#poor bb caleb
babsvibes · 2 years
Since questions abound in the BB fandom at the moment, here's a few more for you, my dear! Other than Louise, who is Logan's favorite person? How badly would Cynthia take it if she was suddenly poor? Does Doug get any more tattoos? What's your favorite song from the show?
Oh man, questions abound indeed! Thank you, my dear!!
In any of my future universes with louigan, I write him as being closest to Caleb (the redhead he shares a bike with in Tell Me Dumb Thing Good). Next though would probably be Linda.
I have no doubt Cynthia has contingency plan on top of contingency plan to keep from ever being below “high middle class.” So! If she was suddenly without money, I think she’d take a loooong time to accept that as her reality.
I know you mean Tom, but I bet Doug Wheeler has a little secret tattoo somewhere 😂 Tom probably only keeps the one tattoo. Not necessarily because he doesn’t want more, but he’s not the most decisive man.
Hot Pants Rain Dance is not given enough love in this fandom and I will not stand for it!!! Bad Girls is also a bop. And I know they’re both only a couple seconds long but It’s Not Magic It’s Tragic and Butt Phone are basically always stuck in my head
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scorpiotrait · 3 years
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lostsometime · 5 years
welp, time for caleb to go be violently ill from anxiety
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mikkeneko · 5 years
no amount of livetweeting had prepared me for just how crushingly good that convo between yasha and caleb actually was
i’d been waiting for that conversation for months and it was everything i could have hoped for
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 years
Alcohol seems like a REALLY poor decision after the events of last night. Granted they don’t get much, but enough to get messy. Best case scenario Alyssa gets worse and is pulled from the game. Best case scenario taylor gets flirty with Kyle
i mean true especially with Caleb’s Daughter™️ still afoot
but after week 2 I’ve learned to NEVER underestimate the power of Taylor (drunk). A couple sips of wine and her BB future changed almost overnight. I’m interested in what miracles she can pull off next
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NEVER doubt the power of Taylor Hale
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alirhi · 3 years
10 Sebastian roles as boyfriends
Because... I'm bored and I feel like it. 😂 Probably some spoilers for, like... everything? So yeah... That.
Putting it under here for easy scrolling:
10: Chase Collins
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Who doesn't love a goofball? In the first half of the movie, Chase is basically perfect. He's sweet, funny, not all caught up in his ego, and actually pays attention to what the girls around him are saying, not just to what he wants to hear. If not for the whole... it was all an act to get close to Caleb and try to steal his magic thing, Chase would actually be a damn good high school boyfriend. He's adorable and would be a fun date, but he's also only 18 so best not to start making long-term plans lol. Also, y'know... the whole psycho revenge/power grab thing.
9 Jack Benjamin
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Y'all. Y'all. Words cannot describe how much I love Jack. Pretty sure I've made this clear. As a person/character in general, he's absolutely in my Top 3 - not just of Sebastian's characters, but any character ever. ❤ But as a boyfriend? Boy's got baggage. It's what makes me so protective of him, but seeing as how he's trapped in the closet thanks to his overbearing homophobic family and the insane expectations heaped on him, as the show left him, he can't handle an honest relationship. He's too easily influenced by all the wrong people, poor babe.
8 Chris (Destroyer)
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On paper, undercover cop sounds cool and exciting, but even if you ignore the fact that he, y'know, dies... Chris got in too deep and kinda lost the mission, so to speak. Best case scenario, you're his sexy partner and in on it all with him and end up on the lam for the rest of your lives. Worst case, this man lies for a living, so can you even trust him? And... yeah. The whole dead thing. Chris is hot af but getting involved with him is a recipe for disaster.
7 Ben
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Min and Hathor have mercy, I love Ben! He's smart, he's snarky, he's caring and loyal... he's an absolute disaster. He's another one who seems allergic to honesty, until his lying and avoiding nearly kill his girlfriend. Not exactly relationship goals lol. Everything before totally was, though! Ben's adorable, and I love how he stayed up all night to protect his girlfriend (from a ghost/demon thing... with a baseball bat. I said he was smart, not perfect, okay? XD points for effort lol)
6 Mickey Henry
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I. LOVE. MICKEY. Oml I love Mickey. He's a spazz and - even more so than Ben - an absolute disaster of a human being, but I love him. Pros for dating Mickey Henry: he's fun, he's carefree, he'll cook for you even though he's kinda bad at it lol, he loves his son and wants to be a good dad, he wants his partner to be happy and to love life as much as he does. Cons, and the reason he's not higher on the list: He's a pushover; easily influenced by the toxic people in his life, and it gets him into a lot of trouble. Being easily influenced by toxic dumpster fire of a human being Chloe almost lost him the partial custody of his son that he barely even had. He's an absolute sweetheart, but he's a complete man-child, and dating him would often feel more like raising him.
5 Frank "Suffer Buddy"
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Come on! You know he and Mickey had to be back-to-back - they're practically the same character! 😂 Frank is Mickey... slightly more grown up. He's still a disaster, but he's respectful of boundaries, he's caring, he's funny in a dry, witty way that I just adore, and hoo lordy that man is a giver! 🥴🥵 Honestly, if he didn't smoke and didn't ditch Daphne in the middle of a party hours away from everything familiar to her surrounded by strangers to go do drugs, I'd call Frank perfect. He listened, he respected her wishes, he tried to keep some distance between them when he found out she'd gone on a date with his best friend (it failed utterly and brought us to the "damn that man's good with his mouth" portion of the movie lmao but still)... I don't have a whole lot of experience with men who actually give a shit, okay? So Frank is like a goddamn unicorn to me lmao. But that drug thing... That keeps him at the bottom of the Top 5 for me. Sorry, bb
4 Bucky
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I can already hear everyone on here raging at me for placing Bucky so low on this list, but hear me out: I love this man. I love all four iterations of this man. Flirty 40s Bucky was a doll (fun date, not commitment material). Post-POW camp 40s Bucky had a fire to him that set me on fire. The Winter Soldier can choke me any damn day. Unf. And TFATWS Bucky... Oh, lady above, 2023 Bucky is a gem! He's sweet, snarky, and broken. He feels utterly, wretchedly alone in the world, and everyone around him, including his only friend, is telling him to "man up" and "make amends" for shit that was never his fault to begin with, rather than helping him come to terms with all that he's suffered and all that he's survived. Bucky needs and deserves love. A relationship with him would be so solid, if he found the right person... But it would take a fuck ton of work. He needs someone strong, patient, and more stubborn than he is to prod him until he finds a better therapist and actually opens up, and to keep him on track because even good therapy comes with homework. He does have to "do the work," Sam was right about that much, but he was way off base with what that "work" is. Bucky needs help and understanding, and he would be an amazing boyfriend... if he found someone with the strength to help him weather his nightmares and flashbacks, and help pull him out of this PTSD pit he's been in since 1943.
3 Chris Beck
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Big brains turn me on, okay? 😂This man is an astronaut and a surgeon! Yes, please! Come here, you sexy genius! He's smart, he's funny - pretty sure Sebastian is incapable of playing anyone who's not delightfully snarky lol. He's pragmatic when he needs to be but there's also nothing he wouldn't do or risk for the ones he loves. This man is husband material and I cannot be convinced otherwise! So why isn't he #1? Cuz of the whole... spending years in space, thing. Super cool job and I'd be his biggest fan on the ground, but god damn, I would miss him while he's away!
2 TJ Hammond
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Look, I'm gender fluid and he's a little bit bi 😂😂😂 Let me have my fantasy, okay? TJ's definitely got a lot of shit to work through, but love brings out the best in him. Before that fucking closeted shitbag broke his heart and stomped on it for good measure, TJ was clean and sober for months, he was happy, he was playing piano again, he was pulling himself together. Not only would he be an amazing boyfriend, but his partner would get the extra joy of getting to watch their love and devotion to him be the thing that saves this beautiful man's life. It's not healthy overall to tie your self worth and will to live to a relationship, but if he found the right person who would be there for him through all of life's shit and stick it out, I think he'd be okay. Even after his lowest point and without the support of his family, TJ still had a dream and he still chased it. He's not just the sweetest person to ever grace our screens, but he's ambitious and business-savvy, too. Keep him off drugs and watch this man take over the world, I'm telling you!
So why is TJ only #2? Well, besides the fact that he's like 99% gay and I have no bits he'd be interested in lmao, there's also the fact that this guy owns my heart:
1 Will Franklyn
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And not just because we get to see him wet and mostly naked lol. Will is fucking perfect. I would die for this man... because he's already shown that he would die for his love. He almost fucking did, and they weren't even together yet! He's smart and very aware, he's a writer so we'd get to bond/geek out over books together, he's not all full of himself (self-deprecating humor ftw!) and he's willing to help a total stranger despite actual mortal peril, just because it's the right thing to do. Fierce, intelligent, sassy, strong-willed, and a flawless moral compass? YESYESYESYESYES! Forget boyfriend - let me MARRY this man! 😍🥰
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unnerving-presence · 3 years
okay so im just gonna throw it out there, seeing as the former old senior of simps has been replaced with an old senior of simps western edition;
am i the only person who thinks caleb quinn would just be the biggest sweetheart in a relationship? like, poor man has been through some real shit with all that betrayl and discrimination, hed cherish his significant other if anything
i tend to switch who i’m simping for way too often, but i’m always down to talk about gramps any day. just cause i wanna give cowman the sloppiest top of his life don’t mean i ain’t willing to talk abt how i also want to give old man myers the time of his life either. i still love all the ppl i simped for before. i’ll always love my mikey mymy 👿👿
anyways lol
caleb is a huge gentleman
are you carrying literally anything of any kind no matter the weight? it’s ok bb caleb can carry it for u
did you just get back from a trial that only took about 10 minutes? caleb is tenderly peppering kisses along your neck as he wraps his arms around your waist. he prob realizes that he’s not being manly so he’s prob gonna stop after a bit bc he forgot he’s supposed to b a tough guy LMAO
def throws that away bc ur now sitting on his lap and he’s running his hands up and down your body while you give him kisses ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
deep down he’s always constantly worried that you’ll turn against him or use him in some way. but he’ll try and forget about it for now while you’re still giving him love
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x01 spoilers
I've never done something like this before, but I figured I'd start. Reactions to the first episode of The Bad Batch. (This ended up being a lot longer than I intended, but whatever)
Spoilers under the cut
Red logo burning away starts strong
Yay narrator dude!!
Feels like clones wars
Animated rots scenes!!
And what grevious did after the rots beginning
And caleb right???
And we're in
Omg who voiced young caleb bc it sounds a lot like fpj but aged down and he def doesn't sound like the 14 I know he was when this happened
I like how we started out on familiar characters but not ahsoka or anyone from tcw. We started w young kanan and his master and we know what happened to them and all but if anyone watching hasn't seen rebels they wouldn't be lost as to who caleb and depa are, they'd just assume they're random jedi in o66
Good ol droid screaming as it falls off a cliff
Wow. Them.
I love crosshair
And wrecker
And tech
And echo
And hunter
B1's are so dumb
Lmao the salt from hunter
I feel like depas forehead pearls are a bit unrealistically large but I have no cultural standpoint to really know so...
Caleb's voice is too deep in the same way that jack frost from rotg's voice doesn't match his character model
Ah wrecker not really knowing what she means and echo, the one who has been trained to deal w people and hung out w ani and obi is just like 'thanks general'
Obes kenobes mention
Why is echo so pale
Depa and caleb feel a little too pale too tbh I wonder if it's the lighting or the whitewashing
Wow caleb is a lot like ezra, I can see why kanan wanted to train him lol
Is this what separates caleb and depa, leading to her telling him to run??? Do I need to read dume???
Oh no
Bb didn't get the order!
Oh caleb nooooo! Nooooooo they didn't receive that order, they can help you!!!
And he's gone
Oh I need an au where caleb stayed with bb and they helped him after depa died
Hunter sounds so much like rex it's weird like ik they're supposed to sound the same but it feels like wrecker is replacing rex or something. Even tho ik rex's story is over for the time being
Crosshair, no! Don't shoot at him! He's baby
Oh no did crosshair get o66???? It didn't seem to trigger anything in any of the rest of them, but is crosshair close enough to 'reg' for it to have triggered???
😭😭good soldiers follow orders
"sure thing, boss" "hey hunter got a sitch"
Crosshair acting sus
Oh I love watching padawans fight, they're so good!!
I hope that hit to the tree did a lil cognitive recalibration for crosshair, he was acting crazy
Caleb looks so scared!! He just watched his master get gunned down by his friends and now strange clones are trying to kill him/confusing him
Oh caleb
Oh no crosshair don't try to kill him!! Hunters trying to help!
Also hunter doesn't sound as much like rex w the helmet off, but it's weird bc most of the clones are distinguishable by voice even w helmets on. I guess it's the 'im in charge' voice
Star wars if caleb had gone w the bb
Oh hunter u sly dog lying to crosshair so he doesn't go after him. U gotta figure out why crosshair responded to o66 and no one else in ur unit did
Oh crosshair knows he's been lied to
I will always love coming-out-of-hyperspace shots
Ooh kamino, always nice this time of year
Echo is done w wrecker
Why hasn't crosshair taken his helmet off yet, lil bit sus
They better get his chip out on kamino, I don't wanna deal w this
Oof hunter 
Oh who’s that, giving me cloud city vibes
Extreme cloud city vibes wow
Never realized how many clones are just on kamino
Coruscant guard?!?! FOX?!?!
The vibes here, omg
‘The war is over’ wow
Oh no who was that
A female jedi, doesn’t appear to be shaak, couldn’t see any montrals but never know, we don’t officially know how or where she died
Ok wow none of the bb has their helmets on except for crosshair, who got the order. The regs around kamino all have their helmets on. That scene in victory and death when ahsoka took rex’s helmet off- 
And crosshair, he’s actins strange too
Oh tech, do u guys get bullied by regs a lot??
I love their barracks
Lol he finally took his helmet off only to stick a toothpick in his mouth, can he get anymore cliched?
Wrecker is seeming a lot more infantilized than he was in the s7 eps...
Yeah crosshair’s being sus
Ooh, he shifted his toothpick
Lmao ‘what programming’
Well documented my ass
Tech’s speech patterns are so stiff and robotic, it’s like he has to remind himself to talk in basic instead of binary or some shit
Tech throwing shade at crosshair
I can’t quite tell if we’re supposed to like crosshair at this point
Lmao we been knew
Oop ‘more machine than man’ the vader parallels are serving folks
Ugh sheev
Crusty ass bitch
Straight from rots wow
Who is the mystery child and why does he look mandalorian
Ooh he gone
Oh no, the beninning of the empire
Cheering?? Why?!?
That imperial march fade in tho
Thank you echo
Oh shit mystery child is female
Omega, I would not have guessed the pronunciation of your name by reading it wow
She def seems mandalorian
Ugh kaminoans
Oh the kaminoan pronounced it as it usually is, huh.
Omega’s character model def seems more masculine than female, I now headcanon her as trans
Ugh tarkin, I hate that crusty bitch
Empire politics ugh
I love how much shade is being thrown at tarkin and his stormtrooper proposal lmao
Why do all these clones have the standard haircut?? ik them boys like their variety, even if these boys are still under o66′s programming
Wrecker you’re being extremely loud
They’re all being loud in the mess, why
They remember, kid
Lol child
Oh my sweet summer children
The dad instinct was clearly passed genetically from jango lol all these clones got it
Why are background characters so mean? What about it, shiny? Why is ur hair regulation, reg??
The Sad Batchn omg the slander
Lol the food fight I’ve read about in the fics, its finally happening!
Is she.... australian??
The over-animation of character movements in this is reminding me of the looser style of rebels, as opposed to the more clunky style of tcw
Lmao he’s still got food on him
Food fight!!
‘Not again’???!!! Echo!! Wdym not again?! Food fights have happened before?!?? Wait. W bb or w torrent, bc I can see torrent having food fights on the resolute-
Crosshair’s just eating his food until someone messes
I like how echo still has his kamas
Oh no echo!!
Oh echo’s trauma, he doesn’t trust medical droids! Where’s kix when u need him, huh?
Lol, comically long name for a robot trope is alive and well, huh
Lmao the droid lowers his voice like ik this is a perceived bad thing, but I will not tolerate this slander, boys u need to get off kamino
‘The shock’ lmao whyyy
Lmao tech!!
Oh, echo recognized tarkin from the citadel!
‘When you blew up’ lmao
Oh they make me sad
Aaaaah fox!
Man the domino squad nostalgia
Those droids look cool
This is a neat scene, I like seeing them in action
Wrecker reminding me of hevy, but he’s got the training and success to back it up
Live fire???? No!!
Ugh I hate tarkin
Oh no wtecker
Did he just get shot!???! 
Oh no crosshair, be careful!
Tarkin’s trying to kill them!!!
Lol wrecker I love you
Echo using his mech hand as a weapon, truly an arc
Now I wanna see what happened on felucia
I like how tech’s just sitting on the droid’s shoulders
And hunter just had a knife
These boys, I love them
Oh no tech bby
Hot damn that was cool
Wrecher things so too lmao
Tarkin’s like “why didn’t that work??’
Oh new baby clones
No tf they could not, they would never serve the empire and those bitches
I love that they have a window apartment lol
Ugh tarkin u shifty
They all stand at attention, only after glaring at tarkin
Oh no onderon
I hate tarkin, he’s a bitch
How quickly could bitch lord and darth sad have replaced the armory on kamino??
Crosshair still acting sus
Neither does echo, kid
I like omega.
Crosshair, with the sassy hand on the hip-
What does that even mean?? Or elude to??
Lmao tech messing w wrecker, they rlly r bros
Its prob the vegetation
Oh, I missed onderon, but not this much
Lol the put-upon sigh
Its clearly saw and his rebels
Saw! Looking sharp, what’s w the hair....
That’s a very geometric beard, saw
They didn’t kill any jedi!
That’s not what happened, tech
‘The clones’ bitch that was rex and ahsoka, check urself
Aw, I’ve always like the design of imperial probe droids
Thank you, echo
It seems like crosshair’s o66 programming and his mutation are warring w his morals
Lmao the shade
I knew she was an enhanced clone!
Oh, so she is (at least on paper) trans! She’s a clone of jango, and yet she’s female! That must be her modification, but it makes me wonder why
Lol *flicks toothpick*
Aw, they have a picture of themselves! Recent-ish, too, its got echo!
Oh no, AZI!
The difference between them arriving earlier and now, the lack of escort...
Creepy how they had to open the hanger door themselves
Oh no! Everyone!
The coruscant guard, I wish they had gotten better
Tarkin u dramatic bitch
‘The brig’ this ain’t some tallship
Lol echo that shade
Their blacks are different from the ones seen in the past
Crosshair, stop being a bitch
Oh, I don’t like that phrase!! And the fact that crosshair screamed it in echo’s face makes me uneasy. Did rex fill echo in on why fives died?? I hope so...
Crosshair, ur chip hurting??
This child, I like her.
No! Don’t hit hunter!
No crosshair!!!!
I dislike this immensly
So they do still have inhibitor chips!
Tarkin you monster
Oh poor crosshair
Lol tech I love you
Wrecker you sweet pea
Lol that’s adorable
I love how they form a “wall” its so suspicious 
He was about to say that, omega
Aaww, echo protective boi
Wrecker shut up tf
That was cool
Sneaky bois
This reminds me of rex and ahsoka sneaking around in v&d
Echo runs so stupid
Oh no they winter soldier’d him!
If he says who the hell is crosshar, I will lose my shit
Yes, he has. They took it from him.
The toothpick
I wonder how they’re gonna get crosshair back to normal
Not good that they nabbed the sniper
Oh, crosshair shot him in the same place he got hit during training!
Ooh, a kaminoan on their side!
I hope omega doesn’t die
Poor trigger etiquette, crosshair
Wonder if omega has any speciality training
They’re just gonna leave him there!?!?!?!?!
Omega reminds me of young boba 
Oh, so its in her dna
Go back for crosshair!!
Holy fucking shit that was amazing! I didn’t expect it to be that long, but I’m not complaining! This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I don’t feel like cutting anything out, so sorry for the long post but at least I put it under a cut.
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theorangestofjuices · 4 years
Things in Julie and the Phantoms That Live Rent Free in my Brain
(Spoilers, duh).
The opening number. Reggie’s jumping around in that number really just. Mm. Yep.
“I’ve been crying for 25 years?! How is that possible?” “You’re a very emotional person”
Julie singing ‘Wake Up’ and officially singing for the first time in a year
Mr. ‘You think we’re cute’ Reginald
“The only thing scarier than one girl crying is TWO GIRLS CRYING”
Reggie slumping on the ground on the beach, leading to ‘This Band is Back’
Reggie literally has the same outfit the entire series
Mr. ‘Tell your friends’ Reginald
“Bye Julie! Tell those cheerleaders I’m single!” “And that he’s dead” “Oh no no- leave that part out-“
*Alex pacing* Reggie, whispering: “he’s doing his model strut”
Some time later: *Alex pacing once more* Luke: “and we’re on the runway again”
Alex meeting Willie for the first time 🥺
Willie grabbing Alex’s hand and him straight up blushing oh bb
Reggie shyly admitting that he can shred on the banjo after Julie questions his idea for a country pop album.
Julie then saying, “I’ll learn to fiddle.” *Cue fist bump from Reggie*
“I can’t get over how old he looks” “God- he looks like a substitute teacher”
“Wait. It’s my first time haunting someone. I wanna make it special!”
Luke introduced Julie to rock
The set of the Hollywood Ghost Club. It just- yea.
‘The Other Side of Hollywood’
Caleb’s singing
The boys being so entranced by the show
All the pretty ladies. Poor Reggie does not know what to do while watching them dance
When one of the girls is dancing in a hoop above the stage and Reggie stands up and Luke has to pull him back down into his seat
‘The Other Side of Hollywood (reprise)’ and the boys get SO into the chorus. So into it.
Poor Reggie. Don’t tell him about the star wars movies
Caleb approaching Alex when the dancer girls take Reggie and Luke away and being like “you can’t be the only one at the party not dancing.” and calling two of the dancer boys over and they dance with him and gosh it’s a little hot and Alex secretly loves it, it’s great
Alex definitely fell even harder for Willie when he saw him dance 🥺
Julie‘s outfits really are one of the best things ever in this show
Alex dancing on stage with Dirty Candy and the only one who can see him on the stage are the boys and Julie.
Reggie getting flustered at Luke singing to him and his voice cracking when he says “that was pretty hot”
*clears throat* “Girls, am I right?” “No❤️”
The knowledge that Luke‘s parents could hear him sing ‘Unsaid Emily’. Not okay
“This is...an interesting little relationship we have.”
Caleb sucks but when he gives the boys suits. Damn they look hot.
Luke‘s angry guitar solo when Caleb is forcing the boys to play in his house band
The boys ditching their suit jackets and unbuttoning their shirts slightly when they join Julie for ‘Stand Tall’ because that’s not the boys true selves to have their suits all the way buttoned up. They need to let LOOSE
Alex and Reggie’s solo in ‘Stand Tall’
The boys disappearing to make Julie think that they crossed over and she comes into the studio to see them fading on the floor
The Group Ghost Hug™️
“No music is worth making, Julie, if we’re not making it with you” 🥺
“I love you guys”
The band resting their foreheads against each other as they sob and hug each other 🥺
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morrithal · 5 years
Okay here’s my overall Thots
Fjord was so calm and collected in this classically creepy scenario... that’s the power of paladin babey. letsseehowfarwevecome.mp3
What more is there to say about Jester that hasn’t been said. The panache. The gumption. The grit. The sheer chutzpah of it all
Yasha canonically couldn’t get more miserable can we PLEASE get this bitch a group hug
Nott. Nott bb. I’m glad you were willing to be talked out of it. And also. I adore you.
Caleb was... really strangely silent throughout this whole thing and I’m not sure what to make of that. I don’t think he said one word throughout the second half, even when Nott mentioned the offer of war. Something’s odd here
I am DYING to know what Taliesin wanted to do, please sir, a Talks Machina for the poor,
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the-gay-gatsby · 4 years
Damn, I really do hate how Caleb treats Willie
My poor bb boi 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Hold Me Back (Zion Kuwonu) *Part 1*
I started this for my best friend 💕 couldn’t finish it all tonight but wanted to get this much up.
I haven’t written in awhile so this is definitely rough, I’m also just awkward in general with physical stuff hahaha
“Damn” he breathed as he let his left arm fall gently over your center while his right hand with the controller, hit the bed in defeat. His hand found its way around your side and you moved your head slightly to look up from where it rested on his chest.
The screen displayed a large #6 with the constant motion of graphics dimmed behind it.
“Poor Bb” you teased as you placed your phone on the bed and rolled to your side so you were inches away from his face. Your head was propped up with your left arm while your other hand rested on his bare chest.
“It’s crazy…” he started, his eyes staring at the ceiling, glazed over, “Even when I lose… I still get the number 1 prize…”
His hand found his way to your butt before giving it a squeeze as his eyes met yours with a predatory smirk. You rolled your eyes and just as he leaned in you pushed his chest away and slid out of his grip taking a few steps from the bed.
“I mean, it isn’t going to be that easy” you smirked his way before turning over your shoulder towards the dresser that had a mirror hung above it.
First, you heard the footsteps and as soon as you saw his figure in the mirror you bolted around the bed to the opposite side of the room before he could even react. He braced himself against the top of the dresser as you caught his eyes in the reflection of the mirror. You could see his furrowed eyebrows and you giggled as he slowly turned around to face you. He held his hands in front of him with his chin tilted upward eyeing you over the bridge of his nose. You crossed your arms over your chest and sat into your hip, raising an eyebrow.
“You don’t want to play this game Mamas” he threatened inching his way painfully slow towards you.
“I think I do” you said nodding your head, all the while constantly moving your way.
“I do it, because I care about you” you say placing your hands on your hips as he nodded his head slowly unconvinced.
In a split second you started moving towards the bed jumping high enough to land on it before yelling “IT BUILDS CHARACTER!” but as you went to jump off the other side his hands found your body and caught you out of the air before putting you over his shoulder, one arm wrapped around your legs.
“Zion” you say after a few seconds of him not putting you down as he started moving around the room.
“ZIOn” you say again smacking his ass that was conveniently right in front of you.
“Nah babe, I’m never letting you go now”
You sighed and crossed your arms even though he was unable to see.
“F*cking Head*ss” you mumbled. You had the funniest insults for each other that you both understood came out of love and not ill intentions. Though you mumbled, he heard it and you could LITERALLY feel the smirk that spread across his face even though you could not see it with your own eyes. You felt his palm on your ass again giving it a tighter squeeze before you heard him open the door to his room and start walking out.
You let out another loud sigh and gave up letting your arms dangle downward.
“I hate you Caleb” you teased.
“I love you too, Y/N” again you could FEEL the cheesy smile his face wore as he placed a kiss on your thigh and kept moving...
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
HEYYY BABYFACE! I thought I’d miss the beard but he’s just cute no matter what
It’s Brittany bitch
Oh no xD
Aww they’re doing a shoutout for conservation for the rainforest! Good for them!
RIP Nott you will be missed
Also Marisha’s hair? Amazing. Flawless. Stunning.
"SOMETIMES DRAGONS COME AFTER YOU" Jester your experiences are not universal
Reani knows everyone and has so many friends who clearly thinks she’s absolutely reckless but love her anyway
"Why would they call it root beer? That’s fucking stupid."
Goats milk with chocolate lol
Reani girl slow down lol
N: "I’m already plastered and that seems excessive"
Nott honey no you’re gonna die of alcohol poisoning at this rate
Thaumaturgy to make chocolate milk lol
Throwing contest woooooo!
The M9 invent root mead pong
Sam, joint about how Marisha played Caleb last week: "you were so attractive!"
Matt: "I agree!"
lol they’re all bad throws
B: "I feel like This is a consolation prize. Am I being pitied?"
F: "Yes."
B: "Do you want it?"
F: "Yes."
lol Caleb makes the best throw at the end when no one is paying attention that was cute
Matt making sure to point out that this is how he is doing the rules in HIS campaign to stop the rude people from criticizing
lol Fjord you’re too skinny for plate mail
Squishy wizard less squishy yayyy!
We’re off to steal from nobles!
Pu-bat Sol?
This is amazing I’m crying
Caleb really wants that bread
"Until tomorrow" Aw poor guy. He lonely.
Awww Samiel guiding Reani to be her own person <3
Aw bb :(
That was sweet
Also I’m convinced at this point that Reani is never leaving she’s just gonna tag along with the M9 forever now
Fjord being like "I cannot do all that exercise it hurts me" is a MOOD
Y’all are gonna randomly murder a guard?? When you’re doing something illegal??? What if he has a family??
Fucking HELL
Yeah y’all better not let Reani find out about this
They are such disasters I stg
C, whispering: "Nott says they murdered someone."
F, also whispering: "THEY WHATED SOMEONE?"
They’re all such nerds
Cad: "I’m built for espionage today not for healing" that’s a first
We need a counter for the number of times Jester has done something clever to get them in
F: "don’t worry about me, I have items and stuff, just go."
Poor Fjord left alone :(
M: "nextomantic"
Everyone: "ooooooooo 😬"
They’re all exploring a house and poor Fjord is just downstairs. Alone.
Nice job Nott!
I have some concerns about how they get out now
A book, of course
It’s time to leave guys. Go.
Them trying to gently encourage Nott not to drink is so soft and sweet
But they are pushing their luck
Please get out please
"Disguise self-elf"
Oh that’s a cool ring, but also very dangerous probably. Can easily be used for manipulation.
Well at least they got the glass
I’m gonna miss Reani she’s been fun
Cad: "Thank you for taking care of him" that’s a feeling
Caleb checking up on Fjord <3
Also it’s amazing how it actually took me 0% time to get used to Fjord’s real voice. I thought I was gonna miss the southern accent but nope.
Caleb shared a boooook :D
Gasp Nott turned down a drink I’m proud of her
Oh FUCK they were people who hired Lorenzo and the Iron Shepherds
R: "Will you come back to visit?" Don’t imma cry
Cad: "the head of a god"
C: "small."
Cad: "aren’t we all? well, you all are."
C: "alright tallboy."
I choose to believe that banter is canon
Awww Fjord trying to meditate and talk to Wildmom on his own <3
Awww getting a hug from Wildmom!!
....or is it
MATT that’s RUDE!!
That’s gonna be a TWO WEEK CLIFFHANGER
Reani gonna make out with Beau do it
Do it for all of us
Okay the rose is good too that’s sweet
Beau no xD
R: “I think you’re pretty.”
B: I grab her by the back of the neck and kiss her
I was very much crossing my fingers for that
Ohhhh Caleb and Nott gonna have a discussion
Caleb just checking in Fjord and Nott and stuff makes me happy
He’s been working really hard to be encouraging and supportive and stuff and you know what that is? Growth.
Team Mom Nott
Oh sweetie, you don’t have to do that for everyone. :(
Alright everyone group hug Nott immediately
N: “I know you all have my back, you all care for me. But no one has my front.” ouch.
N: “This flask is my shield. It allows me to do these things, to go forward and protect all of you.” Ouuuuch.
Sam Reigel coming in with the feels again.
C: “How can you protect us if you are not protecting yourself?”
N: “Well there is a bit of a trade off. I just worry that I won’t be brave without it.”
C: “You don’t have to be brave alone. I am not, without you, Nott.”
C: “Listen I don’t have faith in much, at all. I don’t have faith in myself, either. But I do have faith in this group.”
Please hug and
C: “I really wish I could see you right now.”
N: “Yeah, well... I don’t know. I don’t.”
Oh honey you’re not disappointing him
N: “I’m sorry if I disappoint you again.”
C: “Nott the brave. We may both be messes. But at least we’re messes together.”
Nott, and then she takes a sip, while he can’t see, and “I’ll try to make you proud”
C: “You already do.”
And I’m crying.
Thanks for that little hint of humor Jester
Cad’s just like “I just like to listen in lol”
Boy just gonna have emotional talks tonight huh? Cad complimenting Jester and making sure she understands that she’s appreciated even if they don’t say it as much as they should.
They’re just spying on Caleb together
And now off to eat cupcakes
Awww the Traveler “he’s right, you know; you deserve all the cupcakes, Jester.”
How does sleep come to Fjord Matt
What happens to Fjord Matt
“Except for you” FJORD??
Listen I’ve been anticipating the sword thing for ages but
Matt what’s wrong with Fjord there’s not an M9 episode next week Matt you can’t do this to me Matthew
oh my god
What’s happening is he about to get a new class??
Oh shit what’s happening
A slightly less scrawny Fjord lol
Caduceus looks very proud
“Eldritch blayst” now that i did miss
Please hold it I want so much art of him holding the sword for the first time
I’m so emotional I’m so proud of him guys
OH my god that was AMAZING
Reani come back soooon
“I get a day of extra life for every tear so” lol Taliesin
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micrathene-w · 5 years
Magic Maeve: Outtakes
Just want to post some of the silly stuff that has happened while I played/took screencaps to post here.
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When I first logged in today after the last session, Maeve was still talking with Morgyn... Summer Holiday walked right in between them to interrupt the conversation. (She’s either hot for Morgyn, or jealous that Maeve’s learning faster than she is. Or both.)
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,,,Thorne Bailey, you are a married man, do NOT try the “Flynn Ryder Smoulder” on my poor Maeve. (Yes, he was just doing the celebrity “Pose for Photos” thing, but he was staring right at her.)
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From an earlier festival, Caleb Vatore’s reaction when I told him he didn’t get THIS Spellcaster, too. (Poor guy also doesn’t get his alpha makeover in this save, maybe that’s why he’s upset and hissing? Sorry bb, you only get all that in the Rescue Sim’s save!)
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caleb-crow · 8 years
GUYS GUYS GUYS I DID ANOTHER ANGST  Summary: Imagine if Reinhardt was the one to tell Fareeha that Ana died. … Have fun angsting, angst peeps!
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Indie & Rio
Indie: [sends her the posts because no other way she'd see them] Rio: Shit, girl Rio: I was worried it might go down like this Indie: she's so extra Indie: never should have let him in the door Indie: the feds are gonna be hardcore @ it now Rio: Surely she let him out Rio: stupid woman Rio: but that's gonna pale in comparison now so Rio: What's Drew doing about it? Indie: boy was begging for a sick time & i gave it but its on me not him 😒😒 hold ur liquor u tourist Indie: hes flat roofin but other than that no thing to 👀 Indie: it b early tho & we all had a late Rio: They're a 24/7 services though, babe Rio: he'll be wanting to move his stash and generally clear his act up for the visit Rio: you too Indie: is it? on hols too thats a madness Indie: yeah the drum be clear of all his goods like that Indie: idk man mayb its chill like she gonna post that & not post up no harder than Rio: They might take xmas day off maybe but you know Rio: business as usual for all jan 1st Rio: well that's something Rio: maybe, but bitches like that LOVE making complaints about everything so maybe not Indie: she do have that talk to the manager vibe Indie: i done fucked up real didnt i? Rio: big time karen Rio: nah, in the eyes of everyone it's Drew that did Rio: but they won't be able to prove the drugs bit if they're gone so it's not enough to take you, a party gone wrong, bad judgment but maybe we can swing it that he was here somehow Rio: hmm Indie: but like he had mad trust for me & i brought him mad problems Rio: they're grown problems, he's big enough to fix 'em Indie: u too making ur nite go off on a real turn Indie: bet ur boy is bare vexed Rio: you know i'd rather you ring me than let it go more tits Rio: what are big sisters for Rio: but yeah, didn't even see him in the end so he ain't stopped Indie: innit Indie: tell him he can hit me up for something to take off that edge Indie: debts be paid around here Rio: um you ain't supposed to have no thing 'scuse you Rio: there's a plan here Indie: i gots places & heads to trust in Rio: nah, I'll make it up to him, don't worry 'bout that Indie: 😉😉😉 Rio: 😏 shush lil girl Indie: grown problems ur big enough to fix i kno 💋🤤🤤 Rio: so thirsty, go hydrate Rio: know you need to 😘 Indie: rude i got lipsed by bare boys last nite they were rigging dem bottle spins cos im 🔥🔥 dont b tryna put me out Rio: you need to cool off for a minute, bitch Rio: you in trouble Indie: not wit u Rio: yeah, don't push it 😉 Indie: 💔😢😢 dont do me like that on day 1 of the year 🙏🙏🙏 Rio: it started HOURS ago and I was still here with you cleaning blood out the carpet Rio: don't talk to me about day 1s when I'm clearly ride or die Indie: u kno im good for ious & i got mad love Rio: 🧡 Rio: i'm good really Rio: let's sort the actual situation Indie: u gonna charm the social for me? Rio: give it my best Indie: safe ✌✌ Rio: probably the straightest middle-aged lady Rio: so more likely your da will have to get on it Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: what drew b good for Rio: init tho Indie: we all been knew Indie: he better werk so it works Rio: Sure it won't be too hard, like Rio: even if she ain't all that 😂 Indie: she aint gon b bangin but his exes show he aint need that to chirp on Rio: 👀 Indie: 😂😂😏😏 Indie: can u roll up wit eats im about to die Rio: bit rude to both our ma, like lmao Rio: 'course Rio: bring leftovers Indie: ur ma dont count as no ex cos she ✖ed him out Indie: & my ma got that permanent ✖ so bigger problems than my shade innit Rio: no problems when you an 👼 Rio: fucking hopefully Indie: u my 👼 bringing that energy Indie: that means u can jam Rio: is it? Rio: 😏 Rio: let Ryan know eh Indie: he kno u a 😈 too Indie: how he be livin Rio: mhmm Rio: well he gon' have to wait for now Indie: he gon have beef wit me Indie: soz boyyy Rio: nah we was already beefin' 'fore this Indie: yeah? Indie: what he do? 👀 Rio: nah, what I do more like Rio: you know I'm 😈 Indie: o shit Indie: gimme that 411 Rio: nothing exciting Rio: just be looking too bad to be giving him that much air, you know the drill Indie: hes so hyped for u Indie: its been weeks boy no u cant cuff it Indie: who u think u is Rio: can you blame him Rio: hot property, baby Indie: u did look 💣💣💣 last nite my bad Indie: theres a boy @ school tryna chat @ the rest hes my bf so i feel it fr Indie: boy please DO I LOOK LIKE Indie: not tryna hold ur damn hand Rio: is he cute tho Indie: if he werent he wouldnt be able to chat no thing Indie: 💪 fuck him up Rio: 😂 Rio: gotta 'tect the rep Indie: he kno it tho & its like tell me how 🔥🔥 i am dont b talking on urself all the time Rio: not a mood Indie: innit Indie: dry as Rio: that's boys for you Indie: & he didnt show last nite Rio: playing hard to get or just got parents who give a fuck Indie: year up x 2 so he could come thru the ends whenever Indie: but i 💋 all his mandem so itll hit back Rio: play @ his own game  alright Indie: do u think i went too hard tho? Rio: do you want him to be your mans or nah Indie: idk Rio: then it depends Rio: beyond knowing he loves himself, idk how he's vibing Rio: might be too far Indie: hes vibing like hes about me but i Rio: but you? Indie: how do i live that Indie: trust it Indie: drews meshing a new every week he says u gotta keep free on it Rio: works for him Rio: everyone's different Rio: you don't have to trust him yet Indie: mayb hes only about me til i give him something & im not tryna be a show like that Rio: that happens, not gonna sit here and lie and say it don't Rio: you're too young to be thinking on that or worrying Rio: keep him and the rest waiting Indie: yeah okay Indie: gimme a few to have puberty roll up Indie: still waiting on that Rio: it'll happen Rio: not that it's a barrel of laughs, like Rio: nothing to be hyped about Indie: i dont want it Indie: freaky shit going on Rio: unless you gonna stop eating, which unlikely Rio: you fucked, babe, we all are, soz Rio: get boobies though, perks Indie: that best not be you tryna skip on bringing me a meal bitch Indie: bout to hit the afterlife running here like Rio: 🙄 omw you rude ass hoe Rio: like you said, none of us had earlies Indie: omw fr or like when u tell ur mans u @ the club but u still tryin on fits in ur room Rio: like fr when I ever done you like that Indie: dont b starting Indie: ily Rio: 🤞 never Rio: ily more Indie: drews back if u wanna spit at him how to sort his life Rio: i will Rio: he ain't ready for this Indie: resolutions b dashing past this postcode we all avoidin that change Rio: you gotta Rio: sort you both Indie: hey swerve me im good Rio: 😏 Rio: fine i'll focus on your daddy Rio: no love for you Indie: 👼👼🤞🤞 Indie: call him that when you give it & he'll give in Rio: oh you schooling me on how to get blokes to do what I want now Rio: ok miss thing Indie: just him i 👂 what i hear & i kno what i kno Indie: hes here for all that Rio: you poor child Rio: anything grosser than parents going at it 😬 Indie: nah man its nasty & long being under this roof sometimes trust Rio: 🤢 Indie: some of his girls got me tempted to 📱 the social my own self & my ma looking like a saint Rio: that ain't right Rio: negates any buffness he got going on Indie: why lads wanna get on or under ANYTHING?! Indie: true madness Indie: 😂😂😂 Rio: friction 🤷 Indie: yeah but like theres girls out there bringing it & you're gonna hit that Rio: he probably ain't got as much choice as he fronts Rio: lots of grown women ain't about his lifestyle so that leaves him w the younger ones who is Rio: stick at it too long, you get busted, just facts Indie: when you old & so is your baggage 😂😂✌✌ Rio: I mean Rio: I ain't say nothing 😉 Indie: keep that ☮ mama Rio: least he looks p young still Rio: nothing worse than an actual creepy old man dealer Indie: do he? 👴 to me Rio: nah Rio: he only what, 31 Rio: that's no thing to me, gurl Indie: mayb im just 🍋 cos he aint tryna gimme no 💸💸💸 Indie: & he aint caring my head hurts Rio: aw bb Rio: 'round the corner Rio: I'll look after you Indie: 💖💖💖 Indie: u didnt tell me it b like this tho partying Rio: didn't think i had to be that quick with the warnings Rio: next day hurts Indie: always? Rio: 'less you prepare and do it right Rio: it can be bearable Rio: better than you feeling, no doubt Indie: how i do that? school me yeah Rio: 'course Rio: on the to-do list now Indie: we doing the next as a back to school thing so you got a few to bring me up Rio: you best be doing it at some other fucker's gaff and all Rio: giving me grey hairs 🙄 Indie: 😂😂✌✌ Indie: imma make that boy host it Indie: if he love me Rio: You're getting a chaperone regardless Indie: serious? Rio: yeah Indie: 💔💔💔 Rio: don't start like you don't know why Indie: i aint trippin you are tho if u think i want a repeat Rio: what, you too cool for me now? Indie: innit 😏😏😏 Indie: but nah just Rio: you so is Rio: you think imma embarrass you in-front of your mans Indie: he aint gon b my mans if u there Indie: whos 👀 me over u Rio: nah don't be silly Indie: im being real Indie: ur 💣💣💣🔥🔥🔥 Rio: so are you Rio: and I don't think a lad who likes you will be into me Indie: every lad b into u they all chat on u fully 😍😍😍💘💘😍 Rio: sounds like plenty are into you too Indie: 😂😂 it was for the spin Indie: cant pussy out Rio: 😏 mhmm Rio: well I promise you I won't be joining in, like Rio: now come let me in if you got strength to get the door Indie: 💪💪 babyyy Indie: [lets her in cos fuck know what drew is doing, flexing in the mirror probably] Rio: [lol watch him rush out when he realize] Indie: [hears her voice & runs out pretending to be casual] Rio: [oh boy, do not deserve her sorting your life, temporarily, but it's for Indie so] Indie: [bless her she's dying rn & just wants to be snuggled cos literal child] Rio: [give them a sec 'scuse you sir] Indie: [I hate everything about this, Carly didn't die for this] Rio: [just making leftovers] Indie: [drew chatting to her like she's here to hang with him & we all know] Rio: [don't you touch caleb's food bitch] Indie: [is nothing sacred you slag] Indie: [indie just fully lying stretched out on the counter like its a bed like let me die] Rio: [getting a bag of peas or some shit in a tea towel and putting it on her head] Indie: [such a good mum but that don't mean you can step ma her drew] Rio: [not her fault she can converse more like a grown-up than you Indie: [we should send Indie running off to the bathroom no offense Caleb but I'm evil & wanna leave them alone for a sec for the mood] Rio: [shoulda gone to hold her hair but now you can level with him and he can pretend he's a responsible adult lmao] Indie: [& Ryan can be highkey & he can pretend he cares] Rio: [ah the joys]
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