#polysanders fic
nb-octopus-writes · 2 months
once you're in the hive, the other bees assume you're supposed to be there
Virgil accidentally gets absorbed by his best friend's brother's polycule.
In his defense, they keep feeding him every time they see him, and Patton's cooking is really good.
Chapter 1: Halloween Party
Wordcount: 1.9K
There are a lot of people Virgil doesn't know at this party. Remus is here, somewhere, and Virgil needs to find him again before the party ends, because Remus was his ride and he doesn't want to get left here. Janus is here too though, and Virgil doesn't think Janus would let Remus leave without him, and he's sure Remus wouldn't desert Janus, so he's trying not to worry too much about the fact that he doesn't currently know where Remus is.
But that's it for people Virgil knows, and Remus didn't even bother to introduce him to anyone before fucking off to who knows where, and Virgil’s certainly not going to walk up to a random stranger and introduce himself, so he's currently appreciating the snack table. If he's eating or deliberating on what to eat next, he can't be expected to talk to anybody, right?
“’Scuse me, itsy bitsy,” someone says from behind him, and Virgil turns to see a vaguely familiar man in a dazzling prince costume holding a fresh plate of deviled eggs.
Virgil moves so that the prince dude can set the plate down on a clear spot on the table, and frowns. “I'm taller than you, Princey.”
Prince dude shrugs, plucks one of the eggs up, and takes a large bite. “Lucky you, or we'd've had to ask you to vacate the premises,” he says. “No little spiders allowed, real or fake.”
Which, yeah, now that he's mentioned it, Virgil had noted an extreme lack of spider-themed decorations, which is unusual for Halloween. Usually there'd at least be spiderweb cupcakes, but the cupcakes at this party are mostly cute ghosts.
There's probably a good reason for that, Virgil realizes with a sinking feeling. “Should I change?”
“You got another costume handy, or were you planning on spinning a spider-silk cocoon and metamorphosing into a butterfly?”
Virgil grimaces. “No,” he admits.
Prince Dude considers him. “It's not very realistic,” he says, which is true. Virgil hadn't been going for realism, he'd been going for passable costume I can make on short notice. He's wearing black jeans and a black hoodie, and he'd cut some pool noodles in half and wrapped them in more black cloth and stuck them to his back for the other four legs. It had been a pain to get them to stay in place properly, actually, and he'd ended up sewing their wrappings to the back of his hoodie in order to keep them where he wanted them. He'd been pretty proud of it, given that Remus had dropped “we're going to a costume party at my brother's house” on him like an hour beforehand, but now he's wishing he'd come up with any other idea. He could have put a sheet over his head and been a ghost, or something. Granted, that would have required him to have a sheet that was both white and that he was willing to cut holes in, which he didn't, but still.
Prince Dude continues to quietly scrutinize Virgil, and he wants to squirm under his gaze. Eventually, the guy shrugs and says, “Might be best to ask the scaredy-cat himself. Wait here, I'll be back.” And he saunters off before Virgil can answer.
For lack of anything better to do, Virgil picks up a deviled egg and shoves the whole thing in his mouth. It's really tasty, actually, and now he's wishing he'd taken smaller bites rather than horking it down in one.
Virgil had thought that Princey was just being mean with the “scaredy-cat” thing, but the guy he's talking to now actually is dressed as a calico cat. Prince Dude points back at Virgil, and Mister Calico Cat glances in his direction, then turns back to Princey. Virgil can't hear what they're saying, but he supposes Prince Dude must've asked Calico if Virgil’s costume was too creepy crawly scary.
They talk for way longer than Virgil had expected, and he can't tell if Calico's response was more like “No, he's fine,” or more along the lines of “Yes, that's terrifying, please have him removed immediately from my sight and also my home.”
He occupies himself with another deviled egg. If he's going to get kicked out, he might as well enjoy some more of this tasty food first.
Oh, fuck. Remus.
Remus isn't going to want to leave early just to take Virgil home, and Virgil still doesn't know where he even is! Fuck!
Well, Remus could have warned him not to be a spider, so if Virgil gets kicked out of the party it'll be at least partly Remus's fault. Virgil doesn't know anybody here, but Remus knows at least half these people, and if Calico’s spider aversion is enough that there are no spider-themed decorations in the house on Halloween, that sounds like the kind of thing Remus would know about.
Granted, Remus revels in being gross and annoying, but still! He's not a total dick. He should have told Virgil.
Calico vanishes into the other room, and Prince Dude comes back over to Virgil. He doesn't look like he's about to kick Virgil to the curb, at least. Virgil braces himself anyway.
“Good news!” Princey says with a grin. “Li’l Mister Muffet says you don't look like a creepy crawly death dealer and he doesn't have the urge to remove you with arson!”
Virgil blinks. “...gooood?” he says slowly. He hadn't even considered kill it with fire being a potential response to his costume. That would have been worse than just getting kicked out of the party, actually.
“Honestly you're much more Doc Ock in silhouette, Spider-Man,” Princey continues. “That helps a lot.”
Virgil glances back at where Prince Dude and Calico had been chatting. “So he didn't leave the room because he can't stand the sight of me?” he asks anyway.
“Nah, he wanted to make another plate of horse devours,” Princey says, reaching past Virgil to grab a cupcake off the table. This one has a little frosting bat.
“A plate of what?” Virgil says, because surely he didn't hear that right.
“Little snacks,” Prince Dude clarifies instead of repeating himself. “Our fridge is crammed with delicious bits and bobs. It's been so hard to resist the temptation to eat them before the party.” He bites appreciatively into his cupcake, then adds with his mouth full, “You'd think he wouldn't notice what with how much he made, but nooo, sneak one chocolate covered cherry before party time and it's a lengthy scolding for you!” Princey sighs dramatically, then cheerfully devours the rest of his cupcake.
“...hors d'oeuvres?” Virgil says hesitantly.
“Yeah, a couple ordervs of deviled eggs, cheese and crackers, and those scrumptious little pinwheel things,” Princey says. Virgil’s not sure if Princey actually doesn't know how hors d'oeuvres is pronounced, or if he's messing with him, but then Princey gives him a mischievous grin that one, confirms that yes, Princey does know what he's doing, and two, is so familiar that it freezes Virgil in place as the pieces click together in his brain.
The lack of a mustache makes Prince Dude's face look different, and so does the way he did his makeup, and he carries himself differently, but it's undeniable all the same: Virgil knows that grin.
This is Remus's twin brother.
Now that he's connected the dots (you haven't connected shit) the family resemblance is clear even to Virgil’s honestly rather faceblind eyes.
This is Remus's brother, and it's his house they're partying at.
… Virgil doesn't remember the guy's name.
Fuck, he should've made sure he at least knew who the party hosts were, especially the one related to his mischief goblin of a best friend.
Well he can't exactly ask now, can he?
“Also like, five types of cupcakes,” Princey continues, oblivious to Virgil’s inner turmoil. “Seriously, have you tried the cupcakes? Chef Boiardelightful made multiple separate batches of different flavors, from scratch. And they're all delicious!”
Virgil smirks. “And did you try to snitch them before the party too?”
Princey gasps theatrically, pressing a hand to his chest. “How could you accuse me of such a thing!?” he protests with exactly as much dramatic emotion as Virgil would expect from Remus's twin. “For your information, I did not! I merely sampled a portion of the batter left on the spatula after the cupcakes had gone into the oven. Also some of the frosting.”
“He means that he licked the bowls clean,” says a new voice, and Virgil does not jump out of his skin, thank you very much. And even if he did jolt a little, it's nothing to the startled squawk Princey emits.
Calico's back, holding a platter of little finger sandwiches on toothpicks. He offers them up to Virgil, who takes one. “Thanks.”
“No worries, kiddo!” Calico says cheerfully, and puts the rest of the platter down on the snack table. Princey plucks up two sandwiches by their toothpicks, and gets a stern look in response. “Make sure to leave some for the guests,” Calico scolds.
“My delightful and beloved Patissier,” Princey says, cupping Calico's face gently with his free hand. “I assure you that each of our guests could have a heaping plateful of food and we would still have leftovers until next Tuesday. No-one will be going home hungry.”
It really is an impressive spread. Everything Virgil’s tried has been really good. Remus really could have played up the ‘free food’ angle more when trying to convince Virgil to come. If he'd known the food would be this good, then overriding his usual party-related reservations—it's gonna be loud, there will be a lot of people, I don't know anybody, etc—would have been a lot easier. Then again, Virgil probably wouldn't have believed him. He'd mostly been expecting pizza and cheap beer, honestly, not– not homemade delicacies.
The tiny sandwich Calico gave him is lightly toasted, with some kind of sliced-meat-and-cream-cheese filling, and a little green leafy garnish on top. It definitely looks much fancier than most things Virgil eats, and he can understand why Calico doesn't want Princey to eat them all. That probably took a decent amount of effort. He almost feels bad eating it himself, except that Calico had offered it to him specifically, and it would probably be more rude at this point to not eat it.
“Are you sure my costume is okay?” Virgil asks, interrupting the minor squabble Princey and Calico had fallen into.
“Oh, yes, you're fine,” Calico assures him. “Trust me, if you were pinging my brain as an actual spider I wouldn't be in the room right now, let alone standing next to you.”
“Really, cause most cats I know would eat a spider soon as look at it,” Virgil quips, and is rewarded with Calico laughing.
“That wouldn't be very good host-ly of me, now would it?” he says. “I would never eat a guest!”
“Not unless they're a reptile with scallions,” Princey teases, and Calico flushes.
“Hey!” he protests, swatting Princey's shoulder with one hand and trying to cover his extremely red face with the other. Virgil wonders what the reference was, exactly, but doesn't think it's his place to ask. It seems rather personal, from how hard Calico is blushing.
…maybe he'll ask Remus later if he knows what the story there is.
Chapter 2: The Morning After
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I think you'd like this story: "The emo and the nerd(Pollysanders/Lamp) " by _killjoy_mcr on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/338067391?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=_killjoy_mcr&wp_originator=GRV1y%2FAanhsD8kfrMbqKajto%2FZfkouSv%2FJXq4%2FF8BtIF%2BaBXcfFaaXlZzMpYfy2pu%2BVS1iK6ZsiiILlZY8wdE94aPGG1e0PLwus6PtXAOpRbFO4gAknM4n0RLvkHycU4
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*materializes into existence*
Hey there :D
Hoping on this surname train bc yusssss :3
Here's a list from one of my WIPs
Logan Anderson
Patton Everheart
Virgil Marcello
Janus Deveraux
Remus Guerrero
Roman Guerrero
Other characters that aren't the Sides
Thomas Anderson-Sanders
Luciano "Luci" Marcello
Remone "Remy" Guerrero
All of these are from my WIP titled Lampshades. It's a LAMP/Polysanders fic that may never see the light of day.
Luciano is an OC and Virgil's older twin brother :D
Heyo :}D OOOOH!!! Oml those are S O damn good I L O V E those!!! I've never seen them before but it really suits them!!!
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khadij-al-kubra · 2 years
Sooo idk if ANY of y’all are still here after the friggin’ long time between posts, but I FINALLY have the next (as well as second to last) chapter update posted on AO3 for “Worst Impressions Are the First.” Thank you SO much for your infinite patience, and I hope you enjoy 😊
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glaceontea · 7 years
Need - Polysanders
I'm just writing this to get back into the swing of things, and it's polysanders fluff because what the fuck else do you expect from me?
Edit: This is over 3000 words what the fuck so much for a warm up lmao
Tagged: @starlight-sanders, @sanspie122, @80s-addict, @watch-me-introvert (if you’d like to be added to or removed from the tag list, just send me a pm or ask!)
Warnings: Swearing. Also sort of NSFW and implied NSFW scenes watch out kiddos Brianna's turning PG-13
Pairing: Polysanders. That's not a pairing but whatever.
Anxiety sat at the end of the couch, looking down at his fingers awkwardly. The others were all cuddled up against each other, surrounded by blankets and cushions.
Roman flirted with the others, receiving giggles from Patton and a very red-faced Logan in return. Logan deemed it necessary to remind them every other second how 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' and 'prepossessing' they were.
Patton continuously pressed kisses to his both of his boyfriends, snuggling into Roman's side. The three were happily in a relationship, all without him.
But it was fine. Anxiety didn't care. He didn't care when they announced it, and he doesn't care now.
Well, that's what he wanted to believe.
He usually enjoyed watching Steven Universe, but all he could focus on was the sound of their happiness, the proof that they truly did not need him.
"Ooh, I forgot about the lasagna I put in the oven. It should be ready by now." Roman whined when Patton got off the couch and headed toward the kitchen.  Logan dragged him off to follow their boyfriend, leaving Anxiety all alone.
Nothing new.
"Anxiety!" Patton sang out. "Dinner!" He reluctantly removed himself from the couch, not sure how much longer he could put up with their endless acts of affection. He trudged his way to the dinner table and plopped himself next to Roman, directly across from Patton.
The other three happily chatted away about everything, not unusual for Roman and Patton. The topic of possible dates came up frequently, making Anxiety even more enviou- bored. He had no reason to be envious. And he wasn't.
They didn't need him, and he didn't want them.
"Right, Anxiety? That would be adorable!" Anxiety wasn't really listening, so he just halfheartedly nodded in agreement.
"You alright, kiddo?" Patton asked, almost concerned. Anxiety gave him the same response, seemingly satisfying the other. Anxiety, having barely touched his fully cooked lasagna, left the table to retreat to his room.
He just needed time to himself. He'd snap out of it soon enough.
"Come on, please?" Roman begged the dark trait. "Logan won't do it, and I'm pretty sure Patton would end up getting it all over my face. I'll make it up to you!"
Anxiety sighed, looking down at the bright red lipstick Roman had placed into his hand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reject the fanciful boy.
"Fine. Whatever." Roman beamed, his whole face apparently lighting up. Anxiety brought him over to his bed, where he could easily apply it. He jumped on, crossing his legs comfortably. Roman eagerly sat down next to him, waiting for instructions.
"Pucker your lips, yep, just like that," Anxiety drawled, wanting to get it over and done with. He wasn't sure how he was going to be able to stare at Roman's pretty, luscious, pink lips- I mean his stupid face for so long.
He dragged the makeup across the boy's lips, leaving a crimson streak in its wake. Anxiety gently filled in the prince's lips with the red colour, making them look even prettier- no- dumber than usual.
Come on, Anxiety. He's not that hot.
Anxiety made the mistake of looking into Roman's eyes, who he found to be gazing right back. He faltered for a second, almost losing control of himself because holy fuck his eyes are even prettier up close.
No, he's happily in a relationship with the other two, stop it.
He shook his head lightly and finished up with the lipstick.
"Done. Perfect." Anxiety quickly capped the lipstick and pressed it back into Roman's hand. Roman smiled, his already perfect teeth seeming even more dazzling when surrounded by the lipstick.
"Thank you, Anx. Now, about making it up to you..." He trailed off, tenderly placing his hand on the other's knee. Anxiety blushed. Oh shit, stop it, you piece of shit. He's in a fucking RELATIONSHIP.
Roman leaned in, and Anxiety panicked. Oh god what if the others get pissed at me because this is cheating and oh god everyone's going to hate me even more now and- his thoughts were cut off by the feeling of Roman's lips on his own.
All self-control was thrown out the window as soon as the kiss was initiated, Anxiety returning it immediately. He craved this from any of the others, he needed it. He wanted to be with them, part of the cuddles and kisses and happiness.
He definitely let Roman deepen the kiss, going from gentle to steamy in a few seconds. He grabbed him by the waist and pushed Anxiety back so that Roman was on top. Anxiety wrapped his hands in the other's hair, and tongues were quickly clashing, battling for dominance.
But all too soon for Anxiety, Roman pulled away, his lipstick still perfect, if not slightly faded.
Anxiety watched with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as Roman left the room with a wink.
"See you later." Anxiety jumped in front of the mirror and groaned. Lipstick was smudged on and around his lips.
Not bothering to wash it off, he crawled into bed.
Too much social interaction.
Anxiety woke up an hour later, leaving his room in favour of the lounge where (hopefully) a movie or TV show was playing. He found the others on the couch, cuddling once more. He plopped himself on the couch, spreading himself haphazardly over the half that wasn't being taken up by relationship.
He, unfortunately, made eye contact with Roman, who smirked with his crimson coloured lips. Patton and Logan followed his gaze to the boy. Then Anxiety remembered.
The lipstick.
He launched himself off the couch and back to his room, where he vigorously rubbed his lips against his hoodie sleeve. He threw himself back onto his bed, groaning.
He really hoped they hadn't seen that. He would be so dead.
The next morning, while scrolling through Tumblr to forget the incident, he found Logan knocking at his door.
The teacher's tie was slightly loose and his hair messy, presumably having run his hands through it often.
"Salutations, Anxiety. I need some help with writing a simple quiz for my geography class, could you perhaps help?" Anxiety nodded, albeit reluctantly. The last thing he needed right now was to be around the others, but perhaps they didn't realise.
Anxiety followed the teacher to his room, where notebooks, textbooks and random pieces of paper littered his desk.
"I'm just sifting through other tests to get questions, and I was hoping you could help. Do you think the ones I have chosen are good?" Logan handed Anxiety a small quiz, and he scanned over it.
"I think it's pretty good, there a few bland questions but that's fine. Oh, uh, also, the tallest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea, not Mount Everest. The answer is wrong. Sorry," Anxiety pointed out, hoping Logan wouldn't mind. Logan beamed.
"Of course! Silly me, I'll change that right now. You're so smart," he muttered as he scribbled out 'Mount Everest' and replaced it with 'Mauna Kea'.
"I wouldn't consider myself incredibly smart, Logan, you're the intelligent one here," Anxiety mumbled, entranced by the way Logan wrote so smoothly. Even his handwriting was attractive.
"Only an imbecile would believe you're unintelligent, Anxiety. You possess many good qualities." Anxiety looked up into Logan's eyes, absorbed into his knowledgeable gaze.
"And what would those be?" He asked sarcastically.
"Well, for one, you keep us and Thomas all out of danger. Another thing is, well, you're very pretty if I do say so myself," he complimented quietly, leaning closer to the other.
"Trust me, beautiful, I know my facts, and that is one of them." Anxiety's mind raced.
Oh god, now one of the others is going to cheat? How will Patton feel, I'm such a horrible-
Once again his thoughts were cut off at the touch of the lips. Anxiety felt himself lose control, the overwhelming sense of Logan's powerful kiss taking whatever control he had away.
Logic cupped Anx's cheek, gently manoeuvring him into his lap. Anxiety wrapped his legs around Logan's hips, snaking his arms around the other's neck. Anxiety deepened the kiss, wanting more, needing more, always needing more.
Logan gave Anxiety access, allowing their tongues to collide in a race of dominance. Logan quickly won, unsurprisingly, and picked Anxiety up. He moved the younger to the bed, allowing the heat to grow there.
Logan took off his tie, it suddenly felt like it was choking him despite its already loose state. Anxiety pulled him in by the collar, not wanting it to end.
Anxiety realised what he'd let himself do and pulled away abruptly, leaving a confused Logan behind. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Anxiety quickly removed himself from underneath Logic, getting off of the bed
Anxiety left the room in a state of shock.
But mostly, he felt guilt.
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" Patton asked the upset figure on the couch. Anxiety shook his head and looked away, not really wanting to tell the father what he'd done.
"Well, it's okay if you don't want to tell me, but would you like to do some baking with me?" Anxiety looked up and smiled unenthusiastically.
"Sure," he said quietly, following him into the kitchen. He smelled the scent of chocolate brownies, his favourite. Anxiety always loved when Morality baked, it was near perfect every time he did.
"I was going to make some chocolate chip cookies too, wanna help with that?" Anxiety nodded and grabbed the ingredients while Patton put the brownies on a cooling rack. "You cream the butter and sugar and I'll do the flour and all that jazz, okay?" Anxiety nodded again.
He relaxed as he stirred, the simple motions calming him significantly. He soon noticed the music Patton had on in the background and laughed as the older gently moved his hips to the beat as he worked.
"Nice work, Anx, add in the egg and vanilla now." Anxiety did as he was told, mixing in vanilla essence and the beaten egg. Even he started to dance slightly, loosening up around his friend. Patton smiled to himself when he noticed.
"That's perfect, nice job!" Patton exclaimed, grinning at Anxiety like an excited child. Anxiety laughed and smiled back. A small smile, but it was a smile nonetheless. "Now let's combine them." Anxiety watched as Patton poured the wet ingredients on top of the dry ones, handing Anxiety the whisk.
"You can mix it." Anxiety began stirring happily, swaying his hips to the beat of the song.
"Shit!" Anxiety swore, getting flour on his hoodie sleeve. Patton glared at him teasingly for swearing.
"You should probably take that off, don't want flour to get all over it, do we?" Anxiety nodded, removing the hoodie and putting it on the dining table. He continued mixing, Patton adding the chocolate chips at some point until it was all thick and impossible to mix.
"I'll chill that and grab the cake batter out." Anxiety raised an eyebrow. "What! I haven't baked in awhile, I needed to do a lot!" Patton defended. He pulled chocolate cake batter from the fridge, replacing the bowl of cookie dough he'd been holding seconds ago.
He placed it on the counter and gave it a quick stir, eager to put it in the oven. He dipped his finger in to taste it, Anxiety doing the same.
Anxiety grinned as the taste of chocolate cake hit his tastebuds. He could just sit on the bench and eat the batter as it is, in all honesty. He gasped as the feeling of cold hit his nose, glaring at Patton.
He put cake batter on his nose.
Patton wriggled his eyebrows, leaning in and kissing him on the nose, licking his lips clean of the batter afterwards. Anxiety blushed bright red, swiping the remaining batter off his nose and eating that too.
"Yummy," Patton said with a giggle. Anxiety rolled his eyes fondly.
"Hey, I have a trick," he said. Patton watched as Anxiety grabbed more cake batter and swiped it over his lips, grinning like an idiot. "Lipstick, like Roman had the other day." Patton laughed.
Anxiety blushed even more when he noticed the other staring at his lips. He licked his lips teasingly, effectively removing the cake batter.
"You can't have it now," Anxiety teased. Patton smiled cheekily.
"Doesn't mean I can't do this." He grabbed the other by the waist, pushing him up against the counter. He kissed Anxiety without hesitation, not even giving the other time to worry about consequences.
Anxiety, as with the others, kissed back. The kiss was deepened by Morality, passion taking over. He gripped Patton's hair, playing with the soft strands as their tongues battled for dominance. Anxiety simply allowed himself to be taken control of, never wanting this to end.
Patton's hands roamed up and down Anxiety's body, leaving flour on his black t-shirt. Soon enough his hands found themselves underneath the darker trait's shirt, working swiftly to remove it as the heat of the kiss increased. Patton pulled away from the kiss, staring at the beautiful boy underneath him.
Anxiety had no plan on stopping this time. Fuck it. This was all he was going to get, he may as well enjoy it while he had the chance.
He yanked Patton back in, putting everything into the kiss. Patton tapped the back of Anxiety's thigh, and he jumped, wrapping his legs around the older's waist. Patton carried him to his bedroom, only stopping the kiss once to open his door.
Patton carried him to the bed and laid him down, quickly removing his shirt and cardigan before crawling on top of him.
"Are you okay with this?" Patton asked the younger. Anxiety nodded, staring up the other. Patton connected their lips once more, running his hands all over the other. Their tongues clashed furiously, trying to reestablish dominance once more. Patton began kissing down Anxiety's jawline and his neck, sucking hickeys into his collarbone. Anxiety writhed at the sensation of Patton nibbling his neck.
Their lips reconnected, the kiss somehow heating up even more, when Roman burst into the room.
"Patton, you left cake batter on the bench, are you- Anxiety?" Roman squeaked, eyes widening at the sight of Anxiety shirtless underneath his (also shirtless) boyfriend. Anxiety blushed bright red, guilt and embarrassment welling up inside of him once more.
"Oh- hey Roman. I uh- got a bit distracted," Patton said sheepishly, gesturing down towards Anxiety. Anxiety groaned.
Great. That was my last chance.
"I can see that, and I can see why. I'll leave you two at it," Roman said with a wink, shutting the bedroom door behind him. Patton looked down at Anxiety with a grin.
"He's always bursting in unannounced. Not always convenient for certain... situations. Anyway, where we were?" Patton reconnected their lips once more, Anxiety giggling slightly. All the giggles left when Patton started up with the hickeys again, replaced by small gasps and pleasure.
Anxiety woke up slowly, not used to being in someone else's bed. He opened his eyes to find he, a very naked Anxiety, was cuddled into (a very naked) Patton. He panicked for a brief second before he remembered what had happened, blushing slightly.
He knew that it would be the last interaction between the others before they all shunned him, so he chose to relish the warmth of the older trait. He tried his best to memorise Patton's face, the way he was somehow even more adorable when asleep.
Patton's eyes slowly opened, and he smiled a fond smile when he saw Anxiety looking up at him. He pressed a kiss to the other's forehead, who only snuggled further into his side.
"Morning, cutie." Anxiety hid his face into Patton's chest and smiled at the nickname. Patton ran a hand through Anxiety's hair, thinking.
"Anxiety," Patton began with a frown. "We need to talk about this. With the others." Anxiety groaned. He did not want to think about that right now. "It's not as bad as you think. Now, let's get you dressed."
Anxiety left the room in Patton's oversized clothing, holding the other's hand. Anxiety, being Anxiety, couldn't help but be terrified of the discussion to come. Would they hate him for having kissed all three of them? As well as sleeping with Patton? They surely wouldn't appreciate that, and it was entirely possible Patton would scold him for being so horrible.
Anxiety looked down when he saw Roman talking animatedly to Logan about something in the living room. Roman was in Logan's lap in one of the recliners, his back against Logan's chest as he talked.
"-walked in on them. It was really h- Oh, hey Pat!" Roman said enthusiastically. Anxiety could feel their stares as Patton guided him to the couch, sitting next to him.
"Anxiety looks adorable in Patton's clothes," Logan whispered to Roman not-very-quietly. Anxiety blushed, playing with the hem of Patton's shirt.
"Now there's something we need to discuss, and I'm pretty sure you guys know what it is," Anxiety heard Patton say. He continued to stare at the ground, not wanting to meet any of their gazes.
"Did you really do it?" Logan asked, looking at Patton quizzically. Patton shot him a look. Anxiety lifted his head but pressed himself into the back of the couch to try to stay away from them. Patton rested his hand on his knee reassuringly.
"Now, we all know this has been going on for a while now, and we all know we've been..." Patton trailed off, the word escaping him.
"Experimenting?" Logan suggested.
"Yes, that's the word." Anxiety flushed red. They all KNEW?!
"Patton's done a little more than just 'experimenting', Logan," Roman teased, looking at Patton dead in the eye.
"Well, I couldn't help it. He's just... too pretty," Patton informed them, gazing at Anxiety lovingly and smiling. Anxiety almost smiled back.
"I have to be honest, Anxiety was the one that stopped our kiss. I would've continued if it weren't for him," Logan confessed, adjusting his glasses and throwing a look towards Anxiety.
"Anxiety?" Patton asked, squeezing his knee gently. Anxiety looked up at him, tears in his eyes, ready for rejection. "I don't believe I even need to discuss it with the others to know that we all want you to join our relationship."
Anxiety looked at him in disbelief.
"R- really?" He asked, almost crying. Patton nodded, opening his arms for a hug. The younger leaned into him, sobbing. Roman quickly joined in, cuddling him from behind, and Logan kneeled in front, simply placing his head on the younger's legs. They all exchanged glances, their eyes shining.
"Yes. I guess," Anxiety pretended to grumble, returning to their grumpy boy they all knew and loved.
For the next week Anxiety was showered with affection and attention, always being the centre of 'cuddle huddles', as Patton liked to call them. A lot of baking went on, Anxiety helped Logan with his papers and he experimented with Princey's makeup.
None of these activities were very productive, seeing as Roman loved to get lipstick all over Anxiety's face, Logan wanted to kiss him every time Anxiety corrected something and the baking... well that went about as well as you'd expect it to.
Anxiety was no longer alone, instead surrounded by love, warmth, and happiness.
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
Ok, LAMP soulmate AU because I'm smart sometimes
The one soulmate thing where the first place your soulmate touches you is tattooed on you, but
The tattoo varies in temperature depending on the mood your soulmate is in
The warmer the spot, the happier, the colder, the sadder
So, Virgil has three spots that usually differ in temperature. One is almost always warm, one is room temperature most of the time, and one is always cold. Always. He nicknames them based off of their average temperatures.
The warmest is Fire Red, room temperature is Indigo, and the coldest is Ice Blue.
Virgil always worries whenever their temperatures shift colder, but he has no way of communicating with them. The only way he could talk to them is by actually meeting him. Hopefully, he can figure out why Ice Blue is so sad all the time when he does meet them.
So yeah, that's basically the AU! If someone wants to write it, PLEASE do so! And tag me please! I would LOVE to see it!!!!!!!!!
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luna-is-a-main-now · 5 years
Your Words and Feelings, Chapter One
When his alarm went off, Virgil flinched in surprise as his eyes snapped quickly to the time displayed at the top corner of his phone. Had he really stayed up all night again? Apparently, yes, he had, and he was sure to get called out about it later. With a heavy, exhausted sigh, he made the alarm shut up and reluctantly rolled out of bed to start getting ready for the day. After doing his regular morning routine, he grabbed some food and finally looked down at his hand to check for the writing he knew would be there. 
In red ink and fancy handwriting in the middle of the back of Virgil's hand was a small line of text reading: Good morning, my loves, I hope you all have a lovely day!
Below it, Virgil watched as sky blue ink in a curly, bubbly font quickly appeared in response, showing a drawing of a smiley face with a text bubble that cheerily proclaimed "You too! Thank you, Red!"
Virgil grinned as he pulled out his purple pen and scrawled back a small, quick note above the red. "Thanks Princey, right back at ya." With a sigh, he grabbed his stuff and set off for school, not even bothering to see if the owner of the occasional dark blue ink would reply. He rarely did, but Virgil got the impression that he appreciated seeing the notes from his soulmates nonetheless. At least, Virgil hoped he wasn't bothering him or the others with his little notes. 
Entering his first class, Virgil sighed heavily as he dropped his bag heavily to the floor by his desk, then proceeded to drop himself heavily into his chair, both resulting in loud thumps. One more small thump sounded as Virgil laid down heavily over his desk, hiding his head in his arms and appreciating the soft warmth his hoodie’s sleeves provided. 
He ignored the teacher as class started, figuring that because it was the Friday before a three day weekend, they wouldn’t expect them to do anything too important anyway. Not that he really cared right now even if it were important. He honestly would not have budged the whole time he had been in class if it hadn't been for the hesitant taps he felt on his arm. He snapped his gaze up with a glare, expecting it to be the teacher, but his eyes immediately softened when he saw that it was just the kid who sat next to him, looking hesitant as he fiddled with and adjusted his glasses numerous times. 
“Hey… do you by any chance have a pen I can borrow? I must have dropped mine on the way to school.” Virgil sighed softly, but he looked so hopeful and desperate that Virgil couldn’t bring himself to say no. So he handed over the first pen he found, only realizing too late that it was his purple pen, the one he only used when communicating with his soulmates. The person who Virgil had given the pen to thanked him profusely and quickly started taking the notes before Virgil could do anything about his mistake though, and now he felt far too anxious to ask for it back before he was done using it, despite the pen belonging to him. He just hoped he would get it back, but for now, Virgil just put his head down again. He was too tired to deal with things at the moment.  
The sound of the bell dismissing first period startled Virgil out of his half asleep state, causing him to slam his knee into the metal leg of his desk suddenly, and do so with enough force that it made Virgil’s stomach hurt. He hissed in pain at the same time the person next to him did, as they both reached for their knee. Surprise and dim recognition lit up in Virgil’s eyes as he rubbed at his knee, but the boy next to him hadn’t even realized what had happened, and was too preoccupied checking over his own knee to notice Virgil.  
“Show me your hands,” Virgil requested, his voice still a bit gruff from exhaustion and pain. The person in question looked up at Virgil and nervously picked at the cardigan draped over his shoulders. Slowly, hesitantly, he reached his hands out to Virgil while looking at him curiously and very confused. Grabbing the one he knew it would be, should Virgil be right, he bit his lip and looked at it closely. Not that he needed to look to close before catching the fancy red script followed by sky blue and purple ink, and a small dark blue check mark. Checking his own hand, Virgil realized he must have missed it while he was asleep, but he had the dark blue check mark on his hand as well. Giving the boy in front of him a tired smile, Virgil held his hand out as well, watching as his new-found soulmate’s face went from puzzled to elated in seconds when he realized.
“Oh this is wonderful! I’m Patton!” He enthusiastically introduced himself as he seemed to literally vibrate with happy energy. Before Virgil knew it, Patton had flung his arms around Virgil’s neck and pulled him in for a hug. “I’m the sky blue ink! I’m assuming you’re purple?” He giggled softly as he stepped back to hand Virgil his purple pen back. Virgil could only nod numbly, being too tired to really keep up with Patton’s quick speech and excitable energy. 
“Uh, I’m Virgil.” Virgil smiled at the slightly shorter boy, then pulled his phone out from his jacket pocket. Unlocking it, he quickly navigated to the phone keypad and handed it to Patton. “Give me your number? That way we can talk over the weekend?” Virgil offered awkwardly. He needn’t have been worried though. Patton beamed brightly at his suggestion and eagerly grabbed the phone from Virgil’s hands. Virgil had never seen someone type so quickly in his life. 
“Ooh! I have C lunch! What do you have? If you’re up for it, we can meet up and talk then!” Patton bounced up and down excitedly. He beamed at Virgil as he handed him his phone back.
“I have C lunch too, and yeah I’m down for meeting up and talking then. I need to get going now though or I’ll be late for my next class… but I’ll see you later?” He smiled softly at Patton, and he nodded vigorously, before quickly grabbing his stuff and basically skipping out of the room with a cheery goodbye. 
Virgil blinked, half believing he had imagined it all through his sleep deprived state, but glancing down at his phone, Patton’s contact was still there. Virgil smiled when he noticed he had added a sky blue heart emoji after his name. Virgil decided to keep it that way forever, and he really hoped that soon, he’d have two other names in his phone set up in similar style. 
Roman felt completely and utterly drained and fully exhausted, right down to his very soul. One or more of his soulmates must have pulled yet another all-nighter, and he had a pretty good idea of who it was. It was becoming much too common a habit these days, and Roman was getting sick of it, even though he knew that if it was the person he thought, he couldn’t control it any more than Roman could. 
However, on the same token, normally Roman was a morning person. Before, people had even said that he practically glowed in the morning; they would always say that Roman was so bright and full of energy and that it made them happy to see someone so excited about every day, no matter how weird that mindset was as a freshman in college. Roman didn’t care that it was weird, he loved being full of energy and starting the day off in a positive mood. After all, the whole world’s a stage, as the saying goes, and Roman needed energy to perform his very best on that stage. 
However, with the extreme lack of sleep running in the background of his brain all the time, all he got now was concerned comment after concerned comment. Roman was touched that his peers and teachers cared about his well being and that they actually checked in when his normally chipper mood was drastically different, but he swore he was going to scream if one more person asked him if he was alright when he was so clearly not. Despite Roman’s strict sleeping schedule and him getting more than the typically recommended eight hours, he still felt exhausted straight down his very bones. It was annoying. It also didn’t help that his knee hurt, also a result of one of his soulmates.
Sometimes the shared feelings bond between soulmates was such a hassle. Sure, he enjoyed feeling when his soulmates were excited and happy about things, as it made him feel all warm inside, happy that they were happy. However, he hated when he could feel when they were sad, depressed, hurt, angry, in pain, tired, etc and had no way to be there for them and help. All he could do now was write messages to them in red ink, and not even the messages that truly mattered such as his name, his number, or his location in order to meet them faster, due to whatever strange magic governed the soul bond between soulmates.
Grudgingly, Roman pulled out his fancy red pen, the pen he used only to write to his soulmates, because they were special and deserved a special pen. Wiping away their standard morning greetings with the help of a one-use rubbing alcohol pad, Roman began to write in his fancy, flowing script. He couldn't help but notice that it was actually much sloppier than it normally was. He couldn’t really bring himself to care all that much either though. He blamed his exhaustion and frustration for both.
Okay, which one of you pulled another all nighter? This is three in a row and it’s getting a bit ridiculous. Also, who hurt themselves? My knee has been aching all morning! You all must be more careful; injuries especially when exhausted have more effect, you know.
The scrawling purple text was slow to appear. It was as if the writer was hesitant. Roman felt bad that he had been so demanding; he never wanted his loves to be hesitant around him. 
Sorry Princey. Those were both me. Insomnia is hitting me hard this week; I’ll try harder to sleep tonight. As for the knee… I got startled and rammed it into the metal leg of my desk. Not the best start to my morning, honestly.
Roman winced in sympathy. That all sounded horribly unpleasant. Roman wished he knew the owner of the purple ink. He wondered if he could help with the sleep issue in any way. He understood that insomnia couldn’t be controlled, but he wondered if maybe he could be able to help at least by singing or cuddling him till he was lulled to sleep. He wished to meet his soulmates soon; he was a hopeless romantic and thrived off of giving and receiving affection, love, and care with those he loved dearly. Despite never meeting his soulmates, Roman already knew he loved them to the very bottom of his heart. He only wished he could show them just how much in person. 
Then, strangely, a small note began to appear on Roman’s wrist. However, this note wasn’t in purple, sky blue, or dark blue, the only colors his soulmates used. It was in a thick, dark black ink, like that of a sharpie marker. 
Note to self: replace lost pen. Also, cookies? Or brownies?
The last part gave away who had written that easily enough and Roman chuckled. It was sky blue, or as they had nicknamed him, Padre. He was always making lists and reminders on his skin, and a lot of them pertained to sweets most of the time. Roman couldn’t wait to try the baked goods his soulmate must be quite good at making by now. 
Okay, don’t worry about it Stormcloud. Roman wrote to purple, smiling as he used their occasional nickname for him. Take it easy today though, alright? Maybe ice that knee when you can. Also, Padre, did you really lose your pen?
Roman couldn’t help but smirk as he wrote back, addressing sky blue. He really did hope purple got some rest soon though, his insomnia was getting much worse lately and it was concerning. However, he was thoroughly amused at sky blue’s forgetfulness. He found it endlessly endearing and adorable, even though he had never seen it in person. This time, when Padre wrote back, it was in standard black ink pen, which Roman figured he must have just found in order to abandon the sharpie.
Yeah, I must have dropped it on the way to school or something! No biggie though; at least it was something easy to replace, even though I did love that pen in particular!
Roman smiled at that, too. He loved everything about his soulmates, even the one who used dark blue ink and didn’t interact as much as the other two. He had explained before that he didn’t really like writing on his skin directly, but that he didn’t mind seeing his soulmates converse. In fact, he had admitted it was enjoyable to see them talk, even if he wasn’t a part of it all that often. 
Oh! Princey, Padre and I met this morning in class. Maybe now that one of us has met the other, that means we’ll all see each other soon? I hope so, at least. What about you?
The purple ink’s words made Roman’s heart stop for a second. Stormcloud and Padre had met? Oh, Roman was jealous, 100%, but he was also beyond excited. 
Oh, I do hope so too! I can’t wait until I meet you all! Then I can spoil you all properly with plenty of love and affection!
Roman sighed happily as he began daydreaming about meeting his soulmates again for the thousandth time. He wanted to know all about them. He loved them with all his heart; they were all bound to be wonderful people and Roman had always felt so incredibly lucky that he seemed to have three wonderfully unique soulmates that he was destined to be with one day. It made his romantic heart melt and ache all at once everytime he thought about it. Checking his hand and the ink that had travelled up and down his arm as space ran out, he realized that Stormcloud had only responded with a checkmark, due to there being no open spaces left to respond. Roman quickly added his check mark, and so did dark blue and Padre. On cue, the ink started to disappear as one or more of them began wiping away the writing, save for Padre’s sharpie note. 
The four of them had come up with that system long ago; if multiple parties were conversing and space ran out, they would all have to indicate whether or not it could be erased. Without 100% agreement, the writing would stay in order to prevent each other from getting rid of important things or things they hadn’t read yet. Dark blue, or Teach, as they often called them, had proposed that plan, and Roman had to admit that it worked perfectly for all of them. 
After everything was wiped off, Roman smiled fondly at his arm, still stained with the colors of his soulmates. Occasionally, even wiping the ink off so soon after it was applied still left ghost marks of the words and colors behind. Roman loved that it occasionally looked like his arm was a faded tie-dye project. It was colorful and beautiful and served as a pleasant reminder of how lucky he was. Roman adored it. 
Eventually, and with a small sigh of exhaustion, Roman decided to head off of his college campus, and toward a local coffee shop that had opened close by recently. He didn’t have any more classes today anyway, and a friend had told him that the coffee there tasted simply amazing, and that even other people who claimed to not be coffee people liked their stuff. Personally, Roman had never been overly fond of coffee, but he did appreciate the effects it had, especially in times such as these when he felt he might pass out at any second. He felt more and more tired as time passed, and he could only guess at how awful purple must be feeling since the exhaustion originated from him. However, Roman couldn’t help him yet, so he had to settle for trying to chase away the exhaustion that crept into his own system from the soul bond. 
As he pushed open the door to the small little cafe, a small bell chimed pleasantly to announce his arrival. An employee greeted him politely with some sort of standard welcome, and Roman politely smiled and nodded at her in acknowledgement. He quickly walked up to the order counter and looked over the menu. 
“Hi, what can I get for you?” The cashier asked cheerfully, smiling at him brightly. Roman smiled back at her tiredly. 
“Ah, what do you suggest? I’m normally not much of a coffee guy, but a friend insisted I try coffee from here and that it would change my mind.” Roman chuckled softly. “It’s my first time here so I honestly don’t know what most of this,” he gestured slightly at the menu off to the side, “is. What’s good, is basically what I’m asking.” Roman laughed slightly, the notes laced thick with nerves and exhaustion. The cashier only smiled back at him again.
“Oh this happens all the time now! So many non-coffee drinkers have been coming in lately on advice from a friend; it’s kinda crazy actually!” She chuckled and threw her hands out in an ‘I dunno’ gesture. “People new to coffee typically like sweeter drinks as opposed to more bitter, so a frappuccino might be a good place for you to start! I personally say you can’t go wrong starting off with a standard vanilla or mocha frappuccino, depending on your tastes.” She offered helpfully, pointing to the mentioned items on the menu so Roman could look at the printed pictures of them more closely. 
“Ooh, I do indeed like sweet things! Let’s go for the mocha thingy you said.” Roman chuckled as he forgot what it was called already. “Thank you for the help by the way.”
“Frappuccino, but most just call it a frappe or a frap.” She explained with a smile. “You’re welcome, and what size would you like?” 
“Ah, probably a large if I’m to make it through the day. I’m exhausted; my soulmate pulled an all nighter.” Roman explained with a little laugh. 
“Oh I know the feeling.” She chuckled. “That will be $2.34, would you like anything else?” 
“That’s all, thank you. You’ve been a wonderful help.” Roman pulled his wallet out and gave her a five. “Keep the change as a tip, okay? I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and night ahead!” Roman smiled at her brightly. She grinned at him brightly and nodded, waving at him as he walked to the end of the counter where they put out completed orders. 
It didn't take very long for his drink to be called, and an employee handed the drink directly to Roman. Thanking him, Roman grabbed a straw and took a test sip of his drink. He hummed, pleasantly surprised at the taste. It was sweet, but not overpoweringly so, and the drink was smooth and perfectly blended, and the soft scent of coffee mixed with the whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on the top just made the drink seem all the more better to him. 
On a whim, Roman checked his hand again, delighted to see more writing. This time it was in dark blue ink, meaning their seldom seen soulmate was reaching out. Roman couldn’t be happier about it. 
Purple, please try to get sleep tonight. Your immune system must be severely compromised from the lack of sleep you are already experiencing. Sky, please also eat some healthy foods; not just baked goods, okay?
Roman smiled. This was how Teach showed his love, despite them all having heard the same advice over and over again. It seemed as though he valued how much his soulmates practiced self care and healthy choices, which Roman found touching. 
Yeah, I got it Teach. Sleep is important, I know. Thank you for the reminder though.
Oh, I suppose I could pick up stuff to make food other than baked goods. However, I wanna show Stormcloud my famous chocolate chip cookies now that we’ve met! And I’ll do the same for all of you when it’s our turn to meet!
Roman practically squealed in delight as he pulled out his red pen to reply to that. However, he ended up bumping right into someone, and spilled both of their coffee’s. Roman winced, embarrassed at his careless mistake, but also managed to pull the person out of the way in time so that nothing spilled on him personally. He still felt bad about the lost coffee and the huge mess he had created in the middle of the cafe. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” Roman cried. “I should have been paying more attention, are you alright?” He asked, as the other male adjusted his glasses with a disgruntled expression. Roman’s eyes caught on a flash of dark blue, light blue, and purple ink on his hand before it was hidden again, but he couldn’t help but notice the dark blue pens in his shirt pocket. Roman wanted it to be true, but he swallowed down his excitement for now. 
“I am alright. Unfortunate to lose my coffee before I can assume any of its benefits, but no matter. Are you alright? I admit it was also partially my fault.” He frowned slightly, as if he didn’t quite like how that had been presented, but was almost too tired to care. Roman noted that he didn’t have dark circles under his own eyes, so the extreme exhaustion he was displaying was a result of the soul bond, not his own sleep schedule. That only gave Roman more hope, and he couldn’t help but smile at the man in front of him, who he was sure was his soulmate. 
“Oh yes, I’m okay. And, please, no, that was my fault. I was too busy conversing with my soulmates.” Roman smirked as he held his hand up and out towards the other male, making it as easy to see as possible, and prompting him to look at his hand closely. “I’ll assume you were possibly doing the same?” He asked as he saw the other’s expression go from neutral to surprised, and he smiled softly, an expression that had Roman’s heart doing flips in his chest.
“Well it seems you are correct. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Logan. You may have already guessed but I’m dark blue.” He gestured at the pens in his pocket with a smile, and Roman easily returned it. 
“I’m Red, or Princey, or whatever other nickname I’ve been given by now,” Roman chuckled softly, and held his hand out towards Logan for a handshake. “My name is Roman, though. It’s a pleasure to meet you too, my dear soulmate.” Roman smiled at him even wider when Logan shook his hand. 
“Here,” Logan commented as he took out his pen and started writing on a napkin, handing it to Roman once he had finished. “It’s my number. So we don’t lose contact when we leave.” He smiled at Roman in an almost shy manner.
“Thank you, and that’s smart! For now though, why don’t you grab a table? I’ll clean up this mess and order us some new coffee so we can talk? That is, if you’re free of course.” Roman offered hopefully as he accepted the napkin with Logan’s number on it, putting it safely in his pocket. Logan bit his lip and seemed to think on that for a bit before slowly nodding.
“Yes, I can stay for a bit. I have a class at three, and it is only one thirty, so I can stay until about two? I know thirty minutes isn’t long, I apologize.” Logan explained slowly. Roman only smiled at him brightly.
“No need to apologize! This was honestly a very sudden meeting, so of course you may have other plans! Or well, a class, but same difference. We can plan something better for next time now that we’ll be in contact over text?” Roman offered as he started off to grab a stack of napkins, and also requested a mop or something from an employee. 
“Yes, for sure.” Logan smiled at him gently. “I shall look forward to getting to know you better, Roman.” He stated, then waved as he went off to find a table for the two of them. Roman quickly got to trying to soak up the spilt coffee on the floor with the napkins, and was very grateful when someone brought out a mop for him, making the process go much faster. Once he had cleaned up the mess he accidentally made he went back up to the order counter. 
“That was quite the situation.” The barista snickered at him good-naturedly. Roman couldn’t help but chuckle back as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. He had made quite the spectacle of himself, admittedly. 
“Yeah, not the most elegant or graceful way to meet a soulmate, I admit, but at least I met him.” Roman smiled softly. “I couldn’t be more excited about it, quite honestly. I can’t wait to learn more about him.” Roman said in an almost dreamy tone of voice, allowing his inner hopeless romantic to shine through. He had been waiting for the day he would meet one or all of his soulmates for years, and finally it was here and Roman already thought Logan perfect. 
“I’m so happy for you! You should thank the friend that told you to come here. After all, had you not, this never would have happened.” She commented with a gentle smile. “Anyways, I’m assuming you’re trying to replace the drinks? So another mocha frap for you and an iced coffee for him?” She questioned, getting back to business. Roman grinned at her. 
“Yep! And yes, I will be sure to thank my friend, for sure.” Roman smiled brightly. 
“3.84 is your total, will that be all?” She questioned politely as she finished tapping in the order on her computer. Roman nodded, and handed her another five. 
“I know I already said it, but I hope you have a wonderful day and night!” Roman called as he headed down to the pick-up counter. He only had to wait for a few minutes again before being handed both of his drinks, straws already in them. He thanked the employee who handed him the drinks, and quickly made his way over to Logan with an excited grin plastered onto his face. 
Sitting down and sliding Logan his drink, Roman couldn’t help the grin that crept back up onto his face, and continued to grow. He couldn’t help it; he was just so happy. Logan tilted his head at Roman inquisitively and Roman practically melted off the chair at the gesture. He was ecstatic that Logan was his soulmate, and that he had finally met him. 
“I’m so happy we finally got to meet. I’ve been wanting to meet any of my soulmates for so long and now you’re here, actually in front of me and it’s amazing and kind of surreal.” Roman sighed happily. “I just couldn’t be happier about this right now.” Roman finally said in response to Logan’s earlier questioning glance. 
“Oh, well, yes.” Logan smiled and adjusted his glasses. “I, too, have been wanting to see who my soulmates are for quite a while. Though, I am worried about Sky Blue and Purple’s unhealthy habits.” Logan commented with a small frown, and tapped his coffee pointedly. 
“Oh, yeah, I feel that one.” Roman raised his coffee towards Logan slightly. “Especially as college students. The lack of sleep of just working on my own projects is bad enough, but then purple never sleeps and it’s a nightmare getting through the day. I mean, I don’t blame him and I’m not upset, just concerned and very tired. Though, I can’t imagine what actually having insomnia must feel like.” Roman shrugged and took a long sip off his drink as Logan considered his words carefully.
“That’s fair. I just hope that when we meet him, perhaps we can help a little? One can hope, at least.” Logan sighed tiredly, and also took a long sip off his coffee. “I agree with you though. Especially about being a college student. Classes are much harder to perform well in when I feel I’m about to pass out from exhaustion half the time, despite keeping a fairly good sleep schedule myself.” 
“You said it.” Roman chuckled. “And yes, I do hope that when we meet them, we’ll be able to help in some way. Even if it’s a small way.” Roman sighed softly and frowned in thought, staring down at his hand but without really looking. How long would he have to wait before they were all together? Of course, he was beyond excited he had met Logan, but he wanted to have all of his loves in one space and give them all as much affection as he possibly could. 
“Oh, look at the time!” Logan exclaimed, checking his phone. “It’s already 2:05, I have to go. Uh, text me later, okay?” He asked hurriedly, and hardly waited for Roman’s quick, enthusiastic nod before he was rushing out the door. Roman shook his head with a small smile. 
He didn’t get to talk with Logan long, but Roman knew he was already completely in love. 
He couldn’t wait to fall in love with his other soulmates too.
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magpiemorality · 5 years
On the fifth day of Christmas
Logan, Virgil, Patton & Roman, Human!Poly!AU, 5+1 proposals
Logan's first attempt at proposing to his boyfriends was planned months in advance. He had never really been the one to instigate any part of their relationship, and he wanted this situation to be different. He planned and plotted and planned some more until he had a rock-solid idea that couldn't possibly be faulted; they would go to Disneyworld in December and after the fireworks show in the privacy of their hotel he would propose. He had the rings ready to go, sized perfectly, and the other three were crazy excited for their vacation- what could go wrong?
Well- he thought to himself as he sat drenched in the courtyard with a foil blanket and the staff buzzed around frantically- apparently a lot of things could. Including, but not limited to; Patton getting food poisoning and having to head home early, Roman locking himself in the bathroom and setting Virgil off in a panic attack, the room above theirs flooding through the ceiling, Patton being forced to vomit into a bin and nearly making Logan throw up from the smell, and the fire alarm going off shortly afterwards.
Somehow, after the whole debacle was sorted and they were collapsing gratefully into their new room to get some well-deserved sleep, it didn't quite seem like the right moment to go ahead with the proposal, and Logan tabled the idea for a better time.
Logan's second attempt was even more thoroughly planned. He'd rented out a boat for Patton's birthday and double and triple checked that the caterer was top notch and the plumbing was all up to snuff (the boat company had been a bit surprised by that query but they'd provided the MOT happily enough).
They piled on with their cases, oohing and aahing and complimenting his choice. Logan smiled to himself, already pleased but imagining the reaction to the lavish dinner and proposal to follow that evening. It was bound to be even better than his previous idea could have been- it was far more private on the boat and the stars were out in full force. No one to bother and no one to be bothered by. What could go wrong?
He was going to stop asking himself that question, he decided, shortly after Roman had been retrieved from the water after he'd tripped on a rope and toppled in, perhaps one glass of champagne too far in. Patton was still calming down and Virgil had taken up residence by Roman, towelling him dry and warm and glaring at anyone who tried to come and take over the job from him. Logan ended up having to do far too much paperwork over the next week to waiver any legal repercussions, because Roman hadn't even been wearing a life vest and had knowingly gone over his limit (even if he was grumbling about the lack of good lighting to anyone who would ask).
Logan just about resisted the urge to swear, and the rings went back into hiding.
Logan's third plan was simple. He just could not find it in himself to put all that effort into an elaborate plan again when the previous two had gone so badly. And he refused to tempt fate by believing what he'd come up with was foolproof. They had a date night to see Roman in a show that provided the right atmosphere, and on the way back Logan was confident (cautiously) that when they got in it would finally be time to see the looks on their faces when he pulled the rings out. He hadn't even dared hope nothing would go wrong, but the mugger still showed up out of nowhere to grab Patton's bag and end up being chased by Roman and then the police were called and Virgil had to be taken home to calm down about the whole thing by Patton who also had to calm down but mostly because he was going red in the face as he puffed up and ranted threats at the poor arrested mugger, swinging his newly retrieved bag wildly.
So, that was a bust.
Did the fourth time even count as a plan? He wasn't sure. A few weeks later, he was in the living room with Virgil cradled in his lap, Roman by their tangled feet singing along to Moana, Patton humming from the kitchen. When they were called in to eat he decided on a whim that now was the right moment, and headed upstairs to grab the rings.
That was when the smoke alarm went off.
Logan just sighed and put the rings back before hurrying downstairs to help.
It was his last attempt before he just sent them a text in the group chat or something. Their anniversary apparently merited a small party with some of their closest friends, and Patton had laid out a magnificent dinner spread for them all. The night was civilised- not too much alcohol; no falling over or muggers or disasters of any kind. Logan was actually a little suspicious, because hey- he had reason to be okay?
They toasted their relationship and Logan slipped away to get the rings at last as Patton and Virgil swayed together to some soft music in the living room, noses rubbing together fondly. He watched with a soft smile as he walked up the stairs, catching Roman's eye and blinding grin on the other side of the room and-
-Well he couldn't exactly blame Roman for him missing his footing and tumbling heavily down the stairs now, could he, but a small part of him really wanted to, if only to avoid the many embarrassing jokes that followed ("can't believe you actually fell for us, Specs!").
And when he was told he had to take the next few days off work to let the tiny (really, it was barely more than a sprain) fracture in his ankle heal up, he had plenty of time to consider that maybe the universe was sending him some kind of sign, and that it was time to give up and wait for someone else to inevitably pop the question first.
Almost six months after his first proposal attempt the previous Christmas, Logan was coming home late from work. It was nearly the end of term and his lectures were both ramping up and also winding down, students trying to cram as much in before they had to start studying for their finals and him trying to keep up and help them actually take it all in. It was exhausting and all he wanted was to sit down on the couch and have a good cuddle with his boyfriends.
When he got home, however, the house was uncharacteristically dark. There was a light on in the kitchen and a note on the table that directed him to the back garden, that he followed after a moment of trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
When Logan stepped outside it was simultaneously a dream and a nightmare. Because the whole garden was decked out like a fairytale; lights everywhere and his three gorgeous boyfriends dressed up and waiting for him with matching smiles. And his heart sank because he knew what this was, and like he'd predicted- someone else had got there first.
Patton's smile faltered first and he glanced at the other two hesitantly. "Um, Logan? Are you okay?" Logan shook himself and forced himself to relax, pasting on a smile. "Honey, before you say anything, just let us explain, okay?"
"We had a talk, Lo, and we realised that there was a bit of a pattern, and um,"
"And I found the hidden boxes!" Patton interrupted Roman, bouncing on his feet. "So we figured you were trying to-"
"To ask us the big question and we couldn't figure out why it was taking you so long but then-"
"But then," Virgil took over from Roman, quelling him with a look. "We realised you kept organising these beautiful moments that kept going wrong. And we figured out pretty quick that you might be a bit... frustrated with that." He stepped forwards to take Logan's hands, guiding him out into the garden proper. "So we thought, why not help you out? We're a team, after all, right?"
Logan was stunned, and still slightly confused, but he softened at Virgil's hopeful expression and nodded for them to continue. Patton moved closer, hugging his arm and resting his cheek on Logan's shoulder with a happy hum. "So we thought we'd organise this one for you, sugar pie, and here we are!"
Roman held out a handful of familiar black boxes, clearing his throat until Virgil and Patton moved back to their places spread out in front of Logan. He took the rings with shaking fingers, clearing his throat, turning first to Roman and sinking down to one knee.
And suddenly it was real. Everyone's breath caught and Logan deftly opened the right box, holding the shining band up proudly. He would never quite be able to remember what he'd come up with on the spot, but Roman's radiant smile and barely restrained 'yes' would be forever seared into his memory, along with the kiss he'd received after he'd slid the ring onto his first fiance.
When he turned to Virgil and took a knee again he heard sniffles coming from- honestly probably all of them. Virgil barely let him get a word out before interrupting with a soft, trembling 'yes' and pulling Logan up to rest their foreheads together as they other man slipped his ring on. He stepped back into Roman's arms as they watched the final perfect proposal.
Patton was beautiful in the twinkling lights. It was hardly fair, because Logan didn't have much air to begin with, but now he was dry-mouthed and gasping. They'd been together first out of all them and their history was perfect and complicated and stretched back too many years to count now. When he looked at Patton he didn't know how he could fit that into words. Patton looked back as if he understood completely, and he probably did.
"Patton, I love you. Will you marry me?" It was as good as he could manage, soft and slightly choked, and Patton just smiled before holding his finger out and promptly bursting into tears when the ring was settled into place.
It was perfect. They were perfect. And Logan was left wondering why he'd thought he could ever do this without them. Virgil was right; they were a team. And what a team.
12 Days of Sides-mas Masterpost
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nb-octopus-writes · 30 days
once you’re in the hive, the other bees assume you’re supposed to be there
Chapter 4: Second Morning
wordcount: 1.9K
The next morning, Virgil wakes not to birdsong, but to the sound of his alarm.
Blech, mornings. Morning jobs are evil and should be abolished.
Virgil reaches for his phone, but it isn't on the nightstand where it's supposed to be. The nightstand isn't on the floor where it's supposed to be. Virgil reaches out further, searching, and overbalances.
He falls.
This is going to hurt.
Virgil lands, and the floor is a lot closer than it's supposed to be, and also a lot cleaner. The wind is still knocked out of him, but he didn’t land on anything but carpet. It's carpet that was recently vacuumed, even, judging by the lack of dusty smell.
Too many things are not how they are supposed to be. Virgil opens his eyes and looks around.
This isn't his bedroom.
The alarm is still going off. Virgil spots his phone on the floor near him, and he turns off the alarm.
This isn't his bedroom. Virgil yawns. He'd been sleeping on a couch, but it wasn't his couch, either.
Oh, yeah. He'd fallen asleep at Remus's brother's house again. Oops.
He has work.
He hadn't meant to still be here right now. He's supposed to be in his own bed, in his own tiny apartment, sleepily snoozing his alarm. Not here.
He'll have to figure out a different bus route. Does the bus even go by here? He's pulling up the bus schedule when his phone informs him that it has been way too long since he plugged it in, and fucking dies.
“Fuck,” Virgil whispers, with feeling, and then again, a little louder, “Fuck!”
He scrambles off the floor, trying to think. An adrenaline spike does wonders for chasing the sleep-fog out of his brain, but it doesn't usher in logic.
Deep breath. Okay. What does he need?
He needs to get to work on time.
What are his obstacles, and what can he do about them?
Problem: He's not home to catch the bus. Solution: Catch the bus from here. Problem: He doesn't know if the bus goes by here or which one or when or what connections he'd need to make. Solution: Look it up. Problem: His phone is dead. Solution: Plug it in. Problem: No charger. Solution: …
Solution: …
Solution: Ask for fucking help.
Virgil spins and leaves the room. They might not have a charger that'll fit his phone, and it would take too long to get it to a level where he can actually look anything up anyway, but they can at least tell him if there's a bus stop nearby. They might even be willing to look up connections for him.
Luckily for Virgil, his hosts are all in the dining room when he bursts in.
“Good morning,” Calico says, already looking concerned. “What's wrong?”
“Is there a bus?” Virgil asks.
“A what?”
“A bus,” Virgil repeats. “A bus, does a bus go by here? I have work, I'm going to be late, and I can't look up the bus schedule because my phone is dead!”
“Hey, hey, it's okay,” Calico says soothingly, and Virgil wants to scream because it is not okay, he's going to be late for work. He doesn't scream, because that would not be helpful and Calico is just trying to be nice, but he wants to. “Roman can drive you. Right, Roman?”
“Absolutely,” says Princey, whose name is apparently Roman, and gets up. “I'll get my keys.”
Calico portions out some omelette from the pan in the middle of the table, and gives it to Virgil. “Here, eat,” he insists. “You slept through dinner, you shouldn't miss breakfast too.”
Virgil scarfs it mechanically. If Princey is going to drive him, he probably has enough time to eat, but the lingering edges of panic tell him not to waste any time savoring the flavors.
“Do you have any things you need to gather before you go?” Nerdbot asks. Virgil shakes his head.
Well. “My pool noodles I guess,” he says. He probably shouldn't just leave those here for them to clean up. Nerdbot nods and leaves the table as well.
Roman comes back as Virgil finishes the plate of omelette. “Ready to go?” he asks.
Nerdbot hands Virgil the pool noodles, and Calico hands him a buttered bagel. “Eat it on the way,” he says. Princey leads Virgil out to the garage, and they get in his car.
It's red, and fancy-shaped, with a swoopy silhouette instead of what Virgil considers the car default.
Roman hands Virgil his phone once he's buckled, open to the map app, and starts to back out of the garage.
Virgil hesitates. “Can we stop at my place first?” he asks. “I could really use a change of clothes.” He'd really rather not go to work in a Halloween costume he's been wearing for over thirty-six hours.
“Sure,” Princey says. “Which way?”
Virgil puts in his address, and the phone gives him directions. “Left,” he says, the tight band of anxiety finally loosing from around his lungs. It's not entirely gone yet, and won't be until he clocks in, but he's doing better. Princey pulls out of the driveway, and they're off.
Soon, they're pulling up in front of Virgil’s apartment. He'd managed to eat the bagel and navigate at the same time, and they've arrived a bit before Virgil is usually out the door. He really might make it to work on time.
“I'll wait here while you run up and get changed,” Roman says, and Virgil nods. He shifts the pool noodles so he's holding them with the same arm as the phone, and uses his other hand to open the car door.
He dashes up the stairs, unlocks his door at the speed of fright, and dumps his armload on his bed. Virgil strips quickly, and grabs his apron and the first set of clean clothes he sees. He wishes there was time for a shower, but there really isn't. Even if there was, he isn't about to make Princey wait that long for him.
He smears some black eyeshadow on to hide the tired bags under his eyes, grabs his necessities from his previous pockets, and he's back out the door.
“Very fast,” Princey compliments as Virgil rejoins him. “I saw a bus go by.”
“Yeah, that was my usual ride to work,” Virgil says, buckling up. “We can take a more direct route and beat them there. Head out the way you came in, and then take a right at the light.”
They do, in fact, beat the bus there. Virgil heaves a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, man,” he says. “I owe you my life. Do you want some coffee? I can give you my employee discount.”
Roman smiles at him. “I would love some coffee,” he says, and turns off the engine.
There aren't any other customers in line when they go in, just Jayden behind the register.
“Morning, Sunshine,” he greets. Virgil rolls his eyes and comes round to clock in.
“Oh my gosh I love your hair,” Roman enthuses. “That is absolutely gorgeous, did you do it yourself?”
Jay's hair is gorgeous. It's mostly dyed in deep shades of blue, with a few streaks of greens and purples and the natural black. He has it in at least fifty slender box braids, which today are tied back in a loose plait running down his back. 
“Oh, no, my friends and I had a styling party,” he answers, which is the short version of the truth he uses for casual conversation with customers—especially white customers. Virgil happens to know that said styling party had been stretched out over more than a week, working their hair in increments so as not to damage it. Virgil had been invited to a few of the sessions, and is responsible for several of Jayden's braids, and some of the color.
“That is a fabulous idea; I should arrange one the next time I dye my hair,” Princey exclaims. “I've been planning to do it in every color of the rainbow!”
“Nice,” Virgil says. Princey's ear-length hair is currently what appears to be a natural brown, with reddish tips. “Stripes running front to back or side to side?”
“You know, I hadn't considered that part,” Princey says, and Virgil laughs. “What do you think?”
Virgil shrugs, and Jay considers Roman.
“Front to back, with the red on top and purple over your ears,” he says. “Perhaps with the red a bit off-center so the stripes are different sizes. That way if it’s not perfect it'll look intentional.”
Roman grins. “I like you,” he declares. “Do you want to come to my styling party?”
Jayden grins back. “Let me know when you plan it and I'll check my calendar.”
“Have you ever dyed your hair?” Roman asks Virgil, whose hair is in fact currently dyed.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, then admits, “I'm actually blond.”
“You're blond!?” Princey cries. “Oh, that is unfair, Gerard Gay! Please trade with me, I beg of you!”
“Why?” Virgil asks.
“Because then I wouldn't have to bleach!” Roman says. “I could redye my hair as soon as the roots grew out, rather than having to wait until enough has grown that I can bleach it without touching the last dye job!”
“Well, unfortunately I don't know how to trade hair colors,” Virgil says. “I think it's genetic.”
Roman groans dramatically, slumping against the counter. “The world is against me,” he complains into the glass. “You wouldn't even miss it, you dye it black! Brown is as easy to make black as blond! Easier, probably!”
Virgil reaches over and pats him sarcastically on the shoulder. “There, there,” he says. “Would coffee make you feel better?” That is why they'd come in here, after all.
“No,” Roman says grumpily, but he straightens and looks at the menu.
“Give him my discount,” Virgil says to Jayden while Roman decides. Jay flashes him a thumbs-up.
“Are the chocolate croissants good?” Roman asks.
“Not as good as what you're served at home, but yeah.”
“Hmmm.” He considers a bit longer, then orders a croissant and, with a decent amount of dithering over flavors, three coffees to go.
Jayden tells him the total and Roman pays, dropping his change and some extra bills into the tip jar. Virgil passes him the croissant, and he eats it while Virgil finishes making the coffee.
“You want a carrier for these?” Virgil asks, already putting them in one. Roman's only got two hands, after all.
“Probably best,” Roman agrees, and Virgil slides the coffee over to him. “Do you need a ride home after work?”
“Nah, I'll take the bus,” Virgil reassures him.
“Alright, if you're sure. See you later!” Princey balances the coffees in one hand so he can wave with the other, and he's off.
“So,” Jay says once the door closes behind him. “Where'd you get the suave edition of your trash rat?”
“Two-for-one special,” Virgil says. “Met him at a Halloween party Remus dragged me to.”
“Well, keep him.” Jayden nods toward the door. “Man just tipped us double what I charged him.”
Chapter 5: The Most Accidental of Thefts
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grumpyhedgehogs · 5 years
Dreaming, Pt. 1
Summary: Virgil hates his dreams for showing him what could be. He avoids sleeping at any cost- until it becomes inescapable.
AO3, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Notes: This might be a long one in coming so bear with me. I wanted to do some Virgil angst and slow burn comfort. I promise the comfort is coming. Eventually. Part 1/7
Often, Virgil would love nothing more than to forget that he is not one of the group. Sometimes, he has dreams about it, about things he wishes, hopes, desperately yearns for and knows he will never receive.
One difference he'd do just about anything to forget is his lacking in the ability to sleep. He only ever manages an hour or two at best and most nights he is up, prowling the halls. He pauses outside every bedroom in the mindscape, sinks to the subconscious just to make sure Thomas is resting comfortably. He check the locks on the doors and windows. He listens to the soft sleeping breaths of the Light Sides. He waits for morning and as the first fingers of light unfurl across the mindscape Virgil slinks back to his room, silent as a grave. It's almost natural at this point.
But Virgil knows he's not looking for threats or doing this out is some messed up protective instinct, not really, He's doing what he does bast- running from his problems. Because if he sleeps he dreams. And Virgil can't stand to dream anymore. The dreams are too tantalizing, too tempting and truthful.
He dreams about having another debate with Logan, this one not antagonistic but warm and close and comfortable. In his dream, they spar back and forth like tennis players, the quips coming so fast it leaves his head spinning but the barbs are never sharp enough to catch on vulnerable flesh and the jabs are never hard enough to snap his head back. At the end, he doesn’t hiss, not even if Logan wins (in his dreams Logan always wins because why wouldn’t he? He’s Logic, and besides, how could anyone lose to Virgil?).
He dreams that he and Roman discuss Disney movies late into the night. His dreams are always soft and full of warm light and he even lets himself imagine a blanket falling across their laps as they sprawl on the couch, sides pressed snuggly together. It is always a kind laugh that falls from Roman's mouth, and in his dreams Virgil never sees Roman muttering about his dislike under his breath. In his dreams, Virgil imagines what Roman would be like if he actually cared about Virgil.
He dreams that Patton teaches him how to knit. It’s a strange thing to imagine, since he’s never actually seen the moral side engage in the activity, but in his dreams, anything is possible. In his dreams, Patton presses balls of yarn as soft as clouds into his arms and twirls the needles like battons. In his dreams Patton laughs when he makes something lopsided and calms him down when he drops a stitch. In his dreams Patton makes him a scarf of purple and black and flecks of white like stars in the midnight sky and Patton wraps it, warm and clinging, around Virgil’s neck.
But the worst (best) dreams are the ones Virgil has that start with him sitting alone on the stairs. He’s looking at his hands and they are always dirty and scuffed. He’s looking at his hands with the bitten down nails and the scraps and scratches from when he can’t keep the panic down. That is the most real thing his sleeping mind is capable of creating.
It hurts.
And then a hand lands on his shoulder and Virgil looks up. Thomas’s face is always open and softer than he’s ever seen it. He always smiles, just a little at the corners of his mouth and the corners of his eyes too.
“Hey,” Thomas says. “Whatcha doing?”
“Nothing,” Virgil grumbles, ducking his head. He goes to tuck his hands into the sleeves of his hoodie (the hoodie is two sizes too big and that’s on purpose because who wants to see the crescent marks where his nails dug in during the last panic attack? Who wants to see the smudges on his fingers and palms where he’d wiped his tears away and the eyeshadow had rubbed off too?).
Thomas always plops down next to him unceremoniously and tugs on his sleeve. “Hey now, that’s not true.”
And Virgil always watches, bewildered, as Thomas pulls his arm forward and pushes back the sleeve. Something always stops him then- maybe shock at being touched or wide-eyed fascination at Thomas’s willingness to touch him or maybe just plain curiosity- and he always ends up letting his host lace their fingers together.
“What am I doing, then?” Virgil asks, and in his dreams Thomas never snickers at the squeak in his voice. Instead, he smiles and the corners of his eyes crinkle and something loosens and settles in Virgil’s chest.
“You’re keeping me company,” Thomas tells him. Thomas tells him this every time and Virgil never gets tired of it.
And then he wakes up and there is no hand holding his. There is no scarf made specially for him wrapped around his shoulders. There is no one settled comfortably up against his side. There is no one quietly offering the chance to debate something they both care about.
Instead, Virgil is alone in his dark bedroom. He stays there, staring up at the blank, pockmarked ceiling until he feels the summons coming (never an invitation, and never kindly given) and then he puts his game face on.
“Oh, Anxiety! God, I can’t stand that guy.”
Most days, Virgil can’t either. He's tired down to his bones. Next time he sleeps (if he sleeps) he hopes he won't dream of impossibilities.
But maybe- maybe you're going about this all wrong, Virgil thinks to himself one morning while trying not to mourn the loss of Dream Patton's hands in his. Maybe you're not addressing the problem.
This new idea- this, this new method or course of action Virgil is considering, it's risky. He's never done anything like this and even though he's not human and doesn't have the same needs that, say Thomas does, there's no telling what it will do to him. But he's already got insomnia, Virgil reasons. It can't be that bad in comparison.
So he grins and he bears it and eventually he just stops sleeping altogether.
Sleep deprivation is better than breaking his own heart every goddamn night. One can be cured with coffee. The other gets worse every time he sees the others’ faces. And, God, he’s breaking his own heart on the daily without his unconscious mind picking up the slack.
So he stops sleeping and for a while, it seems like it might be working. The sorrow doesn’t well up in his throat every morning; it’s ever-present in the knot in his chest, but Virgil is used to that. That, he can handle. But his hope for the future cloying and clawing and pushing its way into his sleep every night? That’s something Virgil could never hope to fight against. No, best to just cut his sleep off before his hope gets the chance to strike.
And so he doesn’t sleep. The circles under his eyes grow darker, get deeper. He snaps more often. The coffee maker almost breaks he’s using it so often.
He never notices the looks the others give him; he never sees Logan’s knitted brow, or the worry in Patton’s eyes or the stiff tilt to Roman’s shoulders. And sure, maybe they’re going easy on him these days, like that one time Roman brushed off his jabs and asked him if he was getting enough rest. But that’s just because the others are Light Sides. They’re supposed to be nice, even to people they despise. Virgil might not be sleeping anymore, but that doesn’t mean he can’t think rationally. This isn’t sympathy- it’s good manners.
Besides, this is a good thing! The dreams have stopped and he’s got more time to make sure everyone is safe in the night and he’s more vigilant than ever, so really, Virgil’s got nothing to complain about. Life is good.
And so of course he has to go and ruin it.
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spacegayparty · 5 years
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Btw, I actually printed my favourite fanfictions into books. This is just the start.
*they're good, BTW and you can find them on a3o but they are all polysanders /Lamp :3 thought I'd share that. Fip is platonic btw
They are not mine. If I decided to share sth that's mine, imma write that out an all
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khadij-al-kubra · 4 years
Just a heads up, i’ll be tagging everyone in both my General tags and Worst Impressions tags in chunks, since Tumblr is a butthead and wont let me tag more than 50 at a time. So be on the lookout for that, cuz its gonna be a lot of reblogs. Also if you see your url but the notification doesn't come up for some reason, please let me know. Enjoy!
General Tags:
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Polysanders fic rec
Hey guys!!! I was asked to to a LAMP/CALM fic rec and I had a really fun time reading all of these. Remember to read the tags to the fanfics and I’ll be reblogging this with updates randomly. Love y’all, have fun and stay safe!!!
All you knead is love
Love is vibrant
Love you Lo-Lo
His (Rather intense) words
His artwork
"Don't pretend to be fine when you clearly aren't."
Self control
When the villain becomes the hero
The Dragon Witch Chronicles
Worst impressions are the first
Logan, what do you need?
Love languages
We can fuse?!
I’ll use the tag “updated” in case anyone wants to see the most recent ones. Please tell me if the links aren’t working/are the wrong links!!!!
Ps I will not be doing NSFW
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writingsoftheghost · 4 years
Matrimonial Misunderstandings
Chapter 8: Goodnight
First Previous Next
Patton insists on Virgil and Roman both sleeping in his bed that night. Virgil took a little convincing, but a few gentle looks from Roman and the weight of his eyelids were enough to get him to join them.
Patton nuzzles into Virgil’s side, Roman climbing in next to the pair and pulling the emo tightly against him. Virgil huffs out a laugh. Roman doesn’t say anything, the trio were all fast asleep in moments.
Logan and Deceit were in the living room, Logan had made tea. The conversation was quiet, content.
Logan spoke to the snake softly, asking for advice for next weeks schedule. Deceit answered him in a similarly calm tone.
They were both comfortable to sit like that, soft chatter surrounding the still evening air.
It wasn’t until around nine thirty that Deceit began to yawn.
Logan chuckled, when silence surrounded the pair once again, he spoke.
“Your room is inconveniently located.”
Deceit nods, “Villains sleep far from the village.”
Logan snorts, “You’re not a villain.”
“Good guys don’t usually sleep in cold basements.” The snake sighs.
“I take it your room is not as comfortable as you would like?”
Deceit shrugs, it kinda sucked in the basement, some other sides seemed to like it plenty, but Deceit wasn’t him.
Logan offers him a soft smile, “You’re always welcome to stay with me.”
The lying trait feels the scaleless side of his face heat up, “I...uhm...thank you...”
Why were the light sides like this?
Logan laughs, “My apologies for making you uncomfortable. Though I can’t say that I’m retracting the offer.”
Deceit finds it difficult to meet the logical trait’s eyes, he clears his throat and it seems to echo in the kitchen. “You haven’t...uhm...you haven’t made me uncomfortable. I appreciate the offer.” His cheeks go from pink to a Roman worthy red.
Logan chuckles again, “Is that a yes then?”
Deceit focuses his attention on his gloves, his hands knitted together. “As long as the offer is there...”
Logan’s teasing smile turns into a shocked grin. “I...of course.”
Logan gingerly reaches for Deceit’s hand. The scaled side allows the other to lead him to his room.
Deceit’s face can’t possibly get any redder. It does, of course. And he thinks that surely he couldn’t be any more flustered than that, that is until Logan asks him if he plans to sleep in his clothes.
The snake snaps into pajamas self consciously, Logan does the same.
Deceit doesn’t know why he doesn’t anticipate the next question, he should have expected it. And he definitely should have expected Logan to say it in such a straightforward way, the same way he’d done everything else. Nevertheless, he can’t help but choke slightly when the serious man speaks.
“Would you be more comfortable if I slept in the floor, or is it alright for us to share the bed?”
“The, uh, bed is fine.” Deceit still can’t even look at Logan.
Logan chuckles and lays down on the left side of the bed, Deceit follows suit. When Logan turns the light out and whispers goodnight, the snake isn’t really sure what to do. How do you act like this is normal?
Logan pokes his shoulder gently, “Is this too much for you? I can still sleep in the floor if you’d like?”
Deceit shakes his head, “This is alright. It’s just that this is...”
“Unfamiliar territory,” Logan finishes helpfully.
“Yeah,” Deceit breathes out. “And I’m not quite sure what I should do.”
Logan cocks his head to the side, “Do?”
Deceit clears his throat, “Do you expect physical contact?”
Logan smiles at him and shakes his head in the dark, “I expect nothing. But I wouldn’t refuse it.”
Deceit reaches out a tentative hand, Logan meets him half way and intertwines their fingers.
Does this mean anything? Deceit asks himself. Logan was doing the same thing, he decided that wasn’t important to know at the moment, and settled on what he thought would be best for them in the moment.
“Would you like me to put my arms around you?”
Deceit is glad it’s too dark for Logan to see him, he hopes the screaming in his head isn’t audible, but it takes him a moment to answer. “I suppose that would be alright.”
Logan pulls him close, Deceit biting back a flustered scream.
“Goodnight, Deceit,” Logan mumbles into the dark.
“Goodnight, Logan.”
Deceit doesn’t fall asleep for a long while, how could he? Logic was holding him! But he did find sleep eventually, his mind still full of all the things he feared and didn’t dare hope the light sides wanted from him.
Gosh sorry I’ve been so busy with school and band that everything got away from me! I’m sorry this sorta sucked a lot! I’ll try to make it up to you folks
@more-fandon-than-friends @what-up-dudesss @idont-freaking-know @emo--nightmaree @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @trainwreckwithlimbs @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @i-read-by-lamp @hoppe-ideas @wooboio @darnwaffles @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me @sleepyssnail @loveyatothemoonandback @then-why-the-cat-onesie @sunshineluve @aceawkwardunicorn @kawaiikat54 @stubbornness-and-spite @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @pricklyfish777 @tranquil-space-ninja @romano-hottopic @sophiexteresa @twoalpacas @deceits-left-glove @mycatweighs20 @quietmob @averykedavra @gwen-delaney @chronophobica @levy-the-b00kw0rm @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @brilewblue @shootin-straight-even-tho-im-gay @katlikethesword @astraheart04 @notsosecretlyadragon @lonelyanxiousbean @antiredhuman @emo-sunshine42
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Imagine your OTP.
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enigmasalad · 6 years
Weddings Are Just Funerals With Cake
(warnings: transphobia, almost an anti-gay slur, swearing and mentions of hailing satan) Patton was getting married today. This was his wedding. There were beautiful decorations in almost every room of the mansion. Everyone was in a busied rush. People gave him congratulations and were so happy for him. So why wasn’t he happy? Simple. Cause not only this was a forced marriage by his parents, he was transgender. Here he was, staring at the person in the mirror. The person he so desperately tried to leave behind. There was no Patton here. Not in his damned parent’s mansion. No, there was only Patricia. And Patricia was staring back at him. His nightmare with pigtail extensions, heavy makeup and a white poofy gown was staring at him. His stupid mother had dressed him herself. She kept commenting how he was “a beautiful bride” and how “this was always her happiest dream”. “I do wish you didn’t get rid of your breasts Patricia. The dress is slipping down.” She said. “Good. And its Patton.” “Shush with that trans crap. You were born a woman and so you shall act like one. No more of this nonsense. Now at least pretend you’re at a wedding and not a funeral.” Patton frowned at his mother. He didn’t like being “rebellious” but he was starting to feel like a brat. He constantly pulled his extensions out. He purposely smudged his makeup. Heck he let the dress fall. However it was no use. His mother put the fake hair back in. The makeup lady came back to reapply the goop. His cousin pushed the dress back in place. Patton refused to cry. He would be strong during this hell. However his lower lip started to tremble. “You look gorgeous dear. Please just do this for us. The man you’re marrying is a smart and wealthy one. He’ll treat you right.” His mother tried to soothe. Patton frowned once more. “He’s not Logan.” His mother sighed and tried once more. She smiled once more and started getting herself  ready.
“I know he looks intimidating, but he had dinner with us a week ago. He’s really a sweetheart.” “He isn’t Virgil.” Now his mother was frowning. However once more she plastered that stupid fake grin on her face. “Have you heard him sing? He sounds like an angel Patricia!” “Roman sings better.” Before his mother could snap at him someone knocked on the door. “Are you ready? The wedding is in five!” someone said. “Yes!” Patton’s mother said. Patton felt his heart beat faster. Nervous sweat was definitely dripping from places. His mother grabbed his wrist and dragged him along. Soon they were at the massive ballroom where his parents used to throw parties when he lived here. The massive dark wood doors were closed. He could hear the 500 people chattering on the inside. On the outside was Patton’s dad. “You look gorgeous Patricia.” He said with a fond grin. Patton glared at him. “I may be a girl in your eyes today, but im Patton. Im a man.” “Shush the wedding is starting.” The wedding march began to play and two butlers opened the massive wooden doors. Patton’s father linked arms with him and began to walk him down the long red carpet aisle. Patton felt wobbly in the white stilettos his mom made him wear. As picture lights flashed Patton wobbled, fell, wobbled, tripped and fell again. Everyone was laughing at him. It hurt so much. His father let him go to stand before his “groom”. The man looked just as uncomfortable as Patton was. Patton pitied him and tuned out the priest’s speech. Instead Patton looked around the room. On his side of the room, all of his family and family friends were there. His many cousins, his aunts and uncles, grandma, his grandfathers, heck even his neighbors were there. They all were smiling. They had proud tears in their eyes like Patton had just got out of drug rehab or something. It made him very uneasy. “Now for the vows. Do you, Edward Olekson, take Patricia Sanders, as your lawfully wedded wife?” Please. “To have and to hold, in sickness and in health?”
Someone stop this! “To love forever, until death do you part?” “I do sir.” The priest turned, smiling to Patton. “And do you Patricia Sanders, take Edward Olekson, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” I don’t want this! “To have and to hold, through sickness and in health?” Help me! “To obey, to serve,  and to laugh with for the rest of your days?” No! “To love forever until death do you part?” “I-“ BAM! The big dark wood doors burst open. When Patton turned his head, tears fell down his face immediately. There they were. Logan, Roman and Virgil were here! And whats more, they were dressed in wedding gowns! They had extensions in their hair! They had heavy makeup on! And they looked pissed! “Scuse me! Gay guys coming through!” Roman called. Roman easily power walked through the aisle. However, Virgil had Logan holding on to him cause poor Logan couldn’t walk in heels. Wait, they all were in heels?! Patton started laughing and crying in relief. “Who are you?!” Patton’s father demanded. “Just some gays trying to get our man back.” Logan said. “Yeah it was fucked up what you did to your son y’know. Forcing him to be married like this.” Virgil said while examining his nails. Roman grinned and took Patton’s hands. “Sorry we’re late for your wedding my love. Are you ready to leave a bit early?” Patton nodded and started sobbing. Roman pulled Patton in the best hug he’s ever had in his life. “Get away from my daughter you fa-“
Patton didn’t want to be here anymore. “Let’s go loves!”
Patton’s boyfriends grinned, ignoring the words from everyone else in the room. They were about to leave when Patton’s father grabbed him. However Logan acted quickly. He took off one of his heels and threw it at the pissed off man. While that was a distraction, Logan kicked off his other heel and picked Patton up. With a whoop from Roman the boys ran down the red carpet aisle. While he was laughing, Patton heard Virgil yell.
“Hail satan! Hail satan!”
 Outside was Logan’s car. Roman quickly got in the passenger seat while Logan deposited Patton in the back seat. Within a few seconds Virgil jumped into the other seat in the back and shut the door. “Drive man drive!” Logan pressed hard on the gas and the car sped off. As the lovers left, Patton turned his head to see a crowd of people pouring out of the mansion. A grin made it’s way to Patton’s face once again. He kept looking until he felt something slip out of his hair. He turned to see Virgil was pulling his veil and extensions out. “Not to be rude or anything, but everything looks tacky.” He said as he got some makeup wipes out of a bag on the floor. Patton laughed and looked at the men in the front of the car. Roman looked back at him with a wide grin in return. “Thank you guys f-“ “Don’t. It would be insane if we didn’t come for you Patton.” Logan said, looking at Patton from the mirror. “This is what Prince Charmings do for other Prince Charmings!” Roman added. “Pat we’d never leave you to those fuckers. We love you too much.” Virgil said as he wiped the drugstore makeup off of Patton. Patton giggled once more. He felt like he could cry, but there were no more tears left. Good. Patton didn’t like crying. Logan stopped by some fast food place and ordered everyone food and milkshakes. The look on the employee who gave them their things was priceless. “Wait wait can we take a picture of y’all?” A woman employee asked. “Of course!” Patton and Roman replied. So after a few ridiculous posed pictures, they made their way back on the road. Patton sipped his milkshake happily and rested his head on Virgil’s bare shoulder. “Why are you guys wearing dresses and stuff by the way?” Patton asked. “It was to show those fiends a thing or two!” Roman said before sipping his own milkshake. “We figured you would be comfortable if we were dressed like you. Y’know..four men in wedding shit.” Virgil added as he stroked Patton’s head. “It also was to make you laugh Patton. After something horrible like that you deserve to laugh. It’s one of the best things about you after all.” Logan concluded. Patton smiled and nuzzled Virgil. “You guys are the best. You guys are the most amazing boyfriends in the world.”
So Patton wasn’t a “bride” that day. He was a boyfriend to people who loved him the most. And that was the only thing that made Patton happy on his “wedding day”.
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