#political psychopaths
awesomecooperlove · 8 months
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claraameliapond · 1 month
This is the genuine planned reality if you vote republican, or refuse to vote at all.
Voting is practical, not philosophical.
You MUST VOTE TO KEEP REPUBLICANS OUT. YOU MUST VOTE BLUE: you can't help Palestine if republicans and Trump get in. Because it will be gone. As will your rights to protest. Along with all your other rights.
Kamala is already supporting permanent ceasefire and has made clear that she does not agree with the human rights violations happening, and as vice president she isn't able to put her full position on Palestine out publicly, because she has to follow her current government's line, but it is different to Biden's.
If you don't actively vote democrat, and Kamala, this is what they will do, because they are psychopaths. Don't let psychopaths get in. Don't fall for demoralising despair propaganda. You can all fix this by actually making sure you vote blue.
Exercise your right to vote, because it's the only one that gives you a say in how your country is run.
Jasmine Crockett CONFRONTS Trumper, Project 2025 Contributor Gene Hamilton : Playbook for a dictator.
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tuttle-did-it · 4 months
They have refused to increase wages whilst forcing the cost of living to skyrocket so high that nearly all of us are counting pennies to pay bills. If we can pay them.
They intentionally and gleefully forced us into a horrible economic (and cultural) depression through Brexit, and not one of them had a single consequence for the constant lies they told to get it passed. This will only get worse.
They have intentionally dismantled the NHS by underfunding it to the point where the NHS staff are all burnt out (having nervous breakdowns, leaving the country for far- better paying jobs or just leaving the field completely) just so they could sell it off to privatised companies worth billions just so they can fill their own pockets. Oh, and the incredible capable staff (medical or support) who were all from Europe have been told they are no longer welcome here and they have returned home because Britain is a cesspool of bigotry and hate
They are dismantling the social care systems for the disabled and elderly, to try to force us back to work even though we are physically and/or mentally incapable of work by stripping away our incomes.
They're doing everything they can to keep us from living by making sure we cannot afford food, housing, utilities, water, and tax.
They are living on taxpayers whilst having millions, even billions in the bank for themselves.
The corrupt politicians fill their bank accounts and buy third and fourth houses across all Europe, another boat— whatever— and they have scandal after scandal with absolutely no consequence, and we can do absolutely nothing.
Their handling of COVID was criminal, and aside from wasting an incredible amount of money, they are responsible for many deaths by not acting fast enough and by forcing people back into the workplace when they knew it was not safe because they wanted to improve the economy they collapsed.
Oh, and don't forget all those lovely parties they had during COVID lockdowns when we were all in our houses and not allowed to see family members who were dying-- or even go to their funerals because of COVID restrictions.
They are intentionally fuelling the hate at queer people-- specifically trans people. This, I assure you, will get so much worse.
They keep sending money from taxpayers over to fund wars in other places-- including genocide-- with no way for us to fight back.
They keep making law after law making it more and more difficult for us to protest against everything they are doing.
Now the Tories expect you to do 12-18 months (+4 reserve years) of mandatory conscripted service in the military so you can go help countries commit war atrocities and genocide. And if you refuse, you are sanctioned. And they are making more and more laws restricting protest and free speech, so if we fight back, we're punished-- criminalised.
Do you understand what is happening right now?
Anyone who can still vote for the Tories after all of this, I have only a deep seeded concern for their sanity, and revulsion at their lack of morals.
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nando161mando · 3 months
The Boys as a series is great because they have this huge critique of big corporations who exploit and kill their workers and they criticise a society where only sociopaths are on top and call out the rise of the far-right and then the only force opposing corporate interests is the CIA
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mugiwara-lucy · 19 days
So this was brought to my attention….and Trump said if he gets back in office he’s going to have police SHOOT Shoplifters??
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What in the actual FUCK is wrong with this guy?! Like i can’t imagine actual teenagers who shoplift (they’re the main ones who shoplift) dying?? Like….WHAT will this accomplish?? This sounds like some North Korean shit because if you all don’t know, Kim Jong Un had someone EXECUTED for SLEEPING on their job. SLEEPING!!
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And we know Trump and Un are best buddies:
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And when you remember that Trump actually wanted to SHOOT BLM protestors and was only stopped because that’s you know….illegal (although with the immunity clause, he could say it’s an “official act” 🙄)
At least under Kamala we wouldn’t have to worry about LITERALLY DYING for SHOPLIFTING. Let that sink in.
Like we all know, Trump is a deranged psychopath who has said he will use his second presidential term for “retribution” and we can NOT let him in office.
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Latest ad from DeSantis. Possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
It’s hard to comprehend that this wasn’t intended to make him look evil by someone opposing him.
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groovycatanime · 10 months
I couldn't remember if Laffitte ever swore in the anime or manga, so this came to mind...
*Burgess, Doc Q and Van Augur are standing at the bottom of a set of freshly waxed stairs somewhere in Hachinsou* Doc Q: Burgess, what'd you do to the stairs? Burgess: It dawned on me earlier that I've never heard Laffitte say fuck, or any swears like that, so I thought I'd provoke him into saying them, and nothing provokes swears like falling down the stairs! Van Augur: And you waxed the stairs because...? Burgess: I waxed them to make a fall more likely *Looks up the stairs* HEY, LAFFITTE! COULD YOU COME DOWN HERE FOR A MINUTE! Laffitte: Coming! *Crash!* Laffitte: OUCH! *Thud!* Laffitte: OH HEAVENS! *Bang!* Laffitte: OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS! *Thump!* Laffitte: THAT'S SMARTS! *Boom!* Laffitte: OH MY! *Crack!* Laffitte: EGAD! *Bong!* Laffitte: WELL, I'LL BE! *Bam!* Laffitte, finally falling down the last of the steps: YIKES! *falls unconscious* Doc Q: You happy now? Burgess: No... *picks up Laffitte's body and starts shaking him* WHY?! DON'T?! YOU?! SWEAR?!?!?! Doc Q: DON'T SHAKE HIM!!! Van Augur: *starts loading gun*
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galerymod · 2 months
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Sociopaths are people who suffer from a dissocial personality disorder. They have difficulty forming long-term relationships. Others often describe them as unscrupulous, callous or manipulative. You are extremely willing to take risks and behave irresponsibly in the eyes of others. Sometimes you come into conflict with the law.
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What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
In specialist literature, the two terms sociopath and psychopath are not always strictly separated, although a distinction is useful. Psychopathy is the most extreme form of a dissocial personality disorder. While the sociopath acts impulsively, the psychopath plans his actions precisely and acts coolly and deliberately. There are the following differences in behaviour:
Sociopaths have feelings such as fear or anger. They quickly feel attacked and then react aggressively. This behaviour gets them into trouble and ensures that relationships are usually only superficial and short-lived.
Psychopaths, on the other hand, have themselves well under control. They also lack compassion, but they are very good at covering up this lack of empathy.
Psychopaths are highly functional and usually well integrated into society. They are extremely manipulative and easily gain the trust of others. As they can exploit others cold-bloodedly and unscrupulously, they are very dangerous.
There are also thought to be differences in the development of both clinical pictures. Experts believe that sociopathy is more likely to be triggered by a childhood trauma. The typical sociopath has almost always experienced abuse, violence or neglect as a child. Their antisocial behaviour often even serves as a survival strategy. Psychopathy, on the other hand, appears to be innate.
In psychopaths, the areas of the brain responsible for impulse control and empathy are not properly developed from birth.
The treatment options and prognoses are correspondingly different. While a dissocial personality disorder can be treated psychotherapeutically - an approach that plays a major role in the reintegration of offenders into society - it is apparently not possible to cure a genuine psychopath. Some experts even assume that the symptoms can be exacerbated by treatment. Accordingly, psychopaths have the highest recidivism rate among offenders.
Why pursue therapeutic measures when one can simply engage in the overtly illicit act? One need only join a party, and the criminal behaviour will be resolved when one has sufficient influence to petition a judge.
Regardless of the fact that the act is an assassination, the assassin has given the emotionally unstable individual and his party, which acts without moral constraints, a considerable advantage.
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Causes of dissocial personality disorder
How an antisocial personality develops has not yet been conclusively clarified. Most scientists today assume a combination of genetic and environmental factors:
Genetic disposition: the likelihood of antisocial behavior is higher if one or both parents have already been affected by the disorder. A scientific study of twins has also confirmed that there is an overall genetic predisposition to all personality disorders. Other favorable factors are probably anxiety disorders, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide risk in the family.
Traumatic childhood experiences: Physical violence, sexual abuse and other traumatic relationship experiences in childhood increase the risk of developing antisocial personality disorder.
Serotonin deficiency: A lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin presumably ensures that sociopaths are unable to react adequately to emotional signals and generally feel less fear. On the one hand, this explains the lack of empathy for the suffering of others, but also the strong tendency towards risk-taking behavior. Some experts assume that people with a dissocial personality are generally understimulated. This is why they are constantly looking for a "kick" - on the one hand in dangerous sports, but also in criminal acts on the other.
Neurophysiological factors: Imaging studies indicate dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex of the brain in antisocial personalities. This is likely to be the trigger for the extreme emotional coldness, especially in the strongest form of psychopathy.
Signs: How to recognize a sociopath
People with antisocial disorder stand out due to their socially intolerant behavior. This often becomes apparent in childhood and adolescence.
Possible signs of a dissocial personality can be
Lack of empathy
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emotional coldness
pronounced egocentric behavior
Lack of a sense of guilt and responsibility
Low frustration tolerance
strong impulsiveness
Problems entering into long-term relationships
High willingness to take risks
Disregard for social norms and laws
Diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder
Both the ICD-10 and DSM-V classification criteria can be used to diagnose the personality disorder.
According to ICD-10, dissocial personalities must have
character abnormalities such as egocentrism, lack of empathy and a lack of conscience and
there must be a considerable discrepancy between the behavior displayed and social norms. Criminal acts may occur, but are not essential for the diagnosis.
For a clear diagnosis, organic causes must have been ruled out.
In addition, at least three of the following characteristics must be fulfilled:
The affected person has a lack of empathy and shows callousness towards others.
He (or she) shows a clear and persistent irresponsible attitude and repeatedly disregards social norms and obligations.
He (or she) is unable to maintain lasting attachments or relationships with other people, although he (or she) has no difficulty forming relationships.
He has a low frustration tolerance and often behaves impulsively or aggressively.
The affected person feels little or no guilt and is unable to learn from negative experiences, especially punishment.
He tends to blame others or make excuses to explain his behavior, which has brought him into conflict with society.
The DSM-V is based on similar behavioral patterns, but emphasizes the criminal component, which manifests itself, for example, in violations of the law. In addition, according to this classification, the person affected must be at least 18 years old for the disorder to be reliably diagnosed, and the conspicuous behavior must have been apparent since at least the age of 15.
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thecharlesfortcabal · 11 months
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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sadiet63 · 4 days
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floweringpopcat · 5 months
coming to the conclusion that people in my speech class are either transphobic or wary of the speech i chose and i'm leaning towards the former
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nando161mando · 6 months
Psychopath capitalist fascist nazis are running things and they want you to worship them.
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pricklypear1997 · 2 years
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Wowowowoowow. This dumb bitch is still going off about me lol 😂. Suddenly I’m full blooded chetnik Serb now lol ok. Go ahead wishing violence and death upon another nation even though you’re the only one actually spreading genocidal hatred towards a neighbor country while also claiming shit that just isn’t yours. The tumblr is called @talking-about-albanians and she’s obsessed with Serbs and calls everyone a rapist and assumes we’re all Serbs, Chetniks and r*pists for calling out her blatant genocidal hatred and stupidity. This person is sick. Don’t believe me? It’s all over her profile.
Now these articles are here to simply prove a point; Albanians today are killing Serbs, and that there are clear statistics that both sides harmed one another HOWEVER, there was no Albanian “Genocide” before the bombings. The CIA had infiltrated and trained the KLA (Kosovo liberation army), and they did horrible things to Serbs, but sure the Albanians will deny any responsibility of course because everything is Serbia’s fault and ALL Serbs are murderers and rapists, despite the plethora of evidence against Albanians and their mistreatment of Serbs. The countless Serbs who actually ironically had to evacuate Serbia and move elsewhere including the US, describing the atrocities that were inflicted onto them by the Albanians in Kosovo. The CIA and NATO are pure evil organizations that killed so many innocent civilians, that includes Serbs AND Albanians. I don’t understand why Albanians are convinced the Serbs killed them en masse when it was obviously the bombing inflicted by NATO of Kosovo that did that. The US created instability between the 2 people groups as a way to weaken Serbia and make them financially unstable. Why? Because the US viewed Serbia as a threat. Why did they view them as a threat? Good question. It’s probably because they’re a Slavic ethnic nation that was also previously communistic, which is ironic considering how many American elites and politicians are suddenly pro socialist (as long as it suits their needs) despite the more laissez faire capitalistic mentality imbedded in American “culture”. NATO is also using (my country) Bulgaria as a puppet, I mean just look at our shitty corrupt politicians and this obsession with trying to get into the EU while also somewhat supporting American government intervention and other things such as supporting Kosovo and even having our own military stationed in Afghanistan (I mean what the fuck)… I hate NATO and the CIA with such great passion. They are a pure evil and the bane of all our existences, yet Albanians are so delusional and play right into their hands. DO NOT get me started on the whole Russia VS Ukraine shit of a pointless war that once again the US/NATO/CIA is just using Ukraine as a pawn against a long time enemy; Russia. It’s honestly just sick. All of it. There’s literally no excuse for bombing foreign land, ESPECIALLY CIVILIANS. THERE IS NO EXCUSE IN STARTING WAR IN FOREIGN LAND. GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LANDS YOU WESTERNIZED SHITBAG TRAILER TRASH GHETTO RAPPING CASTRATING CHILDREN PEDOPHILE LOVING RETARDS. IT’S SO FUCKING OBVIOUS WHAT THIS SHIT IS, AND ITS A CULTURE WAR. AMERICA HATES CULTURE. AMERICA HATES COUNTRIES WITH RELIGION IMBEDDED IN THEIR CULTURES. AMERICA HATES COUNTRIES THAT ARE MUCH OLDER THAN IT AND HAVE REAL HISTORY AND CULTURE AND ETHNIC IDENTITY, UNLIKE THE US. THE US USED ALBANIANS TO DESTROY SERBIA’S REPUTATION, THEY’RE DOING IT ALL OVER AGAIN WITH UKRAINE AND RUSSIA. THEY HATE EASTERN EUROPE AND THE BALKANS AND THEY ONLY SEEK TO DESTROY US.
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I've seen that ESTPs like their friends to be smart people, sometimes even very smart people, and I love that. How despite them not caring much about intellectualism, they really appreciate intelligence. They want to do instead of think but have many very clever insights about psychology. They know why people do things.
Before I didn't expect them to like "nerdy" personalities like my own INTP, but oh they do. I think they like basically all the thinking types. A specific and interesting preference :)
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
Hahah "hate ask". You are the one who started attacking me. And you're also the one contradicting yourself. You say being bad is about actions not intention yet excuse psychopaths cause "they can't help it". So which is it? Also there are people who consciously make mistakes and regret it and do better. It doesn't make them bad. Not wanting to change and not feeling bad for making mistakes is pretty close to the definition of "badness".
You took that from the bit where I was literally talking about what you said
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"In fact it's debatable what pushed a person to be bad and if a person can be considered "bad" if they can't help the way they are. Psychopaths may choose to do bad but that's because their brains are wired to disregard others and only think for themselves."
-you, 2023
Prospective worstie, you came onto my blog and started sending angry asks about it, so yeah, hate asks. I tag most negative asks I get with that so that followers who don't want to see them don't have to.
"Also there are people who consciously make mistakes and regret it and do better. It doesn't make them bad." I AGREE WITH THIS. I EXPLICITLY SAID I AGREE WITH THIS
I would just also posit that, not feeling bad about something doesn't make you a bad person. And by the way, you cannot feel remorse but still change your behavior. I did. I know many other people who did as well.
I "excuse" people with antisocial personality disorder because they are not as a whole bad. You keep forgetting you're debating with someone who has aspd and has studied it extensively in college psychology classes. Unless you're going to rip off your clown mask to reveal a psychiatrist, I think I know better than you on this topic.
I would just like to repeat again that I HAVE ASPD and DID NOT SAY that psychopaths should be excused bc they can't help it. In my initial response, I explicitly said that the destructive/harmful behavior that often accompanies aspd, like all behaviors, can be worked on and changed through practice and appropriate coping mechanisms for the impulsivity and poor emotional regulation most people with aspd experience. Actions are a better measure of morality than remorse because you can change your behavior. Just like the good person who makes a mistake in your example!
I have a feeling that you're a traumatized individual, just like me, but you happened to go a different direction with it. You are very resistant to the idea that someone without empathy/remorse can be a decent person, or else you wouldn't still be finding reasons to argue with me. I understand, I get it. Obviously, I can't assume to know your past, but you can't continue deflecting your hurt feelings onto an entire group of people. If I'm wrong about you, fair enough. Continue sending hate asks if you want. Otherwise, DM me if you want to talk.
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