis who oppose apartheid are jailed and anti zionist jewish people in the diaspora are labeled as self hating jews. peaceful protesting like BDS is criminalized in europe and the us.
but there are those who will look at these atrocities and say their heart weeps for both sides. they cry over genocidal fascists and pretend that makes them enlightened. they accuse those who unilaterally oppose apartheid and ethnic cleansing of extremism. their cowardice and complicity is heinous. never trust someone who will weep for the murderer while the victim is still bleeding out.
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arothin · 3 months
So there was a pogrom against jewish people in Los Angeles yesterday. Dont know what else to say except that anyone who bothers to listen to jewish people saw this coming a long way away
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hilacopter · 3 months
I wish Jewish Voice for Peace a very stop pretending to be Jewish or for Peace
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germiyahu · 13 days
Republicans are absolutely 100% manufacturing consent for pogrom-like violence against immigrant communities, specifically Haitians. That is true. Haitians keeping their children home because of increased threats and harassment is a cause for alarm.
But seeing people already call it a pogrom... nobody has been chased out of their home, nobody has been murdered, nobody has been raped, nobody has posed with the bodies for grizzly photo-ops. I don't know, this all fits into the larger narrative of liberal~leftist apathy toward anti-Jewish violence, taking it and washing out its historic Judenhass connotations, and applying the term to anyone even when the conditions haven't been met yet. At the least, there's a lot about historic pogroms that the general American public just don't know about. They're not aware of just how brutal and swift they were. All it takes is a little education, but clearly it took me wanting to become a Jew to even try to learn more about Jewish history so I don't have a lot of faith in the vast majority of gentiles.
It's a complicated mix of emotions where like, it's appropriate to be nervous and scared for these communities, but I find myself annoyed that most of these accounts just don't care when entire Jewish communities are harassed and have libel spread against them. A lot of online leftists certainly didn't care, in fact celebrated, the October 7th pogrom!
Let's hope nothing escalates further, but it is not appropriate to just take terms from Jewish history, not understand the actual implications of these terms, and throw them at the nearest Republican politician. It's just like invoking Hitler. And when you also apply these terms to Jews, I know you are not operating in good faith.
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aiteanngaelach · 2 months
during the racist riots in belfast this past week, a cafe in belfast, the shahara shisha cafe, was attacked and badly damaged. the fundraiser goal for repairs has been met and now the money is being spread among other local businesses that were damaged. please donate and reblog a chairde
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maidservant-hecubus · 9 months
I think the thing that baffles and disturbs me the most is the people here reposting the most heinous shit about (((Zionists))) like Holocaust inversion, blood libel, the rapes and murders of oct7 being deserved (yes even the children! If they even really happened!), Israelis should "go home", BDS, making and sharing lists of known (((Zionists))), etc. All while desperately CLINGING to their belief that they are absolutely not antisemetic (and they truly mean Jews there, not semetic people!) and their blogs are "safe spaces for their Jewish friends." Absolutely balls to the wall fucking wild.
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nonbinary-vents · 3 months
Thinking about that girl. She’s twelve years old. She’s twelve years old and nobody else cares about her. I knew that this was going to happen, and I knew that there would be no outrage or condemnation, but I just… I don’t know what to do with myself honestly
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sayruq · 6 months
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This is from hours ago. Israeli settlers have attacked Palestinian in the West Bank.
Despite Iran launching an attack on Israel, the pogroms are still ongoing.
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antifainternational · 1 month
The anti-migrant pogroms/race riots in the UK this summer were coordinated and fueled by a 22-year-old nazi in Finland.
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jewreallythinkthat · 6 months
I spent a large portion of today researching tekhelet for work as part of a piece on ancient dyes and I got so stupid emotional. Like it's just a dye, but it was such an important thing in ancient Judaism as the dye which would make tzitzit blue and the method of making it was lost around the time of the Arab conquest of Israel in the 7th century. (Also I note that lots of sources date the loss of the secret of the original manufacture but many just gloss over it mapping directly onto the colonisation of Judea/Israel by the Rashidun Caliphate - I know that the two events may not be connected but I have spent too long looking at history to be able to say that these were completely unrelated y'know... Lost knowledge is very, very rarely a coincidence)
They literally, to this day, still don't know how it was made.
There are multiple theories, most of which revolve around the murex snail (where we get Tyrian purple from) and the fact that if you expose the pigment it produces - di-bromo indigo - to light at the right point in the production process, it is reduced to regular indigo from which you can get your blue dye. But this has all been worked out using modern methods. The ancient production method of tekhelet is gone and I honestly find myself mourning yet another piece of lost knowledge form our history.
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I think this is the most terrifying post I’ve seen today. So far.
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notaplaceofhonour · 11 months
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In the decades leading up to the formation of Israel, there were multiple pogroms against Jews in Mandatory Palestine
Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini (the Arab ruler in Mandatory Palestine during the Holocaust) literally collaborated with the Nazis
Palestinian Arabs revolted against Britain because they hated how Britain had allowed so many Jews to flee Nazi Germany to Palestine after Hitler came to power, and to appease them Britain adopted a policy that ended practically all Jewish immigration during the deadliest years of the Holocaust
None of this history in any way justifies violence against the innocent civilians of Palestine, nor should it EVER be used to paint Arabs, Muslims, or Palestinians with a broad brush, much less to demonize them
And there were exceptions: there were Palestinian Arabs who were friendly to Jews in Mandatory Palestine, just as there were Jews who were friendly to Arabs—there was even an antifascist association in Palestine during the 30s (one of the oldest know organizations to use the name “Antifa”) built around antifascism, Arab-Jewish solidarity, & bi-national zionism. Just as there are still to this day Israelis & Palestinians working together against their respective governments’ actions for a mutually beneficial peace.
But just as it would be offensively dishonest to use the modern peace movements to ignore the atrocities being committed in Israel-Palestine today, it would be dishonest to do the same with atrocities in 1920s-40s Palestine. To portray that era’s Palestine as welcoming a fledgling Israel with open arms, willingly “sheltering” it—in fact nurturing it like a loving caretaker looking after a defenseless cub he took in—is such a cartoonishly obvious distortion of reality it would be hilarious if it weren’t preying on so many people’s ignorance to simultaneously revise & deny Mandatory Palestine’s role in the Holocaust and compare Israel to Nazi Germany (itself a form of Holocaust Revision called Holocaust Inversion)
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By Struggle-La Lucha
The racist campaign against the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, is dangerous and must be stopped.
Both Donald Trump and his running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, are fanning the flames of racial hatred. They’re claiming that Haitians living in Springfield are eating people’s pets. Billionaire Elon Musk repeated these lies to his nearly 200 million followers on X (formerly known as Twitter).
These ludicrous allegations using racist stereotypes can’t be regarded as a mere joke, as many candidates of the Democratic Party are doing. They are the stuff that can lead to mob violence.
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magnetothemagnificent · 11 months
Love how there have been literally lynch mobs storming airports and hotels in Russia searching for Jews and no one is talking about it.
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
"Jews have lived throughout the Middle East and North Africa for thousands of years, of ten in communities that long pre-dated the Islamic conquest. But during the mid-twentieth century's tumultuous power shifts in the region between colonial and post colonial control, political instability, and antisemitic violence intensified to create a vast exodus, driving nearly a million Jews to emigrate to Israel and elsewhere, leaving entire countries all but dead of Jews - and leaving behind synagogues, schools, and cemeteries that served these communities for generations. The circumstances of this mas migration varied. In some places, like Morocco, the Jewish community's flight was largely voluntary, driven partly by sporadic antisemitic violence but mostly by poverty and fear of regime change. At the other extreme are countries like Iraq, where Jews were stripped of their citizenship and had their assets seized, and where, in the capital city of Baghdad, a 1941 pogrom left nearly two hundred Jews murdered and hundreds of Jewish-owned homes and businesses looted or destroyed." 
- Dara Horn, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present
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