#pokemon x reader platonic
shovelbug · 11 months
Would you ever write Professor Laventon headcannons where he's more of a father figure than friend to the Reader >- >?
it's been a minute since i've played PLA, and my first time writing Laventon, so I hope this suffices.
Fatherly! Laventon and Reader headcanons
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Ever since you fell from the rift in the sky with nothing but the clothes on your back and your knowledge of pokemon, Laventon has worried for you.
There's no doubt you're vulnerable in this new situation, and it doesn't take long for Laventon to become attached to you.
He knows you're capable; that much is crystal clear. Your talent for pokemon handling is nothing like anything he's seen before!
But pokemon can be dangerous, and sending you out into the field by yourself, while useful, always leaves him with nervousness coiling in his gut.
He's always so relieved when you return, and will always fret over you, no matter what state you return in.
Try to exercise caution, though. If you come back hurt, he'll probably have a heart attack.
He likes to sit with you at the Wallflower over some potato mochi, talking about your discoveries that day and how it went.
Speaking of the Wallflower, he often treats you there. He wants to make sure you're eating well, and will often send you out with some extra food tucked into your satchel.
He's always delighted to see you come back with a new discovery or pokemon, particularly when that starter of yours grows up.
If you have downtime, he'll invite you to come and sit with him in his office. Not to work or anything, but to just quietly enjoy each other's company. He'll probably still end up working, though.
A few times he's gotten so absorbed into his work, and when he finally snaps out of it to check on you, he only finds your sleeping form slumped against the desk with your pokemon around you.
He's not quite able to move you, but he'll settle his jacket on you like a blanket, trying to be quiet and not disturb you.
Having come from Galar he's used to somewhat colder weather at times, so if it's particularly chilly he'll lend you his hat, chiding you about your safety and health.
He tries his best to care for you. It may come off as clumsy at times, but there's no doubt he cares for you and has come to see you as his own.
A very proud father.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I think it would be cute if a newbie pokemon researcher was trying to put a Pokemon that belongs on Mount silver back into it's natural habitat after they were stolen by poachers/learn about Pokemon on mount silver without disturbing them and like...ended up nearly dying from the cold trying to protect said/a Pokemon bc the cold is evil and I hate it
And Red stumbles upon this poor idiot, and notices that they're not:
1) trying to prove themselves
2) trying to find him
3) being a general overly proud dick about things
So decides to bring them up back to his cave home so they can study more pokemon (nicely and unobtrusively to the Pokemon's lives) instead of just dropping them at the bottom like he usually does with any idiot that climbs his mountain
Local mountain idiot gets a visitor but this person is be completely unconcerned about his existence (aside from studying his ice type traits) and he's living for being practically ignored
:D!!! Baby bro! It’s nice to have you here!!
First time writing in third person! So I hope I didn’t mess that up lol.
Red has never been so dumbfounded in his life.
Staring at the person with the same blank expression, but he couldn’t help but think they must be dense.
They come to Mt.Silver ill prepared, it’s obvious to Red this person has never been up a mountain like this before.
Yet as he gets closer to their fallen and shaking form, he sees what they are holding.
A Larvitar? The poor thing looks rough, but is hanging onto you for dear life.
Red looks to the sky, the blizzard won’t be letting up anytime soon. He silently sighs, he can’t exactly just leave you here.
He pauses in front of them, their eyes locking with his.
Yet they don’t move, they don’t say anything, only holding the Pokémon closer.
Do they not want to battle him? Is that not what they came up here?
He knows the Pokémon lives in the caves around here, so what are they doing?
He can’t just leave them here to die.
With a muted grunt he lets out his Charizard, letting the fire type carry them and the smaller Pokémon.
Looking at them, they seemed so weak, too weak to speak.
By the time they awake, they are in a warm den, surrounded by a Charizard and Snorlax keeping them extra warm, while the Larvitar sleeps on their lap.
Red offers them some soup he made. He watches their face morph into one of confusion, looking around, as if trying to find something.
“Thank you.”
They take his soup carefully as he nods.
Red finds the den much too warm, but he doesn’t know what this person wants, or even why they are up here.
Yet they sit in silence.
They seem a little antsy, but Red doesn’t seem to care.
Even after they were finished eating, they sit there anxiously.
“Um…thank you again, sir.”
Red nods and waved his hand, it was no problem.
“Actually I uh, I came up here to return this Larvitar to its home, and maybe study some Pokémon that live up here too.”
He eyes them suspiciously.
They haven’t done anything, haven’t challenged him, haven’t sassed him like that one brat, and have been polite.
What’s the harm in letting them stay a bit? Or at least visit?
When he signed this at them, he was expecting them to ask for paper.
But they grew excited.
“Really? Thank you! I know I’ve said that a bit now, but really!”
For the first week he kept an eye on them, making sure they don’t hurt any Pokémon, or get hurt themselves.
But they watch from a distance.
Half the time Red forgets they are there.
But when he catches them, it’s like they are studying him too.
He guesses it is weird, he is on a mountain top in casual clothes.
You’re probably trying to figure it out.
He silently snorts to himself.
This person is a strange one.
But he can’t help but find their company amusing.
Especially since you don’t realize what he’s frozen.
You’re a good kid.
You don’t question when his den is much colder than it should be, you only cuddle with his fire type more.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hiiiii, I have a request for the newly arrived Indigo Disk-
A really happy ending for Kiki where after the whole DLC, he then starts to make amends with the BB Elite 4, his sister and protag which eventually gains him Ogerpon's recognition, prompting her to wanna go with him as an extra treat after all his angst (quq)
Yessss we gotta give him the happy end he deserves <3
Setting up a small picnic within the Terarium, you brought your current Pokémon team out to play, deciding to take in the beautiful coastal biome and its warmth.
Even though you knew it was all artificial, it didn't make much of a difference to your companions. They happily frolicked in the sand and grass, although some opted to take a nap under the sun after a hard day of battling.
Meanwhile, you were fixing up a sandwich for everyone to share, deciding to add a little bit of spice to it (at Crispin's suggestion, of course). You didn't want it to be too flaming-hot for your Pokémon--or at least none that were fire types who could handle the heat.
However one in particular just seemed to be hungry for anything, as upon hearing a crystalline trill, you looked down to see Terapagos at your feet. It was gently pawing on your leg, eyes sparkling as it wondered what you were cooking up.
"Hey, little guy." You cooed, reaching down to pat its head before you scooped it up, allowing it to climb into your lap. "Smells tasty, huh? I bet you're super hungry after sleeping all those years."
It only responded with another happy trill, and you just sighed.
Who would've known this would be the legendary "Hidden Treasure" of Area Zero Heath and [Turo/Sada] sought after, the creator of the Terastal Phenomenon...
And the Pokémon that put up one hell of a fight against you, Carmine, and Kieran?
Speaking of whom...
It's been roughly a month since those events down in the Underdepths, and for the most part things have been looking up for both you and him. You were just happy to see that spark return to his eyes...
The spark he had once lost...mainly because of you.
Part of you would always remain guilty over unknowingly setting him down such a dark path--obsessing over defeating you in battle to the point where he didn't care who got hurt in the process.
He didn't wanna be that weak little kid you kept beating back in Kitakami anymore, always bragging about how much he's changed and demanding you to never hold back.
But after being humbled in front of the entire school, he was willing to do anything to have at least one victory against you.
Even if it meant utilizing a dangerous legendary Pokémon he had little understanding of....
He tried to control it, and as punishment it attacked him directly.
Arceus only knows what could've happened if your 'raidon didn't absorb the blast in time, and that selfless act made him feel all the more guilty for the way he acted towards you.
He idolized you, hated you, and yet.....you saved his life when you could have just saved yourself, his sister, and Briar instead.
He cried like a baby the whole way home, overwhelmed by everything that's happened from last year up to now, yet you comforted him and didn't tease him once.
After returning to Unova, he made a promise to fix things between you and everyone else he hurt, finally letting go of his envy and deciding to start fresh with you. His request to be your friend again had you laughing, much to his confusion..and a little worried you were making fun of him.
Then he almost sobbed after you explained that you've never considered him an enemy at all.
Despite everything, you never stopped seeing him as a friend.
Sometime later you went home to Paldea, although not without exchanging rotomphone information with him so you could have more chats.
Yep. Kieran finally got his own phone, but being from the countryside made him only somewhat familiar with the basics. You and Carmine helped him with that, of course. He loved the camera function and would often send you photos of his Hydrapple doing something cute.
They're mostly blurry, but he's getting the hang of it.
You eventually went back to the BB Academy to further your studies of the biomes, and winded up taking a small picnic break within the Terarium. No rules said you couldn't, and Drayton did insist that you didn't overwork yourself...
Which is funny coming from the guy who had to repeat classes, although you took his advice.
Your eyes lit up as you received an incoming call from Kieran, and you greeted him with a smile, waving. "Kiki! How's it going?"
"Hey, [y/n]." He smiled back, and then he blinked upon realizing how familiar the background behind you was. "Wait..you're back in Unova? In the Terarium?"
"Uh..yeah! I was gonna surprise you, but I guess it's too late for that now." You awkwardly chuckled. "How are things going with the League?"
"Better than..I thought, actually." He sat back in his chair, tying his hair up. "Drayton and I are finally on speaking terms again."
"Oh that's great!"
"Mhm. We both felt kinda bad about how we treated each other with the whole "ex-champion" thing...said some stuff we didn't mean. Last week we were avoiding each other, and now we're having casual Pokémon battles to ease the tension between us."
"I'm glad to hear that." You nodded, taking a bite out of your sandwich.
"I..really do owe you one for bringing the club back together. I've been so bitter and didn't realize how much it was hurting Lacey and the others...not to mention how many people I wrongfully kicked out. I promise I'm gonna get all of them back into the club. I swear."
"I fully believe you. Just don't run yourself dry trying to patch up everything with everyone, okay?"
Kieran nodded in understanding, although he suddenly went quiet. You wondered why until you realized he could see Terapagos, who was currently climbing onto the table trying to get some lettuce.
"Heyyyy that's not for you, you little scamp." Teasingly, you scooped it up again, keeping a gentle grip on its belly and shell before you looked back at your friend, bashful. "Don't mind Terapagos. It's always hungry."
"I see." He chuckled. "You've been taking care of it well?"
"Yep, but have you been taking care of yourself, too?"
"...yeah." He muttered. "Carmine's been getting on my case about properly eating and sleeping again. Don't tell her this, but I appreciate it more than she realizes. And..I'll admit I was turning into a jerk like she used to be, and that's not something I want..."
"Well sounds like you're doing much better now..don't beat yourself up over it." You reassured him.
His shoulders relaxed. "I'm..trying not to....so [y/n], do you think we could meet up in person? Like at your dorm? I...feel like we haven't talked face-to-face in a while."
"Sure! I got nothing planned later so....see you in a few hours?"
"Sounds good." He smiled. "See ya."
The call ended as your rotomphone dropped back onto the table. You picked it up and stared at the case, feeling giddy about seeing him again after so long.
And to think when you first arrived here..you felt nothing but tension whenever he was in the same room as you, feeling the negative vibes rolling off of him like an aura of Bitter Malice.
You were glad those days were gone and he was your friend again.
"Huh? Ogerpon..? You were here the whole time??" Surprised, you glanced over to see the grass legendary sitting on the ground beside you, being sure to stay clear of the camera view. She lowered her mask and looked at you with a knowing smile.
Considering the way Kieran freaked out when you brought her into the championship battle (not to mention him doing everything in his power to knock her out)...you would've thought she'd never wanna see or hear from him again--especially since her "betrayal" was still a fresh wound.
Yet apparently she was listening to your entire conversation with him, and had this understanding look to her starry eyes.
"Pon, ponnn?"
"Huh?" You blinked. "You wanna..see him, too? Are you sure?"
She hopped to her feet, nodding eagerly before pointing in the direction of the academy.
"Okay. Maybe..it'll be a good thing." A smile appeared on your face, although in the back of your mind you hoped that seeing her again won't scare Kieran too much.
"Okay, so the Golurk congregate here....and they're usually guarding the Goletts.."
Back in your dorm room, you were just jotting down notes about recent Pokémon outbreak sightings. Ogerpon was sitting on your countertop, swinging her legs while munching on a bowl of her favorite berries you've found for her throughout Kitakami.
Right as she finished the last one, there was a knock at the door, and you both immediately knew who it was. She was a little nervous, but you reassured her that things will be okay before you went to answer it.
Sure enough Kieran was on the other side. He's never been to your dorm until now, and as he walked in was surprised and intrigued by all the stuff you had hung up on the wall.
"Excuse the mess." You chuckled, closing the door.
"Don't worry, my dorm's worse." He shyly smiled back at you, although his expression faltered as his gaze went to a certain legendary..
He immediately tensed up, not out of anger.....but like he was expecting her to use Ivy Cudgel at any given moment. "What's the Ogre doing here--wait, no..that sounded rude. I'm sorry."
"No, no. It's fine. There's actually something we've been meaning to talk to you about."
"..oh?" Turning back to you, he tilted his head.
"So Ogerpon overheard our little chat earlier, and she wanted to see you."
"She did?"
"Yeah," you nodded, feeling your heart start to race with anticipation. "And..um...maybe it's easier if she explains."
Kieran was confused as you gestured to Ogerpon, but his eyes went wide when she approached him. With no mask on, she wore a confident expression as she handed him...
A pokeball?
It was the pokeball you caught her in.
"What is this? Some new trick you taught her?" Looking to you for an explanation, all he could see was your smile. "Why isn't she...afraid of me?"
"Because she knew you were trying to make amends with everybody." You patted her head, beaming. "I think she finally recognizes you as a strong Pokémon trainer, and...she wants to be yours."
"She wants to be yours." You repeated, watching as he tried to process this information. And his jaw damn near dropped to the floor, but he closed his mouth and shook his head.
"Y-You're joking, right?"
"Nope. We both decided that she's ready for a new partner. Someone who's believed in her side of the story since-"
"No, no, no..I..I-I can't do that.." He shook his head frantically, backing away from Ogerpon. "I'm sorry. But she's yours, [y/n]. She chose to go with you. You passed her test and...I didn't. I was being stupid and selfish and-"
"I think I was being more selfish."
Looking up at you, he blinked a few times.
"Listen, I know everyone likes to say such great things about me...but I'm not some perfect angel." You frowned slightly. "I lied to you, I stole the Pokémon you've idolized for years...and I hurt someone who considered me a friend. You called me out on that and you had every right to."
"If anybody here needs to apologize..it's me." Bowing your head, you sighed softly. "So I'm truly sorry for the way I treated you, Kieran. I'm sorry for never considering your feelings before. I wasn't a good friend, and I wanna be a better one. So I'm gonna make this right...both of us will."
You looked back up at him, seeing the shock written all over his face. Then you glanced at Ogerpon, taking the pokeball and instructing her to get her masks off the wall. She nodded and did just that.
"You deserve to know what her power is like. The masks, the TMs I taught her...you can have them all. No trades. No strings attached..except for us staying friends, of course."
Finally, Kieran found his ability to speak again, but he was already getting choked up. "[Y/n], the apology is...th-that's more than enough for me." His eyes watered. "I forgive you. There's no way I can take her from-"
"You're not taking her away. I'm giving her to you, silly." You chuckled.
"....I..I still don't know if I can accept that. I'm not worthy of her even looking my way anymore. I was disrespectful to her wishes, I stole her mask..a-and you're saying...she forgives me?"
"I think she's gonna let bygones be bygones. Isn't that right, 'pon?"
"Ponio! Pon!" With her masks together, Ogerpon gazed at you, nodding confidently. You could only smile back as you patted her head again, seeing that she was ready for a new adventure.
You've trained her well, helping her grow stronger than ever before as you've mastered her abilities with all four masks.
But now it's time that someone else had the chance to bond with her...
Someone like Kieran.
After sending her into the pokeball for the last time, you gazed at the purple-haired boy. His whole body refused to move, so you approached him and took his gloved hand, placing the device snuggly into his palm.
For the longest time, he stared at it, and then he looked back at you. "A-Are you sure I can't just...keep her for a day and then give her back?" He began to sniffle, face growing bright red. "Because if...wh-what if she doesn't-?"
"I want you to have her permanently." Knowing what was coming, you brought him into a tight hug, feeling him wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder. "Don't worry. She's gonna love you, Kiki." You rubbed his back. "She trusts you now. She's all yours."
All he could do was nod, your shirt getting soaked by his tears as he hiccupped, thanking you over and over again. He wasn't bawling loudly like before, but he still had a tough time keeping himself together; so you led him to your bed where he was more comfortable.
You're 99% certain this poor guy's never received a hug in his life, given how he refused to let you go. So you allowed him to hold onto you for as long as he needed or wanted.
At last you got out all of the things you've been meaning to say to him...and even Ogerpon got to apologize in her own special way by wanting to be his partner Pokémon.
You thought this would have been too much for Kieran to handle, but you could see he's grown a lot and that he was ready to accept this huge responsibility.
Terapagos will remain with you, and Ogerpon will be his forever.
After everything that's happened, it's what he deserves.
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palindrome-alt · 9 months
Digital Stars on The Wall
|| Kieran x Reader ||
Your new dorm room in Blueberry Academy is outfitted with all sorts of futuristic technology. You still haven't wrapped fully your head around the fact that you're physically stranded in the middle of the ocean in a giant submerged dome, but hey, whatever they did to make these screens, the night sky looks almost how it'd be if you were camping out in the wild on a cool night.
||Mild Spoilers for the Indigo Disk DLC!||
Everything about Blueberry Academy feels like it came out of a separate, futuristic world. The chromatic metal that never corrodes, the blue... substance, that flows through the artificial veins in the walls and keeps the place running... Out in the middle of the ocean, it's sort of like the whole megalithic building itself is somehow... alive.
Despite that, there's no electrical interference, no static hiss at the back of your ears as you rest your head against the artificial glass sky displayed on the 'window'. How the director managed to even design the illusion of depth in these screens is beyond you, but instead of square pixels, gentle pinpricks hang above you in the false distance. The fact that they aren't plastered flat to a screen is a mini engineering marvel in itself despite the slightly visible panels if you look closely.  Hand shifting out from underneath deep blue sheets, you run your palm over smooth, slightly grooved glass. It feels like touching a bunch of small bathroom tiles, and though you logically know that there's really only a deep dark ocean stretched out for miles, you almost forget just how far you are from the home you've carved out in Paldea.  You're still somewhat scared of the scientists of this world. Somehow, you don't remember civilization being this... technologically advanced.  Cool air blows through the vents above you, tasting nothing of the slightly salty expanse of water above. With their filtration systems, this might be some of the cleanest air you've ever breathed. It's sterile, much less handmade and aged than your dorm room back in Mesagoza. But somehow, this place has started to feel so comfortable, as if it weren't ever foreign in the first place.  The sound of rustling next to you shakes you out of your thoughts, and you shift back onto your back to get a closer look at Kieran, who you almost forgot was there.
He's stiff as a board, his arms folded on top of his chest, his eyes wide and staring straight at the ceiling.  Aside from his shoes, he's still wearing his full school uniform, and his hair has only just started to slip from the tie he's put it up in. He popped in rather unexpectedly, and must not've thought you'd let him stay, so he didn't think to change into more comfortable clothes. Small frazzled black bunches drape onto the extra pillow you pulled from the closet, and the off-color purple no longer remains the dominant color. 
You shift again, this time gaining his attention by curling against his side and nuzzling into the mattress a little more. He stiffens under the touch, but you can feel his sharp eyes flicker from the ceiling to you, a little more of an edge to him than before that he might not ever let go of. 
You don't move, and he must think you're asleep with how you catch his eyelashes gently lulling, spine slowly losing its tension. He must be so sore from all the clenching he's been doing, if not from how he's been pushing himself up until recently. The events that transpired between you are probably still haunting him, even now. With a fresh set of new skin-deep scars, you know it has to be hard on him. Up until last week, it wasn't even certain if you were both still friends.  He sighs beside you, head sinking into his pillow. Unclasping his hands, he slowly reaches over, testing the waters. He hesitates, looking conflicted over whatever thoughts are running through his head. Whatever he was going to do, he must've decided otherwise as his hand drops just short of you.
His eyebrows furrow, pupils dilating a little when they land on yours.  "S-Sorry." He flinches away, shifting his gaze.  You don't say anything, but the following silence between you isn't entirely comfortable like before. Inhaling deeply, he stiffens back up a little, pretending to look around the room though his focus is still on you. He can't seem to pay attention to anything else right now.
He's been so consumed with thoughts of you for so long that he's a little scared that he can't be normal about it.  You can't know that.  He tries forcing his eyes shut.  He won't be getting any sleep tonight. 
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byte-your-tongue · 1 month
Various Pokemon Character x Overstimulated Reader
(Platonic, GN Reader)
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AN: this is a repost from my old blog so yeah so if you've seen this before that's why. This was written with an autistic reader in mind because that's what i am but if you get overstimulated for any reason i hope this can still apply to you! Platonic intentions but could be read as romantic if you want.
Ingo + Emmet:
You know one of them would pick up on it instantly. They are always looking out for you when you go to work with them if this is a common problem. The station is busy and crowded and noisy and even they can get overstimulated by it on a bad day.
So the second one of them sees you show signs of being uncomfortable they signal to the other and the two of them drop everything to be by your side.
They would lead you to their office and check in with you on what you need. If you can verbalize what you need, they will provide it in a heartbeat.
Don't feel like talking or can't talk at the moment? Usually they will still be able to figure out what you need and provide it for you.
Ingo is careful to do his best to keep his usually booming voice down to a whisper if noise is bothering you, and the two try to stay relatively quiet and still as not to cause any more problems for you.
But if even that isn't quiet enough they keep noise cancelling headphones for you in an emergency bag in their office!
In that same bag they have other various things you may need while with them including any meds you need, painkillers, a couple fidget toys to keep you distracted, a stuffed animal, and anything else you would need. And the stash isn't just for you tbh. Sometimes they also need access to these things so they keep them on hand.
While they can't always leave work to stay with you at home, usually one of them can spare an hour or so to take you home and help set you up with anything you would need. And if it's a slow day either one or both of them will just straight up stay home with you for the rest of the day. Even if you feel better they will continue to attend to your every need for the rest of the day.
These two always try to be prepared for anything and are constantly on the lookout for ways to help you better, so if you just tell them what you need once you've calmed down they will be ready and prepared next time this happens.
Basically they understand and sympathize with your struggle and are always ready and willing to help you out!
Volo is constantly paying attention to you when you two are together. You are the most interesting person he's ever met. And he's met a lot of people in his travels. So when you suddenly seem distressed he's quick to ask what's wrong.
The first time it happens you have to explain it to him and how to help. Which isn't always the easiest to do when you feel horrible. But he makes sure to follow your instructions clearly. He rushes you to the nearest quiet place he can find and places his hat on your head before saying "i'll be back." If you protest him leaving he looks you very deeply in the eyes and promises in the most genuine tone he can muster that he will be back.
He returns shortly after with a cup of tea. He explains it helps with relaxation and asks if there is anything else he can do for you.
He really would do anything for you. Just say the word. You've got him wrapped around your finger. Want his jacket to wear? It's yours. Want some of his wears to snack on? Say no more. Want him to snuggle you? He'll hold you gently like you are the most precious treasure in the world. And if you want to just be left alone? He's far enough away not to bother you but still in earshot if you need anything else.
Over time he gets better and better with dealing with it. He's so observant he can sometimes even tell when you are starting to get overstimulated before you do.
His Togekiss is also always willing to help out if you want contact but don't want to be around a person.
Over all Volo is pretty helpful. While he won't always know what to do without you telling him, once he knows what you need he would go from one end of the earth to the other to get it for you.
Her house is so isolated. There are no people around for miles. So if you ever want to just hide away somewhere for a day she is always happy to have you over as a guest. You can always stay as long as you want. You could stay with her and hide away from the world for months and she would be happy to have you there.
So when you come stumbling to her front door, tears beading in your eyes, she is already starting to boil water for tea. You tell her you've just been so stressed recently and ask if you could stay with her for a couple days.
She accepts happily and leads you to lay down on her bed. She blocks the light coming from the windows and suddenly you feel slightly better. The dark space and quiet sounds of nature around you are already starting to help you relax. And you are always surprised by how heavenly soft her bed is.
She hands you a cup of tea and the soothing warmth of the cup helps lull you farther into a sense of security. If you are okay with physical touch she is running her hand up and down your back in soothing motions and murmuring soft praises to you. If not she is content to just sit nearby or even outside if you need her to for a bit. She lets you know that you aren't any worse of a person, that you don't have any less worth just because you get overstimulated easily. She assures you that you are a perfect specimen of a person and that she cherishes every bit of time you spend with her. And she tells you that you can stay with her as long as you need until you are ready to go back to society.
Over all Cogita is a very wonderful person to be with when you feel stressed or overstimulated. She has a calming aura and is very pleasant to be around. She has experience dealing with people like this in the past and she always seems to know just what to say to comfort you in the moment.
Piers can be kind of clueless sometimes when it comes to you being overstimulated. It doesn't come from a place of uncaring, he just doesn't always notice. He tends to unintentionally tune out a lot of things in his constantly underslept state of existence.
But for whatever reason, his pokemon always notice. And they are quick to alert Piers of your predicament. He is then always by your side.
He can be a little bit prone to panicking over you if you look especially bad, but is quick to try and hide it as he doesn't want to make you feel any worse.
He can't always leave where he is if he's in between battles or he's out in public for some other important event, but he will let you know that you can leave if you want. He won't be upset. And if you want to stay with him he will do whatever he can to help you out.
One of his most common solutions is to let you borrow his earbuds and phone to watch something or listen to music and distract yourself. He will also keep a hand on you at all times if you don't mind the contact just so he can remind you he's right there and to try and help ground you.
He's also one to talk to you and keep you focused on him and not anything else around you. He will just say anything to keep you listening to him.
Even if he can't always leave and go home with you he will sometimes seek out an area that isn't as highly populated. whether that be a bathroom or anything else he will get you there so it isn't as loud and overstimulating.
His pokemon will nuzzle up to you and try to distract you. The dark types may look intimidating, but for you they are absolute softies.
And if you two are just out and about and not for something Piers has to be apart of, then he is getting you home as quick as possible the second you don't feel ok. He's calling a flying taxi and you two are out of there!
Up in the air in the taxi it's a lot quieter and you start to feel somewhat better.
When you two get home Piers spends the rest of the day doing whatever you want. And for once there are no joking complaints coming out of his mouth when you suggest something that he doesn't usually care about. He is alert and attentive as he tries his best to take care of you.
Over all Piers is very useful. He can't always completely remove you from the situation but he will work to distract you and keep you grounded so you don't work yourself up into an even worse state.
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Can I request a platonic thing with Kieran? Like, imagine being his best friend at Blueberry Academy and he’s changed once he comes back and obviously not for the better. Fast forward to the end and Kieran’s asking if they’re still friends and reader’s like “of course we are, but put yourself in that kind of danger again and I’m gonna kick your ass :)”
LOL this is great
Kieran is basically sweating after the squad get out of Area Zero. You and Carmine are cracking your knuckles, glaring at him, threatening him to take care of himself OR ELSE.
Kieran is definitely more withdrawn after the events of the Indigo Disk DLC. He slips into old habits easily, forgetting to take care of himself. But you're usually there to remind him, thankfully.
You found him asleep at his desk one day after a late-night study session. He was passed out completely, so you had to bring him a blanket. You also left him a bag of snacks and some water for when he woke up. :)
Kieran is really thankful to you, deep down. You're the only one who has kept him sane after all this time, despite what he went through. He considers you his dearest friend.
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tiny-elf-kid · 2 months
Letter from Rika Telling You She Proud of You
Sup Kiddo
So I was told recently that you were struggling to complete some goal of your’s and just recently wrapped that up. Congrats, you did great! Knocking something off your list that was eating away at you is one of the best feeling I’ve ever found.  I know someone out there will try to tell you that completing that goal was the expectation, but you can ignore them okay. No matter what they say I’m proud of you for pulling through it. Life sucks sometimes and makes everything feel impossible, but you pulled through so chin up.
Til next 
(P.S look I can’t stop you from going into Area Zero anymore, I know that, but can you stop ordering Door Dash down there! Seriously, how are you even getting the cell service to do that?)
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glitcheslikeslego · 2 months
All The Right Moves!
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Chapter 1 : Celebi
The Time Travel Pokemon. Celebi wanders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared. It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times.
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Go in, clear out all the newborn Espurr that were causing a ruckus, and get out.
Sylveon had been a huge help with herding all the Espurr into one group, but an especially ear piercing cry and psychic blast that could rival a Noivern’s Boomburst ended up summoning Celebi, of all creatures.
And you had no clue what happened next, other than the fact that you were silently praying to the Order Pokemon before a giant psychic attack attacked you and rendered you unconscious in an alleyway.
Which was… strange, to say the least. The Ranger Organization should have picked you up and brought you to the med bay to have you and your Pokemon assessed, but instead you ended up in a dark and admittedly disgusting alleyway in a bustling city.
At first, you thought that the blast somehow threw you from the forest in front of Parfum Palace all the way to Lumiose City, but when you stepped out into the light, you were terribly wrong.
The city had tall buildings, with none of the Kalosian charm that Lumiose had, and the signs were all written in a strange language you’ve never read before, let alone seen.
“What happened…?” You muttered to yourself, and you noticed that Sylveon had also gotten up to look around curiously. 
“Syl…” He looked all around the place before his gaze landed on you, and he stared at you bug-eyed. “VEON!?”
“What? What is it?” You ask, and he begins gesturing to you, like, all of you. Using his ribbons as some funky charades.
“What are you doing? If this is some joke you got, it’s not funny.” You deadpanned. 
Sylveon continued his charades, this time more frantically, but because you obviously don’t believe him, he groaned and grabbed your arm before dragging you out onto the sidewalk. “Whoa! What is it?”
Sylveon ignored the weird and curious glances that civilians shot at him and his trainer, and pulled you to the nearest window and pointed at it. “Ve.” He said.
Confused, you looked at the window, only to see you but… yellow? Why were you yellow? You turned your head, and the window mirrored your movements. You held up your hands, which were just claw shaped, and your legs and feet were rectangular.
“What just happened?” 
“Syl Sylveon!” Sylveon exclaimed, finally glad you noticed that he wasn’t pulling your leg like he normally does.
You turned away from your reflection, seeing that the many civilians going about their day also had yellow skin, claw hands and rectangle legs, some even had different shades of colours, like red and blue..
‘This is strange.’ You think to yourself. ‘Where are we?’
With nothing to do except take in your surroundings and try and find out where you ended up at, you begin walking around the city in hopes of finding someplace to go and figure out where you are. 
You let Sylveon hold onto your arm with his ribbons as you walked along the sidewalk of the strange city, still getting odd glances, but there weren’t many, and Sylveon managed to unnerve them with a glare to stop their staring.
You hadn’t walked for long until Sylveon became intrigued by something and had led you to a restaurant. You deadpanned. “Really Sylveon? Food? Now? We don’t even know where we are– AH!” You were rudely cut off from your scolding when a young man burst from the entrance, delivery bags in his arms, yelling back at someone.
“Sorry!” The delivery man apologised as he got into his dinghy little vehicle and rushed off.
“Well, that was kinda rude.”
“Syl.” Despite his nod that matched your slight Kalosian pretentiousness, Sylveon was more interested in what was inside the restaurant, so he dragged you inside. 
You paused when you saw a human in a chair eating noodles, and a Grumpig-looking man behind the counter waving a spoon around angrily. The two stopped upon seeing you and Sylveon.
“Uh, sorry for bothering you?” You say first, more confused than apologetic, and the Gumpig man’s angered look changed into a smile.
“Welcome in, customer! Take a seat, I’ll take your order in a second.” The chef gave the human a glare before heading to the back kitchen, meanwhile the bespectacled human slurped his noodles while looking at Sylveon with a curious look.
“Ve?” Sylveon looked at the brunette with a heated, offended glare, making the human nervous smile and divert his attention back to his book, sweating as Sylveon continued to send him the nastiest glare imaginable.
“Sylveon, don’t be rude.” You said in a scolding tone to the Fairy-type, who simply stuck his nose up arrogantly. “I’m sorry about him, he’s just a butt.”
Sylveon let out an offended noise, but you ignored him in favour of striking up conversation with the man beside you as you waited for the Grumpig chef to return.
The man, who had introduced himself as Tang, was a scholar. And strangely enough, he had never heard of Sylveon before. You assumed it as just a regional difference, maybe they didn’t have Eevee or any of its evolutions here? But no…
He doesn’t even know what a Pokemon is.
Which struck at all of the red alarms in your head. At first you thought that they just didn’t even have any Pokemon here, but that wouldn’t even make sense, they should still know what a Pokemon is, even if they don’t have any. 
You were snapped out of your mini crisis when the chef returned, wiping his hands dry on a rag. “Sorry ‘bout that. What can I get ‘ya?” He asks, leaning on the counter casually, sparing a slight glare at Tang.
You looked back at the menu. You… hadn’t really considered what to buy, but Sylveon seems to be at least one step ahead as he yoinks the menu from your hands with one ribbon and points to a food item with the other.
The chef looked at the spot before saying, “Chow Mein?” Sylveon nodded erratically and you sighed and nodded in agreement. It was… better than nothing you suppose.
“Alright, coming right u–.” He froze when he heard a sliding noise, and everyone looked over to Tang, who had pushed his empty bowl away from himself, wiping his mouth with a napkin. Feeling stared at, he looked back with an equally nervous and smug smile.
“One of these days I’m gonna ban ‘ya.” The chef growled as he took the bowl from off the counter. Tang just nodded dismissively, as if knowing he won’t get banned, despite the threat.
Sylveon thought he was weird.
A semi-awkward silence came over the two of you, that type of silence where you wanted to strike up small talk, but neither wanted to, but it was fine. You absentmindedly began petting Sylveon’s head. He yelped with a disgruntled look on his face, moving so instead you were stroking his back. “Sorry bud.” You muttered, Sylveon waved a ribbon in response.
It took a short while, but your noodles finally arrived. The bowl was filled to the brim with noodles, as well as other vegetables and ingredients. You thanked him before grabbing the chopsticks to eat with them. You haven’t used chopsticks in a while, having used them while at Sushi High Roller for your Ranger Leader’s retirement party a few months back, which led to your friend and superior stepping up, leaving you as the second-in-command.
You were suddenly struck with the realisation that you were technically MIA, with probably no way of contacting your Ranger Agency of your whereabouts.
The long and short of it, you’re screwed.
“Woah!” You yelped as you were set off balance by Sylveon, who greedily began munching on the noodles in the bowl. With a brown, you grabbed him by the scruff and sat him back down. “No, Sylveon. You can’t just eat from the bowl.” You look around and find a cup full of green tea, you must've been too distracted by the noodles to notice it. You took it and chugged the tea before putting a bunch of noodles in it and handing it to Sylveon. “Here.”
Sylveon looked grossed out, but the small taste he had earlier overpowered his brain, and he began chowing down on the noodles, letting you enjoy yours in peace.
All the while, Tang had been slitting his attention between his book and staring at you and Sylveon, a stranger in an even stranger red costume-esque uniform and a small quadruped fox-like monster who was admittedly cute, but really just a jerk.
As you were eating your noodles, the young man from earlier burst through the entrance with a raven haired girl with green highlights. You and Sylveon stuck to yourselves as they all began talking about the staff the young man had… that was able to extend and retract. You would have dismissed it until Tang began fanboying over the staff, talking about ‘DBK’ and ‘Monkey King’ before all running out, leaving you and Sylveon in the shop.
“Uhh, what?” You blurted out, confused.
“Veon…” Sylveon growled as he finished his noodles, annoyed that they had just been left in the shop. What kind of customer service was that!?
Sylveon had finished his bowl before you, but seeing as how he was eyeing it, as if he were planning on stealing it from you, but since you weren’t exactly hungry after your sudden realisation from earlier, you just gave the rest to him and he ate it happily.
“Now what…” You pondered to yourself. Your food was almost finished, but the chef was no longer present, not even his seemingly only employee or Tang. But you couldn’t just leave without paying.
Sylveon, however, had a much different idea. Seeing your inner turmoil, he smirked, finished the noodles and jumped off the seat. You watched him, curious as to what he was doing, only for him to take your arm with his ribbons again and begin dragging you away from the restaurant.
“Sylveon, hold on! We can’t just leave!” Oh my Arceus, Sylveon’s gonna turn you into a criminal!
“On!” Sylveon chirped back, totally unfazed by the fact that he was causing you both to dine and dash. The Fairy-type Eeveelution was incredibly strong, way more determined than he normally was to get out of somewhere. 
He kept dragging you around the city, both of you looking around cautiously yet curiously. Every turn you took had more citizens stare at you both, especially Sylveon, reminding you of how Tang was very confused about Pokemon, and how this world probably doesn’t even have Pokemon.
If this truly were another world… but seeing as how you were a yellow person and there were no Pokemon around, instead replaced with these bland appearing creatures, the theory you concocted in your head didn’t seem too far fetched.
As you got yourself lost in your thoughts, the looming doom of your situation returned tenfold. You were in a world with nothing you knew of back home, no Pokemon in tall grass, no Trainers lining the routes, the lively world you inhabited is now replaced with one that was as boring as it was nerve wracking. 
Noticing your panic, Sylveon tugged your arm harshly, snapping you out of your funk with a yelp. “Ow! Sylveon, not cool!”
The little mischief maker giggled innocently, but his smug grin showing off his tiny fangs showed that he enjoyed what he just did. 
He continued dragging you around, and everything was as fine and dandy as it could be for you both. You reached what appeared to be a district of abandoned buildings, from offices to apartments, you looked down at Sylveon then back up at one of the apartments.
“Oh my Arceus, Sylveon, you’re a genius.” You mutter in realisation, finally understanding the method to his madness.
“Ve-on.” He replied back with a prideful grin, as if to say ‘I know’. He released your arm and ducked under the caution tape before trotting along the abandoned streets of this district. You rushed to follow him.
You both walked along the middle of the road, you following your partner, and Sylveon seemingly looking for something, which with the way things were going, you hoped was a place to stay.
The ground then began to rumble harshly, the stray rocks and pebbles on the ground shaking and jumping from it all, and you looked around in confusion. Was it a horde of Diglett? Perhaps a burrowing Excadrill.
“Veon!” Sylveon pointed at the city and you saw… a giant, purple, bipedal Tauros? It was wearing strange armour, and it was obviously no good.
“What is that? What do we do?”
“Ve veon.” Sylveon said, shaking his ribbons in an ‘absolutely not’ way before pulling you into the nearest abandoned apartment building. It had major amounts of water damage, so you supposed that this entire part of the city was closed down due to some previous flooding and no one has picked up the reins to fix it up or tear it down.
Your distraction made it so Sylveon went ahead, she approached the elevator and pressed the up button.
It didn’t work.
Cue you having to grab Sylveon’s ribbons before he pushed the button through the console and made it even less repairable.
“The elevator isn’t working. We should take the stairs.” Sylveon groaned as you walked to the staircase, him having no choice to follow you up. The more stairs you went up, the less the water damage there was, and when you made it all the way up to the top, the floor was relatively spotless aside from a thick layer of dust that caked every corner.
Upon seeing the fancy hallway, Sylveon brightened up. Forgetting his overdramatic breathing as he finally made it up, he bounded down the hall to the fanciest door. 
The door was missing its locks and some hinges, so Sylveon managed to open the door with ease. The apartment was more like a penthouse, spacious and fancy looking, making you feel unwelcome. Sylveon was undeterred, scampering about until he found somewhere to plop himself down.
You followed him, finding yourself in the living room, with Sylveon napping on an exquisite lounge chair. You decided to sit on the couch. As soon as you did, the ground rumbled again, startling you both.
Sylveon growled, shaking a ribbon like a fist before going back to nap without a worry. And you decided that napping was also probably a good idea.
Maybe this was all just a weird dream made by the Espurr, who knows?
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harveywritings92 · 7 months
[Pokemon au.]
Gaz: *mopping the floor.* Who left all these muddy claw prints on the floor?
Soap: Sorry, Luv. Pinchy (His Krabby) got all dirty in the backyard chasing Pidoves, but don’t worry. I put him in a nice hot bath.
R/n:*sniffing the air* Hey, what smells so good?
Soap: Yeah it’s ki- Pinchy?  Pinchy?! *hyperventilates* PINCHY!!!!!!! 
(Runs out of the kitchen anxiously, Cut to the dinner table. Soap is crying while eating the cooked Pinchy)
Soap:*chomps* Man that’s good. (sobs) Pass the butter. (wails)
R/n: (hands him the butter) Are you going to eat that all by yourself?
Soap: Yea. Pinchy would have wanted it this way. Aw…M'dear sweet Pinchy! (pats Pinchy) No more pain where ya are now, boy. 
(he tears Pinchy in half and drinks the meat out of him) 
Soap: Oh Arc, that’s tasty. I wish Pinchy were here to enjoy this!
{Gaz pats his sobbing boyfriend on the back, while he and R/n give each other the side eye, both thinking the same thing, “I don’t think Pinchy would enjoy it as much.” they go back to comforting Soap.]
Soap: (sobs) Oh, Pinchy.
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(for the request thing) sometimes i wonder how Volo would feel/react if someone (like arceus’s chosen 👀) took a blow for him from a wild Pokemon or another person. From his perspective, Volo doesn’t have anyone in Hisui that cares about his wellbeing, and the game alludes to him having a troubled and lonely past, and with him having planned on erasing all life in Hisui in pursuit of his desires, would he feel guilt if someone showed him a level of care that would make them sacrifice their safety for his, when he was ready to potentially sacrifice them for his own sake when it came to Arceus?
(also wanna say ive loved your fics on Ao3, so talented <3)
(also on ao3)
You really prefer not to die in front of other people.
The edges of your vision darken as you shove Volo aside, taking the full force of the Alpha Vespiqueen’s attack. You manage the subdue your attacker with a well-aimed sticky glob and ultra ball, but not before suffering an undoubtedly fatal blow.
The consummate merchant comes to you at once, leaning over your fallen body with an oddly indecipherable expression. Usually Volo is abundantly obvious with his feelings, whether he’s passionately rambling about ruins or earnestly praising your efforts as the hero of Hisui. But the man you see now, as your vision begins to blur, simply stares.
“Caught it,” you brag.
His grey eyes widen slightly. You haven’t shared this with him, but you’ve always found them rather beautiful.
“You shouldn’t have…”
“Saved you?” you ask with a dry chuckle. “That’s why I’m here, remember?”
Volo furrows his brow. Reaches out to touch you, then pulls his hand back.
“I sincerely apologize,” he tells you, bowing his head. “If you are to perish in these circumstances, you deserve to know—”
You die and can’t hear the rest.
And then you open your eyes.
You stand on your feet now, in the last place you felt safe before the Pokémon’s attack. Volo still kneels in the distance, seemingly unaware that your body has been replaced by a fallen satchel containing your entire supply of ultraballs, a fire stone, and exactly four medicinal leeks.
You frown. This is going to be awkward.
“Hey, buddy,” you say, coming up carefully behind him. Volo’s back goes rigid at the sound of your voice, his head turning around at once.
You rub the back of your neck, sheepish. “Surprise?”
“You died!” Volo exclaims with an accusatory finger-point. “I just saw—” His head swivels to the satchel on the ground, then he turns back to you. “How?”
You sigh and sit down beside him. “Chosen One perk. I die, Arceus says my work isn’t finished yet, I get another shot. It happened for the first time when I fought Lord Kleavor. I had no idea what I was doing, and it took like a dozen tries before I got good.”
Volo looks horrified. “You’ve died a dozen times?”
“Of course not!”
“Then why—”
“My death count’s definitely in the triple digits now. Lord Arcanine was ten times worse than Kleavor, because of all the fire and bullshit arena. At least Lady Liligant was a total pushover.”
“Did it not hurt?” demands Volo, his face growing noticeably pale.
“Oh, it totally hurt,” you admit. “But somebody’s got to deal with it, and I’m the only one around here who’s been made invulnerable by God.”
Volo looks as if he’s been slapped. You suppose that’s fair, considering the shock of witnessing your death and resurrection. But to you, this really is just another Tuesday.
“I know it’s disturbing,” you sigh, putting a hand on his shoulder. His muscles are tense. “That’s why I try my best to make sure people aren’t around to see it. Just easier that way, you know?”
Volo wears another unreadable expression.
“Sucks to lose a satchel, though,” you say, lightly. “Thanks for keeping an eye on it. Without witnesses, I usually lose some of my stuff. Never the plates, though, don’t worry.”
He still looks lost in his thoughts, which is no good. You don’t know how to explain that this happens all the time, for much less important reasons than protecting your favorite person on Hisui. The pain is a small price to pay for his safety, and you’d readily pay it again.
“I thought you died,” Volo eventually says. “Saving my life.”
You elbow him playfully. “I guess Arceus is looking out for you too.”
His expression darkens. “No.”
He looks you dead in the eyes, with a different sort of intensity than you’ve come to expect from the eccentric wanderer. “Under an unjust god, endless life is endless pain. Do you truly wish that for yourself? For the world?”
Distantly, you wonder what exactly Volo had thought you deserved to know before your presumed demise. You have a feeling he’s not going to tell you now.
You offer him a hand. “Well, unless you’ve got a better god laying around somewhere, I think we’re stuck with what we’ve got.” And I like what I’ve got, you absolutely do not tell the merchant. I like that I’m here with you.
Volo still seems distracted, but he takes your hand anyway. “Right,” he mutters, and then smiles. “We live to fight another day.”
You rub your thumb against the side of his hand. “And maybe someday, we won’t have to fight. We’ll have everything we need.”
You can picture it, with him. You wonder, maybe foolishly, if he might feel the same way.
Supporting you is actually an investment in my own fortunes, Volo had told you once.
You would protect him regardless of your personal relationship, of course. Just as you protect the rest of this world. You want things to be better, for everyone, and intend to use your god-given powers to ensure that your dream becomes reality.
Volo nods, his sharp gaze fixed on your joined hands. A chill runs down your spine as he squeezes.
“Yes,” he agrees. “Someday.”
You smile softly.
“I think I can live with that.”
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shovelbug · 6 months
I see your requests are open !!
Could you do an Amethio x Admin! Reader ,?
Like the reader is also part of the Explorers and is another admin, (I'm sure yk what I ment, but just wanted to clarify that,)
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a/n: here you go! gonna combine these two reqs.
You've been an admin under Gibeon alongside Amethio for a while now.
While you know the morality of your job is… questionable, at best, you really felt that you had no other choice.
Your family had a habit of not being communicative. They weren't bad people, but they had a very hands-off approach.
Realizing this at a young age, you kinda… vanished without a trace.
Which you know is also bad and hypocritical! But, knowing how your family operates, it was the only way you could think to protect your little sister.
You still kept an eye on her from a distance where you could, wanting her to find her own independence while staying safe.
You knew that the pendant your grandmother had entrusted her with held some greater secret, and secrets like that tended to attract the wrong type of attention.
You hoped that in joining the Explorers, you could take over the pendant mission yourself, to preserve your baby sister's safety.
At least she had that Nyahoja of hers. It was a fickle little thing, but it cared about her, which eased your mind a little.
And for a while, it did seem like you were going to get the mission. You worked hard and were a strong trainer, and you being the one to approach her would make her much more likely to trust her and give it to you.
That's how you presented it to Gibeon, anyways.
It hurt your heart to do this to your sibling who you adored, especially after up and leaving seemingly out of nowhere. But it was better than the alternative.
And then Amethio got the mission.
Internally, you were freaking out. You had half the mind to bust into wherever in the world Gibeon was and give him a piece of your mind.
That would undo all your hard work up to this point, though, so you refrain.
Luckily enough for you though, your relationship with Amethio is much more amicable than that of the other Admins.
You were similar in age, and you never took unnecessary shots at him when the other Explorers were dog piling on him, even defending him at some points.
You were no saint, but you weren't a monster.
You had trained with him too, and that time together translated into you being a strong and efficient team, so you got assigned on missions together often. That strengthened your bond further.
Eventually, you pretty bluntly asked him out once you realized your feelings, never one to beat around the bush.
He accepted, which surprised both of you a little.
Your relationship is very much so on the down-low, though. You have no doubt that if word got out in the explorers it would be used against you.
Except for Zir and Conia. They both know, but only because you trust them to keep a secret.
It's an unconventional relationship, and you two take it slow and steady. You both are happy, though, so that's what matters.
You're more level-headed and tend to get straight to the point, so when Amethio tries to bottle things up or gets caught up in his mistakes you shut that down fast.
In turn, he'll often lend a listening ear to your troubles and go out of his way to do things for you (missions you don't like, grabbing some snack you mentioned craving, etc.)
Sometimes he's not the best with words or being affectionate, so he shows his care through actions most of all.
Back to the point, you're understandably distraught when Amethio gets the pendant mission instead of you. You're pacing around your quarters after the meeting when Amethio stops by.
He holds you close as you cling onto him, unsure what to say. He wishes he could fix this for you.
You can't be upset at him, not really. He's just as stuck in this position as you are.
Eventually, you pull away from him, rubbing at your face.
“Don't hurt her. Please.“
“I will make sure she is unharmed, I promise. You have my word.”
You nod, satisfied. You trust Amethio. He and his grunts seem to be the only other half decent people here.
Neither of you can begin to expect how things will unfold, but Liko does put up more of a fight than either of you expect, and Amethio returns to HQ empty-handed.
A part of you can't help feel a little (a lot) proud of how much your little sister has grown.
You review the footage of Liko's Nyahoja and her (frankly scarily) powerful Leafage.
Turning to your partner Pokemon, you hum, amused.
“This will be interesting, don't you think, Meowscarada?”
Your Magician Pokemon purrs in agreement.
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sharkboywrites · 1 year
You could do Guzman (Pokémon) x teen! Little brother figure male Reader platónic plis (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Guzma With a Little Brother Figure
A/N: Oh my god this is my first request and also my first time writing a Pokémon fic I'm so excited, I hope this lives up what you were hoping :) (although I have to be honest I never actually finished sun and moon)
Male reader (teen), platonic
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So let's get the one obvious thing out of the way, which is that Guzma is really bad at emotions
If he really does care about someone, he's not very affectionate, but he shows it in other ways
That new hoodie he gave you? It was cheap and thought it would suit you, don't think too much into it (do, actually)
He bought you an ice cream? It was especially hot in Alola that day, he can't have you fainting on him
it's likely that he found you just like very other kid in team skull that he indirectly adopted, but something about you was probably different to make him see you as a little brother
The most likely option is that you were less aggressive than literally every other kid on team skull
Every other kid in team skull runs head first into trouble without his permission and comes crying to him about how they lost a battle, which annoys him to no end
At least you're a little smarter to not do that
If you do end up getting into trouble, he gets mad
Not at you but whoever tried to start trouble with you. Who has the AUDACITY to try and fight his totally-not-little-brother
He'll even send out his golisopod to intimidate anyone else around and make sure no one tries to mess with you again
Listen he knows what it's like to be bullied and there is no way he's letting it happen to you
If you left your family like I'm assuming most kids in team skull did, then he'll feel sad for you
I mean he feels sad for every kid in that situation but especially for you because he's closer with you
Even though he's not the best at comforting, he'll listen to you talk about your problems and what's going on at home
You've got a sucky family? Well good news now you have over about twenty brothers and sisters who are all there for you (plus Plumeria who makes sure that you're actually being taken care of)
Are you a trans dude? Well more good news, you've got the most affirming guy behind your back (let's be real most team skull kids give off the vibe they're trans)
He'll even give you clothing tips/get you to dress like him. It may not be the best look but it works and is very gender affirming
In general if Guzma is now your older brother, now you have a whole family in team skull
If you don't wanna go home, then welcome to the shady house
It may not be the best place to live, but Guzma makes sure that you're comfortable. he makes sure that you've got food, water, a place to sleep, and a roof over your head
You've gotta be a whole other level of stupid if you think he'll just leave you to fend for yourself
Guzma might not be the best caretaker or the best person in general, but he cares about you, and he's not gonna let anything happen to his little brother
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I stayed up way later than I usually do to write this just because I was so excited and I love Guzma with all my heart, ty for reading and have a nice day :)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
Remember the Pokémon trainer ask with having pokepastas in their team? Could I maybe request something angsty?~ basically can I get headcanons of Arven and Kieran’s reaction to finding out Trainer got in a accident and was suffering from VERY lethal injuries and in panic missingno..basically messed them up into a pokepasta trainer,kinda corpse looking and now in never ending pain because of the raw wounds that never fully Heal but ofc take medication to numb the pain down and look out now for they’re friends so they don’t suffer the same fate? :))
Oh btw have a nice day or night!!! Remember to drink water!
From the moment he, Penny, and Nemona discovered your team enjoying a picnic...he always wondered how you got something like Missingno on your side.
But since it nearly corrupted his damn pokedex trying to just get information on it AND you were reluctant to share your past, he figured you'd just say "don't ask questions you don't want answers to" and end the convo right there.
He definitely wouldn't let Mabosstiff near it.
Last time he went near a Pokémon nobody should've known about...he almost lost his companion.
From time to time, he catches glimpses of your wounds (not during picnics ofc), bandages, and the medication Nurse Miriam prescribed to you, and suggests you save some of the herbs for yourself.
And they do help with your pain management when incorporated into tea or sandwiches (especially the salty herba mystica, which relieves your aches for a little while).
They're not miracle cures, but it's something.
Eventually, there comes a point where you know Arven wants to understand how you acquired Missingno, why you have so many ghastly Pokémon by your side, and why you were determined to defend him and the others down in Area Zero.
So you sit down and explain how you found it by accident in Kanto, caught it, and realized it was simply a lonely creature who wanted a trainer it could love and protect. Like any other Pokémon.
Yet you didn't realize the extreme lengths it would go to achieve that goal....until you nearly suffered a lethal wild Pokémon attack (it was in the dead of night, and you were ambushed while chasing after what you thought was a shiny).
You were bleeding out, bones broken and gaping wounds all over your body, and unconsciously begged for help-
And Missingno somehow heeded your call, escaping its pokeball and reviving you.
But in doing so, you were brought back as a zombie..one who still remembers the pain of that night and often cursed the glitch for not letting you die.
In time though you've made peace with it, knowing you were stuck this way now and it wouldn't let you go...
To the point where it erased its own pokeball from existence and became a constant presence around you, invisible aside from a few occasional glitch particles.
Yet you knew Missingno didn't mean any ill intent--all it wanted to do was save you.
Now you vowed to save others so they didn't suffer the same fate as you, whether that be haunted Pokémon left abandoned in some town or atop a mountain or your human friends in Area Zero.
Your pains aren't as severe now thanks to the meds, and you're grateful for Arven introducing you to herba mystica.
You were afraid he was gonna be freaked out by your story (or not believe you), but..while he finds it horrific and sad at first, he understands you better and is simply glad you're here now.
He's also happy to help his buddy manage their pain better, even if the remedies are only temporary.
You had to bandage and conceal a great deal of your wounds so nobody at BB Academy got concerned, with DISABLED giving you a consistent best Heal Pulse to ensure your chronic pain wasn't debilitating).
Even so, Kieran assumes you got better over the past year and is desperate to battle you and win Missingno..something he vowed to acquire after realizing he'll never get Ogerpon.
You try explaining that it's literally impossible for you to surrender it, and it's too dangerous to bring it into a battle anyway, but he thinks you're just lying to him again and bragging.
In the back of his mind, though...he kept wondering why you had so many injuries..
Ofc..he's too focused on being stronger than you to ask you.
But after seeing Missingno come out (in its Fossil Aerodactyl form) and literally glitch Terapagos' beam out of existence and use Cut on multiple falling rocks---he was amazed.
You finally invite him to your dorm to talk after the mochi mayhem events, knowing he deserved some answers.
He sees the pain meds littered all over your countertop, and you finally reveal to him why you need those, why you look the way you do, and why you keep Missingno around:
Basically, after catching and befriending it, you got attacked by some wild Pokémon, and they would've left you for dead had it not intervened.
You made it feel loved, cherished, never using it as a weapon or an infinite item dispenser...and it couldn't watch you bleed to death.
So it saved your life, but it came with a great cost: neverending physical pain with your wounds never fully healing.
You used to curse Missingno for not letting you go, trying to release it several times to no avail, and just being miserable in general.
Yet once you realized it attracted more misunderstood, tortured, and damaged Pokémon to your side..you came to forgive it, knowing it was just like them despite its uncanny appearance: a creature who just wanted to protect its trainer.
Now you take medication (and a few leaves of herba mystica) to numb the pain down, so it didn't hurt as much as it did before.
You wouldn't want anybody to have a brush with death like you did. Not even your worst enemy.
That's why you went so far to protect your friends in Area Zero, especially Kieran.
After hearing your story, he felt so torn up and guilty--and convinced he was being "overdramatic".
You were still suffering all along, for years..and he had no idea, only thinking about himself and his selfish ways and how his pain couldn't possibly compare to-
But you stop your friend from spiraling, holding him and letting him cry out all of his renewed guilt, telling him that his own suffering was valid, too.
He was starting to look like a corpse with the dark circles and paler complexion....and it scared you.
Seems like he took "I wanna be like you" a bit too literally.
But you're glad Missingno saved you--otherwise you never would've gotten the chance to meet him and help him become more confident in himself (ofc you wish things were different before and didn't require you shattering his confidence first).
Since that conversation, Kieran starts taking better care of himself and makes a promise to protect you.
Not from physical threats per se as you're basically immortal, but from rude stares and whispers of how "creepy" you are.
He tends to hug you a lot and lend you his jacket for warmth if you ever get cold in class or in the polar biome.
It does help with the chills you get so often, and makes you feel grateful that you two were still friends despite everything.
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poisonousroxstar · 1 year
How about some yandere platonic mother Miriam from pokemon Scarlet/Violet, preferably with a son reader? If you haven't played gen 9 yet, then instead of Miriam it can be Nurse Joy :3
Yan!Mum!Nurse Joy with a son
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Plot Summery: Some platonic yandere headcanons for Nurse Joy with her son This Contains: Drug-related themes. Yandere themes. Unhealthy mindset. Maternal dependency. Note(s): wasn't sure if you wanted multiple ot just one, so I did one. Hope you like!
Nurse Joy is a generally kind and caring person, but this is especially true for her son. She absolutely loves you and is more then eager to pass on the family traditions of nursing and medicines to you!
She'll be a smothering mother, especially if you're eager to become a pokemon nurse. Seeing how much you learn from her and adopt similar mannerisms to her, have her heart soaring high. And she can't help but to give you a good hug and be so, so proud of her little boy! No doubt you'll also get your own healing-related pokemon too (likely a Blissy/Chancy you raised from an egg)
You're the apple of not only her eye, but all your other relatives as well. Your aunties, cousins, and nieces are all one big smothering and doting family; they always fret and dote on you, always making sure you're healthy and happy and always smothering you in presents and more. They can extremely overwhelming, and don't expect your mother to step in. No, she's joining in.
Wanting to become a pokemon trainer and/or traveling pokemon nurse will be very difficult to do with Yan!mom Joy down your neck. She's a huge worrywart, and is quick to remind you of the many dangers and threats that exist out there -- not just of pokemon, but of people too! She's not above guilt-tripping either; she'll remind you that she needs your help, here, at the pokemon center. She says she'll be extremely lonely without you, and how stressed being a nurse can be.
If she's really, really pushed, I could see her drugging you just to make sure you don't try and leave. Maybe even lock you up. It wouldn't last for too long, but she won't feel guilty for it. She's on the delusional spectrum somewhere, and genuinely believes that what she does is for your own benefit.
But if you do manage to her to let you go, then be prepared for the amount of guilt she's going to cause. On the day you're to leave, she's going to be holding you close, telling you to always call her and that if anything happens, you can always come home. She's doing everything she can to hold herself together as you leave. When you're gone, she does nothing but sob her eyes out. Yes, Nurse Joy is emotionally dependent on her baby, and she's a wreck for quite awhile.
Constant calls, regular updates. And for sure she's going to use her familial connections to all the other Joys throughout the region to keep tabs on you. It'll feel like she's always there, always lingering.
Overall, Nurse Joy is a an intense but loving mother, who wants only the best for you... even if it means she can't be with you all the time. But know that she will always miss you if you so leave her, always waiting for you to return to her.
Please.. please come back home soon.
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ridreamir · 1 year
Hey!if you write for Arven would you be willing to do platonic Headcanons for him?
Yes I could! I haven't been writing on here but I am open to it!
(Just to let you guys know though I am in school full time so I might be a little slow haha, here's a short post!) This could potentially be interpreted as romantic! There isn't any romance explicitly stated but they are kind of close/friend date scenarios almost just to let you know!
__________________________________________________ Some platonic moments with Arven might include: Going out into the forest to forage for ingredients, since you two already made such a duo trying to hunt for Herba Mystica! He's constantly reading new foraging books and is very careful, it almost makes you wonder why he doesn't do so hot in his other classes. He does have reading glasses, but he's too embarrassed to wear them in front of others. That could partly be the reason why he's been flunking, but then again a big part of passing class is showing up and he's the type to want to be everywhere but the classroom (except for Mr. Saguaro's class of course!) Sitting in fields and having picnics, making sandwiches together! Arven is a next-level chef so he carries around a mini hot plate and pan so he can cook things up on the spot, and most of the time it ends up incredible. ...Sometimes though, you've both been prone to burning certain ingredients or accidentally mixing the wrong things. Not to mention how often you drop stuff. Those sandwiches often go to Koraidon and Miraidon because they're quantity over quality type lizards.
If it weren't for his health, Mabostiff would also be feasting. Arven is really careful with his diet, and you're not sure his dog friend always likes being denied a gross burnt burger sandwich but it just goes to show how much Arven really cares. You both like to take naps in the grass, but you've found him snoozing in some very odd locations. He's usually propped against a rock or tree in the shade, or lying with his arms folded. Needless to say, you have nearly tripped over him before because he literally will choose any spot that looks like it might be even remotely comfortable.
He doesn't seem like it, but Arven is an incredibly strong trainer, and if he put his mind to it he could absolutely beat the gym challenge. You never really catch him training, but his Pokemon eat Michelin-star-level meals daily so you're starting to think that might be the secret to his incredible strength. Speaking of strength, he suffers from mild back pain from carrying that huge heavy pack around 24/7, but he'll still do wild and crazy things. He's not the most outwardly athletic in terms of sports but he's really good at hiking and climbing, and he's gotten very strong physically from exploring Paldea. When exploring, he's constantly trying to feed you. He's not the type to pull out trail mix either, he'll literally stop and park in the middle of nowhere if he finds out you haven't ate in a while and will sit there and angry-cook a whole meal in front of you. You do annoy him a little sometimes, but you think that he might have such a hyperfocus on food because of his childhood. It's not a fun topic for him though so you never try to pry. He knows you're a busy person, but somehow you always find time for each other. You're still attending the academy together at least, so it's not hard for him to stop by and check in on you. He's been barred from wandering off too far because of his grades, but you're not going to rat him out for sneaking out (partly because you come along and could get in trouble for encouraging him.)
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aether-bun · 8 months
Hey, not sure if you’re doing the whole ‘Emoji Anons’ thing, but if ya are, I’d like to claim 🐉 Anon. Anyways, on with the request.
Could I get a platonic comfort for Pokémon Kieran with a reader who is like a really strong Pokémon Trainer and like his older sibling? Like, the reader is Champion level strong. Maybe the Champion of the Alola region? They recently heard from Carmine (since Kieran canonically doesn’t have a phone.) about what happened at Kitakami and how Kieran is extremely upset, so the reader goes to visit Kieran at Blueberry Academy to try and cheer him up. Because honestly, this kid needs a hug, badly.
You can ignore if ya want, but this is just a thought.
-🐉 Anon
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The Boy Who Felt He Couldn't
Shadow (noun):
"A shaded or darker portion; an imperfect and faint representation."
❗: Reader is not referred to with any gendered terms, but is the eldest sibling of Carmine and Kieran. This fic is purely platonic and takes place after the Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.
[author's note at the end!]
Alola was a temperate, calm, and quite scenic region. It held diverse pokemon, beautiful agriculture, and best of all, it had one of the strongest champions in the world.
That was you. Quite modestly, you never really used that knowledge for your own gain, but on Alola you didn't need to. Mind, you lived there, so eventually over time the people grew to treat you normally again. This settlement meant you weren't forced to be a beacon - You could just be you.
Paldea did not offer this luxury.
Home to ancient ruins and terrifying legends, Paldea was a region of freedom, to an extent. It had every landscape a student could dream of, it had deserts adjacent to snowy hills with springs and forestry between. It was beautiful.
This beauty was very hard to see over the heads of the giant bustling crowd that had apparently come to see you. You didn't know how they knew you'd be there, but oh boy, apparently word got around.
You shook hands, signed pokeballs, and went over the usual speech of how great it was to see your supporters, before managing to shimmy your way out of the hustle and bustle of the aspiring trainers, reporters, and fans.
Unfortunately, you weren't there for any sightseeing or meetups, though you did make a mental note to at least book a tour of the region later. Right now, you were here for family.
Specifically, a little boy named Kieran. Your younger brother. According to your sister Carmine, he'd been incredibly upset, and if her story was true, you could honestly understand why.
It wasn't every day that the ancient pokemon that travelled with your bloodline for generations rejected you for some new star student. You figured you'd be pretty upset too, if you were him.
Kieran was unfortunately cursed with misfortune. Every time he tried to help himself to his goals, it always somehow managed to backfire. His Pokemon journey was not unlike the start of your own, but it was much worse than yours.
You knocked cautiously on his door. It was quiet. A small note on the door had the words 'KEEP OUT', but the writing had smudged, and there were blots of tears causing the ink to bleed. You could make it out, though. It hurt your heart.
"Kieran? C'mon, buddy, it's me.." You tried, cautious.
Immediately you heard rapid footsteps. The lock fidgeted wildly, until finally the door snapped open, revealing the disbelieving face of your brother. He looked at you for a long moment, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Hey kid. I'm so sor–"
Kieran's arms were around you instantly, and he was squeezing you as tight as he could. You could hear his breaths stuttering, you could feel him trying not to stain your shirt with tears, so you simply readjusted, kneeling down and swallowing his shaking body in a warm embrace.
He sniffled into your shoulder, and you gently rubbed his back. "I'm sorry everything went so badly for you, Kieran." You said, soft, hoping to introduce the subject in a way that wouldn't antagonise him (something your sister was not very good at), and judging by the way he leaned into you further, you figured it was working.
Eventually, after many minutes of angry exclamations and scrambled words, Kieran calmed down. It was a process, getting him to breathe and recenter, but he always felt calmer with you, so the process wasn't too long. Not that you minded.
Kieran retold his story; His struggles with his own frustration, his exasperation towards Ogerpon's continuous dismissal, and he even admitted his own faults with his lashing out and sabotage attempts.
It felt easier to talk about these things with you. You never sighed and waved him off, never chalked any of his problems up to being a fault of his own. You listened. You spoke when he wanted you to, and you eased him into some advice that he tried to then take on for himself. This time was no different.
"Why did you feel the need to fight them, Kieran?" Your voice was still calm.
"I just...I tried everything to make Ogerpon feel welcomed! I catered to her needs, I did what ever I could to make her like me and nothing worked! I was so...so..."
Kieran's silence meant he knew the answer was yes. You pursed your lips and sighed.
"Did you apologise?"
Again, he was silent. You were almost about to lecture him on the importance of admitting his faults, but then he managed to force out a small admission.
"I did." His tone was off, but you tried not to think too much of it.
You smiled sadly at him, bringing him close to lean on your shoulder. "I'm glad you said something, at least." You felt him tense a little, which unnerved you.
Then, in an effort to relax him, you noticed the way his hair looked.
"What's with this, huh? You never have your hair up..."
Kieran huffed. He didn't even appear to hear you through his own mental train of thought.
"I need to show that Trainer I can do more than just lose."
This made you stop and look at him. What?
"I need to show them I'm capable of winning. That I can be the star, too."
You frowned. This wasn't good.
"You don't get it!" He snapped, shoulders tense as you fell quiet. "Ever since you started your journey, you've had good pokemon, good people! You're one of the strongest trainers in the world! No one treats you like a kid!
I need to show everyone that I'm able to be strong. Stronger than them. Stronger than anyone they've ever seen! Stronger than you!"
His voice cracked and broke. He looked so...angry. You couldn't let this go on.
"Kieran." You put a hand on his, and he seemed to come back to reality. He looked at you with wide, remorseful eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows, concerned.
"I-I'm...I'm sorry." Kieran mumbled, looking back down at his lap.
You knew where an attitude like that often lead people. It lead some of your friends down windy, dangerous roads. It created villains out of pure, innocent people. It created evil.
You very quickly decided you wouldn't let that happen to your baby brother.
Taking his hand again, you squeezed it. He looked up at you and met your worried eyes with poorly hidden fear.
"Kieran...Your resolve is very important. Your will to do the right thing has always been one of my favourite parts about you. Your love for pokemon, your justice, it's all so important to me," You said. He looked away again, so you gently nudged him, and he very barely met your gaze again.
"I will not stand by and watch you tear yourself up. I don't want you going down a path you can't come back from."
"It's okay. I'm not going to make it a big deal. But...I am taking you to therapy." You chuckled, though you weren't joking. Kieran seemed to immediately deflate.
"It's not because you're messed up, or wrong, so don't you dare think that," You said, catching onto his thought process. "It's to help you regulate your emotions. I can be there with you, if you want me to, but I want you to try it out at least."
There was a long pause between you. You were still holding his hand, though your grip had eased enough for him to let go if he wanted to. He didn't.
After an eternity of silence, he slowly nodded. You mentally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a little at him. "Thank you, Kieran." You said, watching him try to smile back a little. He was so tired. You stayed with him the rest of the afternoon, and at some point, he'd fallen asleep. The bags under his eyes suggested he hadn't slept enough recently, so you managed to get yourself comfortable and let him rest.
The process of undoing all of his emotional issues would take a very long time. It would be strenuous and taxing and he'd reach times where he felt it wasn't worth it.
But every Thursday, after he'd finished his sessions with a lovely therapist you happened to know in the region, you'd give him a signature bear hug, and you'd talk about whatever was on your minds.
Eventually, you did have to go back home to Alola, but when you left, you made sure he was in good hands. You made sure Carmine was aware of how to go about talking to him. You made sure he had people he could fall back on.
Even when you weren't there, you made sure he knew you were still around if he needed you. You gave him a Rotom Phone of his own, one that he positively beamed at from the patterns on the case, and made sure he knew to call you whenever he felt like it.
Every Thursday, he was reminded that you were there.
Every Monday, you called him and checked in.
And after a while, he realised something very elating: That with you and Carmine and his new friends he'd managed to make, it was going to be okay for him now.
Full disclosure, I never actually got around to playing the new DLCs, but as an older brother myself, watching a playthrough of it made me so sad for this little kid man :(
🐉Anon thank you SO MUCH for this request!!!! This is officially the first request I've done and I'd like to think I did a fairly good job on it! I'd like to think the endgame for this fic would be that we don't have to worry about the threat of Kieran entering a Syndrome arc sobs
Leave your requests in my inbox!! Thank you for reading, and ciao for now ♡
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